23 January 2022

Lapthorne 1699

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 11
Book trade references in the Lapthorne-Coffin correspondence 1683-1697
edited by Michael Treadwell and Ian Maxted.
Letters, 1699
Go to last letter of 1698.
Return to introduction.
For this year book references in all letters are in the process of being transcribed from the letter book, the originals not having been located.

[7 January 1699]
[Nothing on books ]

[14 January 1699]
[Nothing on books ]

[17 January 1699]
I am sorry I should give you the trouble of writing a letter extraordinary about the mistake in the particulars of Mr
Westons bill for the bills themselves being sent recpsi loquiter, so that you might have abstracted wthout
of your account without my allowance for I could not contradict it; & I wonder how I came to be guilty of such a mistake
I cannot say I was surprised as to tyme, for I had tyme enough, & when I put the things into the box. I took the summ
of every parcell of the seeds [?] as Mr Weston sent them, but committed a blunder wn I made up your account. I hope that
you doe not censure me as if the error were wilful for I would not be so great a foole if I had any such
designs having sent you the bills yemselves, before the account came. And for the box I assure you it was sent according
as I wrote & the fault was either in the Exeter or the Torrington carryer that you had it not accordingly, and
however formerly there have been disappointments of this kinde. I doe assure you I never wrote of send-
ing my box to you but it was sent as my letter intimated. I do not heare that any of yr bookes you write
about are yet out but of that more in my next. As for the sessions papers in 9ber there was none that
month. I suppose you think there is a sessions for every month, but it is otherwise, for there are
som months wee have no sessions in. I onely in this give you[...] an answer to yr last, in my next you
shal heare more at large. I suppose the mistake was by marking twice 19s 2d instead of
twice 9s - 2d so that the 1£ is overreckon'd wch I here acknowledge.

21 Jan. -98[/9] -
None of the bookes which you menciond in your letter (excepting Dr Nichols which is now out) are yet out [...]

[28 January 1699]
I receivd yours the last night with the enclosed bill for 3. 18. 8 on Mr Gouge (for which I return thanks) & make noe
doubt but wilbe payd 29th I see him; I was one day this week at Mr Quicks house & spake with his wife (hee
not being at home) & shee informed mee that her husband lets the prosection of his designe of print-
ing his book to fall, having not encouragemmt enough to goe on with it. But Mr Terrill intends
to goe on with his, but cannot yet certainly tell when it wilbe out. [...]

Since my last I have recd the money from Mr Gouge on the bill of exchange. [...]

[11 February 1699]
I have sent you the enclosed newspaper, because I saw the original letter recited therein a-
bout the Russia transactions before it was printed which came from Sr Anth: Deans son a skilfull ship-
wright who went over with the Czar & wrote the letter to the person that read the letter in my hearing & there-
fore I recommend it was a paper worth yr observation. [...]

[17 February 1699]
[...] I received from Dr Mill (by the
direccion of Mr Coffin your son) lately a booke for Dr Prideaux which I carried to Mr Prideaux
the merchant to bee sent to him.
[26 February 1699]
Last night came out a proclamacion touching the number of the soldiers that are to be disbanded & the money
to pay them off as I am informed but I have not read it also I hear there is another in the press to banish the
Papists out of town according to the late address & the King answer to it. [...] Its sayd
Dr Stillingfleet Bp of Worcester lyes dangerously ill. My son goes for Oxford on Monday

[5 March 1699]
[Nothing on books ]

[11 March 1699]
[Nothing on books]


I have in pursuance of your direccions in your 2 last letters sent by the Exeter carrier all the things you
wrote for to wit the bookes & papers in a little box & the grefts don up in a matt the last hath 2 labells in parchnent -
for direccions. [... much more on the grafts and Lapthorne's problems over delivery ...] None of the books are guilded
in the back, some such as were bought so. Because you intend to make an essay below, & leaf-gold is
sent for that purpose. [...] [The House of Lords] passed many bills for naturalizacion with som other pub-
lique bills which wilbe menciond in the next Gazet.

[1 April 1699]
Richard Coffin Esqr his account sent 1 Aprill 1699 all former accounts being discharged
R. L.
[Account in two columns in letter book. Column 1]
Mr Browns bill1: 5: 3
To Mr Bennet for Dr Nichols book0: 6: 0
A waterman for carrying a tree to Mr Heddon the gardener0: 0: 3
The gardener that brought the things fom the waters side to my house0: 1: 0
Mr Westons seedes0: 2: 4
2 sessions papers0: 0: 4
Quarter of Gazets0: 2: 0
Newes paper of Russia0: 0: 1
[Total]1: 17: 3
[Column 2]
Mr Peyton for [answer ? - details unclear]0: 3: 4
For Mr Clarks that brought it up0: 1: 0
For a box0: 0: 6
Carrying things to ye carrier0: 0: 6
[Total]0: 5: 4
[Carried over]1: 17: 3
[Grand total]2: 2: 7

Mr Brownes Bill menciond in Mr Lapthorns account on the other syde the
particulars are as followeth -
Gastrell of Revelation - 0: 4: 6
Bp Chicelers Life - 0: 3: 0
Term catalogue - 0: 0: 3
Compleat gardener - 0: 5: 0
Evelyn's Kalend. hortense - 0: 2: 6
Bentley agst Boyle - 0: 6: 0
2 bookes of gold - 0: 4: 0
[Total]1: 5: 3

Sr I hope you will have rec'd or thay com your hands the bundle of graffs & box sent by the Exeter carryer the last
week [...]

8 Apr.99
I received yrs last night & was much troubled that you should miss of your things sent this day fortnight.
Now I find the reason that wn I expected they were sent by the packhorses they were somtimes
sent by wagon, the one comm into Exeter the Fryday, thother not till Wednesday. Now had
I known they had had a wagon in the same inn as well as packhorses, I should have
taken care to know by which the things were sent & wrote accordingly, which course I shall observe
hereafter. [...]

I have received the money from Mr Gouge on the bill of exchange for which I thank you
[...] the Parliament
have continued the tax on paper for [space left] yeares & voted an addicional tax. Mr Courtney ye
Knight of the shire is dead [...]
[...]They have renewed the duty on paper with an addicional tax.

[Nothing on books ]

[Nothing on books ]

[13 May 1699]
[Nothing on books ]

[20 May 1699]
[Nothing on books ]

[27 May 1699]
[Nothing on books ]

[3 June 1699]
[Nothing on books ]

[10 June 1699]
I receiv'd yrs yesterday with direccions for som books which shal god willing bee sent this day sevenight
[...]I have
lately received a letter from my son at Oxford that he hath had a 2d fitt of such a distemper first was about
a year since so seized in the Chapple at prayer & taken up & carryed to his chamber. [...]
[17 June 1699]
The 4th part of Rushworth is [?] out I suppose yeir subscriptions are not yet filled up. Mr Chiswell told mee
hee thought it would be almost Chrmas before it will com out. I have iust now sent a bag to the Exeter
carryer all the things you sent for save Rushworth directed to you as usual & charg'd the man that carryed it that hee
gave order to the carryer to send it by the packhorse & not by the waggon & then it wilbe in Exeter early on
Fryday next in the afternoon. [...] You shall receive your account in your next You doe
well in proposing the method for Mr Coffin, & if so I may have the happiness of serving him

24 June.99
[Image unclear, to check]

The date omitted; but its apparent letter was writt last Saturday 24. June -99
[...]Underneat [sic] is your account.
Richard Coffin Esqr his account sent 24 June 1699 (all former accounts discharged) R. L.
Mr Browns bill1: 14: 5
Bowstring0: 2: 0
Quarter due this day of Gazets0: 2: 0
Two sessions papers0: 0: 4
Box0: 0: 8
Porter0: 0: 6
[Total]1: 19: 11
Mr Browns bill June 17 -99
Dupins Eccles. hist. last vol. G. B.0: 17: 6
Le Clerks supplemt to Hamm 4to. G. B. 0: 10: 0
Bp. of Worcesters acct of Pythagoras0: 1: 0
Term catalogue0: 0: 3
Book of gold0: 2: 0
2 qr of paper demi royal0: 3: 6
2 Gazets0: 0: 2
[Total]1: 14: 5

[Postscript on Coffin's son's departure abroad ("I shal endeavour to bee as serviecable as I can"), described more in later letters]

[nothing on books]

[Much on making arrangements for Coffin's son but nothing on books]

15. July 99
On Monday last I wayted on Mr Coffin your son to Mr Gouges house where wee were very kindly
received by Mrs Gouge & promised to supply him with what money hee wanted, which hee hath received
but I forbear writing the particulars knowing that Mr Coffin will doe it himselfe. Shee paid mee then like-
wise the money on your last bill, as to so I wrought about the suit of clothes, it seemes Mr Francis[?]
advised cloath instead of stuffe, & I think truly tho it bee somthing more chargeable, yet hee hath
advised for the best because of wayting on the Ambassador where hee wilbe introduced into the aquain-
tance of the gent. that goe withe him, it wilbe convenient hee should make som tolerable figure.
[more on departure of Coffin's son but nothing on books in this letter]

22. July 99
On Wednesday morning your son wayted on the Ambassador who ordered him to get to Gravesend
that night & next day hee hoped to be there himself & would take him into his yatch, & accordingly hee
took boat at Wednesday the afternoon about 5. I wayted on him from Mr Prideaux's
hous to the watersyde & there saw him into the boat where wee parted. He went away hale &
in good health full of spirit and courage: & withall very thoughfull of what hee was to undertake
I discoursed him privately upon the subiect of your last letter to mee & he was very ap=
prehensive of all circumstances. Hee said hee would use all methods possible for good
husbandry & if hee found the Lord Ambassadors entertainment expensive hee would with as much
civil caution as might be get off from him. Hee hopes you will give him a years absence
& hopes to contrive as not to exceed 200£ [?] (if so) hee wilbee a very good husband
& you cannot allow him less. Hee hath left Mr Francklyn's bill for you to pay, which hee
had forgot to leave with mee, which is as hee said about 7£ & a periwig hee had of my bar-
ber which the barber said hee would 3£ for it, but I have moderated it since Mr Coffin
went to 52s-6d & hee tells mee he gets but a bare halfe crown by it. I have this
afternoon been at my Lord Ambassadors lodgings to know when hee went & if any things
were sent after him before hee went out of England, that so I might send your letter by the same
conveyance & I was informed that his Lordship did not goe from London 'till yesterday
morning, & went first for Greenwich & that hee went for Greenwich about 5 that
evening for Gravesend, & they think hee hasted then away alright for Callice &
they know not how to send 'till they heard hee was landed. So your letter must lye
till I have farther order from you how to dispose of it. My Lord Ambassador seemed
to bee very courteous to him & gave his Lordship a character of him, & such as hee truly
deserved; & my Ld said care should be taken of him & wished mee to write to you
Sir I hope this journey & the expences will turn to much advantage & hope you will live to
see it & be iudge of it yr selfe. [... - suggestion that Coffin is unwell?]

[29 July 1699]
[Image unclear, to check]

5 Aug: 99. note The next lettre after this being writt 29 July 99 should have been inserted before this.
[...]Mr Coopers
tryal at Hertford is printed at large according to the direcions of Mr Baron Hatrell [?] who sets judge.
I think I shall have some urgent occasions that will call mee to Plymouth about 3 weekes hence
against my next letter (as I iudje) I shalbe in a capacity to determine touching my goeing.

[10 August 1699? Date obscured]
Upon occasion of the late tryal of Mr Cooper for murder before Mr Baron Hatrell which is
now printed, they have printed as a paralel case - a case reported by serieant May=
nard which is taken out of serieant Maynards reports, which as I take it I long since bought
for you in fol. & I think its a case in 40. Car. prim. about the murder one Norest in
Hertfordshire if you have the book for the strangeness of the case it may be worth your reading
My wife and daughter came yesterday home so yt I hope wthin a fortnight at farthest
to begin my journey. I hope to be goeing 10 dayes hence.

I received Tuesday last a letter from Mr Coffin your son at Paris. Hee wish'd mee to wayte on Mr Morris who
promised it seems to send him a letter of credit for a supply of money in Paris. Mr Morris told mee
hee had spoken to one for the purpose who would give it if provided hee had a promiss or note from Mr Prideaux
to reimburse him; I have also been with Mr Prideaux & told him wt Mr Morris said & hee said it was but reass=
nable & hee is writing to doe it but withall would first have the letter of order for the doing it. I have iust now an=
swered Mr Coffins letter wherein I have acquainted him wt I have transacted for him in this matter &
have in a manner assured him that such order for his supply wilbe sent & therefore I would have you
as soon as you can , write such a letter to Mr Prideaux. I intend to begin my journey to Plymouth
Monday sevenight & therefore write now that if there be any occasion for me to doe any thing for you before I goe
I may receive another letter from you. [...]

I was at Mr Gouges this morning but hee was gon out & his wife & children at Epsum, where as his
mayd sayd he was also to goe in that afternoon she told mee he would be at home at 12. I called for pen and
ink & wrote a letter to Mr Gouge of what you desired mee & desired him to send his answer because
you expected it this post but nothing comming from him at 4 I sent a porter to him with another [?]
[that?] if yr porter brought mee not his answer that when hee come in hee would not faile to write
a letter to yr selfe but when the porter came it seems hee was above in his chamber & sent down
word hee should be in town again on Monday & that was all as the porter told my mayd, wch is very odd
& I am vexed at it. I hope hee will send his answer by Tuesdays post. If you write to Mr
Prideaux I believe he will send one to Mr Gouge to give him his answer. I hope to bee
at Exeter Thursday next & to stay there till Monday following; my usual quarters is at the Starr Inn
near St Johns Bow in the Great Street.
[Above was the last letter in the letter book and was transcribed in full]
[Richard Coffin died 25 December 1699]

Return to introduction.

This page last updated 10 Feb 2022
© Ian Maxted, 2022.