03 April 2022


Ukraine has a complex history, and the following account is certainly an over-simplification. In about 882 Kyiv became the capital of Kyivska Rus', the Slavic state set up by Viking invaders at a time when Moscow was an insignificant settlement on the Moskva river. In the 1130s Kyivska Rus' split into separate princedoms including Kjiv itself and Volodymyr and Galych, which in 1199 merged into what became known as Rus' or, in its Latinised form, Ruthenia. The Mongol invasions of the 1230s put the east and south of Ukraine into the hands of the Golden Horde. Between 1349 and 1362, the remaining western Ukrainian princedoms became part of Lithuania, and in 1569 most of Ruthenia was transferred to Poland. In the east the Golden Horde was replaced by the Crimea Khanate around 1449 and from 1648 to 1764 the Cossack Hetmanate formed an independent barrier state in the area of Ukraine, shielding against the Tatars in the east. The successive partitions of Poland lost parts of Ruthenia to Austria-Hungary in 1772 and to Russia in 1795. Russia had taken Crimea and adjacent lands from the Crimea Khanate in 1783. After the Russian revolution in 1917, the Ukrainian People's Republic was formed, and Ukraine retrieved the land lost to Austria-Hungary in 1772. After the Soviet-Ukrainian War of 1917-1922, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed in 1922. The Soviet-Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939 reclaimed parts of Ruthenia from Poland. Ukraine was then invaded and occupied by Germany from 1940 to 1944, after which the Soviets re-established the enlarged Ukrainian SSR, in 1954 also transferring the Crimea to Ukraine. In 2014 Russia invaded Crimea and infiltrated the Donbas. In 2022 it conducted a "special military operation" in the rest of Ukraine.

Printing in Ukrainian. The earliest books printed in the Ukrainian redaction of Church Slavonic and in the Cyrillic alphabet, the Orthodox hymnal Oktoikh (Octoechos) and Chasoslovets’ (Horologion), were produced in 1491 by Szwajpolt Fiol, a Franconian expatriate in Cracow. These were followed by liturgical books produced in the Lithuanian-Ruthenian state by short-lived presses on Belarusian territory, such as Frantsisk Skoryna's in Vilno (now Vilnius in Lithuania) in 1525, Ivan Fedorovych (Fedorov) and Piotr Mstislavets's in Zabludiv (now Zabłudów in Poland), 1568–70) including the Zabłudów Gospel, and Vasyl Tsiapinsky's itinerant press (ca 1565–70).

The eastern territories of Ukraine became part of the Russian Empire and from 1667 Ukrainian presses became subject to Russian Imperial censorship carried out by the Holy Synod, although it took some time to tighten restrictions. Ukrainian culture became subject to enforced russification, so the formation of a modern Ukrainian literary language was delayed till the beginning of the 19th century. The first book in literary Ukrainian – Ivan Kotliarevskii’s mock-heroic version of Virgil’s Aeneid – was published in St Petersburg in 1798. However, new private publishing houses became active at the end of the 19th century. These enterprises aimed to popularise literature among the lower classes, and therefore their books were produced cheaply with small print runs. A private St Petersburg publisher V. Plavil’shchikov produced some books in the Ukrainian language, including a Ukrainian Grammar Grammatika malorossĭskago nari︠e︡chii︠a︡ compiled by A. Pavlovskii. As many Ukrainians moved to the two Russian capitals, works of contemporary Ukrainian authors who later became classics of Ukrainian literature – Taras Shevchenko, Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnov’ianenko (1778-1843), Mykhaylo Maksymovych (1804-1873) – were first published in St Petersburg and Moscow. The first collection of works by the prominent Ukrainian public figure and writer Hryhorii Skovoroda (1722-1794) appeared in St Petersburg in 1861. A short-lived Ukrainian journal Osnova (‘Basis’) was also published in St Petersburg.

The leading academic publisher in Ukraine was Kharkiv University Press (opened in 1805), but its production was primarily in Russian. The press issued several works on Ukrainian studies, original Ukrainian historical documents and some classical Ukrainian authors. Ukrainian modern journalism in Russian and Ukrainian also started in Kharkiv, where 12 periodical titles appeared between 1812 and 1848.

The Kiev Monastery of the Caves Press kept publishing liturgical and religious texts in Church Slavonic, but also catered for primary schools, seminaries and the general public, publishing calendars and serials. The Kiev-Mohyla Academy was shut by the Russian authorities in 1817, and Kyiv University was opened instead in 1834. A year later a university press was set up, which supplied textbooks for secondary and higher education institutions and published scholarly works by the university professors. Another state publishing house was established in Odessa in 1814. It specialised in literary almanacs and scholarly works. In 1839 the Odessa Society for History and Antiquities set up a press to publish their proceedings.

The liberal reforms of Tsar Alexander II made it possible for Ukrainians to publish in their language. The period of liberalisation was short-lived, and already in 1876 a decree that prohibited printing (including ‘lyrics’ for printed music) in Ukrainian was issued. The types of material that were exempted were historical documents, ethnographic sources and very selective fiction and poems, subject to censorship. Export of books from abroad was also banned. Some works by Ukrainian authors did not pass Imperial censorship and appeared abroad in uncensored editions; for example Shevchenko’s Kobzar’ was published in Prague in 1876. Making books accessible for the wider public was the main goal of the publishing activities of various Ukrainian cultural organizations, such as societies for literacy in Kyiv and Kharkiv and the St Petersburg-based ‘Charity for publishing useful and cheap books’ (1898-1917). Apart from these organisations and other publishers who produced some Ukrainian books, in 1909, there were almost 20 Ukrainian publishing houses, and the overall number of Ukrainian books published between 1798 and 1916 is about 2,800 titles. During the First World War production figures fell dramatically, but the printing industry quickly revived in the independent Ukraine (1917-1921): about 80 titles appeared in 1917, compared with over a hundred in 1918. Sources: Wikipedia ; https://blogs.bl.uk/european/2014/10/ukrainian-printing-in-the-russian-empire.html ; .

Berdychiv. Carmelite Monastery. 1760-1840. - Press. Under tsarist rule a Polish-Russian press operated at the Carmelite monastery in Berdychiv (1760–1840).
CHERNIHIV Russian State Press. 1797–1918. - Press. Russian local government presses were founded in Ukrainian towns from 1797 until 1918.
Chernihiv. Stavrovetsky-Tranquillon, Kyrylo. 1646. - Printer.
Chernihiv. Trinity Monastery. 1679-1785. - Press. In 1679 the Novgorod-Siversky printing house was transferred to the Trinity–Saint Elijah's Monastery. Sources: Clair (1976).
Chetvertnia. Liutkovych-Telytsia, Pavlo. 1624–5. - Printer. Cyrillic press.
Chorna. Liutkovych-Telytsia, Pavlo. 1628-34. - Printer. Cyrillic press set up in monastery.
Derman' Druha. Derman Monastery. 1602–5. - Press. Established in the 15th century near Dubno by Prince Kostiantyn Ostrozky. In 1602 his son, Kostiantyn Vasyl Ostrozky, granted the monastery a statute of communal life, making Isaakii Boryskovych hegumen (head of the monastery), and endowed it with a printing press, which was directed by Demian Nalyvaiko. Among the more important publications of the press were Oktoikh, syrich Osmohlasnyk (Octoechos, or Book of the Eight Modes, 1603–4) and polemical works (see Polemical literature) such as ‘Lyst Meletiia ... patriarkha aleksandriis'koho do ... Ipatiia Potiia’ (The Letter of Meletii ... the Patriarch of Alexandria to ... Ipatii Potii, 1605) and ‘Diialoh ... o pravoslavnoi ... viri’ (Dialogue ... on the Orthodox ... Faith, 1605). The monastery's archive and book collection contained valuable materials from the 15th to 17th century.
Dnipro. Russian State Press. 1793. - Press. Formerly Ekaterinoslav. Cyrillic press opened.
Dobromyl. Sheliha, Y. 1611–17. - Printer. Cyrillic press.
Kamianets-Podilskyi. Russian State Press. 1798–1918. - Russian local government presses were founded in Ukrainian towns from 1798 to 1918. A Polish press worked here between1811 and 1849.
Katerynoslav. Russian State Press. 1793–1918. - Press. Russian local government presses were founded (1793–1918),
KHARKIV Russian State Press. 1793–1918. - Press. Cyrillic press founded 1793. The leading academic publisher in Ukraine was Kharkiv University Press (opened in 1805), but its production was primarily in Russian. The press issued several works on Ukrainian studies, original Ukrainian historical documents and some classical Ukrainian authors. Ukrainian modern journalism in Russian and Ukrainian also started in Kharkiv, where 12 periodical titles appeared between 1812 and 1848.
Kharkiv. Universitetskai︠a︡ tip. 1842. - Press. Ivan Petrovych Kotli︠a︡revsʹkyĭ. Virgilieva Ėneida. Chastʹ I[-VI]. - Kharʹkov : Universitetskai︠a︡ tip., 1842. - The first locally printed work of literature in the Ukrainian language.
Kharkiv. Universitetskai︠a︡ tip. 1844. - Press. Shakespeare, William. Gamlet : tragedīi︠a︡. Kharʻkov : V Universitetskoĭ tip., 1844. -
Kherson. Universitetskaia tipografia. 1871. - Razbor rimskago ucheniia o vidimom (papskom) glavenstvie v tserkvi, sdielannyi na osnovanii sviashchennago pisaniia i predaniia pervykh viekov christianstva do I vslenskago sobora / by Nikanor, Archbishop of Kherson and Odessa. Kazan', Universitetskaia tip., 1871. - WorldCat.
Kremenchuk. Russian State Press. 1765, 1788–9, 1791. - Press. Russian local government presses were founded in (1765, 1788–9, 1791),
Krementts. Epiphany Monastery. 1637–8. - Press. Cyrillic press.
Kropyvnytskyi. Russian State Press. 1764. - Press. Formerly Elisavetgrad. Cyrillic press opened.
Krylos. Balaban, Hedeon, Bishop. 1605–6. - Press. Cyrillic press.
KYIV Kiev, Kiovia. Printing in Kyiv began with the founding of the Kyivan Cave Monastery Press in 1615. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Kyiv. Kiiowopieczarskiey 1638. - Press. Kal'nofojs'kij, Afanasij. Teratourgema Lubo Cuda: Ktore Byly Tak W Samym Swietocudotwornym Monastyru Pieczarskim Kiiowskim, iako y w obudwu Swietych Pieczarach. [Kiev] : Z Drukarni Kiiowopieczarskiey, 1638. - USTC 250034.
Kyiv. Mohyla Academy. 1787. - Press. In 1787 a printing press was founded at the Academy; later it became the press of the Kyiv Theological Academy.
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1615–1918. - Press. Printing in Kyiv began with the founding of the Kyivan Cave Monastery Press. The output of the press apart from liturgical literature traditionally included sermons, poems, original works on philosophy and theology. The printer Timofey Aleksandrovič Verbickiy worked in the Monastery of the Caves 1621-24 and 1628-1635. In the mid-17th century, the press was managed by Innokentii Gizel’ (1620-1688), a prominent scholar and public figure. He was an author of a Synopsis, the first popular history of the East Slavonic nations. It remained the largest printing press in Ukraine until the mid-19th century. The Monastery of the Caves, founded 1051, in 2022 houses a book and print history museum, a museum of Ukrainian folk art, a theater and film arts museum and the state historical library. Sources: Clair (1976).
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1619. - Press. Orthodox Eastern Church. Anḟologīon s Bogom sʺderzhaĭ t︠s︡erkovnūi︠u︡ slūzhbū izbrannȳkh svi︠a︡tȳkh na vesʹ god. [Kiev] : Napechatano v obiteli obshtezhitelʹnoĭ monastȳra Pecherskago v Kīevě, v lěto ... 1619. -
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1619-1620]. - Press. Kniga ō věrě edinoĭ Svi︠a︡toĭ Sʺbornoĭ Apostolskoĭ t︠s︡erkve ... [Kiev] : [Tip. Pecherskoĭ lavry], [ 1619-1620]. -
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1620. - Press. Orthodox Eastern Church. Bozhestvenye̜ lẏturgīe̜ izhe vʺ s[vi︠a︡]tykhʺ ō[te]t︠s︡ʺ nashikhʺ Īōanna Zlat[o]vstago, Vasilīa Velikago i Prezhde[o][vi︠a︡]htennae̜. Kiev : Vʺ Stoĭ Velikoĭ Lavrĕ Pecherskoĭ Kīevskoĭ, 1620. -
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1623 . - Press. Johannes, Chrysostomus. Iže v s[vja]tych o[t]ca n[a]šego Īoa[n]na Zla[to]ustago Archīep[iskopa] Ko[n]sta[n]tīnagrada Patrīarchi Vselenskago Besědy Na 14 Poslanij S[vja]t[o]go Ap[osto]la Pavla. [Kiev] [Pečatnyj Dvor Kievo-Pečerskoj Lavry] 1623 . -
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1625. - Press. Zakharii︠a︡ Kopystensʹkyĭ. Omilia : albo, Kazanʹe na rokovui︠u︡ pami︠a︡tʹ v Boze velebnoho blaz︠h︡ennoĭ pami︠a︡ti ott︠s︡a Elissea v i︠e︡roskhimonasekh Evfimii︠a︡ Pletenetskoho arkhimandrita Pecherskoho Kievskoho. Kiev : Tip. Pecherskoĭ lavry, 1625. -
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1625. - Press. Andrew, Archbishop of Caesarea. Svi︠a︡tagō ott︠s︡a nashegō Andrea Arkhīepiskopa Kesarīa Kappadokīiskīa Tolkovanīe na Apokalv̇p︠s︡in svi︠a︡tagō apostola i ev̇angelista khristova Īōanna bogoslova. [Kiev] : V ... Lavrě Pecherskoĭ Kīevskoĭ, v lěto o︠̄t︡ sozdanii︠a︡ miru 7133, o︠̄t︡ smotrenīa zhe Boga Slova 1625. -
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1627. - Press. Pamva Berynda. Leksikon slavenorosskiĭ i imen tolkovanie. Kiev, Tip. Pecherskoĭ lavry, 1627. -
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1627]. - Press. Orthodox Eastern Church. Triodion, si est tripiesnets svi︠a︡toĭ velikoĭ chetyrdesiatnit︠s︡i ot ellinskago izsledovan blagosloveniem i tschaniem prepodobnago i pravoslavnogo ott︠s︡a kir Zakharii Kopistenskogo ... [Kiev], [Tip. Pecherskoĭ lavry], [ 1627]. -
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. 1628]. - Press. s.n.. Apolleìa Apologìi Knižkì Dìalektom Rouskim napisanoi, Polskim Zas' ve Lvove drukovanoi, Vkorotce a Pravdive Zsummovanaa. [Kiev] : Monastery of the Caves Press], 30 VIII 7136 [i.e. 1628]. - USTC 250040.
Kyiv. Russian State Press. 1787–1918. - Press. Cyrillic press founded.
Kyiv. S. Cudowney Lawrze Piecz. 1633]. - Press. s.n.. Mnemosyne Slawy, Prac Y Trvdow Przeoswieconego Oyca Piotra Mohily Woiewodzica Ziem Moldawskich, V Przywileiowanego Prawoslawnego Metropolity Kiowskiego Archimandryty. [Kiev] : Drukowano w S. Cudowney Lawrze Piecz. Kiow., [ 1633]. - USTC 250039.
Kyiv. S. Lawry Pieczarskiey 1635. - Press. Kosau, Sìl'vestr. Paterikon Abo Zywoty SS. Oycow Pieczarskich: Obszyrnie Slowienskim iezykiem przez Swietego Nestora Zakonnika y Latopisca Ruskiego przedtym napisany. W Kiiowie : W Drukarni S. Lawry Pieczarskiey, 1635. - USTC 250041.
Kyiv. Sobol, Spiridon. . 1628–31. - . Printer. Born 1580/90, Mogilev, Belarus, died 1645, Muntenia. A Belarusian printer and educator, the first East Slavic printer to use copper etching (for the title page of Octoechos, 1628). His name is associated with the printing house in Kuciejna, near Orsha, which he founded in 1630. He printed an Apostol in 1632. He knew Greek and Latin languages and taught in a brotherhood school in Kiev. Sobol printed books in Mogilyov, Kiev (where he was supported by metropolitan Job Boretsky), Kutejno, Bujnichi, and in present day Romania. He published more than 20 editions, including an early «bukvar» (alphabet book). Late in life he became a monk in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Sources: Clair (1976).
Kyiv. Swietocvdotworney Kiiowopieczarskiey Lawry 1638. - Press. Denisowicz, Hilarion. Parergon Cudow Swietych Obraza Przeczystey Bogarodzice W Monastyru Kupiatickim. [Kiev] : W Drukarni Swietocvdotworney Kiiowopieczarskiey Lawry, 1638. - USTC 250035.
Kyiv. Verbickiy, Timofey Aleksandrovič. 1624-1628. - Printer. 1621-1642. 1621-24 and 1628-1635(?) Worked in the Monastery of the Caves in Kjiv. 1624-1628 had his own press. 1635 in Câmpulung, then once more in Kjiv. After 1642 no longer traceable.
Kyiv. Verbytsky, Tymofii. 1624–8. - Printer.
Kyiv. Vernadsky National Library. Library. The largest library of Ukraine and one of the ten largest national libraries in the world. It was founded on August 2, 1918 as the National Library of the Ukrainian State, since 1988, it has been named after V. I. Vernadskyi. It hold 15.5 million items, including books, magazines, serials, maps, notes, pictorial materials, manuscripts, old books, newspapers, and non traditional data storage media. The library has the most complete collection of literary Slavic texts and manuscripts, archives and book collections of prominent figures of Ukrainian and world science and culture. It holds archives of Presidents of Ukraine, archival copies of Ukrainian printed works since 1917, and the collections of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Its collections of manuscripts, rare printed books and incunabula form the most complete collection of Slavic writing, including the Peresopnytsia Gospels, one of the most intricate surviving East Slavic manuscripts. It is the world's foremost repository of Jewish folk music recorded on Edison wax cylinders. Many of these were field recordings made during the Soviet or pre-Soviet era by ethnologists such as Susman Kiselgof, Moisei Beregovsky, and Sofia Magid. Their Collection of Jewish Musical Folklore (1912–1947) was inscribed on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in 2005. Sources: Wikipedia.
Kyiv. 1626?]. - Printer. Pamva Berynda. Ōt ōtechnika skitskagō pověst ūdivitelʹna o dʹiavolě. [Kiev?] : [publisher not identified], [ 1626?]. -
Kyjiv. Załuski, Józef Andrzej 1759-1774. Librarian. Born 1702. Died 1774. Catholic bishop of Kiev 1759-1774. Together with his brother Andrzej Stanisław Załuski (1695–1758, bishop of Kraków and crown chancellor) he obtained the collections of such previous Polish bibliophiles as Jakub Zadzik, Krzysztof Opaliński, Tomasz Ujejski, Janusz Wiśniowiecki, Jerzy Mniszech and Jan III Sobieski. From the 1730s they planned the creation of a library and in 1747 the brothers founded the Załuski's Library (Biblioteka Załuskich), considered to be the first Polish public library and one of the largest libraries in the world at the time, located in Daniłowiczowski Palace in Warsaw, with a collection of about 400,000 printed items and manuscripts. After the death of its founders, the Załuski brothers, the newly formed National Education Commission took charge of the library, renaming it the Załuski Brothers Library of the Republic. Twenty years later in 1794, in the aftermath of the second Partition of Poland and Kościuszko Uprising, Russian troops, on orders from Russian Czarina Catherine II, plundered the library and took its collection to Saint Petersburg, where the Imperial Public Library was formed a year later.
Lutsk. Liutkovych-Telytsia, Pavlo. 1625–8. - Printer. Between 1625 and 1628 the Lutsk Brotherhood of the Elevation of the Cross School benefited from the services of the peripatetic Cyrillic printing shop run by Pavlo Liutkovych-Telytsia.
LVIV 1573. - Polish: Lwów. The first town in Ukraine to receive a printing press.

1592–1602, 1670–3, 1684–93 Polish press. 1608–11 Calvinist press. 1616–18. Armenian press.

Lviv. [unascertained] 1616. - Printer. s.n.. Threnodiae in funere illustrissimi domini d. Nicolai Christphori Radivili, S.R.I. principis. [Lviv] : typis Leopoliensibus, 1616. - USTC 250074.

Lviv. [unascertained]  1628. - Printer. s.n.. Vitae Eposcopor[um] Halicensi[um] et Leopoliensiu[m]. Lviv : s.n., 1628. - USTC 250076.
Lviv. [unascertained] 1601. - Epos Trynodis : Ad Exeqviarvm R. D. Ioannis Herbesti, Canonici Et Concionatoris Leopoliensis maiorem præstantiam. Reverendis Dominis, D. Valentino Vargocki Canonico Et Decano. Et D. Alberto Perlicki Canonico Et Officiali Leopolien: dicatus / . by Sebastianus Cerasinus; Jan Herbest; Walenty Wargocki; Albert Perlicki Leopoli : [wydawca nieznany], [po 13 IV] 1601. - WorldCat.
Lviv. [unascertained] 1601. - Poemata Varia In Fvnere Reverendi D. Ioannis Herbesti, Canonici et Concionatorìs Leopoliensis : Ad Illvstriss: et Reverendiss: Dominvm D. Ioannem Demetrivm Solikowski, D. G. Archiepisc: Leopolien. / by Jan Czechowicz; Jan Dymitr Solikowski. Leopoli : [s. n.], 1601. - WorldCat.
Lviv. [unascertained] 1611 - Annales Stanislai Orichovii Okszii : Adjunximus vitam Petri Kmitae / by Stanislaw Orzechowski. Lwow, 1611 - WorldCat.
Lviv. [unascertained] 1615. - Gratvlatio illvstriss[i]mo et reverendiss. domino, d. Ioanni Andreae Prochnicki, Dei gratia archiepiscopo Leopoliensi [...] cum primum in sui archiepiscopatus provinciam ingrederetur nomine pp. franciscanorum conuentualium ecclesiae s. Crucis intra muros Leopolis dicta / by Jakub Świdnicki. [Lwów : s.n.], 1615. - WorldCat.
Lviv. [unascertained] 1616. - Pamiątka towarzyska Iana Kraiewskiego. / by Jan Krajewski. [Lwów? : s.n.], 1616. - WorldCat.
Lviv. [unascertained] 1620. - Bractwo z starodawna fundowane Naświętszey Panny Maryey, pod tytułem vbogich : przy Kośćiele Panny Maryey a Zakonie Paneńskim Swietey Brygidy na przedmieściu w Lvblinie / by Andrzej Bietkowicz. W Lwowie : [drukarz nieznany, nie przed IX] 1620. - WorldCat.
Lviv. [unascertained] 1630. - Rzym Stary / by Marcin Anioł; Maciej Hajder. We Lwowie : [s.n., 1630]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. [unascertained] 1633. - Ecce Devs Ecce Homo Pro nobis Passus mortuus [et] Sepultus. / by Józef Bartłomiej Zimorowic. - Leopoli : [drukarz nieznany], 1633. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Bernat, Maciej. 1593. - Printer. Constitutiones synodi dioecesanae - Lviv. Acta et constitutiones synodi diecesanae Leopoliensis. Anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo nonagesimo tertio, die decima quarta mensis Februarii, quae fuit Dominica septuagesimae, celebratae. Lviv : excudebat 1593. - USTC 242957.
Lviv. Bernat, Maciej. 1593. - Printer. Szymonowic, Szymon. Ślub opisany na feście Adama Hieronima Sieniawskiego. Lviv : Drukował Maciej Bernart, 1593. - USTC 242945.
Lviv. Bernat, Maciej. 1593-1599. - Printer. Sources: Wikipedia.
Lviv. Bernat, Maciej. 1599. - Printer. Rottendorf, Krzysztof. Epithalamion Stanislao Włodek palatino Bełzensi et Hedvigi Oleśnicka. Lviv : Maciej Bernat, 1599. - USTC 243274.
Lviv. Bernat, Maciej. 1599. - Printer. Czahrowski, Adam. Rzeczy rozmaite Adama Czahrowskiego uczynione w Taborzech i w ziemi węgierskiey y horwackiey Przy tym są i Treny. Wydane na świat anno 1598. Lviv : Maciej Bernat, 1599. - USTC 243182.
Lviv. Bernat, Maciej. 1599. - Printer. Łaski, Stanisław. Spraw y postępkow rycerskich, y przewagi opisanie krotkie, z nauki w tey zacney zabawie potrzebnemi. Lviv : Maciej Bernat, 1599. - USTC 243265.
Lviv. Bernat, Maciej. 1599. - Printer. Antonin z Przemysla. Sprawa dobra o zakonney prowinciey Jacka świętego w Rusi u Dominicanow stanowioney, albo raczey ozwoloney, naprzeciw świetskim niepotrzebnym rozruchom, z oczyścieniem postępku y rządu zakonnego do ludzi podana. Lviv : Maciej Bernat, 1599. - USTC 243264.
Lviv. Bractwa Stauropigialnego. 1630. - Press. Oktoih". / by Drukarnia Bractwa Stauropigialnego (Lwów). [Lwów] : [Drukarnia Bractwa Stauropigialnego] , [15 XII 1630]. WorldCat.
Lviv. Bratstva Cerkovnago pri hramĕ Uspenia prečistya presno Devy Maria. 1632. - Press. Anfologion Sirĕč" Cvĕtoslov", ili Trýfolog: Tvorenia različny(h) s[vă]ty(h) o(t)c". Bl[ago(d)a]tiu s"vyšše B[o]ž[e]stvennou, i Bl[a]g[o(s)la]veniem Vselenskago Patriarhi Kýr" Kýrilla. / by Cyryl, (patriarcha Konstantynopola. V" Lvovĕ : Tŝaniem že iž(d)ivenie(m) bratstva c[e]rkovna(g)[o] pri hramĕ Uspenia pr[e]č[i]stya pre(s)no D[e]vy M[a]ria Týpografii ih" izobrazisă, 1632. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Collegia Societatis Jesu 1648. - Press. Gertrude of Helfta. Poseł boskiey łaskawosci albo wielkich łask duchownych przedziwney pannie y zakonnicy reguły Benedikta swiętego Gertrudzie s. bogomyślnością wielce sławney obwieszczenia: wszelkiego stanu ludziom. We Lwowie : w drukarni colleg. Societ. Jesu u Sebastiana Nowodworskiego, 1648. - USTC 250077.
Lviv. Dormition Brotherhood Press 1591–1788. - Press. The press played a key role in the history of early Ukrainian printing.
Lviv. Dormition Brotherhood Press. 1591. - Press. Grammatica Graeca. Adelfotes. Grammatika dobroglagolivago ellinoslovenskago jazyka. Sovershennago iskustva osmi chastej slova. Lviv : V drukarnia Bratskoj, 1591. - USTC 242843.
Lviv. Dormition Brotherhood Press. 1593. - Press. Melecjusz, Pegas. Ýpér tīz Christichnōn eýdeveichz pròg ioydchioyzárologich. Lviv : Bracka Drukarnia, 1593. - USTC 242962.
Lviv. Dormition Brotherhood Press. 1614. - Press. Iz︠h︡e vo svi︠a︡tykh ott︠s︡a nashego Ioanna Zlatoustogo, arkhiepiskopa Konstantinoupoli︠a︡ Kniga o svi︠a︡shchenstvi︠e︡ / by John Chrysostom, Saint. Vo Lʹvovi︠e︡ : Tip. Bratstva, 1614. -
Lviv. Fedorov, Ivan 1573-1574. - Printer. The first printing press on Ukrainian ethnic territory was founded by Ivan Fedorovych (Fedorov), Ivan in Lviv in 1573. He had previously worked in Moscow. His first work, and Apostol was printed at the at the Saint Onuphrius Monastery. (1573–4). He died in Lviv in 1583 and his equipment and assets were used to found the Dormition Brotherhood Press. Sources: Wikipedia; Clair (1976).
Lviv. Fedorov, Ivan. 1573-1574. - Printer. Biblia - NT. Apostol.[Acts and Epistles] Dejanija apostolskaja, I poslanija sobornaja I poslanija svjatogo apostola Pavla. Lviv : Iwan Fiodorow, [ 1573-1574]. - USTC 242164.
Lviv. Fedorov, Ivan. 1574. - Printer. Azbuka ōt knigi osmochastnye̡, sirěchʹ grammatikii Lviv : Iwan Fiodorow, [ 1574]. - Full text of British Library copy.
Lviv. Fedorov, Ivan. 1574. - Printer. First printed book in Ukrainian. Azbuka, a primer.
Lviv. Fylypovych, Ivan. 1753–67. - Printer. Polish press.
Lviv. Garwolczyk, Maciej. 1589. - Printer. Szymonowic, Szymon. Aeliopaean. Lviv : Maciej Garwolczyk, 1589. - USTC 242770.
Lviv. Garwolczyk, Maciej. 1592. - Printer. Bractwo. Bractwo Lwowskie Bożego Ciała. Lviv : Maciej Garwolczyk, 1592. - USTC 242914.
Lviv. Garwolczyk, Maciej. 1592. - Printer. Szymonowic, Szymon. Epithalamium Sigismundi III Poloniarum regis et Annae ducis Austriae. Lviv : Maciej Garwolczyk, 1592. - USTC 242894.
Lviv. Garwolczyk, Maciej. 1592. - Printer. Ursinus, Jan. Methodicae grammaticae libri quatuor. Lviv : Maciej Garwolczyk, 1592. - USTC 242923.
Lviv. Golczewski, P. 1735–51. - Printer. Polish press.
Lviv. Gorodet︠s︡kiĭ, Iosif. 1700. - Īrmoloĭ, si est, Ōsmoglasnik / by Orthodox Eastern Church. [Lʹvov] : [Tip. bazilian pri monastyre sv. Georgii︠a︡] : [Pechatnik Iosif Gorodet︠s︡kiĭ], rokū bozhīę 1700. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Kolegium Jezuitów. 1631. - Press. Kazanie Na Pogrzebie Wysoce Vrodzonego wielkiey nadzieie Młodzieniaszka [...] P. Dadziboga Władysława Słuszki, Kasztellanica Zmudzkiego [...] / by Walerian Andrzejowicz; Aleksander Słuszka; Zofia Konstancja Zienowiczówna. We Lwowie : [Druk. Kolegium Jezuitów, post 3 VII 1631]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Mądrowicz-Potrykowski, Andrzej. 1601. - Printer. De Passione Domini Nostri Iesv Christi Oratio : Dicta Leopoli In Ecclesia S Crvcis, Vltima Feria Sexta Mensis Martii In Solennitate Sodalitatis Compassionis Christi: quæ Summi Pontificis Clementis VIII. autoritate est consecrata / by Sebastianus Cerasinus; Andrzej Mądrowicz-Potrykowski; Jan Dymitr Solikowski. [Lwów] : [Andrzej Mądrowicz-Potrykowski], [po 7 V] 1601. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Mądrowicz-Potrykowski, Andrzej. 1601. - Printer. Na Pogrzeb Pana Pawla Novicampiana, Medica, Phisica, Rayce Lwowskiego : Do Zacnych Obywatelow Miasta Lwowa Wiersz Zalobny [...]. / by Marek Szarfenberger; Jan Dymitr Solikowski; Andrzej Mądrowicz-Potrykowski. We Lwowie : [Andrzej Mądrowicz-Potrykowski, post 10 II] 1601. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Mądrowicz-Potrykowski, Andrzej. 1602. - Printer. Threny Na Pogrzeb Iezvsa Pana : Ktorymi Jego M[o]ść Pan Jan Zołkiewski okrutną śmierć syna Bożego w Wielki Piątek [...] opłakiwał / by Stanisław Wilgocki; Andrzej Mądrowicz-Potrykowski; Regina Żółkiewska. We Lwowie : [Andrzej Mądrowicz-Potrykowski], 1602. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Malachiowicz, L. 1615. - Printer. Ioannis comitis ab Ostrorog [...] Ad filios admonitoria epistola : contra fraudulentiam scripti editi sub titulo Monita priuata Societatis Iesv. / by Jan Ostroróg; Wasyl Małachwiejowicz; Mikołaj Ostroróg; Stanisław Ostroróg. (Leopoli) : excud. L. Malachiowicz, [post. 23 XI] 1615. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Piller family. 1772 to 19th century. - Printers. Under Austrian rule printed books in Latin, Gothic, Hebrew, Greek, and Cyrillic.
Lviv. Polish Jesuit college. 1642–1773. - Press. Polish press.
Lviv. Shumliansky, Yosyf, Bishop 1687–8. - Printer. Cyrillic press at Saint George's Cathedral.
Lviv. Slozka, Mykhailo. 1638–67. - Printer. Cyrillic press which he acquired from Jan Szeliga after his death.
Lviv. Szarfenberg, Mikołaj. 1578. - Printer. Sokołowski, Stanisław.. Conciones duae. Altera de vestitu haereticorum et fructu haereseon. Altera de causis supremi excidii Hierosolymitani. Lviv : in officina Mikołaj Szarfenberg, 1578. - USTC 240193.
Lviv. Szarfenberg, Mikołaj. 1578. - Printer. Sokołowski, Stanisław.. Conciones duae. Altera de vestitu Haereticorum, et fructu haereseon. Altera de causis supremi excidii Hierosolymitani. Lviv : Mikołaj Szarfenberg, 1578. - USTC 242274.
Lviv. Szczerbic, Paweł. 1531. - Printer. Prawo miejskie. To jest Prawo Mieyskie Maydeburskie. Lviv : Paweł Szczerbic, 1531. - USTC 240919.
Lviv. Szczerbic, Paweł. 1581. - Printer. Szczerbic, Paweł. Jus Municipale. To jest Prawo Miejskie Magdeburskie nowo z łacińskiego i z niemieckiego na polski język pilnością i wiernie przełożone. Lviv : kosztem y nakładem Paweł Szczerbic, 1581. - USTC 242375.
Lviv. Szczerbic, Paweł. 1581. - Printer. Szczerbic, Paweł. Speculum Saxonum albo Prawo Saskie i Magdeburskie porządkiem obiecadła z łacińskich i niemieckich egzemplarzow zebrane: a na polski język z pilnością przełożone. Lviv : kosztem y nakładem Paweł Szczerbic, 1581. - USTC 242387.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan 1618, 1621-36. - Printer. A Polish printer who operated an itinerant press in Cracow (1605-1609) and the Galician towns of Dobromyl (1611-1617), Yavoriv (1618-1619), Yaroslaw (1621-1626), and Lviv (1618, 1621-36) where he printed literary works in Latin and Polish, a collection of poems by J. Herburt (1613) that contained a Ukrainian song, and J. Gawatowicz's Polish drama about the death of John the Baptist, which contained the first two intermedes published in Ukraine. After his death in Lviv in in 1637, his press was acquired by Mykhailo Slozka.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1618. - Printer. Historya O Ionaszv : Dla Rozmyślania nadrozszey Męki Pana Iesvsowey [...] / by Gabriel Zawieszko; Jan Szeliga; Zofia Serna. We Lwowie : W Drukarni Iana Szeligi, [post 14 VIII] 1618. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1618. - Printer. Ivstus Ivdex : Ex Idęa Ivstissimi Ivdicis Iesv Christi, Omnibus Iudicibus Christianis, ad imitandum propositus [...] / by Gabriel Zawieszko; Jan Szeliga; Kasper Chądzyński. [Lwów] : In suburbio Jaworoviensi, ad Sanctvm Nicolavm [i. e. Jan Szeliga], [post 4 X] 1618. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1618. - Printer. Wąz Miedziany : Albo Rozmyślanie nadrozszey Męki Syna Bozego, z Wizerunku Węza Miedzianego : Owo Krzyż Pański, vciekaycie strony Przeciwne [...] / by Gabriel Zawieszko; Zachariasz Serny; Jan Szeliga. We Lwowie : W Drukarni Iana Szeligi, [post 24 III] 1618. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1618. - Printer. Zwierciadło Pokvtviących. Z Przykładow S. Magdaleny Vczynionych [...] / by Gabriel Zawieszko; Jan Szeliga; Katarzyna Łysakowska. We Lwowie : [Jan Szeliga], [post 29 IX] 1618. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1626. - Printer. De Christi passione oratio in ecclesia metropolitana Leopolien. ipsa die parasceue habita a Ioanne Campiano, sch. metr. stvd. / by Wawrzyniec Świczkowic; Jan Szeliga. Leopoli : in officina typographica Ioannis Szeligae, sub [...] auspicijs [...] archiepisc. Leop., [ 1626]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1626. - Printer. Enthronisticvm Secvris Theatrvm : Quod virtutis ardor reserauit; Honoris amplitudo ornauit, Perillustris [...] Domini, D. Lvcæ Kalinski [...] noua dignitas occupauit, Et / by Franciszek Dominik Hepner; Jan Szeliga; Łukasz Kaliński. Leopoli : In Officina Ioannis Szeligæ, [ 1626]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1626. - Printer. Vita Illustris & Magnifici Viri, D. Bartholomæi Nowodvorscii a Nowodwor [...] / by Wawrzyniec Świczkowic; Jerzy Wojciech Nowodworski. Leopoli : In Officina Typographica Ioannis Szeligæ [...], [post 20 VII] 1626. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1627. - Printer. Commentarivs medicvs in L. Annaei Senecae Opera / by Erazm Sykst. Leopoli : in officina Ioannis Szeligae [...], 1627. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1627. - Printer. Liston agon seu Certamen latronum de Christo, in crucibus secum pendentium, in ecclesia metropolitana Leopoliensi, feria sexta magna declamatum ab Alberto Nosowski scholae metropol. studioso / by Wawrzyniec Świczkowic. Leopoli : in officina typographica Ioannis Szeligae [...], [post 1 IV] 1627. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1628. - Printer. Apologia peregrinatiey do kraiow wschodnych przez mię Meletivsza Smotrzyskie[g]o M.D. archiepiskopa połockiego [...] roku P. 1623 y 24 obchodzoney przez faszywą [!] bracią słownie y na pismie spotwarzoney do przezacnego Narodu Ruskie[g]o oboiego stanu [...] sporządzona y podana A. 1628 Augusti die 25 w monasteru Dermaniu [...] / by Maksym Smotrycki. We Lwowie : w drukarniey Iana Szeligi [...]), [po 25 VIII] 1628. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1628. - Printer. Nowina Lwowska Ktorą sława prędkolotna rozgłasza : O Obwiesczeniv [!] Błogoslawienstwa, B. Mariey Magdaleny De Pacis, Panny Zakonu Karmelitańskiego Regularis Obseruantiæ Florentskiey / by Krzysztof Franciszek Chwalibogowski; Jan Szeliga; Anna Eufrozyna Sieniawska; Maria Magdalena de Pazzi. [Lwów : Jan Szeliga, 1628]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1628. - Printer. Ode lectissimis ivvenibvs Lavrentio Krasnostavio et Adamo Sieradzinski : dvm in alma Academia Zamoscen. ab [...] Iacobo Skwarski philosophiae doctore, canonico et professore publico, artium liberalium et philosophiae baccalaurei ritu solenni crearentur, dicata / by Jan Woyna. Leopoli : in officina typographica Ioannis Szeligae [...], 1628. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1628. - Printer. Ode lectissimis ivvenibvs Lavrentio Krasnostavio et Adamo Sieradzinski : dvm in alma Academia Zamoscen. ab [...] Iacobo Skwarski philosophiae doctore, canonico et professore publico, artium liberalium et philosophiae baccalaurei ritu solenni crearentur, dicata / by Jan Woyna. Leopoli : in officina typographica Ioannis Szeligae [...], 1628. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1628. - Printer. Protestatia przećiwo [!] soborowi w tym roku 1628 we dni Augusta mieśiąca, w Kiiowie Monasteru Pieczerskim obchodzonemu, / by Maksym Smotrycki. We Lwowie : W drukarniey Iana Szeligi [...], [post 7 IX] 1628. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1628. - Printer. Vitae archiepiscoporvm Haliciensivm et Leopoliensivm per Iacobvm Scrobissevivm canonicvm Leopoliensem editae. / by Jakub Skrobiszewski. Leopoli : in officina typographica Ioannis Szeligae [...], [post 27 I] 1628. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1628. - Printer. Vox tvrtvris sev de florenti usq[ue] ad nostra tempora, SS. Benedicti, Dominici, Francisci et aliarum sacrarum religionum statu / by Domenico Gravina. Leopoli : in officina typographica Ioannis Szeligae [...], 1628. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1629. - Printer. Biy Gvstawa Kto Dobry. / by Kasper Twardowski. We Lwowie : W Drukarniey Jana Szeligi Mści. X. Arcybiskupa Typographa, 1629. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1629. - Printer. Concio Gratvlatoria Illustr[issi]mo ac R[everen]diss[i]mo in Christo Patri & Domino, D. Remigio a Koniecpole Koniecpolski [...] Episcopo Chelmensi [...] In primo ad Cathedralem Ecclesiam Chełmensem aduentu / by Jakób Piekoszowic; Remigiusz Koniecpolski. Leopoli : In Officina Typographica Ioannis Szeligæ [...], [post 14 I 1629]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1629. - Printer. Exethesis Abo Expostvlatia : To Iest Rosprawa Między Apologią y Antidotem o Ostanek Błędow Hæreziy y kłamstw Zyzaniowych, Philaletowych, Orthologowych y Klerykowych vczyniona / by Meletìj Smotrickij; Jan Szeliga; Aleksander Zasławski. We Lwowie : w Druk. Iana Szeligi, [post 10 VI 1629]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1629. - Printer. Kazanie, ktore na pogrzebie [...] Elzbiety Wazynskiey dnia czwartego stycznia zmarłej a osmnastego tegoż miesiąca w kościele wizninskim roku [...] 1629 pochowaney miał X. Iakvb Gawath [...]. / by Jakub Gawath; Jan Szeliga. We Lwowie : w druk. Iana Szeligi [...], [post 4 IV 1629]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1629. - Printer. Theoremata rei natvralis et svpernatvralis, videlicet de tribvs principiis corporis svbstantialis materia, forma et priuatione causisque quatuor nostrae praedestinationis, sub auspiciis sacratissimae ac immaculatae semperque Virginis Mariae Fratrum Carmelitarum Regularis obseruantiae, singularis protectricis, tempore capituli prouincialis prouinciae Polonae eiusdem fratrum carmelitarum in conuentu Leopolien[si] in platea Figulorum sito / by Ambrosius Herbestus. Leopoli : in officina typographica Ioannis Szeligae [...], [po V 1629]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1630. - Printer. Apollo Z Mvzami Winczviącemi Sczęsliwego Powodzenia w Stan Małzenski Sczesliwie wstępuiącym [...] Alexandrowi Fabrycemv Y [...] Zophiey Syxtownie / by Jakub Kośnikiel; Zofia Sykstówna; Aleksander Fabrycy. We Lwowie : W Drukarni Jana Szeligi [...], 1630. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1630. - Printer. Bylica Swiętoianska / by Kasper Twardowski. Lwów, Ianá Szeliga, 1630. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1630. - Printer. Inventarz Constitvciy Koronnych : Od Roku Pańskiego 1550 aż do Roku 1628 Vchwalonych / by Wojciech Madalinski; Jan Madaliński. We Lwowie : W Drukarni Iana Szeligi [...], [post 1 III] 1630. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1630. - Printer. Kolebka Iezvsowa, Pasterze, Trzey Krolowie / by Kasper Twardowski; Jan Szeliga; Jan Bojarski. We Lwowie : [Jan Szeliga, [ 1630?]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1630. - Printer. Stanislai Orechovii Apocalipsis [...]. / by Jan Dymitr Solikowsk. Leopoli : [Ioannes Szeliga], 1630. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1631. - Printer. Conclvsiones Theologicæ De Volvntate Dei Ex Sacra Doctrina Et Sanctis. / by Stanisław Mądrowicz. Leopoli : In Officina Typographica Ioannis Szeligæ [...], [ante 21 I] 1631. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1631. - Printer. Mars Załobny Na Pogrzebie Iasnie Wielmoznego Iego Mci Pana Ostaphiana Tyszkiewica Woiewody Brzesckiego, Kamienieckiego &c. Starosty. We Lwowie : W Drukarni Jana Szeligi [...], 1631. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1631. - Printer. Niewiara Schismatykow Polskich / by Tomasz Elzanowski; Mikołaj Potocki. We Lwowie : W Drukarni Jana Szeligi, [po 18 I] 1631. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1632. - Printer. Declaracya Złotey Wolności Isz sie z wolnośćią roznego od staropolskiey Wiary nabożeństwa w Rzeczypospolitey dobrze sporządzoney zgodźić nie może / by Zygmunt Komorowski. Leopoli : In Officina Typographica Ioannis Szeligæ [...], 1632. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1632. - Printer. Stanislai Orichovii Roxolani fidelis svbditvs siue De institvtione regia ad Sigismvndvm Avgvstvm libri duo, primo Cracouiae A. Dni. M. D. LXXXIIII. / by Stanisław Okszyc Orzechowski. Leopoli: in officina typ: Ioannis Szeligae [...], 1632. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1633. - Printer. Gratvlatio [...] D. Stanislao Łoza [...] Episcopo Argivensi, Svffraganeo nvnc primum Creato Luceoriensi, [...] / by Paweł Mirowski. Leopoli : In Officina Typographica Ioannis Szeligæ [...], 1633. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeliga, Jan. 1633. - Printer. Lvtnia Parnaska. Pallady dowćipem stroiona : Na przezacne Wesele ... Nowych Oblvbiencow ... Pana Iana Kazimierza ze Zmigroda Stadnickiego Woiewodzica Bełskiego &c. &c. Y ... Panny Izabelli z Huśiatyna Kalinowskiey Starośćianki Kamienieckiey / by Samuel Jerzy Kalinowski; Jan Kazimierz Stadnicki. We Lwowie : [Jan Szliga], [po 1 IX 1633]. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Szeligae, Joanni. 1627. - Printer. Leopoli, Raphael de. Panegyricus ad sublevationem et translationem ossium. SS. Valentinin, Lucillae Basil Y, Hyppoliti, Antonini, et Jucundi, aliorumque martyrum. Leopoli : in officina typographica Joanni Szeligae, 1627. - USTC 250075.
Lviv. Szlichtyn family. 1755–85. - . Printer. Polish press.
Lviv. Wolbramensis, Christophorus. 1614. - Printer. Charisterion ob felicem ac exoptatum [...] Constantini Ostrogii ducis [...] in patriam reditum a nobili studiosa que iuventue collegii iaroslaviensis societatis Iesu datum [...]. / by Konstanty Ostrogski; Krzysztof Wolbramczyk. Leopoli: typis Christophori Wolbramensis, 1614. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Wolbramensis, Christophorus. 1615. - Printer. Vota fausta omnia gratulationes [...] Ioanni Andrae Prochnicki a Prochnik [...] in primo ad sedem archiepiscopalem ingressu / by Krzysztof Wolbramczyk; Kolegium Jezuickie (Lwów). Leopoli : excudit Christophorus Wolbramensis, 1615. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Żelazo, Paweł. 1599-1600. - Printer. Karliński, Stanisław. Roku Pańskiego Swiętego 1600. z częśćiami z oznaczeniem świąt z przestrogą pogod y niepogod za porachowaniem obrotowe Słońca y Kśiężyca pilne opisanie. Lviv : Drukował Paweł Żelazo, [ 1599-1600]. - USTC 243275.
Lviv. Żelazo, Paweł. 1600. - Printer. Solikowski, Jan Dymitr. Do obywatelów inflanckich napomnienie. Lviv : Paweł Żelazo, 1600. - USTC 243294.
Lviv. Zelazo, Paweł. 1600. - Printer. Do Obywatelow Inflantckich Jasnie Wielebnego [...] Kśiędza Jana Dymitra Solikowskiego, z łaski Bożey Arcybiskupa Lwowskiego [...] : Oycowskie Y Zyczliwe Napomnienie / by Jan Dymitr Solikowski We Lwowie : Drukował Paweł Zelazo, 1600. - WorldCat.
Lviv. Zhelyborsky, Arsenii, Bishop. . 1644–6. - Printer. Cyrillic press. Born 1618, died 18 September 1662 or 1663. Orthodox bishop of Lviv (1641–63. - (see Lviv eparchy. - . He established a printing press at the Saint George's Cathedral in 1645, oversaw the publication of many church liturgical books there, and wrote Pouchenie novosviashchennomu iereevi (Instructions to a Newly Consecrated Hierarch, 1642. - . He also provided the first printing press for the Univ Monastery Press. .

Minkivtsi. 1792–1829. - Press. Polish press (1792–1829)
Mohyliv-Podilskyi. 1797. - Press. Polish press (1797)
Molochansk. Mennonitsche Gemeinde. 1853. - Confession : oder kurzes und einfältiges Glaubensbekenntniss derer so man nennt die vereinigte Flämische, Friesische und Hochdeutsche Taufgesinnte Mennonitengemeinde. Rudnerweide : Ausgegeben durch die Gemeinde, 1853. - WorldCat.
Mykolaiv. Russian State Press. 1797–1918. - Press. Russian local government presses were founded (1797–1918),
NIEŚWICZ Neswitz. Printing recorded 1562. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Nieświcz. Leczycki, Daniel. 1568. - Printer. Testamentum Novum D.N.J.N.R.J. Jesu Christi syriace, ebraice, graece, latine, germanice, bohemice, italice, hispanice, gallice, anglice... - Nieswiez, Daniel Leczycki, 1568.
Novhorod-Siverskyi. Press. Archbishop Lazar Baranovych initiated the opening of a new printing house in Novgorod-Siverskii (1674), which was later relocated to Chernihiv (1680). The British Library holds the 1691 Chernihiv edition of Runo oroshennoe by Dimitry of Rostov (C.192.a.222) – a book of miracles performed by the icon of the Mother of God of Chernihiv Sources: Clair (1976).
ODESSA A state publishing house was established in Odessa in 1814. It specialised in literary almanacs and scholarly works. In 1839 the Odessa Society for History and Antiquities set up a press to publish their proceedings. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Odessa. [unascertained] [1831. - Kratkoe Sobranīe Zakonov : izvlechennykh iz T︠S︡arskikh knig ... / by Andronachi Donici. Odessa : [publisher not identified], [1831]. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1829. - Notice sur les bains de mer et des limans ou lacs d'Odessa / by P C Hepites. Odessa : [éditeur non identifié], 1829. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1829. - Notes sur les provinces russes au-delà du Caucase écrites dans les années 1823 et 1824 / by Luigi Serristori. Odessa 1829. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1830. - Portulan de la Mer Noire et de la Mer d'Azov ou decriptions des côtes de ces deux mers a l'usage des navigateurs. [Hauptband] ... / by E Taitbout de Marigny. Odessa 1830. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1830. - Abrégé historique des révolutions ... de la Tauride. / by Félix Lagorio. Odessa, 1830. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1831. - De la position des trois forteresses tauro-scythes dont parle Strabon. Avec carte, plans, copies d'inscriptions et dessins d'après des marbres antiques / by Ivan Pavlovich BLARAMBERG. Odessa, 1831. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1831. - Oraison funèbre de Jean Antoine Comte Capodistrias Président de la Grèce : prononcé en Grec à Odessa dans l'eglise Cathedrale de cette ville le 18. Nov. 1831. Odessa, 1831. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1831. - De la position des trois forteresses Tauro-Scytkes dont parte Strabon avec carte, plans copies d'inscriptions et dessins d'après des marbres antiques / by Ivan Pavlovič de Blaramberg. Odessa 1831. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1833. - Tableau historique des progrès de la culture des arbres à Odessa, indiquant l'année de leur introduction dans cette partie de l'empire, etc. jusqu'au 26 jan. 1830 / by Descemet. [Odessa], [ 1833]. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1834. - Guide des voyageur en Crimée / by C H Montandon. Odessa : [éditeur non identifié], 1834. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1835. - Bible. [Pentateuch in Hebrew with Tatar translation]. Odessa (595), ( 1835]. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1835. - Mémoire sur le Commerce des Ports de la Nouvelle Russie, de la Moldavie et de la Valachie / by Julij A Gagemejster. Odessa & Simphéropol, 1835. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1836. - Admiral Iosif De-Ribas i osnovanie Odessy : otryvok iz chronologiďeskago obozrěnija istorii Novorossijskago Kraja / by Apollon Skal'kovskij. Odessa, 1836. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1836. - Voyages en Circassie / by Taitbout de Marigny. Odessa : [publisher not identified], 1836. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1836. - Chronologia historikē / by Kyriakos Melirrhytos. Odēssa, 1836. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1879. - Die Sarpedoniden d. i. die Landesfürsten von Persis zur Zeit der Seleukiden und Arsakiden by Otto Blau Odessa, 1879. - WorldCat.
Odessa. [unascertained] 1885. - Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der sich in J. Schmidt's Mondcharte befindlichen Objecte : zusammengestellt nach der 'Kurzen Erläuterung zu Schmidt's Mondcharte' / by L Hildesheimer; J F Julius Schmidt. [Odessa?] : [publisher not identified], 1885. - WorldCat.
Odessa. A L'Imprimerie de la ville, 1834. - Press. La Quêteuse : almanach littéraire pour l'année 1834 / Odessa : A L'Imprimerie de la ville, 1834. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Belinson, M. A. 1864. - Elam / by Yosef Shlomo Delmedigo. Odessa : M. A. Belinson, 1864. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Belinson, M. A. 1883. - Seder Horaot ha-Tefilah [prayer book]. Odessa : M. A. Belinson, 1883. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Braun, A. 1830. - Plans de golfes, baies, ports et rades de la mer Noire et de la mer d'Azov, levés, recueillis ou corrigés par É. Taitbout de Marigny ... / by Édouard Taitbout de Marigny, Jacques-Victor-Édouard chevalier. Odessa : Impr. de A. Braun, 1830. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Braun, A. 1834. - Lithographer. Mysli o kavalerīĭskoĭ taktiki︠e︡ / by Friedrich Wilhelm Bismark, Graf von; A Braun, (Lithographer) / Odessa : Vʺ Gorodskoĭ tipografīi, 1834. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Braun, M. 1830. - Plans de golfes, baies, ports et rades de la mer Noire et de la mer d'Azov, / by Edouard Taitbout de Marigny, chevalier. Odessa, M. Braun, 1830. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Burevi︠e︡stnik. 1805. - Bookseller. Mertvet︠s︡y Kommuny; perevod s frant︠s︡uzskago / by Arthur Arnould. Odessa, Knigoizd. "Burevi︠e︡stnik", 1805. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Collin. 1820. - Bookseller. Discours sur l'arrivée du Messie, d'après l'Evangile de St. Luc II. 15-20, prononcé devant la commune protestante d'Odessa par Jean Benjamin Dietz, 1818 / by Benjamin Dietz; Brieffsche Buchhandlung (Petersburg). St. Pétersbourg : chez J. Brieff, Libraire : Odessa : chez Mr. Collin, Libraire, 1820. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Comité des constructions. 1819. - Mazaniello ou La Révolution de Naples tragédie en 5 actes et en vers / by Alexandre Andrault De Langeron. [Odessa] [L'Impr. du Comité des constructions] [ 1819]. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Frant︠s︡ova, P. 1868-. - I︠A︡gello-I︠A︡kov-Vladislav i pervoe soedinenīe Litvy s Polʹshei︠u︡ / by Mikhail Pavlovich Smirnov. [Odessa] [Tip. P. Frant︠s︡ova], [ 1868]-. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Frant︠s︡ova, P. 1869. - Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki : otchet ord. prof. Ḟ. Struve o komandirovki︠e︡ ego v Aḟiny, Rim, Parizh i Germanīi︠u︡, s 1 īi︠u︡ni︠a︡ -- 1 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 1868 g. / by Ḟedor Aristovich Struve; Imperatorskīĭ novorossīĭskīĭ universitet. Odessa : Tipografīi︠a︡ P. Frant︠s︡ova, 1869. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow & Nitzsche, 1851. - Christliches Gesangbuch für die evangelischen Gemeinden im südlichen Russland. Odessa : Franzow & Nitzsche, 1851. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow & Nitzsche, 1853. - Confession, oder kurzes und einfältiges Glaubensbekenntnis : derer so man nennt die vereinigte, Flämische, Friesische und Hochdeutsche Taufgesinnte Mennonitengemeinde. Ausgegeben durch die gemeinde zu Rudnerweide in Südrussland. Odessa : Franzow & Nitzsche, 1853. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow & Nitzsche. 1851. - Christliches Gesangbuch für die evangelischen Gemeinden im südlichen Russland / by Evangelische Lutherische Gemeinden in Südrussland. Odessa : Frenzow und Nitzsche, 1851. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow & Nitzsche. 1852. - Kurze älteste Geschichte der Taufgesinnten (Mennoniten genannt). Odessa : Gedruckt bei Franzow & Nitzsche, 1852. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow und Niksche, 1852. - Katechismus, oder, Kurze und einfältige Unterweisung aus der heiligen Schrift : in Frage und Antwort für die Kinder, zum Gebrauch in den Schulen. Odessa : Franzow und Niksche, 1852. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow Univ.-Bibliothek 1881. - Denkschrift über Entstehung und Character der in den südlichen Provinzen Rußlands vorgefallenen Unruhen by Schwabacher, Simeon Leon von. Odessa : Franzow Univ.-Bibliothek 1881. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1860. - Printer. Katechismus, oder, Kurze und einfältige Unterweisung aus der heiligen Schrift : in Frage und Antwort für die Kinder, zum Gebrauch in den Schulen. Odessa : P. Franzow, 1860. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1862. - Printer. Dichtung und Wahrheit by Leon Mendelsburg. Odessa : Druck von P. Franzow, 1862. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1862. - Christliches Gesangbuch für die evangelischen Gemeinden im südlichen Rußland. Odessa Franzow 1862. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1864. - Printer. Sonnet sur la mort de Jean Calvin (27 mai 1564) = Sonnett auf den Tod Calvin's (27. Mai 1564) / by Antoine de Chandieu; Charles Candidus. Odessa : P. Franzow, 1864. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1865. - Printer. Katechismus, oder, Kurze und einfältige Unterweisung aus der heiligen Schrift : in Frage und Antwort für die Kinder, zum Gebrauch in den Schulen. Odessa : P. Franzow, 1865. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1867. - Printer. Gesang-Buch in welchem eine Sammlung geistreicher Lieder befindlich ; zur allgemeinen Erbauung und zum Lobe Gottes herausgegeben. Odessa : P. Franzow, 1867. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1876. - Printer. Die orientalischen Münzen des Museums der kaiserlichen historisch-archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Odessa, von Dr. O. Blau ... / by Otto Blau. Odessa : Druck von P. Franzow, 1876. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1876. - Printer. Vostochnyi︠a︡ monety Muzei︠a︡ Imperatorskago obshchestva istorii i drevnosteĭ v Odessi︠e︡ = Die orientalischen Münzen des Museums der Kaiserlichen Historisch-Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Odessa / by Otto Blau; Imperatorskoe Odesskoe obshchestvo istorīi i drevnosteĭ. Muzeĭ. Odessa : Druck von P. Franzow, 1876. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1879. - Persis rediviva II : die Sarpedoniden, d. i. die Landesfürsten von Persis zur Zeit der Seleukiden und Arsakiden / by Ernst Otto Friedrich August Blau. Odessa Franzow 1879. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1881. - Printer. Denkschrift über Entstehung und Character der in den südlichen Provinzen vorgefallenen Unruhen by Simeon Leon Schwabacher. Odessa, Buchdruckerei von P. Franzow, 1881. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1882. - Vier Lieder / by Friedrich von Schwebs. Odessa : Franzow, 1882. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1893. - Une page de l'histoire du réseau météorologique privé du sud-ouest de la Russie. A. Klossovsky / by Aleksandr Vikentievitch Klossovskiĭ Odessa : Impr. de P. Franzow, 1893. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Franzow, P. 1893. - Le Climat d'Odessa, d'après les observations de l'observatoire météorologique de l'Université impériale d'Odessa, par A. Klossovsky [Aleksandr Vikentievitch Klossovskiĭ. Odessa : Impr. de P. Franzow, 1893. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Geistinger. 1808. - Katechismus der christlichen Lehren : Zum Gebrauch für Protestantische Kirchen und Schulen. Wien ; Odessa : Geistinger, 1808. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Ex officina urbis]. 1835. - Descriptio nummorum veterum graecorum atque romanorum, qui inveniuntur in museo / by Nikolaj Nikiforovič Murzakevič. Odessa : Ex officina urbis, 1835. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1830. - Abrégé Historique Des Révolutions et Du Commerce de la Tavride / by Félix Lagorio. Odessa Imprimerie de la Ville 1830. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1830. - Portulan de la mer Noire et de la mer d'Azov ou description des cotes de ces deux mers a l'usage des navigateurs. Par E. Taitbout de Marigny / by Edouard de Taitbout Marigny. Odessa : imprimerie de la ville, 1830. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1832. - Knizhka dlia uprazhnenii klassicheskikh / by Nikolaĭ Mikhaĭlovich Karamzin; Vasiliĭ Andreevich Zhukovskiĭ. Odessa : Gorodskaia tipografiia, 1832. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1833. - Press. Rečʹ Ciceronova za opravdanie Tita Anniâ Milona / by Marcus Tullius Cicero; Ilʹâ Fedorovič Grinevič. Odessa : v Gorodskoj Tipografii, 1833. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1834. - Guide du voyageur en Crimée : orné de cartes ... et précédé d'une introduction sur les différentes manières de se rendre d'Odessa en Crimée / by C H Montandon. Odessa : Impr. de la ville, 1834. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1834. - Podarok bi︠e︡dnym, alʹmanakh na 1834-ĭ god : izdannyĭ Novorossīĭskim zhenskim obshchestvom prizri︠e︡nīi︠a︡ bi︠e︡dnykh / by Novorossīĭskoe zhenskoe obshchestvo prizri︠e︡nīi︠a︡ bi︠e︡dnykh. Odessa : Pechatano v Gorodskoĭ tip., 1834. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1834. - Press. Mysli o kavalerīĭskoĭ taktiki︠e︡ / by Friedrich Wilhelm Bismark, Graf von; A Braun, (Lithographer) / Odessa : Vʺ Gorodskoĭ tipografīi, 1834. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1836. - Press. Peripl Ponta Evksinskago / by Flavius Arrianus, Schriftsteller Griechenland; Andrej Fabr. Odessa : V Gorodskoj Tipografii, 1836. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1836. - Chronologičeskoe obozrěnie istorii Novorossijskago Kraja : 1731-1823n1, [1730-1796] / by Apollon Oleksandrovyč Skalʹkovsʹkyj. Odessa : Gor. Tip., 1836. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1836-1838. - Khronologicheskoe obozri︠e︡nīe istorīi Novorossīĭskago krai︠a︡, 1730-1823 ... / by A Skalʹkovskiĭ. Odessa, Pech. v Gorodskoĭ tip., 1836-1838. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1844-1919. Press. Zapiski Odesskago obshchestva istorīi i drevnosteĭ / by Imperatorskoe Odesskoe obshchestvo istorīi i drevnosteĭ. Odessa : V gorodskoĭ tip., 1844-1919. WorldCat.
Odessa. Gorodskoĭ tipografii [Imprimerie de la Ville]. 1849. - Press. Pisʹma t︠s︡arevicha Aleksi︠e︡i︠a︡ Petrovicha k ego roditeli︠u︡ gosudari︠u︡ Petru Velikomu, gosudaryni︠e︡ Ekaterini︠e︡ Alekseevne, i kabinet-sekretari︠u︡ Makarevu; s prilozheniem pisem t︠s︡arevicha Petra, t︠s︡arevny Natalii i kni︠a︡zi︠a︡ Vi︠a︡zemskago k ego vysochestvu. Izdany s podlinnikov, khrani︠a︡shchikhsi︠a︡ v biblioteke kni︠a︡zi︠a︡ Mikhaila Semenovicha Voront︠s︡ova / by Alexis, Czarevitch son of Peter I Emperor of Russia; Peter, Emperor of Russia; Mikhail Semenovich Voront︠s︡ov, kni︠a︡zʹ. Odessa, V Gorodskoĭ tipografii, 1849. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Gross, Fedor (Friedrich) Ivanovich. Lithographer. Born in Simferopole, Crimea 1822 in the family of the German colonist artist Johann Ludwig Gross. Also artist and archaeologist. He learned painting art from his father. In 1837 he graduated from Simferopol Gymnasium, in which his father was a teacher of drawing. He traveled through the Crimea a lot, making sketches. In 1846, he arrived in Odesa, where in 1846–1847 years lithographed "Views of Crimea" were published in the lithography of Alexander Braun that made the author famous. While living in Odesa, he made many sketches of the city, as well as the events of the Crimean War of 1854–1855, printed in the printing houses of O. Braun, P. Franzow and L. Nitzsche. He moved to Kerch where he was a museum director and where he died in 1897.
Odessa. Kol mevaser. 1862–1869. - Newspaper. Kol mevaser. 1862–1869. - Newspaper where much of the new Yiddish satirical fiction appeared. But the general unwillingness of the Russian state to license Yiddish newspapers from the 1870s until 1903 artificially retarded this development.
Odessa. Mieville, D. 1833. - Voyage au mont Caucase et en Géorgie. T. 2 / by Julius von Klaproth. Paris : C. Gosselin : Libr. Classique-Éleméntaire ; Odessa : D. Mieville, 1833. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Mieville, D. 1835. - Ruth, sujet épisodique tiré de l'Écriture sainte, et traité d'après Caroline Pichler / by Ioakhim Isaakovich Tarnopol; Karoline Fichler von Greiner. Odessa : Mieville, 1835. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Mieville, D. 1835. - Mémoire sur le commerce des ports de la Nouvelle Russie, de la Moldavie et de la Valachie / Odessa [etc.] : Misville sauron, 1835. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Mieville, D. 1836. - Collection de 16 vues de la Crimée des. d'aprés nature et lithogr. / by Vorontsov. Odessa Mienville 1836. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Nitče, L. 1878. - Istorìâ Bolgarʺ. : 1 izdanìe dušeprikaŝikovʺ Bolgarina V.E. Aprilova, ispr. i dopoln. pribavlenìâmi samogo avtora i snabžennoe istorič. kartoû / by Konstantin Jireček; F K Brun; V N Palauzov. Odessa : [Tipogr. L. Nitče], 1878. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Nitche, L. 1878. - Istorīi︠a︡ Bolgarʺ / by Konstantin Jireček; F K Brun; V N Palauzov. Odessa : Tipografīi︠a︡ L. Nitche, 1878. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Novorossīĭskago universiteta. 1870. - Molodye prestupniki : voprosʺ ugolovnago prava i ugolovnoĭ politiki / by A Bogdanovskiĭ; Imperatorskīĭ novorossīĭskīĭ universitet. Odessa : Izd. Imp. novorossīĭskago universiteta, 1870. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Odessaer Zeitung. 1863-1919. - Newspaper. Odessaer Zeitung. 1863-1919. - German language newspaper read by the Mennonite christians. At first weekly and later daily. 1863-1915 and in 1918/19 in Odessa in the Ukainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Odessa. Odessk. Vi︠e︡stn. 1884-1887. - Katalog biblioteki Imperatorskago Novorossiĭskago Universiteta / by A Kochubinskīĭ; Imperatorskīĭ novorossīĭskīĭ universitet. Biblīoteka.. Odessa : Tip. "Odessk. Vi︠e︡stn., ", 1884-1887. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Roj Gorodskou Tipografiu, 1830. - Djeviza, DJEVICA (etc) Djeviza Berezniza. Skaska dlja djeten. Perevodje iz nemezkoga. Odessa : Roj Gorodskou Tipografiu, 1830. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Schultze, 1884. - Vater, Sohn und Enkel : 2 Denkschriften ... dem ... Kaiser Alexander Nikolajewitsch dem Befreier 1863, dem regierenden Kaiser Alexander Alexandrowitsch ... zu dessen Krönung am 15. Mai 1883 ... eingereicht, zur Feier d. Mündigkeitserklärung ... des Großfürsten Thronfolgers Nikolai Alexandrowitsch am 6. Mai / by Simeon Leon von Schwabacher. Odessa : Schultze, 1884. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Schultze, A. 1885. - Ernst Possart; eine dramaturgische studie / by P Sergi︠e︡enko. Odessa, A. Schultze, 1885. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Schultze, A. 1885. - Die waibersche Rewoluṣje a Roman vun haintiger Zait verfast von S. Bekermann Di vaiberše Revoljucie t. e. Ženskaja revoljucija Roman soč.) / by S Bekermann. Odessa Gedrikt bai A. Schultze, 1885. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Schultze, A. 1885. - Von Heliopolis nach Berlin oder: die Verwandtschaft ferner Jahrhunderte : eine historisch.kritische Parallele / by S L Schwabacher. Odessa A. Schultze 1885. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Stamperia della città [ 1829?. - Otello; ossia, L'Africano di Venezia, dramma tragico per musica / by Gioacchino Rossini; Francesco Berio di Salsa, marchese. Odessa, Stamperia della città [ 1829?]. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulrich & Schultze 1878. - Der sieg der menschheits-idee über den nationalitäts-begriff / by Simeon Leon Schwabacher. Odessa, Gedr. bei Ulrich u. Schultze, 1878. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulrich & Schultze Printers. ʼUlrik̲ we-Šulz̲e WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulrich & Schultze. 1870. - Printers. Maʻarek̲et sifre qodeš : (leqsiqon) ha-kolel be-tok̲o: toldot ʼanše šem, šemot ʻamim, ʼarz̲ot, ʻarim, harim ʻamaqim we-yamim, ʼašer yesodotam be-sipure ha-qorot li-vene Yiśraʼel, we-tok̲en kol sefer wa-sefer me-ʻeśrim we-ʼarbaʻah sifre ha-qodeš, ʻaruk̲ ʻal pi ʼalfa beta / by David Baer Nathansohn. ʼOdesa : Bi-defus ʼUlrik̲ we-Šulz̲e [Ulrich & Schulze, [5]631 1870. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulrich & Schultze. 1870. - Printers. Leitfaden zum Unterricht in der Geographie für die deutschen Schulen Südrusslands / by Gustav Rempel. Odessa : Buchdr. von Ulrich u. Schultze, 1870. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulrich & Schultze. 1871. - Politika narodonaselenii︠a︡ v t︠s︡arstvovanie Ekateriny II / by Mikhail Shpilevskiĭ. Odessa : Ulʹrikha i SHulʹt︠s︡e, [ 1871]. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulrich & Schultze. 1872. - Printers. Zur Juden-Frage / von Moses Danzig. Odessa : Ulrich & Schultze. 1872. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulʹrikha, G. 1879. - Printer. Polabani : razbor sochinenīi︠a︡ na fakulʹtetskui︠u︡ premīi︠u︡ "Ocherk i︠a︡zyka slavi︠a︡n Baltīĭskago Pomorʹi︠a︡ i Brandenburga po srednevi︠e︡kovym gramotam" / by A Kochubinskīĭ. Odessa : Pechatano v Tip. G. Ulʹrikha, 1879. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulʹrikha, G. 1879. - Printer. Drevnīĭ mongolo-kalmyt︠s︡kīĭ, ili, oĭratskīĭ ustav vzyskanīĭ (T︠S︡aadzhin-Bichik) / by Ḟ I Leontovich; Imperatorskīĭ novorossīĭskīĭ universitet. Odessa : Pechatano v tip. G. Ulʹrikha, 1879. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulʹrikha, G. 1879. - Printer. Obrazovanīe vtorago bolgarskago t︠s︡arstva by F I Uspenskiĭ. Odessa (Krasnyĭ Pereulok, Dom Shvart︠s︡a, No. 3) : Pechatano v tipografīi G. Ul'rikha, 1879. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Ulʹrikha, G. 1879-1880. - Chernomorʹe. Sbornik izsli︠e︡dovanīĭ po istoricheskoĭ geografīi I︠U︡zhnoĭ Rossīi (1852-1877 g.) / by Filip Jakob Bruun; Imperatorskīĭ novorossīĭskīĭ universitet. Biblīoteka. Odessa : V Tipografīi G. Ulʹrikha, 1879-80. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Unterhaltungsblatt. 1842-1862. - Newspaper. Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Rußland. 1842-1862. - Newspaper, carried reports written by Johann Cornies detailing the agricultural and economic status of the Molotschna in the 1840s.
Odessa. Zelenago, P. A. 1878-1893. - Katalog Biblīoteki Imperatorskago novorossīĭskago universiteta / by S P I︠A︡roshenko; A Kochubinskī ĭ; Imperatorskīĭ novorossīĭskīĭ universitet. Biblīoteka. Odessa : Tip. P.A. Zelenago, 1878-1893. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Zelenago, P. A. 1882. - Printer. Itogi slavjanskoj i russkoj filologii Popovadu Knigi prof. Kotljarevskago ; Bibliologiěskij opyt o drevnej russkoj pismennosti / by Aleksandr A Aleksandr Aleksandrovič@Kočubinskij. Odessa Zelenyj 1882. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Zelenago, P. A. 1882. - Printer. Itogi slavjanskoj i russkoj filologii : po povodu knigi prof. Kotljarevskago: Bibliologiěskij opyt o drevnej russkoj pismennosti / by Aleksandr A Kočubinskij. Odessa : Zelenyj, 1882. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Zelenago, P. A. 1882. - Itogi slavi︠a︡nskoĭ i russkoĭ filologīi : po povodu knigi Kotli︠a︡revskago: "Biblīologicheskīĭ opyt o drevneĭ russkoĭ pisʹmennosti." / by Кочубинскій, А. 1845-1907. A Kochubinskīĭ. Odessa : Tip. P.A. Zelenago, 1882. - WorldCat.
Odessa. Zelenago, P. A. 1882-. - Adaty kavkazskikh gort︠s︡ev / by Ḟ I Leontovich. Odessa, Tip. P.A. Zelenago, 1882-. - WorldCat.
OSTROH 1577-1581. Printing began after Ivan Fedorovych (Fedorov) entered the service of Prince Kostiantyn Vasyl Ostrozky and founded in Ostroh what became the important Ostroh Press (1577–1612).
Ostroh. Fedorov, Ivan. 1578. - Printer. Greek and Slavonic reading book for the local school.
Ostroh. Fedorov, Ivan. 1580. - Printer. Psalter and New Testament.
Ostroh. Fedorov, Ivan. 1580-1581. - Printer. Biblia si rec knigy Vetchago I Novago Zaveta po jazyku slovensku, 1581. - Sources: Clair (1976).
Pochaiv. Pochaiv Monastery Press. 1730–1918. - Press. In Western Ukraine, the press at the Uniate Monastery in Pochaiv (in operation between 1730-1918), became the most productive. This press published books in Church Slavonic, Ukrainian, Russian, Greek, Latin and Polish, serving Orthodox Christians, Uniates, and Catholics. It specialised in liturgical books and literature related to the Holy icon of Mary, Mother of God of the Pochaiv Monastery. The British Library has several Pochaiv editions, including two of the 18th century. The Pochaiv Monastery press competed with the Lviv Brotherhood press and until the first Partition of Poland tried to transfer exclusive rights to print liturgical books from Lviv to Pochaiv. In 1772 the Lviv Brotherhood press won the court case, but it was no longer relevant, as Lviv became part of Austria, and Pochaiv remained in Poland. Ironically, the Partition of Poland helped to boost printing activities in Pochaiv, as before 1772 the Pochaiv Press could not publish certain liturgical books that the Lviv Press had exclusive rights for. As a result of the next Partition of Poland Pochaiv ended up in the Russian Empire, and of course, the press had difficulties with printing and distribution of Uniate editions, although it escaped such strict control as publishers in the territories of the Hetmanate. At the end of the 18th century, the press signed contracts with Old Believers to produce their books. The Russian officials soon found out about these contracts, and the press was almost closed. In 1830-31 the monks supported the Polish uprising, printing leaflets and pamphlets for the Poles. As a result, the monastery was transferred to the Orthodox Church, and printing which by the mid-19th century became the main source of income for the monastery, fell under control of the Orthodox Church.
Podilia. Polish Protestant Panivtsi Press. 1608–11. - Press. functioned briefly.
Rokhmaniv. Stavrovetsky-Tranquillon, Kyrylo. 1618–19. - Press. Cyrillic press.
Sambor. 1725/1775. - Press. Jewish press. During the reign of August III (1725-1763) two Jewish printing presses were opened, which received royal privileges. At the close of the 18th century there was a Jewish press in Sambor which specialized in printing calendars.
Striatyn. Balaban, Hedeon, Bishop. 1602–6. - Press. Cyrillic press.
Turka. 1730/1750. - Press. Jan Antoni Kalinowski set up a Jewish printing press in the 1730s, which published various prayer books and study books. One copy of an ancient prayer book was kept in the archives of the community of Turka until the Holocaust.
Uhortsi. Liutkovych-Telytsia, Pavlo. 1617–21. - Printer. Born in Western Ukraine, died 1634 in Chorna, Volhynia. Churchman and printer. With the assistance of his apprentice and printer Sylvestr, he ran a series of Cyrillic printing presses in Uhortsi, near Sambir (1617–21). In 1618 the first Russian book, entitled "Sobranje wokratce slowec w Uhercach" was published there. in He was later in Minsk, Belarus (1622); and in Volhynia at the Chetvertnia (1624–5), Lutsk (1625–8), and Chorna monasteries. He was also hegumen of the Saints Peter and Paul Monastery in Minsk (from 1611) and the monastery in Chorna (1628–34). Seven of the nine books he is known to have printed have been preserved, including his own panegyric to Oleksander Sheptytsky (1622). He printed panegyrics, theological works, poetry, and textbooks.
Univ. Monastery press. 1648–1770. Press. Cyrillic press founded by Bishop Zhelyborsky.
Yaniv. 1812–20. - Press. Polish press (1812–20)
Yaryshiv. 1790–2. - Press. Polish press (1790–2)
Zhovka. Halewy, U. Foebus. 1693–1782. - Printer. Jewish press founded by U. Foebus Halewy.
Zhytomyr. Russian State Press. 1783–1918. - Press. Russian local government presses were founded (1783–1918),