23 January 2022

Lapthorne 1698

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 11
Book trade references in the Lapthorne-Coffin correspondence 1683-1697
edited by Michael Treadwell and Ian Maxted.
Letters, 1698
Go to last letter of 1697.
Return to introduction.
For this year book references in all letters are in the process of being transcribed from the letter book, the originals not having been located.

[1 January 1697/8]
[Nothing on books.]

[8 January 1697/8]
[Nothing on books.]

15. Jan. 97
Mr Tirrells 2d vol. nor Chancy's book are neither of them yet out. Mr Tirrell is lately gon to Oxford but wilbe
here a week hence. I have paid Mr Goslyn at the Post Office & taken a receipt for the French Gazets & ordered
him to desist from sending any more. I could not meet with the Italian dictionary at our English booksellers, buth they
told me I shoud meet with it at the French booksellers & that the price was 12s where I intend to make inquiry next week & think
to send the box Saturday next.

**** I received yrs last night i wch yu gave direccion for more bookes & therefore have put off ye sending of yr box to this day sevenight otherwise I intended to send it this day [...] The dictionary shalbe sent to Mr Coffin according to direccons but could not get it under 13s.As for Cradocks Practice & knowledge wee cannot yet meet wth it, wth the supplement it is a very scarce book per =fected & exclusively dear but Mr Harley a bookseller lately bought ye copye for another edition but wn it wilbe printed wee know not however I will make it my business to get it because yu desire it but I would send it perfect. I heard Mr Cradock preach wthin this 12 month hee is antient being elder brother to ye provost of Eaton who dyed about two yeares since. *****
**** I have this day sent by ye Exeter carrier ye seeds & such books yu wrote for yt were extant. I ave also sent to Mr Coffin at Oxford ye Italian dictionary & so soon as wee can meet wth Cradocks Knowledge & practice (at any tolerable rate) it shalbe handsomly bound & gilt & sent likewise. [...] ****
5 Febr.97[/8]
I hope by the tyme these com to yorr hands you wil receive yr box sent this day sevenight & I hope ye Comm. take yr answer [M/S?]
Risdon is also received, the reason I sent not the copy of the bill at large in the Box was because you had the close transcript & if there
should be an occasion to use it here, wee should have been of the expence of another copy & therefore I sent it not. You here [?]
have Mr Peyton the Chancery clerk's bill [...]
I am iust now going to Mr Brown for his bill which shal likewise be enclosed.
[...] I have iust now
ount & hee deducts out of the 40s for the Acts hee saith - 1: 13: 8 & doth protest wither hee [?]
men when the Acts were taken out of the box have hvae so mislayed them (if his house being so cumbered with books) that they
cannot tell where to find them, so if hee shall look the benefit of the term to sell them or els would have [all?]
lowed you more. The following bills I received in this last letter

MichTerm 1697
[Column 1 Peyton's account for legal work, 8 lines]
[Column 2 Brown's account for books]
Jan. 29 - 97/8
Veneromus Italian dictionary G.B. - 0: 13: 0
Usher's Hist. Ecclesiast. Brit. G.B. - 0: 14: 0
Dampears Voyages G.B. - 0: 6: 0
Pope's Life of Bp Ward &c. G. B. - 0: 3: 0
Powells Hist of Wales G.B. - 0: 5: 6
Discovery's in South America - 0: 4: 6
Map of the Dyocess of Canterbury G.B. - 0: 2: 0
Pufendorfs State of Germany. G.B. - 0: 3: 0
Trinity Term Catalogue - 0: 0: 3
- to allow for the Acts 1.13.0. 0: 17: 3
Dan. Browne summ tot. - 0: 13: 0
All former accounts discharged R. L. Richard Coffin Esqr his account 5 Febr. 1697[/8]
& for those over & above the qrter a qyery Lyst of delinquents sent per post
20. 9ber send porter to the carrier for a box with acts which was not brought that week -- 0: 0: 4
27.9ber to the carrier for bringing the box0: 2: 0
To a porter to carry it to Mr Browns0: 0: 3
Kings speech0: 0: 1
To the carrier for carrying the 2d box with Acts0: 2: 0
To a porter going with other things [unclear] Mr Browns0: 0: 2
24 10ber Xtmas order for Gazette with double ones0: 2: 4
2 sessions papers0: 0: 4
Paid to Mr Goslyn at the Post Office for the qrter for the French Gazets to Mr Coffin
Mr Westons bill1:8:1
Mr Payton bill of the clerk in chancery1:17:8
Mr Browns bill deducting the Acts0:17:3
For a box & to the boy that usually comes & nayls it 2d to his Xtmas box0:1:0
Brown paper to cover it & Mr Coffin book0:0:1
For a cord & to the porter for cording & carrying it0:0:6
Transcribing the bill in Chancery0:2:6
Summ tot -- 5:16:8

I hope you have received your box sent this day fortnight & your account this dat sevenight the reason
some books sent for were absent[?] was because they were not yet printed. [More on the bill in Chancery]
The Commons have voted an address to the King to issue out his proclamacion
to suppress immorality & irreligion & so putt a stopp to prophane & blasphe=
mous books.

I received yours last night & wonder the box is not yet com to your hands but you have been several tymes served so
formerly. I have been with Mr Brown & wee have conferred notes. I took out your letters & his receipt & hee pro=[unclear]
duced his debt book & upon the whole, hee finds the mistake to bee thus (viz) that in his receipt if the 12tt 9ber hee
deducts for Acts of Parliament which were to bee returned - 0.16.4 & then in his last bill (another parcell
of Acts being returned) hee not taking notice that hee had deducted your 16s 4d, hee allows for all the Acts 1.13.0
to it if you add to his amount 16s & 4d his bill is rectified as it ought to bee, & heartily thanks you for
this candor towards him & with all faith that if you return Dr Barrows book hee will gratify you in
your request. Neith Mr Tirrell nor Chancy's book wilbe out till the next winter, as for the other books
such as com out you shall have sent in your next parcell. [More on the law case] Tirrel ... Chancey's book &c &c [rest of letter to check]

[...] The Commons have delivered their address for a proclamacion for suppressing immorality & prophaness & printing of lewd bookes which was gratiously ac=
cepted by his Majesty. [...]

[26 February 1698]
[Nothing on books ]

5 March -97[/8]
I have reeived both of yrs in the first a bill of exchange for which I return you thanks & is since paid by Mr [?]
Gouge: the 2d menciond the return of Dr Barrows book which I will take care to take from the carryer & [?]
Mr Brown & shall mind wt you intimate also about sending other books. [...] the Lords have also sent down a bill to the Commons
to suppress immorality blasphemy & open profaness in pursuance of the Kings proclamacion.

12 March 97[/8]
I shall take care if Dr Barrows book be not sent from the carriers to fetch it & carry it to Mr Brown [...]

19. March - 97[/8]
[8 lines of non-book information]
Since the above was written I am informed Dr Barrows book is at the carryers, which I will take care shalbe fetcht from there.

26 March - 98
I received yrs last night & shall further the endeavour to gratifie both yourselfe & Mr Coffin in the procuring the books you write
for. I have also spoken to Mr Weston who will get the broad flat strawbery for you which shal also be sent: Mr Brown is con-
tented to take Dr Barrows book in exchange which the carrier brought last week. [...]
[...] I am pleased to hear that Mr
Coffin hath gotten so good company at Oxford as Sr Ni, Morris. I hope they will improve each other.

2. April - 98
I have this day sent by the Exeter carryer a box in which are the books you writt for all (I mean that are extant
for they have a way of giving advertisments of books before they are out) I have also tho wthout Commission
sent you a book which if you have not I suppose wilbe very gratefull to you & will serve to entertayn your freinds & [?]
for its highly prized & bought up by most gentlemen in town (viz) Maior Gen. Ludlow's Memoires of the late
times in 2 voll bd. I have taken them from Mr Brown on these terms, that if you have them already hee is to take
yem again at the same price when returned. The MS. was in the hands of my friend Mr Bethel (author of the Interest of Princes [?]
who was Coll Ludlow & his Lady's friend, to whom the care of printing it was committed & hee told me of it but dyed
before it was don. I have also sent from Mr Weston the strawberie roots the wrote for in a white basket with much
earth the better to preserve yem. I have Regis's 3 books in French of Philos. Machiavell in Italian. I have en-
quired for it but cannot yet get it but hope to get it on Monday & then intend soon after (together with the book of
Mr Cradocks which I now also have by mee from Mr Brown) to send them to Mr Coffin to Oxford.

Richard Coffin Esqr his Account sent 9 Aprill 1698. all former accounts discharged
and paid. R. L.
Mr Brown's bill - 4. 10. 6. Mr Westons strawbery rootes & basket - 0. 5. 6
Last qter of Gazets - 0: 2: 0. 3 sessions papers - 0. 0. 6. Box to yrselfe - 0 - 0 - 6
Cord orod[?] box for Mr Coffins books to Oxford - 0 - 1 - 0. Cordage & porter 0: 0: 6
To the Exeter carryer for Dr Barrows book - 0. - 1. - 0. - 5: 2: 1 The particulars of Mr Browns bill - viz.
To Mr Lapthorn Apr. 2d. 1678 [sic]
[Partly in two columns in letter book.]
Evelyn of medals G. B. - 0: 16: 0.
Cradocks knowledge & practice & supplement both voll. 0: 8: 6
Humphry's 4 tracts - G. B. - 0: 5: 6.
Monumenta Belgij foederati G. B. - 0:4: 6
Geddes Counsell of Trent G. B. - 0: 4: 6
Henepins Voyages - 0: 6: 6
Judgmt of Baxter - 0: 0: 2.
Regius Philosoph. 3 voll 4to - 1: 18: 0
Ludlow's Memoirs 2 voll. G. B. 0: 10: 0.
Machiavells Works Ital. 4to G. B. - 0: 8: 6
[Total] 5: 0: 2
Returned from Mr Lapthorn Barrow's Works 3d vol. to allow - 0: 10: 0
Rem. due - 4: 10: 2
Mich. & Hill Term Catalogues - 0: 0: 4
Mr Brown's bill as I cast it up comes to - 5: 2: 2 4:10:6

9 Aprill 1698
I hope this will come to your hands nere the tyme you will receive the box sent this day sevenight. Ye
books that are to be sent to Mr Coffin are dear & indeed these french booksellers sell at excessive rates &
Mr Brown deales with them much for they buy many books of him, & therefore I make no douby
but that hee buys them as cheap as any of them but the 3 voll. of Regius I must confess are very large & curi=
ously bound & gilt, but yet mee thinks the price is great. Wee had much adoe to get the Italian Ma=
chiavel for I was at many places myselfe & could not meet with him in 4to but at last Mr Brown
got it & not till last night or this morning, so the box shalbe sent wthout fail to Mr Coffin the next
week. [...]

17 Apr.98
I have this week sent the books to Mr Coffin at Wadham College & I hope you have received your
account sent this day sevenight. you had all the books sent that were extant but or booksellers I am
informed have a way of publishing yeir books before they are perfected for sale. [...]

23 Apr.98
I received yrs last night with the bill of exchange for which I thank you & have since received the money from Mr Gouge &
have since been with Mr Brown & imparted wt you intimated as to the allowance for Dr Barrows book & hee willingly
complies with what you say & return to you his humble services & thanks. I had forgot to talk with him about the comming
out of the books 3d mencion in your letter but shall give you an account in my next. [...]

ulto Apr.98
[...]None of the books you
wish'd mee to inquire about are yet out as I am informed: Mr Tirrels at Oxford but told mee before he went, that hee hoped
his 2d vol. would bee out by Mich. term, but Chancey's wilbe out is uncertaine for I am apt to think the subscribers
com in but slow. I have a survey by mee of Hertfordshire by Mr Norden don in Qn. Elizabeth's time in a
smale print with a mapp its no bigger than a stitched sermon a most accurate [picer's ?] I am informed
hee designed to doe every countie in England, but did onely that & Middlesex which two I have by mee & very -
much esteem them because wel done & very hard to be gotten, if they are to be [available ?] at all.

7. May-98
[...] I shall endeavour to meet
ye expectacion as to the books you writt for. [...]
[14 May 1698]
There is one Mr Collyer a non juring minister who was one of them [?]
absolved Sr Jon Henwick & others for whi he lyes under som convcion but not in custody, who hath [?]
written an elegant tract against the immorality of blasphemies & prefaness of our stages for players, wch [?]
jury of Middlesex took so much notice of as that this last sessions they have presented several of th[ir Poch ?]
makers of certayn lewd-players & also the bookseller that printed and exposed them to sale; this book is very
much commended by all sorts of sober people, for the making whereof it is supposed that Mr Collyer will have
som friends at court to intercede for his pardon. [...]

[21 May 1698]
[...] I was this day informed that the Commons were about doubling the duty on parchment &
paper & to give it to the K[ing]. for life. [...]

noe date but by the order of writing it was written the 28 May - 98
[Nothing on books ]

4. June -98
[Nothing on books ]

11. June -98
I received yrs last night & intend to answer your expectacions according to all the particulars therein & to send
away your box this day fortnight in the mean time have sent you assembled catalogue of som books which you may have
all or any of them according to the prices in the catalogue.

18. June -98
[Nothing on books ]

29 June -98 -
This day I have sent in a box directed to yrselfe all the books that are extant you wrote for in your former, as also those yt
yu wrote for in your later saving 2 of the old books which were bought by Mr Tirrel before your order came in my next youe will have
the account. If I cannot find the sessions paper I will make it good.

2 July -98
Richard Coffin Esqr his account sent 2 July -98
All former accounts discharge & satisfyed R. L.
[Account as continuous text in letter book, converted into columns]
Mr Browns bill, viz
Davenant of Trade 2 vol. 9s -
Stillingfleets Ecclesiastical cases - 5s - 6d
Tillotsons Sermons 5th vol. 5s - 6d.
Dr Nichols sermon - 6d.
modest censure 6d -
Term catalogues4d. -
in all - 1: 1: 4.
To Mr Bennet
for Dr Nicholss 1st & 2d parts gilt 6s -
for 9 old 2d hand books viz. [sum not given, estimated][1 £ 13s ?]
Lazius in genealogiam Austrianam -
Collectanea antiquitatum in urbe [atque] Agro Moguntino repertidarum
Spencer. Hanmer & Campian Hist. of Ireland in 2 vol.
Witsij Miscellanea sacra
Lysters Historia animalium Angliae
de Francii Cochltrei terrest. & marin.
Roffies De exord & origine Assyiorum Chaldaeorum Lydorum Medorum Romanorum, Graciae &c.
qrter of Gazets 2s -
2 sessions papers 4d.
Box - 10.
cord & porter 6d. -
in all 3 - 3- 6
where of 3s - 6d was deducted viz. 1s - 6d - by the direcion of the following letter & 2s abated upon
ye price of the old books - soe returnd but 3 £.
I hope by the time these com to your hands you will receive your box sent last Saturday. I have
been hunting iust now for the catalogue of the 2d hand books sent (being mislayd) but
were it for my life I cannot find it. if you remember the [forms of?] books you may be pleased
to fill up the blanck in your acct. Otherwise it must bee don som other tyme. but as I take
it the whole of yours came to about 32 or 33s & as I take it they were in all 9 voll. If you think
they are too dear in the prices set down you may make som abatemt as for Nordens
2 little books if I cannot meet with them agst your next box, if you please to command mine
you shall have yem. They are amongst a smale colleccion of odd things which are
catalogued. All new books are very dear: I had Dr Nichols book of Mr Bennet
my selfe & had much adoe to get it at the price in the account there is a 4th part comming
out & then you may have the 3d & 4th part bount up in another volume. In my last
bill I sate down for the box to your son before it was sent & as I remember it was 6d
less then what was set down in your bill & I had 1s returned for Mr Brownes bill soe
that 1s - 6d must be deducted out of the summe of this acct. [...]
I remember about 3 or 4 years since there was a man executed at
Heavy-tree for much such a kind of fact. [of a man murdering his family].

9 - July -98
I cannot find the catalogue you returned, so that if you cannot guess at the summs there must be new
prices sett.

16 July -98
I received your letter & bill of exchange & have received the money for which I return thanks
& which is omitted in the last box shalbe rectified in the next. I should have been heartily glad to have
Mr Coffin here & hope may one tyme or another have an opportunity Mr Gouge is gon into Devon
=shire [...] As for Mr Mordens undertaking you shall not fail to hear
an acct of it in my next. [...]

23. July -98 -
I went this day to Mr Mordens hous by the Old Exchange in Cornhill for informacion
of his designed peece & to have gotten a specimen of it any [bre?] but hee being
just home I must more as to this referr you to another post. I had your [melific ?]
proposal from Mr Brown (viz. for printing copies of charters &c.) which seemes
to promise well in its kind. [...]

30. July -98
[Nothing on books ]

7 Aug -98
[Nothing on books ]

13. Aug -98
[Nothing on books ]

20. Aug -98
[Nothing on books ]

[27 August 1698]
[Nothing on books]

[3 September 1698]
[Nothing on books]

[10 September 1698]
[Nothing on books]

[17 September 1698]
[Nothing on books]

[24 September 1698]
There is lately com out a specimen of Dr Hicks's undertaking to print a large Saxon grammar
with cutts & whosoever subscribes & pays a guyney shall have a book. [...]

[2 October 1698]
I intend the next Saturday to send in a box of things you write for. [...] I can hear no tydings in the which [ship] my son is that went to Chins.

[9 October 1698]
I must now defer the sending of your box till next Saturday. [nothing on books]

[15 October 1698]
I have this day sent in a box by the Exeter carrier directed to yourselfe your periwigg & books such as are extant for the
booksellers have a way to publish bookes before they are printed: I have sent you my 2 bookes of Mr Nordens in which you have Ho[unclear]
in a nutshell. I hunted up & down in all places where I thought they were to be had but could not meet with either of them at last
I was told that Mr Morden (the geographer by the Royal Exchange) had them to whom I applyed, hee had them but they
were both put under an old filthy parchment cover & the bookes spotted & steyned abominably & [index?] wanted
the map of Westm. & Hartfordsh. the general map of the county & would not part with it under 4s. so that I have sent
my own, the reason why I willing to have bought them was becaus I have a smale collecion of such scarce things
& a catalogue of them. The sessions papers that went from the 9th May you shalbe sun to have them, tho not now sent. In
my next I will send yr accnt. [?] Dr Nicol's other vol of his conference is not yet out. Mr Bennet tells mee it wilbe out wthin a month. I have sent a specimen of Dr Hicks undertaking of printing ye Saxon grammar also a specimen of the lives of som orthodox divines wch Mr Quicke left wth mee & is about to print htm and desires [to] go by way of subscription. [...]

I hope the box is com safe which I sent last Saturday. Mr Benet told mee the last part of Dr Nichols book
would bee published on a fortnights time also Mr Brown sayth that the book for the list of the officers would
com out in a few dayes there was one part printed the last year but hee stays for this I hope
ye 2 little books of Nordens hath given you pleasure in the reading. [...]
Mr Brown being out of the way, fro whom I had some of the books I cannot send the bill till

Richard Coffin Esqr his account 25. 8ber -98 all former accounts discharged R. L.
Mr Browns bill - 3: 19: 07.
Nordens 2 books Middx & Hartfordshire 6s.
Mich. qtrs Gazetts & 3 session papers 2s - 6d
Periwigg - 0: 12: 6.
Box 10d
porter 6d
ye whole - 5: 0: 11.
Mr Browne the bookseller acct is as followeth -
Dupin's Ecclesiastical history vol 8th. - 1: 0: 0.
Boyle agst Bently - 0: 4: 6:
Le Clerks Dissertations - 0: 3: 0.
Stillingfleets sermons 2d & 3 volls. 0: 10: 0
Conants Sermons 3d vol. 5s.
Dependency of Ireland - 0: 2: 6:
D. of Lorraines Life 2: 6
Waters Travells - 0: 3: 6.
Smith De republica Angl - 0: 2: 0.
Saunderson of ye Church - 0: 0: 06.
Term catalogue - 0: 0: 3:
Appendix to Wards Life - 0: 0: 6.
Wottons Refleccions 8vo 0 - 6: 00.
for a sett of Acts of the last session except Money Act - 0: 14: 6
Summd up by Mr Brown - 3: 19: 7 but it is by my summing 3: 19: 9 but the 2d Mr Brown may
well abate.

[Nothing on books ]

I received yrs last night with the bill of exchange for which I return thanks. I am sorry that there are such mistakes
as you mencion, but wt are sent wthout order or by mistake wilbe accepted and allowed
for: Srjeant Chancy's book of Hertfordsh: will suddainly com out. I saw a great part of it printed. Mr
Tirrell is at Oxford, but I suppose will speedyly bee in town wn I shal speake with him [heere?] ye later
end of the [summer?] in Suffolk to veiw Sr Symon d'Ewes library of manuscripts in order to ye carrying
on his 2d volume; & by the way let me inform you that the Oxford catalogue in fol. is com out of all ye mss there
& of [ateler ?] was sent in to them, from all parts of England. I saw one in Mr Brownes shop. Dr Burthogg
[wil ?] subscribers for Mr Quickes book & so will Mr Brooking & told mee I might have the benefit of the 7th vol if
others would joyn; this I heard from him since I sent you the specimen.

no date but by the date of the last eve [?] I suppose it was y2 12 of 9ber [-98]
I have received the money on the bill of exchange of Mr Gouge in full of all accts & your
benevolence to myselfe for which I return thanks. Mr Brown tells me there is but one com
ment on Genesis by Le Clerk & wee perceive by yours that you have it already Mr Brown that when Du Pins
book was sent it was sold very dear & so hee paid for it but wthin a few dayes after he bought a-
parcell of them cheaper & so as tothebook he returned mee a shilling (which I must discount in my next)
hee gives his humble services to you. [...] In my next I intend to send a particular of som odd bookes.

[19 November 1698]
A particular of som books I think to finish & send by next Tuesdays post.

[27 November 1698]
In my last was a note of som books, I have but little now to write.
[3 December 1698]
[Nothing on books ]

[10 December 1698]
[Nothing on books]

The books and seeds I intend to send by the carryer this day sevenight. [...]

I have this day by the Exeter carryer sent all the books that could be procured & the seeds in
parcels as you directed. My son is lately com from Oxford to keep his Christmas with us & possibly may
stay on 2 months. Hee gives an excellent character of Mr Coffin your son of which I was very glad to
hear from him; he gives his service to yourselfe & desires when you write to Mr Coffin that the same
may be given to him [... more in the same vein] I
have sent you the specimen of Mr Tirrells 2d vol. [...]
[...] I shal send you your acct in my next. Dr
Nichols his 4th vol. is not out, I was with Mr Benet last night & twice before hee
blames the printer hee said it was almost finished 5 or 6 days since, for wt is not
[?] sent I will give you the reason my next

By the time these com to your hands the will I hope receive the box I sent this day sevenight. as for
Crumps list Mr Brown said it was not yet out or at least hee could not get one so that I caused
him to send the other. I wrote in my last that Dr Nicholls 4th vol. was not yet perfected when the
box was sent. I hope the have all the books you wrote for saving what I have mencioned. [...]
[...] Underwritten is your account (all other accounts being satisfyed)
[In two columns in letter book]
Soe rests due -
Mr Browns bill - 1: 12: 10Mr Browns bill - 24: 10: 9
Mr Westons bill for seeds - 1: 19: 4
6 old books of mine - 0: 3: 10 Le Clerk on Genesis - 0: 14: 0
Xtmas qrters Gazets - 0: 2: 0 Compleat hist. of Europe - 0: 6: 6
2 sessions papers - 0: 0: 4 Hist of Moscovy 1st part - 0: 4: 0
Kings Gazet - 0: 0: 1 Term catalogues Michaelmas [?] 98 - 0: 0: 4
Box - 0: 0: 9 Marquses Christian regimen [?] 0: 2: 0
Porter - 0: 0: 6 List of the officers [?] - 0: 1: 0
[Total] 3: 19: 8 Confutacion of the balancing lawe[?] - 0: 0: 6
Recd of Mr Brown last acct. - 0: 1: 0 Hist. of the standing army - 0: 1: 0
To his deductio for sessions papers - 0: 0: 2 Spanish voyages & Crueltys [?] 0: 4: 0
[Total] 0: 1: 2 [Total] 1: 12: 10
3: 18: 6 Then rest due but - 2: 18: 6
There being 10 - 4 charged [?] 8
Seeds whereas they cost but 19s 4d.

Go to first letter of 1699.
Return to introduction.

This page last updated 10 Feb 2022
© Ian Maxted, 2022.