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09 October 2015

Africa. Register

The register for Africa springs from an investigation of the impact of the slave trade, missions and colonialism. It is not a thorough search, being largely based on trawls through WorldCat.
ALGERIA. Independent 1962. Sources: WorldCat checked to 1845.
Alger. Bastide. 1837-1845. Bookseller and publisher. Libraire-E´diteur 1845. Partner in Brachet et Bastide. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Besancenez, A. 1845. - Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Bourget, A. 1843-1845. Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Brachet et Bastide. 1837-1845. Printers. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Bureau Topographique. 1840. - Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Crescenzo. 1839? Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Daumont, Alexandre. 1835-1836. Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Direction Centrale des Affaires Arabes. 1845. - Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Dubos. 1841. - Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Imprimerie civile et militaire. 1836-1838. Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Imprimerie du Gouvernement. 1832-1845. Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Jourdan. 1835. - Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Luxardo et Guende. 1834. - Publishers. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Parcellier, M. 1832. - Publisher. Cabinet de lecture 1832. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Philippe, J.-B. 1835. - Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Alger. Vaison, H. 1840. - Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Blidah. Tissot et Roche. 1845. - Printers. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Būlāq. S?āh?ib as-Sa?āda al-Abadiyya. 1837 = 1253 h. Mat?ba?at. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Oran. Mekki, B. 1844. - Publisher. L'E´cho D'Oran. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Oran. Perrier, Adolphe. 1858. -
Oran. Sadoux, L. 1845. - Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
ANGOLA. Independent 1975. Printing recorded 1849 (unverified). Sources: WorldCat checked to 1899.
Benguella. West Central African Mission. 1887-1889 Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Huilla. Typographia da Missa~o. 1897. - Printer.
Kamundongo. West Central African Mission, American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 1892-1898.
Loano. Noaro, L. 1898. - Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
LUANDA Loanda. Printing recorded 1849. .
Luanda. Abreu, J. Simoes d'. 1890-1891. Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Luanda. Associac¸a~o Commercial de Loanda. 1894. - Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Luanda. Cunha & Sobrinho. 1892. - Printers. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Luanda. Francina, C. Castro. 1889. - Publisher. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Luanda. Imprensa do Governo. 1849-1871. Printer. Elementos grammaticaes da lingua Nbundu.
Luanda. Imprensa Nacional. 1876-1894. Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Luanda. Jornal de Loanda. 1881. - Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Luanda. Mercantil. 1872-1881. Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Luanda. Typographia Luso-Africana de J. Simoes d'Abreu. 1890-1891. Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
San Salvador do Congo. Baptist Missionary Society, San Salvador Station. 188-?. - Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2015)
San Salvador do Congo. Edwin Wade Printing Press, Baptist Missionary Society 1899. - Printer. Sources: WorldCat (2015)
ASCENSION Dependency (Great Britain).
Ascension. [s. n.]. 1862. - Publisher. Captain Barnard's report on the state of cultivation of the island of Ascension, 18th June 1862. Sources: COPAC.
BENIN. Independent 1960. Formerly Dahomey 1960-1975. Unidentified imprints: 1892, 1893. Sources: Worldcat checked to 1899.
Dahome? Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique. 1897. - Sources: WorldCat (2015).
Porto Novo. Wesleyan Mission. 1891. - Sources: WorldCat (2015).
Porto-Novo. Imprimerie du gouvernement. 1892-1900. - Sources: WorldCat (2015).
BOTSWANA. Independent 1966. Sources: WorldCat checked to 1899.
Gaborone. Aasvogel. 189- Fort Gaberones, [Gaberone] Botswana The Aasvogel. Newspaper 189-?
GABORONE. Fort Gaberones. Printing recorded in 1890s.
BURKINA FASO. Independent 1960. Formerly Upper Volta 1960-1984. Sources: WorldCat to 1920.
Ouagadougou. Imprimerie du gouvernement. 1919+. - Printer. Journal officiel de la République de Haute Volta.
BURUNDI. Independent 1962.
CAMEROON. Independent 1960. Sources: WorldCat to 1899.
Bothel. Devonport Press. 1848. - Printer.
Cameroons. Baptist Mission Press. 1852-1868. Printer.
Cameroons. Mission Press. 1861-1872. Printer.
Jubilee Station, Bimbia. Dunfermline Press. 1846-1848. Printer.
CHAD. Independent 1960. Sources: WorldCat to 1920 (no imprints found)
COMOROS. Independent 1975. In 1980s many items printed in Antananarive. Sources: WorldCat to 1978.
Mamoutzou?, Mayotte. Conseil général. 1977?- Publisher. Recueil des délibérations du Conseil général.
Moroni. Agence Comores Presse. 1978. - Publisher. .
Moroni. Comores Service des douanes. 1973. - Publisher.
Moroni. Etat comorien, Centre national Plan finances méthodes. 1977. - Publisher.
Moroni. Promo al camar. 1970? Publisher.
Moroni. République fédérale et islamique des Comores, Ministe\re de la production et de l'industrie, Laboratoire d'agronomie. 1978. - Publisher.
Moroni. Imprint recorded 1968.
Moroni? Presidence, Service des archives et de la documentation. 1976. - Printer.
CONGO REPUBLIC. Independent 1960. Also known as Congo-Brazzaville. Formerly French Equatorial Africa 1910-1960.
Brazzaville. s.n.. 1908. - Publisher. Cours du Congo et tracés de navigation entre Brazzaville et Liranga : carte dressée par Mgr Augouard évêque du Haut-Congo français et le Rd père Leray capitaine du "Léon XIII". - Scale : 1:50 000. - Publisher(s) : [Brazzaville : s.n.], 1908. - Authors: Philippe-Prosper Augouard and François Leray.
CONGO DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. Independent 1960. Formerly Zaire 1971-1997 ; Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville) 1960-1964 ; Belgian Congo 1908-1960.
Léopoldville. Conseil Protestant du Congo. 1929. - Publisher. Message of the Congo Jubilee and West Africa Conference : Leopoldville, Congo Belge, Africa, September 15 to 23, 1928 / by Dr. and Mrs. Henri Anet.
Léopoldville. E´ditions de l'Avenir colonial belge. 1932. - Publisher. Chroniques de Stinkopolis, redigées par Irneh-bin-Desireh.
Léopoldville. E´tat indépendant du Congo. 1904. - Publisher.
Léopoldville. Editions du C. E. P. 1961. - Publisher. Les Fils des Saints : mystère en cinq actes / François Bolongo. -
Léopoldville. Imprimerie Elite. 1955. - Printer and publisher. D'Homme à homme / Jean-Marie Domont.
Léopoldville. Imprimerie Le courrier d'Afrique, 1954. - Printer. L'exposition d'enseignement religieux à Léopoldville. Le Pape Pie XII et l'enseignement du catéchisme. La Biblie, la liturgie et la vie. Les moyens d'intuition dansl'enseignement religieux. Le catéchisme par le chant. Comment enseigner la grâce? Cas de conscience sur les examens de baptème. Un livre..."Aspcects contemporains de la Pastorale de l'enfance"/ / Sigismondi P.Nsombi Michel. Izia Crispin. Guya Jospeh. Mbambu Ignace. Bokolo Jacques. Denis Léopold. Denoel Paul.
Léopoldville. Institut géographique du Congo Belge. 1955. - Publisher. Prix-courant au 1er janvier 1955 / Institut géographique du Congo Belge = Prijslijst op 1 januari 1955 / Geografisch Instituut van Belgisch-Kongo.
Léopoldville-EST. B.M.S. 1934. - Publisher. Njembo na koyembela Njambe.
Léopoldville-Ouest. Conseil Protestant du Congo [ 1934. - Publisher. Recommandations presentées par les conférences ... a` Léopoldville : Mutoto et Elisabethville, Congo Belge, 1934.
Léopoldville-Ouest. Procure École professionnelle [between 1920 and 1940?. 1920/1940? - Publisher. Petite géographie du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi : aperçu sommaire de l'Europe et de l'Afrique. 7me édition.
CABO VERDE. Independent 1975.
DJIBOUTI. Formerly French Territory of Afars and Issas 1967-1977, French Somaliland 1883-1967.
Djibouti. Centre I.F.A.N. 1948. - Publisher. Trois flottilles de la VIième dynastie des Pharaons. - Djibouti : Centre I.F.A.N , 1948.
Djibouti. Société d'études de l'Afrique orientale. 1966. - Publisher. POUNT. Bulletin de la Société d'études de l'Afrique orientale. Année 1 (1966)-. - Djibouti : Société d'études de l'Afrique orientale 1966-.
EGYPT. Sovereign state.
Alexandria. Imprimerie nationale Printer.
Alexandria. Marcel, Jean-Joseph. 1776-1854. Sources: Mellot (2004).
ALEXANDRIA. El-Iskandariya, Alexandrie. Printing recorded 1798. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842) ; Mellot (2004).
Bulak. Printing recorded 1822. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Cairo. al-Masâbikî. 1821. - Printer. A Syrian, first director of the Bulâq. Sources: Mermier (2012).
Cairo. Aurel, Marc. 1775-1834. Sources: Mellot (2004).
Cairo. Bulâq. 1821-1822. - Printer. One of the major Arab presses, set up during reign of Muhammad Ali. Sources: Mermier (2012).
Cairo. Imprimerie nationale. Sources: Mellot (2004).
Cairo. Marcel, Jean-Joseph. 1776-1854. Sources: Mellot (2004).
CAIRO. Egypt. al-Qahirah, Caire, Le Caire. French printing in 1798. Sources: Mellot (2004).
Cairo. Printing recorded 1798. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Gizeh. Imprimerie nationale. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).
Gizeh. Marcel, Jean-Joseph. 1776-1854. Sources: Mellot (2004).
Gizeh. El-Gizeh.
Gizeh. Printing recorded 1800. Sources: Timperley (1842).
EQUATORIAL GUINEA. Independent 1968.
ERITREA. Independent 1993. Federated with Ethiopia 1952-1993. British protectorate 1941-1952.
Asmara. Catholic Mission Press. 1912-2016. - Printer. Also known as Tipographia Francescana (1918), Francescan Printing Press (2016).
Asmara. Swedish Mission Printing Press. 1912. - Printer. Berhay yekun (Let there be light).
Eritrea. Corriere Eritreo. 1891. - Newspaper. Weekly, Italian. Reta (2013).
Eritrea. Gabra-Egziabher Gila Maryam. 1888-1889. Scribe. Manuscript newspaper in Tigrinya.
Eritrea. Lazar Mission. 1879. - Printer. Mission press recorded.
Eritrea. Swedish Evangelical Mission. 1863. - Printer. Printing press recorded 1863. Reta (2013).
Eritrea. Swedish Evangelical Mission. 1912-1914 Printer. Melikte selam (Herald of peace) newspaper. Reta (2013).
Massawa. Biancieri, Lorenzo. 1863-1864. Catholic mission press.
Massawa. El Eritereo. 1885-1890. - Newspaper. Weekly, Italian. Reta (2013).
Massawa. Swedish Evangelical Mission Press. 1895. - Printer. Transferred from Menkula.
Menkula. Swedish Evangelical Mission Press. 1885-1895. - Printer. Transferred from Menkula.
ETHIOPIA. Independent 1941. The early years of the press in Ethiopia are described in The quest for freedom: one hundred years of history of the media in Ethiopia / Meseret Chekol Reta (2013).
Addis Ababa. Aimro. 1901-1936 [1892-1928 E.C.]. - Newspaper "intellect", manuscript, 24 copies, until printing press introduced 1905 (1897 E.C.) when circulation rose to 200 copies.
Addis Ababa. Artistic Printing Press, 1914. - Printer. Ta'kla' sadek ma'kurya : ya'-Itiyopya tarik. WorldCat
Addis Ababa. Berhenna Solam. 1925-1956+ [E.C. 1917]. - Printer. Named after newspaper (Light and peace).
Addis Ababa. Bete Saida Printing Press. 1933+. - Printer. Recorded by Reta (2013).
Addis Ababa. Blaatta Gebre Egziabher. 1906? [E.C. 1898?]. - Scribe. Circulated exaltation sheets in 50 copies.
Addis Ababa. Desta Mitiké. 1896. - Scribe. Circulated exaltation sheets in multiple copies: Ye beir dimts (the voice of the pen).
Addis Ababa. Government Printing Press. 1916+. - Printer. Established under Ministry of Pen. Recorded by Reta (2013).
Addis Ababa. Haile Selassie I Press. 1930-1933 [E.C.1925]. - Printer. Dersān / John, Chrysostom Saint (1931). Press renamed after King was crowned Emperor in 1930.
Addis Ababa. Merha Tibeb Printing Press. 1925+. - Printer. Recorded by Reta (2013).
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1921-1930 [E.C. 1914-1922] Printer. Press was renamed as King Ras Tafari Press after he was crowned King in 1928 [1921 E.C.] and Haile Selassi I Press when he became Emperior in 1930 [1922E.C.].
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1926 [E.C. 1918]. - Printer. Mas'h'afa qeddāsē : ka-qadmo abātoc' jammero siward siwwārrad ya-mat't'āw nebābu-nnā tergwāmēw ya-Ityop'yā liqāwent enda s'āfut-ennā enda taraggwamut. Held by School of Oriental & African Studies.
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1926 [E.C. 1918]. - Printer. Mas'h'afa qenē za-qadamt wa-dah'ārt liqāwentihā wa-mā'emmerānnihā la-Ityopya, za-'astagābe'ō wa-zah'afō H'erui Walda Sellāsē / Walda Sellāsē Herui. WorldCat
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1923 [E.C. 1915]. - Printer. Admonition of Saint Yohans Afework / as written and translated by Ethiopian scholars. Held at Cambridge University (Special collections)
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1924 [E.C. 1916]. - Printer. The book of Mare Yishak : an ancient book of readings as written and translated by Ethiopian scholars. Held by Cambridge University (Special collections)
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1924 [E.C. 1916]. - Printer. The gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ / as written and translated by Ethiopian scholars. Held by Cambridge University (Special collections)
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1924 [E.C. 1916]. - Printer. Glory and honour : a record of the journey to and from Europe of the Crown Prince and Viceroy Teferi Mekennen / Belata Hiruy Wolde Selassie. Held by Cambridge University (Special collections) Printed
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1923 [E.C. 1915]. - Printer. Tagsās' za-qeddus Yoh'annes afa warq. Held by School of Oriental & African Studies.
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1924 [E.C. 1916]. - Printer. Wangel qeddus za-egziena wa-madhanin Iyasus Krestos.
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1925 [E.C. 1917]. - Printer. Messālēyāta Salomon.
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1923 [E.C. 1915]. - Printer. Ya-heywat tarik / Heruy Walda Sellase. Language: Amharic. WorldCat.
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1924 [E.C. 1916]. - Printer. Book of Ezekiel in Ethiopic and Amharic. Held by Cambridge University.
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1928 [E.C. 1920]. - Printer. Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in Amharic and Ethiopic. Held by Cambridge University.
Addis Ababa. Ras Tafari Makonnen (Crown Prince) Press. 1923 [E.C. 1915]. - Printer. Mar Yesh'aq ya-s'afaw mas'h'af. A religious treatise by Isaac, Bishop of Nineveh with Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia. WorldCat.
Addis Ababa. Ya-Ityop'p'e'yā Mah'ātamiyā. 1911. - Printer. Yammāyāc'agge'r be'lhāt la-bet h'e'kme'nnā ya-hona mas'h'af / L Doughty-Wylie; Ato Mikael Johen; C Zaphiro. - Language: Amharic. WorldCat
Harar. Kersaté Berhan Printing Press. 1934+. - Printer. Recorded by Reta (2013).
Harar. Marie-Bernard, Père. 1905-1914. Printer. Le semeur d'Ethiopie, newspaper in campaign against leprosy.
Jimma. Kersaté Berhan Printing Press. 1933+ Printer. Recorded by Reta (2013).
GABON REPUBLIC. Previously Gaboon. Independent 1960. Formerly French Equatorial Africa 1910-1960. WorldCat checked to 1899.
Gabon. Press of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 1844-1864. Printer.
Libreville. Imprimerie du Gouvernement. 1894. - Printer.
Libreville. Mission Catholique. 1898? Publisher.
Libreville. Nassau, R. H. 1893-1898. Publisher.
Talaguga, American Presbyterian Mission Press. 1889. - Printer. Unverified. Sources: WorldCat. -
GHANA. Independent 1957. Formerly Gold Coast. WorldCat checked to 1860.
Accra. Bannerman, Charles. 1857+. - Printer. Accra herald.
Accra. Coffie, J. T. 1895/1900. Printer. The Gold Coast express. - Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa : Printed at the "Express" Office by J.T. Coffie, [1895-1900?]. - Sources: WorldCat.
Accra. Cole, Samuel Sylvanus. 1876-1895. Government printer. Catalogue of natural productions, arts, manufactures &c., for the International Exhibition of 1876, at Philadelphia, United States of America . - [Accra, Ghana] : Samuel Silvanus Cole, government printer, Gold Coast, Western Africa , [1876]. General orders, rules and regulations relative to the Gold Coast Police. - Accra : Printed at the G.P.O. by Samuel Silvanus Cole, 1894. Standing regulations of the Ashanti Expedition, by Herbert Eversley Belfield. - Accra, Gold Coast, Printed at the Government Printing Press by S.S. Cole, 1895. - Source: WorldCat.
Accra. Cole, Samuel Sylvanus. 1883-1895. - Printer. Government printer. Imprints: 1883: Gold Coast itinerary from Axim to Accra : reckoned along the shore. 1893: Standing rules and orders of the Legislative council of the Gold Coast colony.
Accra. Gold Coast Constabulary. 1890. - Publisher. Regulations for the dress of the officers of the Gold Coast Constabulary. - Accra : Gold Coast Constabulary, 1890. Sources: WorldCat.
Accra. Government Printer. 1843-1910+. Printer. Blue book. - Gold Coast : Government Printer , 1843-1846. Government gazette. - Accra : Government Printer , 1875. Sources: WorldCat.
Accra. Presbyterian Book Depot. 1883+. Publisher. Christian messenger : Ghana's oldest Christian newspaper, Presbyterian Church of Ghana. - Accra : Presbyterian Book Depot, 1883-. Sources: WorldCat.
Accra. Samuel Cole, Government Printer, 1883+. - Gold Coast : blue book (Annual).
Cape Coast. Brew, James Hutton. 1874+. - Printer.
Cape Coast. Carr, T. J. 1868. - Printer. D. L. Carr and J. P. Brown's Mfantsi Grammar, printed by T. J. Carr in Cape Coast in 1868. The first work to be printed in Fanti in the Gold Coast.
Cape Coast. Cooling, William. 1822-1823. Printer. 1822-1823: Royal Gold Coast gazette and commercial intelligencer.
Cape Coast. 1843-1844. - Printer. Established Gold Coast times 1874.
Keta. Bremen Mission. 1854+. - Printer. Moved from Peki where they had been established since 1847. Printed Ewe grammars and primers.
GAMBIA. Independent 1965. Formerly British colony 1843-1965. Sources: WorldCat to 1899.
Bathurst (Banjul). [Unascertained] 1828. - Item printed or published 1828. Sources: WorldCat. -
Bathurst (Banjul). Government Printer. 1869-1888+. - Printer. Ordinances, rules, regulations, proclamations, etc. of the colony of the Gambia [1888?]. - .
Bathurst (Banjul). Smith, E. A. M. 1884? - Printer. Colonial Printer, Government House, 18-- [check].
GUINEA. Sovereign state. Formerly French West Africa 1904-1958.
GUINEA-BISSAU. Independent 1974. Formerly Portugese colony 1879-1973.
Bissau. Centro de Estudos da Guiné Portuguesa. 1947. - Boletim cultural da Guiné Portuguesa, 1946- ; Organização económica e social dos Bijagos : Augusto J Santos Lima (Publicacao comemorativa do V centenario da descoberta da Guine Publicacoes do Centro de Estudos, 1947.
Bissau. Repartição Central dos Serviços de Cadastro. 1942. - Colonia da Guiné : relatorio dos Serviços de Cadastro / Portuguese Guinea. Repartição Central dos Serviços de Cadastro.
Bissau. Repartição dos serviços aduaneiros. 1930-1937. - Relatório e mapas do movimento comercial e maritimo do ano de 1929.
Bissau. Anonymous imprints in 1946, the year of the quincentanary of the "discovery" of Guinea, perhaps by Centro de Estudos da Guiné Portuguesa. Imprints: Conhecimento das linguas da Guine Portuguesa e a possibilidade de uma grafia una / Edmundo Armestio Correia Lopes, 1946 ; V centenário da descoberta da Guiné (1446-1946); discurso proferido no dia 1.⁰ de Janeiro de 1946 / by Henrique Mendonça, 1946 ; A Descoberta da Guiné / by A Teixeira da Mota, 1946.
Bolama. Imprensa Nacional. 1908. - Printer. Imprints: Ordem á Força Armada da Guarnição da Provincia da Guiné 1903-1905 / Guinea-Bissau. Quartel General, 1905? ; Columna d'operações na Guiné : instrucções sobre o serviço de campanha, 1908 ; Indice das leis, diplomas e medidas de caracter permanente publicadas nos boletins oficiais de 1910 a 1912 / Manuel Joaquim Gonçalves de Castro, 1913 ; Indice das leis, decretos, portarias ministeriais e provinciais e outros diplomas publicadas nos "boletins oficiais" de ano de 1916 / Carlos Valentim Mendes, 1918 ; Relatorio de argumentaçao em sua defesa, contra a difamante portaria no. 44, de 23 de Março de 1927, apresentado a sua Ex.cia o Governador da Colonia (Ilustre Major Leite de Magalhaes) pelo Engenheiro-Director dos Serviços das Obras Publicas / by Raúl Pires Ferreira Chaves, 1927 ; Resposta ao "questionário de inquérito sôbre as raças da Guiné e seus caracteres étnicos", formulado pelo Govêrno da Colónia em portaria provincial no. 70, de 12 de Abril de 1927, àcêrca de Circunscrição Civil de Mansôa / Alberto Gomes Pimentel, 1927.
IVORY COAST. Independent 1960. Formerly French colony 1889-1960.
Abidjan. Centre IFAN de Cote d'Ivoire. 1953. - Publisher Livret-guide de la Cote d'Ivoire : publié a l'occasion de la cinquième conférence des Africanistes de l'ouest.
KENYA. Independent 1963. Formerly British colony.
Mombasa. 1899. - Ordinances and regulations, up to March 31, 1899. In substitution for volume issued in 1897.
Nairobi. Caxton (B.E.A.) Printing and Publishing Co. 1917. - Printers. A microcosm of Empire (British East Africa) : a political, racial and economic study / by Alexander Davis.
Nairobi. Government Printer. 1919. - Printers. Report of the Land Settlement Commission.
Nairobi. Swift Press. 1919. - Printers. Evidence of the Education Commission of the East Africa Protectorate, 1919.
LESOTHO. Independent 1966. Formerly Basutoland, British colony 1871-1966.
Morija. Paris Evangelical Mission Society. 1860-1908+. - Also recorded in Thaba Bossiu. Later in Morija. Printing activity unverified.
Phillipolis. Monroe. 1879. - Independent 1966. Formerly Basutoland, British colony 1871-1966.
Phillipolis. Paris Evangelical Mission Society. 1833-1850? Also recorded in Thaba Bossiu. Later in Morija. Printing activity unverified.
LIBERIA. Independent 1847. Formerly United States dependency 1821-1847.
Cape Palmas. Press of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 1843-1844. Printer.
Monrovia. Force, Charles L. 1826. - Printer. Liberia Herald [issue from Thursday, February 16, 1826 in Marian S. Carson Collection, Library of Congress]. - Monrovia, Cape Merado (West Africa) : Charles L. Force, printer, 1826. - Sources: WorldCat.
Monrovia. Jayne, W.P. 1840. - Printer. Trial of the suit instituted by the collector of Customs for the port of Monrovia against the Superintendent of the Liberia Mission of the "Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church" : before the Supreme Court of Liberia in session at Monrovia, Sept. 4th and 5th, 1840 : with most of the pleadings, by W N Lewis and John Seys. - Monrovia : M.E.M. Press, W.P. Jayne, Pr., 1840. - Sources: WorldCat.
Monrovia. Methodist Episcopal Mission Press. 1839-1840. Publisher Africa's luminary. Methodist Episcopal Church. Missionary Society newspaper. - Sources: WorldCat.
Monrovia. Minor. 1838. - Publisher. The Basa spelling book, by William Y Crocker. - Sources: WorldCat.
Monrovia. Teague, Hilary. 1843. - Publisher. Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Liberia : including an abstract of legal principles and rules, with an appendix of forms by Liberian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Transportation. - Monrovia, Liberia : Hilary Teage, 1843. - Sources: WorldCat.
LIBYA. Independent 1951.
MADAGASCAR. Independent 1960. Printing recorded 1828. WorldCat checked to 1850.
Antananarivo. Baker, Edward. 1828-1836. Printer. With London Missionary Society.
Antananarivo. Kitching, R. 1835. - Printer. Printed at the Press of the London Missionary Society, by R. Kitching, 1835.
Antananarivo. London Missionary Society. 1828-1836. Printer. Variant imprints include: No tentai'ny ny Fanerena Misionary, 1833 ; Tontai'ny tamy ny Fanerena 'ny London Missionary Society, 1833 ; No tontai' ny tamy ny fanere 'ny ny London Misioneiry Sosaity, 1834.
Antananarivo. Tananarive, Imprimerie Officielle. 1939. -
Antananarivo. Tananarivou ; Tananarive. Printing recorded 1825. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
MALI. Independent 1960. Formerly French West Africa 1904-1959. WorldCat checked to 1920.
Bamako : Impr. du Gouvernement, 1906-1921. Printer. Journal officiel du Haut-Se´ne´gal-Niger.
Timbuktu. Christian and Missionary Alliance. 1928. - Printer. 1928 imprints: Markousa wane Alindyil. Al Indyil Louka. Matta. Alindyil Youhanna. All held by Cambridge University.
MOROCCO. Independent 1956.
Ceuta. Printing recorded 1817. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Fez. 1864. - Printer. Offical state press set up by sultan Mohammed IV from confiscated equipment introduced into the country. Sources: Mermier (2012).
Fez. [s. n.]. 1516. - Printers. Jewish refugees who had worked for the printer Rabbi Eliezer Toledano in Lisbon.
Miknāsat al-Zaytūn. al-Mat?ba?ah al-Sa?īdah, 1865 [1282 H]. -
Rabat. Echo du Maroc. 184-. - Printer.
Rabat. Socie´te´ d'e´tudes e´conomiques, sociales et statistique [1848?.
Tanger. Pierre, A. 1835
Tanger. Ponthenier de Ge^nes, A. 1820. - Printer. Avec les types d'A. Ponthenier de Ge^nes, A.
Tangier. Alcuzcuziana Oficina Tipografica. 1825[A.H. 1241]. - Printer. En Tanjer en la oficina tipogra´fica Alcuzcuziana 1241 d. la H. [1825].
Tetua´n. Garci´a y Contillo´. 1860-1861. - Printer.
Tetua´n. Salazar, F. 1860-1861. - Publisher. (a cargo de …).
MAURITANIA. Independent 1960.
MAURITIUS. Independent 1968. Printing recorded c. 1767. 1833. WorldCat checked to 1850.
Port-Louis. Baker, E. 1842-1846. Printer. .
Port-Louis. Boue, F. N. 1795. - Printer. Decrees of the Colonial Assembly, Ile de France (Mauritius), 7 Brumaire IV (29 Oct. 1795)
Port-Louis. Bureau Central a` l'Imprimerie Lithographique. 1847. - Lithographic printer. .
Port-Louis. Cerne´en. 1836-1850. Printer. Port-Louis, Mauritius : Cerneen Office, 1839.
Port-Louis. Deroullede, G. 1832. - Publisher.
Port-Louis. Devaux, V. 183-?-1848. Lithographic printer and publisher. Lithographic Establishment of V. Devaux.
Port-Louis. Government Printer. 1813-1868. Printer. .
Port-Louis. Imprimerie de l'isle de France. 1811. - Printer. .
Port-Louis. Mallac fre`res. 1822-26. Publishers. .
Port-Louis. Mallac, Tristan et Cie. 1826. - Printers. Imprimeurs du gouvernement 1826.
Port-Louis. Mauricien. 1839-1849. Printer. Imprimerie du Mauricien.
Port-Louis. Saunois, Pierre. 18--. Printer. Mauritius the Ile-de-France. Sources: Clair, chronology.
Port-Louis. Vallet. 1833. - Printer. imprimeur du gouvernement 1833.
MALAWI. Independent 1964. Formerly Nyasaland, British colony 1891-1964. WorldCat checked to 1899.
Bandawe. Livingstonia Mission Press. 1892-1894. - Printer. Mission established in Cape Maclear 1875. Moved to Bandawe 1880, then to Khondowe 1894. Imprints: Ivangeli wa Mweni widu ndi Mposomoski Yesu Kristu kwaku Marku / by Robert Laws (Language: Tonga), 1890 ; Collections for the Mwamba language : spoken at the north end of Lake Nyasa / by James Alexander Bain, 1891 ; Lupapulo : lua kusalilila, 1891 ; Mayayo gha Yesu Kristu / by James Alexander Bain (Language: Niger-Kordofanian), 1892 ; Genesis : kapena buku latshimodzi la Moses / by G Henry (Language: Nyanja), 1893, etc. Sources: WorldCat (2020).
Blantyre. Blantyre Mission Press. 1888-1919.
Blantyre. Central African Times Press. 1895. -
Domasi. Domasi Mission Press. 1896. - Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
DOMASI. Locality near Zomba.
Khondowe. Livingstonia Mission Press. 1894-1912+. - Printer. No imprints recorded prior to Livingstona press, 1908+. KiMambwe primer 1912.
Likoma. Universities' Mission Press. 1896-1899. Printer. Imprints: WorldCat (2015).
Livingstonia. Mission Press. 1890-1896. Printers. Printed at the Mission Press, 1890-1896.
LIVINGSTONIA. Also known as Kondowe.
Songani. Hynde and Stark. 1895-1897. Publishers. The Central African planter.
SONGANI. Locality near Zomba.
Zomba. British Central Africa Gazette. 1894+. -
Zomba. Domasi Mission Press. 1902. -
Zomba. Government Printer. 1864. -
ZOMBA. Printing recorded 1864.
MAYOTTE. Overseas department and region of France.
MOZAMBIQUE. Independent 1975. Portuguese printers possibly as early as 16th century.
Beira. Africa Oriental.
Lourenco Marques. Imprensa Nacional de Mocambique. 1832-1868. Printer.
Lourenco Marques? Spanos & Tsitsias. 18--?.
NAMIBIA. Independent 1990. South African mandated territory 1971-1989. Formerly German South West Africa.
Rooibank Formerly Scheppmansdorf. Printing recorded 1855.
Rooibank. Kleinschmidt, Franz Heinrich. 1855-1868. Publisher. On 29 June 1855, Protestant missionary Kleinschmidt published 300 copies of Luther's catechism in the Nama language which represent the first printed works in that tongue. Political unrest seems to have prevented further printing activities. The press was reported as being functional as late as 1868, but whether printing was resumed is unknown.
Windhoek. Afrikanischer Heimatkalender. 1930+. - Publisher. Sources: WorldCat.
Windhoek. Deutsche Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Südwestafrika, Kirchenbundesrat. 1930+. - Publisher. Afrikanischer Heimatkalender, 1930-. Sources: WorldCat.
Windhoek. Geschke. 1925. - Publisher. Die Anwendung ku¨nstlicher Nährstoffe für Ackerbau und Viehzucht in Südwest-Afrika : 8 Aufsätze, Paul Range. Sources: WorldCat.
Windhoek. Kaiserliches Gouvernement. 1910-1914. Publisher. Protokolle über die Sitzungen des Landesrates für das Deutsch-Südwest-Afrikanische Schutzgebiet. - South-West Africa : Kaiserliches Gouvernement , 1910-1914.
Windhoek. Lüdinghausen, H.Rademann. 1925. - Publisher. Omahungi omajapuke : uoviungura via Mukuru. Omahungi omajapuke : uoviungura via Mukuru. In Herero. Sources: WorldCat.
Windhoek. Meinert, John, Ltd. 1922-1930. S.-W.-A.-Farmer. (1922). The laws of South West Africa. (1922-) C. Frey and Ansley Watts.A regional geography of South West Africa : with special notes and appendices for teachers. (1924). Sources: COPAC ; WorldCat.
Windhoek. Rohloff, Franz. 1907. - Publisher. Lange, Friedrich. Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika : Kriegs- und Friedensbilder : 100 original Aufnamen. Sources: WorldCat.
Windhoek. Swakopmunder Buchhandlung. 1903-1925. Publisher. Nachrichten des Bezirksverein Windhuk (1903-1904). The laws of South West Africa, 1915-1922, by A J Waters (1923). Sources: COPAC ; WorldCat. Sources: COPAC ; WorldCat.
Windhoek. Verlag der Kreis. 1912. - Publisher. Demokritos africanus, pseud. Im Affenland; Reimereien aus Südwest. Publisher: Berlin : Kolonie und Helmat. Sources: WorldCat.
Windhoek. Windhuker Druckerei. 1918. - Printer. Farmwirtschaftliche Vereinigung Okahandja. Bedingungen und Geschäftsordnung der Farmwirtschaftlichen Vereinigung Okahandja. Sources: WorldCat.
NIGERIA. Independent 1960. Formerly British colony 1906-1960. WorldCat checked to 1860.
Abeokuta. Abeokuta Press. 1860. - Printers. Probably refers to the mission press.
Abeokuta. Church Missionary Society. 1859-1915. Publishers. Sources: COPAC (2016).
Abeokuta. Iwe Irohin. 1859. - Newspaper. In Yoruba language.
Abeokuta. Townsend, Henry. 1859-1867. - Publisher. Born in Exeter into a printing family. Missionary to Nigeria linked to Church Missionary Society. Started Iwe Irohin, the first newspaper in Nigeria and published Yoruba hymn books and grammars.
ABEOKUTA. Printing recorded 1859.
Akwa Akpa. Government Printer. 1900. - Printer and publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Akwa Akpa. Mission Press. 1848-1876. Printers. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Akwa Akpa. United Presbyterian Church Mission Press. 1894-1899. Printers. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
AKWA AKPA. Old Calabar.
Calabar. Waddel, Hope. 1846. - Printer.
Ikeja. Ogunbiyi, T. A. J. 1934. - Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
LAGOS Printing recorded 1859.
Lagos. Anti-slavery society Lagos auxiliary. 1861. - Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Benjamin, J. B. 1882-1888. Printer. Published Lagos observer 1882-1888. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Blaize, Robert. 1875+. - Printer. Ran the Caxton Printing Press 1875.
Lagos. Campbell, Robert. 1862-1865. Printer and publisher. Printed and published Anglo-African newspaper 1863-1865. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Church Missionary Society Press. 1860. - Printers. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Davies, E.A. 1933? Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. General Printing Press. 1885-1887. Printers. Includes; Views of some native Christians of West Africa : on the subject of polygamy, 1887. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. George, Jacob Sylvanus. 1880-1906. Printer. Government printer 1880-1888. Blue book for the year 1885-1906. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Government printer. 1906-1957. Printer. Law reports 1906-1957. See also Jacob Sylvanus George. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. King, T. A. and Co. 1889-1890. Publishers. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Lagos Times Printing Establishment. 1891? Printer. See also Andrew M. Thomas. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Lagos Times. 1886. - printers. Catalogue of exhibits of the colony of Lagos, West Africa, [at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, London, May 1886].
Lagos. Macaulay, O. E. 1883-1888. - The Eagle and Lagos Critic (Semimonthly).
Lagos. Macaulay, O.E. 1883+. - Printer. Published The eagle and Lagos critic. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Thomas, Andrew M. 1880-1893. Printer. Published Lagos times 1880-1883. Table of principal events in Yoruba history : with certain other matters of general interest, compiled principally for use in the courts within the British Colony of Lagos, West Africa. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Tika Tore Press. 1925-1966. Printers and publishers. Includes: Awful disclosures on Epetedo lands, by E. A. Akintan (under the auspices of Epetedo Union) 1936. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Lagos. Tika Tore Press. 1862? - Awful disclosures on Epetedo lands / by E. A. Akintan (under the auspices of Epetedo Union).
Lagos. Williams, G.A. 1895-1920. Printer. Published Lagos standard 1895-1920. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Old Calabar. Nigerian Presbyterian Mission Press. 1846-1857. - Printer.
NIGER. Independent 1960. Formerly French colony 1922-1958.
PRINCIPE. See Sao Tome.
REUNION. Overseas department and region of France.
Bourbon.Île Bourbon. . Printing recorded 1821. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
RWANDA. Independent 1962.
SOUTH AFRICA. Independent 1961. Formerly British colny.
Betheldorp 1827+. - Printing recorded 1827. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Betheldorp. Kemp, T. J. van der. 1804. - Printer. Missionary with the London Missionary Society. Printing activity unconfirmed.
Bielitz. Staats-Obergymnasium. 1875. - Publisher.
Cape Town Printing recorded 1784.
Cape Town. Field Intelligence Department. 1902. - Publisher.
Cape Town. Government Printer. 1799. - Printer. South Africa. Governor. 1798-1799 : Dundas. By Francis Dundas. Source: ESTC.
Cape Town. Juta, Jan Carl. 1853+. - Publisher.
Cape Town. Pichert and Pike. 1839. - Printer. Sources: WorldCat. -
Cape Town. Pike, G. J. 1836. - Printer. Sources: WorldCat. -
Cape Town. Ritter, Johann Christian. 1784-1796. - Printer. A German. Almanach voor't jaar 1796. The possibility of printing may be as early as 1784 when Ritter arrived in the Cape but no earlier output has surfaced. Ritter is also said to have printed Almanacs for 1795 to 1797 suggesting a start to printing of 1794.
Cape Town. Schoonberg, V. A. 1799+. - Printer.
Cape Town. Solomom, Saul. 1883. -
Cape Town. Walker and Robertson. 1800+. - Printer.
Cradock. Bold, J. S. 1861. - Printer. First printed book in Afrikaans. Louis Henri Meurant, Zamenspraak tusschen Klaas Waarzegger en Jan Twyfelaar over het onderwerp van afscheiding tusschen de Oostelyke en Westelyjke Provincie.
Graaff-Reinet Kemp, T. J. van der. 1801. - Printer. Missionary with the London Missionary Society. Printing activity unconfirmed.
Grahamstown (Makhanda). Established 1812 as a military outpost by Lieutenant-Colonel John Graham. Name changed in 2018.
Grahamstown. Kay, Stephen. 1830. - Printer. With Methodist mission. Details unverified.
Grahamstown. Wesleyan Missionary Press. 1834-1841. - Printer. Umshumayeli Wendaba, 1837-1839. The earliest known black newspaper in Southern Africa. Continued in Peddie.
Johannesburg. Kelvin Publications Ltd. 1909. - Publisher.
Keiskammahoek. Saint Matthew's Mission. 1902. - Printer. (Keiskama Hoek).
Kuruman. London Missionary Society's Press. 1894. -
Kuruman. Moffat, Robert. 1830s-1870. - Printer. Missionary.
Lovedale. Glasgow Mission Press. 1826+. - Printer. The mission was established in 1824 and destroyed in 1830. Sources: Worldcat, Wikipedia.
Lovedale. Lovedale Missionary Institution. 1862-1923+. - Printer. The mission in Lovedale was re-established in 1841. Also known as Lovedale Press, Institution Press, Ishicilelwe ngesishicielo sabafundisi. Periodical Indaba published at the press from 1862.
Maquasse. Printing recorded 1826. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Mariannhill, Natal. Imprint recorded 1890.
Paarl. du Toit, D. F. . 1879. - Printer. C. P. Hoogenhout, Eerste Afrikaanse printjies boeki vir soet kinders (earliest children’s book).
Peddie. Wesleyan Missionary Press. 1840-1841. - Printer. Umshumayeli Wendaba, 1840-1841. Newspaper founded in Grahamstown.
Pietermaritzburg. Natal museum. 1912+ - Publisher.
Vryburg. Government Printers. 1888-1893. Printers. Townshend & Son,
Vryburg. Townshend & Son. 1888-1893. Printers. Government Printers.
SEYCHELLES. Sovereign state.
SAINT HELENA. British dependency. Printing recorded 1810, 1825. Sources: Clair, chronology ; Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).
Jamestown. Coupland, J. 1810. - Printer. Sources: Clair, chronology.
Saint Helena. 1875. - An Account of the late Emperor Napoleon the First, at Saint Helena ... also the exhumation of his remains ... in 1840. By an Old Inhabitant, etc. [In verse.].
SIERRA LEONE. Independent 1961. Formerly British colony.
Freetown. Hagger, W. H. 1817-1827. - Printed Royal gazetter and Sierra Leone advertiser 1817-1827.
Freetown. Hazeley, Abraham. 1817-1827. From Nova Scotia. Involved in publication of Royal gazetter and Sierra Leone advertiser 1817-1827.
Freetown. Mitton, J. 1821-1826+. -
Freetown. Tilley, M. 1822-1830+. -
Freetown. Wise, J. 1809-1811. Printer to the Government and the Council. Printed Sierra Leone gazette 1810.
Freetown. 1794. - Printing press imported but destroyed in raid by French.
SENEGAL. Independent 1960. Formerly part of French West Africa
Dakar. Imprimerie de la Mission. 1855-1862. Printers. Dictionnaire Français - Wolof et Wolof - Français. (1855). Principes de la langue Wolofe par les Missionnaires de la Congrégation du S. Esprit et du Saint Coeur de Marie (1855). Catéchisme en français et en volof à l'usage du prévicariat de la Sénégambie et de la préfecture du Sénégal. (1860). Catéchisme pour les adultes français-Volof, à l'usage du prévicariat de la Sénégambie et de la préfecture du Sénégal (1862). - Database: WorldCat.
Dakar. Imprimerie Ternaux. 1913. - Printer. Justice indigène : instructions aux administrateurs sur l'application du de´cret du 16 aou^t 1912. - Dakar : Imp. Ternaux, 1913.
Saint-Louis. Imprimerie du Gouvernement. 1856-1887. Printer. Moniteur du Sénégal et dépendances : journal officiel, 1re année, n° 1 (16 mars 1856)-32e année, n° 1671 (29 déc. 1887). - Saint-Louis (Sénégal) : Impr. du Gouvernement, 1856-1887. - Database: WorldCat.
Saint-Louis. Imprimerie du Gouvernement. 1888-1895. Printer and publisher. Journal officiel du Sénégal et dépendances. année 33 (1888)-année 103 (1958). - Saint-Louis (Sénégal) : Impr. du Gouvernement , 1888-1958. Established 1856. Source: WorldCat ; BNF.
SOMALIA. Independent 1960.
Djibouti. Alavaill, Augustin. 1899-1903. - Printer. Djibouti, newspaper for campaign against leprosy. Mogadishu. Comando Forze Armate della Somalia. 1936. - Publisher. Pianta di Mogadiscio. WorldCat.
Mogadishu. Governo della Somalia Italiana. 1925. - Publisher. Carta della Somalia / Enrico Carcoforo. Produced in Rome by Servizio cartografico del Ministero delle colonie. WorldCat.
Mogadishu. Governo della Somalia. 1936. - Publisher. Mogadiscio. WorldCat.
Mogadishu. Somaliland Administration. 1941+. - Publisher. Memorandum on the revised estimates for ... Somaliland [Italian territory under British occupation] (Periodical).
Mogadishu. Ufficio topocartografico coloniale della Somalia. 1938. - Publisher. Piano quotato di Mogadiscio. WorldCat
Mogadishu. 1919. - Hādhihi al-majmū?ah al-mubārakah al-mushtamilah ?ala´ kutub khamsah : al-awwal, ?Aqīdat ahl al-Sunnah wa-al-jamā?ah : al-thānī, Sirāj al-z?alām fī silsilat al-sādah al-kirām : al-thālith, Tah?dhīrāt balīghah tusamma´ bi-sikkīn al-dhābih?ah ?ala´ al-kilāb al-nābih?ah : al-rābi?, Nas?r al-mu'minīn ?ala´ al-maradah al-mulh?idīn ma?a baqīyat ah?kām al-dīn : al-khāmis, Anīsat al-?āshiqīn fī tadhkirat al-muh?ibbīn / Abd Allāh ibn Mu?allim Yūsuf Qādiri. WorldCat.
SOUTH SUDAN. Independent 2011. Previously part of Sudan.
SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE. Independent 1975. Formerly Portugese colony 1493-1975
São Tomé and Príncipe. Fernandes, Valentim. 1494. - Printer. Early German printer. Dubious: made a map of Sao Tomé, but probably printing in Lisbon, not Africa.
SUDAN. Independent 1956.
Bremersdorp. Servite Fathers. 1934-1936. Publishers. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Bremersdorp. Shirley Memorial Press. 1919-1979. Printers. Printed for the Churh of the Nazarene, 1919-1979. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Bremersdorp. Times of Swazieland Printing and Publishing Works. 1897. - Printers and Publishers. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Mbabane. Government Printer. 1912+. - Printer and publisher. Printed Statutes of Swaziland. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Mbabane. High Commission Printing and Publishong Co. 1906-1956. Printers and publishers. Printed Swaziland census. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Mbabane. Swaziland Mining Commercial and Industrial Chamber. 1907. - Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Mbabane. Times of Swaziland. 1903- Newspaper. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
SWAZILAND. Independent 1968. Formerly British colony.
TANZANIA. Independent 1964. Formerly British colony. Previously German East Africa. Checked to 1890.
Bagamoyo. Notre-Dame de Bagamoyo. 1881. - Printers and publishers. Imprimerie de la Mission, 1881. Sources: WorldCat.
Bukumbi. Mission des lacs Nianza. 1882-1953. Publisher. Journal du poste de Notre-Dame de Kamoga dans le Bukumbi. Sources: WorldCat (2016).
Dar es Salaam. Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Zeitung. 1899. - Publisher. Sources: WorldCat.
Dar es Salaam. Government printer. 1920-1954. Printer and publisher. Ordinances, proclamations, etc., by Tanganyika administration. - [Dar es Salaam, Tanganyika : Govt. Printer, 1920]. - Database: WorldCat.
DAR ES SALAAM. Imprints recorded 1892. Sources: WorldCat.
Dar-es-Salaam. Richter, W. 1896. - Publisher. Swahili-Sprachfu¨hrer, by Walter von St Paul-Jllaire. - Dar-es-Salaam : W. Richter, 1896. - Database: WorldCat.
Moshi. Church Missionary Society's Station. 1892. - Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
Zanzibar. al-Matba'ah al-Sultaniyah. 1880-1883. Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
Zanzibar. Central African Mission. 1884. - Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
Zanzibar. English Church Mission. 1865. - Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
Zanzibar. Mission catholique. 1887. - Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
Zanzibar. Mission des P. P. du St Esprit. 1891-1893. Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
Zanzibar. Mission House. 1875. - Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
Zanzibar. Notre-Dame de Bagamoyo. 1881. - Imprimerie de la mission. Imprints: Worldcat.
Zanzibar. Universities Mission to Central Africa Press. 1872-1891. Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
ZANZIBAR. Local imprint 1867: Edward Steere's Collections for a Handbook of the Shambala Language.
Swahili Sprachfu¨hrer. Dar-es-Salaam. Richter, W. 1896. -
TOGO. Independent 1960. Formerly autonomous republic within the French Union 1957-1960, administered under British and French mandates 1918-1957. German colony 1884-1918.
TUNISIA. Independent 1956. Formerly French colony. Printing introduced by the French abbé François Bourgade in 1845 but it was short-lived. Sources: Mermier (2012).
Tunis. Bourgade, François. 1845. - Printer. First printer in Tunisia but the press was short-lived. Sources: Mermier (2012).
Tunis. Mohammed Bey. 1857. - Printer. Succeeded by Sadok Bey. Sources: Mermier (2012).
Tunis. Sadok Bey. 1860. - Printer. Succeeded by Mohammed Bey. Set up the official Tunisian printing house. Sources: Mermier (2012).
UGANDA. Independent 1962. Formerly British colony.
Entebbe. Government Printer. 1912. - Printer and publisher. An account of insects injurious to economic products and their control by C C Gowdey; Uganda Protectorate. Department of Agriculture. - Entebbe : Printed by the Government Printer, 1912. - Database: WorldCat.
Entebbe. Government Printing Office. 1902. - Printer and publisher. Report on sleeping sickness, by Aubrey D P Hodges. - Entebbe : Government Printing Office , 1902. - Database: WorldCat.
Entebbe. Govt. Printer. 1911?-1953?. Printer and publisher. Law reports, containing cases determined by the High Court of Uganda by Uganda High Court. - [Entebbe] : Printed by the Govt. Printer, Uganda, [1911?-1953?]. - Database: WorldCat.
Entebbe. Uganda protectorate. 1903. - Publisher. The Cultivation, preparation, etc. of native products in Uganda, by Uganda Protectorate administration. - Entebbe : Uganda protectorate, 1903. - Database: WorldCat.
Entebbe. Uganda Protectorate. 1908+. - Publisher. The Official Gazette of the Uganda Protectorate. - Entebbe : Uganda Protectorate , 1908-. - Database: WorldCat.
Kampala. Cameron, A. D. 1917. - Publisher. Uganda volunteers and the war. - Kampala, A.D. Cameron, 1917. - Database: WorldCat.
Kampala. Department of Agriculture. 1914. - Publisher. Cotton cultivation, by Uganda Department of Agriculture. - Kampala [Uganda] : Issued by the Dept. of Agriculture, 1914. - Database: WorldCat.
Kampala. Mengo planters. 1917. - Publisher. A brief account of the most important agricultural pests of Uganda, by C C Gowdey. - Kampala : Mengo planters, 1917. - Database: WorldCat.
Kampala. Nsambya. 1919. - Publisher. Eene beknopte geschiedenis van het apostolisch vicariaat von den Boven-Nijl Uganda, by John Henry Mary Biermans, Bp. of Gargara. - Kampala : Nsambya, [1919]. - Database: WorldCat.
Kampala. Uganda Print. and Pub. Co. 1918. - Printer and publisher. Ekitabo kye mpisa za Baganda, by Sir Apolo Kagwa. - Kampala, Uganda Print. and Pub. Co., 1918. - The customs of Baganda in the Luganda language. - Database: WorldCat.
Kampala. Uganda Survey Department. 1920. - Printer and publisher. Map of Eastern Province, by Uganda Survey Department. - [Kampala] : Uganda Survey Dept., 1920. - Database: WorldCat.
Mengo. [s.n.]. 1900-1901. Printer. Mengo Notes 1900-1901.. - Mengo, Uganda : [s.n.], 1900-1901. - Database: WorldCat.
Mengo. A.K. Press. 1905? - Printer and publisher. Ekitabo ky'ekika kya nsenen the history of the Grasshopper clan, by Sir Apolo Kagwa. - Mengo, Uganda, A.K. Press [1905?]. - Database: WorldCat.
Mengo. Church Missionary Society Industrial Mission. 1902. - Printer and publisher. Uganda notes. - Mengo [Uganda] : Printed at the C.M.S. Industrial Mission, [1902]-. - Database: WorldCat.
Natete. Church Missionary Society Mission Press. 1887. - Printer and publisher. Enjiri Eyawandikibwa Matayo, by Alexander Murdoch Mackay. - Natete, Uganda : C.M.S. Mission Press], 1887. - Database: WorldCat.
ZAMBIA. Independent 1964. Formerly Northern Rhodesia. WorldCat checked to 1910.
Fort Jameson? North-Eastern Rhodesia Administration Press. 1908? Printer. .
Fwambo. Livingstonia Mission Press. 1891. - Printer. Imprints: Worldcat.
Kalomo. North Western Rhodesia Lands Office. 1905. - Publisher. .
Livingstone. Administration Press. 1910. - Printer. Printed at the "Administration Press".
Livingstone. Government printer. 1910. - Printer. .
Livingstone. Moore, L. F. 1906+. - Newspaper printer. Livingstone mail.
Lusaka. Government Printer. 1911-1964. Printer. Official publications include: Government gazette. - Lusaka : Government Printer, 1911-1964. Ordinances of Northern Rhodesia. - Lusaka : Government Printer, 1925-. Sources: WorldCat.
LUSAKA. Printing recorded 1911.
ZIMBABWE. Independent 1980. Formerly Southern Rhodesia. WorldCat checked to 1910.
Bulawayo. Argus Printing and Publishing Co. 1889-1911. - Publisher. Official publications include: Orders in council, High Commissioner's proclamations and notices. African game. The order : Ungulata, 1898. The Bulawayo chronicle. - Bulawayo, Matabeleland : Printed and published by the Argus Printing and Publishing Co., 1897-1906. Sources: WorldCat.
Bulawayo. Bulawayo Public Library. 1908. - Publisher. Catalogue of the lending and reference departments.
Bulawayo. Goldfields of Matabeleland Ltd. 1896. - Publisher. Fletcher and Espin's Map of Matabeleland, by P. Fletcher and W. M. Espin. - Bulawayo : by the Goldfields of Matabeleland Ltd, Aug. 1 1896. Sources: WorldCat.
Bulawayo. Miller, T. Maskew. 1898. - Publisher. Also in Cape Town. The Mission that failed! A tale of the raid & other poems reprinted from the "Owl," etc. by Edgar Wallace. - Cape Town ; Bulawayo : T. Maskew Miller, 1898. Sources: WorldCat.
Bulawayo. Norris-Newman, C. L. 1894. - Publisher. Matabeleland news and mining record.
Bulawayo. Platnauer. 1893? Stationer and newsagent. General plan of Bulawayo Township. - Bulawayo : Platnauer's, stationer and news agent, [1893?]. Sources: WorldCat.
Bulawayo. Rhodesia Printing and Publishing Co. 1894+. - Printer. The Buluwayo chronicle. - Buluwayo, Matabeleland : Rhodesia Print. & Pub. Co., 1894-. Sources: WorldCat.
Bulawayo. Rhodesia Review Co. 1894-1898. Publisher. The Rhodesia weekly review of men, mines, and money. - Bulawayo : Rhodesia Review, [1894?]-. Political reorganisation : a study towards Rhodesian self-government, by J. Mudie Thomson. - Bulawayo : Rhodesia Review Co., 1898. Sources: WorldCat. Source: WorldCat.
Bulawayo. Times Printing Works. 1897. - Printer. From ox-waggon to railway; being a brief history of Rhodesia and the Matabele nation, by A Boggie. - Bulawayo, "Times" printing works, 1897. Sources: WorldCat.
Bulawayo. Wallenstein, W. F. 1894-1899. Publisher. The Matabeleland times and mining journal. - Bulawayo : W.F. Wallenstein, 1894-1899. Sources: WorldCat.
BULAWAYO. Printing recorded 1889.
Harare. Argus Printing and Publishing Co. 1892-1902. Printer and publisher. The Rhodesia herald. - Salisbury, Mashuanaland : Argus Print. and Pub. Co., 1892-1978. British South Africa Company government gazette, 1894-. The diet of native labourers : a lecture read before the Rhodesia Scientific Association Salisbury Branch, at Salisbury, Rhodesia, 25th April, 1902, by Joseph Millerd Orpen. - Salisbury, Rhodesia : Argus Print. and Pub. Co., 1902. Sources: WorldCat.
Harare. British South Africa Company. 1896-1898. Publisher. The statute law of Southern Rhodesia : (From the charter to December 31, 1898.). - Salisbury, Rhodesia : British South Africa Company, 1898. Sources: WorldCat.
Harare. Government Printer 1889. - Printer. .
HARARE. Formerly Salisbury to 1962. Printing recorded 1892. WorldCat checked to 1902.
Mutare. Umtali advertiser. 1893+. - Newspaper. .
Tuli. Hayles, Herbert. 1892+. - Newspaper printer. Rhodesia Chronicle and Mashonaland Advertiser.

This page last updated 29 June 2020