14 October 2013

Sabine Baring-Gould Library: 3.

Sabine Baring-Gould's Library. 3. Authors/titles C-D.

Cabell, James Branch. - Beyond Life; Dizain des Démiurges. - New York: Boni and Liveright , 1919. - MS. - LEW 67

Cabell, James Branch. - The cream of the jest: a comedy of evasions. - London: John Lane Bodley Head , 1923. - LEW 62

Cabell, James Branch. - The line of love. - New York: Harper & Brothers , 1905. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Cabell, James Branch. - Something about Eve: a comedy of fig-leaves. - New York: Robert M.McBride & Co. , 1927. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Cabinet ... - The cabinet cabinet cyclopediA London? , 1831. - DRO 5203M/11

Cabinet ... - Cabinet cyclopaediA London , 1832. - 31 vols. - Incomplete. - EXU H01:01-H04:01

Cabinet ... - Cabinet cyclopaedia. Vol. 3, by Dionysius Lardner. - London , 1838. - MS: Mrs Baring Gould 1843. - DRO 5203M/26

Cabinet ... - Cabinet cyclopaedia. Vol. 5. - London , 1835. - DRO 5203M/26

Cabinet ... - Le. - cabinet des fées ou collection choisie des contes des fées et autres contes merveilleux. Tome 1. - Amsterdam : et se trouve a Paris, rue et hotel Serpente , 1785. - Edited by Charles-Joseph Mayer. - DRO 5203M/12

Cabinet ... - Le. - cabinet des fées ou collection choisie des contes des fées et autres contes merveilleux. Tome 31. - Amsterdam : et se trouve a Paris, rue et hotel Serpente , 1786. - Edited by Charles-Joseph Mayer. - DRO 5203M/15

Cabinet ... - Le. - cabinet des fées ou collection choisie des contes des fées et autres contes merveilleux. Tome 33. - Amsterdam : et se trouve a Paris, rue et hotel Serpente , 1786?. - Edited by Charles-Joseph Mayer. - EXU Supplement

Cabinet ... - Le. - cabinet des fées ou collection choisie des contes des fées et autres contes merveilleux. Tome 7. - Amsterdam : et se trouve a Paris, rue et hotel Serpente , 1785. - Edited by Charles-Joseph Mayer. - DRO 5203M/15

Cabinet ... - Le. - cabinet des fées ou collection choisie des contes des fées et autres contes merveilleux. Tomes 4,9,11,12,18-20,34. - Amsterdam : et se trouve a Paris, rue et hotel Serpente , 1785-1789. - Edited by Charles-Joseph Mayer. - EXU J26

Cabinet ... - Le. - cabinet des fées ou collection choisie des contes des fées et autres contes merveilleux. Tomes 5,6,10,13-17,21-23,25-28,30,32,35,37. - Amsterdam : et se trouve a Paris, rue et hotel Serpente , 1785-1789. - Edited by Charles-Joseph Mayer. - EXU P08

Cabinet ... - Le. - cabinet des fées ou colletion choisie des contes des fées et autres contes merveilleux. Tome 2. - Amsterdam : et se trouve a Paris, rue et hotel Serpente , 1785. - Edited by Charles-Joseph Mayer. - DRO 5203M/01

Cabinet... - Le. - cabinet des fées ou collection choisie des contes des fées et autres contes merveilleux. Tome 8. - Amsterdam : et se trouve a Paris, rue et hotel Serpente , 1785. - Edited by Charles-Joseph Mayer. - LEW 24

Cabot, James Elliot (1821-1903). - A memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson. - Boston , 1888. - 2 vols. - EXU G02

Caesar, Caius Julius. - Commentarii de bello Gallico, with notes by George Long. New ed. - London: Whittaker & Co. , 1875. - LEW 58

Cahier, Ch.(le P.). - Caracteristiques des saints. - Paris , 1867. - EXU Q07

Caine, Hall. - The master of man: the story of a sin. - London: Cassell & Co. , 1927?. - LEW 75

Caine, Hall, Sir (1853-1931). - King Albert's book : a tribute to the Belgian king and people / edited by Sir Caine Hall. - London : Daily Telegraph , 1914. - 2 books. - EXU J28

Calamy, Edmund. - an abridgement of Mr Barter's history of his life and times. - London , 1702. - EXU Q04

Calliope ... - Calliope: or the musical miscellany, a select collection of the most approved English, Scots and Irish songs set to music. - London: C.Elliot and T.Kay , 1788. - LEW 31?

Cambrian Archaeological Association. - Archaeologia Cambrensis: Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological. - London , 1898-1911. - 8 vol. - 5 ser 3 v 1898-1900, index to 5 ser 1884-1900, 6 ser 11v 1901-11. - EXU E08

Cambrian Archaeological Association. - Journal. - , 1903?. - Contents page, lists articles by Sabine Baring Gould and R.Burnard. - DRO 5203M/33

Camerarius, Joachimus. - Commentarius de generibus divinationum ac graecis latinisque earum vocabulis. - Lipsiae; Johannes Steinman , 1576. - LEW 21

Cameron, Katharine. - The flowers I love : a series of twenty-four drawings in colour with an anthology of flower poems. - London : T.C. & E.C.Jack? , 1916?. - colour ill.. - EXU H13

Campbell, J.F. - Popular tales of the West Highlands. - Edinburgh , 1860. - 2 vols.. - EXU N12

Campbell, O.D. - English folk songs from the southern Appalachians / +. - New York , 1917. - O.D.Campbell & C.J.Sharpe. - EXU M13

Cantlie, James. - First aid to the injured. 25th ed. - London: St. John Ambulance Association , 1914. - LEW 43

Capell Brook, A.de. - Brooke's travels to the North Cape. - EXU Supplement

Capes, W.W. - The Roman empire of the second century or the age of the antonines. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1876. - LEW 74

Carew, Bampfylde Moore. - an apology for the life. - London , 1775. - EXU M12

Carleton, William. - Father Butler: the Lough Dearg pilgrim. 2nd ed. - Dublin: William Curry jun & Co. , 1839. - LEW 42

Carlyle. - Works. - London? , 18--. - DRO 5203M/11

Carlyle, Thomas. - The early kings of Norway. - London? , 18--. - DRO 5203M/19

Carlyle, Thomas. - Essays. Vols. 1-2 & 3-4. - London? , 18--. - 2 vols. - DRO 5203M/19

Carlyle, Thomas. - The French Revolution, a history by Thomas Carlyle. Volume 1. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; no. 31. History [series]. Reprinted 1917. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Carlyle, Thomas. - The French Revolution, a history by Thomas Carlyle. Volume 2. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; no. 32. History [series]. Reprinted 1918. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Carlyle, Thomas. - The French revolution. Vols 1-2. - London? , 18--. - DRO 5203M/19

Carlyle, Thomas. - The history of Friedrich II, commonly called Frederick the Great. Vols 3-4 & 5-6. - London? , 18--. - 2 vols. - DRO 5203M/19

Carlyle, Thomas. - Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. Vol. 1 & 2. - London? , 18--. - DRO 5203M/19

Carlyle, Thomas. - Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. Vol. 3. - London? , 18--. - DRO 5203M/02

Carlyle, Thomas. - Sartor resartus. - New York. - EXU Q04

Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881). - Past and present. - , 1843?. - EXU F08

Carmoly, E. - Histoire des medicins Juifs anciens et modernes. Vol. 1. - Bruxelles: Société encyclographie des sciences medicales , 1844. - LEW 64

Carpenter, William B. - animal physiology. New ed. - London: Bell & Daldy , 1867. - LEW 44

Carrol, Lewis. - Alice's adventures in wonderland. New ed. - New York: Macmillan , 1897. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 45

Carrol, Lewis. - Sylvie and Bruno concluded. - London: Macmillan and Co. , 1898. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 58

Carroll, Lewis. - Sylvie and Bruno. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1898. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 58

Carroll, Lewis. - Through the looking-glass. - London , 1872. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/26

Cartailhac, Emile. - LA France préhistorique d'après les sépultures et les monuments. - Paris: Félix Alcan , 1889. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 43

Carter, E. - Nature stories for little folk, by E.Carter and E.Field. - London: Frederick Warne and Co. , 1900?. - Sabine Baring Gould MS. - LEW 68

Cary, Henry. - Herodotus. - London , 1870. - Bohn's classical library. - DRO 5203M/20

Casparem, Calvor. - Saxonia Inferior antiqua gentilis et christiana (heidnischer und christlicher Nieder-Sachsen Odgens. - , 1714. - red preface. - EXU A07

Cassel, P. - Literatur und Geschichte. - Berlin , 1885. - EXU Q05

Cassel, P. - Literatur und Symbolik. - Leipzig , 1884. - EXU Q05

Cassell. - Cassell's new German-English English-German dictionary. - EXU Supplement

Cassell. - New German dictionary. - EXU A.H.Efford

Cassell's ... - Cassell's history of England. Special ed. Vol. 6. - London: Cassell's , 18--. - DRO 5203M/27

Cassell's ... - Cassell's history of England. Vols. 1, 7. - London: Cassell's , 18--. - DRO 5203M/11

Cassius Dio Cocceianus (150-235). - Cassius Dio's roemische Geschichte / uebersetzt von Leonhard Tafel. - Stuttgart : J.B.Metzler , 1831-39. - EXU F05

Castelnau, Michael de. - Memoirs of the reigns of Francis II and Charles IX of France. - London , 1724. - EXU A07

Castle, Agnes & Egerton. - The hope of the house. - London: Cassell & Co. , 1900?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Castle, Egerton. - Young April. - New York: Macmillan Co. , 1899. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Castren, Aatthias Alexander (1813-1852). - Nordische Reisen und Forschungen. - St Petersburg : Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften , 1853-56. - 2 vols. - EXU H19

Catalogue ... - Catalogue des monuments historiques du Morbihan jugés dignes d'être décrits et conservés redigé par ... la Société Archéologique. - Vannes: Imprimerie de J.-M.Galles , 1856. - LEW 38/65

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française. 2e année, année 1877. - Paris: O. Lorenze , 1877. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française. 3e année, année 1878. - Paris: O. Lorenze , 1878. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française. 4e année, année 1879. - Paris: O. Lorenze , 1879. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française. 5e année, année 1880. - Paris: O. Lorenze , 1880. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française. 6e année, année 1881. - Paris: O. Lorenze , 1881. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française. 7e année, année 1882. - Paris: O. Lorenze , 1882. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française. 8e année, année 1883. - Paris: O. Lorenze , 1883. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par K. Nilsson. 10e année, année 1885. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1885. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par K. Nilsson. 11e année, année 1886. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1886. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par K. Nilsson. 9e année, année 1884. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1884. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par la Librairie Nilsson. 12e année, année 1887. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1887. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par la Librairie Nilsson. 13e année, année 1888. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1888. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par la Librairie Nilsson. 14e année, année 1889. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1889. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par la Librairie Nilsson. 15e année, année 1890. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1890. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par la Librairie Nilsson. 16e année, année 1891. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1891. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par la Librairie Nilsson. 17e année, année 1892. - Paris: K. Nilsson , 1892. - MS notes by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 18e année, année 1893. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1893. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 19e année, année 1894. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1894. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 20e année, année 1895. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1895. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 21e année, année 1896. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1896. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 22e année, année 1897. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1897. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 25e année, année 1900. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1900. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 26e année, année 1901. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1901. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 27e année, année 1902. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1902. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 28e année, année 1903. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1903. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue mensuel de la Librairie Française; fondé par O. Lorenz continué par La Librairie Nilsson. 29e année, année 1904. - Paris: Librairie Nilsson , 1904. - LEW 78

Catalogue ... - Catalogue of English broadside ballads. - London: J.R.Smith , 1856. - EXU M13

Cather, WillA . - Death comes for the archbishop. - New York: Alfred A.Knopf , 1927. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Cather, WillA The professor's house. - New York: Alfred A.Knopf , 1925. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Cato, Dionysius. - Cato's letters. Vol. 2. - London: W.Wilkins [&c] , 1723. - Wm Baring Gould label. MS: Edw Gould. - LEW 31

Cato, Dionysius. - Cato's letters. Vol. 3. - London: W.Wilkins [&c] , 1724. - Wm Baring Gould label. MS: Edw Gould, Elisa Gould. - LEW 31

Cato, Dionysius. - Cato's letters. Vol. 4. - London: T.Wilkins [&c] , 1724. - Wm Baring Gould label. MS: Edw Gould. - LEW 31

Catrou, P.F. - Histoire du fanatisme (des anabaptistes). - Paris , 1733. - 2 vols. - EXU L01

Catullus, Gaius Valerius. - Poems, translated: W.K. Kelly / Catullus & Tibullus. - Bell , 1897. - EXU A01

Caulfield, S.G. - Lives of the holy apostles, with introduction by S.Baring-Gould. - London , 1886. - EXU G11

Causes ... - Causes amusantes. - Berlin , 1769-70. - 2 vols. - EXU M05

Cave, William (1637-1713). - Scriptorum eccesiasticorum historia literariA London : typis T.H., impensis Richardi Chiswell , 1688. - EXU G07

Caveau ... - Le. - caveau moderne: ou le rocher de Cancalle, chansonnier de table. Tome 1er. - Paris: Journal de l'Epicurien Franthais , 1807. - LEW 21

Caveau ... - Le. - caveau moderne: ou le rocher de Cancalle, chansonnier de table. Tome 3me. - Paris: Journal de l'Epicurien Franthais , 1809. - LEW 21

Caveau ... - Le. - caveau moderne: ou le rocher de Cancalle, chansonnier de table. Tome 5me. - Paris: Journal de l'Epicurien Franthais , 1811. - With music. - LEW 21

Caveau ... - Le. - caveau moderne: ou le rocher de Cancalle, chansonnier de table. Tome 6me. - Paris: Journal de l'Epicurien Franthais , 1812. - With music. - LEW 21

Caveau ... - Le. - caveau moderne: ou le rocher de Cancalle, chansonnier de table. Tome 7me. - Paris: Journal de l'Epicurien Franthais , 1813. - With music. - LEW 21

Cavendish (Henry Jones 1831-99). - The laws and principles of whist. 13th ed. - London: Thomas de la Rue & Co. , 1881. - LEW 45

Cecile. - Memoires. - Paris , 1751. - 4 vols. - EXU M05

Cederschi÷ld, Gustaf. - Fornsögur Sudhrlanda: Magus Saga Jarls, Konradhs Saga, Baerings Saga, Flovents Saga, Bevers Saga, med inledning. - Lund: Fr. Berling , 1884. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 28

Century ... - The century cyclopedia of names. Vol. 2, edited by Benjamin E.Smith. - New York , 1895. - Front cover missing. - DRO 5203M/21

Century ... - The century dictionary and cyclopedia. Vol. 2; vol. 6. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 19--. - DRO 5203M/03

Century ... - The century dictionary and cyclopedia. Vols. 1, 4, 5, 8. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 19--. - DRO 5203M/07

Century ... - The century dictionary, edited by W.D.Whitney. Vol. 7. - New York , 1895. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO ? Check

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. - Don Quixote ... some account of the author's life by Dr Smollett. - London: Cooke , 1799?. - 5 vols. (missing 1st), P.8vo. - EXU C09

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. - The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saaverdra:Vol 1: introduction by J.G. Lockhart. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; no. 885. Romance [series]. Reprinted 1919. Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. - The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saaverdra:Vol 1: introduction by J.G. Lockhart. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; no. 885. Romance [series]. Reprinted 1916. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. - The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saaverdra:Vol 2: introduction by J.G. Lockhart. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1909. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Romance [series]. Reprinted 1914. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. - The history of Don Quixote de la Mancha. Vol. 2. - London: J.M.Dent & Sons , 1919. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate Everyman's library; 386. - LEW 74

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. - Novelas exemplares. Nueva impresion. Tomo 1. - Madrid: antonio de Sancha , 1783. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 24

Chabas, F. - Etudes sur l'antiquite historique. - Paris , 1873. - EXU E10

Chaffers, W. - Gilda aurifabrorum. - London , 1883. - EXU K12

Chaffers, W. - Hall marks on gold and silver plate. - London , 1883. - EXU K12

Chamberlain, Arthur Bensley (1859-1931). - George Romney. - London , 1910. - ill.. - EXU J35

Chambers, R. - The Scottish ballads. - Edinburgh , 1829. - EXU M12

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - Ailsa Page. - New York and London , 1910. - ill... - EXU D10

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The cambric mask. - New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co. , 1899. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - Cardigan New York: A.L.Burt Co. , 1901. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The conspirators. - New York: Harper & Brothers , 1899. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The danger mark. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1914. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The fighting chance. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1906. - LEW 68

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The firing line. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1908. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The girl PhilippA New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1916. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 82

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The happy parrot. - London: Cassell & Co. , 1929. - LEW 78

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The hidden children. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1914. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 52

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - In the quarter. - London: Constable & Co. , 1914. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - Japonette. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1912. - Ex libris Denman Frederic Johnson, Gertrude Linton Johnson. - LEW 77

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The king in yellow. - London: Constable & Co. , 1916. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. First issued 1909. - LEW 75

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - Lorraine. - New York: A.L.Burt Co. , 1897. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 78

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The maid-at-arms. - New York: A.L.Burt Co. , 1902. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The maids of paradise. - New York: A.L.Burt Co. , 1903. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The maids of paradise. - New York: A.L.Burt Co. , 1903. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 45

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The reckoning. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1905. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 73

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - Special messenger. - London: T.Werner Laurie , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The streets of Ascalon: episodes inthe unfinished career of Richard Quarren, Esqr., with ilustrations by Charles Dana Gibson. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1912. - Ex libris Denman Frederic Johnson; Gertrude Linton Johnson. - LEW 73

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - Who goes there!. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1915. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 47

Chambers, Robert William (1865-1933). - The younger set. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1914. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Chambers, W. - Stories of remarkable persons. - Edinburgh: W. & R.Chambers , 1878. - LEW 72

Chamisso, Adelbert von. - The shadowless man: or the wonderful history of peter Schlemihl. - London: James Burns , 1845. - LEW 73

Champfleury (Jules Husson). - Le. - violon de fa´ence. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1900?. - LEW 27

Champion de Crespigny, Mrs Philip. - The mischief of a glove. - London: T.Fisher Unwin , 1903. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Champneys, Adelaide Mary. - This day's madness, by the author of The house made with hands. - London: Arrowsmith , 1926. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 58

Chap ... - [Chap books, contents separately listed]. - , 18--. - 3 vols.. - DRO 7960

Chapin, anna Alice. - The eagle's mate. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1914. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Chappell, W. - The ballad literature and popular music of the olden time. - London , 1855. - 2 vols. - EXU M06

Characteristicks ... - Characteristicks. Vol. 3. Miscellaneous reflections. - [London?] , 1714. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 21

Charpentier, Gustave. - Louise: roman musical en quatre actes et cinq tableaux. - Paris: Au Ménestrel , 1900. - LEW 27

Charteris, Leslie. - Saint overboard. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1930s. - Later addition. - DRO 5203M/05

Chassang, A . - Histoire du roman Paris , 1862. - EXU M11

Chaudon, Louis Mayeul (1737-1817). - Historical and critical memoirs of the life and writings of Voltaire. - Dublin : L.White , 1786. - EXU H17

Chauffour-Kestner. - Ulrich von Hutten, imperial poet and orator; the great knightly reformer of the 16th century. Translated ... by Archibald Young. - Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark , 1863. - Translated from Etudes sur les reformateurs du 16me siÞcle. - LEW 53

Cheltnam, Chares Smith. - A lesson in love: a comedy in three acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 960. 38/98/36. - LEW 38/98

Cherrill, Maud. - Padstow lights: poems. - Oxford: Scrivener Press , 1949. - MS: Cicely Briggs Oct. 3rd. 1949. - LEW 73

Chesnel de la Charbouclais, Louis P.F.A. marquis. - Dictionnaire des superstitions. - Paris , 1856. - EXU D13

Chester ... - The Chester garland in four parts. - [London]: J.Pitts, 14 Great St. andrew Street , 1815?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/048 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Chester, George Randolph. - Get-rich-quick Wallingford: a cheerful account of the rise and falll of a business buccaneer. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1912. - MS: Sabine Linton Baring-Gould. - LEW Boxes from USA

Chester, John Lord Bishop of. - an exposition of the Creed. - London , 1723. - EXU J28

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope (1694-1773). - The elements of a polite education / carefully selected by G.Gregory. - London : printed for R.Philips , 1800. - EXU H21

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl. - Letters. - London , 1774. - 2 vols. - EXU Q07

Chesterton, G.K. - Wine, water and song: poems. - 10th ed. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1919. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. - A short history of England. - London , 1918. - EXU P13

Chiarini, L.(l'Abbé). - Le. - Talmud de Babylone. - Leipzig , 1831. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU P10

Child, F.J. - The English and Scottish popular ballads, limited edition. - Boston , 1882-98. - 10 vols. - EXU N08

Children's ... - Children's encyclopaedia, edited by Arthur Mee. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1920?. - EXU J25

Children's ... - Children's encyclopaedia, edited by Arthur Mee. Vol. 7. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1920?. - DRO 5203M/23

Children's ... - The children's encyclopedia, edited by Arthur Mee. Vol. 1. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1920?. - DRO 5203M/03

Children's ... - The children's encyclopedia, edited by Arthur Mee. Vol. 2. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1920?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/21

Children's ... - The children's encyclopedia, edited by Arthur Mee. Vol. 2. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1920?. - DRO 5203M/13

Children's ... - The children's encyclopedia, edited by Arthur Mee. Vol. 3. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1920?. - DRO 5203M/21

Children's ... - The children's encyclopedia, edited by Arthur Mee. Vol. 4. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1920?. - MS p. 1939: Miss Baring Gould, Wimbledon. - DRO 5203M/21

Children's ... - The children's encyclopedia, edited by Arthur Mee. Vols. 2, 5, 6. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1920?. - DRO 5203M/10

Children's ... - Children's magazine, edited by Arthur Mee. - , 1911. - DRO 5203M/03

Children's ... - Children's magazine, edited by Arthur Mee. Vol. 6. - EXU J25

Children's ... - Children's magazine, edited by Arthur Mee. Vols. 5, 9. - , 19--. - DRO 5203M/10

Children's ... - Children's missionary hymn-book / edited by Edgar Petman , 1927. - DRO 5203M/36

Chiselhurst ... - Chiselhurst Church, Kent. - , 1857. - p. 463-466. - From: Churchman's companion, 1st ser, vol. 21, 464, June 1857. - DRO 5203M/32

Cholmondeley, Mary. - Prisoners. - London: Hutchinson & Co. , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Chompré, M. - Dictionnaire abrégé de la fable. Nouvelle ed. - Paris: Chez les Libraires Associés , 1798. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Chope, R.R. - Carols for use in church (introd. S.Baring-Gould). - London , 1894. - 2 copies. - EXU M04

Chopin, Frederick. - Complete works for the piano. Book 9: Preludes. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Music score. - DRO 5203M/16

Christian ... - Christian remembrancer. - London , 1845-47. - 2 vols. - EXU Q05

Christian ... - Christian remembrancer, vols. 1-8. - London , 1841-44. - 8 vols. - EXU J15

Christian ... - The Christian remembrancer: a quarterly review. Vol 21: January-June. - London: J. & C.Mozley , 1851. - LEW 73

Christian ... - Christian year: thoughts in verse for Sundays and holydays. - Oxford , 1845. - EXU M03

Christison, D. - Early fortifications in Scotland. - Edinburgh , 1898. - ill.. - EXU G05

Christmas ... - Christmas recreations. - [London]: T.Batchelar, 115, Long Alley, Moorfields , 1825?. - 1 sheet. - Three carols and doxology. - DRO Broadsides/010 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Church ... - The church and the world: essays on questions of the day. - London? , 1866. - DRO 5203M/18

Church ... - The church hymnal. - London: Novello & Co. , 1917?. - LEW 43

Church ... - [Church: unidentified photograph]. - [Photograph] , 1900?. - DRO 5203M/32

Church ... - [Church: unidentified photograph]. - [Photograph] , 1900?. - DRO 5203M/32

Church of England. - Book of common prayer. - Cambridge , 1748. - EXU K14

Church of England. - The book of common prayer. - Cambridge: John Baskerville , 1760. - Plate of Ed Gould. MS: Mary Hopwood bought att Birmingham 1760. - LEW 35

Church of England. - The book of common prayer. - London: Eyre & Spottiswoode , 1881?. - LEW 21

Church of England. - The book of common prayer. - Oxford: University Press , 1910?. - MS: Sabine Baring-Gould Oct 1911. - LEW 21

Church of England. - The book of common prayer. - Oxford: University Press , 1923?. - LEW 45

Church of England. - Book of common prayer. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , 1970<. - Note. (Given to St. Peter's Church, Lew Trenchard). - LEW 62

Church of England. - Book of Common Prayer in Welsh and English. - Rhydychen: , 1892. - MS. - LEW 62

Church of England. - [Book of readings for the church year]. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1880?. - Lacks titlepage. - LEW 73

Church of England. - The order of morning and evening prayer. - Rugby: George E.Over , 1912. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 43

Church, Charles. - Old Artillery Ground. A copy of verses for 1855, humbly presented to the worthy inhabitants by Charles Church, Beadle ... - London: Reynell and White, 16, Little Pultemey St. , 1854]. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/094 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Churchill, Winston. - The dwelling-place of light. - Macmillan and Co. , 1917. - LEW 54

Churchill, Winston. - A far country. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1915. - LEW 54

Churchill, Winston. - A modern chronicle. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1910. - Novel. - LEW 42

Churchill, Winston. - Mr. Crewe's career. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1908. - LEW 54

Churchill, Winston. - Richard Carvel. New ed. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1914. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. Fiction. - LEW 77

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. - Pensées de Cicéron, traduites ... par M. l'Abbé d'Olivet. - Lyon: Tournachon-Molin , 1804. - MS: W.Baring Gould. - LEW 11

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. - The treatises of M.T.Cicero / literally translated chiefly by ... C.D.Yonge. - London : Bohn (?) , 1853 (?). - EXU J32

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl. - The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England. - Oxford , 1843. - 2 vols.. - EXU J19

Clark, H. - an introduction to heraldry. - London , 1873. - EXU G11

Clarkson, Thomas. - A portraiture of Quakerism ... In 3 vols. Vol 3. 2nd ed. - London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme , 1807. - LEW 54

Classical ... - [Classical dictionary]. - [London]: [John Murray] , 1850?. - Lacks title-page. 474p. - LEW 82

Clay, R.M. - The hermits and anchorites of England. - London , 1914. - ill.. - EXU G02

Clemens, S.L. (Mark Twain). - Works. - London , 1904-17. - 10 vols. - EXU D.R.

Clifton, E. - Nouveau dictionnaire anglais-français et français-anglais. Partie anglaise-française. Nouvelle ed. - Paris: Garnier frÞres , 1920. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 45

Cloquhoun, J.C. - an history of magic, witchcraft and animal magnetism. - London , 1851. - 2 vols. - EXU P04

Clouston, J.Storer. - Count Bunker [continuation of The lunatic at large]. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons , 1906. - MS: Baring Gould. - LEW Boxes from USA

Clouston, J.Storer. - The lunatic at large: a novel. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons , 1915. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Cobbett, William. - A grammar of the English language. - London , 1836. - EXU Q04

Cobden Club. - Systems of land tenure. - London , 1870. - EXU K11

Codman, John Thomas. - Brook Farm: historic and personal memoirs. - Boston: Arena , 1894. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. Account of a rural community. - LEW 42

Codrington, Thomas. - Roman roads in Britain. Early Britain. - London: Society for Promotion of Christian Knwledge , 1903. - LEW 68

Coelebs ... - Coelebs in search of a wife: comprehending observations on domestic habits and manners ... 6th ed. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. - London: T.Cadell & W.Davies , 1809. - MS: Wm Baring Gould. - LEW 48

Cohen-Portheim. - angleterre: ¯le inconnue, traduit de l'allemand par Alice Cuénod. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1910?. - LEW 57

Coke, Roger. - A detection of the court and state of England during the last four reigns and the interrgnum. In 2 vols. - London: printed in the year , 1694. - LEW 35

Colby, F.T. - Pedigrees of five Devonshire families. - Exeter , 1884. - EXU B11

Cole, B. - The gear and the bragrie o't. B.Cole sculp. - [London]: [s.n.] , 1760?. - 1 sheet. - Sheet of engraved music. - DRO Broadsides/025 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Coleman, W.S. - British butterflies. - London , 1860. - colour ill.. - EXU H13

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. - The poems. - London: Henry Frowde Oxford University Press , 1912. - MS: Sabine Xmas 1912. - LEW 77

Collection ... - A collection of old Scottish songs; called, The Haughs of Cromdale, to which is added, Jenny's bawbee, and Young Jamie. - Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers , 1828. - 8p. - DRO Trans Feb 2011

Collection ... - A collection of songs, &c. containing Captain Mulligan, The bold dragoon, Will watch, Ay, my heart, why wildly beating, [...]. - Edinburgh : Printed for the booksellers , 1825?. - 8p. - DRO Trans Feb 2011

College of Arms. - Visitiation of Devonshire 1564, edited by F.T.Colby. - London? , 1881. - DRO 5203M/06

Collier, J. - Essays upon several moral subjects. - London , 1703. - EXU J27

Collier, P. - The West in the East. - London , 1911. - EXU J35

Collier, R.P. - To the electors of Tavistock. - Tavistock: T.S.Chave, printer , 1857. - 1 sheet. - Dated: Western Circuit, Exeter, March 20th, 1857. - DRO Broadsides/033 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Collin de Plancy, J. - Les. - commandements de l'Eglise. - EXU Supplement

Collingwood, W.G. - Early Britain: Scandinavian Britain. - London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge , 1908. - LEW 58

Collins, Wilkie. - Armadale. - London: Smith, Elder & Co. , 1867. - LEW 42

Collins, Wilkie. - The moonstone. - New York: Lovell, Coryell & Co. , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marian Linton. - LEW 75

Colvin, Ian Duncan (1877-1938). - The life of Jameson. - London , 1922. - 2 vols. - EXU K08

Combe, William. - The first, second and third tour of Dr Syntax. - London. - 3 vols,col.plates T.Rowlandson. - EXU N14

Combe, William. - Tour of Dr Syntax. - EXU H12

Comber, T. - A Companion - Common Prayer. - London , 1679. - 3 vols. - EXU O01

Comedian's ... - The comedian's note-book; a budget of comic songs, parodies, tales, recitations, &c. - London: Printed for John Lowndes , 1825?. - p. 25-46. - DRO Ballads 4/04 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 4

Comic ... - Comic songs and recitations. Forming Mr. Merryman's magazine of miscellaneous mirth, ... - London: John Lowndes, 36, Bow Street , 1825?. - 36p [misbound]. - DRO Ballads 5/10 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 12

Comic ... - The comic songster. - Glasgow: Printed for the booksellers , 1850?. - 32p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/23 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 5

Comic ... - The concert comic songster. - Glasgow: Printed for the booksellers , 1850?. - 32p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/25 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 7

Comic ... - The concert songster. - Glasgow: Printed for the booksellers , 1850?. - 32p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/24 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 6

Committee of the United Kingdom Band of Hope Union. - Hymns and songs for Bands of Hope. Enlarged ed. - London: United Kingdom Band of Hope Union , 1900?. - LEW 63

Companion ... - Companion to the play-house. - London , 1764. - 2 vols. - EXU P09

Compère ... - Le. - compère Mathieu: ou les bigarrures se l'esprit humain. Nouvelle ed. Tome 1 [& 2]. - Hamburg: Fauche; Paris: Lepetit , 1793. - LEW 11

Compère ... - Le. - compère Mathieu: ou les bigarrures se l'esprit humain. Nouvelle ed. Tome 3e. - Hamburg: Fauche; Paris: Lepetit , 1792. - Lacks cover. - LEW 11

Compère ... - Le. - compère Mathieu: ou les bigarrures se l'esprit humain. Tome 3 [& 4e]. - Malthe: Aux Depens du Grand-Ma¯tre , 1793. - -1795. - LEW 11

Complete ... - The complete art of making the chemical fulminating objects, &c. &c. - London: Printed by W. Glindon, Rupert Street , 1814. - 34p. - DRO Ballads 4/08 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 5

Concina, F.D. - De spectaculis theatralibus. - Rome , 1754. - EXU J08

Concise ... - The concise Oxford dictionary of current English, adapted by H.W.Fowler and F.G.Fowler ... from the Oxford dictionary. 7th impr. - Oxford: Clarendon Press , 1919. - LEW 27

Conder, C.R. - Syrian stone-lore. - London , 1886. - ill.. - EXU K03

Constable, Frank Challice. - The curse of intellect. - Boston and London , 1895. - B.P. - EXU D10

Contes ... - Contes de la France contemporaine ... choisis par les anciens de Westminster City School sous la direction de W.M.Daniels. - London: George G.Harrap & Co. , 1917. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 73

Contes ... - Contes orientaux. - La Haye , 1743. - 2 vols. - EXU C08

Conway, Hugh. - Called back. - Bristol: J.W.Arrowsmith , 1912. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Conybeare, Edward. - Early Britain: Roman Britain. - London: SPCK , 1903. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 58

Coolidge, Susan . - Clover. - Boston: Roberts Brothers , 1888. - LEW 75

Coolidge, Susan A Guernsey lily. - Boston , 1881. - ill.. - EXU B10

Coolidge, Susan . - What Katie did: a story. - Boston: Roberts Brothers , 1876. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Cooper, C.H. - Athenae Cantabrigienses, by C.H.Cooper and T.Cooper. Vol 2. - Cambridge & London , 1861. - Damaged by damp. - DRO 5203M/26

Cooper, C.H. - Athenae Cantabrigienses, by C.H.Cooper and T.Cooper. Vol 2 & 3. - Cambridge & London , 1861. - Vol. 3 damaged by damp. - DRO 5203M/10

Cooper, C.H. - Athenae Cantabrigienses, by C.H.Cooper and T.Cooper. Vol. 8. - Edinburgh , 1879. - DRO 5203M/26

Cooper, J.Fennimore. - The red rover. By J.Fenimore Cooper. - Leeds: Johnson, publisher , 1889?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 1/03 ; Mf 4.3.1 fiche 3

Cooper, J.Fennimore. - The red rover. By J.Fenimore Cooper. Book II. - Leeds: Johnson, publisher , 1889?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 1/04 ; Mf 4.3.1 fiche 4

Coppée, Francois. - Contes choisis, edited by Margaret Skeat. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1912. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Corblet, J. - Revue de l'art chrétien. - Paris , 1868. - EXU G06

Cornaby, W.Arthur. - Let us pray: home-circle papers on the scince and art of supplication. 2nd ed. - London: Marshall Brothers , 1910?. - LEW 74

Corneille, Pierre. - Les. - chef-d'oeuvres de Pierre et de Thomas Corneille. Nouvelle ed. Notes de Voltaire. Tome 1. - Paris: Compagnie des Libraires Associés , 1788. - LEW 11

Corneille, Pierre. - Les. - chef-d'oeuvres de Pierre et de Thomas Corneille. Nouvelle éd. Notes de Voltaire. Tome 2. - Paris: Compagnie des Libraires Associes , 1788. - LEW 11

Corneille, Pierre. - Les. - chef-d'oeuvres de Pierre et de Thomas Corneille. Nouvelle éd. Notes de Voltaire. Tome 3. - Paris: Compagnie des Libraires Associes , 1788. - LEW 11

Corneille, Pierre. - Les. - chef-d'oeuvres de Pierre et de Thomas Corneille. Nouvelle éd. Notes de Voltaire. Tome 4. - Paris: Compagnie des Libraries Associés , 1788. - LEW 11

Correvon, H. - Flore coloriée de poche Ó l'usage du touriste dans les montagnes de la Suisse, de la Savoie, du Duaphiné, des Pyrénées, ... - Paris: Librairie des Sciences Naturelles, Paul Klincksieck , 1898. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 82

Cosin, John. - The works of the right reverend father in God, John Cosin, Lord Bishop of Durham. Vol 5: Notes ... Book of Common Prayer. New ed. - Oxford: John Henry & James Parker , 1855. - LEW 78

Cosin, John. - The works of the right reverend father in God, John Cosin, Lord Bishop of Durham. Vol. 1: Sermons. - Oxford: John Henry Parker , 1843. - LEW 78

Cosin, John. - The works of the right reverend father in God, John Cosin, Lord Bishop of Durham. Vol. 4: Miscellaneous works. - Oxford: John Henry Parker , 1851. - LEW 78

Cosin, John. - The works of the right reverend father in God, John Cosin, Lord Bishop of Durham.Vol. 2: Miscellaneous works. - Oxford: John Henry Parker , 1845. - LEW 48

Coste, P. - Les. - essais de Michel Seigneur de Montaigne. - London , 1724. - 2 vols. - EXU K07

Cotelerius, J.B. - Patres apostolicis. - antverpiae , 1700. - 2 vols. - EXU K14

Cottage ... - Cottage fireside [head title]. - [Dublin] , 1825?. - Edward Baring Gould. Spine: 38 Inside; 26. - LEW 32/55

Cottin. - Elizabeth: or, the exiles of Siberia, a tale, founded upon facts. 3rd ed. - London: S.A. & H.Oddy , 1809. - LEW 11

Cottin, M. - Elizabeth: or the exiles of Siberia: a tale founded on truth. - Dublin: R.Napper , 1831. - Edward Baring Gould. Spine: 25. Inside: 125, 42 del. - LEW 32/48

Cotton, William. - antiquities of Totnes. - , 1850. - 4to. - EXU B03

Cotton, William. - an Elizabethan guild of the city of Exeter. - Exeter , 1873. - 4to, ill.. - EXU B09

Cotton, William. - Gleanings from the municipal and cathedral records relative to the city of Exeter, by W.Cotton and H.Woolcombe. - Exeter? , 1877. - DRO 5203M/15

Couch, Jonathan . - Illustrations of instinct deduced from the habits of British animals. - London: John van Voorst , 1847. - MS: Edward Darragh Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 53

Coulthard, H.R. - The story of an ancient parish, Breage with Germoe. - Camborne , 1913. - EXU B03

County ... - [County of Cornwall. - , 1825. - 12 maps. - Lithographic maps with explanatory text. In folder with other items. - DRO 5203M/35

Courson, A.de. - LA Bretagne. - Paris , 1863. - EXU P07

Cowing, T.S. - The philosophy of beards. - Ipswich. - EXU N04

Cowper, William. - The life and works of William Cowper, edited by T.S.Grimshawe. Vol. 2. - London , 1835. - MS: Sophia Ed Baring Gould from ... Pyner [?], May ye 1st 1835. - DRO 5203M/23

Cowper, William. - Poems. - London: J.Johnson & Co. [&c] , 1815. - Edward Baring Gould. - LEW 31

Cowper, William. - Poems. - London: F.C. & J.Rivington [&c] , 1820. - LEW 31

Cowper, William. - The works of William Cowper : his life and letters / by William Hayley. - , 1835?. - EXU B08

Cox, George W. - The Athenian empire. 5th ed. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1887. - LEW 73

Cox, J.C. - The parish registers of England. - London , 1910. - ill.. - EXU G02

Coxe, Arthur Cleveland. - Christian ballads. New ed. - Milwaukee: Young Churchman Co. , 1897. - LEW 72

Coxe, William. - Letters de M. William Cox Ó M. W.Melmoth sur l'état politique, civil et naturel de la Suisse. Tome 1. - Paris: Belin , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 33

Coxe, William. - Letters de M. William Cox Ó M. W.Melmoth sur l'état politique, civil et naturel de la Suisse. Tome 2. - Paris: Belin , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 33

Crabb, George. - English synonyms explained in alphabetical order. - London? , 1829. - Edward Baring Gould. - DRO 5203M/15

Crabbe, George. - Poetical works. - Edinburgh. - EXU O04

Craik, Dinah MariA . - Agatha's husband: a novel, by the author of John Halifax, gentleman London: Macmillan & Co. , 1904. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Crake, A. D. (Augustine David), 1836-1890. - The last abbot of Glastonbury: a tale of the dissolution of the monasteries. - London: A.R.Mowbray , 1883. - Edward Darragh Baring-Gould bookplate 1915 impression. - LEW 64

Crake, Augustine David. - The rival heirs, ed. Baring-Gould. - London , 1882. - Edward Baring Gould. - EXU D10

Crance, Stephen. - The O'Ruddy, by Stephen Crane and Robert Barr. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1921. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Crane, Walter. - The baby's bouquet. - London : G.Routledge & Sons , 1890?. - ill. - DRO 5203M/34

Craven, Elisabeth. - Voyage de Milady Craven Ó Constantinople par la Crimée en 1786 traduit de l'anglois. Nouvelle ed. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1792. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Craven, H.T. - The chimney corner: an original domestic drama in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 742. another copy. 38/98/32. - LEW 38/98

Craven, H.T. - The chimney corner: an original domestic drama in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 742. 38/98/31. - LEW 38/98

Craven, H.T. - Meg's diversion: a drama in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - Lacks wrapper. 38/98/12. - LEW 38/98

Craven, H.T. - One tree hill: an original drama in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 987. 38/98/37. - LEW 38/98

Craven, H.T. - Our Nelly: a domestic drama in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 1619. 38/98/44. - LEW 38/98

Crawford, F.Marion. - ArethusA London: Macmillan & Co. , 1908. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Crawford, F.Marion. - Pietro Ghisleri. - London: Thomas Nelson & Sons , 1920?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Crawford, Marion. - The upper berth. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1913. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate Hodder & Stoughton's sevenpenny library. - LEW 67

Creighton, Basil. - Pas de quatre. - London: Chatto & Windus , 1928. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Crespigny, Philip Champion de, Mrs. - From behind the Arras. - London: Allen & Unwin , 1902. - Later. 1958 imp. - LEW 64

Creswell, Beatrix F. - Dartmoor and its surroundings. - , 1900. - EXU B09

Crétineau-July, J. - Histoire du Sonderbund. - Paris , 1850. - 2 vols. - EXU E07

Crichton, andrew. - History of Arabia: ancient and modern In two volumes. Vol. 1. - Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd , 1833. - Lacks cover. - LEW 72

Cries ... - The cries of a wounded conscience; or, the sorrowful sighs of a trembling sinner at the point of death. - Printed in the year , 1796. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/07 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 3

Crisp, F.A . - Visitation of England and Wales - notes, vol. 5. - privately printed , 1903. - EXU J28

Croci, Julio Cesare. - Histoire de Bertholde: traduction libre de l'Italien. - La Haye: [s.n.] , 1752. - LEW 21

Crockett, S.R. - The play-actress. - New York: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1895. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marian Linton. - LEW 74

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Beyond the pale. - [s.l.]:[s.n.] , 1914. - DRO 5203M/15

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - A bird of passage. - EXU Supplement

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - The cat's paw. - EXU A.H.Efford

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - The company's servant. - London : Hurst and Blackett. - 341p. - Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. A romance of southern IndiA EXU A06

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Diana Barrington. - EXU A.H.Efford

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - A family likeness : a sketch in the Himalayas. - London : Chatto & Windus , 1892. - EXU J29

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Her own people. - London: Hurst & Blackett , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Lismoyle: an experiment in Ireland. - London: Hutchinson & Co. , 1900?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 27

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Miss Balmain's past. - [s.l.] , 1910. - DRO 5203M/09

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Mr Jervis. - London : Chatto and Windus (?) , 1894 (?). - EXU J33

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Pretty Miss Neville. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1907. - DRO 5203M/15

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Proper pride. - London , 1903. - EXU K04

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Some one else. New ed. - London: Chatto & Windus , 1902. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 82

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - Two masters. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1911. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/24

Croker, Bithia Mary (d. 1920). - The youngest Miss Mowbray. - London: Hurst & Blackett , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Croly, G. - George IV - life and times. - London , 1830. - EXU G06

Croly, George. - Salathiel: a story of the past, the present, and the future. In 3 vols. Vol. 2. New ed. - London: Henry Colburn , 1842. - LEW 53

Croly, George. - Salathiel: a story of the past, the present, and the future. In 3 vols. Vol. 3. New ed. - London: Henry Colburn , 1842. - LEW 53

Crosby, B. - Musical repository. - London. - EXU M11

Crossing, William. - The old stone crosses of the Dartmoor borders. - Exeter; London: Elkin Matthews , 1892. - ill... - EXU B09

Crowe, Catherine. - The night side of nature: or ghosts and ghost seers. - London , 1853. - DRO 5203M/05

Crowe, Catherine, 1790-1876.. - Light and darkness. - London , 1856. - EXU N02

Crowe, Eyre Evans. - France. Vol. 2. - London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green , 1831. - LEW 45

Crucifixion. - The crucifixion. - [P]aul, and Co., printers, 2 and 3, Monmouth-court , 1845?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/066 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Cruden, Alexander. - Concordance to the holy scriptures. - London , 1761. - EXU N07

Cruice, Patrice-Francois-Marie (1815-1866). - Etudes sur de nouveaux documentshistoriques empruntes a l'ouvrages recemment decouvert des PhilosophumenA Paris , 1853. - EXU E07

Cruikshank, George. - History of Jack and the bean stalk. - London. - ill.. - EXU Q04

Cullum, J. - History and antiquities of Hawsted and Hardwick in the county of Suffolk. - London , 1813. - of Suffolk. - EXU G07

Culture ... - The culture demanded by modern life : series of addresses and arguments on the claims of scientific education / intr. by E.L.Youmans. - , 1891 (?). - EXU J31

Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811). - Henry / by the author of Arundel. - 3rd ed. - London : printed for Charles Dilly , 1798. - 4 vols.(1st vandalized), P.8vo. - EXU B08

Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811). - Memoirs. - London , 1807. - 2 vols. - EXU H17

Cunningham, P. - The letters of Horace Walpole. - London , 1880. - 9 vols. - EXU J34

Cupid's ... - Cupid's annual charter ; or, St. Valentine's festival. - London: Published by W. Perks, 21, St. Martin's La , 1820?. - 24p. - G. Smeeton, printer, 130, St. Martin. - DRO Chapbooks 3/01 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 1

Curl, Spencer. - [Letter to Rev. E. Spencer, Grammar School, Tavistock, from Spencer Curl, engineer, India]. - [Manuscript] , 1871. - Copy by Sabine Baring-Gould. - DRO 5203M/36

Curne de Sainte Palaye, M. de. - Mémoires sur l'ancienne chevalerie. Tome 2. - Paris: Nic. Bonav. Duchesne , 1759. - MS: S. Baring-Gould. - LEW 31

Curne de Sainte-Palaye, M. de. - Mémoires sur l'ancienne chevalerie; consideré comme un établissement politique & militaire Vol 1. - Paris: Nic. Bonay , 1759. - MS. - LEW 63

Current Literature. - Current Literature; a magazine of record and review. Vol III July-Dec 1889. - New York: Current Literature Publishing Co. , 1889. - MS: A.H. Linton. - LEW 29

Curtiss, R. - an account of the natural history of New England and of Nova Scotia and Lower CanadA New York: Privately printed , 1924. - LEW 42

Curtius, Quintus. - Historie d' Alexandre le Grand, par Quinte-Curce, traduite par M.Beauzée. 5e ed. Tome 1. - Lyon: Blache et Boget , 1810. - MS: W.Baring Gould. - LEW 11

Curwen, Mrs. - Mrs Curwen's pianoforte method. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Music score. - DRO 5203M/16

Cust, Lionel. - The National Portrait Gallery / ed. Lionel Cust. - EXU Supplement

Cyprianus, Saint (Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus). - Opera genuine. Pars 1: Epistolae. - Lispiae: Bernhardt Tauchnitz jun. , 1838. - LEW 44

Dabaud. - LA nuit anglaise: ou les aventures ... de M.Dabaud. - [s.l.] , 1800?. - Wm Baring Gould label 2 vol. in 1. - LEW 21

Daily ... - Daily prayers ... vol 12 of Allentine's pocket edition of the Jewish ritual. - London: P.Vallentine , 1864. - LEW 42

D'Albigny, P. - Peyrabeille. - Privas , 1886. - EXU O02

Dall, W.H. - Pre-historic America / ed. W.H.Dall. - London , 1885. - ill.. - EXU J12

Damitz. - Die. - Mosel. - K÷ln , 1838. - EXU E09

Dan ... - Dan Leno's latest hits: Recruiting sergeant [etc]. - [London]: W.S.Fortey, 4, Gt. St. andrew Street , 1895?. - [8]p. - DRO Broadsides/173 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 5

Dancing ... - Dancing bear. Don Quixote and Sancho. Paul Puff & Jerry Sneak ... - Alnwick: Printed & published by W.Davison , 1800?. - 1 sheet. - Nine engravings on single sheet numbered 44. - DRO Broadsides/054 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Dane, Clemence. - Naboth's vineyard: a stage piece. - London: William Heinemann , 1925. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Daniel, Samuel. - Poetical works and History of the Civil War. - London , 1717-18. - 2 vols. - EXU Q03

Danube ... - The Danube from Passau to Buda-Pesth. - , 1885. - Photograph album. - DRO 5203M/04

Dark, Sidney (1874-1947). - Paris / with drawings by Henry Rushbury. - London : Macmillan & Co. , 1926. - EXU G12

Darke, Mrs. - [Letter to Eddie Darke from mother]. - , 1860?. - Undated. - DRO 5203M/36

Dartmoor Exploration Committee. - Report. 9th, edited by Sabine Baring-Gould. - Devonshire Association , 1903. - Includes exploration of Red Barrows, Soussons Common. - DRO 5203M/33

Dartmoor Exploration Committee. - Report. 9th, edited by Sabine Baring-Gould. - , 1903. - DRO 5203M/34

Dartmoor Exploration Committee. - Reports 1 to 3. - Plymouth , 1898. - 2 maps in folder, B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A05

Darwin, Charles. - Works. - New York , 1896 , 15 vols. - EXU J03

Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802). - PhytologiA London : printed for J.Johnson , 1800. - EXU J05

Daudet, Alphonse. - LA menteuse. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1890?. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 45

Daudet, Alphonse. - Tartarin of Tarascon and Tartarin on the Alps by Alphonse Daudet. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1910. - Everyman library ; [no number. Fiction [series]. Reprinted 1913. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Daudet, Alphonse. - Tartarin on the Alps: revised translation. - New York: Thomas Y.Crowell & Co. , 1894. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Daumer, C. - Christlichen Alterthums. - Hamburg , 1847. - EXU H08

Davenport Adams, W.H. - A concordance to the plays of Shakespeare. - EXU A.H.Efford

Davidson, J. - Ballads and songs. - London , 1895. - EXU M04

Davidson, Samuel. - an introduction to the study of the New Testament, ... in 2 vols. Vol 1. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1868. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Dawkins, William Boyd. - Early man in Britain. - , 1880. - EXU B03

Dawson, J.W. - The chain of life in geological time. - London: Religious Tract Society , 1880?. - LEW 52

Dawson, J.W. - Fossil men and their modern representatives. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1870. - MS: Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 82

Day, E. Hermitage. - Gothic Architecture in England. The Arts of the Church. - London: A.R.Mowbray & Co. , 1909. - LEW 82

Day, L.B. - Folk-tales of Bengal. - London , 1883. - EXU K09

Day, Lewis F. - Nature on ornament: textbook of ornamental design. - London: B.T.Batsford , 1896. - LEW 53

Daymard, J. - Vieux chants populaires. - Cahors , 1889. - EXU M04

De Bussierre, M.Th. - Histoire du developpement du protestantisme a Strasburg et en Alsace. - Strasbourg , 1850. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU H18

De Candolle, A . - Origin of cultivated plants. - London , 1884. - EXU K05

De Crespigny, Rose Champion. - The Spanish prisoner. - London , 1907?. - B-G B.P. - EXU A06

De Genlis, la Comtesse. - Mémoires inedits de Madame la Comtesse de Genlis sur le dix-huitieme siecle et la revolution francaise, depuis 1756 a nos jours. - Paris : chez Ladvocate , 1825. - 8 vols. - EXU J04

De Gomez, Madam. - LA belle assemblée. - London , 1749. - 4 vols. - EXU L04

De Hell, X.H. - Travels in the steppes of the Caspian SeA London , 1847. - EXU G05

De la Beche, H.T. - Report on the geology of Cornwall, Devon and west Somerset. - London , 1839. - Edward Baring Gould. - DRO 5203M/24

De Leon, T.C. - A fair blocade-breaker. - Philadelphia: Lippincott , 1889-91. - From: Lippincott's Mag. With: Latimer, E.W. A chain of errors. - EXU J16

De Leon, T.C. - A fair blockade-breaker. - Bound with: Latimer, A chain of errors. - EXU J16

De Plancy, J.A.S.C. - Dictionnaire infernal. - Paris , 1818. - 2 vols. - EXU Q05

De Plancy, J.A.S.C. - Legendes de l'ancien testament. - Paris , 1860. - EXU J18

De Pourtales, G. - Franz Liszt. - Paris , 1927. - EXU P06

De Quatrefages, A The human species. - London , 1890. - EXU K05

Dearmer, Mabel (1874-1915). - The cockyolly bird. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 19--. - DRO 5203M/03

Death ... - The death and burial of cock robin. - London: W.S. Fortey, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , 1885?. - [8]p. - DRO Ballads 7/14 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 8

Debauchee ... - The debauchee rewarded or a warning to young men. Being a true account how Captain John Dringle ... with Miss Jane Munrow ... - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 4/07 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 4

Debrett. - Debrett's peerage, baronetage and knightage. - London , 1888. - DRO 5203M/05

Décembre-Alonnier. - Dictionnaire de la révolution française. Tome 1. - Paris: Administration des Ouvrages de Décembre-Alonnier , 1850?. - LEW 29

Deeping, Warwick. - Exile. - New York: Alfred A.Knopf , 1930. - LEW 72

Defoe, Daniel. - De Foe's works. - EXU Supplement

Defoe, Daniel. - The farther adventures of Robinson Crusoe, vol. 2. - London , 1766. - EXU O09

Defoe, Daniel. - The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe, now first correctly reprinted from the original edition of 1719. - London: Frederick Warne and Co. , 1895<. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate includes newspaper cuttings from 1895. Chandos classics. - LEW 68

Defoe, Daniel. - The life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe. - London , 1861. - DRO 5203M/26

Defoe, Daniel. - The novels and miscellaneous works, vol. I and vol. VI. - EXU J24

Defoe, Daniel. - The novels and miscellaneous works. Moll Flanders and history of the devil. - London: Henry G.Bohn , 1854. - LEW 44

Defoe, Daniel. - The true-born Englishman: a satire. By Daniel Defoe. - London: Printed by G.Auld, for A.Cleugh , 1810. - 34p. - DRO Ballads 5/17 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 14

Del Rio, Martin antoine (1551-1608). - Disquisitionum magicarum libri sex. - Colonia Agrippinae : sumptibus Hermanni Demen , 1679. - EXU J24

Delaunay, F. - Ecrits historiques, Philon d'Alexandrie. - Paris , 1870. - EXU M11

Delaunay, F. - Ecrits historiques, Philon d'Alexandrie. - Paris , 1870. - EXU M11

Delaunay, F. - Moines et sibylles. - Paris , 1874. - EXU M11

Delbos, A.J. - L'. - Eglise de France. - Toulouse , 1848. - 2 vols. - EXU P04

Dell, Ethel M. - The rocks of Valprè. - London: T.Fisher Unwin , 1916. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. 13th impr. - LEW 52

Demoustier. - Lettres Ó Emilie sur la mythologie. Tome 2 [& 3 & 4]. - [s.l.] , 1795?. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 33

Dempster, Charlotte Louisa Hawkins. - The hotel du petit St. Jean London: Smith, Elder & Co. , 1869. - LEW 62

Denis the Carthuian (1402-1471). - D. Dionysii Carthusiani enarrationes piae eruditae in IIII prophetas maioresCartusiani piae. - Basle (?) Coloniae : impensis Peter Quentell , 1534. - EXU J14

Denominational ... - The denominational reason why: giving the origin, history, and tenets of the Christian sects. - London: Houlston & Sons , 1890. - LEW 45

Des Granges, Ch.-M. - Les. - grands écrivains français des orogines Ó nos jours: historie littéraire et textes. - Paris: Hatier , 1923. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Desfontaines, (Guillaume Franc¸ois Fouques Deshayes), (1733-1825). - "Lettres de Sophie

Lettres de Sophie et du chevalier de *** : pour servir de supplement aux lettres du marquis de Roselle …". - A Liege : chez D. de Boubers , 1773. - Epistolatory novel. - EXU N02

Deutscher ... - Deutscher Kalender. - Berlin : Reinhold Kühn , 1886. - DRO 5203M/34

Deutscher ... - Deutscher Kalender. - Berlin : Reinhold Kühn , 1888. - DRO 5203M/34

Deutsches ... - Deutsches Liederlexikon. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 18--. - DRO 5203M/19

Deutsches ... - Deutsches Rolandsbuch für Geschlechterkunde. 1 Band. - Dresden: Roland Verein zur F÷rderung der Stammkunde , 1918. - MS: an Rev Sabine Baring-Gould zum 90 Geburtstage. - LEW 48

Deville, Louis. - Excursions dans le Cornouailles et le Devonshire. - Paris , 1863. - EXU A06

Devon ... - Devon and Cornwall court guide. - C.W.Deacon , 1896. - coloured maps. - EXU A06

Devon ... - Devon notes and queries. - , 1900-05. - 3 vols., B-G B.P. - EXU B10

Devon and Cornwall Baptist Association. - Year book 1957-58. - [s.l.]: The Association , 1957. - 47p : tables ; 21cm. - PLY

Devonshire ... - Devonshire Domesday and geld inquest. - Plymouth , 1884-92. - 2 vols. - EXU B12

Devonshire Association. - Report and transactions 1870-1872 [i.e. 1912?] (lacking 1871). - Plymouth , 1911. - 40 vols. - EXU A02-A04

Dewez, M. - Histoire générale de la Belgique. - , 1805-07. - 7 vols. - EXU J05

D'Hermanville. - LA vie du B. Abbé Idesbalde. - Bruxelles , 1724. - EXU M11

Diccionario ... - Diccionario de la lengua castellanA Madrid , 1783. - EXU P14

Dicey, A.V. - Lectures introductory to the study of the law of the constitution. 2nd ed. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1886. - LEW 63

Dick, Thomas. - On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowledge. - Edinburgh: W.Curry jun. & Co. , 1833. - Edward Baring Gould. - LEW 35

Dickens, Charles. - A child's history of England. - Boston , 1872 (?). - ill.. - EXU J30

Dickens, Charles. - Christmas stories. - London: Chapman & Hall , 1880?. - MS date:1887. - LEW 52

Dickens, Charles. - Master Humphrey's Clock, illust. Cattermole and Browne. - London , 1840-41. - 3 vols. in 2, ill.. - EXU K12

Dickens, Charles. - Novels. - London. - 13 vols., ill.. - EXU Q02, Q01

Dickens, Charles. - Novels. - London. - 13 vols., ill.. - EXU Q01, Q02

Dickens, Charles. - The Pickwick papers, illustrated by J.Eyre. - London: Collins' Clear-Type Press , 1920?. - LEW 73

Dickinson, Bickford H.C. - The parish Church of St Peter, Lew Trenchard and the Rev Sabine Baring-Gould. - Exeter: William Chudley & Son , 1961? , 16p : ill ; 22cm. - PLY

Dickinson, Bickford H.C. - The parish church of St. Peter, Lew Trenchard & the Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould. - [Lew]: [The Church]. - 2000?. - Latest impression. - LEW On display

Dickinson, Bickford H.C. - The parish church St. Peter, Lew Trenchard & the Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould. [New impression]. - [Lewtrenchard] : [The Church?] , 1991?. - Printed by GTI Ltd, Okehampton. Date evidence: p.12. 4 copies. - LEW 65

Dickinson, Bickford H.C. - The parish church St. Peter, Lew Trenchard & the Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould. [New impression]. - [Lewtrenchard] : [The Church?]. - 2000?. - Printed by GTI Ltd, Okehampton. Later printing. 4 copies. - LEW 65

Dickinson, Bickford H.C. - The parish church St. Peter, Lew Trenchard & the Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould. 3rd impression. - [Lewtrenchard] : [The Church?] , 1972. - Printed by William Chudleigh & Son. - LEW 65

Dickinson, Bickford H.C. - The parish church St. Peter, Lew Trenchard & the Rev. Sabine Baring-Gould. 3rd impression. - [Lewtrenchard] : [The Church?] , 1972. - Printed by Sunfire Press, Tavistock. - LEW 65

Dickinson, Bickford H.C. - Sabine Baring-Gould : squarson, writer and folklorist, 1834-1924. - Newton Abbot: David & Charles , 1970 , 191p : ill ; 23cm. - ISBN 0715348035. - WSL ; PLY ; BAR

Dickinson, G. Lowes. - The international anarchy, 1904-1914. - New York: Century Co. , 1926. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Dickinson, W.Howship. - King Arthur in Cornwall. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1900. - LEW 73

Dickson, R.W. - Practical agriculture. - London , 1805. - 2 vols., ill.. - EXU P06

Dictionary ... - Dictionary - Danish-English. - Ferral & Thorl & Repp , 1845. - EXU C10

Dictionary ... - Dictionary - English, German and French. - Leipzig: M.C.Ludwig , 1706. - EXU N07

Dictionary ... - Dictionary - Welsh and English. - Trefriw , 1815. - EXU G02

Dictionary ... - Dictionary of dates. 10th ed. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1861. - DRO 5203M/13

Dictionary ... - Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. - London , 1843. - ill.. - EXU N14

Dictionary ... - Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. - London , 1880. - 3 vols. - EXU G05

Dictionary ... - Dictionary of the English and Italian languages, vol. 2. - Venice: J.Baretti , 1787. - EXU N14

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire comique. - Lyon , 1735. - EXU Q04

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire d'anecdotes. - Paris , 1787. - 2 vols. - EXU L01

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne et de liturgie. - Paris , 1907-23. - 5 vols. in 10. - EXU D13

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire de paleographie. - Paris , 1854. - B.P. - EXU D06

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire de theologie. - Paris , 1859-63. - 4 vols.(B.P. 1st vol.). - EXU D06

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire des apocryphes. - Paris , 1856-58. - 2 vols. - EXU D13

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire des conciles. - Paris , 1846. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU D.R.

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire des confréries et corporations d'arts et métiers. - Paris , 1854. - EXU N15

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire des heresies. - Paris , 1853. - 2 vols. - EXU D07

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire des legendes du christianisme. - Paris , 1855. - EXU D13

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire des merveilles et curiosites de la nature et de l'art. - Paris , 1853. - B.P. - EXU D06

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire des ordres religieux. - Paris , 1859-63. - 4 vols.(B.P. 1st vol.),ill.. - EXU D06

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire des pelerinages. - Paris , 1850-51. - 2 vols. (B.P. 1st vol.). - EXU D06

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire hagiographique. - Paris , 1850. - 2 vols. - EXU D07

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire royal francois-anglois et englois-francois. - London , 1773. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU J28

Dictionnaire ... - Dictionnaire universel des sciences ecclesiastiques. - Paris , 1868. - 2 vols. - EXU H18

Didron, Adolphe Napoléon (1806-1867). - Christian iconography. In 2 vols. Vol.1. - London: Henry G.Bohn , 1851. - Bohn's illustrated lib. MS: S Baring Gould S.N.C. Easter 1857. - LEW 24

Dietrich, anton. - Russische Volksmärchen in den Urschriften gesammelt und ins Deutsche übersetzt. - Leipzig: Weidmann'sche Buchhandlung , 1831. - LEW 11

Dietrich, F.E.C. - Altnordische Lesebuch. - Leipzig , 1843. - EXU H20

Dillmann, A Das. - Buch Henoch: übersetzt und erklärt von Dr. A.Dillmann. - Leipzig: Chr. Wilh. Vogel , 1853. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. Book of revelation of Henoch on the coming world judgment. - LEW 27

Ditchfield, P.H. - The old-time parson. - London , 1908. - ill.., 2 copies. - EXU G01

Divine ... - Divine mirth. - [London]: D.Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent , 1840?. - 1 sheet. - Four carols. - DRO Broadsides/012 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Divine ... - A divine poem and Christmas carol, on the birth of our redeemer, Jesus Christ. - [London]: Sold by J.Evans, no. 41, Long-lane , 1810?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/009 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Dix ... - Dix contes modernes des meilleur auteurs du jour, edited by H.A.Potter. - Boston: Ginn & Co. , 1900. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. MS date: 30.11.19. - LEW 37

Dixon, J.K. - The vanishing race: the last great Indian council. - New York , 1914. - ill.. - EXU K06

Dixon, James Henry. - Ballads and songs of the peasantry of England. - London: Charles Griffin & Co. , 1860?. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 45

Dizionario ... - Dizionario delle lingue italiana ed inglese, vol. I. - Venezia , 1787. - EXU K12

Doating ... - The doating mother's garland. - [London]: Pitts, 6, Great St. andrew Street , 1830?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/049 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Dobell, Peter. - Travel in Kamchatka and Siberia: with a narrative of a residence in China. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. - London: Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley , 1830. - LEW 35

Dobeneck, Friedrich Ludwig, Ferdinand von. - Des deutschen Mittelalters Volksglauben und Heroensagen. 1er Band. - Berlin: Realschulbuchhandlung , 1815. - LEW 44

Doblado, Don Leucadio. - Letters from Spain. - London , 1822. - Real name: Joseph Blanco White. - EXU G06

Dodd, Catherine I. - Apples and quinces. - London: Jarrolds , 1930?. - Later addition?. - LEW 57

Doddridge. - The rise and progress of religion in the soul. - EXU M13

Dodge, Mary Mapes. - Donald and Dorothy. - EXU Supplement

Doidge's ... - Doidge's western counties illustrated annual. - Plymouth , 1898. - EXU B10

Doidge's ... - Doidge's western counties illustrated annual for 1909. - Plymouth , 1908. - EXU A06

Dollinger, J. - LA Reforme. - Paris , 1848-50. - 6 vols. (3 on each shelf). - EXU P03, Q04

Dollinger, J. - LA Reforme. - Paris , 1848-50. - 6 vols. (3 on each shelf). - EXU Q04, P03

Do¨llinger, John J. Ign. Von. - Fables respecting the popes of the middle ages. - London: Rivingtons , 1871. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 44

Dolman, Frederick. - Novel-writing and novel-reading : a chat with the Rev Sabine Baring-Gould. - , 1894. - p. 17-20 : ill ; 26cm. - From: Cassell's Family Magazine, vol. 22, Dec 1894. - DRO 5203M/16 ; PLY

Donaldson, William. - The life and adventures of Sir Bartholomew Sapskull, Baronet ... by Somebody. Vol. 1. [Vol. 2]. - London: J.Williams , 1768. - 2 vol. in 1. - LEW 11

Donkin, T.C. - an etymological dictionary of the Romance languages; chiefly from the German of Friedrich Diez. - London: Williams and Norgate , 1864. - LEW 57

Donovan, E. - The natural history of British shells, vols. 1 (1799) & 4 (1802). - , 1799-02. - colour ill.. - EXU H13

Dooley. - Mr. Dooley's opinions. - London: William Heinemann , 1905. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate MS date:1919. - LEW 52

Dorat, Claude Joseph. - Poésies. Tome 1. - GenÞve: [s.n.] , 1782. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 21

Dorat, Claude Joseph. - Poésies. Tome 2. - GenÞve: [s.n.] , 1777. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Dorat, Claude Joseph. - Poésies. Tome 3. - GenÞve: [s.n.] , 1777. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Dorat, Claude Joseph. - Poésies. Tome 4. - GenÞve: [s.n.] , 1777. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Doris. - Doris. By the author of Molly Brawn. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Dorling, Taprell (1883-1968). - The secret submarine: a story of fighting by sea and land. - London: Blackie & Son , 1916. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. For children. - LEW 68

Dorsetshire ... - The Dorsetshire garland, or, the beggar's wedding. - [London]: J.Pitts, Great St. andrew Street , 1820?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/047 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich. - The house of the dead. - London , 1915. - EXU G11

Douglas, J. - Travelling anecdotes. - London , 1786. - EXU O06

Downing, J. - Letters to Mr Dwight. - London , 1835. - EXU O07

Doyle, Arthur Conan The adventures of Gerard. - New York: A.L.Burt Co. , 1903. - LEW Boxes from USA

Doyle, Arthur Conan The captain of the polestar and other tales. New impression. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1913. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Doyle, Arthur Conan The exploits of Brigadier Gerard. - London: T.Nelson & Sons , 1910?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Doyle, Arthur Conan The great shadow and other Napoloenic tales. - London: T.Nelson & Sons , 1910?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Doyle, Arthur Conan . - His last bow; some reminiscences of Sherlock Holmes. - London: John Murray , 1917. - LEW 63

Doyle, Arthur Conan The hound of the Baskervilles. - London: T.Nelson & Sons , 1925?. - Edward Darragh Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 45

Doyle, Arthur Conan The hound of the Baskervilles: another adventure of Sherlock Holmes. - New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. , 1902. - LEW 65

Doyle, Arthur Conan The lost world. - New York: A.L.Burt Co. , 1912. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 63

Doyle, Arthur Conan The Maracot Deep and other stories. - Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co. , 1929. - LEW 67

Doyle, Arthur Conan The return of Sherlock Holmes. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1915. - Adele Baring-Gould. MS: Adela from Arthur Xmas 1916. - DRO 5203M/24

Doyle, Arthur Conan . - Round the fire stories. New edition. - London: Smith, Elder & Co. , 1911. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Doyle, Arthur Conan The sign of four. - London: T.Nelson , 1915?. - LEW 62

Doyle, Arthur Conan A study in scarlet; the first book about Sherlock Holmes. - London: Ward, Lock & Co. , 1900?. - LEW 63

Doyle, J.E. - A chronicle of England BC55-AD1485. - London , 1864. - colour ill.. - EXU P12

Doyle, Lynn. - Ballygullion. Illustrated by William Conor. - Dublin: Maunsel & Co. , 1918. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 73

Drake, Nathan . - Essays, biographical, critical and historical, illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator and Guardian. In three volumes. Vol. 2. - London: C.Whittingham for John Sharpe , 1805. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 34

Drake, Nathan . - Essays, biographical, critical and historical, illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator and Guardian. Vol. 1. - London: C.Whittingham for John Sharpe , 1805. - In 3 vols. Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 34

Drake, Nathan . - Essays, biographical, critical and historical. Vol. 3. - London: C.Whittingham for John Sharpe , 1805. - Wm Baring Gould label. In 3 vols. - LEW 34

Drama ... - Drama; or, Theatrical pocket magazine, vols.2-4,6,7. - London. - EXU O07

Draper, J.W. - History of the conflict between science and religion. - New York , 1896. - EXU L06

Draper, John William. - History of the intellectual development of Europe. Vol 1. - London: Bell & Daldy , 1864. - In 2 vols. - LEW 68

Drinkwater, J. - Mary Stuart. - London , 1921. - EXU N12

Drinkwater, J. - Mr Charles - King of England. - London , 1926. - EXU K06

Dryden, John. - Poetical works. - London , 1811. - 4 vols. - EXU K10

Du Bois, Edward. - A piece of family biography. In three volumes. Vol. 1. - London: J.Bell , 1799. - Bookplate: W.Hill, circulating library, Ballingdon. - LEW 34

Du Cange. - Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis. - Basileae , 1762. - 3 vols. - EXU P14

Du Maurier, George (1834-1896). - The Martian . - EXU Supplement

Du Maurier, George (1834-1896). - The Martian [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1908. - DRO 5203M/17

Du Maurier, George (1834-1896). - Peter Ibbetson. - New York , 1904. - ill.. - EXU K04

Du Maurier, George (1834-1896). - Trilby. - EXU Supplement

Du Maurier, George (1834-1896). - Trilby. - London (?) , 1894 (?). - EXU J33

Du Maurier, George (1834-1896). - Trilby. - New York , 1895. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marain D.Linton ... 1895. - DRO 5203M/28

Du Molinet, Claude. - Figures des differents habits des chanoines reguliers en ce siecle. Auec vn discours sur les habits des chanoines tant seculiers, que reguliers.. - Paris : S. Piget , 1666. - Bound with: Valentin St Augustin. - EXU J24

Du Molinet, Claude (1620-1687). - Figures des differents habits des chanoines reguliers en ce siecle. - Paris : chez Simeon Piget , 1666. - Bound with: Valentin, R. Le grand St Augustin. - EXU J24

Du Pin, Lewis Ellies. - A compleat history of the canon and writers of the books of the old and new testament. Vol. 1. On the books of the old testament. - London: For H.Rhodes [etc] , 1694. - Lacks front cover. - LEW Bar

Du Pin, Lewis Ellies. - A new ecclesiastical history of the sixteenth century. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. - London: J.Wilde for Tim. Child , 1710. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW Bar

Du Pin, Lewis Ellies. - A new ecclesiastical history of the sixteenth century. Vol. the second: The Council of Trent. - London: for A. & J.Churchill and Tim. Childe , 1706. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW Bar

Du Pin, Lewis Ellies. - A new ecclesiastical history: containing an account of controversies in religion. Vol. 9: History of the eleventh century. - London: H.Clark for Abel Swall , 1699. - LEW 28

Du Pin, Lewis Ellies. - A new history of ecclesiastical writers. Vol. 1. 2nd ed [and 2]. - London: Abel Swale , 1693. - LEW 28

Du Pin, Lewis Ellies. - A new history of ecclesiastical writers. Vol. 3. - London: J.H. for Abel Swall & Tim. Childe , 1693. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW Bar

Duine, F. - Les. - chansons populaires du pays de Dol. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - From: annales de Bretagne [MS note]. - LEW 38/71

Duine, F. - Les. - chansons populaires du pays de Dol: suite. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - From: annales de Bretagne [MS note]. - LEW 38/72

Duine, F. - Etude sur le patios de Dol. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1897. - From: annales de Bretagne, Juillet 1897 [MS note]. - LEW 38/70

Duine, F. - LA métropole de Bretagne: chronique de Dol composée au XIe siècle. - Paris: Edouard Champion , 1916. - MS author's dedication to Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 38/18

Dumas, Alexander. - The black tulip. - London: Collins Clear-Type Press , 1930?. - LEW 45

Dumas, Alexandre. - LA dame de Monserean New York , 1896. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate Romances of Alexandre Dumas; vol. 4. - DRO 5203M/27

Dumas, Alexandre. - The forty-five. - New York , 1896. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate Romances of Alexandre Dumas; vol. 5. - DRO 5203M/27

Dumas, Alexandre. - The romances of Alexandre Dumas. Vol. 1. - New York? , 1896. - DRO 5203M/18

Dumas, Alexandre. - The romances of Alexandre Dumas. Vol. 10. - New York? , 1896. - DRO 5203M/18

Dumas, Alexandre. - The romances of Alexandre Dumas. Vol. 6. - New York? , 1896. - DRO 5203M/17

Dumas, Alexandre. - The romances of Alexandre Dumas. Vols. 2 & 9. - New York? , 1896?. - DRO 5203M/19

Dumas, Alexandre. - The three musketeers. - London , 1903. - EXU G11

Dumas, Alexandre. - Twenty years after. - New York? , 1896?. - Romances of Alexandre Dumas; vol. 7. - DRO 5203M/02

Dumas, Alexandre. - Vicomte de Bragelonne. - New York , 1896. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/23

Duncan, J. - British butterflies, Jardine naturalists library. - Edinburgh , 1835. - EXU H13

Duncan, J. - Mechanics and heat: an elementary course of applied physics. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1914. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 47

Duncan, J. - Steam and other engines. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1915. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 82

Dunk, James. - A chat with Mr Baring-Gould. - [Manuscript] , 1898. - [11] leaves. - From: Methodist recorder 17 February 1898. Manuscript copy. - DRO 5203M/35

Dunk, James. - Where the tamarisk blooms. - London: Charles H.Kelly , 1898. - Methodist story. - LEW 77

Dunkin, Edwin (1821-1898). - The midnight sky. - London , 1869?. - ill.. - Check edition. - EXU E13

Dunne, Finley Peter (1867-1936). - Mr. Dooley in peace and war. - Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. , 1899?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Dunne, Finley Peter (1867-1936). - Mr. Dooley on making a will and other necessary evils. - New York: Charles Scribner's sons , 1919. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

Dunne, Finley Peter (1867-1936). - Mr. Dooley says. - London: William Heinemann , 1910. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Dunne, Finley Peter (1867-1936). - Mr. Dooley's philosophy. Illustrated by E.W.Kemble and F. Opper. Popular ed. - London: Willian Heinemann , 1915. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Alexander & three small plays. - New York: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1926. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The blessing of Pan New York: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1927. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate two copies. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The book of wonder: a chronicle of little adventures at the edge of the world. - 2nd ed. - London: Elkin Mathews , 1919. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The charwoman's shadow. - London: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1926. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The chronicles of Rodriguez. - 2nd ed. - London: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1922. - MS: Sabine Baring Gould. Dedicated to William Beebe. - LEW 65

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The curse of the wise woman New York: Longmans Green & Co , 1933. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - A dreamer's tale. - London: George Allen & Sons , 1910. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - A dreamer's tale. - Boston: John W.Luce & Co. , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Fifty poems. - London: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1929. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Fifty-one tales. - London: Elkin Mathews , 1909. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Five plays. - London: Grant Richards , 1920. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The gods of PeganA [London] : Pegana Press , 1911. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - If: a play in four acts. - London: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1921. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The king of Elfland's daughter. - 2nd ed. - London: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1924. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Plays of gods and men. - Dublin, Talbot Press , 1918. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Plays of near & far. Limited ed of 500 copies. - London: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1922. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The sword of Welleran and other stories. - London: George Allen & Sons , 1908. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Tales of three hemispheres. - London: T.Fisher Unwin , 1920. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Tales of war. - Dublin: Talbot press , 1918. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Time and the gods. - Boston: John W.Luce & Co. , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The travel tales of Mr Joseph Jorkens. - London , 1931. - EXU K09

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The travel tales of Mr. Joseph Jorkens. - New York: J.P.Putnam's Sons , 1931. - No bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - The travel tales of Mr. Joseph Jorkens. - London: G.P.Putnam's Sons , 1931. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron (1878-1957). - Unhappy far-off things. - London: ElkinMathews , 1909. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Dupin, L.E. - Ecclesiastical history of the 17th century. - Oxford , 1725. - EXU Q07

Durr, Prof.Dr. - Illustrierte Geschichte von Wurttemberg / Prof.Dr.Durr [et al.]. - Stuttgart , 1893-1894?. - 2 vols. - EXU H19

Duruy, V. - Histoire de France. - Paris , 1884. - 2 vols. - EXU J27

Duval, J. - Gheel; ou, une colonie d'alienés vivant en famille et en liberte : etude. - Paris , 1867. - EXU H12

Dyer, T.F.Thiselton. - Church-lore gleanings. - London: A.A.Innes & Co. , 1891. - LEW 43

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2013
This page last updated 14 October 2013