14 October 2013

Sabine Baring-Gould Library: 4.

Sabine Baring-Gould's Library. 4. Authors/titles E-G.

Earbery, M. - History of the German Reformation founded upon the heresie of John Wickliffe and others. - London , 1720. - EXU J27

Early ... - Early Methodism illustrated; or the old gardener and the three. - Leeds: J.Johnson, publisher. Manchester: J.Heywood , 1885?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 2/04 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 4

Eastman, C.A . - Old Indian days. - Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Co. , 1912. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 63

Ebeling, F.W. - Deutsche Bischofe. - Leipzig , 1858. - 2 vols. in 1, B.P. - EXU E02

Ebersberg, Julius. - Haus-, Hof- und Staats-Geschichten aus vergangenen Tagen. 1ter Band. - Prag: Carl Bellman , 1869. - LEW 74

Ebert, Julius. - Das. - Riesengebirge nebst dem Iser- und Lausitzer Gebirge. 7te Aufl. - Berlin: Albert Goldschmidt , 1888. - Grieben's Reise-Bibliothek; 18. - LEW 74

Echard, Laurence. - The history of the revolution and the establishment of England in the year 1688. - London : Printed for Jacob Tonson , 1725. - EXU H14

Echard, Laurence. - The Roman history from the settlement of the empire by Augustus Caesar to the removal of the imperial seat by Constantine. Vol 2. - London: R.Bonwick [&c] , 1713. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 34

Echard, Laurence (1670?-1730). - The Roman history from the building of the city to the perfect settlement of the empire by Augustus Caesar. - , 1702 (?). - EXU J26

Eckartshausen, Karl von. - Sammlung der merkwürdigsten Visionen, Erscheinungen, Geister- und Gespenstgeschichten. - München: [s.n.] , 1793. - MS: 1854 [by Sabine Baring Gould?]. - LEW 11

Eckermann, K. - Mythologie. - Halle , 1848. - 4 vols. in 3. - EXU E10

Ecole ... - Ecole de la cavalerie: contenant la connoissance, l'instruction et la conservation du cheval. Vol. 2. - , 1756. - DRO 5203M/05

Ecole ... - Ecole de la cavalerie: contenant la connoissance, l'instruction et la conservation du cheval. Vol. 2. - , 1756. - DRO 5203M/05

Edersheim, A . - History of Judah and Israel. - London , 1880. - EXU G09

Edgar, J.G. - The Crusades and the Crusaders. - EXU N12

Edgeworth, Maria (1768-1849). - Early lessons. Vol. 2: Rosamond; Harry and Lucy. 12th ed. - London: Baldwin and Cradock , 1833. - MS: S Baring Gould May 20 1838. - LEW 21

Edgeworth, Maria (1768-1849). - Harrington and Ormond. - London , 1817. - 3 vols. - EXU P09

Edgeworth, Maria (1768-1849). - Patronage. - London , 1815. - 4 vols. - EXU O05

Edgeworth, Maria (1768-1849). - Tales of fashionable life. - London , 1809-12. - 6 vols. - EXU O09

Edwardes, DE. - Reminiscences [manuscript extract of pp. 31-2]. - [Manuscript] , 1930?. - Originally published 1914. - DRO 5203M/16

Edwards, A.B. - Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers. - New York , 1892. - ill.. - EXU K06

Edwards, A.B. - A thousand miles up the Nile. - London , 1890. - ill.. - EXU G13

Edwards, H. - A collection of old English customs. - London , 1842. - EXU P02

Egerton T. - [Correspondence to Baring Gould from T.Egerton, Tarporley, Cheshire]. - [Manuscript] , 1805-07. - DRO 5203M/33

Eggleston, Edward. - The Mexican prince: or the story of MontezumA London: Ward, Lock and Co. , 1880?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate and Sabine Linton Baring-Gould (transport bookplate). - LEW 58

Egyptian ... - Egyptian antiquities. - London? , 1835?. - Library of entertaining knowledge. - DRO 5203M/14

Ehrhardt, A . - Deutches Balladenbuch / A.Ehrhardt [et al.]. - Leipzig , 1858. - ill.. - EXU H19

Eichhoff, F.G. - Tableau de la litterature du Nord. - Paris , 1857. - EXU P03

Eisenhart, Johann Friedrich. - Erzählungen von besonderen Rechtshandeln. - Halle , 1779-83. - 10 vols. - EXU H08

Elbertus, FrA A message to Garcia and thirteen other things. - East Aurora: Roycrofters , 1901. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 38/26

Elbinger, Th. - Führer durch Hersbruck und Umgegend. - Hersbruck: Versch÷nerungs-Verein Hersbruck , 1885. - LEW 27

Election ... - Election ballads, - no. 1. The Old Woter; or the windbag blown: a tale of consistency, sung by a young woter ... - [Tavistock]: [s.n.] , 1857?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/031 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Election ... - Election ballads, - no. 1. Traitors, trimmers, turncoats, and Trelawny; or, Tavistock suited to a T. - [Tavistock]: [s.n.] , 1857?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/032 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Elector. - To the electors of Tavistock. - [Tavistock]: [s.n.] , 1857?. - 1 sheet. - Signed: an elector. - DRO Broadsides/036 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Elilsson, S. (first name unknown). - Lexicon poÙticum. - Hafniae , 1860. - EXU N14

Eliot, George. - Romola. In two volumes. Vol. 2. - Leipzig: Berhard Tauchnitz , 1863. - LEW 72

Elizabeth ... - Elizabeth and her German garden. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1900. - LEW 45

Ellis, Edward S. - Footprints in the forest. - London: Cassell & Co. , 1900?. - LEW 43

Ellis, Edward S. - Uncrowning a king: a tale of King Philip's war. - Philadelphia: Penn , 1911. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Ellis, G. - Early English poets. - London , 1801. - 3 vols. - EXU Q03

Ellis, George. - Early English metrical romances. - London , 1848. - Bohn's antiquarian library. - DRO 5203M/20

Elton, C.I. - Origins of English history. - London , 1890. - EXU Q05

Elworthy, F.T. - Horns of honour and other studies in the by-ways of archaeology. - London , 1900. - ill.. - EXU K05

Ely, Richard. - Elementary principles of economics ... by Richard Ely and George Ray Wicker. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1919. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Elyard, S.J. - Some old Wiltshire homes. - , 1894. - small folio. - EXU B06

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882). - English traits, Representative men and other essays by Ralph Waldow Emerson. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1908. - Everyman library ; no. 279. Essays and belles lettres [series]. Reprinted 1916. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882). - Works. - Boston , 1887. - 12 vols. - EXU P13

Empire ... - The Empire and Alhambra songster. - London: W.S. Fortey, Great St, andrew Street , 1890?. - [32]p. - DRO Ballads 5/05 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 6

Encyclopedia ... - Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. Vol. 8. - Edinburgh , 1879. - DRO 5203M/26

Encyclopedia ... - Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. Vols 10, 13, 14. - Edinburgh , 1882. - DRO 5203M/01

Encyclopedia ... - Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. Vol. 11. - London , 1833. - DRO ? Check

Encyclopedia ... - Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. Vols 15. - London , 1833. - DRO

Encyclopedia ... - Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. Vol. 21. - Edinburgh , 1882. - DRO 5203M/26

Encyclopedia ... - Encyclopedia Britannica. 9th ed. Vol. 22. - Edinburgh , 1882. - DRO 5203M/24

Endert, van . - Organ fur christliche Kunst. - Koln , 1868. - EXU K07

English ... - The English hymnal. - Oxford: University Press , 1906. - LEW 53

English ... - The English minstrel. - Edinburgh , 1807. - EXU M11

English ... - The English poets: selections with critical introductions. Edited by Thomas Humphry Ward. Vol. 5: Browning by Rupert Brooke. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1918. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

English ... - The English rose [etc]. - [London]: H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough , 1895?. - [4]p. - DRO Broadsides/142 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Englishman . - Brief remarks on English manners ... in a series of letters to a friend in France. - London: John Booth , 1816. - MS: W. Baring Gould. - LEW 21

Englishman . - Electors of Tavistock. - [Tavistock]: [s.n.] , 1857?. - 1 sheet. - Dated: Kilworthy Lane, Tavistock, March 12th.- Year of confusion. - DRO Broadsides/028 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Entertaining ... - The entertaining history of Tom Thumb. - London: Published by E.Lloyd, 12, Salisbury-square , 1850?. - 12p. - DRO Ballads 5/11 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 12

Entertaining ... - The entertaining instructor. - London , 1765. - EXU O04

Entrapped ... - The entrapped cashier; or, the lost finger. - Leeds: Johnson, publisher , 1889?. - 34p. - DRO Chapbooks 1/06 ; Mf 4.3.1 fiche 6

Epulans ... - Epulans Aesopus; sive, Discursus mensales inter confratres petrinos curatos. - Francofurti : Krauss (?) , 1751. - Much on diabolic appearances, spirits, exorcism, witchcraft. - EXU J27

Erasmus, Desiderius. - Epistolarum. - antverpiae , 1590. - EXU O07

Erckmann, Emile (1822-1899). - Histoire d'un paysan : histoire de la revolution francaise racontee par un paysan Paris , 1869. - EXU H20

Erin ... - Erin-go-bragh songster. W.S.Fortey's edition. - London: W.S.Fortey, 4, Great St. andrew Street , 1895?. - [8]p. - DRO Broadsides/160 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 4

Erin's ... - Erin's lament, together with the Peeler and goat, and Molly Astore. - Printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/02 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 1

Escutt, T.H.S. - Society in the country house. - London , 1907. - EXU Q06

Espen, Zegar Bernard van (1646-1728). - Opera omniA Lovanii , 1753. - 4 vols., folio. - EXU E06

Euripides. - The tragedies of Euripides, trans. Theodore Alois Buckley, vols.I&II. - EXU Supplement

Eusebius. - Preparatio evangelicA Paris , 1846. - 2 vols. - EXU Q05

Eusebius Pamphilus. - The ecclesiastical history, translated from the Greek by C.F.Crusé. - London: Bell & Daldy , 1866. - Bohn's ecclesiastical library. - LEW 24

Evans, Robert Wilson. - Tales of the ancient British church. 2nd ed. - London: J.G. & F.Rivington , 1841. - MS: Sabine Gould ... his friend & tutor William Hayes ... 1846. - LEW 37

Evelyn, John, 1620-1706. - Diary - correspondence. - London , 1881-83. - 4 vols. - EXU O06

Evening ... - [Evening communion: pamphlets and manuscript notes]. - , 1905?. - In card folder labelled: Printer's proof sheets of Evening Communion. - DRO 5203M/36

Evening ... - Evening hymn. - [London]: J.Catnach, printer, 2,&3, Monmouth-Court , 1835?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/082 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Everybody's ... - Everybody's German dictionary. - London: W.Foulsham & Co. , 1920?. - LEW 45

Ewer, F.C. - Catholicity in its relationship to protestantism and romanism. - New York , 1878. - EXU D02

Ewie ... - The ewie wi' the crooked horn; to which are added, She lives in the valley below, The star of the east, The mill, mill, O, [...]. - Glasgow : Printed for the booksellers , 1828. - 8p. - DRO Trans Feb 2011

Ewing, Julian HoratiA . - Jan of the windmill; a story of the Plains. - Boston: Roberts Brothers , 1886. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Excellent ... - an excellent garland; containing four new songs. 1. Jack at the windlass. 2. Bright Chanticleer preclaims the dawn. 3. ... - Congleton: Printed and sold by J. Dean , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/11 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 3

Excellent ... - an excellent garland; containing four new songs.1.The vestry dinner. 2.The wooing days. 3.The blind sailor. 4.The soldier's adieu. - Congleton: Printed and sold by J. Dean , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/10 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 3

Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. - Transactions of the Exeter Dioc. Arch. Society : 2nd series. - Exeter , 1867-1892. - 5 vols. - EXU B12

Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. - Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. - Exeter , 1843-1861. - 6 vols. - EXU B12

Exeter. Diocese. - Episcopal registers of the diocese of Exeter, ed. F.C.Hingeston Randolph. - London , 1886-09. - 4 vols. - EXU M07

Expositor ... - The expositor, 5th series, vol. 6. - London : Hodder & Stoughton , 1897. - With contributions by Sabine Baring-Gould and others. - EXU G02

Fabeln ... - Fabeln aus den Zeiten der Minnesinger. - Zurich: Orell und Compagnie , 1757. - LEW 31

Faber, Basilius (d. 1575/6). - Thesaurus eruditionis scholasticae. - Francofurti , 1749. - EXU J07

Fabre, Ferdinand. - Novels. - Paris. - , 17 vols. - EXU O02-O03

Fabri, Matthiae. - Concionum dominicales et auctiarium. - , 1645?. - EXU A07

Facchinetti, P.V. - San Francesco d'Assisi. - Milano , 1926. - EXU P07

Fairburn's ... - Fairburn's eccentric songster. - London; Published by John Fairburn , 1805?. - 106p. - J.Dennett, printer, Union Buildings, Leather Lane. - DRO Ballads 4/02 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 2-3

Fairburn's ... - Fairburn's Incledonian and Vauxhall songster, for 1808. - London: Published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories , 1808]. - 36p. - J.Dennett, printer, Union Buildings, Fetter Lane. - DRO Ballads 4/03 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 3

Fairless, Michael. - The roadmender. 47th impression. - London: Duckworth & Co. , 1921. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Faithful ... - The faithful sailor boy [etc]. - [London]: [H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough] , 1890?. - [4]p. - DRO Broadsides/116 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Falconer, Lanoe. - Cecilia de Noel. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1910. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Falconer, Lanoe. - Mademoiselle Ixe. 6th ed. - London: T.Fisher Unwin , 1891. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. Pseudonym library. - LEW 72

Family ... - [Family trees, printed and manuscript, letters, photograph, degree certificate]. - [Portfolio] , 1920?. - 1 vol. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/25

Famous ... - The famous history of Valentine & Orson, the two sons of the Emperor of Greece. - Clerkenwell: Mary Rhynd, printer, 21, Ray Street , 1804. - 24p. - DRO Ballads 2/09 ; Mf 4.1.2 fiche 4

Famous ... - The famous history of Valentine & Orson, the two sons of the Emperor of Greece. - London : Mary Rhynd, printer for C.Sheppard , 1804. - 24p. - DRO Ballads 3/04 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 3

Famous ... - Famous nations. Vol. 1. - London: Pitmans? , 1890. - DRO 5203M/11

Famous ... - Famous nations. Vols. 4, 7, 8, 17, 20. - London: Pitmans , 1895?. - DRO 5203M/02

Famous ... - Famous nations. Vols. 5, 6, 9, 10. - London: Pitmans? , 1895?. - DRO 5203M/06

Famous ... - The story of Greece. - New York : Putnam , 1895. - Famous nations ; vol. 3. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/31

Fanny ... - Fanny blooming fair. - [London]: [s.n.] , 1760?. - 1 sheet. - Sheet of engraved music, page no. P.38. - DRO Broadsides/022 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Farces ... - Farces and entertainment performed on the British stage. - Edinburgh , 1786-88. - 6 vols. - EXU N13

Farjeon, J.Jefferson. - The confusing friendship. - London: Brentano's , 1930?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Farmers ... - Farmers magazine. - Edinburgh , 1801. - 2 vols. - EXU J30

Farnham, Frank R. - Bald headed aft : an etching by Levon West. - [New York?] : F.R.Farnham , 1928. - Ms dedication to Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 61

Farnol, Jeffery. - The amateur gentleman Boston: Little, Brown & Co. , 1913. - Ex libris: Denman Frederic Johnson, Gertrude Linton Johnson. - LEW 77

Farnol, Jeffery. - The broad highway. A romance of Kent. New and cheaper ed. - London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co , 1923?. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate MS. - LEW 68

Farnol, Jeffrey. - The money moon: a romance. New & cheaper ed. - London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Farrar, F.W. - The life of Christ. - London , 18--. - DRO 5203M/27

Fauriel. - Histoire de la poésie provencale. - , 1846. - 3 vols. - EXU P03

Favrolle, de. - LA Duchesse de Kingston. - Paris , 1813. - 2 vols. - EXU M11

Fea, A The flight of the king. - London , 1897. - EXU Q01

Featley, D. - The dippers dipt. - London , 1651. - EXU Q04

Fellow of the Linnaean Society. - The naturalist's poetical companion: selected by a Fellow of the Linnaean Society. - London: Hamilton, Adams & Co. , 1833. - MS. - LEW 63

Female ... - The female spectator. Vol. 2. 2nd ed. - London: T.Gardner , 1748. - LEW 34

Ferber, EdnA . - Showboat. - Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz , 1927. - Tauchnitz edition; 4764. - LEW 75

Fergusson, Harvey. - Capitol Hill: a novel of Washington life. - New York: Alfred A.Knopf , 1923. - MS. - LEW 67

Ferri, E. - Criminal sociology. - New York , 1897. - EXU L06

Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone (1782-1854). - The inheritance, by the author of Marriage. In 3 vols. Vol. 1. New ed. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood , 1842. - LEW 34

Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone (1782-1854). - The inheritance, by the author of marriage. In 3 vols. Vol. 2. New ed. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood , 1842. - LEW 34

Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone (1782-1854). - The inheritance, by the author of Marriage. In 3 vols. Vol. 3. New ed. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood , 1842. - LEW 34

Fetridge, W. Pembroke. - Harper's phrase-book; or hand-book of travel talk for travelers and schools. - New York: Harper & Brothers , 1880. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 82

Fickle ... - Fickle Jenny & Jockey, a dialogue. - [London]: [s.n.] , 1760?. - 1 sheet. - Sheet of engraved music, page no. 35. - DRO Broadsides/016 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Fielding, Henry. - The adventures of Joseph andrews. Vol. 1. - London: C.Cooke , 1790?. - In 2 vol. - LEW 31

Fielding, Henry. - AmeliA London: Cooke , 1793]. - 3 vols., P.8vo, ill... - EXU C09

Fielding, Henry. - Amelia. Vol. 1. - London: Hutchinson & Co. , 1910?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate Classic novel series. Uncut. - LEW 77

Fielding, Henry. - Amelia. Vol. 2. - London: Hutchinson & Co. , 1910?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate Classic novel series. Uncut. - LEW 77

Fielding, Henry. - The history of Joseph andrews and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams. - London: Hutchinson & Co. , 1900?. - Uncut. Classic novels. - LEW Boxes from USA

Fielding, Henry. - The history of the life of the late Mr. Jonathan Wild the great and A journey from this world to the next. Illus Phiz. - London: Hutchinson & Co. , 1900?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate Largely uncut. Classic novels. - LEW Boxes from USA

Fielding, Henry. - The history of Tom Jones. - , 1749. - 4 vols., P.8vo. - EXU B02

Fielding, Henry. - The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. Vol. 1. - London: Hutchinson & Co. , 1900?. - Classic novels. - LEW Boxes from USA

Fielding, Henry. - The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. Vol. 1. - London: Hutchinson & Co. , 1900?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. Classic novels. - LEW Boxes from USA

Fifty-six ... - Fifty-six wants of the children of Zion, all supplied from the fountain head. - London : Printed by J. and C.Evans, Long-lane , 1825?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/002 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Figuier, Louis. - Le. - gardian de la Camarge Mos de Lavène. - Paris: C.Marpon et E.Flammarion , 1900?. - Novel. In bundle with 38/91-95. - LEW 38/95

Finlason, W.F. - A dissertation on the history of hereditary dignities. - London: Butterworths , 1869. - LEW 43

Finnemore, John. - Boys and girls of other days; History told in the form of romance. A reader for upper standards. - Reading: National Publishing and Supply Association , 1898. - LEW 67

Firth, C.H. (introduction). - Stuart tracts 1603-1693. - London: Archibald Constable and Co. , 1903. - LEW 64

Fischer, Laurenz Hannibal. - Die. - teutsche Adel in der Vorzeit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. 1er band. - Frankfurt am Main: bei dem Verfasser , 1852. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 47

Fisher, Herbert. - Napoleon. - London: Williams & Norgate , 1919. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate Home university library of modern knowledge. First pub 1912. - LEW 75

Fitz-Adam, Adam. - The world. - London : printed for R. and J.Dodsley , 1761. - 4 vols. - EXU H21

Fitzpatrick, R. - Jock of the Bushvel. - London , 1913. - ill.. - EXU G02

Five ... - Five excellant [sic] new songs: namely, The auld man's mare's dead. General Wolfes song. Three weeks after marraige. [...]. - [Edinburgh] : Printed for the booksellers , 1825?. - 8p. - DRO Trans Feb 2011

Five ... - Five Songs: Whistle o'er the lave o't; Auld Janet Baird; The boatie rows; I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen; Auld John Borthwick. - Glasgow: Printed for the booksellers , 1840?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/05 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 2

Flaubert, Gustave. - Bouvard et Pecuchet. - , 18--?. - EXU J26

Flaux, A.de. - Histoire de la Suède. - Paris , 1861. - EXU P03

Fletcher, John. - The two noble kinsmen, by John Fletcher and William Shakespeare. - New York: Harper Brothers , 1893. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marian Linton. - DRO 5203M/30

Fleury, Abbé. - Histoire ecclesiastique. Tome 16e: depuis l'an 1198 jusques a l'an 1230. - Paris: Jean Mariette , 1719. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 35

Fleury, M. - Table generale des matieres de l'histoire ecclesiastique/ M.Fleury & P.Fabre. - Paris , 1758. - 4 vols. - EXU M02

Florence of Worcester. - Florence of Worcester's chronicle. - EXU Supplement

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Estelle: pastorale. Nouvelle ed. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Fables. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Galatée: pastorale imitée de Cervantes. Nouvelle ed. - Paris: andr+ , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Gonzalve de Cordoue: ou Grenade reconquise. Nouvelle ed. Tome 1. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Gonzalve de Cordoue: ou Grenade reconquise. Nouvelle ed. Tome 2. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Gonzalve de Cordoue: ou Grenade reconquise. Nouvelle ed. Tome 3. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - L'. - homme des champs ou les géorgiques franthoises. - Basle: Jacques Decker , 1800. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Mélanges de poésie et de littérature. Nouvelle ed. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Nouvelles nouvelles. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 21

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Numa Pompilius: second roi de Rome. Tome 1. - Paris , 1793. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Numa Pompilius: second roi de Rome. Tome 1 [&2]. - Avignon: Pierre Chaillot jeune , 1810. - Mrs Baring-Gould. - LEW 33

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Numa Pompilius: second roi de Rome. Tome 2. - Paris , 1795. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Les. - six nouvelles. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/27

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Théatre. Nouvelle ed. Tome 1. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Théatre. Nouvelle ed. Tome 2. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris de. - Théatre. Nouvelle ed. Tome 3. - Paris , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Flower ... - The flower of Drogheda. To which is added Bessy Brown of Ballybay. - Drogheda: printed in this present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/03 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 1

Flugel. - Dictionary - Flügel's German-English English-German London , 1860. - EXU C10

Folk-Song Society. - Journal of the Folk-Song Society. - London , 1899-09. - 3 vols. - EXU M06

Folliott-Stokes. - The Cornish coast and moors. - London , 1912. - ill.. - EXU B09

Fontenelle, Bernard le Bouvier de (1657-1757). - Oeuvres choisies. Tome premier. Nouvelle ed. - Liege: F.J.Desoer , 1779. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 21

Foot ... - Foot it, my dears. Dutch politicians. Dutch dancing master [etc]. - London: Printed for I.Taylor in Holborn , 1775. - 1 sheet. - Six figures of men with performing animals. - DRO Broadsides/053 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Foote, M.H. - The led-horse claim. - Boston , 1911. - EXU K09

Forbes, C.S. - Iceland, its volcanoes, geysers and glaciers. - London: W.Clowes & Sons , 1860?. - Lacks title page. - LEW 57

Forbes, Mrs Walter R.D. - Leroux. - London: Greening & Co. , 1908. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Ford, Richard. - A hand-book for travellers in Spain. Part 1. - London: John Murray , 1845. - MS: E.Baring-Gould. - LEW 45

Ford, Richard. - A hand-book for travellers in Spain. Part 2. - London: John Murray , 1845. - MS: E.Baring-Gould. - LEW 45

Formenschatz ... - Der. - Formenschatz. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1879. - Portfolio of monthly parts of reproductions of engravings. - DRO 5203M/29

Formenschatz ... - Der. - Formenschatz. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1880. - Portfolio of monthly parts of reproductions of engravings. - DRO 5203M/29

Formenschatz ... - Der. - Formenschatz. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1881. - Portfolio of monthly parts of reproductions of engravings. - DRO 5203M/29

Formenschatz ... - Der. - Formenschatz der Renaissance, 2. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1882?. - Portfolio of monthly parts of reproductions of engravings. - DRO 5203M/29

Fornmanna ... - Fornmanna sögur. - Kaupmannahofn , 1825. - 12 vols. - EXU N11

Forschungen ... - Forschungen und Denkwürdigkeiten aus der alten und neuen Geschichte. 1ter Band. - Wien: Verein zur Verbreiting guter katholicher Bücher , 1833. - LEW 37

Forschungen ... - Forschungen und Denkwürdigkeiten aus der alten und neuen Geschichte. 2ter Band. - Wien: Verein zur Verbreiting guter katholicher Bücher , 1833. - LEW 37

Forster, Charles (d. 1871). - The Life of John Jebb ... bishop of Limerick, Ardfelt and Aghadoe, with a selection from his letters. - London : J.Duncan (?) , 1837 (?). - EXU J25

Forster, Edward Morgan (1879-1970). - The longest journey. - London , 1924. - EXU G09

Forsyth, W. - Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. - London , 1864. - 2 vols., ill.. - EXU Q03

Forsyth, W. - A treatise on fruit trees. - London , 1803. - EXU J27

Fortis, A . - Viaggio in DalmaziA Venezia , 1774. - ill.. - EXU E11

Foster, J. - London marriage licences 1521-1869 / ed. J.Foster. - London , 1887. - EXU Q07

Fothergill, Jessie. - The first violin. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

Fouard, Constant, Abbé. - Saint Paul and his missions, translated with the author's sanction. New ed. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1911. - LEW 73

Four ... - Four new carols. - London : J. & C.Evans, Long-lane , 1825?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/007 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Four ... - Four songs. Liberty's tree. A favourite new song. The barn courtship. Auld lang syne. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/13 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 4

Fowle, Edmund. - Plain preaching for a year, 3rd series / ed. Edmund Fowle. - London , 1882. - EXU D10

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). - Plain preaching for a year. - London: Skeffington , 1873 , 16cm. - Vol 3 of 3 - Saints' Days. - PLY

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). - Plain preaching for a year. - London: Skeffington , 1873. - Vol 1 of 3 - Advent to Whitsunday. - PLY

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). - Plain preaching for a year. - London: Skeffington , 1873 , 16cm. - Vol 2 of 3 - Trinity etc.. - PLY

Fowle, Edmund (editor). - Plain preaching for a year. - London: Skeffington , 1877 , 16cm. - Vol 1, 2nd series. - PLY

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). - Plain preaching for a year. - London: Skeffington , 1882 , 18cm. - Vol 1 of 2 - Advent to Whitsunday. - PLY

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). - Plain preaching for a year. - London: Skeffington , 1882 , 18cm. - Vol 2 of 2 - Trinity etc.. - PLY

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). - Plain preaching to poor people. - London: Skeffington , 1879. - A collection of sermons by various authors, including S Baring-G. - PLY

Fowle, Edmund (Editor). - Plain preaching to poor people. - London: Skeffington , 1889. - 131p : 17cm. - A collection of sermons by various authors, including S Baring-G. - PLY

Fowle, Edward (Editor). - Plain preaching to poor people. 5th series. - London: Willliam Skeffington , 1872 , 155p : 15cm. - Sermons by various authors including S Baring-Gould: XII Thanksgiving, p. 146-155. - DRO 5203M/35 ; PLY

Fowler, J.T. - Some legends of St. Nicholas. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - From: Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, vol. 17, pp.254-260. - LEW 38/53

Fox, John. - Fox's book of martyrs, new edition. - London. - ill.. folio. - EXU E06

Fox, Thomas. - How to find and name wild flowers. - EXU Supplement

Fr÷hlich, Hermann. - Die. - schwäbische Alb. - Stuttgart: Levy & Müller , 1872. - LEW 45

France, anatole. - Les. - contes de Jacques Tournebroche. - Paris: Calmann-Lévy , 1924. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 53

France, anatole. - Les. - désirs de Jean Servien. - Paris: Calmann-Lévy , 1921. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 47

France, anatole. - L'. - étui de nacre. - Paris: Calmann-Lévy , 1920?. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

France, anatole. - The life of Joan of Arc. Cheap ed. Vol. 1. - London: John Lane Bodley Head , 1925. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

France, anatole. - The life of Joan of Arc. Cheap ed. Vol. 2. - London: John Lane Bodley Head , 1925. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

France, anatole. - The life of Joan of Arc. Cheap ed. Vol. 3. - London: John Lane Bodley Head , 1925. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

France, anatole. - Little Pierre. - EXU Supplement

France, anatole. - Le. - lys rouge. Nouvelle ed. - Paris: Calmann-Lévy , 1921. - LEW 53

France, anatole. - My friend's book. - EXU Supplement

France, anatole. - LA révolte des anges. - Paris , 1914. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/26

France, anatole. - LA rotisserie de la reine Pedauque. - Paris? , 19--. - DRO 5203M/14

France, anatole (1844-1924). - History comique [sic]. - , 1903 (?). - EXU J26

Francis of Assisi, Saint. - The little flowers of St. Francis of Assisi, translated from the Italian. 3rd ed. - London: Burns & Oates , 1889. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. MS gift to Merriol Almond from Adele Baring-Gould bookplate's son John Rebord 1995. - LEW 34

Frankly. - The rambles of Mr Frankly. Published by his sister. Vol. 1. - London: T.Becket and P. A. Dehondt , 1772. - In 2 vol. - LEW 33

Frankly. - The rambles of Mr Frankly. Published by his sister. Vol. 4. - London: T.Becket and P. A. Dehondt , 1776. - LEW 33

Fraser, T.A . - Maitland of Castle Rough: being the memoirs of a soldier of fortune. - London: Herbert Jenkins , 1918. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Frazer, G.G. - Passages of the Bible: chosen for their literary beauty and interest. 2nd ed. - London: Adam & Charles Black , 1909. - MS: Sabine from Aunty Molly. - LEW 67

Frazer, J.G. - The golden bough. - , 1890. - 2 vols., B.P. - EXU D08

Frazer, Sir James George. - Man, god and immortality: thoughts on human progress. - New York: Macmillan Co. , 1927. - Missing bookplate. - LEW 65

Freeman, Edward A The historical geography of Europe. 2 vols. Vol 1: text. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1881. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

Freeman, Edward A . - Select historical essays. - Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz , 1873. - LEW 72

Freisauff, R. von. - Salzburger Volkssagen. - Leipzig , 1880. - EXU J15

French, Samuel. - Alphabetical catalogue of the principal plays ... 1905-6. - London: Samuel French , 1905. - 38/98/04. - LEW 38/98

French, Samuel. - Alphabetical catalogue of the principal plays ... 1906. - London: Samuel French , 1906. - 38/98/05. - LEW 38/98

French, Samuel. - Alphabetical catalogue of the principal plays ... 1906. - London: Samuel French , 1906. - another copy 38/98/06. - LEW 38/98

French, Samuel. - Descriptive catalogue of plays and dramatic works 1883-84. - London: Samuel French , 1883. - 38/98/01. - LEW 38/98

French, Samuel. - Descriptive catalogue of plays and dramatic works 1883-84. - London: Samuel French , 1883. - another copy 38/98/02. - LEW 38/98

French, Samuel. - Descriptive catalogue of plays and dramatic works 1883-84. - London: Samuel French , 1883. - another copy 38/98/03. - LEW 38/98

Frere, Mary. - Old Deccan days: or Hindoo fairy legends. - London: John Murray , 1912. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate: MS: Xmas 1913. - LEW 43

Frere, W.H. and Douglas (eds). - Puritan manifestoes: a study of the origin of the puritan revolt. - London: Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge , 1907. - Church Historical Society; 72. - LEW 64

Frey, J. - Das. - Schweizerland. - Basel. - 2 vols. - EXU N08

Fridriksson, H (first name unknown). - Bandamanna ok Barclar Sogum. - Kiobenhavn , 1849. - EXU N11

Fridriksson, H (first name unknown). - Thordar saga ok Lucidarius. - Kiobenhavn , 1848. - EXU N11

Friend, Hilderic. - Bygone Devonshire. - , 1898. - EXU B09

Frischlin, Nicodemus (1547-1590). - Facetiae selectiores. - , 1651?. - EXU B08

Fritze, Ernst. - Die. - Maske des Reichtums: Novelle. - Hannover: Carl Rümpler , 1863. - Novellen von Ernst Fritze; 3ter Band. - LEW 37

Frobenius, L. - The childhood of man London , 1909. - ill.. - EXU K06

Froissart, Jean . - Chronicles of England, France and Spain, etc. - London , 1839. - 2 vols. - EXU J05

Froude, James anthony. - English seamen in the sixteenth century: lectures delivered at Oxford ... 1893-4. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1915. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Froude, James anthony (1818-1894). - The nemesis of faith. - London: John Chapman , 1849. - LEW 62

Fuller, M. - The works. - Boston , 1874-84. - 4 vols. - EXU P09

Fuller, Thomas. - Church history in Britain, vols. 1-3. - EXU A.H.Efford

Fuller, Thomas. - The church history of Britain from the birth of Jesus Christ until the year MDCXLVIII. - EXU Supplement

Fuller, Thomas. - Fuller's church history of Britain, vols. 1 & 2. - EXU Supplement

Fuller, Thomas. - The history of the worthies of England. New ed. Vol. 1. - London: Thomas Tegg , 1840. - LEW 43

Fuller, Thomas. - The history of the worthies of England. New ed. Vol. 3. - London: Thomas Tegg , 1840. - LEW 43

Furneaux, H. - The annals of Tacitus / ed. H.Furneaux. - Oxford , 1884-91. - 2 vols. - EXU K06

Furneaux, W. - Life in ponds and streams. - London , 1919. - EXU J27

Gabriel, l'Abbé. - Le. - Christ et le monde. - Paris , 1862. - EXU E07

Gabriel, Marie (cure de Saint-Merri). - De la vie et de la mort des nations. - Paris , 1857. - EXU E07

Gabriel, Marie (cure de Saint-Merri). - Principes généraux d'une théodicée pratique. - Paris , 1866. - EXU E07

Gaby ... - Gaby Grin, the eccentric clown, illuminating the entrance to old Guter Lane. - [London] : Published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories , 1800?. - 1p : ill. - DRO Ballads 4/01 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 1

Gage, Thomas (d. 1656). - Voyage de Thomas Gage, vol. I. - Amsterdam , 1722. - EXU N02

Gaidoz, Henri. - Etudes de mythologie gauloise. 1. Le dieu gaulois du soleil et le symbolisme de la roue. - Paris: Ernest Leroux , 1886. - LEW 38/31

Gaidoz, Henri. - LA rage & St. Hubert. - Paris: Alphonse Picard , 1887. - Bibliotheca mythicA LEW 38/37

Gaillard, Félix. - Fouilles du cimetière celtique de l'ile Thinic 15 aout 1883: rapport. - Vannes: Imprimerie Galles , 1884. - LEW 38/66

Galles, L. - Fouilles du tumulus du Moustoir-Carnac. - Vannes: Imprimerie de L.Galles , 1865. - LEW 38/62

Galles, L. - Tumulus et dolmen de Kercado, Carnac [et] Tumuls et dolmen du Rocher, Plougoumelen. - Vannes: Imprimerie Galles , 1884. - LEW 38/61

Galles, René. - Manné-er-H'Roek: dolmen découvert sous un tumulus Ó Locmariaquer. - Vannes: Imprimerie de J.-M.Galles , 1863. - LEW 38/58

Gallonii, A . - De sanctorum martyrum cruciatibus. - Paris , 1660. - EXU N14

Galpin, F.W. - Old English instruments of music. - London , 1910. - ill.. - EXU G02

Galsworthy, John. - The dark flower. - London: William Heinemann , 1913. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Galsworthy, John. - Plays: 1st series. The silver box; Joy; Strife. - London: Duckworth & Co. , 1920. - New impr. - LEW 44

Galsworthy, John. - Plays: 2nd series. The eldest son; The little drean; Justice. - London: Duckworth & Co. , 1920. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Galsworthy, John. - Plays: 3rd series. The fugitive; The pigeon; The mob. - London: Duckworth & Co. , 1920. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Galsworthy, John. - Plays: 4th series. A bit o' love; The foundation; The skin game. - London: Duckworth & Co. , 1920. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Gams, P.P.B. - Series episcoporum Ratisbonae. - , 1873. - EXU P07

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Almer und Jägerleut': neue Hochlands-Geschichten. 4te Aufl. - Stuttgart: Adolf Bonz & Co. , 1900. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 53

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Bergluft. Hochlands-Geschichten. - Stuttgart: Adolf Bonz & Co. , 1900?. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Der. - Besondere, Hochlandgeschichte. 4th ed. - Stuttgart: Adolf Bonz & Co. , 1899. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Der. - Dorfapostel. 3rd ed. - Stuttgart: Adolf Bonz & Co. , 1890?. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Gesammelte Schriften, vols. 1,2,5-10. - , 1910?. - 8 present vols. in 4. - EXU J24

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Die. - Günden der Bäter. - Stuttgart , 1900?. - Damaged. - DRO 5203M/28

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Der. - hohe Schein. - Stuttgart , 1900?. - 2 vols. - EXU G10

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Der. - Jager von Fall. - Stuttgart , 1909. - EXU H08

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - De. - laufender Berg: ein Hochlandroman. 10te Aufl.. - Stuttgart: Adolf Bonz & Comp. , 1890?. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Der. - Mann im Salz: Roman aus dem anfang des 17 Jahrhunderts. 1ter Band. 12te Aufl. - Stuttgart: Adolf Bonz & Comp. , 1890?. - LEW 82

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Der. - Mann in Salz: Roman aus dem anfang des 17 Jahrhunderts. 2ter Band. 12te Aufl. - Stuttgart: Adolf Bonz & Comp. , 1906. - LEW 82

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Die. - Martinsklause. - Stuttgart , 1912. - 2 vols., ill.. - EXU G10

Ganghofer, Ludwig. - Oberland: Erzählungen aus den Bergen. 4te Auflage. - Stuttgart: Adolf Bonz & Comp. , 1890?. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 21

Ganghofer, Ludwig (1855-1920). - Edelweisskoenig : Hochlandsroman Stuttgart , 1911. - EXU H08

Garaby, M. de. - Vies des bienheureux et des saibnts de Bretagne pour tous les jours de l'année. - [Manuscript] , 18--. - In pencil. - DRO 5203M/13

Gardiner, Bertha Meriton. - The French Revolution 1789-1795. Epochs of modern history. 13th impression. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1908. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. - The Thirty Years War. 7th ed. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1886. - LEW 45

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. Bess the gawkie. Blythe was she. Yorkshireman in London. Pray Goody. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/27 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 6

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. God save the King. Rule Britannia. The jubliee. General Wolfe. The trumpet sounds a victory. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/21 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 5

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. Lovely Kitty. Woo'd and married and a'. The battle of Sherra-Muir. If he will take the hint. [etc.]. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/26 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 5

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. Muirland Willie. Maggy Lauder. As I walk'd by myself. Sandy o'er the lee. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/20 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 5

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. Sweet Willy o' the green. The Yorkshire concert. The Yorkshire Itishman. The woodland maid. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/22 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 5

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. The battle of the Nile. Tom Starboard. The sailor's adieu. Tom Bowling. True ccourage. The sea boy. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/28 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 6

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. The Bay of Biscay, o. All's well. Poor Joe the marine. The mid watch. The sea-boy. The sailor's adieu. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/29 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 6

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. The death of Nelson. Lochaber. The yellow-hair'd laddie. Whistle, and I'll come to you, my lad. [etc.]. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/24 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 5

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. The fairest of the fair. Here's a health, &c. Giles Scroggins' ghost. My only Jo' an' dearie o. [etc.]. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/19 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 4

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. Tweed side; My Nanie, o. Highland laddie. Up in the morning early. Flowers of the forest. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/25 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 5

Garland ... - A Garland of new songs. Allen A-Dale. Paddy Carey. Ma Chere Amie. William Tell. Oh the moment was sad. The cottage on the Moor. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/17 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 4

Garland ... - A garland of new songs. The storm, by Mrs. Robinson. A free mason's song. My eye and Betty Martin. - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/23 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 5

Garland ... - A garland of new songs: O how I love somebody. The pretty maid milking her cow. Of a' the airts the win' can blow. The banks ... - Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by J.Marshall , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 3/18 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 4

Garland, Alison L. - Caught by the tide. - London: Swan Sonnenschein, Lowrey & Co. , 1888. - LEW 75

Garmann, L. Christian Friedrich. - De miraculis mortuorum. - Lipsiae: Christian Kirchner , 1570. - LEW 34

Gasquet, F.A . - Henry VIII and the English monasteries. - London , 1888. - EXU K08

Gasquet, Francis Aidan . - Edward VI and the Book of Common Prayer: an examination into its origin and early history. 2nd ed. - London: John Hodges , 1891. - LEW 57

Gasquet, Francis Aidan . - Henry VIII and the English monasteries: an attempt to illustrate the history of their suppression. Vol. 2. 2nd ed. - London: John Hodges , 1889. - LEW 73

Gastoue, A Les. - origines du chant romain. - Paris , 1907. - EXU K12

Gatrill, J.M. - The Rev S Baring-Gould at home. - From: Sunday Mag. ; v. 24, Sep , 1895. - p. 597-606 : ill ; 25cm. - PLY

Gatrill, James Matcham. - Echoes : some words pertaining to the kingdom of God spoken from the pulpit from time to time / preface by S.Baring-Gould. - London : Skeffington and Son , 1912. - EXU G11

Gaudeamus ... - Gaudeamus: a selection of songs for colleges and schools, edited by John Farmer. Special edition for the use of Rugby School. - London: Cassel & Co.; Rugby: A.J.Lawrence , 1910?. - MS: Baring-Gould. - LEW 37

Gaulminus, Gilbertus. - De vita & morte Mosis. Libri tres. - Hamburg: Christian Liebezeit , 1714. - LEW 33

Gayley, C.M. - Plays of our forefathers. - London , 1908. - ill.. - EXU K06

Gee, H. - The Elizabethan clergy and the settlement of religion. - Oxford , 1898. - EXU G13

Geheime ... - Geheime Geschichte des ehemaligen Westphälischen Hofes zu Cassel. 2ter Theil. - St.Petersburg , 1814. - anonymous. - LEW 24

Gem ... - The Gem of Gormanstown, to which is added Rachel, the Ruby of Rush. - Drogheda: printed in this present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/04 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 1

Geniaux, C. - Eglises de Bretagne. - , 1897-1902?. - ill.. - EXU H20

Genlis, Madame de. - Nouvelle méthode d'enseignement pour la première enfance. - Besancon , 1800. - EXU L05

Genlis, Madame de. - Le. - petit la Bruyère, ou charactères et moeurs des enfans de ce siècle. - Paris: Maradan , 1801. - LEW 11

Géographie ... - Géographie de France d'après la nouvelle division. 2de éd. - Paris: Devaux , 1792. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 58

George, H.B. - Battles of English history. - London , 1895. - EXU K05

Gerard, Dorothea (1855-1915). - The eternal woman London : Hutchinson & Co. , 1903. - EXU G11

Gerle, W.A . - Bilder aus Böhmens Vorzeit. - , 18--. - DRO 5203M/08

German ... - German pronouncing dictionay: in two parts. - London: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. , 1875?. - LEW 63

Gerund, Friar. - The history of the famous preacher. - London , 1772. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU Q04

Gessner, Salomon (1730-1788). - Oeuvres complettes [sic]. Tome 1. - [Paris?] , 1800?. - LEW 32/25

Gessner, Salomon (1730-1788). - Oeuvres complettes [sic]. Tome 2. - [Paris?] , 1800?. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 21

Gessner, Salomon (1730-1788). - Oeuvres complettes [sic]. Tome 3. - [Paris?] , 1800?. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/26

Gessner, Salomon (1730-1788). - Schriften. 1ter Band. Der Tod Abels. - Zurich: Orell Geßner Füßli u. Comp. , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 82

Gessner, Salomon (1730-1788). - Schriften. 2ter Band. Idyllen. - [s.l.] , 1800?. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 82

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, vol. 6. - EXU A.H.Efford

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 10. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1788. - MS: Edward Baring Gould 1814. - LEW 24

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 11. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1788. - MS: Edward Baring Gould 1814. - LEW 24

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 12. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1788. - MS: I.Sabine Edward Baring Gould 1814. - DRO 5203M/28

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 2. 6th ed. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1784. - MS: Edward Baring Gould 1814. - LEW 24

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 3. 6th ed. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1784. - MS: Edward Baring Gould 1814. - LEW 24

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 4. 6th ed. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1784. - MS: Edward Baring Gould 1814. - LEW 24

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 7. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1788. - MS: Edward Baring Gould 1814. - LEW 24

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 8. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1788. - MS: Edward Baring Gould 1814. - LEW 24

Gibbon, Edward. - The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire. Vol. 9. - Dublin: W.Wilson , 1788. - MS: Edward Baring Gould 1814. - LEW 24

Gibbon, J.Murray. - Canadian folk songs (old and new). - London: J.M.Dent , 1927. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 47

Gibbs, George. - The bolted door. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1911. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 27

Gibbs, George. - The forbidden way. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1911. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Gibbs, George Makepeace. - The silent battle. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1913. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Gieseler, F.W. - Märchen des Aberglaubens alter und neuester Zeit: nebst einem psychologischen anhange über Ahnungen und Geister-Erscheinungen. - Tauberbischofsheim: Jos. Lang , 1867. - LEW 38/79

Gifford, I. - The marine botanist. - Brighton , 1853. - colour ill.. - EXU K05

Gift, T. - Dishonoured. - London , 1890. - 3 vols. - EXU J04

Gilbert, D. - ancient Christmas carols in West of England. - London , 1822. - EXU M12

Gilbert, D. - The parochial history of Cornwall. - , 1838. - 4 vols. - EXU B03

Gilbert, Rev. Dr. - A ready pathway to lead men and women to heaven. By the Rev. Dr. Gilbert. - London: Printed by John Evans, No. 42, Long-lane , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 5/16 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 13

Gilbert, W.S. - an old score: an original comedy-drama in three acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 1610. 38/98/43. - LEW 38/98

Gilbert, W.S. - Original plays. First series. - London: Chatto & Windus , 1920. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Gilbert, W.S. - Original plays. Third series. - London: Chatto & Windus , 1920. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Gilbert, W.S. - Sweethearts: an original dramatic contrast in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 1655. 38/98/45. - LEW 38/98

Gilbert, William Schwenck, Sir. - The Bab ballads. - London , 1919. - ill.. - EXU M06

Gilbert, William Schwenck, Sir. - Fifty 'Bab' ballads. - London , 1891. - EXU M03

Gillies, J. - History of ancient Greece. - Dublin , 1786. - 3 vols. - EXU G12

Ginn & Company. - Ginn and Company's classical atlas in twenty three coloured maps. - Boston: Ginn & Co. , 1886. - LEW 28

Gin-shop ... - The gin-shop; or, a peep into a prison. - London: J.Marshall, 17 Queen Street and R.White , 1800?. - 1 sheet. - Also sold by S.Hazard, printer to the Cheap Repository, Bath. - DRO Broadsides/042 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Giraldus Cambrensis. - The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis. - EXU Supplement

Gislason, K (first name unknown). - Gisla saga Surssonar. - Kjobenhavn , 1849. - EXU N11

Glad ... - Glad tidings to all people: a Christmas song. - London : Printed by A.Applegath and E.Cowper , 1820?. - 1 sheet. - Sold by J.Davis, 56, Paternoster Row; and J. and C.Evans. - DRO Broadsides/006 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Glazebrook, R.T. - Mechanics: an elementary text-book theoretical and practical for colleges and schools. - Cambridge: University Press , 1900. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Gleanings ... - Gleanings of Guinea 1600B.C.-A.D.1928. - Typescript , 1930?. - LEW 29

Glenn, IsA . - Southern charm. - New York: Alfred A.Knopf , 1928. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Glimpses ... - Glimpses along the Canadian Pacific Railway. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Portfolio of illustrations. - LEW 29

Glossary ... - Glossary of terms used in Gothic architecture. - Oxford , 1845. - 2 vols. - EXU J15

Glossary ... - Glossary: Three Irish glossaries. - London , 1862. - EXU J19

Glover, T.R. - The Christian tradition and its verification. - London , 1913. - EXU K09

Gluckselig, L. - Studien uber Jesus Christus. - Prag , 1863. - EXU H06

Goddess ... - The goddess of St. George's Hill. Together with Louth election song. - Dublin: printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/07 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 2

Godet, F. - Commentary on the gospel of St. John. With a critical introduction. Vol 3, 3rd ed. - Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark , 1889. - Clarke's foreign theological library. 4th ser.; vol. 56. - LEW 78

GoeThe . - Goethes Werke ... herausgegeben von Karl Heinemann. 9ter band: Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre. - Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut , 1900?. - LEW 82

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Autobiography, translated J.Oxenford. - Bell , 1891-94. - 2 vol. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Conversations with Eckermann and Soret, translated J.Oxenford. - Bell , 1883. - B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Dramatic works, translated Walter Scott [et al.]. - Bell , 1892. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Early and miscellaneous letters, translated E.Bell. - Bell , 1889. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Faust. - EXU J31

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Faust (in two parts), translated A.Swanwick. - Bell , 1886. - B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Miscellaneous travels, translated L.D.Schmitz. - Bell , 1884. - B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Novels and Tales, translated R.D.Boylan Bell , 1894. - B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Poems, translated E.A.Bowring. - Bell , 1891. - B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Reineke Fox, West-eastern divan and Achilleid, trans. A.Rogers. - Bell , 1890. - B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship, translated R.D.Boylan Bell , 1892. - B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. - Wilhelm Meister's travels, translated E.Bell. - Bell , 1892. - B-G B.P. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A01

Going ... - Going home! or, the miner's return [etc]. - [London]: H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough , 1895?. - [4]p. - DRO Broadsides/144 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Golden ... - The golden primer, containing a collection of easy lessons in spelling, reading, &c. - London: W.S.Fortey, 4, Great St. andrew Street , 1890?. - [8]p. - DRO Ballads 7/18 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 9

Golden ... - The golden violet. - [London]: J.Catnach, 2 & 3, Monmouth-court , 1835?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 6/27 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 6

Golden ... - The golden chain of salvation. - London: Printed by J.Catnach, 2&3, Monmouth-Court , 1835?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/090 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Golden ... - The golden grove. - London: Printed by J.Catnach, 2, Monmouth-Court , 1830?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/062 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Goldsmith, J. - Geography on a popular plan. 6th ed. - London , 1811. - DRO 5203M/23

Goldsmith, Oliver. - The citizen of the world. - London , 1809. - 2 vols. - EXU O08

Goldsmith, Oliver. - The history of Rome. - London , 1821. - 2 vols. - EXU N05

Goldsmith, Oliver. - The history of Rome, vol. 1. - London , 1821. - EXU Q02

Goldsmith, Oliver. - A history of the earth and animated nature. Vol. 1. - Glasgow , 1852. - DRO 5203M/21

Goldsmith, Oliver. - A history of the earth and animated nature. Vol. 2. - Glasgow , 1852. - col. plates. - DRO 5203M/13

Goldsmith, Oliver. - The poems and plays. - London: J.M.Dent , 1917. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. Everymans library ; 415 First issued 1910. - LEW 52

Goldsmith, Oliver. - The poems and plays of Oliver Goldsmith: introduction and notes by Austin Dobson. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1910. - Everyman library ; no. 415. Poetry and drama [series]. Reprinted 1917. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Goldsmith, Oliver. - Select poems of Oliver Goldsmith. - New York: Harper Brothers , 1894. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marian Linton. - DRO 5203M/30

Goldsmith, Oliver. - The vicar of Wakefield. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1853. - LEW 31

Goldsmith, Oliver. - The vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1908. - Everyman library ; no. 295. Fiction [series]. Reprinted 1915. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Goldsmith, Oliver. - The vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1908. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Fiction [series]. Reprinted 1912. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Gomme, Geo. Laurence. - The literature of local institutions. - London: Elliot Stock , 1886. - Book-Lover's Library. - LEW 53

Gomme, George Laurence, Sir. - Ethnology in folklore. - London , 1892. - EXU M05

Gomme, George Laurence, Sir. - Folklore as an historical science. - London , 1908. - EXU G02

Gomme, George Laurence, Sir. - The handbook of folklore. - London , 1890. - EXU P09

Gomme, George Laurence, Sir. - Traditional games, a dictionary of British folk-lore, vol. 1. - London , 1894. - EXU M06

Gonin, Maitre. - Les. - tours. - Paris , 1713. - EXU M11

Good ... - The good child's ABC book. - London: W.S. Fortey, 4, Great St. andrew Street , 1890?. - [8]p. - DRO Ballads 7/13 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 8

Goodman, J. - Winter-evening conference between neighbours. 8th ed. - London: J.L. for Luke Meredith , 1700. - LEW 31

Gordon, S. - Wanderings of a naturalist. - London , 1921. - DRO 5203M/24

Gordon, Walter. - Dearest Mamma: a comedietta in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 689. 38/98/30. - LEW 38/98

Gosse, Philip Henry. - Evenings at the microscope. - New York , 1896. - EXU J02

Gosse, Philip Henry. - The romance of natural history. 2nd series. - London , 1851. - DRO 5203M/30

Götzinger, Ernst. - Reallexikon der Deutschen Altertümer. - Leipzig, Woldemar Urban , 1881. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 58

Gould Family. - [Gould family: will extracts]. - [Manuscript] , 18--. - Bound notebook. - DRO 5203M/25

Gould, Mrs Edward. - [Photograph of Mrs Edward Gould, wife of Rev. Edward Gould, Stroughton Rectory. - London : C.Vandyk's Studio , 1900?. - Photograph. - Undated.In folder with other items?. - DRO 5203M/35

Gould, Nich. S. - [Letter to Uncle Edward (Baring-Gould) from Nich. S. (?) Gould, New York. - , 1865. - DRO 5203M/36

Gould, R. - Poems. - London , 1689. - EXU O09

Gould, R. - Poems. - London , 1689. - EXU L05

Gould, William. - [Account of history of cup and colours presented to Col. William Gould]. - [Manuscript] , 1803. - DRO 5203M/33

Grace ... - Grace Conroy [etc]. - London: H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough, S.E. , 1895?. - [4]p. - DRO Broadsides/146 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Grace ... - Grace Conroy [etc]. - London: H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough, S.E. , 1895?. - [4]p. - DRO Broadsides/132 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Grace ... - Grace Darling [etc]. - [London]: [H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough] , 1890?. - [4]p. - Sheets of song lyrics. - DRO Broadsides/110 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Grace, Dick. - Squadron of death. - London: Constable & Co. , 1930. - LEW 54

Graesse, Johann George Theodor. - Geschlects-, Namen-, und Wappensagen des Adels deutscher Nation. - Dresden , 1876. - EXU H20

Graesse, Johann George Theodor. - Orbis latinus. - Dresden , 1861. - EXU E09

Gräffer, Franz. - Historische Unterhaltungen ... aus der älteren und neueren Zeit- und Literaturgeschichte. - Wien: Tendler und von Manstein , 1823. - Historische Rõritõten; 2ter Theil. - LEW 34

Grancolas, M. - Commentaire historique sur le breviaire romain, vol. 2. - Paris , 1727. - EXU O05

Graphic ... - The graphic atlas of the world. - Bartholomew , 1910. - DRO 5203M/05

Gräße, Johann Georg Theodor. - Die. - groszen Sagenkreise des Mittelalters ... ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der romantischen Poesie im Mittelalter. - Dresden: Arnoldische Buchhandlung , 1842. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 25

Graves, Robert. - Fairies and fusiliers. - London: William Heinemann , 1917. - Poems. - LEW 75

Gray, Thomas. - The poems. - London , 1801. - EXU N04

Gray, Thomas. - Select poems. - London? , 18--. - DRO 5203M/09

Great Britain. Army. - A list of the officers of the army ... Fort St. George. - Fort St. George , 1829. - DRO 5203M/25

Greek ... - Greek authors: familiar quotations. - London. - EXU K05

Greek ... - [Greek-English dictionary of the classical tongue]. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1875?. - Lacks title-page & spine. - LEW 37

Green ... - Green and pleasant grief. - London , 1908. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate anonymous. - DRO 5203M/26

Green, anne (1899-). - The Selbys. - New York: E.P.Dutton & Co. , 1930. - LEW 67

Green, J.R. - The making of England. - London , 1897. - 2 vols. - EXU K04

Greene, E.A . - Saints and their symbols. - London , 1924. - EXU G10

Greene, W.T. - The amateur's aviary of foreign birds. - London: L. Upcott Gill , 1883. - LEW 68

Greenwell, William. - British barrows, a record of the examination of sepulchral mounds in various parts of England. - Oxford: Clarendon Press , 1877. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Grégoire, M. (1750-1831)H. - Mémoires de Gregoire, ancien eveque de Blois. - Paris : J.Yonet , 1840. - 2 vols. - EXU H17

Gregory, R.A A class book of physics. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1917. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Gresley, William (1801-1876). - The siege of Lichfield: a tale of the Great Rebellion. - London: James Burns , 1840. - MS: Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 27

Gresset, Jean Baptiste Louis (1709-1777). - Oeuvres. Nouvelle ed. Tome 1. 1e partie. - Paris: Bleuet Jeune , 1803. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Gresset, Jean Baptiste Louis (1709-1777). - Oeuvres. Nouvelle ed. Tome 1. 2e partie. - Paris: Bleuet Jeune , 1803. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Gresset, Jean Baptiste Louis (1709-1777). - Oeuvres. Nouvelle ed. Tome 2. - Paris: Bleuet Jeune , 1803. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 11

Grettis SagA . - Grettis Saga: the story of Gettir the strong. Translated from the Icelandic by Eir¦kr MagnÀsson and William Morris. - London: F.S.Ellis , 1869. - LEW 62

Grey of Fallodon, Edward Grey, 1st Viscount. - Twenty-five years 1892-1916. - London , 1925. - 2 vols. - EXU N07

Grey, Dulcibella Ethel. - Poems. - Edinburgh ; London : William Blackwood & Sons , 1908. - ix,175p ; 23cm. - EXU J29

Grey, G. - Polynesian mythology of the New Zealand race. - London , 1855. - EXU G13

Grey, Richard. - Memoria technica : or, a new method of artifical memory. - , 1730?. - Check on shelves. - EXU B08

Gribble F. - The romance of the men of Devon. - London , 1912. - ill.. - EXU B10

Grifi, E. - Sauntering in Florence, ed. by Eliza A. Richardson. - Florence : Bemporad & Figlio , 1924. - LEW 64

Grimm, B. - Deutsche Sagen. - Berlin , 1865. - 2 vols. - EXU H08

Grimm, Jacob von. - Deutsche Mythologie. - Gottingen , 1854. - 2 vols. - EXU H18

Grimm, Wilhelm Carl. - Kinder Märchen. - Gottingen , 1857. - 3 vols. - EXU O08

Gronlands ... - Gronlands historiske mindesmaerker. - Kjobenhavn , 1813-45. - 6 vols. - EXU N06

Groser, Horace G. - Field Marchal Lord Roberts Ó a biographical sketch. 4th ed. - London: andrew Melrose , 1900. - LEW 53

Grosse, Ernst. - The beginnings of art. - New York : D.Appleton & Co. , 1897. - EXU J02

Guager ... - The guager came in on the still, together with Beaulieu Grove. - Dublin: printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/12 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 2

Guardian ... - The guardian 1861. - , 1861. - Bound with; The tatler 1861. - DRO 5203M/10

Guarini, BattistA . - Il pastor fido: tragicomediA Venezia: Francesco Pitteri , 1784. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 33

Guellette. - Contes tartares. - Paris , 1723. - 2 vols. - EXU Q06

Guérin, Paul. - LA vie des saints d'après les Bollandistes. 6e ed. Tome 1-14. - Paris: Palmé , 1866-69. - 14 vols. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 25

Guérin, Paul. - Vies des saints. - Paris , 1869. - DRO 5203M/26

Guest, C. - The mabinogion. - London , 1877. - EXU Q05

Guevara, antonio de. - The mysteries of Mount Calvary, translated form the Latin by antonio de Guevara. Edited by Rev. Orby Shipley. - London: Rivingtons , 1869. - LEW 62

Guide ... - Guide to love, courtship and marriage. - Leeds: J.Johnson, publisher. Manchester: J.Heywood , 1885?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 3/11 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 8

Gunn, Battiscombe. - The instruction of Ptah-Hotep and the instruction of Ke'gemni: the oldest books in the world. 2nd ed. - London: John Murray , 1912. - LEW 74

Gunning, Miss. - The gipsy contess: a novel. Vol. 3. - London: T.N.Longman and O. Rees , 1799. - LEW 31

Gunning, Miss. - The gipsy countess, vol. I. - London , 1799. - Not traced in COPAC. - EXU O04

Gurdon, Philip Richard Thornhagh (1863-). - The Khasis. - London , 1907. - ill.., colour plates. - EXU G09

Gus ... - Gus Elen's great hit - Down the dials [etc]. - London: W.S.Fortey, 4, Great St. andrew Street , 1895?. - [8]p. - DRO Broadsides/179 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 6

Guyot Desfontaines, Pierre Franc¸ois. - Le. - nouveau Gulliver; ou, Voyage de Jean Gulliver. - Paris , 1730. - EXU N02

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2013
This page last updated 14 October 2013