14 October 2013

Sabine Baring-Gould Library: 2.

Sabine Baring-Gould's Library. 2. Authors/titles A-B.

Abgrall, J.-M. - Chapelles et calvaires de Saint-Vénic et de Notre-Dame de Quilinen. - Quimper: Ch. Cotonnec , 1893. - From: Bulletin de la Soc. Archéologique du FinistÞre. - LEW 38/60

About, Edmond. - The man with the broken ear, translated from the French by Henry Holt. - New York: Holt & Williams , 1873. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate Leisure hour series. - LEW 75

Adam, Thomas. - an exposition of St. Matthew's gospel. New ed. Vol. 1. - Bath: Hazard and Binns , 1805. - In 2 vols. - LEW 11

Adams, Charles Kendall. - A manual of historical literature, comprising brief descriptions of the most important histories in English, French and German New York : Harper & Bros. , 1888. - EXU G11

Adams, Joseph H. - Harper's indoor book for boys. - New York: Harper & Brothers , 1908. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Addison, Joseph. - Essays of Joseph Addison. Chosen and edited by John Richard Green. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1919. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Addison, Joseph. - The freeholder. - London , 1751. - 1 vol., P.8vo. - EXU B02

Addison, Joseph. - The guardian Glasgow , 1746. - 2 vols., P.8vo. - EXU B02

Addison, Joseph. - Miscellaneous works. - London , 1753. - 3 vols., P.8vo. - EXU B02

Addison, Joseph. - Remarks. - London , 1758. - 1 vol., P.8vo. - EXU B02

Addison, Joseph. - The spectator. - London , 1726. - 8 vols., P.8vo. - EXU B02

Addison, Joseph. - The tatler. - Glasgow , 1747-49. - 4 vols., P.8vo. - EXU B02

Addy, S.O. - Church and manor. - London , 1913. - EXU K08

Adelung, Johann Christoph (1732-1806). - Geschichte der menschlichen Narrheit, oder Lebensbeschreibungen beruehmter Schwarzkuenstler, Goldmacher, Teufelsbanner, ... - Leipzig : Weygandscher Buchhandlung , 1786. - 7 vols. - EXU E03

Adventurer ... - The adventurer. - London , 1754. - 4 vols., P.8vo. - Edited by J.Hawkesworth and others. - EXU B01

Aelianus Claudius Praenestinus (170-240). - Ailianoi poikilis istorias [Starts:] Paulo Trito megisto archierei Kamillos operoiskos chairein. - Romae: [A.Blado] , 1545. - Bound with: Ex aeliani historiA LEW 35

Aelianus Claudius Praenestinus (170-240). - Ex Aeliani historia. - Lugduni: apud Seb. Gryphium , 1535. - Bound with: Greek text of Aelianus. - LEW 35

Aeschylus. - [The tragedies of] Aeschylus literally translated. - London : Bohn (?) , 1849 (?). - EXU J32

Aesop. - Aesop's fables. - [s.l.]: Raphael Tuck & Sons , 1920?. - LEW 38/15

Aesop. - Fables. - London , 1805. - EXU O02

Agnel, H.R. - The book of chess: containing the rudiments of the game ... Also, a series of chess tales ... - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1868. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Agreeable ... - Agreeable ugliness; or, The triumph of the Graces. - London , 1754. - EXU Q03

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Auriol; or, The elixir of life. - London , 1875?. - Illustrated by Halbot Knight Browne (Phiz). - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Boscobel; or, The royal oak. - London , 1872?. - ill.. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Crichton. - London , 1853?. - Illustrated by Halbot K.Browne. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The flitch of bacon; or, The custom of Dunmow. - London , 1854?. - ill.. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Guy Fawkes. - London , 1841?. - Illustrated by George Cruikshank. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Jack Sheppard. - London , 1839?. - Illustrated by George Cruikshank. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The Lancashire witches. - London , 18--?. - ill.. J.Gilbert. - EXU J18

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The Lancashire witches. - London , 1854?. - ill.. J.Gilbert. - EXU G03

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Mervyn Clitheroe. - London. - ill.. H.K.Browne. - EXU J18

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Mervyn Clitheroe. - London , 1858. - Illustrated by Halbot K.Browne. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The miser's daughter. - London. - ill.. Cruikshank. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Old Saint Paul's. - London. - ill.. Franklin & Browne. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Old Saint Paul's. - , 1841?. - EXU F08

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Ovingdean Grange. - London , 1860?. - Illustrated by Halbot K.Browne. - EXU G03

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Rookwood. - London , 1857?. - ill.. Cruikshank & Gilbert. - EXU G03

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The spendthrift. - London. - ill.. H.K.Browne. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The star chamber. - London. - ill.. Phiz. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The star chamber. - London. - ill.. Phiz. - EXU J18

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The Tower of London. - London , 1840?. - 2 vol. - Illustrated by George Cruikshank. - EXU G03

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - The Tower of London: a historical romance, illustrated by George Cruikshank. - London: George Routledge & Sons , 1860?. - LEW 75

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Windsor Castle. - London. - ill.. Cruikshank & Johannot. - EXU G04

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Windsor Castle. - London , 1889. - ill.. Cruikshank. - EXU J10

Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882). - Works. - London. - 6 vols., ill.. Cruikshank. - EXU J10

Airy ... - Airy fairy Lilian, by the authoer of Molly Bawn. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1913. - DRO 5203M/14

Akerman, J.Y. - A numismatic manual. - London , 1840. - EXU P04

Albanesi, E.MariA The wonder of love. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1917?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate Methuen's shilling novels. - LEW 58

Albrecht. - Geschichte eines dicken Mannes: worin drey Heurathen und drey Körbe nebst viel Liebe. 1ter Band. - Barlin: Friedrich Nicolai , 1794. - MS. - LEW 27

Album ... - [Album: the winter at Paul in 1888 and visit to the Pyrenees]. - [Album] , 1888. - Purple cover, spine torn. - Contains: sketches, paintings, news cuttings, photos, postcards. - DRO 5203M/34

Albums ... - Albums de Bretagne. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 18--. - DRO 5203M/05

Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888). - Little women, or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. - Boston: Little, Brown and Company , 1915. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888). - Moods: a novel. - Boston: Roberts Brothers , 1890. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 52

Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888). - Rose in bloom: a sequel to Eight cousins. - Boston: Roberts Brothers , 1878. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Alexander Parmensis. - Orationes ?. - Ingolstadt : D.Sartorius? , 1595?. - EXU H08

Alexander, Mrs. - Her dearest foe: a novel. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1899. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Alexander, Mrs. - Mona's choice. - EXU Supplement

Alford, D.P. - The abbots of Tavistock. - Plymouth , 1891. - EXU B09

Alhoy, M. - Les. - bagnes. - Paris , 1845. - coloured ill.. - EXU N14

Alken. - Sporting scrap book. - London. - 50 plates. - EXU N14

Allen, J. Romilly. - Catalogue of the early Christian monuments in Pembrokeshire. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1896. - From: Archaeologia Cambrensis, Oct. 1896. - LEW 38/50

Allies, Jabez. - On the ignis fatuus or will-o'-the wisp and the fairies. - London : Simpkin Marshall , 1846. - 47p. - In volume with spine title: Pamphlets. - EXU B10

Allies, Jabez. - On the jovial hunter of Bromsgrove, Horne the Hunter and Robin Hood. - London : Simpkin Marshall , 1855. - 23p. - In volume with spine title: Pamphlets. - EXU B10

Allin, Thomas. - The Augustinian revolution in theology. - London: James Clarke & Co. , 1911. - LEW 77

Alsmus, R. - Bilder aus Elsass-Lothringen. - EXU J28

Alten ... - Der. - alten und neuen Spitzbuben und Betrieger Böshaften und Gewissenlosen Practiquen. ander Theil. - Gedruckt im Jahr , 1700. - LEW 33

Amhurst, Nicholas (1697-1742). - Protestant popery; or, the convocation. A poem ... adressed to ... the Lord Bishop of Bangor. - London : printed for E.Curll , 1718. - EXU F05

Amicis, Edmondo de. - Holland and its people. Translated by Caroline Tilton, Vandyke ed. - New York: G.P.Putnam's sons , 1890. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Amiel, Henri-Frederic (1821-1881). - Amiel's journal: the journal intime of Henri-Frederic Amiel, translated by Mrs Humphrey Ward. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1889. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS. - LEW 64

Ammianus Marcellinus. - Roman history. - EXU Supplement

Amthor, Eduard (1820-1884). - Der. - Alpenfreund : Monatshefte fuer Verbreitung von Alpenkunde unter Jung und Alt. - Gera : Amthor , 1870-71. - 4 vols. in 2, colour plates. - EXU H19

and ... - and I'm another [etc]. - London: H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough , 1890?. - [4]p. - Sheets of song lyrics. - DRO Broadsides/106 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

anderson, J. - Scotland in early Christian times (1st and 2nd series). - Edinburgh , 1881. - 2 vols. - EXU M07

anderson, J. - Scotland in pagan times. - Edinburgh , 1886. - EXU M07

anderson, Joseph. - Scotland in pagan times; the Iron Age. Rhind lecture in archaeology for 1881. - Edinburgh: David Douglas , 1883. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

andlaw, Franz Freiherr von. - Die. - byzantinischen Kaiser, ihre Palast und Familien-Geschichten, ihre Schicksale. - Mainz: Florian Kupferberg , 1865. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

andree, R. - Die. - Metalle. - Bound with; Reyer, E. Zinn. - EXU E05

andree, R. - Die. - Metalle. - Leipzig , 1884. - Bound with: Reyer, E. Zinn. - EXU E05

andres, Giovanni. - Dell'origine, progressi e stato attuale d'ogni letteratura. Lib. 2. - Parma: Stamperia Reale , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 28

andrews, J.P. - anecdotes, etc.. - London , 1790. - EXU P01

andrews, William (1848-1908). - Bygone England : social studies in its historic byways and highways. - London : Hutchinson & Co. , 1892. - EXU J29

andreyer, Leonid Gilbert. - The seven were hanged. - New York , 1918. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate MS: S.L.Baring-Gould, New York, 1924. - DRO 5203M/30

andreyev, Leonid. - The seven who were hanged: a story. - New York: J.S.Ogilvie , 1909. - LEW 43

anecdotes ... - anecdotes and manners of a few ancient and modern oddities: interspersed with deducive references and occasional observations ... - York: W.Storry , 1806. - anonymous. - LEW 34

angell, Norman The great illusion: a study of the relation of military power in nations to their economic and social advantage. - London: William Heinemann , 1911. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

angelus, andreas (1561-1598). - Calvinischer Bettlersmantel. - London (?) , 1593. - EXU J24

angus, Joseph. - Hand-book of the English tongue: intended for the use of students and others. - London: Religious Tract Society , 1864. - MS: Ed D Baring Gould Augt 23rd 1865. - LEW 47

animal ... - animal sagacity, exemplified by facts: shewing the force of instinct in beasts, birds &c. - Dublin: W.Espy , 1824. - Spine 11. Inside: 153, 105 del. anonymous. - LEW 32/36

anselme de Puisaye, Hubert d' (Marquis). - Le. - monde paien. - Avignon : Seguin aine , 1858-59. - 2 vols. - EXU E07

anstey, F. - Vice versA London , 1911. - EXU G10

antiquarisk ... - antiquarisk Tidsskrift. - Kjobenhavn , 1854-61. - 2 vols., ill.. - EXU E12

Apel, A . - Gespensterbuch, herausgegeben von A.Apel und F.Laun. 1ter Band. - Stuttgard: F.Macklot , 1815. - LEW 34

Apel, A . - Gespensterbuch, herausgegeben von A.Apel und F.Laun. 2ter Band. - Stuttgard: F.Macklot , 1815. - LEW 34

Apel, A . - Gespensterbuch, herausgegeben von A.Apel und F.Laun. 3ter Band. - Stuttgard: F.Macklot , 1815. - LEW 34

Apel, A . - Gespensterbuch, herausgegeben von A.Apel und F.Laun. 4ter Band. - Stuttgard: J.Macklot , 1815. - LEW 34

Apollo ... - The Apollo for 1808; containing all the new songs sung at the Theatres Royal, Vauxhall, Astley's, Sdaler's Wells, ... [etc.]. - Lambeth: Printed by T. Romney , 1808]. - 38p. - DRO Ballads 5/02 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 3

Apple, Charlotte. - Legacy duty. - London: Herbert Jenkins , 1926. - LEW 67

Appleton, D. - Hand atlas of ancient geography. - New York , 1884. - EXU K14

Apuleius. - The metamorphoses of Apuleius. - London , 1851. - MS: S. Baring Gould ... 1860. - DRO 5203M/30

Apuleius. - The works of Apuleius. - London , 1872. - Bohn's classical library. - DRO 5203M/20

Aquarium ... - The aquarium songster, containing the newest and most popular songs now being sung with the greatest success. - London: W.S.Fortey, Great St. andrew Street , 1890?. - [64]p. - DRO Ballads 5/09 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 10-11

Aquinas, Thomas, Saint. - Catena area: commentary on the four gospels. - Oxford , 1841-45. - 4 volumes. - Edward Gould bookplate. - EXU A05

Arabian ... - Arabian nights' entertainment. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Edward Darragh Baring-Gould bookplate (pictorial bookplate) Lacks titlepage. - LEW 75

Arabian ... - The Arabian nights' entertainments. - Frome: Butler & Tanner (printers) , 1900?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Arctic ... - Arctic travels: or an account of the land expeditions to determine the geography of the northern part of the American continent. - Dublin: Thomas L. White , 1830. - Edward Baring Gould. Spine 14. Inside: 11. - LEW 32/39

Aretius, Benedictus (d. 1574). - A short history of Valentinus Gentilis the tritheist / translated into English. - London : E.Whitlock , 1696. - EXU J26

Aristotle. - Aristotle's History of animals. - London : Bohn (?) , 1862 (?). - EXU J32

Arnason, J¾n. - Icelandic legends. - London , 1864. - ill.. - EXU P04

Arnason, J¾n. - Islenzkar Th¾dhsögur og aefintyri safnadh hefir. annadh bindi. - Leipzig: J.C.Heinrich , 1864. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 35

Arnaud, E. - Scènes et récits du Désert de France. 2nd ed. - Toulouse: Société des Livres Religieux , 1895. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Arne, Mr. - Set by Mr Arne. - [London]: [s.n.] , 1760?. - 1 sheet. - Sheet of engraved music, page no. P.72. - DRO Broadsides/021 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Arnold, Matthew. - The poems of Matthew Arnold 1849-1867, with an introduction by Sir A.T.Quiller-Couch. - London: Henry Frowde Oxford University Press , 1912. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate World's classics; 85. - LEW 74

Arnold, Matthew. - Poetical work of Matthew Arnold. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1893. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS Gertrude? D. Linton. - LEW 53

Arnold-Forster, H.O. - Things old and new: or stories from English history for the use of schools. Standard 1. - London: Cassell & Co. , 1893. - LEW 75

Arnould, A . - Histoire de la Bastille / A.Arnould [et al.]. - Paris , 1868. - EXU J05

Arthur ... - Arthur Combes's popular song:- Velvet & rags [etc]. - London: W.S.Fortey, 4, Great St. andrew Street , 1895?. - [8]p. - DRO Broadsides/181 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 6

Arthur, T.S. - Ten nights in a bar-room, and what I saw there / by T.S.Arthur. - London & Manchester: John Heywood , 1885?. - 32p. - Royal pocket library ; no. 32. - DRO Ballads 7/01 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 1

Articles ... - Articles of the Church of England. - London , 1675. - EXU J24

Asgrimsson, Eystein. - Lilja (the lily): an Icelandic religious poem of the fourteenth century, ed. Eirikr Magnusson. - London: Williams and Norgate , 1870. - LEW 64

Ashford, C.E. - The elementary theory of direct current dynamo electric machinery. Rev. ed. - Cambridge: University Press , 1914. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 45

Ashton, John. - A century of ballads. - London , 1887. - EXU K12

Ashton, John. - The dawn of the XIXth century in England. - London? , 1886. - DRO 5203M/08

Ashton, John. - The legendary history of the Cross : a series of 64 woodcuts from a Dutch book published by Veldener, AD 1483. Preface by S Baring-G. - London : T Fisher Unwin , 1887. - CLXXVI : ill ; 21cm. - PLY

Ashton, John. - Modern street ballads. - London , 1888. - EXU M05

Assier, Alexandre. - Légendes curiosités et tradions de la Champagne et de la Brie. - Paris: Aug. Aubry [&c] , 1860. - LEW 38/36

At ... - At once the light poured out over me. - [Drawing] , 1900. - Pen & ink wash on board. - DRO 5203M/34

Atkinson, J.C. - British birds' eggs and nests. new ed. - London: Routledge, Warne & Routledge , 1862. - MS. - LEW 63

Atkinson, J.C. - Forty years in a moorland parish. - London , 1891. - ill.. - With letter from author, June 16th 1891. - EXU B09

Atkinson, T.W. - Travels in the regions of the upper and lower Amoor and the Russian acquisitions. - London , 1861. - Russian acquisitions. - EXU E11

Atonelli, Etienne. - Bolshevist Russia: a philosophical survey. - London: Stanley Paul & Co. , 1920. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 63

Aubertin, C. - Sénèque et Saint Paul. - Paris , 1872. - EXU M11

Audin, M. - Histoire de la vie, des ouvrages at des doctrines de Calvin. - Louvain , 1844. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU H20

Audin, M. - History of the life, writings, and doctrines of Luther. Vol. 1. - London: C. Dolman , 1854. - MS: Sabine Baring Gould Library of translations from select foreign lit.; vol. 3. - LEW 44

Audin, M. - History of the life, writings, and doctrines of Luther. Vol. 2. - London: C. Dolman , 1854. - MS: Sabine Baring Gould Library of translations from select foreign lit.; vol. 4. - LEW 44

Audoux, M. - Marie-Claire. - EXU M09

Auerbach, Berthold. - Auf der Hohe. - Stuttgart , 1874. - 2 vols. - EXU H08

Auerbach, Berthold. - Barfüssele. 18ter Abdruck. - Stuttgart: J.G.Cotta , 1875. - LEW 42

Auerbach, Berthold. - Edelweiß: eine Erzählung. 6te Aufl. - Stuttgart: J.G.Cotta , 1873. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 48

Auerbach, Berthold. - On the heights ... translated fromthe German by F.E.Bunnett. - New Yorl: A.L.Burt , 1890?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate Burt's library of the world's best books. - LEW 67

Augier, Emile. - Good for evil: or a wife's trial: a domestic lesson in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 640. 38/98/29. - LEW 38/98

Aurelius Gratianus. - The exiles of the Cebenna: a journal written during the Decian persecution. - London: John Henry and James Parker , 1850?. - Historical fiction. - LEW 82

Austen, Jane. - The novels. - Edinburgh , 1905. - 10 vols. - EXU P05

Australian Irrigation Colonies. - The Australian irrigation colonies illustrated. - London: Australian Irrigation Colonies , 1887. - another edition. - LEW 28

Australian Irrigation Colonies. - The Australian irrigation colonies illustrated. - London: Australian Irrigation Colonies , 1887. - LEW 28

Auswahl ... - Auswahl deutscher Lieder, mit ein- und mehrstimmigen Weisen. - Lepizig: Serg'sche Buchhandlung , 1841. - MS: Ed. B. Gould. With music. - LEW 11

Author ... - The author of Onward, Christian soldiers: the Rev S Baring-Gould at home. - , 1895. - p. 289-94 : ill ; 26cm. - From: Young man: a monthly journal and review, vol 9, Sept 1895. - DRO 5203M/16 ; PLY

Avdall, J. - History of ArmeniA Calcutta , 1827. - 2 vols. - EXU J30

Avebury, Lord (Sir John Lubbock?). - The scenery of England and the causes to which it is due. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1904. - MS. - LEW 64

Ayliffe Poole, Geo. - an historical & descriptive guide to York Cathedral and its antiquities. - EXU Supplement

B. Mm. Le C. de. - Oeuvres complettes [sic]. Tome 2. Nouvelle ed. - Londres: [s.n.] , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Bach, Johann Sebastian . - Two part pianoforte music. Book 1. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Music score. - DRO 5203M/16

Bacon, Francis. - Essays. - London , 1828. - EXU O07

Bacon, Josephine Daskam. - Open market. - [s.l.] , 1915. - DRO 5203M/09

Baedeker, Karl. - Belgium and Holland including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg 15th ed. Revised and augmented. - Leipzig, Karl Baedeker , 1910. - LEW 63

Baedeker, Karl. - Belgium and Holland: handbook for travellers. - Coblenz: Karl Baedeker , 1869. - LEW 33

Baedeker, Karl. - Great Britain: England, Wales, and Scotland as far as Loch Maree and the Cromarty Firth: handbook for travellers. - Leipzig: Karl Baedeker , 1887. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 58

Baedeker, Karl. - Index of streets and plans of Rome. - Leipsic: Karl Baedeker , 1886. - LEW 45

Baedeker, Karl. - Le. - Midi de la France. 3me ed. - Leipzig: Karl Baedeker , 1889. - MS. - LEW 45

Baedeker, Karl. - Paris and environs with routes from London to Paris. 9th ed. - Leipsig: Karl Baedeker , 1888. - LEW 82

Baedeker, Karl. - The Rhine from Rotterdam to Constance; handbook for travellers. 13th revised edition. - Leipsig: Karl Baedeker; London: Dulau & Co , 1896. - MS drawing. - LEW 62

Baedeker, Karl. - Southern Germany (Wurtemberg and Bavaria. 10th rev. ed. - Leipzig: Karl Baedeker , 1907. - LEW 63

Baer, Joseph. - Collection Rudolf Busch, Mayence: seconde partie: manuscrits précieux Ó miniatures ... vente. - Francfort am Main: Joseph Baer & Co. , 1921. - LEW 38/09

Baer, Joseph & Co. - Illustrierte Bücher des XVIII.-XX. Jahrhunderts ... aus dem Nachlass der Frau Ida Schoeller ... Versteigerung. - Frankfurt am Main: Joseph Baer & Co. , 1921. - LEW 38/17

Baer, Wilhelm. - Der. - vorgeschichtliche Mensch: Ursprung und Entwicklung des Menschengeschlechtes. 2te Aufl. Bearbeitet von Friedrich von Hellwald. - Leipzig: Otto Spamer , 1879. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 47

Baildon, W.Paley. - [A sixteenth-century leaden charm found at Lincoln's Inn]. - [London]: [Society of antiquaries] , 1900. - From: Proc. Soc. antiquaries, 29 Mar. 1900. - LEW 38/52

Bailey, H.C. - The gamesters. New & cheaper issue. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1917. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Bailey, H.C. - The sea captain. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1914. - LEW 72

Bailey, N. - an universal English dictionary. 16th ed. - London: R.Ware [&c] , 1755. - LEW 34

Baillie-Reynolds, Gertrude M. - The ides of March. - London : Hurst & Blackett , 1892. - 3 vol. - EXU A06

Bain, A . - Education as a science. - New York , 1896. - EXU L06

Bairnsfather, Bruce. - Bullets and billets. - London : Grant Richards , 1916. - EXU J29

Bairnsfather, Bruce. - Fragments from France. Vol. 6. - London: Bystander , 1915?. - WW1 cartoons. - LEW 29

Baker, D.E. - Biographia dramatica / D.E.Baker [et al.]. - London , 1812. - 2 vols. (parts 1&2 of vol.1). - EXU M04

Baker, David Erskine. - Biographia dramatica: or, a companion to the playhouse. in 3 vols. Vol 2. - London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown [&c] , 1812. - LEW 35

Baker, James. - A forgotten great Englishman or the life and work of Peter Payne, the Wycliffite. - London: Religious Tract Society , 1894. - LEW 63

Baker, S.W. - Cyprus as I saw it in 1879. - London , 1879. - EXU E02

Bakewell, R. - Travels in the Tarentaise etc., vol 1. - London , 1823. - EXU E13

Balfour, Jabez Spencer. - My prison life. - London: Chapman & Hall , 1907. - LEW 64

Ball, R.S. - The story of the heavens. - London , 1893. - ill.. - EXU K06

Ballads ... - Ballads and romances: English verse, edited by W.J.Linton and R.H.Stoddard. - New York: Charles Scribner's Sons , 1883. - LEW 44

Ballads ... - [Ballads, contents separately listed]. - , 18--. - 7 vols.. - Volume 1 missing 2012. - DRO 7960

Ballantyne, Robert Michael. - The coral island: a tale of the Pacific Ocean London: James Nisbet & Co. , 1900?. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 43

Ballantyne, Robert Michael. - The gorilla hunters: a tale of the wilds of Africa. New ed. - London: Thomas Nelson & Sons , 1901. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Ballantyne, Robert Michael. - Martin Rattler or a boy's adventures in the forests of Brazil. - London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co , 1920?. - LEW 63

Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850). - Contes philosophiques. - Londres : Dent? , 1913?. - EXU G10

Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850). - Les. - parents pauvres: le cousin Pons. - Vienne: Manz , 1900?. - LEW Boxes from USA

Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850). - LA peau de chagrin; Le curé de Tours et Le colonel Chabert. - Paris: Nelson , 1900?. - LEW 42

Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850). - Splendeurs et miseres des coutisanes. Tome 2. - Vienne: Manz , 1900?. - LEW Boxes from USA

Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850). - Works. - Philadelphia , 1897-98. - 35 vols., ill.. - EXU K01-K03

Banes, Edward. - [Church interior]. - [Photograph] , 1900?. - ill. - Undated. By Edward Banes of Rochester. - DRO 5203M/36

Bank ... - The bank at Monte Carlo [etc]. - [London]: H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough , 1890?. - [4]p. - DRO Broadsides/130 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Banks ... - The banks of the Boyne, to which is added The flower of Navan Drogheda: Printed in this present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/11 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 2

Bannister, J. - A glossary of Cornish names. - Truro & London , 1869?. - ill.. - EXU B09

Bapst, Constant Germain. - L'. - etain. - Paris , 1884. - ill.. - With: Bibra, E.F. Bronzen. - EXU H16

Barber ... - The barber of Fleet Street or Sweeny Todd, and the string of pearls. - London & Manchester: John Heywood , 1889?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 1/02 ; Mf 4.3.1 fiche 2

Baretti, Joseph. - A dictionary of the English and Italian languages. New ed. Vol. 1. - London: W.Strahan [&c] , 1771. - MS: Wm Baring Gould. - LEW 28

Baretti, Joseph. - Dizionario delle lingue italiana ed inglese. Nova ed. Vol. 2. - London: W.Strahan [&c] , 1771. - MS: Wm Baring Gould. - LEW 28

Barham, Frank R. - Bald headed aft: an etching by Levon West. - New York: William Edwin Rudge , 1928. - MS: For Sabine Baring Gould from author. - LEW Boxes from USA

Barham, R.H. - The Ingoldsby legends. - EXU K13

Barnes, Harry Elmer. - The genesis of the World War: an introduction to the problem of war guilt. - New York: Alfred A.Knopf , 1926. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Barnes, Harry Elmer. - History and social intelligence. - New York: Alfred A.Knopf , 1926. - MS: Sabine Linton Baring-Gould. - LEW 65

Barr, Robert. - The Countess TelkA London: Everett & Co. , 1900?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Barrett, William Alexander. - [Letter to Sabine Baring-Gould from Brixton, London S.W.]. - [Manuscript] , 1889. - Loosely inserted in manuscript of folksongs. - DRO 5203M/36

Barrett, William Alexander. - [Letter to Sabine Baring-Gould from Old Shoreham]. - [Manuscript] , 1890. - Loosely inserted in manuscript of folksongs. - DRO 5203M/36

Barrie, J.M. - Sentimental journey. The story of his childhood. - New York: Charles Scribner's sons , 1896. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Barrington, E. - Glorious Apollo. - London: George G.Harrap & Co. , 1926. - Reprinted 1928. - LEW 67

Barry, James M. - Mr Baring-Gould's novels. - From: Contemp. Rev., 57, Feb , 1890. - p. 206-14 ; 25cm. - PLY

Barrymore, J. - Confessions of an actor. - Indianapolis , 1926. - ill.. - EXU K05

Bartlett, Frederick Orin. - The web of the golden spider. - [s.l.] [s.n.] , 1909. - DRO 5203M/15

Bartoloccio de Celleno, D.I. - Bibliotheca magna rabbinica, vols. 1,2,4,5. - Rome , 1675. - EXU M08

Bartolomeo, P. - A voyage to the East Indies. - London , 1800. - EXU N12

Barton, Frank Townend. - Every day ailments and accidents of the dog. 6th ed. - Manchester: Our Dogs , 1920?. - Ex Bebington PL. - LEW 52

Bashford, H.H. - The happy ghost: and other stories. - London: William Heinemann , 1925. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Basile, C. - Pentamerone. - Breslau , 1846. - EXU N13

Bateman, Henry Mayo. - SuburbiA . - EXU Supplement

Bates, H.E. - The jacaranda tree. - London , 1949. - Inscribed Briggs. Later addition. - DRO 5203M/24

Baubel, J.-B. - Cahors-guide. - Cahors: J.Girma , 1888. - LEW 38/64

Baudelaire, Charles. - Les. - fleurs du mal. - Vienne: Manz , 1900?. - MS: Sabine Linton Baring-Gould. - LEW Boxes from USA

Baumgartner, M. - Island und die Farder. - Freiburg , 1902. - EXU J29

Baur, Samuel (1768-1832). - Historisches Raritäten-Kabinet, vol. 3. - Leipzig , 1827. - EXU J27

Baur, Samuel (1768-1832). - Historisches Raritäten-Kabinett. 1ter Band. - Augsburg: Jenisch und Stagesche Buchhandlung , 1826. - LEW 35

Baur, Samuel (1768-1832). - Historisches Raritäten-Kabinett. 2ter Band. - Augsburg: Jenisch und Stagesche Buchhandlung , 1826. - LEW 35

Baur, Samuel (1768-1832). - Historisches Raritäten-Kabinett. 4ter Band. - Augsburg: Jenisch und Stagesche Buchhandlung , 1827. - LEW 35

Baur, Samuel (1768-1832). - Historisches Raritäten-Kabinett. 5ter Band. - Augsburg: Jenisch und Stagesche Buchhandlung , 1831. - LEW 35

Baur, Samuel (1768-1832). - Historisches Raritäten-Kabinett. 6ter Band. - Augsburg: Jenisch und Stagesche Buchhandlung , 1832. - Second title: Historische Memorabilien ... 2ter Theil. - LEW 35

Bayfield, E.G. - The banks of the Wye; or, two summers at Clifton / by the author of A winter in Bath. - London : C. & R.Baldwin , 1785?. - 4 vols., P.8vo. - Author: E.G.Bayfield?. - EXU B07

Bayfield, E.G. - A winter in Bath. - London : B.Crosby & Co. , 1807?. - 4 vols., P.8vo. - Author E.G.Bayfield?. - EXU B07

Bayly, Thomas Baynes. - Perfection: or the lady of Munster: a comedy in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 190. 38/98/17. - LEW 38/98

Beach, Rex (1877-1949). - The barrier: a novel. - New York: Harper & Brothers , 1908. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Beach, Rex (1877-1949). - The silver horde: a novel. - New York: Harper & Brothers , 1909. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Beale, anne (1816-1900). - Nothing venture nothing save. - London: Griffith Farran Browne & Co. , 1900?. - LEW 67

Beard, J.C. - The Jack of all trades: or new ideas for American boys. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1914. - DRO 5203M/20

Beasts ... - Beasts [child's book of beasts with wood engravings]. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1810?. - Lacks title. - LEW 21

Beattie, William. - Switzerland, illustrated by W.H.Bartlett. - London , 1836. - DRO 5203M/05

Beaumont. - Works / Beaumont & Fletcher & Ben Jonson. - London , 1811. - 4 vols. (lacking vol. 1). - EXU Q05

Beaumont, Francis & Fletcher, John. - The knight of the burning pestle. - London, J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd , 1913. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate, Temple Dramatists series. - LEW Boxes from USA

Beaumont, Marie de. - Magazin des enfans. - [Paris?] , 1750?. - LEW 11

Beauregard, O. - Les. - divinites égyptiennes. - Paris , 1866. - EXU E11

Beauty ... - The beauty of Skreen, together with The star of Slane. - Drogheda: printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/15 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 3

Beazley, Samuel. - The lottery ticket: or the lawyer's clerk: a farce in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - Lacks wrapper. 38/98/14. - LEW 38/98

Bechstein, Ludwig. - Der. - Sagenschatz und die Sagenkreise des Thüringerlandes. 1ter Theil. - Hildburghausen: Verlag der Kesselring'schen Hofbuchhandlung , 1835. - LEW 37

Becket, Thomas Ó. - The life and letters of Thomas Ó Becket: now first gathered from the contemporary historians by J.A.Giles. In 2 vols. Vol. 1. - London: Whittaker & Co. , 1846. - LEW 48

Becket, Thomas Ó. - The life and letters of Thomas Ó Becket: now first gathered from the contemporary historians by J.A.Giles. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. - London: Whittaker & Co. , 1846. - LEW 48

Beckford, P. - Thoughts upon hare and fox hunting. - London , 1796. - ill.. - EXU G06

Bedford, Paul. - Recollections and wanderings of Paul Bedford: facts, not fancies. - London: Strand Printing & Publishing , 1867. - Missing board. - LEW 54

Bee ... - The bee: a collection of poems, chiefly designed for the young. - Dublin: Joseph Blundell , 1828. - MS: Edward Baring Gould. Spine: 29. Inside: 18. - LEW 32/51

Beecher-Stowe, Harriet. - Uncle Tom's cabin: a tale of life among the lowly. - [s.l.]: John C.Winston , 1897. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Beethoven, Ludwig van . - Jugendbibliotheck für Pianofirte zu zwei Händen. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Music score. - DRO 5203M/16

Beeton, Isabella Mary. - Beeton's every-day cookery. - London , 1872?. - col. ill. - DRO 5203M/28

Beldam, Joseph. - The origin and use of the Royston Cave. 5th ed. - Royston: Warren Brothers , 1904. - LEW 47

Belford, C. - Illustrated poetry and song / ed. C.Belford. - Chicago , 1880. - EXU M06

Bell, John Joy (1871-1934). - The new Noah's Ark. - London : John Lane Bodley Head , 1899. - colour ill.. - EXU G13

Bell, R. - Early ballads / ed. R.Bell. - London. - EXU M04

Bell, R. - Wayside pictures through France, Belgium and Holland. - London , 1850. - EXU G06

Bellegarde, l'Abbe de. - Les. - metamorphoses d'Ovide. - Amsterdam , 1716. - EXU C08

Beller, L. - [Letter re saints]. - , 1898. - In bundle labelled: Letters from foreign (re Saints). - DRO 5203M/36

Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953). - Danton : a study. - London , 1899?. - EXU H05

Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953). - The Girondin. - London: Thomas Nelson & Sons , 1911. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

Bendel, Franz. - an Genfer See [&c]: sechs Klavierstücke. Op. 139. - [s.l.] , 18--. - DRO 5203M/06

Benfey, T. - Griechisches Wurzellexikon. - Berlin , 1839-42. - 2 vols. - EXU E09

Benfey, T. - Sanskrit-English dictionary. - London , 1866. - EXU G01

Benfey, Theodor. - Pantschatantra : fuent Buecher indischer Fabeln Maerchen und Erzaehlungen. - Leipzig , 1859. - 2 vols. - EXU H20

Bennett, Arnold. - Buried alive; a tale of these days. - New York: George H.Doran (for Hodder and Stoughton) , 1900?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Bennett, Arnold. - Lord Raingo. - New York: George H.Doran Co. , 1926. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Bennett, Arnold. - The old wives' tale. - London: Thomas Nelson , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 52

Benoit, Daniel. - Maries Surand: prisonnière de la tour de Constance (1730-1768). 3 ed. - Toulouse: Société des Livres Religieux , 1894. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Benson, E.F. - The Osbornes. - London: William Heinemann , 1912. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Bentley's ... - Bentley's old miscellany days. - London , 1885. - ill.. Cruikshank. - EXU K12

Berchoux, J. - LA danse: ou la guerre des dieux, de l'opéra par J.Berchoux. - 2me ed. - Paris: Giguet et Michaud , 1808. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 21

Berenger, Mrs. - [Letters re. Red spider to Mrs Berenger]. - [Manuscript] , 1892. - DRO 5203M/32

Beresford, J.D. - The mountains of the moon. - London: Cassell & Co. , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Beresford, J.D. - The prisoners of Hartling. - London: W.Collins Sons & Co. , 1922. - LEW 82

Beresford, J.D. - Revolution: a novel. - London: W.Collins Sons & Co. , 1921. - LEW 44

Bergel, Joseph. - Der. - Himmel und seine Wunder: eine archäologische Studies nach alten jüdischen Mythografien. - Leipzig: Wilhelm Friedrich , 1881. - LEW 38/82

Beringer, Oscar, Mrs. - Glory : a drama , 1885. - DRO 5203M/36

Bermann, Moriz. - Dunkle Geschichten aus Oesterreich. - Wien: R. von Waldheim , 1868. - LEW 68

Bernard, A.Hermann. - Rhein Sagen. - Mainz , 1861?. - Check edition. - EXU F03

Bernhardt, A . - Forstwissenschaft. - Berlin , 1872-75. - 3 vols. in 2. - EXU J09

Bernier, Francois (1620-1688). - Travels in the Mogul Empire,A.D. 1656-1668. vol. I & II. - London : Constable (?) , 1891 (?). - EXU J33

Bernoulli, J.J. - Römische Ikonographie. - Berlin , 1886-94. - 4 vols. - EXU E05

Berthet, Elie Bertrand. - The vessels of the sanctuary: a tale of Normandy. - London: Burns & Lambert , 1862?. - LEW 72

Besant, Walter. - The chaplain of the fleet, by Walter Besant and James Rice. New ed. - London: Chatto & Windus , 1894. - Edward Baring Gould. - LEW 58

Best ... - The best wisdom: a new carol, proper to be sung at Christmas. - London: Printed by A.Applegath, Duke-street , 1825?. - 1 sheet. - Sold by J.Davis, 56, Paternoster Row; J. & C.Evans and J.Nisbet. - DRO Broadsides/005 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Bevan, G.M. - Portraits of the archbishops of Canterbury / ed. G.M.Bevan , 1908. - 4to. - EXU B06

Beverage, Bishop. - Brief instructions for the pious christian; or, A sure guide to heaven. By the late Bishop Beverage. - London: Printed by John Evans, 42, Long Lane , 1810?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 5/13 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 12

Bewick, Thomas. - Bewick gleanings : being impressions from copperplates and wood blocks engraved in the Bewick workshop / edited by Julia Boyd. - Newcastle upon Tyne : andrew Reid , 1886. - EXU H16

Bible. - Bible. - Oxford , 1781. - 2 vols., folio, ill.. - EXU M15

Bible. - Bible sacrA Paris. - EXU K14

Bible. - The Christian's new and complete family Bible ... together with notes ... by Thomas Bankes. - London: C.Cooke , 1780?. - Lacks title to Old Testament. Label: J.Drew, 8, New Street, Dock. - LEW 28

Bible. - The holy Bible. - London: Bagster , 1827. - DRO 5203M/17

Bible. - The holy Bible. - Oxford , 1855. - Bookplate: The gift of Henry Moore, Esq ... - DRO 5203M/23

Bible. - Holy bible. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Lacks titlepage. - LEW 27

Bible. - The holy Bible ... with explanatory notes ... New ed. Vol. 5. - London , 1850. - DRO 5203M/22

Bible. - The holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues. - New York: American Bible Society , 1853. - MS: Gertrude Darragh. - LEW 73

Bible. - The holy bible. Clear-type ed. - London: Collins Clear-Type Press , 1910. - LEW 44

Bible. - The holy bible: containing the old and new testaments. - Oxford: Printed by John Baskett , 1725?. - Titlepage damaged, bady damaged by damp. - LEW On display

Bible. - LA sainte bible. Nouvelle ed. - Amsterdam: D.Onder de Linden , 1761. - MS: Miss Sabine Mrs Baring Gould. - LEW 33

Bible. - The Sunday school teacher's Bible. - London: George E.Eyre & William Spottiswoode , 1875?. - MS date: 1879. - LEW 73

Bible ... - The Bible primer; or parents' best gift to their children. - London: W.S.Fortey, Monmouth Court , 1885?. - [8]p. - DRO Ballads 7/08 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 7

Bible. NT. - Het nieuwe testament [and] Het boek der psalmen. - Amsterdam: H.Brandt [&c] , 1775. - MS: S Baring Gould ... 1851. - LEW 33

Bible. NT. - The new testament. - Oxford: University Press , 1881. - MS: Diana Amelia Baring-Gould. - LEW 45

Bible. NT. - The new testament of our lord and savious Jesus Christ. - Oxford: University press , 1881. - LEW 33

Bible. NT. - Le. - nouveau testament de notre seigneur Jésus-Christ. - Paris: Société Biblique Franthaise , 1838. - LEW 31

Bible. NT. - Le. - nouveau testament de notre seigneur Jésus-Christ: version de J.F.Ostervald. Nouvelle ed. - Bruxelles: Société Britannique et EtrangÞre , 1888. - LEW 37

Bible. NT. Greek. - Novum Testamentum: textus graecus versionis vulgatae latinae quem in antiquis testibus ... indagavit Constantinus Tischendorf. - Paris: Ambrose Firmin Didot , 1842. - LEW 38/97

Bible. OT. - Selections from the psalms of David, the proverbs of Solomon, and the Book of Ecclesiasticus. - Dublin: Brett Smith & Son , 1822. - Edward Baring Gould. Spine: 34. Inside: 85. - LEW 32/53

Bible. Psalms. - Les. - psaumes de David mis en vers français. - Neuchatel: Louis Fauche-Borel , 1803. - LEW 21

Bible. Psalms. - Les. - psaumes de David mis en vers français. - Neuchatel: Louis Fauche-Borel , 1803. - With music. - LEW 11

Bibliothèque universelle des dames.

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 1. Vue générale du globe terrestre. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/01

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 2. Traité de géographie. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/02

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 3. [La Corée, le Japon]. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/03

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 4. [Le Japon, Formose, La Chine]. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/04

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 5. [La Chine]. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/05

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 6. [Le Tonquin, La Chochinchine, Camboye, Patane, Siam]. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/06

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 7. [Siam, Laos, Ava, Arrakan, Azem]. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/07

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 8. [Ceylan, Maldives, Sumatra, Java]. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/08

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 9. [Batavia, Iles Moluques, Timor, Ile Celebes, les Philippines]. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/09

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 10. [Les Philippines, Les Marianes, Côte de la Pecherie, Maduré]. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/10

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 11. [Marnwa, Carnate, Côte de Coromandel, Bengale, Indostan]. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/11

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 12. [Indostan, Côte des Pirates, Côte de Canara]. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/12

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 13. [Golekande, Iles Maldives, Taratrie, Sibérie]. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/13

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 14. [Perse]. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/14

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 15. [Arabie, Turquie Asiatique]. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/15

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 16. [Turquie Asiatique]. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/16

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 17. [Egypte]. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/17

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 18. [Ile de France, Ile de Bourbon, Madagascar, Cap de Bonne-Esperance]. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/18

- 1 classe: Voyages. Tome 19. [Pay des Hottentots]. - Paris , 1791. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/19

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 1. Traité de chronologie. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/20

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 2. Histoire ancienne. Livre 2. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/21

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 3. Histoire ancienne. Livre 3. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/22

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 4. Histoire ancienne. Livre 4 & 5. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/23

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 5. Histoire ancienne. Livre 6. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/24

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 6. Histoire ancienne. Livre 7. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/25

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 7. Histoire ancienne. Livre 8. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/26

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 8. Histoire ancienne. Livre 9. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/27

- 2 classe: histoire. Tome 9. Histoire ancienne livre 10e. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 10. Histoire ancienne. Livre 10 [cont]. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/28

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 11. Histoire ancienne. Livre 12 [cont], 13, 14. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/29

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 12. Histoire ancienne. Livre 15, 16. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/30

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 13. Histoire ancienne. Livre 16 [cont]. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/31

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 14. Histoire moderne. Livre 1. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/32

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 15. Histoire moderne. Livre 2. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/33

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 16. Histoire moderne. Livre 3. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/34

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 17. Histoire moderne. Livre 4, 5. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/35

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 18. Histoire moderne. Livre 6. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/36

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 19. Histoire moderne. Livre 7. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/37

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 20. Histoire moderne. Livre 8. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/38

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 21. Histoire moderne. Livre 9, 10. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/39

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 22. Histoire moderne. Livre 11. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. Orig. Tome 1. - LEW 22/40

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 23. Histoire moderne. Livre 11 [cont.], 12. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/41

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 24. Histoire moderne. Livre 12 [cont.], 13. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/42

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 25. Histoire moderne. Livre 13 [cont.]. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/43

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 26. Histoire moderne. Livre 14, 15. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/44

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 27. Histoire moderne. Livre 15 [cont], 16. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/45

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 28. Histoire moderne. Livre 17. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/46

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 29. Histoire moderne. Livre 18. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/47

- 2 classe: Histoire. Tome 30. Histoire moderne. Livre dernier. - Paris , 1791. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/48

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 2. Traité de l'orthographie. Traité de la versification. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/50

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 3. Traité de logique et de rhéthorique franthoise. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/51

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 4. Essai sur la mythologie. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/52

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 5. l'Odysée d'Homere. Livre 1-8. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/53

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 6. l'Odysée d'Homere. Livre 9-16. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/54

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 7. l'Odysée d'Homere. Livre 17-24. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 22/55

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 8. Poètes grecs. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/01

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 10. Poètes dramatiques grecs. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/02

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 11. Poètes latins. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/03

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 13. Poètes latins. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/04

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 14. Poètes latins. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/05

- 3 classe: Mélanges. Tome 15. Poètes latins. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/06

- 4 classe: Théatre. Tome 1. Discours sur l'origine et les progrés de la poésie dramatique. Venceslas de Routrou. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/07

- 4 classe: theatre. Tome 2. Fontenelle: Vie de P.Corneille. Corneile. Le cid. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 4 classe: Théatre. Tome 3. Horace de P.Corneille. Cinna de P.Corneille. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/08

- 4 classe: Théatre. Tome 4. Polyeucte de P.Corneille. Le menteur de P.Corneille. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/09

- 4 classe: Théatre. Tome 5. Rodogune de P.Corneille. Héraclius de P.Corneille. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/10

- 4 classe: Théatre. Tome 7. Ariane de T.Corneille. Le Comte d'Essex de T.Corneille. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/11

- 4 classe: theatre. Tome 8: Voltaire: Vie de Moliere. L'etourdi. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 4 classe: theatre. Tome 9. Moliere: Le depit amoureux, Les precieuses ridicules. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 4 classe: theatre. Tome 10: Moliere L'ecole des maris, L'ecole des femmes. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 4 classe: theatre. Tome 11. Moliere: Le misanthrope, Le medecin malgre lui. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 4 classe: theatre. Tome 12. Moliere Amphitrion, L'avare. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 4 classe: theatre. Tome 13. Moliere George Dandin ou le mari confondu. Le tartuffe. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 1. Amours de Théagenes et Chariclée: histore éthiopique. Livre 1-4. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/12

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 2. Amours de Théagenes et Chariclée. Livre 5-9. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - - 5 classe: Romans. Tome 3. Amours de Théagenes et Chariclée. Livre 10. Amours d'Abrocombe et d'AuthiA Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/14

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 4. Amours d'Ismène et d'Isménias. Amours de Daphnis et Chloe. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/15

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 5. Amours de Clitophon et de Leucippe.. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/16

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 6. Du vrai et parfait amour. Amours de Chéréas et de Callirhoé. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/17

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 7. Amours de Chéréas et de Callirhoé. Livre 3. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/18

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 8. Amours de Rhodante et de Diosclès. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/19

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 9. Flores et Blanche-Fleur. Cléomades et Claremonde. Pierre de Provence. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/20

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 10. Tristan de Léonois. Artus de Bretagne. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/21

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 11. La fleur des batailles. Histoire de Rigda et de Rogner de Lodbrog. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/22

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 12. Huon de Bordeaux. Guérin de Montglave. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/23

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 13. Dom Ursino le Navarin et Dona Inés d'Oviédo. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/24

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 14. Le petit Jehan de Saintré. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/25

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 15. Les apparences trompeuses: Gerard de Nevers. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/26

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 17. Traduction libre d'Amadis de Gaule. Livre 2. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/27

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 18. Traduction libre d'Amadis de Gaule. Livre 3. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/28

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 19. Traduction libre d'Amadis de Gaule. Livre 4. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/29

LEW 23/13

- 5 classe: Romans. Tome 20. Traduction libre d'Amadis de Gaule. Livre 5. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/30

- 5 classe: Romans. [21]. Abdeker: ou l'art de conserver la beauté. Tome 1. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/31

- 5 classe: Romans. [22]. Abdeker: ou l'art de conserver la beauté. Tome 2. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/32

- 5 classe: Romans. [23]. Abdeker: ou l'art de conserver la beauté. Tome 3. - Paris , 1791. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/33

- 5 classe: Romans. [24]. Abdeker: ou l'art de conserver la beauté. Tome 4. - Paris , 1791. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/34

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 1. Essai historique ... moralistes anciens. - Paris , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/35

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 3. Les caractères de Théophraste. Pensées morales de Cicéron. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/36

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 4. Pensées morales de Cicéron. Pensées de Sénèque. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/37

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 5. Pensées de Sénèque. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/38

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 6. Manuel d'Epictéte. R+flexions de Marc-Aurèle. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/39

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 8. La consolation de philosophie de Boèce. Livre 2. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/40

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 9. Essai historique ... moralistes modernes. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/41

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 10 L'esprit de Montaigne. Chapitres 1-9. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/42

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 11 L'esprit de Montaigne. Chapitres 10-25. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/43

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 12 L'esprit de Montaigne. Chapitres 26-. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/44

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 13 Réflexions morales de la Rochefoucauld. R130exions morales de la Bruy138. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/45

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 14. Pensées de Pascal. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/46

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 15. Pensées de J.J.Rousseau. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/47

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 16. Pensées de J.J.Rousseau. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/48

- 6 classe: Morale. Tome 17. Pensées de J.J.Rousseau. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/49

- 7 classe: Mathématiques. Algebre. Tome 1. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/50

- 7 classe: Mathématiques. Algebre. Tome 2. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/51

- 7 classe: Mathématiques. Algebre. Tome 3. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/52

- 7 classe: Mathématiques. Arithmétique. Tome 1. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/53

- 7 classe: Mathématiques. Arithmétique. Tome 2. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 23/54

- 7 classe: Mathématiques. Géometrie. Tome 1. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/01

- 7 classe: Mathématiques. Géometrie. Tome 2. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/02

- 7 classe: Mathématiques. Trigonometrie Tome 2. - Paris , 1791. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/03

- 8 classe: Astronomie, par M. De La Lande. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/04

- 8 classe: Physique général, par M. Sigaud de Lafond. Tome 1. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/05

- 8 classe: Physique général, par M. Sigaud de Lafond. Tome 2. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/06

- 9 classe: Botanique. Tome 1. - Paris , 1786. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/12

- 9 classe: De la femme considerée au physique et au moral, par M.Roussel. Tome 1. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/09

- 9 classe: De la femme considerée au physique et au moral, par M.Roussel. Tome 2. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/10

- 9 classe: Economie rurale et domestique, par M. Parmentier. Tome 1. - Paris , 1788. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/14

- 9 classe: Economie rurale et domestique, par M. Parmentier. Tome 2. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/15

- 9 classe: Economie rurale et domestique, par M. Parmentier. Tome 3. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/16

- 9 classe: Economie rurale et domestique, par M. Parmentier. Tome 4. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/17

- 9 classe: Economie rurale et domestique, par M. Parmentier. Tome 5. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/18

- 9 classe: Economie rurale et domestique, par M. Parmentier. Tome 6. - Paris , 1793. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/19

- 9 classe: Physique de l'homme. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/11

- 9 classe: physique particuliere par M.Sigaud de Lafond. Tome 5: Chapitre 4 etc. - Paris , 1792. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW Boxes from USA

- 9 classe: Physique particulière, par M. Sigaud de Lafond. Tome 3. - Paris , 1789. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/07

- 9 classe: Physique particulière, par M. Sigaud de Lafond. Tome 4. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/08

- 9 classe: Principes de chimie, par M. de Fourcray. Tome 1. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/13

- 10 classe: Médecine domestique, par M. Rousseau. Tome 1. - Paris , 1790. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/20

- 10 classe: Médecine domestique, par M. Rousseau. Tome 2. - Paris , 1791. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/21

- 10 classe: Médecine domestique, par M. Rousseau. Tome 3. - Paris , 1792. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/22

- 11 classe: Musique. De la poétique de la musique, par M. le comte de la Cepède. Tome 1. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/23

- 11 classe: Musique. De la poétique de la musique, par M. le comte de la Cepède. Tome 2. - Paris , 1787. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 32/24

Bibra, E.F. - Bronzen. - Erlangen , 1880?. - Bound with: Bapst, G. L'etain. - EXU H16

Bickerstaffe, Isaac. - Love in a village, a comick opera as performed at the Theatres Royal, Covent Garden and Drury Lane. The musick by Handel ... - London: Harrison & Co. , 1765?. - MS. - LEW 68

Bicknell, M. - [Woodland scene]. - [Etching] , 1912. - DRO 5203M/34

Bidwell, Austin. - From Wall Street to Newgate. - Hartford, Connecticut , 1895. - EXU G01

Biedenfeld, Ferdinand von. - Die. - Kinder der Vorsehung: oder Schicksale und Abenteuer dreier jungen Waisen: ein Kinder-Roman Weimar: Bernhard Friedrich Voigt , 1837. - MS: English Instituion, Mannheim, presented to Sabine Baring Gould Easter 1844. - LEW 27

Bigger, Francis Joseph. - Prehistoric settlements at Portnafeadog in the parish of Moyrus, ConnamarA Dublin: University Press , 1896. - From: Proc. Royal Irish Academy, 3rd ser., vol. 3, no. 5. - LEW 38/51

Bindloss, Harold. - Harden's escapade. - [s.l.] , 1930. - DRO 5203M/12

Biographia ... - Biographia britannica literariA London , 1846. - EXU J29

Biographical ... - Biographical sketch of Joseph Napoleon Bonaparte Count de Survilliers. - London , 1834. - EXU H12

Biornonis, S. - RymbeglA Havniae , 1780. - EXU K12

Birch, Walter de Gray. - Domesday book: a popular account. - London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge , 1887. - LEW 47

Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte. - Der. - Goldbaner: original-Schauspiel in vier Akten. - Berlin: F.W.Gubitz , 1880?. - LEW 57

Birlinger, anton (1834-1891). - Sagen und Legenden. - Wiesbaden , 1874. - EXU E09

Birlinger, anton (1834-1891). - Sitten und Richtsbrauche. - Wiesbaden , 1874. - EXU E09

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - The bad times. - London? , 1916?. - DRO 5203M/15

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - The bad times. 3rd ed. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1913. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - Gossamer. 4th ed. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1916. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - Hyacinth. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1916. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - The inviolable sanctuary. - London: T.Nelson & Sons , 1910?. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 58

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - The island mystery. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1918. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - Lalage's Lovers. 6th edition. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1914. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - Minnie's bishop and other stories of Ireland. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Birmingham, George A. (1865-1950). - The search party. 5th ed. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1911. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Biskupa ... - Biskupa sögur, vol. 1. - Kaupmannahofn , 1858. - EXU E10

Bjorns Marcussonar. - Nockrer Marg-Frooder Sogu-Vaetter Islendingar. - Hoolum i Hialltadal: Halldore Eriks Syne , 1756. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 34

Black, A . - Some clerical novelists. - From: Sunday Mag, vol. 33, Jun , 1904. - p. 399-400 : ill ; 25cm. - Extract relating to S.Baring-Gould. - PLY

Black, R.Harrison. - an etymological and explanatory dictionary of words derived from the Latin. New ed. - London: Longmans, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman , 1835?. - MS: Ed. Baring Gould. - LEW 82

Black, R.Harrison. - The student's manual: being an etymological and explanatory vocabulary of words derived from the Greek. 6th ed. - London: Longmans, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman , 1836. - MS: Ed. Baring Gould. - LEW 82

Black, William. - The strange adventures of a phaeton. New rev. ed. - London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co. , 1892. - LEW 74

Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. - Springhaven, a tale of the Great War by R.D. Blackmore. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1908. - Everyman library ; no. 885. Fiction [series]. Reprinted 1916. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Blackmore, Richard Doddridge (1825-1900). - Lorna Doone. - Cleveland , 1890. - ill.. - EXU M14

Blackmore, Richard Doddridge (1825-1900). - Lorna Doone: a romance of Exmoor. - London: Collins' Clear-Type Press , 1910?. - LEW 74

Blackmore, Richard Doddridge (1825-1900). - Slain by the Doones and other stories. - New York: Dodd, Mead & Co , 1895. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Blackwood, Algernon. - The education of Uncle Paul. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1918. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

Blackwood, Algernon. - The empty house and other ghost stories. - London: Eveleigh Nash Co. , 1916. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 61

Blackwood, Algernon. - The human chord. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1916. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 78

Blackwood, Algernon. - Incredible adventures. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1914. - LEW 78

Blackwood, Algernon. - John Silence: physician extraordinary. - London: Eveleigh Nash Co. , 1916. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Blackwood, Algernon. - The listener and other stories. - New York: Alfred A.Knopf , 1917. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Blackwood, Algernon. - The lost valley and other stories. - London: Eveleigh Nach Co. , 1916. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Blackwood, Algernon. - Pan's garden: a volume of nature stories. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1919. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Blackwood, Algernon. - A prisoner in fairyland. - London , 1918. - EXU K11

Blackwood, Algernon. - Ten minute stories. - London: John Murray , 1914. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Blackwoods ... - Blackwoods magazine. - 2 vols.. - EXU G01

Blagdon, Francis William. - A dictionary of quotations from the British poets. In three parts. Part 1: Shakespeare. 2nd ed. - London: Whittaker & Co. , 1835. - MS: Ed. Baring Gould. - LEW 52

Blagdon, Francis William. - A dictionary of quotations from the British poets. In three parts. Part 2. 2nd ed. - London: Whittaker & Co. , 1835. - MS: SCBG. - LEW 52

Blagdon, Francis William. - A dictionary of quotations from the British poets. In three parts. Part 3: Rhyme. 2nd ed. - London: Whittaker & Co. , 1835. - MS: to Sophia BG, Montpellier Jan 11th 1837. - LEW 52

Blair, Hugh (1718-1800). - Lectures. - London , 1823. - EXU K11

Blake, C. Carter. - Notes on human remains brought from Iceland by Captain Burton. - London: anthropological Institute , 1870?. - From: Journal of the anthropological Institute vol. 2. - LEW 38/40

Blake, William. - Poetical works. - London , 1913. - EXU K04

Blanchan, N. - Birds that hunt and are hunted. - New York , 1905. - ill.. - EXU H13

Blanchan, Neltje (1865-1918). - Bird neighbours. - New York , 1900. - coloured plates. - EXU J25

Blatchford, Robert Peel Glanville (1851-1943). - Merrie England. - London , 1895. - EXU P13

Blight, J.T. - ancient crosses & other antiquities. - EXU M13

Blight, J.T. - Churches of West Cornwall. - EXU Q03

Bliss, P.P. - Gospel hymns and sacred songs by P.P.Bliss and Ira D.Sankey. - Cincinnati: John Church & Co. , 1890?. - Incomplete. - LEW 34

Blyton, Enid. - Happy hours story book. - London : Dean and Son , 1964. - Later addition?. - EXU J33

Boccaccio, Giovanni. - The decameron. Trans. J.M.Rigg. Vol. 1. - Navarre Society , 1900?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Boccaccio, Giovanni. - The decameron. Trans. J.M.Rigg. Vol. 2. - Navarre Society , 1900?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Boccaccio, Giovanni. - Decamerone. - , 1789-90. - 4 vols. - EXU L04

Boccalini, T. - Parnassus. - London , 1704. - 2 vols. - EXU L05

Bock, Franz (1823-1899). - Geschichte der liturgischen Gewander des Mittelalters. - Bonn : Cohen , 1859-66. - 2 vols. - EXU E04

Bode, H. - Volksmarchen aus der Bretagn. - Leipzig , 1847. - ill.. - EXU F03

Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas. - Oeuvres choisies. Tome 2. - Amsterdam , 1777. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Boileau Despréaux, Nicolas. - Works. - Paris , 1793. - 3 vols. - EXU Q06

Boisen, P.O. - 115 Melodier til P.O.Boisens Nye og gamle Viser af og for danske Volk. - Kjobenhavn: E.L.Chaarup , 1867. - Song book with music. - LEW 38/86

Bojardo, M.M. - Orlando. - Venezia , 1782. - 2 vols. - EXU O04

Bolton, H.C. - The counting-out rhymes of children. - London , 1888. - EXU M14

Bond, F. - The chancel of English churches. - London , 1916. - ill.. - EXU G13

Bond, F. - Fonts and font covers. - London , 1908. - ill.. - EXU G13

Bond, Frederick Bligh. - The company of Avalon: a study of the script of Brother Simon, Sub-Prior of Winchester Abbey in the time of King Stephen. - Oxford: Basil Blackwell , 1924. - MS: to cousins BG from author. - LEW 65

Bond, Frederick Bligh. - The gate of remembrance: the story of the psychological experiment twhich resulted in the discovery of the Edgar chapel at Glast. - Oxford: B.H.Blackwell , 1920. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Bond, Frederick Bligh. - The hill of vision: a forecast of the Great War and of social revolution with the coming of the new race ... - London: Constable & Co. , 1919. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

Bond, S. - [Letter to Sophy from mother S.Bond]. - , 1860?. - Undated. - DRO 5203M/36

Boner, C. - TransylvaniA London , 1865. - ill.. - EXU K08

Book ... - Book of common prayer. - London: printed by J.Baskett , 1716. - EXU Q04

Book ... - Book of days. - London , 1864. - 2 vols. - EXU P06

Book ... - A book of prayers for students. - London: Student Christian Movement , 1921. - MS. Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 82

Book ... - [Book spines, broken]. - , 1900?. - DRO 5203M/33

Booth, Edward C. - The cliff end. - London: J.M.Dent & Sons , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Bopp, F. - Glossarium comparatiuum. - Beroloni , 1867. - EXU N15

Bopp, F. - Vergleichende Grammatik. - Berlin , 1857-61. - 3 vols. - EXU H18

Bordeaux, Henry. - The woollen dress, translated by Ruth Helen Davis. - New York: Duffield & Co. , 1912. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Bordelon, Laurent (1653-1730). - A history of the ridiculous extravagancies of Monsieur Oufle : occasion'd by his reading books treating of magick, ... - London : Printed for J.Morphew, near Stationers-Hall , 1711. - EXU G11

Bordelon, Laurent (1653-1730). - Les. - tours de Maitre Gonin, vol. 1. - Paris , 1713. - EXU C08

Borderie, Arthur de lA L'. - émigration bretonne en Armorique. - Paris: Revue Celtique , 1885. - From: Revue Celtique, tome 4, no. 4, p. 450-481. - LEW 38/69

Borlase, W.C. - Naenia cornubiae. - London: Longmans, Green , 1872. - B-G B.P. - EXU A06

Borrow, George (1803-1881). - The Bible in Spain by George Borrow. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; no. 151. Travel and topography [series]. Reprinted 1916. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Borrow, George (1803-1881). - The Bible in Spain by George Borrow. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Travel and topography [series]. Reprinted 1910. No bookplate. - EXU H09

Borrow, George (1803-1881). - Lavengro by George Borrow. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Fiction [series]. Reprinted 1913. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Borrow, George (1803-1881). - The Romany rye. - London , 1900. - EXU P09

Borrow, George (1803-1881). - The Romany Rye by George Borrow. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Fiction [series]. Reprinted 1914. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Borrow, George (1803-1881). - Wild Wales. - London , 1901. - EXU P09

Borrow, George (1803-1881). - The Zincarli, an account of the gypsies of Spain by George Borrow. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons. - [1906?]. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Travel and topography [series]. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Bosredon, A. de. - Conférence sur la trufficulture faite Ó Périgueux le 6 septembre 1893. - Périgueux: Imprimerie de la Dordogne , 1894. - LEW 38/59

Boswell, James. - The journal of a tour of the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson LLD by James Boswell. Esq. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1909. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Travel and topography [series]. Reprinted 1914. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Boswell, James. - The life of Samuel Johnson. - London , 1816. - 4 vols. - EXU Q03

Boswell, James. - The "life of Samuel Johnson LLD by James Boswell Esq. Volume 2

No number: The life of Samuel Johnson LLD by James Boswell Esq: Volume 2". - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; [no number. Biography [series]. Reprinted 1911. No bookplate. - EXU H09

Boterel, Regnaud. - Histoire féodale des marais, territoire et église de Dol: enquête par tourbe: texte latin publié ... par Jean Allenou. - Paris: Edouard Champion , 1917. - MS presentation to Sabine Baring Gould by F.Duine, writer of introduction. - LEW 38/28

Botrel, Théodore Botrel. - Par le petit doigt: chanson. - Paris: Georges Ondet , 1900?. - LEW 38/55

Bouchel, L. - LA bibliothèque canonique. - Paris , 1689. - 2 vols. - EXU P14

Bouchor, Maurice. - Chants populaires pour les écoles, poésies de Maurice Bouchor; mélodies recueillies et notées par Julien Tiersot. 5me ed. - Paris: Hachette et Cie , 1899. - LEW 75

Boudot, Jean . - Dictionarium universale latino-gallicum ex omnibus latinitatis collectum. 16 ed. - Parisiis: ludovicum-Guillelmum de Hansy , 1755?. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 24

Bouinais, Lt-Col. - Le. - culte des morts. - Paris , 1893. - EXU O02

Boulton, Harold. - Songs of the four nations : a collection of old songs of the people of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales / ed. Harold Boulton. - London : Cramer , 1892. - EXU J28

Bourne, V. - The poetical works. - Oxford , 1826. - EXU Q03

Bowdler, H.M. - [Letter to Capt. Sabine from H.M.Bowdler]. - , 1826. - DRO 5203M/36

Bowen, Marjorie (1888-1952). - The carnival of Florence. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1915. - LEW 54

Bowen, Marjorie (1888-1952). - The carnival of Florence. 4th ed. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1915. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Bowen, Marjorie (1888-1952). - The glen o' weeping. - London: Alston Rivers , 1907. - LEW 72

Bowen, Marjorie (1888-1952). - The sword decides. - London: Alston Rivers , 1908. - LEW 78

Bowen, Marjorie (1888-1952). - The two carnations. 2nd impresson. - London: Cassell & Co. , 1913. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 63

Bowen, Marjorie (1888-1952). - The viper of Milan: a romance of Lombardy. - Alston Rivers , 1906. - EXU A06

Boyer, A The annals of Queen anne's reign, 2nd, 4th and 8th years. - London , 1704-10. - EXU J27

Boyer, A The history of the reign of Queen anne, digested into annals: year the eleventh. - London: Printed by D.L and sold by J.Lawrence [&c] , 1713. - Wm Baring Gould label. MS: Edw Gould. - LEW 34

Boyesen, H.H. - The story of Norway. - New York , 1886. - EXU G08

Brabant, F.G. - Sussex. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1900. - LEW 53

Brakelond, Jocelyn of. - The chronicle of Jocelyn of Brakeelond, edited by Sir Ernest Clarke. - London: John Murray , 1907. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate Cover: Bury St. Edmunds pageant edition. - LEW 73

Bramah, Ernest. - Kai Lung's golden hours. - New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co , 1923. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 65

Bramah, Ernest. - The wallet of Kai Lung. - New York: George H.Doran Co. , 1925?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate loose. - LEW 65

Brant, G. - History of the Reformation in the Low Countries - an abridgement. - London , 1725. - 2 vols. - EXU N05

Braun, IsabellA . - Reich und Arm, 4 Erzählungen für die Jugend. - Esslingen: J.F.Schreiber , 1880?. - MS. - LEW 62

Braun, Karl (1822-1893). - Mordgeschichten. - Hannover : Ruempler , 1875. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU E03

Bray, anna ElizA . - Borders of the Tamar and the Tavy. - , 1879. - 2 vols. (B-G B.P. vol. 1). - EXU B03

Bray, anna ElizA . - Courtenay of Walreddon. - London , 1844. - 3 vols. - EXU N13

Bray, anna ElizA The novels and romances. - London , 1845-46. - 10 vols. - EXU O01

Bredow, Gabriel Gottfried. - Rabbinische Mythen, Erzählungen und Lügen: nebst zwey Balladen der christlichen Mythologie im Mittelalter. - Hadamar: In der neuen Gelehrten-Buchhandlung , 1802. - LEW 38/89

Brentano, Clemens. - Gedichte. - Berlin , 1874. - B.P. - EXU E03

Brentano, Clemens. - Der. - Goldfaden. - Heidelberg , 1809. - EXU E03

Brereton, F.S.. - The great aeroplane. - London,Glasgow: Blackie & Son , 1910?. - Illustrated by Edward S. Hodgson. - LEW Boxes from USA

Brewer, E.Cobham. - Brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable. New ed. - London: Cassell & Co. , 1921?. - "Date evidence under ""National debt"". Later addition?". - LEW 48

Brewster, David. - Optics. - London: [Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green] , 1838. - Cabinet cyclopediA DRO 5203M/01

Brewster, John. - Meditations for the aged. 3rd ed. - London? , 1814. - DRO 5203M/08

Brickman, W. - [Letter to Sabine Baring-Gould from Okehampton]. - [Manuscript] , 1890. - Loosely inserted in manuscript of folksongs. - DRO 5203M/36

Bridger, Mary. - A history of the Lamerton Hunt. - [Lamerton?] : [The Hunt?] , 1994. - Includes the Lamerton Hunt song by Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 65

Bridgett, Thomas Edward. - In spirit and in truth: an essay on the ritual of the New Testament. - London: Longmans, Green, Reader & Dyer , 1869. - LEW 43

Bright & Son. - Bright and Son's ABC descriptive priced catalogue of the world's postage stamps. 7th ed. - London: Bright & Son , 1908. - LEW 27

Bristow, C.R. - Bibliography of the works of Sabine Baring-Gould. - Copplestone: The Author. - 2003. - Later addition, provisional printout donated by compiler. - LEW On display

British ... - The British almanack of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge for the year ... 1843. - London: Charles Knight , 1843?. - LEW 27

British ... - The British almanack of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, for ... 1854. - London: Charles Knight , 1853. - LEW 27

British ... - British husbandry. - London : Baldwin Cradock & Joy? , 1834-1840?. - EXU H12

British ... - The British Legion album : in aid of feild-marshal Earl Haig's appeal for ex-servicement of all ranks. - London : Cassell , 1924]. - EXU J35

British ... - The British Museum. - London? , 1835?. - Library of entertaining knowledge. - DRO 5203M/14

British ... - British theatre. - London , 1808. - 25 vols. - EXU M01:01-M02:01

British Association. - Handbook to Bristol and the Neighbourhood. - Bristol: John Wright & Co. , 1898. - LEW 62

British Library. - Nine volumes of ballads, printed mainly in London by J Catnach and J Pitts. - 10 vol. - With a few of earlier date and with a small number of prose broadsheets. Collected by Revd Sabine Baring-Gould. With manuscript indexes. - BL L.R.271.a.2

British Library. - Popular literature in eighteenth and nineteenth century Britain. Part 2. The Sabine Baring-Gould and Crampton Collections from the British Library, London : a listing and guide to the Research Publications Collection. - Reading : Research Publications , 1990. - ix,446p ; 21cm. - ISBN 0862571138. - BL

British Library. - Two volumes of ballads dating from 1730? to 1830?, printed mainly in Newcastle-upon-Tyne by J White, or in London. - 2 vol.. - Each ballad is cut up and mounted. With manuscript index. Collected by Revd Sabine Baring-Gould. - BL L.R.31.b.19

British SylvA The British sylva and planters' and foresters' manual. - London : S.P.C.K. , 1851. - EXU G10

Briton. - To the electors of Tavistock. - [Tavistock]: [s.n.] , 1857?. - 1 sheet. - Signed: A Briton. - DRO Broadsides/038 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Broadside ... - Broadside ballads. - Missing 2012. - EXU H06

Broadsides ... - Broadsides [contents separately listed]. - , 18?? , 188 leaves; folio. - EXU H15

Brodhaus, Hermann. - Die. - Maerchensammlung des Somadeva Bhatta aus Kaschmir / aus dem Sanskrit ins Deutsche uebersetzt von Dr Hermann Brockhaus. - Leipzig : Brockhaus , 1843. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU E03

Bromfield, Louis. - Early autumn: the story of a lady. - New York: Frederick A.Stokes Co. , 1926. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 73

Bronte, Emily Jane. - Wuthering Heights. - EXU F08

Brook, Henry (1703?-1783). - The fool of quality; or, the history of Henry earl of Moreland. - , 1766-70. - 5 vols., P.8vo, B-G B.P. - EXU B07

Brooke, A.de L. - A winter in Lapland and Sweden. - London , 1826. - ill.. - EXU E11

Brooke, Henry (1703?-1783). - A new collection of fairy tales, vol. I. - London , 1750 (?). - EXU J26

Broome, Ralph (d. 1805). - The letters of Simkin the Second. - London: J.Stockdale , 1791. - EXU G06

Brough, William. - How to make home happy: a comic drama in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 182. 38/98/16. - LEW 38/98

Brough, William. - Number one round the corner: a farce in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 199. 38/98/20. - LEW 38/98

Broughton, RhodA . - BelindA Macmillan , 1899. - B-G B.P. - EXU A06

Broughton, RhodA . - Joan Macmillan , 1899. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - EXU A06

Broughton, RhodA . - Nancy. - Macmillan , 1900. - B-G B.P. - EXU A06

Broughton, RhodA . - Red as a rose she is. - Macmillan , 1899. - B-G B.P. - EXU A06

Broughton, RhodA . - Second thoughts. - Macmillan , 1899. - B-G B.P. - EXU A06

Broughton, Rhoda, 1840-1920.. - Doctor Cupid. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1899. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Brown, Arthur Henry. - The Gregorian canticles. 5th ed. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 19--. - DRO 5203M/05

Brown, DemetrA The Duke's price, by Demetra and Kenneth Brown. - Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1910. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 78

Brown, I. Roberts. - Durham and Newcastle-on Tyne. The concise series of guides, no, 4. - London: George Philip & Son , 1895?. - MS. Inc. Bartholemew's map. n.d. Cover title: Durham to Carlisle. - LEW 55

Brown, J. - A dictionary of the holy Bible. - London , 1831. - EXU H19

Brown, John. - Pet Marjorie: a story of child life fifty years ago. - London: T.N.Foulis , 1907. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Brown, T. - Poems on several occasions. - Liverpool , 1800. - EXU L05

Brown, Thomas. - The Fudge family in Paris, edited by Thomas Brown the younger. 8th ed. - London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown , 1818. - MS: W. Baring Gould. - LEW 21

Browne, Caroline. - Diary, May 11th 1819 to December 19th 1823. - [Manuscript]. - EXU Q07

Browne, G.F. - Augustine and his companions: four lectures. - London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge , 1897. - LEW 47

Browne, G.F. - The Christian church in these islands before the coming of Augustine: three lectures. - London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge , 1897. - LEW 47

Browne, G.F. - Lessons from early Christian history: three lectures. - London: SPCK , 1893. - LEW 54

Browne, Henry. - [Correspondence to Joseph Sabine junior from Henry Browne of St. Hellins & Canton]. - [Manuscript] , 1792. - 2 letters. - DRO 5203M/33

Browne, Montague. - Practical taxidermy. - [s.l.] [s.n.] , 1884. - DRO 5203M/15

Browne, Thomas (1605-1682). - Sir Thomas Browne's works /edited by S.Wilkin. - London : Bohn , 1852. - 3 vols. - EXU J16

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. - Poetical works. - New York , 1885. - 5 vols. - EXU L04

Browning, Robert. - A blot on the scutcheon. - New York: Harper Brothers , 1893. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marian Linton. - DRO 5203M/30

Browning, Robert. - The poems and plays of Robert Browning. Vol. 1: 1833-1844. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; no. 41. Poetry and drama [series]. Revised and reset 1919. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Browning, Robert. - The poems and plays of Robert Browning. Vol. 2: 1844-1864. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1904. - Everyman library; [no number]. Poetry and drama [series]. Reset 1914. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Browning, Robert. - Select poems. - London? , 18--. - DRO 5203M/09

Bruce, J.Collingwood. - Northumbrian minstrelsy: a collection / J.C.Bruce & J.Stokoe. - Newcastle , 1882. - EXU M13

Bruce-Whyte, M.A . - Histoire des langues romanes et de leur litterature depuis leur origine jusqu'au XIV siecle. - Paris : Treuttel et Wurtz , 1841. - 3 vols. - EXU H18

Bryan, William Jennings. - Letters from a Chinese official: being an eastern view of western civilization. - New York: McClure, Phillips & Co. , 1905. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Bryant, J. - ancient mythology. - , 1775-76. - 3 vols. - EXU N15

Bryant, Sara Cone (1873-). - Stories to tell to children. - Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould (transport bookplate). - LEW 77

Bryant, William Culle (1794-1878). - Poems. - New York , 1857. - EXU L05

Bryce, James Bryce, Viscount (1838-1922). - The American commonwealth. - London ; New York : Macmillan , 1889. - EXU J17

Brydges, Egerton, Sir (1762-1837). - Arthur fitz-Albini : a novel. - , 1799. - 2 vols., P.8vo. - EXU B08

Buchan, John (1875-1940). - The watcher on the threshold and other tales. Shilling ed. - London: William Blackwood & Sons , 1915. - LEW 62

Buckingham, Leicester. - Jeanette's wedding: an operetta in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 476. 38/98/25. - LEW 38/98

Buckland, Francis T. - Curiosities of natura history. 3rd series. 2nd ed. - London: Richard Bentley , 1868. - Ex: Circulating Library Ltd. - LEW 52

Buckrose, J.E. - Gay morning. - London: Mills & Boon , 1920?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Buckrose, J.E. - The girl in fancy dress. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1920?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Buckrose, J.E. - The gossip shop. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1910?. - LEW 75

Buckstone, John B. - Good for nothing: a comic drama in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 251. 38/98/24. - LEW 38/98

Buckstone, John B. - A rough diamond: a comic drama in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 250. another copy. 38/98/23. - LEW 38/98

Buckstone, John B. - A rough diamond: a comic drama in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 250. 38/98/22. - LEW 38/98

Budge, E.A.Wallis. - The discourses of Philoxenus. - London , 1894. - 2 vols. - EXU Q02

Bulau, Friedrich (1805-1859). - Personnages enigmatiques, histoires mysterieuses, evenements peu ou mal connus. - Paris , 1861. - 3 vols. - Translation of: Geheime Geschichten. - EXU E03

Bulkeley-Jones, BertA an account of the minster of Freiburg in Baden, partly adapted from the German of ... Canon Marmon. - Freiburg: B.Herder , 1886. - LEW 42

Bullen, Frank T. - The cruise of the Cachalot round the world after sperm whales. - New York: D.Appleton & Co. , 1899. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Bull-finch ... - The bull-finch: being a choice collection of the newest and most favourite English songs which have been set to music and sung ... - London: R.Baldwin & John Wilkie , 1760?. - anonymous. - LEW 11

Bull-finch ... - The bull-finch: songs. - EXU O07

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. - Works. - New York , 1896. - 10 vols. - EXU J13

Bund, J.W.Willis. - The celtic church of Wales. - London , 1897. - EXU J24

Burckhardt, G.F. - Complete English-German and German-English pocket-dictionary. 3rd improved ed. Part 1. - Berlin: Charles Frederick Amelang , 1839. - MS. LBG WDBG. - LEW 53

Burckhardt, G.J. - Vollständiges Englisch-Deutsches und deutchh-englisches Taschenwöterbuch. 2ter Theil. - [s.l.]: Carl Friedrich Amelo[?] , 1839. - MS: Wm Baring Gould. Title-page damaged. - LEW 37

Burgener, P.L. - Wallfahrtsorte der Schweiz. - Zurich , 1867. - 2 vols. - EXU E09

Bürger, Gottfried August. - Bürger's beste Gedichte. - Hildburghausen: Bibliographisches Institut , 1820?. - Meyers Groschen-Bibliothek. - LEW 33

Bürger, Gottfried August (1747-1794). - Schriften. - Wien : Funk , 1796-98. - 4 vols. in 2. - EXU H08

Burgess, G. - Blue goops and red. - New York , 1909. - EXU N14

Burgh, A . - anecdotes of music. - London , 1814. - 3 vols. - EXU M10

Burke. - Peerage. - , 1900?. - Unidentified edition. - DRO 5203M/36A

Burke, Bernard, Sir. - The romance of the aristocracy: or anecdotes and records of distinguished families. New & rev. ed in 3 vols. Vol. 1. - London: Henry Colburn , 1855. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Burke, Bernard, Sir. - Vicissitudes of families. 1st series. 5th ed. - London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts , 1860. - LEW 72

Burke, Bernard, Sir. - Vicissitudes of families. 2nd series. - London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts , 1861. - LEW 72

Burke, Bernard, Sir. - Vicissitudes of families. 3rd series. - London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts , 1863. - LEW 72

Burke, Bernard. Sir. - The romance of the aristocracy or, anecdotes and records of distinguished families. New and revised edition in 3 vols. Vol 3. - London: Hurst & Blackett for Henry Colburn , 1855. - LEW 78

Burke, Bernard. Sir. - The romance of the aristocracy or, anecdotes and records of distinguished families. New rev. ed. in 3 vols. Vol 2. - London: Hurst & Blackett for Henry Colburn , 1855. - LEW 78

Burke, Peter. - The public and domestic life of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. - London: Ingram, Cooke & Co. , 1853. - Label: Sold by J.B.Rowe, bookseller, printer &c, Plymouth. - LEW 48

Burn, R. - Justice of the peace and parish officer, vol. 4/ R. &J.Burn. - London , 1788. - EXU Q05

Burnard R. - Dartmoor pictorial records, vol.3&4 only,limited edn.,nos.117&34. - , 1893-94. - EXU B03

Burnard, F.C. - The Deal boatman: a serio-comic drama in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 888. 38/98/34. - LEW 38/98

Burnet, Frances Hodgson (1849-1924). - That lass o' Lowrie's. - New York: Char;es Scribner's Sons , 1910. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Burnet, Gilbert. - Bishop Burnet's history of his own time. Vol. 1: From the restoration of King Charles II to the settlement of King William ... - Dublin: A.Rhames , 1724. - LEW 29

Burnet, Gilbert. - Bishop Burnet's history of his own time. Vol. 2: From the revolution to the conclusion of the treaty of peace at Utrecht ... - Dublin: S.Powell , 1734. - LEW 29

Burnet, Gilbert. - Bishop Burnet's history of the reformation of the Church of England. - London : R.Priestley , 1820. - 6 vols. - EXU G12

Burnet, Gilbert. - History of the Reformation [edited by Pocock. Vol. ?]. - Oxford? , 1865?. - Damaged by damp. - DRO 5203M/11

Burnet, Gilbert. - History of the Reformation, edited by Pocock. Vol. 4. - Oxford? , 1865?. - DRO 5203M/08

Burnet, Gilbert. - History of the Reformation, edited by Pocock. Vols. 2, 3, 5, 7. - Oxford? , 1865?. - DRO 5203M/18

Burnet, Gilbert. - History of the Reformation, edited by Pocock? Vol. 6. - Oxford , 1865. - DRO 5203M/30

Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715). - an abridgement of Bishop Burnet's history of his own time by the Rev. Thomas Stackhouse. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; [no number]. History [series]. Reprinted 1910. No bookplate. - EXU H09

Burnett, Frances Hodgson. - The lost prince. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Burney, Fanny (1752-1840). - Evelina; or, A young lady's entrance into the world. - London : Printed for T.Lowndes , 1779. - 3 vols. - anonymous. - EXU H21

Burns, Robert. - The poetical works of Robert Burns: with a memoir of the author's life and a glossary. - London: T.Allman , 1836. - LEW 73

Burrell, ElizA [Letter to Sabine Baring-Gould. - [Manuscript] , 1905. - Loose in The brothers Moginie by Sabine Baring Gould. - DRO 5203M/34

Burton, R. - The anatomy of melancholy. - London , 1923. - 3 vols. - EXU H05

Burton, R.F. - Human remains and other articles from Iceland. - London: anthropological Institute , 1870?. - From: Journal of the anthropological Institute vol. 2. - LEW 38/41

Burton, Robert. - The anatomy of melancholy, by Democritus Junior. 13th ed. In 2 vols. Vol.1. - Longman: longman, Rees, Orme & Co. [&c] , 1827. - Edward Baring Gould MS date: London, Septr 1830. - LEW 28

Bury, J.B. - A history of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great. - London: Macmillan & Co , 1912. - LEW 42

Busby, T. - Concert room and orchestra anecdotes. - London , 1825. - 3 vols. - EXU M05

Bussler, Ludwig. - Practical harmony: a systematic course in fifty-four lessons. - Philadelphia: Hatch Music Co. , 1900?. - MS: M.Baring-Gould. - LEW 38/16

Butler, Joseph (1692-1752). - analogy and sermons. - London? : H.G.Bohn? , 1852. - DRO 5203M/09

Butler, Samuel. - Hudibras: a poem. - London: William Tegg , 1867. - LEW 58

Butler, Samuel. - Hudibras: the first part. - London: John Baker , 1710. - With: Hudibras: the second part, corrected. London: J.Baker,1709. - LEW 34

Button, B. - The Rev S Baring-Gould at home. - From: Great Thoughts ; vol. 21 , 1894. - p. 360-2 : ill ; 30cm. - From: Great thoughts, vol 21, Sept 8 1894. - PLY

Buxton, E. - General BothA London , 1924. - EXU K08

Byrne, Julia C. - The Beggynhof: or the city of the shingle. - London: Chapman & Hall , 1869. - LEW 52

Byron, George Gordon. - Childe Harold's pilgrimage: a romance. - London: John Murray , 1837. - LEW 21

Byron, George Gordon. - Dramas. Vol. 1. - London: John Murray , 1837. - In 2 vols. - LEW 21

Byron, George Gordon. - Dramas. Vol. 2. - London: John Murray , 1837. - In 2 vols. - LEW 21

Byron, George Gordon. - Miscellanies. Vol. 2. - London: John Murray , 1837. - In 3 vols. - LEW 21

Byron, George Gordon. - The poetical works of Lord Byron. - London: Frederick Warne & Co. , 1860?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marian Linton. Lansdowne poets. - LEW 37

Byron, George Gordon. - Tales. Vol. 2. - London: John Murray , 1837. - In 2 vols. - LEW 21

Byron, George Gordon. - Works. Vol. 11: Parga - Beppo. - Zwickau: Brothers Schumann , 1821. - LEW 21

Bysshe, Edward (fl. 1702-1712. - The art of English poetry, vol. 3 and 4. - London : Printed for O.Loyd, T.Varnam, J.Osborn [et al.] , 1718. - EXU H21

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2013
This page last updated 14 October 2013