22 July 2013

Scandinavia. 1781.

This page is one of a series which seeks to trace the spread of printing and the book trade in Europe in the late 18th century to provide comparative data for the study of the British book trades. The date of 1781 has been chosen as it is the year in which the third and fullest edition of Antoine Perrin's Almanach de la librairie appeared. A start has been made on extending the information in Perrin for some countries by reference to imprints held in major libraries. The format of entries is based on a structure under development to provide a simple platform-free database for book trade personnel.

E_DE_ DANMARK. Perrin: 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 town

E_DE_HELSINGØR. (Elsinor), Denmark. Not in Perrin.

E_DE_Helsingør. Peters, H. 1781. De schimmen van Doggersbank, aan het vaderland en aan hunne [...] niet gesneuvelde caameraats. Sources: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

E_DE_KØBENHAVN. (Copenhagen, Copenhague), Denmark. Perrin : 1777, 1778 : 8 booksellers. 1781 : 7 booksellers.

E_DE_København. Chevalier. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_DE_København. Moller. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_DE_København. Pelt. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_DE_København. Philibert. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_DE_København. Proft. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_DE_København. Rothe, Theoph.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_DE_København. Steinmann, P.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_ SVERIGE. (Sweden) Perrin 1777 : 1 town. 1778, 1781 : 2 towns.

E_SV_STOCKHOLM. Perrin 1777 : 8 booksellers, 1778 : 11 booksellers, 1781 : 12 booksellers > E_SV_Stockholm. Arboren. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Fought. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Fyrberg. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Giorwel. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Holmberg. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Lange. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. L'Archeveque. Fl. 1781. Graveur. 1781 : reçu ou agréé à l'Académie Royale de Peinture de Paris. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Lochner. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Oerstroem. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Pfeiffer. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Runemarck. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Segerdal. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_Stockholm. Sovederus. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_SV_UPPSALA. Not in Perrin 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller

E_SV_Upsala. Edman. 1781. Quæstio An Et Quatenus Fabulæ Veterum Poëticæ Ex Historia Sacra Ortæ Sint Er. Suen. Kullman. Sources: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

E_SV_Uppsala. Swederus. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented, 2014.
This page last updated 9 April 2014.