22 July 2013

British Isles. 1781.

This page is one of a series which seeks to trace the spread of printing and the book trade in Europe in the late 18th century to provide comparative data for the study of the British book trades. The date of 1781 has been chosen as it is the year in which the third and fullest edition of Antoine Perrin's Almanach de la librairie appeared. A start has been made on extending the information in Perrin for some countries by reference to imprints held in major libraries. The format of entries is based on a structure under development to provide a simple platform-free database for book trade personnel.

E_ BRITISH ISLES. 1777 : 7 towns. 1778: 7 towns. 1781 : 7 towns

E_EN_BED_Bedford. Smith, W. 1781. Printer. French, John, broker. Particulars and conditions of sale, of a valuable freehold and copyhold estate situate at Sandy, in the county of Bedford, ... which will be sold by auction, by John French, ... at Sandy ... on Monday the 15th day of October, 1781, ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_BER_Eton. Pote, Joseph. 1781. Printer. Aeschylus. Prometheus vinctus. Latin and Greek Aischylou Prometheus desmotes. Cum variis lectionibus, Stanleiana versione. Et notulis ex Garbitii aliorumque commentariis; quibus suas adjecit, in usum studiosae juventutis, T. Morell, ... [Editio altera recognita.] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_BER_Reading. Carnan and Smart. 1781. Printers and booksellers. Nichols, John, 1723 or 4-1788. A charity sermon, for the benefit of poor girls, In the borough of reading, preached on St. Thomas's-Day, 1781, in the Parish-Church of St. Lawrence, in the said borough. By John Nichols, D.D. vicar. And published for the benefit of the charity. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_BUC_Newport-Pagnell. Leverett, B. 1781/1800. Printer. Hymns selected from various authors, chiefly intended for family devotion. [Undated] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CAM_CAMBRIDGE. In 1777, 1778 and 1781 Perrin lists 2 booksellers

E_EN_CAM_Cambridge. Archdeacon, J. 1781. Printer. Printer to the University. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CAM_Cambridge. Cowper. 1781. Bookseller. Lynn: printed by W. Whittingham. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CAM_Cambridge. Merrill, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CAM_Cambridge. Merrill, T. and J. 1781. Booksellers. Printed by J. Archdeacon Printer to the University and London: printed for R. Faulder. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_CAM_Cambridge. Merville. 1781. Bookseller. Probably error for Merrill. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_CAM_Cambridge. Nicholson, J. 1781. Bookseller. Leicester: printed by George Ireland. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CAM_Wisbech. Nicholson, W. 1781. Printer. A circular letter on the necessity and importance of right order, and good government, in the churches of Christ. From the associated ministers and brethren at Coningsby, to their respective churches, this 9th day of May, 1780. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CHE_Chester. Broster, P. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Exchange. The chester guide. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CHE_Chester. Poole, J. 1781. Printer. Foregate Street. A letter to the clergy of the diocese of Chester, by Beilby Lord Bishop of that diocese. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CHE_Nantwich. Coman, George. 1781. Printer. in the Welch-Row. To be let to the best bidder, on Thursday the 6th day of December next, at the White-Lion, in Parkgate, in the county of Chester, between the hours of three and six; the old hall or farm house of Grange. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CHE_Stockport. Clarke, J. 1799. Printer. The garden of the soul; or, a manual of spiritual exercises and instructions for Christians, who, living in the world, aspire to devotion. By Richard Challoner. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CHE_Warrington. Ashton, W. 1781. Printer. A socratic discourse on truth and faithfulness; in which the nature, extent, and obligation, together with the various branches and subordinations of these moral duties are explained, illustrated, and enforced by examples: being the sequel to A father's instructions. By Thomas Percival. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CHE_Warrington. Eyres, William. 1781. Printer. A sketch of the animal economy, by John Aikin. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CUM_Carlisle. Halhead, William. 1794. Printer. Rules & orders of the Friendly Society, which commenced at the house of Mrs. Ann Norman, the Blue Bell, in Carlisle, ... on Monday, February 5, 1781. Enlarged and amended by order of the Society. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CUM_Carlisle. Milliken, J. 1782. Printer. Observations on the bills of mortality, in Carlisle, for the year MDCCLXXXI. By John Heysham, M.D. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_CUM_Whitehaven. Ware, J. & Son. 1781. Printer. An address to the people of the Isle of Man, introductory to the report of the attorney and solicitor-general of England, upon the late bill of the most noble John Duke of Athol, respecting the said isle. By order of the House of Keys. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DER_Chesterfield. Bradley, Job. 1781. Printer. Turford, Hugh, -1713. Grounds of a holy life. Selections A trial of Christianity, from the life and nature of Christ, and true Christians: with a description of true godliness, and the way by which we may conform our lives thereunto. By Hugh Turford. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Brice, E. 1781. Printer. The life, character, and dying behaviour of John Andrews, executed at Heavitree gallows, Friday, Aug. 24, for stealing two heifers and three steers. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Brice, Elizabeth and Thomas. 1781. Printers. The Exeter chronicle: containing the ancient history of the city of Exeter, and of its assaults and sieges, ... with an account of the foundation and building of St. Peter's Cathedral; memoirs of the bishops ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Brice, T. 1781. Printer. Successes in East-India. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Grigg, W. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Fore Street. Poems to Thespia, by Hugh Downman. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Sweetland, A. 1781. Printer. Churchill, John, Rector of Eggesford. A sermon, preached in the Cathedral church of St. Peter, Exon, before the governors of the Devon and Exeter Hospital, ... Tuesday, August 28, 1781. By John Churchill. Printed by B. Thorn and Son. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Thorn, B. 1780-1781. Printer. Smith, Elizabeth, of Birmingham. Life review'd: a poem; founded on reflections upon the silent inhabitants of the church-yard of Truro, in the County of Cornwall. By E. Smith. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Thorn, B. and Son. 1781. Printers and booksellers. Printer of Old Exeter Journal. The trial of John Donellan, Esq. (late Master of the Ceremonies at the Pantheon, &c.) for the murder of Sir Theodosius Boughton, Bart. by poison; before Mr. Justice Buller, on Friday, March 30, 1781, at Warwick. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DEV_Plymouth. Weatherley, R. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Remarks on Com. Johnstone's Account of his engagement with a French squadron, under the command of Monsieur de Suffrein, on the 16th of April, 1781, in Port Praya Road, in the island of St. Jago. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DOR_Sherborne. Goadby and Co. 1781. Booksellers. London: Printed for W. Owen. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DOR_Weymouth. Lockett. 1781. Printer. Inventory, of the good galliott the De Jonge Anne, to be sold at Weymouth on Tuesday the 28th of August, 1781, at the Crown Inn. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DUR_Durham. Thome, N. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Market Place. Human confidence reproved, Deference to divine providence recommended, and the improvement of life suggested, from its shortness and uncertainty: in a sermon, Preached at Seaham, in the County of Durham, at the Comencement of the Year 1781, by William Cowper. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_DUR_Sunderland. Graham, James. 1781. Printer and bookseller. The modern syren; or, Enchanting Songstress. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_ESS_Colchester. [s.n.]. 1781. Printer. Election song. Addressed to the honest freemen of Colchester. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_BRISTOL. In 1777, 1778 and 1781 Perrin lists 1 bookseller

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Bonner and Middleton. 1781. Printers. Castle Green. Bristol Men's Meeting (Society of Friends) Mens' meeting, Bristol, the 19th of the 3d month, 1781. To Friends of this Meeting. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Cocking, T. 1781. Printer. Small Street. A grammar of the Latin language, by Samuel Sayer. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Evans, T. 1781. Bookseller. Bristol: printed by W. Pine. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Hill and Blagden. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Castle Street. The trial of Capt. John Donellan, for the murder of Sir Theodosius Edward Alsley Boughton, Bart. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Hill and Blagden. 1782. Printers. Castle Street. A sermon, preached before the Glocestershire Society, at St. James's in Bristol, on Thursday October 11, 1781, by the Rev. P. M. Cornwall. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Mills, T. 1781. Printer. Wine Street. Elisha's exclamation. A sermon, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Hugh Evans, M.A. [...] Preached at Broadmead, Bristol, April 8, 1781. Published at the request of the congregation. By Caleb Evans, M.A. Printed by W. Pine, Bristol. [Second edition.] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Palmer, J. 1781. Bookseller. Wine-st. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Pine, W. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Wine Street. The Bristol contest; containing a particular account of the proceedings of both parties, from the death of Sir Henry Lippincott, bart. to the close of the poll. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_GLO_Bristol. Printing-Office in Small-street. 1781. Printer. Small-street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Cheltenham. Harward, S. 1781. Bookseller. The apiary laid open, by W. Dyer, Printed for the author; and sold by S. Harward, also at his shops in Tewkesbury and Gloucester. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Cirencester. Rudder, Samuel. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Born: 1726. Died: 1801. The history and antiquities of Gloucester, by Samuel Rudder. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Gloucester. Evans and Hazell. 1781. Booksellers. Born: The history and antiquities of Gloucester, by Samuel Rudder. Printed and sold by Samuel Rutter, Cirencester. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Gloucester. Evans and Hazell. 1781. Booksellers. Cui Bono? or, An inquiry, what benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans, the French, Spaniards, or Dutch, from the greatest victories, or successes, in the present war? By Josiah Tucker. Printed by R. Raikes, Gloucester. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Gloucester. Harward, S. 1781. Bookseller. The apiary laid open, by W. Dyer, Printed for the author; and sold by S. Harward, also at his shops in Tewkesbury and Cheltenham. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Gloucester. Raikes, R. 1781. Printer. Cui Bono? or, An inquiry, what benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans, the French, Spaniards, or Dutch, from the greatest victories, or successes, in the present war? By Josiah Tucker. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Gloucester. Raikes, R. 1781. Printer. Gloucester Infirmary. The state of the Glocester Infirmary, for the year 1780. ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Stow on the Wold. Horde, Thomas. 1781. Schoolmaster and publisher. Fl. 1769-1784. The whimsical serenade. A farce of two acts. By Thomas Horde, jun. Esq. Printed for the author, and sold by him at the Grammar-School, Stow on the Wold, Glocestershire. Author of Leander and Hero, Zelida, tragedies ; Damon and Phebe, an opera ; Dramatic love, The Empeck, As the world goes, The paradise of fools,The pretended puritan, It was right at the last, entertainments. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_GLO_Tewkesbury. Harward, S. 1781. Bookseller. The apiary laid open, by W. Dyer, Printed for the author; and sold by S. Harward, Tewkesbury; also at his shops in Gloucester and Cheltenham Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_HAM_Portsmouth. Fowle, D. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Dilworth, Thomas, d. 1780. A new guide to the English tongue: in five parts ... By Thomas Dilworth. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_HAM_Romsey. Whiting, Mrs. 1781. Bookseller. Divine songs, attempted in easy language, for the use of children, by I. Watts, D.D. Salisbury: printed and sold by Collins and Johnson. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_HAM_Southampton. Baker, T. 1781. Printer. A catalogue of the genuine and entire houshold goods, plate, linen, books, china, watches, diamond, stone, and gold rings, coins, and medals, phaeton, chariot, horses, &c. &c. Of the late Henry Brownrigg, Esq [By John Braxton] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_HAM_Southampton. Ford, T. 1781. Printer. Oenone to Paris: an epistle, translated from Ovid. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_HAM_Winchester. Burdon, J. 1781. Bookseller. Part the second of an introduction to the writing of Greek: being select sentences from Xenophon's Cyropædia. For the use of Winchester College. By G. J. Huntingford. Printed at the Clarendon press, Oxford. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_HEF_Hereford. Pugh, C. 1781. Printer. Rudd, Abraham Blackstone, 1752 or 3-1794. The advantages of general infirmaries illustrated. A sermon preached at the cathedral church of Hereford, before John Freeman, Jun. Esq. Steward, and the other contributers to the General Infirmary at Hereford; on Tuesday July 3, 1781. By A. Rudd, M. A. Prebendary of Hereford, and Master of the Grammar-School. Printed at the Desire of the Steward, and sold for the Service of the Charity. Price One Shilling. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_HET_Hertford. Austin, Stephen. 1781. Printer. All qualified persons are earnestly requested to abstain from shooting or otherwise sporting in these woods; and if any persons not qualified shall be found trespassing in the premises they will be prosecuted. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_KEN_Canterbury. Simmons and Kirkby. 1781. Printers and booksellers. Address to the genius of America. A poem, by the Rev. Christopher Wells. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_KEN_Canterbury. Smith and Son. 1781. Booksellers. The trial of the Honourable George Gordon, commonly called, Lord George Gordon, for high treason, at the bar of the Court of King's Bench, on Monday, the 5th day of February, 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_KEN_Margate. Hall, J. and Silver, S. . Fl. 1781. Booksellers. Title printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury. . Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_KEN_Margate. Silver, S. 1781. Bookseller. Address to the genius of America. A poem, by the Rev. Christopher Wells. printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_KEN_Rochester. Fisher, T. 1781. Printer and bookseller. An alarm from the grave: being the substance of a funeral sermon, occasioned by the death of Mrs. Susanna Link, ... Together with two hymns, written and sung on the occasion, by Thomas Beck. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_KEN_Margate. Hall, J. and Silver, S. 1781. Booksellers. Title printed and sold by Simmons and Kirkby, Canterbury. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_KEN_Rochester. Fisher, T. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Item sold also by Mr. Matthews in the Strand etc. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_LIVERPOOL.Angleterre. 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller

E_EN_LAN_Liverpool. Ferguson, R. 1788. Bookseller. The New Testament of Jesus Christ; with arguments of books and chapters; annotations, and other helps, ... faithfully translated into English, ... by the English College then resident in Rhemes. [Douay Bible. The sixth edition (the second in folio) adorn'd with cuts.] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Liverpool. Gore, John . 1781-1788. Newspaper printer. No. 1, Castle-Street; where advertisements are taken in, The Liverpool general advertiser, 1781-1788 Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Liverpool. Sibbald, J. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Holden, G. (George), d. 1793. A tide table shewing the (solar) times of high water, and also the heights of the tides, at the Custom-House dock-gates, Liverpool; for the year 1781. ... Published by order of the Worshipful the Mayor, ... of Liverpool. Calculated by the Rev. Mr. G. Holden, and his son, ... [To be continued yearly.] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Liverpool. Williamson, A. 1781. Printer. near the Exchange. Rules and orders of the Public Infirmary at Liverpool. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LAN_Liverpool. Wogan, P. 1789. Printer and bookseller. No. 23, on the Old-Bridge . The New Testament of Jesus Christ; with arguments of books and chapters; Annotations, and other helps, for the better understanding the text [Douay Bible] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Liverpool. Woods, George. 1781. Printer. An address to the inhabitants of Liverpool, on the subject of a general inoculation for the small pox. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Manchester. Harrop, J. 1781. Printer. Whereas the lane called Slaters, or Slate Lane, [...] has been presented for want of repair, [...] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Manchester. Harrop, J. 1781. Printer. opposite the Exchange. The Manchester and Salford directory, by Elizabeth Raffald. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Manchester. Haydock, T. 1799. Bookseller. The garden of the soul; or, a manual of spiritual exercises and instructions for Christians, who, living in the world, aspire to devotion. By Richard Challoner. Printed by J. Clarke, Stockport. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Manchester. Prescott, J. 1781. Printer. Brownhill, Thomas. Advertisement. Thomas Brownhill, wheel and plough-wright, ... makes and sells waggons, carts, coach and cart-wheels ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LAN_Manchester. Wheeler, C. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Hunter's-lane Stolen, on monday night last, out of a work-shop belonging to Peter Thornely, of the above place, about 37 yards of half-ell gray cotton Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LEI_Leicester. Ireland, George. . Fl. 1781. Printer. Item sold by J. Fletcher, in Oxford; J. Nicholson, in Cambridge. . Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LIN_Brigg. Briggs, T. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Loose hints, and propositions upon the Ancholme drainage. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LIN_Lincoln. Simmons, S. 1781. Printer. Great Britain. Army. Regiment of Foot, 62nd. Regulations. 1781-04-25 Regimental standing orders, for the sixty-second regiment of foot; issued by Major General Edward Mathew. April the 25th, 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_LONDON. In 1777, 1778 and 1781 Perrin lists 73 booksellers.

E_EN_LON_London. Albouche, Chretien. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin. Not in ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Allen, Edmund. 1726-1780. Printer and bookseller. Richardson, Robert, A sermon preached at the anniversary meeting of the sons of the clergy, in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, on Thursday, May 6, 1779 London : Printed by E. Allen, and sold by C. Bathhurst, Fleet-streete; T. Cadell, in the Strand; L. Davis, in Holborn; T. Payne and son, at the Mews-gate and by J. Woodyer and T. and J. Merrill, Cambridge, [1779]. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin (repeating information from 1777 edition).

E_EN_LON_London. Almon, J. 1781. Bookseller. opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin.

E_EN_LON_London. Almon, J. and Debrett, J. 1781. Booksellers. opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Axtell, T. 1781. Bookseller. Royal Exchange. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Bailey, W. 1781. Printer. Wellclose-Square. . Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Baldwin, R. 1781. Bookseller. 47, Paternoster-Row. Works printed by Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Barbier, P. Antoine & Pierre. 1781. Booksellers. Sell French books 1781. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Bathurst, Charles. 1781. Bookseller. London: Printed by John Nichols. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Becket, T. 1781. Bookseller. Corner of the Adelphi, Strand. Sells French books 1781. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Beecroft, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Bell, John. 1781. Bookseller. at the British Library, in the Strand. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Bennet, J. 1781. Bookseller. Bowles, Carington, All draughtsmen’s assistant, London : printed for R. Sayer and J. Bennett, [1781?]. Perrin lists Beunet, J. in 1781. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Bew, J. 1781. Bookseller. 28, Pater-Noster-Row. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Bishop, R. 1781. Bookseller. Newport Street, Leicester Fields. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Bladon, S. 1781. Bookseller. Newnam, William, The complete conveyancer, London : printed for S. Bladon, in Pater-Noster-Row , [1781]. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Blamire, Richmond. 1781. Bookseller. Gilpin, William, Lectures on the catechism of the Church of England, London : printed for R. Blamire in the Strand , [1781]. Perrin in 1781 lists Blamire, K. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Blyth, Francis. 1781. Bookseller. Pentycross, Thomas, Sermons speculative, practical, and experimental, London : printed and sold by F. Blyth, Queen’s Head Passage, Newgate Street , [1781?]. Perrin in 1781 lists Blyth. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Boissiere. 1782. Bookseller. Saint James's Street 1782. Bemetzrieder, Anton, Précis d’une nouvelle méthode de musique = Abstract of a new method of teaching the principles of music, respecting the art of modulation, accompanyment, and composition, London : printed for and sold by the author; and sold at M. M. Bremner’s Music Shop; Randall’s Music Shop; Longman’s and Broderip’s by Boissiere Bookseller, St. James’s Street; and by P. Elmsly, 1782. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Bowen, J. 1781. Bookseller. corner of Beaufort-Buildings, Strand: and at his Circulating Library. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Bowyer, W. and Nichols, J. . Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Red-Lion-Passage, Fleet-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Bowyer, W. 1781. Bookseller. Rennell, James, An account of the Ganges and Burrampooter rivers, London : printed by J. Nichols (successor to Mr. Bowyer) , 1781. Perrin lists Bowyer (died 1777) in 1781. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Boydell, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Bremner, Robert. 1781. Music seller. Bemetzrieder, Anton, Précis d’une nouvelle méthode de musique = Abstract of a new method of teaching the principles of music, respecting the art of modulation, accompanyment, and composition, London : printed for and sold by the author; and sold at M. M. Bremner’s Music Shop; Randall’s Music Shop; Longman’s and Broderip’s by Boissiere Bookseller, St. James’s Street; and by P. Elmsly, 1782. Perrin in 1781 lists Bremmer, music seller. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Brewman, T. 1781. Bookseller. No. 1, facing … the Top of Fleet-Market. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Brindley. 1781. Bookseller. Sells French books 1781. ESTC has imprint: Catullus, Gaius Valerius, Catulli Tibulli Propertii opera, Londini : typis J. Brindley, sumptibus J. Murray, No 32, Fleet Street , 1774. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Buckland, James.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Pater-Noster-Row. London: printed by H. Goldney. London: printed by J. Nichols. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Cadell, T. 1781. Bookseller. Strand. Cui Bono? or, An inquiry, what benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans, the French, Spaniards, or Dutch, from the greatest victories, or successes, in the present war? By Josiah Tucker. Printed by R. Raikes, Gloucester. Also titles: York: printed by A. Ward. London: printed by H. Goldney. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Cambridge, J. 1781. L'esprit du sisteme politique de la regence d'Amsterdam, ou Lettre, contenant un précis détaillé d'un mémoire hollandois. Rijklof Michael van Goens. Sources: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

E_EN_LON_London. Canam. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Carnan and Newbery. 1781. Booksellers. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Carnan, T. 1781. Bookseller. St. Paul’s Church-Yard. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin (Carnem).

E_EN_LON_London. Caslon, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Clark, Stephen. 1781. Printer. 15, Broker-Row, Moorfields. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Cochlan, J. P. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Coghlan, P. 1781. Bookseller. Duke-Street, Grosvenor Square. Also printed by B. Thorn and Son, Exeter. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Collyer. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Company of Stationers. 1781. Publishers. See Stationers Company. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Cooke, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Coster, R. 1781. Printer and bookseller. 14 Hosier Lane, West Smithfield. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Crowder, S. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Davies, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Davies, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Davis, Lockyer. 1781. Bookseller. London: Printed by John Nichols. Sells French books 1781. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Debrett, J. 1781. Bookseller. (sucessor to Mr. Almon) opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Dehunt. 1781. Bookseller. Sells French books 1781. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. De Letanville. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. De Lorme. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Denham, R. 1781. Printer. 20, Primrose Hill, Salisbury Square. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Denis, John and Son. 1781. Bookseller. No. 2, New-Bridge Steet, Fleet Street. London: printed by H. Goldney. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Dickson, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Dilly, Charles. 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Dilly, Edward. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Dixwell, J. 1781. Bookseller. 148, St. Martin’s Lane, Charing Cross. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Dodsley, J. 1781. Bookseller. Pall-Mall. York: printed by A. Ward. Sells French books 1781. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Donaldson. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Durham, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Du Rouveray. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Ellison, John. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Elmsley, Peter. 1781. Bookseller. Sells French books 1781. Historia del famoso cavallero, Don Quixote de la Mancha , por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ; primera parte, primero Tomo [- segundo Tomo] Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol ; Perrin ; ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Etherington, C. 1781. Printer. Fleet-Street . for J. Bell, at the British Library, in the Strand. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Evans. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Evans, T.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. near York-Buildings, in the Strand. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Evans, T.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Pater-Noster-Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Eyre, Charles and Strahan, William . Fl. 1781. Printers. Printers to the King’s most Excellent Majesty. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Faulder, J. 1781. Bookseller. Bond-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Faulder, R. 1781. Bookseller. New-Bond-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Field, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Fielding and Walker. 1781. Bookseller. Paternoster-Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Fielding, John. 1781. Bookseller. 23, Pater-Noster-Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Flexney. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Follingsby, M. 1781. Bookseller. Fleet-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Frys Couchman, and Collier. 1781. Printers. Rhode-Island, printed: London, reprinted. Sold by Richardson & Urquhart. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Gilbert, William. 1781. Printer. 13, Creechurch-Lane, Leadenhall-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Goldney, H. 1781. Printer. for T. Cadell, In The Strand ; for James Buckland, and John Denis and Son. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Goldsmith. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Gurney, M.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Harrison and Co. 1781. Bookseller. 18, Paternoster-Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Harrison, T. and Brooke, S. 1781. Printers. Warwick-Lane. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Hawes, R. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Hay. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Henly, T. 1781. Catalogus van eene zo [...] uitmuntende verzameling van manuschripten[!]. Betreffende den [...] staat van Engeland [...] byeen vergadert door den lord W. Gordon. Het welke verkocht zal worden den 30`SUP`ste maart 1781. Sources: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

E_EN_LON_London. Heydinger. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Hinton, J.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Hooper. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Hodges, J.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Hogg, Alexander.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. London: Printed by R. Hawes. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Johnson, J.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. 72, St. Paul’s Church-Yard. Works printed by Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham and Piercy and Jones, Birmingham. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Keith. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Jones, T.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Kearsly, G.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. No 46, in Fleet Street. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin (Keersley).

E_EN_LON_London. Keith, G. 1781. Bookseller. Gracechurch Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Lane, W. 1781. Bookseller. Leadenhall-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Law, B. 1781. Bookseller. Ave Maria Lane . Also a title printed and sold by T. Ford, Southampton. Sources: ESTC.

LON_London. Longman and Broderip. 1782. Music sellers. Bemetzrieder, Anton, Précis d’une nouvelle méthode de musique = Abstract of a new method of teaching the principles of music, respecting the art of modulation, accompanyment, and composition, London : printed for and sold by the author; and sold at M. M. Bremner’s Music Shop; Randall’s Music Shop; Longman’s and Broderip’s by Boissiere Bookseller, St. James’s Street; and by P. Elmsly, 1782. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Leacroft. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_Londres. Longman & Lucky. 1781. Music seller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Longman, T.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Pater Noster-Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Lowndes, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Macgowan, J. 1781. Bookseller. 27, Pater-Noster Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Marsh, W. 1781. Bookseller. Published by T. Baker, Southampton. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Mathews, J. 1781. Bookseller. 18, Strand. Also item printed and sold by T. Fisher, Rochester. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Millan, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Millar, A. 1781. Bookseller. Sells French books 1781. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Mount and Page. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Murray, J.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. 32, opposite St. Dunstan’s Church, Fleet Street. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Napier. 1781. Music seller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Newbery, E.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Corner of St. Paul’s Church Yard. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Newbery, Francis. 1781. Bookseller. Corner of St. Paul’s Church-Yard. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Nichols, John.. Fl. 1781. Printer and bookseller. (successor to Mr. Bowyer),For Charles Bathurst; Lockyer Davis etc. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Nicoll, W. 1781. Bookseller. St. Paul’s Church-Yard. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Noble. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Nourse, C.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Strand. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Nourse, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sells French books 1781. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Overy. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Owen, W. 1781. Bookseller. 11, Fleet Street. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Pame. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Payne, H.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Pall-Mall. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Payne, T. and Son.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. at the Mews Gate. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Payne, T. 1781. Bookseller. at the Mews-Gate. Historia del famoso cavallero, Don Quixote de la Mancha , por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ; primera parte, primero Tomo [- segundo Tomo] Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol ; ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Phillips, James. 1781. Printer and bookseller. George-Yard, Lombard-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Plantation Office. 1781. Publisher. Copies hereof are distributed gratis, at the Plantation Office, Whitehall. Sources: ESTC.

LON_London. Randall, William. 1782. Music seller. Bemetzrieder, Anton, Précis d’une nouvelle méthode de musique = Abstract of a new method of teaching the principles of music, respecting the art of modulation, accompanyment, and composition, London : printed for and sold by the author; and sold at M. M. Bremner’s Music Shop; Randall’s Music Shop; Longman’s and Broderip’s by Boissiere Bookseller, St. James’s Street; and by P. Elmsly, 1782. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Reynell, H. 1781. Printer. 21, near Air-Street, Piccadilly. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Richardson and Urquhart.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. under the Royal-Exchange. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Richardson, M.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Pater-Noster Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Richardson. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Riley. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Rivington, J. and Sons. 1781. Bookseller. London: printed by J. Nichols. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Rivington, J. jun, . 1781. Printer. St. John’s-Square, Clerkenwell. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Rivington. John Francis and Charles . 1781. Bookseller. Booksellers to The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Printed by John Rivington, jun. E Typographeo Clarendoniano. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Robinson, G.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. 25, Pater-noster-Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Robinson. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Robson, J. 1781. Bookseller. Historia del famoso cavallero, Don Quixote de la Mancha , por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ; primera parte, primero Tomo [- segundo Tomo] Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Ronson, J. and R.. Fl. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Roson. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Sabine, T. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Sayer, R. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Scatchard and Whitaker. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Setchell. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Sewell, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Shatwel. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Smeeton, J. 1793. Printer. St Martin's Lane. Relation historique de l'importante sortie, executee par la garnison de Gibraltar le 27me novembre 1781, afin de détruire les ouvrages élevés par les Espagnols contre cette forteresse, Devant servir d'explication a l'estampe qui represente ce sujet. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Smith, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Stationers Company. 1781. Publishers. Printed for the Company of Stationers and sold by J. Wilkie, at their Hall, near Ludgate Hill. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Stockdale, J. 1781. Bookseller. Piccadilly. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Strahan, William. and Woodfall, M. 1781. Printers. Law-Printers to His Majesty. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Strahan, William. 1781. Printer and bookseller. See also Charles Eyre. Item printed by J. Nichols. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin (Straham)

E_EN_LON_London. Suagg. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Taylor, N. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Thane. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Thompson, W. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

LON_London. Urquhart. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Vaillant. 1781. Bookseller. Sells French books 1781. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Valance. 1781. Bookseller. London: Printed by R. Hawes. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Velcher, fils. 1781. Music seller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Velcher, veuve. 1781. Music seller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Wade, J. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Walker, John. 1781. Bookseller. 20, Pater-Noster-Row. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Walter J. 1781. Bookseller. At Charing Cross. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Wenman, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. 144, Fleet-Street. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Whiston. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. White, Benjamin. 1781. Bookseller. Fleet-Street. Historia del famoso cavallero, Don Quixote de la Mancha / por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ; primera parte, primero Tomo [- segundo Tomo] En Londres : se hallarán en las librerias de B. White, P. Elmsley, T. y T. Payne, y J. Robson, 1781. Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol ; ESTC ; Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Wilkie, G. 1781. Bookseller. 71, St. Paul’s Church-Yard. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_London. Wilkie, J. 1781. Bookseller. Stationer’s-hall. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin (Vilkie).

E_EN_LON_London. Wilkinson, Robert. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

LON_London. Wilson. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_LON_London. Wren, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_Southwark. Southwark Printing-Office. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_LON_Twickenham. Kirgate, Thomas. 1781. Printer. Strawberry-Hill. The muse recalled, An ode, occasioned by the nuptials of Lord Viscount Althorp and Miss Lavinia Bingham, Eldest Daughter of Charles Lord Lucan. By William Jones, Esq. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Lynn. Whittingham, W. 1781. Printer. Richards, William, 1749-1818. A review of the Rev. Mr. Carter's strictures on infant baptism. In three Letters to a Friend. By William Richards. To which is added, Mr. Wilson's Scripture manual. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Norwich. Booth, M. 1781. Bookseller. Market Place. History and antiquities of the county of Norfolk. Volume I, by Mostyn John Armstrong. Printed by J. Crouse, Norwich. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Norwich. Chase, William and Co. 1781. Printer. Bye-laws, rules and orders, made by the directors and acting guardians of the poor, in the hundred of Wangford, in the county of Suffolk. 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Norwich. Crouse and Stevenson. 1789. Printers.. The report of Robert Mylne, Esq. on the state of the new mills, candidly investigated. Addressed to the corporation and inhabitants of Norwich, by Henry Dobson, Architect. Sold by W. Stevenson. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Norwich. Crouse, John. 1782. Printer. Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. State of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, from July 11, 1781, to July 17, 1782. William Ivory, Esq. Rev. William Brooke, auditors. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Norwich. Matchett. 1781. Printer. See Stevenson and Matchett. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Norwich. Stevenson and Matchett. 1781. Printers. Armstrong, Mostyn John. History and antiquities of the county of Norfolk. Vol.1-10. [1781?]. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Norwich. Stevenson, W. 1789. Printer and bookseller.. The report of Robert Mylne, Esq. on the state of the new mills, candidly investigated. Addressed to the corporation and inhabitants of Norwich, by Henry Dobson, Architect. Printed by Crouse and Stevenson, Norwich. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Norwich. Trumbull, J. 1781. Printer. Dilworth, Thomas, d. 1780. A new guide, to the English tongue. In five parts. by Thomas Dilworth. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Watton. Pratt, M. 1781. Bookseller. A description of the tomb, &c. with the inscriptions thereon, of the late Thomas Shuckforth, gent. Who is interred in a select Inclosure of his own, at Saham Tony, near Watton, in the county of Norfolk. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOF_Yarmouth. March, John. 1781. Printer and bookseller. To be sold by auction, (by order of the High Court of Admiralty) on Tuesday next the 24th of July ... at Mrs. Waller's Tavern, the Dutch schoot, Cornelia & Sara, ... with all her tackle and materials as from sea. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Alnwick. Alder, T. 1781. Printer. Richardson, Robert, junior, Clerk to the Council. To the freemen of Alnwick. Letter I [Letters II-IV] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Berwick. Taylor, J. & H. 1781. Printer. Select portions of the Psalms, and a collection of hymns, With their proper tunes, and an index to find a Psalm or hymn, suited to particular subjects or occasions. For the use of churches, and of private Christians. Sources: ESTC.

NOL_Berwick. Taylors. 1781. Printers. To be sold, by publick roup, upon Monday the 30th day of October next, ... the lands of Crammycruke and Brumycruke, ... lying in the parish of Dunse, and shire of Berwick. ... in the year 1781. ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Akenhead, D. 1781. Bookseller. Sand-Hill. Hilton, William. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Late John Spencer, gent. of Newcastle upon Tyne. By William Hilton, Whitburn. Printed by T. Angus Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Angus, T. 1781. Printer. Trinity-Corner, St. Nicholas' Church-Yard.Hilton, William. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Late John Spencer, gent. of Newcastle upon Tyne. By William Hilton, Whitburn, for D. Akenhead, Sand-Hill, M.DCC.LXXXI. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Angus, Thomas. 1780-1781. Printer. St. Nicholas Church-yard. The Protestant packet, or British monitor?. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Charnley, W. 1781. Bookseller. A choice collection of hymns, and moral songs; adapted to the capacities of young people. Printed by T. Saint in Newcastle. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Gooding, John . 1781. Printer. on the Side. A sermon preached before the sons of the clergy, at their anniversary meeting, in the church of St Nicholas, at Newcastle upon Tyne, September 1. 1748. By Edmund Keene. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Saint, T. 1781. Printer. A choice collection of hymns, and moral songs; adapted to the capacities of young people. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Stack, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Whitfield and Co. 1781. Booksellers. The young secretary's polite guide to an epistolary correspondence, in business, love, friendship, & marriage. To which is added, an essay on book-keeping, ... Together with forms of bonds, petitions, &c. [A new edition corrected.], printed by T. Saint. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_Newcastle upon Tyne. Whitfield, J. 1781. Bookseller. A choice collection of hymns, and moral songs; adapted to the capacities of young people. Printed by T. Saint in Newcastle. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOL_North-Shields. Brown, Matthew. 1781. Printer. The polite singer: a collection of choice songs, from the best publications of the kind: together with several originals. To which are added, toasts, sentiments, &c. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOT_Newark. Tomlinson, James. 1781. Printer. Disney, John, 1746-1816. A spirit of industry recommended, in a sermon, preached in the parish church of Swinderby, In the County of Lincoln, on Sunday February 18th, 1781. By John Disney, D. D. Vicar of Swinderby. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOT_Nottingham. Burbage, George and Son. 1781. Printers. Burbage and Son's list of Nottingham races, 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOT_Nottingham. Burbage, George. 1781. Printer. on the Long-Row. The methodist: attempted in plain metre, by James Kershaw. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOT_Nottingham. Cox, H. 1781. Printer. Warltire, John. Concise essays upon various philosophical and chemical subjects; proper to be read before or after attending courses of chemistry, or, experimental philosophy: ... By J. Warltire. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_NOT_Nottingham. Creswell, S. 1781. Printer. New-Change. Statutes and rules, for the government of the general hospital, near Nottingham: open to the sick and lame poor, of any county. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_OXF_Banbury. Cheney, J. 1781. Printer. Hawtyn, Mr. A catalogue of all the elegant modern furniture, in the house, late in the occupation of Francis Pigot, Esq; on the Green, Banbury, Oxfordshire; which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Hawtyn, on Monday the 14th, and Tuesday the 15th of May, 1781; ... Sources: ESTC.

OXF_OXFORD. In 1777, 1778 and 1781 Perrin lists 5 booksellers.

E_EN_OXF_Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1781. Printers. Part the second of an introduction to the writing of Greek: being select sentences from Xenophon's Cyropædia. For the use of Winchester College. By G. J. Huntingford. Printed for J. Burdon in Winchester. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_OXF_Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1781. Printers. Miscellanea critica. Iterum edita. Curavit, et appendicem adnotationis addidit Thomas Burgess, A.B. e C.C.C. Second edition. By Richard Dawes, 1708-1766. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_OXF_Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1781. Printers. Mason, William, 1725-1797. Caractacus. Greek and Latin Karaktakos epi mone. Sive Cl. Masoni Caractacus græco carmine redditus cum versione latina. A Georgio Henrico Glasse, ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_OXF_Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1781|. Epictetus. Enchiridion Epicteti Enchiridium. Sources: ESTC.

OXF_Oxford. Clément, R. 1781. Bookseller. Richard Clements is recorded at Oxford 1721-1756. Sources: Perrin ; BBTI.

E_EN_OXF_Oxford. Cooke, J. 1781. Bookseller. Miscellanea critica. Iterum edita. Curavit, et appendicem adnotationis addidit Thomas Burgess, A.B. e C.C.C. Second edition. By Richard Dawes, 1708-1766. Printed at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_OXF_Oxford. Fletcher, J. 1781. Bookseller. Leicester: printed by George Ireland. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin.

E_EN_OXF_Oxford. Fletcher, J. and J. 1781. Booksellers. in the Turle. Oxonii: e typographeo Clarendoniano. Sources: ESTC.

OXF_Oxford. Jackson, William. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin

OXF_Oxford. Newbury, J. 1781. Bookseller. No trace ESTC ; BBTI. Sources: Perrin

E_EN_OXF_Oxford. Prince, Daniel. 1781. Bookseller. Miscellanea critica. Iterum edita. Curavit, et appendicem adnotationis addidit Thomas Burgess, A.B. e C.C.C. Second edition. By Richard Dawes, 1708-1766. Printed at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin.

E_EN_SHR_Shrewsbury. Mwythig.

E_EN_SHR_Shrewsbury. Sandford, P. and Wood, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SHR_Shrewsbury. Eddowes, J. 1781. Printer. The national-Debt, considered in a sermon, preached at Wrexham, in Denbighshire, February 21, 1781. By Joseph Jenkins. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SHR_Shrewsbury. Sandford, P. and Wood, T. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SHR_Shrewsbury. Williams, Sarah . 1781. Printer. at the Head of Mardol. The pocket-Farrier, or approved receipts collected from different authors; with an intent to cure or assist any immediate accident that may happen to a horse, till further help can be got. [By Brooke Forester. A new edition corrected.] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SHR_Shrewsbury. Wood, T. 1781. Printer. Hunter, Robert, minister of the gospel. Cyssuron dwyfol: neu, addewidion gwerthfawr er annogaeth i gredinwyr; gyd a gair o gyngor. Wedi ei gyfieuthu o'r Saesonaeg er budd i'r Cymyr. Mwythig, argraphwyd gan T. Wood, 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SOM_Bath. Cruttwell, R. 1781. Printer. A sermon preached in the parish church of Sherborne, in the county of Dorset, on the anniversary of a society of young persons, by Charles Toogood. Fun; or, the modern art of tormenting.. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SOM_Bath. Hazard, S. 1781. Printer and bookseller. The prophecy: a sermon, preached at Frome, on the 21st Feb. 1781, by John Henry Langley. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SOM_Frome. Daniel, Mr. 1781. Bookseller. Divine songs, attempted in easy language, for the use of children, by I. Watts, D.D. Salisbury: printed and sold by Collins and Johnson. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SOM_Frome. Simkins, Mr. 1781. Bookseller. The prophecy: a sermon, preached at Frome, on the 21st Feb. 1781, by John Henry Langley. Bath: printed and sold by S. Hazard. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SOM_Ilminster. Crocker, A. 1781. Printer. Smith, Elizabeth, of Birmingham. Life review'd: a poem ; founded on reflections upon the silent inhabitants of the church-yard of Truro, in the County of Cornwall. With an elogy on the late Rev. Mr. Samuel Walker, Who was many Years Curate of that Parish. To which are added, the Lord's Prayer, Creed, and Ten Commandments, paraphrased ; &c. By Eliz. Smith. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_STA_Lichfield. Jackson, J. 1781. Printer. An account of the cathedral of Lichfield, from its foundation to the present time, including a series of fifteen hundred years. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SUF_Ipswich. Shave and Jackson. 1781. Printer. Ipswich (England) Poll book. 1781 The poll for the bailiffs of the borough of Ipswich, taken September 8, 1781 ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_SUS_Chichester. Jaques, Dennett. 1783. Printer. Ode to Mr. Wright of Derby. By William Hayley, Esq. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WAR_Birmingham. Bridgwater, J. 1781. Printer. Protestant Dissenting Charity-School (Birmingham, England) An hymn to be sung by the children of the Protestant Dissenting Charity-School, in the town of Birmingham, after a sermon to be preached by the Rev. Mr. Worthington, of Leicester. On Sunday the 17th of June, 1781. ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WAR_Birmingham. Pearson and Rollason. 1781. Printer. A list of the out poor of Birmingham, who receive pay; with their places of abode, number of children, ages, and weekly allowance. Taken October, 1781 Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WAR_Birmingham. Piercy and Jones, . 1781. Printers. Printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul’s Church Yard, London. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WAR_Birmingham. Rollason. 1781. Printer and bookseller. See Pearson and Rollason. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WAR_Coventry. Luckman, T. 1781. Printer. A concise history and description of Kenilworth Castle, from its foundation to the present time. [The second edition, corrected.] Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WES_Kendal. Ashburner, James. 1781. Printer. Dixon, Thomas. A description of the environs of Ingleborough, and principal places on the banks of the river Wenning. Attempted by Thomas Dixon, of Bentham; Formerly belonging to the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WIL_Chippenham. Angell, Mr. 1781. Bookseller. Divine songs, attempted in easy language, for the use of children, by I. Watts, D.D. Salisbury: printed and sold by Collins and Johnson. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WIL_Devizes. Maynard, Mrs. 1781. Bookseller. Divine songs, attempted in easy language, for the use of children, by I. Watts, D.D. Salisbury: printed and sold by Collins and Johnson. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WIL_Salisbury. Collins and Johnson. 1781. Printers and booksellers. Divine songs, attempted in easy language, for the use of children, by I. Watts, D.D. Sold also by Mrs. Maynard, at Devizes; Mr. Davies, at Warminster; Mr. Daniel, at Frome; Mr. Angell, at Chippenham; and Mrs. Whiting, at Romsey Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WIL_Salisbury. Collins and Johnson. 1781. Printer and bookseller. A brief state of the contests that have lately arisen in the Salisbury concert, by a subscriber. Sold also by E. Easton Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WIL_Salisbury. Easton, Edward. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Historia del famoso cavallero, Don Quixote de la Mancha, por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Bowle, Juan, 1725-1788 Anotaciones a la historia de Don Quixote de la Mancha, xxii, 157, 167, [240] p. : il., mapa ; 27 cm. - Source: Biblioteca Nacional del Perú ; Catálogo Colectivo Espanol ; ESTC.

E_EN_WIL_Salisbury. Fowler. 1781. Printer. Printed several songs around 1781, e.g.: The Bridewell keeper's song. Sung by Mr. Edwin, in The choice of Harlequin. A favourite Scots song, in The gentle shepherd. Sung by Mrs. Cargill, in the character of Patie. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WIL_Salisbury. Wilks, R. 1781. Printer. Philips, Henry, d. 1789. The cities of refuge applied to Christ. From Heb. VI.18.19. In a letter to a religious society. By H. Philips, in Sarum. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WIL_Warminster. Davies, Mr. 1781. Bookseller. Divine songs, attempted in easy language, for the use of children, by I. Watts, D.D. Salisbury: printed and sold by Collins and Johnson. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WOR_Kidderminster. Gower, George. 1792. Printer. The three warnings, a tale. By Mrs. Thrale [Hester Lynch Piozzi]. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_WOR_Worcester. Tymbs. J. 1781. Printer. The state of the charity, instituted in aid of the distribution annually made by the stewards of the meeting of the three choirs for the relief of the widows and orphans of clergymen in the diocese of Worcester: to Michaelmas, 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Barnsley. Cockshaw. 1781. Bookseller. Scrutator to responsor, Leeds: printed by J. Bowling, for the author. Sources: ESTC.

YOR_Beverley. Whitaker, . 1781. Bookseller. Scrutator to responsor, Leeds: printed by J. Bowling, for the author. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Bradford. Smith, J. 1781. Bookseller. A short plea in favour of infant baptism; and of administering it by sprinkling, By Samuel Bottomley. Leeds: printed by J. Bowling Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Bridlington. Woodcock. 1781. Bookseller. Scrutator to responsor, Leeds: printed by J. Bowling, for the author. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Doncaster. Plummer, C. 1782. Printer. Two letters addressed to Sir Thomas Charles Bunbury, member of Parliament for the county of Suffolk, in February 1781, previous to the late subscriptions raised by the noblemen and gentlemen of that county, for building a ship of the line for the public service. With notes and additions. By a Freeholder of Suffolk. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Halifax. Binns, . 1781. Bookseller. Scrutator to responsor, Leeds: printed by J. Bowling, for the author. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Halifax. Henry, Anthony. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Halifax. Howe, John. 1781. Printer. Barrington Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Halifax. Jacobs, E. 1781. Printer. Martin, Mr., fl. 1780-1781. Languages. Mr. Martin, from France, respectfully acquaints the ladies and gentlemen of Halifax, and its environs, that he will begin to teach the French, Italian, and Spanish languages, on Monday the 6th of August, Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Halifax. Jacobs, E. 1790. Printer and copperplate printer. Articles of agreement, made and entered into by several persons in Ealand, and the neighbourhood thereof, in the parish of Halifax, and county of York, this second day of May, ... 1781, but first entered upon May the fifth 1760. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Huddersfield. Brook, J. 1781. Bookseller. A short plea in favour of infant baptism; and of administering it by sprinkling, By Samuel Bottomley. Leeds: printed by J. Bowling Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Huddersfield. Brook. 1781. Printer. Notice is hereby given, that application will be made to Parliament the next session, for an act for dividing, inclosing, and improving the several commons and waste grounds within the manor of Honley, in the parish of Almondbury, in the county of York, ... Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Hull. Brown, T. 1781. Bookseller. A short plea in favour of infant baptism; and of administering it by sprinkling, By Samuel Bottomley. Leeds: printed by J. Bowling Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Hull. Ferraby, G. jun. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Hull. Rawson, J. and W. 1781. Printer. Howe, Thomas, 1729-1814. A sermon, occasioned by the death of Mr. John Howe, who died ... April 23, 1781, ... Delivered at Yarmouth, May 6, 1781. By his afflicted father, Thomas Howe. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Leeds. Binns, J. 1781. Bookseller. A short plea in favour of infant baptism; and of administering it by sprinkling, By Samuel Bottomley. Leeds: printed by J. Bowling Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Leeds. Bowling, J. 1781. Printer. Bottomley, Samuel. A short plea in favour of infant baptism; and of administering it by sprinkling. By Samuel Bottomley, Of Scarbrough. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Leeds. Bowling, J. 1781. Printer. Scrutator to responsor; or, an introduction to a farther proof, (if need be,) that Jesus. Christ, the blessed son of God, laid down his life for the sins of all mankind, In two letters to responsor. With a short letter to considerator. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Leeds. Bowling, James. 1781. Printer. Boar-Lane. Sacred hymns on various subjects. By John Murlin. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Leeds. Copperthwaite. 1781. Bookseller. Scrutator to responsor, Leeds: printed by J. Bowling, for the author. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Leeds. Ogle & Smith. 1781. Bookseller. Scrutator to responsor, Leeds: printed by J. Bowling, for the author. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Leeds. Wright, Griffith and son. 1781. Printer. [General Baptist Association (England, Leicesterchire) Circular letter. 1781 The circular letter from the General Baptist Association, at Loughborough, in Leicestershire, to the churches represented in that Association, June 6th and 7th, 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Rotherham. Wilson, . 1781. Bookseller. Scrutator to responsor, Leeds: printed by J. Bowling, for the author. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Scarbrough. Schofield, J. 1781. Bookseller. A short plea in favour of infant baptism; and of administering it by sprinkling, By Samuel Bottomley. Leeds: printed by J. Bowling Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Sheffield. Ridgard, . 1781. Bookseller. Scrutator to responsor, Leeds: printed by J. Bowling, for the author. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Wakefield. Meggitt, J. 1781. Bookseller. A short plea in favour of infant baptism; and of administering it by sprinkling, By Samuel Bottomley. Leeds: printed by J. Bowling. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_Yarm. Atkinson, John . 1781. Printer. Poems, on several occasions, Chiefly Divine and Moral. Principally designed to create an awe for the Supreme Creator, and enlighten the vain notions of an abandoned and lukewarm age. By Charles Wright. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_York. Blanchard, W. and Co. 1781. Printer. A second address from the Committee of Association of the County of York, to the electors of the counties, cities, and boroughs within the kingdom of Great Britain. To which are added, the resolutions of that committee, at their meeting, held on the 17th of October, 1781. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_York. Spence, R. 1781. Bookseller. High Ousegate. The bible, with notes,York: printed by Walker and Pennington. A short plea in favour of infant baptism; and of administering it by sprinkling, By Samuel Bottomley. Leeds: printed by J. Bowling Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_York. Walker and Pennington. 1781. Printers. The New Testament, with notes. Authorised version. Printed for R. Spence. Sources: ESTC.

E_EN_YOR_York. Ward, A. 1781. Printer. Coney-street. A catalogue of forest-trees, fruit-trees, ever-green and flowering-shrubs, Sold by William and John Perfect, nurserymen and seedsmen, in Pontefract, Yorkshire. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_ IRELAND(Irlande)

E_IR_Belfast. Magee, James. 1781. Printer. Bible and Crown, in Bridge-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Cork. Sullivan, J. 1781. Printer. Near the Exchange. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_DUBLIN. Ireland. In 1777, 1778 and 1781 Perrin lists 3 booksellers

E_IR_Dublin. Angel, John . 1781. Editor. 7, Fownes’-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Burton, R. 1781. Printer. 14, Capel-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Chambers, John. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Colbert, S. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Colles. 1781. Bookseller. Also printed by C. Talbot. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Cooney, P. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Dugdale, Bennett. 1781. Printer. 150, Capel-Street, Corner of Strand-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Ewing, T. 1781. Bookseller. Imprint: Queries, Dublin : printed by T. Ewing in Caple-Street , 1781. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_IR_Dublin. Exshaw, John.. Fl. 1781. Printer. Dame-street. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Faulkner, T. E. 1781. Bookseller. Gay, Nicholas, A letter to W. Tighe, Dublin : printed by T.T. Faulkner, Parliament-Street , 1781. Perrin in 1781 lists Faulkner, T. E. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_IR_Dublin. Flin, L. 1781. Bookseller. 15, Castle-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Hallhead, William. 1781. Printer. 63, Dame-Street. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Hill, Joseph. 1781. Printer. printed by S. Powell, in Crane-lane, 1749; and reprinted by Joseph Hill. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Mills, M. 1781. Printer. Sheridan, Charles Francis, 1750-1806. A review of the three great national questions relative to a declaration of right, Poynings' law, and the mutiny bill. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Moncrieffe, R. 1781. Bookseller. Also printed by C. Talbot; printed by J. and W. Porter. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Porter, J. and W. 1781. Printers. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Price, Sam. 1781. Bookseller. Also printed by C. Talbot; printed by J. and W. Porter. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Sleator, W. 1781. Bookseller. Also printed by C. Talbot; printed by J. and W. Porter. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Talbot, C. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Watson, William. 1781. Bookseller. Also printed by C. Talbot. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. White, Luke. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Crampton Court. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Whitestone, W. and H. 1781. Printer. 29, Capel-Street. Also printed by J. and W. Porter. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Wilkinson, Thomas. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Williams, James. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Wilson, J. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Presumably Joseph Wilson. Sources: Perrin ; Pollard, M., Dictionary of members of the Dublin book trade.

E_IR_Dublin. Wilson, William. 1781. Bookseller and stationer. 6, Dame-Street. Also item printed by C. Talbot. Sources: ESTC.

E_IR_Dublin. Wogan, P. 1781. Printer. no. 23, on the Old Bridge. Sources: ESTC.


E_SC_Aberdeen. Boyle, J. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_EDINBURGH.(Edimbourg, Ecosse). In 1777, 1778 and 1781 Perrin lists 5 booksellers.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Apollo Press. 1781. Bookseller. Printed by the Martins. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Balfour and Smellie. 1781. Printers. academiae typographos. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Balfour, J. 1781. Printer and bookseller. London: Printed for W. Strahan. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Creech, W. 1781. Bookseller. London: Printed for W. Strahan. Also printed by John Robertson. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin (name given as Creeck).

E_SC_Edinburgh. Dickson, James. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Printer to the Church of Scotland. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Donaldson, Alexander. 1781. Bookseller. Glasse, Hannah, The art of cookery made plain and easy, Edinburgh : printed for Alexander Donaldson. Sold at his shop, No. 48, St. Paul’s Church-Yard, London , 1781. Sources: Perrin ; ESTC

E_SC_Edinburgh. Drummond. 1781. Bookseller. Imprint: The Contrast: a specimen of the Scottish dialect, in prose and verse, according to the latest improvements, Edinburgh : To be had of M. Drummond, at Ossian’s Head, or of W. Creech near the Cross , 1779. Listed by Perrin in 1781. Sources: ESTC ; Perrin

E_SC_Edinburgh. Elliot, C. 1781. Bookseller. Also printed by John Robertson. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Farley, E. and Co. 1781. Printers. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Kincaid, Alexander, assigns. 1781. Bookseller. His Majesty’s Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Longmann. 1781. Bookseller. ESTC only lists items printed in Edinburgh for T. Longman in London. Sources: Perrin

E_SC_Edinburgh. Macfarquhar and Elliot. 1781. Printers. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Martins. 1781. Bookseller. Apollo Press. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Mennons, J. and Co. 1781. Newspaper printers. Publishers of the Edinburgh Evening Post. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Edinburgh. Robertson, John . 1781. Printer. For W. Creech and C. Elliot etc. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_GLASGOW. In 1777, 1778 and 1781 Perrin lists 2 printers or booksellers

E_SC_Glasgow. Caldwell, George. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Glasgow. Cross, Robert. 1781. Bookseller. near the College. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Glasgow. Foulis, Andrew. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Printer To The University. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Glasgow. Chapman, Robert and Duncan, Alexander. 1781. Printers and booksellers. Item printed for James Duncan and Robert Farie. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Glasgow. Duncan, Alexander. 1781. Printer and bookseller. See Chapman, Robert. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Glasgow. Duncan, James. 1781. Bookseller. Printed by Robert Chapman and Alexander Duncan. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Glasgow. Farie, . 1781. Bookseller. Printed by Robert Chapman and Alexander Duncan. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Glasgow. Foulis, Robert and Andrew. 1781. Bookseller. Robert and Andrew both listed by Perrin in 1781 but Andrew then on his own ; last year of joint imprints 1776: Steele, Richard, The lying lover: or, The Ladies friendship, Glasgow : Printed by Robert & Andrew Foulis , 1776. Sources: Perrin

E_SC_Glasgow. Smith, William. 1781. Printer and bookseller. sold at his shop, at the foot of the Salt-Mercat. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Kelso. Palmer, James. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_SC_Paisley. Weir, Alexander. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

E_WA_Brecon (Aberhonddu). Evans, E. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_WA_Carmarthen (Caerfyrddin). Ross, Ioan. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

E_WA_Wrexham (Wrecsam). Marsh, R. 1781. Printer. Plain reasons for being a Baptist; or, a summary of the arguments, for the alone baptism of believers on the Lord Jesus Christ, and that only by immersion or dipping. By Joseph Jenkins, A.M. Sources: ESTC.

Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented, 2014.
This page last updated 9 April 2014.