12 January 2013


Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 15
The British book trades: topographical listings. Gloucestershire

This page is one of a series of county listings which are being developed to bring together biographical information relating to localities throughout the British Isles which is currently scattered in other sections of the Exeter Working papers. They are not intended as exhaustive listings. The main sources covered are bankruptcy notices 1731-1806, apprenticeships 1710-1777 and insurance policies 1775-1787. Other information is being added and entries amalgamated as information is available.


Bayham, William, apprentice papermaker, Abinghall, Glos., 1746. Of Newland GLO. Apprenticed to Lloyd, Joseph £1/00/00 1746 IR/1/50 fo. ---

Carey, John, apprentice papermaker, Guns Mill, Glos., 1770. Apprenticed to Lloyd, Joseph £8/00/00 1770 IR/1/57 fo. 138

Lloyd, Joseph, papermaker, Abinghall, Glos., 1746-80; Gunns Mill 1770-80. Apprentices: 1746 Bayham, William £1/00/00 IR/1/50 fo. --- 1770 Carey, John £8/00/00 IR/1/57 fo. 138. Sun policy 431698 1780 £1000


Bertin, Joseph, apprentice printer, Bristol, Glos., 1762. Apprenticed to Grabham, John & Co £20/00/00 1762 IR/1/51 fo. 159

Bulgin, William, printer, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 3 Mar 1804, cert: 24 Nov 1804, div: 19 Mar 1805

Bulgin, William, printer, Bristol, Glos., 1786/7. Royal Exchange policy 98831 1786/7 £300

Cadd, T., bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1778. Imprints: 1778: Wright, Thomas A sermon.

Caddell, T., bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1770. Imprints: 1770: Rowles, Samuel An appeal to the sober reflections of Mr. J.M.

Chew, James, bookseller, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: Sep 1783

Cocking, T., bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1780. Imprints: 1780: Tasker, William Select odes of Pindar.

Colmer, John, stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1777. Sun policy 383078 1777 £600

Colmer, William, apprentice stationer, Bristol, Glos., 17750615. Apprenticed to Mills, Thomas £45/00/00 17750615 IR/1/28 fo. 151

Cosens, Nathaniel, apprentice engraver, Bristol, Glos., 17731005. Apprenticed to Lawrence, Henry £21/00/00 17731005 IR/1/59 fo. 100

Cossley, William, bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1717-48. Father: Richard Esq. Apprenticed to Richard Gravett, Bristol £107/10/00 1717 IR/1/45 fo. 081. Bankrupt: 12 Jan 1748, cert: 5 Apr 1748

Cottle, J., bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1790-1000. Imprints: 1790?: A letter ...; 1791?: Five minutes advice to prayerless persons; 1800: Dennis, Jonas The necessity of religious education.

Craddock, Ebenezer, apprentice engraver, Bristol, Glos., 1760. Apprenticed to Millon, William £20/00/00 1760 IR/1/54 fo. 052

Daniel, Caleb, apprentice engraver, Bristol, Glos., 17740928. Apprenticed to Lawrence, Henry £21/00/00 17740928 IR/1/59 fo. 100

Darbyshire, James, bookseller, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 17500505b, div: 17511126d, 17520120d,

Farley, Felix, printer, Bristol, Glos., 1736-1754; Bristol Green 1736. Apprentice: 1754 James, Benjamin £20/00/00 IR/1/52 fo. 015. Imprints: 1736: Bristol Corporation The city charters; 1744: Humphreys, J. A discourse on the story of Dives and Lazarus; Wesley, John A collection of moral and sacred poems

Fry, Joseph, printer, TF Bristol, Glos., 1777. Sun policy 378709 1777 £1000

Gant, William, bookseller, stationer, bookbinder, Bristol 1760-1779/80; Corn Street 1779/80. Apprentice bookbinder 1760: Harris, John £15/00/00 IR/1/54 fo. 009 Apprentice bookseller 30 Jul 1774: Thorbran, John £30/00/00 IR/1/59 fo. 100. Sun policy 424582 1779/80 £300

Grabham, John & Co, printer, Bristol, Glos., 1762. Apprentice: Bertin, Joseph £20/00/00 IR/1/51 fo. 159

Grainger, William, engraver, Bristol, Glos., 1760. Apprentice: Keene, Jos. Sandford £20/00/00 IR/1/54 fo. 052

Grant, William, stationer, Bristol, Glos., 17701128. Apprentice: Howdly, George £50/00/00 IR/1/57 fo. 183

Gravett, Richard, bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1717. Apprentice: Cossley, William £107/10/00 IR/1/45 fo. 081

Grove, Kingsmill, papermaker, Bristol, Glos., 17710410. Apprentice: Hodges, John £200/00/00 IR/1/58 fo. 009

Groves, Joseph, stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1779. Sun policy 419514 1779 £300

Hall, William Henry, bookseller, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 17911231b, cert: 17920310c,

Harris, John, apprentice bookbinder, Bristol, Glos., 1760. Father: [cf Grant, William]. Apprenticed to Gant, William £15/00/00 1760 IR/1/54 fo. 009

Hickey, Benjamin, bookseller, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 27 Feb 1750, extension: 3 Mar 1750, div: 23 Oct 17521023. Imprint: 1740 Part of the library of Edmund Archer.

Hodges, John, apprentice papermaker, Bristol, Glos., 17710410. Apprenticed to Grove, Kingsmill £200/00/00 17710410 IR/1/58 fo. 009

Howdly, George, apprentice stationer, Bristol, Glos., 17701128. Father: [cf Gant, William]. Apprenticed to Grant, William £50/00/00 17701128 IR/1/57 fo. 183

James, Benjamin, apprentice printer, Bristol, Glos., 1754. Apprenticed to Farley, Felix £20/00/00 1754 IR/1/52 fo. 015

Keene, Jos. Sandford, apprentice engraver, Bristol, Glos., 1760. Apprenticed to Grainger, William £20/00/00 1760 IR/1/54 fo. 052

Lawrence, Henry, engraver, Bristol, Glos., 1773-74. Apprentices: 5 Oct 1773 Cosens, Nathaniel £21/00/00 IR/1/59 fo. 100; 28 Sep 1774 Daniel, Caleb £21/00/00 IR/1/59 fo. 100

Lloyd, Joseph, bookseller, stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1784/5-1791. Sun policy 501332 1784/5 £300. Imprint: 1791: Manning, James A sketch of the life and writings of ... Miciah Towgood.

Long, Jonathan, bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1743. Apprentice: Millard, George £6/00/00 IR/1/50 fo. 219

Matthews, Thomas, bookseller, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 18041110b, cert: 18050725c,

Millard, George, apprentice bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1743. Father: George. Apprenticed to Long, Jonathan £6/00/00 1743 IR/1/50 fo. 219

Millon, William, engraver, Bristol, Glos., 1760. Apprentice: Craddock, Ebenezer £20/00/00 IR/1/54 fo. 052

Mills, Thomas, stationer, Bristol, Glos., 17750615. Apprentice: Colmer, William £45/00/00 IR/1/28 fo. 151

Mintorn, John, bookseller, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 17990824b, div: 17991126d, 18000624f,

Mortimer, Edward, apprentice stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1772. Father: [also bookbinder,]. Apprenticed to Norton, James £30/00/00 1772 IR/1/58 fo. 050

Norton, James, stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1772. Apprentice: Mortimer, Edward £30/00/00 IR/1/58 fo. 050

Palmer, John, bookseller, stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1750-1755. Apprentice stationer: 1753 Williams, John £31/10/00 IR/1/51 fo. 285. Bankrupt: 27 Feb 17500227, cert: 3 Mar 17500303, div: 23 Oct 17521023. Bankrupt: 9 Aug 1755

Penn, -, bookseller, near the Tolzey, Bristol, Glos., 1718. Imprint: 1718 Squire, Francis The lawfulness of taking oaths.

Pine, W, printer, Wine Street, Bristol, Glos., 1800. Imprint: 1800 Norman, Rev. The evil and danger of backsliding in religion.

Plomer, Richard Haynes, stationer, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 17480123b, cert: 17480423c,

Richardson. Henry Ford papermaker, Bristol 1794-1796. British Book Trade Index. Not in Universal British Directory in the 1790s. Clare Street address is the only one recorded in directories or poll books

Richardson, John senior. Stationer and bookbinder 6 Clare Street, Bristol 1803-1821. Poss. born around 1770. Son John and probably William. Perhaps apprenticed around 1785, becoming free in the early 1790s Nothing obvious in Stationers' Company apprentice registers, apprentice records for Bristol unchecked. Sources: BBTI; Bristol Poll Book 1812, 1830, 1832, 1841

Richardson, John junr. Stationer and bookbinder, Bristol, 6 Clare St 1820-42, Hambrook 1830. Son of John senior. Partner with William (probably brother)

RICHARDSON, John jr & William. Stationers, bookbinders, booksellers and printers, Bristol, 6 Clare St 1820-39. Also patent medicine seller. Depository of Church of England tracts'. Printer in 1827. Sources: BBTI

Richardson, William. Bookbinder, 6 Clare Street Bristol 1820-1839, Dublin 1841-68. Son of John senior. Married: Elizabeth CANDY at Lyncombe and Widcomb (near Bath) 18 July 1824. Bristol Mercury: "of this City." (As widow Elizabeth went to live with their eldest daughter Emily Jones in Cork (died 29 Grattan's Hill Cork on 6 Jan 1872, buried with William at Mt Jerome, Dublin on 10 Jan). Children: 1. Emily, bap. St James Bristol 11 Sep 1825; mar. Robert Jones, St Peter's CoI Dublin 30 Jan 1862; died 29 Grattan's Hill Cork 14 Feb 1889; bur St Luke's CoI, Cork 15 Feb 1889. 2. Maria Louisa, bap. St Philip and Jacob Bristol 18 Mar 1827; mar. Elisha BARLOW St Giles Camberwell Surrey 25 May 1857; died 12 November 1909 Ealing. 3. Eliza, bap. St Philip and Jacob Bristol 22 Feb 1829; mar. Alfred William Churchill COOTE Kennington Surrey 31 Mar 1858; died Holdenhurst Christchurch Hampshire on 27 April 1901; bur. Wimborne Road Cemetery Bournemouth on 1 May 1901. 4. William, baptised at Philip and Jacob Bristol on 20 February 1831; buried in Mt Jerome Cemetery, Dublin on 11 April 1856. 5. Charles Frederick, baptised at St Philip and Jacob Bristol on 29 September 1833; mar. Louisa Matilda COX at St Peter's CoI Dublin on 24 February 1855; died at Manly New South Wales 5 Aug 1905. Died: 7 Havelock Square Donnybrook 26 Feb 1868, bur. Mt Jerome Cemetery Dublin 29 Feb 1868. Three death notices in Dublin papers but no obituary. Probably learned trade with John, presumably his father. Partner with John in Bristol c.1820-1839 before leaving for Dublin. Claimed to be librarian at Trinity College Dublin 1862 and recorded as librarian 1857-1868, and his wife's death certificate in 1872 made the same claim. So I think we can reasonably assume that he worked at TCD from about 1857 until 1868. Describes as bookinder in direoies and birth and marriage notices in both Bristol and Dublin 1820-1855. Member of the Consolidated Bookbinders' Union: listed as a clear member within Dublin branch in the trade circulars from 24 Mar 1853 (circular no. 40, list of members dated 20 Dec 1852) to 26 Dec 1854 (circular no. 54, list of members dated 20 Dec 1854). In circulars nos. 50, 52 and 54 (26 Jun 1854, 26 Sep 1854 and 26 Dec 1854) he is identified as being on tramp." (William or possibly his son, William junior who died in 1856 aged 25 of consumption).

Rose, John Colston, bookseller, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 18380501b,

Rose, Philip, bookseller, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 18380501b,

Rosser, Robert, printer, Bristol, Glos., 1786/7-1798. Royal Exchange policy 98831 1786/7 £300 Bankrupt: 1 May 17980501, superseded: 16 Jun 1798 Bankrupt: 8 May 17980508. Bankrupt: 25 Aug 1798.

Rudhall, John, printer, Bristol, Glos.. Bankrupt: 17901023b, cert: 17911122c, div: 17910613d, 17920820f,

Schusler, Gotlob, stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1760. Apprentice: Stuart, James £10/10/00 IR/1/54 fo. 008

Stuart, James, apprentice stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1760. Apprenticed to Schusler, Gotlob £10/10/00 1760 IR/1/54 fo. 008

Thorbran, John, bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1774-82. Apprenticed to William Gant, bookseller, Bristol £30/00/00 30 Jul 1774 IR/1/59 fo. 100. Sun policy 459866 1782 £300

Williams, John, apprentice stationer, Bristol, Glos., 1753. Apprenticed to Palmer, John £31/10/00 1753 IR/1/51 fo. 285

Wilson, J., bookseller, Bristol, Glos., 1732-1744; Wine Street 1736-44; Bible & Sun, Wine Street 1736. Imprints: 1732 The West-country farmer; 1736: Bristol Corporation The city charters; 1744: Wesley, John A collection of moral and sacred poems.


Blanchard, Wm Frederick, apprentice bookseller, Cirencester, Glos., 17691123. Apprenticed to Rudder, Samuel £10/10/00 17691123 IR/1/26 fo. 117

Hill, George, printer, Cirencester, Glos., 1752. Apprentice: Smith, John £21/00/00 IR/1/51 fo. 141

*** Rudder, Samuel, bookseller, Cirencester, Glos., 17691123. Apprentice: Blanchard, Wm Frederick £10/10/00 IR/1/26 fo. 117

Rudder, Samuel, printer, Cirencester, Glos., 1762. Apprentice: Simpson, William £47/05/00 IR/1/23 fo. 067

Rudder, Samuel, printer, Cirencester, Glos., 1763. Apprentice: Williams, William £25/00/00 IR/1/24 fo. 040

Simpson, William, apprentice printer, Cirencester, Glos., 1762. Apprenticed to Rudder, Samuel £47/05/00 1762 IR/1/23 fo. 067

Smith, John, bookseller, Cirencester, Glos., 1784/5. Royal Exchange policy 88827 1784/5 £550

Smith, John, apprentice printer, Cirencester, Glos., 1752. Apprenticed to Hill, George £21/00/00 1752 IR/1/51 fo. 141

Stevens, Timothy, bookseller, stationer, Cirencester, Glos., 1785/6. Sun policy 514020 1785/6 £400

Stevens, Timothy, stationer, Market Place Cirencester, Glos., 1777. Sun policy 391330 1777 £200

Williams, William, apprentice printer, Cirencester, Glos., 1763. Apprenticed to Rudder, Samuel £25/00/00 1763 IR/1/24 fo. 040


Jones, Ann, apprentice LB Clifton, Glos., 17750213. Father: [library keeper]. Apprenticed to Loggon, Thomas £2/00/00 17750213 IR/1/59 fo. 181

Loggon, Thomas, LB Clifton, Glos., 17750213. Apprentice: Jones, Ann £2/00/00 IR/1/59 fo. 181


Edmonds, John, apprentice cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 17720520. Apprenticed to King, William £20/00/00 17720520 IR/1/58 fo. 176

Innell, William, apprentice cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 17760827. Father: [or Junell?]. Apprenticed to Webb, Samuel £15/00/00 17760827 IR/1/60 fo. 007

King, William, cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 17720520. Apprentice: Edmonds, John £20/00/00 IR/1/58 fo. 176

Lewton, Samuel, cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1762. Apprentice: Webb, George £20/00/00 IR/1/54 fo. 123

Lyman, Thomas, cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1764. Apprentice: Virgo, Thomas £6/00/00 IR/1/55 fo. 116

Nicholas, James, apprentice cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1757. Father: [cf Simgar]. Apprenticed to Sanigear, William £20/00/00 1757 IR/1/53 fo. 035

Sanigear, William, cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1757. Apprentice: Nicholas, James £20/00/00 IR/1/53 fo. 035

Simgar, William, cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1761. Apprentice: Smith, Benjamin £20/00/00 IR/1/54 fo. 048

Smith, Benjamin, apprentice cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1761. Father: [cf Sanigear, William]. Apprenticed to Simgar, William £20/00/00 1761 IR/1/54 fo. 048

Virgo, Thomas, apprentice cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1764. Father: [cardboard maker]. Apprenticed to Lyman, Thomas £6/00/00 1764 IR/1/55 fo. 116

Webb, George, apprentice cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1762. Apprenticed to Lewton, Samuel £20/00/00 1762 IR/1/54 fo. 123

Webb, Samuel, cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 17760827. Apprentice: Innell, William £15/00/00 IR/1/60 fo. 007

Williams, engraver,ock, cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1726. Apprentice: Wintle, John £8/00/00 IR/1/11 fo. 096

Wintle, John, apprentice cardmaker, Dursley, Glos., 1726. Father: Richard of Arlington GLO. Apprenticed to Williams, engraver,ock £8/00/00 1726 IR/1/11 fo. 096


Bond, Richard, bookseller, Gloucester, Glos., 1757. Apprentice: Dunn, Thomas £40/00/00 IR/1/53 fo. 157

Bond, Richard, printer, Gloucester, Glos., 1757. Apprentice: Chapman, George £20/00/00 IR/1/53 fo. 035

Bond, William, apprentice bookseller, Gloucester, Glos., 1717. Father: Richard of Sanctloe Glos., clerk. Apprenticed to Harris, Gabriel £25/00/00 1717 IR/1/05 fo. 164

Chapman, George, apprentice printer, Gloucester, Glos., 1757. Apprenticed to Bond, Richard £20/00/00 1757 IR/1/53 fo. 035

Crouzett, John, PB Saint Philip & St Jacob Gloucester, Glos.. Bankrupt: 18060422b,

Davis, John, PQ Gloucester, Glos., 1761. Apprentice: Oakey, James £5/00/00 IR/1/54 fo. 048

Dunn, Thomas, apprentice bookseller, Gloucester, Glos., 1757. Apprenticed to Bond, Richard £40/00/00 1757 IR/1/53 fo. 157

Dunn, Thomas, bookbinder, Gloucester, Glos., 17740107. Apprentice: Hough, John James £20/00/00 IR/1/59 fo. 071

Dunn, Thomas, bookseller, Gloucester, Glos., 1770. Apprentice: Martin, James £47/05/00 IR/1/57 fo. 138

Evans, William, bookseller, stationer, Gloucester, Glos., 1784/5. Royal Exchange policy 93339 1784/5 £500

Farmer, Thomas, apprentice printer, Gloucester, Glos., 1750. Father: Thomas. Apprenticed to Raikes, Robert £10/00/00 1750 IR/1/51 fo. 005

Harris, Gabriel, bookseller, Gloucester, Glos., 1717. Apprentice: Bond, William £25/00/00 IR/1/05 fo. 164

Hazell, Robert, bookseller, stationer, Gloucester, Glos., 1784/5. Royal Exchange policy 93339 1784/5 £500

Hill, John, apprentice C&S Gloucester, Glos., 17661104. Apprenticed to Raikes, Robert £20/00/00 17661104 IR/1/25 fo. 157

Hough, John James, apprentice bookbinder, Gloucester, Glos., 17740107. Apprenticed to Dunn, Thomas £20/00/00 17740107 IR/1/59 fo. 071

Leighton, John, apprentice bookbinder, Gloucester, Glos., 1719. Father: William of Ss Philip and Jacob. Apprenticed to Sendall, Thomas £3/00/00 1719 IR/1/48 fo. 133

Martin, James, apprentice bookseller, Gloucester, Glos., 1770. Apprenticed to Dunn, Thomas £47/05/00 1770 IR/1/57 fo. 138

Oakey, James, apprentice PQ Gloucester, Glos., 1761. Father: [penmaker]. Apprenticed to Davis, John £5/00/00 1761 IR/1/54 fo. 048

Raikes, Robert, C&S Gloucester, Glos., 17661104. Apprentice: Hill, John £20/00/00 IR/1/25 fo. 157

Raikes, Robert, printer, Gloucester, Glos., 1750. Apprentice: Farmer, Thomas £10/00/00 IR/1/51 fo. 005

Sendall, Thomas, bookbinder, Gloucester, Glos., 1719. Apprentice: Leighton, John £3/00/00 IR/1/48 fo. 133


Carby, Joshua, papermaker, Ludington, Glos., 17431221. Apprentice: Clarke, Thomas £6/06/00 IR/1/50 fo. 217

Clarke, Thomas, apprentice papermaker, Ludington, Glos., 17431221. Father: Isabella. Apprenticed to Carby, Joshua £6/06/00 17431221 IR/1/50 fo. 217


Bliss, John, apprentice parchment maker, Northleech, Glos., 1720. Father: [FM & parchment maker,] Isaac of Cheltenham. Apprenticed to Neale, Thomas £8/00/00 1720 IR/1/48 fo. 005

Neale, Thomas, PA Northleech, Glos., 1720. Apprentice: Bliss, John £8/00/00 IR/1/48 fo. 005


Davis, Thomas, apprentice papermaker, Rodmore, Glos., 1795. Apprenticed to Stevens, William £ 1795 IR/1/68 fo. 046

Stevens, William, papermaker, Rodmore, Glos., 1795. Apprentice: Davis, Thomas £ IR/1/68 fo. 046


Smith, Joseph, papermaker, Whitminster, Glos., 1770. Apprentice: Tranter, Thomas £5/00/00 IR/1/57 fo. 138

Smith, Joseph, papermaker, Whitminster, Glos., 1784. Apprentice: Weaver, John £ IR/1/63 fo. 070

Tranter, Thomas, apprentice papermaker, Whitminster, Glos., 1770. Apprenticed to Smith, Joseph £5/00/00 1770 IR/1/57 fo. 138

Weaver, John, apprentice papermaker, Whitminster, Glos., 1784. Apprenticed to Smith, Joseph £ 1784 IR/1/63 fo. 070


Harris, Thomas, papermaker, Wick and Abson, Glos., 1782. Sun policy 459297 1782 £100


Ablart, James, papermaker, Wooton under Edge, Glos.. Bankrupt: 177709 Gent. mag.

Dyde, Richard, bookseller, Wootton under Edge, Glos.. Bankrupt: 178406 b, cert: 17840810c,

Hall, William, cardmaker, Wootton under Edge, Glos., 1757. Apprentice: Twyford, Nathaniel £15/00/00 IR/1/53 fo. 062

Hall, William, cardmaker, Wootton under Edge, Glos., 1768. Apprentice: Watts, John £10/00/00 IR/1/56 fo. 180

Lacey, Timothy, cardmaker, Wootton under Edge, Glos., 1723. Apprentice: Turner, Benedict £5/00/00 IR/1/48 fo. 028

Turner, Benedict, apprentice cardmaker, Wootton under Edge, Glos., 1723. Father: James of Wooten under Edge, clothier. Apprenticed to Lacey, Timothy £5/00/00 1723 IR/1/48 fo. 028

Twyford, Nathaniel, apprentice cardmaker, Wootton under Edge, Glos., 1757. Apprenticed to Hall, William £15/00/00 1757 IR/1/53 fo. 062

Ward, John, papermaker, Woolaston, Glos.. Bankrupt: 17930402b, cert: 17930615c, div: 17950519d, 17950919d,

Watts, John, apprentice cardmaker, Wootton under Edge, Glos., 1768. Apprenticed to Hall, William £10/00/00 1768 IR/1/56 fo. 180

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© Ian Maxted, 2005.