12 January 2013


Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 15
The British book trades: topographical listings. Essex

This page is one of a series of county listings which are being developed to bring together biographical information relating to localities throughout the British Isles which is currently scattered in other sections of the Exeter Working papers. They are not intended as exhaustive listings. The main sources covered are bankruptcy notices 1731-1806, apprenticeships 1710-1777 and insurance policies 1775-1787. Other information is being added and entries amalgamated as information is available.


Hill, William, stationer, Ballingdon, Essex, c.1792. UBD.


Dines, Francis, CM, Bocking, Essex, 1773. Apprentice Garrett, Thomas, £3/13/06 IR/1/27, fo. 180.

Fenno and Shearcraft,, printers, Bocking 1788. Sources: Berry and Poole.

Garrett, Thomas, apprentice cardmaker, Bocking, Essex, 1773. Apprenticed to Dines, Francis, £3/13/06 IR/1/27, fo. 180.

Rogers, Nehemiah, apprentice cardmaker, Bocking, Essex, 1717. Son of Zachariah of Bocking ESS. Apprenticed to Warren, John, £10/00/00 IR/1/06, fo. 032.

Warren, John, CM, Bocking, Essex, 1717. Apprentice Rogers, Nehemiah, £10/00/00. IR/1/06, fo. 032.


Smitheman, Joseph, bookseller, Braintree, Essex, 1778. Sun policy 401185, £100, 1778.


Dew, John, stationer, Brentwood, Essex, 1777. Sun policy 384903, £300, 1777.


Buckland, James, apprentice bookseller, Chelmsford, Essex, 1763. Apprenticed to Toft, Timothy, £50/00/00 IR/1/54, fo. 221.

Buxton, Leonard, apprentice bookseller, Chelmsford, Essex, 1767. Apprenticed to Toft, Timothy, £42/00/00. [app to Timothy Toft & Co.] IR/1/25, fo. 100.

Clachar, William, printer, Chelmsford, Essex, 1775-1785. Trading as Clachar and Co. 1775, 1785P. Apprentice Edie, Paul, £31/10/00 1775 [to Clachar and Co.] IR/1/28, fo. 105. Royal Exchange policy 67214, £500, 1775/7. Royal Exchange policy 72950, £1000, 1777/8. Royal Exchange policy 75643, £400, 1778/9. Sun policy 434362, £1500, 1780. Sun policy 503470, £1000, 1785. Sun policy 511431, £800, 1785. Sun policy 511432, £500, 1785. Clachar and Co. printers of the Chelmsford Chronicle 1785P. Sources: Pendred.

Edie, Paul, apprentice printer, Chelmsford, Essex, 1775. Apprenticed to Clachar, William & Co, £31/10/00 IR/1/28, fo. 105.

Frost Clachar and Gray, printers, Chelmsford, Essex, 1784B. Printers in general and publishers of the Chelmsford Chronicle 1784B.

Frost, Charles, apprentice bookseller, Chelmsford, Essex, 1765. Apprenticed to Toft, Timothy, £80/00/00 IR/1/55, fo. 168.

Frost, Charles, printer, bookseller, bookbinder, Chelmsford, Essex, 1778/9. Royal Exchange policy 67214, £500, 1775/7. Royal Exchange policy 75346, £300, 1778/9. Sun policy 501011, £500, 1784/5. Distributor of stamps 1784B. Listed by Bailey 1784 both separately and as Frost, Clachar and Gray, but not by Pendred.

Gray, Samuel, printer, bookseller, stationer, Chelmsford, Essex, 1778-1780/1. Sun policy 397599, £400, 1778. Sun policy 438991, £400, 1780/1.

Lobb, Richard, apprentice stationer, Chelmsford, Essex, 1761. Apprenticed to Lobb, Timothy, £5/00/00. [also haberdasher] IR/1/54, fo. 070.

Lobb, Richard, bookseller, Chelmsford, Essex 1771. Bankrupt: GM Jan 1771

Lobb, Timothy, stationer, Chelmsford, Essex, 1761. Apprentice Lobb, Richard, £5/00/00. [also haberdasher]IR/1/54, fo. 070.

Stanes, William, bookseller, stationer, Chelmsford, Essex, 1783-1785P. Royal Exchange policy 88290, £1300, 1783/5. Sources: Pendred.

Toft, Timothy, bookseller, Chelmsford, Essex 1763-1771. Apprentices: Buckland, James, £50/00/00 1763. IR/1/54, fo. 221. Frost, Charles, £80/00/00 1765. IR/1/55, fo. 168. Buxton, Leonard, £42/00/00 1767 [app to Timothy Toft & Co.] IR/1/25, fo. 100. Bankrupt: GM Jan 1771


Totham, Joseph, apprentice cardmaker, Coggeshall, Essex, 1748. Son of Benj. Apprenticed to Watts, Thomas, £1/00/00. [card board box maker] IR/1/18, fo. 139.

Watts, Thomas, CM, Coggeshall, Essex, 1748. Apprentice Totham, Joseph, £1/00/00. [card board box maker]IR/1/18, fo. 139.


Boston, Joseph, apprentice cardmaker, Colchester, Essex, 1767. Apprenticed to Lyman, John, £5/05/00. [cardboard maker] IR/1/56, fo. 076.

Brand, Thomas, apprentice stationer, Colchester, Essex, 1752. Apprenticed to Darby, Charles, £10/00/00 IR/1/51, fo. 214.

Brett, Thomas, apprentice stationer, Colchester, Essex, 1749. Son of John. Apprenticed to Darby, Charles, £30/00/00 IR/1/18, fo. 217.

Darby, Charles, stationer, Colchester, Essex, 1745-1752. Apprentices: Duland, Mark, £30/00/00 1745. IR/1/17, fo. 162. Brett, Thomas, £30/00/00 1749. IR/1/18, fo. 217. Brand, Thomas, £10/00/00 1752. IR/1/51, fo. 214.

Duffield, Joseph, cardboard maker, Colchester, Essex, 1722. Apprentice West, John, £10/00/00. IR/1/48, fo. 040.

Duland, Mark, apprentice stationer, Colchester, Essex, 1745 of Harwich ESS. Apprenticed to Darby, Charles, £30/00/00 IR/1/17, fo. 162.

Fenno, John, printer, Colchester, High Street 1784B-1785P. Sources: Pendred.

Gibbs, Samuel, bookseller, stationer, Colchester, Essex, 1784B-1785/6; High Street 1784B-1785P. Stamp Office and agent to Royal Exchange Assurance Office 1784B. Royal Exchange policy 93955, £300, 1785/6. Sources: Pendred

Keymer, William, printer and bookseller, Colchester, Essex, High Street 1784B-1785P. Imprint: 1782: Kress B466. Sources: Pendred.

Lyman, John, cardboard maker, Colchester, Essex, 1764-1767. Apprentices: Spooner, Daniel, £14/14/06 1764. IR/1/55, fo. 033. Boston, Joseph, £5/05/00 1767. IR/1/56, fo. 076.

Mortire, Francis, cardmaker, Colchester, Essex, 1722. Apprentice Sanckster, Joseph, £5/00/00. IR/1/47, fo. 166.

Sanckster, Joseph, apprentice cardmaker, Colchester, Essex, 1722. Apprenticed to Mortire, Francis, £5/00/00 IR/1/47, fo. 166.

Sanson, Philip, cardmaker, Colchester, Essex, 1744. Apprentice Woods, Thomas, £2/02/00. IR/1/50, fo. 227.

Shillito, Ephraim, cardboard maker, Colchester, Essex, 1752-1784B; High Street 1784B. Apprentices: Windle, William, £7/07/00 1752. IR/1/51, fo. 214. Vince, Robert, £2/02/00 1757. IR/1/53, fo. 055.

Spooner, Daniel, apprentice cardmaker, Colchester, Essex, 1764. Apprenticed to Lyman, John, £14/14/06. [cardboard maker] IR/1/55, fo. 033.

Vince, Robert, apprentice cardmaker, Colchester, Essex, 1757. Apprenticed to Sillito, Ephraim, £2/02/00. IR/1/53, fo. 055.

West, John, apprentice cardboard maker, Colchester, Essex, 1722. Son of Robert of Colchester ESS, cordwainer. Apprenticed to Duffield, Joseph, £10/00/00. IR/1/48, fo. 040.

Windle, William, apprentice cardmaker, Colchester, Essex, 1752. Apprenticed to Shillils, Ephraim, £7/07/00. [i.e. Sillito, Ephraim] IR/1/51, fo. 214.

Woods, Thomas, apprentice cardmaker, Colchester, Essex, 1744. Son of Peter of Colchester ESS. Apprenticed to Sanson, Philip, £2/02/00 IR/1/50, fo. 227.


Heart, John, apprentice paper weaver, Great Coggeshall, Essex, 1753. Apprenticed to Lesswell, Nathaniel, £2/02/00. IR/1/51, fo. 214.

Lesswell, Nathaniel, paper weaver, Great Coggeshall, Essex, 1753. Apprentice Heart, John, £2/02/00. IR/1/51, fo. 214.


Summers, William, stationer, Harwich, Essex 1790. Bankrupt: 25 Dec 1790 cert: 26 Nov 1799 div: 08 Mar 1796 div: 23 Jan 1799


Bumpstead, John, printseller, Ilford, Essex 1791. Bankrupt: 25 Jan 1791


Payn, Christopher, bookseller, stationer, Saffron Walden, Essex, 1783/5. Royal Exchange policy 88426, £150, 1783/5.


Bowen, James, WC, Saint Mary Stratford, Essex, 1767. Apprentice Combers, Thomas, £6/00/00. IR/1/25, fo. 042.

Combers, Thomas, apprentice WC, Saint Mary Stratford, Essex, 1767. Apprenticed to Bowen, James, £6/00/00 IR/1/25, fo. 042.


Eaton, Daniel Isaac, bookseller, Old Bond Street, Stratford Green, Essex 1803. Bankrupt: 06 Sep 1803

Woolley, John, printer, Stratford, Essex, 1778. Sun policy 402373, £300, 1778.

Barwick, James, pencil maker, Waltham Abbey, Essex, 1779. Sun policy 413714, £100, 1779.


Balch, Edward, WC, West Ham, Essex, 1767. Apprentice Chesson, Thomas, £18/00/00. IR/1/25, fo. 079.

Chesson, Thomas, apprentice WC, West Ham, Essex, 1767. Apprenticed to Balch, Edward, £18/00/00 IR/1/25, fo. 079.

This page last updated 23 June 2011
© Ian Maxted, 2005.