19 December 2006

Devon 1675-1699

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 6
Books with Devon imprints: a handlist to 1800. 1675-1699

1675. BURTHOGGE, Richard. Causa Dei, or an apology for God. Wherein the perpetuity of infernal torments is evinced, and divine both goodness and justice (that notwithstanding) defended. The nature of punishments in general, and of infernal ones in particular displayed. The evangelical righteousness explicated and setled. The divinity of the gentiles both as to things to be believed and things to be practised, adumbrated ; and the wayes whereby it was communicated, plainly discover'd. By Richard Burthogge, M.D. - London : Imprinted for Lewis Punchard bookseller in Totnes in Devon, and are to be sold by F.Tyton at the Three Daggers in Fleet-street , 1675. - [20],422p ; 8°. - Wing2 B6149; *Dredge p.38; Sheaves 3 p.486.

1676. DYER, William. Christ's famous titles, and a believer's golden chain. By William Dyer, preacher of the gospel. - London : Printed for the use of private families, especially his friends in Devon , 1676. - [4],382p ; 12°. - Wing2 D2940; *WSL.

1678. REYNOLDS, John. Vituli labiorum. Or, a thanksgiving sermon. - London : for Tho. Cockeril ; and Walter Dight in Exceter , 1678. - 4°. - Wing1 R1318; *Clough.

1679. The PRESENT great interest both of King and people ... - Plymouth : [s.n.] , 1679. - Signed: F.K. - *Burnet Morris; Wing2 K8 (giving imprint: [s.l.].

1680. LONG, Thomas. A sermon against murmuring: preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter Exon, on the xxixth of May, 1680. By Thomas Long, B.D. one of the prebendaries of that church. ... - London : Printed for Richard Royston, and are to be sold by George May, bookseller in Exon , 1680. - [8],27,[1]p ; 4°. - Wing2 L2982; *Sheaves 4 p.590; Clough; Term catalogues, Trinity 1680 i,403; DUL 44910.

1681. FULLWOOD, Francis. Leges angliae. The lawfulness. - London : For R.Royston, and are to be sold by George May, in Exon , 1681. - 8°. - *Wing2 F2509a.

1682. CROMPTON, William. The justice of God asserted, in seeming contrariant providences : and vindicated from the cavils of corrupt men under them. ... - London : Printed for Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey ; and are to be sold by James Cowsey, bookseller in Exeter , 1682. - 95[i.e. 65]p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.42; NC0800275 (bound with: Soveraign omnipotency).

1682. CROMPTON, William. Soveraign omnipotency the saint's security in evil days. Discoursed and concluded from Rom. IV. xvii. xviii. By William Crompton. ... - London : Printed for Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey ; and are to be sold by James Cowsey, bookseller in Exeter , 1682. - 101,95[i.e.65]p ; 8°. - The justice of God asserted (65p) at end. - *Dredge p.42; NUC NC0800275; Wing2 C7032a; Term catalogues Michaelmas 1682, i,504.

1682. A KEY to catechisms. - London : for Richard Chiswell , to be sold by Robert Eveleigh in Exon , 1682. - 8°. - Wing2 K385; *Clough.

1682. A TRUE and impartial relation of the informations against three witches, viz. Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles, and Susanna Edwards, who were indicted, arraigned, and convicted at the assizes holden for the county of Devon at the castle of Exon, Aug. 14, 1682. With their several confessions ... - London : printed by Freeman Collins, and are to be sold by T.Benskin, in St. Brides Church-yard, and C.Yeo bookseller in Exon , 1682. - [4],40p ; 4°. - Wing1 T2502; *WSL; Dredge p.9 (Hazlitt); DUL 72970.

1683. AN ESSAY on hypocrisie. - London : Printed by J.C. and Freeman Collins, for Charles Yeo in Exon , 1683. - 4°. - Wing2 E3288 ; *Clough.

1683. A RESOLUTION, with the advice of the Bishop of Exeter to give for the beautifying of the chapel in the Castle of Exeter £10, and £6 yearly to anyone whom the Bishop shall appoint, to read divine service, and to preach a sermon, exhorting to obedience; in the said chapel on the first day of the sessions, to begin precisely at eight in the morning ... - Exon : [s.n.] , 1683. - 2°. - Probably printed in London. - *Davidson p.97 (Bookseller's cat.).

1684. REYNOLDS, John. Schechinah : or, the saints love unto the house of God, because of Gods special presence there. Being the first sermon preached in the body of the Cathedral-Church of St. Peters, Exon ; after the erecting of new seats and a pulpit there. July 27, 1684. By John Reynolds, M.A. one of the prebendaries of that church. - London : Printed by J.C. and Freeman Collins ; and are to be sold by Walter Dight bookseller in Exon , 1684. - [8],24p ; 4°. - *WSL ; Dredge p.9 (Dymond); DUL 60730.

1686. GRENFIELD, Henry. God in the creature. Being a poem in three parts, viz. a song of praise in contemplation of the works of creation and providence in general ; with a debate touching providence in particular, by way of dialogue. ... With several other poems and odes. By H.Grenfield. - Exeter : Printed for J.May , 1686. - 8°. - *Dredge p.42 (Bibliotheca Cornubiensia); Wing2 G1936 (London : For George May).

1686. KENDALL, Nicholas. Sermon preached at the assizes held for the county of Cornwall, at Launceston, 18 March, 1685. By N.Kendall, A.M. - London : For R.Royston ; sold by Geo. May, Exeter , 1686. - 4°. - *Dredge p.9 (Bibliotheca Cornubiensia); Wing2 K288a.

1688. A FORM of prayer. - Exeter : Printed by J.B. , 1688. - 4°. - Wing2 F1570; *Clough; Allnutt.

1688. The GENERAL association, of the gentlemen of Devon, to his Highness the Prince of Orange. - Exon : Printed in the year , 1688. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Later edition dated 1689 reset, corrects misprint "Almlghty" in line 6. - Wing2 G488b; Dredge p.62 (Bodleian); Davidson p.91; Allnutt; State papers 31/4 fol.221 (Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.369); *Guildhall Lib. Bs.7.75.

1688. [IMPEACHMENT of high treason against the Lord Chancellor, Sir Robert Wright]. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1688. - Letter to Lord Preston 5 Dec. 1688 (HMC 7th report p.420).

1688. [IMPEACHMENT of high treason against the Lord Chief Justice]. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1688. - Letter to Lord Preston 5 Dec. 1688 (HMC 7th report p.420).

1688. A MODEST vindication of the petition of the lords spiritual and temporal for the calling of a free parliament. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [16]88. - 1/2°. - Verso blank. - Dated: Exeter, Nov.21.88. - *WSL; Guildhall Lib. Bs.18.61; Wing2 M2376 (Imprint: [London, 1688]).

1688. RYMER, Thomas. An epistle to Mr Dryden. - Exeter : [s.n.] , 1688. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse, first line: When law and bad divinity begins. - *Burnet Morris; Wing1 E3166 (under title with imprint [London, 1688]); Wing2 (under author).

1688. WILLIAM III. A letter, &c. Gentlemen and friends, we have given ... - [Exeter ?] : [s.n.] , [1688]. - 1 sheet. - Signed: W.H.P.O. - Wing1 O12; *Clough; State papers 8/2/ pt. 2 fol. 62 Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.369).

1688. WILLIAM III. The speech of the Prince of Orange to some of the principal gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire on their coming to joyn His Highness at Exeter the 15th of Nov. 1688. - Exeter : Printed by J.B. , 1688. - 1 sheet. - Wing1 W2480; Dredge p.62 (Caxton exhibition); Davidson p.90; *Allnutt.

1689. FULLWOOD, Francis. Agreement betwixt the present and the former government. - London : Printed for A.C. and are to be sold by Charles Yeo, in Exon , 1689. - 4°. - Wing2 F2495 ; *Clough.

1689. THE GENERAL association, of the gentlemen of Devon, to his Highness the Prince of Orange. - Exon : Printed in the year , 1689. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Reset version, corrects misprint "Almlghty" on line 6. - Wing2 G489 (and another edition with imprint: Exon : Printed 1689, G490); *Guildhall Lib. Bs.7.79; Dredge p.62 (Bodleian); Davidson p.91; Allnutt.

1689. WILLIAM III. The Prince of Orange's letter to the King. - Exon : Printed , 1689. - 1 sheet. - Wing2 W2354; *Clough.

1689. WILLIAM III. The Prince of Orange's speech to the Lords, &c. concerned with him. - [Exeter] : Printed at Exeter , 1689. - 1 sheet : 1/2°. - *Allnutt (Bodleian).

1692. MEETH. Parish. To the Right Reverend Father in God, Jonathan Lord Bishop of Exon. The humble petition of the minister, church-wardens and inhabitants of the parish of Meeth in the county of Devon. - London : Printed by Freeman Collins for Charles Yeo, bookseller in Exon , 1692. - 1 sheet : 1°. - Appeal for rebuilding church tower. - DRO 2388A/PW5.

1693. BUSH, John. The necessity and reward of a willing mind. A sermon preach'd at Exon before an assembly of ministers of the counties of Devon and Somerset, April 16, 1693. By John Bush. - London : Printed for Mich. Hyde bookseller in Exon , 1693. - 4°. - *Dredge p.10; Wing2 B6231.

1693. HALLETT, Joseph. Christ's ascension into heaven asserted and practically improved in several sermons ... - London : Printed for John Salusbury , and Robert Osborne, bookseller near the Bear in Exon , 1693. - [20],106,[2]p ; 8°. - *Devon and Exeter Institution; Wing2 H450; Clough; DUL 32213.

1693. MAYNE, Zachary. Sanctification by faith vindicated : in a discourse on the seventh chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, compared with the sixth and eighth chapters of the same Epistle. Written by Zachary Mayne, M.A. To which is prefixt a preface by Mr. Rob. Burscough. Licensed, Sept. 11th, 1693. - London : Printed by W.O. for John Salusbury, and sold by Walter Dight in Exon , 1693. - [2],vii,[1],viii,43,[1]p ; 4°. - Wing2 M1486; *Dredge p.62 (Bodleian); Sheaves 1 p.538.

1693. TROSSE, George. The pastor's care and dignity, and the people's duty. A sermon preach'd at the assembly of ministers at Taunton, the 7th September, 1692. By G.T. - London : Printed for John Salusbury, at the Sun in Cornhil, and R.Osborn, bookseller near the Bear in Exon , 1693. - [2],ii,60p ; 8°. - Wing1 T2304; WSL; *Dredge p.10.

1694. STODDON, Samuel. [Poimne phulakion. Greek types]. The pastors charge and the peoples duty. A sermon (for the most part) preached at the Assembly of Ministers at Exon, June 7. 1693. By Samuel Stoddon. ... - London : Printed for Jonath. Robinson in St. Paul's Church-yard ; and are to be sold by Robert Osborne bookseller in Exon , 1694. - [6],162p ; 12°. - Wing1 S5714; *Dredge p.10; Sheaves 2 p.355.

1696. LESLIE, Charles. A religious conference between a minister and parishoner ; concerning the practice of our orthodox Church of England in baptizing infants and pouring water on their faces orsprinkling them; and in confirming them by the Bishop when they are come of age to give account of their faith: proving all three lawful by the authority of the holy scriptures ... - London : Printed for A.and J.Churchill, and sold by John Pearce bookseller in Exon , 1696. - 32p ; 4°. - Wing2 L1145; *WSL; Term catalogues, Hilary 1696/7 iii,1 (A. & J.Churchill only).

1696. NEWTE, John. The lawfulness and use of organs in the christian church. Asserted in a sermon preached at Tiverton in the county of Devon upon the 13th of September, 1696. On occasion of an organ's being erected in that parish church. By John Newte, M.A. rector of Tiverton in Devon ; sometime fellow of Baliol Colledge in Oxford. - London : Printed for Freeman Collins in the Old Baily, and are to be sold by William Rogers at the Sun over against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet ; and by Humphry Burton bookseller in Tiverton , 1696. - 4°. - Wing2 N1040; *Dredge p.57 (A.Iredale).

1696. A SERMON preached in a congregation in the city of Exon, on the Thanksgiving-day, Thursday, April 16, 1696. By a minister of the gospel. - London : Printed for Robert Osborne, bookseller, near the Bear in Exon , 1696. - [2],28,[2]p ; 4°. - Wing S2638; *Dredge p.94.

1697. CHILCOT, William. A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Exon. April 4. 1697. Being Easter-day and Assize Sunday. By William Chilcot, M.A.- London : Printed by Freeman Collins for Philip Bishop, bookseller in Exon , 1697. - [4],28p ; 4°. - *Dredge p.10; Sheaves 4 p.560; Wing2 3847a.

1698. CHILCOT, William. A practical treatise concerning evil thoughts. Wherein are some things more especially useful for melancholy persons. By William Chilcot. M.A. ... - Exon : Printed by Samuel Darker, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop , 1698. - [6],276,[10]p ; 8°. - Wing2 C3847; *WSL; Dredge p.10; Sheaves 4 p.560.

1698. CHURCH OF ENGLAND. A form of prayer for married persons. - Exeter : [s.n.] , 1698. - 8°. - Wing2 C4136 ; *Clough.

1698. DUNNING, Richard. Bread for the poor : or, a method shewing how the poor may be maintained, and duly provided for, in a far more plentiful, and yet cheaper manner than now the are, without waste or want. ... - Exeter : Printed by Samuel Darker, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop , 1698. - [4],28p ; 4°. - Wing2 D2613; *Dredge p.94 (T.N.Brushfield); Davidson p.24, supp. p.1n (Secktor Lib.); Plymouth Athenaeum p.16.

1698. INCORPORATION OF WEAVERS, FULLERS AND SHEARMEN, Exeter. The names of several persons trading in and depending upon the manufacturing of serges within the city of Exon, and parts adjacent, lately removed from thence into the kingdon of Ireland. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1698?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Certified ... this 12th of March, 1697/8. - *NUC NE0219332; Wing2 N127a (Imprint [London?, 1698]).

1698. KING, Josiah. Mr. Blount's oracles of reason, examined and answered, in nine sections in which his many heterodox opinions are refuted, the holy scriptures and revealed religion are asserted, against deism & atheism. By Josiah King, M.A. and chaplain to the Right Honourable James Earl of Anglesey. - Exon : Printed by S.Darker for Ch. Yeo ; J.Pearce and Ph. Bishop, booksellers in Exon, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster , 1698. - [16],236,[2]p ; 8°. - Wing2 K512. - *WSL. - Variant imprint: Exeter : Printed by S.Darker, for Philip Bishop, bookseller, over against the Guild-Hall, Exon, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster , 1698. - Wing2 K512a ; *Dredge p10; Sheaf 5 p574.

1698. [LITTLE reflections]. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1698. - An attack on Sir Bartholomew Shower referred to in "The substance of what Sir Bartholomew Shower spake" as being posted at the Guildhall, probably unprinted. - *Burnet Morris (Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.377-9).

1698. [QUERIES] ... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1698. - An attack on Sir Bartholomew Shower, see note to "Little reflections" above. - *Burnet Morris (Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.377-9).

1698. SELECT hymns : each fitted to two tunes. To be sung in churches. ... - Exeter : Printed by S.Darker, for Philip Bishop, bookseller, over against the Guildhall, Exon , 1698. - 46p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.94 (Dr. William's Library).

1698. SHOWER, Sir Bartholomew. The substance of what Sir Bartholomew Shower spake at the Guild-Hall Exon, August 19th, 1698, upon declaring the poll for the burgesses of that city elected, to serve in this present parliament. - Exeter : printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop, booksellers in Exon , 1698. - 2p ; 1/2°. - *Devon and Exeter Institution; Davidson p.24; Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.377-9; Wing1 S3659.

1698. SMITH, Humfry. A sermon preached in St. Saviour's Church in Dartmouth, July 24th, anno Dom. 1698. Together with some reflections on the opinion of those, who affirm, that the only difference between the church and the meeting-house, is that of a few ceremonies. In a letter to a friend. By Humfry Smith, M.A. - Exon : printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, John Pearce, and Philip Bishop , 1698. - 4°. - Wing2 S4086; *Dredge p.62 (Bodleian).

1699. AVANT, Philip. The way of all the earth. Sermons preach'd at Salcomb-Regis, in the county of Devon. By Philip Avant, vic. ibid. - Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley , 1699. - [8],106+p ; 8°. - Not in Wing2; *WSL (copy lacks all after p.106).

1699. BURSCOUGH, Robert. A discourse of schism : address'd to those dissenters who conform'd before the toleration, and have since withdrawn themselves from the communion of the Church of England. By Robert Burscough, M.A. - London : printed for Tho. Bennet, at the Half-moon in St. Paul's Church-yard : and Charles Yeo, bookseller in Exeter , 1699. - 8°. - *Dredge p.11; Wing2 B6136; Term catalogues Trinity 1699, iii,134; Plymouth Public Library L3851.

1699. CHANDLER, Samuel. An impartial account of the Portsmouth disputation. - Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, for Philip Bishop , 1699. - 4°. - Wing2 C1932; *Clough.

1699. EXETER. Diocese. Articles of visitation and enquiry concerning matters ecclesiastical, exhibited to the ministers, church-wardens, and side-men, of every parish, within the Diocess of Exeter, at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Jonathan, by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Exeter in the year of our Lord, 1699. - Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, bookseller , 1699. - [4],18p ; 4°. - *WSL; not in Wing2.

1699. GASCOYNE, Joel. To the right honourable, the nobility, the honourable, the gentry, of the county of Cornwall. May it please your honours, I have, with indefatigable pains ... compleated the map of your county of Cornwall ... - Exon : printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, bookseller in Exon , 1699. - Bs. - Reproduced in: *Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries, v.32, p.34. - Original in Cornwall Record Office. - Not in Wing2.

1699. GILBERT, John. A sermon on the sin of stealing custom. - Exon : printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo , 1699. - 4°. - Wing2 G709; *Clough.

1699. GILBERT, John. A sermon preached at St. Andrews, Plymouth, January 30th, 1698/9. By John Gilbert, M.A. vicar there; and canon of Exeter. With a preface defending King Charles the Martyr, and the observation of his day, against the libels, and practice of such, who are enemies to both. - Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker, and Sam. Farley, for Charles Yeo, bookseller , 1699. - 4°. - Wing2 G710; *Dredge p.11; Term catalogues Trinity 1699, iii,134 (for T.Bennet and C.Yeo only); DUL 29470.

1699. WINNELL, Thomas. The best portion. Being a sermon preached at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Steed, in the city of Exon, November 16th, 1699. By T.W. a lover of peace and truth. - Exon : Printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, and are to be sold by H.Chauklin, bookseller in Taunton, and at Joshua Machie's, tobacconist in Exon , [1699]. - [4],34p ; 4°. - *WSL; Davidson p.98 (Secktor Library); Plymouth Athenaeum p.15.

Page last updated 1 Nov 2006
© Ian Maxted, 2001