19 December 2006

Devon 1500-1674

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 6
Books with Devon imprints: a handlist to 1800. 1505-1674

1505. OS facies mentu[m] ... - [Rouen] : Impressum Rothomagi in officina Laurentij Hostingue et Iameti Loys iuxta nouum forum commorantium ; Emprynted for Martin Coeffin dwelyng at Exeter , [1505?]. - [8]p ; 4°. - Copy in Folger Library bound after title leaf of: STANBRIDGE, John. Vocabula magistri Stanbrigii, primum jam edita sua saltem editione. - [London] : [Wynkyn de Worde] , [1511?] (STC 23178.7). - *STC 18872; Dredge p.5 (Herbert, Wood); Orme, Nicholas. "Martin Coeffin, the first Exeter publisher", Library, 6th series, vol. 10, no. 3 (Sept. 1988), p.220-30.

1510. HOSPITAL OF SAINT ROCHE, Exeter. The graces folowyng be grau[n]ted to al the bretherne and systers benefactours and good doers vnto the hospytall of ye blessyd co[n]fessour saynt Rocke fou[n]ded & establyssyd w[i]t[h]in the of [sic] Cyte Excester ... - [London] : [Richard Faques for the Hospital of Saint Roche, Exeter] , [1510?]. - 1 sheet ; 8°. - Letter of confraternity. - Oblong format. - *STC 14077C.41 (dated 1522); Orme, Nicholas. "A letter of Saint Roche", Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 36, pt 5 (Spring 1989), p.153-9.

1510. [TRACTATULUS verborum defectivorum]. [Colophon:] Explicit tractatus verborum defectivorum. - [Rouen] : Impressus Rothomagi in officina Richardi Goupil, juxta conventum sanct. Augustin ad intersignum regulae aurae commorantis. Imprented at the expence, and for Martin Coffin, dwelling at Exeter , [1510?]. - 4°. - Not extant, probably tract without titlepage bound after a copy of: Catho cum commento. - cf STC 23163.4. - *Dredge p.5 (Herbert); Orme, Nicholas. "Martin Coeffin, the first Exeter publisher", Library, 6th series, vol. 10, no. 3 (Sept. 1988), p.220-30.

1520. EXETER. Cathedral. In the name of God. Amen. It ys to be meme<m>bred that ye great indulgence and pardon which dyverse holy fathers, popes, cardynalles, archbysshops and bysshops have given and grau[n]ted to all the brothers and systers, and good doers of the cathedrall church of Exeter, extendeth to the somme of .liiii. yeres and one lent. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1500/35]. - 1 sheet. - Printed at some time between about 1500 and 1536. - Oliver, George. Lives of the bishops of Exeter, (Exeter : Roberts , 1861), p.249; Orme, Nicholas. "A letter of Saint Roche", Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 36, pt 5 (Spring 1989), p.154.

1525. BOETIUS. The boke of comfort called in laten Boecius de consolatione philosophie. Translated into englesse tonge. - [Tavistock] : Emprented in the exempt monastery of Tauestok in Denshyre. By me Dan Thomas Rychard monke of the sayd monastery. To the instant desyre of the ryght Worshypful Esquyer Master Robert Langdon , Anno D' MDXXV. - 4°. - Translated by John Walton, canon of Osney. - STC 3200 ; *Dredge p.56 (Exeter College).

1534. DEVON. Stannary Court. Here foloyth the confirmation of the charter perteynynge to all the tynners wythyn the cou[n]tey of Deuonshyre wyth there statutes also made at Crockeryntorre by the hole asse[n]t and co[n]sent of al the sayd tynners. Yn the yere of the reygne of our soverayne Lord Kynge Henry viij the secu[n]d yere. - [Tavistock] : Here endyth the statutes of the stannary. Imprented yn Tauystoke ye xx daye of August the yere of the reygne off our souereyne Lord Kynge Henry ye viij the xxvi yere God save the Kynge , [1534]. - 16 leaves ; 4°. - *Dredge p.56 (Exeter College); Davidson p.111 (Exeter College, Gough, Lowndes).

1538. EXETER. Cathedral. The copye of the kynges gracyous letters pate[n]tes, for gatherynge and receyuynge thacustomed dutye ... - [London] : T.Petyt , [1538]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Dated 9 November 1538. For collections to maintain Exeter Cathedral. - *STC 7789.3.

1563. EXETER. Cathedral. The copy of the quenes gratious letters patentes for gathering and receyuing thaccoustomed dutye ... - [London] : John Daye , [1563]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Dated 4 March 1563, confirming the letters patent for collections to maintain Exeter Cathedral granted 1538. - *STC 7956.3.

1566. EXETER. Corporation. The citie of Exceter. At the seuerall sessions fyrst holden and kept in the Guildhall of Exceter ... the xxiiii daye of Aprille in the eight yere of our Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth ... the rates of wages of artificers, seruauntes and laborers, rated by the Maior of the citie of Exceter, ... - [London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Church-yarde by Richard Jugge and John Cawood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie , anno 1566. Mense Iunii. - 2 leaves ; 1°. - *Devon Record Office (Exeter City Archives, Ancient letters L65,73) ; STC 7995.3. The rates for wages were required by an act of 5 Eliz. 1 c.4 to be established by local justices. They are listed by STC under the heading for proclamations.

1567. EXETER. Corporation. The citie and countie of Exceter. At the generall sessions first holden and kept in the Guyldhall of Exceter, in the countie of the citie of Exceter after Easter, that is to wit, the tenth day of Aprill, in the ninth yere of the raigne of our souveraigne lady, Elizabeth ... The rates and wages of artificers, seruauntes, and labourers, rated by the Maior of the citie of Exceter ... - [London] : Imprinted at London by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie , Anno 1567, mense Iunii. - 1 sheet ; 1°. - *Devon Record Office.

1575. HOOKER, John. The discription of the cittie of Excester. [London] : [John Allde] , [1575?]. - 4°. - Also issued as part 2 of "The order and vsage of the keeping of a parlement in England. - *STC 24886; DUL 36220.

1575. HOOKER, John. The order and vsage of keeping of a parlement in England, and the description of Fxcester [sic]. - [London] : [John Allde and John Charlewood?] , [1575?]. - 4°. - Part 1 a reissue of sheets originally printed, probably by John Charlewood, with a dedication to Sir William Fitzwilliam, Lord Deputy of Ireland, dated 3 October 1572, now supplied with a new dedication to the mayor and senators of Exeter, and with part 2, the description of Exeter, added. Part 2 also issued separately. - *STC 24887.

1575. HOOKER, John. Orders enacted for orphans and for their portions within the citie of Excester, with sundry other instructions incident to the same, collected and set forth by Iohn Vowell alias Hooker gentleman and chamberlaine of the same citie. ... - [London] : Imprinted at London by Iohn Allde , [1575?]. - [49] leaves ; 4°. - Signed A-F4,2A-C,F-H4,_1. - *WSL; STC 24888; DUL 36250.

1584. HOOKER, John. A catalog of the bishops of Excester. - London : Henry Denham [for John Hooker] , 1584. - 4°. - Probably issued with Hooker's "A pamphlet of the offices ... ". - Snow shows that Hooker's Exeter pamphlets were largely intended for distribution within Exeter. - *STC 24885; DUL36200; Snow, Vernon F. "John Hooker's circle: evidence from his new year's gift list of 1584", Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 33 (1977) p.273-7,317-24.

1584. HOOKER, John. A pamphlet of the offices, and duties of euerie particular sworne officer, of the citie of Excester : collected by Iohn Vowell alias Hoker, gentleman & chamberlaine of the same. ... - [London] : Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham [for John Hooker] , 1584. - [38]p ; 4°. - Signed _1,A-I2. - Probably issued with Hooker's A catalog of the bishops of Excester, see previous entry. - *WSL; STC 24889: Snow, Vernon F. "John Hooker's circle ...", Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 33 (1977) p.273-7,317-24.

1586. CHARDON, John. A sermon preached at the funerals of Syr Gawen Carewe, very worshipfully buried in the Cathedral Church of Exeter, 22 April, 1584. By John Chardon, D.D. - Exeter : [s.n.] , 1586. - *Dredge p.5; Davidson p.142 (Bookseller's catalogue, probably error for Oxford, STC 4999.7 has imprint Oxford : J.Barnes , 1586).

1587. HOOKER, John. Isca Danmoniorum Britanice Kaier Penhuelgorte: Saxonice Monketon: Latine Exonia: Anglice Exeancestre vel Exestre at nunc vulgo Exeter: urbs peratiqua, et emporium celeberrimum. - [London?] : Opera et impensis Joannis Hokeri generosi ac huius civitatis quaestoris hanc tabella sculpsit Remigius Hogenberg , 1587. - 355x510mm. - Bird's eye view of Exeter existing in three states:
State A: Pair of compasses in lower right corner. British Library.
State B: Compasses erased. One copy with Dymond family of Chagford.
State C: Compass rose added in lower right corner, St. Leonard area re-engraved, church repositioned 4cm higher. Copy in Exeter Guildhall.
STC 24886.3; DUL 36210, 36230.

1588. EXETER Corporation. The citie of Exeter. The rates of wages of artificers, seruants, and labourers, rated by the Maior of the citie of Exeter, ... - [London] : Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie , [1588]. 1 sheet ; 1°. - Dated at end: 1588. Iuly 20. A reprint of the 1566 rate with a few omissions. - STC 8172.3; *Devon Record Office (Exeter City Archives, Ancient letters L93). See note under 1566.

1589. DOWRICHE, Anne. The French historie. That is, a lamentable discourse of three bloodie broiles in France for the gospell of Jesus Christ. - London : T.Orwin for W.Russell, dwelling at Exeter , 1589. - 4°. - STC 7159.3. - Variant imprint: T.Orwin for T.Man.

1594. HUARTE, John. Examen de ingenios. The examination of mens wits. In whiech, by discouering the varietie of natures, is shewed for what profesion each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By John Huarte. Translated out of the Spanish tongue by M. Camillo Camilli. Englished out of his Italian by R. C. Esquire. - London : Printed by Adam Islip for C.Hunt of Excester , 1594. - 333p ; 4°. - R.C = Richard Carew. - *Dredge p.42 (W.D.Macray).

1594. TASSO, Torquato. Godfrey of Bvlloigne, or the recouerie of Heirvsalem. An heroicall poeme, written in Italian by Seig. Torquato Tasso and translated into English by R.C. Esquire; and now the first part, containing five cantos, imprinted in both languages. - London : Printed by John Windet for Christopher Hunt, of Exeter , 1594. - 119 leaves ; 4°. - R.C = Richard Carew. - STC 23697 ; *Dredge p.5 (Bibliotheca Cornubiensia). - Variant imprint exists: London : J.Windet for T.Man , [1594].

1595. DEVON. Justices. The countie of Deuon. The rates of wages ... [29 April 1595]. - London : Deputies of C.Barker , [1595]. - 3 sheets. - STC 8245.5.

1595. EXETER. Corporation. The citie of Exeter. ... the rates of wages of artificers, servants, and others, rated by the maior of the citie of Exeter, and the justices of the peace of the said county of the citie of Exeter, at the Guildhall of Exeter, the xxiiii day of April, in the xxxvii yeare of the reign of our soveraigne ladie Elizabeth. - London : Deputies of C.Barker , [1595]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Dated: Aug. 30. 1595. - *Davidson supp. p.5 (P); STC 8247.2.

1596. HUARTE, John. Examen de ingenios. The examination of mens wits. In which, by discouering the varietie of natures, is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By John Huarte. Translated out of the Spanish tongue by M. Camillo Camilli. Englished by R. C. Esquire. - London : Printed by Adam Islip for Christopher Hunt, at Exeter , 1596. - 333p ; 4°. - R. C. = Richard Carew. - *Dredge p.5 (Herbert, Hazlitt).

1631. BEARD, Thomas. The theatre of God's judgements. By Thomas Beard, preacher of the word of God in the towne of Huntingdon. - London : Printed by Adam Islip for Michael Sparke and are to be sould by Edward Dight, bookseller of Excester , 1631. - *Burnet Morris; STC 1661.5.

1631. FITZ-GEFFRIE, Charles. The curse of corne-horders : with the blessing of seasonable selling. In three sermons, on Pro. II. 26. Begun at Bodmyn and continued at Fowy. By Charles Fitz-Geffrie. - [London] : Printed at London by I.B. for Edward Dight, dwelling in Excester , 1631. - 4°. - Variant imprint: Printed at London by I.B. for Michael Sparke,at the Blew Bible in Greenarbor , 1631. - *Dredge p.7; STC 10939.

1631. GROSSE, Alexander. Deaths deliverance, and Eliahs fiery charet. Two [funeral] sermons preached at Plymouth, the one [for] Thomas Sherwill, magistrate. [The other for] Matthias Nicols, preacher. - London : J.D[awson] for J.Boler, sold by W.Russell in Plymouth 1632. - 4°. - *STC 12393.5. Plymouth Public Library lists (L2627): Elijah's fiery charet ... funeral sermon on Matthias Nicols ... - Plymouth : [s.n.] , 1631. - Possibly a separate issue of the second sermon.

1631. MICO, John. Spiritvall food and physicke. Viz. Milke for the younger. Meat for the stronger. The substance of divinitie. A pill to purge out Poperie. The fourth edition, corrected and inlarged by the author Iohn Mico, preacher of God's word, in Exceter. - London : Printed for Iames Boler, and are to be sold by Thomas Hunt in Exeter , 1631. - 8°. - STC 17863. ; *Dredge p.6 (Bodleian).

1640. JOHNSON, Thomas. Stand up to your beliefe, or, a combat betweene Satan tempting and a christian triumphing in the comfort of the creed. By Thomas Johnson, of Wol Borrow, Devonshire. - [London] : Printed at London by E.G[riffin]., and are to be sold by Thomas Hunt, bookeseller, in St. Peters Church-yard in Exeter , [1640]. - Bs. - STC 14706. ; *Dredge p.6 (Hazlitt).

1641. JELINGER, Christopher. The excellency of Christ, or, the rose of Sharon : shewing the art of taking Christ as the onely soveraign medicine of a sin-sick sovl. Accommodated both for those that are without, and for those that are in Christ, who are thereby instructed how they may be fitted to apply Christ unto themselves. In 25 cases upon that excellent text in Cant 2.1. I am the rose of Sharon. By Christopher Ielinger, minister of Gods word at Stonehouse in Devonshire. - London : Printed by I.L. for Fran. Eglesfield, and are to be sold by William Russell bookseller in Plimouth , 1641. - [14],256,[8]p ; 8°. - Wing2 J452; *WSL; Dredge p.36; Troup, Frances B. "Biographical sketch of the Rev. Christopher Jelinger. Bibliographical notes by J.Ingle Dredge", Trans. Dev. Assoc. vol. 32 (1900), p.259. - Also exists with variant imprint: London : Printed by I.L. for Fran. Eglesfield, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Mary-Gold in Paul's Churchyard , 1641.

1643. BOND, John. Having lately seene a pamphlet ... - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1643]. - 1 sheet. - Dated: Exon. Aprill 8. 1643. - Other works by John Bond were distributed by Francis Eglesfield who had Exeter links. Probably printed in London. - *Wing2 B3571.

1645. CERTAIN prayers fitted to severall occasions. To be used in His Majesties armies, and garrisons. Published by His Highnesse command. - Exeter : Printed by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers to the King's most excellent Majesty , 1645. - [2],18p ; 4°. Wing2 C4091i. ; *Sessions, W.B. The King's printer at Newcastle upon Tyne in 1639 at Bristol in 1643-1645 at Exeter in 1645-1646, 1982; Dredge p.91 (British Museum).

1645. CHARLES II. By His Highnesse the Prince of Great Brittain, Duke of Cornwall and Albany, highest captain generall of all His Majesties forces raised and to be raised within the kingdom of England, dominion of Wales and town of Berwick, &c. A proclamation, for all persons within our quarters in the county of Devon able to bear arms, not being otherwise imployed by His Highnesse, or dispenced withall, to attend His Highnesse now advancing in person to meet the rebels. As also for a generall supplication to be made in all churches of Devon and Exeter, on Sunday the 4. of January, for Gods blessing on His Highnesse, and his forces. ... Given at our court at Tavistock the 29. of Decemb. 1645. Charles P. By His Highnesse command in councell Rich: Fanshawe. - [Exeter] : Imprinted at Exeter by Robert Barker, and John Bill, printers to the Kings most excellent Majesty , 1645. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Wing2 C3314, F418. ; *Sessions, W.K. The King's printer ..., 1982; Dredge p.92 (British Museum); Davidson p.77.

1645. A COPY of a petition, commended to the peace-making association in the West, by Colonell Blake, and Colonell Pyne, to be subscribed and presented by them to Sir Thomas Fairfax, instead of subscription, they returned this brief and moderate answer. Also a new oath now injoyned by ordinance of both Houses, directly contrary to the oath of allegiance, and their own protestation, at the beginning of this parliament. - Exeter : Imprinted in the yeer , 1645. - [2],14p ; 4°. - Wing2 C6186; *Dredge p.92 (British Museum); Davidson p.75; Sessions.

1645. FULLER, Thomas. Good thoughts in bad times, consisting of personall meditations. Scripture observations. Historicall observations. Mixt contemplations. By Thomas Fuller ... - Exeter : Printed for Thomas Hunt , 1645. - [10],250p ; 12°. - Wing2 F2425. ; *Dredge p.7; Sessions.

1645. GORING, George. Baron Norwich. Lord George Goring generall of all His Majesties forces of horse, that are, or shall be raised in the Kingdom of England and dominion of Wales and Lieutenant-Generall to His Highnesse Prince Rupert of this Western Army ... - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , 1645. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Address to inhabitants of Devon and Somerset dated: Exon 20 Sept. 1645. - *Sessions,W.K. The King's printer ..., 1982; Davidson p.76 (British Museum); Wing2 G1303 (gives imprint as [London]).

1647. JELINGER, Christopher. The usefulnesse and excellency of Christ. - London : For F.Eglesfield, to be sold by Tho. Hunt in Exeter , 1647. - 12°. - Wing2 J548 ; *Clough.

1648. ANTHONY, Edward. Practicall law, controlling and countermanding the common law : and the sword of warre the sword of iustice. Against all the late declarations and publications of the army, that they fight for the people's liberties and lawes. - Printed at Exeter , 1648. [2],6p ; 4°. - Wing2 A3478 ; *Dredge p.92 (British Museum); Sessions, W.K. The King's printer ..., 1982; Davidson supp. p. 15n (Secktor Lib); Plymouth Athenaeum p.27.

1648. HERRICK, Robert. Hesperides : or, the works both human & divine of Robert Herrick Esq. - London : Printed for John Williams, and Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold by Tho: Hunt, bookseller in Exon , 1648. - 8°. - Wing2 H1595. ; *Sessions, W.K. The King's printer ..., 1982; Clough.

1655. TICKELL, John. The sum and substance of religion. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1655?]. - 1 sheet. - Wing1 T1158 ; *Clough.

1661. BLAKE, Martin. An earnest plea for peace and moderation in a sermon, preached at Barnstaple, in Devon, to the ministers and others, occasionally there assembled, Octob. 17. 1660. By Martin Blake, B.D. ... - London : Printed for Francis Eglesfield, at the Marigold, in St. Pauls Church-yard, ... and are to be sold by Christopher Hunt, bookseller in Barnstaple , 1661. - [8],24p ; 4°. - *Dredge p.3 (Barnstaple Literary Institution); Sheaves 3 p.485; cf Wing2 B3133 (Francis Eglesfield only).

1661. RICH, John. Verses on the blessed and happy coronation. - London : Printed for and are to be sold by John Ratkliffe in Plymouth , 1661. - 2°. - Wing1 R1352 ; *Clough.

1662. ROYSTON, R. Books lately printed for R.Royston in London, and sold by Abisha Brocas in Exeter; and Christopher Hunt of Barnstable, booksellers. - [London] : [R.Royston] , [1662?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Pasted inside book in Devon Record Office *(DRO Sandford Add2/P21).

1663. VILVAIN, Robert. Theoremata theologica : theological treatises. Octo theses theologicae: eight theses of divinity. ... Compiled or collected by Rob. Vilvain. - London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Michael Hide, bookseller, in Excester , 1663. - 4°. - Reissue of 1654 edition with new titlepage. - Wing1 V398; *Dredge p.7; DUL 72450.

1666. WARD, Seth. A sermon preached before the peers, in the Abby-church at Westminster : October 10th, M.DC.LXIV. By Seth Lord Bishop of Exon. - The third edition. - London : printed by E.C. for James Collins, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas bookseller in Exon , 1666. - [4],31,[1]p ; 4°. - *WSL; Wing1 W829; Dredge p.93.

1667. CLELAND, Benjamin. The saints encouragement or a treatise wherein is handled, how we may ease our troubled hearts, by believing in God and His son Jesus Christ : as also, by considering our future happpiness in Gods house in heaven, with the means by which we may come to be partakers of it, and marks to know, whether or no we are such as shall be inheritors of it. Together with the comforts arising from Christ's second coming, and our being with Him in heaven. By Benjamin Cleland, M.A., minister in Devon. ... - London : Printed by John Redmayne for Walter Dight, over against the Guildhal in Exon , 1667. - 8°. - *Dredge p.8 (Dymond).

1667. FULLWOOD, Francis. The general assembly : or, the necessity of receiving the communion in our publick congregations, evinced from the nature of the church, the word of God, and presbyterian principles. In a sermon lately preached in the Cathedral Church of Exeter. By Francis Fullwood, D.D. ... - London : Printed by E.Cotes for James Collins, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas bookseller in Exon , 1667. - iv,30p ; 4°. - Wing2 F2503 ; *Dredge p.61; Sheaves 1 p.522.

1668. FORD, Thomas. [Autokatakritos. Greek types] or, the sinner condemned of himself ; being a plea for God, against all the ungodly, proving them alone guilty of their own destruction; and that they shall be condemned in the great dy of account, not for that they lacked, but only because they neglected the means of their salvation. And also, shewing how fallacious and frivolous a pretence it is in any, to say, they would do better, if they could; when indeed all men could, and might do better, if they would. By one, that wisheth better to all, than most do themselves. ... - London : Printed for Edward Brewster, and are to be sold by Anne Dight, bookseller in Exon , 1668. - [14],256p ; 8°. - Wing2 F1511; *Dredge p.93.

1668. MALL, Thomas. The axe at the root. - London : for John Weeks in Tiverton , 1668. - 4°. - *Wing2 M328a.

1668. MALL, Thomas. Of holy living. First a serious exhortation theretunto. Secondly choice directions therein, both for every working, and for every Lord's-day. ... - London : Printed for William Grantham at the Black-Bear in Westminster-Hall, and are to be sold by Robert Eveleigh, bookseller in Exon , 1668. - [10],118p ; 12°. - Wing2 M334; *Dredge p.93 (Bodleian).

1668. MALL, Thomas. A serious exhortation to holy living. By Thomas Mall. ... - London : Printed for William Grantham at the Black-Bear in Westminster-Hall, and are to be sold by Robert Eveleigh, bookseller in Exon , 1668. - [10],118p ; 12°. - Wing2 M335; *Dredge p.93. - Section title for: Of holy living.

1668. STODDON, Samuel. The voice of the rod, or God's controversie pleaded with man. Being a plain and brief discourse on Mich. 6.9. By L.N. [Philomathes. Greek type]. ... - London : Printed for Walter Dight, bookseller in Exeter , 1668. - [48],288p ; 8°. - Wing1 S5715; *Dredge p8; Sheaves 2 p.354-5 . - Variant author statement and imprint: ... By Samuel Stoddon, Minister of God's word. ... - London : Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Robert Boulter, at the sign of the Turks-head in Bishops-gate-street, near Gresham Colledge , 1668.

1668. WETENHALL, Edward. Miserere cleri. A sermon, presenting the miseries of the clergy, and assigning their true causes in order of redress : preached before the Right Honourable Sir John Vaughan knight, Lord Chief Justice of His Majesties Court of Common Pleas, and Sir John Archer knight, one of the justices of the same court, in the Cathedral of Saint Peter, Exon, at the assizes, on Sunday, July 26, 1668. By Edw. Wetenhall, one of the prebendaries of that church. - [London] : In the Savoy, printed by T.N. for James Collins, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas bookseller in Exon , 1668. - [2],25,[1]p ; 4°. - Wing1 W1505; *Dredge p.8; Sheaf 5 p.595.

1670. HOLE, Matthew. Our Saviours passion. - London : For Richard Royston, to be sold by Abisha Brocas in Exon , 1670. - 4°. - Wing2 H2411; *Clough.

1672. FULLWOOD, Francis. The doctrine of schism fully opened. - London : By S.C. and B.G. for James Collins, and sold by Abisha Brocas in Exon , 1672. - 8°. - *Wing2 F2501a.

1672. GOULD, William. Domus mea, domus orationis, a sermon preached in the cathedral church of St. Peter in Exon ... - London : for R.Royston, to be sold by Abisha Brocas, in Exeter , 1672. - 4°. - Wing2 G1439; *Clough; Plymouth Public Library L1186.

1672. TOLERATION not to be abused by the independents. - London : For John Martyn, to be sold by Abisha Brocas, in Exeter , 1672. - 4°. - Wing1 F2518 (under Fullwood); (Wing2 under title); *Clough.

1673. FULLWOOD, Francis. Humble advice to the conforming and non-conforming ministers.- London : For J.Collins and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas in Exon , 1673. - 8°. - *Wing2 F2508a.

1673. A SERMON preach'd on May the 29th, 1673. In one of His Majesties licens'd meetings in Devon. - London : Printed by T.P. and are to be sold by Michael Hide, bookseller in Exon , 1673. - 4°. - Wing1 S2640; *Dredge p.9.

1674. GOULD, William. Conformity according to the canon justified ; and the new way of moderation reproved : a sermon preached at Exon, in the Cathedral of St. Peter, at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Anthony by divine permission Lord Bishop of Exon. By William Gould. - London : Printed by A.Maxwell, for R.Royston, bookseller to his most sacred Majesty, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas, bookseller in Exon , 1674. - 53p ; 4°. - Wing2 G1438; *Dredge p.93-4.

1674. PRINCE, John. A sermon preached at Exon, in the Cathedral of St. Peter, at the visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Anthony, by divine permission Lord Bishop of Exon. By John Prince, minister of the gospel at St. Martins, Exon. - London : Printed by A.Maxwell, for R.Royston, bookseller to His Most Sacred Majesty, and are to be sold by Abisha Brocas, bookseller in Exon , 1674. - 4°. - WSL; Wing1 R1318; *Dredge p.61 (E.Windeatt); DUL 58840.

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© Ian Maxted, 2001