09 November 2022

Westcountry bibliometric tables. Podcast 5.


 Westcountry bibliometric tables 

To accompany the University of Exeter project

Writing religious conflict and community in Exeter, 1500-1750

Podcast 5 by Ian Maxted, recorded November 2022

Table 10. Imprints of London publisher Francis Eglesfield which have Westcountry links.

AuthorTitleLondon PrinterWestcountry booksellerYear.Westcountry significance
Eglesfield, JamesA heavenly hymne to the king of heaven. Presented in a sermon, by Iames Eglesfield, Mr. of Arts in Queenes Colledge in Oxon late Vicar of Chewton in Sommerset. -Dawson, John.[None named, author probably Westcountry relative]1640. -Author, probable relative, Vicar of Chewton in Sommerset.
Bache, ArthurThe voyce of the Lord in the Temple, or, A most strange and wonderfull relation of Gods great power, providence, and mercy in sending very strange sounds, fires, and a fiery ball into the church of Anthony in Cornwall neere Plimmouth, on Whitsunday last, 1640, to the scorching and astonishing of 14 severall persons who were smitten, [...] the truth whereof will be maintained by the oathes of the same persons, having been examined by Richard Carew of Anthony, Esquire, an Arthur Bache, Vicar of Anthony. -Paine, Thomas.Russell, William, Plymouth (also issued without his name)1640. -Fireball in church of Anthony in Cornwall near Plymouth
Jelinger, ChristopherThe excellency of Christ, or, The rose of Sharon: shewing the art of taking Christ as the onely soveraign medicine of a sin-sick soul. [...]. In 25 cases upon that excellent text in Cant. 2.1. I am the rose of Sharon. By Christopher Ielinger, minister of Gods Word at Stonehouse in Devonshire. -Legate, John.Russell, William, Plymouth (also issued without his name but printed "for Tho. Nickols" not Eglesfield).1641. -Author minister of Gods Word at Stonehouse, Plymouth.
[Anonymous]A continuation of The true narration of the most observable passages in and about Plymouth, from Ianuary 26. 1643. till this present; [...]. Together with the letter of Sir Richard Greenvile, with the answer to it, as also the burning of a booke inclosed in his letter by the hand of the hangman, the book being intituled, The iniquity of the Covenant. With the discovery of a shee traytor together with the articles prooved on oath against her at a councell of warre. Published by authoritie. -Dawson, John.[None named but Plymouth relevance]1644. -Recent events in and about Plymouth.
Midhope, StephenDeaths advantage: or A sermon preached at the funerall of that noble and valiant gentleman, Colonell William Gould, High Sheriffe of Devon: by order of Parliament, and late commander of the fort and island in Plymouth. By Stephen Midhope, Mr. of Arts. -Norton, Luke.[None named but Plymouth relevance]1644. -Funeral sermon for Colonell William Gould, Sheriff of Devon and commander of the fort and island in Plymouth
Bond, JohnOccasus occidentalis: or, Job in the VVest. As it was laid forth in two severall sermons, at two publike fasts, for the five associated westerne counties. By Iohn Bond B.L. late lecturer in the City of Exon, now minister at the Savoy, London. A member of the Assembly of Divines. -Dawson, John.[None named but Exeter relevance]1645. -Author late lecturer in Exeter, sermons for the Western Counties.
Bond, JohnOriens ab occidente: or, A dawning in the vvest· As it was delivered in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons, at Westminster; upon their day of thanksgiving, for severall victories in the west, &c. By John Bond Mr of the Savoy, and one of the Assembly of Divines. -Dawson, John.[None named but Exeter relevance]1645. -Sermon for late victories in the West.
Bond, JohnOrtus occidentalis: or, A dawning in the vvest· As it was delivered in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons, at Westminster; upon their day of thanksgiving, for severall victories in the west, &c. By John Bond Mr of the Savoy, and one of the Assembly of Divines. -Dawson, John.[None named but Exeter relevance]1645. -Sermon for late victories in the West.
Newton, GeorgeMans wrath and Gods praise. Or, A thanks-giving sermon, preached at Taunton, in the county of Somerset, the 11th. of May, [...] for the gratious deliverance of that poore towne from the strait siege. By George Newton, Mr. of Arts, and minister of the Gospell in that place. -Wilson, W.Treagle, George, Taunton (also issued without his name)1646. -Thanksgiving sermon, preached at Taunton, on deliverance from siege in 1645.
Ford, SimonThe great interest of states & kingdomes. The second part. A sermon preached on a publike thanksgiving, on the 12th. of May, 1646. at Botolphs Alders-gate: and after (upon the desire of some friends) enlarged at Pauls Church in Covent-garden, on the Lords Day, May 17th. 1646. By Simon Ford, minister of the Gospel at Puddle-Towne in Dorcet-shire. -Wilson, W.Long, John, Dorchester (also issued without his name).1646. -Author minister of the Gospel at Puddletown, Dorset.
Herrick, RobertHis noble numbers: or, His pious pieces vvherein (amongst other things) he sings the birth of his Christ and sighes for his Saviours suffering on the crosse. -[None named][None named]1647. -Author vicar of Dean Prior, Devon.
Jelinger, ChristopherThe usefulnesse and excellency of Christ, shewing the art of taking Christ as the only soveraigne medicine of a sin-sick soule. In twenty fiue cases: upon that excellent text in Cant. 2.1. I am the Rose of Sharon. By Christopher Jelinger minister of Gods word, at South-Brent in Deuonshire. -[None named]Hunt, Thomas, Exeter.1647. -Author minister of Gods word, South Brent, Devon.
Gauden, JohnEikon basilike the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitude and sufferings. -Dugard, William.[None named]1648/9. -Bishop of Exeter, but only 1660–1662.
Herrick, RobertHesperides: or, The vvorks both humane & divine of Robert Herrick Esq. -[None named]Hunt, Thomas, Exeter (also issued without his name)1648. -Author vicar of Dean Prior, Devon.
Batt, TimothyThe vvaters of Marah sweetned. A thanks-giving sermon. Preached at Taunton, in the county of Somerset, May 11. 1647. for the gracious deliverance of that poore towne from the strait and bloody siege. By T.B. Master of Arts, and a minister of the gospel in that county. -[None named]Treagle, George, Taunton1648. -Thanksgiving sermon, preached at Taunton, on deliverance from siege in 1645.
Gauden, JohnApophthegmata aurea, regia, Carolina. Apophthegms I. Theological. II. Moral. III. Political. Collected out of the incomparable Eikon basilike. of His most glorious Majestie King Charls the First. -Dugard, William.[None named]1649. -Bishop of Exeter, but only 1660–1662,
Gauden, JohnEikon basilike. The pourtraicture of His sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. Whereunto are annexed his praiers and apophthegms. &c. -Dugard, William.[None named]1649. -Bishop of Exeter, but only 1660–1662,
Gauden, JohnEikon basilike. Vel imago Regis Caroli, in illis suis ærumnis & solitudine. -Bentley, William.[None named]1649. -Bishop of Exeter, but only 1660–1662,
Jeanes, HenryThe vvorks of heaven upon earth: or The excellencie of praise and thanksgiving, in part displayed in a sermon, inlarged into a treatise, preached at Taunton in the county of Somerset May 11. 1648. Being the day set apart for the annuall commemoration of the deliverance o that town, by the reliefe which they received on May 11. anno 1645. By Henry Jeanes minister of Gods word at Chedzoy in the same county. -Dawson, Gertrude.Treagle, George, Taunton (also issued without his name)1649. -Thanksgiving sermon, preached at Taunton, on deliverance from siege in 1645.
Larkham, ThomasThe attributes of God vnfolded, and applied. Wherein are handled the 1 Life 2 Perfection 3 Holiness 4 Benignitie 5 Mercy 6 Truth 7 Wisdome 8 Power 9 Justice of God. 10 Love 11 Hatred 12 Anger 13 Independencie 14 Simplicitie 15 Eternitie 16 Infiniteness 17 Immutability 18 Immensity of God. Delivered in sundry sermons, at Tavistocke in Devon: By Thomas Larkham, preacher of the word of God, and pastour of the congregation there. Divided into three parts. -[None named][None named]1656. -Sermons preached at Tavistock.
Larkham, ThomasA discourse of paying of tithes by T.L. ... ; together with an appendix . -Ratcliffe, Thomas & Mottershead, E.[None named]1656. -Author pastor of Tavistock.
Moore, FrancisNatures goodnight. Or, A sermon preached in the parish-church of Bovitracy in Devon, at the funerall of the vertuous and godly Mrs. Mary Forbes, the great loss and sorrow of the neighbour-hood. By Fra: Moore, curate of soules at Highweek. -Grismond, John.[None named]1656. -sermon preached at Bovey Tracy in Devon
Larkham, ThomasThe parable of the wedding-supper explained wherein the offer of salvation both to Jews and Gentiles is plainly and pithily applied : whereunto is added a discourse of the payment of tythes, with an appendix by way of apology for the seasonablenesse of it, very useful for gospel times by Tho. Larkham ... -[None named][None named]1656. -Author pastor of Tavistock.
Hamand, HenryOurography or Speculations on the excrements of urine with the distinctions, causes, colours, and contents thereof: and other symptomes observed in nature. [...] By Henry Hamand. -Daniel, R.Ballard, William, Bristol (also issued without his name)1656. -Unascertained, perhaps a Bristol medical practitioner.
Ballamie, RichardThe leper clensed, or The redvction of an erring Christian. Being a narrative of Richard Ballamie of Tiverton his falling off to Anabaptism and of his returning to the truth, with the causes and occasions of both. [...] By him published, to caution young ignorant Christians against the error of that way. -[None named][None named]1657. -narrative of Richard Ballamie of Tiverton his falling off to Anabaptism and of his returning to the truth
Allein, TobyTruths manifest revived, or A farther discovery of Mr. Stucley and his churches causeless excommunication of Mrs. Mary Allein. Wherein the former narrative and observations on Mr. Stucleys sermon, are reprinted and his late scandulous pamphlet, falsly intituled (Manifest truth) answered and refuted. By Tobie Allein of Exon. -Daniel, R.Mongwell, John, junior, Exeter (also issued without his name).1659. -excommunication of Mrs. Mary Allein. By Tobie Allein of Exon.
Bury, ArthurThe mystery of iniquity, discovered to work in the children of disobedience. Whereby the pretended godliness of schismatics appeareth, to be the greatest ungodliness. In a cathedral-lecture at St. Peters in Exon. By Arthur Bury M.A some time fellow of Exon Coll. in Oxon. -[None named][None named]1660. -cathedral-lecture at St. Peters in Exon.
Blake, MartinAn earnest plea for peace and moderation in a sermon, preached at Barnstaple in Devon to the ministers, and others, occasionally there assembled, Octob. 17. 1660. By Martin Blake B.D. -[None named]Hunt, Christopher, Barnstaple (also issued without his name).1661. -sermon, preached at Barnstaple in Devon
Quick, JohnHell open’d, or, The infernal sin of murther punished. Being a true relation of the poysoning of a whole family in Plymouth, whereof two died in a short time. For which horrid fact, the malefactors were condemned before the Lord Chief Justice North at Exceter, the last Lent assizes. [...] Published for a warning to both young and old, to flie iniquity, and exercise themselves in the practice of godliness. By J. Q. minister of the Gospel. -[None named]Dight, Walter, Exeter (also issued without his name)1679. -The poysoning of a whole family in Plymouth, the malefactors were condemned at Exceter, the last Lent assizes.

Source: ESTC, search on Eglesfield in imprint with Westcountry items selected from results and variant issues merged.

Francis Eglesfield was a prominent London publisher, particularly of religious texts, active between 1637 and 1688. 162 imprints are listed in ESTC, some 40 of them with some kind of Westcountry content. Some are variant issues of the same title, 13 with a local bookseller between 1640 and 1678. 

Table 11. Publications from the press of J. B. when William of Orange was in Exeter, 1688.

1. - A form of prayer, &c. Translated from the Dutch. [Exeter : printed by J.B., 1688]
2. - The general association, of the gentlemen of Devon, to His Highness the Prince of Orange. Exon : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1688.
3. - The general association, of the gentlemen of Devon, to His Highness the Prince of Orange. Exon : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1688.
4. - William III, King of England. A letter, &c. [Exeter? : s.n., 1688]
5. - William III, King of England. A letter, &c. [Exeter? : s.n., 1688]
6. - William III, King of England. The speech of the Prince of Orange, to some principle gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire, Exeter : printed by J.B., 1688. 7. William III, King of England. To all the officers and souldiers in the English army. [Exeter? : s.n., 1688]
8. - The general association, of the gentlemen of Devon, to his Highness the Prince of Orange. Exon : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1689.
9. - William I, Prince of Orange, 1533-1584. The Prince of Orange’s letter to the King [Felipe II of Spain, requesting the Cardinal de Granvelle's removal from Flanders]. Exon : [s.n.], printed in the year, 1689.
10. - William III, King of England. The Prince of Oranges speech to the Lords, &c. concerned with him. Printed at Exeter : [s.n.], M DC LXXXIX. [1689]
11. - William III, King of England. The Prince of Oranges speech to the Lords, &c. concerned with him. Printed at Exeter : [s.n.], M DC LXXXIX. [1689]

Sources: ESTC search on Exeter as place of publication and 1688->1689 as year of publication.

William of Orange was in Exeter from 10-21 November 1688. The fact that some imprints bear the date 1689 does not necessarily imply that the press remained in Exeter. Printers normally used the Gregorian calendar year, starting 1 January rather than the legal year starting 25 March and were in the habit of postdating imprints from November to allow for delays in publication. J. B. has been identified as John Bringhurst, a Quaker printer, the only individual with those initials in the 1686 list, who is recorded in the Low Countries in 1688. There is no evidence to support the statement that there was a printer in Exeter in 1683. William of Orange's press had little impact on Exeter book trade. 

Table 12. Publication of Exeter related sermons in 1710s.



Sponsor / circumstances




Pages 8°



Bartlet, William, 1678-1720.

Barnabas's character and success. A sermon Preach'd at Exon, May the 9th. 1716.

Before an Assembly of the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwal.Publish'd at their Request.


for John Clark





Ham, Robert, 1650 or 1651-1731.

The right way of obtaining a good and safe peace with our enemies. …

sermon preach'd in Sandford Church, … January the 16th. 1711/12.


by Joseph Bliss, for Philip Yeo, Bookseller





Wolcombe, Robert, 1663 or 1664-.

A sermon preach'd at the assizes held at Exon

Publish'd at the Request of the High-Sheriff, and the Gentlemen of the Grand-Jury.


by Jos. Bliss, for Philip Bishop, Bookseller





Calamy, Edmund, 1671-1732.

The prudence of the serpent, and innocence of the dove. A sermon preach'd at Exon, May the 6th. 1713. 2nd ed.

Before a numerous assembly of the dissenting ministers of Devon and Cornwal. Publish'd at their common request.


for John Clark





Ham, Robert, 1650 or 1651-1731.

The duty and advantages of national unity. Set forth in a sermon, preach'd at the Archidiaconal Visitation … in … St. Mary the Moor, April the 16th. 1713.

Publish'd at the Request of the Reverend the Clergy


by S. Farley, for Philip Yeo, Bookseller





Squire, Francis, 1682-1750.

A brief justification of the principles of a reputed Whigg. Together with some few remarks on Dr. Sach----l's late sermon, on the 29th of May.

In an epistle to the Tories of the west.


by Sam. Farley, for John March, Book-Seller






A Fast-sermon, preach'd in a dissenting congregation in Tiverton, January 8th, 1712-13.

Faithfully transcrib'd from the notes of one who writ it as preach'd and now made publick to stop the mouth of calumny and slander.


by Jos. Bliss, for Samuel Dyer, bookseller in Tiverton





Bartlet, William, 1678-1720.

The power of violence and resolution, when apply'd to Religion.

A sermon Preach'd at the Morning Lecture in Exon, on Thursday Sept. 9. 1714.


for John Clark





Peirce, James, 1673-1726.

An useful ministry a valid one. [Three editions published]

Being a sermon preach'd at Exon, May the 5th, 1714. at a meeting of the united ministers of Devon and Cornwal.


for John Clark





Squire, Francis, 1682-1750.

Universal benevolence: or, Charity in its full extent. Recommended in a sermon. Together with a preface, wherein is a farther justification of the principles of the Whiggs.

Humbly dedicated to Richard Steele, Esq;


by Sam. Farley; for John March, bookseller ; and are sold by J. Roberts, London





Trosse, George, 1631-1713.

The life of the Reverend Mr. Geo. Trosse, Late Minister of the Gospel In The City of Exon, who died January 11th, 1712/13. In the Eighty Second Year of his Age.

Written by himself, and Publish’d according to his Order. To which is added, the sermon preach’d at his funeral.


by Jos. Bliss, for Richard White, Merchant, also by Hen. White


[16], 103, [1] ; 35, [1]



Source: ESTC, search on keywords "sermon" and "exon" within decade. Ten records selected and tabulated to show circumstances of publication.

Column 3 isolates the section of title that could show circumstances of publication. E. g. "Published at their common request". "Humbly dedicated" could also be a request for financial assistance. In the imprint, Exeter publications normally name the printer, in London less frequently, but it is the bookseller that is commissioned by the author or sponsor, and he in turn commissions the printer to produce the required num

Table 13. Exeter newspapers 1704-1763

Sam Farley's Exeter post-man.1-175?1704?-23 Sep 1715Possibly superseded by: The Exeter Mercury.
Jos. Bliss's Exeter post-boy.1-241-?8 Apr? 1709-17 Aug 1711-?Possibly continued to 1715 as: The Protestant Mercury or the Exeter post-boy.
The Exeter mercury or weekly intelligence of news.1-vol.3, no.553-?24 Sep 1714-23 Jan 1722-?
The Protestant mercury or Exeter post-boy with news foreign and domestick.1-[vol.5,] no.13-?27 Sep? 1715-[28 Nov 1718]-?
The post-master or loyal mercury.1-223Mar? 1717-23 Apr 1725Continued as: Brice's Weekly Journal, 1-?, 30 Apr 1725-[14 May 1736?]. Probably continued as: Brice's Weekly Collection of Intelligence, 1-?, 21 May 1736?-17 Jan 1746? Probably continued as:
Andrew Brice's Old Exeter Journal or the Weekly Advertiser.1-46124 Jan 1746?-1 Aug 1766Continued as: Brice and Thorn's Old Exeter Journal or Weekly Advertiser, 1-?, 8 Aug 1766-Nov 1773? Probably continued as: The Old Exeter Journal or Weekly Advertiser, [296?]-?, Nov 1773?-1788? Probably continued as: Brice's Old Exeter Journal, ?-?, Sep 1788?-1 Oct? 1789. Continued as: Brice & Co.'s Old Exeter Journal, ?-?, 8 Oct? 1789-5 May? 1791. Continued as: Old Exeter Journal 12 May?-Nov 1791.
Farley's Exeter journal.1-286-?24 May? 1723-8 Nov 1728-?
Brice's Weekly Journal1725-1736?Started 1717
Brice's weekly collection of intelligence.1736?-1764+.Started 1717
Farley's Exeter weekly journal.1-33-?1 May? 1741-11 Dec -?
Andrew Brice's old Exeter journal.1746-1766?Started 1717
Exeter journal and advertiser.1-162-?Feb? 1754-18 Mar 1757-?
Exeter flying post.Nos?1760-?No copies found. Mentioned in Public Ledger
The Exeter chronicle or universal register.1-250?15 Sep? 1760-Jan 1764-?
The Exeter mercury or West Country advertiser.1-972 Sep 1763-5 Jul 1765Continued as: The Exeter Evening-Post or the Westcountry Advertiser, 98, 11 Jul 1765. Continued as: The Exeter Evening-Post or the Plymouth and Cornish Courant, 99-210, 18 Jul 1765-11 Sep 1767. Continued as: The Exeter Evening-Post or Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser, 211-292, 18 Sep 1767-21 Apr 1769. Continued as: Trewman's Exeter Evening-Post or Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser, 293-379, 28 Apr 1769-21 Dec 1770. Continued as: Trewman's Exeter Flying-Post or Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser, 380-4313, 28 Dec 1770-10 Aug 1848. Continued as: Trewman's Exeter Flying Post Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Dorset, Wilts and Gloucester Advertiser, 4314-6229, 17 Aug 1848-13 Apr 1887. Incorporated The Evening Post to form: The Evening Post with which is incorporated Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, 6230-10880, 16 Apr 1887-6 Jun 1902. Continued as: Trewman's Exeter Flying Post, 10881-11657, 7 Jun 1902-21 Apr 1917.

Sources: Bibliography of British newspapers: Cornwall, county editor Jean Rowles ; Devon, county editor Ian Maxted (British Library, 1991), updated on the Exeter working papers in book history website.

For holdings refer to the sources. There are many gaps in runs, some titles are recorded by one stray issue and other do not appear to survive at all. There are no separate entries for changes of title that occur after 1763.

ber of copies. The number of pages and format indicates the number of edition sheets (an octavo produces 16 pages of text hand-made paper) and indicates that a single sheet sermon normally cost 2d (less than £0.01 - roughly equivalent to £1.20 in 2022).

Table 14. Books with Exeter imprints published by subscription to 1765.

Brice, AndrewFreedom : a poemExon : printed by and for the author, at his printing-office opposite to St. Stephen’s Church173062 subscribers for 209 copies, gives addresses and occupations.
Fisher, JohnSermons on several subjectsSherborne : Printed by William Bettinson, sold by E. Score, Exeter1741432 subscribers to 504 copies, gives addresses and occupations, mainly from Westcountry.
Simons, WilliamSermons on several subjectsExeter : Printed by Andrew and Sarah Brice1743No statistics available
Edwards, TimothyA paraphrase, with critical annotations, on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Romans and GalatiansLondon by W. Bowyer, sold by S. Birt, Lockyer Davis, W. Shropshire; Thorn in Exeter; and Parkhouse in Tiverton1752339 subscribers for 359 copies, addresses given, mainly Westcountry.
Thorpe, JosephA new treatise of arithmeticExon : printed (for the author) by Thomas Brice, at his Printing-Office near Eastgate1754No statistics available
Bamfield, Samuel, mathematics teacher in HonitonA new treatise of astronomyExeter: Andrew Brice176493 subscribers to 400 copies, addresses and occupations given (100 copies to Thomas Becket of London)
Calcott, WellinsA collection of thoughts, moral and divineExeter : printed, for the author, by W. Andrews and R. Trewman, in Southgate-Street1764No statistics available
Hooker, JohnThe antique description and account of the city of ExeterExon : now first printed together by Andrew Brice, in Northgate-Street1765No statistics available

Source: Robinson, F. J. G. Book subscription lists : a revised guide. Newcastle upon Tyne: Harold Hill and Son Ltd, 1975. 

Early examples are rare outside London, but can provide useful evidence on patterns of readership and distribution. 

Table 15. The printed maps of Exeter 1587-1765.

Carto- grapherTitleDateFormatNotesBennet and Batten
Hooker, John.Isca Damnoniorum: britanice Kaier penhuelgorte: Saxonice Monketon: Latine Exonia: Anglice Exancestre vel Excestre at nunc vulgo Exeter: urbs perantiqua, et emporium. ... opera et impensis ... Joannis Hokeri.1587.Map : 350x512mm.State A: Scale bar [no scale given] with dividers.B&B: E001a. -
Hooker, John.Isca Damnoniorum [...]1587.Map : 350x512mm.State B: Scale bar and dividers erased.B&B: E001b.
Hooker, John.Isca Damnoniorum: britanice Kaier penhuelgorte [...]1587.State C. - [Exeter] : [ John Hooker], 1587. - Map : 350x512mm.State C: compass in position of erased scale bar.B&B: E001c.
Speed, John.Excester.1610Map : 132x155mm.On county map Devonshire with Excester described.B&B: E002. -
Braun, Georg.Civitas Exoniae (vulgo Excester) urbs primaria in comitatu Devoniae.1618Map : 317x395mm.In: Civitates orbis terrarum.B&B: E003. -
Meisner, Daniel.[Excester in Engellandt].1637.Map ; 96x141mm.In: Sciagraphia cosmica. Reissued with title.B&B: E004a
Meisner, Daniel.Excester in Engellandt.1638.Map: 95x140mm.In: Libellus novus politicus emblematicus civitatum, vol. 7. Reissued with emblematic text 1638 with four later issues to 1704.B&B: E004a
Merian, Matthias.Exonia, Excester.1650.Map : 160x130mm.In: Topographia Germaniae. Reissued by J. C. Beer, 1690.B&B: E005.
Hermannides, Rutgerus.Exonia. Excester.1661.Map : 105x130mm.In: Britannia magna.B&B: E006.
Izacke, Richard.A mapp of the city of Exeter.1677.Map : 160x193mm.In: Antiquities of the City of Exeter.B&B: E007.
Lamb, Francis.Excester.1689.Map : 132x155mm.Commissioned by Francis Lea for inclusion on re-engraving of Saxton's map of Devon. The only changes to the Exeter inset were made in 1743.B&B: E002n.
Fairlove, Ichabod.A true plan of the city of Excester Anno Domini MDCCIX. Ichd: Fairlove surveyd Io: Coles sculp:1709.Map : 545x450mm. Scale bar: A scale of 100 feet [= 102mm] 1:2880.Sold by Edward Score bookseller over agst: the Guildhall.B&B: E008.
Stukeley, William.Isca Dumnoniorum 19 Aug 1723.1723.Map : 273x170mm. Scale bar: A scale of 1000 feet = 31mm 1:6240.In: Itinerarium curiosum.B&B: E010.
Nicholls, Sutton.A true plan of the city of Excester.1723.Map: 254x162mm. Scale bar: A scale of 1000 feet = 54mm 1:5760.In: The remarkable antiquities of the city of Exeter by Samuel Izacke. The second edition.B&B: E009.
Birchynshaw, William.A platforme of the city of Exon 1743.1743.Map ; 383 x 321 mm. Scale ca. 1:3,600 [1 inch = 100 yards].The engraver was probably a pewterer and the map may have been engraved on a pewter plate. The style is archaic and it may never have been intended for full publication.
Rocque, John.Plan de la ville et faubourgs d'Exeter.1744.Map (2 sheets) : 745x1165mm. Scale bars: 5, including 1M = 660mm, 1:2,400].B&B: E011.
Rocque, John.Plan of the city of Exeter.1761.Map ; 98x101mm. - Scale bar 36 mm = 1/2 a mile.In: A collection of plans of the principal cities of Great Britain and Ireland. .B&B: E012.
Rocque, John.Plan of the city of Exeter, reduc'd from the large survey.1764.Map ; 290x480mm. Scale 1:4800.B&B: E013.
Donn, Benjamin.Plan of the city and suburbs of Exeter.1765.Map : 404x470mm. Scale bar One mile = 328mm].On: A map of the county of Devon. A close copy with some updating, of Rocque's survey.B&B: E014.    

Sources: Bennett, Francis and Batten, Kit. The printed maps of Exeter : city maps 1587-1901. Exeter: Little Silver Publications, 2011.

This table shows that there were only three surveys of Exeter, in 1587, 1709, and 1744 and all others, except Birchynshaw's were derived from them.

Table 16. Devon topographical prints to 1750.

Because of its size and the number of illustrations this is presented in a separate web page.

Table 17. Devon engraved portraits to 1750.

Because of its size and the number of illustrations this is presented in a separate web page.

This page last updated 15 January 2023