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09 October 2015

Romania. Register


ABRUD. Latin: Abruttus; Hungarian: Abrudbánya; German: Großschlatten.

Abrud. Karádi, Pál. 1569. Printer. Sources; USTC.

ALBA IULIA. Alba Carolina. Hungarian: Gyulafehérvár ; German: Weissenburg, Karlsburg. Printing recorded 1568, 1637, 1785. Sources: Cotton (1831), p.6 ; Timperley (1842).

Alba Iulia. Biandrata, G. 1568. Bookseller. Book printed by the widow of R. Hoffhalter and F. Zenonus for F. Dávid and G. Biandrata in 1568.

Alba Iulia. Dávid, F. 1568. Bookseller. Book printed by the widow of R. Hoffhalter and F. Zenonus for F. Dávid and G. Biandrata in 1568.

Alba Iulia. Hoffhalter. Raphael. 1567-1569. Printer. Sources: USTC.

Alba Iulia. Hoffhalter, Raphael, widow. 1568. Printer. Albae Iuliae : vidua Raphaelis Hoffhalteri, 1568. Partner with F. Zenonus 1568.

Alba Iulia. Hoffhalter. Rudolph. 1569. Printer. Error for Raphael? Sources: USTC.

Alba Iulia. Rakoci, Georgius. 1637. Prince of Transylvania. Sources: Cotton (1831), p.6.

Alba Iulia. Wagner, Georg. 1569. Bookseller. Sources: USTC.

Alba Iulia. Zenonus, F. 1568. Printer. Partner with the widow of Raphael Hoffhalter 1568.

BLAJE. Printing recorded 1795. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

BRASOVPrinting recorded 1533. First printed book in Romanian: Catehismul, printed by Diaconul Coresi, 1559. Sources: USTC.

Brasov. Calin. 1565. Bookseller. Sources: USTC.

Brasov. Coresi, Diaconul. 1559-1570. Printer. Întrebare crestineasca [Catehismul]. Sources: Wikipedia.

Brasov. Honter, Johannes. 1534-1549, 1558-1569. Printer. Aristoteles, 1539. Sources: Wikipedia ; USTC.

Brasov. Lorint. 1567-1577. Bookseller. Sources; USTC.

Brasov. Oprea. 1556-1557. Bookseller. With Coresi. Sources: USTC.

Brasov. Tudor. 1561. Bookseller. Sources: USTC.

Brasov. Wagner, Valentin. 1548-1557. Author and publisher. Wagner, Valentin. Amnon incestuosus. Tragoedia. - Brasov, Valentin Wagner, 1549. Sources: USTC.

BUCHAREST. Printing recorded 1678.

CLUJ-NAPOCA. Transylvania, formerly in Hungary. German: Klausenburg ; Hungarian: Kolozsvár ; Latin: Claudiopolis. Printing recorded 1566. Sources: Timperley (1842) ; USTC.

Cluj-Napoca. Heltai, Gáspár. 1550-1586. Printer. Luther, Martin. Catechismus minor, az az a keresztyeni tudomanac revideden valo sumaya. - Cluj, Gáspár Heltai: Hoffgreff, Georg, 1550. Bucer, Martin. Confessio de coena Domini recens scripta. – Epistola de verbis Domini, Hoc est corpus meum, opinionem hostium sacramenti coene refell... - Cluj, Gáspár Heltai: Hoffgreff, Georg, 1550. Sources: USTC ; WorldCat.

Cluj-Napoca. Heltai Gáspárné. 1567-1579. Printer. Widow of Gaspár Heltai. Sources: WorldCat.

Cluj-Napoca. Hoffgreff, Georg. 1550-1558. Printer. Luther, Martin. Catechismus minor, az az a keresztyeni tudomanac revideden valo sumaya. - Cluj, Gáspár Heltai: Hoffgreff, Georg, 1550. Bucer, Martin. Confessio de coena Domini recens scripta. – Epistola de verbis Domini, Hoc est corpus meum, opinionem hostium sacramenti coene refell... - Cluj, Gáspár Heltai: Hoffgreff, Georg, 1550. Sources: USTC ; WorldCat.

Cluj-Napoca. Mömhsrúcken. 1566. Printer. Sources: WorldCat.

IASI. Jassy, Moldavia. Printing recorded 1683, 1698, 1816. Sources: Timperley (1842).

ORADEA. Hungarian: Várad.

Oradea. Hoffhalter, Raphael. 1566-1568. Printer. Sources: WorldCat.

Oradea. Török. Mihály. 1568. Printer. Sources: WorldCat.

SIBIU. German: Hermannstadt ; Hungarian: Nagyszeben. In Transylvania. Printing recorded 1530, 1670. Sources: Timperley (1842) ; USTC.

Sibiu. Lukas. 1530. Pauschner, Sebastian. Eine kleine Unterrichtunge, wie mann sich halten soll, in der Zeitt der ungütigen Pestillentz. - Sibiu, Lukas, 1530. Sources: USTC.

Sibiu. Moldavenin, Philip. 1544-1553. Printer. Printed catechism in Romanian: Întrebarea crestineasca. - Sibiu, Philip Moldavenin, 1544. Sources: USTC.

Sibiu. Trapoldner, Lukas. 1529-1530. Printer. Sources; USTC.

SNAGOV. Monastery in Wallachia. Printing recorded 1701. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Snagov. Ivireanul, Antim. 1696-1701. Printer. Died 1706. Sources: Clair, chronology.

TARGOVISTE. German: Tirgowischt. Printing recorded 1710. First printed book in Slavonic. Liturghierul lui Macarie (Targoviste : Macarie , 1508). Sources: Timperley (1842).

Târgoviste. Liubavici, Dimitrie. 1545. Printer. Sources: .

Târgoviste. Makarije, Hieromonk. 1508-1512. Printer. Liturghierul, 1508. Brought into Wallachia by Prince Radu cel Mare. Sources: .

To check:

Cronstadt. Corona. Transylvania. Printing recorded 1533. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Zilly. Transylvania. Printing recorded 1791. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).