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17 October 2015

Italy. Register

ITALY. Italia ; French: Italie ; German: Italien. Perrin includes: 1777 : 22 towns, 86 booksellers ; 1778: 23 towns, 89 booksellers ; 1781 : 45 towns, 130 booksellers.

ACQUI. Alba, Aquae Statiellae. Printing recorded 1493. Sources: Cotton (1831), p.6 ; Timperley (1842).

Acqui. Calenzano, Pietro Giovanni. 1618-1622. Printer. Also in Genova, and Tortona. Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL 2014 ; OPAC SBN (2015).

ALESSANDRIA. (Fr: Alexandrie). 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Alessandria. Delphian, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources:Perrin

Alessandria. Vimercati, Ignazio. 1781. stampatore dell'illustrissima città, e mercante librajo. Per le faustissime nozze degli illustrissimi signori marchese D. Paolo Guasco di Bisio, e Francavilla e la damigella Donna Luisa Dalla Chiesa di Cinzano. . - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

AMITERNUM. Printing recorded 1623. Sources: Timperley (1842). No imprints OPAC SBN.

ANCONA. (Fr: Ancône). 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1514. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

Ancona. Beletti, Nicol. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Ancona. Bellelli, Eredi. 1781. Stamperia. La fortuna resa seguace del merito : cantata a quattro vociBertrando Bonavia. Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Ancona. Bellelli, Nicola. 1714-1770. Printer. Born: 1695. Died: 1770. Directed the press of the heirs of Salvioni 1714-1717, then worked on own account. Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL 2014.

Ancona. Beltrano, Ottavio. 1651-1653. Printer. Born: 1598? Died: 1654? aged 55 or 56. Also active in Benevento, Cosenza, Montefusco, Napoli, Sorrento Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL (2014).

Ancona. Benedetti, Giovanni Giacomo. 1522. Printer. Born: 1492? Died: 1524? Native of Bologna. In Ancona worked with Bernardino Guerralda. Also active in Camerino, Bologna, Cesena, Forli. Sources: CERL (2014).

Ancona. Capitani, Bartolommeo. 1781. Printer. Stampator del Pubblico, dell'Università degli studj, e dell'Accademia de' Catenati. Congressi letterarj sulla controversia tra li signori di Camerino e di Macerata tenuti a Roma in casa dell'abate Francesco Antonio Zaccaria, e da lui medesimo distesi in alcune lettere ad istanza di un amico. [Ed in Macerata]. Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Ancona. De Fagnolis, Gennaro. 1530-1548. Printer. Native of Monferrato. Succeeded Bernardino Guerralda. Sources: CERL (2014).

Ancona. Ferri, Pietro e Paolo. 1781. Printers. Imprints: Massime eterne cioe meditazioni per ciascuno giorno della settimana dell'illustrissimo e rev. mons. d. Alfonso de' Liguori vescovo di Santagata de' Goti. Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Ancona. Ferri, Pietro Paolo. 1763-1793. Printer. Sources: CERL (2014).

Ancona. Ferri, Pietro. 1762-1770. Printer. Sources: CERL (2014).

Ancona. Grandi, Astolfo. 1560?-1576. Printer. Native of Verona. Also active in Fermo, Osimo, Rimini and Verona. Sources: CERL (2014).

Ancona. Sartori, Arcangiolo. 1781. Stamperia. Il novello religioso francescano istruito ne' doveri, nel buon costume, nella disciplina, osservanza, e spirito del Serafico Istituto, per opera del p. f. Gaspare da Monte Santo. Parte prima [-seconda]. Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Ancona. Stamperia camerale. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Ancona. Zoppino, Niccolo. 15--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).


Aosta. Riondet, Etienne. 1694. Sources: Mellot (2004).

AQUILA. Printing recorded 1482. Sources: Clair (1976).

Aquila. Rottweil, Adam von. 1482. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

AREZZO. Toscana. 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1752. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Arezzo. Belotti, Michele. 1781. Stampat. All'Insegna del Petrarca. Opere del proposto Lodovico Antonio Muratori già bibliotecario del serenissimo signore Duca di Modena. Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale ; Perrin

Arezzo. Belotti, Ved. 1781. stamp. Orazione in morte di Maria Teresa Walburga, imperatrice de' romani, regina apostolica di Ungheria, da fr. Giuseppe Maria Rugilo. Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

ASCOLI PICENO. Printing recorded 1477. Sources: Clair (1976).

Ascoli Piceno. Linis, Gulielmo de. 1477. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

ASSISI. Printing recorded 1731. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Assisi. Bresciano, Giacomo. 1581. Previously in Perugia. First printer in Assisi. Sources: CERL (2014).

ASTI. Asta. Printing recorded 1518. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

Asti. Garrone, Francesco. 1535-1536. Printer. Franciscum Garonum. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Asti. Silua, Franciscus de. 1518-1521. Printer. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Asti. Zangrandi, Giovanni e Virgilio, fratelli. 1589. Printers. Giangrandi. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Asti. Zangrandi, Virgilio. 1589-1606+. Printer. Virgilium de Zangrandis. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

BARCO. Printing recorded 1496. Sources: Clair (1976).

Barco. Soncino, Gershom Ben Moses. 1496. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

BARI. Barium. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1516. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

Bari. Gaidone, Giacomo. 1630-1634. Printer. Jacobus Gaidonus. With Pietro Micheli 1630. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Bari. Micheli, Pietro. 1629-1630. Printer. Petrus Michaelus. With Giacomo Gaidone 1630. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Bari. Nehou, Gilliberto. 1535. Printer. Francese : in le case di santo Nicolo a di 15 de ottobre, 1535. Printer. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Bari. Pace, Antonio. 1607-1613. Printer. Antonius Pax. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Bari. Ventura, Giulio Cesare. 1603-1607. Printer. Iulius Caesar Ventura. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Bari. Zannetti e Valerio. 1656. Printers. apud Zanettum & Valerium. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Bari. Zannetti, Francesco. 1663-1672. Printer. Franciscum Zannettum. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

BASSANO. Printing recorded 1623. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Bassano. Remondini di Venezia. 1781. Gaetano Maria : da Bergamo. L' umiltà del cuore ideata in pensieri, ed affetti ad eccitarne la pratica del padre f. Gaetano Maria da Bergamo con un esame pratico sopra l'istessa umiltà ed una dottrina morale sopra la superbia. - In Bassano : a spese Remondini di Venezia, 1781. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Bassano. Remondini, Giovanni Antonio [1]. 1634-1711. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bassano. Remondini, Giovanni Antonio [2]. 1700-1769. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bassano. Remondini, Giovanni Battista. 1713-1773. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bassano. Remondini, Giuseppe [1]. 1672-1742. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bassano. Remondini, Giuseppe [2]. 1745-1811. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bassano. Remondini, Officine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

BELLUNO. Printing recorded 1629. Sources: Timperley (1842).

BENEVENTO. Printing recorded 1646. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Benevento. Beltrano, Ottavio. 1646. Born: 1598? Died: 1654? aged 55 or 56. Also active in Ancona, Cosenza, Montefusco, Napoli, Sorrento Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL (2014).

BERGAMO. (Fr: Bergame. Lat: Bergomum). 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1555. Sources: Clair (1976) ; Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Bergamo. Antoine, Vicenzo. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Bergamo. Ciotti, Giovanni Battista. 1561?-162. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bergamo. Galli, Gallo de'. 1555. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Bergamo. Lancelotti, Vincent-Antoine. 1781. Presso. Applausi a sua eccellenza il n. h. Alvise Contarini 2. podesta e vice-capitano di Bergamo. - In Bergamo : presso Vincenzo Antoine, 1781. - Sources: Perrin

Bergamo. Locatelli, Francesco. 1781. Barca, Alessandro, 1741-1814. Nuovi teoremi per la divisione delle ragioni supposte nella maggiore, e minore disuguaglianza di doppio e contrario genere di quantità. - Bergamo : per Francesco Locatelli, 1781. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Bergamo. Ventura, Comino. 1617. Sources: Mellot (2004).

BOLOGNA. (Fr: Bologne). 1777 not in Perrin, 1778 : 1 bookseller. 1781 : 10 booksellers. Printing recorded 1471. Sources: Clair (1976).

Bologna. Azzoguido, Balthasar. 1471. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Bologna. Barbieri, Domenico. 166-. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Barbieri, eredi de Domenico. 16.J impnimeur. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Benacci, Alessandro. 1528-1591. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Benacci, eredi de Vittorio. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Benacci, Vittorio. 1571-1629. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Benedetti, Giovanni Giacomo. 1503. Born: 1492? Died: 1524? Native of Bologna. First printer in Camerino where he worked with Luigi Placidio. Also active in Ancona, Camerino, Cesena, Forli. Sources: CERL (2014).

Bologna. Bonardo, Pellegnino. 1584?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Bonomi, Sebastiano. 16--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Caligari, Petrone. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Cochi, Bartolomeo. 1621. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Cochi, eredi de Bartolomeo. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Donini, Girolamo. 1679?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Dozza, Heritiers d’Evangelista. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Ferroni, Clemente. 1642. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Ferroni, Domenico Maria. 16--. ; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Ferroni, Giovanni Battista. 167-. ; Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Giaccarelli, Anselmo. 15--. Printer-libraine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Giaccarelli, Antonio. 15--. imprirneur. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Guidotti, Lovis. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Lelio dalla Volpe. 1757-1781. Impressore dell'Istituto delle Scienze. Martini, Giovanni Battista. Storia della musica, tomo primo [-terzo] ... Umiliato, e dedicato da fr. Giambatista Martini de' Minori Conventuali accademico dell'Instituto delle Scienze, e filarmonico. - In Bologna : per Lelio dalla Volpe impressore dell'Istituto delle Scienze, 1757-1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Bologna. Longhi, Giacomo Pellegrino. 1730. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Longhi, Giacomo Vincenzo. 18--. impnimeur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Longhi, Giuseppe [1]. 1620-1691. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Longhi, Giuseppe [2]. 1771. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Longhi, Pietro Ignazio. 175.; impnimeur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Luchesini, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Manolessi, Evangelista. 17--. Printer—Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Manolessi, fratelli. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Mascheroni, Teodoro. 16,. ; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Monti, Giacomo. 1689?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Monti, Pietro Maria. 1709?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Moscatelli, Giovanni Paolo. 1622. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Pen, Henitiers de Carlo Antonio. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Pen, Officine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Pisarri, Antonio. 1680?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Pisarri, Cnstantino. 17..; impnimeur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Pisarri, Hénitiers d’Antonio. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Pulzoni, Domenico Maria. 17--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Recaldini, Giovanni [1]. 1683. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Rossi, Giovanni. 1595. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Rossi, eredi de Giovanni. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. S. Tommaso d'Aquino. 1781. Stamperia di. Pisarri, Carlo. Istruzioni necessarie per chi volesse imparare il giuoco dilettevole delli tarocchini di Bologna. - In Bologna : nella stamperia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Bologna. Sarsi, J. B. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Sarti, Francesco Maria. 168.? ; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Sarti, eredi de Francesco Maria. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Sassi. 1781. Stamperia. L' italiana in Londra dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel teatro Marsiglj Rossi la primavera dell'anno 1781. - In Bologna : nella stamperia del Sassi, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Bologna. Smeraldi, François. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Stamperia di San Tommaso d’Aquino. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Tarussi fratelli. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Tebaldini, Nicola. 1649?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Trent, Charles. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Veli, Paolo. 16--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Viaggi, Joseph Maria. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Volpe, Lelio della. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Bologna. Zenero, Carlo. 16.i-1653. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bologna. Zoppino, Niccolô. 15--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Bracciano. Printing recorded 1621. Sources: Timperley (1842).

BRESCIA. (Fr: Bresse, Italie) 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 2 booksellers. Printing recorded 1473, 1535. Sources: Clair (1976) ; Timperley (1842).

Brescia. Berlendis, Daniel. 1781. Stampator camerale. Imprints: Proclama per il dazio del pane a prestino. - [Brescia] : Per Daniel Berlendis stampator camerale , [1781]. Maggi, Carlo. Del genio armigero del popolo bresciano. Saggio politico. - In Brescia : presso Daniel Berlendis, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Brescia. Bossini, Giambatista. 1781. Bertati, Giovanni. Le nozze in contrasto dramma giocoso per musica da rappresentarsi nel magnifico Teatro dell'illustr. Accademia degli Erranti di Brescia per il carnovale dell'anno 1781 [La musica sarà del sig. maestro Giovanni Valentini]. - In Brescia : per Giambatista Bossini, [tra il 1780 e il 1781]. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Brescia. Butzbach, Georg of? For Villa, Pietro. 1473. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Brescia. Colombo, Giovanni. -l7..; Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Brescia. Pederzano, Giovanni Battista. 15--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Brescia. Rozzardi, Charles_Marie. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Brescia. Tebaldino, Francesco. 1630. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Brescia. Vescovi, Pietro. 1781. Presso. A sua eccellenza il n.u. signor conte Prospero Valmarana prestantissimo senatore eletto protettore dalla comunita di Carpenedolo, - In Brescia : presso Pietro Vescovi, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Brescia._Berlinde, Daniel. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Brescia. Pasini, Fratelli. 1781. Stamperia. Bartolomeo : da Saluzzo. Le sette trombe del m.r.p. fr. Bartolomeo da Saluzio, minor osservante riformato per risvegliare il peccatore a penitenza. Opera utilissima, e di molto profitto per la salute dell'anime de' peccatori, e peccatrici. - In Brescia : dalle stampe de' Fratelli Pasini, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

CAGLI. Printing recorded 1475. Sources: Clair (1976).

Cagli. Fano, Robertus de ; Bergamo, Bernardinus de. 1475. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

CAGLIARI. Sardaigne 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 2 booksellers. Printing recorded 1493. Sources: Clair (1976).

Cagliari. Bologna, Salvador de. 1493. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Cagliari. Poro, Bonaventure. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Cagliari. Reale Stamperia. 1781. Stamperia. Sardegna (Regno). Regolamento di sua maestà per il monte nummario di soccorso nella città di Cagliari in data de' 12 ottobre 1781. - Cagliari : nella Reale Stamperia, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Cagliari. Romero, Terese. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Cagliari. Stamperia reale. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Cagliari. Titard, Bernardo. 1781. Stampatore dell'illustrissima città. Hintz, Giacinto. Salmo 67. Exurgat Deus esposto dall'ebraico originale. Opera del p.f. Giacinto Hintz. - Cagliari : presso Bernardo Titard, stampat. dell'illustrissima città, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Calataniseta. Printing recorded 1822. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Caller. Printing recorded 1576. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Camerino. Benedetti, Giovanni Giacomo. 1523-1524. Born: 1492? Died: 1524? Native of Bologna. First printer in Camerino where he worked with Luigi Placidio. Also active in Ancona, Bologna, Cesena, Forli. Sources: CERL (2014).

CAPUA. Printing recorded 1489. Sources: Clair (1976).

Capua. Preller, Christian. 1489. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Carmagnola. Printing recorded 1584. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Bellone, Marcantonio Carmagnola. Bellone, Marco Antonio. 16--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Carpi. Carpum. Printing recorded 1506. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

Carpi. Torn, Francesco. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Casal di S Vaso. Printing recorded 1481. Sources: Timperley (1842).

CASALE MONFERRATO. Printing recorded 1481. Sources: Clair (1976).

Casale Monferrato. Canepanova de' Campanili, Gulielmo de ; Corsiono, Antonio de. 1481. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Casale Monferrato. Goffi, Pantaleone. 1626. Sources: Mellot (2004).

CASALMAGGIORE. Printing recorded 1486. Sources: Clair (1976).

Casalmaggiore. Soncino, Josua Salomon. 1486. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Casalmaggiore. Viotti, Erasmo [1]. i5--/i6i 1. Sources: Mellot (2004).

CASELLE. Printing recorded 1475, 1599. Sources: Clair (1976) ; Timperley (1842).

Caselle. Fabri, Johannes. 1475. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Castel a Mare di Stabia. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1656. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Castelfranco. Printing recorded 1761. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Castellamare de Stabia. Gaffaro, Giacomo [1]. iS--/i659?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Catania. Sicily. Printing recorded 1636. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Cefalu. Sicily. Printing recorded 1641. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Cento. Centum. Printing recorded 1543. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

CESENA. Printing recorded 1495, 1525. Sources: Clair (1976) ; Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Cesena. Benedetti, Giovanni Giacomo. 1503/22. Born: 1492? Died: 1524? Native of Bologna. In Cesena and Forli worked with Paolo Guarini. Also active in Ancona, Camerino, Bologna, Forli. Sources: CERL (2014).

Cesena. Biasini, Gregorio. 1780-1781. Imprenta. all' Insegna di Pallade. Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol. Cesena. Degni, Demetrio. 1648-i7.. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Cesena. Guarinus, Paulus ; Benedictis, Johannes Jacobus de. 1495. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Cherasco. De Rossi, eredi de Giovanni Battista. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Chieri or Quiers. Printing recorded 1607. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Chieti. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1601. Sources: Timperley (1842).

CHIVASSO. Printing recorded 1486. Sources: Clair (1976).

Chivasso. Suigus, Jacobinus. 1486. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).


Cittaducale. Camilletti, Raffaele. 16--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Cividale de Friuli. Lisa, Gerardus de. 1480. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

CODOGNO. Printing recorded 1628. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Colle de Valdelsa. Medemblik, Johannes de. 1478. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Cologna. Colonia Venetorum. Printing recorded 1765. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

COMO. Printing recorded 1474. Sources: Clair (1976).

Como. Caprani. 1781. Printer. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Como. Da Ponte, Gottardo. 14-1552. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Como. Orce, Ambrosio de ; Paravisinus, Dionysius. 1474. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Como. Scotti, Francesco. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Conegliano. Congelianum. Printing recorded 1611. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Conegliano. Claseri, Marco. 1570?-16.. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Coni. Printing recorded 1507. Sources: Timperley (1842).

COSENZA. Printing recorded 1478. Sources: Clair (1976).

Cosenza. Salamon, Octaviano. 1478. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Crema. Printing recorded 1571. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

CREMONA. (Fr: Crémone) 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1472/3. Sources: Clair (1976).

Cremona. Bartoli, Ercoliano. 1598?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Cremona. Draconi, Cristoforo. 16--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Cremona. Ferrari, Francesco Gaetano. 1781. stamp. vescov. e della città. Il telajo da calze o sia Riflessioni sopra le arti tratte dal telajo da calze coll'aggiunta di nuove invenzioni, e di nuovi miglioramenti intorno al medesimo. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Cremona. Manini, Lorenzo. 1781-1783. Regio stampatore elibraioCarli, Gian Rinaldo. Le lettere americane. Parte prima [-terza]. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Cremona. Paravisinus, Dionysius ; Merlinis, Stephanus. 1472/73. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Cremona. Vacchello, Tommaso. 15--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Cuneo. Rossi, Giovanni Tommaso. 167.?; Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Dalmazagho. Boron, Antonio. 16--. ; Printerimaginaire. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Este. Venetia. Printing recorded 1743. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Faenza. Faventiæ. 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Faenza. Fayentia. Printing recorded 1616. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Faenza. Archi, Antoine. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Faenza. Archi, Gioseffantonio. 1781. Impressor vescovile camerale e del s. Offizio. Fabri, Francesco Tommaso. - In occasione delle solenni esequie celebrate in suffragio dell'anima di sua eccellenza reverendissima monsignor Antonio Cantoni patrizio faentino arcivescovo di Ravenna e principe ec. nella Chiesa de' molto rr. Padri di San Giovanni di Dio in Faenza li 17 novembre 1781, orazione funebrecomposta e recitata dal m. reverendo padre Francesco Tommaso Fabri da Forli'. - In Faenza : presso Gioseffantonio Archi, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Faenza. Benedetti e Ginestri. 1781. Bernardi, Parisio. Maria rime del padre d. Parisio Bernardi abate benedettino-camaldolese fra fli arcadi della Colonia di Treviso sua patria Prasilto Achelojo, ed Accademico Filopono. . - In Faenza : pel Benedetti e Ginestri, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Faenza. Fer, Kilian ; Kandler, Heinrich. 1476. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Faenza. Genestri, Ludovicus. 1781. Typographia. Arcidiocesi di Ravenna. Officia propria s. Metropolitanæ Ecclesiæ Ravennæ a s.r.c. adprobat. nunc denuo illustrissimi, & reverendissimi d.d. Antonii ex comitibus Codronchi ejusdem s. Metropolit. Eccl. archiep. & principis &c. jussu edita. - Faventiæ : ex typographia Ludovici Genestri, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Faenza. Simbeni, Giovanni. 16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Fano. Fanum. Printing recorded 1502. Soncino, Girolamo. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

Fano. Farri, Pietro. 1621?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Fano. First printed book in Arabic. Kitab salat al-sawa’i (Fano, Italy, 1514).

Farnese. Printing recorded 1600. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Croce, Giulio Cesare. Banchetto de' mal cibati. Comedia dell'Accademico Frusto. Recitata da gli Affamati, nella città calamitosa, a 15 del mese dell'Estrema. - Farnese, per Niccolò Mariani, 1599 Feltre. Foglietta. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Feltre. Stamperia de Seminario. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Fermo. Printing recorded 1586. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Fermo. Paccasassi, G. A. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

FERRARA. French: Ferrare. 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 3 booksellers. Printing recorded 1471. Sources: Clair (1976).

Ferrara. Baldini, Vittorio. 1618. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Ferrara. Belfortis, Andreas. 1471. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Ferrara. Gherardi, Francesco. 16--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Ferrara. Gironi, Gioseffo. 16--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Ferrara. Pomatelli, Francesco. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Ferrara. Pomatelli, fratelli. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Ferrara. Rinaldi, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Ferrara. Rossi, Francesco. 1503-1576. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Ferrara. Stamperia camerale. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Ferrara. Suzzi, Francesco. 15..?—1655?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Finale. Rossi, Giovanni Tommaso. 167.? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

FIRENZE. (Fr. , Eng: Florence). 1777, 1778 : 9 booksellers. 1781 : 10 booksellers. Printing recorded 1471. Sources: Clair (1976).

Firenze. Albizzini, Antonio Maria. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Albizzini. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Allegrini. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Bonducci. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Bonetti, Luca. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Bouchard. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Bulle. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Cambiagi, Gaetano. 1721?-1795. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Cambiagi. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Cartolaio, Agnolo. 1415--. . Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Cennini, Bernardo and Domenico. 1471. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Firenze. Faentino, Baldassarre. -IS.. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Giunta, Benedetto. 148.?—1540?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Giunta, Bernardo [1]. 1487-1551. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Giunta, Cosimo. 1579-162. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Giunta, Filippo [1]. 1450?—1517. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Giunta, eredi de Filippo [1]. 15. imprimerie-librairie en activité de 1515 a 1532. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Guiducci, Antonio. 16.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Manzani, Domenico. 16--. imprinieur. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Marescotti, Giorgio. 1602. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Marzi. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Moucke, F. 1781. Stamperia e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Firenze. Pagani, Antonio Giuseppe. 1728-1798. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Papperini. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Rainieri del Vivo. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Firenze. Risaliti, Giovanni. 17--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Rossi, Francesco. 1781. Imprenta. Opuscoli , dell' abate D. Giacinto Ceruti ... ; tom. II Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol.

Firenze. Rossi, Giovanni Tommaso. 167.? . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Sermartelli, Bartolomeo [2]. 1&.-16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Stamperia del Giglio. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Stamperia orientate Mediceo-Laurenziana. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Stecchi, Giovanni Battista. 1781?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Tanini, Giovanni Gaetano. 17--. imprirneur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Torrentino, Lorenzo [1]. 1563. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Firenze. Viviani, P. Gaetan. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Firenze. Zanetti, Bartolomeo. 1487?-1550?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

FIVIZZANO. Printing recorded 1472. Sources: Clair (1976).

Fivizzano. Fivizano, Jacobus de. 1472. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Foggia. De Bonis, Novello. 170.? . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Foligno. Zenobi, Gaetano. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

FOLIGNO. . 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 (Fuglino) : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1470. Sources: Clair (1976).

Foligno. Gigucci, Casimir. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Foligno. Neumeister, Johann. 1470. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Forli. Benedetti, Giovanni Giacomo. 1503/22. Born: 1492? Died: 1524? Native of Bologna. In Cesena and Forli worked with Paolo Guarini. Also active in Ancona, Camerino, Bologna, Cesena. Sources: CERL (2014).

Forlí. Guarinus, Paulus ; Benedictis, Johannes Jacobus de. 1495. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Fossombrone. Forum Sempronii. Printing recorded 1513. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

Friesolo. Printing recorded 1821. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Gaeta. Freitag, Andreas. 1487. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

GENOVA. (Fr: Genes, Eng: Genoa). 1777, 1778 : 2 booksellers. 1781 : 4 booksellers. Printing recorded 1471/2. Sources: Clair (1976).

Genova. Bailleux, Jean-Louis. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Genova. Bartoli, Girolamo. 1591. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Genova. Bellone, Marco Antonio. 16--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Genova. Calenzano, Pietro Giovanni. 1624-1672? Also in Acqui and Tortona. Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL 2014.

Genova. Di Paolo, Niccolo Giustiniano. 1415--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Genova. Fantin, Louis. 18--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Genova. Franchelil, Giovanni. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Genova. Gesiniana, Stamperia. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Genova. Gravier, Yves. 1781. Bookseller. Sources:Perrin

Genova. Laurenszoon, Lambertus. 1471/72. Printer. With Antonius Mathias first local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Genova. Mathias, Antonius. 1471/72. Printer. With Lambertus Laurenszoon first local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Genova. Pavoni, Giuseppe. 1551 2-1641. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Genova. Pyzzorno, Pierre-Paul. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Genova. Repetto. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Genova. Rossi, Giovanni Tommaso. 167.? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Genova. Tarrigo, Bernard. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Gorizia. (Gorice, Allemagne. ?) 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Gorizia. Valeri. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Gortz. Goritia. Printing recorded 1773. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Gradisca [d'Isonzo?]. Printing recorded 1488 but none in USTC. Sources: Timperley (1842).

IESI. Printing recorded 1472/3. Sources: Clair (1976).

Iesi. Contí, Federico de'. 1472/73. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Iesi. Farri, Pietro. 1621?. Sources: Mellot (2004).


Imola. Massa, Giacinto. 16--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

ISERNIA. (Aesernia. ) Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1644. Sources: Timperley (1842) ; Cotton (1831), 5.

Isernia. Cavallo, Camillo. 1644. Printer. Sources: Cotton (1831), 5.

LA ROCCA. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1669. Sources: Timperley (1842).

LECCE. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1634. Sources: Timperley (1842).

LIVORNO. (Fr: Livourne. Eng: Leghorn, Tuscany). Printing recorded 1650. Perrin 1777, 1778 : 1 bookseller. 1781 : 4 booksellers. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Livorno. Coltellini, Marco. 1719-1777. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Livorno. Falorni, Jean-Vincent. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Livorno. Giorgi, Charles. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Livorno. Masi, Giovanni Tomm. & Comp. 1781. Booksellers. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin (Maci).

Livorno. Masi, Giovanni Tommaso. 1813? Sources: Mellot (2004).

Livorno. Masi, Tommaso e comp. 1781. Bookseller. Rosa, Salvatore, 1615-1673. - Satire. - Londra [i.e. Leghorn] : si vende da Tommaso Masi e comp. in Livorno , 1781.

Livorno. Natali, François. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.


Loano. Rossi, Giovanni Tommaso. 167-? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

LODI. Printing recorded 1587. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Lodi. Merlo, Bartolomeo. 1652?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

LORETTO. Printing recorded 1637. Sources: Timperley (1842).

LUCCA. (Fr: Lucques). 1777, 1778 : 1 bookseller. 1781 : 3 booksellers. Printing recorded 1477. Sources: Clair (1976).

Lucca. Ciuffetti, Domenico. 174-. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Lucca. Civitali, Bartholomaeus de. 1477. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Lucca. Giusti, Jacques. 1781. Stampatore e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Lucca. Giusti,Jacopo. 17--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Lucca. Marescandoli, fratelli. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Lucca. Marescandoti, Jean-Dominique. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Lucca. Ricomini, Jean. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Lugano. Agnelli Bros. 1746. Printer. Sources: Clair, chronology.

MACERATA. (Italie) 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1575. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Macerata. Capitani, Bartolomeo. 18--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Macerata. Carboni, Giovanni Battista. 1614-1623?. Printer. Sources: CERL ; Mellot (2004).

Macerata. Cortese, Antoine. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Macerata. Martellini, Sebastiano. 1635. Sources: Mellot (2004).

MANFREDONIA. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1680. Sources: Timperley (1842).

MANTOVA. (Fr: Mantoue. Eng: Mantua). 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Mantova. Bianchi, André. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Mantova. Filoponi, Clidano. 1547?-1589. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantova. Filoponi, Filoterpse. 1547?-1575. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantova. Osanna e nipoti, Aurelio. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantova. Osanna, Aurelio. 1649. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantova. Osanna, Francesco. 1608?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantova. Osanna, Lodovico [1]. 1643. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantova. Osanna, Officina. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantova. Ruffinelli, Giacomo. 1590. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantova. Ruffinelli, Venturino. 1558. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mantua. Butzbach, Georg and Paul ; Michaelibus, Patrus Adam de . 1472. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Massa Carrara. 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Massa Carrara. Frediani, Etienne. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Massa. Tuscany. Printing recorded 1679. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Matelica. Columnis, Bartholomaeus de. 1473. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Mazzarino. Sicily. Printing recorded 1690. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Messaga. Pietro, Gabriele di. 1478. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

MESSINA. (Messine, Italie). 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1478. Sources: Clair (1976).

Messina. Alding, Heinrich. 1478. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Messina. Bianco, Giovanni Francesco. 160.?-1636. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Messina. Caccia, Francois. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

MILANO. (Fr., Eng: Milan). Perrin 1777 : 10 booksellers. 1778, 1781 : 7 booksellers. Printing recorded 1471. Sources: Clair (1976).

Milano. Agnelli, Antonio. 17..? . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Agnelli, Fred. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Milano. Agnelli, P. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Milano. Barelle, J. J. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Milano. Bianchi, G. B. 1781. Regio stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Milano. Bidelli, Giovanni Battista [1]. 1580?-1654. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Bonacina, Giuseppe. 1?.. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Bordone, Girolamo. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Castaldi, Pamfilo ; Zarotus bros. 1471. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Milano. Cetti, Charles. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Milano. Da Legnano, fratelli. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Da Legnano, Giovanni Antonio. 14-1533?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Da Legnano, Giovanni Giacomo. 1525?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Da Ponte, Gottardo. 14-1552. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Destefanis, Giovanni Giuseppe. 1802-1821. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Galeazzi, J. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Milano. Gariboldi, Dionisio. 1670?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Ghisolfi, Filippo. 1668?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Giegler, Jean-Pierre. 18--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Imperial monistero di S. Ambrogio Maggiore. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Milano. Locarni, Héritier de Pietro Martire. 16--. Printer—I]— 4 Milano. Locarni, Pietro Martire. 1610?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Lomazzo, Filippo. 1630?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Malatesta, Giovanni Battista. 1654?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Malatesta, Marco Antonio Pandolfo. 1719. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Meda, Giacomo Maria. 1614?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Montani, Giovanni. 17--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Monza, Lodovico. 1696?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Motta, G. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Milano. Pellizznni, Alessandro. 15--.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Reycends fratelli. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Milano. Scinzenzeler, Giovanni Angelo. 15--.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Milano. Speranza, Dom. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Milano. Zoppino, Niccolb. 15--.. Printer—Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mirandolo. Mirandula. Printing recorded 1519- but none in USTC. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

MODENA. (Modène, Italie) 1777, 1778 : 2 booksellers. 1781 : 1 bookseller.


Modena. Abboretti, Sylvea. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Modena. Cassiani, Andrea. 1653-1693. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Cassiani, Giuliano. 1604-1652. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Cassiani, eredi de. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Degni, Demetrio. 1677-1701. Printer and booksellerSources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Gadaldini, Antonio. 147-1568. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Gadaldini, Paolo. 1533?-1593. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Soliani, Bartolomeo [1]. 1590?-1670. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Soliani, Bartolomeo [2]. 1673?-1752. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Torn, Francesco. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Verdi, Giovanni Maria. 1574?-1612. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Modena. Vurster, Johannes. 1474/75. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

MONDOVI. Latin: Mons Regalis. Printing recorded 1472. Sources: Clair (1976).

Mondovi. Carpi, Pietro Antonio. 1500. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mondoví. Mathiae, Antonio. 1472. Printer. With Baltasar Corderius first local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Mondoví. Corderius, Baltasar. 1472. Printer. With Antonio Mathia first local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Mondovi. Rossi, Giovanni Tornmaso. 1670? Printer and booksellerSources: Mellot (2004).

Mondovi. Torrentino, Lorenzo [1]. 1563. Sources: Mellot (2004).


Monreale. Cirillo, Decio. 1648. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Monreale. Coppola, Pietro. 1699? Sources: Mellot (2004).

Mons Cassinus. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1740. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Monte Chiaro. Sicily. Printing recorded 1655. Sources: Timperley (1842).


Montefusco. Beltrano, Ottavio. 1642-1644. Born: 1598? Died: 1654? aged 55 or 56. Also active in Ancona, Benevento, Cosenza, Napoli, Sorrento. Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL (2014).


Murano. Barezzi, Barezzo. 1560?-1644. Sources: Mellot (2004).

NAPOLI. (Fr., Eng: Naples). Perrin: 1777 10 booksellers. 1778 : 9 booksellers. 1781 : 6 booksellers. Printing recorded 1471. Sources: Clair (1976).

Napoli. Beltrano, Ottavio. 1642-1644. Born: 1598? Died: 1654? aged 55 or 56. Also active in Ancona, Benevento, Cosenza, Montefusco, Sorrento. Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL (2014).

Napoli. Bulifon, Antonio. 1649-170. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Cavallo, Camillo [2]. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. De Bonis, Novello. 170.? . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Gaffaro, Giacomo [1]. 1659?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Gaffaro, Lorenzo. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Gravier, Jean. 179.? . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Longo, Egidio. 1S--/1680. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Longo, Tarquinio. 1620. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Migliaccio, Vincent. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Napoli. Mollo, Roberto. 1656?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Montanaro, Giovanni Domenico. 16--. . Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Morelli, M. 1781. Librajo. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Napoli. Nucci, Matteo. 1648?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Paladino, Andrea. 16--. . Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Parrino, Domenico Antonio. 1642-1730. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Pianese, Domenico . 1781. Stamperia. Dialoghi tra il missionario e il penitente di fr. Nicola da Lagonegro. Tomo primo - quattordicesimo.

Napoli. Porcelli, Giuseppe Maria. 179.?. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Porcelli, Guiseppe-Maria. 1781. Librajo. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Napoli. Raillard, Giacomo. 1700. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Riessinger, Sixtus. 1471. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Napoli. Roncagliolo, Secondino. 1655. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Savio, Onofrio. 1655?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Simoni, fratelli. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Napoli. Societá Letteraria e Tipogràfica. 1781. Presso. Geografía di Busching , corretta e riformata da M. Berenger ; traduzione dal francese, accresciuta della Geografía antica di M. Danville, delle nuove scoperte di Cook ; e nella parte d'Italia corretta e rifatta dall'avvocato Giuseppe Ma Galanti ; tomo I[-VI]. - Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol.

Napoli. Stasi, Michel (del.: Gabriele). 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Napoli. Terres, Dominique. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Napoli. Verriento, Gennaro. 1781. Stamperia. Della maniera di far nascere, e di nutrire i bachi da seta, trattato del Sig. Abb. Boissier de Sauuages. - Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol.

Napoli. Vitale, Costantino. 15..—1626?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Napoli. Vitali, Bernardino de. 14..—1539?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Nonantola. Miscomini, Giorgio & Antonio. 1480. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Novara. Novaria. Printing recorded 1533. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Novare. 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Novare. Cavalli, François. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Novi Ligure. Girardengus, Nicolaus. 1484. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Nozzano. Köln, Heinrich von ; Haarlem, Heinrich von. 1491. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Orbitello. Tuscany. Printing recorded 1667. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Ortuonaa Mara. Orthona Maris. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1518. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).


Orvieto. Printing recorded 1586. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Orvieto. Diani, Tito. 159.?. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Orvieto. Ruuli, Rinaldo. 159.?-1654?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Orvieto. Zannetti, Bartolomeo. 1621. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Orvieto. Zannetti, Héritier de Bartolomeo. 15—16--. imprinieur—Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

OSIMO. 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Osimo. Zuercetti. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

PADOVA. English: Padua.

Padova. Patavius, Padoue, Padua. 1777, 1778 : 1 bookseller. 1781 : 4 booksellers

Padova. Bassaglia, Giovanni Maria. 18--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Padova. Bindoni, Bernardino. 16--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Padova. Brandolese, Pietro. 1754-1809. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Padova. Canozius, Laurentius. 1471. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Padova. Comin, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Padova. Comino, Angelo. 1814?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Padova. Comino, Giuseppe. 169-1756?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Padova. Conzatti, J. B. 1781. Stamperia e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Padova. Manfré, Giovanni. 1781. Stampatore e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Padova. Rapin, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Padova. Stamperia del Seminario. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Padova. Tozzi, Pietro Paolo. 16--. . Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Padova. Varisco, Varisco. 16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Padova. Volpi-Corniniana, Stamperia. Sources: Mellot (2004).

PALERMO. (Palerme, Sicile) 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 2 booksellers


Palermo. Aiccardo, Giovanni Battista. 1740?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Palermo. Cirillo, Decio. 165.? . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Palermo. Coppola, Pietro. 1699?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Palermo. Epiro, Agostino. 1740?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Palermo. Orel, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Palermo. Rapetti, And. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Palermo. Vyel, Andreas. 1478. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Palmanova. Palma, Austrian Illyria, in Friuli. Printing recorded 1814. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

PARMA. (Parme) Perrin: 1777 2 booksellers. 1778 : 2 booksellers. 1781: 3 booksellers

Parma. Bodoni, Giambattista. 1768-1813. PrinterRoma 1761-1768 ; Parma 1768-1813. Born: 26 February 1740. Died: 20 November 1813. Apprenticed to his father Francesino Agostino at Saluzzo where he learned wood engraving. Worker in the Stamperia dell Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide 1761-1768. He studied oriental languages and the director of the press Ruggieri gave him the task of renovating the oriental types cast for the press under Pope Sixtus V. In 1761 he obtained the authorisation to print under his own name. From March 1768 until his death he directed the Stamperia reale founded by Duke Ferdinand at Parma. He imported Fournier types from Paris, using them in the frist publication I Voti in 1768. He obtained permission to set up a foundry and his first specimen Fregi e maiuscole incise e fuse da Giambattista Bodoni appeared in 1771. In 1791, after he had been invited to take charge of a press which De Azara, Spanish minister to the Papal Court intended to establish, he was authorised to open his own printing works in Parma. In this he printed works on commission for other publishers, including in 1791 Walpole's Castle of Otranto for Edwards of Pall Mall in London. In 1806 he published Oratio Dominica displaying the Lord's Prayer in 155 different type faces, all designed by himself. His greatest monument is the two volume Manuale tipografico completed by his widow Paola Margherita Dall'Aglio in 1818 under the supervision of Luigi Orsi, Bodoni's foreman for many years. Sources: Clair (1976) ; Mellot (2004).

Parma. Carmignani, Filippo. 18--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Parma. Carmignani, Phillipe. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Parma. Faure, fratelli. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Parma. Portilia, Andreas. 1472. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Parma. Stamperia Reale. 1768-1813. Printers. Founded by Duke Ferdinand in 1768 and on the recommendation of Paciaudi, librarian at the counrt, Giambattists Bodoni was the director from March 1768 to 1813. Imprints: Worldcat. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Parma. Vigna, Mario. 1681?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Parma. Viotti, Antee. 1626. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Parma. Viotti, Erasmo [1]. 1611. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Parma. Viotti, Fils d’Erasmo, II. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Parma. Viotti, Set. 1579. Sources: Mellot (2004).


Pavia. Bartoli, Girolamo. 1591. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Pavia. De Rossi, eredi de Giovanni Battista. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Pavia. Forci, Matteo. 15--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Pavia. Sidriano, Johannes de. 1473. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

PERUGIA. (Pérouse) 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 2 booksellers

Perugia. Bartoli, Angelo. 1643?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Perugia. Bresciano, Giacomo. 1579. Later in Assisi. First printer in Assisi. Sources: CERL (2014).

Perugia. Cartolari, Girolamo. 15--.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Perugia. Colombara, Vincenzo. 1615?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Perugia. Cosrantini, Girolamo. 17--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Perugia. Di Paolo, Vincenzo. 15--.. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Perugia. Farri, Pietro. 1621?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Perugia. Naccarini, Marco. 162. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Perugia. Natali, Antoine. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Perugia. Petri, Petrus ; Nicolai, Johannes. 1471. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Perugia. Reginaldi, Marc. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Perugia. Ruflinelli, Giacomo. 159.? . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Perugia. Zoppino, Niccolo. 15--.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

PESARO. 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Pesaro. Degni, Demetrio. 1648-17--. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Pesaro. Gravelli, Nicolas. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Pesaro. Soncino, Girolamo. 1504. Perinter. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Pesaro. Pisarum. Sources: Timperley (1842) ; Cotton (1831) ; USTC 224 to 1600.

PESCIA. Printing recorded 1485/6. Sources: Clair (1976).

Pescia. Cennis, Franciscus de. 1485/86. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Pescia. Torrentino, Lorenzo [1]. 1563. Sources: Mellot (2004).

PIACENZA. (Plaisance) 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1475. Sources: Clair (1976).

Piacenza. Ferratis, Johannes Petrus. 1475. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Piacenza. Maine, Mauro del. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Piacenza. Scurzani, Giuseppe. 15--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

PINERLO. Printing recorded 1479. Sources: Clair (1976).

Pinerlo. Rubens, Jacobus. 1479. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Piove di Sacco. Kozi, Mešulla. 1475. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

PISA. (Fr: Pise) Perrin: 1777 2 booksellers. 1778 : 3 booksellers. Printing recorded by unnamded printer 1482/3. Sources: Clair (1976).

Pisa. Gratiolius. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Pisa. Poleni, Cath. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

PISTOIA. (Fr: Pistoie). 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Pistoia. Bracali, Atto. 1781. Ricci, Scipione : de', 1741-1809. Istruzione pastorale di monsignore Scipione de Ricci ..., sopra la divozione al sacro cuor di Gesù. - In Pistoja : per Atto Bracali, 1781 ; e ristampata in Brescia : da Pietro Vescovi, 1781. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale ; Perrin

Pistoya. Printing recorded 1643. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Pogliano (Pojano, nr. Verona). Antiquarius, Felix ; Ziletus, Innocens. 1476. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Portese. Zanus, Bartholomaeus de. 1489/90. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Portici. Near Naples. Printing recorded 1490. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Porto. Printing recorded 1691. Sources: Timperley (1842).


Pozzuoli. Bulifon, Antonio. 1649-170. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Pozzuoli. Raiflard, Giacomo. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Puzzolo. Printing recorded 1663. Sources: Timperley (1842).

RAVENNA. Printing recorded 1580. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Ravenna. Zoppino, Niccolà. 1415--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

RECANTI. Printing recorded 1606. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Reffsio. Kingdom of Naples. Printing recorded 1475. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Reggio di Calabria. Abraham Ben Garton Ben Isaac. 1475. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

REGGIO EMILIA. Perrin 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller. Printing recorded 1480. Sources: Clair (1976).

Reggio Emilia. Bartok, Flavio. 1615?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Reggio Emilia. Bartoli, Ercoliano. 1598?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Reggio Emilia. Bartoli, Flaminio. 16..; impnimeur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Reggio Emilia. Bruschis, Bartholomaeus & Laurentius de. 1480. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Reggio Emilia. Foa, Moyse-Benjamin. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Reggio Emilia. Vedrotti, Ippolito. 16,.-1720. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Reggio Emilia. Vedrotti, Officine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Reggio Emilia. Vedrotti, Pietro Andrea. 1759. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Reggio Emilia. Vedrotti, Prospero. 1698. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Rieti. Printing recorded 1679. Sources: Timperley (1842).


Rimini. Perrin 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller.

Rimini. Albertini. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Rimini. Simbeni, Giovanni. 16.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Rimini. Vitali, Bernardino de. 1539?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Rimini. Soncino, Girolamo. 1520. Printer. RiminiPrinting recorded 1511. Sources: Timperley (1842) ; USTC 97 to 1600.

RiminiCafa, Pietro. 1511. Printer. Sources: Timperley (1842).

ROMA. (Rome). Perrin 1777, 1778 : 12 booksellers. 1781 : 10 booksellers. Printing recorded 1467. Sources: Clair (1976).

Roma. Barbiellini, Heritiers de Giovanni Lorenzo. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Barbiellini, Natal. 1781. Bookseller. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Roma. Bartolomicchi, Giovanni. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Basa, Bernardo. 1599?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Benvenuto, Marco Antonio. 16. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Bernaba, Rocco. 17--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Beroardon, Pontio. 169.? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Bianchi, Vincenzo. 16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Bodoni, Giambattista. 1761-1768. PrinterRoma 1761-1768 ; Parma 1768-1813. Born: 26 February 1740. Died: 20 November 1813. Apprenticed to his father Francesino Agostino at Saluzzo where he learned wood engraving. Worker in the Stamperia dell Sacra Congregazione de Propaganda Fide 1761-1768. He studied oriental languages and the director of the press Ruggieri gave him the task of renovating the oriental types cast for the press under Pope Sixtus V. In 1761 he obtained the authorisation to print under his own name. From March 1768 until his death he directed the Stamperia reale founded by Duke Ferdinand at Parma. His subsequent career is detailed under Parma. Sources: Clair (1976) ; Mellot (2004).

Roma. Bonfadino, Bartolomeo. 16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Bonfadino, Pietro. 1598?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Bouchard & Gravier. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Roma. Brugiotti, Andrea. -b..; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Buagni, Giovanni Francesco. 17..; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Bussotti, Giovanni Battista. 169.? ; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Capodoro, Carlo. 16--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Capponi, Lorenzo. 17--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Casaletti, Arcangelo. 1799?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Casaletti, Archangeli . 1781. Stampatore. Elementa metaphysicae ad usum scholarum in quinque partes distribute. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Roma. Cavalli, Francesco. 160.?-166.? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Celsi, Giacomo Antonio. 16--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Chracas, Luca Antonio. 17--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Coleti, fratelli. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Roma. Congregazione de propaganda fide. 1626-1812. Printers and publishers. The Congregation was established in 1621 and established its press in 1626 to publish books in many languages for missions. Its first director, Stefano Paolino, was a typecutter and his first specimen book of 1628 contained the founts of abour 20 Asian and african languages. By the end of the 18th century this nubmer had increased to 44, some of them produced or improved by the young Giambattista Bodoni. French revolutionaries depleted the printing works "pour enrichir la France" making off with punches, matrices and types in 1799 and 1812. First printed book in Vietnamese. Alexandre de Rhodes, Catechismvs pro ijs 1651?. Sources: Steinberg (1996).

Roma. Corallo, Niccolo. 17..? Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Corbelletti, Francesco, 1. 1637?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Corradi, Lorenzo. 17--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. De Mey, Giovanni. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. De Silvestris, Erasmo. 17..? ; hbraire. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Diani, Paolo. 159.?; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Diani, Tito. 159.? ; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Dorico, Luigi. 1559?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Dorico, Valerio. 1565?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Dozza, Lodovico. 16--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Dragondelli, Giacomo. 1681?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Ercole, Domenico Antonio. 17..; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Ercole, Michele. 1622-1684. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Facciotti, Giacomo. 16--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Facciotti, Guglielmo. 1632. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Facciotti, eredi de Guglielmo. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Facciotti, Pietro Antonio. 16--. ; Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Falsonius. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Roma. Ferrari, Giorgio. 16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Francesi, Benedetto. 17--. ; imprirneur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Fulgoni, Antonio. 18--.? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Gardane, Alessandro. 1538?-1591?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Giannini, Carlo. 1699?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Gigliotti, Giovanni. 1586. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Gigliotti, eredi de Giovanni. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Giunchi, Paul. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Roma. Giunta, Bernardo; 1. 1 487-1551. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Grignani, Lodovico. 1650?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Lazzarinus, Aloysius. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Roma. Leone, Francesco. 1695?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Manelfi, Manelfo. 1649. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Manfredi, Lorenzo. 17--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Mascardi, Vitale. 1666?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Masotti, Paolo. 16--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Mazzocchi, Giacomo. 15--.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Monaldini. 1781. Bookseller. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Roma. Moneta, Francesco. 1667?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Occhi, Bartolommeo. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Roma. Pagliarini, fratelli. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Pagliarini, fratelli. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Roma. Pagliarini, Marco. 179.? ; Printer-Iibraire. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Paolini, Stefano [1]. -is.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Paolini, Stefano [2]. 1640?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Placho, Giorgio. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Potken, Johannes. 1513. Printer. First printed book in Ethiopian. [Ethiopian Psalms of David] (Rome, Italy: Johannes Potken, 1513).

Roma. Ruffinelli, Giacomo. 159.? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Ruuli, Rinaldo. 159.?-1654?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Sacra congregazione de propaganda fide. Printers. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Salamanca, Antonio de. 1478-1563?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Salvioni, Perego. 1781. Bookseller. Sapienza 1781. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Roma. Salviucci, François. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Roma. Settari, Benoît. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Roma. Solomoni, Generoso. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Roma. Stamperia camerale. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Stamperia orientale Medicea. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Succetti, Giovanni. 16--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Sweynheym and Pannartz. 1467. Printers. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Roma. Tinassi, NicolO Angelo. 170.? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Tozzi, Pietro Paolo. 16--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Vitali, Bernardino de. 14-1539?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Zanetti, Bartolomeo. 1487?-1550?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Zanetti, Luigi. 16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Zannetti, Bartolomeo. 1621. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Zannetti, HCritier de Bartolomeo. 16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Zempel,Johann. 170-/179.?. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Roma. Zenobi, Gaetano. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).


Ronciglione. Roncilio. Printing recorded 1620. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Ronciglione. Grignani, Lodovico. 1650?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Ronciglione. Lupis, Lorenzo. 16--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Ronco. Printing recorded 1677. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Roveredo. Tyrol. Printing recorded 1749. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Roveredo. Marchesani, Francscantonio. 1781. Imp. reg. stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Rovetta. Printing recorded 1820. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).


Rovigo. Bissuccio, Daniele. 1629?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Sabionetta. Printing recorded 1551. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Sabionetta. Conti, Vincenzo. 1567. Printer. Borgo, Romano. Canzone. - Sabbioneta, appresso Vincenzo Conti, 1567.

SALÒ. Sallodium. Printing recorded 1517. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

Salò. Paganini, Alessandro de’. 15--.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Salò. Paganini, Paganino de’ [1]. 14.4538. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Saluzzo Bodoni, G. D. 1781. Impress. Agli amabilissimi sposi Emanuele Bianco e Giuseppa Arnulfi voti ed applausi poetici Gio Poggi [impress. dell' città]. - Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Saluzzo. Lavalle, Martinus de. 1481. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

San Cesario. Rugerius, Ugo. 1499. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).


San Felice del Benaco. Zani, Bartolomeo. 1486-1518. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

San Germano. Suigus, Jacobinus. 1484. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

San Marino. Marinum. Printing recorded 1777. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).


San Miniato. Albizzini, Antonio Maria. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Sant' Orso. Achates de Basilia, Leonardus. 1474. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Sarzina. Printing recorded 1607. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Sassari. 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Sassari. Sardinia. Printing recorded 1640. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Sassari. Piatolli, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.


Sassuolo. Gadaidini, Paolo. 1533?-1593. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Savigliano. Beyamus, Christoph ; Glim, Johannes. 1473/74. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

SAVONA. Printing recorded 1474. Sources: Clair (1976).

Savona. Bonus, Johannes. 1474. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Savona. Rossi, Giovanni Tommaso. 167.?; Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Scandiano. Pasquale, Peregrino. 1494/95. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).


Senigallia. Farri, Pietro. 1621?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Serravalle. Serravallis. Printing recorded 1604. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

SIENA. (Sienne). Perrin: 1777 1 bookseller. 1778 : 2 booksellers. 1781: 4 booksellers. Printing recorded 1484. Sources: Clair (1976).

Siena. Bindi, Luigi e Benedetto (fratelli). 1781. Booksellers. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Siena. Bonetti, eredi de Luca. 16--. . Printers and booksellers. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Siena. Bonetti, Luca. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Siena. Cologne, Heinrich of. 1484. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Siena. Pazzini, Charles. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Siena. Rossi, Francesco. 1781. Libraio e stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Siena. Stamperia del Pubblico. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Sinigaglia. Printing recorded 1694. Sources: Timperley (1842).

SIRACUSA. (Eng: Syracuse, Sicily). Printing recorded 1781, 1820. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Siracusa. Pulejo, Francesco Maria. 1781. Stampatore. Istruzioni sopra la perfezione euangelica ricauate dalla Sacra scrittura, da' santi padri e dottori classici, e specialmente dal gran maestro di spirito l'angelico dottor s. Tommaso. Proposte alla sacre vergini claustrali, dal canonico missionario Michele Macca della citta di Noto. [regio stampatore della Gran corte vescovile, e dell'illmo Senato]. Sources: OPAC Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale.

Soncino. Soncino, Josua Salomon. 1483. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).


Sorrento. Beltrano, Ottavio. 1637. Born: 1598? Died: 1654? aged 55 or 56. Also active in Ancona, Benevento, Cosenza, Montefusco, Napoli. Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL (2014).

SPOLETO. Printing recorded 1672. Sources: Timperley (1842).

St. Angelo in Vado. . Printing recorded 1664. Sources: Timperley (1842).

St. Oreste. Printing recorded 1723. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Subiaco. Sweynheym & Pannartz. 1464/65. Printers. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Terni. Printing recorded 1637. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Todi. Printing recorded 1655. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Torino (Turin). Fabri, Johannes ; Petro, Johanninus de. 1474. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Torino. (Turin). 1777, 1778, 1781 : 9 booksellers


Torino. Barberis, Bernardino. 18--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Barella, Giovanni Giacomo. 16--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Bellone, Marco Antonio. 16.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Benedict, Nicolas. 14-1519?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Bevilacqua, NicolO. 152.?-1573. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Bianchi, Antonio. 1599?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Bonnardel, François. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Torino. Briolo, Giammichele. 1781. Stampatore & libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Torino. Cavalleri, Giovanni Michele. 1600?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Colonna, Giorgin. 167.?. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Criegher, Johann. 15--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Davico, Giuseppe [1]. 17--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Davico, Giuseppe [2]. 1789. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Davico, Giuseppe [3]. 1S.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Derossi, Giuseppe Antonio Onorato. 1732-1817. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Destasanis, Joseph-François. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Torino. Destéfanis, Jean-Joseph. 1S.. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Ferrofino, Francesco. 1650?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Ferrofino, Giovanni Battista [2]. 165.?. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Fontana, Giovanni Paolo Saverio. 1725-1800. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Guibert e Orgeas. 1781. Booksellers. Sources: Perrin ; Mellot (2004).

Torino. Morano, Michelangelo. 1782?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Morano, Michelangelo, Veuve. 1821?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Orgeas, Dominique. 18--. . Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Pane, Domenico. 1S.. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Pizzamiglio, FlCritiers de Luigi. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Pizzamiglio, Lodovico. 16--. imprisneur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Pizzamiglio, Luigi. 1625?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Porporati. 1781. Graveur. Reçu ou agréé à l'Académie Royale de Peinture de Paris. Sources: Perrin

Torino. Rabby, Antoine. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Torino. Re, Beltram. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Torino. Reycends. 1690-1859. Booksellers. Family of booksellers. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Reycends et Guibert, fratelli. 1756-1781. Booksellers. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Reycends, fratelli. 1781. Booksellers. - Sources: Perrin.

Torino. Sarzina, Giacomo [1]. 1641. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Sinibaldo, Giovanni. 1688?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Stamperia Reale. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Tarino, eredi de Giovanni Domenico. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torino. Zavatta, Bartolomeo. 169.?. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Torrebelvicino. Longo, Giovanni Leonardo. 1478. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

TORTONA. Printing recorded 1614. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Tortona. Calenzano, Pietro Giovanni. 1624-1635? 1653-1656. Also in Acqui and Genova. Sources: Mellot (2004) ; CERL 2014.


Toscolano Maderno. Paganini, Alessandro de’. 1519-1538. Printer and booksellerSources: Mellot (2004).

Toscolano Maderno. Paganini, Paganino de' [1]. 1519-1538. Printer and booksellerSources: Mellot (2004).

Toscolano. Pietro, Gabriele di. 1478/79. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

TRANI. Tranum. Printing recorded 1617. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Trani. Vitale, Costantino. 1626?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Trento. (Trente). 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Trento. Battisti, Michel. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Trento. Kunne, Albrecht. 1475. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Trevi. Reinhard, Johann. 1470. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

TREVISO. Printing recorded 1471. Sources: Clair (1976).

Treviso. Deuchino, Evangelista. 16--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Treviso. Lisa, Gerardus de. 1471. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

TRIESTE. Printing recorded 1629. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Trieste. Trattner, Johann Thomas von [1]. 1717-1798. Sources: Mellot (2004).


Trino. Tridinum. Printing recorded 1508. Sources: Cotton (1831); Timperley (1842).

Trino. Giolito de Ferrari, Giovanni Francesco. 1579. Sources: Mellot (2004).


Udine. Gallici, fratelli. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Udine. Lisa, Gerardus de. 1484. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Udine. Lorio, Pietro. 1568-1629. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Urbino. Köln, Heinrich von. 1493. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

VAGLIA. Fontebuono.

Vaglia. Zanetti, Bartolomeo. 1520. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Vall'ombrosa. Vallis Umbrosa. Tuscany. Printing recorded 1511. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Varallo. Piedmont. Printing recorded 1604. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Velettri. Printing recorded 1644. Sources: Timperley (1842).


Velletri. Moneta, Francesco. 1667?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia (Venice). Speyer, Johann von. 1469. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

VENEZIA. (Eng:Venice, Fr: Venise). Perrin 1777 : 16 booksellers. 1778 : 19 booksellers. 1781 : 16 booksellers. Printing recorded 1469. Sources: Clair (1976).

Venezia. Albrizzi, Girolamo [1]. 1662?-1713. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Arrivabene, Cesare. 15--.. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Baglioni, hérit. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Ballarino, Tommaso. 15--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Balleoniana typographia. 1781. Imprenta. Sancti Bernardi abbatis primi Clarae-Vallensis Opera ... : ... tomis I [-VI] comprehensa , Horstii, et Mabillonii notis, aliisque permultis aucta, iuxta editionem parisien. anni MDCCXIX ; volumen tertium Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol. Venezia. Barezzi, Barezzo. 1560?-1644. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Barezzi, Francesco. 1590-1656. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Basa, Bernardo. 1599?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bassaglia, Giovanni Maria. 18--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Basseggio, Laur. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Batti, Giacomo. 16--. . Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Beltinelli, Forest. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Benedict, Nicolas. 1519?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bernardon, Pontio. 169.?. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bertano, Giovanni Antonio. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bertella, Giuseppe. 1783. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bevilacqua, Nicolb. 152.?-1573. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bindoni, Alessandro. 14-1522?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bindoni, Bernardino. -IS.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bindoni, Francesco [1]. 150.?-15S?. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bissuccio, Daniele. 1629?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bonibello, Michele. 159.?. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Alvise [1]. 1576?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Alvise [2]. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Alvise [3]. 17..; Printer-tibraire. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Giacomo. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Giovanni. 1615?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Girolamo. 1610-1669. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Lorenzo. 16.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Nicola. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Officine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Pietro. 16.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Vincenzo [1]. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadin, Vincenzo [2]. 1710?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Bragadina. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Venezia. Brigna, Giovanni Battista. 168.? . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Brogiollo, Carlo. 16--. . Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Brucioli, Alessandro. -IS.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Brucioli, Antonio. 1487-1566. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Brucioli, Francesco. -IS.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Brucioli, fratelli. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Cavalcalupo, Domenico. 1587?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Cavalli, Giorgio. -IS.. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Ciotti, Giovanni Battista. 1561?-162. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Claseri, Marco. 1570?-16--. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Coleti, fratelli. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Coleti, Officine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Colombani, Paolo. 1722-1800. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Combi, Sebastiano [1]. 16.. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Comm da Trino. 1510?-1574?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Cornetti, Giacomo. 159.?. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Criegher, Johann. 1566-1569. Printer. Also in Torino. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Curti, Stefano. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Da Fontaneto, Guglielmo. 1514-1544. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. De Franceschi, Domenico. 1557-1587. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. De Franceschi, Francesco. 1558-1599. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Dei Ravani, Pietro. 1516-1528. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Del Gesu, fratelli. 1501-1532. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Deuchino, Evangelista. 16.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Deuchino, Pietro. 1581. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Di Paolo, Vincenzo. 15--.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Farri, Domenico. 16--. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Farri, Pietro. 1621?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Fenzo, Modesto. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Venezia. Ferrari, Giorgio. 16--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Fiorina, Giovanni. 159.? . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Gara, Giovanni di. 16--. Printer-tibraire. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Gardane, Alessandro. 1538?-1S91?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Garupha, Johannes Antonius. 1 5..; tibraire. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Gatti, Giovanni. 1781. Bookseller. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Venezia. Gerardo, Paolo. 1543-1560. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Giglio, Domenico. 1533-1567. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Ginammi, Marco. 1657?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Giolito de Ferrari, fratelli. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Giolito de Ferrari, Gabriele. 1578. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Giolito de Ferrari, Giovanni Francesco. 1579. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Giustiniani, Marco Antonio. 15--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Grub e Fratelli, Santo. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Grub, Santo. 1S--/16. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Guerigli, Giovanni. 1628. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Guerigli, eredi de Giovanni. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Guerigli, Officine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Guerra, Domenico. 160.?; imprinieur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Guerra, Giovanni Battista. 160.?. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Indrich, Giovanni Battista [1]. 169.?. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Larduccio, Lodovico. 1599?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Liechtenstein, eredi de Peter. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Liechtenstein, Peter. 1528?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Lovisa, Domenico. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Luna, Otino. 15--.. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Manuzio,Aldo [1]. 1450?-1515. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Marcello, Iseppo. 1S--/16.. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Marcolini, Francesco. 15..?—15--. Printer—Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Milli, Giovanni. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Milocco, B. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Venezia. Misserini, Nicolô. 16--. Printer-tibraire. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Monti, Stefano. 1685-1746?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Murari, Giovanni Battista. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Muschio, Andrea. 1628?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Nicolini da Sabbio, Domenico. 1557-1605. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Nicolini, Francesco. 1700?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Novelli, J. B. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Novelli, Pierre. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Occhi, Bartobomeo. 1730-1781. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Occhi, Simon. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Padovano, Giovanni. 1531-1553. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Paganini, Alessandro de’. 15--.. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Paganini, Paganino de’ [1]. 14-1538. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Palese, Carlo. 1781. Bookseller. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Venezia. Pasini, Maffeo. -IS.. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pasquali, Giovanni Battista. 1702-1784. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pasquali, J. B. 1781. Bookseller. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Venezia. Pederzano, Giovanni Battista. 14,.?-1S.. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pencio, Giacomo. 15----. Printer-bibraire. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Petteri, F. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Venezia. Pezzana, François. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Pezzana, J. Antoine. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Pezzana, Nic., hérit. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Pezzana, Niccolo. 1781. Stampatore. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Venezia. Pichi, Lorenzo. -iS.?. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pietrasanta, P1mm. -IS.. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pinelli, Antonio [1]. 163.?. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pinelli, Antonio [2]. 1705?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pinelli, Giovanni Pietro. 16..—168.? ; inaprimeur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pinelli, Piecro. 1718. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Pinzi, Aurelio. 15.?15--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Prodocimo, Iseppo. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Rampazetto, Francesco [1]. 1576?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Rampazetto, Francesco [2]. 1615?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Rampazetto, eredi de Francesco [1]. imprimerie-librairie en activitéde 1577à 1602. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Ravenoldo, Andrea. -is.. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Remondini, Giovanni Battista. 1713-1773. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Remondini, Giuseppe [2]. 1745-1811. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Remondini, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Remondini, Officine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Rossetti, Marino. 17--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Rossi, Giovanni. 1595. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Ruffinelli, Venturino. 1558. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Rusconi, Giorgio. 14-1521. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Rusconi, Veuve de Giorgio. 15--.. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Sansoniana Typographia. 1781. Imprenta. Catechismus ex decreto S.S. Concilii Tridentini , ad parochos Pii V. Pont. Maximi jussu editus Sources: Catálogo Colectivo del Patrimonio Bibliográfico Espanol. Venezia. Sarzina, Giacomo [1]. 1641. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Savioni, Pietro. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781.

Venezia. Schwickert, E. B. 1781. Bookseller. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Venezia. Scoto, Girolamo. 1572. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Scoto, Ottaviano [2]. 15--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Sessa, Giovanni Battista [1]. 14-1505?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Sessa, Giovanni Battista [2]. 1602?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Sessa, eredi de Melchiorre [1]. 16--. imprimerie-librairie en activité de 154611600. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Sessa, Meichiorre [1]. 14-1555?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Sessa, Meichiorre [2]. 15—1600?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Sola, Pietro. 1S..?. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Stefano de Sabio. 1526. First printed book in modern Greek: Homerou Ilias, 1526.

Venezia. Storti, Gasp. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: Perrin.

Venezia. Tebaldini, Nicolô. 1649?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Tomasini, Cristofnro. 166.? . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Tommasini, Giacomn. 1754?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Torresann, Andrea [1]. 1451-1529. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Torresano, Federico. 1561. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Torresano, Francesco. 149.-1557?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Tozzi, Pietro Paolo. 16.. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Trattner,Johann Thomas von [1]. 1717-1798. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Valvasenese, Francesco [1]. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Valvasenese, Pietro. 1720-1789. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Van Bomberghen, Daniel. 1483?-1553. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Varisco, fratelli. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Varisco, Giorgio. 1610?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Varisco, Giovanni. 1590. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Varisco, Varisco. 16--. imprirneur-Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Vendramin, Giovanni. 16--. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Vendramin, Officine. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Veronese, Giuseppe. 17.-la. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Viotti, Erasmo [1]. 1611. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Vitali, Bernardino de. 14-1539?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Zanetti, Bartolomeo. 1487?-1550?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Zanetti, Cristoforo. 1520-1582. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Zanetti, Daniele. 160.?. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Zani, Agostino. 1415--. . Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Zani, Bartolomeo. 15--.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Zatta, Antonio. 1781. Bookseller. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Venezia. Ziletti, Giordano. -l58.? Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Zini, Giacomo. 17--. Printer—Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. Zoppino, NiccolO. 15--.. . Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Venezia. First printed book in Armenian. Urbat’agirk’ (Venice, Italy: Hakob Meghapart, 1512).

Vercelli. (Verceil) 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller

Vercelli. Panialis, Joseph. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Vercelli. Suigus, Jacobinus. 1485. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

VERONA. (Verone, Italie) 1777, 1778 1 bookseller. 1781 : 2 booksellers


Verona. Berno, Giovanni. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Verona. Berno, Pierantonio. 1781. Stampatore e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Verona. Carrattoni, Agostino eredi. 1781. Stampatori vescovili. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Verona. Carrattoni, Agostino. 1781. Bookseller. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Verona. Carrattoni, Domenico e Girolamo, fratelli. 1781. Stampatori ducali. Imprints: Noi Conte Mario Savorgnan ... [Edict regulating fisheries on Lago di Garda], 1781

Verona. Giuliari, Bartolommeo. 1S.. Printer. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Verona. Merlo, Bartolomeo. 1652?. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Verona. Moroni, Marco, eredi. 1781. Stampatore e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Verona. Moroni, Marco. 1781. Stampatore e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Verona. Ramanzini, Dionisio. 1781. Stampatore e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Verona. Vallasari, Jacobo. 1781. Stampatore e libraio. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Verona. Verona, Johannes de. 1472. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

VICENZA. (Vicence, Viceme) 1777, 1778 not in Perrin, 1781 : 1 bookseller


Vicenza. Achates de Basilia, Leonardus. 1474. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Vicenza. Berno, Giovanni. 17--. Printer and bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Vicenza. Ciotti, Giovanni Battista. 1561?-162. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Vicenza. Grossi, Francesco. 1602-l629. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Vicenza. Tozzi, Pietro Paolo. 16--. Bookseller. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Vicenza. Turra. 1781. Stamperia. Imprints: Worldcat 1781. Sources:Perrin

Vicenza. Veronese, Antoine. 1781. Bookseller. - Sources: Perrin.

Vico Equana or Vico di Torrento. Printing recorded 1586. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Villa Manta. Printing recorded 1568. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Viqueria. Sardinia. Printing recorded 1486. Sources: Timperley (1842).

Viterbo. [s. n.]. 1478. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

Viterbo. (Viterbe) 1777, 1778, 1781 : 1 bookseller


Viterbo. Colaldo, Agostino. 1565-1599. Printer. Augustinus Colaldus. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Viterbo. Discepolo, Girolamo. 1603-1614+. Printer. Hieronymum Discipulum. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015).

Viterbo. Grignani, Antonio. 1672-1693. Printer. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015) ; Mellot (2004).

Viterbo. Grignani, Lodovico. 1632-1634. Printer. Ronciglione 1619-1622 ; Roma 1623-1630 ; Viterbo 1632-1634. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015) ; Mellot (2004).

Viterbo. Zenti, Domenico Antonio. 1724-1790. Printer and bookseller. typographia Episcopali 1724, 1763. librajo al Suffragio, 1753. Sources: OPAC SBN (2015) ; Perrin (1781).


Vittorio Veneto. Claseri, Marco. 1570?-16.. Sources: Mellot (2004).

Voghera. Sancto Nazario, Jacobus de. 1486. Printer. First local printer. Sources: Clair (1976).

VOLTERRA. Tuscany. Printing recorded 1763: Due lettere erudite intorno ad un nuovo metodo di leggere le oscure iscrizioni utilissime agli studiosi dell'Antichita. Con una censura. WorldCat has one unidentified imprint for 1751. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842) ; OPAC SBN (2015).

This page last updated: 17 October 2015.