Exeter : Townsend.
For details of the scope of these imprint registers, see the introduction and key.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1868. Printer. Le Clair's French verbs copy-book, or, The conjugation of French verbs simplified First conjugation. - Exeter James Townsend, printer [1868]. - [38] p. ; 23 cm. - Title from cover, imprint from colophon. - Held by: University of Cambridge Libraries ; British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1869. Printer. Proceedings at the enthronement of the Lord Bishop of Exeter [Frederick Temple], 29th December 1869. - Exeter James Townsend 1869. - 7p. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 187-. Printer. Abridged catalogue / J. Wippel and Company. - Exeter the Firm [187-?]. - 17 p., 18 p. of plates : chiefly ill. ; 25 cm. - Trade catalogue. Caption title. Engraved cover designed by A. Smith, printed by J. Townsend, Exeter. - Held by: V&A Libraries.
Exeter. Townsend. 1872. Printer. Coleridge, John T. Some few Personal Recollections of Sir Thomas Dyke Acland. [Signed: J. T. C., i.e. Sir John T. Coleridge.]. - Exeter [Printed for private circulation by Townsend] , [1872.]. - pp. 31. 12º. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries ;British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1870. Printer. Edmonds, Walter, J. Remarks on a letter addressed by the Rev. Frederick Baldey to the officers of the Auxiliaries and Branches of the British & Foreign Bible Society / by the Rev. Walter J. Edmonds .. - Exeter James Townsend, Printer 1870. - 12 p. ; 21 cm. (8º). - Relating to "a circular letter on the subject of the Bible Society's work in Roman Catholic countries, dated 'St. Simon's Vicarage, Southsea, Hants, Sept., 1870,' and signed 'Frederick Baldey, Secretary of the Southsea Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society" (p. [3]). - Held by: British Library ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Manchester Libraries.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1872. Printer. A day in Exeter : what to see and how to see it. - 2nd ed. - Exeter James Townsend 1872. - 35 p. ; 12 cm. - Held by: University of Oxford Libraries.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1873. Printer. Dymond, Robert. History of the suburban parish of St. Leonard, Exeter / by Robert Dymond. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1873. - 33,[2]p,plates ; 24cm. - Exeter Naturalists' Club and Archaeological Society. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/726.5/DYM ; Barnstaple: BX:EXE/0001/DYM ; Tiverton: Tiv DYM 118 ; British Library ; University of Exeter Libraries. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Districts. Saint Leonard. History. -1873.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1874. Printer. Woodward, Helen. Beauty and other poems / by Helen Woodward .. - Exeter J. Townsend ... : H.S. Eland ... 1874. - 99, [3] p. ; 19 cm. - Errata slip tipped in after p. [4]. Includes list of subscribers, and list of poems. - Held by: University of Oxford Libraries ; British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1874. Printer. Ecclesiastica, or a Book of remembrance, wherein the rise, constitution, rule, order, and discipline of the Church of Christ, ordinarily assembling at Wykecroft, in the parish of Axminster, is faithfully recorded ... By the order & appoyntment of the Church. - Exeter J. Townsend ; Axminster : Deane & Tapscott , [1874]. - 131 p. ; 8º. - Held by : North Devon Athenæum, Barnstaple ; University of Exeter Libraries ; British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1874. Printer. Exeter Diocese. Bishop, 1869-1885. Temple, Frederick. The Exeter reredos: a report on the proceedings of the visitation of the cathedral church of Exeter ... by ... Frederick [Temple] Lord Bishop of Exeter, assisted by Sir Henry Singer Keating ... on the petition of Chancellor Phillpotts. Held in the Chapter House ... 7th, 8th, 9th days of January 1874, [etc.] / from the short hand writer's notes; revised by Arthur Burch, Deputy Registrar of the Diocese of Exeter. - Exeter : Printed by James Townsend , 1874. - iv,176p ; 28 cm. - Cover title preceeded by: Phillpotts v. Boyd. Copy, process filed in the Arches Court. Frederick Temple, Bp. of Exeter 1869-1885. - Held by: Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: xB/EXE/247.16/EXE ; University of Exeter Libraries ; British Library ; University of York Libraries ; Lambeth Palace Library (Court of Arches exhibit. Photographs of the old screen and new reredos bound in). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Reredoses. 1869-1885.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1875. Printer. Exeter Diocese. Exeter Diocesan Directory. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1875-. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s283.025 (1875, 1877-79, 1882-84, 1900-02, 1905-13, 1962, 1964, 1966-67, 1969-70, 1972-73) ; North Devon Athenaeum: D922 BAY A. - Subjects: Devon. Clergy. Lists. 1875-1973.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1875. Printer. Catalogo degli scritti impressi in dialetto veneziano. - Exeter J. Townsend 1875. - 11 p. ; 8º. - One of an edition of fifty copies. - Held by: British Library ; University of Oxford Libraries.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1875. Printer. Charge, delivered at the second triennial visitation of his diocese / by Frederick, Lord Bishop of Exeter, 1875. - Exeter James Townsend 1875. - 57p. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1876. Printer. Dispensing and retail price list. Recommended by the Committee of the Plymouth, Devonport & Stonehouse Chemists' Association . - Exeter J. Townsend 1876. - 30 p. ; 20 cm. - Held by: British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1877. Printer. Cotton, William [of Exeter]. Gleanings from the municipal and cathedral records relative to the history of ... Exeter / by W.Cotton & Henry Woollcombe. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1877. - 208,38p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: B/EXE/1347/COT ; Barnstaple: BX:EXE/1347/COT ; North Devon Athenaeum: D900EXE/COT. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. History. 1347-1600.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1877. Printer. History ... History and description of the Devon & Exeter Albert Memorial with a synopsis of the contents of the Museum. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1877. - 20p ; 22cm. - Held by: WSL: pB/EXE/069/HIS. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Museums. 1877.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1878. Printer. Perkins, Frank P. Qualitative analysis. Part 1. Simple salts / by Frank P.Perkins, certified teacher ... at the Exeter School. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1878. - 29p ; 21cm. - Held by: WSL: s080/DEV/TRA/02 13. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Chemists. Perkins, Frank P. Works. Chemical analysis.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1878. Printer. Temple, Frederick. A pastoral letter to the clergy and laity of the Diocese of Exeter / by Frederick, Bishop of the Diocese. - Exeter : John Townsend, Gandy Street , 1878. - 1 volume ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s262.3/WES/TEM. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Temple, Frederick. Works. Church of England.. 1878 -.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1882. Printer. Masey, P.E. Observations on Beer stone. - Exeter : Townsend , 1882. - 1 vol. - Matchcode MASOBS1882. - Held by: WSL: s691.2/BEE/MAS U. - Subjects: Devon. Building stones. Beer stone.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1882. Printer. Temple, Frederick. Marriage with deceased wife's sister / Frederick Temple. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1882. - 10p ; 19cm. - Matchcode TEMMAR1882. - Speech at diocesan conference held in Exeter, October 25th, 1882. - Held by: WSL: p241.63/GEN/TEM. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Bishops. Temple,Frederick. Works. Marriage.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1882. Printer. Whiteford, J.T. A lytel ballad of an olde Englyshe fayre, holden in Excester, ye xii., xiii., and xiv. Julye, mdccclxxii. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1882. - 1 sheet ; 25x28cm. - Matchcode WHILYT1882. - Held by: WSL: LE B/EXE/1882/07/14. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Fairs. Poetry. 1882.
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1884. Printer. Marriott, Elizabeth. Seven women of Holy Scripture : an address delivered ... at Sowton ... proposed Women's window in the church of S.Peter ... - Exeter : James Townsend , 1884. - 32p ; 18cm. - Matchcode MARSEV1884. - Held by: WSL : sB/EXE/748.5/MAR. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Stained glass
Exeter. Townsend, James. 1885. Printer. Buckingham, W. A turnpike key, or an account of the proceedings of the Exeter Turnpike Trustees from...1753 to...1884 / by W.Buckingham. - Exeter : James Townsend , 1885. - 40p : ill ; 19cm. - Matchcode BUCTUR1885. - Held by: WSL : sB/EXE/388.13/BUC. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Turnpike roads. 1753-1884
Exeter. Townsend, James and Son. 1902-. Publisher. |The Exeter Diocesan gazette. - Exeter : James Townsend & Son.. - Held by: National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1904-. Publisher. Proprietary Articles Trade Association. Year Book, 1904 [etc.], and Protected List. - Exeter ; London : James Townsend & Sons, [1904, etc.]. - 8º. - Held by: British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Son. 1907-1912. Publisher. |Exeter diocesan finance year book / [Exeter. Diocese.]. - Exeter : James Townsend, 1907+. - Notes: Library has volumes for 1907, 1912.. - Held by: Lambeth Palace.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Son. 1908. Publisher. |Lokoja Native Pastorate Auxiliary Association. Annual report. - Exeter, England : James Townsend.. - v. - Empire online.. - Notes: Description based on: 6th (Oct. 1908). Electronic reproduction held by: Aberdeen ; King's College London ; Southampton ; Trinity College Dublin ; Warwick ; York.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1911. Publisher. |Exeter day by day. - Exeter : James Townsend & Sons.. - v. : ill. ; 25 cm. - Notes: Description based on No. 2, July, 1911.. - Imprint from inside front cover.. - Held by: Cambridge.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1914-1919. Publisher. |Guild of S. Paul. Annual report and statement of accounts / [Guild of S. Paul.]. - Exeter : Townsend, 1914+. - Notes: Library has issues for 1914 and 1919.. - Held by: Lambeth Palace.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1920. Publisher. Bishop, Herbert Eustace. Notes on Exeter Cathedral / by H.E. Bishop ; with preface by the Very Rev. The Dean [H.R. Gamble]. - Exeter : James Townsend, 1920. - 16 p. - Held by: British Library ; University of Exeter.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1920. Publisher. English-Ibo Phrase Book. - Exeter : James Townsend & Sons, 1920. - 32 p. ; 8º. - Held by: British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1920. Publisher. N~wed iquo¨ ke Efik. ... - (Exeter (Britain), printed by James Townsend & Sons, 1920.). - 208p. - Notes: Index.. - Text language: Efik (spoken in Calabar, Nigeria).. - Contents: 245 hymns.. - Held by: School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS).
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1920. Publisher. Ohuoba, E. E. Ebe Erhunmwun O?ghe Iko. - Exeter : Printed by James Townsend & Sons, 1920. - 119p ; 16cm. - Notes: With MS. note on flyleaf at the beginning of the book.. - Prepared by E.E. Ohuoba.. - Half title-page.. - Contents: Contains prayers, hymns and selections of Scripture, and portions of Watt's Catechism. Reprint of the 1909 edition.. - Held by: Cambridge.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1920. Publisher. Rockbeare, near Exeter, East Devon : sale of freehold dairy and corn farms, accommodation, arable and pasture lands, gravel pit, cottages and gardens, and smithy. - Exeter : [printed by] James Townsend & Sons, 1920. - [19] p. - Notes: Particulars, plan and conditions of sale of six farms: Allercombe Farm, The Manor Farm, Westcott Farm, Marsh, or Marsh Green Farm, Cottles Farm, and Marsh Bawden Farm (sale date Friday 12 March 1920). - Held by: University of Exeter (photocopy).
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1921. Publisher. Bishop, Herbert Eustace. Notes on Exeter cathedral / with a preface by the Dean [H.R.Gamble]. - 2nd ed. - Exeter : James Townsend, 1921. - 16p. - Held by: British Library ; University of Exeter.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1922. Publisher. Harris, J. Delpratt. The Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital / by J. Delpratt Harris. - Exeter : Published for the Hospital Committee by Eland Brothers, High Street, 1922. - 203 p., [3] leaves of plates : ill., ports. ; 23 cm. - Notes: Title page verso: Exeter: James Townsend & Sons, Printers, Little Queen Street.. - Spine title: History of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.. - Includes index.. - Held by: Cambridge ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru ; Oxford ; Sheffield ; Trinity College Dublin ; University of Exeter ; Wellcome Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1923. Publisher. Bishop, Herbert Eustace. Notes on Exeter Cathedral. - (Third edition.).. - Exeter : J. Townsend & Sons, 1923. - 16 p. ; 8º. - Held by: British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1925. Publisher. Bonnor, H. J. M. Standing Orders and Regimental Duties for Territorial Batteries and Brigades. - Exeter ; London : J. Townsend & Sons, [1925]. - vi, 41 p. ; 8º. - Held by: British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1925. Publisher. Radcliffe, John. The new law of property : lectures delivered before the Devon and Exeter Law Association. - Exeter : James Townsend & Sons, 1925. - 132 p. ; 22 cm. - Held by: Cambridge ; Oxford ; Trinity College, Dublin.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1926. Publisher. Cresswell, Beatrix F. Some notes on the history of the parish church of Saint Michael, Great Torrington / by Beatrix F.Cresswell. - Exeter : Townsend, 1926. - 20p, illus. ; 23cm. - Held by: Oxford ; University of Exeter.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1926. Printer. Exeter Cathedral : pictures, notes, and a plan. - 4th ed.. - Exeter : Printed by James Townsend & Sons, 1926. - [24] p. - Notes: Cover title.. - Held by: University of Exeter.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1926. Publisher. Fell, Alfred. A colonist's voyage to New Zealand under sail in the "early forties." / By the late Alfred Fell ; with a foreword by his son, Sir Arthur Fell ... - Exeter : London : J. Townsend & Sons ; Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., [1926]. - 112 pages ; 19 cm. - Notes: Running title: Journal of a voyage from London to New Zealand.. - Summary: Diary kept during the voyage of the Lord Auckland to Nelson, N.Z., 1841-1842.. - Held by: Cambridge ; Edinburgh ; London Library ; Oxford ; National Library of Wales ; British Library.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1926. Publisher. Paterson, Donald Rose. Early Cardiff : a short account of its street-names and surrounding place-names / [Paterson, D. R.]. - Exeter : James Townsend & Sons, 1926. - 61 p. ; 22 cm. - Notes: "The substance of this little book formed the subject matter of a presidential address to the Cardiff Naturalists' Society and, with some additions, it appeared in its Transactions."--Pref.. - Held by: Aberdeen ; British Library ; Cambridge ; Leeds ; Liverpool ; National Library of Wales ; Oxford ; Cardiff ; Trinity College Dublin ; National Library of Scotland.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1926. Publisher. Woollcombe, Louis A.W. Princetown and its prison. - 2nd ed.. - Exeter : Townsend, [1926]. - 31p. - Held by: University of Exeter.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1927. Publisher. Douglas, Archibald Campbell. Niger Memories / by Nemo (A.C. Douglas). [With portraits.]. - Exeter : J. Townsend & Sons, [1927]. - 174p,[3] leaves of plates ; 8º. - Held by: British Library ; Cambridge ; Oxford ; National Library of Scotland.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1927. Publisher. Eje-iho e-bi ta Owo-richo aba l'ela Idoma. - (Exeter (Britain), printed by James Townsend & Sons, 1927.). - [ii], 36p. - Notes: Index.. - Text language: Idoma (of Benue Province, eastern Nigeria).. - Contents: 41 hymns.. - Held by: School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS).
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1927. Publisher. Exeter Cathedral : pictures, notes, and a plan. - 5th ed.. - Exeter : Printed by James Townsend & Sons, 1927. - [24] p. - Notes: Cover title.. - Held by: University of Exeter.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1928. Publisher. Bishop, Herbert Eustace. Notes on Exeter Cathedral / with a preface by the Dean [H.R.Gamble]. - 4th ed.. - Exeter : Townsend, 1928. - 19p. - Held by: British Library ; National Library of Scotland ; Oxford ; Southampton ; University of Exeter ; Cambridge.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1928. Publisher. Exeter Cathedral : pictures, notes, and a plan. - 6th ed.. - Exeter : James Townsend, 1928. - [24] p. : ill. ; 14 cm. - Notes: Cover title.. - Caption title: The Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Exeter.. - Held by: Oxford ; University of Exeter ; York Minster.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1929. Publisher. Exeter Cathedral : pictures, notes, and a plan. - 7th ed.. - Exeter : Printed by James Townsend & Sons, 1929. - [24] p. - Notes: Cover title.. - Held by: University of Exeter ; St. Andrews.
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1929. Publisher. N~wed iquo¨ ke Efik. ... - (Exeter (Britain), printed by James Townsend & Sons, 1929.). - 208p. - Notes: Index.. - Text language: Efik (spoken in Calabar, Nigeria).. - Contents: 245 hymns.. - Held by: School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS).
Exeter. Townsend, James and Sons. 1929. Publisher. Walker, H. J. O. Descriptive catalogue of a library of bee-books collected and offered for sale by Lt.-Col. H. J. O. Walker, (now of) Westholm Mains, Budleigh Salterton, Devon / []. - Exeter : James Townsend & Sons, Printers, Little Queen Street, September, 1929. - 144 p. ; 21 cm. - URL: http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/library/specialcollections/collections/rarebooks/projects/lightingthepast/. - Held by: British Library ; St. Andrews.
Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented 2014.
This page last updated 7 December 2015