02 February 2015

Devon imprints. Exeter: Roberts

The Devon book trades : imprint registers.
Exeter : Roberts.

For details of the scope of these imprint registers, see the introduction and key.

Exeter. Roberts, P. 1833. Printer. Description of the great Greenland whale : taken on the shores of Devon, supposed to have lived 700 years...-- Exeter P. Roberts 1833. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, W. T. 1837. Printer. Observations on the Preservation of Sight, and hints to spectacle wearers, etc.-- Exeter W. T. Roberts 1837. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1829. Printer. Johns, J. A sermon delivered at Crediton, on Sunday, October 18, 1829, on the occasion of the death of Mr. Henry Rowe. - Exeter : Printed by W. Roberts, 1829. - Held by: Manchester.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1830. Printer. Currie, D. Monody on the death of the Rev. Saml. Kilpin, of Exeter : who died September 17, 1830 / by D. Currie, classical tutor of the Western Academy.-- London Exeter Longman, & Co. W. Roberts 1830. - Held by: University of Cambridge Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1830. Printer. A letter to a member of the House of Commons : on the tithe composition bill.-- Exeter W. Roberts, printer 1830. - Held by: British Library ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Exeter Libraries ; Lambeth Palace Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1831. Printer. A letter to Henry Gervis Esq., portreeve of Ashburton : on agricultural labour & wages, 1831.-- Exeter printed by W. Roberts 1831. - Held by: Lambeth Palace Library ; Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1831. Printer. Pearse, George. The parish apprentice system : a letter to John Morth Woolcombe, Esq. / [by] George Pearse. - Exeter : Printed by W.Roberts , 1831. - 12p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p331.55/HAT/PEA. - Subjects: Devon. Hatherleigh. Poverty relief. Parish apprentices. 1831.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1832. Printer. A list of persons relieved by the Corporation of the Poor of the City and County of the City of Exeter : from the 1st May, 1831, to 30th April, 1832, during the treasurership of Samuel Langston, Esq.-- [Exeter Printed by W. Roberts 1832]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1832. Printer. Thoughts on the times, addressed to the Church of God : part the first.-- Exeter by W. Roberts 1832. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1832. Printer. Exeter Cathedral. Dean and Chapter. Petition of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, against a clause in the Exeter Improvement Bill, for making a new public carriage way through the Close - Exeter : Printed by W. Roberts , [1832]. - [9]p : fold.map ; 26cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/711.73/PET. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Roads. Planning. Objections.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1834. Printer. An appeal to the people of England, on the proposed transfer of all testamentary business to London ...-- Exeter W. Roberts 1834. - Held by: Lambeth Palace Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1834. Printer. Poetry, chiefly original, designed as materials for albums, scrap books, portfolios, &c. and forming an elegant and amusing appendage to the drawing room : In three numbers ..-- Exeter printed by W. Roberts ... 1834. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1834. Printer. Dennis, Prebendary. Church reform / by a Church Radical, Prebendary Dennis.-- Exeter Printed by W. Roberts 1834. - Held by: University of Southampton Libraries ; Lambeth Palace Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1834. Printer. The separation of Church and State calmly considered, in reference to its probable influence upon the cause and progress of evangelical truth in this country. By a Devonshire Dissenter [identified in a MS. note as George Payne].-- London Exeter F. Westley & A. H. Davis W. Roberts 1834. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1834. Printer. The Devon agricultural magazine. Vol. 1. - Exeter : W.Roberts , 1834. - 318p ; 22cm. - No more published?. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s630.5/DEV/DEV. - Subjects: Devon. Agriculture. Periodicals. 1834.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1835. Printer. Shapter, Thomas. A few observations on the leprosy of the Middle Ages.-- Exeter Printed (for private circulation) by W. Roberts 1835. - Printer statement from p. 103: "W. Roberts, printer, ...". Reissued with new title-page 1842. Davidson p.116 (LP).- Held by: Royal College of Surgeons of England Library ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; Wellcome Library.

Held by: British Library ; University of Aberdeen Libraries ; University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1835. Printer. Church Reform, by a Church Radical, comprising a review of the Thirty-Nine Articles. -- London Exeter Whittaker & Co. W. Roberts 1835. - Held by: British Library [With “A Living Prelate’s Diocesan Government,” “Infraction of the Ecclesiastical Laws in the Government of a Parish,” “A Challenge to the Pope to test Ecclesiastical Supremacy by the Evidence of Scripture, by Bathoniensis,” “The Alliance of the Church with the State neither Sinful nor Unscriptural,” and “Speech ... delivered in the Cathedral of Exeter, Friday, February 13, 1835, on the election of clerks to represent the clergy of that diocese in Convocation, etc.”].

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1836. Printer. Remarks on the Tithe Commutation Act. Addressed to the clergy of the diocese of Exeter, and inscribed, by permission, to the Lord Bishop of Exeter / by Ralph Barnes, Esq.-- London Exeter J. G. & T. Rivington W. Roberts 1836. - Held by: Lambeth Palace Library ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Leeds Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1836. Printer. Remarks on the Tithe Commutation act, addressed to the clergy of the Diocese of Exeter, and inscribed, by permission, to the Lord Bishop of Exeter / by Ralph Barnes.-- Second edition.-- London ; Exeter J.G. & T. Rivington 1836.-- Held by: Durham University Libraries ; Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1836. Printer. Jones, Pitman. Devoniae index parochialis, containing the names of the several hundreds in the county of Devon, with their relative situations to Exeter: borough & corporate towns: parishes, townships, and extra-parochial places, within the several hundreds: the parishes, with their peculiar ecclesiastical jurisdiction, etc. - Exeter : William Roberts , 1836. - 71p ; 31cm. - Davidson p.11 (Secktor Lib.). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: x016.26222/DEV/JON ; Barnstaple: 016.2622/B/JON ; North Devon Athenaeum D352/JON ; British Library ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries. - Subjects: Devon. Church of England.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1837. Printer. Church rates : two letters consequent on the meeting in the Guildhall, Exeter, on the thirtieth of March 1837.-- Exeter William Roberts 1837. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1837. Printer. A letter on church rates.-- London Rivingtons, and W. Roberts, Exeter 1837. - Held by: British Library ; National Library of Scotland ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1837. Printer. A letter to Sir John Campbell on the law of church rates.-- London J..G. & T. Rivington, and W. Roberts, Exeter 1837. - Held by: National Library of Scotland ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1837. Printer. Lady Hewley rediviva, in vindication of R.B. Bradley against M. Montgomery on the subject of the, so called, Improved version of the New Testament With an appendix from the writings of the assertors of the catholic doctrine of the Trinity in unity.-- Exeter ; William Roberts , 1837. - A reply to his letters in the Taunton courier. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries ; British Library ; University of Oxford Libraries ; National Library of Scotland ; University of Cambridge Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1838. Printer. A wrong head dissected by analytical process; and puritanism detected in the pineal gland / by a Phrenal Anatamist. - Exeter : William Roberts , 1838. - iv,29p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p230.59/GEN/WRO. - Subjects: Background. Christian doctrine. Puritanism.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1838. Printer. Shapter, Thomas. Sketch of the geology of Exeter and the neighbourhood. - Exeter : William Roberts , 1838. - 49p Ref. no.: DEVON D02001228x. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : p550/DEV/SHA ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Geological features.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1838. Printer. Stirling, D.M. The beauties of the shore ; or, a guide to the watering-places on the south-east coast of Devon ... antiquities, history, topography and scenery / by D.M.Stirling. - Exeter : W.Roberts , 1838. - vi,[2],191,[7]p ; 20cm. - Davidson p.11 (Secktor Lib.). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: DEV/1838/STI ; Barnstaple: B/1838/STI ; North Devon Athenaeum D910/STI ; University of Exeter Libraries ; British Library ; University of Oxford Libraries. - Subjects: Devon. East Devon. Coastal resorts. Guides. 1838.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1839. Bookseller*. A tract for all times, but most eminently for the present : peculiar character of the Church of England, as distinguished both from other branches of the Reformation, and from the modern Church of Rome / [edited by F. Huyshe].-- London Oxford Bristol Exeter Plymouth Rivingtons Parker Strong Hannaford, Jeanes, and Roberts Nettleton 1839. - Held by: British Library ; Lambeth Palace Library ; National Library of Scotland ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1840. Printer. Presbuteros to the reader, and a loyal voice to the Queen.-- Exeter William Roberts 1840. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1841. Printer. Serious thoughts in prose and poetry : by Anne Elliot.-- London Exeter L. and G. Seeley, Fleet-Street; and W. Roberts, Exeter 1841. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1843. Printer. Narrative of the wreck of the ship Tiger, of Liverpool, (captained Edward Searight), on the desert island of Astova, on the morning of the 12th of August, 1836 : with some particulars respecting the ship, the residence of the crew on the island and their subsequent deliverance / by Major (late Capt.) W. Stirling. - Exeter printed by W. Roberts 1843. - 22 cm. - From title page: Printed for circulation among his friends.. - Held by: University of Birmingham Libraries ; National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1844. Printer. GRANT, John. A few remarks on the large hedges and small enclosures of Devonshire and the adjoining counties. - Exeter William Roberts; London, Longman & Co 1844. - 16p. - Davidson p.109n (BM). - Held by: Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s080/DEV/DEV Devoniensia volume 4 ; Barnstaple: 631.27/B/GRA ; British Library ; National Library of Scotland ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries. - Subjects: Devon. Field systems.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1845. Publisher. A view of Devonshire in MDCXXX : with a pedigree of most of its gentry, by Thomas Westcote, Gent.: edited by the Rev. George Oliver, D.D., and Pitman Jones, esq. - Exeter William Roberts, 197 High-Street 1845. - [12], pii-xi, [3], pxiii - 649, [3]p ; 4to. - Publisher's advertisement on final leaf. At least five manuscript versions known. - Davidson p.1 (Secktor Lib.). - Held by: Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: DEV/1630/WES ; Barnstaple: B/0001/WES ; North Devon Athenaeum D9001630/WES ; British Library ; National Library of Scotland ; National Library of Wales; Natural History Museum Library ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; The London Library ; The National Archives Library ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Manchester Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; V&A Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; Society of Antiquaries of London Library ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Leicester Library (Special Collections) ; University of Liverpool Libraries ; National Trust Libraries. - Subjects: Devon. History. -1630.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1845. Publisher. Description of the Guildhall, Exeter / by the Rev. George Oliver, D.D., and Pitman Jones, Esq. - Exeter Wiliam Roberts 1845. - 21 p. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1845. Publisher. Harmonia Sacra FamiliƦ, containing Psalms, Hymns, Chants, Sanctus, Anthems, &c. Second edition. - Exeter Roberts [1845]. - fol. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1845? Publisher. Preparing for the press, and speedily will be published, Prelacy part and parcel of the Christian religion. By J. Dennis ... - [Exeter] W. Roberts, printer, Exeter [before 1846]. - 1 sheet (([1] p.)). - The work advertised may not have been printed (no record for it on BL, NSTC, NUC, OCLC, RLIN).. - Comparison with Dennis's other works suggest that this item was printed in the early 19th century.. - Held by: Durham University Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1846. Publisher. The spirit of the Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the United Church of England and Ireland / by a clergyman. – Third edition. - London Exeter Rivingtons W. Roberts 1846. - vii, 120 p. ; 19 cm. - Held by: University of Cambridge Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1847. Publisher. Bankruptcy and insolvency : Practical observations in a letter to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, the Right Honourable the Lord Lyndhurst, the Right Honourable the Lord Brougham and Vaux, the Right Honourable the Lord Campbell, and to the merchants and traders of England and Wales : with notes, commentaries, and suggestions for simplifying and consolidating these laws : to which are appended some of the leading clauses proposed for that purpose / by John Laidman. - London Exeter Stevens and Norton ..., Leonard Laidman ... W. Roberts, Curson and Son, and Fitze ... 1847. - 25 p. ; 22 cm. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries ; University College London Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1847. Publisher. Liber pontificalis : of Edmund Lacy, Bishop of Exeter: a manuscript of the fourteenth century; printed from the original, in the possession of the dean and chapter of Exeter / edited by Ralph Barnes. - Exeter William Roberts 1847. - xviii, 297 p. ; 22 cm. (hbk). - Printed in red and black. There is a wood-engraving of a seal on the title page. Errata on the final leaf. Issued in gold- and blind-blocked cloth with the spine-title: Liber pontificalis Exon. Glossary: pp.[296]-297. - Latin text with introduction in English. Davidson. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : B/EXE/264.02/LAC ; Barnstaple: 264.02/BX:EXE/LAC ; North Devon Athenaeum D264/LAC ; Torquay ; University of Exeter Libraries ; The National Archives Library; University of Manchester Libraries ; National Library of Scotland ; University of Warwick Libraries ; Lambeth Palace Library ; National Library of Scotland ; University of Liverpool Libraries ; British Library ; Durham University Libraries ; King's College London Library ; Society of Antiquaries of London Library ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University of Birmingham Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Edinburgh Libraries ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Glasgow Libraries ; University of Nottingham Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Roderic Bowen Library and Archives) ; University of York Libraries. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Roman Catholic liturgy. Pontificals.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1847. Publisher. The Parthenon...A monthly magazine of literature, science and art. - Exeter Roberts 1847. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries ; British Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1847. Publisher. Walkey, Charles E. The church and the universities, and their present relation one towards the other with regard to the priesthood of the Church of England and Ireland / by the Rev. C.E. Walkey. - Exeter William Roberts 1847. - 16 p. ; 23 cm. - Title from cover. - URL: http://books.google.co.uk/books?vid=BL:A0019089571. - Held by: British Library ; Lambeth Palace Library ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1847. Publisher. Twenty Original Tunes for Congregational Psalmody, and private Circles. - Exeter William Roberts, for the Author 1847. - fol. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1848. Publisher. Notes on the morbid anatomy of chronic rheumatic arthritis of the shoulder and other joints. Remarks on interstitial absorption of the neck of the femur from bruise of the hip, similarity of the morbid appearances to those seen in the rheumatic disease of this joint / by Edwin Canton. - Exeter W. Roberts 1848. - 59 p., 8 leaves of plates : ill. ; 19 cm. - Lacking plate 4.. - 'Reprinted from: the Medical Gazette, 1848' - t.p.. - Held by: Royal College of Surgeons of England Library ; Wellcome Library.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1848. Printer. Ingham, James. The National chant book respectfully dedicated (by permission) to ... George Martin, Canon of the Cathedral ... / by James Ingham. - Exeter : Robert's , 1848. - viii,247p : music ; 21x28cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sxB/EXE/783/ING. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Church music. Martin, George. Canon. Scores.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1849. Printer. Presbuteros to the reader, and a loyal voice to the Queen. - Exeter : William Roberts , 1849. - [iv],105p ; 20cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s821/PRE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Poetry. Texts.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1849. Publisher. An essay on the atonement : including a critical examination of the sacred scriptures, together with the sentiments of various authors, both ancient and modern, relating to that subject / by the Rev. I. Petherick. - London Exeter Jackson and Walford W. Roberts 1849. - 256 p. ; 19 cm. - Held by: British Library ; University of Cambridge Libraries.

Exeter. Roberts, William. 1849. Publisher. The western miscellany : a journal of literature, science, antiquities, and art, for the West of England. - Exeter W. Roberts 1849. - 21cm. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries.

Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented 2014.
This page last updated 28 January 2015