07 January 2015

Election ephemera: Exeter

Devon election ephemera : Exeter constituency.

Exeter. 1698. Shower, Bartholomew. Exeter : Darker, 1698. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1698. [Little reflections]. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1698. - An attack on Sir Bartholomew Shower referred to in "The substance of what Sir Bartholomew Shower spake" as being posted at the Guildhall, probably unprinted. - *Burnet Morris (Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.377-9).

Exeter. 1698. [Queries] ... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1698. - An attack on Sir Bartholomew Shower, see note to "Little reflections" above. - *Burnet Morris (Calendar of State Papers Domestic p.377-9).

Exeter. 1761. ADVERTISEMENT. ... Whereas an advertisement has lately appeared, with a design to misinform the publick, about the Liberty frigate, ... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1761]. - 2p ; 1/2°. - Dated at top: Exeter, March 13, 1761. - *Devon Record Office (Exeter City archives, ancient letters L542).

Exeter. 1761. A NEW ballad, to the tune of The old woman of Grimstone; or, an honest true-blue. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1761]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse, first line: Here's to Praed, my dear boys! Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1761.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1761. A SONG to the tune of And a begging we will go, &c. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1761]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Satirical verse, first line: Freemen believe my story. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1761.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1761. EPIGRAM. Ecce iterum Crispinus. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1761]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Quoth Tim, --- "Brother Sly, it is really a pity." - Devon Record Office (Exeter City archives, ancient letters L542a).

Exeter. 1761. An EXCELLENT new ballad. To the tune of Old Cobley, &c. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1761]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Satirical verse, first line: The election for Exeter's over we find. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1761.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1761. An HONEST new ballad, to the old tune of Here's a health to the King and a lasting peace faction be damn'd, &c. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1761]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse, first line: Here's Tuckfield and Walter's grand success. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1761.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1761. Legal freeman. TO THE GENTLEMEN, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city and county of Exon. Gentlemen, You have doubtless observed the extraordinary exulting of the advocates for sl-v--y and ty-r--ny, ... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1761. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Containing letter signed at foot: A legal freeman. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1761-03-26.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1761. ON TUESDAY and Wednesday last, the report of several large cannons was heard off an island to the west of this city, commonly called Algiers; supposed to be from a ship in distress. ... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1761. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Satirical prose. Dated at top: Exeter, March the 7th, 1761. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1761-03-07.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exter. 1761. The DISAPPOINTMENT. ---- A new ballad. To the tune of, And as it fell out on a holiday, &c. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1761]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Satirical verse in two columns, first line: And as it fell out in the year sixty-one, - *Devon Record Office (Exeter City archives, ancient letters L540).

Exeter. 1761. TO THE GENTLEMEN, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exon. Gentlemen, Give me leave to assure you, ... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1761]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed: Honestus Exoniensis. - *Devon Record Office (Exeter City archives, ancient letters L541).

Exeter. 1763. BRITAIN excis'd, or a copy of verses on the duty on cyder. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1763?]. - 1/2°. - Half sheet of verse, verso blank, beginning: Folks talk of supplies / To be rais'd by excise, / Old Caleb is bloodily nettl'd; / Sure B--- has more sense, / Than to levy more pence, / Or troops, when a peace is quite settl'd. - The peace probably refers to the end of the Seven Years War. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1763.

Exeter. 1763. SOME hints submitted to the consideration of the owners and occupiers of land in the county of Devon, upon the steps to be taken ... to obtain a repeal of the tax upon cyder. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1763?]. - *DUL6614 ; D&EI. - ESTC lists a similar title under [1780?].

Exeter. 1776. A LIST of the freemen and freeholders who voted at the election for a representative in Parliament for the city of Exeter, in the room of John Walter, esquire. John Baring, esq; and John B. Cholwich, esq; candidates. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1776]. - 18p ; 8°. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre, Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1776. A list of the freemen and freeholders who voted at the election for a representative in Parliament for the city of Exeter, in the room of John Walter, Esquire, John Baring and John Burridge Cholwich, Esquires, candidates. Watermark: Strasbourg lily with P [below] A VL [?] + [unclear].

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1780-09-11. An ELECTION satire, with explanatory notes, dedicated to the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1780. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse epistle, dated and signed at foot: Exeter, Sept. 11, 1780. J*** B*****. - First line: The honour conferr'd by my this day's election - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1784. [Exeter poll book for 1784]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1784. A SONG. _ [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1784?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Freemen and freeholders, come let us rejoice, - Stanza four begins: With Pitt at the helm ev'ry nation shall see / Old England again flourish happy and free, / Then beware of all Foxites ... - Author possibly Thomas Brice. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - No watermark detected.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1784. Mr. Billy's taxes, or the downfal of the nation. A new song and a true song.. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. [s. n.]. 1784. Printer. A NEW copy of verses called an answer to the candidates glory by IDB. - [Exeter] : [s.n] , [1784?]. - 1 sheet ; _°. - Verse, first line: Last Friday some verses I chanc'd to peruse; - Lines in praise of Bampfylde and Buller. - Held in: Devon Heritage Centre.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1784. Man after your own Heart. TO the worthy electors of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1784?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Address in defence of John Baring M.P., signed at end: A man after your own heart. - *ESTC t001352.

Exeter. 1784. Monitor. TO the inhabitants of the city of Exeter. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1784?]. - 1 sheet : 1/2°. - Defence of electoral candidates' characters, signed: Monitor. - *ESTC t001351.

Exeter. 1784-01-16. Poor Weaver. TO the worthy electors of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1784]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Address in support of John Baring as parliamentary candidate, signed: A poor weaver. Exeter, Jan. 16, 1784. - *ESTC.

Exeter. 1784-01-30. The PART which has been taken by those who pass under the denomination of Whigs, in signing a late address to his M--y, from this city. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1784]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Address supporting King, dated at head: Exeter, January 30, 1784. - *ESTC t001364.

Exeter. 1789-10-29. BULLER, James. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1789]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: James Buller. Exeter, October 29, 1789. - Watermark: R.L.C. - *D and EI: Elections, p.23.

Exeter. 1789-10-30. BAMPFYLDE, Charles Warwick. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1789]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: Charles Warwick Bampfylde. Exeter, Oct. 30, 1789. - *D and EI: Elections p.13.

Exeter. 1789-10-30. BARING, John. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen and freeholders of the city of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1789]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: John Baring. Exeter, October 30, 1789. - *D and EI: Elections, p.1.

Exeter. 1789-11-07. BARING, John. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1789]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: John Baring. Exeter, Saturday evening, November 7, 1789. - *D and EI: Elections, p.2.

Exeter. 1789-11-07. BULLER, James. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1789]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: James Buller. Exeter, November 7th, 1789. - *D and EI: Elections, p.24.

Exeter. 1789-11-10. BAMPFYLDE, Charles Warwick. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1789]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: Charles Warwick Bampfylde. Bampfylde-House, November 10, 1789. - Watermark: T.Chorluck. - *D and EI: Elections, p.14.

Exeter. 1790. A NEW copy of verses, called Exeter's glory and Bampfylde forever, or B. the third confuted. - Exeter : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Exonians all attend to my lay. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.15.

Exeter. 1790. A NEW copy of verses, called smoke his old bacon, or, Bampfylde and Buller forever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Tis certain; old spoil-trade could never deny - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.25.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. [s. n.]. 1790. Printer. A NEW copy of verses called the candidates glory, or, Buller and Bampfylde forever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: How long d'ye think sir's it will be, - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.25.

Exeter. 1790. A NEW copy of verses, called the niggardly barber's blaggardly action, or, Sir Timothy Puff. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Ye independant Exonians without any debate; - Against "Old griping Jack" i.e. James Baring. - On verso: A new copy of verses called the Yorkshire promoter. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.20.

Exeter. 1790. A NEW copy of verses called the Yorkshire promoter, or Exeter's downfall. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Some say that spoil trade is his name, - On verso: A new copy of verses, called the niggardly barber's blaggardly action ... - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.20.

Exeter. 1790. A NEW copy of verses, called truth explain'd, or, banter in the dumps. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Exonians come and join with me. In favour of "Baring and trade", against "Foxites, spendthrifts". - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.3.

Exeter. 1790. An ADDRESS to the freemen of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Gentlemen, our late addresses. - In favour of "Charles and James". - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.9.

Exeter. 1790. An ANSWER to old Turkey-Legs for ever; or, election sentiments. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; _°. - Verse, first line: Since feasting and roasting's the theme of your song, - Against Baring. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.30.

Exeter. 1790. An ANSWER to that impudent song called the poking old Jack O. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: My scribblers certainly are wrong. - On verso: [An acc]ount of a most barbarous and shocking murder... - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.10.

Exeter. 1790. An ANSWER to the song of banter turn'd merchant, or success to trade. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Ye people of Exon, - pray be not deceived; - In favour of Fox. - Held in: Devon Heritage Centre ; Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.19.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1790. BAMPFYLDE and Buller. Tune, The dusky night. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: The glorious day comes on apace. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.29.

Exeter. 1790. BAMPFYLDE forever, no sneaking contractor. Or, two B's out of three. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: B is the ballance known very unjust. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.18.

Exeter. 1790. BANTER turn'd merchant; or success to trade. A new song. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Huzza, my good friends! let's sing banter for ever; - Relates to Fox. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.11.

Exeter. 1790. JACK of all trades. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Give me leave, fellow cits, to call your recollections. Against 'Griping old Jack", i.e. James Baring. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.19.

Exeter. 1790. JACK of all trades, or, a witty whim. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: If the freemen of Exeter sends up old Griper, - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.22.

Exeter. 1790. NO Foxite's or, Baring and Buller, forever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Come honest freemen every one - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.26.

Exeter. 1790. OLD DEVONSHIRE YEOMAN. To the independent and hearty yeomen of the county of Devon. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at the end: An Old Devonshire Yeoman. - In favour of Rolle and Bastard. - Watermark: Dewdney. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.6.

Exeter. 1790. OLD Turkey-legs has got the gripes. Or a funny frolick. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Old Turkey-legs has got the gripes. - Refers to James Baring. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.12.

Exeter. 1790. RETROSPECTION! A new song. Or Bampfylde and Buller for ever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Ye sons of Exonia, join heart and voice, - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.21.

Exeter. 1790. SKETCHES of truth. Tune, Ide election. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Freemen and freeholders, attend to my story, - Held in: Devon Heritage Centre.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1790. The CONTRACTOR'S brain exploded. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: How hard Old Nick with skull-pan tries - In favour of Bampfylde and Buller, against 'J- B-' and Foxites. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.9.

Exeter. 1790. The ELECTION spectacles. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; _°. - Verse, first line: How d'ye do, my dear friend?- I own that the pleasure - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.12.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. [s. n.]. 1790. Printer. The FAITH of True-Blue, or, Buller for ever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Come, Exonians, let's sing; let our song rend the air; - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.27.

Exeter. 1790. The THREE B's. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse, first line: B. is a balance that's even and just. - In favour of Baring and Buller, against Bampfylde. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.8.

Exeter. 1790. 'TIS just the thing! - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Exonians, come, and join with me; - In favour of Buller. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.28.

Exeter. 1790. TO the free and independent electors; who have not yet voted. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - In favour of Buller and Bampfylde. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.21.

Exeter. 1790. TRUTH triumphant; or Satan at a loss. - [Exeter] : [s.n] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: I have now waited near two weeks - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.18.

Exeter. 1790-01-11. FRIEND TO MERIT. An address to the freemen of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: A friend to merit, Exeter, Jan. 11, 1790. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.5.

Exeter. 1790-01-14. CITIZEN. To the citizens of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: A Citizen, January 14, 1790. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.4.

Exeter. 1790-04-14. A HANDBILL having just been circulated, insinuating that offers had been made to Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde ... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Dated at head: Exeter, April 14, 1790. - Held by: Devon and Exeter Institution: Elections p.16.

Exeter. 1790-06. POLL book for the city of Exeter, June 1790. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 8°. - Sources: Burnet Morris. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1796? Bampfylde ever! Tune - Heave the lead. - Exeter : Thomas Brice , [1796?]. - 1 sheet. -Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1802. [Exeter poll book for 1802]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1802. Exeter election, 1802 : a list of the freemen and freeholders who voted at the general election for two representatives in Parliament for the city of Exeter ... with an alphabetical index and general and comparative statements; Sir C.W. Bampfylde ..., James Buller ..., Edmund Granger ... candidates. - Exeter by T. Brice 1802. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. [s. n.]. 1802. Printer. HOLMES, William. To the electors of representatives to serve in Parliament for the city and county of Exeter. With a postscript, the origin of the titulary borough of Ide, &c., by William Holmes. - Exeter : [] , [1802]. - Davidson p.28 (Sektor Lib.).

Exeter. 1802. Exeter.. Trewman, Robert and Son. 1802. A new song. Tune - "Snug bit of land in the ocean.". 1802/--. For Buller and Granger against Charley and N-t-n.

Exeter. 1802-06-26. Such thing are! No farce. Dated: June 26th, 1802 Watermark: D.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1802-06-26. To the electors of Exeter. Poem dated: June 26 1802. Watermark: Crown in wreath. Oxenham & Co 1801.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1802-06-28. To Edmund Granger, Esq. Signed: A friend to consistency. June 28, 1802. Watermark: TB 1801 [? unclear].

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812. The spirit of election wit, at the City of Exeter, and County of Devon : together with the burlesque election at Ide, in the year 1812, containing the whole of the addresses, speeches, songs, and squibs, including the Origin of the titular borough of Ide. - Exeter Printed by R.Cullum [1812]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre ; University of Exeter Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries.

Exeter. 1812-09? Another freeholder. To the mayor and corporation of Exeter. - [Bath] : [Gye] , [1812]. - Sources: Cullum (1812) p. 8. - This edition suppressed; the Exeter reprint is illustrated here.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-05. Freeholder. To the freeholders and freemen of the city of Exeter. Exeter, May 1812. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p. 5.

Exeter. 1812-09. Same Freeholder. To the freeholders & freemen of the city of Exeter. Bath. Gye. 1812. 1812/--. DHC: -- Spirit p. .

Exeter. 1812-09? Another freeholder. To the mayor and corporation of Exeter. - [Bath] : [Gye] , [1812]. - Sources: Cullum (1812) p. 8. - This edition suppressed; the Exeter reprint is illustrated below.

Exeter. 1812-09-15. Another Freeholder. To the Mayor and Corporation of Exeter - Exeter : Repr. by T.Besley , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. - Dated: Bath, September 15, 1812. First edition partly suppressed. Originally printed Bath: Gye. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812/09/15 numbered 1 ; (Exeter Garland 14, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Sources: Cullum (1812), p. 8.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-09-15? Same freeholder. To the freeholders and freemen of the city of Exeter. Undated [September 1812]. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Unnumbered . - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.10.

Exeter. 1812-09-21. Same freeholder. Northmore and parliamentary reform! Dated: Exeter, September 21st, 1812. . Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Numbered: 2. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.11.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-09-25. Philo-Iscanus. To the freeholders and freemen of the city of Exeter. Exeter, Sept. 25, 1812. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.12.

Exeter. 1812-09-28. Bampfylde, C. W. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter.Hardington Park, near Bath, 28th September, 1812. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.15.

Exeter. 1812-09-30. Courtenay, William. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, Wednesday evening, 30th September, 1812. - Exeter : Trewman , 1812. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Numbered: 4. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.16.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-01. Buller, James. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city and county of the city of Exeter. - Exeter : Trewman , 1812. Dated: Exeter, 1st October 1812. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Numbered: 5. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.16.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-01. The friends of Mr. Northmore understanding that several reports have been in circulation, stating that he has intirely declined ... - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME 1812/10/01 numbered 6 ; Barnstaple ; Exmouth ; Plymouth ; Torquay (Photocopies: Exeter Garland 14). - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.17.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-02. Buller, James. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, 2d October, 1812. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Numbered: 08. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.20.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-02. Exeter. The friends of Mr. Northmore hasten to inform the electors of that city ... - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. - At head: Exeter. Dated at end: October 2d, 1812. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1812/10/02 numbered 07 ; Barnstaple ; Exmouth ; Plymouth ; Torquay (Photocopies: Exeter Garland 14). - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.18.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-03. Buller, James. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, Saturday, 3d October, 1812. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Numbered: 09. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.21.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-03. Courtenay, William. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, Saturday, 3d October 1812. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Numbered: 10. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.21.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-05. Censor. To the freemen and freeholders of the City of Exeter - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Dated at end: 5th October, 1812. Against Buller and Courtenay. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812/10/05 numbered 11 ; (Exeter Garland 14, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.22.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-05. Northmore, Thomas. To the electors of the city of Exeter. Orchard-Street, Portman-Square, Oct. 5, 1812 . - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.18.

Exeter. 1812-10-06. Buller, James. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city and county of the city of Exeter. - Exeter : Woolmer , 1812. - Dated: Exeter, 6th October, 1812. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Numbered: 12. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.31.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-06. Courtenay, William. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city and county of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, 6th October, 1812. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Numbered: 13. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.32.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1812-10-06. Day of election – sheriff's breakfast, &c. Exeter, Tuesday, Oct 6, 1812. Speeches etc. - Sources: Cullum (1812), p.25.

Exeter. 1812-10-17. Buller, James. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city and county of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, 17th October, 1812. Not in Cullum (1812).

Exeter. 1814. The noble, manly, humane, and eloquent speech of Earl Stanhope, .. Watermark: MT [? unclear] 1810.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1816. The addresses, speeches, squibs, songs, &c. which were circulated during the recent general election of members for the city of Exeter, and county of Devon : together with those published at the contested election in 1816, between Lord Viscount Ebrington and Mr. Bastard. Likewise, a correct list of the names of the voters for the city of Exeter; the New Rolliad [consisting of extracts from a pamphlet entitled “The New Rolliad; or, Devonshire election”]; and also an alphabetical list of the different hundreds in the county of Devon / the whole impartially compiled by R. Cullum. - Exeter R. Cullum 1818. - Held by: London School of Economics Library ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; British Library, University of Oxford Libraries Exeter. 1816-10-21. Newman, Robert William. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Sandridge, October 21, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 5.

Exeter. 1816-10-23. Buller, James. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Downes, October 23, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 5.

Exeter. 1816-10-30. Harris, William Arundel. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Castle Park, October 30th, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 6.

Exeter. 1816-11-06. Exeter, November 6, 1816. At a respectable meeting […]. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 7.

Exeter. 1816-11-06. Harris, William Arundel. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. November 6th, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 7.

Exeter. 1816-11-09. Freeman. To the freemen of Exeter. Exeter, November 9, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 9.

Exeter. 1816-11-11. Newman, Robert William. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Sandridge, November 11, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 12.

Exeter. 1816-11-16. Northmore, Thomas. To the free, unbought, unsold, uncorrupted electors of the city of Exeter. Cleve, 16th Nov. 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 13.

Exeter. 1816-11-22. Exeter, November 22, 1816. The friends of Thomas Northmore, Esq. are earnestly requested to meet at the Globe Tavern […]. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 21.

Exeter. 1816-11-23. Coate, John. To the worthy and independent electors of the city of Exeter. North-Petherton, 23d November 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 21.

Exeter. 1816-12-04. Committee of the Friends of Mr. Northmore. To the free, unbought, unsold, uncorrupted electors of the city of Exeter. 4th December 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 23.

Exeter. 1816-12-09. Courtenay, W. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter.London, 9th December, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 26.

Exeter. 1816-12-09. Northmore, Thomas. To the enlightened and uncorrupted electors of the city of Exeter. Cleve, 9th December. 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 25.

Exeter. 1816-12-13. Harris, William Arundel. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Kenegie, December 13, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 27.

Exeter. 1816-12-13?. Taxes at the will of the borough faction, […]. December 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 27.

Exeter. 1816-12-14. Courtenay, W. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Grangehall, Yorkshire, Dec. 14, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 28.

Exeter. 1816-12-14? Electors of Exeter! You are this week to be either bought, sold, given away, or independent!! Undated [December 1816]. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 29.

Exeter. 1816-12-16. Citizens of Exeter. The friends of Mr. Northmore have this day made their first trial of your independence, […] Exeter, December 16th, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 29.

Exeter. 1816-12-16. Newman, Robert William. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Exeter, Dec. 16th, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 29.

Exeter. 1816-12-17. Friends of Mr. Northmore. Electors of the city of Exeter, you are honestly appealed to […] Exeter, December 17, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 30.

Exeter. 1816-12-17. Spectator. To the loyal and independent electors of the city of Exeter. Exeter, 17th December, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 34.

Exeter. 1816-12-18. Harris, William Arundel. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Kenegie, Dec. 18, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 36.

Exeter. 1816-12-19. No Placeman. To the uncorrupted electors of the city of Exeter. Exeter, 19th December, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 37.

Exeter. 1816-12-21. Committee. To the advocates of purity of election, and the reform of public abuses, Mr. Northmore's friends have the pleasure of making this communication. Dated: Committee Room, Saturday afternoon, Dec. 21, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 40.

Exeter. 1816-12-21. Harris, William Arundel. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders of the city of Exeter. Kenegie, Dec. 21, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 39.

Exeter. 1816-12-21? Freeholder. To the freemen, & freeholders, of the city of Exeter. Undated. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 41.

Exeter. 1816-12-21? Reason. Good people. Undated [December 1816]. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 40.

Exeter. 1816-12-24. Freeman. To the honest, temperate, and industrious, electors of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, Dec. 24, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 44.

Exeter. 1816-12-28. Friends of Mr. Northmore. In answer to our address of the 17th inst a paper has appeared, addressed to the honest, temperate and industrious electors of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, Dec. 28, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 46.

Exeter. 1817-01-02. Poor Man. To the inhabitants of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, Jan. 2, 1817. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 47.

Exeter. 1817-01-04. Courtenay, W. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders, of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, 4th January, 1817. . - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 48.

Exeter. 1817-01-06. Supporter of Mr. Northmore. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders, of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, Jan. 6, 1817. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 49.

Exeter. 1817-01-07. Friends to Consistency. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders, of the city of Exeter. Dated: Exeter, January 7, 1817. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 51.

Exeter. 1817-01-09. Newman, Robert William. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, & freeholders, of the city of Exeter. Dated: Sandridge, Jan. 9, 1817. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 53.

Exeter. 1818. Plumper, - out of Semper Fidelis. - an Exeter watchdog. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1818]. - 1 sheet : ill ; 16o. - Caption below wood engraving of dog. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1818 (Exeter Garland 15, photocopies in Barnstaple, Plymouth, Torquay, Exmouth).

Exeter. 1818. The addresses, speeches, squibs, songs, &c. which were circulated during the recent general election of members for the city of Exeter, and county of Devon : together with those published at the contested election in 1816, between Lord Viscount Ebrington and Mr. Bastard. Likewise, a correct list of the names of the voters for the city of Exeter; the New Rolliad [consisting of extracts from a pamphlet entitled “The New Rolliad; or, Devonshire election”]; and also an alphabetical list of the different hundreds in the county of Devon / the whole impartially compiled by R. Cullum. - Exeter R. Cullum 1818. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre ; London School of Economics Library; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. 1818. [Exeter poll book for 1818]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1818. A Letter to the two hundred and ninety-three electors of the City of Exeter, who voted for T. Northmore Esq. at the late general election, June 1818. Containing cursory remarks and strictures upon the causes and consequences of their defeat; with a reply to the attacks made by Sir T. D. Acland, and Sir T. B. Lethbridge upon Mr. Northmore and his partizans. By Phileleutherus Devoniensis. - Exeter : [s. n.] , 1818. - Davidson p.29 (Secktor Library). - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. 1818. The freeholder's song. Tune -Derry down. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1818]. - 1 sheet. - Verse, first line: Behold! Brother freeholders! we are all met. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1818 (Exeter Garland 15, photocopies in Barnstaple, Plymouth, Torquay, Exmouth).

Exeter. 1818-01-00. Committee. To the Electors of Exeter. Dated: Exeter January 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 54.

Exeter. 1818-01-19. Englishman. To the Electors of Exeter. Signed: An Englishman, Exeter, 19th January, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 55.

Exeter. 1818-01-20. One of the Committee. To the Electors of Exeter To he Electors of Exeter. Signed: One of the Committee [of Northmore], Jan. 20, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 58.

Exeter. 1818-01-21. Englishman. To the Electors of Exeter. Signed: An Englishman, Exeter, January 21, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 60.

Exeter. 1818-01-22. Exonian. To the Electors of Exeter. Signed: An Exonian, Exeter, January 22, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 61.

Exeter. 1818-01-24. Brutus. Citizens of Exeter!! Signed: BRUTUS, 24th January, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 63.

Exeter. 1818-01-24. Englishman. To the Electors of Exeter. Signed: An Englishman, Exeter, January 24, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 66.

Exeter. 1818-01-26. One of the Committee. To the Electors of Exeter. Signed: One of the Committee, Exeter, January 26, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 68.

Exeter. 1818-01-27. Englishman. To the Electors of Exeter. Signed: An Englishman, Exeter Jan. 27, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 71.

Exeter. 1818-01-27? Committee of the Friends of Mr. Northmore. To the Electors of Exeter. Signed: The Committee of the Friends of Mr. Northmore. Undated. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 75.

Exeter. 1818-05-30. Courtenay, W. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, & Freeholders, of the City of Exeter. Signed: W. Courtenay, London, 30th May, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 76.

Exeter. 1818-05-30? Rational liberty & common sense. Address and Remonstrance to His Supreme Majesty, The People. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 76.

Exeter. 1818-06-02. One of the Committee. Electors of Exeter The present parliament is about to end. One of the Committee [of Northmore], Exeter June 2 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 77.

Exeter. 1818-06-06. Newman, Robert William. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, & Freeholders of the City of Exeter. Signed: Robert william Newman, Exeter, June 6, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 80.

Exeter. 1818-06-06? Northmore, Thomas. To those enlightened Electors of the City of Exeter, in whom the ancient spirit of English Liberty still survives, unperverted by Sophistry, unmtimidated by Power, uncontaminated by Corruption. Signed: Thomas Northmore, Cleve, June, 1816. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 80.

Exeter. 1818-06-12. Harris, W. A. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, & Freeholders, of the City of Exeter. Signed: W. A. Harris, Exeter, June 12th 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 98.

Exeter. 1818-06-15. Friends of Mr Northmore. Electors of Exeter. Signed: The Friends of Mr Northmore, Committee-Room, June 15th. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 100.

Exeter. 1818-06-15. Civis. To the Independent Electors of the City of Exelet. Liberty and Northmore. Signed: Civis, Exeter, June 15th, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 101.

Exeter. 1818-06-15. Committee for Election of T. Northmore. That oppressive and corrupt influence which has ever endeavoured to destroy the independence of the electors of this city has just made an ultimate and vicious effort. Signed: Committee for Election of T. Northmore, Esq., Exeter, June 15, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 99.

Exeter. 1818-06-15. Courtenay, W. To the Gentlemen Clergy Freemen & Freeholders of the City of Exeter. Signed: William Courtenay, Exeter, 15th June, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 102.

Exeter. 1818-06-15. Newman, R. W. To the Worthy and Independent Electors of me City of Exeter Signed: R. W. Newman, Exeter, 15th June, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 100.

Exeter. 1818-06-15? Committee [of Mr. Northmore]. Electors of Exeter Friends to the Cause of Northmore, DO NOT SPLIT YOUR VOTES. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 103.

Exeter. 1818-06-17. Committee of Mr. Northmore. To the friends of the purity of Election. Signed: Committee of Mr. Northmore. Dated Exeter, June 17th, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 114.

Exeter. 1818-06-17. Courtenay, W. To the Gentlemen Clergy Freemen Freeholder of the City of Exeter Gentlemen. Signed: W. Courtenay, Exeter, 17th June, 1818. State of the Poll. Mr. Courtenay 114 Mr. Newman 90 Mr. Northmore 76. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 113

Exeter. 1818-06-17. Newman, R. W. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, & Freeholders, of the City of Exeter. Signed: R. W. Newman, Exeter, 17th June, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 114

Exeter. 1818-06-18. Committee for the election of Mr. Northmore. Fellow Citizens, Friends of Mr Northmore. Signed: Committee for the election of Mr. Northmore. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 116.

Exeter. 1818-06-18. Newman, R. W. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen & Freeholders of the City of Exeter. Signed: R. W. Newman, Exeter, 18th June, 1818. State of the Poll. Mr. Courtenay 363 Mr Newman 324 Mr Northmore 214. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 115.

Exeter. 1818-06-18. Courtenay, W. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, and Freeholders, of the City of Exeter. Signed: W. Courtenay, Exeter, 18th June, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 115.

Exeter. 1818-06-19. Newman, R. W. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, and Freeholders, of the City of Exeter. Signed: R. W. Newman, Exeter June 19 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 117.

Exeter. 1818-06-19. Courtenay, W. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, & Freeholders, of the City of Exeter. Signed: W. Courtenay, Exeter, June 19, 1813. State of the Poll this day is as follows: Mr. Courtenay 683 Mr. Newman 602 Mr. Northmore 273. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 117.

Exeter. 1818-06-20. Courtenay, W. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, & Freeholders, of the City of Exeter. Signed: Your obliged humble servant W. Courtenay, Exeter, 20th June, 1818. At the final close of the poll the numbers were as follows: Mr. Courtenay 730 Mr. Newman 625 Mr. Northmore 293. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 118.

Exeter. 1818-06-20. Newman, R. W. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freemen, & Freeholders, of the City of Exeter. Signed: Newman, Exeter, Saturday 20th June, 1818. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 118.

Exeter. 1818-06-20. An Alphabetical List of the Freemen and Freeholders of Exeter who voted at a General Election for two Representatives Parliament, William Courtenay, Esq., Robert William Newman, Esq., and Thomas Northmore, Esq. candidates. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 120.

Exeter. 1818-06-20? Huzza! for Northmore. For his glorious struggle against the family of the C s to wit Messrs C y Corruption Corn Bil Coalition And all the Venal Tribe of Mercenaries . - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 119.

Exeter. 1818-06-23a. Copied from "The Alfred" Exeter Phpdr JUNE 23 181S. Wednesday last the election for this city commenced at the guildhall Soon after nine o clock the sheriff for the city attended by the mayor magistrates the respective candidates Mr Courtenay Mr Newman and Mr Northmore with their friends took their places on the bench The hall was crowded to excess. - Sources: Cullum (1819), p. 103.

Exeter. 1820. [Exeter poll book for 1820]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1820. Pro bono publico!! Plumper pills. A sovreign remedy for that disreputable disease, coalition.. - Exeter : Cullum , 1820. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1820. At a numerous and highly respectable meeting of the gentlemen freeholders of the borough of St. Sidwell's held at the Anti-pope Inn ... - Exeter : [s. n.] , 1820. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1825. Political catechism for 1825. - Exeter : T. and H. Besley , 1825. - On introduction of W.G.D.Tyssen. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1825. Hearty, Richard. To the worthy and independent electors of the city of Exeter. - Exeter : {s. n.] , 1825. - Dated: Constitution-Hall, Aug. 20, 1825. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1825-06-17. Elector. To the electors of the city of Exeter. - Exeter : Featherstone , 1825. - Dated: Exeter, 17th June, 1825. On introduction of Tyssen. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1825-06-21. Unbiassed voter. From the Alfred, Tuesday, June 21, 1825. - Exeter : Cullum , 1825. - On introduction of Mr Tyssen. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1825-06-21. Exonian. To the citizens of Exeter. - Exeter : Spark and Co. , 1825. - Dated: June 21, 1825. On actions of sitting members on Corn Laws and Catholic emancipation. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1825-08-13. Kekewich, Samuel Trehawke. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders, of the city of Exeter. - Exeter : Woolmer , 1825. - Dated: London, August 13th, 1825. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1825-08-24. Kekewich, Samuel Trehawke. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders, of the city of Exeter. - Exeter : Trewmans , 1825. - Dated: Exeter, 24th August, 1825. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1830. Justitia. Jonas Dennis, of nobody knows where, nor does any body care. – Exeter , [1830]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE B/EXE/1830/07/08.

Exeter. 1830. This is the house that Jack built. - [Exeter? 1830]. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. 1830?. A tale of game!!! - Exeter : [s. n.] , 1830?. - Probably relates to Lewis William Buck. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1831. [Exeter poll book for 1831]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1831-04-30? Buck voted against the reform bill, sanctioned by the King, which abolishes all rotten boroughs. – Exeter : Wethey, printer (Old Excise Passage,) High Street, Exeter , [1831]. – 1 sheet. – Undated. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sf324.61/HON/COL: item 019.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1831-04-30? Semper Fidelis. To the loyal and independent freemen of the city of Exeter. – Exeter : Dewdney & Co., printers , [1831]. – 1 sheet. – Undated. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sf324.61/HON/COL: item 018.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1832. A list of the voters at the Exeter election, (the first under the Reform Bill,) which took place, December 10 and 11, 1832 : including the names registered by the barristers. - Exeter Besley 1833. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. 1832. The Exeter Conservative alphabet. - [1832]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME 1832 ; Barnstaple ; Plymouth ; Torquay ; Exmouth (photocopies: Exeter Garland 15).

Exeter. 1832-04-10. Electors of Exeter, beware!!. - [1832]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1832/04/10 ; Barnstaple ; Plymouth ; Torquay ; Exmouth (photocopies: Exeter Garland 15).

Exeter. 1832-06-25. Follett, William Webb. To the electors of the City of Exeter. - Exeter : Woolmer & Co. printer , 1832. - 1 sheet. - Dated: Exeter, 25th June, 1832. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Exeter Garland 15 : I/S : I/S.

Exeter. 1832-06-25. Follett, William Webb. To the electors of the city of Exeter. – [Exeter] : [s. n.] , [1832]. – 1 sheet. – Dated: Exeter, 25th June 1882 [=1832]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sf324.61/HON/COL: item 055.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1832-12-13. Buller, James W. To the electors of Exeter. - Exeter : Besley jun. printer , [1832]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - BULTO 1832. - Dated at end: Downes, 13th Dec. 1832. Thanking for support. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1832/12/13 ; Barnstaple ; Plymouth ; Torquay ; Exmouth (photocopies: Exeter Garland 15). - Subjects: Devon . Exeter . Elections . Addresses . 1832.

Exeter. 1833-03-19. Speech of Bickham Escott, Esq., at the dinner given to J.B.Y. Buller, Esq., at Exeter on the 19th March 1833 / by Bickham Escott. - Exeter Printed by Dewdney and Co. 1833. - 8 p. ; 21 cm. - Corrected from the Western luminary.Held by: University of Southampton Libraries.

Exeter. 1834-12-18. Carter, E. To the rate-paying electors of the City of Exeter. - [1834]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE B/EXE/1834/12/18.

Exeter. 1835. [Exeter poll book for 1835]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1844-04-22. The two generals.. - [1844?. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME 1844/04/22. Exeter. 1845. [Exeter poll book for 1845]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1845. The list of voters for the city of Exeter, at the election July 8, 1845, showing how each voted. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1845. The list of voters for the city of Exeter, at the election July 8, 1845, showing how each voted. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1845. The list of voters for the city of Exeter, at the election July 8, 1845, showing how each voted. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1852. [Exeter poll book for 1852]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1853. Shortt, W.T.P. Exeter. . A lay sung in the Forum on the day whereon Robertus...quitted the judgement seat and Johannes...elected chief…. . sB/EXE/394.2683/SHO. .

Exeter. 1853. Shortt, W.T.P- Exeter. - A lay sung in the Forum on the day whereon Robertus...quitted the judgement seat and Johannes...elected chief.... - 1853. - sB/EXE/394.2683/SHO.

Exeter. 1857-03. A little play, entitled The rejected candidate. - [1857]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE B/EXE/1857/03.

Exeter. 1857-03-28. Exeter races. - From Bell's life. - 1857. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME B/EXE/1857/03/28.

Exeter. 1862-02-20. Courtenay, William Reginald. 11th Earl. To the electors of Exeter. - Exeter : Flying Post Office , 1862. - 1 sheet. - COUTO 1862. - Dated: Powderham Castle, 20th February, 1862.

Exeter. 1863-01-10. Figaro. Mr. J.D.Coleridge and the electors of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1863. - 1 sheet. - FIGMR.1863. - Dated: Exeter, January 10th, 1863. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME 1863/01/10.

Exeter. 1864. [Exeter poll book for 1864]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1864. The list of persons in...city of Exeter who voted...election...day of polling...August 4th, 1864. - 1864. - sB/EXE/324.65/1864.

Exeter. 1868. [Exeter poll book for 1868]. - Held by: Senate House Libraries, University of London.

Exeter. 1868. A complete list of persons in the borough of the city of Exeter who voted or were entitled to vote at the General Parliamentary election 1868 : Candidates: J. D. Coleridge, E. A. Bowring, Sir J. B. Karslake, A. Mills ... / [Exeter (England)]. - Exeter Devon Weekly Times 1868. - Held by: University of Manchester Libraries.

Exeter. 1868. Aesop's fables illustrated. - [1868?]. - OD.

Exeter. 1868. Complete list of persons in the borough of the city of Exeter, who voted...at the general parliamentary election, 1868. - 1868. - sB/EXE/324.65/1868.

Exeter. 1868. Exeter election 1868. Shakespeare illustrated. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. 1873-12-03. Watkin, Edward W. Sir. To the electors of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1873. - 1 sheet. - Dated: Exeter, 3rd December, 1873. Acrostic verses. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1873/12/03. - Subjects: Devon . Exeter . Elections . Campaign literature . 1873.

Exeter. 1880-03-30. Townsend, George. The Chancellor of the Exchequer addressing Conservative electors of Exeter at the Victoria Hall, March 30, 1880. - 1880. - LD.

Exeter. 1882. - Selling off! Retiring from business!! Freeholds, leaseholds, reversionary interests, household effects and shares. : Mr. W. E. Gladstone will sell by auction, at the Boer's Head Hotel ... the whole of the vast landed estates, goods, chattels and effects of John Bull, Esq., who is retiring from business on account of advancing age and ill-health, induced by recent losses in his Transvaal venture, comprising three kingdoms (United or otherwise), one empire, one dominion, forty-eight colonies and one suzerainty, ... - Exeter : printed by H. Besley & Son ; London : T.D. Dewdney , [1882]. - 1 sheet ([1]p) ; 45 cm ; 1/2o. - In top right corner "John Bull's sale. Copyright. Entered at Stationers' Hall." - Sources: COPAC.

. Exeter. 1885. A grand banquet (or general mess) ... prepared by Mr W.E.Gladstone. - Exeter : H.Besley & Son , [1885?]. - [4]p ; 21cm. - References to Midlothian campaign 1880, Boers 1881-84 etc. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: WSL: ME B/EXE/1885. - Coverage: Devon. Exeter. Politics. Satirical works. 1885.

Copyright © Ian Maxted and British Library 2014.
This page last updated 5 January 2015