29 September 2014

Exeter newspapers Nelson and Trafalgar

Devon expects:
contemporary Exeter news reports
on Nelson and Trafalgar


The text of this web page originally formed part of Devon's celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar and the death of Nelson. The text was voluntarily transcribed by Pongo Blanchford of Wilmington Time Team and Charles Manning to provide historical research for the Lord Lieutenant of Devon's project for the inauguration of the Trafalgar Way in Devon as part of the Sea Britain 2005 celebrations. It was donated to the Devon Libraries Local Studies Service for the Etched on Devon's Memory project but was subsequently removed from the Etched website. It is hoped that the Devon Heritage Centre will be able to reinstate it.

Trewmans Exeter Flying Post was founded in 1763 as the Exeter Mercury, or West Country Advertiser. Reflecting the importance of maritime affairs to the people of Devon, every edition carried lengthy reports from its full-time correspondents in Plymouth, Falmouth and Dartmouth, with occasional news from other ports in the West of England. In 1805 the local correspondent's reports, and the Exeter editorial comment, give a clear picture of the reactions of Devonians as details of the Battle of Trafalgar slowly unfolded and spread across the county. Nelson's men at Trafalgar included over 1,115 men born in Devon, more than from any other county, and about 500 more were born in Cornwall.

The families of many more who were born elsewhere were resident in the West Country to be near their men when their ships returned to Plymouth and they all waited anxiously for the news that Trewmans brought to them.

The following passages have been transcribed from microfilm copies of sometimes poor originals and the symbol (?) against a word indicates that the original word concerned is illegible and deduced from the surrounding context. The individual reports that have been selected to tell the Trafalgar story are generally shown here in sequence on the day that they were written, to give a clearer picture of how the news broke in the west-country. However it must be borne in mind that as the news was only published weekly, generally on the first Thursday following the receipt of the report in Exeter, each individual story would take several days to spread around the south west, - most news only travelled as fast as a coach and horses could carry it.


In 1801 the paper carried a warm report of a visit to Exeter which clearly shows that Nelson was held in high regard by the people of Devon:

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, January 22, 1801. [Vol. XXXIX. - No. 1945

EXETER, Jan. 21st, 1801. On Thursday last Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson, arrived in this city on his road to Lord St. Vincent, at Tor-Abbey near Torbay. Intimation having been previously received of his Lordship's expected visit, he was met about two miles from this city by Sir Stafford Northcote's troops of 1st Devon Volunteer Cavalry, who escorted his Lordship to the Hotel, amidst the loud plaudits of an immense concourse of the inhabitants. As soon as he had arrived, a deputation from the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Chamber waited upon his Lordship, requesting they might have permission to present him with the Freedom of this City, to which his lordship having assented, he was conducted to the Guildhall, where being received by the Right Worshipful the Mayor, and our worthy Recorder, Charles Fanshawe, Esq. The latter addressed him in the following words:- "Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson "I have the honour of addressing your Lordship on behalf of the Mayor and Chamber of the antient (sic.), loyal, and respectable City of Exeter, on your arrival here, amidst the grateful acclamations of the inhabitants. During this war, which was undertaken for the defence of the best and dearest interests of society, the Commanders of the British Navy have achieved such brilliant exploits as are unparalleled in the annals of fame; these exploits have been particularly graced by this circumstance, that in the day of triumph the glory has been ascribed to God, whose providence has led our fleets to victory. National gratitude has recorded on the journals of Parliament these signal services, among which your Lordship's stand eminently distinguished. I am proud of the honour of acquainting your Lordship, with the request of the Mayor and Chamber of this City, that you will be please to allow them to add your illustrious name to the number of their Fellow-Citizens, in testimony of their grateful respect for your Lordship, and of their attachment to their King, and Country."

His Lordship then returned his particular thanks for the honor (sic.) done to him, he said, "that whatever merit may have been attributed to him in the action of the Nile, it was only for having executed the orders entrusted to him:- that those orders came to him from his Commander in chief, who had received them from the Lords of the Admiralty - they were very concise - it was to take, burn, sink, and destroy the French fleet wherever he should meet them, and he had only been the instrument employed to execute this service. - He assured those around him, from his own knowledge, that to this war, however burthensome it may have been considered, we now owe the blessings we have experienced, in the enjoyment of our liberties, laws, and religion; and that although we might one day hope to be at peace with France, we must ever be at war with French principles."

His Lordship then returned to the Hotel, where he received visits from most of the respectable inhabitants. A grand dinner was prepared by the Right Worshipful Mayor and Chamber, for his Lordship's entertainment, but his engagements at Tor-Abbey would not enable him to accept the invitation. About one o'clock at noon his Lordship sat (sic.) off on his journey, apparently much pleased with the attentions he had received in this city. During the short period in which his Lordship remained in Exeter, the cathedral and parochial bells were rung, whilst a large concourse of the inhabitants testified by repeated huzzas the pleasure they experienced in beholding a character so eminent as the Hero of the Nile!

News from Trafalgar in 1805

The weather was the single most important consideration of anyone who was concerned with maritime matters and it was diligently recorded by Trewman's port correspondents whenever they reported shipping movements. After the Battle of Trafalgar their reports show the unfavourable conditions faced by ships entering the Channel Approaches on their return to England, and explains the delay in arrival of the news.

Tues. 29th Oct Wind E
Wed. 30thWind EWind NNE fair
Thurs. 31stWind SEWind NNE fair
Fri. 1st NovrWind EWind NNE fair
Sat. 2ndWind EWind NNE fair
Sun. 3rdNo movementsNo movements

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, November 7, 1805. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2194

FALMOUTH, Monday, Nov 4th, 1805. Wind S. Sailed the Gurpurgoa, Spanish privateer, (prize to the Latona frigate) for Plymouth; also Stag lugger, and Speedwell cutter, for the Downs. - The Pickle schooner arrived off the harbour this day from which an officer landed and went off express for London, with dispatches

PLYMOUTH, Monday, Nov 4th. Wind NE great fog. No arrivals or sailings.

PLYMOUTH, Tuesday, Nov 5th. This morning at one o'clock, came in express from vice-admiral Collingwood, the Nautilus, of 18, and Pickle, of 14, with dispatches of the greatest importance to this country and its interests. Admiral Lord Nelson had detached admiral Louis with part of his fleet for Gibraltar, to water, which the enemy observed, and came out with 24 sail of the line; the ships from Gibraltar fortunately joined, by signal, Lord Nelson again, off Trafalgar, when action began and continued the whole day, the most bloody in the naval annals of Old England, which finished in a most decisive victory on our side, as brilliant as ever graced the page of history. But the death of Lord Nelson, in the moment Victory was in his grasp, has thrown a dreadful gloom over the conquest of a very superior enemy. His lordship was killed by a musquet shot from the tops of the Santa Trinidada, of 136 guns, before she blew up. Admiral Villeneuve and 3 other admirals of the enemy are prisoners. The Temeraire, of 98, captain Harvey, had two 3 deckers on her, from both of which she carried away their masts, when both struck. The Temeraire did not lose a man. There are many flying reports, but the above is from the best authority. When the Pickle left our fleet, there had been a heavy gale of wind, 6 of the prizes were missing and it is feared were gone ashore - 14 sail were left in our possession, in tow. Lord Nelson, before he died, made our signal, a private one in the fleet, which was to the following purport: "England expects every British ship to do its duty." He had just been praising the conduct of the whole fleet, and particularly admiral Collingwood and his division, when he was struck by the fatal ball which terminated the existence of one of the most gallant officers ever this country produced. Admiral Gravina and 9 sail have got back to Cadiz much disabled. The Donegal, of 84, was seen with several prizes after the gale, all well, off Cape Trafalgar. The following particulars of killed &c. have been handed about, as far as can be known:

Victory, of 110 guns, admiral Lord Nelson and Mr.Scott, his secretary, killed; also 200 men killed and wounded.
Royal Sovereign , of 110; 200 men killed and wounded.
Bellerophon , of 74, capt. Cooke, killed; also 110 men killed and wounded.
Mars, of 74, captain Duff killed; also 220 men killed and wounded.
Tonnant, of 84, captain Tyler is mortally wounded.

After the action, when the gale came on, admiral Collingwood made the signal to dismast all the prizes, if necessary, and take out our men. El Argonaute, of 84, sunk after the action, but few men saved. - The Belleisle , of 84, captain Hargood, was the only British ship dismasted.

Recapitulation. - 19 of the line taken and sunk, Santa Trinidada, of 136, blown up. Six sail of the above missing after the gale of wind, supposed gone on shore.

Copy of another letter:
PLYMOUTH, 5th Nov, 1805 "On the 19th of October the enemy's fleet came out of Cadiz, and steered their course to the westward; this was observed by the Pickle schooner, who had been stationed off that port to observe their motions. She immediately made sail towards our fleet, then distant about 30 leagues, and communicated the intelligence to Lord Nelson. On the 21st the fleets appeared in sight of each other, and the action commenced on that day, about half past twelve o'clock at noon, and continued until about half past four in the afternoon, when the British fleet were completely victorious, 19 sail of the line were taken, and 1 destroyed. The prizes were taken possession of the same evening; but it came on such a heavy gale of wind that night, from W.S.W. that our ships who had prizes in tow were obliged to cast them off in the night, and take them in tow again in the morning. On the 23rd two of the prizes were set on fire, and blew up, the prisoners being taken out of them, and it is much feared that many of the prizes were obliged to be destroyed, to prevent their getting back to Cadiz, in consequence of the severity of the gale, which continued four or five days. On the 25th the Pickle left adm. Collingwood, the then commander in chief, at which time only 9 of our ships were in sight, they having separated in the gale. Many of the prizes were totally dismasted, and the remainder had lost either a fore, main, or mizzen mast each. The Victory, Lord Nelson's ship, lost her mizzen mast and fore-top mast; the Bellisle was totally dismasted, several other of our ships lost their top-masts and one or two their mizzen-masts. His lordship was wounded about an hour and a quarter after the action commenced, and died about an hour before it ended, exulting that the command would devolve on so brave a man as admiral Collingwood. Admiral Villeneuve, and two or three other admirals of the enemy, are taken. It is said the Royal Sovereign had about 400 men killed and wounded. Our fleet consisted of 26 sail of the line, 4 or 5 frigates, 1 cutter and a schooner; that of the enemy, 34 of the line, 4 frigates and 2 brigs.

Lord Nelson, and his secretary, killed.
Capt. Cooke, of the Bellerephon, ditto.
Capt. Duff, of the Mars, ditto.
Capt Tyler, of the Tonnant, wounded.

FALMOUTH, Tuesday, Nov 5th. Wind SSE. Arrived the Princess Charlotte packet, Kerr, sixty-four days from Jamaica, with mails &c; capt. Blight late of the Chesterfield packet, (captured by a French privateer) came as passenger in her. Gannet, of 16 guns, captain B??? from a cruize, has recaptured the brig Marlborough from Waterford, with oil cakes, for Hull, which had been captured by a French schooner privateer, off Lands End.

FALMOUTH, Wednesday, Nov 6th. Wind S. Arrived the Bristol Packet, May, from Exeter.

EXETER, Wednesday, Nov 6th. [Editorial]

Over the
Combined Fleets of France and Spain
On the 21st of October
Enemy 34 sail of the line - Lord Nelson's Fleet 26 sail.

It is with pride and exultation we again lay before our readers the first intelligence of another glorious Victory over the Combined Fleet of France and Spain! A victory unequalled in the annals of any other country! - But whilst we rejoice in this further proof of the superior prowess of British seaman - our joy is checked at the consideration that we have lost in the conflict many brave fellows, and, most particularly, a man adored by those under his command, idolized by his grateful country, and whose very name struck terror on his enemies. - In a word we have lost - NELSON; than whom a braver, never inhabited this terraqueous globe - and whose whole life has been dedicated to the service of his country. But he fell in the arms of victory - for whilst life yet quivered on his lip, his gallant companions were decking his brow with never-fading laurels! - Yet, he will live for ever in the hearts of his countrymen; and the details of his naval exploits off Cape St. Vincent - at the Nile - at Copenhagen - and off Cadiz, will adorn the annals of his native country, Great Britain, till time shall be no more. Altho' we cannot suppress the tear which the loss of this hero has drawn from us, we feel confident that in our navy will be found many, very very many, who will convince our enemies that tho' NELSON is dead, the same invincible courage he possessed still lives in the breast of every True British Tar !

We now lay before our readers the following letters we have this day received from our correspondents at Plymouth. [ See Plymouth reports of Tuesday 5th November above ]

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, November 14, 1805. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2195

PLYMOUTH, Thursday, Nov 7th. Wind SE cloudy. By private letters from different ships in our fleet the following interesting particulars are learnt respecting the late great naval victory. On the 14th ult a grand council of war was held by order of admiral Villeneuve on board the Bucentaur, of 84 guns, and the four other French and Spanish admirals, as to the expediency, in their present state of comparative starvation for want of bread, whether it would be proper to stand out of the Bay of Cadiz and attack the British fleet, and force a passage through them, and pass the gut of Gibraltar for Toulon or Carthagena. After 24 hours deliberation the council determined the thing was impracticable, and the idea was given up. - In the interim, the gallant and ever to be lamented Nelson, not fearing any superiority of force, detached off Carthagena rear-admiral Louis with seven sail of the line, to block off the Spanish squadron, consisting of ten sail of the line, in that port. The British force was now 26 sail of the line. - Between the 14th and the 21st a positive order of the Prince of the Peace came down, supposed to have originated with Bonaparte, for the combined fleets to push out, and fight our fleet at all events. On the 20th admiral Villeneuve and four other admirals, having 34 sail of the line, 7 frigates , and 8 corvettes, got under weigh from Cadiz bay, and on the 21st ult. Fell in with our fleet a few leagues from Cape Trafalgar. An action soon began, as determined and bloody on both sides, as the page of history can produce an instance of. And as it was a stark calm the whole of the 21st, every shot told, and carried its commission of death or wounds with it. After a desperate conflict of about four hours, the enemy fled, that could fly, under Gravina, with 13 sail of the line, and entered Cadiz, the 21st at night, leaving their friends to their fate, 20 sail of which had struck, and were, as fast as circumstances would permit, taken possession of on the morning of the 22nd. From a dead calm, came on (as admiral Collingwood describes it emphatically, in a private letter to an officer at this port) one of the most dreadful hurricanes at WSW ever known or experienced, which dispersed our fleet and the prizes. He issued orders by signal, that if there was a probability of the prizes not weathering the gale, to cut away their masts and anchors, and take out by our frigates and sloops of war all our people, and as many of the prisoners as could be got out. - On the 25th, when the Pickle left the fleet, the gale had considerably decreased. - The Neptune, of 98 guns, capt. Freemantle, had two Spanish ships of 98 guns to contend with, and from the calm, brought his both broadsides to bear so effectually as to carry away all their masts, and though he lost but few men the slaughter aboard the Spaniards, when they struck, was dreadful. - Lord Nelson was standing on the quarter-deck of the Victory, talking with his first-lieutenant, Pascho, captain Adair, of the royal marines, and Mr Scott, his secretary, admiring the gallant style in which vice-admiral Collingwood led his division into action, when he was saluted with a shower of musketry from the tops of the Trinidada, of 136 guns, which was repeated briskly for several rounds, and unfortunately struck his lordship through the shoulder, from which he fell about two P.M. - Mr Scott, secretary, and capt. Adair were killed on the spot, and lieutenant Pascho and a lieutenant of the royal marines were wounded, and upward of 80 marines on the poop and quarter deck were killed or wounded, out of 110 royal marines on that station. His lordship being faint was taken below, and expired with the calm resignation of a christian hero, at four P.M. - Thus fell one of the greatest naval heroes this or any part of the world ever produced, dying, as he live, in the service of that king and country whose interests, in all parts of the world, he had so nobly sustained and upheld; lamented by all his fellow seamen and companions in arms, and as sincerely by all ranks of people on shore.

FALMOUTH, Thursday, Nov 7th. Wind S. Arrived the Windsor Castle, packet, Sutton, with mails from New York & Halifax, 23 days from the latter place; left there his majesty's ships St George, of 98 guns, Centaur, of ?? guns, (in Dock,) Cleopatra, of 32 guns, and the ???lan, of 48 guns, the latter had arrived from a cruize dismasted. - Passed by the harbour the Danish ship Copenhagen, eight months from China, touched in(?) the Isle of France, and sailed from thence the 20th of June, at which time it was blockaded by a British squadron under the command of capt. Osborne, in his majesty's ship Tremendous, of 74 guns.

EXETER, Thursday Nov 7th. The several troops belonging to the garrison and the Exeter volunteer regiment, fired a triple feu de joye on the banks of the Exe, opposite the Quay, in celebration of our late Glorious victory off Cape Trafalgar. And on this evening a general illumination has taken place in this city. Several of the respectable inhabitants have shown their patriotism by transparent paintings with appropriate devices; others have decorated their fronts with coloured lamps, displayed in a neat and tasteful manner: But we are sorry we have neither time nor room, at this hour, to particularise such as have, by their superior merit, drawn forth the particular attention and applause of the many spectators who crowd the streets.

PLYMOUTH, Friday, Nov 8th. Wind SSE cloudy. Passed up a three deck ship, the Prince of Wales, of 98 guns, rear-admiral Calder, from the fleet off Cadiz. Came in the Indefatigable, of 44 guns, captain Rodd, from the coast of Spain; she was chaced a few days since by the Rochefort Squadron, in the Bay of Biscay, but escaped in the night. - Arrived the Repulse, of 74 guns, from the Channel fleet, which she left all well with admiral Cornwallis on Monday last. In the evening the whole garrison, officers in mourning, fired a triple feu de joie round the citadel, lines, and at all the batteries: before each round a royal salute was fired of 21 guns. It had a fine effect by night; but the recollection of the dear departed hero, Nelson, threw a gloom over all the rejoicings of the night. The concert opened also in a grand style, at the London Inn, with the "Dead March in Saul" in full band, in compliment to the late Lord Nelson.

FALMOUTH, Friday, Nov 8th. Wind S. Passed up channel this afternoon a line of battle ship, having a dismasted frigate in tow; also a frigate which had lost her topmast; from which, it is supposed an action has taken place.

FALMOUTH, Saturday, Nov 9th. Wind S. Passed up three ships of the line dismasted, towed by three others, which appear to be also much disabled. Nine P.M. Have this moment learnt that the dismasted ships seen are three of four sail of the line captured by Sir Richard Strachan's squadron.

PLYMOUTH, Saturday, Nov 9th. Wind SSE cloudy. This morning brought us more glorious news; (always welcome to every true British heart is a naval victory). At 9 A.M. under a press of sail, came in the Æolus, of 32, capt. Lord Fitzroy, with dispatches containing the important intelligence of a subsequent victory over a French squadron of 4 sail of the line, under Admiral Dumanoir, that had escaped from the battle off Trafalgar the 21st ult. and were endeavouring to skulk into L'Orient or Rochefort. Lord Fitzroy set off with the dispatches at 10 A.M. for the Admiralty, (the horses decorated with laurels) in a post-chaise and four. This victory happened on the 4th inst. off Cape Ortegal. Our Fleet was:
    Cæsar, of 84, rear-admiral sir R. Strachan.
    Hero, of 74, hon. Captain Gardner,
    Courageux, of 74, captain Lee.
    Namur, of 74 (cut down,) capt. Halsted.
    4 Frigates
    The Bellona, of 74, parted company two days before.
    Formidable, of 84, rear-admiral Dumanoir.
    Du Guay Trouin, of 74.
    Scipion, of 74.
    Mont Blanc, of 74.
The action lasted an hour, when the whole squadron was captured, after some very hard knocks on both sides. The bells of both churches rang the whole day. Sir R. Strachan is a native of Plymouth, and is a very spirited good officer.

FALMOUTH, Saturday, Nov 9th. Wind S. Arrived the Swedish Indiaman Frederica, capt. Englebert, eight months from China, put in for want of provisions; Humber armed(?) ship from a cruize.

PLYMOUTH, Sunday, Nov 10th. Wind SSE cloudy. This morning day-break presented the agreeable spectacle of two of Sir R Strachan's prizes, with the Hero, of 74, Courageux, of 74, and Revolutionaire, of 44, towing thro' the Sound La Scipion of 74, Duguay Trouin, of 74, to go up harbour; but as it was low water, they did not go up till 3 o'clock. Thousands of spectators, assembled on the Hoes and different points of land, saluted them with three cheers; on which all hands were piped on deck and returned the cheers as they passed the Devils Point. The bands of music and drums of the royal marines and all the regiments played "God save the King," Rule Britannia" and "Britons strike home" In the evening arrive the Caesar, of 84, and Santa Margarita, of 36, with La Mont Blanc, of 84, which came to in the Sound. Sailed the Culpoys, of 14, lieut. Usher, with dispatches for Lord Collingwood. - Came in the Caroline, of 14, lieut. Derby, from the Channel fleet: she left them all well on Saturday noon: enemy as usual. - Arrived the Hind, of 28, from the West Indies. She was chaced by a man of war in the Bay, which proved at last, after they had thrown overboard from the Hind part of her water and guns, to be a British ship. - Sailed a cartel, with two Spanish captains and several Spanish officers, for Ferrol.

FALMOUTH, Monday, Nov 11th. Wind SSW. Arrived the brig Gertrude, captain T. Cundy, from Swansea. On the 8th(?) instant, the Lands End bearing SSE distant five leagues, fell in with a French lugger-privateer of 14 guns, which after exchanging several broadsides sheered off, and stood towards the brig Enterprise of Ipswich, capt. Hill, which vessel must have been taken, had not the Gertrude bore down to her assistance when the privateer left her and stood to the westward; the American ship Iris, capt. Goss, from Baltimore bound for Amsterdam, is put into Mount's Bay dismasted - Also, arrived the American brig Albany Province(?) from Petersburgh, (Virginia) bound to the Isle of Rhee; and Experiment, Cotheroy, from London. - Sailed his majesty's ship Poulette, of 20 guns, capt. Dunbar, with the Indus East-Indiaman and a large fleet of vessels for the Downs. - Also arrived yesterday his majesty's brig Minorca to give instructions for vessels bound to Lisbon, Oporto or the Mediterranean.

PLYMOUTH, Monday, Nov 11th. Wind SSE cloudy. Came in the Namur, of 74, with the La Formidable, of 84, rear-adm. Dumanoir, in tow; and this afternoon, at the young flood tide, they went up the harbour as follow, Cæsar, of 84, rear-admiral sir R. Strachan, Namur, of 74, capt. Halsted, La Duguay Trouin, of 74, and La Formidable, of 84. They were all cheered in the same style, which they returned both to the frigates in the Sound, Barn Pool, and to the crowd of spectators assembled on the joyful occasion. This was the first French Admiral, with his squadron, as prizes, ever conducted into the port of Plymouth. They bare remarkably fine men of war, are not so straight sheered or wall sided as those taken in former wars. All are dismasted, and are jury rigged. Our ships appear to have received little comparative damage, but the French ships are most confoundedly mauled in their sides and quarters. Our loss is about 70 killed and wounded, the enemy's loss is about 300 killed and wounded. This morning marched to the eastward, the royal Montgomery regiment, major Davis.

PLYMOUTH, Tuesday, Nov 12th. Wind SSE hard rain. The following is an extract of a letter from an officer of one of sir R Strachan's squadron, after the action, to his friend here, dated the 5th instant, at sea:

"My dear fellow. I send you a few lines to acquaint you of our success. On the 2nd instant, having been looking for the Rochefort squadron several days now, we began to despair of ever seeing them, but the Phoenix hove in sight towards noon, full of signals, and presently we discovered 4 sail of the line to leeward, with an admiral; we chaced them, Cape Ortogal then bearing NE 50 leagues; we lost them in a very thick fog, till the morning of the 4th, when we neared them fast, formed a line with our commodore, sir R. Strachan, with the Cæsar, of 84, Hero, of 74, Courageux, of 74, Phoenix of 40, Æolus, of 32, Santa Margaritta, of 36. The Namur, of 74 and Revolutionaire, of 44, being too far astern to render us any assistance at that time. At noon the action commenced with great vigor, in its full fury on both sides. In a short(?) time one of the enemy, since found to be La Scipion, of 74, tacking by accident, the other three were obliged to do the same, thus fortunately nearing the Namur, of 74, with rapidity, and giving the frigates in the rear an opportunity and the credit of maintaining the action when our ships were joined by the Namur, which opened tremendous fire upon the enemy. At about 20 minutes after this La Formidable, of 84, admiral Dumanoir struck; La Scipion, of 74, Duguay Trouin, of 74. and Mont Blanc, of 84 soon followed her example. On taking possession of our prizes, we thought it was the celebrated Rochefort squadron, but to our surprise we found it to be 4 sail of the line that had escaped from the battle of Trafalgar, and were trying to get into some French port. The signal is now flying for us to bear away(?) for Plymouth, to secure our prizes, for fear of blowy weather. Our loss is trifling; that of the enemy has been severe. The French admiral is wounded, and the captain of La Mont Blanc, of 74, killed."

This day orders were given by General Simcoe, commander in chief of the western district, to lieut-general England, commander in this garrison, that if the remains of the ever to be lamented Lord Nelson should be landed at this port, or any port within the district, that after landing, a procession is to be formed towards the town, the troops and volunteers to line the streets, colours dressed in crape, and to receive the hearse containing the body with presented arms, officers saluting. The colours at government-house, citadel and all the forts, to be hoisted half staff high. The same ceremony to be observed thro' the whole of the western district, under General Simcoe's particular command, as a tribute and respect from one gallant officer to the remains of a brother officer, dying in the service of king and country, in the moment of victory.

EXETER, Tuesday, Nov 12th. 300 French prisoners marched into this city from Plymouth, escorted by a party of the Wiltshire militia, on their march to Stapleton prison.

FALMOUTH, Tuesday, Nov 12th. Wind S. Arrived the American ship Merrimack, Barker, from London

FALMOUTH, Wednesday, Nov 13th. Wind NE. Arrived the Walsingham packet, Roberts, with mails from Lisbon, she left there his majesty's ship La Unite, 40 guns, captain Ogle and Moselle brig, 18 guns captain Carden, Bittern brig, 10 guns, captain Louis, with the Lord Hobart and Townshend packets. An account of the action off Cape Trafalgar, was received through Spain, three days after it took place, but no account had arrived there from admiral Collingwood, the British factory had illuminated, and all the English ships in the Tagus, had fired a grand salute on the occasion. Also arrived is majesty's ship Investigator, captain Kent from Botany Bay.

PLYMOUTH, Wednesday, Nov 13th. Wind ENE fair. The Aigle, of 44 guns, captain Wolfe, which arrived here Sunday, had a tough brush, some days since, with nine large Spanish gun-boats, in Vigo Bay, in a dead calm: After some heavy firing on both sides the fire of the gunboats carried away, from the mizzen peak of L'Aigle, her ensign, which made the Dons think she had struck, and gave some loud huzzas, but the breeze offshore springing up, captain Wolfe soon convinced them of their mistake, as he ran up another ensign, and gave them a dose of his 24 and 18 pounders; he took one and drove the other eight into shoal water, returning their huzzas as heartily as his gallant crew could cheer; the Aigle soon got under weigh, cleared the headlands, and arrived safe here. These gunboats row a number of oars, carry one long 24 pounder in the bow, and are generally manned with 90 or 100 artillery-men and sailors, and present to a large ship becalmed a close phalanx of guns, as their cannon carry further than ours, without their having an equal chance of being hit by our short sea guns. Came in the Ranger, of 14 guns, captain Frazer from a cruize.

EXETER, Wednesday, Nov. 13th. [Editorial]. In our second page will be found at length the Extraordinary Gazette from vice-admiral Lord Collingwood, containing the particulars of the glorious victory gained by the British fleet, under the command of the late Lord Nelson, off Trafalgar, in which the enemy lost 20 ships of the line. In addition to which we have the satisfaction of laying before our readers the Extraordinary Gazette published on Monday, detailing another glorious victory obtained by the squadron under the command of rear-admiral sir R. Strachan, off Cape Ortegal, in which four sail of the line were captured, all of whom are safely arrived at Plymouth. - To record the particulars of two such brilliant achievements in one week, in which 24 ships of the line have been taken from the enemy, has perhaps never before fallen to the lot of a British journalist. We congratulate our fellow subjects on these great and brilliant exploits, which have added so considerably to the glory of the British navy, and which must convince the vain boasting Corsican, that, in spite of his threats, Britannia will still "keep the dominion of the seas, and preserve the trident put into her hands, by our gallant forefathers."

The statement in the London prints of the arrival at Portsmouth of the Euryalus frigate, with the body of the much lamented Lord Nelson, the French admiral's flags, &c. is totally void of foundation. It is not improbable but the Euryalus may bring home the further details of the situation of our ships and their prizes, with the much wished for list of the killed and wounded, but we do not think it probable that any other than the ship which bore his lordship's flag, the Victory, will have the honour of bearing to his native country the remains of her departed hero.

EXETER, Thursday, Nov 14th 1805 (from the London Gazette Extraordinary of Thursday, Nov 6th.)

Admiralty Office Nov 6, 1805
Dispatches, of which the following are copies, were received at the Admiralty this day, at one o clock a.m. from Vice Admiral Collingwood, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's ships and Vessels off Cadiz.

Euryalus, off Cape Trafalgar, Oct. 22.
The ever to be lamented death of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, who, in the late conflict with the enemy, fell in the hour of victory, leaves to me the duty of informing my Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty, that on the 19th inst. it was communicated to the Commander in Chief from the ships watching the motions of the enemy in Cadiz, that the combined fleet had put to sea; as they sailed with light winds westerly, his Lordship concluded their destination was the Mediterranean, and immediately made all sail for the Streights' entrance, with the British squadron, consisting of twenty-seven ships, three of them sixty-fours, where his Lordship was informed by Captain Blackwood (whose vigilance in watching, and giving notice of the enemy's movements, has been highly meritorious) that they had not yet passed the Streights.

On Monday, the 21st instant, at day light, when Cape Trafalgar bore E. by S. about seven leagues, the enemy was discovered six or seven miles to the eastward, the wind about west, and very light, the Commander in Chief immediately made the signal for the fleet to bear up in two columns, as they are formed in order of sailing; a mode of attack his Lordship had previously directed, to avoid the inconvenience and delay in forming a line of battle in the usual manner. The enemy's line consisted of thirty-three ships (of which 18 were French and 15 Spanish) commanded in chief by Admiral Villeneuve; the Spaniards under the direction of Gravina, wore, with their heads to the northward, and formed the line of battle with great closeness and correctness;-but as the mode of attack was unusual, so the structure of their line was new; it formed a crescent convexing to leeward-so that, in leading down to their centre, I had both their van and rear, abaft the beam; before the fire opened, every alternate ship was about a cable's length to windward of her second a-head, and a-stern, forming a kind of double line, and appeared, when on their beam, to leave a very little interval between them; and this without crowding their ships. Admiral Villeneuve was in the Bucentaure in the centre, and the Prince of Asturias bore Gravina's flag in the rear; but the French and Spanish ships were mixed without any apparent regard to order of national squadron.

As the mode of our attack had been previously determined on, and communicated to the Flag Officers and Captains, few signals were necessary, and none were made, except to direct close order as the lines bore down. The Commander in Chief in the Victory led the weather column, and the Royal Sovereign, which bore my flag, the lee.

The action began at twelve o'clock, by the leading ships of the columns breaking through the enemy's line, the Commander in Chief about the tenth ship from the van, the Second in Command about the twelfth from the rear, leaving the van of the enemy unoccupied; the succeeding ships breaking through, in all parts, astern of their leaders, and engaging the enemy at the muzzles of their guns: the conflict was severe; the enemy's ships were fought with a gallantry highly honourable to their officers, but the attack on them was irresistible, and it pleased the Almighty Disposer of all Events, to grant his Majesty's arms a complete and glorious victory.

About three P.M. many of the enemy's ships having struck their colours, their line gave way: Admiral Gravina, with ten ships, joining their frigates to leeward, stood towards Cadiz. The five headmost ships in their van tacked, and standing to the southward, to windward, of the British line, were engaged, and the sternmost of them taken:-the others went off, leaving to his Majesty's squadron, nineteen ships of the line, (of which two are first-rates, the Santissima Trinidad and the Santa Anna) with three Flag Officers, viz. Admiral Villeneuve, the Commander in Chief, Don Ignatio Maria D'Aliva, Vice Admiral, and the Spanish Rear Admiral Don Baltazar Hidalgo Cisneros.

After such a victory it may appear unnecessary to enter into encomiums on the particular parts taken by the several Commanders; the conclusion says more on the subject than I have language to express; the spirit which animated all was the same; when all exerted themselves zealously in their country's service, all deserve that their high merits should stand recorded; and never was high merit more conspicuous than in the battle I have described.

The Achille (a French 74), after having surrendered, by some mismanagement of the Frenchmen took fire and blew up; two hundred of her men were saved by the tenders.

A circumstance occurred during the action, which so strongly marks the invincible spirit of British seamen, when engaging the enemies of their country, that I cannot resist the pleasure I have in making it known to their Lordships; the Temeraire was boarded by accident, or design, by a French ship on one side, and a Spaniard on the other; the contest was vigorous, but, in the end, the combined ensigns were torn from the poop, and the British hoisted in their places.

Such a battle could not be fought without sustaining a great loss of men. I have not only to lament in common with the British Navy, and the British Nation, in the fall of the Commander in Chief, the loss of a Hero, whose name will be immortal, and his memory ever dear to his country; but my heart is rent with the most poignant grief for the death of a friend, to whom, by many years intimacy, and a perfect knowledge of the virtues of his mind, which inspired ideas superior to the common race of men, I was bound by the strongest ties of affection; a grief to which even the glorious occasion in which he fell, does not bring the consolation which perhaps it ought; his Lordship received a musket ball in his left breast, about the middle of the action, and sent an officer to me immediately with his last farewell; and soon after expired.

I have also to lament the loss of those excellent officers, Captains Duff, of the Mars, and Cooke, of the Bellerophon; I have yet heard of no others.

I fear the numbers that have fallen will be found very great, when the returns come to me; but it having blown a gale of wind ever since the action, I have not yet had it in my power to collect any reports from the ships.

The Royal Sovereign having lost her masts, except the tottering foremast, I called the Euryalus to me, while the action continued, which ship lying within hail, made my signals, a service Captain Blackwood performed with great attention; after the action, I shifted my flag to her, that I might more easily communicate my orders to, and collect the ships, and towed the Royal Sovereign out to seaward. The whole fleet were now in a very perilous situation, many dismasted, all shattered, in thirteen fathom water, off the Shoals of Trafalgar, and when I made the signal to prepare to anchor, few of the ships had an anchor to let go, their cables being shot; but the same good Providence which aided us through such a day, preserved us in the night, by the wind shifting a few points, and drifting the ships off the land.

Having thus detailed the proceedings of the fleet on this occasion, I beg to congratulate their Lordships on a victory, which, I hope will add a ray to the glory of his Majesty's Crown, and be attended with public benefit to our country. I am, &c.
C. Collingwood
William Marsden Esq.

order in which the Ships of the British Squadron attacked the Combined Fleets, on the 21st of October, 1805.

Victory, Royal Sovereign,
Temeraire, Mars,
Neptune, Belleisle,
Conqueror, Tonnant,
Leviathan, Bellerophon,
Ajax, Colossus,
Orion, Achille,
Agamemnon, Polyphemus,
Minotaur, Revenge,
Spartiate, Swiftsure,
Britannia, Defence,
Africa, Thunderer,
Euryalus, Defiance,
Sirius, Prince,
Phœbe, Dreadnought.
Pickle Schooner,
Entrepenante Cutter,



Euryalus, October 22, 1805.

The ever-to-be-lamented death of Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronté, the Commander in Chief, who fell in the action of the twenty-first, in the arms of victory, covered with glory; whose memory will be ever dear to the British Navy, and the British Nation; whose zeal for the honour of his King, and for the interests of his Country, will be ever held up as a shining example for a British Seaman - leaves to the me a duty to return my thanks to the Right Honourable Rear-Admiral, the Captain, Officers, Seamen, and detachments of Royal Marines serving on board his Majesty's Squadron now under my command, for their conduct on that day; but where can I find language to express my sentiments of the valour and skill which were displayed by the Officers the Seamen, and Mariners in the battle with the enemy, where every individual appeared an Hero, or whom the Glory of his Country depended; the attack was irresistible, and the issue of it adds to the page of Naval Annals a brilliant instance of what britons can do, when their King and their Country need their service.

To the Right Honourable Rear-Admiral the Earl of Northesk, to the Captains, Officers, and Seamen and to the Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and Privateers of the Royal Marines, I beg to give my sincere and hearty thanks for their highly meritorious conduct, both in the action, and in their seal and activity in bringing the captured ships out from the perilous situation in which they were after their surrender, among the shoals of Trafalgar, in boisterous weather.

And I desire that the respective Captains will be pleased to communicate to the Officers, Seamen, and Royal Marines, this public testimony of my high approbation of their conduct, and my thanks for it.


To the Right Honorable Rear-Admiral the Earl of Northesk, and the respective Captains and Commanders.


The Almighty God, whose arm is strength, having of his great mercy been pleased to crown the exertion of his Majesty's fleet with success, in giving them a complete victory over their enemies, on 21st of this month: and that all praise and thanksgiving may be offered up to the Throne of Grace for the great benefits to our country and to mankind:

I have thought proper, that a day should be appointed of general humiliation, imploring forgiveness of sins, a continuation of his divine mercy, and his constant aid to us, in the defence of our country's liberties and laws, without which the utmost efforts of man are nought; and direct therefore that be appointed for this holy purpose.

Given on board the Euryalus, off Cape Trafalgar, 22d Oct. 1805.


To the respective Captains and Commanders.
N.B. The fleet having been dispersed by a gale of wind, no day has yet been able to be appointed for the above purpose.

Euryalus, off Cadiz, Oct. 24. 1805.

In my letter of the 22d, I detailed to you, for the information of my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, the proceedings of his Majesty's squadron on the day of the action, and that preceding it, since which I have had a continued series of misfortunes; but they are of a kind that human prudence could not possibly provide against, or my skill prevent.

On the 22d, in the morning, a strong southerly wind blew, with squally weather, which, however, did not prevent the activity of the Officers and Seamen of such ships as were manageable, from getting hold of many of the prizes (thirteen or fourteen), and towing them off to the Westward, where I ordered them to rendezvous round the Royal Sovereign, in tow by the Neptune: but on the 23d the gale increased, and the sea ran so high that many of the, broke the tow-rope, and drifted far to leeward before they were got hold of again; and some of them, taking advantage in the dark and boisterous night, got before the wind, and have perhaps, drifted upon the shore and sunk; on the afternoon of that day the remnant of the Combined Fleet, ten sail of the ships, who had not been much engaged, stood up to leeward of my shattered and straggled charge, as if meaning to attack them, which obliged me to collect a force out of the least injured ships, and form to leeward for their defence; all this retarded the progress of the hulks, and the bad weather continuing, determined me to destroy all the leewardmost that could be cleared of the men considering that keeping possession of the ships was a matter of little consequence, compared with the chance of their falling again into the hands of the enemy; but even this was an arduous task in the high sea which was running. I hope, however, it has been accomplished to a considerable extent; I entrusted it to skilful Officers, who would spare no pains to execute what was possible. The Captains of the Prince and Neptune cleared the Trinidad and sunk her. Captains Hope, Bayntun, and Malcolm, who joined the fleet this moment from Gibraltar, had the charge of destroying four others. The Redoubtable sunk astern of the Swiftsure while in tow. The Santa Anna, I have no doubt, is sunk, as her side was almost entirely beat in; and such is the scattered condition of the whole of them, that unless the weather moderates I doubt whether I shall be able to carry a ship of them into port. I hope their Lordships will approve of what I (having only in consideration the destruction of the enemy's fleet) have thought a measure of absolute necessity.

I have taken Admiral Villeneuve into this ship; Vice-Admiral Don Aliva is dead. Whenever the temper of the weather will permit, and I can spare a frigate (for there were only four in the action with the fleet, Euryalus, Sirius, Phœbe, and Naiad; the Melpomene joined the 22d, and the Eurydice and Scout the 23d,) I shall collect the other flag officers, and send them to England, with their flags, if they do not all go to the bottom), to be laid at his Majesty's feet.

There were four thousand troops embarked, under the command of General Contamin, who was taken with Admiral Villeneuve in the Bucentaure.

I am,


Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, November 21, 1805. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2196

FALMOUTH, Thursday, Nov 14th,. Wind NE. Arrived the Marianne, Kitten, from Portsmouth; Prussian dogger Der Peter, captain Wauter, from Bristol, for Emden; Rose is in June, Davis, from Chepstow; Roebuck, Walter, from Bideford, and dogger Der Vriede, captain Paulson, from Bristol

PLYMOUTH, Thursday, Nov 14th. Wind ENE fair. Marched up for Stapleton prison two divisions of French prisoners, under escort of the 3rd royal Lancashire regiment, to make room for the 3000 additional French prisoners brought in since the 4th instant, by the four captured French men of war. - The Scipio, of 74 guns, and La Mont Blanc, of 74, were exceedingly mauled, in the late action of Sir R Strachan's; the water, the night after the action, was as high as the platform of these two ships, and nothing but incessant pumping, 'till they got into the Hamoaze, could have saved them from sinking or being scuttled, as the sides they engaged, are like a riddle with shot holes, plugged up from stem to stern, below the lower gun deck. The hulls of La Formidable, of 84 guns, and Duguay Trouin, of 72, are also much hulled [sic]. - Our wounded officers and men were landed this morning at the Royal Naval Hospital stairs, and conveyed in their hammocks slung on their comrades shoulders, to the different wards prepared for their reception, where every care will be taken of those heroes, wounded in their country's cause, that this grand national institution can afford.

PLYMOUTH, Friday, Nov 15th. Wind NE fair Came in almost in absolute want of provisions and water, after a passage of four months, the John and Thomas, captain Clarke, of London, with sugar, coffee and cotton, from Jamaica to London. She had been in Scilly a month, and took advantage of a westerly wind for a few hours, but was by a chop round to the eastward forced back to this port. - Came in also, after beating about the Channel, the Teignmouth, East India packet, captain Wales, from Bengal; she sailed from hence Sunday last for the River. - Came in the Dispatch, of 18 guns, captain Hawkins, from a cruise. - Captain Mudge is arrived to take the Phoenix, of 44 guns, when she arrives from sea, as it is at length settled that captain Baker is to have his prize, La Didon, of 48 guns, when ready for sea. All the reports of prizes in tow, having been seen off the Lizard, beating up Channel, which have prevailed for some days past, and which elated all persons at this port, have proved entirely groundless, to our great mortification, as we were in hopes they might be the remains of the hard earned prizes captured in the memorable battle off Trafalgar, on the 21st of October last. 300 more prisoners marched off for Stapleton prison this day under escort of the Wiltshire regiment, to make room for the prisoners captured by rear-adm. Sir R Strachan, bart.

PLYMOUTH, Saturday, Nov 16th. Wind ENE fair. A melancholy accident happened on board one of rear-adm. Strachan's prizes in Hamoaze yesterday, the La Formidable, of 84, admiral Dumanoir. As the seamen and royal marines were clearing the arms chest, of the ships musquets and pistols, for fear of mischief, one of the pieces that was loaded went off; the ball carried off the top of the thigh bone of a royal marine, a fine young fellow, and shattered it so much, that he died this morning in great agonies. He said before he died: He would not have minded if the ball had killed him in the battle, but to lose his life in so foolish a way embittered his last moments. The coroners inquest brought in a verdict of accidental death. His remains are to be interred with military honours. - On account of the glorious victory off Cape Ortegal, the 4th inst. By rear-admiral Sir R Strachan's squadron, he and the several captains of the men of war composing his squadron, gave leave for a proportionate number of the crew of each ship to go on shore for two days recreation: of course all the coaches, &c. were put in requisition in Plymouth and Dock, "and drive me out a guinea's worth of coaching" all the go. Most of those fine eccentric fellows wore love crape ribbon above their left elbow, in respect and affection for their beloved hero, the late Lord Nelson. When the portion of seamen now ashore return on board, a like leave will be given to the remainder of the ship's company, in turn.

PLYMOUTH, Sunday, Nov 17th. Wind ENE fair and cold. Yesterday the Vanguard, of 84, captain Newman, was paid off, and the crew turned over to other ships fitting for sea in the Hamoaze. - Came in the Plover, of 18, from a cruize, also the Dispatch, of 18, captain Hawkins, from the coast of Ireland. - The whole town was put into alarm this evening by the sudden ringing of the bells of St Andrews, and every person though it was an express arrive with the account of the capture of the Rochefort squadron by admiral Stirling. The aisles leading to the tower and belfry were for an hour in a state of siege, by hundreds of anxious enquirers, when it turned out to be an annual custom to ring six peals to the glorious memory of Queen Elizabeth, who was born on this day, and for which a certain sum is allowed.

PLYMOUTH, Monday, Nov 18th. Wind ENE morning, SE evening, slight rain. Letters from Lisbon of the date of Nov 5th, to a gentleman here, state the arrival of dispatches to our ambassador, Lord R Fitzgerald, from vice-admiral Lord Collingwood, dated 31st October, off Trafalgar, in which he mentions. In terms which do honor to his feelings, the death of vice-admiral Lord Nelson, than whom his lordships says the world never saw a better seaman, or a braver man; and England will have to lament the loss of her favorite hero for years to come. He then states his having effected the destruction of all his hard-earned prizes, and of having on board his fleet 15,000 French and Spanish seamen. The Entrepenant, of 10 guns, lieut Plover, landed the dispatches at Faro the 2nd instant. Grand illuminations took place at Lisbon for three nights. The continental victories of Bonaparte arriving at the same time, the French were also going to illuminate, but gave it up and hung their heads, on learning the total destruction of their fine fleet, and capture of their admiral Villeneuve. This letter further states the safe arrival there, from the Downs on the 1st Inst. of the Curieux, of 14, with several transports with the 42nd and 8th Highland regiments for a secret expedition, which were to sail for Gibraltar the next day. La Topaze, of 44, commodore Baudin, went on slowly with his repairs, as he had heard two British cruisers were looking out for him on the coast of Portugal.

PLYMOUTH, Tuesday, Nov 19th. Wind SE fair. Orders came down this day for the Hinde, of 32, to get ready to carry dispatches to vice-admiral Lord Collingwood. - Sailed the Star, of 18, on a cruise to the westward. - Passed down a large convoy from the eastward. - Yesterday an address to his Majesty, of congratulations for the recent victories by sea, obtained by the late lamented vice-admiral Lord Nelson and rear-admiral Sir R Strachan, over the combined fleets of France and Spain, was unanimously voted at the guildhall, J Hawker, esq., mayor, in the chair. The meeting having voted thanks to the mayor for his impartial conduct in the chair, and to the committee appointed to draw up the address, the meeting was dissolved. The address is to lie till the 26th inst, at the guildhall, for signature. - Sir R Strachan's four prizes, in the Hamoaze, will all go into dock and soon be commissioned. - Marched for Stapleton 300 French prisoners, under escort of the Wilts regiment.

EXETER, Wednesday, Nov. 20th . In addition to the French prisoners, mentioned in our last, 750 have since arrived in this city, on their way to Stapleton prison; 500 more are on their march from Plymouth, to make room for those lately brought into that port, by our gallant tars, under the command of rear-admiral sir Richard Strachan.

PLYMOUTH, Wednesday, Nov. 20th . Wind ENE. Fair and cold. The seaman of the Foudrayant, of 84 guns, vice-admiral sir Thomas Graves, now at sea, out of gratitude and in testimony of regard to Mr Pearce, midshipman of that ship, when last in this port, unanimously voted him an elegant naval sabre, of the value of sixty guineas, for his humanity in a late cruize, when it was blowing hard, in saving the lives of three seamen, who had by accident fallen overboard, by jumping into the sea, and by his personal exertions, and at the risqué(sic) of his life, keeping them afloat until more assistance put off. - Orders came down this day for the Aigle, of 44 guns, captain Wolfe, to get ready for a foreign station: she is over-hauling her rigging, and will be off in a few days, for, it is supposed, a cruise up the Straits. - Several gangs of shipwrights that were at work on the new Union, of 98 guns, building in this dock-yard, have been taken off, and sent to the mast-house, to prepare new lower masts, to add to the large number now in the mast pond, for those ships whose lower masts were rendered unfit for further service in the late severe naval actions off Trafalgar and Cape Ortegal. - The French admiral Dumanoir, his captains and officers, are landed, and the former is at Murch's hotel, to wait for his parole till his wounds are sufficiently cured for his travelling to Tiverton. Came in the Haughty, gun brig.

FALMOUTH, Wednesday, Nov. 20th . Wind N. Sailed his majesty's brig Minorca, of 18 guns, capt. Duncan with the Sisters, Hall; and Anne, (capt. unknown), for Lisbon, to join the outward bound Mediterranean and Portugal convoys now off this port, under charge of his majesty's ships Saturn, 74; Eagle, 74; Standard, 64; Athenienne, 64; Intrepid, 64; Apollo, 40; and La Sophie, 20; the line of battle ships go as a reinforcement to lord Collingwood's fleet.

PLYMOUTH, Thursday, Nov 21st. Wind E. fair and cold. Three hundred more of the French prisoners have been marched to Stapleton, near Bristol, this week, to make room for their countrymen on board the four French men of war. When sir R Strachan's officers and seamen took possession of the four French men of war captured off Cape Ortegal, they found them in the most dirty and filthy condition, the mangled dead bodies not all thrown overboard, and the wounded in a terrible state, they immediately put the prisoners, who were idlers, on board to work, to throw overboard all the dead bodies, get the poor wounded in a state of comparative comfort, and the ships (as far as the wreck of masts, yards rigging, &c. would permit) into a state of tolerable cleanliness. The French officers, who were sent aboard our ships from their own, appeared astonished at the neat, clean and orderly state in which they found everything, decks all washed and fumigated, and every dead body thrown overboard so recently after a very severe and bloody battle. They appeared astonished at seeing their old comrades, El Firme, of 74, and San Rafael, of 84, in Hamoaze; but, like true Frenchmen only, observed they had always said these ships were missing, and gone into some port or other, after the action off Cape Finisterre, July 23 1805. - The following abstract of the fruits of our naval victories, and exertions by our brave tars, may not be uninteresting at this period: Taken, destroyed, blew up and wrecked of the enemy's ships, since July 23, 1805, twenty six sail of the line, one frigate and three corvettes carrying 2,220 guns and 25,160 men. Came in an American, detained by the Betsey, of 14.

EXETER, Thursday, Nov 21st From the LONDON GAZETTE, Saturday Nov, 16


Copy of a Letter from the Right Hon. Lord Collingwod, Vice Admiral of the Red. &c, to William Marsden, Esq, dated on board the Euryalus, off Cadiz, Oct 28, 1805.

Sir.- Since my letter to you of 24th, stating the proceedings of his Majesty's squadron, our situation has been the most critical, and our employment the most arduous that ever a fleet was engaged in. On the 24th and 25th, it blew a most violent gale of wind, which completely dispersed the ships, and drove the captured hulls in all directions. I have since been employed in collecting and destroying them, where they are at anchor upon the coast between Cadiz and six leagues westward of San Lucar, without the prospect of saving one to bring into port. I mentioned in my former letter the joining of the Donegal and Melpomene, after the action; I cannot sufficiently praise the activity of their Commanders in giving assistance to the squadron in destroying the enemy's ships. The Defiance, after having stuck to the Aigle as long as it was possible, in hope of saving her from wreck, which separated her for some time from the squadron, was obliged to abandon her to her fate, and she went on shore. Captain Durham's exertions have been very great. I hope I shall get them all destroyed by tomorrow. In the gale, the Royal Sovereign and Mars lost their foremasts, and are now rigging anew, where the body of the squadron is at anchor to the N.W. of San Lucar. I find that on the return of Gravina to Cadiz he was immediately ordered to sea again, and came out, which made it necessary for me to form a line to cover the disabled hulls; that night it blew hard, and his ship, the Prince of Asturias, was dismasted, and fell into our hands; Don Enrique M'Donel, had his broad pendant in the Rayo, and from him I find the Santa Ana was driven near Cadiz, and towed in by a frigate.

I am, Sir, &c.
P.S. I inclose a list of the killed and wounded as far as I have been able to collect it.

Abstract of the Names and Qualities of the Officers and Petty Officers killed and wounded on board the British Ships in the Action with the Combined Fleets of France and Spain, Oct. 21, 1805.


Royal Sovereign - B Gilliland, Lieutenant; W. Chalmers, Master; R. Green, second lieutenant of royal marines; J. Akenhead and T. Braund, midshipmen.
Mars - G. Duff, captain; A.Duff, master's mate; E. Corbyn and H. Morgan, midshipmen.
Revenge - Mr. Grier and Mr. Brooks, midshipmen
Defiance - T. Simens, lieutenant; W. Forster, boatswain; J. Williamson, midshipman
Dreadnought, Minotaur, Leviathan, Ajax and Defence, none


Royal Sovereign - J. Clavell and J. Rashford, lieutenants; J. Leyesconte, second lieutenant of royal marines; W. Watson, master's mate; G. Kennicott, G. Thompson, J. Farrant and J. Campbell, midshipmen; I Wilkinson, Boatswain.
Dreadnought - J. L. Lloyd, lieutenant; A. McCullock and J. Sabbin, midshipmen.
Mars - E. Garratt and J. Black, lieutenants; T. Cook, Master; T. Norman, second Captain of Royal Marines; J. Yonge, G. Guiren, W. J. Cook, J. Jenkins, and A. Luckraft, midshipmen.
Minotaur - J. Robinson, boatswain; J. S. Smith, midshipman.
Revenge - R. Moorsom, captain, (slightly); J. Berry, lieutenant; L. Brokenshaw, Master; P. Lily, Captain of Royal Marines
Leviathan - T.W.Watson, midshipman (slightly).
Defiance - P.C.Durham Captain (slightly); J. Spratt and R. Browne, master's mates; J. Hodge and E. A. Chapman, midshipmen
Ajax and Defence none.


A return of the Killed and Wounded on board the respective Ships composing the British squadron, under the Command of the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Nelson, K.B. Vice-Admiral of the White, in the action with the combined fleets of France and Spain, Oct 21, 1805.

Royal Sovereign - 3 officers, 2 petty officers, 42 seamen and marines, killed: 3 officers, 5 petty officers, 56 seamen and marines, wounded. - total 141.
Dreadnought - 7 seamen and marines, killed: 1 officer, 2 petty officers, 23 seamen and marines, wounded. Total 33
Mars - 1 officer, 3 petty officers, 25 seamen and marines, killed; 4 officers, 5 petty officers, 60 seamen and marines, wounded. - Total 98
Bellerophon - 2 officers, 1 petty officer, 24 seamen and marines, killed; 2 officers, 4 petty officers, 117 seamen and marines, wounded. - Total 150.
Minotaur - 3 seamen, killed; 1 officer, 1 petty officer, 20 seamen, and marines, wounded. - Tot al 25
Revenge - 2 petty officers, 26 seamen and marines, killed; 4 officers, 47 seamen, and marines, wounded. - Total 79
Leviathan - 4 seamen and marines, killed; 1 petty officer, 21 seamen and marines, wounded. - Total 26.
Ajax - 2 seamen and marines, killed; 9 seamen and marines, wounded. - Total 11.
Defence - 7 seamen and marines, killed; 29 seamen, and marines, wounded. - Total 36.
Defiance - 2 officer, 1 petty officer, 14 seamen and marines, killed; 1 officer, 4 petty officers, 48 seamen and marines, wounded. -
Victory, Britannia, Temeraire, Prince, Neptune, Agamemnon, Spartiate, Africa, Bellisle; Colossus, Achille, Polyphemus, Swiftsure- Not received. (Signed) C. COLLINGWOOD

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, November 28, 1805. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2197

PLYMOUTH, Friday, Nov 22nd. Wind ESE. cloudy, mild. Passed by five men of war and a large convoy to the westward. - No arrivals at this moment from vice-admiral lord Collingwood. This day the 1st battalion of Plymouth volunteers, lieutenant-colonel Langmead, were reviewed and inspected near Mill prison. After inspection, the reviewing generals and field officers were pleased to express their high approbation of the soldierly appearance of this fine body of men under arms. Sailed the Argus, of 16, and a large convoy.

PLYMOUTH, Saturday, Nov 23rd. Wind ENE. fair and cold. This morning the Princess Royal, of 98 guns, and Prince George, 98, hauled out of Cawsand, and were warped beyond Penlee Point till the evening's tide; they took on board 25 bullocks for the fleet and sailed in the evening to join the Channel fleet off Brest. - Came in the Nimrod, of 14, with dispatches for the Admiralty. She left the gallant Cornwallis and the fleet all well yesterday at noon; enemy as usual. The brave veteran Cornwallis says, the victories of Trafalgar and that of his friend dashing sir Dick, as he calls familiarly, rear-admiral sir R Strachan, have now left him nothing to do but to pick his fingers. - Sailed the Revolutionaire last night, supposed for the Straights, as she is not to open her dispatches till off Cape Finisterre. Put back the Argus, of 16, with a convoy of 104 sail of various ships; amongst which are 17 sail of Jamaica men for the West India Dock, which have been now five months from Bluefields, owing to the prevalence of the easterly winds. - The valuation of the Acteon, of 22 guns, captured by L'Egyptienne, is gone up to the Admiralty and navy boards for approbation, tho' there is no doubt of her being taken into the service, as she is so fine a vessel.

FALMOUTH, Sunday, Nov 24th. Wind variable. Light airs. The hon. Capt. Blackwood landed here this evening, from his majesty's ship Euryalus, which he left off the Lizard this morning, and came up in his 8-oared cutter; he went off express for London immediately, and it is reported that 4 of the prizes taken in the action of the 21st ult. off cape Trafalgar, are arrived safe in Gibraltar, (one French and 3 Spaniards;) his majesty's ship Victory (with the lamented remains of the immortal Nelson on board,) and several other disabled ships left the fleet with the Euryalus for England, 23 days hence; it is also reported that only 6 of the combined fleet escaped.

PLYMOUTH, Sunday, Nov 24th. Wind ENE fair and mild. This day the Caroline, of 14, lieut Derby, being ready for sea, had orders to take under charge some transports, with about 60 French petty officers prisoners, from Mill Prison and prison-ships here to make room for those on board the 4 French men of war, prizes to rear-admiral sir R Strachan. He is to proceed to Spithead to-morrow, as they are at present destined for Forton prison. - Sailed the Hinde, of 32, with dispatches for vice-admiral Lord Collingwood. - Came in the Bellona, of 74, after parting company with admiral Strachan's squadron on the night of the 2nd. She continued in chace of the two ships which were described to have escaped in the night of the 2nd, by which means the Bellona had no share in the action and glorious victory of sir R Strachan over Dumanoir off Cape Ortegal on the 4th instant.

From the journals of the French captain of La Mont Blanc, killed in the above action it appears "That Villeneuve lay to for Calder's fleet two days; but adds, that the British fleet, on the day of the action of the 23rd July, fought with uncommon bravery and skill, which did credit to Calder, - that two Spanish ships were missing, but the action ended without any advantage.

Of the battle off Trafalgar, the journal mentions it as a severe battle on both sides, that both fleets were shattered by a storm, and one British ship blew up; that the hurricane separated Dumanoir's squadron, and he bore away for Vigo or Ferrol: No advantage of either side!"

FALMOUTH, Monday, Nov 25th. Wind ESE light airs. No arrivals or sailings. - The Euryalus appeared off this harbour, [ … to be extracted]

PLYMOUTH, Monday, Nov 25th. Wind ESE fair. Came in the Latona, of 38, from a cruize to the westward. - The Aigle, of 44, has completed her provisions and stores to four months, and will be off for the Streights (sic) in a few days, with dispatches. - This morning several of the French officers, captured by rear-admiral sir R Strachan, set off on the parole of honor for Tavistock and Tiverton. The French admiral Dumanoir will go as soon as his wounds will permit his travelling. His squadron, as well as Villeneuve's,, was uncommonly well manned and officered;of the latter description, many were of the ancient regime of the French navy, and are well informed, polite gentlemanlike men. - When rear-admiral sir R Strachan hoisted his flag on board the Caesar, of 84, he was cheered by all his squadron, which manned ship on the occasion. - The gallant Strachan has received from his veteran and brave commander in chief, Cornwallis, a very handsome letter, congratulating him on his victory over, and capture of, the French admiral Dumanoir, on the 4th instant, and all his squadron.

. WHY deeply mourns Britannia, radiant queen?
Suffus'd in tears her countenance serene,
With many a lengthen'd sigh why throbs her breast?
Grief, poignant grief ine.ev'ry look.exprest.
Breathe soft ye winds! whilst. ev'ry gentle gale,
From ocean's bosom wafts the plaintive tale!
Britannia mourns the hero of the main,
Amid the battle's rage untimely slain!
Yes - gallant Nelson has refign'd his breath,
And sought in victory the arms of death!
And could not heav'n omnipotent to save
Snatch the bold hero from the gloomy grave?
Could not that mighty hand of potent sway
Turn the fell instrument of death away ?
Could not that mighty hand again restore
The darling hero to his native shore?
Yes - heav'n could save, but all must life refign
Yes - heav'n could save, yet man must not repine.
Nelson's career of glory was to end.
And Briatin mourns her guardian and her friend!
[ … ]
Though dead. his glorious deeds shall not decline,
In Britain's annals they shall ever shine!
Nov. 21st, 1805.

PLYMOUTH, Tuesday, Nov 26th. Wind S.E. fair and mild. Letters from Falmouth have been received, stating the agreeable news of captain Blackwood having arrived at that port, with dispatches from admiral Lord Collingwood of the most agreeable nature. Letters have also received [sic] from the Sirius, of 36, capt. Prowse, dated Nov. 3d, off Cadiz, which state the perfect safety of the British fleet to that period, and 4 of the prizes. The anxiety of the families, who have friends in the fleet, to see a complete list of killed and wounded in the glorious battle off Trafalgar is inconceivable, as many or our ships were fitted from this port originally.

EXETER, Wednesday, Nov 27th. Monday afternoon captain Blackwood of the Euryalus, passed thro' this city express from Falmouth, where he landed with dispatches from Lord Collingwood. By him we have the pleasing information that several of the combined fleet, captured in the action off Trafalgar, have been preserved, and are safely arrived at Gibraltar. The Victory, bearing the body of the much lamented admiral Lord Nelson, with several of our ships which had suffered in that engagement, sailed for England with the Euryalus, and may be expected daily to arrive at Plymouth or Portsmouth. It is this evening stated by some passengers, who have just arrived in the Plymouth coaches, and who left that place very early this morning, that the Victory man of war had come into Plymouth Sound, in the course of the night. We give this merely as a report, but we do not vouch for its authenticity.


P.Wise; fore-street, Exeter, respectfully informs the public, that from the repeated rejoicings that are about to take place, and the uncommon demands continuing with increased animation, since the recent memorable victories obtained over our combined enemies. P.W. ever happy to meet the demands of an animated public, has received from the most eminent artists an extensive assortment of FIRE-WORKS, warranted for quality and security.
N.B. All country orders (early received,) executed with punctuality and dispatch.

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, December 5, 1805. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2198

PLYMOUTH, Thursday, Nov 28th. Wind SW fair. Letter received from an officer of the Tonnant, of 84 guns, dated aboard the Sirius, of 38 guns, capt Prowse, off Cadiz, November 9 states that the Santa Anna, of 110, Spanish ship, but manned with French officers and seamen, which struck to the Royal Sovereign, of 110, and Tonnant, in the glorious victory off Trafalgar, October 21st 1805, was dreadfully mauled; two officers and 60 seamen and Royal Marines were put aboard to take possession; the dreadful hurricane which came on after the battle separated her from the fleet, when the French officers and prisoners, forgetful of their honour, rose and took from the British the prize in their own hands, and carried her into Cadiz (contrary to all rules of war and principles of naval and military honour); but the Spanish commandant saw the business in a proper light, and very honourably and politely returned the British officers, prize masters &c. in a cartel, to be directly put on board the first British ship she should meet with; they were put on board the Sirius, she being a cruizer on the Cadiz station.

FALMOUTH, Friday, Nov 29th. Wind SW. Arrived his majesty's ships La Ville de Paris, 110 guns, admiral Cornwallis; Barfleur, 98; Malta, 84; L'Imperieux, 80; Plantagenet, 74; Captain, 74; and Montague, 74, from off Brest; these ships came in at low water without any accident. The remainder of the fleet are now off the harbour, going up for Torbay. Also arrived the Lord Hobart and Townshend packets, from Lisbon, the former 19 days and the latter 7 days passage, left the Auckland packet; his majesty's ship La Unite, 40 guns, sailed from Lisbon on 12th inst. with convoy to Gibraltar. Sailed his majesty's ship Druid, 32 guns, captain Brooke, with about 80 sail of transports and West Indiamen, for the Downs.

PLYMOUTH, Friday, Nov 29th. Wind SW cloudy. Passed up last evening a large ship with a jury mizzen mast, supposed to be the Victory, of 110 guns, captain Hardy; also a frigate, supposed to be the Euryalus, of 38. They were seen from the headlands, hull down.

PLYMOUTH, Saturday, Nov 30th. Wind SSE rain. Sailed the large fleet so long detained here by contrary winds, for the Downs, River and West India Docks under convoy of the Argus of 18. - Also the Camilla, of 24, and Caroline, of 14, with French prisoners for Spithead.

PLYMOUTH, Sunday, Dec 1st. Wind NNW Cold. Came into Cawsand Bay, from vice-admiral Collingwood's fleet at Gibraltar, the following Trafalgarians, pretty much mauled in the glorious victory of the 21st of October and under jury masts. The Royal Sovereign, of 110, and Leviathan, of 74, having on board a number of prisoners, all French. They were put under quarantine, but were released almost directly, on an examination having taken place by the officers of the tide-surveyor's boat of the customs, and finding the ships were all healthy, except from wounded men. Yesterday the officers of the Plymouth division of royal marines, gave to the commandant of the four divisions of royal marines in this kingdom, the veteran lieutenant-general Campbell, a grand dinner, at their elegant mess-room, Stonehouse, where, it is needless to say, the genuine mirth and hilarity reigned until eleven o clock.

PLYMOUTH, Monday, Dec 2nd. Wind NNW Snow, cold and sleet. Came in this morning from the Trafalgar fleet, at Gibraltar, the Conqueror, of 74, capt. J. Pellew, the Spartiate, of 84, Capt. Sir F. Laforey, and Achille, of 84, all under jury masts.

They were also released from quarantine immediately. When they go up the harbour, if the weather proves fine, and they go up in the day-time, the headlands of the Hoe and Devil's Point will be lined with spectators, happy to greet, with three times three cheers, the saviours of their country, the jolly tars and royal marines of Old England. - It is confidently reported, that an additional field officer and company of royal artillery will be added to each of the four divisions of royal marines. It would certainly be a desideratum of the royal marine naval service. It would also be very useful if a certain portion of the non-commissioned officers and privates were trained sharp-shooters, to be attached to the party which embarks on every ship of war being put in commission. The enemy, in the late glorious victory off Trafalgar, had 100 Tyrolese sharp-shooters on board each French ship, who did much execution from their tops, particularly among our officers.

PLYMOUTH, Tuesday, Dec 3rd. Wind SSW Rain. Came in from the victorious Trafalgarians, the Bellerophon, of 74, and Belleisle, of 84, both much mauled in the battle off Trafalgar, and under jury masts. - The ship which went up under jury masts last Friday, supposed to have been the Victory, of 110 guns, proved to be the Temeraire, of 98 guns, under jury masts, arrived at Spithead. The Victory sailed from Gibraltar, with the remains of the late revered Lord Nelson, several days before any of the ships arrived here or at Spithead. It is hoped the Victory, as the wind has been foul some days, may have put into a port in Ireland, as she was much disabled in the action. - Remain at Cawsand Bay, La Pompee, of 84, captain Dacres, and from the Trafalgarians, the Royal Sovereign, of 110, Achilles, of 84, Leviathan, of 74, Bellerophon, of 74, Bellisle, of 84, Conqueror, of 74, and Spartiate, of 84.

PLYMOUTH, Wednesday, Dec. 4th. Wind S.W. Rain. By the vigilance and the activity of the present admiralty, and the artificers of the different dock-yards, a fleet of 15 sail of the line has already joined vice-admiral Collingwood, at Gibraltar, and off Cadiz; and there are five sail of the line here, and several at Spithead, enough to make an equal fleet to relieve the glorious victors or Trafalgar.

To shew the great humanity of British seamen, the following is given as a great trait: When the Achille, of 84 guns, (French ship) blew up, a poor French woman was seen floating near the Victory, a boat was immediately put out to pick her up. She was taken on board almost exhausted, with her clothes blown to rags; when on board, she said she was a serjeant's wife of one of the regiments on board, and was blown up, supposed, by carelessness. The poor woman was clothed as well as circumstances would permit, and sent into Cadiz in a flag of truce, by captain Hardy, to the Spanish commandant.

EXETER, Wednesday, Dec 4th. We understand that there is to be a grand display of fireworks in the church yard of this city, to-morrow evening, in which will be introduced a regular engagement between an English and a Spanish ship of the line: the former will prove victorious, and the latter will take fire, and be blown into the air. After this, the sun is to make its appearance, partly eclipsed, a tremendous fire, resembling blood, will issue there from, the name of our lamented hero NELSON, is to be the center, with a willow over; the eclipse, name and willow over then gradually to disappear; and the sun will blaze forth with refulgent splendour.

EXETER, Thursday, Dec. 5th. (From the London Gazette extraordinary Wednesday, Nov. 27th)

Admiralty Office, Nov.27, 1805

Copy of a letter received last night by the honorable capt. Blackwood from vice-admiral Lord Collingwood, commander in chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels in the Mediterranean, to Wm. Marsden, esq. Dated on board His majesty's ship the Queen, off Cape Trafalgar, Nov. 2, 1805

. SIR,
On the 28th ultimo I informed you of the proceedings of the squadron to that time. The weather continuing very bad, the wind blowing from the S.W. the squadron not in a situation of safety, and seeing little prospect of getting the captured ships off the wind, and the great risk of some of them getting into port, I determined no longer to delay the destroying them, and to get the squadron out of the deep bay.

The extraordinary exertion of capt. Capel, however, saved the French Swiftsure; and his ship, the Phoebe, together with the Donegal, capt. Malcolm, afterwards brought out the Bahama. Indeed, nothing can exceed the perseverance of all the officers employed in this service. Captain Hope rigged and succeeded in bringing out the Ildefonto, all of which will, I hope, have arrived safe a Gibraltar. For the rest, sir, I inclose you a list of all the enemy's fleet, which were in the action, and how they are disposed of, which, I believe, is perfectly correct.

I informed you, in my letter of the 28th, that the remnant of the enemy's fleet came out a second time to endeavour, in the bad weather, to cut off some of the hulks; she afterwards parted her cable, went on shore and was wrecked. The Indomptable, one of the same squadron, was also driven on shore, wrecked, and her crew perished.

The Santa Ana and Algeziras being driven near the shore of Cadiz, got such assistance as has enabled them to get in; but the ruin of their fleet is as complete as could be expected, under the circumstances of fighting them close to their own shore. Had the battle been in the ocean, still fewer would have escaped. Twenty sail of the line are taken, or destroyed; and of those which got in, not more than three are in a repairable state for a length of time.

Rear-Admiral Louis, in the Canopus, who had been detached with the Queen, Spencer, and Tigre, to complete the water, &c. of these ships, and to see the convoy in safety a certain distance up the Mediterranean, joined me on the 30th.

In clearing the captured ships of prisoners, I found so many wounded men, that to alleviate human misery as much as was in my power, I sent to the marquis de Solana, governor-general of Andalusia, to offer him the wounded to the care of their country, on receipts being given; a proposal which was received with the greatest thankfulness, not only by the governor, but the whole country resounds with expressions of gratitude. Two French frigates were sent out to receive them, with a proper officer to give receipts, bringing with them all the English who had been wrecked in several of the ships, and an offer from the marquis de Solana of the use of their hospitals for our wounded, pledging the honour of Spain for their being carefully attended.

I have ordered most of the Spanish prisoners to be released; the officers on parole; the men for receipts given, and a condition that they do not serve in war, by sea or land, until exchanged.

By my correspondence with the marquis, I found that vice-admiral D'Alava was not dead, but dangerously wounded, and I wrote to him a letter, claiming him as a prisoner of war; a copy of which I enclose, together with a state of the flag-officers of the combined fleet.

I am, &c.

A list of the Combined Fleets of France and Spain in the action of the 21st of October, 1805, off Cape Trafalgar, showing how they are disposed of.

1. Spanish ship San Ildefonto, of 74 guns, Brigadier de Vargas,
-- sent to Gibraltar
2. Spanish ship San Juan Nepomuceno, of 74 guns, Brigadier Don Cosme Churruca;
-- sent to Gibraltar.
3. Spanish ship Bahama, of 74 guns, Brigadier Don A.D. Galiano
-- sent to Gibraltar
4. French ship Swiftsure, of 74 guns, Monsieur Ville……?;
-- sent to Gibraltar.
5. Spanish ship Monarca, of 74 guns, Don Jeodoro ….? ;
-- wrecked off San Lucar.
6. French ship Fougeux, of 74 guns, Monsieur Beaudoni
-- wrecked off Trafalgar, all perished, and 30 of Temeraire's men
7. French ship Imdomptable, of 84 guns, Monsieur Hubert.
-- Wrecked off Roto, all perished.
8. French ship Bucentaur, of 80 guns, Admiral Villeneuve, commander in chief, Captains Prigny and …..?
-- wrecked off the Porques, some of the crew saved.
9. Spanish ship San Franciso de Asis, of 74 guns, Laus de Flores;
-- wrecked near Rota
10. Spanish ship El Rayo, of 100 guns, Brigadier Don …..? Macdonal;
-- wrecked near San Lucar.
11. Spanish ship Neptuno, of 84 guns, Brigadier Don Cayetano Valdes,
-- wrecked between Rota and Cato-Cayetano.
12. French ship Argonaute, of 74 guns, Monsieur Epron,
-- on shore in the port of Cadiz.
13. French ship Berwick, of 74 guns, Monsieur Camas;
-- wrecked to the northward of San Lucar.
14. French ship Aigle, of 74 guns, Monsieur Courrege;
-- wrecked near Rota.
15. French ship Achille, of 74 guns, Monsieur D'Nieuport;
-- burnt during the action.
16. French ship Intrepide, of 74 guns, Monsieur In…..?;
-- burned by the Britannia.
17. Spanish ship San Augustin, of 74 guns, On Felipe X. Cagigal;
-- Burned by the Leviathan.
18. Spanish ship Santissima Trinidad, of 140 guns, rear admiral Don Baltazar H. Cisnero; Brigadier Don F.Uriarte;
-- sunk by Prince Neptune, &c
19. French ship Redoubtable, of 74 guns, Monsieur Lucas;
-- sank astern of the Swiftsure; Temeraire lost 13, and Swiftsure 5 men.
20. Spanish ship Argonauta, of 80 guns, Don Antonio Parejo;
-- sunk by the Ajax.
21. Spanish ship Santa Ana, of 112 guns, Vice-admiral Don Ignacio D'Alava; captain Joseph de Gardoqui;
-- taken, but got into Cadiz in a gale, dismasted.
22. French ship Algeziras, of 74 guns, Rear-admiral Magon (killed); captain Monsieur Brunio;
-- taken, but got into Cadiz in a gale, dismasted.
23. French ship Pluton, of 74 guns, Monsieur Cosmao;
-- returned to Cadiz in a sinking state.
24. Spanish ship San Juste, of 74 guns, Don Miguel Gaston;
-- returned to Cadiz; has a foremast only.
25. Spanish ship San Leandro, of 64 guns, Don Joseph de Quevedo;
-- returned to Cadiz, dismasted.
26. French ship Neptune, of 84 guns, Monsieur Maistral;
-- returned to Cadiz, and perfect.
27. French ship Heros, of 74 guns, Monsieur Pounain;
-- returned to Cadiz, lower masts in, and admiral Rossillie's flag onboard.
28. Spanish ship Principe de Asturias, of 112 guns, Admiral don F. Gravina; Don Don Antonio Elcano, &c.,
-- returned to Cadiz dismasted.
29. Spanish ship Montance, of 74 guns, Don Francisco Alcedo; returned to Cadiz.
30. French ship Formidable, of 80 guns, rear admiral Dumanoir,
-- hauled to the southward, and escaped.
31. French ship Mont Blanc, of 74 guns, Monsieur Le Villegries;
-- hauled to the southward, and escaped.
32. French ship Scipion, of 74 guns, Monsieur Berenger;
-- hauled to the southward, and escaped.
33. French ship Duguay Trouin, of 74 guns, Monsieur Touffet;
-- hauled to the southward, and escaped.
N.B. These four ships were captured by sir R. Strachan on the 4th inst.

At Gibraltar - 4
Destroyed - 16
In Cadiz, wrecks - 6
In Cadiz, serviceable - 3
Escaped to the southward - 4
Total - 33

To his excellency the marquis de Solana, captain general of Andalusia, governor, &c. &c. Cadiz

CONDITIONS on which the Spanish wounded prisoners were released, and sent on shore to the hospital.
I Guilleme Valverde, having been authorized, and empowered, by the marquis de Solana, governor general of Andalusia and of Cadiz, to receive from the English squadron the wounded prisoners, and such persons as may be necessary to their care, which release and enlargement of the wounded, &c, is agreed to, on the part of the commander in chief of the British squadron, on the positive condition, that none of the said prisoners shall be employed again, in any public service of the crown of Spain, either by sea or land, until they are regularly exchanged.

Signed on board his Britannic majesty's ship the Euryalus at sea, the 30th October, 1805.
(Signed) Guill. De Valverde, Edecan de S.E.

Euryalus off Cadiz, October 30, 1805

It is with great pleasure that I have heard the wound you received in the action is in a hopeful way of recovery, and that your country may still have the benefit of your future service.

But, Sir, you surrendered yourself to me, and it was in consideration only of the state of your wound that you were not removed into my ship. I could not disturb the repose of a man supposed to be in his last moments: but your sword, the emblem of your service, was delivered to me by your captain, and I expect that you consider yourself a prisoner of war, until you shall be regularly exchanged by cartel. I have the honour to be, &c.
To vice-admiral Don Ignatio Maria D'Alava,
Sent under cover to admiral Gravina.

An abstract of the killed and wounded on board the respective ships composing the British squadron, under the command of the right honourable vice-admiral lord viscount Nelson, in the action of the 21st of October, 1805, off Cape Trafalgar, with the combined fleets of France and Spain.

Victory - 4 officers, 3 petty officers, 32 seaman, and 18 marines, killed: 4 officers, 3 petty officers, 59 seamen, and 9 marines, wounded. - Total 132.
Royal Sovereign - 3 officers, 2 petty officers, 29 seamen and 13 marines, killed: 3 officers, 2 petty officers, 29 seamen and 13 marines, killed: 3 officers, 5 petty officers, 70 seamen and 16 marines, wounded. - total 141.
Britannia - 1 officer, 8 seamen and 1 marine, killed; 1 officer, 1 petty officer, 33 seamen and 7 marines, wounded. - Total 52.
Temeraire - 3 officers, 1 petty officer, 35 seamen and 8 marines, killed: 3 officers, 2 petty officers, 59 seamen and 12 marines, wounded. - Total 123.
Prince - None.
Neptune - 10 seamen, killed: 1 petty officer, 30 seamen and 3 marines, wounded. - Total 44.
Dreadnought - 6 and 1 marine, killed: 1 officer, 2 petty officers, 19 seamen and 4 marines, wounded. Total 33.
Tonnant - Not received.
Mars - 1 officer, 3 petty officers, 17 seamen and 8 marines, killed; 4 officers, 5 petty officers, 44 seamen and 16 marines, wounded. - Total 98
Bellerophon - 2 officers, 1 petty officer, 20 seamen and 4 marines, killed; 2 officers, 4 petty officers, 97 seamen and 20 marines, wounded. - Total 150.
Minotaur - 3 seamen, killed; 1 officer, 1 petty officer, 17 seamen, and 3 marines, wounded. - Tot al 25.
Revenge - 2 petty officers, 18 seamen and 8 marines, killed; 4 officers, 38 seamen, and 9 marines, wounded. - Total 79
Conqueror - 2 officers, 1 seaman, killed; 2 officer, 7 seamen, wounded. - Total 12
Leviathan - 2 seamen, and 2 marines, killed; 1 petty officer, 17 seamen, and 4 marines, wounded. - Total 26.
Ajax - 2 seamen, killed; 9 seamen, wounded. - Total 11.
Orion - 1 seaman, killed; 2 petty officers, 17 seamen, and 4 marines, wounded. - Total 24
Agamemnon -2 seamen, killed; 7 seamen, wounded. - Total 9.
Spartiate - 3 seamen, killed; 1 officer, 2 petty officers, 16 seamen, and 1 marine, wounded. - Total 23
Africa - 12 seamen, and 6 marines, killed; 2 officers, 5 petty officers, 30 seamen, and 7 marines, wounded. - total 62
Bellisle - 2 officers, 1 petty officer, 22 seamen, and 8 marines, killed; 3 officers, 3 petty officers, 68 seamen, and 19 marines, wounded. -Total 126.
Colossus - 1 officer, 31 seamen, and 8 marines, killed; 5 officers, 9 petty officers, 115 seamen and 31 marines, wounded. - Total 200.
Achilles - 1 petty officer, 6 seamen, and 6 marines, killed; 4 officers, 4 petty officers, 37 seamen, and 14 marines, wounded. - Total 72.
Polyphemus - 2 seamen, killed; 4 seamen, wounded. Total 6.
Swiftsure - 7 seamen, and 2 marines, killed; 1 petty officer, 6 seamen, and 1 marine, wounded. - Total 17
Defence - 4 seamen, and 3 marines, killed; 23 seamen, and 6y marines, wounded. - Total 36.
Thunderer - 2 seamen, and 2 marines, killed; 2 petty officers, 9 seamen, and 1 marine, wounded. - Total 16
Defiance - 2 officer, 1 petty officer, 8 seamen, and 6 marines, killed; 1 officer, 4 petty officers, 39 seamen, and 9 marines, wounded. -
Total - 21 officers, 15 petty officers, 983 seamen, and 104 marines, killed; 41 officers, 57 petty officers, 870 seamen, and 196 marines, wounded. - Total 1587.

Return of the names of the officers and petty officers killed and wounded on board the ships of the British squadron in the action with the combined fleets of France and Spain, off Cape Trafalgar, on the 21st October, 1805.


Victory - The right hon. Lord viscount Nelson, K.B. Vice-admiral of the white, commander in chief, &c. &c. &c.; John Scott, esq. Secretary; Charles W. Adair, captain, royal marines; William Ram, lieutenant; Robert Smith and Alexander Palmer, midshipmen; Thomas Whipple, captain's clerk.
Royal Sovereign - Brice Gilliland, lieutenant; William Chalmers, master; Robert Green, second lieutenant of royal marines; John Akenhead and Thomas Braund, midshipmen.
Britannia - Francis Rotkruge, lieutenant.
Temeraire - Simeon Busigny, captain of royal marines; John Kingston, lieutenant of royal marines; Lewis Oades, carpenter; William Pitts, midshipman.
Prince - None.
Neptune - None.
Dreadnought - None.
Tonnant - No return.
Mars - George Duff, captain; Alexander Duff, master's mate; Edmund Corlyn and Henry Morgan, midshipmen.
Bellerophon - John Cooke, first captain; Edward Overton, master; John Simmens, midshipman.
Minotaur - None.
Revenge - Thomas Grier and Edward F. Brooks, midshipmen.
Conqueror - Robert Lloyd and Wm. N. St. George, lieutenants.
Leviathan - None.
Ajax - None.
Orion - None.
Agamemnon - None.
Spartiate - None.
Africa - None.
Belleisle - Ebenezer Geall and John Woodin, lieutenants; George Nind, midshipman.
Colossus - Thomas Scriven, master.
Achille - Francis John Mugg, midshipman.
Polyphemus - None.
Swiftsure - None.
Defence - None.
Thunderer - None.
Defiance - Thomas Simens, lieutenant; William Forster, boatswain; James Williamson, midshipman.


Victory - John Pascho & G. Miller Bligh, lieutenants; Lewis B. Reeves and J.O. Perks, lieutenants of royal marines; William Rivers (slightly); G.A. Westphall and Richard Hulkeley, midshipmen; John Geogechan, agent-victualler's clerk.
Royal Sovereign - John Clavell and James Redford, lieutenants; James LeVisconte, second lieutenant of royal marines; William Walton, master's mate; Gilbert Kennicott, Grenville Thompson, John Campbell and John Farrant, midshipmen; Isaac Wilkinson.
Britannia - Stephen Trounce, master; William Grint, midshipman.
Temeraire - James Mould, lieutenant; Samuel J.Payne, lieutenant of royal marines; John Brooks, boatswain; T.S. Price, master's mate; John Eastman, midshipman.
Prince - None.
Neptune - --- Hurrell, captain's clerk.
Dreadnought - James L. Lloyd (slightly), lieutenant; Andrew McCullock and James Sassin, midshipmen.
Tonnant - No return .
Mars - Edward Garratt and James Black, lieutenants; Thomas Cook, master; Thomas Norman, second captain of royal marines; John Yonge, George Gulren, William John Cook, John Jenkins, and Alfred Luckauft, midshipmen.
Bellerophon - James Wemys, captain of royal marines; Thom. Robinson, boatswain; Edward Hartley, master's mate; William N. Jewell, James Stone, Thomas Bant, and George Pearson, midshipmen.
Minotaur - James Robinson, boatswain; John Samuel Smith, midshipman.
Revenge - Robert Moorlom, captain, (slightly); Luke Brokenshaw, master; John Kerry, lieutenant; Peter Lily (slightly), captain of royal marines.
Conqueror - Thomas Wearing, lieutenant of royal marines; Philip Mandle, lieutenant of his imperial majesty's navy, (both slightly).
Leviathan - J.W.Watson, midshipman (slightly).
Ajax - None.
Orion - --- Sause, C.P. Cable, midshipmen, (both slightly).
Agamemnon - None.
Spartiate - John Clark, boatswain; ------ Bellairs, and ------- Knapman, midshipmen.
Africa - Matthew Hay, acting-lieutenant; James Tynmore, captain of royal marines; Henry West and Abraham Turner, master's mates; Frederick White (slightly), Philip J. Elmhurst, and John P. Bailey, midshipmen.
Belleisle - William Terrie, lieutenant; John Owen, first lieutenant of royal marines; Andrew Gibson, boatswain; William Henry Pearson, and William Culfield, master's mates; Samual Jago, midshipman; J.T. Hodge, volunteer first class.
Colossus - James N. Morris, captain; George Bully, lileutenant; William Forster, acting lieutenant; John Benson, lieutenant of royal marines; Henry Milbanke, master's mate; William Herrington, Fredericke Thistlewayte (slightly), Thomas G. Reece, Henry Snellgrove, Rawden McLean, George Wharrie, Tim. Renau, and George Denton, midshipmen;. William Adamson, boatswain.
Achille - Parkyns-Prynn (slightly), and Josias Bray, lieutenants; ------- Westroppe, captain of royal marines; William Ledden, lieut enant of royal marines; George Pegg, master's mate; William H.Staines and Wm. J. Snow, midshipmen; W. Smith Warren, volunteer first class.
Polyphemus - None.
Swiftsure - Alexander Bell Handcock, midshipman.
Defence - None.
Thunderer - John Snell, master's mate; Alexander Galloway, midshipman.
Defiance - P.C.Durham (slightly) captain; James Spratt and Robert Browne, master's mates; John Hodge and Edward Andrew Chapman, midshipmen.

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, December 12, 1805. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2199

PLYMOUTH, Thursday, Dec. 5th.This being the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God for the victories over the combined fleet of France and Spain, was observed with every mark of respect and pious attention to his majesty's proclamation. The shops were all shut. The troops and volunteers attended divine service at the different churches, which were crowded. At St. Andrew's church the reverend Mr. Gandy, A.M. vicar and prebendary of Exeter, preached a most excellent sermon on the occasion; and when at the close, he expatiated on the bravery and virtues of the late departed here, the lamented Nelson. Many a bright eye dropped the glistening tear to his departed memory. A handsome collection of between 70 and £80 was made at the church doors, for the patriotic fund at Lloyd's, for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the seamen and royal marines killed at the battles of Trafalgar and Cape Ortegal. J. Hawker, esq. Mayor, and the corporation, attended divine service in their formalities; and "The dead March in Saul," very well performed on the organ by Mr. Bennett, had a fine effect.

The prizes of rear-admiral sir R. Strachan displayed the triumphant British ensign flying over the crest fallen colours of haughty France and humbled Spain, as well at government-house and all the public offices.

EXETER, Thursday, Dec. 5th .This being the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God for the last signal victory obtained by our brave tars, over the combined fleet of France and Spain, was observed in this city with every token of respect. The churches and other places of divine worship were crowded, and at most of them handsome collections were made, in aid of the fund for the benefit of the widows and orphans of those brave men who lost their lives in gloriously fighting for their country, and for relieving such as were wounded in the same glorious cause. In the evening there was a grand display of fire works in the church-yard, highly gratifying to an immense concourse of spectators, and which we are happy to learn was unattended with any accident.

Thursday, Dec. 5th (EXETER Editorial, published later) We have received letters from most of the towns in Devon and Cornwall, giving similar accounts of the very proper manner in which the day was observed by their respective inhabitants; which we are sorry our limits will not permit us to detail. In most of the places from which we have had letters, handsome collections have been made, to be added to the fund at Lloyd's coffee-house. At Southmolton a superb ball and supper was also given on the occasion. At Holdsworthy a handsome forest tree was planted by the volunteers, commanded by capt. Cory, in the center of the square, with an appropriate inscription thereon, stating it to be in memory of Lord Viscount Nelson, who gloriously fell, crowned with victory, in the ever memorable engagement with the combined fleet of France and Spain, off Trafalgar, &c. In the evening there was a general illumination, with appropriate transparent paintings. At Plymouth, Dock, Tavistock, Callington, Honiton, Topsham, Tiverton, Barnstaple, Bideford, Torrington, &c., the day was observed with every mark of respect, and collections were made. - in short, every town and village seemed to vie with each other, in offering their devout and unfeigned thanks to the Almighty, for the blessings he has vouchsafed to us: -in expressing their deep sorrow for the loss of the great and gallant Lord Nelson; and, lastly, in administering, by a liberal subscription, some relief to our brave countrymen and their families, who may have unfortunately suffered in their country's service.

The address to his majesty from Plymouth Dock says, "In contemplating the unparalleled achievement alluded to, we are lost in admiration of the plan of the attack and the vigour of its execution - an attack in which every individual was himself a 'hero' will not (under the favour of divine providence) be doubtful; it was 'irresistible'; but your majesty's loyal subjects have to deplore the loss of that most distinguished 'patriot', and hero, the late lord viscount Nelson, and the gallant officers and men; most deeply do we mourn them on this occasion; but though the laurels of victory may be shaded for a while by the cypress of grief, we have the high consolation of knowing that your majesty's surviving brave defenders emulate the noble example of the departed heroes, and that a grateful country will transmit to the latest posterity, the name of Nelson, and the battle of Trafalgar.

On Thursday 5th, a most splendid ball and supper was given by general Simcoe, in honour of the day, at his home at Wolford Lodge, to all the nobility, military and gentry, in the neighbourhood.

LONDON. The body of Lord Nelson was put in spirits the day after the action, in which state it will be brought to Greenwich, where it is to be shifted into the shell coffin made out of the mainmast of the French flag-ship l'Orient; this shell is lined with white quilted satin, and the outside covered with black cloth; over this is placed the brass plate, on which is inscribed capt. B. Hollowell's certificate of the coffin being made of the wood of the said French mast, picked up by his boats afer the action of the Nile.

As every British subject must feel a peculiar interest in each minute circumstance attending the late glorious victory off Trafalgar, we lay before our readers the following copy of a letter, which we have received from an officer on board his majesty's ship Royal Sovereign, dated Cawsand Bay, Nov. 30.

"It is with a mind impressed with sentiments of real gratitude to heaven, that I have the happiness once more to hail my native land. Our situation in the gale that immediately followed the glorious business of the 21st of October, was perilous beyond the powers of description. Our main and mizzen-masts were shot away in the action, and our fore-mast went in the gale. In this state we were drifting on a lee shore, in the bay of Cadiz. At length we threw out our anchors, and the greatest exertions were used for a temporary refitment. On the 2d instant we got to Gibraltar, where we remained until the 17th, when, in company with the Temeraire, Tonnant, Colossus, and Leviathan, we took our departure for England, and arrived here last evening, having been towed all the way by the Leviathan. - Our splendid and decisive victory has been, no doubt, the welcome subject of general conversation and joy: It will be remembered by the enemies, as well as the friends of Old England. Perhaps a summary detail may not be unacceptable. On the morning of the 19th, our frigates stationed between Cadiz and the fleet, made signal that the enemy was getting under weigh. The commander in chief immediately made the signal to prepare for battle; the fleet being at this time about 18 or 20 leagues distant from Cadiz. On the morning of Sunday the 20th, the enemy's course was pointed out by the lookout frigates; and in the evening were distinctly seen, distant about 12 miles, in appearance like a faint glimmering of an expiring illumination. On Monday, at six in the morning, they were about 10 miles from us, with a prevailing calm. At ten, a light air sprung up, and admiral Collingwood directed a signal to be made for the ships in the rear of his division to make more sail. At half past ten the commander in chief communicated, by telegraph, that he intended to attack the rear of the enemy ( who had now formed into one long and rather irregular line), in order to prevent their returning to Cadiz, should such a measure be attempted. Soon after this, his lordship notified by telegraph, "It is expected that Englishmen will do their duty." At a quarter before twelve the Royal Sovereign had got up with the enemy's line, and at twelve opened her fire on the Santa Anna, a Spanish three-decker, being then within pistol-shot. On passing, the Sovereign raked her, pouring a whole broadside into her stern, and immediately closed under her lee, receiving at the same time the fire of the Santa Anna, a Spanish 74 and a French 80 under her larboard bow, and the Algeziras raking her under her stern; and in this situation she sustained their united fire upward of 40 minutes. The Spanish admiral, who commanded the Santa Anna, (being wounded), sent his sword on board the Royal Sovereign, by the Captain who informed us that they had 400 killed. The whole fleet beheld with astonishment, and speak with rapture of the grandeur of our going into action. The brilliancy of the victory is the best eulogium on the conduct of officers and men - all of whom were emulous for their share of glory; but here, alas, I feel myself unequal to describe the general grief that pervaded the fleet, for the fall of our great and good commander in chief - he survived until the action had closed, when his spirit, amidst the shouts of victory, took her flight to join the exalted society of kindred heroes in the mansions of eternal peace! but while we indulge in pensive sorrow, and wipe the silent tear, the just tribute to his immortal memory, we must yet feel great consolation, from this reflection, that we have men of abilities, integrity, and honor, who will enable us to meet, and (under the protection of heaven) defeat the enemies of our country, whenever their services are required; and whose zeal and courage will still evince, to all the nations of the earth, that "Britannia rules the waves." The French admiral Villeneuve, in the Bucentaur, was for some time alongside the Victory, he had 700 picked men, and some sharp-shooters, which he was supplied with from the camp of St. Roque: it was this musquetry that proved fatal to our gallant commander. Villeneuve was candid enough to declare, that the fire and fury of a British three-decker was absolutely irresistible."

PLYMOUTH Friday, Dec 6th. Wind SW rain, great fog. Passed up for Torbay, part from Falmouth and part from off the Lizard, the hon. Admiral Cornwallis, with 17 sail of the line, to water and wood, and take in beer and stores; for which purpose several lighters are gone round from this victualling-office.

PLYMOUTH, Saturday, Dec. 7th. Wind S.W. hard rain. This morning went up the harbour, from Cawsand Bay, to have their damages repaired, received in the late glorious battle of Trafalgar, the Royal Sovereign, of 110 guns, Bellisle, of 84, Bellerophon, of 84, Achille, of 84, and Spartiate, of 84, looking like five ships just launched or floating castles, with ensign gaffs stuck up for masts. As they passed the Narrows, government-house, and the different men of war, they were actively cheered by sea and on shore; the bands of different regiments assembled on the points of rocks, playing "See the conquering heroes come," "Welcome home sailor," "Rule Britannia," and "God save the King." The jolly Trafalgarians cheered in return; man yards they could not, but they stood on the gun-whale huzzaing the whole way to their moorings. The Royal Sovereign, of 110, from fluttering winds, touched the shore, but soon swung off again without damage. The Foudroyant, of 84, has received her new captain, Douglas, and vice-admiral Sir T. Graves, K.B., has struck his flag at the fore, and is ashore for his health. Captain Westropp and captain Wyems, of the royal marines of this division, wounded at the battle of Trafalgar, by letters from them brought by the above ship, dated the 19th of Nov. Gibraltar naval hospital, are in a fair way of recovery; as is capt. Norman, of the royal marines, who was desperately wounded in the head.

PLYMOUTH, Sunday, Dec. 8th. Wind NW cloudy some showers. Several additional prison ships are to be fitted to receive the 2000 French prisoners arrived from Gibraltar, captured at Trafalgar.

PLYMOUTH, Monday, Dec. 9th. Wind NW blows hard. Last night it blew a tremendous hurricane at SSW, but lulled at day-break this morning, without any damage to the shipping in Hamoaze and Cawsand Bay, which rode out the gale without straining a spun yarn, the anchorage is very good in Cawsand Bay, which is only disturbed by a gale of wind at E or ESE, which seldom happens, either here or at Torbay.

PLYMOUTH, Tuesday, Dec 10th. Wind NNW fair. The following men of war are now here, ready for sea, and refitting in Cawsand Bay and Hamoaze. In Cawsand Bay; the Foudroyant, of 84, Windsor Castle, of 98, Leviathan, of 74, Pompee, of 84, Conqueror, of 74, Glory, of 98, St George, of 98, Montague, of 74, and Goliath, of 74. In Hamoaze; the Bellererophon, of 74, Royal Sovereign, of 110, Achille, of 84, Bellisle, of 84, Bellona, of 74, Namur, of 74, Caesar, of 84, Courageax, of 74, Formidable, of 98, Repulse, of 74, London, of 98, and Spartiate, of 84. French and Spanish line of Battle ships in Hamoaze; Spanish San Rafael of 84, and El Firma, of 74; French Formidable, of 84, Scipion, of 84, Duguay Trouin, of 74, Mont Blanc, of 74. - The lords of the admiralty have been pleased to confirm vice admiral lord Collingwood's appointment of a lieutenant to the Conqueror, of 74, in the person of lieutenant W. Symons, one of the late lord Nelson's signal officers on board the Victory, of 110, the in the glorious battle of Trafalgar.

EXETER, Wednesday, Dec 11th. Passed through this city Tuesday, on their route to Berryhead, a party of the Berkshire regiment of Militia.

EXETER, Thursday, Dec 12th (from the London papers of Tuesday, Dec. 10th.) The arrival of the Victory gives us an opportunity of communicating to our readers several interesting particulars relative to the great day at Trafalgar. Previous to the action, the late lord Nelson was advised to permit the Temeraire (the ship next astern of the Victory) to lead the fleet. After some hesitation his lordship consented, and a signal was made for the Temeraire to go a-head of the Victory; but before she had made much way, his lordship desired she would take her former station. The Victory so closely engaged the Redoubtable, that her guns could not be run out, but were fired into that ship while her sides were rubbing against the Victory; and the troops on board the Redoubtable fired into the Victory's port-holes. The above French ship had 400 troops on board, and those on the tops took aim at the officers on the quarterdeck of his lordship's ship, which accounts for so many being either killed or wounded. Of the 40 marines placed in the poop, only five remained unhurt. Capt. Adair, of the marines, was killed while leading a musket which he had repeatedly fired. He had behaved in the bravest manner. The 3 subaltern officers, and the serjeant-major, also used muskets on that day. Two of the subalterns were wounded. The resistance made by the Redoubtable was very gallant, and the slaughter on board her was very great. When lord Nelson received the fatal ball, he fell on the deck. Capt. Hardy ran to him and said, "I hope it is not mortal, my lord." He replied, "They have caught me at last." He was then taken below; and Mr. Burke, the purser of the Victory, carried him, in his arms, into the midshipmen's berth, and laid him on a bed, with his head resting on his (Mr. B.'s) lap. His lordship said, "Burke, my back is broken." The surgeon, Mr. Beattie, soon came, and examined the wound. He said, "Doctor, you can be of no use to me; leave me, and go to assist those to whom you can be of service, and have but a few moments to live." He repeatedly asked for captain Hardy, who, after some time (the important duty that had devolved on him not permitting him to quit the deck before), came down. His lordship inquired " -how they went on", captain Hardy reported that ten ships had struck; and his lordship said, I hope none of ours has struck." To which capt. Hardy replied, "there is no fear of that." He then returned to the deck; and Mr. Burke said to his lordship "I hope your lordship will take the news home." He replied - "Don't talk nonsense to me, Burke." He then drank a considerable quantity of lemonade. After the Victory had ceased firing, capt. Hardy went down again to his lordship, Lord Nelson called him close to him. Mr. Burke, supposing he had something private to communicate, offered to go out of the birth, but his lordship desired him to remain where he was. He then took captain Hardy by the hand, kissed it, and said, "I am now happy." Captain Hardy now told him the number of the enemy that had struck. And his lordship said, "Hardy, bring the fleet to an anchor," and this was the last order his lordship gave. Captain Hardy again returned to the deck; his lordship previously said - "I shall be dead before you return, take my body home." A short time after, he said to Mr. Burke, "the lower part of me is dead;" and he desired Mr. B. to lift one of his legs, which he did, very high; Mr. Burke asked -"if he felt it?" he answered "No." -Mr. Burke then lifted the other; he said, "never mind, it will soon be over with me." His lordship then said (and these were his last words), "I have done my duty, I praise God for it!" and, in a few moments after, he expired without a groan. One interesting anecdote of his lordship, on that day, we will add, as it most happily illustrates the kind and generous nature of his mind. As the Victory was going into action, he walked the deck very quickly, and cried out, "this is the happiest day of my life; and it is a happy day too at Burnham Thorpe, (the place of his nativity) this is the day of their fair."

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, December 19, 1805. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2200

PLYMOUTH Thursday, Dec 12th. Wind N.N.E. deep snow, hard frost. Letters from the Aigle, of 44 guns, captain Wolfe, state her safe arrival off Black Rocks, the enemy as usual. On her passage she fell in with the Victory, of 110, captain Hardy, bearing up for Spithead: the Aigle's crew cheered the Victory as she passed, and captain Wolfe, in compliment and respect to her sacred charge, having on board the remains of the lamented Nelson, while in sight hoisted his colours and pendant half mast high.

PLYMOUTH Friday, Dec 13th. Wind N.N.E. deep snow, frost, blows hard. The Royal Sovereign, of 110 guns, has already got in her lower masts. Masts are prepared and preparing (both lower and top-masts) for the other Trafalgarians that are in want of them. Yesterday was landed at Mill Bay, from the Leviathan, of 74, Conqueror, of 74, and Spartiate, of 84, from off Trafalgar, 950 French prisoners. They were put into the new American prison to keep them from any communication with the Spanish prisoners in the lower prison barracks, as the animosity is so great between these cordial allies, that if a stray prisoner of either nation should be caught by each other in his prison yard, assassination would inevitably ensue. There are now 4,300 French and Spanish prisoners in Mill Bay Prison, besides 3,000 more on board the several prison ships in the Hamoaze. - Rear -admiral Dumanoir, his flag officers and captain, are gone on their parole to Tiverton, until exchanged.

PLYMOUTH Sunday, Dec 15th. Wind ENE. hard frost. Went up the harbour the Bellerophon, of 74. - Orders came down for the Foudroyant, of 84, capt.Douglas; the Repulse, of 74; the Pompee, of 84, capt. Dacres; the Montague, of 74, capt.Otway; Glory, of 98, rear-admiral Stirling; and Goliath, of 74, capt.Barton, to join the Channel Fleet, which passed by in a gale of wind yesterday morning, being blown out of Torbay. They will take on board their bullocks and be off in a day or two.. - Sir W Rule, bart. is now here to superintend the dockyard, as comptroller of the navy. Indeed, by the activity of all ranks, from the commissioners to the labourers, the work which now presses hard goes on briskly; the gangs are taken from the ships building, and put entirely on getting ready the men of war disabled in the late glorious victory, and the ships now in dock.

PLYMOUTH Monday, Dec 16th. Wind NNE. hard frost. This day 350 blind shells, and several fine pieces of a train of battering brass cannon, 32 pounders, evidently intended for an attack on fortified places, were landed for sale from the prizes captured by the gallant Strachan, off Cape Ortegal, and have been on board there 18 months, for the purpose of an attack on St Lucia, and our other West India islands, if Villeneuve had not been frightened out of the West Indies by the inferior fleet of the late lamented Lord Nelson, when Villeneuve ran away fairly from Martinice for Europe.

PLYMOUTH Wednesday, Dec 18th. Wind S.W. rain. Orders came down this day to pay off the following Trafalgarian men of war, as soon as they are stripped, being so much battered in the late glorious battle and victory that they will be turned over to the different men of war in ordinary, repaired last year, viz. Conqueror, of 74 guns, captain I. Pellew, Spartiate, of 84, captain Sir F. Laforey, and the Bellerophon, of 74, capt. Rotherham.

EXETER, Wednesday, Dec 18th. (from Tuesday London Papers) The contributions to the patriotic fund at Lloyd's amounted, on Saturday, to 23,000l. and the collections at the churches and chapels to 26,000l. A donation of 1093l. was on Friday paid, without any other notice than the initials R.N. From the circumstances of this being the exact amount of the half-pay of an admiral and commander-in-chief for a year, it is supposed to have been given by a person of that description.

EXETER, Wednesday, Dec 18th. Mr. William Brown, midshipman of the Tonnant, who was killed in the action off Trafalgar, was the son of a Mr. Brown, shipwright, of Plymouth Dock; he was universally esteemed and respected by all the officers and ship's company, and though only 15 years of age, this fine lad, at the moment he fell, had a tomahawk in his hand, cutting away the rigging of a French ship that was on board the Tonnant, when he was struck with a cannon shot and died instantly.

In support of the patriotic fund, at Lloyd's coffee-house, London, so highly honourable is the British character, being to assist and comfort the surviving relatives of those who have fallen, and to relieve such as have been wounded in their country's cause, we trust every clergyman will use his best endeavors to collect the charitable donations of his parishioners; as it is a cause in which, to repeat the brave Nelson's signal, "ENGLAND EXPECTS EVERY MAN TO DO HIS DUTY." Several of the parishes in this city, and of the counties of Devon and Cornwell, have already come forward with handsome donations, and we should hope, that in every other parish "the spirit and liberality of Britons will rise equally on this occasion, when called upon to relieve the sufferings, and reward the valour, of those who have distinguished themselves in the service of their country."

The Barnstaple regiment of volunteers have subscribed a week's pay, in the aid of the above fund.

Wednesday last a melancholy incident happened aboard the Phoenix, 44 guns, lying to Plymouth Sound; as Mr Coleridge, a fine youth of 14 years old, who had just made his naval debut on board the Phoenix, was trying to go aloft, taking hold of a rope, unluckily not fastened, he unfortunately came down by the run on the deck, and was killed on the spot; his remains were taken ashore, and the coroner's inquest found a verdict of accidental death. Mr Coleridge is the son of lieut-col Coleridge of Ottery St Mary. He is much and deservedly lamented by all who knew him.

The first squadron, the Bicton squadron, and the Exeter and Salcombe troops of the royal first Devon cavalry, will have a field day on Monday next, near the 8 mile stone, in the Lyme road, on Woodbury-hill, where they will be inspected. The first squadron and the Exeter troop will assemble on their parade, in the city, precisely by ten o'clock.

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, December 26, 1805. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2201

PLYMOUTH, Thursday, Dec. 19th. Wind WSW rain. Went into Cawsand Bay, the Caesar of 84 guns, capt. Shortland, and the Courageux, of 74. - Rear-admiral Sir J Strachan came down this day and rehoisted his flag aboard the Caesar. The gallant admiral is to have a separate cruizing squadron to scour the Bay of Biscay. Vice-admiral sir JB Warren and rear-admiral Stirling are to have similar squadrons for the same purpose. Rear-admiral Louis is to be detached off Carthagena and Toulon, to keep these ports in check, and the Mediterranean clear of cruisers; while vice-admiral Collinwood is to block up Cadiz and the Streights mouth.

EXETER, Thursday, Dec. 19th [advert.]

For the BENEFIT of the WIDOWS and ORPHANS, and for the RELIEF of the WOUNDED, of those alive, HEROES who, under the late much lamented lord viscount NELSON, gained the unparalleled victory off Trafalgar over the COMBINED FLEETS of FRANCE and SPAIN.

On Friday, Jan. 3rd, 1805 (sic!) will be performed a CONCERT of VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, the receipts of which will be added to the patriotic fund at Lloyds coffee house in London.

The concert will be under the management of a committee, and it is hoped that the professional gentlemen and amateurs, who so handsomely volunteered their services, in aiding the late concert for the benefit of the Devon and Exeter Hospital, will again come forward in the cause of their country and of humanity, to add to the attraction of the present occasion.

Places for the Boxes and Pit may be taken of Mr. Dyer, high-street; and the prices for admission will be as follows for Boxes and Pit: five shillings each, gallery, half-a-crown.
A syllabus of the performance will be published, as soon as it can be arranged.
The Manager has kindly lent the theatre for the above occasion, and the performers their assistance gratis.

FALMOUTH, Friday, Dec 20th. Wind W. Lieut. Garraty, (late commander of the Plumper gun brig, captured sometime since off Cherbourg), and Mr. Le Jersey and his wife landed late this morning from a Prussian vessel, which left Morlaix yesterday morning; they bring a printed bulletin which is published at Brest, the following is a copy:-

"Depeche Telegraphique de Paris, au Conseiller d'Etat Prefet Maritime.
"Du 20 Frimaire, An 14.
"Su majeste l'empéreur des François a Battu les Russes, près d'Olmutz; la moitié de leur armeés sont destruite, le reste ont pleine déroute." These gentlemen also state that great rejoicing had taken place in France, for a victory obtained over the British fleet, off Cadiz, in which it was stated Lord Nelson was killed and 14 English ships were captured: illuminations had taken place in consequence. Lieut. Garraty knew not the real case before he arrived here.

EXETER, Thursday, Dec 26th (from the London papers of Tuesday, Dec. 24th.) By our letter from Falmouth, it appears that lieutenant Garraty, late commander of the Plumper gun-brig, captured by the French, some time since off Cherbourg, landed at that port on Friday last, from a Prussian vessel, only 24 hours from Morlaix. This gentleman has brought with him the copy of a printed copy of a bulletin, circulated at Morlaix, of which the following is a translation:

"Telegraph dispatch from the counsillor (sic) of state, minister of the marine, to the prefect of Brest.
"Paris, 20 Frimaire (Dec. 11).
"His excellency, the emperor of the French, has beaten the Russians, near Olmuts; destroyed the half of their army, and totally routed the remainder."

Lieut. Garraty saw a printed bulletin, of nearly the same form as above, which was circulated in France soon after the glorious battle of Trafalgar, in which it was stated that the English were defeated, and had lost fourteen ships! Nor did lieut. Garraty know to the contrary till he landed at Falmouth.

Lieut. Garraty is about two months from Verdun. A short time before he left that place, Dr May (late of Looe in Cornwall) and an English colonel, whose name he does not remember, were taken out of their beds, sent to Biche, and closely confined in separate prisons. The reason for this was not known.

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, January 2, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2202

ADVERTISEMENT, Thursday, Jan 2nd 1806

December 26, 1805
Mr JOHN WEEKES of Bradstone, near Launceston, in the county of Cornwall, graizer, or other dealer in cattle, having failed to abide by public Tender, dated the 14th instant, which he made to the victualling board, for the supply of fresh Beef, to his majesty's ships and vessels at Plymouth and Torbay, for the ensuing twelve months; the commissioners for victualling his majesty's navy, do hereby give notice, that on Thursday the ninth of January next, they will be ready to receive fresh Tenders, in writing, (sealed up) and treat with such persons as will undertake to furnish whatever FRESH BEEF may be required for the use of his majesty's ships and vessels at Plymouth and Torbay, (on separate contracts) from that day until the 31st December 1806, inclusive, and to be payed for by bills payable with interest, ninety days after date.
The conditions of the contract may be seen at the secretary's office, at this office, or by applying to Mr. Thomas Miller, the agent for the said commissioners, at Plymouth, or to the collector of customs at Dartmouth, in the county of Devon.
No regard will be had to any tender in which the price shall not be inserted in words, at length, or that shall not be delivered to the board before one o'clock, on the said Thursday the 9th of January next, nor unless the person who makes the tender, or some persons on his behalf, attend to answer when called for.

ADVERTISEMENT, Thursday, Jan 2nd 1806

FOR SALE by public auction, at the London tavern, foxhole street, Plymouth, on Tuesday the 21st and Friday the 24th of January next, to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon, a very large and valuable portion of SHIPS' STORES;
Consisting of 24-inch cables; large hawsers, standing and running rigging; coils of white and other rope (new); cogged and other blocks; sails, about 150 guns of different calibres, and carriages; brass howitzers, field-pieces, swivels, blunderbusses, with their slides and carriages; about 500 barrels of gunpowder, and 50 ditto ball cartridges; 1200 muskets; bayonets; swords, pistols, belts, pouches, &c.; tomahawks, boarding pikes &c.; copper in sheets; boiler, lanterns chains &c.; large metal bells, brass sheaves, &c.; biscuit, flour, beef, pork, calvances, beans pease and other articles of provision; a quantity of sheet and other lead; stanchions, bolts, nails and other wrought iron; iron-bound legars; butts, pipes, hogsheads and other fixed water-casks; water jars; lower and other masts and yards; iron ballast; shot &c.; boats and oars; a quantity of valuable lumber, in capstan-bars, handspikes, stanchions, and plank; and sundry valuable boatswains', gunners', carpenters' and other stores, too numerous to insert in an advertisement. As also, for exportation, brandy and wine in legars &c. Lately landed, and now landing, from the French ships of war Le Mont Blanc and Formidable, prizes to the squadron of his majesty's ships under the command of then captain (now rear-admiral) sir R.J Strachan, bart.
For viewing these stores attendance will be given at the warehouses, six days prior to the sale; and for catalogues, and further information, apply to Peter Tonkin, esq. one of the agents, or to Mr John Hawker, merchant Plymouth. A deposit of 25 per cent must be made at the time of the sale, in cash or bank of England notes, and the remainder to be paid for on delivery of the goods.
N.B. The stores of Mont Blanc are to be sold on the first day, and Le Formidable to follow Le Scipion and Du Guay Trouin.

ADVERTISEMENT, Thursday, Jan 2nd 1806

Cordage, Sails, Guns, Gunpowder, Provisions and other valuable Stores
FOR SALE, at the London In, Plymouth, on Thursday and Friday the 23rd the 24th of January next, to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each day.
A large quantity of new and other valuable
Consisting of 9 cables of about 23 inches, the major part new; a variety of hawsers and shroud-laid rope; coils and remnants of new cordage, of various sizes; standing and running rigging and other useful spare rope; sails and pieces of junk; a quantity of good blocks; brass guns, shives and other metal; about 1000 muskets and bayonets; 150 pieces of ordnance, 42 and 36 pounders; round, double headed and canister shot; about 650 barrels of gunpowder, ball cartridges; 20 cases of musquet balls, and other ordnance stores; a large quantity of wrought iron; 20 tons of bread; a quantity of calavances, pork and other provisions; leagers, half-leagers and other casks; fire-wood and lumber; large and small boats; anchors, iron-ballast, spars and other excellent stores, which will be particularly specified in catalogues to be delivered six days previous to the sale. - All of which are now landed from the French ships Duguay Trouin and Scipion, prizes to the squadron of his majesty's ships under the command of sir Richard. J Strachan, bart.
A deposit of 25 per cent on the amount of the purchase money will be required at the time of the sale, and the remainder before the delivery of the goods, in cash or bank of England notes.
For viewing these stores, three days previous to the sale; and for catalogues, and any further particulars, application to be made to Edmund Lockyer, esq. one of the agents to the captors, or at the counting-house of
THOMAS LOCKYER, sworn broker.
Smart's Quay, December 26, 1805

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, January 9, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2203

EXETER, Wednesday, Jan. 8th The concert at our theatre on Friday last, for the benefit of the widows and orphans, and for the relief of the wounded of the heroes of Trafalgar, was very fully attended, and the music both vocal and instrumental went off with great applause. The receipts were upwards of one hundred and thirty pounds. It will be seen by the advertisement in a subsequent column that another selection of music will be performed on Thursday this 16th instant; when, as the price of admission will be reduced to the usual scale, an opportunity is afforded to all ranks of society to add their mite to the fund. Too much praise cannot be given to the professional gentlemen and amateurs, for their very great exertions on this occasion.

EXETER, Thursday, Jan 9th 1806 (from the London papers of Tuesday, Jan 2nd) Admiral Dumanoir. This officer, who commanded a division of the combined fleet, in the battle of Trafalgar, and was afterwards taken by sir Richard Strachan, has written a letter to exculpate himself from some reflections on his conduct, which appeared in The Gibraltar Chronicle. He positively declares, that he did not fire on the Spanish ships which had surrendered, and observes, that the testimony of his captains authorizes him to give that assertion the lie. He repels, with equal indignation, the account given of his having remained a simple on spectator of the battle, and having precipitately taken flight. After describing his attempts to tack about, and bear down to the support of that part of the combined fleet which was engaged, and which he could not reach until his assistance was too late, he says - "My division, consisting of only four disabled ships, was cut off to windward, the rest of the combined fleet being at the distance of two long leagues before the wind, and bearing off under all their sails. To have rejoined them, I must have fallen in with the English squadron, which remained entire between those two separate bodies; but this would have been running to certain destruction, without the hope of doing any great damage to the enemy."

Since the publication of the above, a paragraph has appeared in one of the London papers, positively contradicting the admiral's statement in toto. It asserts that the ships with which he escaped, and which were afterwards captured by sir Richard Strachan, had received no material damage whatever in the action off Trafalgar, and "In regard to the charge of the French having fired into such of their own ships as had surrendered, denied by the French admiral, it positively declares that such was the fact. The writer asserts that he saw them so do in the action with Mr. R. Calder, particularly the Duguay Trouin, and that the officers of that ship, at his expressing his surprise as such conduct, answered, that they deserved to be so treated for striking. And that they (the French) wished to diminish the value of our prizes.

EXETER, Thursday, Jan 9th 1806 (from The Times of London of Wednesday, Jan 1st.) The last general order of lord Nelson, dated the 21st of October, previous to the engagement between the combined fleets of France and Spain, consisting of 33 sail of the line, and the British fleet of 27 sail of the line, on board the Victory, at sea: -

Victory, off Cadiz, Oct. 10 1805
Thinking it almost impossible to bring a fleet of 40 sail of the line into a battle, in variable winds, thick weather, and other circumstances which might occur, without such a loss of time that the opportunity probably be lost of bringing the enemy to battle in such a manner as to make the business decisive, I have there made up my mind to keep the fleet that position of sailing (with the exception of the first and second in command), that the order of sailing is to be the order of the battle; placing the fleet in two lines, of 16 ships each, with an advanced squadron of eight of the fastest sailing two-deck ships, which will always make, if wanted, a line of 24 sail, on which ever line the commander in chief may direct. - The second in command will, after my intentions are made known to him, have the entire direction of his line, to make the attack upon the enemy, and to follow up the blow, until they are captured and destroyed. If the enemy's fleet are seen to windward in line of battle, and that the two lines and advanced squadron could fetch the, they will probably be so extended that their van could not succour their rear. I should, therefore, probably make the second in command's signal to lead through about their center, and the advanced squadron two, three, or four ships a-head of their center, so as to ensure getting at their their commander in chief, whom every effort must be made to capture. The whole impression of the British fleet must be to overpower from two or three ships a-head of their commander in chief (supposed to be in their center) to the rear of their fleet. I will suppose 20 sail of the line to be untouched; it must be some time before they could perform a manoeuvre to bring their force compact to attack any part of the British fleet, or succour their own ships, which indeed would be impossible, without mixing with the ships engaged. The enemy's fleet is supposed to consist of 46 sail of the line, British 40; if either is less, only a proportion of the enemy to be cut off; British to be one-fourth superior to the enemy cut off. Something must be left to chance; nothing is sure in a sea fight beyond all others; shots will carry away masts and yards of friends as well as foes; but I look with confidence to a victory before the van of the enemy could succour their rear; and then that the British fleet would be ready to receive the twenty sail of the line, or to pursue them, should they endeavour to make off. If the van of the enemy tacks, the captured ships must run to leeward of the British fleet. If the enemy wear, the British fleet must place themselves between the enemy, and the captured, and disabled British ships; and, should the enemy close, I have no fear as to the result. The second in command will, in all possible things, direct the movement of his line, by keeping them as compact as the nature of the circumstances will admit. Captains are to look to their particular line as their rallying point; but in case signals should not be seen or clearly understood, no captain can do wrong, if he places his ship alongside that of an enemy.
    British Advanced Squadron   8
    British Weather line   16
      " Lee line   16
    Enemy   46
The divisions of the British fleet will be brought nearly within gunshot of the enemy's center, the signal will most probably then be made for the lee line to bear up together and set all their sails, even their steering sails, in order to get as quickly as possible to the enemy's line and to cut through, beginning at the 12th ship from the enemy's rear. Some ships may not get through their expected place, but they will always be at hand to assist their friends. If any are thrown in the rear of the enemy, they will complete the business of twelve sail of the enemy. Should the enemy wear together, or bear up and sail large, still the twelve ships composing in the first division the enemy's rear are to be the object of attack of the lee-line, unless otherwise directed by the commander in chief, which is scarcely to be expected, as the entire management of the lee-line (after the intentions of the commander in chief are signified) is intended to be left to the admiral commanding that line. The remainder of the enemy's fleet (35 sail of the line) are to be left to the management of the commander in chief, who will endeavour to take care that the movements of the second in command are a little interrupted as possible.


Lord Nelson's Funeral. - The following is a brief outline of the order of procession from Greenwich to Whitehall, by water; from thence to the admiralty, where the body is to remain on Wednesday night; and next day's grand solemnity from the admiralty to St Paul's:-
From Greenwich Hospital to Whitehall Stairs.
1st Barge - drums, trumpets, the guidon, each borne by a captain, and supported by a lieutenant; two pursuivants of arms.
2nd ditto - trumpets, officers or arms bearing the surcoat, target, sword, spurs, &c. of the deceased. Banners as a K.B. and the the great banner, supported as above.
3rd ditto - 6 trumpets, 3 banners on each side, each supported by a lieutenant: BODY; viscount's coronet, supported by Norroy king of arms; union flag at the head; black feathers, arms of deceased.
4th ditto - Chief mourner, supporters, and train bearer; banner of emblems, borne by a captain, and supported by two lieutenants. Three of the barges to be covered with black cloth, that carrying the body with black velvet.
From Whitehall to the admiralty, the music, banners, herald's officers, &c. to follow in the same order as on the water. A canopy to be carried over the body, supported by four admirals.
From the admiralty to St Paul's, Greenwich pensioners, seamen of the Victory, drums, fifes, trumpets pursuivants, &c. will precede the standard, borne by a captain of the royal navy, supported by two lieutenants. The officers of the college of arms, dignitaries of the law, knights of the bath, baronets, peers, and public officers, will follow in rotation; trumpets, heralds, &c. preceding the great banner; the gauntlet, helmet, sword, &c. of the deceased, borne by heralds; the coronet, on a cushion, borne by Norroy king of arms.
(The pall supported by four admirals.)
Sailors of the Victory drawing the car.
Garter king of arms,
Chief mourner
(His train supported by a captain in the royal navy; Gentlemen ushers on each side.)
Six assistant mourners.
Banner of emblems.
Relations of the deceased.
Officers of the navy and army, seniors next to the body.
The lord mayor, sheriff, &c. are to fall into the procession when it enters into the city at Temple Bar. The different gradations of rank to be inverted in the order of procession before the body, but to follow the body in the established order, the highest in rank taking precedence of the next, and so downwards that persons of the highest distinction may be next the body.

On the front of the cornice of the canopy on the funeral car, will be the word NILE; and at the opposite end the word TRAFALGAR. On one side his lordship's motto - Palman qui meriat ferat; and on the other the appropriate inscription - Hoste devicio requievit; the letters to be gold, relieved from a black ground. An admiral of the white's flag, half mast down, at the back part of the car, representing the Victory's stern. The canopy to be in the form of an ancient sarcophagus, supported by four palm-trees, entwined with branches of natural laurel and cypress, drawn by six horses, without a driver, but each led by a man on foot. On each side of the car four poles, held by seamen of the Victory, to appear as if they worked the vehicle forward; one lieutenant of the royal navy is to sit on the platform at each angle of the coffin.

The four vergers of St. Paul's cathedral, who have the exclusive property of the body of the church, will, it is calculated, make more than a thousand pounds by the daily admissions; the door-money is taken as at a puppet-shew, and has amounted for several days to more than 40l. each day!!

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, January 16, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2204

EXETER, Wednesday, Jan 15th. The Exeter Volunteers have voluntarily subscribed a day's pay, amounting to forty-two pounds seventeen shillings and three-pence, in aid of the Patriotic Fund at Lloyd's coffee-house. The amount of the recent subscriptions to this fund on Saturday last was £194,000 sterling.

EXETER, Thursday, Jan 16th 1806 (from the London papers of Friday, Jan 10th.)


On Wednesday, at twelve o'clock, all the people who were to attend in the solemn procession by water were assembled at the Governor's house at Greenwich.

The body was then carried out by the North Gate, and placed on board the state barge. During the procession to the water the band, muffled drums, and trumpets, played The Dead March in Saul; minute guns were fired from one of the barges belonging to the river fencibles. Parts of the town, and the church bells tolled a solemn knell. All the ships in the river displayed their flags half-mast high. At one o'clock the procession began to move up the river, the minute guns continuing to fire, the bells to toll and the bands, trumpets, &c. on board the barges, to play solemn music.

The procession sailed in the following order:
In the first barge was the standard at the head; the guidon was borne by captain Durham, supported by two lieutenants in full uniform coats, with black waistcoats, breeches, and stockings, and crape round their hats and arms.
In the second barge were the officers of arms bearing the target, sword, helmet and crest of the deceased. The banner of the deceased, as knight of the Bath, was borne by capt. Rotherham, at the head of the barge. The grand banner was borne at the door-place by capt. Moorsom, who was supported by two lieutenants.
In the third barge was the body. The barge was covered with black velvet, adorned with black feathers. In the center was a viscount's coronet, and three bancrolls (sic.) were affixed to the outside of the barge. In the steerage were six trumpets, and six lieutenants of the royal navy, Clarencieux, king of arms, sat at the head of the coffin, bearing a viscount's coronet upon a black velvet cushion. The standard of the united kingdom was at the head of the barge, borne by a captain of the navy. The state barge was rowed by 46 seamen, belonging to the departed hero's ship, the Victory. The other barges were rowed by picked men, from the Greenwich pensioners.
In the fourth barge, which was covered with black cloth, was the chief mourner, admiral sir Peter Parker, bart. Train-bearer to the chief mourner, the hon. Captain Blackwood. - Supporters to the chief mourners, admirals lords Hood and Radstock; Six assistant mourners, vice admirals Caldwell, Hamilton, Nugent Bligh, sir Roger Curtis, and sir C.M. Pole, barts. Four supporters of the pall, vice admirals Whitehead, Savage, Taylor, and rear admiral E. Harvey. Six bearers of the canopy, rear admirals Aylmer, Domet, T. Wells, Drury, sir Isaac Coffin, and sir W.H. Douglas, barts. The banner of emblems was borne in this barge, by lord Nelson's own captain, T.M. Hardy.
After the four barges came his majesty's barge, the barge of the lords of the admiralty, and then the lord mayor, in the city state barge, and the other city barges.

All the vessels on the river were drawn up close on shore, leaving a full and clear passage for the procession. The decks, masts, and rigging were crowded with people. The shores were lined with multitudes of spectators, every opening to the river was filled with people and every eminence commanding a view of it was completely covered. The steeples of churches, and the roofs of houses, in the vicinity of the river, were numerously inhabited. In the enthusiasm of curiosity the women appeared strangers to all fear. Such of them as were upon the water, which was very rough seemed completely at ease. The number of barges at the several quays became so great at the time of landing, that those which were in the latter part of the procession, could not approach within a hundred yards of the shore. - They had, therefore, to step from barge to barge, while the whole accumulated mass of vessels were tossing about, before they could reach the land. The most delicate females were not dismayed by this perilous passage. They stept from boat to boat, with as much ease and agility as if they felt themselves upon the grass-plot. As the procession came abreast of the tower, the tower guns fired. It advanced more rapidly than was expected - At three o'clock it arrived at Blackfriar's bridge, and about a quarter past three it reached Whitehall. The greater part of the crowd upon their arrival there were much disappointed. They found the gates shut, and military stationed at them to prevent intrusion - The courtyard having been previously filled with company, consisting chiefly of nobility and gentry in their carriages. At thirty-five minutes past three the body was landed, and carried on a bier to the admiralty.

When the procession came opposite the Horse-Guards, the multitude appeared deeply affected by the solemnity of the scene, the mournful sound of the music, and the awful report of the minute guns, which continued to fire until four o'clock. The number of spectators of this part of the procession was immense. The tops of all the buildings from Charing Cross to the Treasury, including the Horse-Guards and the Admiralty, were covered with men and women, many of them elegantly dressed. The seats and edifices prepared for the day were all filled at a high price. Half-a-guinea was paid for a seat in a coach, and half-a-crown for leave to stand outside, in every situation where a carriage could be drawn up so as to command even a distant view of the scene.

The body, having been carried into the admiralty, was placed in the captain's room, the whole of which was covered with black cloth, and lighted up by a profusion of wax-lights. The crowd and number of carriages was so great in this quarters , that the street remained blocked nearly an hour after the body has deposited in the admiralty, and the procession had closed.

Just as the procession closed on the water, and the remains of the revered chieftain were landed at Whitehall, the day, which had been peculiarly favourable to the sight, suddenly became dark, and a tremendous storm of hail followed. On this occasion, the following passage forcibly recurred to the mind:-
    "As the dead hero's sacred ranques passed,
   The pomp was darken'd and the day o'ercast,
    tears gushed from every eye."
During the storm, the people on the tops of the houses were in great danger. It was with great difficulty many of them made their escape. A lady, who was on the top of the Horse-Guards, was in the most imminent peril, and must have been blown down, had not a gentleman, at the risk of his life, ran to her assistance.

Many accidents took place upon the water, and in the streets, during the procession. A young woman named Mirfin, the wife of a carpenter in Shoe-lane, fell into the water near the Temple, and was drowned, with a child in her arms. She was walking across a plank, between two lighters, which gave way at one end. A boat, with a party of seven, upset in the storm, opposite Somerset-house, but they were all picked up and landed safe. A boat, having four persons on board, sank above Westminster-bridge, and not withstanding the exertions of several persons in other boats, three of the party were drowned.

THE FUNERAL. - The idea of this grand national solemnity had so fully engrossed the public mind, that long before daylight yesterday morning, the whole metropolis was in motion. Carriages were driven in all directions, with families with persons of distinction going to the most eligible situation, to see the last honours paid by the state to the remains of the greatest naval officer our country has produced; and groups of men, women, and children, in more humble life, packed together from every quarter, endeavouring to get a place where they might have even a glance of the procession as it passed. Almost all the volunteers within the bills of mortality, and several regiments of the line, were also on the alert before daylight.

Mr. Johnson, a pavior in Millbank, had contracted to clean the streets and gravel them all over. A vast number of labourers were set to work on Wednesday night, and the business was so extremely well conducted that the whole of the Herculean task was completely accomplished before nine o'clock in the morning. In the mean time, the carriages of such persons as were to join in the procession were marshalled in order in Hyde Park.

At half-past ten the procession began to move from the front of the admiralty in a direct line towards St. Paul's. All the streets were completely lined with military two deep on both sides of the way, close up to the spectators. The Duke of Suffolk was at the head of the Loyal North Britons, stationed near Bedford-street, in the Strand.. The Duke of York rode with his staff from the admiralty to Temple Bar. Almost all the tops of houses, and every window from the admiralty to St. Paul's, were crowded with spectators, and behind the volunteers the people pressed in such numbers, that it was next to an impossibility to obtain a passage from one spot to another, every where near the great streets through which the procession was to pass, the crowd was so immense that it was past all calculation, and a person might readily suppose, that the country for a great many miles around had crowded into London.

The procession moved in the following order:
Following the Duke of York, and his staff, was
A detachment of the 10th Dragoons.
Part of the 42nd Regiment.
The Buffs - band playing "rule britannia", drums muffled.
Rest of the 42nd regiment, officers all with black scarfs.
Colours of the 42nd, crape.
The 31st regiment.
A Highland regiment.
Rest of the 10th dragoons - officers on horseback, with black cloaks, trumpets sounding at intervals.
11th dragoons.
Scotch greys.
Trumpets preceding them, sounding a dead march.
Horse artillery, with guns and tumbrills.

The procession of carriages, preceded by heralds, &c. then followed in the usual order, juniors in rank going first, and intervals of heralds, banners, &c. The prince of Wales had two carriages in his place, in the first of which were the principal officers of his household; his royal highness was in the last, with the duke of Clarence, the earl of Moria, and another nobleman.

Heralds, banners, &c. followed the princes of the blood; then the carriages with the coronet of the deceased, borne by Clarenceux king of arms; the carriages with the six lieutenants of the navy, bearers of the banner-rolls; the six admirals, bearers of the canopy; and the four admirals, supporters of the pall, covered with a black velvet pall adorned with escutcheons, placed on a magnificent funeral car, drawn by six led horses, the car nearly twelve feet long, and resembling the hull of the Victory man of war; the name of that ;ship being inscribed in its proper place, the word "Trafalgar" on each side, and "Nile" on its head, which was formed by a figure of the Godess Victory. - on the deck were raised three platforms, one over the other, on the upper was placed the splendid coffin with the body, over which rose a most tastefully constructed canopy, to an elevation of above twenty feet from the ground, surmounted by rich plumes of black feathers: the canopy was supported at the corners by four palm trees, the stems of silver, and the foliage of burnished gold. On the entablature on each side was the appropriate motto of the arms of lord Nelson, "Palmam qui meruit, ferat;" over which was some elegant silver scroll work, in the Greek taste. This part of the spectacle chiefly attracted the attention of the populace, who seemed to look to the moving shrine of the departed hero with an admiration bordering on religious enthusiasm.

When the procession came to Temple-bar, the gates were shut; they were, however, presently opened, and the lord mayor, mounted on horseback, and bare-headed, took his place in the line, immediately after the prince of Wales. The sword of state was carried before his lordship, and his immediate attendants were all uncovered. - The court of aldermen followed in carriages, and thus, by slow degrees, the cavalcade attained the front of the cathedral. Inside the rails some time was consumed in arranging the order of procession up the great steps, pursuant to the published regulations. At length, everything being properly settled, and each mourner in his proper situation, the procession ascended the steps at a slow and solemn pace. It was here that the part of the crew of the Victory appeared a most conspicuous group. - Those brave fellows, and a detachment of marines from the Victory, were only brought to town in the morning in two cars.

On the entrance of the body of lord Nelson into the church, Dr. Croft's burial service was performed until it arrived at the choir. The voices to the number of 88, twenty-six of them boys, then began to sin, "I am the Resurrection," without the organ. The effect of this solemn and sublime music exceeds all description. - The funeral service then commenced by the bishop of Lincoln (dean of St. Paul's), within the choir, which occupied near an hour after which, as the corpse was carried to the grave, the gentlemen of the choir went up to a temporary orchestra, erected at the front of the organ, where they performed a new Magnificat and Nunc Dimmitis, composed for the occasion by Mr. Attwood. The verse parts were given in a style suitable to the occasion, by Mr. Sale, Mr. Goss, and the rev. Mr. Webb. After which, Dr. Green's funeral anthem was sung. - The organ then played a solemn dirge, composed for the occasion by Mr. Attwood, as the body moved from the choir to the grave.

After the dirge was finished, the burial service, composed by Dr. Croft and Henry Purcell, was sung by the gentlemen over the grave, as well as by those in the orchestra. The whole concluded with a selection from Handel's funeral anthem, which was extremely grand and appropriate. Indeed everything was conducted with such regularity and precision, as to confer equal honour on those who planned and those who executed it.

The preparations for the accommodation of the public in the church, to witness this grand funeral, were upon an immense scale. In his majesty's two visits to the cathedral in 1789 and 1797, there was not anything approaching to the magnificence and splendour displayed yesterday.

During the progress of the procession to St. Paul's, minute guns were fired from Tower wharf as on Wednesday. The royal standard, on the middle tower was hoisted half-mast, as well as all the flags of the ships in the river; and the bells in several churches continued to toll until the final interment took place, which was announced by the firing of two pieces of artillery. The crowd as St. Paul's was excessive; but after the ceremony terminated, the people retired with the greatest order and regularity, though it was near eight o'clock before the whole of the company had withdrawn.

EXETER, Wednesday, Jan 15th. The Traveller (London evening paper) on Monday last, has the following paragraph:-.

"A gentleman, who had come from Exeter, on Wednesday, to see the funeral procession of lord Nelson, on Thursday morning, took his seat, at a very early hour, in the new buildings at St. Clement's church; when, overcome with fatigue, he fell asleep, and did not awake, until the procession had not only passed, but the followers had actually dispersed." - It is an undoubted fact, that a certain sadler of this city, well known for his loyalty, and not a little celebrated by his literary effusions, went from hence to London purposely to be a spectator of the funeral obsequies and final interment of our departed hero. Surely he could no so far have forgotten the object of his tour, as to have dozed away those precious moments: particularly, as no man is no more alert than he, to call upon his fellow subjects, constantly to be on the watch, lest the French emperor Boney should surprise us napping!

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, January 30, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2206

PLYMOUTH, Tuesday, Jan 28th. Came in the Harlequin, of 18, and the Childers, of 18; the last with the wounded officers in the Victory off Trafalgar: She is under quarantine. Lord Collingwood was well the 30th of December off Cartagena, with 10 sail of the line.

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, February 6, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2207

PLYMOUTH, Thursday, Jan 30th. The gallant officers of the royal navy and royal marines who were wounded at the glorious victory off Trafalgar, and arrived in the Childers, of 16 guns, from Gibraltar, are as well as can be expected, and will soon be released from quarantine.

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, February 13, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2208

EXETER Thursday, Feb 13th [Advert.]

Under the patronage of several LADIES and GENTLEMEN.
At the Phoenix Inn, Goldsmith Street, Exeter, on Monday evening February 17th will be exhibited an entirely new APPARATUS for the application of ACOUSTICS; or, the Transportation of Sound, under the Title of:
Which will stop and go at bidding
which conveyed the body of the much lamented
From the Admiralty to St. Paul's, in grand procession.

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, February 20, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2209

EXETER, Wednesday, Feb 19th. The new apparatus for the Invisible Girl, is esteemed the most complete ever seen in this country, and was much approved, on Tuesday evening, by a very genteel audience. The fire-works were greatly approved, and met with universal approbation, particularly the funeral car of Lord Nelson, which is well executed and had its desired effect.

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, March 13, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2212

EXETER, Thursday, Mar 13th, [Letter]

When one of the brightest heroes of an age has, by a combined series of the most brilliant victories that ever fell to the lot of a single individual, closes his most valuable life in the service of his country, and in the hour of victory; the gratitude of several inhabitants of this loyal city, has induced them to enter into a subscription for erecting a tablet, or some other memorial, which may daily call to mind, in future ages, the valiant, the religious hero of Trafalgar; but as they wish that so laudable an intention may have a more splendid effect than their consequence in life may warrant, they submit to those whose situation and character may give greater weight to the measure, to take the lead, and the present subscriptions of £20, are ready to be added.
One of the subscribers.
Exeter, 11th March, 1806         HORATIO

Price Six-pence]

THURSDAY, June 26, 1806. [Vol. XLIII. - No. 2227

PLYMOUTH, Saturday, June 21st. 1806 Wind variable, fair. Came in the Pickle, of 14, A.S. from Bridport having under convoy a fine new sloop of war, of the class of a ship-sloop, of 18 guns, but will, with carronades, carry 32 guns: she is called the Laurel.

Copyright © Pongo Blanchford and Charles Manning 2005
This page last updated 29 September 2014