04 July 2014

Devon paper trades: Rewe

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 7
The Devon paper trades: a biographical dictionary

E_EN_DEV_REWE. . Including Upexe. 8 papermakers in 1841 census, none in 1861 census.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. BATTEN Joseph. 1841. Paper Maker. Born in Devon, aged 35 in 1841. Household: BATTEN, Charlotte, aged 35 ; BATTEN, Eleanor, aged 10 ; BATTEN, Sarah, aged 7 ; BATTEN, William, aged 2, all born in Devon ; RICHARDS, Joel, aged 30, Paper Maker, born outside Devon. Sources: Census 1841.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. BROWNE, Christopher. 1744. Paper maker. Apprenticed to Charles Warren, Upexe Mill 1744, Inland Revenue 50/235. Sources Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. CARYL, Alexander. 1816. Paper maker. Rewe Mill EGL 8/10/1816. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. Combe, Mary Ann. 1806. Apprentice at Upexe mill, not necessarily as papermaker. apprenticed to John Mallot, for Upexe Mills 1255 A/PO 219 1806. Sources: Rewe parish records: DRO 1255 A/PO 219.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. CRAGG, Mr. 1790. Paper maker. Badly injured when cart overturned EFP 17/6/1790 3b. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. CRAGG, Grace. 1780. Paper maker. Sun insurance policy 424403 2/2/1780. Guildhall Lib. ms. 11936/280. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. CRAGG, James. 1773. Paper maker. Rewe Mill 1773. Sun insurance policy 320928 with John Dunsford of Exeter 15/1/1773. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. Crocker, John. 1826. Worked in Upexe Mill, not necessarily as papermaker. In 1826 residing in Thorverton, born there, where his parents then resided and were legally settled. He lived with his parents in Thorverton until he was 8 yrs, when he was bound apprentice by the parish overseers to William Francis of Shobrooke, yeoman. He lived with him about a year and a half or two years, when he was assigned over to Thomas Luxmore of Thorverton, yeoman. He lived with his master for the rest of his apprenticeship, and about 12 months afterwards. He then hired himself to William and Samuel Grosvenor of Upexe, Rewe, millers, for a month on trial, to stay on if liked, but no time was mentioned, at 4 5/6d a week, his master finding him meat, drink and board, washing and lodging. At the end of the month, he agreed to continue on in his master's service, on the same terms, except that he was to give and take a month's notice on leaving. Examinant lived with his master for 3 years, at the end of each year, his master made a settlement with him and paid his wages. He then married, Marianne, his present wife, and went to live in Rewe, rented a house there £3 10s a year. He lived there about 12 months, then rented a house in Thorverton at the rent of £4, where he has been ever since. He has three children by his wife, Marianne aged 7 yrs, John aged 5 yrs and Betty aged abut 2 yrs. Sources: Rewe parish records: DRO 1255 A/PO 46.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. Davis, Andrew. 1786. Journeyman papermaker. . In 1786 residing in Rewe. Born in Alphington where he lived with his parents, til 13 or 14 yrs. Then he was bound apprentice by his parents to William Perry of Plymouth St Andrews, papermaker, to learn papermaking until aged 21 yrs. Served out the term accordingly and served for some years, by the week as a journeyman papermaker. Then took a house in Plymouth St Andrew, at £12 12s a year, and continued therein between 3 and 4 yrs, gave it up a year ago. Lived ever since with different papermakers by the week as a journeyman papermaker. Sources: Rewe parish records: DRO 1255 A/PO 37.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. DEVIEL Thomas. 1841. Paper Maker. Born in Devon, aged 25 in 1841. Lodging with WALDRON, Samuel, aged 35, Ag Lab and family. Sources: Census 1841.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. DEWDNEY, Grace. 1795. Paper maker. Rewe Mills 1795. Offering reward for return of lost bag EFP 13/8/1795 2d.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. Gives, Sarah. 1825. Former worker in paper mill. Singlewoman in 1825. Now residing in Rewe. Born in Thorverton, where her parents then resided, and were legally settled. She is now about 48 yrs old. When aged about 9 yrs, her parents bound her apprentice to R. Cleeve, yeoman, lived with him until she was 21 yrs. After residing at various places for short periods, she came to Stoke Canon, hired herself to Nathaniel Harris of that parish, at wages of 14d per week. Lived under that hiring for 2½ yrs, receiving her wages, as she wanted it. At the expiration of the first year, her master told her that she might remain another year, if she pleased,t the same wages. She then went into Rewe, and worked at the paper mills on weekly wages for over 12 yrs. She then returned to Stoke Canon, and lived there 3 yrs, with George Barber, yeoman, at the weekly wages of 1s. Then she removed to her Netherexe and there 6 months, lived ever since in Rewe. Sources: Rewe parish records: DRO 1255 A/PO 45.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. Jacket, William. 1769. Papermaker. In 1769 residing in Rewe, papermaker. Born at South Stoneham in Hampshire, served his apprenticeship at Shoreham in Kent. Sources: Rewe parish records: DRO 1255 A/PO 30.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. Marten, Elizabeth. 1777. Apprentice at Rewe mill, not necessarily as papermaker. Apprenticed to Elizabeth Gammon for the Mills 1255 A/PO 146 1777. Sources: Rewe parish records: DRO 1255 A/PO 146.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. MAY John. 1841. Paper Maker. Born in Devon, aged 40 in 1841. Household: MAY, Mary, aged 40 ; MAY, William, aged 13 ; MAY, George, aged 10 ; MAY, Mary, aged 15 ; MAY, Ann, aged 4 ; MAY, Elizabeth, aged 2 ; MAY, Maria, aged 6 weeks, all born in Devon. Sources: Census 1841.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. Nethercott, Henry. Worked in Rewe mill, not necessarily as papermaker. Pauper Removal Order and Notice of Appeal, 1863. Now residing in the Bedwellty Union Workhouse [Monmouthshire]. Born in Rewe in 1819, legitimate son of the late Henry Nethercott and Elizabeth his wife, settled inhabitants of Rewe. The late Henry Nethercott (father of pauper) served Rev. W. Tripp, incumbent of Rewe for 1 yr, and resided in Rewe. The late Henry Nethercott was duly appointed to the public office of Sexton, of Rewe. Held this office for 22 yrs, up to the time of his death about 17 yrs ago. Examinant served under an apprenticeship indenture 30 yrs ago to Mr Greensland, of Rewe, miller, which he served out, resident the whole time in Rewe.. Sources: Rewe parish records: DRO 1255 A/PO 75.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. REWE MILLS. 1790-1837. Paper mills. Active 1790-1837. Grace Dewdney offering reward for return of lost bag EFP 13/8/1795 2d. To let EFP 4/1/1827 1b. Destroyed by fire EFP 13/4/1837 2f. To let EFP 3/7/1845 2g, 30/12/1845 3g. Rewe, Devon. To be let,by Private Contract, with immediate possession, all those mills, called Rewe Paper Mills, with a never-failing Stream of Water, and Cottages thereto belonging. For viweing the same and other particulars apply to Mr. G. Ware, Heazille Barton, Rewe. EFP 30/12/1847. Sources: Chitty.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. RICHARDS Joel. 1841. Paper Maker. Born outside Devon, aged 30 in 1841. Lodging with BATTEN, Joseph, aged 35, Paper Maker and his family. Sources: Census 1841.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. ROUNSFELL James. 1841. Paper Maker. Born in Devon, aged 25 in 1841. Lodging with John LIPSCOMB, aged 55, Grocer and Mary his wife. Sources: Census 1841.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. Smith, Thomas. 1788. Apprentice at Upexe mill, not necessarily as papermaker. apprenticed to Thomas Way by consent for Upexe Mills 1255 A/PO 172 1788. Sources: Rewe parish records: DRO 1255 A/PO 172.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. SOWDON Samuel. 1841. Paper Maker. Born in Devon, aged 40 in 1841. Household: SOWDON, Mary, aged 35 ; SOWDON, Walter, aged 7 ; SOWDON, Emma, aged 4 all born in Devon. Sources: Census 1841.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. STAMP Robert. 1841. Paper Maker. Born in Devon, aged 15 in 1841. Living with father Robert Stamp, paper Maker. Sources: Census 1841.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. STAMP William. 1841. Paper Maker. Born in Devon, aged 40 in 1841. Household: STAMP, Ann, aged 40 ; STAMP, Robert, aged 15, Paper Maker ; STAMP, George, aged 10 ; STAMP, Rebecca, aged 8 ; STAMP, Mary, aged 4 ; STAMP, James, aged 4 months, all born in Devon. Sources: Census 1841.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. UPEXE MILLS. 1744. Paper mills. Charles Warren paper maker 1744. To let EFP 4/10/1771 2c, 10/6/1784 3a. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Rewe. WARREN, Charles. 1744. Paper maker. Upexe Mill 1744. Apprentice Christopher Browne 1744. Inland Revence 50/235. Sources: Shorter.

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2014.
This page last revised 3 July 2014.