04 July 2014

Devon Paper trades: Newton St Cyres

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 7
The Devon paper trades: a biographical dictionary
Newton St Cyres

E_EN_DEV_NEWTON ST CYRES. Devon. Much of the information for this parish was provided by local historian Jean Wilkins.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. ARSCOTT, Richard. Paper maker. Rape Mills, occupier 1819. Land tax assessments.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. BATTEN, Joseph. Paper maker. Married Charlotte (no trace IGI). Children: 22 May 1831 Eleanor Elizabeth.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. BATTERSHILL/BATTISHILL, Henry. Paper maker. Married Sarah Back 9 Nov 1823 Upton Pyne (IGI). Children: 10 Feb 1828 Mary, 5 Feb 1832 Eliza, 1 Aug 1841 Emma.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. BUTT, John. Paper maker. Married Mary (no trace IGI). Children: 17 Mar 1819 Elizabeth.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. COLES, Ann. Apprentice paper maker. Poor law apprentice to William Godfrey, Marsh Mills by consent 1809.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. COX, William. Apprentice paper maker. Apprenticed to James Squire 1776.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. CRAMPTON, Joseph. Paper man. Married: Sarah Peasler of Broadclyst at Newton St. Cyres 23 Feb 1762. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. DEWDNEY, Thomas. Paper maker. Marsh Mills, occupier 1761-1771. Married: Ann Godfrey of Newton St. Cyres widow, licence 28 Sep 1761 (died aged 80 EFP 30 Jun 1814 4b). Children: 1 Mar 1772 Susanna. Died: by 1788 when daughter marr. R.Worthy (EFP 28 Aug 1788 3b). Son? John of Hele Mills, Bradninch died aged 60 EFP 7 Jun 1827 4b.Apprentices: William Parford 1769, Ann Hosegood 1771. Moved to Bradninch. Partner with William Matthews of Huxham in insuring Hele Mill, Bradninch, Sun insurance policies 283916 19/4/1770 and 308937 17/3/1772. Partnership dissolved 1783. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. DOWNMAN, Hugh. Paper maker. Marsh Mills, owner 1780-86. Land tax assessments.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. EAST, Ann. Apprentice paper maker. Born: 26 Aug 1771. Poor law apprenticed to John Godfrey for Marsh Mills 1783, time expired 26 Aug 1792. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. GILL, James. Paper maker. Married: Elizabeth Challacombe 21 Dec 1828, St Mary Arches Exeter IGI. Children: 22 Aug 1830 Joseph, 25 Jan 1832 James, 25 May 1834 William.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. GODFREY, Ann. Paper maker. Marsh Mills 1760. Nee Doddridge Crediton. Married: John Godfrey 29 Aug 1750 (IGI)Widowed 28 Ju 1760. Married Thomas Dewdney 29 Sep 1761.Sun insurance policy 179291 8/12/1760. Sources: Shorter

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. GODFREY, Henry. Paper maker. Married: Ann (no trace IGI). Children: 19 May 1816 John, 14 Feb 1819 William (wife named as Mary Ann).

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. GODFREY, John [I]. Marsh Mills, occupier 1755-60. Mar Anne Doddridge Crediton 29 Aug 1750 (IGI) Children: 7 Feb 1755 Ann, 7 Oct 1756 John, 18 Apr 1758 Elizabeth. Died: buried 28 Jun 1760. Sun insurance policy 172425 29/12/1759.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. GODFREY, John [II]. Marsh Mills, occupier 1780-88, owner 1787-1806. Land tax assessments. John Godfrey, son of John and Anne born 7 Oct 1756. Children: Maria bur. 27 Jul 1799. Died: buried 17 Mar 1802. Apprentices: Ann East 1783. Apprentice Grace Keen absconded EFP 10/6/1784 1c. Assigned rent of the paper mill to governors of St. John's Hospital, Exeter 1789. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. GODFREY, Joseph. Marsh Mills, owner 1843. Tithe apportionment. Probably not papermaker.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. GODFREY, William. Paper maker. Marsh Mills owner and occupier 1808-32. Land tax assessments. Married: Grace Harford 2 Apr 1808 Shobrooke (IGI) EFP 4/7/1808 4b. Children: 9 Aug 1813 Bathsheba, 19 Oct 1814 Henry. No forename given in EGL 8/10/1816. Apprentices: William Hutchings 1809, Ann Coles 1809, Elizabeth Rowe 1810, Sarah Parsons 1822. Sources: Shorter

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HANCOCK, William. Rape Mills, occupier 1816-1818. Land tax assessments.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HAYES, John. Paper maker. Married: Elizabeth Sabina (no trace IGI) Children: 18 Aug 1833 Elizabeth Sabina .

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HELMORE, Richard. Paper maker. Occupant of Rape Mill 1843 (tithe apportionment). Probably not paper maker at this date. Married: Ann (Rixworthy? A family in Rewe). Children: 13 Feb 1814 Richard Rixworthy (d. aged 2 in Rewe), 20 Jun 1830 Ann Rixworthy (d. aged 15 months) N.B. described as labourer for births of Anna Maria 24 Mar 1833 and Harriett Dec 1835. [CHECK Rewe for intervening years?].

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HIGHER MARSH MILL. See Marsh Mill.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HILL, Roger. Paper maker. Married: Sarah (no trace IGI). Children: 27 Apr 1817 John.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HODGE, John. Paper maker. Marsh Mills 1823 Pigot's directory.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HOPPER, William. Apprentice paper maker. Poor law apprentice to Robert Squire for the paper mills 1762. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HOSEGOOD, Ann. Apprentice paper maker. Poor law apprentice to Thomas Dewdney, Marsh Mills, by consent 1771. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HUTCHINGS, William. Apprentice paper maker. Poor law apprentice to William Godfrey, Marsh Mills by consent 1809. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. HUTTON, Samuel. Paper maker. Marsh Mills, occupier 1789-1806. Land tax assessments.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. KEEN, Grace. Apprentice paper maker. Apprenticed to John Godfrey, absconded "Eloped from her master, on Sunday May 30, 1784, Grace Keene, an apprentice to Mr. John Godfrey, of Newton St Cyres, Paper-maker. She is about 18 Years of Age, about five Feet high,and fair Complexion. Whoever harbours or employs the said Apprentice after this public Notice, shall be prosecuted as the Law directs." EFP 10/6/1784 1c.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. LOWER MARSH MILL. See Rape Mill.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. MALLET, John. Marsh Mill, occupant 1843 (tithe apportionment) probably not paper maker at this date.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. MARSH MILLS. Paper and grist mills. Lower and Higher Marsh Mills active ca. 1755-1843. Higher Marsh Mill the more important is covered here, see also Rape Mills for Lower Marsh Mills. Owners: (land tax 1780-1832): Hugh Downman 1780, Mr Downman 1782-86, John Godfrey 1787-1806, William Godfrey 1808-1832, (tithe apportionment 1843) Joseph Godfrey Occupiers: John Godfrey 1755-60, Anne Godfrey 1760, Thomas Dewdney 1761-71, (land tax 1780-1832): John Godfrey 1780-88, Samuel Hutton 1789-1806, William Godfrey 1808-32, John Hodge 1823 Pigot's directory, John Mallet tithe apportionment 1843. In the 1851 Census John Mallet aged 40 was tenant of Marsh Mills, descibed as a flour mill with his wife and family. Land tax valuation: £1/13/10 1780-88, £1/15/4 1789-1800, 1804-32, £1/11/8 1801-03. Tithe apportionment 1843: lot 775 Marsh Mills, outbuildings, area 1 rood 25 poles, rent charge payable to vicar; 8d. Paper maker Thomas Dewdney took apprentices 1769, 1771. Paper maker John Godfrey took apprentice 1783. In 1789 on 1 April John Godfrey agreed the assignment of the rent of premises in Newton St. Cyres as collateral security for the payment of the rent of Duryard Mill tenement to the Governors of St John's Hospital in Exeter, including the "dwelling house, paper mill and mill house. 1789 John Godfrey on the 1st of April agreed the assignment of the rent of £67 for Marsh Mills as a collateral security for the payment of the rent of £60 for Duryard Mill Tenement, to the Governors of St John's Hospital in Exeter. Whereas by indenture bearing date the twenty eighth day of March past and made between ... John Godfrey ... and Samuel Hutton of Topsham ... papermaker ... John Godfrey ... did ... let unto the said Samuel Hutton ...all that dwelling house, papermill and Mill House called Marsh Mill with the barn orchard garden and two fields or closes of land thereunto belonging ... also ... plot of ground wheron was formerly a dwelling house and garden heretofore in the [possession] of one Mary Scutt ... and also those premises known by the name of Pulmans consisting of 5 dwelling houses and gardens together with an orchard here unto belonging in the occupation of John Godfrey ... and all the utensils, implements and things belonging to the mills and mentioned in a schedule ... during the term of twenty-one years ... subject to the yearly rent of sixty seven pounds payable quarterly. (DRO D1/41/8a) The lease of Duryard Mill tenment was terminated 25 Mar 1803 (DRO D1/41/10). Named as "Paper Mill" on Ordnance Surveyors' draft 1803. Paper maker William Godfrey took apprentices 1809, 1810, 1822. Tithe map and apportionments: plot 775, owner Joseph Godfrey, occupier John Mallet 1843.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. MARTIN, Thomas. Paper maker. Rape Mills, occupier 1813-15. Land tax assessments.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. MATTHEWS, William. Paper man. Married: Joan Doddridge 25 Jun 1758 in Newton St. Cyres. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. MONKLEY, John. Paper maker. Married: Charity Cann 11 Jun 1810, Kenton. Children: 3 Jan 1813 William, 5 Mar 1815 Charlotte, 25 Dec 1816 James, 28 Feb 1819 Sally.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. PARFORD, William. Apprentice paper maker. Poor law apprentice to Thomas Dewdney for Marsh Mills 1769. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. PARSONS, Sarah. Apprentice paper maker. Poor law apprentice to William Godfrey for Marsh Mills 1822. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. PEARSE/PIERCE, Samuel. Paper maker. Married: Charlotte Jarman Jul 1813 Newton St Cyres. Children: 19 Sep 1813 William (died 5 months), 27 Nov 1814 William (died 2 months), 31 Dec 1815 Henry, 18 Jan 1818 Charlotte Jarman, 10 Sep 1820 Elizabeth, 23 Jun 1823 Caroline, 13 Aug 1826 William.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. PIM, Edward. Paper maker, formerly of Saleur-Place, Saint Sidwell, Exeter, then of Topsham, Devonshire, out of business, and late of Newton Saint Cyres, Devon, Paper-Maker, (sued with Henry Cleeve Butler.) Insolvent debtor, prisoner, to appear at the Court-House, at Exeter, 13th day of November 1832. Sources: LG 23 Oct 1832.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. PIM, William. Paper maker. Rape Mills, owner and occupier 1820-1832. Land tax assessments.

E_EN_DEV_. RAPE MILL. Owners (land tax 1780-1832) James Squire 1780-1809, [vacant?] 1810-14, Canal Company 1815-18, William Pim 1819-32, (tithe apportionent) 1843 J.C.Willcocks. Occupiers (land tax 1780-1832) James Squire 1780-1809, [vacant?] 1810-1812, Thomas Martin 1813-1815, William Hancock 1816-1818, Richard Arscott 1819, William Pim 1820-32, Richard Helmore 1814-1843 (tithe apportionment), John Painter 1832. Thomas Smale was the miller in the 1841 census but not specified as a paper maker. In 1851 Census: Thomas Smale and family. Land tax valuation 16/11d 1780-88, 17/8d 1789-1800, 1804-32, 15/10d 1801-03. Tithe apportionment 1843: lot 772 cottage, paper mill, waste and garden, area 1 rood 35 poles, rent charge payable to vicar; 1/10d. The adjacent land was known as Rape Mill Marsh and was held by William Battin. Shown as Reap Mills on plan of intended canal 1800. Named as "Marsh Mill" on Ordnance Surveyors' draft 1803. William Hooper apprenticed to Robert Squire in the paper mills 1762. William Cox apprenticed to James Squire in the paper mills 1776. To let, with viewing through tenant Squire. Mills for manganese, corn (2), oil and shelling oats, clover and trefoil. 3 miles Exeter adjoining turnpike and close to intended canal, near to working mines. Also dwelling house, stable, orchard and garden, mill house. 1804. To sell, with viewing through tenant Hancock corn mills (2), manganese, oil or press mill, shelling mill, garden, orchard etc. 1818. To sell. Old-established mill. Rape and grist mills, lately used as paper mill. Orchard, garden etc. 1821. Newly-erected paper mills, in the immediate neighbourhood of Exeter. For sale by auction, the fee of the complete and substantial brick-built dwelling-house and paper mills, called Marsh Mills, consisting of a comfortable dwelling-house in which are a parlour, kitchen, and other convenient offices, and four bed-rooms, a mill-house, having a detached stove-house, containing a vat-house, capable of working two vats, an extensive drying loft, rag and dusting-houses, parting stole, sol and store-rooms, a grist mill with gear complete, capable of driving two pair of stones, and which may be worked with advantage; and contiguous are a stable and linhay, an orchard, a small garden, and a field of about three quarters of an acre, which field is held at rack-rent, for the residue of a term of 21 years. These compact premises are eligibly situated on the river Creedy, adjoining the Exeter and Crediton turnpike road, and at about three miles from the city. The mills have ben fitted up on the most approved principle, and are abundantly supplied with water, calculated for making the finest writing papers. The auction will be held at the Old London Inn, in Exeter, on Tuesday, the 25th day of September next, at four o'clock in the afternoon. For viewing the premises, and for further particulars, apply to Mr. W.H.Pim, at Exwick; Mr. Rowe, builder, Paris-street; or to Mr. Ford, solicitor, Exeter. EFP 20/9/1827 1c. Similar notice for auction to be held 17 December 1828 EFP 27/11/1828 2a. Paper and grist mills, near Exeter. To be preremptorily sold, by order of the first mortgagee 18 Mar 1829. Viewing still through W.H.Pim EFP 12/2/1829 3d. Similar notice with same details as in 1827 for auction on 5 May 1830 but viewing no longer through W.H.Pim EFP 1/4/1830 3e. For sale by public auction, unless previously disposed of by private contract, 23 Oct 1832, viewing through John Painter, at the mills EFP 18/10/1832 1a. For sale by auction, well adapted mill - paper, bone-dust, woollen manufacture, 1837.

Sources: Chitty.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. REYNOLDS, John. Paper man. Married: Honor Pope 27 May 1765 in Newton St. Cyres. From Sarratt, Herts. Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. ROWE, Elizabeth. Apprentice paper maker. Born: 9 Jan 1801. Poor law apprentice to William Godfrey for Marsh Mills 1810. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. SAUNDERS, Agnes. Apprentice papermaker. Born: June 1 1784. Poor law apprentice to Samuel Hutton for Marsh Mills 1793. Time expired June 1 1805. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. SCANES, Robert. Paper man. Married: Susanna Langworthy 21 Aug 1774 in Newton St. Cyres. poor law examination 1795.Sources: Shorter; DRO 807A/PO210.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. SIMMONS/SYMONS, John. Paper maker. Married: Jane. Children: 20 Jul 1820 Mary, 23 Jun 1822 William, 3 Apr 1824 Sally, 23 Apr 1826 John.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. SQUIRES MILLS. Paper and grist mills. See Rape Mills.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. SQUIRE, James. Paper maker. Rape Mills owner and occupier 1780-1809. Land tax assessments. Married: Mary. Children: 20 Feb 1778 James. Apprentice William Cox 1776. Selling manganese at millhouse EFP 18/10/1804d.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. SQUIRE, Robert. Paper maker. Squires Mills. Died: Robert junior buried 12 Jun 1773. Apprentice William Hopper 1762.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. STEPHENS, John. Paper maker. Married: Margaret. Children: 7 Apr 1822 Thomas Valentine, 8 May 1824 Elizabeth Dines, 18 Mar 1827 Elizabeth Dennis, 11 Jul 1830 John, 27 Jan 1833 Joseph. Listed as paper maker in village in 1841 census (aged about 40, born in county HO 107/216/fo. 12 p. 8) but as fishing tackle maker in Exeter Road in 1851 census.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. TOWNFORD, John. Poor law apprentice to Ann Godfrey for Marsh Mills 1760. Sources: DRO 807A/PO82.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. UPPER MARSH MILLS. Paper and grist mill. The more important of the two Marsh Mills q.v.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. WARREN, Thomas. Paper man. Born: 1736 (aged 29 in 1765). From Bradninch. Married: Joanna Fish (aged 21) 31 Mar 1765 in Newton St. Cyres. From Bradninch. Children: Mary Mar 1768, Sarah Jul 1770, Thomas Jun 1774, Joanna Oct 1776. Died: Oct 1814, Exeter aged 78.Sources: Shorter.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. WILLCOCKS, J.C. Rape Mill, owner 1843 (tithe apprtionment). May not be paper maker.

E_EN_DEV_Newton St Cyres. WILLIS, Richard. Paper maker. Married: Nancy Henderson of Exeter 21 May 1821 in Newton St. Cyres.

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2014.
This page last revised 3 July 2014.