04 July 2014

Devon book trades: Tiverton

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 7
The Devon book trades: a biographical dictionary

1771. Newspapers not delivered for two weeks as newsboy ill. EFP 26/7/1771 3d.

Tiverton. Bale, Henry. 1823. Bookseller, stationer. Bampton Street 1823d.

Tiverton. Baynham. 1795. Bookseller. Advert EFP 1/1/1795 4d.

Tiverton. Boyce and Salter. 1830. Printers, booksellers. Imprints: single prints (Somers Cocks) c1830: 2982.

Tiverton. Boyce, Edward. 1797-1823. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Tiverton 1797d-1809d; Fore Street 1811-1823d. Married: widow died EFP 23/10/1834 2e. Children: Edward, eldest son died aged 23 EPG 23/12/1817, EFP 1/1/1818 4b. Died: EFP 23/10/1823 4b. Mentioned in advert EFP 16/11/1815 4e. Agent for property sale EFP 10/9/1818d. Agent for Trewman's Exeter pocket journal 1799, 1827. Imprints: 1797: Articles; 1800: Dennis, Dunsford; 1811: Dyer. Sources: Dredge p. 31, 37; Clamp.

Tiverton. Boyce, Francis. 1844-1850. Printer, bookseller, stationer, newsroom, music seller. Fore Street 1844d-1850d. Won tender for borough's printing EFP 8/2/1849 8c. Imprints: 1845-7: Harding; single prints (Somers Cocks) c1840: 2967.

Tiverton. Boyce, George. 1830-1835. Bookseller, stationer. Fore Street 1840d. Advert EFP 4/11/1830 4c. Theft from premises EFP 16/12/1830 3a. Bankrupt ERFP 1/1/1835 3d. Imprints: single prints (Somers Cocks) 1830: 2977, 2978.

Tiverton. Boyce, Sarah. 1830. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Fore Street 1830d.

Tiverton. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. 1840. Publisher. Agent Theodore Parkhouse 1848d.

Tiverton. Burt, Thomas E. 1878. Printer. Fore Street 1878. Sources: Directories.

Tiverton. BURTON, Humphry. 1696-1701. Bookseller. Note from Daniel Courtis, teacher, Thelbridge DRO 1630A/P2,2. Imprints: 1696: Newte; 1701: Newte, White. Sources: Dredge p. 12, 57.

Tiverton. Burton, W. 1700. Bookseller. Imprints: 1700: Dodwell. Sources: Dredge p. 84

Tiverton. Chaplin, J. 1819. Publisher. Imprints: 1819: Chaplin

Tiverton. Cockram, George. 1852. Librarian.Hon. Sec. Public Reading Room 1848d, Literary and Scientific Institution 1852d.

Tiverton. Collard, Joseph. 1852. Bookseller. Agent for SPCK. Fore Street 1852d.

Tiverton. Crocker, Nicholas. 1712. Sadler and publisher. Imprints: 1712: Memoirs.

Tiverton. Dunn, Bickham. 1852. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Fore Street 1852d.

Tiverton. Dunn, Mrs. Susan. 1855-1870. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Fore Street 1855h-1870d.

Tiverton. Dyer, John. 17--. Bookseller. Last leaf advert BL 4476. cc. 97. Sources: ESTC.

Tiverton. Dyer, Samuel. 1716-1726. Bookseller. Imprints: 1716: Squire; 1726: Westcott. Sources: Plomer; Dredge p. 65, 100.

Tiverton. Fildew, John. 1863. Bookseller. Lower Market -1863; King Street 1863-. Moved premises EFP 18/11/1863 4b.

Tiverton. Gregory and Son. 1902-1939. Printers. 5 Bampton Street, Tiverton 1902-1919 ; 5 & 7 Bampton Street 1923-1939. Sources: Directories.

Tiverton. Gregory Son and Tozer. 1889. Printers. Bampton Street 1889. Sources: Directories.

Tiverton. Halsgrove. 1992-2008. Publisher. Moved to Wellington 2008. Imprints: COPAC.

Tiverton. Hodge, Matthew. 1759-1764. Bookseller, bookbinder. Near Market Cross 1759. Advert EFP 6/4/1764 3b. Imprints: 1759: Hodge (leaflet giving range of business in Heal Collection BL). Sources: Dredge p. 85; Plomer.

Tiverton. Kirk, Thomas. 1902-1939. Printer. 19 Fore Street, Tiverton 1902-1939. As Kirk Ltd 1939. Sources: Directories.

Tiverton. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION. 1852-1861. Library. Fore Street 1852d. Secretary: George W.Cockram 1852d. Reading rooms furnished with the London and provincial papers, periodicals &c. and a well selected library of 8,000 volumes 1852d. Librarian John Yeo q.v. died EFP 20/3/1861 5c.

Tiverton. Marshall, Matthew. 1850-1878. Printer, bookseller, stationer, bookbinder, newsagent. Fore Street 1850d-1878d.

Tiverton. Masland and Son. 1902-1939. Printers. West Exe North 1902 ; 42 Fore Street, Tiverton 1902-1919 ; 42a Fore Street 1923-1939. Sources: Directories.

Tiverton. Masland, William. 1889-1893. Printer. 31, Fore Street 1889 ; Fore Street 1893 ; High Street, Honiton 1889. Sources: Directories.

Tiverton. MEAD, Henry. 1822-1850. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Bampton Street 1823d-1850d. Lottery agent EFP 17/1/1822 1c. Sources: Worth p. 510-11.

Tiverton. Mead, Thomas. 1878. Printer. Gold Street 1878. Sources: Directories.

Tiverton. MEAD, Thomas Francis. 1848-1893. Printer, bookseller, stationer, bookbinder. Bampton Street 1848d-1862d; no. 5 1848d; opp. the Tuns 1862d; Gold Street 1870d-1878 ; Fore Street 1893. Sources: Directories ; Clamp.

Tiverton. MITCHELL, Henry. 1848-1850. Bookseller, stationer, newsagent, music seller. Bampton Street 1848d-1850d.

Tiverton. PARKHOUSE, Hannah. 1787-1808. Bookseller. Tiverton 1787-1797d. Born: Hannah Richards. Married: Philip Parkhouse bookseller Apr 1742. Children: see Philip Parkhouse. Died: 20/11/1808. Continuing late husband's business EFP 13/9/1787 3d. Advert EFP 6/3/1788 3d. Listed in Brice's OEJ 1789. Sold publications of E.Newbury 1789. Agent for Brice's OEJ 1791. Imprints: 1793: Tiverton; 1796: Gardiner. Sources: Plomer; Dredge p. 85, 109, 110, 118.

Tiverton. PARKHOUSE, John. 1799-1819. Printer, bookseller. Fore Street 1814. Children: Theodore, printer. Died: EFP 22/4/1819 4b. Originally destined for church. For many years engaged in preparing for the press a Talmudic lexicon. Agent for Eagle Insurance EFP 1/10/1812 1a, 29/6/1815 1c. Advert for staff EFP 27/10/1812 3d. Imprints: 1799: Toulmin. Sources: Plomer; Timperley p. 870.

Tiverton. PARKHOUSE, Mary. 1800-1810? Bookseller. Born: Tiverton, daughter of Philip, bookseller. Died: 1825. Succeeded father in business from which she retired some years before her death. Sources: Dredge p.118; Harding Tiverton iv, p.118-9.

Tiverton. PARKHOUSE, Philip. 1763-1787. Bookseller, stationer. Tiverton 1783d-1785p; near the White Stone c1780. Married: Hannah Richards Apr. 1742. Children: Hannah, b. 14/3/1743, married Capt. Cowley and became noted dramatist, died 11/3/1809, Tiverton; Mary, continued family business; William died 169; Philip died 1781. Died: 1787, wife Hannah continuing business EFP 13/9/1787 3cd, UDR 17/9/1787. Tablet in Tiverton churchyard. Adverts EFP3/8/1763 3a, 11/1/1765 4c,16/1/1767 4a. Takes adverts for EFP 3/1/1776 3. Selling English coffee EFP 6/2/1778 3a. Advert for books EFP 26/6/1778 2a. Printed label: "near the White Stone in Tiverton ... sells paperhangings for rooms, prints and pictures of all sorts and other stationery ware" c1780. A man of high attainments and considered an excellent scholar. Educated at Blundell's with a view to a clerical profession, but in consequence of some loss in his family connections his prospects were abandoned. Imprints: 1750?: Roberts; 1752: Edwards; 1753: Fort; 1770: Toulmin. Sources: Plomer; Dredge p. 24, 25, 118; Musgrave; Snell Twyford p. 216; Harding Tiverton iv, p. 21, 118, 119; Clamp; Attwood p. 138; Worth p. 511.

Tiverton. PARKHOUSE, T. 1780. Bookseller. Imprints: 1780: Tasker. Sources: Dredge p. 107.

Tiverton. PARKHOUSE, Theodore. 1823-1850. Printer, bookseller, stationer, circulating library. Bampton Street 1823d; Gold Street 1830d; Fore Street 1840d-1850d. Born: Tiverton, son of John, printer. Married: EFP 20/6/1822 4b. Children: eldest son died EFP 23/1/1834 2d. Insurance agent EFP 3/5/1832 1e. Agent to Sun Fire and Promoter Life offices 1840d. Agent for Bible Society 1848d. Printed label recorded. Sources: Attwood p. 138; Worth p. 511.

Tiverton. PARKHOUSE, Thomas. 1852-1878. Printer, bookseller stationer, bookbinder, circulating library, newsagent. Fore Street 1852-1878. Married: EFP 13/3/1851 8f. Stamp distributor 1870d-1878d. Agent for Sun Insurance 1878d. Sources: Directories ; Clamp.

Tiverton. PUBLIC READING ROOMS. 1848. Library. Gold Street. Hon. Sec. G.W.Cockrem 1848d.

Tiverton. REED, Lancelot Elford. 1819-1835. Lithographic draughtsman. Hammet's Square 1823d-1830d. Listed in dorectories as music and drawing master. Fl. 1819-35. Produced lithographs of Tiverton, Exeter, Teignmouth, Torquay. Contributions on insects to Loudon's Magazine of natural history. Sources: Somers Cocks p.7.

Tiverton. RENDELL, Thomas Leigh Teale. 1848. Librarian. Bampton Street 1848d. Hon. Sec. Subscription Library 1848d.

Tiverton. RICHARDS, W. 1845. Lithographer. Produced lithographs in Harding's History of Tiverton 1845.

Tiverton. RIPPON, George. 1863. Printer. Succeeded Robert Were as proprietor of Tiverton gazette. Sources: Clamp.

Tiverton. SALTER, Daniel. 1785-1788. Bookseller. Married: daughter of John Davey Dec 1785. Church organist, set up bookshop 1785. Radical. Sells medicine EFP 4/12/1788 2d. Sources: Wood, Beavis Georgian Tiverton (1986) p. 88, 133.

Tiverton. SALTER, James. 1830-1840. Printer, stationer, bookseller. Fore Street 1830d-1840d. Theft from premises EFP 16/12/1830 3a. Bankrupt EFP 21/7/1831 4e. Auctioneer and appraiser 1840d.

Tiverton. SALTER, William. 1794-1828. Printer, bookseller, stationer, circulating lbrary. Tiverton 1797d-1809d; Gold Street c1800-1802; Fore Street 1823d. Trading: as William Salter & Son 1823d. Married: wife died 3/1/1822 4b. Died: EFP 18/9/1828 2a. Agent for Trewman's Exeter pocket journal 1799, 1827. Agent for timber sale EFP7/3/1799 2c, 29/1/1807 3b. Tenant of house for sale in Gold Street EFP 11/11/1802 3d. Lottery agent EFP 8/2/1816 3de, 23/4/1818 3d. Sold elixir 1820. Caught a stormy petrel EFP 2/12/1824 4b. Agent for letting house EFP 7/2/1828 2c. Estate being settled EFP 6/11/1828 2c. Imprints: 1794: Rendle; c1800: Old. Sources: Clamp.

Tiverton. SHARLAND, John and Co. 1848-1856. Printers, booksellers, stationers, bookbinders, library. Gold Street 1848d-1856d.

Tiverton. SHARLAND, William. 1840-1850. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Gold Street 1840d, 1848d-1850d; Bampton Street 1844d. Agent for SPCK 1848d.

Tiverton. SHUTT/SHUTE/STRUTT, William 1725-1732. Bookseller. Married Elizabeth Bailson 30/6/1731. Imprints: 1725: Newte; 1729: Necessary; 1732: West-Country. Sources: Plomer; Dredge p. 68, 85, 86.

Tiverton. SMITH, Thomas. 1809. Printer, stationer. 1809d. Imprints: 1809: Baptist magazine.

Tiverton. SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. 1848-1852. Publishers. William Sharland agent 1848d; Joseph Collard agent 1852d.

Tiverton. SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY BILLIARD AND READING ROOM. 1848. Library. Fore Street 1848d. Hon. Sec. Thomas Leigh Teale Rendell 1848d.

Tiverton. TERRITT, John. 1830. Bookseller, stationer, printseller. Fore Street 1830d.

Tiverton. TIVERTON GAZETTE. 1858-1863. Newspaper. Established 27/4/1858 by Robert Were q.v. Report EFP 23/11/1863 7e.

Tiverton. WEEKS, John. 1688. Bookseller. Imprints: 1688: Mall.

Tiverton. WERE, Robert. 1858-1863. Printer. Paul Street 1858. Born: 1836. Died: EFP 19/8/1863 5c. Proprietor of Tiverton gazette which he established at age of 22 27/4/1858 until death in 1863. Poster in Tiverton Museum 1859. Succeeded by George Rippon. Sources: Clamp.

Tiverton. YEO, John. 1861. Librarian. Died: aged 65 EFP 20/3/1861 5c. Librarian of Literary and Scientific Institution.

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2014.
This page last revised 31 August 2015.