04 July 2014

Devon book trades: Tavistock

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 7
The Devon book trades: a biographical dictionary

TAVISTOCK. 1857.Unsigned items printed for the Tavistock election of 1857 in a volume of broadsheets collected by Sabine Baring-Gould and now in the Devon Record Office: Copy of requisition to Mr. Trelawny, dated: March 16th, 1857. Undated, but probably for the same election are: A song for the million. Tune - Buff breeches, first line: Johnny Scroggins came to Tavistock. Electors of Tavistock, dated: Kilworthy Lane, Tavistock, March 12th.- Year of confusion. Here you have printed & published a copy of verses giving a full, true and particular account of the bold young Samivell. Election ballads, - no. 1. The Old Woter; or the windbag blown: a tale of consistency, sung by a young woter. Election ballads, - no. 1. Traitors, trimmers, turncoats, and Trelawny; or, Tavistock suited to a T. the electors of Tavistock, signed: An elector. Song: Carter is a gentleman. Tune, - The old English gentleman. To the electors of Tavistock, signed: A Briton.

Tavistock. Adams, Alexander. 18--. Printer, bookseller, stationer, librarian. Higher Market Street 1850d-1852d; Market Street 1855h.

Tavistock. Barnett. 1797. Bookseller. Imprint: 1797: Collection.

Tavistock. Best, Samuel. 1819-1829. Librarian. Librarian of Tavistock Public Library 1819-29. Died: 1829. Kingdon.

Tavistock. Bond, James Robert. 1840. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Fore Street 1840d.

Tavistock. Brendon, William. 1844. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Higher Market Street 1844d.

Tavistock. Chave, James [1]. 1797-1822. Printer, bookbinder. Died: EFP 19/9/1822 4b. Established first modern press in Tavistock 1797. Registered press 7/8/1799 (Devon Q/S 52). Apprentices: Thomas Simmons, printer in Okehampton. Advert for housekeeper EFP 1/9/1808 4d. Printed notice on removal of moorstone or granite without leave 24/6/1817, DRO 1508/M/London/ Estate papers/Whitchurch. Sources: Worth p.512.

Tavistock. Chave, James [2]. 1830. Printer. Back Street 1830d. Trading as: Mary and James Chave 1830d.

Tavistock. Chave, Mary. 1823-1830. Printer. Higher Market Street 1823d; Back Street 1830d. Trading as: Mary and James Chave 1830d.

Tavistock. Chave, Samuel. 1844-1856. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Higher Back Street 1844d-1856d. Trading as: Thomas and Samuel Chave 1844d-1856d.

Tavistock. Chave, Thomas. 1840-1857. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Higher Back Street 1840d-1856d. Trading as: Thomas and Samuel Chave 1844d-1856d. To the electors of Tavistock, Tavistock: T.S.Chave, printer, 1857, 1 sheet, dated: Western Circuit, Exeter, March 20th, 1857, DRO Baring-Gould Broadsides/033.

Tavistock. Chave, Thomas L. 1893-1902. Printer. 2, Higher Back Street 1893 ; Taylor Square 1902. Sources: Directories.

Tavistock. Chave, Thomas S. 1878-1889. Printer. 2, Higher Back Street 1878-1889. Sources: Directories.

Tavistock. Chubb, Richard. 1830. Printer, bookbinder. West Street 1830d.

Tavistock. Commins. 1809. Bookseller, stationer, circulating library. Married: EFP 7/9/1809 4b. Printed label recorded. Sources: Attwood p.138.

Tavistock. Commins, John. 1811-1823. Bookseller, stationer. 1811d. West Street 1823d. Also music seller 1811d.

Tavistock. Commins, John Locke. 1844-1855. Printer, bookseller, stationer. West Street 1844d-1855h.

Tavistock. Cornish, John. 1818. Printer. Regitered press 11/11/1818, DRO Q/S 52,69.

Tavistock. Denham, Elizabeth. 1811. Bookseller, stationer. 1811d.

Tavistock. Dyer, John. 1830. Printer. Lower Market Street 1830. Registered press 25/6/1830 DRO Q/S 68.

Tavistock. Feaston and Bounsall. 1852-1856. Booksellers. West Street 1852d-1856d.

Tavistock. Feaston, Ann. 1850. Printer, bookseller, stationer. West Street 1850d.

Tavistock. Feaston, Thomas Payne. 1819-1844. Printer, bookseller, stationer, auctioneer. Higher Market Street 1823d, 1837-1844d; Fore Street 1830d. Married: wife died EFP 23/8/1838 2f. Died EFP: 29/4/1847. Registered press 9/7/1819 DRO Q/S 52, 69. Secretary of Tavistock Public Library 1824. Agent for County Fire and Life Insurance office and to Commissioners for Emigration 1840d. Mineralogist 1844d. Imprints: 1837: Printed notice: diversion of highways. Sources: Kingdon.

Tavistock. Hawke, Charles. 1783. Card maker. 1783d. Married: Grace Doidge of Coryton, spinster licence 9/11/1751. Probably wool card maker.

Tavistock. Helms, Maria. 1823-1830. Bookseller, stationer. Fore Street 1823d-1830d.

Tavistock. Jolliffe and Son. 1910-1939. Printers. 3, Bodmin Street, Holsworthy 1910 ; Western Works, Tavistock 1910-1926 ; 2, Taylor Square, Tavistock 1939. Sources: Directories.

Tavistock. Key, W.B. 1856. Stationer. Lower Market 1856d.

Tavistock. Knight, Thomas. 1829-1832. Librarian. Died: aged 65 EFP 29/11/1832 2e. Librarian of Tavistock Public Library 1829-32. Sources: Kingdon.

Tavistock. Langman, E., Miss. 1878. Printseller. 12, Duke Street 1878. Sources: Directories.

Tavistock. Lowe, H.D. 1856. Stationer. Brook Street 1856d.

Tavistock. Madley, Alfred. 1878. Printer. 10, West Street 1878. Sources: Directories.

Tavistock. Mechanics' Institute. 1840. Library. Barley Market Street 1840d.

Tavistock. Merrifield, William. 1841-1871. Librarian. Librarian of Tavistock Public Library 1841-71. Sources: Kingdon.

Tavistock. Physick, William. 1832-1841. Librarian. Librarian of Tavistock Public library 1832-41. Married: wife died EFP 12/2/1835 2e. Died: Jan 1841. Sources: Kingdon.

Tavistock. Pillar, Henry. 1893-1923. Printer. 12 Duke Street, Tavistock 1893-1923. Sources: Directories.

Tavistock. Richard, Thomas. 1525-1534. Printer. Benedictine Abbey 1525-34. The first printing press in Devon. May have printed Saxon grammar. On dissolution in 1539 press may have passed into the hands of John Williams of Exeter q.v. Imprints: 1525: Boetius; 1534: Devon. Stannaries. Sources: Dredge p.56; Herbert's Ames iii,1439; Bib Cornub. i,305; Oliver: Monasticon p.89; Worth p.449-50; Hazlitt: Handbook p.44; Radford, Lady. "Early printing in Devon", Trans. Devonshire Assoc., 60 (1928), pp.51-74.

Tavistock. Simmons, Thomas. 1823. Printer, bookseller. Brook Street 1823d.

Tavistock. Smith, Elizabeth. 1753. Bookseller. Imprints: 1753: Salmon. Sources: Plomer; Dredge p.48.

Tavistock. Smith, Thomas. 1753. Bookseller. Imprints: 1753: Salmon. Sources: Plomer; Dredge p.48.

Tavistock. Spencer, George. 1856-1864. Bookseller, stationer. Higher Market Street 1856d. Married: wife died EFP 5/10/1864 5d. To the electors of Tavistock, Tavistock : G.Spencer, printer, bookseller, 1857, 1 sheet, dated: March 5th, 1857. DRO Sabine Baring-Gould Broadsides/034.

Tavistock. Talman. 1694/1695. Bookseller. Recorded 1694/5. Harley ms. 5946(35). ESTC.

Tavistock. Tapson, William. 1806-1819. Bookseller. Librarian of Tavistock Public library 1806-19. Sources: Kingdon.

Tavistock. Tavistock Printers. 1935-1939. Printer. 7, King Street 1935-1939. Sources: Directories.

Tavistock. Tavistock Printing Co. Ltd. 1878-1939. Printers. Bedford Square 1878 ; 4, Bedford Square 1889-1902 ; Pym street, Tavistock 1910-1939. T. Vanstone, manager 1878 ; R. Burn manager 1919. F. P. Bartlett, manager 1923-1939. Sources: Directories.

Tavistock. Tavistock Public Library. 1799-date. Subscription library. Abbey Place 1840d; Bedford Square 1844d-1852d. Established 1799. Rules etc. 1839 (DRO Q/S 56/9). Also news rooms 1840d. Over 4,000 volumes 1850d. Librarians: William Tapson 1806-19; Samuel Best 1819-29. Thomas Knight 1829-32, William Physick 1832-41, William Merrifield 1841-71. Sources: Kingdon.

Tavistock. Whitfield/Whitful. 1782-1797. Bookseller, stationer. 1797d. Advert EFP 30/8/1782 3a.

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2014.
This page last revised 31 August 2015.