04 July 2014

Devon book trades: Plymouth E-K

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 7
The Devon book trades: a biographical dictionary. Plymouth. Surnames: E-K
Plymouth. Edwards, T. 1856. Printer. Queen Street, Plymouth 1856d.

Plymouth. EVANS, PRIDHAM & CO. 1830. Newspaper proprietors. 35, Kinterbury Street, Plymouth 1830d. Proprietors of Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse Herald 1830d.

Plymouth. Faning, J. 1835? Print publisher. Plymouth. Imprints: single prints (Somers Cocks) c1835: 2159.

Plymouth. FEATHERSTONE & ARLISS. 1830. Newspaper proprietors. 33, Bedford Street, Plymouth 1830d. Proprietors of Western Times 1830d.

Plymouth. Firks, George J. 1878. Printer. 1, East Street 1878. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Flintoff, George. 1844-1845. Printer, bookseller. 3, Old Town Street 1844d. Bankrupt EFP 16/1/1845 3g.

Plymouth. Freno, Zachariah. 1763-1764. Bookseller. Advert EFP 6/4/1764 3b. Imprints: 1763: Alcock. Sources: Plomer; Dredge p.82.

Plymouth. Fry. 1836. Bookseller. House damaged by fire EFP 21/7/1836 2f.

Plymouth. Fry, E. and H.L. 1850? Print publishers. Published set of 12 views of Plymouth after Philip Mitchell c1850. Sources: Somers Cocks p.8.

Plymouth. Fry, Edmund. 1830-1840. Bookseller, stationer, artists' colourman. Treville Street 1836d; 43, Union Road 1840d. Agent for National Provident Institution 1840d. Imprints: single prints (Somers Cocks) c1830: 1919, 2261, 2262, 2316; c1840: 1958.

Plymouth. Fullarton and Co. 1855-1856. Booksellers, publishers and agents. 7, Cobourg Street, Plymouth 1855h; 14, Oxford Street 1856d.

Plymouth. Gant, Richard Brooking. 1859-1910. Bookseller. 5, King Street 1859. Son of Richard Gant, baker. Died: 1910. Sources: R.Goulden.

Plymouth. Gibson, John. 1809-1836. Bookseller, bookbinder, publisher. Frankfort Street 1809d-1812d; no. 7 1809d; Ladywell Place 1836d. Advert EFP 8/10/1829 1c. Periodical bookseller 1836d.

Plymouth. Gilbert, Ebenezer. 1812. Printer, stationer. 12, King Street, Plymouth 1812d.

Plymouth. Gill, William E. 1836. Newspaper editor. Morley Street 1836d. Editor of Plymouth, Stonehouse and Devonport Journal 1836d.

Plymouth. Gillard, Henry Thomas. 1852. Newsagent. 27, Frankfort Street 1852d.

Plymouth. Gillard, Thomas. 1856. Bookseller, stationer, newsagent. 14, King Street 1856d.

Plymouth. GLANVILLE, Elizabeth. 1823-1830. Bookseller, librarian, stationer. 76, Whimple Street 1823d; 29, Frankfort Street, Plymouth 1830d.

Plymouth. GLANVILLE, George. 1823. Printer. 76, Whimple Street 1823d.

Plymouth. GLANVILLS, William Dunn. 1822. Stationer. Debtor seeking release from prison EFP 28/11/1822 1b.

Plymouth. GOOD, John. 1852-1856. Bookseller, librarian. 24, Morley Street 1852d-1856d. Also rope manufactory 1852d.

Plymouth. GRAY/GREY. 1780-1800. Bookseller. Advert for medicine EFP 11/8/1780 2d. Imprints: 1800: Culy. Sources: Dredge p.91.

Plymouth. GRAY, William I. 1799-1820. Printer, bookseller. Plymouth 1805d; Stonehouse 1809d. Registered press with William Gray jun. 29/9/1812 COPAC has records for W. Gray 1799-1815 (Plymouth) and 1812-c.1820 (Stonehouse). English Folk Dance and Song Society records 72 songs taken from a songster. Sources: Devon Q/S 52; Worth p.509.

Plymouth. GRAY, William II. 1812-1836. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Fore Street, Stonehouse 1812d; High Street, Stonehouse 1823d; 70, High Street 1830d. Married EFP 6/10/1814 4b. Died: EFP 11/2/1836 2e. Registered press with William Gray sen. 29/9/1812 Devon Q/S 52. Appointed agent of EFP 12/5/1825 4d.

Plymouth. GREBBELL. 1804-1805. Printer. Married: wife killed in fire EFP 27/12/1804 4d, MM Jan. 1805 p.85.

Plymouth. GREY. 1780-1820. Printer, bookseller. See Gray.

Plymouth. Griffiths and Son. 1910-1914. Printer. 83 Cambridge Street, Plymouth 1910-1914. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Griffiths, Joseph. 1893-1902. Printer. 83, Cambridge Street 1893-1902. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. HADDY, William. 1836. Jeweller and engraver. Exeter Street 1836d.

Plymouth. HAINSSELIN, Henry. 1840-1851. Artist, print publisher. Devonport c.1840-1848; 1, St Aubyn Street 1850-51; Exeter 1843; London: 20, George Street, Euston Square 1848-49; 195, Strand 1850-51; 19, Newman Street 1852. Born in Devonport. Studied in Amsterdam. Exhibited Royal Academy. Moved to Australia 1852, where he is recorded as a photographer in Rutherglen in 1866. Sources: Pycroft; Graves.
Somers Cocks 1959. Plymouth. This view of the fire in Her Majesty's Dock Yard, Devonport, on the morning of the 27th Sepr., 1840 ... / by H.Hainsselin. [1840]
Somers Cocks 1960. Plymouth. Devonport Harbour, and rowing regatta / by and after H.Hasselin. [1840?]
Waiting for the boat. 1851.

Plymouth. HALL, Charles. 1840. Librarian. Plymouth Mechanics' Institute, Princess Square 1840d.

Plymouth. HARDING, Henry. 1851-1861. Engraver. 48 Old Town Street, Plymouth 1851 ; 68, Saint Andrews Place 1861. Born: 1836, Plymouth, son of Solomon, engraver and Rachel. Listed in father's household aged 25, engraver in 1861 census, already working for father in 1851. Set up as engraver in Liverpool by 1871. Sources: Census ; information from descendant.

Plymouth. HARDING, Samuel. 1835-1840. Engraver and printer. Old Town Street 1835-1840d. Error for Solomon Harding?

Plymouth. HARDING, Solomon. 1835-1861. Engraver and printer. Old Town Street, Plymouth 1835-1841 ; 31, Old Town Street 1840d-1852d ; 48, Old Town Street 1851 ; 1, St Andrews Place 1851-1856d ; 68, Saint Andrews Place 1861. Born: c.1814/15, Devonport. Married: EFP 7/5/1835 3b EFP 7/5/1835 3b: April 29 according to the Jewish ceremony, Mr Saul [sic] Harding engraver, of Old Town Street, Plymouth to Rachel, fourth daughter of Mr. Lyon Levy, Frankfort Street (born c. 1818/20). 11 children by 1861, the oldest Henry, aged 25 in 1861 then an engraver. Died: Poplar, London 1874. Trading as Harding and Co. 1836d. Engraved banknotes for Devonport banks. Moved to London by 1871 census when he is recorded as 'Engraver & Printer' with wife & children at 20 British Street, Bromley St. Leonard parish, Tower Hamlet. 1874 Death registered in Poplar, London.Sources: Census ; directories ; information from George De Haas, descendant.

Plymouth. Harris, J. and Son. 1893. Printer. 41, Treville Street 1893. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Harris, James H. and Son. 1889. Printer. 41, Treville Street 1889. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Harris, James H. 1878. Printer. 41, Treville Street 1878. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. HARRIS, J.H. 1856. Printer, bookseller, stationer. 10, Bilbury Street 1856d.

Plymouth. HAVILAND & CREAGH. 1818. Booksellers. Sell the EFP 1/1/1818 1a. Sources: Worth p.509

Plymouth. HAVILAND, William. 1820-1830. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Corner of Old Town 1822; 2, Frankfort Place 1823d; 50, Bedford Street, Plymouth 1830d. Nephew and successor of Haydon & Cobley. Registered two presses 31/12/1819 DRO Q/S 52, 69. Printed label c1820. Also billiard room 1830d. Imprints: 1822: Lakeman. Sources: Attwood.

Plymouth. HAY, William. 1782-1786. Print publisher. Imprints: 1782: Hay; single prints (Somers Cocks) 1786: 2030.

Plymouth. HAYDON & Co. 1805-1812. Printers. Market Place 1805d-1812d.

Plymouth. HAYDON & COBLEY. 1813-1818. Printers, booksellers. Plymouth c1813-18. Succeeded by William Haviland or possibly H.C.Creagh q.v. Sources: Attwood; Worth p.508.

Plymouth. HAYDON & TREWMAN. 1780?. Printers. Bill recorded. See also Trewman & Haydon. Sources: Worth p.505,508.

Plymouth. HAYDON, Benjamin Robert. 1775-1813. Printer, bookseller. Market Place 1792-1812d; 75, Market Place [1800?]. Trading as M. & B.Haydon 1780-90; as Haydon & Co. 1805d-1812d; as Haydon & Cobley c1813. Born: Plymouth, Son of Robert of Plymouth, bookseller and Mary. Married: wife died EFP 26/11/1807 4b. Died: aged 55 EFP 1/7/1813 4b, MM Sept. 1813 p.186. Drug agent EFP 13/1/1775 4b. Agent for theatre tickets EFP 6/11/1778 2d. Adverts EFP 1/3/1782 3b, 26/1/1792 3c. Letter to Mr. Spilsbury chymist re Spilsbury's drops LT 14/8/1789. Claimed freedom as eldest son of father now dead 24/9/1791. Moved to Market Place EFP 20/9/1792 3d. Described self as printer and bookseller to Duke of Clarence 1789 etc, as Clarence Press 1793-1800. Notice to debtors EFP 15/5/1794 2d. Estate being held on trust EFP 19/2/1795 2c. Dividend to be paid to creditors by trustees LG 14/2/1795. Notice of bankruptcy, to surrender at Pope's Head Inn EFP 29/6/1797 2a, LG 24/6/1797, dividend MM Aug. 1798 p.158, final dividend MM May 1807 p.383. Registered press 10/9/1799 DRO Q/S 52. Subscribed to fifty copies of Bidlake's Summer's eve 1800. Partner with Cobley shortly before death. Imprints: 1786: Spry; 1790: Bidlake; Collection; 1792: Devonshire, May; 1793: Eastcott (2), Porter (2), Treffry; 1794: Address, Bidlake, Kentish; 1795: Exeter, Webb; 1796: Hawker; 1797: Johns; 1798: Monthly; 1799: Letter; [1800?]: Plymouth. Sources: Dredge p.36,55,77,83,117; Timperley p.850; Plymouth freedom certificates; Attwood.

Plymouth. HAYDON, J. 1856. Printer, bookseller, stationer. 47, Treville Street 1856d; 104, Fore Street, Devonport 1856d.

Plymouth. HAYDON, Mary. 1779-1791. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Trading as M. & B.Haydon 1779-90; as M.Haydon & Son 1789-91. Married: Robert Haydon of Plymouth, bookseller. Died: aged 70 EFP 29/12/1791 3b. Selling English coffee EFP 6/2/1778 3a. Advert for books EFP 26/6/1778 2a. Advert for medicine EFP 28/6/1778 2a. Sun insurance policies 413709 1779, 461287 1782, Guildhall Lib. mss 11,936/274, 302. Advert for cleaning powder EFP 12/5/1780 2d. Adverts EFP 29/6/1781 4c, 2/12/1784 3b, 30/11/1786 3c, 13/12/1787 3c. Granted royal licence as bookseller EFP 1/5/1788 3b. Described self as bookseller, printer and stationer to Prince William Henry, Duke of Clarence 1789-91. Printing parliamentary debates EFP 11/3/1790 3d. Imprints: 1778: Mudge; 1779: Mudge; 1782: Mudge; 1785: Carwithen, Hawker, Vivian, Whirligig; 1786: Bidlake; 1787: Instructions; 1788: Eastcott, Marshall; 1789: Bidlake, Nation, Penrose, Tremenheere; 1790: Bidlake, Exeter; 1791: Alcock, Church of England, Lyne, Toulmin. Sources: Dredge p.36,55,83,87,116,117; Worth p.508.

Plymouth. HAYDON, Robert. 1764-1773. Bookseller. Facing the Pope's Head, Pike Street, Plymouth c1770. Married: Mary, died aged 70 EFP 29/12/1791 3b. Died: 1773. Freeman of Plymouth 3/9/1768. Adverts EFP 13/1/1764 3a, 11/1/1765 4c, 8/1/1768 2ab, 27/1/1769 2cd,4cd, 5/1/1770 2c, 8/1/1773 4d. Printed label recorded c1770. Imprints: 1769: Huxham, Turner; 1770: Vivian. Sources: Plomer; Dredge p.29; Musgrave; Plymouth freedom certificates; Attwood; Worth p.508.

Plymouth. HAYES, Robert. 1840-1856. Bookbinder. 8, Howe Street 1840d; Russell Street 1844d; 13, York Street, Plymouth 1850d-1855h; 1, Oxford Place, Plymouth 1856d.

Plymouth. HEARDER, George Parry. 18--. Printer, wood engraver, newsagent. Buckwell Street 1836d; 5, George Street 1840d; 4, Union Street 1844d. Died: EFP 21/11/1844 2f.

Plymouth. HEARLE, George. 18--. Printer. Married: EFP 12/8/1819 4b. Lottery agent EFP 17/1/1822 1c.

Plymouth. HERALD NEWSPAPER OFFICE. 18--. Newspaper. Whimple Street 1830d. See Plymouth Herald.

Plymouth. HEYDON, Henry. 18--. Printer. Old Town Street 1836d, residence Ebrington Street 1836d; Saltash Street, Plymouth 1840d. Married: wife died EFP 6/1/1859 4f.

Plymouth. HEYDON, Henry Haycock. 18--. Printer, bookseller, librarian, agent (1855h). 1, Tavistock Street, Plymouth 1840d; no number 1844d-1855h. Also registrar of births and deaths 1844d-1852d.

Plymouth. HILL. 1795. Stationer. Wife died EFP 31/12/1795 3c.

Plymouth. HILL, Francis. 17--. Bookseller (?). ESTC file.

Plymouth. HILL, W. 1795. Bookbinder, stationer. 1795d.

Plymouth. HINTON, John F. 1830. Bookseller. 29, Russell Street 1830d.

Plymouth. Holland, John. 1878-1889. Printer. 83, Cambridge Street 1878-1889. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. HOOPER, William. 1852-1856. Bookseller. 18, Regent Street 1852d; Market 1856d; 15, Regent Street 1856d.

Plymouth. HOOPER, William. 1856. Printer. 41, Frankfort Street, Plymouth 1856d. Proprietor of Weekly Gazette 1856d.

Plymouth. HOPKINS, Evan. 1852. Newspaper proprietor. 19, Tin Street 1852d. Conveyancer, notary, clerk to Plymouth Union Bath Co., proprietor of Plymouth Times 1852d.

Plymouth. Hoppins, Thomas W. 1878-1893. Printer. 42, Southside Street 1878-1893. As Thomas Hoppins 1878. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Howitt, H and Co. 1902. Printer. Connaught Lane 1902. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Howitt, Herbert. 1910-1939. Printer. 3 1/2 Lisson Grove, Plymouth 1910-1923 ; 3 Lisson Grove, Mutley 1926-1935 ; 1 Lisson Grove 1939. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Hoyten and Cole. 1889-1939. Printer. 17 Russell Street, Plymouth 1889-1926 ; 39, Whimple Street 1935-1939. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. HUNT, John. 1840. Bookbinder. 40, Frankfort Street, Plymouth 1840d.

Plymouth. HYNE, Richard. 1840. Music seller, tallow chandler &c. 96, Duke Street & 1, James Street 1840d.

Plymouth. HYNE, Simon. 1855. Bookbinder. 22, Russell Street, Plymouth 1855h.

Plymouth. Jackson, George F. and Co. 1902. Printer. 13, Frankfort Street 1902. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. JACKSON, Joseph. 1806-1812. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Plymouth 1806; Lower Broad Street 1812d. Registered press 2/11/1806 DRO Q/S 52.

Plymouth. Jacobs, W. J. and Sons. 1910-1939. Printer. 20 Tracey Street, Plymouth 1910-1939. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Jacobs, William John. 1878-1902. Printer. 59, Well Street 1878 ; 52, Tracey Street 1889-1893 ; 20, Tracey Street 1902 ; 7, Endsleigh Place 1902. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. JARVIS, William. 1836. Bill poster. Westwell Cottage, Westwell Street 1836d.

Plymouth. Jenkin, Thomas. 1878. Printer. 9, Cornwall Street 1878. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. JENKINS, Robert Huxham. 1807-1815. Printer and newspaper publisher. Old Town Street, Plymouth 1812d. Married: EFP 30/4/1807 4b. Died: Exeter EFP 9/3/1815 4b, MM Apr.1815 p.286. Registered press 3/6/1812 DRO Q/S 52. Printer and publisher of Plymouth Chronicle Sources: Worth p.509.

Plymouth. JEWITT & MICKLEWOOD. 1850-1855. Print publishers. George Street, Plymouth 1855h. Imprints: Single prints (Somers Cocks): c1850: 2025.

Plymouth. JEWITT, Llewellyn. 1852. Librarian. Librarian to Plymouth Public Library and curator to Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, Cornwall Street 1852d. Agent for Edinburgh Life Assurance Association 1852d.

Plymouth. JOHNS, A. 1804. Bookseller. Advert for sale of camera EFP 27/9/1804 4d.

Plymouth. JOLL, Edward D. 1836-1856. Printer, bookseller, stationer, bookbinder. 1, Cornwall Street 1836d; 1, Raleigh Street 1856d. Dealer in fancy snuffs and cigars, trade card 1836d.

Plymouth. JONES, Henry. 1855. Agent. 7, Cobourg Street, Plymouth 1855h.

Plymouth. Jones, Isaac. 1893. Printer. 42, Vauxhall Street 1893. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. JORDAINE, John. 1733-1773. Printer. Married: Anne White of Plympton St. Mary, spinster, licence 13/1/1738, secondly Thomasine Thomas of Maker, widow, licence 30/5/1744. Paid for printing water leases £15/9/6 1733/4. Paid for printing 24 quires of water leases £2 10s 1752. Paid for printing the water leases 40s 1773/4. Worth Calendar of Plymouth Municipal records pp. 173,176; Worth p. 508.

Plymouth. JORDAINE, Daniel. 1696. Printer. Plymouth 1696. No trace in Huguenot registers. Paid by corporation for printing work 1696. Sources: Worth History of Plymouth (1873), p.326; Allnutt; Worth p.507.

Plymouth. Keen, Abel. 1830-1834. Librarian. Plymouth Public Library, Cornwall Street 1830d. Married: Elizabeth Bettell EFP 3/7/1834 2d.

Plymouth. Keen, Mary Ann. Tea dealer, library. George Street 1836d.

Plymouth. Kent, E. 1721-1724. Printer. Southside Street, Plymouth, near the New Key 1721-24. Printed Plymouth Weekly-Journal. Sources: Wiles; Worth p.508.

Plymouth. Kent, William. 1716-1718. Printer. Plymouth 1716-18; Southside Street 1718. Chancery lawsuit PRO: Stationers' Co. v. Quintum 1716. Printed Plymouth Weekly-Journal 1718. Imprints: 1718: Gwin, Plymouth. Sources: Goulden.

Plymouth. Kevern S. C. and Son. 1935. Printers. 10, College View, Mutley 1935. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Keys, J. W. N and Son. 1878. Printer. 52, Bedford Street 1878. Sources: Directories.

Plymouth. Keys, James Higman. 1893-1935. Printer. 7 Whimple Street, Plymouth 1893-1935. As J. H. Keys Ltd 1935. Sources: Directories.

This page last updated: 31 August 2015.
Copyright © Ian Maxted 2001