19 April 2014

America 1781

This page supplements a series which seeks to trace the spread of printing and the book trade in Europe in the late 18th century to provide comparative data for the study of the British book trades. The date of 1781 has been chosen as it is the year in which the third and fullest edition of Antoine Perrin's Almanach de la librairie appeared. A start has been made on extending the information in Perrin for some countries by reference to imprints held in major libraries. As Perrin did not cover the New World, entries are being taken from library catalogues and biliographies. The format of entries is based on a structure under development to provide a simple platform-free database for book trade personnel.

N-AT_Antigua. Post Office Press. 1781. Printer. Imprints: Baijer, Rowland Otto. A succinct narrative of the case. - Antigua : printed at the Post-Office Press , 1781. Sources: ESTC.

N-AT_Saint Johns. Mearns, Robert. 1774-1785. Printer. Antigua Gazette (1776). Sources: ESTC.

N_BB_Barbados. Orderson, John and Company. 1780-1783. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_CA_Halifax. Henry, Anthony. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_CA_Halifax. Howe, John. 1781. Printer. Barrington Street 1781. Sources: ESTC.

N_CA_Montréal. Mesplet, Fleury. 1781. Printer and bookseller. imprimeur libraire où se trouve l’almanach de poche. Sources: ESTC.

N_CA_Quebec. Brown, William. 1781. Printer. au milieu de la Grande Côte. Sources: ESTC.

N_GN_Saint George. Middleton, Alexander. 1778-1787. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_HA_Port-au-Prince. Imprimerie royale. 1774-1787. Printer. Affiches americains 1775. Sources: ESTC.

N_JA_Kingston. Douglass, D. and Aikman. 1781. Printers and booksellers. at the Royal Gazette Press , 1781. printers to the King. Sources: ESTC.

N_JA_Saint Jago de la Vega. Aikman, Alexander. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_ME_Mexico. Calderón, Miguel Ribera, Herederos de la Viuda. 1781. Avila, Francesco de. Arte de la lengua mexicana y breves pla´ticas de los mysterios de N. Santa Fee Catho´lica, y otras para exortacio´n de su obligación a los indios. - Mexico : Por los Herederos de la Viuda de Miguel Ribera Calderón, 1717. Source: WorldCat.

N_ME_Mexico. Hogal, Joseph Antonio de. 1781. Cosio, Pedro Antonio de. Condiciones de la contrata celebrada con los cosecheros de tabaco de la villa de Cordova. - Mexico, En la imprenta del br. d. Joseph Antonio de Hogal, 1781 Source: WorldCat.

N_ME_Mexico. Jauregui, Joseph de, Herederos de. 1781. Ramirez, Ignacio Fernando Matheos. Altisimas felicidades de la dichosa Consorte de San Zacharias, y digna Madre del Sagrado Bautista S. Juan, Santa Isabel, ponderadas en los nueve dias precedentes al venturoso, en que Maria Santisima, ocupada del vervo hecho hombre en sus purisimas entrañas la visitó en las Montañas de Judéa. - Me´xico : En la Impr. de los Herederos del Lic. D. Joseph de Jauregui, 1781. Source: WorldCat.

N_ME_Mexico. Real Casa de Moneda. 1781. Mangino, Fernando Joseph. Proyecto para el establecimiento en Mexico de una Academia de las tres nobles artes. - Mexico : Real Casa de Moneda, 1781. Source: WorldCat.

N_ME_Mexico. Villavico, Manuel. 1781. Engraver. Villavicencio, Manuel. Carta geographica de la costa, y parte de la Peninsula de la California Naciones que comprehende hasta el nuevo Mexico, y viage q'hizieron Fr. Franco Garces, y Fr. Pedro Font al Rio Colorado, S. Gabriel, y Moqui el ano de 1777. - Mexico : Manuel Villavico, sc., 1781. Map. Source: WorldCat.

N_ME_Mexico. Virrey de Nueva España. 1781. Mayorga, Martin. Para evitar los peligros que se originan a las Rentas Publicas. - Mexico : El Virrey Mayorga, 1781. By the Viceroy of New Spain (1779-1783). Source: WorldCat.

N_ME_Mexico. Zúñiga y Ontiveros, Felipe. 1781. calle de la Palma 1781. Nicoselli, Anastasio. Relacion historica de la admirable aparicion de la Virgen Santisima, Madre de Dios bajo del titulo de Nr. Sra. de Guadalupe, acaecida en Mexico el ano de 1531 ... - Mexico, Felipe de Zuniga y Ontiveros, 1781. Another 1781 imprint; Imprenta nueva madrileña de F. de Zúñiga y Ontiveros. Source: WorldCat.

. N_US_Baltimore. Reidenauer. 1781. BooksellerGerman bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Baltimore. Goddard, M. K. 1781. Printerat the Post Office in Market Street . Sources: ESTC.

N_UN_Boston. Edes, Benjamin and sons. 1781. Printers. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one. An act to supply the treasury with the sum of four hundred thousand pounds-money. Sources: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin ; ESTC.

N_US_Boston. Russell, Ezekial. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Next the stump of Liberty-Tree. Also, a number of new songs. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Boston. Willis, N. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Charleston, S.C. Wells, John. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Charlestown, S.C. Wells, R. & Son, and . 1781. Printer. sold at their stationary, musick & book store. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Chatham, N.J. Kollock, Shepard. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Danvers, Mass. Russell, Ezekiel. 1781. Bookseller. next the Bell-Tavern, in Danvers. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_NY_Fish-Kill. Loudon, Samuel. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_MD_Friedrichstadt. Bartgis, Matthias. 1781. Printer. German printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Germantown. Fuchs, J. 1781. BooksellerGerman bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Hartford, Connecticut. Hudson and Goodwin. 1781. Printer. Imprints recorded 1780-1800. Directions for ploughing, harrowing, sowing, pulling, watering, grassing, and full management of white flax, till brought to the hackle. Taken from a treatise on agriculture, entitled The Yorkshire farmer. To which is added, a table of expence and profit of an acre of white flax, were it raised in Ireland according to the English method, 1781. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Hartford, Conn. Webster, Bavil. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Lancaster. Bartgis, Michael. 1781. BooksellerQueen Street, near the Court House. German bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Lebanon. Schnebely, Casper. 1781. BooksellerGerman bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_NY_New York. Gaine, H. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Bible and Crown, Hanover Square. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_NY_New York. Rivington, James. 1781. Printer. Printer to the King. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_NY_New York. Robertson, A. 1781. Printer. 2, Queen Street. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_CT_Norwich. Trumbull, John. 1777-1785. Printer. Norwich Packet. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_PA_Philadelphia. Aitken, Robert. 1781. Printer and bookseller. Pope's Head, three doors above the Coffee House, in Market Street ; opposite the coffee-house, Front-Street. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Philadelphia. Bailey, Francis. 1781-1792. Printer. in Market-Street, between Third and Fourth-Streets The Freeman's journal: or, The North-American intelligencer, Philadelphia, 1781-1792. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Philadelphia. Claypoole, David C. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Philadelphia. Crukshank, Joseph. . 1781. Printer and bookseller. Market-Street, between Second and Third Streets. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Philadelphia. Dunlap, John. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Philadelphia. Hall and Sellers,. 1781. Printers. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_PA_Philadelphia. Kline, George. 1781. Printer. Market Street. N_US_PA_Philadelphia. Senger, Casper. 1781. BooksellerGerman bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Philadelphia. Steiner, Melchior. 1781. Printer. A Collection of psalms and hymns. Published by John Wesley, M.A. Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford; and Charles Wesley, M.A. student of Christ-Church, Oxford. Sources: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin ; ESTC.

N_US_Philadelphia (St. Petersburg). Logon, Johann Zacharias. 1781|. Seddag. Brüderliche Vermahnungen an einige Brüder Freymäurer von dem Bruder Seddag. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_NY_Poughkeepsie. Holt, John. 1781. Printer. Printer to the State of New York. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Providence. Carter, John. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Reading. Wittman, A. 1781. BooksellerGerman bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_UN_Salem [Mass.] . Printed by Samuel Hall, near the Court-House. 1781. A charge, delivered at St. Peter's Church, in Salem to the brethren of the Essex Lodge of Ancient, Free, and Accepted Masons, upon the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist, December 27, 5781. By Brother Joseph Hiller. Sources: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.

N_US_GA_Savannah. Johnston, James. 1763-1788. Printer. Georgia gazette, Royal Georgia Gazette, Gazette of the state of Georgia. Born 1738, died 1808. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Trenton. Collins, Isaac. 1781. Printer. Printer to the state. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_ United States? Nimmo, Archibald. 1781. Bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Wilmington. Adams, James. 1781. Printer. Sources: ESTC.

N_US_Yorktown. Steg, Georg. 1781. BooksellerGerman bookseller. Sources: ESTC.

S_PE_Lima. [s. n.]. 1781. Labiano, Martín Fermín de Natividad, María Antonieta de la. Carta encíclica de edificación, en que se anuncia la exemplar vida y santa muerte de la V.M. Sor Melchora de Jesús, religiosa del Monasterio de Nuestra Señora de la Merced de esta ciudad de Lima y dirige la R.M. María Antonia Natividad ... - Lima : [s.n.], 1781. Descripción física: 58 p. ; 21 cm. - Source: Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.

S_PE_Lima. Huerfanos, Niños. 1781. Pinto y Quesada, Alfonso. Relacion de las exequias del Illmo. Sor. D. D. Diego Antonio de Parada, arzobispo de Lima escrita por el D.D. Alphonso Pinto y Quesada abogado de esta Real Audiencia, de presos del Santo Oficio, y su consultor : impresa con la oracion funebre a expensas de los Ds. D. Joseph de Herrera, y D. Antonio Cubero Diaz, curas rectores de esta Iglesia Cathedral, criados y albaceas del ilustrisimo señor arzobispo difunto. Lima : en los Niños Huerfanos, 1781. - 87 p., [2] h. de láms. plegs. ; 21 cm. - Source: Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.

Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented 2014.
This page last updated 9 April 2014.