03 March 2014

Devon imprints. Exeter: Hooker

The Devon book trades : imprint registers.
Exeter : A-Z. Hooker, John.

For details of the scope of these imprint registers, see the introduction and key.

DEV_Exeter. Hooker, John. 1575 - 1587. Publisher.

DEV_Exeter. Hooker, John. 1575. Publisher. Hooker, John. The discription of the cittie of Excester. [London] : [John Allde] , [1575?]. - 4°. - Also issued as part 2 of "The order and vsage of the keeping of a parlement in England. - *STC 24886; DUL 36220.

DEV_Exeter. Hooker, John. 1575. Publisher. Hooker, John. The order and vsage of keeping of a parlement in England, and the description of Fxcester [sic]. - [London] : [John Allde and John Charlewood?] , [1575?]. - 4°. - Part 1 a reissue of sheets originally printed, probably by John Charlewood, with a dedication to Sir William Fitzwilliam, Lord Deputy of Ireland, dated 3 October 1572, now supplied with a new dedication to the mayor and senators of Exeter, and with part 2, the description of Exeter, added. Part 2 also issued separately. - *STC 24887.

DEV_Exeter. Hooker, John. 1575. Publisher. Hooker, John. Orders enacted for orphans and for their portions within the citie of Excester, with sundry other instructions incident to the same, collected and set forth by Iohn Vowell alias Hooker gentleman and chamberlaine of the same citie. ... - [London] : Imprinted at London by Iohn Allde , [1575?]. - [49] leaves ; 4°. - Signed A-F4,2A-C,F-H4,_1. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - STC 24888; DUL 36250.

DEV_Exeter. Hooker, John. 1584. Publisher. Hooker, John. A catalog of the bishops of Excester. - London : Henry Denham [for John Hooker] , 1584. - 4°. - Probably issued with Hooker's "A pamphlet of the offices ... ". - Snow shows that Hooker's Exeter pamphlets were largely intended for distribution within Exeter. - *STC 24885; DUL36200; Snow, Vernon F. "John Hooker's circle: evidence from his new year's gift list of 1584", Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 33 (1977) p.273-7,317-24.

DEV_Exeter. Hooker, John. 1584. Publisher. Hooker, John. A pamphlet of the offices, and duties of euerie particular sworne officer, of the citie of Excester : collected by Iohn Vowell alias Hoker, gentleman & chamberlaine of the same. ... - [London] : Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham [for John Hooker] , 1584. - [38]p ; 4°. - Signed _1,A-I2. - Probably issued with Hooker's A catalog of the bishops of Excester, see previous entry. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - STC 24889: Snow, Vernon F. "John Hooker's circle ...", Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 33 (1977) p.273-7,317-24.

DEV_Exeter. Hooker, John. 1587. Publisher. HOOKER, John. Isca Danmoniorum Britanice Kaier Penhuelgorte: Saxonice Monketon: Latine Exonia: Anglice Exeancestre vel Exestre at nunc vulgo Exeter: urbs peratiqua, et emporium celeberrimum. - [London?] : Opera et impensis Joannis Hokeri generosi ac huius civitatis quaestoris hanc tabella sculpsit Remigius Hogenberg , 1587. - 355x510mm. - Bird's eye view of Exeter existing in three states:
State A: Pair of compasses in lower right corner. British Library.
State B: Compasses erased. One copy with Dymond family of Chagford.
State C: Compass rose added in lower right corner, St. Leonard area re-engraved, church repositioned 4cm higher. Copy in Exeter Guildhall.
STC 24886.3; DUL 36210, 36230.

Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented 2014.
This page last updated 28 February 2014.