11 March 2014

Devon imprints. Exeter: Besley

The Devon book trades : imprint registers.
Exeter : Besley.

Note: For ballad imprints, which are normally signed simply "Besley, printer", this form has been retained for the heading, although most of them were probably printed by Thomas Besley. As none are dated, the date range 1805/40 has been used if they are unable to be dated more closely from the content.

For details of the scope of these imprint registers, see the introduction and key.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/1840. Ballad printer.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Answer to The Enniskillen Dragoon. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - No Enniskillen Dragoon itself in the Besley stock. Other printers: Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 640, Batchelar in Madden, Reel 79, Number 428 and King (Oxford) in Madden, Reel 86, 216 - all under the title, 'Inniskillen'; and then, under 'Enniskillen', Ross, in Madden, Reel 83, Number 467; Walker (Durham) in Madden, Reel 83, Number 660; and Russell in Madden, Reel 88, Number 316. Clift in Cirencester issued an Answer … (Madden Reel 86, Number 569) which is commensurate save that Besley has altered the first four-line . Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Answer to The Happy Stranger. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - The Happy Stranger itself sketches a gentle courtship. For The Happy Stranger see, further, Swindells in Madden, Reel 85, Number 317; Harkness in Madden, Reel 85, Number 976; Fordyce in Madden, Reel 83, Number 172; and Thompson (London) in Madden, Reel 81, Number 696. Besley's Answer is from the maid's side and she names her suitor as 'young Jemmy of Newry'. For an Answer to The Happy Stranger see, further, Pitts in Madden, Reel 75, Number 779; Mate (Dover) in Madden, Reel 889, Number 4 and Swindells in Madden, Reel 85, Number 99, all commensurate. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Arab Steed. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Verse: "Oh bring me but my Arab steed". - Associated with the name of Thomas Haynes Bayly (1797-1839). A piece sung by Madame Vestris (and to be found in London Melodist c.1831). For Arab Steed see, for example, as well in various catalogues, Catnach in Madden, Reel 77, Number 313 (there are several other Catnach printings); Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 385; Batchelar in Madden, Reel 79, Number 475, Harkness in Madden, Reel 85, Number 711; and Keys in Madden, Reel 90, Number 25. See also Swindells in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 17(12a); Sharp (London), same source, as Johnson Ballads 11455; and Hodges, same source, as Harding B 11(100). The piece also appeared in London Melodist (c. 1831), p.111 (as sung by Eliza Vestris) and the Model Song Book 1 5c. 1848), p.30. . Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly ; St. Bride Printing Library Broadside Collection (London) S41a

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Auld Lanhsyne [sic] . – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - attributed to Burns. The earliest recorded Burns version is that sent to a Mrs. Dunlop in 1788. As with Highland Mary, there are numerous printings, including those from Pitts in Madden, Reel 75, Number 73 and in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 11(3613); Catnach, same source, as Johnson Ballads 260 and in Madden, Reel 77, Number 517 - as Auld Langsyne; Hodges in Madden, Reel 78, Number 315: Ward (Ledbury) in Madden, Reel 87, Number 423; and Pratt in Madden, Reel 88, Number 78. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1835/40. Printer. The Banks of Allan Water. – Exeter : Besley , [1835/40]. - Horn was involved with another piece, this time arranging but not composing the music for The Banks of Allan Water, the text for which was written by Matthew (Monk) Lewis, c. 1832-1833. Perhaps, in this case, C E Horn adapted a tune existing in sung or Art tradition. He returned to London in 1831 to manage the music at Eliza Vestris' Olympic theatre; went back to America a year later, there to finish his career teaching and conducting in Boston, dying in 1846. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Banks of the Clyde. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - In Pitts and Catnach lists but, in the case of Pitts, it would appear that the piece began, 'When I was young and in my prime' whereas the Besley piece began 'When I was young and youth did bloom'. In the Besley and Catnach form it was also printed by Walker in Durham, Stewart in Carlisle, both Ross and Fordyce in Newcastle, Harkness in Preston, Booth in Selby and Armstrong in Liverpool. Broadside examples include Fordyce (Madden, Reel 83, Number 215); Ross (Madden, Reel 83, Number 542); Harkness (Madden, Reel 85, Number 913). Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Banners of Blue. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - 'Strike up, strike up, Scottish minstrels so gay …' - had good distribution, more or less predictable in its 'descent' from Pitts and Catnach through the mid-century inheritors and others. Harkness printed this piece (Bodleian Allegro archive as 2806 c. 14(99) and so did Ryle, same source, as Harding B 11 52652). Madden copies include those from Pitts (Reel 76, Number 375), Taylor in London (Reel 80, Number 7) and Williams in Portsea (Reel 89, Number 357) . Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Barney Brallaghan's Courtship. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - one of a number of stage-Irish outpourings and the words were written by T Hudson, to music by J Blewitt. Judy Callaghan became Barney's female apotheosis. Birt printed Barney Brallaghan … c.1828-9 and on the same sheet was Judy's Reply to Barney. Catnach printed a piece entitled Barney Brallaghan's Wedding (and Such followed with Pat O'Connor's Wedding … a similar piece involving the by now well-known characters of Pat and Judy). For Barney Brallaghan's Courtship see the Bodleian Allegro archive, without imprint, as Harding B 11(168) where Bayly's name is given as author. Harkness printed the same piece, same source, as Harding B 11(2267). As if to underline popularity Fordyce printed Barney Brallaghan's Courtship (Madden, Reel 83, Number 399) as 'sung by Mr. Dodd', on a sheet entitled Fashionable Songster. There are various other Brallaghan-Callaghan pieces, indicating popularity, such as Barney Brallaghan, from Swindells in Madden, Reel 85, Number 163 and Birt in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 25(124). For Judy Callaghan's Answer to Mr Brallaghan see Madden, n. i., Reel 81, Number 704 and Judy's Reply from Catnach in Madden, Reel 76, Number 208 and Williams in Madden, Reel 89, Number 408. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Buy a broom. Duett. - Besley, Printer, Exeter. - ["From Teutchland I come, with my light wares all laden ..."] Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Harding B 16(42b)

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Cottage Near a Wood. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - appears, for example; in the Bodleian Allegro archive as printed by Quick in London (Harding B 11(4114); Pitts, same source, as Harding B 11(692); and from Batchelar, same source, as Johnson Ballads 3070. Madden copies include Catnach (Reel 77, Number 81), Paul (Reel 78, Number 648), Swindells (Reel 85, Number 174) and, less predictably, Sleath in Stony Stratford (Reel 86, Number 191. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Downhill of Life. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Written by John Collins, the actor, poet, orator and staymaker (1742-1808) … born the son of a tailor in Bath. Originally entitled Tomorrow the piece in question can be found in a publication entitled Flowers of British Poetry… dated 1802 (J Mitchell, Newcastle). Alfred Williams collected a version of Downhill of Life, thus indicating a presence of sorts - if unsupported elsewhere - in sung tradition. Broadside examples are from Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 437; Batchelar in Madden, Reel 79, Number 485, and Russell in Madden, Reel 88, Number 325. The Alfred Williams copy may be found as Gl96 - Frank Purslow's catalogue designation (Gloucestershire. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Draw the Sword. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Scotland had a wide distribution beginning with Pitts and Catnach, Carpue and Hill in London, and then, in the north, Harkness, Walker in Newcastle, Thomson's chapbooks - from Fordyce, and Fordyce himself; Stewart in Carlisle; Heppel and Russell in Birmingham, and then Willey in Cheltenham, Williams in Portsea and Besley. The piece was actually performed by Braham who, as has been seen, is yet another prominent singer to appear in association with Besley stock. And there are one or two Songster references. It had a modestly successful life, then, and may have acted as stimulant for its companion piece as printed by Besley, Follow, Follow over Mountain (below), but in diction and structure seems hardly likely to been widely accepted into traditional sung repertoire.33 - See, further, Pitts in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 11(1194) and in Madden, Reel 75, Number 220, on both of which copies is the information that the piece was sung by John Braham. See also Catnach in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 36(5) and in Madden, Reel 77, Number 343; Carpue in Madden Reel 81, Number 28; Williams in Madden, Reel 89, Number 410; and Willey in Madden, Reel 90, Number 439; plus Moore in Belfast in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 26(151. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Fair Helen. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. Harkness and Williams with usual legacy to Fortey. Fair Helen often appeared as Helen the Fair. For Fair Helen see, for example, Catnach in Madden, Reel 77, Number 83; Fordyce in Madden, Reel 83, Number 279; and Ward in Ledbury as Madden, Reel 87, Number 439. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Female Auctioneer. - Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Thisappeared, not in the guise offered by the majority of printers - in London, Pitts and Catnach, Phair, Birt (like Hodges, an inheritor), Neeson and Batchelar, or the printings from Pratt in Birmingham, Huntley in Sunderland, or Willey in Cheltenham (elsewhere in catalogues from Fordyce, Birt and Pitts). Pitts in the Bodleian Allegro archive as 2806 c.18(114); Catnach as Harding B 11(195); Birt as Harding B 11(4361) - an inheritance; and Pratt as Harding B 11(1181).12. Besley's is a cut-down version , a rare example of such manipulation of text in the Besley stock. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Follow, Follow over Mountain. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Both Pitts and Catnach carried Follow, Follow over Mountain, a very slight piece indeed. Apart from the two London printers, only Kendrew in York and Besley appear to have taken it up although there are records of it as appearing in Songsters. For Pitts see Bodleian Allegro archive as Firth b. 26(12) and for Kendrew, same source, as Harding B 11(1658). Madden copies are Catnach (Reel 77, Number 292) and Pitts (Reel 76, Number 128). There are printings in Model Song Book 1 (c. 1848), p.151 and Songs of the Day (c.1870), pp.29-30 - the latter from Marr in Glasgow. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Fuddling Day. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Hoggett in Durham, in a printing somewhere between 1816-1843 - the dates of Hoggett's activity, according to the Bodleian - lists it as 'A new song'. Pitts, in one of several printings, calls it Answer to the Washing Day. So does Walker in Norwich and his connection with Pitts has been described before … they may have shared text. Madden copies include Evans in London (Reel 74, Number 97); Pitts (Reel 75, Number 963); Bloomer in Birmingham (Reel 88, Number 53); Cotton in Tamworth (Reel 87, Number 278) and Hurd in Shaftesbury (Reel 90, Number 114). The Bodleian Allegro archive has Evans in Chester as 2806 c. 17(140), Walker in Norwich as Douce ballads 4(52), Hoggett in Durham as Harding B 11(1267), and Croshaw in York as 2806 c. 18(122). The piece appeared earlier rather than in the 1840s. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. God Save the King. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - reputed to have been first heard in pubic in 1740 at a dinner to celebrate Admiral Vernon's taking of Portobello (on the Spanish Main), as arranged by Henry Carey, who claimed it as his own composition. The oldest extant copy of the tune can be found in Harmonia Anglicana, dating from 1743. Broadsides themselves recount a kind of history. Pitts, for example, printed the piece with specific reference to 'Great George our King' - George III (1738-1820) … see Madden, Reel 76, Number 158. So did Catnach, in Madden, Reel 77, Number 353. Rosson in Middlewich referred to George IV (1762-1830) - in the Bodleian Allegro archive as 2806 c. 17(86r). Warwick in Leicester referred to the Queen (Victoria, 1819-1901) in Madden, Reel 87, Number 185, as did Disley in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 11(2093). Other printings include those from Birt in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Johnson Ballads 48 and in Madden, Reel 79, Number 381. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Gosport tragedy. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. Stock of Dicey and Marshall, Aldermary Churchyard between 1764 and 1775; Roxburghe collection c.1750; Catnach of London; Jennings; Pitts (Madden, Reel 70, Number 370); Turner of Coventry (Madden, Reel 70, Number 380 ; Bodleian Allegro archive Harding B 3(34)); Davenport (Madden, Reel 70, Number 3712); from Stonecutter Street (Madden, Reel 70, Number 372) Evans of London (Madden, Reel 70, Number 378.7). - Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1830/40. Printer. Green Hills of Tyrol. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Credited to Rossini's opera, William Tell but 'as sung by Miss Mellon' (Harriet Mellon, an actress who became Sir Francis Burdett's second wife) and by Eliza Vestris (opened in Paris in 1829). The piecewas widely printed on broadside with Pitts and Catnach in London, Gibbs in Ledbury and Quick in London extending the familiar range of Harkness, Fordyce, Swindells and so on. Green Hills of Tyrol (sometimes 'Banks') can be found in catalogues and lists which include those of Russell, George Walker, Fordyce and Pitts. Broadside examples include those from Pitts in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 11(1415) and in Madden Reel 76, Number 456; Catnach in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 36(6) and in Madden Reel 77, Number 375; Taylor in London in Madden Reel 80, Number 52; and Gibbs in Madden, Reel 87, Number 395. A late example may be found in Songs of the Day, c.1870 (from Marr in Glasgow. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Highland Mary. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - From Burns, published posthumously in 1799. Pitts printed both four and six stanza versions. Marshall, in Newcastle 1820/31 printed four. Fordyce and Sanderson in Edinburgh printed four. Pollock in North Shields, Bebbington and Jacques in Manchester, Harkness in Preston, Armstrong and Thompson in Liverpool, Stephenson in Gateshead, Hodges and Such all printed six. So did Besley. Brereton in Dublin completely different format. Broadside copies include Pitts (Madden, Reel 75, Number 323 ; Bodleian Allegro archive Harding B 12(37)); Catnach (Madden, Reel 77, Number 129); Fordyce (Bodleian Allegro archive Harding B 11(1547)); Pollock, (Allegro Harding B 11(1546)); Plant of Nottingham (Madden, Reel 87, Number 113); and Chilcot o Leominster (Madden, Reel 87, Number 487). Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. I've been Roaming. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - another Vestris song, had music by C E Horn. Broadside examples include those from Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 100; Catnach in Madden, Reel 77, Number 701; King in Oxford (Madden, Reel 86, Number 222); Plant in Nottingham (Madden, Reel 87, Number 104); Corkshaw in Leicester (Madden, Reel 87, Number 130); Whiting in Birmingham (Madden, Reel 88, Number 692); and Evans of Chester in the Bodleian Allegro archive as 2806 c17(182). The Stephens references can be found on Catnach's sheet, The Blackbird, in Madden, Reel 77, Number 642 and (same) in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 36(20). Eliza Vestris' name is found in the Bodleian Allegro archive copy from Pitts as Harding B 11(3005. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The King and the Countryman. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Sometimes The West Countryman. Country printers include Marshall in Newcastle (a catalogue reference only), Wright, Pratt and Russell in Birmingham, Williams in Portsea, Wilson in Cambridge, Swindells in Manchester, Forth in Pocklington, Freeman in Northampton, Mason in Belper. In Devon, both Besley and Keys printed the piece. Pitts (Madden Reel 76, Number 52); Catnach (Madden Reel 77, Number 426); Birt (who offered a parody catalogue 1, 79 and Madden Reel 79, Number 255), Hodges and Disley; Russell (Madden Reel 88, Number 367); Harkness in Preston (Bodleian Allegro archive Harding B 20(105); Universal Songster 3, p.381; Keys (Madden Reel 90, Number 37.8). Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1830/40. Printer. The King of the Cannibal Islands. – Exeter : Besley , [1830/40]. - Broadside texts of The King of the Cannibal Islands include those from Pitts, from Russell in Birmingham and from Baird in Cork, positing a wide-ranging hinterland - and it turns up also in The London Melodist, c.1831, noted as having been issued by Deprose. It subsequently spawned a tune well-known in country dance circles for The Cumberland Reel. It appeared in a Piano Forte Tutor from an A Hughes, c.1830; and is credited as being sung by A W Humphreys 'with great applause at the London concerts', again in 1830. It has been suggested that when such a remark appeared on a sheet this tended to indicate that the piece was new. For Pitts' copy of King of the Cannibal Islands, see Madden, Reel 76, Number 76; for Russell; Madden, Reel 88, Number 341; and for Baird, Madden Reel 91, Number 416. The suggestion about newness comes from a particularly interesting article by Anthony Bennett entitled Rivals Unravelled: A Broadside Song and Dance in Folk Music Journal, Volume 6, Number 4, 1993, pp.420-445. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1820/40. Printer. Kitty of Colrain [sic] . – Exeter : Besley , [1820/40]. - has been attributed to Edward Lysaght, a barrister, wit and writer, born 1793, author also of The Sprig of Shillelagh, who died in 1811. However, Alfred Moffat claimed that the piece was issued in an early nineteenth century chapbook by Kelly in Waterford, and, as such, has to be accounted 'anonymous'. Further, Alfred Graves had already come to a similar conclusion about genesis and dated the piece, tentatively, to around 1790. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Light Guitar. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Discussed in connection with Merry of Bedford in an earlier piece in this series, a piece from the Barnett- Van Dyke stable, issued, predictably enough, by Catnach and Pitts and by Wright and Harkness and sung by Eliza Vestris. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Love in a Hayband. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. Also Pitts (Madden, Reel 75, Number 495); Harkness (Madden, Reel 85, Number 530); and Williams (Madden, Reel 85, Number 64). Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Lovers All. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Restricted to Besley and one copy without imprint - tells a tale of a sailor captured by Turks, reminiscent in a slight way of Lord Bateman but, unusually, set off Newfoundland. It seems to have been a piece exploiting wild tales not uncharacteristic of the period when pirates from Algiers captured both sailors and travellers and the imagination, a period older than the Besley imprint. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Love's Ritornella. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - The Brigand (1829), in turn, provided Love's Ritornella (first appearing with a musical setting by T Cooke. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Lubin's Cot. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - recalls Why are you Wand'ring here, I Pray? and can be set amongst other texts containing the same name - Lubin is Away, Lubin and Mary, Lubin and Lisette, Where is my Lubin? and so on. Keys in Devonport also printed Lubin's Cot. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1795? Printer. Lunnen is the devil. - Exeter : Besley, printer, [1795?]. - 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/4°. - First line: When at home with dad. - Dimensions: 23 x 7 cm. - Place and date of publication conjectured from internal evidence. - Catalogued from NN OPAC record. - ESTC citation no.: N473183. - Sources: English Short Title Catalogue [New York Public Library (New York, New York, United States.)]

Exeter. Besley. 1825/40. Printer. The Maid of Llangollan (sic) . – Exeter : Besley , [1825/40]. - Although the overwhelming evidence for the dissemination of The Maid of Llangollan (sic) lies in broadside printers' catalogues and material including that of Pitts and Catnach and continuing through to mid-century - Birt, Wheeler in Manchester and Keys in Devonport, for instance - there is one reference to the piece in a Songster as having been written by Charles Mathews, with music by John Parry and sung by Charles Mathews, Eliza Vestris' husband, and one other reference indicating that it had been sung by Mathews. Mathews, indeed, had been a celebrated one-man entertainer at a time when theatre audiences demanded and were served variety. He was, for instance, associated with the Adelphi theatre in this guise during the 1820s and 1830s. The Maid … dates from the period 1826-1830. Maid of Langollan [sic] was printed by Catnach and Pitts, found in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Johnson Ballads 284 and Harding B 11(1093) respectively; by Hodges, same course, as Johnson Ballads fol. 59; and, amongst others, by Jackson in Madden, Reel 88, Number 584, Warwick (Leicester) in Madden, Reel 87, Number 220; by Houghton in Worcester, in Madden, Reel 87, Number 326; and by Keys in Madden, Reel 90, Number 35. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Meet me by Moonlight Alone. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - written c.1826 by Joseph Augustine Wade (?1796-1845), a Dublin man, who travelled to England, there, unfortunately, to dissipate his talents. Eliza Vestris included it in her repertoire. For Meet me by Moonlight alone, see Wilkinson (Manchester) in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 36(21); Pitts, same source, as Johnson Ballads fol. 121 and in Madden, Reel 76, Number 579; Catnach in Madden, Reel 77, Number 433, Hillat and Martin in Madden, Reel 80, Number 431; Hill (Ballingdon) in Madden, Reel 86, Number 59; Pannell (Liverpool) in Madden, Reel 85, Number 39; and in London Melodist (c.1831), p.182, Model Song Book 2 (c. 1848), p; 235 and Selkirk's Songs and Ballads for the People No. 4 (c.1851), pp.85-86. There are many other examples. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Model. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - 'My friend is the man I would copy through life …' - had words by Miles Peter Andrews. Andrews died in 1814 but his date of birth seems to be unknown. The Model can be found in the Bodleian Allegro archive from Pitts as Harding B 25(1261); and from Dean in Manchester as Harding B 17(1956). There are copies from Catnach in Madden, Reel 77, Number 204; Batchelar (Reel 79, Number 501); Evans in London (Reel 72, Number 1140); Wrighton (Reel 88, Number 790); and Williams (Reel 89, Number 462. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Morn Is Beaming Brightly. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - There is but a single record, other than in Besley: The Universal Songster 3 alludes to a Miss Bryant who sang this; but it does not seem to have had any extended life if the absence of broadsides is taken into account. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly Exeter. Besley. 1825/40. Printer. My Heart and Lute. – Exeter : Besley , [1825/40]. - from Thomas Moore - like The Model found on a Pitts compilation, in this case The Jovial Fellow sheet and on Pitts' sheet The Ladies Concert. Broadsides of My Heart and Lute include those from Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 666b and in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Johnson Ballads, fol. 129; Wright in Madden, Reel 88, Number 784; and Pannell in Liverpool (Madden, Reel 85, Number 39). The piece also appeared in James Kay's National Songster (Edinburgh, 1827), p.163 and The Popular Songster from Glasgow, (1848), p.23. This indicates a fair spread in distribution and time. There were also Answers, for example, on a sheet The Soldier's Delight - in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Johnson Ballads fol 407; from Catnach (Madden, Reel 77, Number 329) and from Smith in Bristol (Madden, Reel 90, Number 341).25 Sir Henry Rowley Bishop composed music for it in 1830. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. My Own Blue Bell. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - widely printed but does not seem to have generated a song. For My Own Blue Bell see, as examples, Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 269; Catnach in Madden, Reel 77, Number 209; Fordyce in Madden, Reel 83, Number 163; and Houghton (Worcester) in Madden, Reel 87, Number 321. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1825. Printer. A New Song Composed by Thomas Heydon of Stratton, Cornwall. On a most Dreadful Shipwreck, that happened at a place called Widemouth, near the harbour of Bude, and the Town of Stratton, on the 23rd November, 1824. – Exeter : Besley , [1825?]. - No trace of Thomas Heydon in census returns. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. New Way to Make a Husband. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - wide attention from printers but there is no song associated with it. For New Way to Make a Good Husband, see, as examples, Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 500; Phair in Madden, Reel 81, Number 495; Harkness in Madden, Reel 85, Number 933; and Baird in Cork (Madden, Reel 91, Number 552. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1830/40. Printer. Oh No We Never Mention Her. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - (c.1828), Baring Gould recounted the story of a love affair between Bayly and a young lady at Bath which came to nought owing to the financial straits of both parties. Sir Henry Bishop wrote music for the piece. Bayly's piece, Oh, No, we Never Mention Her, can be found as issued by Catnach in Madden, Reel 77, Number 100 (there are several Catnach printings); by Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 53; by Batchelar in Madden, Reel 79, Number 500; by Sharp in London in Madden, Reel 81, Number 596; by Harkness in Madden, Reel 85, Number 693: by Fordyce in Madden, Reel 83, Number 204; by Pratt in Madden, Reel 88, Number 203 and so on … It appeared in Songsters such as The London Melodist (c. 1831), The Model Song Book 1 (c. 1848), and The Comic Minstrel (1850). After mid-century its popularity may have declined since it is not represented in broadside printing terms to any extent. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1830/37. Printer. Our king is a true British sailor. - Besley, Printer, Exeter , 18--. - ["No dangers the heart of a seaman appals ..."]. On William, IV. Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) 2806 c.18(229)

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Past 10 o'Clock. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - had a wide hinterland and Henry Burstow claimed it in repertoire. Copies include those from Pitts in Madden (Reel 76, No. 503); Fordyce (Reel 83, Number 264); Williams in Portsea (Reel 89, Number 498); and Whiting in Birmingham (Reel 88, Number 647). Mr. Burstow' reference is on p.117 of his Reminiscences. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1801/40. Printer. Perambulator; or, Dandy's hobby horse. - Besley, Printer, Exeter. - ["In a dandy dress on a hobby horse ..."] Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Harding B 25(1487)

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Post Captain. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - written by John Rannie, and widely printed. Music for The Post Captain was supplied by William Shield (1748-1829). For The Post Captain, see, further, Pitts in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B11(3128); Ferraby in Hull, same source, as Harding B 22(240); and Lane and Walker in Norwich, same source, as Harding B 17(245a). Madden printings include those of Pitts (Reel 76, Number 317); Catnach (Reel 77, Number 502); Russell (Reel 88, Number 286); and Williams (Reel 89, Number 637. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Pretty Chambermaid. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Apart from Johnson's catalogue, there is a Johnston (Falkirk) reference from 1801. After that, Catnach, Pitts and George Walker in Durham seem to be the only printers to have taken the piece up - other than Besley, that is. It does not appear, for instance, in the Roxburghe or Pepys collections but is, in language, characteristic of older stock … it concerns an amorous squire. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1833/40. Printer. Rise, Gentle Moon. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - with music by John Barnett (for Barnett, see also below), came from Charles XIIth, appeared in 1833, was associated with the singing of John Braham and entered Besley stock. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Shepherd's Boy. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. Also Whiting in Birmingham (Madden, Reel 88, Number 688); Fordyce in Newcastle (Madden Reel 83, Number 223); Whinham in Carlisle (Madden Reel 83, Number 223); Smith in Bristol (Madden, Reel 90, Number 353). Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Soldier's Grave. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - There are no records at all to other than in Besley. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Soldier's Tear. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - A Bayly piece with music by George Alexander Lee (1802-1852). Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1830/40. Printer. The Spider and the Fly. – Exeter : Besley , [1830/40]. - written by Mary Howitt (1799-1888), was taken into Besley stock. The Spider and the Fly is probably the only piece remembered, appearing first In a publication, The New Years Gift, in 1829. Baring-Gould gave the composer's name as Thomas Hudson and added that 'The air is probably an old nursery jingle, as it was the way with Hudson to write his songs to familiar old airs'. Broadsides include those from Thompson in Liverpool in the Bodleian Allegro archive as 2806 c. 17 (403) 'to be sung to the tune of Will You Come to the Bower'. This use of tune is confirmed in the Universal Songster 2, p.268 where Hudson's name is given. Baring-Gould's comments appear in English Minstrelsie, Vol. I (Edinburgh, T C & E C Jack, 1895), Notes to Songs, p.xxxii. Other printings include those from Harkness in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Firth b 25(408); Pitts, same source as Harding B 11(3622) and Dixon in Workington, same source, as Harding B 25 (1825); plus Horsley in Derby (Madden, Reel 88, Number 783); Hook in Brighton in Madden, Reel 89, Number 215; and Batchelar in Madden, Reel 79, Number 524. Answers … appear in the Bodleian Allegro archive from Pitts as Harding B 11(1255) and Birt as Harding B25(76. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40? Printer. The sprig of shilelah and shamrock so green. - [Exeter] : Besley, printer, Exeter, [1800?]. - 1 sheet : ill. ; 1/8°. - A slip-song - "Oh, love is the soul of a neat Irishman". - ESTC citation no.: T197096. Author: Henry B. Code. Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Harding B 25(1830) ; English Short Title Catalogue [Oxford University Bodleian Library (includes The Vicar's Library, ST. Mary's Church, Marlborough) (Oxford, England)]

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Storm. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - written by George Alexander Stevens (1710-1784) though one or two printers credited it to a Mrs Robinson. [Mary Darby Robinson, was certainly an authoress, mistress of the then Prince of Wales. Figured in programmes at the Adelphi theatre, London, during the 1820s. Baring-Gould gave the immediate source as The Muses' Delight in 1754 - published again in Stevens' Songs Comic and Satyrical in 1772 - and various versions of the air as dating from the 1730s. One reference, crediting the piece, erroneously, to Dibdin, gave the information that the music was by one Leveridge. This was Richard Leveridge (1670-1758). Catnach (for example in Madden Reel 77, Number 545), Batchelar and Birt printed The Storm. Songsters included the Convivial Songster, dating from 1782, pp.320-322, Lydian Leaves 1 (c.1830), pp.33-36, 'sung by Mr. Incledon', and the Model Song Book 2 (c. 1846), p.249. The Dibdin-Leveridge reference can be found in Songs of the late Charles Dibdin, 2nd. edn., 1841, pp.278-280. The John and Abraham Hume reference is to Hugh Shields: Some Songs and Ballads in use in the province of Ulster … 1845 in Ulster Folk Life, No. 17 (1971), p.23. The appearance of the piece in Henry Burstow's list in Reminiscences of Horsham (1911) is on p 116. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1835/40. Printer. Sweet Kitty Clover. – Exeter : Besley , [1835/40]. - advertised as A new comic song. One source dates this to 1837. Another gives the information that it was included in the copybook of the grandmother of a singer which copybook dates from before 1823. Baring Gould goes one better to date the piece from 1819 and wrote that it was also introduced into the ballad opera, The Lord of the Manor, in 1823. One performer in England was named as Huckell who could be found singing both in the north and in the south of England. A broadside of Sweet Kitty Clover, from Pollock in North Shields, for example, indicates that the piece was sung by 'Mr. Huckel [sic] WITH RAPTUROUS APPLAUSE'. The Pollock reference is in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 25(1866) and the Surrey reference as Curzon 65(144). Evans, Batchelar and Harkness printed it as Madden, Reel 74, Number 134, Madden, Reel 79, Number 498 and Madden, Reel 85, Number 1203 respectively. The first Songster reference is to Universal Songster 1, p.123. James Kay printed it in National Songster, 1827, p.40. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1825/40. Printer. The Swiss Toy Girl. – Exeter : Besley , [1825/40]. - originally entitled The Rose of Lucerne and was written by John Barnett (1802-1890) born in Bedford of German stock. The Swiss Toy Girl, written with Van Dyk, appeared in 1823. The Bodleian Allegro archive has copy by Harkness as The Rose of Lucerne (2806 c. 13(309); and, as The Swiss Toy Girl, by Catnach (Harding B 11(1566) which is how Pitts has is as Harding B 11 (2314). There are printings from Birt in Madden (Reel 79, 314); Batchelar (Reel 79, Number 523); Sharp in London (Reel 81, Number 622; and Williams (Reel 89, Number 257. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1830/40. Printer. Tell me, Mary 'how to woo thee'. – Exeter : Besley , [1830/40]. - according to Baring-Gould, was written by F Morrison with a tune by C A Hodson. It seems to have been a relatively late addition to broadside repertoire, appearing in copy from Birt and Hodges in London, Cadman in Manchester and then Marr in Glasgow (Songs of the Day, c.1870). After various catalogue entries, there are printings in Madden from Hodges (Reel 78, Number 436) and Birt (Reel 79, Number 26); and in Songs of the Day (c.1870) - from Marr in Glasgow. The Baring-Gould reference is from English Minstrelsie, Vol. IV (Edinburgh, T C and E C Jack, 1895) Notes to Songs, p.i. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Under the Willow Tree. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Pitts had it as Besley in sheet form (The Hibernian Songster) and Walker in Durham and Williams in Portsea also carried it. Madden references include Pitts, Reel 76, Number 708 (The Hibernian Songster), Williams in Reel 89, Number 575 and Walker in Durham (Reel 83, Number 770). 'O take me in your arms … ' may be found in the Bodleian Allegro archive from Pollock in North Shields (Bodleian Allegro archive as 2806 c. 18(337) - also printing a parody, The Apple Tree, on the same sheet; and from Harkness as Firth b. 25(426) - but Harkness also printed the alternative (Besley) text, same source, as 2806 c. 13(119. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Village Clock. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - There are no records at all to other than in Besley. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. We met. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Bayly's other contribution to the Besley stable (and elsewhere, of course) was a piece entitled We Met from his Songs of the Boudoir (1830). For We Met … see, as well as in various catalogues, Catnach in Madden, Reel 77, Number 595 and in a sheet entitled Holiday Mirth and Fun in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 36(6); Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 115 and, in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 11(772); Batchelar in Madden, Reel 79, Number 532; Fordyce in Madden, Reel 83, Number 314; Walker (Durham) in Madden, Reel 83, Number 767; Williams in Madden, Reel 89, Number 455; Willey in Madden, Reel 90, Number 546; Neesom in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 11(4091); and Such, same source, as Firth b. 26(279) . Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Werry Ridiculous. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - no other reference as far as has been ascertained and proclaims the fashionable 'w' as did The Ratcatcher's Daughter discussed in an earlier piece in this series. It castigates a girl's ugly partner at a ball and there is an 'Answer' to a piece entitled Werry Pecooliar, wherein the girl is the butt of humour. For Werry Pecooliar see the Bodleian Allegro archive and Catnach's sheet, Rotunda Songster, as Harding B 36(12. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1832? Printer. What A Shocking Bad Hat. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. On a journey to London to vote in the reform Bill debate and includes references to Wellington, Grey and Peel, suggesting a date of issue around 1832. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. What Can a Poor Maiden Do? . – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - had limited distribution, looking as if it came into prominence towards the middle of the century through Williams in Portsea, Besley, and then Such. There is one appearance in the Universal Songster which might suggest a one-time reasonable interest. In this publication a note states that it was written by 'Beazley' - for whom, so far, no information has been found. At least its printing by the Besley firm indicates a continuing period of production mid-century, presumably under the auspices of Henry Besley. The Williams copy is in Madden, Reel 89, Number 577. The Beazley reference is in Universal Songster 1, p.220. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1820/40. Printer. Why are You Wand'ring here I Pray? . – Exeter : Besley , [1820/40]. - another Vestris piece - appearing on a Pitts sheet and elsewhere around 1828.18 - For Why are you Wand'ring here, I Pray? see, for instance, Pitts in Madden, Reel 76, Number 382 and on a sheet, The Blackbird, in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Johnson Ballads fol. 735 (where Eliza Vestris' name is given); Catnach on as sheet entitled The Melodist (also mentioning Eliza Vestris) in Madden, Reel 77, Number 677; and Birt on a sheet entitled The Minstrel, issued, it seems, in 1828-1829 and found in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 11(2432. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1836?. Printer. With A Helmet On His Brow. – Exeter : Besley , [1836?]. Pitts' 1836 catalogue. Pickwick Papers first issued in serial form during 1836 and 1837 and then in a full version in 1837. In London, Taylor, Hill and Hillat and Martin (Madden Reel 80, Number 307; Harkness had it (Madden Reel 85, Number 735); and the Model Song Book (c.1848), p.266, (a copy from Goode in London); The Royal Victoria sheet (issued by Mann in Leeds, Madden Reel 84, Number 414(b)); Sam Weller's Songsheet (Wright in Birmingham, Madden Reel 88, Number 786). Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. Wives' Lamentation. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - A lament: 'I wish I was a maid again, as I was ten years ago' because the husband is a 'drunken sot'. In this case, though, the language is more redolent of a slightly later age, perhaps early nineteenth century.11 -See Catnach in Madden Reel 77, Number 615 and Pitts in Madden Reel 75, Number 1425 as examples. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Woodpecker. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - from the pen of Thomas Moore with music by Michael Kelly (1764-1826). The Woodpecker was written in 1801. Printings including those from Pitts (Madden, Reel 75, Number 877); Catnach (Madden, Reel 77, Number 570); Gibbs of Ledbury (Madden, Reel 87, Number 401); and Hoggett of Durham in the Bodleian Allegro archive as Harding B 25(1864. Sources: Madden ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley. 1805/40. Printer. The Yarmouth Tragedy. – Exeter : Besley , [1805/40]. - Early appearance in London from Bow churchyard and Aldermary churchyard, from Stonecutter Street, and from Evans, Pitts and Davenport. In addition, Dicey and Marshall had it in catalogue. Apart from this it had a limited distribution - Turner in Coventry, Swindells in Manchester, Wright in Birmingham, Symonds in London; and, in Scotland, Randall in Stirling and Hutchison in Glasgow. There were also catalogue listings - Pearson, Sanderson, Fordyce, Lane, Johnson. As fashions changed, the piece seems to have slipped out of printed repertoire. - Sources: Bow Churchyard in Madden Reel 71, Number 875; Pitts in Madden Reel 71, Number 881; Evans in Madden, Reel 71, Number 877; and Swindells in Madden, Reel 85, Number 269 (as Jemmy and Nancy's Garland - there are other manifestations as Jemmy and Nancy or Jamie and Nancy and as The Constant Lovers) ; Brown, Roly.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1911 - 1958. Printer.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1911. Printer. The post office directory of Exeter and suburbs for 1912. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , [1911]. - 212p ; 22cm. - POSPOS1911. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1912. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1912 Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1912. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1913. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1912. - 214p ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/380.1025/1913. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1913. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1914. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1913. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1914. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1913. Printer. The Order of Confirmation in use in the Diocese of Exeter. - Exeter : Besley & Copp, [1913]. - 14 p. ; 16º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1912-1954. Printer. Besleys' Directory of Exeter and Suburbs, 1913-1955. - Exeter : Besley & Copp, [1912-54]. - 8º. - Wanting the issue for 1947. Subsequently incorporated in “Kelly's Directory of Exeter.”. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1914. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1915. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1914. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1915. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1915.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1914. Printer. Exeter's historical carnival, July 22nd, 1914 : The sea kings of Devon. - Exeter : Besley & Copp (ptrs) , [1914]. - 56p : ill ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: pB/EXE/791.624/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Historical pageants. Programmes. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1915. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1916. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1915. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1916. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1916.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1916. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1917. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1916. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1917. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1917. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1918. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1917. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1918. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1918.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1918. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1919. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1918. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1919. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1919. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1920. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1919. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1920. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1920.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1920. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1921. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1920. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1921. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1921. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1922. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1921. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1922. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1922. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1923. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1922. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1923. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1923.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1922. Printer. The Globe Hotel, Exeter : Description and tariff together with a short guide to Exeter. - Exeter : Printed by Besley & Copp, 1922. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1923. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1924. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1923. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1924. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1924. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1925. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1924. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1925. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1925.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1925. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1926. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1925. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1926. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1926.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1925. Printer. Stewer, Jan. Ole biskit / Jan Stewer (A.J.Coles). - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1925. - 240p : ill ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: 828.99/STE ; Barnstaple: 828.99/STE ; University of Exeter ; British Library. - Subjects: Devon. Dialect literature. Stewer, Jan. Texts.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1926. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1927. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1926. - 22cm. - BESBES1926. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1927. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1927.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1927. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1928. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1927. - 245P : adverts ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1928 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1928 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1928-31. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1928.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1928. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1929. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1928. - 255p : adverts ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1929 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1929 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1928-31. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1929.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1928. Printer. Stewer, Jan. Rules and regillations of the new milk and dairies order, according to Jan Stewer. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , [1928]. - 6p ; 20cm. - A humorous sketch. Albert John Coles.- Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/STE ; British Library. - Subjects: Devon. Dialect literature.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1929. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1930. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1929. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1930 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1928-31. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1930.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1929. Printer. Stewer, Jan. Rules and regillations of the new milk and dairies order, - 2nd edition. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , [1929?]. - 6p ; 20cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/STE. - Subjects: Devon. Dialect literature.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1930. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1931. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1930. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1931 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1928-31. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1931.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1931. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1932. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1931. - 264p : adverts ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1932 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1932. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1932.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1931. Printer. The Order of Confirmation in use in the Diocese of Exeter. - Exeter : Besley & Copp, 1931. - 16 p. ; 12º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1932. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1933. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1932. - 260p : adverts ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/380.1025/1933r ; DRO: 8/EXE/1933. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1933. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1934. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1933. - 264p : adverts ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : B/EXE/380.1025/1934 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1934. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1934.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1934. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1935. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1934. - 264p : adverts ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1935 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1935. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1935.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1935. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1936. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1935. - 264p : adverts ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : B/EXE/380.1025/1936 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1936. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1936.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1936. Printer. COX, Leslie Spencer, and Meldon, William Waltrude. Contract Bridge. The combined count. - Exeter : Besley & Copp, [1936]. - 16 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1936. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1937. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1936. - 267p : adverts ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : B/EXE/380.1025/1937r ; DRO: 8/EXE/1937. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1937.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1937. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1938. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1937. - 268p ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1938 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1938. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1938.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1938. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1939. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1938. - 280p : adverts ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/380.1025/1939 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1939. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1939. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1940. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1939. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1940. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1940. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1941. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1940. - 284p : adverts ; 24cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/380.1025/1941 ; North Devon Athenaeum: D380/BES ; DRO: 8/EXE/1941. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1940. Printer. Short account of the parish church of St. Andrew, South Tawton and chapel of St. Mary, South Zeal / by Rev. C.K. Burton ; with a foreword by the Rev. Anthony C. Deane. - Exeter : Besley & Copp, [c.1940]. - 15 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - Cover title.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1941. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1942. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1941. - 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1942. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1942.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1942. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1943. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1942. - 240p ; 24cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1943 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1943. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1943.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1943. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1944. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1943. - xx,240p : adverts ; 24cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1944 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1944 ; Leicester (Special Collections). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1944.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1943. Printer. Hark forrard! : Poems / by Iris M. Raikes; illustrated by the author. - Exeter [Eng.] : Printed by Besley and Copp Limited, [1943?]. - 36 p. : 1 illus., plates. ; 19 cm. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford ; Trinity College Dublin.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1944. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1945. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1944. - 240p : adverts ; 24cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1945 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1945. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1945.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1945. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1946. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1945. - 242p ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/380.1025/1946 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1946. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1946.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1946. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1947. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1946. - 258p : map ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/380.1025/1947 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1947 ; Trinity College Dublin. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1947.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1947. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1948. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1947. - 272p : map ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1948 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1948. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1948.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1948. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1949. 1948. sB/EXE/380.1025/1949 : sB/EXE/380.1025/1949r : 8/EXE/1949.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1949. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1950. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1949. - 292p : map ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: DIR ; Plymouth ; DRO: 8/EXE/1950. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1950. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1951. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1950. - 302p ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: DIR ; Plymouth ; DRO: 8/EXE/1951. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1950? Printer. North Cornwall: Cornwall's Atlantic seaboard. - Exeter : Besley and Copp for the North Cornwall Tourist Association, [n.d.]. - 44p. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.


Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1951. Printers. Exeter City Council. Planning Department. Town and Country Planning Act, 1947 : report of the survey ; written analysis / City and County of the City of Exeter. - Exeter : Besley & Copp (print) , 1951. - 48p : fold.tables ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/711.4/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Town planning. Reports, .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1952. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1952. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1951. - 306p : map ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : sB/EXE/380.1025/1952 ; DRO: 8/EXE/1952. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. 1952 .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1952. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1953. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1952. - 304p : map ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1953 ; Plymouth ; DRO: 8/EXE/1953. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1953. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1954. - Exeter : Besley , 1953. - 307p : maps ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/380.1025/1954 ; Barnstaple: 380.1/BX:EXE/1954 ; DRO: 8/EXE/.

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1954. Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs 1955. - Exeter : Besley & Copp , 1954. - 307p : map ; 25cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1954 ; Plymouth ; DRO: 8/EXE/1955 ; Leicester (Special Collections). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Directories. .

Exeter. Besley and Copp. 1958. Printer. History of the 2/7th Battalion, the Queen's Royal Regiment, 1939-1945 / by Roy E. Bullen; with a foreword by Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Stratton. - Exeter : Besley and Copp (printers), [1958]. - xi, 161p., 12p. of plates : ill., maps, ports. ; 23cm. - COPAC. - Held by: Imperial War Museum.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1898 - 1910. Printer.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1898. Printer. The Devon Masonic directory. - Exeter : Besley and Dalgleish.. - v. ; 17 cm. - At head of title: By authority and under the sanction of the Provincial Grand Master of Devon. Description based on 1898 issue. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1900. Printer. “Songs to our Soldiers.” / [PASMORE, Bertha.]. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, [1900.]. - 32 p. ; 16º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1900. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. Tales of Devon and Cornwall / related by W.S. Pasmore. - 3rd ed., revised and enlarged. - Exeter : Printed and Published by Besley and Dalgleish Ltd., 1900. - 91 p. ; 19 cm. - Short stories.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge ; University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1901. Printer. " Songs for our soldiers" / by Bertha Pasmore. - Exeter : Printed by Besley and Dalgleish Ltd., [1901?]. - 32 p. ; 14 cm. - Poems.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1901. Printer. Seven Droll Stories ... Related by W. S. Pasmore. - [Another edition.] Tales of Devon and Cornwall ... Third edition [of “Seven Droll Stories”], revised and enlarged.. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, 1900. - 91 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1901. Printer. Sketches of the West Countree : original studies of rural life in Devon and Cornwall in verse and prose / [Harris, Walter Gregory.]. - Exeter : Besley and Dalgleish, 1901. - 69p. - Price 1/- nett.. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library ; University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1901. Printer. Tales of Devon and Cornwall / [Pasmore, W.S.]. - 4th ed.. - Exeter : Besley, 1901. - 76p. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1901. Printer. The Post Office directory of Exeter. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish.. - v ; 25 & 22 cm. - Description based on 1901. Includes index.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1904. Printer. An ecclesiastical map of the Diocese of Exeter : shewing the Archdeaconries, Rural Deaneries and Parishes / originally compiled, in 1878, under the direction of the late Rev.Sub-Dean Bramley, revised by Besley and Dalgleish in 1904. - Exeter : Besley and Dalgleish, 1904. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1905? Printer. Jan Stewer's Demshur buke : revised and adapted for private or public reading and reciting / [Coles, Albert John.]. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, [19--]. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1905. Printer. Stewer, Jan. Jan Stewer's Demshur buke / Jan Stewer (A.J.Coles). - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish , [1905?]. - 72p ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/STE ; Barnstaple: 828.99/STE ; North Devon Athenaeum: D823/STE. - Subjects: Devon. Dialect literature.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1905. Printer. Stewer, Jan. Jan Stewer's Demshur buke / Jan Stewer (A.J.Coles)- 2nd ed. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish , [1905?]. - 102p ; 19cm. - Held by: Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Dialect literature. Stewer, Jan. Texts.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1905. Printer. Sketches of the West Countree : original studies of rural life in Devon and Cornwall, in verse and prose / [Harris, Walter Gregory.]. - 3rd ed.. - Exeter : Besley and Dalgleish, 1905. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1905? Printer. Besley's directory of Exeter and suburbs. - Exeter : Besley and Dalgliesh. - v. ; 23 cm. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1906. Printer. Britain wake up! / by Tom Neill ; with commendatory letter from Mr. Chamberlain. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, [1906]. - xxx, 300 p. - COPAC. - Held by: Bristol.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1906. Printer. Britain wake up : being a reply to sixteen letters addressed to Mr. Chamberlain and published under the title of "England's ruin" / [NEILL, Tom.]. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, 1906. - xxx, 301 p. ; 20 cm. - Includes index.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge ; University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1906. Printer. Messrs. Redmond & Bannerman (late Gladstone) will sell by auction at the Windsor Castle Hotel, Little Britain, on the 1st day of April next, at noon, (if not previously redeemed by public subscription), the whole of the vast landed estates, goods, chattels and effects of John Bull ... - Rev. ed.. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, [1906?]. - 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 45 x 26 cm. - Satirical broadside. Caption title. Edition statement at head of title. At head of title: Selling off! Retiring from business!. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1906. Printer. The crucifixion. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, [1906?]. - [3] p. ; 17 cm. - Title from cover.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1906. Printer. The Crucifixion. [Verses. By John F. Peto.]. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, [1906]. - 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1907. Printer. Tales of Devon and Cornwall ... Fourth edition, revised and enlarged / [PASMORE, W. S.]. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, 1907. - 76 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1908. Printer. Sketches of the West Countree : original studies of rural life in Devon and Cornwall, in verse and prose / by W. Gregory Harris. - 4th ed.. - Exeter : Besley and Dalgleish, 1908. - 106 p., [2] p. of plates. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1909. Printer. Worth's Exeter (Cathedral and city) guide book : with illustrations, map, and plan / (Thomas Burnet Worth). - 5th ed.. - (Exeter : Printed by Besley, 1909?). - 142 p., (20) leaves op plates : photos., map, plan ; 18 cm. - Preface signed: "Thomas Burnet Worth." Includes index.. - COPAC. - Held by: City of London, Guildhall Library.

Exeter. Besley and Dalgleish. 1910. Printer. Besley’s Bird’s Eye View of Exeter. - Exeter : Besley & Dalgleish, [1910]. - 490 x 350 mm. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1873 - 1898. Printer.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1873. Printer. Dartmoor. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1873]. - 1 map ; 517 x 394 mm. - Scale 1:95,040. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland ; British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1876. Printer. The Hand Book of North Devon, Bude, Launceston, Tavistock, &c., with trips on the North Devon, Devon and Cornwall Central, and Ilfracombe railways, and sketch of the natural history of the district. Extracted from the Route Book of Devon. [With plates and a map.]. - Exeter : Henry Besley & Son, [1876]. - 119, xxx. p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1876. Printer. The Hand Book of South of Devon and Dartmoor ... Extracted from the Route Book of Devon. [With plates and maps.]. - Exeter : Henry Besley & Son, [1876]. - 132, xliv. p. ; 12º. - Part of a series entitled “Hand Books of Devonshire.”.. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1876. Printer. The Hand Book of South-East Devon ... From the Route Book of Devon. [With plates and a map.]. - Exeter : Henry Besley & Son, [1876]. - 119 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1877. Printer. [The Route Book of Devon: a guide for the stranger and the tourist to the towns, watering places, and other interesting localities of this county. With a route map of the roads and plans of Exeter, Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse.]. - A new edition.. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1877]. - 460 p. ; 12º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1877. Printer. Coast of North Devon. (Ilfracombe; Lynton and Lynmouth). - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1877]. - 3 maps (on 1 sh.). - Scale not given. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1880. Printer. [The hand-book of Exeter, containing a concise history of the city and a description of the Cathedral, etc. [Illustrated.]]. - [Another edition.] The Hand Book of Exeter, etc. (A Sketch of the Natural History of the neighbourhood of Exeter. By W. S. M. D'Urban.).. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1880?]. - 110. 1 p. ; 12º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1880. Printer. The Hand Book of Western Cornwall. Penzance, Falmouth, and neighbourhoods ... Extracted from the Route Book of Cornwall [by Henry Besley]. [With “A Sketch of the Natural History of West Cornwall.”]. - Exeter : Henry Besley & Son, [1880?]. - 2 pt. ; 12º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1881. Printer. Æsop's Fables.- Cabinet edition. [A political satire occasioned by the events of the Transvaal War.] / [Aesop.]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1881]. - 1 sheet ; obl. 4º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1881. Printer. Exeter. Scale, 15 chains[ = 30 mm]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, 1881. - 290 x 230 mm. 8º. - Scale, 15 chains[ = 30 mm]. - (In: The Post Office Directory of Exeter ... for 1881). - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1881. Printer. Selling Off! Retiring from business!! ... Mr. W.E. Gladstone will sell by auction, at the Boer's Head Hotel ... the whole of the vast landed estates ... of John Bull, Esq., etc. - Exeter : London, H. Besley & Son : T.D. Dewdney ; [1881]. - s.sh.fol. - COPAC. - Held by: Held by: Register of Preservation Surrogates: British Library: Microfilm. 1 reel(278fr.): negative; 35 mm. PB.Mic.13725. Microfilm. positive. Mic.A.19862. .

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1881. Printer. The Post Office Directory of Exeter and suburbs, for 1881(-1912), etc. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1881-1920]. - 8º. - Wanting the issues for 1887, 1892, 1894, 1895.. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1881-1912. Printer. The Post Office directory of Exeter and suburbs. - Exeter : H. Besley, -1912. - v. : ill. ; 18-23 cm. - Description based on : 1881. Cover title for 1901-1908 reads : Besley's Exeter directory and business guide. Cover title for 1909-1911 reads : Besley's directory. Continues as : Besleys' directory of Exeter and suburbs.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1882. Printer. Forecast of the Queen's Speech at the opening of Parliament, 1882. [A satire.] (Special edition.) / [Victoria, Queen of Great Britain,]. - Exeter : H. Besley and Son, [1882]. - 1 sheet ; fol. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1882. Printer. Selling off! Retiring from business!! Freeholds, leaseholds, reversionary interests, household effects and shares : Mr. W. E. Gladstone will sell by auction, at the Boer's Head Hotel ... the whole of the vast landed estates, goods, chattels and effects of John Bull, Esq., who is retiring from business on account of advancing age and ill-health, induced by recent losses in his Transvaal venture, comprising three kingdoms (United or otherwise), one empire, one dominion, forty-eight colonies and one suzerainty, .. / [Gladstone, W. E (William Ewart),]. - [Exeter : London : printed by H. Besley & Son ; T.D. Dewdney, [1882]. - 1 sheet ([1]p) ; 45 cm ; 1/2o. - In top right corner "John Bull's sale. Copyright. Entered at Stationers' Hall.".. - COPAC. - Held by: University of London - ULRLS.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1882-1883. Printer. The Devon Churchman for clergy and laity / edited by William Everitt. - Exeter : Henry S. Eland : H. Besley & Son, 1882-1883. - 2 v. ; 21cm. - All published? Monthly. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1883. Printer. The Truro diocesan kalendar, clergy list, and general almanac for the year of our Lord .. / [Church of England. Diocese of Truro.]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son. - v. ; 19 cm. - Description based on: 1883. "Published with the sanction of the Bishop.". - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1885. Printer. Consuetudinarium ecclesie lincolniensis tempore Richardi de Gravesend episcopi (A.D. 1258-1279) redactum / with introductory notes by Christopher Wordsworth ; edited by Herbert Edward Reynolds. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son [printers], 1885. - xlviii, 29 p ; 34 cm. - Includes bibliographical references. In Latin; introduction and commentary in English.. - COPAC. - Held by: Manchester.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1885. Printer. Consuetudinarium ecclesie lincolniensis tempore Richardi de Gravesend episcopi (A.D. 1258-1279) redactum / with introductory notes by Christopher Wordsworth ; edited by Herbert Edward Reynolds. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son [printers], 1885. - xlviii, 29 p. ; 34 cm. - Includes bibliographical references. In Latin; introduction and commentary in English.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1885. Printer. Consuetudinarium Ecclesie Lincolniensis, tempore Richardi de Gravesend episcopi, A.D. 1258-1279, redactum. With introductory notes by C. Wordsworth ... Edited by H. E. Reynolds / [Cathedral Church (LINCOLN)]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, 1885. - xlvii, 29 p. ; fol. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1886. Printer. Pasmore, L. N. S. Letter to John Bull on Fair Trade. Fifth thousand. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1886]. - 11 p. ; 12º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1886. Printer. Pasmore, L. N. S. Letter to John Bull on fair trade. - Exeter, [1886]. - 11p. - ALSO ON MICROFILM M (PAMPHLETS 380). - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge ; London School of Economics.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1887. Printer. Narrative of the disastrous fire and loss of life at the Theatre Royal, Exeter, 1887. With illustration. (Exeter Theatre Disaster Fund. Report of Finance Sub-Committee.) / [Theatre Royal (Exeter, England)]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1887?]. - 16 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1887. Printer. Sketches of Old Exeter / [BESLEY, H. AND SON.]. - Exeter : Besley, 1887. - [1 v.] : 4 plates. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter ; V&A Libraries.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1888. Printer. Bickersteth, Edward Henry. Some Words of Counsel addressed to the Clergy and Laity of his Diocese, in the first three years of his episcopate, by E. H.. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, 1888. - 154 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1888. Printer. Artificial Limbs, surgical appliances, etc., with illustrations of remarkable cases; together with a series of articles on psychology / [GILLINGHAM, James.]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, 1888. - xii, 155, lxiv p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The story of the Cornish jury / related by W.S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1889?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - A short story, partly in dialect.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The Story of the Coach Wheels / [PASMORE, W. S.]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1889]. - 8 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The story of the coach wheels / related by W.S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1889?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - A short story, partly in dialect.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The Story of the Cornish Jury / [PASMORE, W. S.]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1889]. - 8 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1890. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. Seven droll stories / related by W. S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1890?]. - 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 p. ; 19 cm. - Title from cover. Contents: The Tavistock local fencibles -- Jope -- Wat be those Boogles blowin' vor? -- The Mock Berryin -- Sir Thomas Fry -- The Botus-Fleming overseers -- Captain O.. takes to keeping a coach -- The song of the press gang.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1890. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The story of the Cornish jury / related by W. S. Pasmore. - Second edition.. - [Exeter] : H. Besley & Son, printers, South Street, Exeter, [1890?]. - 11, [1] p. ; 19 cm. - Concerning the mysterious death of an elderly widow in 1816 and the verdict of not guilty passed on her son in law. Imprint from verso of titlepage.. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1890. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. Seven Droll Stories ... Related by W. S. Pasmore / [PASMORE, W. S.]. - Exeter : Besley & Son, [1890]. - 5 pt. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1892. Printer. The Gladstone procession! [A satire.] / [Gladstone, W. E. (William Ewart),]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1892]. - 1 sheet ; fol. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1892. Printer. The Gladstone procession! : grand thanksgiving service on Clerkenwell Green, to celebrate to the return to power of the great Gladstonian party ... - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1892?]. - 1 broadside ; 89 x 10 cm. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1893. Printer. A forecast of the Queen's speech. - Exeter : Besley & Son, [1893?]. - 1 sheet ; 47 x 18 cm. - Caption title. An anonymous satire.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1893. Printer. A Forecast of the Queen's Speech [at the opening of Parliament, 31st January, 1893. A satire] / [England.]. - Exeter : Besley & Son, [1893]. - a slip.. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1895. Printer. Reynolds, Herbert Edward. A short history of the ancient diocese of Exeter from the Conquest to the Church Congress of 1894 : with appendix. - Exeter : Printed and Published by H. Besley & Son, 1895. - [i-xii], [1]-458 p., 1 ., [i]-xxvii [1] p. : ill. ; 21.9 cm. - . - COPAC. - Held by: British Library ; Guildhall Library ; Leicester (Special Collections) ; London Library ; Lambeth Palace ; Cambridge ; Trinity College Dublin ; York Minster; King's College London.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1897. Printer. The “Simplex” Clerical Visiting Diary, etc / [SANDBACH, Arthur.]. - Exeter : Besley & Son, [1897]. - 209 p. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1897. Printer. The Devon Masonic Directory for ... 1897, etc / [Provincial Grand Lodge of Devon (FREEMASONS)]. - Exeter : H. Besley and Son, [1897, etc.]. - 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1897. Printer. The " simplex" clerical visiting diary : for the use of clergymen, and lay readers, arranged for any one year / by Rev. Arthur Sandbach ; with a preface by Rev. H.F. Stewart. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1897?]. - a-l, 209 p. ; 15 cm. - Pocket at beginning and end.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Son. 1898. Printer. The " simplex" clerical visiting diary : for the use of clergymen, and lay readers, arranged for any one year / by Rev. Arthur Sandbach ; with a preface by Rev. H.F. Stewart. - [2nd ed.]. - Exeter : H. Besley & Son, [1898?]. - a-m, 254 p. ; 15 cm. - Pocket at beginning and end. Includes index.. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1830 - 1890. Printer.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1830. Printer. Plan of Plymouth, Stonehouse and Devonport. R. Brown ... delin. Scale of half a mile[ = 42 mm]. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1830]. - 280 x 153 mm. - Scale of half a mile[ = 42 mm] - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1832. Printer. Statutes 1832. Local ; 2&3 Wm 4 c.106. An act for better improving paving, lighting, watching, cleansing... - Exeter : Henry Besley (printer) , 1832. - 186p ; 23cm. - Short title : Exeter Improvement Act, 1832. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: 348.022/LOC/1832. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Town planning. Statutes. 1832.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1833. Printer. A list of the voters at the Exeter election, (the first under the Reform Bill,) which took place, December 10 and 11, 1832 : including the names registered by the barristers.-- Exeter Besley 1833. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1835. Printer. Besley's Exeter directory, for 1835 : with the list of voters polled at the contest for the representation of the city, in January, 1835, [Besley, Henry.]. - Exeter : printed and published by Henry Besley, [1835]. - xvi, [1], 6-138, [1]p. 20cm., (8º). - Contains [2]p. of advertisements within text. - Davidson p.32 (Bookseller's catalogue). - Price : 3s. - With an assessment receipt tipped in. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library ; Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1835. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Industries & trades. Directories. 1835.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1836. Printer. The Exeter guide, and itinerary : comprising an account of the public buildings, institutions, walks, Cathedral, &c. ; to which is prefixed a concise history of the city from the earliest period, [Besley, Henry.]. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1836]. - 106 p. - With fold-out map and 3 fold-out illustrations. - - Somers Cocks S134A; Davidson p.32 (Secktor Lib.). - Held by: University of Exeter ; British Library ; Devon Heritage Centre : sB/EXE/1836/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Guides. 1836.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1837. Printer. Besley's Exeter directory, for 1837. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1837]. - Davidson p.32 (Bookseller's catalogue). - No copy located. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Industries & trades. Directories. 1837.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1838. Printer. Devon & Exeter Savings Bank. The twenty-second annual statement of the Devon and Exeter Savings Bank, established at Exeter, Dec. 4, 1815 : protected by Act of Parliament. - Exeter : Printed by Henry Besley, 1838. - [91] p. ; 21 cm. - Held by: University College London Library ; University of Glasgow Libraries ; Sheffield.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1839. Printer. West of England, or, improved almanack, for the year of our Lord 1840. - Exeter : Henry Besley , [1839]. - 96p : ill ; 20cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p030.2/WES/WES. - Subjects: Westcountry. Almanacs. 1840.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1840-1849. Printer. Devon and Exeter Savings Bank. Annual statement of the Devon and Exeter Savings Bank.-- Exeter Devon and Exeter Savings Bank, printed by Henry Besley 1840-1849. - 24th, 33rd. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries: Supplement: Brief view of the information contained in the analysis of the accounts of the Devon & Exeter Savings Bank...1827-1835 [with manuscript additions 1836-1839].

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1843. Printer. West of England, or improved almanack for the year of our Lord 1843 : containing the rising and setting of the sun and moon.. - Exeter : Printed and published by Henry Besley, 1843. - 93 p. - Contains: On cider making, by C.W. (pp17-27). - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Co. 1843-1862. Printer. West of England, or, Improved almanack, for the year of Our Lord 1843 (1844-1847, 1849, 1856, 1857, 1862, 1863), etc. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1843-62]. - 12º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library ; Devon Heritage Centre: sDEV/1845/ROU. - Subjects: Devon. Guides. 1845.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1845. Printer. The Route Book of Devon: a guide for the stranger and the tourist to the towns, watering places, and other interesting localities of this county. With a route map of the roads and plans of Exeter, Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1845]. - 356 p. : maps ; 15cm - COPAC ; Davidson p.12 (Secktor Library). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sDEV/1845/ROU ; British Library ; Cambridge. - Subjects: Devon. Guides. 1845. Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1845. Printer. West of England pocket book, or gentleman's diary, with an almanack. - Exeter : Henry Besley , 1845. - 1 vol ; 16cm. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/EXE/380.1025/1845 (also 1847, 1853). - Subjects: Background. Industries & trades. Directories. 1845.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1846. Printer. Devonshire. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1846]. - 1 map ; 226 x 278 mm. - Scale: 8 miles to an inch. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... Second edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1846. Printer. The HAND-BOOK of Exeter : with an account of the cathedral .. - Exeter : [] , [1846]. - 71p,5 plates : map ; 12°. - Extracted from: The route book of Devon. - Davidson p.33 (Secktor Library).

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Co. 1846. Printer. Handbook of Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse etc.. - Exeter : Henry Besley , 1846. - vi, 5-173p. - Extracted from: The route book of Devon. - Davidson p.46 (Bookseller's catalogue). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/PLY 1/1870/BES Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1846.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Co. 1846. Printer. The NORTH of Devon, Barnstaple, Bideford, Ilfracombe, Lynton, Tiverton, South-Molton, Crediton, Torrington, &c. (Extracted from the Route-book of Devon. - Exeter : [] , 1846. - Davidson p.15 (BC).

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1846. Printer. Plan of Plymouth, Stonehouse and Devonport, R. Brown ... delin. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1846]. - 1 map ; 151 x 273 mm. - Scale: ca. 3 1/4 inches to a mile. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... Second edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Co. 1846. Printer. The Route Book of Devon: a guide for the stranger and the tourist to the towns, watering places, and other interesting localities of this county. With a route map of the roads and plans of Exeter, Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse. - Second edition. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1846]. - 380p : maps ; 15cm - Davidson p.12n (B., U.C.). - URL: http://books.google.co.uk/books?vid=BL:A0019023567. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: DEV/1846/ROU ; Barnstaple: B/1846/ROU ; Society of Antiquaries of London. - Subjects: Devon. Guides. 1846.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1846. Printer. Route map of the roads of Devon .., (engraved by ... F.P. Becker & Co.). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1846]. - 1 map ; 221 x 272 mm. - Scale not given. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... Second edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley. 1846. Printer. The SOUTH East of Devon : Sidmouth, Exmouth, Budleigh-Salterton, the landslip, Honiton, Ottery St. Mary, Topsham ... - Exeter : [] , 1846. - Extracted from: The route book of Devon. - Davidson p.50 (Bookseller's catalogue).

Exeter. Besley, Henry, Henry. 1846. Printer. The South of Devon. Torquay, Dartmouth, Dawlish, Totnes, Ashburton, Kingsbridge, &c. Including a trip on the South Devon Railway. Extracted from the Route Book of Devon. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1846?]. - 60 p. ; 8º - COPAC ; Davidson p.12n,57 (Secktor Library). - Held by: British Library ; Aberdeen.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1846. Publisher. A visit to Exeter and its vicinity ... Extracted from the Route Book of Devon. - [Exeter 1846?]. - 12º. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1847. Printer. A form of prayer and thanksgiving to Almighty God, to be used ... on Sunday, the 17th day of October, 1847, being the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the late abundant harvest .., [Church of England. Liturgy and ritual. Special forms of prayer. General.]. - Exeter : Henry Besley, 1847. - 8p - COPAC. - Held by: Lambeth Palace.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1847. Printer. West of England pocket book, or gentleman's diary, with an almanack. - Exeter : Henry Besley , 1847. - 1 vol ; 16cm. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/EXE/380.1025/1847. - Subjects: Background. Industries & trades. Directories. 1847.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1848. Printer. Illustrations of Devon : no.1 : three steel engravings : Dawlish, Teignmouth, Torquay.... - Exeter : Henry Besley , [1848]. - 12p : ill ; 25cm. - Vignette engravings after G.Townsend. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: pxDEV/1848/ILL. - Subjects: Devon. Illustrations. 1848.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1848. Printer. The route book of Devon : a guide for the stranger and tourist to the towns, watering places and other interesting localities of this county .. - New ed. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [ca.1848]. - 403, 12 p., [30] leaves of plates (3 fold.) : ill., maps ; 16 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Leicester (Special Collections).

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1849. Printer. Besley's penny almanack, 1850. - Exeter : Henry Besley , [1849]. - 1 sheet ; 47x33cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: OE 1850. - Subjects: Westcountry. Almanacks. 1850.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1850. Printer. The Route Book of Devon : a guide for the stranger and tourist, [BESLEY, Henry.]. - 2nd ed. - Exeter : published by Henry Besley, 1850 - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Co. 1850. Printer. Besley, H. & Co. The Route Book of Devon : a guide for the stranger and tourist to towns, watering places & other interesting localities of County. - Exeter : Henry Besley , [1850?. - 380p : maps ; 15cm. - BESROU1850. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sDEV/1850/ROU ; North Devon Athenaeum D9101850/BES ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Guides. 1850.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1850. Printer. The route book of Devon : a guide for the stranger and the tourist to the towns, watering places, and other interesting localities of this county ; with a route map of the roads and plans of Exeter, Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse. - A new edition. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1850]. - 403 p : ill, maps ; 16 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge ; Warwick.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1850? Printer. H. Besley's views of Devonshire, [[Besley, Henry].]. - [Exeter] : H. Besley, [1850?]. - 12 leaves of plates ; 13 x 22cm. - Cover title. - COPAC. - Held by: National Trust.

Exeter. Besley, Henry and Co. 1850. Printer. Besley, Henry and Co. A visit to Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse, and neighbourhood with plan of the towns, etc. - Exeter : Henry Besley , [1850?. - 55p,plates : ill ; 16cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1850/BES. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1850.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1850? Printer. Panorama of Cornwall. - Exeter : H. Besley, [ca. 1850?]. - 10 plates ; 12cm. - Cover title. - COPAC. - Held by: Leeds.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1850? Printer. Route book of Devon : a guide for the stranger and tourist to...this county, [Besley, Henry.]. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [c.1850?] - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1850? Printer. Views of Devonshire, [Besley, Henry.]. - [Exeter : Besley, 185-?]. - 6 plates. ; 13 x 22 cm. - Cover title. - COPAC. - Held by: City of London, Guildhall Library ; V&A Libraries.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1853. Printer. The route book of Cornwall : a guide for the stranger & tourist ... With maps and embellishments. - Exeter : Henry Besley , [1853]. - 218p,plates : ill,maps ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sCOR/1850/ROU ; North Devon Athenaeum C910/ROU ; British Library. - Subjects: Cornwall. Guides. 1853.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1853. Printer. The route book of Cornwall : a guide for the stranger & tourist to the towns, and other interesting localities of the county. With maps and embellishments, [[Besley, Henry].]. - Exeter : printed and published by Henry Besley, Directory-Office, South-Street, and sold by all booksellers, [1853]. - [2],218 p., plates (some folded) : maps ; 16cm. - By Henry Besley. - COPAC. - Held by: National Trust.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1853. Printer. West of England pocket book, or gentleman's diary, with an almanack. - Exeter : Henry Besley , 1853. - 1 vol ; 16cm. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/EXE/380.1025/1853. - Subjects: Background. Industries & trades. Directories. 1853.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1853? Printer. Besley's views of Devonshire. - [Exeter : H. Besley, 1853?]. - 18 plates ; 14 x 22 cm. - Gift of David Seed. - Cover title. - COPAC. - Held by: Liverpool.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1853? Printer. The hand book of Penzance and neighbourhood : St. Michael's Mount, The Land's End ... etc, [compiled by H. Besley]. - Exeter : H. Besley, [185-]. - 92 p : 7 plates: fold. map ; 17 cm. - Extracted from [the compiler's] The route book of Cornwall'. 1853. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Wales, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1853? Printer. The route book of Cornwall : a guide for the stranger & tourist to the towns, and other interesting localities of the county, [by Henry Besley.] With maps and embellishments. - Exeter : Printed and published by Henry Besley, Directory Office, South Street, and sold by all booksellers, [1853?]. - 218, [24] p., [19] leaves of plates : ill., map (fold.) ; 17 cm. - Includes 24 p. of advertisements. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge ; Leicester (Special Collections) ; National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1853? Printer. The route book of Cornwall : a guide for the stranger & tourist to the towns and other interesting localities of the county. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1853?]. - 218 p. : ll., folded maps ; 17 cm - COPAC. - Held by: London Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1855. Printer. Views in Cornwall and Devonshire. - Exeter : Published by Henry Besley, [1855]. - 1 p.l.,[60] leaves of plates : ill. ;l. ; 17 x 26 cm. - Plates by G. Townsend and R.J. Pentreath. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1856? Printer. [The Route Book of Devon.] The Hand Book of North Devon, with a trip on the Crediton and North Devon Railways. [Extracted from "The Route Book of Devon." With plates and a map.]. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1856?]. - 84 p. ; 12º. - Part of a series entitled “Hand Books of Devonshire.”. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1856? Printer. The hand book of North Devon, with a trip on the Crediton and North Devon railways. - Exeter : printed and published by Henry Besley; sold by all booksellers, [1856?]. - 16 cm; 84, 13, [3]p., leaves of plates (some folded) : ill., map. - Extracted from 'The route book of Devon'; part of 'Handbooks of Devonshire'. - Cover has "2s.". - Besley's hand book advertiser at end. - With a folded map and plates. - Date of publication suggested by final advertisement. - COPAC. - Held by: York Minster.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1858-1869. Printer. West of England and Trewman's Exeter pocket journal : or gentleman's diary, with an almanack. - Exeter : Henry Besley, 1858-1869 - COPAC. - Held by: Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1860. Printer. Oxford local examinations, 1860 : tables, with some remarks on the Oxford local examinations, at Midsummer, 1860, and more particularly in reference to the Exeter branch, by James Templeton. - Exeter : printed by Henry Besley, [1860?]. - 12 p. : tables ; 8vo. - Caption title. - COPAC. - Held by: University of London - ULRLS.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1860? Printer. [Nine alternative routes for tourists in Cornwall]. - [Exeter : H. Besley, ca. 1860]. - 9 routes (on 6 sh.). - Scale not given. - In: The Route Book of Cornwall, &c. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1860? Printer. Cornwall, (drawn by F.P. Becker). - Exeter : H. Besley, [ca. 1860]. - 1 map ; 217 x 264 mm. - Scale 1:570,240. - In: The Route Book of Cornwall, &c. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1860? Printer. Devonshire views / [Besley, H.]. - Exeter : Besley, H. [1860??]. ;. - 12 plates ; 13 x 22cm. - COPAC. - Held by: Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1860? Printer. Devonshire, by Henry Besley. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [ca. 1860]. - 1 map ; 31 x 36 cm., folded in cover to 14 x 9 cm. - Scale [ca. 1:400 000] 1 mile = 4 mm. - Extent of railways indicates date of 1860. - Contents: Provides population, jurisdiction and poor law information. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1860? Printer. The south of Devon and Dartmoor : Torquay, Teignmouth, Dartmouth, Dawlish, Totnes, Ashburton, Newton, Moreton, Kingsbridge, Tavistock, etc. Including a trip on the South Devon Railway. Extracted from the route book of Devon. - Exeter : printed and published by Henry Besley, Directory-Office, South-Street, [1860?]. - 132, [22] p., plates : fold.maps ; 16cm. - Hand books of Devonshire. - With index and eleven final advertisement leaves. - COPAC. - Held by: National Trust.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1862. Printer. The hand book of south of Devon and Dartmoor : Torquay, Teignmouth, Dartmouth, Dawlish, Totnes, Ashburton, Newton, Moreton, Kingsbirdge, Tavistock, &c. including a trip on the South Devon railway. Extracted from the route book of Devon. - Exeter : printed and published by Henry Besley, Directory-Office, South Street, and sold by all booksellers, [1862?]. - 130, [24]p., plates : ill., map (folded) ; 8vo. - Hand books of Devonshire. - Date taken from an advertisement for Bakers Royal Castle Hotel referring to a visit by the Prince of Wales in 1862. - COPAC. - Held by: National Trust.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1863. Printer. Notices of Exeter : comprising a history of royal visits to the ancient and loyal city, from A.D. 49, to A.D. 1863, with some additional matter. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1863]. - 106p. - Read before the British Archaeological Associaton on their visit to Exeter, in August, 1861. - COPAC. - Held by: Leicester (Special Collections) ; London Library ; University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1863. Printer. The hand book of Exeter .. : including an account of the City, Cathedral [etc.], with a sketch of the Natural History of the neighbourhood, By a Member of the Royal Agricultural Society. - Exeter : Printed and published by Henry Besley, 1863. - xii, 126, [4] p. - 12 mo. - Item includes fold-out map and railway timetable. - COPAC. - Held by: V&A Libraries.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1865? Printer. The south of Devon and Dartmoor : Torquay, Teignmouth, Dartmouth, Dawlish, Totnes, Ashburton, Newton, Moreton, Kingsbridge, Tavistock, &c. With a sketch of the natural history of the district. Extracted from the route book of Devon. - Exeter : Printed and published by Henry Besley, Directory-office, South-Street, and sold by all booksellers, [1865?]. - [2], 173, [25] p., [12] leaves of plates : ill. (some col.), map (folded) ; 16cm. - With [24] p. of publisher's advertisement at the end. - p. [4] is numbered vi; p. [5] is numbered ii. - With index. - The leaf beginning the sketch of the natural history of South Devon is inserted twice. - The latest date mentioned in the text appears to be 1863. - COPAC. - Held by: National Trust.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1867? Printer. Views of Devonshire, [Besley, Henry.]. - Exeter : Besley, [c.1867?]. - 6 engravings. - The engravings by George Townsend. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1869/71. Printer. The route book of Devon for rail and road : a guide for the stranger and tourist, [Besley, Henry.]. - New edition. - Exeter : Besley, 1869-71?. - 438p - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1870?. Printer. [The Route Book of Devon.] The South of Devon and Dartmoor ... Including a trip on the South Devon Railway. [With maps.] Extracted from the Route Book of Devon. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1870?]. - 114 p. ; 16º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1870-1884. Printer. Besley's West of England and Exeter pocket journal. - Exeter : Henry Besley, 1870-1884 - COPAC. - Held by: Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. [The Route Book of Devon: a guide for the stranger and the tourist to the towns, watering places, and other interesting localities of this county. With a route map of the roads and plans of Exeter, Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse.]. - A new edition. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1871]. - 438 p. ; 12º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. [The Route Book of Devon: a guide for the stranger and the tourist to the towns, watering places, and other interesting localities of this county. With a route map of the roads and plans of Exeter, Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse.]. - A new edition.. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1871]. - 438 p. ; 12º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Coast of North Devon. (Ilfracombe; Lynton and Lynmouth). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 3 maps (on 1 sh.). - Scale not given. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Coast of North Devon. (Ilfracombe; Lynton and Lynmouth). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 3 maps (on 1 sh.). - Scale not given. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Devonshire. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 302 x 373 mm. - Scale 1:380,160. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Devonshire. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 302 x 373 mm. - Scale 1:380,160. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Exeter, corrected to the present time, (engraved by ... F. P. Becker & Co.). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 231 x 286 mm. - Scale 1:9,504. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - References. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Exeter, corrected to the present time / (engraved by ... F. P. Becker & Co.). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 231 x 286 mm. - Scale 1:9,504. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. North Devon, (drawn by Becker & Sons). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 305 x 390 mm. - Scale 1:190,080. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. North Devon / (drawn by Becker & Sons). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 305 x 390 mm. - Scale 1:190,080. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Plan of Torquay, from the Ordnance Survey, (engraved by Becker & Son). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 365 x 224 mm. - Scale 1:13,774. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Plan of Torquay, from the Ordnance Survey / (engraved by Becker & Son). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 365 x 224 mm. - Scale 1:13,774. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 222 x 368 mm. - Scale 1:18,000. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 222 x 368 mm. - Scale 1:18,000. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. South Devon and Dartmoor, (drawn by Becker & Sons). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 300 x 389 mm. - Scale 1:190,080. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. South Devon and Dartmoor / (drawn by Becker & Sons). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 300 x 389 mm. - Scale 1:190,080. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1871. Printer. South East Devon, (engraved by W.E. Trott). - Exeter : H. Besley, [1871]. - 1 map ; 296 x 367 mm. - Scale 1:126,720. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1876. Printer. [A collection of engravings of scenes in Devonshire and Cornwall, some printed as headings on note-paper.]. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1876.]. - 2 pt. ; 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1876. Printer. [The Route-Book of Cornwall: a guide for the stranger and tourist ... With maps and embellishments. [By Henry Besley.]]. - [Another edition.]. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1876]. - 231 p. ; 12º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1876. Printer. The Hand Book of South of Devon and Dartmoor. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1876]. - 130, xliv p ; 17cm. - Hand Books of Devonshire. - Extracted from: The route book of Devon.. - COPAC. - Held by: Natural History Museum.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1877. Printer. Devonshire. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1877]. - 1 map ; 302 x 373 mm. - Scale 1:380,160. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1877. Printer. Exeter. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1877]. - 1 map ; 231 x 286 mm. - Scale 1:9,504. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1877. Printer. North Devon. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1877]. - 1 map ; 305 x 394 mm. - Scale 1:190,080. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1877. Printer. Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1877]. - 1 map ; 223 x 371 mm. - Scale 1:18,000. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1877. Printer. South Devon, and Dartmoor. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1877]. - 1 map ; 300 x 393 mm. - Scale 1:190,080. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1877. Printer. South East Devon. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1877]. - 1 map ; 298 x 372 mm. - Scale 1:126,720. - In: The Route Book of Devon ... a new edition. - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1878. Printer. The Hand-Book of North Devon ... with ... sketch of the natural history of the district ... extracted from the Route book of Devon. - Exeter : Henry Besley, [1878?]. - 123, xxx p ; 16cm. - Hand Books of Devonshire. - COPAC. - Held by: Natural History Museum.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1882. Printer. Cornish chantries .. / [Whitley, Henry Michell.]. - [Exeter : Besley, 1882?]. - 8p. - COPAC. - Held by: Lambeth Palace.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1882. Printer. Forecast of the Queen's speech at the opening of parliament, 1882 / [Victoria, Queen of Great Britain,]. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1882]. - 1 sheet ; 43 x 16 cm. folded to 16 x 11 cm. - Caption title. At head of title: Special edition.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1885. Printer. Consuetudinarium ecclesie Lincolniensis, tempore Richardi de Gravesend Episcopi .. / with introductory notes by Christopher Wordsworth ; ed. Herbert Edward Reynolds. - Exeter : Besley, 1885. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1885. Printer. Consuetudinarium ecclesie Lincolniensis, tempore Richardi de Gravesend episcopi, A.D. 1258-1279, redactum / With intr. notes by Christopher Wordsworth; ed. by Herbert Edward Reynolds. - Exeter : Henry Besley, 1885. - 33 cm. - Previously publ. 1880/81.. - COPAC. - Held by: York Minster.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1886. Printer. Besleys' illustrated handbook of Exeter, etc / [BESLEY, Henry.]. - Exeter : published by Henry Besley, 1886. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1888. Printer. Artificial limbs, surgical appliances, etc : with illustrations of remarkable cases, together with a series of articles on psychology / by James Gillingham. - Exeter : printed by H. Besley, 1888. - xii, 155, lxiv p. : ill., port. ; 22 cm. - Portrait of author forms the frontispiece.. - COPAC. - Held by: Wellcome Library ; University College London (photocopy).

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1888. Printer. Some words of counsel addreses to the clergy and laity of his diocese, in the first three years of his episcopate / by E.H. Bickersteth, 62nd Bishop of Exeter. - Exeter : Besley, 1888. - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. Captain O-- takes to keeping a coach / related by W.S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1889?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - A short story.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. I do's it vor exercise / related by W.S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1889?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - A short story.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The story of the Tavystock Local Fencibles and Jope / related by W.S. Pasmore. - [Exeter] : H. Besley, [1889?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - A short story.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The Mock Berryin. Sir Thomas Fry and The Botus-Fleming overseers / related by W. S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1889?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The song of the Press Gang / related by W.S. Pasmore. - Exeter : Printed by H. Besley, [1889?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - A poem.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The story of the Cornish jury / related by W.S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1889?]. - 11 p. ; 19 cm. - A short story.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1889. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. The story of the coach wheels / related by W.S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley, [1889?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - A short story.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Henry. 1890. Printer. Pasmore, W. S. Wat be thoose boogles blowin' vor? / related by W.S. Pasmore. - Exeter : H. Besley, [189?]. - 8 p. ; 19 cm. - A short story.. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, R. H. 1894. Printer.

Exeter. Besley, R. H. 1894. Printer. History of St. John the Baptist Lodge, Exeter, no. 39, of the antient fraternity of free and accepted Masons, etc / [HOPE, Andrew.]. - Exeter : R. H. Besley, 1894. - pp. 135 [136]. 8º. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1825 - 1833. Printers.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1825. Printers. Political catechism for 1825. - Exeter : T. & H.Besley , [1825]. - 1 sheet. - Dated at end: Exeter, June 18, 1825. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1825/06/18 ; Barnstaple ; Exmouth ; Plymouth ; Torquay (Photocopies: Exeter Garland 15). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Elections. Campaign literature. 1825.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1828. Printers. Exeter itinerary and general directory : including ... a walk through the city and suburbs, [Besley, T. and H. (Publishers)]. - Exeter : T. and H. Besley, (1828). - [2],226 p : folded map ; 19 cm - COPAC ; Davidson p. 30, 31. The firm of Besley continued to publish Exeter directories until 1955. - Held by: City of London, Guildhall Library ; Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/380.1025/1828 (Lacks folding map of city). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Industries & trades. Directories.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1828/34. Printer. A solemn and affectionate address to the Jews : clearly demonstrating from the prophecies and descriptions of the Saviour in the Old Testament, and the complete fulfilment ... set forth in the Gospel ... that Jesus Christ ... is the only and true messiah, [Isaacs, Hyam.]. - Exeter : for the author by T. & H. Besley, [18--]. - 28p - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1828-1955. Printer. Besley's Exeter directory. - Exeter : T. and H. Besley, 1828-1955 - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1829. Printer. Cooke, John. A rouser!!! a speech of all speeches that was ever speechified on the Catholic Question lately picked up in Exeter... :. / a loyal Captain. - Exeter : T & H.Besley , [1829]. - 10p ; 24cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s230.2/GEN/COO. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Roman Catholic Church.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1829. Printer. West of England Fire and Life Insurance Company. Proposals and rates of the West of England Fire and Life Insurance Company : established in Exeter, 1807, empowered by an act of Parliament, 1813. - Exeter : T. & H. Besley, 1829. - 24 p : ill. - Signed: Charles Lewis, secretary. - COPAC. - Held by: University of London - ULRLS.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1830. Printer. Cooke, John. My life continued ...trials and sufferings of Captain John brought down to ...Buck Hunting in St.Sidwells / by J.Cooke. - Exeter : T & H.Besley , [1830]. - 8p ; 24cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s920/COO. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Saddlers. Cooke, John. .

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1830?. Printer. Isaacs, Hyam. A solemn and affectionate address to the Jews : clearly demonstrating from the prophecies and descriptions of the Saviour in the Old Testament, and the complete fulfilment of all those sublime truths as set forth in the Gospel, that Jesus Christ, (hitherto a stumbling block and rock of offence to both Houses of Israel,) is the only and true Messiah ; Also, a guide for Christians towards Jews, by Hyam Isaacs, a converted Jew. - Exeter : Printed for the author by T. and H. Besley, and sold by them and all other booksellers, [1830?]. - vi, 28p ; 23cm (8vo) - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1830. Printer. Proclaiming of King William IVth in Exeter June 30, 1830. - Exeter : T. and H.Besley , 1830. - 30cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME 1830/06/30. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Royal visits. William IV. 1830.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1831. Printer. Exeter itinerary, and general directory : comprising a concise history and chronology of the city, and description of the neighbouring watering places; forming a complete guide for strangers, and perfect manual for the gentry, merchants, traders and inhabitants 1831. - Exeter : T. & H. Besley, 1831. - viii, 235 p. : ill, pls., folded map ; 21 cm - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter ; Guildhall Library ; Leicester ; Devon Record Office: 8/EXE/1831. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Industries & trades. Directories. 1831.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1831. Printer. Believer's baptism vindicated : and infant sprinkling refuted, in reply to the "examination, &c." of Mr. Carne, A.B. of Exeter, by a Nazarene. - Exeter : printed for the author by T. and H. Besley, 1831. - 35 p. ; 19 cm. - Signed "Wm. Mackintosh. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1831. Printer. The Happy and Triumphant Close of a Christian Course. A sermon on the death of the Rev. James Manning, etc, [Acton, Henry.]. - Exeter : Besley, 1831. - 32 p. ; 8º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas and Henry. 1833. Printer. A list of the voters at the Exeter election, (the first under the Reform Bill,) which took place, December 10 and 11, 1832 : including the names registered by the barristers. - Exeter : Besley, 1833 - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1802 - 1826. Printer.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1802. Printer. TO the electors of Exeter. -Exeter : T.Besley, printer , [1802]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Verse, first line: All you that are free. Dated: June 26, 1802. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1802/06/26; Barnstaple ; Exmouth ; Plymouth ; Torquay (photocopies, Exeter Garland 2). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Elections. Addresses. 1802. - Watermark: Crown in wreath. Oxenham & Co 1801.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.
Watermarks not to scale.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1804. Printer. A Form of Prayer, to be used in all Churches and Chapels upon Friday, May 25, 1804, being the Day appointed ... for a general Fast. - Exeter : T. Besley, [1804]. - 12 p. ; 24º. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1805. Printer. A compilation on the culture and growth of potatoes, [Hunter, A. (Alexander),]. - Exeter : printed by T. Besley, South-street , [1805?]. - 4p. ;4to. - Imprint below drop-head title. - The first paragraph concludes: "I have not seen any publication - of superiour excellence .. than the volume intituled Georgical essays, - a compilation here follows from that .. work, collected by A. Hunter, Esq; York, edition, octavo - 1777". - COPAC. Dated by ESTC [1780?]. - Held by: National Library of Scotland ; York ; Cambridge University Library ; Sheffield ; Glasgow ; Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1805. Printer. A Form of Prayer to be used ... upon Wednesday the 20th Day of February, 1805, etc. - Exeter : T. Besley, [1805]. - 12 p. ; 12º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1805. Printer. Hunter, Alexander, 1729-1809. A compilation on the culture and growth of potatoes. - Exeter : Printed by T. Besley, South-street, [1805?]. - 4p. ; 4°. - The first paragraph concludes: "I have not seen any publication - of superiour excellence .. than the volume intituled Georgical essays, - a compilation here follows from that .. work, collected by A. Hunter, Esq; York, edition, octavo - 1777". ESTC t184699. - *ESTC ; AUC 3568H10 (Cambridge Univ. Lib.).

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1805. Innocence preserved. Being an authentic account, of the extraordinary case of a merchant of considerable consequence, in Dublin, who was lately tried for having committed a street-robbery. - The particulars of his trial and conviction; when, at the moment sentence of death was going to be passed, the real criminal, a Mr. Leeson, came forward in the court, and ... confessed his guilt, proved his being a gentleman who was reduced to such an act by necessity: also, how he was pardoned, and received a place of 700l. per ann. from the Lord Lieutenant. - Exeter: printed by T. Besley, [1805?]. - 8p. ; 12°. - ESTC t188966 (dated [1800?]). - COPAC. - Held by: National Library of Scotland.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1805. Printer. Notice to ladies and gentlemen and the public in general. The prime stock in trade of a linen-draper from London, is now selling off, at the [blank] in this town ... P. & R. Mullins, licenced [sic] hawkers, ... - Exeter : Thomas Besley , [1805?]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - Watermark: [indistinct].

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1808. Printer. COHEN, L., of Exeter. [Hebrew types] Sacred Truths, addressed to the Children of Israel, residing in the British Empire, containing strictures on the book entitled The New Sanhedrin, and observations on some of the proceedings of the Grand Sanhedrim, convened in Paris by order of the French Government ... clearly demonstrating that Bonaparte is not the Man, the promised Messiah!. - Exeter : T. Besley, for the Author, [1808]. - 12º. - Hebrew characters at start of title-page. - Held by: British Library ; Oxford ; Glasgow.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1810? Printer. Mullins, P. and R. Notice to ladies and gentlemen and the public in general. The prime stock in trade of a linen-draper from London, is now selling off, at the [blank] in this town ... P. & R. Mullins, licenced [sic] hawkers. - [Exeter] : Besley, printer, Exeter, [1810?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - ESTC citation no.: T203375 (dated [1800?]). - COPAC. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME 1810 ; Barnstaple ; Exmouth ; Plymouth ; Torquay (Photocopies: Exeter Garland 8). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Drapers. Stock. Sale. 1810.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. Another Freeholder. To the Mayor and Corporation of Exeter - Exeter : Repr. by T.Besley , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. - Dated: Bath, September 15, 1812. First edition partly suppressed. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812/09/15 (Exeter Garland 14, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Elections. Campaign literature. 1812. - Watermark: JM 1809.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.
Watermarks not to scale.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. BIRT, Isaiah. A discourse on Baptism : humbly submitted to the consideration of those Christians, who, having been already baptized in their infancy, 'In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,' are yet doubtful, whether they ought or ought not to be baptized again by a Baptist / by a Minister of the Gospel. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley; Sold also by Trewman and Son, W. Bradford, Haydon, Glanville, and Congdon, 1812. - 24 p. ; 23 cm. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812? Printer. Birt, Isaiah. A discourse on Baptism, humbly submitted to the consideration of those Christians, who, having been already baptized in their infancy, 'In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,' are yet doubtful, whether they ought or ought not to be baptized again by a Baptist, by a Minister of the Gospel. - 2nd ed., With corrections and the addition of notes. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley : Sold also by Trewmans, Bradford, and Woolmer; Congdon, Glanville and Son; Huss, and Gray; Haydon, Nettleton and Son, Plymouth; Harris, Falmouth; Smale, Okehampton; Motley and Co. Portsea; Williams and Son, London, [1812]. - 24p ; 23cm (8vo) - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford ; Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Bookseller. Birt, Isaiah. A vindication of the Baptists : from the strictures made on their sentiments and practice, by a minister of the gospel, in a pamphlet, entitled "A discourse on baptism, &c. &c." , by Isaiah Birt. - Plymouth-Dock: : Printed and sold by Granville and Son, ... ; sold also by Button and Son, ... , London; Horsey, Portsea; Besley, and Trewman and Son, Exeter; Nettleton and Son, Plymouth; Gray, Stonehouse; and most other booksellers., 1812. - 34 p. 19 cm. - Includes biblical and bibliographical references. - Errata at foot of p. 34. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. Graves, S.C. A sketch of Mr. Graves's address delivered from the hustings at the final close of the poll, Oct. 17, 1812 - Exeter : Besley, printer , [1812]. - 2p ; 1/2o. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812/10/17 (Exeter Garland 14, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Subjects: Devon. Elections. Addresses. 1812. - Watermark: O & P 1808.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.
Watermarks not to scale.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. Graves, S.C. To the independent freeholders of the county of Devon - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. - Dated: Octr. 18, 1812. Antidote to sermon of Bishop of Exeter. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812/10/18 (Exeter Garland 14, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Subjects: Devon. Elections. Addresses. 1812. No watermark detected.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

EExeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. Graves, S. C. To the independent freeholders of the county of Devon. - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Dated Octr. 10th 1812. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - No watermark detected.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

_EN_Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. Graves, S.C. To the independent freeholders of the county of Devon. - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Dated at end: Exeter, Octr. 15th, 1812. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812/10/15 (Exeter Garland 14, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Subjects: Devon. Elections. Addresses. 1812. - No watermark detected.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. Graves, S.C. To the independent freeholders of the county of Devon - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Dated at end: Exeter, Octr. 16th 1812. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812/10/16 (Exeter Garland 14, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Subjects: Devon. Elections. Addresses. 1812. - No watermark detected.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. Independent Freeholder. To the yeomanry and inhabitant freeholders of the county of Devon - Exeter : Besley, printer , [1812]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Dated at end: October 17th, 1812. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812/10/17 (Exeter Garland 14, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Subjects: Devon. Elections. Addresses. 1812. No watermark detected.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. The friends of Mr Northmore hasten to inform the electors ... - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. - At head: Exeter. Dated at end: October 2d, 1812. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1812/10/02 ; Barnstaple ; Exmouth ; Plymouth ; Torquay (Photocopies: Exeter Garland 14). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Elections. Campaign literature. 1812. - Watermark: MF [?] 1810.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.
Watermarks not to scale.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. The friends of Mr. Northmore understanding that several reports have been in circulation, stating that he has intirely declined ... - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1812. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : ME 1812/10/01 ; Barnstaple ; Exmouth ; Plymouth ; Torquay (Photocopies: Exeter Garland 14). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Elections. Campaign literature. 1812. Watermark: Britannia.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.
Watermarks not to scale.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812? Printer. A second discourse on Baptism, occasioned by Mr. Isaiah Birt's pamphlet, entitled 'A vindication of the Baptists, &c.' and addressed as the former discourse, to those Christians, who have been already baptized in infancy, 'In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost', by a Minister of the Gospel. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley; Sold also by Trewmans, Bradford, and Woolmer; Congdon, Granville and Son; Huss, and Gray; Haydon, Nettleton and Son, Plymouth; Harris, Falmouth; Smale, Okehampton; Motley and Co. Portsea; Williams and Son, and Row, London, [18--]. - 28p ; 23cm (8vo) - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1812. Printer. Thumb, Thomas Baxter. To the electors of the borough of Ide - Exeter : Besley, printer , [1812]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : LE 1812 (Exeter Garland 3, photocopies in Barnstaple, Exmouth, Plymouth, Torquay). - Subjects: Devon. Ide. Burlesque elections. Addresses. 1812. Watermark: Britannia.

Courtesy Devon Heritage Centre.
Watermarks not to scale.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1813. Printer. Butler, Charles. Extracts from an Address to the Protestants of Great Britain and Ireland ... With additions, respecting the Irish Catholics, and the opinions of eminent statesmen on the Catholic Question. - Exeter : T. Besley, 1813. - 27 p. ; 8º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1813. Printer. Summary of the trial, the confession and behaviour of Thomas Luscombe, who was executed Friday March 26 ... for murder .... - Exeter : Besley , 1813. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1813/03/26. - Subjects: Devon. Executions. Luscombe, Thomas. Broadsheets. 1813. No watermark detected.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1814. Printer. Association of Unitarian Churches in Devon and Cornwall. The objects, rules and catalogue, of the Association of Unitarian Churches in Devon and Cornwall : established for the purpose of promoting the cause of Christian truth and practice, by the distribution of books, and of effecting a more intimate union among the professors of the Unitarian doctrine in those counties. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley, South-Street, sold also by P. Hedgeland, and W. Bradford, Exeter; and by W. Curtis, and J. Jackson, Plymouth , 1814. - [2], 22 p. ; 12°. - Signatures: A-B6. (A4 mis-signed A3). - With an initial half-title leaf reading: Devon and Cornwall Unitarian Association. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library ; Oxford ; Devon Heritage Centre: p288.06/WES/ASS. - Subjects: Westcountry. Unitarian church. Organisations. 1814.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1814. Printer. CARPENTER, Lant. An introductory catechism : containing a brief view of the fundamental principles of religion: to which are added Dr. Watts's catechism of scripture names, and prayers for children / [Carpenter, Lant,].-- Exeter : printed and sold by T. Besley, sold also by J. Johnson and Co.; P. Hedgland, Exeter; and J. Belcher, Birmingham, 1814.-- 24p. ; 16cm. 8°. Signed on p. 4: C, i.e. Lant Carpenter. The catechism was also obtained from the Rev. Dr. Carpenter at Exeter as indicated at foot of p. 24. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1814. Printer. CARPENTER, Lant. Dr. Watts's hymns for children, revised and altered, so as to render them of general use : to which are now added, hymns and other religious poetry for children, by Dr. Doddridge, &c.-- A new edition..-- Exeter : printed and sold by T. Besley, sold also by J. Johnson and Co. London: P. Hedgeland, Exeter; and J. Belcher, Birmingham, 1814.-- 54,[2]p. ; 16cm. 8°. - Signed on p. 4: C., i.e. Lant Carpenter. The hymns were also obtainable from the Rev. Dr. Carpenter at Exeter as indicated at foot of the unpaginated index.. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1814. Printer. Manning, James. A sermon on the use of reason in religion, preached at George's meeting, Exeter, Dec. 18, 1814, By James Manning. - Exeter : Printed by T. Besley, [1814]. - 27, [1] p. ; 21 cm. - Text from 1. Corinthians, X. - 15. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge ; Glasgow ; Oxford ; St. Andrews ; Devon Heritage Centre: s252/GEN/BEL/10. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Sermons. Texts.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1815. Printer. Letters of the Trinitarian controversy, inserted in the Exeter newspapers : at the close of the year 1814, and the beginning of 1815 Part 1. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley, 1815. - 83 p ; 18cm - COPAC. - Held by: Glasgow ; Manchester; Devon Heritage Centre: s231/GEN/LET ; Barnstaple: 231 /BX:EXE/LET. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Trinity. Christian doctrine. 1793-.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1815. Printer. Letters on the Trinitarian controversy inserted in the Exeters newspapers : at the close of the year 1814, and the beginning of 1815 Part 2. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley...[et al.], 1815. - 99p ; 20 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Manchester ; Devon Heritage Centre: s231/GEN/DEN. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Christian doctrine. Trinity.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1815. Printer. Simon Peter not a Calvinist: a sermon, written by an aged Christian; to which is prefixed an address to his daughter. [The address signed: C. B.], [B., C.]. - Exeter : T. Besley, 1815. - 28 p. ; 12º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1815. Printer. Simon Peter not a Calvinist : a sermon, written by an aged Christian, to which is prefixed an address to his daughter. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley, South-Street. Sold also by Messers. Longman and Co. London, Curtis, and Co. Plymouth; and by all the booksellers in Exeter. , 1815. - 28, [2] p ; 18 cm. - With a final advertisement leaf. - Final page is blank. - Price from below imprint: Price One Shilling in extra boards. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford ; Glasgow ; Edinburgh , St. Andrews.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1816. Printer. Carpenter, Lant. A Brief View of the Chief Grounds of Dissent from the Church of England, etc. - The second edition. - Exeter : T. Besley, 1816. - 22 p. ; 12º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1817. Printer. Carpenter, Lant. Comparative View of the Scriptural Evidence for Unitarianism and Trinitarianism. - Exeter : T. Besley, 1817. - 39 p. ; 12º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1817. Printer. DONNALL, Robert Sawle. Trial of Robert Sawle Donnall, on suspicion of poisoning Mrs. Downing, his mother in law, tried at Launceston, March 31, 1817, at the Lent Assize, for the county of Cornwall, before the Hon. Sir Charles Abbott, Knt. - Exeter : Printed & sold by T. Besley, Senr., 76, Bell-Hill, South-Street, [1817]. - 22 p. : plan ; 18 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Wellcome Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1818. Printer. Carpenter, Lant. Proof from scripture, that God, even the Father, is the only true God, and the only proper object of religious worship : containing remarks on the Rev. Dr. J. Pye Smith's discourse on the adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ, by Lant Carpenter. - 2nd ed. - Exeter : printed by T. Besley, sold by R. Hunter, 1818. - 76p ; 18 cm. - Includes bibliographical references. - COPAC. - Held by: Manchester.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1818. Printer. Carpenter, Lant. Proof from Scripture that God, even the Father, is the only true God, and the only proper object of religious worship: containing remarks on the Rev. Dr. J. Pye Smith's Discourse on the Adoration of Our Lord Jesus Christ; with some notes on the Rev. D. Veysie's Defence of his Preservative against Unitarianism.], [CARPENTER, Lant.]. - The second edition. - Exeter : T. Besley, 1818. - 76 p. ; 12º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1818. Printer. Manning, James. A discourse, delivered June 24, 1818, at Exeter, before the annual assembly of dissenting ministers ... / by James Manning. - Exeter : T.Besley , 1818. - 32p ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: : s252/GEN/BEL/11. - Subjects: Devon. Nonconformists. Sermons. Texts. 1818. .

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1819. Printer. MANNING, James, Pastor of the United Congregations of Dissenters in Exeter. A Discourse delivered ... at Exeter, before the Annual Assembly of Dissenting Ministers.-- Second edition. (Regulations ... adopted ... for the government of the Assembly. - An account of Protestant Dissenting Ministers settled in Devonshire from ... 1662 to the present time.)..-- Exeter : T. Besley, 1819.-- 31 p. ; 8º. - On Heb. x. 25. - Held by: British Library Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1820. Printer. THAT God is able to take care of those who piously serve him, may be seen in the following. Account of Mr J. Mortimer, of Exeter … - Exeter : Besley, printer , [1820?]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1820. Printer. Report of the trial of the Queen of England in the House of Lords, brgun August 17, 1820. On the question of passing a bill of pains and penalties, and divorcing and degrading her Majesty from her title and honours. - [Exeter] : Printed for the London booksellers, by T.Besley, sen, South-Street, Exeter , [1820]. - 80p, frontis : port ; 20cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p920/CAR. - Subjects: Devon. Printers. Besley, Thomas. Imprints. Caroline, Queen. Trials. 1820.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1820. Printer. Execution of James crib, for uttering foreged notes. At Devon High Goal [sic], on Friday, 18th of August, 1820. - [Exeter] : Besley, printer , [1820]. - 1 sheet. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Forgers. Crib, James. Execution. 1820.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1821. Printer. Devon. Assizes. Devon Lammas assize, Exeter, 17 August, 1821. The King on the prosecution of Charles Norman versus Isaac Cox, gent. ... - Exeter : T.Besley , 1821. - 94p ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: pB/EXE/345.0256/DEV. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Libel. Norman v. Cox. Trials. .

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1821. Printer. Proceedings of a county meeting convened by the High Sheriff, held at the Castle of Exeter on Thrusday the 5th of April, 1821 pursuant to a requisition, to consider the propriety of petitioning the House of Commons to investigate the causes of the present agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing distresses : to adopt a system of retrenchment and economy in our public expenditure; and to institute an enquiry into the state of the representation, for the purpose of correcting the Abuses which have crept into it. - Exeter : printed by T. Besley, [1821]. - 44 p - COPAC. - Held by: Leicester (Special Collections) ; Devon Heritage Centre: pB/EXE/371.106/MOU. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Economic conditions. Conferences. 1821.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1823. Printer. Johns, J. The kingdom of God : a sermon, delivered before the Devon and Cornwall Unitarian Association, at Tavistock, July 2nd, 1823 ; by J. Johns. - Exeter : Printed by T. Besley, 1823. - 28p ; c20 cm. - Text: Matthew VI, 10. - COPAC. - Held by: Manchester.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1823. Printer. A summary account of the proceedings of a coroner's inquest on the supposed murder, of Thomas Jenkins, otherwise Blind Tom, ... - Exeter : Besley, printer , 1823. - 1 sheet ; 24cm. - SUMSUM1823. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME 1823/07/17. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Murder victims. Jenkins, Thomas. Inquests. 1823.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1823. Printer. Wilful murder, committed by John Radford, alias John Bright, on the body of Sarah Down. - Exeter : Besley, printer Date: 1823. - 1 sheet ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: ME 1823/07/15. - Subjects: Devon . West Worlington . Murderers . Radford, John . Committal . 1823.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1824. Printer. Acton, Henry. Exeter Christ the brightness of the Father's glory, and the image of his perfection : a sermon preached in the Unitarian Chapel, Bridport, on Wednesday, July 14, 1824, before the supporters and friends of the Western Unitatian Society . - Exeter : T. Besley, 1824. - Held by: Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1824. Printer. The charter granted to the inhabitants of Tiverton, by His Majesty George the First, and such clauses of the charter of King James, as are pretended to be restored by that of King George with a prefatory letter addressed to the inhabitant householders of Tiverton, by a friend to Local Jurisdiction. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley..., [1824]. - viii,50 p. ; 21 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Southampton ; Devon Heritage Centre: p342.02/TIV/CHA. - Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Charters.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1824. Printer. Exeter. Besley. 1. Printer. Smethurst, J. Christianity and slavery incompatible : a sermon preached before the United Congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Moretonhampstead, December 21st, 1823 / J. Smethurst. - Exeter : T. Besley, [1824?]. - 25p ; 21 cm. - COPAC. - Held by: Manchester.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1825? Printer. Parliamentary elective franchise questioned, as exercised in the borough of Tiverton, in the county of Devon : in a letter addressed to the editor of the Exeter News, by a Friend to the King and the People. - Exeter : Printed by T. Besley ... and sold by T. Parkhouse and W. Salter, Tiverton, [1825?]. - 8 p. ; 17 cm. - COPAC. - Held by: Glasgow ; Sheffield ; UCL (University College London).

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1825. Printer. Charity Commissioners. Report of the commissioners concerning charities : containing that part which relates to the city of Exeter. - Exeter : T.Besley , 1825. - vii,598p ; 21cm. - Davidson p.30 (Secktor Library). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: B/EXE/361.76/REP ; Barnstaple: 361.763/EXE/CHA ; North Devon Athenaeum: D361EXE/REP. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Charities. 1825.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1825. Printer. Report of the Commissioners concerning Charities : containing that part which relates to the City of Exeter, [Great Britain. Charity Commission.]. - Exeter : Besley, 1825. - 4p.,vi,598 columns,[1]p. ; 22cm. 8°. - In this edition, "city of Exeter" in the title is in black letter; and T. Besley in the imprint is of High Street, Exeter. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library ; University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1825. Printer. Acton, Henry. The nature and influence of the principles of faith : a sermon, preached at George's meeting, Exeter, December 19, 1824, and at Lewin's Mead, Bristol, January 2, 1825, by Henry Acton. - Exeter : T. Besley, [1825?]. - 33p ; 19 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Manchester.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1825. Printer. The report of the commissioners concerning charities : containing that part which relates to the city of Exeter. - Exeter : Printed and published by T. Besley, 1825. - vi, 598 p. ; 23 cm - COPAC. - Held by: London Library ; Leicester (Special Collections).

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [1]. 1826. Printer. Mackey, Sampson Arnold. The mythological astronomy, in three parts, etc . - London: published by Hunt and Clarke, etc. ([Exeter], printed by T. Besley), 1826.. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1816 - 1841. Printer.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1816. Printer. CARPENTER, Lant. A brief view of the chief grounds of dissent from the Church of England by law established : a discourse first delivered in Exeter, May 13th., 1810, and repeated in Plymouth, April 5th. 1812 / by Lant Carpenter, LL.D.-- The second edition.-- Exeter : Printed by T. Besley, jun.; sold by R. Hunter, London; and by P. Hedgeland, and T. Bowring, Exeter, 1816.-- 20, ii p. ; 19 cm. - First issued: Exeter, 1812. Paper watermarked: MP 1814. - Held by: Chetham's Library ; British Library ; Trinity College, Dublin.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1816. Printer. A brief view of the chief grounds of dissent from the Church of England by law established : a discourse first delivered in Exeter, May 13th, 1810 .., [Carpenter, Lant,]. - The second edition, by Lant Carpenter, LL.D. - Exeter : printed by T. Besley, jun., ...; sold by R. Hunter, London; and by P. Hedgeland, and T. Bowring, Exeter ..., 1816. - [4], 22, [2]p. ; 17.8cm. - Edition: first issued: Exeter, 1812. - Paper: watermarked: MP 1814. - COPAC. - Held by: Trinity College Dublin.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1816. Publishers. The honours and advantages withheld from lieutenants of the navy, conferred on captains of the army, though the first are equal in rank to the last : illustrated in an address to the Right Honourable Lord Melville ... by nine hundred of the senior lieutenants of His Majesty's Navy.-- Exeter : by T. Besley, jun., 1816.-- 45p. - Held by: University of Exeter ; Devon Heritage Centre: p355.03/GEN/HON. - Subjects: Devon. Military honours. 1816.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1818. Printer. CARPENTER, Lant. Proof from Scripture, that God, even the Father, is the only true God, and the only proper object of religious worship : containing remarks on the Rev. Dr. J. Pye Smith's Discourse on the adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ / [Carpenter, Lant,].-- The second edition / by Lant Carpenter ....-- Exeter : printed by T. Besley, jun ...; sold by R. Hunter ... London; P. Hedgeland, Exeter; and Barry & Son, Bristol ..., 1818.-- [4], 76, [4]p. ; 17.8cm. - First issued Exeter, 1812. Paper: watermarked: R TURNER & SON 1815. - Held by: Trinity College Dublin ; Manchester ; British Library ; Devon Heritage Centre: p231.1/GEN/CAR. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Unitarian ministers. Carpenter, Lant. Works. God the Father.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1818. Printer. MANNING, James, Pastor of the United Congregations of Dissenters in Exeter. A discourse delivered June 24, 1818, at Exeter : before the Annual Assembly of Dissenting Ministers settled in Devonshire, from ... 1662 to the present time, and published at their unanimous request / By James Manning..-- Exeter : Printed by T. Besley, Jun. 62, High-Street, nearly opposite the Guildhall. Sold by all the booksellers in Exeter., 1818..-- 8°. 32 p. - On Heb. x, 25. Signatures: [A]-D4. - Held by: Oxford ; Devon Heritage Centre: s252/GEN/BEL/11. - Subjects: Devon. Nonconformists. Sermons. Texts. 1818.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1819. Printer. KELLY, John. Christianity superior to Deism : A discourse, delivered in the Independent Chapel, Ashburton, Devon, on Sabbath evening, Nov. 7, 1819 / by John Kelly.-- Exeter : Printed and published by T. Besley, Jun. ..., 1819.-- 40p. ; 18cm. 8vo. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1820. Printer. Saint, W. Some extraordinary calculations as performed in London and in various parts of Englandby G.Bidder, a Devonshire youth / W.Saint. - Exeter : T.Besley Jun , 1820. - 34p ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s920/BID. - Subjects: Devon. Moretonhampstead. Mathematicians. Bidder, George Porter. Calculations.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1820/30. Printer. Carpenter, Lant. The denominations and distinctions of Christians. - [Exeter.] : [T. Besley, Jun. Printer, 39, High-Street,], [between ca. 1820 and 1830]. - 11, [1] p. ; 18 cm. - Final page is blank. - Drop-head title. - Imprint from colophon. - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1821. Printer. Carne, Robert Harkness. Appendix to “Brief Reply”; being an answer to the Rev. Mr. Huyshe's manuscript observations on the same. - Exeter : T. Besley, jun., 1821. - 112 p. ; 8º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1821. Printer. Devon Lammas Assize, Exeter, 17 August, 1821 : the King on the prosecution of Charles Norman versus Isaac Cox, gent., before Mr. Baron Graham, and a special jury, taken in short hand. - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley, jun. ..., 1821. - 94 p. ; 19 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1821. Bookseller*. HINCKS, William. The importance of religious truth, and the certainty of its universal diffusion : A sermon, preached at the Unitarian Chapel, in Parliament Court, Artillery Lane, London, on Wednesday, June 13, 1821, before the supporters and friends of the Unitarian fund . - London : Sold by R. Hunter, (successor to Mr. Johnson,) St. Paul's Church Yard; and J. Treadwin, and T. Besley, Jun., Exeter., 1821.. - Held by: Cambridge ; Manchester ; Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1821. Printer. Marriott, John. A reply to a popular argument against the establishment of female penitentiaries : in a sermon, preached in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Exeter, on Sunday February 25th, 1821, for the benefit of the Devon and Exeter Female Penitentiary. - Exeter : by T. Besley, jun., 1821. - 23p - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1821. Printer. Proceedings of a county meeting, convened by the High Sheriff, held at the Castle of Exeter, on Thursday, the 5th of April, 1821, pursuant to a requisition, to consider the propriety of petitioning the House of Commons to investigate the causes of the present agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing distresses ., [County Meetings (Devon)]. - Exeter : Printed by T. Besley jun., [1821]. - 44 p. ; 21 cm - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1821. Printer. Hincks, William. The importance of religious truth, and the certainty of its universal diffusion : A sermon, preached at the Unitarian Chapel, in Parliament Court, Artillery Lane, London, on Wednesday, June 13, 1821, before the supporters and friends of the Unitarian fund, By William Hincks. - London : Sold by R. Hunter, (successor to Mr. Johnson,) St. Paul's Church Yard; and J. Treadwin, and T. Besley, Jun., Exeter., 1821. - 48 p. ; 19 cm. - "Printed by George Smallfield, Hackney." -- T.p. verso. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge ; Manchester ; Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1822. Bookseller. Hincks, William. The Christian minister's review of his preaching : a sermon addressed to the Congregation of Protestant Dissenters at George's Meeting, Exeter, on Sunday, October 20, 1822, on taking leave of them, by William Hincks. - London : Exeter : Liverpool : Sold by R. Hunter, (Successor to Mr. Johnson,) St. Paul's Church Yard; T. Besley, Junr. and J. Treadwin, Exeter; and G. and J. Robinson, Liverpool , 1822. - 28 p. ; 21 cm - "T. Besley, Jun. Printer, 223, High-Street, Exeter." -- Colophon. COPAC. - Held by: Chetham's Library ; Devon Heritage Centre: pB/EXE/252/HIN ; Cambridge ; Manchester ; Oxford. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Sermons. George's Meeting. Texts.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1822. Printer. Manning, James. An apology for Christmas-Day : a sermon, delivered at George's meeting, Exeter, By James Manning. - Exeter : Printed by T. Besley, Junr. 223, High-Street., 1822. - [3], 4-17, [1] p ; 21 cm. - Final page is blank. - COPAC. - Held by: Cambridge ; Exeter ; Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1823. Printer. Smethurst, J. Christianity & slavery incompatible : a sermon preached before the United Congregation Protestant Ministers at Moretonhampstead. - Exeter : T.Besley junr. , [1823]. - 25p ; 22cm. - SMECHR1823. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s252/GEN/BEL. - Subjects: Devon. Moretonhampstead. Sermons. Texts. Slave trade. 1823.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1822. Printer. WORSLEY, Israel. A view of the mysteries of the kingdom of God. - Exeter : T. Besley, junr., 1822. - 22 p. ; 12º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1823. PrinterSMETHURST, J. Christianity and slavery incompatible : A sermon preached before the United Congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Moretonhampstead, December 21st, 1823 . - Exeter : Printed and sold by T. Besley, Junr. 223, High-Street. Sold also by J. Treleaven, Moreton; and D. Eaton, High-Holborn, London., [1823]. - Held by: Oxford ; Devon Heritage Centre: s252/GEN/BEL. - Subjects: Devon. Moretonhampstead. Sermons. Texts. Slave trade. 1823.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1823. Printer. To the people of Somersetshire : the following account of the public dinner to Henry Hunt Esq. at Bridgewater, on Thursday, April 3rd, 1823, is taken from Besley's Exeter News of April 12th. - Exeter : printed by T. Besley, [1823]. - 16 p. ; 17 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1824. Printer. Acton, Henry. Christ the brightness of the Father's glory, and the image of his perfection : a sermon preached in the Unitarian Chapel, Bridport, on Wednesday, July 14, 1824, before the supporters and friends of the Western Unitatian Society, by Henry Acton, one of the Ministers of George's Meeting, Exeter. - Exeter : T. Besley, 1824. - 35 p. ; 19 cm - COPAC. - Held by: British Library ; Cambridge.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1824. Printer. Acton, Henry. The Nature and Influence of the Principle of Faith. A sermon, etc . - Exeter : T. Besley, Junr., [1824]. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1826-1830. Printer. Charity Commissioners. The report of the Commissioners concerning charities; containing that part which relates to the county of Devon. - Exeter : T. Besley, Jun., 1826-32. - 3 vol. ; 8º. - Vol. 1 is dated 1826, vol. 2 1828, vol. 3 1830 and appendix and index 1832. - Davidson. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries ; British Library ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; The London Library ; University of Leicester Library (Special Collections) ; University of Oxford Libraries.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1826. Printer. Charity Commissioners. The report of the Commissioners concerning charities containing that part which relates to the county of Devon : Vol. 1. - Exeter : T.Besley junior , 1826. - vii, 334p. ; 22cm. – Published in four volumes, 1826-1832. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s361.76/DEV/CHA [vol 1-3] [vol. 1 and 2 bound together] ; Barnstaple: 361.763/B/CHA ; North Devon Athenaeum: D361/CHA ; British Library ; Oxford ; London Library ; University of Leicester. - Subjects: Devon. Charities.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1827. Printer. Acton, Henry. Christ the only head of his Church : A sermon preached at George's meeting, Exeter, on Sunday, May the 27th. 1827, in anticipation of Lord John Russell's intended motion for the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts, By Henry Acton. - Exeter : Printed by T. Besley, Jun. Cathedral-Yard., 1827. - 24 p. ; 22 cm - COPAC. - Held by: Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1827. Printer. Whitfield, Edward. The crown of righteousness : A discourse delivered at Bridport, April 29, 1827, on occasion of the death of the Rev. G. Barker Wawne, By Edward Whitfield. - London : Sold by Hunter, 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Moore, Ilminster; Besley, Exeter; Hall, Taunton; Brown, Bristol., [1827]. - 28, [1] p. ; 21 cm. - "T. Besley, Jun. Printer, Cathedral-Yard, Exeter." -- Colophon. - Final page is blank. - COPAC. - Held by: Manchester ; Oxford.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1827. Printer. Barker, William. The essential qualities of true penitence : a sermon. - Exeter : T.Besley jun. , 1827. - 19p ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: pB/EXE/362.83/DEV (Bound with: 7th ann report of Devon & Exeter Female Penitentiary). - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Prostitutes' homes. Devon and Exeter Female Penitentiary. Sermons. 1827.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1829. Printer. Payne, William. "The Observations" of Nathaniel Gundry, Esq : upon the late trial of Payne versus Gundry, at the Devon Lammas Assizes, 1829. Refuted by a plain statement, [Payne, William.]. - Exeter : printed by T. Besley, Jun., 1829. - 24p. ; 20cm., (8º). - Price : six-pence. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1830. Printer. Charity Commissioners. The report of the Commissioners concerning charities containing that part which relates to the county of Devon : Vol. 3. - Exeter : T.Besley junior , 1830. - vii, 312p ; 22cm.– Published in four volumes, 1826-1832. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s361.76/DEV/CHA [vol 1-3] [vol. 1 and 2 bound together] ; Barnstaple: 361.763/B/CHA ; North Devon Athenaeum: D361/CHA ; British Library ; Oxford ; London Library ; University of Leicester. - Subjects: Devon. Charities.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1832. Printer. Charity Commissioners. The report of the Commissioners concerning charities : containing that part which relates to the county of Devon. Vol. 4. - Exeter : T.Besley junior , 1826. – 171p ; 21cm. - Published in four volumes, 1826-1832. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: 361.76/DEV/CHA ; DRO: 41/CHA/1-2 [DHC copy is ALL the volumes bound together - use for Burnet Morris index references.] ; Barnstaple: 361.763/B/CHA ; North Devon Athenaeum: D361/CHA ; British Library ; Oxford ; London Library ; University of Leicester. - Subjects: Devon. Charities.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1832. Printer. Charity Commissioners. The Appendix and Index to the Report, etc, [Great Britain. Commissioners for Inquiring Concerning Charities.]. - Exeter : T. Besley, Jun., 1832. - 171 p. ; 8º - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1832. Printer. Buller, James W. To the electors of Exeter. - Exeter : Besley jun. printer , [1832]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - BULTO 1832. - Dated at end: Downes, 13th Dec. 1832. Thanking for support. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE 1832/12/13 ; Barnstaple: Exeter Garland 15 ;Plymouth ; Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Elections. Addresses. .

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1832. Printer. Charity Commissioners. The Appendix and Index to the Report of the Commissioners concerning charities of the county of Devon. - Exeter : T.Besley junior , 1832. - 171 [2] ; 24cm. - CHAREP1832. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s361.76/DEV/CHA. - Subjects: Devon. Charities. .

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1832. Printer. Real Kennedite. To the friends of James Kennedy, Esq.. - Exeter : Besley, printer , [1832]. - 1 sheet. - Dated: Tiverton, Nov. 30, 1832. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: LE B/TIV/1832/11/30. - Subjects: Devon. Tiverton. Elections. Addresses. 1832.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1835. Printer. Acton, Henry. A vindication of the Unitarian doctrine concerning the sole deity of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ : being six lectures, delivered in George's Chapel, Exeter, during the months of August and September, 1835; in reply to the Rev. Daniel Bagot, M. A. / by Henry Acton. - Exeter : T. Besley, 1835. - 164p ; 19 cm - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries ; Manchester ; British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1835. Printer. The Wreath, or ornamental artist; containing instructions for making flowers of wax rice-paper, lamb's-wool, and cambric ... by a Lady. [With diagrams.]. - Exeter : printed by T. Besley, 1835. - ii, 92, [2] p., [22] leaves of plates ; 19 cm. (8º). - With an engraved half-title and frontispiece. With the stamp of the Patent Office Library. Includes index. With an errata slip. - COPAC. - Held by: British Library.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1836. Printer. A Vindication of the Unitarian Doctrine : concerning the sole deity of the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by the Rev. Henry Acton. - Exeter (Devon, England) : T. Besley, 1836. - 164 p - COPAC. - Held by: University of London - ULRLS.

Exeter. Besley, Thomas [2]. 1841. Printer. An address to the members of the Western Annuity Society, [Moore, William Denis.]. - Exeter : by Thos. Besley, 1841. - 15p - COPAC. - Held by: University of Exeter.

Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented 2014.
This page last updated 19 February 2015 .