For details of the scope of these imprint registers, see the introduction and key.
Devonport. Devon. Prior to 1825 see Plymouth Dock. See also Plymouth.
Devonport. Braddon, J. 1843. Printer. CHAPMAN, D. A speech, delivered by the Rev. D.Chapman, Wesleyan minister, at a meeting of nonconformists, held in the Subscription Rooms, Exeter, on Monday, April 24th, 1843, to take into consideration the proper means to be adopted for opposing the Factories Education Bill. - Published by request. - Devonport : Printed by J.Braddon , 1843. - 16p ; 20cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s080/DEV/20 no. 9. - Subjects: Devon. Education. Christian viewpoints.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1828. Printer. Carrington, Henry Edmund. The Plymouth and Devonport guide: with sketches of the surrounding scenery. By Henry E.Carrington. [...] With lithographic views by Worsley. - Devonport : Byers, bookseller and printer to H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence; and Longman and Co. London , 1828. - [8],292,6p,plates : ill ; 17cm. - Five lithographs by and after H.Worsley printed by C.Hullmandel. Subscribers' names p.285-292. - 'Superior Christmas and New Year's presents,almanacks, &c' bound in at end. - Davidson p.44; Somers Cocks S91. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1828/CAR ; Barnstaple: BX:PLY 1/1828/CAR ; Bideford: Pearse Chope Collection. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1828.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1828. Printer. HAGHE, Louis. [Views of Devonport]. - Devonport : W.Byers , [1828?]. - Set of at least four lithographs by and after L.Haghe. - *Somers Cocks S97.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1829. Printer. CARRINGTON, Henry E. The Plymouth and Devonport guide: with sketches of the surrounding scenery. By Henry E.Carrington. ... With lithographic views, by Worsley, and a map of the towns and neighbourhood. - Second edition. - Devonport : Byers, bookseller and printer to H.R.H the Duke of Clarence , 1829. - Map. - Same plates as first edition of 1828. - Davidson p.44n (Secktor Lib.); Somers Cocks S91. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1829/CAR ; Barnstaple: BX:PLY 1/1829/CAR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1829.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1830. BANKS, George. The Plymouth and Devonport flora: or a description of plants indigenous to the neighbourhood of those towns. By Geo. Banks, F.L.S. - Plymouth : W.Byers , 1830-32. - Only eight parts issued. - Davidson p.118 (LP).
Devonport. Byers, William. 1830. Printer. Brindley, R. Plymouth, Stonehouse and Devonport Directory ... By Robert Brindley, architect and surveyor. - Devonport : W.Byers , 1830. - vi,212p : map. - - Davidson p.45 (Secktor Library). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s380.1025/PLY/1830 ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Industries & trades. Directories. 1830.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1830. Printer. White, G.H.P. Four views on the River Dart, Devon ... / drawn on stone by W. Gaucci, from sketches taken on the spot by. - Devonport : W.Byers , [1830]. - 4 plates ; 37x27cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Portfolio 3. - Subjects: Devon. Dart River. Illustrations. 1830.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1832. Printer. Johns, Henry Incledon. Poems addressed by a father to his children : with extracts from the diary of a pedestrian.. / by Henry Incledon Johns. - Devonport : W.Byers , 1832. - 184p,[9]p ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s821/JOH. - Subjects: Westcountry. Writers. Johns, Henry Incledon. Works. Poetry.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1833. Printer. Carrington, Henry E. The Plymouth and Devonport guide : with sketches of the surrounding scenery / by Henry E.Carrington. - 2nd ed [sic]. - Devonport : W.Byers , 1833. - 289p,pl : ill,folded map ; 15cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1833/CAR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1833.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1835. Printer. Shepherd, Henry Savile. Poetical remains of the late Henry Savile Shepherd, second son of the late William S. Shepherd Esq of Coxside... / J.Garton. - Devonport : W.Byers , 1835. - [8],210p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s821/SHE. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Writers. Shepherd, Henry Savile. Works. Poetry. 1835.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1836. Printer. A walk round Mount Edgecumbe. - 9th ed. - Devonport : W.Byers , 1836. - 40p : map ; 16cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s712.5/MAK/WAL. - Subjects: Cornwall. Maker. Parks. Mount Edgcumbe. Guides. 1836.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1837. Printer. A walk round Mount Edgecumbe. - 10th ed. - Devonport : W.Byers , 1837. - 40p : map ; 16cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s712.5/MAK/WAL. - Subjects: Cornwall. Maker. Parks. Mount Edgcumbe. 1837.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1837. Printer. Carrington, Henry E. The Plymouth and Devonport guide : with sketches of the surrounding scenery / by H.E.Carrington. - 4th ed. - Devonport : W.Byers , [1837]. - 327p,[6]p pl : ill,map ; 15cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/PLY 1/1837/CAR ; Barnstaple: BX:PLY 1/1837/CAR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1837.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1837. Printer. Trenhaile, John. The ocean, in six cantos and other poems / by John Trenhaile. - Devonport : W.Byers , 1837. - v,288p ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s821/TRE. - Subjects: Devon. Devonport. Writers. Trenhaile, John. Works. Poetry.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1840. Printer. Claringbull, J. Guide to the Plymouth breakwater / by J.Claringbull. - Devonport : W.Byers , 1840. - 44p : maps ; 16cm. - Davidson p.49 (Secktor Library). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s627.24/PLY/CLA ; not in COPAC. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Breakwaters. Plymouth Breakwater. Construction. -1840.
Devonport. Byers, William. 1841. Printer. Theatre Royal Plymouth. Mr Hay, the Manager, has the honour to announce ... that he has concluded engagements with ... English operatic performers ... - Plymouth : W.Byers, printer , 1841. - 1 sheet. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : Plymouth Lib EG 16 ; Barnstaple: Exeter Garland 16 ; Exmouth: Exeter Garland 16 ; Plymouth ; Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Theatres. Theatre Royal Plymouth. Playbills. Operas. 1841.
Devonport. Byers, William. and Saunders, S. 1830. SARTORIUS, G.R. [Views in Plymouth]. - Devonport : W.Byers and S.Saunders , [1830?]. - Set of eight lithographs by J.D.Harding after Capt. G.R.Sartorius R.N. - Somers Cocks S111.
Devonport. Byers, William. and Saunders, S. 1830. WHITE, G.H.P. Four views on the River Dart. - Devonport : W.Byers and S.Saunders , [1830?]. - Set of lithographs by W.Gauci after Lieut. G.H.P.White and Capt. T.White. - Somers Cocks S114.
Devonport. Byers, William and Son. 1843. Printer. Carrington, Henry E. The Plymouth and Devonport guide : with sketches of the surrounding scenery / by H.E.Carrington. - 5th ed. - Devonport : Byers & Son , 1843. - 334p,[7]leaves of plates : ill ; 15cm. - Seven lithographs, six by and after George Rowe. - Somers Cocks S91. – Held by: Oxford University ; Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1843/CAR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1843.
Devonport. Byers, William and Son. 1844. Printer. Grylls, Henry. Descriptive sketch of the windows of St. Neot Church. - 3rd ed. / by the Re. - Devonport : Byers & Son , 1844. - 60p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : Not acquired WSL ; North Devon Athenaeum C900STN/GRY. - Subjects: Cornwall. Saint Neot. Churches. Saint Neot. Windows.
Devonport. Clarke and Son. 1871. Printers. Haynes, William. My log : a journal of the proceedings of the flying squadron / by William Haynes. - Devonport : Clarke & Son , 1871. - xii,142p : ill,port ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s821/HAY. - Subjects: Devon. Poetry. Haynes, William. Texts.
Devonport. Colman, William. 1825. Printer. Sanford, John. The tourist's companion : being a guide to Devonport, Stoke, Morice- Town, Stonehouse and Plymouth .... - Devonport : W.Colman , [1825]. - ix,250p,plts : ill,maps ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1825/SAN. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1825.
Devonport. Colman, William. 1828. Publisher. Sanford, John. The tourists companion; being a guide to Devonport, Stoke, Morice- Town, Stonehouse and Plymouth. - Devonport : W. Colman , [1828?]. - ix, 250p. – Variant issue? Printer was J. Johns. - Held by: Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1828.
Devonport. Colman, William. 1830. Printer. Sanford, John. The tourists companion, being a guide to Devonport, Stoke, Morice - Town, Stonehouse and Plymouth. - Devonport : W. Colman , 1830. - xi, 250p 5 plates. - Somers Cocks S108; Davidson p.45. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : Not acquired WSL ; Plymouth: I/S ; Torquay I/S. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1830. 43986/83.html&s=Q4ast5vENj9#sthash.6XLVnAJd.
Devonport. Congdon and Hearle. 1825. Printers. Butter, John. Remarks on irritative fever, commonly called the Plymouth dock yard disease / by John Butter. - Devonport : Congdon & Hearle , 1825. - xviii,302p. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s617.22/PLY/BUT. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth
Devonport. Congdon and Hearle. 1828. Printer. Royal Naval Annuity Society. Rules and regulations of the Royal Naval Annuity Society / [Royal Naval Annuity Society]. - [Devonport : Congdon & Hearle , 1828. - 88p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s334.7/DEV/ROY. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Benefit societies. Royal Naval Annuity Society. Regulations.
Devonport. Harris, Henry Thomas. 1829. Printer. Graham, T. A guide and necessary questions...for the young officers...of the Plymouth division of Royal Marines / T.Graham. - Devonport : H.T.Harris , 1829. - [2],ii,228p ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p359.9655/PLY/GRA. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Marines. Officers. Duties. 1829.
Devonport, Hearle, George Wills. . 1834. Printer. ROYAL NAVAL ANNUITANT SOCIETY. Eleventh annual report of the Royal Naval Annuitant Society, established at Devonport, in the county of Devon, on the 9th day of April, 1823. - Devonport : G.W.Hearle, printer, 111, Fore Street , 1834. - 81p ; 18cm. - Also with same imprint: 21st annual report, 1844 and 23rd annual report, 1846. - *DRO.
Devonport. Hearle, George Wills. 1836. Printer. Ogilvie, Charles A. The apostolic origin of the three orders of the Christian ministry : a sermon...visitation...Liskeard...1836 / by C.A.Ogilvie. - Devonport : G.W.Hearle , 1836. - 34p ; 21cm. - OGIAPO1836. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p252/LIS/OGI. - Subjects: Cornwall. Liskeard. Sermons. Texts. 1836. 53351/40.html&s=VzOwtiMsoB1#sthash.q2PN1JXw.
Devonport. Hearle, George Wills. 1846. Printer. The ROYAL Naval Annuitant Society, Devonport, established in 1823, for granting reversionary annuities on the death of its members, being officers of the Royal Navy and Marines, to their wives, ... &c. - Devonport : G.W.Hearle, printer, 111, Fore Street , [1846]. - 8p ; 12cm. - Another issue: Printed by J.Heydon, 104, Fore Street , 1847. - *DRO.
Devonport. Hearle, George Wills. 1859. BISHOP, E. The Mortality of Devonport, arising from preventable causes / by Edwin BISHOP. - Devonport : G.W. Hearle , [1859]. - 24p. - Davidson p.47n (Secktor Library). - Database: WorldCat.
Devonport. Heydon, J. 1846. Printer. Private of the 55th. The metred trespasses / by a Private of the 55th. - Devonport : Printed by J.Heydon , 1846. - 96p ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s821/PRI. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Writers. Private of the 55th. Works. Poetry.
Devonport. Hunt, W. 1841. Printer. The history of teetotalism in Devonshire. - Devonport : W. Hunt , 1841. - 138p ; 15cm. - Published by W.Hunt of Western Temperance Advocate Office. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s178.1/DEV/HIS ; North Devon Athenaeum D178/HIS. - Subjects: Devon. Temperance movement. History.
Devonport. Johns, James. 1825 - 1829. Printer.
Devonport. Johns, James. 1824. Printer. Martin, Thomas. The stranger at home, a poem : to which are added other poems and pieces / by Rev.Thomas Martin. - Devonport : J.Johns , 1824. - iv,106p ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s821/MAR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Writers. Martin, Thomas. Works. Poetry.
Devonport. Johns, James. 1825. Printer and publisher. Fenning, Daniel. The Universal Spelling Book Improved : or A new and easy guide to the English Language. - Devonport : Printed and published by J.Johns , 1825. - viii, 9 - 142p : ill ; 8o (17cm). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: px372.63/GEN/FEN. - Subjects: General. . Education. Curriculum. Spelling.
Devonport. Johns, James. 1825. Printer. Statutes 1815. Local ; 54 Geo 3 c. 34. An act to repeal an act, passed in the 21st year of his present Majesty, for the better maintaining and regulating the poor ... of Plymouth Dock and ... Stoke Damarel .... - Devonport : John's (printer) , [1825?] - 122p ; 19cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sx348.022/LOC/185. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Poverty relief. Statutes. 1815.
Devonport. Johns, James. 1828. Printer and bookseller. SANFORD, John. The tourist's companion; being a guide to Devonport, Stoke, Morice-Town, Stonehouse, and Plymouth: with a description of the naval arsenal, breakwater, Eddystone Light-house, and other remarkable objects within a circuit of twenty miles. By John Sanford. Embellished with maps and engravings. - Devonport : Published by W.Colman, printer and stationer to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence, 48, Fore-Street, [1828]. - ix,[3],250,[2],[12]leaves of plates : ill,3 folded maps ; 17cm. - On verso of title: Johns, printer, Fore-Street, Devonport. - Evidence of date: addenda. Variant issue with imprint: Devonport : J.Johns, printer and bookseller; Baldwin and Cradock, London , 1828. - Artists include: A.Rae. - Engravers include: G.Banks, H.Longmaid, J.Hawksworth, Cooke (Stonehouse), Walton (Plymouth). - Lithographer: H.Worsley. - Lithographic printer: C.Hullmandel. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre ; Davidson p.44.
Devonport. Johns, James. 1828. Printer. LONGMAID, H. Devonport. H.Longmaid, Liskeard. - Devonport : Published by J.Johns 56,Fore Street, Head of Catherine Street , [1828?]. - 260x215mm. - From: The tourist's companion. By John Sandford, [1828.
Devonport. Johns, J. 1828. Printer. LONGMAID, H. The environs of Plymouth, and Devonport. H.Longmaid Liskd. - Scale [bar graph 37mm : 6 miles]. - Devonport : Published by J.Johns no. 56 Fore Street , [1828]. - 187x211mm. - From: The tourist's companion by John Sanford. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre .
Devonport. Johns, James. 1828. Printer. NEW guide to Plymouth Sound and breakwater. - Scale: [bar graph 24mm : 1 statute mile]. - Devonport : Published by J.Johns, no. 56, Fore street, [1828]. - 185x143mm. - From: The tourist's companion by John Sanford. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre .
Devonport. Johns, James. 1828. Printer. Sanford, John. The tourist's companion : being a guide to Devonport, Stoke, Morice- Town, Stonehouse and Plymouth .... - Devonport : J.Johns , [1828]. - ix,250p,plates : ill,maps ; 16cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1828/SAN. - Subjects: Devon.
Devonport. Johns, James. 1829. Printer. Sanford, John. The tourist's companion : being a guide to Devonport, Stoke, Morice- Town, Stonehouse, and Plymouth ... / by John Sanford. - Devonport : J.Johns , 1829. - xi,250p,pl : ill,folded map ; 16cm. - 4 prints. - Davidson p.44 (Secktor Library). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1829/SAN. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1829.
Devonport. Keys, Elias. 1825 - 1860. Printer.
Devonport. Keys, Samuel and John. 1860 - 1880. Printer.
Devonport. Mudge, John. 1824 - 1835. Printer, bookseller, stationer.
Devonport. Mudge, John. 1824/35. Printer, bookseller, stationer. Cornish miners one and all [and] Cherry ripe. - [Devonport] : J. Mudge, Printer, Devonport [1824/35]. - Sources: Baring-Gould Collection, BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.161
Devonport. Picken, William. 1829 - 1840. Printer, bookseller, stationer.
Devonport. Picken, William. 1829/40. Printer. The Beverly maid and the tinker ["In Beverly town a maid did dwell ..." and] The sailor boy ["The bitter wind blew keen and cold ..."]. - W. Picken Printer, Devonport. Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Firth b.26(33) ; Firth b.34(22) ; Firth b.34(23)
Devonport. Picken, William. 1829/40. Printer. The drunken wife. A companion to the Drunken husband ["Attend, ye men of all ranks of life ..." To the tune of: Dumble dum deary, and] Love's a tyrant ["That love's a tyrant I can prove ..."]. - Printed and Sold by W. Picken, 38, Tavistock St., Devonport. Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Firth b.26(15) ; Harding B 11(1012)
Devonport. Picken, William. 1829/40. Printer. Jonathan Brown ["Twas down in a snug little country town ..."]. - W. Picken, Printer, Devonport. Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Harding B 11(1937)
Devonport. Picken, William. 1829/40. Printer. Poor Caroline of Edinburgh Town. Picken operated from 38 Tavistock-Street, Devonport and his products were also sold by 'R. Bond, junr. 3 Bull-Hill, near the Guildhall, Plymouth, and R. Bond, senr. 23, Bond Street, Jersey'. - Sources: Brown, Roly.
Devonport. Picken, William. 1829/40. Printer. The rambling miner ["I am a miner stout and bold ..." and] Madam Sneak ["'Twas on a frosty morn as Madam Sneak and I ..."]. - Printed and Sold by W. Picken, 38, Tavistock-Street, Devonport. - The rambling miner otherwise unrecorded. Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Firth b.26(133) ; Firth b.34(251) ; Harding B 11(3224) ; Firth b.34(248) ; Firth b.34(249) ; Firth b.34(250)
Devonport. Picken, William. 1829/40. Printer. Rigs and humours of the fair ["You jovial lads attention give, and listen to my ditty ..." and] The village bells ["How sweet to hear the village bells ..."]. - Printed and Sold by W. Picken, 38, Tavistock-Street, Devonport, - Where Travellers and Country Shopkeepers may be supplied with Childrens Books; Street Songs, Scripture Pieces, etc., cheaper than other House in England. Sold also by R. Bond, junr. 3 Bull-Hill, near the Guildhall, Plymouth, and R. Bond, senr. 23, Bond Street, Jersey. Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Firth b.26(135) ; Firth c.19(157) ; Harding B 11(3277)
Devonport. Picken, William. 1829/40. Printer. Woman is the comfort of man ["Come listen to my song, I'll not detain you long ..." and] The glasses sparkle ["The glasses sparkle on the board ..."]. - Printed and Sold by W. Picken, 38, Tavistock-Street, Devonport. Sources: Bodleian (Allegro) Firth b.26(172) ; Harding B 11(4268)
Devonport. Picken, William. 1842? Printer. The assessed taxes; or, some wonderful change is wanted. An interesting song and dialogue on the present state of the country. - Devonport : Printed and sold by W.Picken, 38, Tavistock-Street, Devonport. Travellers supplied cheap , [1842?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. - Verse with prose: "Draw near awhile and listen to me,". Signed J.Morgan. Peel introduced income tax in 1842. Window tax was replaced in 1856. In two columns separated by type ornaments. - Sources: Baring-Gould Collection, BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 69
Devonport. Pollard, W. 1832. Printer. Rodd, Richard. A faithful statement of all the facts ... burial ground ... Stoke Damerel. - Devonport : W. Pollard , 1832. - 25,xxxip ; 22cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: 346.0432/PLY/ROD ; Barnstaple: 614.6/BX:PLY 1/ROD. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Burial grounds. Stoke Damerel.
Devonport. Rattenbury, Charles. 1835. Printer. Carew, Bamfylde Moore. The life and adventures of Bamfylde Moore Carew, commonly called the King of the Beggars, being an account of his life from his leaving Tiverton School at the age of fifteen and entering into a society of gipsies; wherein the motives of his conduct are related and explained. - London : Printed for the booksellers , 1835. - 144p. - eBook. - Page 144: C. Rattenbury, printer, Devonport. Devon. Bickleigh, Tiverton. Adventurers. Carew, Bamfylde Moore. Biographies.
Devonport. Saint Mary's District. 1849. Publisher. Saint Mary's Devonport. District. An appeal for the erection of a church in the district of St. Mary's, Devonport. - [Devonport] : [The District] , 1849. - 3p : ill ; 23cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: px270/PLY/SAI. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Churches. Construction. Proposals. 1849.
Devonport. Saunders, S. 1830. WORSLEY, Henry. Four views near Plymouth. - Devonport : S.Saunders , [1830?]. - Set of lithographs by and after Worsley. - Somers Cocks S116.
Devonport, Saunders, S. . 1835. CONDY, Nicholas C. [Views at Mount Edgcumbe]. - Devonport : S.Saunders ; London : R.Ackermann , [1835?]. - Set of probably six lithographs by W.Walton after Condy. - Somers Cocks S125.
Devonport. Soper and Richards. 1833. Printer. Carrington, N.T. The topograph : or pedestrian's companion to the principal bye-ways within nine miles of Devonport and Plymouth ... / N.T.Carrington. - Devonport : Soper and Richards , 1833. - 43p ; 18cm. Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s796.51/PLY/CAR ; North Devon Athenaeum D910PLY/CAR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Walkers' guides. 1833.
Devonport. Thorne, Samuel. 1827. Printer. Brentano, Peter. Translations from Old Testament (dividing of time) explaining causes of solidity and perpetual motion. - Devonport : S. Thorne , 1827. - 19p ; frontis ; 21cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: Not acquired WSL ; Plymouth. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Writers. Brentano, Peter. Works. Bible.
Devonport. Underwood. 1825. Printer. BUTTER, John. Remarks on the irritative fever, commonly called the Plymouth Dock-Yard disease, with Mr. Dryden's detailed account of the fatal cases, including that of the lamented surgeon Dr. Bell. Dedicated to Commissioner Sheild. By John Butter, M.D., F.R.S. - Devonport : Underwood , 1825. - Davidson p.116 (BM.
Devonport. Wood and Tozer. 1858. Printers. History of the Royal Albert Bridge for the Cornwall Railway, across the River Tamar, at Saltash. - Devonport : Wood & Tozer , [1858]. - 16p : ill ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p624.2/SAL/HIS. - Subjects: Cornwall. Saltash. Bridges. Royal Albert Bridge.
Devonport. Wood and Tozer. 1876. Printer. Webber, John L. Poems on Widecombe-in-the-Moor and neighbourhood / written by John L.Webber. - Devonport : Wood & Tozer , [1876]. - 58p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p821/WEB. - Subjects: Devon. Widecombe in Moor. Poetry. Webber, John L. Texts.
Devonport. Wood and Tozer. 1882. Printer. Three ... The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1883 .... - Devonport : Wood & Tozer , [1882]. - [12],88,[30]p : ill ; 18cm. - Matchcode THRTHR1882. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1883.
Devonport. Wood and Tozer. 1883. Printer. Wood's ... Wood's shilling guide to Plymouth, Stonehouse, Devonport and vicinity, Royal Albert Bridge etc., with maps and illustrations - 14th edition. - Devonport : Wood and Tozer , [1883?]. - 115,[9]p : ill,maps(one folded) ; 19cm. - Matchcode WOOWOO1983. - Held by: WSL: sB/PLY 1/1883/WOO. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1883
Devonport. Wood, Charles. 1835? Printer.
Devonport. Wood, Charles. 1835? Printer. Statutes 1814. Local ; 54 Geo 3 c. 172. An act to repeal an act, passed in the 21st year of his present Majesty, for the better maintaining and regulating the poor ... of Plymouth Dock and ... Stoke Damarel ... - Devonport : Charles Wood (printer) , [1835?]. - 122p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s348.022/LOC/1814. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Poverty relief. Statutes. 1814.
Devonport. Wood, Charles. 1840. Printer. Statutes 1815. Local ; 54 Geo 3 c. 34. An act to repeal an act, passed in the 21st year of his present Majesty, for the better maintaining and regulating the poor ... of Plymouth Dock and ... Stoke Damarel .... - Devonport : Charles Wood (printer) , [1840]. - 122p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sx348.022/LOC/185. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Poverty relief. Statutes. 1815 - 1840.
Devonport. Wood, William and Son. 1841. Printer. The stranger's hand-book to the Western metropolis; containing a concise and familiar description of Plymouth, Devonport .... - Devonport : W.Wood & Son , 1841. - 91p : folded map ; 15cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1841/STR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1841.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1830. Printer. Carrington, N.T. Dartmoor : a poem / by N.T.Carrington. - Devonport : W. Wood , [1830?]. - vii,85,[3]p,plate : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s821/CAR ; Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Dartmoor. Poetry. Carrington, N.T. Texts.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1848. Printer. Carrington, N.T. The poems of the late N.T.Carrington complete in one volume. - Devonport : W.Wood , 1848. - xiii,235p ; 15cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : s821/CAR ; North Devon Athenaeum D821/CAR ; Torquay I/S. - Subjects: Devon. Poetry. Carrington, N.T. Texts.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1849. BEERALSTON UNION DEATH CLUB. Rules for the Beeralston Union Death Club, held at the Commercial Inn. Established January, 1843. - Devonport : W. Wood, printer, stationer, &c., 52, Fore-St., opposite the banks) , 1849. - Dr Michael Londry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1850. Printer. The stranger's hand-book to Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse, River Tamar and vicinities. - 5th edition. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1850]. - 110p : map ; 14cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sB/PLY 1/1850/STR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1850.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1854. Printer. The stranger's hand-book to Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse, River Tamar and vicinities. - 7th edition. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1854]. - 114,[6]p : ill, map ; 14cm. - Davidson p.47n (Secktor Library, dated 1856). Not in WorldCat. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1854/STR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1854.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1854. Printer. Trenhaile, John. Dolly Pentreath, and other humorous Cornish tales, in verse. - Devonport : W.Wood , 1854. - 46p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/TRE. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Trenhaile, John. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1855. Printer. Hand-book to South Devon - 2nd edition. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1855]. - 100,[4]p,[8] of pls ; 15cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sDEV/1855/HAN. - Subjects: Devon. Guides. 1855.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1859. Printer. Hand-book to Mount Edgcumbe. - With a map. - Plymouth : W. Wood , [1859?]. - 20p ; 16cm. - Davidson p.36n (Secktor Library, dated 1859). Not in WorldCat. - Held by: Torquay. - Subjects: Cornwall. Mount Edgecumbe. Guides. 186-.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1860. Printer. Guide to the Tamar : with a map of the river and adjacent country. - Devonport : W.Wood , 1860. - [2],34p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: pA/TAM/1860/GUI. - Subjects: Westcountry. Tamar River. Guides. 1860.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1860. Printer. Hamlyn, George. Rustic poems / by George Hamlyn. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1860]. - 48p : front ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p821/HAM. - Subjects: Westcountry. Poetry. Hamlyn, George. Texts.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1860. Printer. Penwarne, John. Tregeagle of Dozmary pool, and original Cornish ballads / by John Penwarne. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1860]. - 50p : ill ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/TRE. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1858. Printer. Rambles about Plymouth and Devonport ; with a tinted map, showing the highways, byeways and railways. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1858?]. - 76p ; 14cm. - Davidson p.47n (Secktor Library, dated 1858). WorldCat. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s796.51/WES/RAM (map missing). - Subjects: Westcountry. Walkers' guides. 1860.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1860. SIX views, first series, of Plymouth etc. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1860-65?]. - Set of six line-engraved vignettes after W.Hake. - Wood published second and later series between about 1865 and 1875. - Somers Cocks S212.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1860. Printer. Wood's hand-book to Plymouth, Stonehouse, Devonport, the government establishments, Royal Albert Bridge etc. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1860]. - 93p,4 leaves of pls ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1860/WOO ; North Devon Athenaeum: D910PLY/1860. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1860.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1862. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1863 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1862]. - 84,[56]p : ill,fld map ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1863.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1863. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1864 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1863]. - 84,[58]p : ill,fld map ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1864.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1864. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1865 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1864]. - 84,[58]p : ill,folded map ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1865.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1864. Printer. Wood's hand-book to Plymouth, Stonehouse, Devonport, the government establishments, Royal Albert Bridge etc - 10th ed.. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1864]. - 100p : map ; 17cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/PLY 1/1864/WOO. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1864.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1865. Printer. Daniel, H.J. A new budget of Cornish poems / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1865]. - 48p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1865. Printer. Daniel, H.J. [Works ; a collection of dialect pamphlets / by H.J.Daniel and others]. - Devonport : W.Wood , 1865-. - 1 vol ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1865. [VIEWS of Plymouth and neighbourhood]. - Devonport : William Wood , 1865. - Set of probably four lithograph ovals, all anon. - Somers Cocks S214.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1865. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1866 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1865]. - 84,[56]p : ill,fld map ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1866.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1867. Printer. The hand-book to Exeter : with illustrated map and an elaborate and correct description of the Cathedral etc. - [Devonport London Exeter W. Wood Houlston & Sons?] sold by all booksellers and at the railway book stalls [1867?]. - 36 p. ; 19 cm. + 1 map (ill. ; 30 x 36 cm., folded in front cover to 18 x 10 cm.). - Scale [ca. 1:20,000]. - Title at head of map: Map of Exeter corrected to the present time. "Engraved & printed by E.S. & A. Robinson & Co., Bristol, for The handbook to Exeter"--Foot of map. - Held by: University of Cambridge Libraries.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1867. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1868 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1867]. - [4],84,[38]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1868.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1869. Printer. Devonshire courtship, in four parts,to which is added a glossary. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1869?]. - vi,74p ; 17cm. - Author : Mrs Palmer of Gt. Torrington, sister to Joshua Reynolds. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: 828.99/DEV ; North Devon Athenaeum: D427/DEV ; Torquay. - Subjects: Devon. Dialect literature. Dialogues.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. A budget of Cornish poems / by various authors. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 52p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/BUD. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. A great mine conference : the Gwennap bal boys : the fox outwitted by a cook .. / by George Henwood and H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 50p,[1] of pls ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Mining. Dialect texts.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. An Exmoor scolding, in the propriety and decency of Exmoor language ... also, an Exmoor courtship. - New ed. - Devonport : W.Wood , 1870. - vi,47p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sp828.99/EXM ; North Devon Athenaeum: D821/HOG. - Subjects: Somerset. Exmoor. Dialect literature.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J. A companion for the Cornish Thalia : being original humorous pieces in the Cornish and Devonshire dialects. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 48p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J. A batch of humorous tales and sketches / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 48p,[1] of pls : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J. Humorous Cornish legends / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 46p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p821/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Poetry. Daniel, H.J. Texts.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J. Humorous Cornish legends / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 46p,[1] of pls : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J. Mary Anne in the hands of the Philistines / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 11p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J. The Cornish Thalia : being original comic poems... / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 48p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. The muse in motley, or a wallet of whimsies / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 48p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/DAN ; North Devon Athenaeum: D821/HOG. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mirth for one and all / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 48p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mirth for long evenings / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 48p : ill ; 18cm. - N.D.A. title on cover: Nathan Hogg's letters. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mary Anne's career (continued) and cousin Jack's adventures / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 48p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Pickings from my portfolio ; comprising - Cornish comic and: other humorous pieces / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 48p,[1] of pls : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mary Anne's wedding / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 12p ; 18cm. -: Daniel, H.J.[Works]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mary Anne's trip up the Tamar / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 8,[4]p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mary Anne's Sunday out / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 12p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mary Anne in retirement / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 12p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mary Anne in London / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 12p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Mary Anne's experiences / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 12p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. Fuller, J.G. Jack Junk and Caroline Jane of Stoke / by J.G.Fuller. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - 12p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s828.99/DAN (in : Daniel, H.J. [Works]). - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1870. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1871 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1870]. - [6],85,[39]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1871.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1871. Printer. Daniel, H.J.. Wit and humour : or fun and frolic / by H.J.Daniel. - Devonport : W.Wood , 1871. - 47p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: p828.99/DAN. - Subjects: Cornwall. Dialect literature. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1871. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1872 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1871]. - [4],86,[44]p : ill,map ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1872.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1872. Printer. The hand-book to south Devon and Dartmoor. - Devonport : W.Wood , 1872. - 126,[6]p : folded map; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sDEV/1872/WOO ; sDEV/1872/HAN (Lacks map). - Subjects: Devon. South Devon. Guides. 1872.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1872. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1873 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1872]. - [4],87,[43]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1873.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1873. Printer. Carrington, N.T. The collected poems of the late N.T.Carrington. - Devonport : W.Wood , 1873. - vii,222p ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s821/CAR. - Subjects: Devon. Writers. Carrington, N.T. Works. Poetry.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1873. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1874 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1873]. - [4],88,[38]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1874.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1874. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1875 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1874]. - [6],88,[38]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1875.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1875. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1876 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1875]. - [6],88,[38]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1876.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1876. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1877 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1876]. - [6],88,[40]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1877.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1877. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1878 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1877]. - [8],88,[52]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1878.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1878. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1879 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1878]. - [8],88,[64]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1879.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1879. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1880 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1879]. - [8],88,[42]p : ill ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1880.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1880. Printer. Rambles and excursions about Plymouth and Devonport, with a tinted map showing the highways, byeways, forts and railways. - Devonport : W.Wood , [1880]. - 111,[9]p : folded map ; 21cm. - Date evidence : p.110. .- Held by: WSL: sWES/1880/RAM. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Guides. 1880.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1880. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1881 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1880]. - [8],88,[62]p : ill,map ; 18cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1881.
Devonport. Wood, William. 1881. Printer. The three towns' almanack, and daily tide tables, for the year of Our Lord 1882 .... - Devonport : W.Wood , [1881]. - [8],88,[44]p : ill,map ; 18cm. - Held by: WSL: s030.2/PLY/THR. - Subjects: Devon. Plymouth. Almanacs. 1882.
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1825. Printer. GRANVILLE, George. A companion to the Plymouth and Devonport national breakwater. By George Granville. - Devonport : [] , 1825. - A print. - Davidson p.49 (Bookseller's cat.
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1831. DOCKYARD grand coronation pageant. - Devonport : [] , 1831. - 40p ; 12°. - Davidson p.45n (Secktor Lib.).
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1833. The TOPOGRAPH or pedestrian's companion, &c within nine miles of Devonport and Plymouth. - Devonport : [] ,1833. - Davidson p.45 (secktor Lib.).
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1838. VICTORIA, Queen. A correct copy of the charter of incorporation of the borough of Devonport, granted by Her Majesty Victoria the First. Together with a list of the first council elected, agreeably to its provisions, in the year 1837. To which is added an appendix containing notes, forms, &c., relating to the Municipal Incorporations' Act. - Devonport : [] , 1838. - 28p : map ; 12°. - Davidson p.45 (BM).
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1841. HISTORY of teetotalism in Devonshire. - Devonport : [] , 1841. - Davidson p.12 (Secktor Lib.).
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1841. STRANGER'S hand-book to the western metropolis ... Plymouth, Devonport, Stonehouse ... by A naval officer. - Devonport : [] , 1841. - Map. - Davidson p.46 (Secktor Lib.).
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1847. TRUSCOTT, Joshua. Prize essay on the supply of fresh water to Devonport. By Joshua Truscott. - Devonport : [] , 1847. - Davidson p.46 (Secktor Lib.).
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1849. REPORT of the enquiry instituted by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Exeter, as visitor of the orphans' home established by the Sisters of mercy at Morice Town, Devonport into the truth of certain statements published in the "Devonport Telegraph" Feb 10, 1849. - Devonport : [] , 1849. - Davidson p.104 (Secktor Lib.).
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1849. The SISTERS of Mercy at Devonport : report of an enquiry held by the Lord Bishop of Exeter on the 15th Feb., 1849, into the principles of the above sisterhood and the constitution of the charity termed the "Orphans Home". With an appendix. Edited by Richard C.Rogers. - Devonport : [] , 1849. - Davidson p.104 (Secktor Lib.).
Devonport. [s. n.]. 1850. Printer. The Route Book of Devon, a guide for the stranger & tourist towns, watering places & other interesting localities, road maps. - Devonport : [s.n.] , [1850?. - 403p : ill,4 maps ; 15cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : sDEV/1850/ROU Tiverton: ROU 161. - Subjects: Devon. Guides. 1850.
Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented 2014.
This page last updated 7 December 2015.