03 March 2014

Devon imprints. Devon: Exeter institutions

The Devon book trades : imprint registers.
Exeter : Exeter institutions.

For details of the scope of these imprint registers, see the introduction and key.

Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. 1520 - 1563. Publisher.

Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. 1520. Publisher. Exeter. Cathedral. In the name of God. Amen. It ys to be meme<m>bred that ye great indulgence and pardon which dyverse holy fathers, popes, cardynalles, archbysshops and bysshops have given and grau[n]ted to all the brothers and systers, and good doers of the cathedrall church of Exeter, extendeth to the somme of .liiii. yeres and one lent. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1500/35]. - 1 sheet. - Printed at some time between about 1500 and 1536. - Oliver, George. Lives of the bishops of Exeter, (Exeter : Roberts , 1861), p.249; Orme, Nicholas. "A letter of Saint Roche", Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 36, pt 5 (Spring 1989), p.154.

Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. 1538. Publisher. Exeter. Cathedral. The copye of the kynges gracyous letters pate[n]tes, for gatherynge and receyuynge through the dioses of Excestre thacustomed dutye to the fabryke of the Cathedrall Churche of Exon[iensis], translated into Englyshe. - [London] : Prynted by Thomas Petyt, [1538]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Dated 9 November 1538. For collections to maintain Exeter Cathedral. - *STC 7789.3 ; ESTC s91865. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedral. Fabric. Taxation. 1538.

Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. 1538. Publisher. Exeter. Cathedral. The copye of the kynges gracyous letters pate[n]tes, for gatherynge and receyuyng through the dioses of Excestre thacustomed dutye to the fabryke of the Cathedrall Churche of Exon[iensis], translated into Englyshe. - [London] : Prynted by Thomas Petyt, [1538]. - 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/4°. - Place and date of publication from STC. Dated at end of text: Teste me ipso apud Westmonesterium Nono die mensis Nouembris. anno regni nostri tricesimo. In this edition, line two of title has: ’receyuyng’. For Elizabeth I’s confirmation of this grant see STC 7956.3--STC.. - STC (2nd ed.), 7789.7 ; ESTC s91866. - Held by: Exeter Cathedral. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedral. Fabric. Taxation. 1538.

Exeter. Exeter Cathedral. 1563. Publisher. Exeter. Cathedral. The copy of the Quenes gratious letters patentes for gathering and receyuyng through the dioces of Excestre thaccustomed dutye to the fabrike of the Cathedrall Church of Exon, translated into Englysh. - [London] Printed by Iohn Daye, [1563]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Dated 4 March 1563, confirming the letters patent for collections to maintain Exeter Cathedral granted 1538. - *STC 7956.3.

Exeter. Exeter Cathedral Library. 18--. Printer. Theological catalogue of Exeter Cathedral Library : General catalogue of Exeter Cathedral Library.-- [Exeter a. 1825-91?]. - Held by: University of Exeter Libraries.

Exeter. Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department. 1836-1850. Publisher. Exeter City Council. Treasurer's Department. Abstract of income and expenditure from the 28th December 1835 to the 1st September 1836 [-1st September 1849 to 31st August 1850. - Exeter : The Department , 1836[-1850]. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sB/EXE/352.17/EXE. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Local authorities. Accounts. 1849-1850.

Exeter. Exeter Corporation. 1566 - 1595. Publisher.

Exeter. Exeter Corporation. 1566. Publisher. Exeter. Corporation. The citie of Exceter. At the seuerall sessions fyrst holden and kept in the Guildhall of Exceter ... the xxiiii daye of Aprille in the eight yere of our Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth ... the rates of wages of artificers, seruauntes and laborers, rated by the Maior of the citie of Exceter, ... - [London] : Imprinted at London in Powles Church-yarde by Richard Jugge and John Cawood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie , anno 1566. Mense Iunii. - 2 leaves ; 1°. - *Devon Record Office (Exeter City Archives, Ancient letters L65,73) ; STC 7995.3. The rates for wages were required by an act of 5 Eliz. 1 c.4 to be established by local justices. They are listed by STC under the heading for proclamations.

Exeter. Exeter Corporation. 1567. Publisher. Exeter. Corporation. The citie and countie of Exceter. At the generall sessions first holden and kept in the Guyldhall of Exceter, in the countie of the citie of Exceter after Easter, that is to wit, the tenth day of Aprill, in the ninth yere of the raigne of our souveraigne lady, Elizabeth ... The rates and wages of artificers, seruauntes, and labourers, rated by the Maior of the citie of Exceter ... - [London] : Imprinted at London by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, printers to the Queenes Maiestie , Anno 1567, mense Iunii. - 1 sheet ; 1°. - *Devon Record Office.

Exeter. Exeter Corporation. 1588. Publisher. Exeter Corporation. The citie of Exeter. The rates of wages of artificers, seruants, and labourers, rated by the Maior of the citie of Exeter, ... - [London] : Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie , [1588]. 1 sheet ; 1°. - Dated at end: 1588. Iuly 20. A reprint of the 1566 rate with a few omissions. - STC 8172.3; *Devon Record Office (Exeter City Archives, Ancient letters L93). See note under 1566.

Exeter. Exeter Corporation. 1595. Publisher. Exeter. Corporation. The citie of Exeter. ... the rates of wages of artificers, servants, and others, rated by the maior of the citie of Exeter, and the justices of the peace of the said county of the citie of Exeter, at the Guildhall of Exeter, the xxiiii day of April, in the xxxvii yeare of the reign of our soveraigne ladie Elizabeth. - London : Deputies of C.Barker , [1595]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Dated: Aug. 30. 1595. - *Davidson supp. p.5 (P); STC 8247.2.

Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1842. Publisher. Coleridge, F.G. An account of the church of Ottery St. Mary / by F.G.Coleridge and John Hayward. - Exeter ; [Oxford] [Printed by I. Shrimpton, Oxford] 1842. - [2], 107, [1] p., plates. : Plates, plans ; 28 cm. - Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society v. 1 pt. 1. - Drawings and architectural description by John Hayward (preface).. - With an engraved individual titlepage and a series titlepage.. - Printer from colophon.. - Held by: Durham University Libraries ; Devon Heritage Centre: x726.5/OTT/COL ; North Devon Athenaeum D900OTT/COL2. - Subjects: Devon. Ottery St. Mary. Churches. Saint Mary.

Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1843-1907. Publisher. Transactions. / Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. - Exeter [s.n.] 1843-1892. - 6 v. and 5 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. - First series, vol. 1-6 ; second series, vol. 1-5 ; third series (1899---), vol. 1-5, published by the Exeter Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society. - Davidson p.12 (Secktor Library). - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre : xPER/DEV ; Barnstaple: 050 /A/EXE ; V&A Libraries ; British Museum Library ; King's College London Library ; Senate House Libraries, University of London ; Trinity College Dublin Library ; University of Bristol Libraries ; University of Cambridge Libraries ; University of Oxford Libraries ; University of York Libraries. - Subjects: Westcountry. Architecture. Periodicals.

Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1845-1858. Publisher. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. Rough notes (for correction) of churches in the deanery of [Barnstaple etc] ... - Exeter : The Society , 1845-. - 29 leaves. - Issued as folded sheets 1845-58. Covers Devon and Cornwall. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sx726.5/WES/EXE. - Subjects: Westcountry. Churches. Architectural features. 1845-1858.

Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1847. Publisher. An account of the church of S. Andrew, Cullumpton. - [Exeter 1847]. - 12 p. : ill. ; 28 x 21 cm. - 9 plates (7 engr., 2 col. lithogr., 3 folding) incl. sections, elevations and plan.. - Includes bibliographic notes.. - Held by: V&A Libraries.

Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1847. Publisher. Inaugural address read at the first general meeting of the Plymouth branch of the Exeter diocesan architectural society, June 7th, 1847. - [Exeter] (1847). - cm.27. - [Repr. from the Trans. of the Society].. - Held by: University of Oxford Libraries.

Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1849. Publisher. A paper on the church and chantry on the ancient Exe-bridge / William Harding. - Exeter 1849. - p. 165-172 ; 27 cm. - Offprint from: Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, vol. 3, 1849.. - Held by: Society of Antiquaries of London Library.

Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society. 1849. Publisher. Hewett, John William. A complete monumentarium of the Cathedral church of St.Peter, Exeter / by Rev. J.W.Hewett. - Exeter : Diocesan Arch. Soc , 1849. - 32p ; 28cm. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre: sxB/EXE/731.76/HEW. - Subjects: Devon. Exeter. Cathedrals. Saint Peter. Monuments. 1849.

Exeter. Exeter Diocesan Board of Education. 1839-. Publisher. Exeter Diocesan Board of Education : Annual report. - Exeter Pollard [1839]+. - No. 13.. - Library holds 13th report, published 1852, only.. - Held by: British Library: 9th report (1848) ; Lambeth Palace Library: 18th report (1852).

Exeter. Exeter Diocese. 1567. Publisher.

Exeter. Exeter Diocese. 1567. Publisher. Exeter. Diocese. Articles to be inquired of, within the diocesse of Exon, in the visitation of the reuerende Father in God, Iohn Bishop of Excester. In the .xxi. yeare of the reigne of our most gracious soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendresse of the fayth. &c. - Imprinted at London : by Thomas Purfoote, anno. 1579. - *ESTC.

Exeter. Exeter Society for Promoting the Total Abolition of the Punishment of Death. 1847. Publisher. Abolition of death punishment : report of the great public meeting at Exeter, on Thursday, the 28th of January, 1847, including the speech of Lord Nugent verbatim, (from the notes of R. Acton, short-hand writer). - Exeter Exeter Society for Promoting the Total Abolition of the Punishment of Death, 1847. - 36 p. - Held by: University of Bristol Libraries.

Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented 2014.
This page last updated 30 January 2015.