28 February 2014

Devon imprints: Exeter. Miscellaneous.

The Devon book trades : imprint registers.
Exeter : A-Z. Firms with fewer than five imprints.

For details of the scope of these imprint registers, see the introduction and key.

DEV_Exeter. Andrews, William and Trewman, Robert. 1763 - 1764. Printers.

DEV_Exeter. Andrews, William and Trewman, Robert. 1763. Printers. The EXETER mercury or West Country advertiser. - [Exeter] : Printed by W.Andrews and R.Trewman, in Southgate Street, Exon. - No. 1. - Friday, September 2, 1763. - Later became: Trewman's Exeter Flying Post. - *Dredge p.49 (Bibliotheca Cornubiensia),106 (Western antiquary, vol. 5, p.163-6).

DEV_Exeter. Andrews, William and Trewman, Robert. 1764. Printers. CALCOTT, Wellins. A collection of thoughts, moral and divine, upon various subjects, in prose and verse. ... By Wellins Calcott, Gent. The fifth edition, with improvements. - Exeter : Printed for the author, by W.Andrews and R.Trewman, in Southgate-street , 1764. - xlvi,[2],439,[1]p ; 8°. - List of subscribers. Reissued as the 6th edition with imprint: London : Printed for the author , 1766. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - Dredge p.28; ESTC t140912; Plymouth Public Library L867,3776.

DEV_Exeter. Anthony, Joseph. 1715. Publisher.

DEV_Exeter. Anthony, Joseph. 1715. Publisher. The EXETER guide to both temporal happiness and eternal. Being a very compleat manual and convenient (before, at, and after,) for the feast of feasts. In III parts together with an epistle, preface and introduction, appendix, almanack and additions; the whole showing how to lead a holy and comfortable life, be a constant and worthy communicant and dy an easy and happy death; interlaced with chronological, historical, poetical and proverbial passages. Useful, edifying and convincing to all sects of christians. In six volumes, each a different tongue, speaks for English, French, High Dutch and Low, Portugese and Italian also. By a Church of England man; a gentleman born, a merchant bred there 37 years, a traveller, a linguist, a native and registered freeman of the well-built, plentiful, healthy and pleasant city of Exeter and county of Devon ... - Exon : Printed for Joseph Anthony , 1715. - xii,358,[2]p ; 12°. - Author probably John Anthony, see Western Antiquary, v,296; vi,109. - ESTC t 105159; Held by: Devon Heritage Centre (copy lacks title-page); Davidson supp. p. 6n (Secktor Lib.); Bodl. 14041 f.31.

DEV_Exeter. Butter, T. 1703. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Butter, T. 1703. Bookseller*. A DISCOURSE of the satisfaction of Christ, from Rom. VIII. i,ii,iii,iv. Wherein the sentiments of Dr. Bury concerning that subject, are stated and consider'd. - Exon : Printed by S.F. [i.e. Samuel Farley] for the author, and sold by T.Butter, and at the Printing-House , 1703. - 24p ; 8°. - *ESTC t062486.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Clark. 1816. Bookseller.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Clark. 1816. Bookseller. CORNARO, Luigi. A Guide to Health & Long Life, etc. .-- London : J. Brettell ; for Clark [Exeter], 1816.-- 71 p. ; 24º. - Translation of the first, second and fourth of Cornaro's “Discorsi della vita sobria”. - Held by: British Library.

DEV_Exeter. Coeffin, Martin. 1505 - 1510. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Coeffin, Martin. 1505. Bookseller. OS facies mentu[m] dens guttur lingua palatum. ... - [Rouen] : Impressum Rothomagi in officina Laurentij Hostingue et Iameti Loys iuxta nouum forum commorantium ; Emprynted for Martin Coeffin dwelyng at Exeter , [1505?]. - [8]p ; 4°. - English supratitle: a mouthe face chyne atothe athroott ato[n]ge roffe of the mouth. Imprint from colophon; date of publication from STC. Signatures: A4. Copy in Folger Library bound after title leaf of: Stanbridge, John. Vocabula magistri Stanbrigii, primum jam edita sua saltem editione. - [London] : [Wynkyn de Worde] , [1511?] (STC 23178.7). - *STC 18872; ESTC s94537 ; Dredge p.5 (Herbert, Wood); Orme, Nicholas. "Martin Coeffin, the first Exeter publisher", Library, 6th series, vol. 10, no. 3 (Sept. 1988), p.220-30.

DEV_Exeter. Coeffin, Martin. 1510. Bookseller. [Tractatulus verborum defectivorum]. [Colophon:] Explicit tractatus verborum defectivorum. - [Rouen] : Impressus Rothomagi in officina Richardi Goupil, juxta conventum sanct. Augustin ad intersignum regulae aurae commorantis. Imprented at the expence, and for Martin Coffin, dwelling at Exeter , [1510?]. - 4°. - Not extant, probably tract without titlepage bound after a copy of: Catho cum commento. - cf STC 23163.4. - *Dredge p.5 (Herbert); Orme, Nicholas. "Martin Coeffin, the first Exeter publisher", Library, 6th series, vol. 10, no. 3 (Sept. 1988), p.220-30.

DEV_Exeter. Coker, Samuel. 1800. Sadler's ironmonger and bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Coker, Samuel. 1800. Sadler's ironmonger and bookseller*. HOLMES, William. Holmes' - tract on the novel county-rates, Exeter, 1799, hypothetically founded on the births of two acts of Parliament, (12 and 13 George ii) now nearly sixty years of age; collated with county-rates, Devon, &c., whence forfeitures of recognizances, felons' goods, &c., pass into His Majesty's exchequer, but in Exeter, to the burser of the chamberlain of Exeter; including a sketch of the present state of the city bodies-corporate, generally and specially discussed; by William Holmes Esq., a deaf freeman of Exeter, S.C.L. - Oxford. This tract sold by Mr. Samual Coker, sadler's ironmonger, near the public pump, Smith-street, Exeter - who will keep the account of sale without reward - as the profit by sale (if any) will be for public benefit - if a loss, Mr. H. will readily pay it. - [Exeter] : Sold by all the booksellers in England. T.Brice, printer, High-street, Exeter , 1800. - [2],48p ; 8°. Dated at top: 14th April, 1800. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - Dredge p.113-4 (British Museum); Davidson p. 28 (Secktor Lib.); DUL 35920.

DEV_Exeter. Coles, John. 1709. Engraver.

DEV_Exeter. Coles, John. 1709. Engraver*. FAIRLOVE, Ichabod. A true plan of the city of Excester Anno Domini MDCCIX. Ichd: Fairlove surveyd Io: Coles sculp: - [Exeter] : Sold by Edward Score bookseller over agst: the Guildhall , [1709]. - 1 sheet ; 1°. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre.

DEV_Exeter. Cowsey, James. 1682. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Cowsey, James. 1682. Bookseller. CROMPTON, William. The justice of God asserted, in seeming contrariant providences : and vindicated from the cavils of corrupt men under them. ... - London : Printed for Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey ; and are to be sold by James Cowsey, bookseller in Exeter , 1682. - 95[i.e. 65]p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.42; NC0800275 (bound with: Soveraign omnipotency).

DEV_Exeter. Cowsey, James. 1682. Bookseller. CROMPTON, William. Soveraign omnipotency the saint's security in evil days. Discoursed and concluded from Rom. IV. xvii. xviii. By William Crompton. ... - London : Printed for Benj. Alsop, at the Angel and Bible in the Poultrey ; and are to be sold by James Cowsey, bookseller in Exeter , 1682. - 101,95[i.e.65]p ; 8°. - The justice of God asserted (65p) at end. - *Dredge p.42; NUC NC0800275; Wing2 C7032a; Term catalogues Michaelmas 1682, i,504.

DEV_Exeter. Devon. Justices. 1595. Publisher.

DEV_Exeter. Devon. Justices. 1595. Publisher. DEVON. Justices. The countie of Deuon. The rates of wages ... [29 April 1595]. - London : Deputies of C.Barker , [1595]. - 3 sheets. - STC 8245.5.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Eveleigh, Misses. 1806. Booksellers*. SOUTHCOTT, Joanna. Sound an alarm in my holy mountain : [...] / Joanna Southcott. Leeds, Jan. 30, 1804.-- Third edition..-- London : Printed by W. Marchant, Greville-Street; and sold by E.J. Field, No. 139, near Bloomsbury Court, High Holborn; C. Abbott, opposite the London Apprentice, east end of Old-Street; W. Tozer, Lambeth Road, St. George's Fields: also by W. Symonds, Gandy Lane; and the Miss Eveleighs, St. Sidwell's, Exeter; S. Hirst, Leeds; J. Middleton, York; and James Light, Coventry-Street, Stourbridge, Worcestershire, 1806. - 72 p. ; 22 cm. (8vo). - Caption title; imprint from p. 72. "Third edition." top of p. [1]; "Third edition, Nov. 24, 1806." p. 72, above imprint. "Printed, November, 1806, by W. Marchant, Greville-Street, London, from the second edition, published in June, 1806."--p. [1]. "Price One Shilling."--p. 72. No title-page. - Held by: Cambridge.

DEV_Exeter. Eveleigh, Robert. 1663. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Eveleigh, Robert. 1668. Bookseller. Mall, Thomas, b. 1629 or 30. Of holy living first a serious exhortation thereunto. Secondly choice directions therein, both for every working, and for every Lords-day. - London : Printed for William Grantham at the Black-Bear in Westminster-Hall, and are to be sold by Robert Eveleigh, bookseller in Exon , 1668. - [10],118p ; 12°. - Wing2 M334; *Dredge p.93 (Bodleian).

DEV_Exeter. Eveleigh, Robert. 1668. Bookseller. Mall, Thomas. A serious exhortation to holy living. By Thomas Mall. ... - London : Printed for William Grantham at the Black-Bear in Westminster-Hall, and are to be sold by Robert Eveleigh, bookseller in Exon , 1668. - [10],118p ; 12°. - Wing2 M335; *Dredge p.93. - Section title for: Of holy living.

DEV_Exeter. Eveleigh, Robert. 1680. Bookseller. The first principles of the oracles of God explained in a brief exposition of the Creed, the Ten Commandements, the Lords Prayer, the Sacraments. (London : printed by J. G. and are to be sold by Robert Eveligh bookeseller in Exon, and Thomas Helden [i.e. Helder] bookseller at the Angel in Little Britain, 1680. - *ESTC.

DEV_Exeter. Eveleigh, Robert. 1682. Bookseller. A key to catechisms: or An easie and familiar help for the true and right understanding of the principal substance of all catechisms whatsoever. Suited to the meanest capacities, and the weakest memories. - London : printed for Richard Chiswell, and to be sold by Robert Eveleigh bookseller in Exon., 1682. - 8°. - Wing2 K385; *Clough.

DEV_Exeter. Hospital of Saint Roche. 1510. Publisher.

DEV_Exeter. Hospital of Saint Roche. 1510. Publisher. Hospital of Saint Roche, Exeter. The graces folowyng be grau[n]ted to al the bretherne and systers benefactours and good doers vnto the hospytall of ye blessyd co[n]fessour saynt Rocke fou[n]ded & establyssyd w[i]t[h]in the of [sic] Cyte Excester ... - [London] : [Richard Faques for the Hospital of Saint Roche, Exeter] , [1510?]. - 1 sheet ; 8°. - Letter of confraternity. - Oblong format. - *STC 14077C.41 (dated 1522); ESTC: s120846 ; Orme, Nicholas. "A letter of Saint Roche", Devon and Cornwall Notes & Queries, vol. 36, pt 5 (Spring 1989), p.153-9.

DEV_Exeter. Keenan, Francis. 1800. Print publisher.

DEV_Exeter. Keenan, Francis. 1800. Print publisher. KEENAN, Francis. A select collection of views in the county of Devon. - Exeter : F.Keenan , 1800. - 4 plates. - Somers Cocks S25.

DEV_Exeter. Lee, Edward. 1741. Printer.

DEV_Exeter. Lee, Edward. 1741. Bookseller. KNAPP, William. A sett of new psalm-tunes and anthems, in four parts: on various occasions ... By William Knapp. The second edition corrected, with an additional number of several new anthems and psalm-tunes by the author, ... - London : Printed by J.Leake, for the author; and sold by Messers. Ward and Chandler at the Ship just without Temple-Bar, London; Mr. William Norris in Taunton; Mr. Ben. Collins in Salisbury, Mr. Joshua Cole in Sherborne, Mr. John Newbury in Reading, Mr. Edward Lee in Exeter, by most booksellers in the country; and by the author in Poole, ... , 1741. - First published 1738. - *Roscoe A286(1).

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Library for Young Persons. 1808. Publisher and library. CARPENTER, Lant. Plan, rules, and catalogue of the library for young persons, in Exeter : with observations on some of the principal branches of science and literature, and occasional remarks on the books selected; designed to aid the young in their choice of objects of mental pursuit. - Exeter : Printed by P. Hedgeland, High-street, and sold at the library, and by E. Upham and P. Hedgeland., 1808. - [2], 70 p. ; 18 cm. - "Price one shilling to non-subscribers". P. 9 signed "C" [i.e. Lant Carpenter]. "The Library is principally designed for the use of those who are between the ages of 12 and 30, ...The Library is kept at Mrs. Ware's, Palace Gate ..."- p.[1]. - Held by: Oxford.

DEV_Exeter. Liscombe, James. 1725. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Liscombe, James. 1725. Bookseller*. LISCOMBE, James. [A catalogue of valuable books, in divinity, history, antiquity and physick, &c., which will be sold by auction at the dwelling-house of James Liscombe, bookseller, in St. Martin's-Lane, Exon, beginning exactly at 5 a-clock in the evening.] - [Exeter] : [A.Brice for J.Liscombe] , [1725]. - *Dredge p. 98 (Brice's weekly journal 30 Apr. 1725).

DEV_Exeter. Manning, John. 1793 - 1795. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Manning, John. 1793. Bookseller*. Eastcott, Richard. Sketches of the origin, progress and effects of music, with an account of the ancient bards and minstrels. Illustrated with various historical facts, interesting anecdotes, & poetical quotations. By the Rev. Richard Eastcott, of Exeter. - Bath : Printed and sold by S.Hazard; sold likewise by Messrs. G.G.J. and J.Robinson, Paternoster-row; Cadell, Strand, Dilly, Poultry, and Vernor and Hood, Birchin-lane, London; Messrs. Trewman, Woolmer, Sweetland, Grigg, Penny, Manning, and Hedgland, Exeter; Mr. Collins, Salisbury; Mr. Hayden and Richardson, Plymouth; and all other booksellers, 1793. - viii,[2],viii,iv,[2],277,[1]p ; 8°. -Subscribers' list. - *Devon Heritage Centre.; ESTC t100891; DUL 23240.

DEV_Exeter. Manning, John. 1795. Bookseller. Carpenter, William. A sermon preached at Launceston in the county of Cornwall, on Thursday the fourth of June 1795, by William Carpenter, D.D. curate of Launceston and vicar of Lewanick, before the major commandant [Colonel Sam. Archer] other officers and the two companies of volunteer infantry belonging to the said parish, when their colours, the present of Her Grace the Dutchess of Northumberland were delivered to them. - London : Printed for Robert Martin, Launceston; G.G. and J.Robinson, London; and J.Manning, Exeter , [1795]. - viii,18p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.53 (Bibliotheca Cornubiensia); ESTC t027079; Plymouth Public Library L2939.

DEV_Exeter. Mechoe, Joshua. 1699. Tobacconist and bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Mechoe, Joshua. 1699. Tobacconist and bookseller*. Whinnell, Thomas, fl. 1699. The best portion. Being a sermon. - Exon : printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, 1699.

DEV_Exeter. Moungwell, John. 1635. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Moungwell, John. 1635. Bookseller. Pecke, Richard. Christs vvatch-vvord. Occasioned on the fvnerall of the truly reverend Mr Laurence Bodley, Bachelour of Divinity, late Fellow of Exeter Colledge in Oxford, and Rector of Clist-Hidon in Devon. By Richard Pecke, Master of Arts, and minister of Gods Word in Columpton. - London : printed by Anne Griffin and are to be sold by Iohn Moungwell and Edward Dight, book-sellers in Exeter, 1635. - ESTC.

DEV_Exeter. Osborne, Robert. 1693 - 1696. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Osborne, Robert. 1693. Bookseller. Hallett, Joseph. Christ's ascension into heaven asserted and practically improved in several sermons ... - London : Printed for John Salusbury , and Robert Osborne, bookseller near the Bear in Exon , 1693. - [20],106,[2]p ; 8°. - *Devon and Exeter Institution; Wing2 H450; Clough; DUL 32213.

DEV_Exeter. Osborne, Robert. 1693. Bookseller. Trosse, George, 1631-1713. The pastor's care and dignity, and the people's duty. A sermon preach'd at the assembly of ministers, at Taunton, 7th September, 1692. By G.T. - London : printed for John Salusbury, at the Sun in Cornhil, and R. Osborne, bookseller, near the Bear, in Exon, 1693. - [2],ii,60p ; 8°. - Wing1 T2304; Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - *Dredge p.10.

DEV_Exeter. Osborne, Robert. 1694. Bookseller. Stoddon, Samuel. [Poimne phulakion. Greek types]. The pastors charge and the peoples duty. A sermon (for the most part) preached at the Assembly of Ministers at Exon, June 7. 1693. By Samuel Stoddon. - London : Printed for Jonath. Robinson in St. Paul's Church-yard ; and are to be sold by Robert Osborne bookseller in Exon , [1694]. - [6],162p ; 12°. - Wing1 S5714; *Dredge p.10; Sheaves 2 p.355.

DEV_Exeter. Osborne, Robert. 1696. Bookseller. Minister of the Gospel. A sermon preached in a congregation in the city of Exon, on the thanksgiving-day, Thursday, April 16. 1696. By a Minister of the Gospel. - London : Printed for Robert Osborne, bookseller, near the Bear in Exon , 1696. - [2],28,[2]p ; 4°. - Wing S2638; *Dredge p.94.

DEV_Exeter. Penny, James. 1793. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Penny, James. 1793. Bookseller*. Eastcott, Richard. Sketches of the origin, progress and effects of music, with an account of the ancient bards and minstrels. Illustrated with various historical facts, interesting anecdotes, & poetical quotations. By the Rev. Richard Eastcott, of Exeter. - Bath : Printed and sold by S.Hazard; sold likewise by Messrs. G.G.J. and J.Robinson, Paternoster-row; Cadell, Strand, Dilly, Poultry, and Vernor and Hood, Birchin-lane, London; Messrs. Trewman, Woolmer, Sweetland, Grigg, Penny, Manning, and Hedgland, Exeter; Mr. Collins, Salisbury; Mr. Hayden and Richardson, Plymouth; and all other booksellers, 1793. - viii,[2],viii,iv,[2],277,[1]p ; 8°. -Subscribers' list. - *Devon Heritage Centre.; ESTC t100891; DUL 23240.

DEV_Exeter. Pring, Daniel. 1725. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Pring, Daniel. 1725. Bookseller*. PRING, Daniel. [A catalogue of valuable books, in several faculties and languages, which will begin to be sold by way of auction at Jones's coffee-house in the High Street, Exon, on Monday, May the 3d, 1725, at 5 a-clock in the afternoon.] - [Exeter] : [Printed by Andrew Brice for Daniel Pring] , [1725]. - *Dredge p. 99 (Brice's weekly journal 30 Apr. 1725).

DEV_Exeter. Pring, Jane. 1727. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Pring, Jane. 1726. Bookseller*. INSTRUCTIONS for them that come to be confirmed, by way of question and answer, with prayers for them to use before and after confirmation. - [At Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, for Jane Pring, bookseller, near St. Martin's Lane, in the High Street] , [1726]. - *Dredge p. 99 (Brice's Weekly Journal, 5 Aug. 1726).

DEV_Exeter. Russell, W. 1589. Publisher.

DEV_Exeter. Russell, W. 1589. Publisher. Dowriche, Anne. The French historie. That is, a lamentable discourse of three bloodie broiles in France for the gospell of Jesus Christ. - London : T.Orwin for W.Russell, dwelling at Exeter , 1589. - 4°. - STC 7159.3. - Variant imprint: T.Orwin for T.Man.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Society of Unitarian Christians. 1803. Publishers. Morning and Evening Prayers for the use of individuals ... Second edition. - Exeter : Society of Unitarian Christians, 1803. - 12º. - Held by: British Library.

DEV_Exeter. Sutton, T. 1774. Printer.

DEV_Exeter. Sutton, T. 1774. Printer, bookbinder and stationer. A NEW song, on an engagement with the Isis man of war, with a French seventy-four gun ship. - Exeter : Printed by T.Sutton, bookbinder and stationer, on the old Exe-Bridge , [1774?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse in two columns with two woodcuts of warships. - Refers to the encounter of the Isis with the French ship César, 16 August, 1774. - First line: You Britons all I pray draw near, - *DRO 9972/Z13

DEV_Exeter. Sweetland, Abel. 1780 - 1781. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Sweetland, Abel. 1780. Bookseller. HAYTER, John. A visitation sermon, preached April 13th, 1780, at St. Mary's, before the clergy of the archdeaconry of Exeter, published at their request, and inscribed, by permission, to the Lord Bishop of Exeter. By John Hayter, B.A. late fellow of King's College, Cambridge, &c. - [Exeter] : Printed for, and sold by, A.Sweetland, (successor to Edward Score) and B.Thorn booksellers, in Exeter; T.Payne and Son, Mews-Gate, T.Cadell, in the Strand, London; and all other booksellers , [1780]. - [4],14p ; 4°. - Vertical chain lines. - Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - ESTC t018004.

DEV_Exeter. Sweetland, Abel. 1780. Bookseller*. MARSHALL, John. A sermon preached in the cathedral church of St. Peter Exon before the governors of the Devon and Exeter Hospital for the Sick and Lame at their anniversary on Tuesday August 29, 1780 by John Marshall, M.A., vicar of Widecombe in the Moor and master of the Grammar School in Exeter. Published at the request of the stewards and governors then present. - Exeter : Printed by B.Thorn and sold by him and A.Sweetland in Exeter and by all other booksellers for the benefit of the hospital , [1780]. - *Burnet Morris index.

DEV_Exeter. Sweetland, Abel. 1781. Bookseller*. CHURCHILL, John. A sermon preached in the cathedral church of St. Peter, Exon, before the governors of the Devon and Exeter Hospital, for the sick and lame, at their anniversary meeting, on Tuesday, August 28, 1781. By John Churchill, B.D. rector of Eggesford and Chawley, and fellow of C.C.C., Oxford. Published at the request of the stewards and governors then present. - Exeter : Printed by B.Thorn and Son; and sold by them and A.Sweetland, in Exeter; and by all other booksellers. For the benefit of the hospital , [1781]. - 4°. - *Dredge p.52 (W.P.Hiern); Plymouth Institution p.52.

DEV_Exeter. Sweetland, Margaret. 1793. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. Sweetland, Margaret. 1793. Bookseller*. Eastcott, Richard. Sketches of the origin, progress and effects of music, with an account of the ancient bards and minstrels. Illustrated with various historical facts, interesting anecdotes, & poetical quotations. By the Rev. Richard Eastcott, of Exeter. - Bath : Printed and sold by S.Hazard; sold likewise by Messrs. G.G.J. and J.Robinson, Paternoster-row; Cadell, Strand, Dilly, Poultry, and Vernor and Hood, Birchin-lane, London; Messrs. Trewman, Woolmer, Sweetland, Grigg, Penny, Manning, and Hedgland, Exeter; Mr. Collins, Salisbury; Mr. Hayden and Richardson, Plymouth; and all other booksellers, 1793. - viii,[2],viii,iv,[2],277,[1]p ; 8°. -Subscribers' list. - *Devon Heritage Centre.; ESTC t100891; DUL 23240.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Symonds, W. 1806. Bookseller. SOUTHCOTT, Joanna. Sound an alarm in my holy mountain : As my other books have treated on the prophecies of nations, this will treat on the meaning of the sealing, and how Satan's reign is to be cut short thereby .. / Joanna Southcott. Leeds, Jan. 30, 1804.-- Third edition..-- London : Printed by W. Marchant, Greville-Street; and sold by E.J. Field, No. 139, near Bloomsbury Court, High Holborn; C. Abbott, opposite the London Apprentice, east end of Old-Street; W. Tozer, Lambeth Road, St. George's Fields: also by W. Symonds, Gandy Lane; and the Miss Eveleighs, St. Sidwell's, Exeter; S. Hirst, Leeds; J. Middleton, York; and James Light, Coventry-Street, Stourbridge, Worcestershire, 1806. - 72 p. ; 22 cm. (8vo). - Caption title; imprint from p. 72. "Third edition." top of p. [1]; "Third edition, Nov. 24, 1806." p. 72, above imprint. "Printed, November, 1806, by W. Marchant, Greville-Street, London, from the second edition, published in June, 1806."--p. [1]. "Price One Shilling."--p. 72. No title-page. - Held by: Cambridge.

DEV_Exeter. Tucker, R. 1782. Publisher.

DEV_Exeter. Tucker, R. 1782. Publisher. A letter to a congregation of Protestant Dissenters. - Exeter: printed for R. Tucker, 1782. - ESTC.

DEV_Exeter. White, Henry. 1712. Bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. White, Henry. 1712. Bookseller*. TROSSE, George. The life of the Reverend Mr. Geo. Trosse, late minister of the Gospel in the City of Exon, who died January 11th, 1712-13, in the eighty second year of his age, written by himself, and publish'd according to his order. To which is added, the sermon preach'd at his funeral. By J.H. ... - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss for Richard White, merchant, and sold by him at his house near the Elephant in Northgate-street, as also by Hen. White, at Mr. Burridge's, grocer, in Southgate-Street , 1714. - [16],103,[1],35,[1]p ; 8°. - In two parts with separate pagination, Hallett's funeral sermon having been issued separately in 1713. - Dredge p.44 (T.N.Brushfield); Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - ESTC t139321; Davidson p.201 (British Museum, Secktor Lib.); Plymouth Public Library L1371; DUL 72930.

DEV_Exeter. White, Richard. 1712. Merchant and bookseller.

DEV_Exeter. White, Richard. 1712. Merchant and bookseller*. TROSSE, George. The life of the Reverend Mr. Geo. Trosse, late minister of the Gospel in the City of Exon, who died January 11th, 1712-13, in the eighty second year of his age, written by himself, and publish'd according to his order. To which is added, the sermon preach'd at his funeral. By J.H. ... - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss for Richard White, merchant, and sold by him at his house near the Elephant in Northgate-street, as also by Hen. White, at Mr. Burridge's, grocer, in Southgate-Street , 1714. - [16],103,[1],35,[1]p ; 8°. - In two parts with separate pagination, Hallett's funeral sermon having been issued separately in 1713. - Dredge p.44 (T.N.Brushfield); Held by: Devon Heritage Centre. - ESTC t139321; Davidson p.201 (British Museum, Secktor Lib.); Plymouth Public Library L1371; DUL 72930.

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Williams, Thomas Hewitt. 1802. Publisher. WILLIAMS, Thomas Hewitt. A picturesque excursion in Devon. In two parts. By T.H.Williams. - Exeter : [T.H.Williams?] , 1802. - Plates ; 8°. - *Davidson p.6 (Bookseller's cat.).

E_EN_DEV_Exeter. Williams, Thomas Hewitt. 1804. Publisher. Williams, Thomas Hewitt. Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire and Cornwall, etc. - London [printed] and Exeter, 1804. - 2 pt. 8º. - The part relating to Cornwall does not appear to have been published; pt. 2 of this work bears the title “The Environs of Exeter.”. - Held by: British Library.

Copyright © Ian Maxted and the libraries represented 2014.
This page last updated 26 June 2014.