14 October 2013

Sabine Baring-Gould Library: 6.

Sabine Baring-Gould's Library. 6. Authors/titles L-M.

La Bruyère, Jean de (1645-1696). - Caractères de la Bruyère, vol. 1. - Paris : chez Jean-Francois Bastien , 1790. - EXU H14

La Fontaine, Jean de. - Contes et nouvelles en vers. Tome 1. - La Haye: Gosse junior , 1778. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

La Fontaine, Jean de. - Fables choisies [running title]. - [Paris?] , 1770?. - Wm Baring Gould label Lacks title 482p. - LEW 21

Labiche, E. - Le. - voyage de Monsieur Perrichon et autre comédies. - Paris: Nelson , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. MS date: Nov. 1920. - LEW 58

Lach-Szyrma, W.S. - A church history of Cornwall. - London : Elliot Stock , 1891]. - EXU B03

Lacroix, P. - Histoire des cordonniers / P.Lacroix & A.Duchesne. - Paris , 1852. - EXU K07

Lacy, M. Rophino. - Doing for the best: an original domestic drama in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 812. 38/98/33. - LEW 38/98

Ladies Home Mission Association. - annual festival, Whitchurch, 1896. - [Manuscript] , 1896. - Pamphlet. - DRO 5203M/32

Lady ... - Lady Branksmeer, by the author of Molly Bawn. - [s.l.] , 1909. - DRO 5203M/12

Lady, A . - Caroline. In three volumes, by a lady. Vol.2. - London: Hookham & Carpenter , 1798. - Bookplate, motto: Sine Deo omne nil est. Author unidentified. - LEW 33

Lady, A . - Caroline. In three volumes, by a lady. Vol.3. - London: Hookham & Carpenter , 1798. - Bookplate, motto: Sine Deo omne nil est. Author unidentified. - LEW 33

Lady's ... - A lady's tour of Monte RosA London , 1859. - colour ill.. - EXU Q04

Lafontaine,. - Fables. 23rd rev.ed. - Paris: Librairie Hachette , 1917. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Lageniensis. - The poetical works of Lageniensis. - Dublin: James Duffy & Co. , 1893. - LEW 67

Laigue, Comte de. - St Gwennolé. - Rennes: L.Bahon-Rault , 1900?. - LEW 38/75

Laing, Samuel. - Journal of a residence in Norway during the years 1834,1835&1836. - London , 1837. - EXU E09

Laing, Samuel. - Notes on the rise, progres, and prospects of the schism from the church at Rome, called the German-Catholic Church. - London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans , 1845. - LEW 82

Laini, Non l'Abbé de. - Voyage pittoresque de Naples et de Sicile. - Paris , 1781-86. - 5 vols. - EXU M15

Laisne, A [Letter re saints]. - , 1897. - In bundle labelled: Letters from foreign (re Saints). - DRO 5203M/36

Lalanne, L. - Curiosites bibliographiques etc. / L.Lalanne [et al.]. - Paris , 1847-59. - 6 vols. - EXU L01

Lamartine, A.de. - Genevieve. - London , 1864. - EXU M11

Lamb, Charles. - The essays of Elia by Charles Lamb. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1906. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Essays [series]. Reprinted 1915. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Lamb, Charles and Mary. - Tales from Shakespeare. - London: George Routledge & Sons , 1841<. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS. - LEW 68

Lambillotte, R.P.L. - Choix de cantiques sur des airs nouveaux pour toutes les fêtes de l'anneé. - Paris: Pousseilgue et Fils , 1865. - LEW 35

Lamothe, A.L.de. - Les. - Camisards. - Paris , 1868. - 3 vols. - EXU M11

Landau, Marcus. - Die. - Quellen des Dekameron. 2te Aufl. - Stuttgart: J.Schieble , 1884. - LEW 38/19

Lander, Richard & John. - Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger. In two vols. Vol. 1. 3rd ed. - London: Thomas Tegg , 1845. - MS: Sabine Baring-Gould his book given him by Mr Williams. - LEW 74

Landt, G. - A description of the Feroe Islands. - London , 1810. - ill.. - EXU F06

Lane, E.W. - The Arabian nights entertainment, vol. III. - EXU K13

Lane-Poole, S. - The Moors in Spain. - London , 1887. - ill.. - EXU Q02

Lang, Mrs. - The all sorts of stories book. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1911. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 45

Langdon, Arthur G. - Catalogue of the early Christian inscribed monuments in Cornwall. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , 1895. - From: Archaeologia Cambrensis, Jan 1895. - LEW 38/48

Langlès, L. - Voyages de la Perse dans l'Inde et du Bengal en Perse. Tome 1. - Paris: Imprimerie de Crapelet , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Langlès, L. - Voyages de la Perse dans l'Inde et du Bengal en Perse. Tome 2. - Paris: Imprimerie de Crapelet , 1797. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Language ... - The language of flowers. Complete edition. - Manchester: John Heywood, Ridgefield , 1890?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 3/13 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 10

Lanigan, J. - an ecclesiastical history of Ireland. - Dublin , 1829. - 4 vols. - EXU Q03

Lankester, Mrs. - Talks about plants: or early lessons in botany. New and cheaper ed. - London: Griffith and Farran , 1878. - MS note: Veronica Baring Gould. - LEW 68

Lansing, Robert. - The peace negotiations: a personal narrative. - Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1921. - LEW 78

Lardner, Dionysius. - Popular geology. - London: Walton and Maberly , 1856. - LEW 27

Lardner, Dionysus. - The cabinet cyclopaedia. History: Greece, by Connop Thirlwall. Vol. 8. - London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans , 1844. - LEW 62

Lathom, Francis (1777-1832). - The midnight bell : a German story, founded on incidents in real life. - London : printed for H.D.Symonds , 1798. - 3 vols. - EXU H21

Latimer, E.W. - A Chain of errors. - Philadelphia: Lippencott , 1891. - Bound with T.C.De Leon, A fair blockade-breaker. - EXU J16

Latimer, E.W.. - A chain of errors. - Philadelphia: Lippincott , 1891. - From: Lippincott's Mag. Bound with: De Leon, T.C. Fair blockade-. - EXU J16

Laugh ... - Laugh & be fat, or the merry companion. - London & Manchester: John Heywood , 1890?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 2/15 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 15

Laughlin, James Laurence (1850-1933). - The history of bimetallism in the United States. - New York : Appleton & Co. , 1897. - EXU J02

Laurent, F. - Le. - christianisme. - Bruxelles , 1863. - EXU E07

Laurent, F. - Le. - Moyen Age et la Réforme. - Paris , 1866. - EXU P04

Laurent, Francois (1810-1887). - Les. - barbares et la catholicisme. - Paris , 1864. - EXU E07

Lavergne, Leonce de (1809-1880). - The rural economy of England, Scotland and Ireland. - Edinburgh , 1855. - EXU J29

Lavoisier, antoine Laurent. - Mémoire sur la chaleur. - Paris: Gauthier-Villars et Cie. , 1920. - LEW 72

Law, E. - The royal gallery of Hampton Court. - London , 1898. - ill.. - EXU Q06

Lawlor, D.S. - Pilgrimages in the Pyrenees and Landes. - London , 1870. - EXU J30

Lawrence, Slingsby. - Sunshine through the clouds: a drama in one act. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 218. 38/98/21. - LEW 38/98

Laws ... - Laws respecting landlords, tenants and lodgers: containing the new law for the cost of distress ... - New improved edition. - London: Printed by R. Walwyn , 1827?. - 30p. - DRO Ballads 4/10 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 6

Le Conte, J. - Evolution. - New York , 1896. - EXU L06

Le Duc, Léouzon. - LA Finlande avec le KalewalA Paris , 1845. - EXU P03

Le Fanu, J.S. - The Purcell papers. - London , 1880. - 3 vols. - EXU M10

Le Gallienne. - The maker of rainbows. - New York , 1912. - EXU K06

Le Sage. - Histoire de Gil Blas, vol. 2. - Londres , 1768. - EXU O04

Leacock, Stephen. - Frenzied fiction. 2nd ed. - London: John Lane Bodley Head , 1918. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 77

Leacock, Stephen. - Nonsense novels. - London: John Lane Bodley Head , 1916. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Lear, Edward. - Nonsense songs. - London. - colour ill.. - EXU P09

Leben ... - Das. - Leben und Wirken. - EXU N14

Leblanc, Maurice. - 813, translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 2nd ed. - London: Mills & Boon , 1910. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould (transport bookplate). - LEW 58

Leblanc, Maurice. - The frontier. - London: Collins Clear-Type Press , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould (transport bookplate). - LEW 74

Leblanc, Maurice. - The teeth of the tiger. - Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Co. , 1914. - MS: Sabine Baring Gould. - LEW 67

Leblanc-Maeterlinck. - Maeterlinck's dogs. - London , 1920. - EXU K09

Lecky, William Edward Hartpole (1838-1903). - History of European morals. - New York , 1897. - 2 vols. - EXU J02

Lee, Sidney (ed.). - Dictionary of national biography. - London: Smith, Elder & Co. , 1903. - LEW 55

Legenda monasticA . - Legenda monastica, and other poems. - Oxford: A.R.Mowbray & Co. , 1872. - LEW 82

Legge, James. - The religions of China: Confucianism and Taoism described and compared with Christianity. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1880. - Later. - LEW 67

LeGonidel, J.F.M.M.A . - Dictionnaire celto-breton ou breton-francais. - , 1821. - EXU C10

Lehmann, H. - Claudius und Nero und ihre Zeit. - Gotha: Friedrich andreas Perthes , 1858. - LEW 35

Leland, C.G. - English-gipsy songs / C.G.Leland [et al.]. - London , 1875. - EXU M05

Lemoine, Armand. - [Letters (3) re saints]. - , 1898. - In bundle labelled: Letters from foreign (re Saints). - DRO 5203M/36

Lempriere, J. - A classical dictionary. - London , 1832. - EXU Q02

Lenclos, Ninon de. - Letters de Ninon de Lenclos au Marquis de Sévigné avec sa vie. Tome 1. Nouvelle ed. - Paris: B.Imbert , 1798. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 33

Lenormant, F. - Lettres assyriologiques. - Paris , 1871. - EXU E11

Lenormant, F. - Les. - premières civilisations. - Paris , 1874. - 2 vols. - EXU P11

Leo ... - Leo Dryden's latest success; -- Going home [etc]. - London: W.S.Fortey, 4, Great St. andrew Street , 1895?. - [8]p. - DRO Broadsides/177 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 5

Lesage, Alain-René. - The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, translated by T.Smollett. Vol. 1. - London: C.Cooke , 1790?. - LEW 31

Lesage, Alain-René. - The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, translated by T.Smollett. Vol. 2. - London: C.Cooke , 1790?. - LEW 31

Lesage, Alain-René. - The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane, translated by T.Smollett. Vol. 3. - London: C.Cooke , 1790?. - LEW 31

Leslie, C.R. - A hand-book for young painters. - London , 1855. - ill.. - EXU J17

Leslie, Charles (1650-1722). - The wolf stript of his shepherd's cloathing. In answer to a late celebrated book intituled Moderation a vertue. - London : sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster , 1704. - EXU J24

Letter ... - [Letter from James [? indecipherable] to Canon Baring Gould on literary subject]. - [manuscript] , 1890. - Dated 7 Jul 1890, loose in copy of Sabine Baring Gould's Tragedy of the Caesars. - DRO 5203M/21

Letters ... - [Letters and journals, starting 1873]. - [Manuscript] , 1873-. - 1 vol. - Bound notebook. - DRO 5203M/25

Letters ... - Letters from the Virgin Islands. - London , 1843. - EXU G03

Letzner, D. - Riesengebirge und die Grafschaft Glatz. 5te Auflage. - Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut , 1883. - LEW 73

Lever, Charles. - Arthur O'Leary. - EXU A.H.Efford

Lever, Charles. - Barrington. - EXU A.H.Efford

Lever, Charles. - The confessions of Con. Cregan . - EXU A.H.Efford

Lever, Charles. - The Daltons. - EXU A.H.Efford

Lever, Charles. - Davenport Dunn. - EXU A.H.Efford

Lever, Charles. - The Dunoghue. - EXU A.H.Efford

Lever, Charles. - The knight of Gwynne. - EXU A.H.Efford

Lever, Charles. - "Tom Burke of ""ours""". - EXU A.H.Efford

Lever, Charles James (1806-1872). - The confessions of Harry Lorrequer. - London (?) , 1857 (?). - EXU J33

Lever, Charles James (1806-1872). - The Martins of Cro' Martin. - London : Chapman and Hall (?) , 1856 (?). - EXU J33

Lever, Charles James (1806-1872). - Roland Cashel. - London : Chapman and Hall (?) , 1858 (?). - EXU J33

Levi, P.G. - Parabeln. - Leipzig , 1863. - EXU L05

Lewald, Fanny. - Mädchen von HelA Berlin , 1860?. - EXU J20

Lewis, Alfred Henry. - Wolfville. - New York: Frederick A.Stokes Co. , 1897. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Lewis, S. - Topographical dictionary of England. - London , 1840. - 5 vols. - EXU G14

Lewis, Sinclair. - Elmer Gantry. - New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co. , 1927. - Bookplate removed. - LEW 77

Lewysohn, Ludwig. - Zoologie des Talmuds : eine umfassende Darslettung der rabbinischen Zoologie. - Frankfurt am Main : Selbstverl. in Comm. bei Baer , 1858. - EXU G05

Leybold, John. - Lexikon der Getränke, bearbeitet von Leybold und Schönfeld. - K÷ln: Leybold un Sch÷nfeld , 1913. - LEW 27

L'Hommeau, De. - [M/S letter to Baring-Gould. - [Manuscript] , 1905. - DRO 5203M/35

Lhomond (Charles-François?). - Doctrine chrétienne en form de lectures de piété. - Tours: Alfred Mame et Fils , 1896. - LEW 27

Lias, J.J. - The Nicene creed: a manual for the use of candidates for hold orders. - London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. , 1910. - LEW 42

Library ... - The library of entertaining knowledge. Vol. 2, part 1, part 2. - London , 1829. - Lacks end. - DRO 5203M/26

Lichtenstein, Ulrich von. - Ulrich von Lichtenstein, mit anmerkungen von Theodor von Karajan; herausgegeben von Karl Lachmann. - Berlin: Verlag der Sanderschen Buchhandlung , 1841. - Text of Vrouwen Dienst. - LEW 73

Liddell, H.G. - A Greek-English lexicon / H.G.Liddell & R.Scott. - Oxford , 1849. - EXU Q06

Liddell, H.G. - A history of Rome. - London , 1855. - 2 vols. - EXU G09

Liebrecht, F. - Otia imperialA Hannover , 1856. - EXU N04

Life ... - Life & prophecies of Mother Shipton. The only authentic edition. - London: T.H.Roberts & Co., Essex Street , 1885?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 3/08 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 5

Life ... - Life and wonderful adventures of Robinson Crusoe.. - London: T.H.Roberts and Co., Fleet Street , 1890?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 2/12 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 12

Life ... - The life and pontificate of Gregory the Seventh. Vol. 1. - London , 1840. - MS. - DRO 5203M/26

Life ... - The life of Abraham. - [London]: Printed by J.Catnach 2, Monmouth-Court , 1830?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/078 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Life ... - Life of Charles Prince of Lorrain. - London , 1746. - EXU C10

Life ... - The life of Madame Louise de France, daughter of Louis XV Ó by the author of Tales of Kirkbeck. - London: Rivingtons , 1869. - LEW 52

Life ... - The life of Nicholas Pavillon, Bishop of Alet ... chielfy translated from the French by a layman of the Church of England. - Oxford: A.R.Mowbray , 1869. - LEW 45

Lille, L'Abbé de. - Les. - jardins: poème. - Hamburg: Pierre Francis Fauche , 1795. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 31

Lilly, J. - Black-letter ballads and broadsides / ed. J.Lilly. - London , 1870. - EXU M12

Lindley, J. - Edwards's botanical register. - London , 1829-30. - 3 vols., colour ill.. - EXU H13

Ling Roth, H. - The Yorkshire coiners and Notes on old and prehistoric Halifax. - Halifax , 1906. - EXU P12

Linton, J.W. - English verse - dramatic scenes and characters / edited by Linton&R.H.Stoddard. - New York , 1883. - EXU K09

List ... - [List of saints' names in Cornish, Welsh and Irish Gaelic. - [Manuscript] , 1900?. - [1],6-7,12-[1],6-7,12-17 leaves. - In folder with other items?. - DRO 5203M/35

List ... - [List of Tory radicals]. - [Manuscript] , 18--. - 1 vol. - Bound notebook. - DRO 5203M/25

Lister, Keith. - Half my life: the story of Sabine Baring-Gould and Grace. - Horbury: Charnwood Publications. - 2002 , 160p : ill,ports ; 26cm. - Later addition, donated by author. ISBN 1903833299. - LEW On display ; WSL

Literary ... - Literary churchman sermons. - London , 1883. - EXU H09

Locke, John. - The conduct of the understanding. - London , 1813. - EXU F07

Locke, John. - an essay concerning human understanding. New ed. In 3 vols. Vol. 1. - London: Thomas Tegg , 1828. - Edward Baring Gould. - LEW 48

Locke, John. - an essay concerning human understanding. New ed. In 3 vols. Vol. 2. - London: Thomas Tegg , 1828. - Edward Baring Gould. - LEW 48

Locke, John. - an essay concerning human understanding. New ed. In 3 vols. Vol. 3. - London: Thomas Tegg , 1828. - Edward Baring Gould. - LEW 48

Locke, John. - The works of John Locke, Esq. In 3 vols. 6th ed. Vol. 3. - London , 1759. - DRO 5203M/22

Locke, William J. - Far-away stories. Cheap ed. - London: John Lane Bodley Head , 1916?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Lockhart, J.G. - Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott. - Edinburgh , 1844. - EXU J19

Lockhart, John Gibson. - Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol. 1. - Edinburgh: Robert Cadell , 1837. - Bookplate of Edward Gould. - LEW 24

Lockhart, John Gibson. - Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol. 2. - Edinburgh: Robert Cadell , 1837. - Bookplate: Edward Gould. - LEW 24

Lockhart, John Gibson. - Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol. 3. - Edinburgh: Robert Cadell , 1837. - Bookplate: Edward Gould. - LEW 24

Lockhart, John Gibson. - Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol. 5. - Edinburgh: Robert Cadell , 1837. - Bookplate: Edward Gould. - LEW 24

Lockhart, John Gibson. - Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vol. 6. - Edinburgh: Robert Cadell , 1837. - Bookplate: Edward Gould. - LEW 24

Lodge's ... - Lodge's peerage, baronetage and knightage 1907. - , 1907. - EXU P06

Loffler, Karl. - Die. - Opfer mangelhafter Justiz : Gallerie der interessanten Justizmorde aller Voelker und Zeiten. - Jena : Costenoble , 1873. - 3 vols. - EXU E01

Logan, W.H. - A pedlar's pack of ballads and songs. - Edinburgh , 1869. - ill.. - EXU M05

Lombroso, C. - The female offender / C.Lombroso & W.Ferrero. - New York , 1897. - EXU J02

London ... - The London songster, containing the latest and most popular songs. - London: William S.Fortey, Great St. andrew Street , 1890?. - [32]p. - DRO Ballads 5/03 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 4

London ... - London general gazetteer. - London , 1831. - ill.., maps. - EXU G06

London ... - London magazine - music and verse. - , 1751-64. - 2 vols. - Vol. 1: 1737-51; vol. 2: 1752-64. - EXU M04

London ... - The London singer's magazine edited by John Labern. No. 33. - 4th ed. - London: Published by Duncombe, Holborn , 1845?. - p. 13-16,191-196. - DRO Ballads 7/05 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 5

London ... - The London stage : a collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo-dramas, farces and interludes. - London , 1825?. - 5 vols. - EXU J10

London Library. - Catalogue of the London Library. - , 1913-20. - 3 vols. - EXU G13

London, Jack. - Before Adam. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1912. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate First published 1907. - LEW 78

London, Jack. - The call of the wild. - London: William Heinemann , 1914. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 63

Long ... - The long pack, or the mysterious pedlar ... - Leeds: J.Johnson, publisher. Manchester: John Hey , 1885?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 3/09 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 6

Long, G. - The decline of the Roman Republic. - London , 1864. - 5 vols. - EXU J16

Long, W. - Stonehenge and its barrows. - , 1876. - EXU Q02

Longfellow, H.W. - Poetical works, vol. 1. - Boston , 1879. - ill.. - EXU Q07

Longfellow, H.W. - The song of HiawathA Indianapolis , 1906. - ill.. H.Fisher. - EXU M14

Longman, Sibyl. - The Church's year in the Sunday kindergarten. - London: National Society Depository , 1890?. - LEW 53

Loon, Hendrick van The story of Wilbur the hat. - [s.l.]: Van Rees Press , 1925. - LEW 38/14

Lord Lytton,. - Last of the Barons. - London: Ward, Lock & Co. , 1843. - LEW 54

Lord, John Keast (1818-1872). - The naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia, vol. I,II. - London , 1866 (?). - EXU J33

Lorm, Hieronymus. - Die. - Märchen der Gegenwart: Skizzen aus Zeit und Leben. 2te Aufl. - Leipzig: Richard Eckstein , 1878. - Essays. - LEW 75

Lortzing, Alb. - Der. - Waffneschmied: komischer Oper in 3 Akten ... Klavierauszug. - Leipzig: C.F.Peters , 1890?. - Bound by Walker & Son, Princess Place, Plymouth. - LEW 38/032

Lortzing, Alb. - Der. - Wildschütz: komische Oper in 3 Akten ... Klavierauszug. - Leipzig: C.F.Peters , 1890?. - Bound by Walker & Son, Princess Place, Plymouth. - LEW 38/06

Lortzing, Alb. - Zar und Zimmermann: komischer Oper in 3 Akten ... Klavierauszug. - Leipzig: C.F.Peters , 1890?. - Bound by Walker & Son, Princess Place, Plymouth. - LEW 38/01

Loti, Pierre. - Pêcheur d'Islande, edited by F.Victor Massard. 6th impression. - London: Rivingtons , 1921. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate Massard's series of French readers. - LEW 77

Loti, Pierre. - The romance of a spahi. English version by G.F. Monkshood and E. Tristan London: Greening & Co. , 1912. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Loveday, R. - Letters. - London , 1669. - EXU Q06

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 3. - London: Ryle and Co. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , 1845?. - p. 17-24. - DRO Ballads 6/03 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 2

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 8. - London: Ryle and Co. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , 1845?. - p. 57-64. - DRO Ballads 6/04 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 2

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 9. - London: Ryle and Co. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , 1845?. - p. 65-72. - DRO Ballads 6/05 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 2

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 10. - London: Ryle and Co. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , 1845?. - p. 73-80. - DRO Ballads 6/06 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 2

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 13. - [London] : Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St.andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 97-104. - DRO Ballads 6/07 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 2

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 14. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St. andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 105-112. - DRO Ballads 6/08 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 2

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 16. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St. andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 121-128. - DRO Ballads 6/09 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 3

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 17. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St. andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 129-136. - DRO Ballads 6/10 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 3

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 18. - London: Ryle and Co. 2 & 3 Monmouth Court , 1845?. - p. 137-144. - DRO Ballads 6/11 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 3

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 19. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St. andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 145-152. - DRO Ballads 6/12 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 3

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 24. - London: Ryle and Co. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , 1845?. - p. 185-192. - DRO Ballads 6/13 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 3

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 25. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St. andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 193-200. - DRO Ballads 6/14 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 3

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 26. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St. andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 201-208. - DRO Ballads 6/15 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 3

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 27. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St. andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 209-216. - DRO Ballads 6/16 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 4

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 28. - London: Ryle and Paul, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , 1845?. - p. 217-224. - On p. 224: Pitts, printer, 6, Gt. St. andrew Street. - DRO Ballads 6/17 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 4

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 30. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6 Great St.andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 233-240. - DRO Ballads 6/18 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 4

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 32. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6,Great St.andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 249-256. - DRO Ballads 6/19 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 4

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 33. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6,Great St.andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 257-264. - DRO Ballads 6/20 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 4

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 34. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6,Great St andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 265-272. - DRO Ballads 6/21 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 4

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 40. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6,Great St.andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 313-320. - DRO Ballads 6/22 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 4

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 42. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6,Great St.andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 329-336. - DRO Ballads 6/23 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 5

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 45. - [London]: Pitts, printer, 6.Great St.andrew Street , 1845?. - p. 353-360. - DRO Ballads 6/24 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 5

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony ... no. 50. - London: Ryle and Co. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , 1845?. - p. 393-400. - DRO Ballads 6/25 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 5

Lover's ... - The lover's harmony, being an entire new and choice collection of the most admired songs, sung at all the public places ... no. 1. - London: Pitts, printer, 6, Great St. andrew Street , 1845?. - 8p. - DRO Ballads 6/02 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 2

Love's ... - Love's golden dream [etc]. - London: H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough , 1890?. - [4]p. - Sheets of song lyrics. - DRO Broadsides/102 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Lowth, George T. - The wanderer in western France. - London: Hurst & Blackett , 1863. - EX: The Library Company Ltd, London. - LEW 35

Lübke, W. - Ecclesiatical art in Germany during the Middle Ages. - London , 1870. - ill.. - EXU K06

Lübker, D.F. - Reallexikon classischen Alterthums. - Leipzig , 1867. - EXU M07

Lucas, E.V. - The open road: a little book for wayfarers, compiled by E.V.Lucas. 31st ed. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1922. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Adele [Baring-Gould]. - LEW 73

Lucas, E.V. - Over Bemerton's; an easy-going chronicle. 6th edition. - London: Methuen & co. , 1909. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate First published 1908. - LEW 67

Lucianus of SamosatA . - Lucian's Werke. - Stuttgart , 1827. - EXU F05

Luckock, Herbert Mortimer. - Footprints of the son of man as traced by Saint Mark. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. - London: Rivingtons , 1885. - LEW 64

Luckock, Herbert Mortimer. - Footprints of the son of man as traced by St. Mark. In 2 vols. Vol 1. - London: Rivingtons , 1885. - MS. - LEW 64

Lucretius. - Lucretius: in prose by Watson; in verse by Good. - London? , 1851. - DRO 5203M/09

Lucretius Carus, Titus. - De rerum naturA Amstelodami: Apud Ioan: Ianssonium , 1631. - LEW 31

Lucy ... - Lucy Lynch of Lurgangreen. To which are added Easter snow, and The gentle shepherd. - Drogheda: Printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/18 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 3

Ludgater, A . - Mistress of Broad Marsh. - London , 1924. - EXU G08

Lu¨ken, Heinrich. - Die. - Die Traditionen des Menschengeschlechts oder die Uroffenbarung Gotes unter des Heiden. - Munster , 1856. - EXU Q02

Lukis, W.C. - The prehistoric stone monuments of the British Isles - Cornwall. - , 1885. - large 4to. - EXU B06

Lund, G.F.V. - Oldnordisk Ordföjningslaere. - Kobenhavn , 1862. - Damaged by damp. - DRO 5203M/23

Lundius, Johannes. - Godsdiensten der oude jooden. - Amsterdam , 1726. - 2 vols., ill.. - EXU A07

Lunt, Theodore R.W. - The quest of nations: a study in national and international ideals. - London: Livingstone Bookshop , 1921. - MS: Adele Baring-Gould. - LEW 74

Lusby, E.J. - England's sea dogs. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Music score. - DRO 5203M/16

Luther, Martin. - Opera , 1567. - 12 vols. - EXU D.R.

Luther, Martin (1483-1546). - Dr. Martin Luther ueber die Ehe. - Berlin , 1857. - EXU H12

Luther, Martin (1483-1546). - The table talk of Martin Luther / translated and edited by William Hazlitt ; to which is added The life, by Alexander Chalmers. - London : Bohn , 1857 (?). - EXU J32

Lyall, E. - In the golden days. - London , 1892. - EXU L05

Lyall, EdnA . - We two: a novel. 14th ed. - London: Hurst & Blackett , 1890. - LEW 62

Lysons, D. - Magna Britannia. Vol. 6: Devonshire, pt.1&2 / D. & S.Lysons. - London , 1882. - 2 vols., 4to., ill.. & maps. - EXU A07 see G14

Lysons, Daniel. - Magna Britannia, vol. 3 Cornwall / D. & S.Lysons. - London , 1814. - EXU G14 see A07

Lytton, Edward George. - The dramatic works of the Right Hon. Lord Lytton. - London: George Routledge & Sons , 1900?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Lytton, Edward George. - The last days of Pompeii. - London: George Routledge & Sons , 1900?. - Sir John Lubbocks hundred books. - LEW 52

M., A. von. - Die. - Attributen der Heiligen alphabetisch geordnet. - Hannover: Hahn'sche Hofbuchhandlung , 1843. - Author unidentified by British Library. - LEW 35

Mabie, Louise Kennedy. - The wings of pride. - New York: Harper & Brothers , 1913. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Macaulay, Lord. - The miscellaneous writings of Lord Macaulay, vol. 1. - London , 1860. - DRO 5203M/28

Macaulay, Rose. - Told by an idiot. - New York: Boni & Liveright , 1924. - LEW 77

Macaulay, Thomas Babbington, Baron Macaulay. - The miscellaneous writings of Lord Macaulay, vol. 2. - London : Longman (?) , 1860 (?). - EXU J33

Macaulay, Thomas Babington. - Critical and historical essays by Thomas Babington Macaulay, vol 1. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1907. - Everyman library ; no. 225. Essays and belles lettres [series]. Reprinted 1916. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Macaulay, Thomas Babington. - Critical and historical essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review. New ed. in 4 vols. Vol. 1. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1877. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 25

Macaulay, Thomas Babington. - Critical and historical essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review. New ed. in 4 vols. Vol. 2. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1877. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 25

Macaulay, Thomas Babington. - Critical and historical essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review. New ed. In 4 vols. Vol. 3. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1877. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 25

Macaulay, Thomas Babington. - Critical and historical essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review. New ed. In 4 vols. Vol. 4. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1877. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 25

Macaulay, Thomas Babington. - Critical and historical essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review. 6th ed. In three vols. Vol 3. - London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans , 1849. - LEW 65

Macaulay, Thomas Babington. - Historical essays. - London: George Routledge & Sons , 1910?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. Rugby School label. - LEW 52

Macaulay, Thomas Babington. - Lord Clive. Edited by Arthur D. Innes. - Cambridge: University Press , 1907. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st Baron. - Lays of ancient Rome. - New York: Harper Brothers , 1894. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marian Linton. - DRO 5203M/30

Macbeth, Roderick George. - Policing the plains : being the real-life record of the famous Royal North-West Mounted Police. - New York , 1921?. - ill.. - EXU G13

MacCarthy, Justin Huntley. - The illustrious O'Hagan London , 1906?. - B-G B.P. - EXU A06

Maccarthy, Justin Huntly. - Needles and pins. - London : Hurst & Blackett , 1907?. - B.P. - EXU A06

Macdonald, George. - At the back of the North Wind. - London: Blackie & Son , 1900?. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 68

Macdonald, George. - The princess and the goblin. - Philadelphia: J.B.Lippincott Co. , 1907. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould (transport bookplate). MS: Sabine Xmas 1910. - LEW 75

Macdonald, George (1824-1905). - Phantastes, a faerie romance by George Macdonald. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons. - [1915?]. - Everyman library ; no. 732. For young people [series]. No bookplate. - EXU H09

Macdonald, J. Ramsay. - The Socialist Movement. Home University Library of Modern knowledge. - London: Williams and Norgate , 1918<. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 62

MacFarlane, Charles. - The romance of travel. The East. In 2 vols. Vol 1. - London: Charles Knight & Co. , 1846. - LEW 62

Macgillivray, William. - A manual of botany: comprising vegetable anatomy and physiology ... - London: Scott, Webster & Geary , 1840. - LEW 43

Machiavelli. - Oeuvres politiques de Machiavel. - Paris: Lavigne , 1842. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 43

Machiavelli, N. - Oeuvres. - La Heie , 1743. - 5 vols. - EXU H07

Machiavelli, Niccolo (1469-1527). - Opere. - Filadelfia , 1796-97. - 6 vols. - EXU F03

Machiavelli, Nicolo. - The prince by Nicolo Machiavelli translated by W.K.Marriot. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1908. - Everyman library ; no. 280. Essays and belles lettres [series]. Reprinted 1916. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Macintosh, John. - The story of Scotland from the earlist times to the present. - New York : Putnam , 1892. - Famous nations ; vol. 14. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/31

Mackay, C. - Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions. - London , 1852. - 2 vols ill.r. - EXU P04

Mackenzie, Agnes Mure. - Without conditions. - London: William Heinemann , 1923. - LEW 67

Mackenzie, G.S. - Travels in the island of Iceland in 1810. - Edinburgh , 1812. - coloured ill.. - EXU P06

Mackenzie, Osgood Hanbury. - A hundred years in the Highlands. Popular ed. - London: Edward Arnold & Co. , 1924. - LEW 72

Mackey, H.B. - Four essays on the life and writings of S.Francis de Sales, doctor of the church. - London: Burns & Oates , 1883. - Reprinted from the Dublin review. - LEW 38/32

Mackintosh, James, Sir. - The history of England. Vol. 2. - London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green , 1831. - Cabinet cyclopediA LEW 58

Maclaughlin, F. - Rome. - London , 1885-87. - 3 vols. - EXU M07

Macleod, A.C. - Songs of the North / ed. A.C.Macleod & H.Boulton. - London , 1888?. - EXU G07

Macpherson, James. - Poems of Ossian, translated by James Macpherson. - London , 1807. - 2 vols. - EXU N05

Macpherson, James. - The poems of Ossian, translated by James Macpherson. Vol. 2. - London: J.Mundell & Co. , 1796. - LEW 11

Macquoid, K.S. - At the red glove. - Leipzig , 1892. - EXU O08

Madelin, Louis. - Danton. Translated by Lady Mary Loyd. - London: William Heinemann , 1900?. - LEW 63

Maeterlinck, Maurice. - Le. - double jardin. - Paris: BibliothÞque-Charpentier , 1921. - MS. - LEW 43

Maeterlinck, Maurice. - L'. - intelligence des fleurs. - Paris: BibliothÞque-Charpentier , 1922. - LEW 43

Maeterlinck, Maurice. - Le. - sagesse et la destinée. - Paris: Charpentier , 1922. - LEW 34

Maeterlinck, Maurice. - Le. - trésor des Humbles. - Paris: [BibliothÞque-Charpentier?] , 1920?. - Lacks title page. - LEW 43

Maeterlinck, Maurice. - LA vie des abeilles. - Paris: BibliothÞque Charpentier , 1922. - LEW 43

Maggie ... - Maggie Murphy's home [etc]. - [London]: H.P.Such, 183, Union Street, Borough , 1890?. - [4]p. - Sheets of song lyrics. - DRO Broadsides/112 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3

Magnet ... - The Magnet of love, or the new Valentine writer. - Otley: Printed by William Walker , 1840?. - 12p. - DRO Ballads 2/03 ; Mf 4.1.2 fiche 1

Magnus, Olaus (1490-1557). - Historia Olai Magni ... de gentibus sepentrionalibus. - Basileae : ex officina Henric-Petrina , 1567. - EXU J14

Magnusson, G. - Grettis saga / G.Magnusson & G.Thordarson. - Kjobenhavn , 1859. - EXU N11

Magoffin, S.S. - Down the Santa Fe trail. - New Haven , 1926. - EXU J17

Maid ... - The maid of Dunleer, together with the maid of Mornington. - Drogheda: printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/10 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 2

Maid ... - The maid of Kelly's town. To which is added the noble ribbon boys. - Dublin: printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/05 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 1

Maidment, James (ed.). - A new book of old ballards. - Edinburgh: [Privately printed?] , 1891. - LEW 54

Maine, Henry Sumner (1822-1888). - ancient law. - EXU Supplement

Mainvilliers, Chevalier. - The beau-philosopher: or the history of the Chevalier de Mainvilliers, translated from the French original. - London: R.Freeman , 1751. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 34

Maistre, Joseph Maries, comte de. - Oeuvres. - Paris , 1841. - EXU D07

Malan, A.H. - Some remarks on Parson Rudall and the Bothathen ghost. - [Penzance]: Penzance Nat. Hist. Soc. , 1888. - From: trans. Penzance Nat. Hist. Soc. - LEW 38/45

Malet,Albert. - Histoire moderne: 1498-1715. Classe de seconde. 8e ed. - Paris: Hachette , 1920?. - MS: Adele [Baring-Gould]. - LEW 82

Mallet's ... - Mallet's northern antiquities. - EXU Supplement

Malleus ... - Malleus maleficarum. - Francofurti , 1595. - 2 parts in 1 vol. - EXU Q03

Malory, Thomas. - LA mort d'Arthure. Vol. 1. - London: John Russell Smith , 1858. - MS: S.Baring Gould 1858. - LEW 44

Malory, Thomas. - LA mort d'Arthure. Vol. 2. - London: John Russell Smith , 1858. - LEW 44

Malory, Thomas. - LA mort d'Arthure. Vol. 3. - London: John Russell Smith , 1858. - LEW 44

Malot, H. - Un. - curé de Provence. - Paris. - EXU O02

Malot, H. - Un. - miracle. - Paris. - EXU O02

Man ... - The man with the iron mask. - Leeds: C.H.Johnson, publisher , 1885?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 2/03 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 3

Mandeville, John, Sir. - The travels. - London : Macmillan , 1923. - EXU J17

Manners ... - The manners and customs of the Israelites: intended to illustrate many passages in the sacred writings. - Dublin: Thomas I. White , 1833. - Edward Baring Gould. Spine unclear Inside; 132, 49 del. - LEW 32/28

Mannhard, T.W. - Germanische Mythen. - Berlin , 1858. - EXU H20

Mannhardt, Wilhelm (1831-1880). - Die. - Go¨tterwelt der deutschen und nordischen Vo¨lker : Eine Darstellung / von Wilhelm Mannhardt. - Berlin : H. Schindler , 1860. - 328 p. ; 22 cm. - EXU N04

Manson, C.E. - Memoirs of Madame Manson. - London , 1818. - EXU N04

Mant, Richard. - The book of common prayer ... of the Church ... together with the psalter or psalms of David ... and the thirty-nine articles ... - Oxford: W. Baxter for J. Parker [&c] , 1822. - EG Boards detached. - LEW 29

Map ... - Dedications to saints in Cornwall. - , 1900?. - Map. - Printed. In folder with other items?. - DRO 5203M/35

Map ... - [Map of Brittany. - [Manuscript] , 1900?. - Map. - In folder with other items? Hand drawn grid map. - DRO 5203M/35

Map ... - [Map of Cornwall showing dedications to saints etc. - [Proof] , 1900?. - Map. - Printed, with m/s notes by Sabine Baring-Gould. In folder with other items?. - DRO 5203M/35

Map ... - [Map of Ireland, Celtic names. - [Manuscript] , 1900?. - Map. - In folder with other items. - DRO 5203M/35

Map ... - [Maps of deaneries]. - , 1900?. - Maps. - In folder with other items. - DRO 5203M/35

Marana, Giovanni Paolo. - Letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris. 8th and last vol. 11th ed. - London: G.Strahan [&c] , 1741. - LEW 31

Marana, Giovanni Paolo (1642-1693). - The eight volumes of letters writ by a Turkish spy. - , 1718. - 8 vols., P.8vo. - EXU B08

Marchatio, R.D.I. - Hortus pastorum. - Paris , 1638. - EXU P14

Marchmmont, Arthur W. - A dash for a throne. - New York: New Amsterdam Book Co. , 1900. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

March's ... - March's summer annual. - London: R.March & Co., 18, St. James' Walk , 1890?. - [8]p. - DRO Broadsides/167 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 5

Marco ... - Marco Polo's travels. - EXU Supplement

Marie ... - Marie Collins's great success:- Take it on, boys. - London: W.S.Fortey, Great St. andrew Street , 1895?. - [8]p. - DRO Broadsides/164 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 4

Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de. - Le. - paysan parvenu: ou les mémoires de M. de M***. - Amsterdam: Aux dépens de la Compagnie , 1735. - LEW 21

Marlitt, E. - The little moorland princess. - London: Ward, Lock & Co. , 1890?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 75

Marlitt, E. - The second wife. - New York: A.L.Burt , 1887?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Marlitt, Eugenie. - Das. - Haideprinzesschen. - Leipzig , 1875. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU H08

Marlow, Christopher. - The plays of Christopher Marlow. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1909. - Everyman library ; [no number]. Poetry and drama [series]. Reprinted 1912. Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - EXU H09

Marlowe, Christopher. - [Plays]. - Mermaid Series , 1903?. - EXU F08

Marmontel. - Novelle morali del Signor Marmontel, tradotto dal Francese da Gasparo Gozzi. Tomo 1. - Venezia: Modesto Fenzo , 1791. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 33

Marmontel, M. - Moral tales ... translated from the French. Vol. 2. - London: C.Cooke , 1790?. - In 2 vol.. - LEW 11

Marryat, Captain. - Jacob unfaithful. - London? , 1895. - DRO 5203M/09

Marryat, Captain. - Poor Jack. - London , 1859. - ill.. - EXU G09

Marryat, Horace. - One year in Sweden: including a visit to the isle of Götland. Vol. 1. - London: John Murray , 1862. - In 2 vols. - LEW 47

Marryat, Horace. - One year in Sweden: including a visit to the isle of Götland. Vol. 2. - London: John Murray , 1862. - In 2 vols. - LEW 47

Marryat, Horace. - A residence in Jutland, the Danish isles and Copenhagen. Vol. 1. - London: John Murrry , 1860. - In 2 vols. - LEW 43

Marryat, Horace. - A residence in Jutland, the Danish isles and Copenhagen. Vol. 2. - London: John Murray , 1860. - In 2 vols. - LEW 43

Marshall, A A spring walk in Provence. - New York , 1920. - EXU K08

Marshall, H.E. - A history of France. - London , 1911. - coloured plates A.C.Michael. - EXU G05

Marshall,H.E. - Scotland's story: a history of Scotland for boys and girls. - London: T.C. & E.C.Jack , 1914?. - Edward Darragh Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Teddy from Daddy Xmas 1914. - LEW 48

Martel, E.A Les. - Cevennes. - Paris , 1891. - ill.., letter from author. - EXU D07

Martel, E.-Adore Botrel. - Les. - cavernes des Grès triasiques de Brive. - Brive: Imprimerie Roche , 1907. - LEW 38/56

Martin, Everett Dean The behaviour of crowds: a psychological study. - New York: Harper & Bros , 1919?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW Boxes from USA

Martin, Everette Dean The mystery of religion. A study in psychology. - New York, London: Harper & Brothers , 1925. - LEW 54

Martin, J.-Th. le. - Les. - veillées Cevenoles: nouvelles d'autrefois. 3rd ed. - Toulouse: Société des Livres Religieux , 1899. - Adele Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Martyrs ... - Martyrs omitted by Foxe being records of religious persecutons in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. - London: John Hodges , 1870. - LEW 82

Mary ... - Mary of Ringsend. To which is added The flower of DroghedA Drogheda: printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/17 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 3

Mary ... - Mary the maid of the inn, or the murder at the abbey. - Leeds: C.H.Johnson, publisher , 1885?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 2/08 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 8

Mary ... - Mary Melvin of Malahide, together with The pride of Beaulieu. - Drogheda: Printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/20 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 3

Mary-Lafon, Jean Bernard (1812-1884). - Jaufry the knight. - London , 1856. - ill.. - EXU P05

Masefield, John. - The Hawbucks. - London , 1929. - EXU K09

Masefield, John. - The midnight folk. - London , 1931. - ill.., Rowland Hilder 4to. - EXU D07

Masefield, John. - Odtaa: a novel. - London: William Heinemann , 1927. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Mason, A.E.W. - The four feathers. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1901. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 53

Mason, A.E.W. - The watchers. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1913. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. Hodder & Stoughton's sevenpenny library. - LEW 58

Mason, Otis Tufton. - Woman's share in primitive culture. - New York , 1897. - EXU J02

Maspero, G. - Egyptian archaeology. - London , 1892. - ill.. - EXU H14

Massi, F.W.H. - From the land of the pharaohs: serenades for piano. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Music score. - DRO 5203M/16

Masson, Gustave. - LA lyre française. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1867. - LEW 52

Matchless ... - The matchless maid of Erin together with The star of sweet Dundalk. - Drogheda: Printed in the present year , 1820?. - 8p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/19 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 3

Mathematical ... - Mathematical tables, consisting of logarithmic and other tables. - London: William & Robert Chambers , 1850?. - MS: W.Baring-Gould. - LEW 27

Mathews, Basil. - The riddle of nearer AsiA London: London Missionary Society , 1920?. - MS: Adele Baring-Gould. - LEW 74

Matthew of Westminster. - Matthew of Westminster's chronicles, vols. 1&2. - EXU Supplement

Maudsley, H. - Responsibility in mental disease. - New York , 1896. - EXU L06

Maupassant, Guy de. - Contes du jour et de la nuit. - Paris: P.Ollendorff , 1902. - LEW 72

Maurer, K. - Island. - Munchen , 1874. - EXU J29

Maurer, K. - Varia Islandica / K.Maurer & T.Möbius. - Leipzig , 1855-58. - 2 vols. - EXU E02

Maurer, Konrad. - Die. - Bekehrung des Norwegischen Stammes zum Christenthume. 2 Band. - München: Christian Kaiser , 1856. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 35

Maurois, andré. - Disraeli: a picture of the Victorian age. - London: John Lane Bodley Head , 1927. - LEW 63

Maurois, andré. - Voyage au pays des articoles. - Paris: Gallimard , 1928. - Book label: Dartmouth Bookstore Inc., Boston. - LEW 72

Maury, L-F.Alfred. - Croyances et légendes de l'antiquité. - Paris , 1863. - EXU M11

Maury, L-F.Alfred. - Essai sur les légendes pieuses. - Paris , 1843. - EXU P03

Maury, L-F.Alfred. - Histoire des religions de la Grèce aneique. - Paris , 1857-59. - 3 vols. - EXU P10

Maury, L-F.Alfred. - LA magie et l'astrologie. - Paris , 1860. - EXU M11

Mavor, W. - The British tourist's or traveller's pocket companion, vols. 1-3,5. - London , 1798. - 4 vols (of 5?). - EXU M03

Mavor, William. - The British tourists: or traveller's companion through England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Vol. 4. 2nd ed. - London: E.Newbery , 1800. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 33

Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico. - Recollections of my life by Maximilian I. Emperor of Mexico. New ed. In 3 vols. Vol 3. - London: Richard Bentley , 1868. - LEW 25

Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico. - Recollections of my life by Maximilian I. Emperor of Mexico. New ed. In 3 vols. Vol. 1. - London: Richard Bentley , 1868. - LEW 25

Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico. - Recollections of my life by Maximilian I. Emperor of Mexico. New ed. In 3 vols. Vol. 2. - London: Richard Bentley , 1868. - LEW 25

Maxwell, William Hamilton. - Wild sports of the west; interspersed with legendary tales and local sketches, by the author of Stories of Waterloo. New ed. - London: George Routledge & Sons , 1880?. - Lacks front cover. - LEW 75

Mayhew. - Greatest plague of life / ed. Mayhew Bros. - London. - ill.. Cruikshank. - EXU O05

Mayne, W. Boxer. - The parishes and churches of St Grade, St Ruan Major and St Ruan Minor in Meneage, Cornwall. - Exeter , 1905. - EXU B03

Mayo, H. - Popular superstitions. - Edinburgh , 1851. - EXU P04

Mazure. - Histoire du Béarn. - Paris?. - EXU P03

McCarthy, Justin. - A history of our own times. New ed. 4 vols in 2. Vol 1.. - Chicago: Belford, Clarke & Co. , 1887. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 54

McFauche. - Cabinet littéraire de McFauche nee Borel. - 2 books. - EXU B08

McKenna, Stephen. - Dermotts Rampant.. - London: Chapman & Hall , 1931. - LEW 67

McQuillen, John. - The church of St. Nicholas: with a brief sketch of the history of Newcastle. - Newcastle-upon-Tyne: John Cochrane , 1903. - LEW 72

Medlicott, Cecil. - A magic garden and other stories. - London: F.White & Co. , 1900. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Mee, Arthur. - The new children's encyclopaediA . - EXU J25

Mehta, P. - Dancing to heaven and back: waltz. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1900?. - Music score. - DRO 5203M/16

Meiklejohn, J.M.D. - A school history of England and G.B. / J.M.D. & M.J.C.Meiklejohn. - London , 1912. - EXU K05

Meissner, August Gottlieb. - Alcibiades. 1ter Theil. - Carlsruhe: Christian Gottlieb Schmieder , 1791. - MS: Wm Baring Gould. - LEW 35

Melville, Herman . - Moby Dick: or the whale. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1923. - DRO 5203M/15

Member of the Caerleon antiquarian Society. - Historical traditions & facts relating to Newport and Caerleon. Part 4. Edward III to Mary. - Newport, Mon: W.N.Johns , 1883. - LEW 11

Mencke, Johann Burchard. - Scriptores rerum germanicarum praecipue saxonicarum. - Lipsiae : impensis Iohannis Chritiani Martini , 1728-30. - 3 vols. - EXU J21

Menk, Fr. - Des. - Moselthal's Sagen, Legenden und Geschichten. - Coblenz: H÷lscher Buchhandlung , 1840. - LEW 35

Menzel, Wolfgang. - Die. - vorchristliche Unsterblichskeitslehre. In 2 Bänden. 1ter Band. - Leipzig: Fues's Verlag , 1870. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 35

Merbecke, J. - The book of common prayer noted. - London: W.Pickering , 1844. - EXU P05

Meredith, George. - Diana of the crossways. New ed. - London: Chapman & Hall , 1893. - LEW 47

Meredith, George. - The ordeal of Richard Feverel: a history of a father and son. - London: Constable & Co. , 1922. - Mickleham ed. - LEW 52

Meredith, Owen. - Lucille. - Boston: Fields, Osgood & Co. , 1870. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 57

Meril, E.de. - Histoire de la poésie scandinave. - Paris , 1839. - EXU P03

Mérimée, Prosper. - Carmen: and other stories. - Boston: Ginn & Co. , 1907. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Merivale, John Herman . - Poems original and translated, now first collected. Vol 2. - London: William Pickering , 1838. - LEW 53

Merrick, Leonard. - The actor-manager. With an introduction by W.D. Howells. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - All the world wondered: and other stories. - London: Methuen & Co. , 1911. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Merrick, Leonard. - A chair on the boulevard. With an introduction by A. Neil Lyons. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - Conrad in quest of his youth. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1920?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 74

Merrick, Leonard. - Cynthia, a daughter of the Philistines. With an introduction by Maurice Hewlett. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - The house of Lynch. - London , 1907?. - EXU G08

Merrick, Leonard. - The little dog laughed. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - The man who understood women. With an introduction by W.J.Locke. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - The man who was Good. With an introduction by J.K.Prothero. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - One man's view. With an introduction by Granville Barker. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - The position of Peggy Harper. With an introduction by Arthur Pinero. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - The quaint companions. With an introduction by H.G.Wells. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - To tell you the truth. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - When love flies out o' the window. With an introduction by W. Robertson Nicoll. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - While Paris laughed, Being the pranks and passions of the Poet Tricotrin. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merrick, Leonard. - The worldlings. With an introduction by Neil Munro. The works of Leonard Merrick. - London: Hodder & Stoughton , 1915?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Merriman, Henry Seton. - Prisoners and captives. - New York: R.F. Fenno & Co. , 1899. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 67

Merriman, Henty Seton. - Dross. - Chicago: Herbert S. Stone & Co. , 1899. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Merriman, Henty Seton. - Suspense. - New York: Dodd, Mead & Co. , 1899. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Merry ... - The merry warbler! a choice collection of new and popular songs. - Devonport: Printed by Samuel and John Keys , 1875? , 16p. - DRO Ballads 6/01 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 1

Merry ... - The merry companion; or, Universal songster. - London , 1750. - EXU O07

Merry ... - The merry piper, being the first part of the Friar and the boy, very delectable, 'tho unpleasant to all step-mothes [sic]. - Monaghan: Printed and sold by Nat. Greacen , 1822. - 24p. - Missing 2012. - DRO Ballads 1/22 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 4

Merryweather, F.Somner. - Glimmerings the dark: or lights and shadows ofthe olden time. - London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co. , 1850. - Later. 3rd imp. 1947. - LEW 45

Messiah ... - The Messiah!. - London : W.Taylor, 14, Waterloo Road , 1830?. - 1 sheet. - Three hymns: God rest you.Portugese hymn. Christians, awake. - DRO Broadsides/004 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Metastasio, P. - Lettere. - Nizza , 1786-87. - 4 vols. - EXU L01

Metastasio, Pietro. - Opere. Tomo 3. - Venezia: antonio Zatta , 1785. - Wm Baring Gould label. - LEW 33

Metastasio, Pietro. - Opere. Tomo 5. - Venezia: antonio Zatta , 1785. - MS: W. Baring Gould. - LEW 33

Metcalfe, F. - The Oxonian in Iceland. - London , 1861. - EXU E02

Methodist Church. - Methodist hymn and tune book: offical hymn book of the Methodist Church. - Toronto: William Briggs , 1917. - LEW 53

Methuen & Co. - [Accounts and payments to Sabine Baring-Gould]. - [Manuscript] , 1895-1907. - DRO 5203M/33

Methuen & Co. - [Correspondence to Sabine Baring-Gould concerning publication of books]. - [Typescript] , 1898-1907. - DRO 5203M/33

Methuen & Co. - [Memorandum of agreement with Sabine Baring-Gould for publication of books]. - [Manuscript] , 1901-06. - 13 items. - With list. - DRO 5203M/33

Methuen & Co. - [Payments to Sabine Baring-Gould, 31 December]. - [Manuscript] , 1906. - DRO 5203M/36

Meyer, Carl. - Der. - Aberglaube des Mittelalters und der nächstfolgenden Jahrhunderte. - Basel: Felix Schneider , 1884. - LEW 38/38

Michaud. - History of the crusades. - London? , 1852?. - EXU A.H.Efford

Michaud. - History of the crusades. Vol. 1. - London? , 1852. - DRO 5203M/15

Michaud. - History of the crusades. Vol. 2. - London? , 1852. - DRO 5203M/09

Michel, F. - Histoire des hotelleries / F.Michel & E.Fournier. - Paris , 1859. - 2 vols. in 1. - EXU Q05

Michelet, J. - Histoire de France: moyen age. Edition définitive. Tome 1. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1900?. - LEW 35

Michelet, J. - Histoire de France: moyen age. Edition définitive. Tome 2. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1900?. - LEW 35

Michelet, J. - Histoire de France: moyen age. Edition définitive. Tome 3. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1900?. - LEW 38/24

Michelet, J. - Histoire de France: moyen age. Edition définitive. Tome 4. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1900?. - LEW 35

Michelet, J. - Histoire de France: moyen age. Edition définitive. Tome 5. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1900?. - LEW 35

Michelet, J. - Historie de France: moyen age. Edition définitive. Tome 6. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1900?. - LEW 35

Michelson, Miriam. - In the bishop's carriage. - New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1904. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 78

Michiels, A Les. - anabaptistes. - Paris , 1860. - EXU M11

Middle Aged Man . - Passages from the history of a wasted Life, by a Middle Aged Man London & Manchester: John Heywood , 1885?. - 32p [incl. sample pages]. - Royal pocket library ; no. 39. - DRO Ballads 7/02 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 2

Middleton, Conyers. - The history of the life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1850?. - Boards and title page missing. - LEW 28

Middleton, Thomas. - Plays. - London, Mermaid series , 1887. - 2 vols. - EXU G09

Miles, Hallie Eustace. - Untold Tales Of war-time London. - London: Cecil Palmer , 1930. - MS: Dearest Marion from Elsie, July 1930. Post BG?. - LEW 72

Miller, Hugh. - Works. - New York , 1882. - 12 vols. (lacking vol. 9). - EXU L07

Miller, William. - The least of all lands; seven chapters on the topography of Palestine ... - London: Blackie & Son , 1888. - LEW 44

Milton, J. - Works. - Birmingham: John Baskerville , 1758. - 2 vols. - EXU Q05

Milton, John. - Autobiography of John Milton: or Milton's life in his own words, edited by James J.G.Graham. - London: Longmans, Green and Co. , 1872. - LEW 53

Milton, John. - Il penseroso L'allegro and Arcades. - London: De La More Press , 1907. - LEW 45

Milton, John. - Lycidas, sonnets &c. - London: Macmillan & Co. , 1914. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Milton, John. - Milton's Paradise lost: a new edition by Richard Bentley. - London: Jacob Tonson , 1732. - EG. - LEW 28

Milton, John. - Minor poems of John Milton. - New York: Harper Brothers , 1894. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS: Marian Linton. - DRO 5203M/30

Milton, John. - The poetical works. - London: Longman & Co , 1832. - Engr title 1822. - LEW 21

Mirror ... - The mirror - a periodical paper, vol. 1. - London , 1809. - EXU O05

Miscellaneous ... - Miscellaneous correspondence, &c in prose & verse. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , 1800?. - p. 779-780. - Extract from unidentified periodical. - DRO Ballads 7/06 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 5

Miscellaneous ... - Miscellaneous arms. - Manuscript , 1590?. - folio. - Bookplate: Carolus Pole. - EXU E06

Miscellany ... - The miscellany: or evening's occupation for the youthful peasantry of Ireland. - Dublin: Thomas I. White , 1830. - Edward Baring Gould. Spine: 30. Inside; 72. - LEW 32/52

Mitchell, Arthur. - The past in the present: what is civilisation?. - Edinburgh: David Douglas , 1880. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Mitchell, Lucy M. - A history of ancient sculpture. Vol 1. - New York: Dodd, Mead and Co. , 1888. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate Boards detached. - LEW 78

Mitford, M.R. - Belford Regis. - London , 1835. - 3 vols. - EXU O06

Mitford, M.R. - Our village, 1st series. - London , 1848. - EXU K05

Mitford, M.R. - Our village, 2nd series. - London , 1848. - Letters between Mitford and Sabine Baring Gould inserted. - EXU P13

Mitton, G.E. - Jane Austen and her times. - London , 1905. - ill.. - EXU J35

Mobius, T. - Catalogus librorum islandicorum et norvegicorum aetatis mediae. - Lipsiae , 1856. - EXU G05

Moffat, A The minstrelsy of England. - London , 1901. - EXU K12

Moggy ... - Moggy. - [London]: [s.n.] , 1760?. - 1 sheet. - Sheet of engraved music, page no. 89. - DRO Broadsides/014 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Mohammed. - The Koran, with an introduction by Rev. G. Margoliouth. Translated from the arabic by the Rev. J.M. Rodwell. - London and Toronto. J.M. Dent and Sons , 1909. - Everyman library ; no. 880. Philosophy and theology [series]. Reprinted 1918. No bookplate. - EXU H09

Moliere, J. B.-P (1622-1673). - The works. - Paris. - 10 vols., limited edition. - EXU E13

Molière, Jean Baptist Poquelin. - Les. - prècieuses ridicules, edited by Alexander Dupuis. New ed. - London: Hachette & Co. , 1910?. - LEW 74

Molyneux, GeorginA The curé d'Ars. Vol. 1. - London: Saunders, Otley & Co. , 1868. - In 2 vols. - LEW 43

Molyneux, GeorginA The curé d'Ars. Vol. 2. - London: Saunders, Otley & Co. , 1868. - In 2 vols. - LEW 43

Mommsen, T. - Römische Geschichte, vols. 1,2,3,5. - Berlin , 1886. - EXU H20

Monarchie ... - Die. - Monarchie. - Wien , 1886-91. - 9 vols., 4to, ill.. - EXU B05

Monk, S.Gordon. - Lew Trenchard: the manor house, the church and Baring-Gould. - [Plymouth] : [The author?] , 1961. - With MS additions. - LEW 65

Monnet, M.-A Le. - curé d'Auzenas. - Paris: Nodot , 1920?. - LEW 37

Monrad. - Kormak of Kristli sögur / Monrad [et al.]. - Hafniae , 1832. - EXU N11

Montaigne. - Essais. Tome 2. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592). - Les. - essais de Michel Seigneur de Montaigne, vol. 2. - Nouvelle edition avec courtes remarques par Pierre Coste. - Londres : de l'imprmerie de J.Tonson et J.Watts , 1724. - EXU J28

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. - Essais. Tome 1. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. - Essais. Tome 3. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. - Essais. Tome 4. - Paris: Ernest Flammarion , 1920?. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 42

Montalembert, Charles Forbes René, Comte de. - The monks of the west from St Benedict to St Bernard: authorised translation. Vol. 1. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons , 1861. - LEW 25

Montalembert, Charles Forbes René, Comte de. - The monks of the west from St Benedict to St Bernard: authorised translation. Vol. 2. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons , 1861. - LEW 25

Montalembert, Charles Forbes René, Comte de. - The monks of the west from St Benedict to St Bernard: authorised translation. Vol. 3. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons , 1867. - LEW 25

Montalembert, Charles Forbes René, Comte de. - The monks of the west from St Benedict to St Bernard: authorised translation. Vol. 5. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons , 1867. - LEW 25

Montalembert, The Count de. - The monks of the west from St Benedict to St Bernard: authorised translation. Vol. 4. - Edinburgh; William Blackwood & Sons , 1867. - LEW 25

Moody, S. - What is your name?. - London , 1863. - EXU M06

Moore, Hannah (1745-1833). - Coelebs in search of a wife, vol. II. - London , 1809. - EXU H04

Moore, Thomas. - Moore's Irish melodies, with symphonies and accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson. - Boston: Oliver Ditson & Co. , 1890?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 29

Moore, Thomas. - Poetical works, melodies, ballads, etc.. - Philadelphia , 1829. - EXU G06

Moral ... - Moral essays in praise of virtue. - Dublin: J.Scott , 1824. - Edward Baring Gould. Spine: 18. Inside: 41. - LEW 32/42

Morant, P. - History and antiquities of Colchester. - London , 1748. - EXU Q07

Morcellus, Stephanus antonius. - Kalendarium ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae. Vol. 2. - Romae: Giunch. Mai , 1788. - Title also in Greek. - LEW 28

Morell, Charles. - The tales of the genii. - London: Cooke , 1794?. - 2 vols., P.8vo, ill.. - Check edition against shelves. - EXU C09

Moreri, L. - Le. - grand dictionnaire historique. - Paris , 1732-35. - 10 vols. - EXU H22, H15

Moreri, Louis (1643-1680). - Le. - grand dictionnaire historique, ou le melange curieux de l'histoire sacree et profane. - Paris : chez Jacques Vincent , 1732-35. - 10 vols. - EXU H15, H22

Morfill, William Richard. - The story of Russia. The story of Poland. - New York : Putnam , 1893. - Famous nations ; vol. 16. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/31

Morgan, Joseph Brown & Bonner, Carey (eds.). - The junior hymnal. - London: andrew Melrose , 1907?. - For National Executive of the British Christian Endeavour Union. - LEW 53

Morgan, Thomas. - Handbook of the origin of place-names in Wales and Monmouthshire. - Merthyr Tydfil: H.W.Southey , 1887. - LEW 72

Morgan, William de. - Alice for short: a dichronism. - New York: Henry Holt & Co. , 1907. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 64

Morning ... - The morning star. - London: J.Catnach 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials , 1830?. - 1 sheet. - DRO Broadsides/074 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2

Morris, Joseph E. - The hill country of the Surrey borderland: Haslemere, Hindhead and the surrounding villages. - London: Homeland Association , 1903. - Homeland handbooks; 28. - LEW 52

Morris, William. - A dream of John Ball and a king's lesson. Pocket edition. - London: Longmans, Green & Co. , 1913. - Sabine Linton Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 55

Morrison, Richard James. - Zadkiel's universal dream book, or night visions ... explained. - Leeds : C.H.Johnson. Manchester: John Heywood , 1890?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 3/14 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 11

Morrison, W.D. - Juvenile offenders. - New York , 1897. - EXU J02

Morrison, William Douglas. - The story of Jews under Roman rule. - New York : Putnam , 1895. - Famous nations ; vol. 18. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/31

Morse, Herbert George. - The church of S. Swithun Littleham: some account of its fabric, its furniture and ornaments. - London: Pickering & Chatto , 1900. - LEW 38/54

Morton, J.H. - Old honesty: a comic drama in two acts. - London: Samuel French , 1900?. - French's acting edition; 562. 38/98/28. - LEW 38/98

Morts ... - Les. - morts ressuscitez: nouvelle galante et veritable. - Cologne: Pierre Marteau , 1712. - LEW 34

Moser, Gustav von. - Lustspiele. - Berlin , 1874. - EXU J20

Moses, H. - Vases from collection of H.Englefield. - EXU N15

Mother ... - Mother Shipton's wheel of fate and wheel of fortune. - London & Manchester: John Heywood , 1890?. - 32p. - DRO Chapbooks 3/12 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 9

Mother ... - Mother Shipton's wheel of fortune and how to choose a husband. - [London]: W.S.Fortey, 4, Great St. andrew Street , 1890?. - [32]p. - DRO Chapbooks 3/04 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 2

Motley, John Lothrop. - History of the United Netherlands, vol. 1. - London? , 1867?. - DRO 5203M/18

Motley, John Lothrop. - History of the United Netherlands, vol. 2, 3, 5. - London? , 1867?. - EXU J25

Motte Fouque, LA . - Undine [and] Sintram and his companions [and] Paul and Virginia [J.B.H. de St. Pierre]. - Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. , 1880. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 21

Movers, F. - Religion der Phonizier. - Bonn , 1841. - EXU N04

Mr ... - Mr punch's history of the Great War. - , 1920. - DRO 5203M/03

Mrs ... - Mrs Geoffrey, by the author of Molly Bawn. - [s.l.]: [s.n.] , 1914. - DRO 5203M/20

Much M. - Kupferzeit in EuropA Zena , 1893. - EXU E05

Mühlberger, R. Th. - Verbrechen des Mordes: eine Gallerie solcher Verirrungen in neuerer Zeit. - Stuttgart: J.Wachendorf , 1834. - LEW 38/96

Muir, Ramsay. - A new school atlas of modern history. 2nd ed. - London: George Philip & Son , 1911. - LEW 38/10

Muir, William. - Mahomet and Islam. - London , 1884?. - ill.. - EXU G08

Muller, J.G. - Amerikanische Urreligionen. - Basel , 1855. - EXU E02

Muller, M. - A history of ancient Sanskrit literature. - London , 1860. - EXU M07

Muller, Max. - Memoirs. Tales from foreign lands. - Chicago: A.C. McClurg (?) , 1910?. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate MS. Lacks title. - LEW 64

Müller, Max. - The languages of the seat of war in the east: with a survey of three families of language, Semitic, Arian, and Turanian. 2nd ed. - London: Williams and Norgate , 1855. - LEW 35

Müller, Niklas. - Glauen, Wissen und Kunst der alten Hindus. 1er band. - Mainz: Florian Kupferberg , 1822. - Sabine Baring Gould bookplate. - LEW 47

Muller, P.E. - Lexicon islandico latino danicum. - , 1814?. - EXU J25

Muller, P.E. - Sagabibliothek. - Riobenhavn , 1817-20. - 3 vols. - EXU F06

Munch, P. - Det. - norske folks historie. - Christiania , 1852-53. - 2 vols. - EXU H18

Munch, P. - Det. - norske folks historie, vol. 3. - Christiania , 1857. - EXU K11

Munch, P.A Det. - norske Folks Historie. anden Deel. - Christiana: Chr. Tonsberg , 1863. - LEW 28

Münchhausen, Freiherr. - Wunderbare Reisen zu Wasser und Lande. 4te vermehrte Ausgabe. - G÷ttingen: In der Dieterischen Buchhandlung , 1822. - MS: William Baring Gould from Mrs Sabine 1844. - LEW 11

Mungo ... - Mungo: or the little traveller. To which is annexed, the seven wonders of the world. - Dublin: J.Jones , 1822. - Edward Baring Gould. Spine: 46 Inside: 73. - LEW 32/59

Munro, Neil. - Fancy farm. Shilling ed. - Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons , 1912. - Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - LEW 72

Munro, R. - ancient Scottish lake-dwellings or crannogs. - Edinburgh , 1882. - EXU N12

Münter, D. Friedrich. - Kirchengeschichte von Dänemark und Norwegen. 2ter Theil. 1te Abtheilung. - Leipsig: Friedr. Christ. Wilh. Vogel , 1831. - LEW 54

Murray, David. - The story of Japan. Famous nations. - New York : Putnam , 1895. - Famous nations ; vol. 19. Edward Sabine Baring-Gould bookplate. - DRO 5203M/31

Murray, J.H. - Travels in Uruguay, South AmericA London: Longmans & Co. , 1871. - LEW 47

Muses' ... - The Muses' Holiday; or, The polite songster. - London. - EXU M04

Music ... - Music - a pocket companion - opera songs and airs. - London. - EXU M03

Music ... - [Music book]. - [s.l.] , 19--. - Damaged by damp. - DRO 5203M/12

Music ... - Music casket, 1st series. - Edinburgh , 1842. - EXU M03

Music ... - Music of the appendix to the hymnal noted. 2nd ed. - London: Novello, Ewer & Co. , 1875?. - Cover title: The tune book as used at St. Alban's Holborn. - LEW 73

Musset, Alfred de. - Oeuvres. Premières poésies 1829-1835. - Paris: Libraire des Bibliophiles , 1920?. - MS. - LEW 63

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2013
This page last updated 14 October 2013