07 October 2013

Baring-Gould ballads: imprint analysis

Sabine Baring-Gould ballad collection : imprint analysis.

This page attempts to record the variant forms of imprints encountered in the collection of ballads made by Sabine Baring-Gould. Obvious misprints are generally ignored as are minor variations in spelling and punctuation – some printers, notably Pitts, were very lackadaisical over proof-reading. The arrangement is by place subdivided by name of individual or firm. Special attention has been given to recording any additional information as this can provide insights into the type of business that was being conducted. Dates of activity have not been fully verified.

References are given to sample imprints only, using the following references:

  • BL: Volumes in the British Library
  • DRO: Items in the Devon Record Office, formerly at Killerton
  • JR: Volume in the John Rylands Library, Manchester
  • LEW: Items at Lewtrenchard Manor
  • NLW: Volume in the National Library of Wales
Many of the imprints of the major publishers are partially obliterated and it would appear that this has been done by tampering with the sterotype plates once they had changed hands. The use of stereotype plates by the major ballad printers is mentioned in several sources and it would appear that the practice was introduced some time after 1823 from the following statement by Hindley:
Catnach's next "great go" was the "Full, True, and Particular Account of the Murder of Weare by Thurtell and his Companions, which took place on the 24th of October, 1823, in Gill's Hill Lane, near Elstree, in Hertfordshire. — Only One Penny." There were eight formes set up, for Old Jemmy had no notion of stereotyping in those days, and pressmen had to recover their own sheep-skins, and struggled away at the two-pull squeezer at the rate of 200 or 300 copies an hour, and considered that wonderful. But by working night and day for a week they managed to get off about 250,000 copies with the four presses, each working two formes at a time.
The life and times of James Catnach (late of Seven Dials), ballad monger, by Charles Hindley (London : Reeves and Turner , 1878), p. 142.

This is repeated in another publication by Hindley:

“There’s nothing beats a stunning good murder after all,” said a “running patterer” to Mr. Henry Mayhew, the author of “London Labour and London Poor.” It is only fair to assume that Mr. James Catnach shared in the sentiment, for it is said that he made over £500 by the publication of:— “The Full, True and Particular Account of the Murder of Mr. Weare by John Thurtell and his Companions, which took place on the 24th of October, 1823, in Gill’s Hill-lane, near Elstree, in Hertfordshire:—Only One Penny.” There were eight formes set up, for old Jemmy had no notion of stereotyping in those days, and pressmen had to re-cover their own tympans with sheep-skins. But by working day and night for a week they managed to get off about 250,000 copies with the four presses, each working two formes at a time.
The history of the Catnach Press : at Berwick-upon-Tweed, Alnwick and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London, by Charles Hindley, (London : Charles Hindley , 1886) , p. 69-70.

Frank Kidson gives additional information on Catnach and his successors and the introduction of stereotyping but without a date:

It was in 1813 that James Catnach first came to London, and set up business at 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. He was the son of a printer, also named J. Catnach, at Alnwick. The elder Catnach printed and published books (chiefly poems illustrated by Bewick), in the choicest style of typography, and bearing the dates of the early years of the 19th century. At one time he was in partnership with a person named Davison. James Catnach the younger, when he came to London, made a revolution in ballad-printing ; he had the excellent traditions of his father's work to keep up. He discarded the coarse, blue-tinged or whitey-brown paper on which Pitts and Evans had printed, and used white paper of good quality, always in crown quarto size, and exceedingly thin, though durable. His type was good, not the confusion of founts known as " printers' pye " ; and his woodcut decorations were generally printed from artistic and well-cut blocks. He soon established a great trade, and printed, besides ballads, innumerable penny song-books of all sizes, some little bigger than a postage stamp. These were the " Little Warblers," once so popular. Catnach retired in 1838 and died in 1841. On his retirement the business was taken over by his sister, Anne Ryle, who reprinted Catnach's ballads and added to them. She advertises " 4,000 sorts," with the imprint Ryle & Co. Her manager was James Paul, and at one time the imprint ran J. Paul & Co. In 1845 it returned to " A. Ryle & Co," and this remained until at least 1856. W. S. Fortey, who had been in the business many years, now took over the concern, and occupied the old shop in Monmouth Court until modern improvements swept it away. He then removed to adjoining premises at 4, Great St. Andrews Street. It was in Catnach's time that stereotypes were introduced into the ballad-printing trade ; and it is perhaps fortunate for the preservation of the old versions that this was done, for reprinting became an easy matter, and we get on Fortey's issues many of the original Catnach ballads.
"The ballad sheet and garland", by Frank Kidson (Journal of the Folklore Society, No. 6 Being the First Part of Vol. II. 1905, page 7. Reprinted in: Zeitscrift der International Musik-Gesellschaft, Neunter Jahrgang 1907-1908, p. 37-38.

Kidson gives another reference to stereotype:

After founding an immense business [Catnach] retired in 1838, and died in 1841. His married sister, Anne Ryle, took over the business and advertised that she had "4000 sorts " of ballad sheets. Her manager, James Paul, appears to have been some sort of an editor for her, and it is believed that he wrote, or re-wrote, certain of the ballads and songs she printed. He was, with others, proprietor of the business at one time, but finally it became the property of W. S. Fortey, who reprinted from Catnach's old stereotypes.
English folk-song and dance, , by Frank Kidson and Mary Neale (Cambridge : at the University Press , 1915), p.84-85.

Leslie Shepard in John Pitts, ballad printer, p. 85 adds in this connection: Mrs Hodges moved to No. 26 Grafton Street, Soho and is listed there in directories from 1855 to 1861, but some of the later sheets bearing her imprint appear to be stereotypes, possibly reissues by another printer.

A contemporary reference to the introduction of stereotyping dating from shortly before Catnach's death can be found in "More sketches of London life", by the Author of the “Great Metropolis.” (Punch, or the London charivari, vol. 1 27 November 1841.

In speaking of eminent publishers, I must not forget to mention Mr. Catnach, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude for having been the first to introduce me to the literary career I have since so successfully followed. I believe I was the first who carried into effect Mr. Catnach’s admirable idea of having the last dying speeches all struck off on the night before an execution, so as to get them into the hands of the public as early as possible. It was, moreover, my own suggestion to stereotype one speech, to be used on all occasions; and I also must claim the merit of having recommended the fixing a man’s head at the top of the document as “a portrait of the murderer.” Catnach and I have always been on the best of terms, but he is naturally rather angry that I have not always published with him, which he thinks — and many others tell me the same thing — I always should have done.
Eight years later Henry Mayhew records stereotyping in an interview with a ballad seller in the Morning Chronicle series Labour and the Poor, 1849-50
Letter XV, Friday, December 7, 1849.
These full, true, and particular accounts are either real or fictitious tragedies. The fictitious ones are called "cocks," and usually kept stereotyped. The most popular of these are the murder at Chigwell-row - "that's a trump," says my informant, "to this present day. Why, I'd go out now, sir, with a dozen of Chigwell-rows, and earn my supper in half an hour off of 'em. [...] The papers that I work chiefly are what are called the 'standing patters;' they're all of 'em stereotype, and some of them a hundred years old.
Steve Roud reports the following references to a criminal case in 1852 in: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pedlars_Pack/message/103 - Accessed October 2013.
Daily News (20 Oct 1852) and Reynold’s Newspaper (24 Oct 1852)

Middlesex Sessions: Type Robbery:

Wm. Harrington, 38, was indicted for stealing 147 lbs of type, value £16, the property of Ann Ryle, his employer, and Joseph Waters, a marine store dealer, was indicted for having feloniously received the same, knowing it to be stolen.

The prosecutrix carries on the business of a printer in Monmouth-court, Seven-dials, and for some considerable time the prisoner Harrington was in her employ. On the 16th of September Waters went to a person who described himself as an old metal collector, and sold about 2 cwt. of broken type, and stereo plates, stating that he had bought it of ‘the governor’. When first asked by the police about it, Waters denied that he had either had the type or had sold it, but when he found himself in custody, he said he could clear himself by telling who it was that sold it to him, and he pointed out Harrington. Harrington said he had purchased it of a person who had absconded – one Bradley. Mr. Paul, who was formerly in partnership with Mrs. Ryle, identified some portions of the type as her property. He selected a piece of stereotype plate, and said it was part of the ballad of ‘Young Johnson, the handsome butcher of Maidstone’ and another which formed part of a ditty called ‘The Nut Girl’. Originally part of the property belonged to Mr. Catnach.

The jury found the prisoners Guilty.

The Assistant-Judge said, as far as Waters was concerned, the case was a very serious one. Mr. Paul said Harrington had a very large family, and his wife was dead. He had been in Mrs. Ryle’s employ some time, and nothing was known against his character up to the preset matter, and Mrs. Ryle was anxious to recommend him to mercy. The Assistant-Judge sentenced Harrington to six months’ hard labour, and Waters to seven years’ transportation.
That stereotype was not confined to London printers can be seen in Publishing a Broadside, by David Hopkin, Valentina Bold, David Morrison. (University of Glasgow http://www.gla.ac.uk/t4/~dumfries/files/layer2/glasgow_broadside_ballads/publishing_a_broadside_ballad.htm. Accessed October 2013)
Lindsay first set up as a stationer in Anderston in 1847, before moving to King Street Glasgow in 1851 (when he was 30). Around this time Lindsay bought the stereotypes of a large number of chapbooks previously published by Francis Orr and Sons. In the advertisements accompanying his ballads in the 1850s Lindsay offered "Upwards of 5000 sorts always on hand; also a great variety of Picture-Books, Song-Books, Histories &c. Shops and Hawkers supplied on Liberal Terms. Handbills, Circulars, Invoices, Business and Fancy Cards, Large Posting Bills, Society Articles, Pamphlets and Letter-Press Printing of every description, neatly and expeditiously executed on moderate terms."
[s.l.]. Martin. Fl. 18--? Printer. High Street. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 9

[s.l.]. Willis. Fl. 18--? Printer. Old Churchyard. NLW Johnson G209

Alexandra. Printed at the Victoria Press by Love. Fl. 1863. Printer. DRO Broadsides/040 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1

Alnwick. Davison, W. Fl. 1800? Printer and publisher. DRO Broadsides/054 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2 ; BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.163.

Ashton & Stalybridge. Hobson, E. & Son. Fl. 1860? Printer. NLW Johnson G474

Bakewell. Gratton, James. Fl. 18--? Printer. JR R150649/203

Banbury. Cheney. Fl. 18--? Printer. JR R150649/023

Banbury. Cheney, T. Fl. 18--? Printer. JR R150649/042

Barnsley. Cockshaw. Fl. 1778/1818. Printer. JR R150649/008

Bath. Hazard, S. Fl. 1795. Printer and bookseller. (Printer to the Cheap Repository for moral and religious tracts) at Bath; by J. Marshall, at the Cheap Repositories, No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheap-Side, and No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard; and R. White, Piccadilly, London; ... BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.200, fo.229.

Bath. Wigens, Charles. Fl. 1830-1841. Ballad printer or seller. bookbinder &c, Bath 1830-1841 ; 14 Kings Mead Square, Bath 1830. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London c1825-1833. 2 items in Bodleian ballads. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; BBTI.

Battle. Burgess. Fl. 1825-1833. Ballad printer or seller. Sold publications of Catnach c.1825-1833. Probably John Burgess, hardwareman and stationer 1832 directory. Sources:. Not in BBTI or COPAC.

Birmingham. Bloomer, T. Fl. 18--Printer. High Street, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.137

Birmingham. Brueton. Fl. 1871? Printer. NLW Johnson G386

Birmingham. Green. Fl. 18--? Printer. Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.212.

Birmingham. Harris, William. Fl. 1840/50. Printer. Deritend, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.201 ; 179, Deritend, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.170.

Birmingham. Jackson and Son. Fl. 18--. Printers. (late Russell,) Moor street, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.111 ; (late J. Russell) Moor-street, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 77 ; (late J. Russell) 23 Moor street, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.165 ; (late J. Russell) 21, street, [sic] Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.246 ; (late Russell) 69, Digbeth, (From 21, Moor Street,) Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.222.

Birmingham. Jackson, Thomas A. Fl. 18--. Printer. (late Russell,) No. 6, Moor Street, from 69, Digbeth, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.231.

Birmingham. Jackson. Fl. 1850/60. Printer. late Russell, Moor-street, Birmingham. Removed from No. 69, Digbeth. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.177 ; 6, Moor-st., Birmingham. Removed from No. 69, Digbeth. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.260 ; 6, Moor-st., from 69, Digbeth, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.245.

Birmingham. King, T. Fl. 1845/51. Printer. Birmingham, and Mr. Green at his Music Stall, near the Turnpike, City Road, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.166.

Birmingham. Martin, R. Fl. 1757/96. Printer. 10, Mount Pleasant. JR R150649/014.

Birmingham. Martin, S. and T. Fl. 1806/08. Printer. JR R150649/041.

Birmingham. Pratt, William. Fl. 1845/60. Printer and cheap book and song warehouse. 82, Digbeth, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.124 ; Digbeth, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.224 ; 82, Digbeth, Birmingham, Cheap Song Warehouse. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 96 ; Cheap Song and Book Warehouse. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.167.

Birmingham. Printing Office at No 10, Haymarket. Fl. 18--? Printer. 10, Haymarket. JR R150649/019

Birmingham. Russell, Samuel. Fl. 18--Printer. 24, Old Meeting-st. Nephew to the late Joseph Russell, Moor-st., The Trade supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 43 ; 24, Old Meeting-street, Worcester-street, near the Market Hall, Birmingham. Nephew to the late J. Russell, Moor-street. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 71.

Birmingham. Watts, T. Fl. 1839/47. Printer. 14, Snow Hill, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.177 ; Publishing Office, 14, Snow Hill, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.212. Name also given as Watts (without initial).

Birmingham. Wright.. Fl. 1820/55. Printer. 93, Lichfield-street, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.176.

Birmingham. Wright, W. Fl. 18--? Printer. Moor Street. JR R150649/234.

Birmingham. Wrighton, D. Fl. 1810/15. Printer. No 7, Edmund Street. JR R150649/032 ; No. 86, Snow-Hill, Birmingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 46 Bolton. Hargreaves. Fl. 1852. Printer. JR R150649/055.

Bradford. Bentley, J. Fl. 1840/66. Ballad seller. Sold Wholesale and Retail by J. Bentley; 48, Market Street, Bradford. - Travellers Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 36.

Bradford. Spencer. Fl. 18--Printer? BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.190.

Brighton. Bennett. Fl. 1825-1833. Ballad printer or seller. Edward Street. Probably Edward Bennett, bottle dealer, 22, Edward Street in 1832 directory. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London c. 1825-33 with other provincial distributors: J. Sharman of Cambridge; R. Harris of Salisbury; J. Pierce of Southborough; Boyes of Brighton; Thomas Batchelar of London; W. Marshall of Bristol; W. Inkpen of Lewes. 40 items in Bodleian ballads. Broadsides in Madden 10. One item in COPAC: c.1825. Not in BBTI. Sources:. Cambridge UL, Madden Coll.

Brighton. Boyes, Mrs. Harriet. Fl. 1825-1833. Ballad printer or seller. Toy dealer, Market Street (no. 8 in 1832 directory). Sold publications of James Catnach c. 1825-1833 with other distributors: Bennett of Brighton; T. Batchelar of London; W. Marshall of Bristol ; R. Harris of Salisbury; J. Sharman of Cambridge; J. Pierce of Southborough. 15 items in Bodleian ballads. Broadsides in Madden 10. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Cambridge UL, Madden Coll. ; not in BBTI or COPAC.

Brighton. Hook, R. Fl. [s.a.]. Ballad printer or seller. 8 Market St., Brighton. Sold publications of James Catnach c. 1825-1833 with other distributors . Broadsides in Madden 22. 1 item in Bodleian. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Cambridge UL, Madden Coll.

Bristol. Collard, W. Fl. 1802/19. Printer and ballad seller. Bridewell-lane and Hotwell-road. - Travellers supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.242 ; Bridewell-Lane, and Hotwells. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 89 ; Bridewell-lane, Bristol and Hotwell-road, where travellers, shopkeepers, and others may be supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.174 ; Bridewell-Lane, Bristol, and Hotwell-road, where travellers, &c. may be supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.145.

Bristol. Lane, T. Fl. 1810 Printer. Redcliff-street DRO Ballads 4/11 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 6.

Bristol. Marshall, William. Fl. 1825?-1833. Ballad printer or seller. Lawrence Hill 1828. “Traveller’s book warehouse” in 1828 directory. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London c.1825-1833 with other provincial distributors: Bennett; Boyes; T. Batchelar; R. Harris; J. Pierce; Boyes; J. Sharman; J. Pierce; W. Inkpen. 33 items in Bodleian ballads. Broadsides in Madden 10 and 23. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Cambridge UL, Madden Coll. ; BBTI ; BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 83.

Bristol. Storer. Fl. 18--.Printer. 128, Temple-Street, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.168.

Bristol. Storer, T. Fl. 18--.Printer and ballad seller. Opposite the Church, Temple-Street, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.154.

Bristol. Taylor, W. Fl. 1827-1830. Ballad printer or seller. 39 Temple Street [s. a.] ; 113 Redcliff Street. 1827 ; 62 Redcliff Street 1828-1830. Other book trade personnel of same name recorded to 1864. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London c.1825-1833 including: Carols. Harp of Israel. 3 items in Bodleian ballads. Broadsides in Madden 23. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Cambridge UL, Madden Coll.

Bury. Heap, John. Fl. 1850/60. Printer. NLW Johnson G210.

Cambridge. Sharman, James. Fl. 1825?-1839?. Ballad printer or seller. Probably J. Sharman, toy and fancy repository, Market Hill in 1839 directory. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London c.1825-1833 with other provincial distributors: Bennett of Brighton; R. Harris of Salisbury; J. Pierce of Southborough; W. Marshall of Bristol; T. Batchelar of London and Boyes of Brighton; Shatford. 24 items in Bodleian ballads. Broadsides in Madden 10. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Cambridge UL, Madden Coll. ; Not in BBTI or COPAC.

Cheltenham. Willey, Thomas. Fl. 1828?-1850 . Ballad printer or seller. High Street 1841 ; no. 219 High-street [s. a.] ; Oxford Passage 1842-50, Cheltenham. Broadsides in Madden 23 ; 1 item in Bodleian ballads. Carols. Harp of Israel with J. Catnach of London. COPAC 1 item c.1828. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Cambridge UL, Madden Coll. ; BBTI ; COPAC

Chesterfield. Ford, T. Fl. 1835/38. Printer. Irongate. JR R150649/070 ; with F. Harvey, Broad street, Park, Sheffield. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.159.

Cirencester. Porter. Fl. 1815/19. Printer. Cirencester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.177.

Cirencester. Shatford. Fl. 1825/1833. Ballad printer or seller. Sold works of J. Catnach of London c.1825-1833 together with Thomas Batchelar of London, J. Sharman of Cambridge, Bennett of Bristol and J. Pierce of Southborough. One item in Bodleian ballads ; broadsides in Madden 10 ; Baring-Gould Collection. Sources:. Not in BBTI, COPAC, 1842 directory.

Congleton. Dean, J. Fl. 1810. Printer and ballad seller. DRO Ballads 3/10 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 3.

Coventry. Astill, R. Fl. 1839/60. Printer. JR R150649/229.

Coventry. Turner, J. Fl. 1794/1863. Printer. High Street. JR R150649/017 ; BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 36 ; High Street, Coventry, Supplies Shopkeepers & Travellers with all sorts of Histories; New and Old Ballads; Godly and other Patters; Carols; Cock Robin, Tom Thumb, Cries; […]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 49. Name also given as Turner (without initials). BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 47.

Derby. Horsley, W. Fl. 18--? Printer. JR R150649/204.

Derby. Locker, J. Fl. 1842/46. Printer. Jury Street. JR R150649/171 ; BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.212.

Derby. Plant, J. Fl. 18--? Printer. JR R150649/233.

Derby. Plant, James. Fl. 18--? Printer. Russel, Printer, Wisbeach and reprinted. JR R150649/246.

Derby. Richardson, Thomas. Fl. 1840. Printer. DRO Ballads 2/04 ; Mf 4.1.2 fiche 2.

Derby. Wilkins. Fl. 18--? Printer. JR R150649/227.

Devonport. Keys, Elias. Fl. 1828?-1840. Printer and ballad seller.100, James-street, Devonport, where Hawkers and Travellers may be supplied with Books, Ballads, &c. at the shortest notice. Cards, Hand-Bills, &c. printed cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 6 ; 100, James-street, Devonport, where hawkers, Travellers, and Shopkeepers may be spplied [sic] with a great assortment of new and popular ballads, with a liberal allowance. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.155. Printed and Sold at E. Keys' Cheap Printing office, 100, James-street, Devonport [perhaps c. 1828]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.175. (Columbian Printing Office) 7, James-street, Devonport. - Travellers and Country Shops supplied very cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 65. Other imprints from 7, James-street, Devonport add: R. Stone, New Bridge-street, Exeter ; S. Reed, Newport, Monmouthshire ; W. Burridge, Truro. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.102 ; Sold also by R. Stone, 10, on the New Bridge, Exeter. Travellers supplied. And sold also by W. Burridge, Truro. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 5 ; From E. Key's Cheap Establishment. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.174 ; [no number] Cheap writing papers and account books. R. Stone, 10, on the New Bridge, Exeter. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.174. Imprints from no. 100 probably pre-date those from no. 7 where Keys is recorded in directories from 1830 to 1840.

Devonport. Keys, Samuel and John. Fl. 1875. Printer. DRO Ballads 6/01 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 1.

Devonport. Keys. Fl. 1830/40. Printer. 7, James-street, Devonport. Cards, Hand-bills, &c. printed very cheap. The only House in the West of England where Travellers, Country Shops, &c. can be supplied with a cheap and extensive assortment. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 66.

Devonport. Mudge, J. Fl. 1824/32.Printer. Devonport. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.161.

Devonport. Picken, W.. Fl. 1842? Printer and ballad seller.38, Tavistock-Street, Devonport. Travellers supplied cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 69.

Drogheda. Printed in this present year. Fl. 1820. Printer. DRO Ballads 1/11 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 2.

Dublin. Bentham & Hardy. Fl. 1826. Printer. LEW 32/60.

Dublin. Bentham, C. Fl. 1821. Printer. LEW 32/54.

Dublin. Blundell, Joseph. Fl. 1828-1833. Printer. LEW 32/51.

Dublin. Brett Smith & Son. Fl. 1822. Printer. LEW 32/53.

Dublin. Bull, G. Fl. 1821 Printer. LEW 32/64.

Dublin. Espy, W. Fl. 1824 Printer. LEW 32/36.

Dublin. Folds, W. Fl. 1832 Printer. LEW 32/46.

Dublin. Folds, William and Son. Fl. 1824 Printer. LEW 32/43.

Dublin. Hardy, P. Dixon. Fl. 1825. Printer. LEW 32/63.

Dublin. Hayes, P. Fl. 1828 Printer. LEW 32/38.

Dublin. Jones, J. Fl. 1822 Printer. LEW 32/32.

Dublin. Jones, John. Fl. 1826-1828 Printer. LEW 32/33.

Dublin. M'Mullen, J. M. Fl. 1821 Printer. LEW 32/45.

Dublin. Napper, H. Fl. 1830 Printer. LEW 32/29.

Dublin. Napper, R. Fl. 1832 Printer. LEW 32/62.

Dublin. Scott, J. Fl. 1824 Printer. LEW 32/42.

Dublin. Webb, R. D. Fl. 1832 Printer. LEW 32/40.

Dublin. White, Thomas. Fl. 1832 Printer. LEW 32/44.

Dublin. White, Thomas I. Fl. 1830 Printer. LEW 32/52.

Dublin. White, Thomas L. Fl. 1830 Printer. LEW 32/39.

Dudley. Printing-Office in High-street. Fl. 18--? Printer and ballad seller. High-street. JR R150649/025.

Durham. Ainsley, W. Fl. 1841/60. Printer. Durham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 1.

Durham. Lane, I. Fl. 1750?. Printer and ballad seller. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 52.

Durham. Murray, W. W.. Fl. 1854?. Ballad seller. Claypath, Durham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 55.

Durham. Walker, George. Fl. 1800/35. Printer. NLW Johnson G394.

Durham. Walker, George , Jun. Fl. 1834/86. Printer and ballad seller. Sadler-Street, Durham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 86 ; at the Printing Office, Moat-Side Lane, Sadler-Street, Durham, where retail Dealers may be supplied on Liberal Terms, with a Choice Collection of 24-page Histories, Song Books, Ballads, Spellings, […] &c. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 67 ; with J. Livsey, 43, Hanover Street, Shudehill, Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 74.

Durham. Walker. Fl. 1834/86. Printer. Durham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 59.

Edinburgh. Printed for the booksellers. Fl. 1825. Printer. DRO Transferred Feb 2011.

Elgin. Brander, A. C. Fl. 1865. Printer. NLW Johnson G 7.

Ellesmere. Baugh, W. Fl. 1792/1850. Printer. JR R150649/054.

Exeter. Featherstone and Co. Fl. 1847/58. Printer. 246 High Street. JR R150649/162.

Frankfurt-am-Main. May, Ed. Gust. Fl. 1850. Druck, Verlag DRO Broadsides/188 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 6.

Gisborough. Hodgson, Ralph. Fl. 1823/34.Printer and ballad seller.Printed and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by R. Hodgson, Market-place. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.216 ; Market-place, Guisbro'. - The Trade supplied with Hymns, Memorandum Books, &c. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.191.

Glasgow. Printed for the booksellers. Fl. 1828 Printer. DRO Transferred Feb 2011.

Gloucester. Bining. Fl. 1825-1832. Ballad printer or seller. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London c.1825-1832 with Marshall, Bristol; Inkpen, Lewes; Mrs Boyse, Brighton; J. Sharman, Cambridge; Burgess, Battle; Bennett, Brighton; Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent, and J.Pierce, Southborough. Sources:. Not BBTI or 1842 directory.

Gosport. Watts, J. 1805? Printer. DRO Ballads 5/01 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 1-2.

Halifax. Midgley. Fl. 18--. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.131.

Holbeck. Barr.. Fl. 1850/55. Printer. 58 Meadow Lane, Holbeck. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.266.

Hull. Ferraby, J. Fl. 1771/1838. Printer. Market Place. JR R150649/098.

Hull. Livick. Fl. 18--.Printer.37 Lowgate Hull. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.242.

Hyde. Booth, George. Fl. 1850/60.Printer and ballad seller.Market-street, Hyde. Printed and Sold Wholesale and Retail by George Booth,. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.217 ; 34, Market-Street, Hyde. Hawkers supplied Hawkers supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 17 ; Hyde: of whom may be had a great variety. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.174.

Lane End. Watts. Fl. 18--.Printer.Lane-End. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 23.

Leeds. Andrews, H. Fl. 1850/68. Printer. St. Peter's Street, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.230 ; 26 & 27, St. Peter's Street, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.181. Some imprints erased, e.g. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 19.

Leeds. Barr, R. Fl. 1850/55. Printer and ballad seller.Marsh Lane, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.227 ; 72, Marsh Lane, Leeds. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by R. Barr. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.270 ; Tobacconist, Dealer in Snuff & Cigars. 72, Marsh-lane, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.271.

Leeds. Barr. Fl. 1850/55. Printer. Marsh Lane, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.264 ; 153 Marsh Lane, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 45 ; 8 Bridge Street, Lady Bridge, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 10 ; 8 Bridge Street, Leeds. N. B. 1000 different Songs always on sale. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.265 ; Typographer, Marsh Lane Leeds. Sold at Smith's, Newspaper Office, 31, Meadow-Lane-Road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.223.

Leeds. Buchan, G. Fl. 1868/75. Printer &c. St. Peter's-st., Leeds. Late H. Andrews, . BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.235 ; (late Andrews) 15 & 17, St. Peter's St., Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.219 ; 15 & 17, St. Peter's Street, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.261.

Leeds. Johnson. Fl. 1889? Publisher. DRO Chapbooks 1/06 ; Mf 4.3.1 fiche 6.

Leeds. Johnson, Charles H. Fl. 1875/80. Printer. With John Heywood, Manchester. DRO Chapbooks 3/14 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 11.

Leeds. Johnson, J. Fl. 1875/85. Printer and publisher. 42, Call Lane & 1, Cloth Hall St DRO Chapbooks 2/17 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 16 ; With John Heywood, Manchester DRO Chapbooks 3/10 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 7.

Leeds. Large, J. Fl. 18--.Printer. 37, Duke Street Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.232.

Leeds. Leeds Mercury. Fl. 1896Newspaper. Reprinted from the Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement of August 15th. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.147A.

Leeds. Webb and Millington. Fl. 18--.Ballad seller. Leeds. Sold Wholesale by Webb and Millington. . BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.192.

Leek. Hallowes, E. Fl. 18--.Printer.King Street, Leek. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.196.

Leicester. Warwick, T. Fl. 1847. Printer. JR R150649/240.

Leicester. Windley, J. Fl. 1843. Printer. Church-Gate. JR R150649/239.

Leicester. Winks, J. E. Fl. 1830/40. Printer. Charles St. JR R150649/084.

Lewes. Inkpen, W. Fl. 1825-1833?. Ballad printer or seller. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London with other distributors: W. Marshall of bristol; T. Batchelar of London; Boyes and Bennett of Brighton; and J. Pierce of Southborough 3 items in Bodleian ballads. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Not in BBTI, COPAC, London Gazette, 1832 directory.

Leigh? Webster, John?. Fl. 1831. Printer. JR R150649/235.

Lincoln? Leary, W. E.?. Fl. 1829. Printer. JR R150649/236.

Lincoln. Walker. Fl. 18--.Printer.Lincoln. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.171.

Liverpool. Armstrong, W. Fl. 1820/28. Printer. Banestre St. JR R150649/065.

Liverpool. M'Call, W. Fl. 1857/77. Printer.Cartwright Place, Byrom st, L'pool. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.168.

Liverpool. Thompson. Fl. 1847?. Printer.Peter-street Liverpool. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.173 ; 21 Peter Street Liverpool. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.169.

Liverpool. White, John. Fl. 18--? Printer. NLW Johnson G409.

London. Ballad seller at no. 32, Marylebone Street, Golden Square. Fl. 1799?. Ballad seller. Sold wholesale and retail, at no. 32, Marybone Street, Golden Square. R. Bassam, St. John’s Street West Smithfield. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 75.

London. Ballad seller at no. 4, Aldermary Chucrh-yard [sic]. Fl. 1775?. Ballad seller. Sold at no. 4, Aldermary Chucrh-yard [sic]. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.270.

London. Ballad seller at no. 42, Long-Lane. Fl. 1795? Ballad seller. Sold at no. 42, Long-Lane. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.189A ; BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.220. See J. Evans.

London. Ballad seller at No.41, Long-Lane. Fl. 1793/96. Ballad seller. Sold at No.41, Long-Lane. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.159 ; Sold at No.41, Long-Lane, West Smithfield. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.268. See J. Evans.

London. Ballad seller in Bow-Church-Yard, London. Fl. 1747. Ballad seller. Sold in Bow-Church-Yard, London. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.304.

London. Applegath, A. Fl. 1825. Printer. Duke-street DRO Broadsides/005 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1 ; Stamford-street DRO Broadsides/050 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2.

London. Applegath, A. and Cowper, E. Fl. 1820. Printer. DRO Broadsides/006 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1.

London. Auld, G. Fl. 1810 Printer. for A.Cleugh DRO Ballads 5/17 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 14.

London. Baldwin, R. and Wilkie, John. Fl. 1760. Printer. LEW 11.

London. Bassam, R.. Fl. 1799?. Printer. St. John’s Street, West Smithfield. Sold wholesale and retail, at no. 32, Marybone Street, Golden Square,. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 73.

London. Batchelar, Ann. Fl. 1834?. Printer. 14, Hackney Road Crescent, near Shoreditch, London; where may be had the greatest variety of Lotteries, Penny Spellings and Battledores, Children's Penny and Halfpenny Books, Songs, Memorandums, &c, &c. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 14.

London. Batchelar, Daniel. Fl. 1836/42. Printer and ballad seller.14, Hackney Road Crescent, near Shoreditch, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 41 ; 14, Hackney Road Crescent, opposite the Refuge for the Destitute, Hackney Road; where are kept on constant sale, all kinds of Stationery, School and Children's Books and Prints, and British and Foreign Toys, …. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 44 ; at his old-established Book, Print and Toy Warehouse, Hackney Road. All the Almanacks as soon as published. - Marbles of all sorts; also Tops, Spoons, and String; Kites, Chinese and English, Paper or Linen; [...]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 42.

London. Batchelar, T.. Fl. 1809/32. Printer and ballad seller.Little Cheapside. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 83. Recorded at this address 1809/10. 115, Long Alley, Moorfields (1817-28) DRO Broadsides/010 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1. Recorded in Hackney Road Crescent 1828/32. Hackney Road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 99 ; 14, Hackney Road Crescent, near Shoreditch Church. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 76 ; 14, Hackney Road Crescent, opposite the Refuge for the Destitute. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.225 ; opposite the Refuge for the Destitiute, Hackney Road, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.197 ; BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 78. Sold publications of J. Catnach.

London. Batchelar. Fl. 1828/42. Printer.Long Alley. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 99. Recorded at this address 1817/28. Recorded at Hackney Road 1828/42. Hackney Road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.117 ; Hackney Road Crescent. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.194 ; 14, Hackney Road Crescent. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 55.

London. Bateman, William. Fl. 1684. Ballad seller Old Change. JR R150649/R3.

London. Beale, H. Fl. 1840. Printer. 2 Shoe Lane, Fleet Street DRO Ballads 2/05 ; Mf 4.1.2 fiche 2.

London. Belle, T. Fl. 18--.Printer.Saffron-Hill, Holborn. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 68.

London. Birt, T.. Fl. 1828/52. Printer. 10, Great St. Andrew Street wholesale and retail, Seven Dials, London. Please to observe the above number. Handbills, cards, &c. printed neat and cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.239 ; 10, Great St. Andrew-Street, Seven Dials, London. Wholesale and retail. The Cheapest Printing Office in for Cards, Bills, &c. Hope I don't intrude in soliciting support - just drop in and try. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.147 ; 10, Great St. Andrew Street, wholesale and retail, Seven Dials, London. Country orders punctually attended to. Every description of printing on reasonable terms. Children's books, battledores, pictures, &c. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.237. Recorded at no. 10 1828/29, at no. 39 1832/52. 39, Great St Andrew Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 27 ; wholesale and retail, 39, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials, London. Country Orders punctually attended to. Every description of Printing on reasonable terms Children's Books, Battledores, Pictures, &c.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 18. In some cases the imprint is partially deleted e.g. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 15.

London. Birt. Fl. 1833/56. Printer.39, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 2 ; 39, Great St. Andrew Street, 7 Dials, London. Country orders punctually attended to. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.191 ; 39, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials. Every description of Printing done Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.158. Also recorded c.1845 at 29, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 38 ; c.1844 at 80, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.169.

London. Bishop. Fl. 18--.Printer.Dock Street, Rosemary Lane. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.152.

London. Blare, J. Fl. 1692. Ballad seller. on London-Bridge. JR R150649/R4.

London. Burdett, J. T. Fl. 1855. Printer. Smithfield NLW Johnson G405 ; 150 and 151, St. John Street, Smithfield, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 14.

London. Bysh, J. Fl. 1825. Printer. 8, Cloth Fair DRO Chapbooks 3/02 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 1.

London. Carpue, Junr. printer,. Fl. 1835. Printer. 3 Old Montague St DRO Broadsides/044 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1.

London. Carpue.. Fl. 1833/38. Printer.Old Montague-str Osborn-street, Whitechapel. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.122.

London. Catnach, James. Fl. 1813/41. Printer.Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. The name is normally given as J. Catnach, sometimes simply as Catnach. The address is 2 Monmouth Court from 1813 to 1832, then 2 and 3 Monmouth Court from 1833 to 1841. Ballads are rarely dated and variant styles of adress are a poor guide to dating. The following forms can be found: Monmouth Court. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.372 ; Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.447 ; Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury (rare). BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.206 ; 2, Monmouth-court. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 82 ; 2, Monmouth-Court, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.244 ; 2, Monmouth-court, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.386.

The following additional information can be found for this address: Battledores and Primers sold Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.377 ; Battledores, Primers, &c. Sold very Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 15 ; Battledores, Primers, &c. Sold Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.360 ; Battledores, Primers, &c. Sold very Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.344 ; Battledores, &c. sold Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.448 ; Battledores, Lotteries, and Primers, sold cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.178 ; Bills, cards, etc Printed on very Reasonable Terms. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.290 ; Cards Printed Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.388 ; Cards and Handbills Printed Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.372 ; Cards and Handbills Printed very Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.379 ; Cards, Bills, &c. Printed Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.400 ; Cards, Bills, &c. Printed very Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 5 ; Cards, Handbills, &c. Printed very cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.305 ; Childrens Books, Primmers, Battledoers [sic], great variety. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.269 ; Country Shops supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.110 ; Just Published…An assortment of Halfpenny Books, Letter[?]s and Battledores, ornamented with beautiful Cuts. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 87 ; Just Published - a Variety of the most popular Songs of the day, set to Music, for the Voice, Violin, and German flute --- the Cheapest Publications ever offered to the Public. […]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 35 ; New Christmas Carols, sold very Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.229 ; Primers and Battledores sold Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.314 ; Shops and Travellers supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.252 ; Travellers and Shopkeepers Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.292 ; Travellers and Country Shops supplied Very Cheap. Cards, and Handbills Printed on Moderate Terms. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.366 ; Travellers and Country Shops supplied with Sheet Hymns, ornamented with Engravings, superior to any of the kind in England [...]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.401 ; Travellers and shopkeepers supplied with Sheet Hymn Patters, and Slip Songs as CHEAP and Good as any Shop in London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 90 ; Where may be had a large and elegant assortment of Sheets, ornamented with Cuts, the finest of the kind in England; also, Patters, Slips, Sheet Songs, Lotteries. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.387 ; Where Shopkeepers may be supplied with the largest assortment of Sheets, Half-sheets, Slips, Children's Books, &c., in the kingdom. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 90 ; where travellers may be supplied with such a variety of Sheets, ornamented with Cuts, as cannot be equalled in England, either for Beauty or Cheapness. Cards, Bills, &c. Printed Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.284.

For 2 Monmouth Court the following names are found on imprints. They are arranged by the name of the first person listed, followed by the others in alphabetical order: T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent and Bennett, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.180 ; Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent; Bennet, & Boyse, Brighton; Marshall, Bristol, &c. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 13 ; Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent; Bennett & Boyes, Brighton; Marshall, Bristol, &c. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.323 ; Battledores, Primers, &c. Sold very Cheap. Sold by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent, Bennett, Brighton, and Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.461 ; with Bennett, Brighton, and Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 12 ; with Bennett Edward-street, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.411 ; with Boyse, Brighton; Marshall, Bristol; Price, St. Clements: Sharman, Cambridge; Inkpen, Lewes, &c. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.364 ; with W. Marshall, Bristol; Bennett Brighton and R. Harris, Salisbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 63 ; with Marshall, Bristol; Boyse, Brighton, and Price, St. Clement's. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.451 ; with W. Marshall, Bristol and R. Harris, Salisbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.105 ; with Price, St. Clements. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.227 ; with Sharman Cambridge. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.456 ; with J. Sharman, Cambridge; and Bennett, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.322 ; with Sharman, Cambridge; Bennett, Brighton, & by Shatford, Cirencester, and J. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.324.

Bennett, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.404 ; with T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.313 ; with Boyes, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.410 ; Bennet, Edward-street, Brighton, and J. Peirce, Southborough. W. Marshall, Lawrence-Hill, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.417 ; with Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.393 ; Cards, &c. Printed Cheap. Bennett, Edward-street, Brighton, and J. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.381 ; Cards, &c. Printed Cheap. Country Shops and Travellers supplied. Sold by Bennett, Edward-street, Brighton, and Pierce Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 24 ; Children's Books, Primers and Battledores. Sold by Bennett, Edward-street, Brighton, and J. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.401 ; Just Published a variety of Beautiful Battledores. Bennett, Edward-street, Brighton and J. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 63.

Boyes, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.411.

E. Butterworth, Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.328.

Marshall, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 38 ; W. Marshall, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 5 ; Wm. Marshall, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.284 ; Shops supplied very cheap. W. Marshall, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.301 ; W. Marshall, Bristol. Battledores, Primers, Lotteries, &c. Sold Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.186 ; W. Marshall, Bristol. Printed and Sold Wholesale and Retail. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo.152 ; W. Marshall, Lawrence Hill, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 39 ; W. Marshall, Lawrence-Hill, Bristol. Cards and handbills Printed very Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.318.

Marshall, Bristol; also, by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 25 ; W. Marshall, Bristol; T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent; Bennett, & Boyes, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo.100 ; Battledores, Primers, &c. Sold very cheap. Sold by W. Marshall, Bristol; also by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney-Road Crescent, J. Pierce. Southborough; Bennett, and Boyse, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.413 ; W. Marshall, Bristol; T.Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent; Bennett, & Moyes, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.275 ;W. Marshall, Bristol; T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent ; Mrs Boyse, Brighton; Sharman, Cambridge; and Mrs Price, St. Clements, Oxford. J.Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.293 ; W. Marshall, Bristol; T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent; Mrs. Boyes, Market-street, Brighton; and Shatford, Cirencester. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.394 ; Marshall, Bristol; also, by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent. Battledores, Lotteries, and Primers, sold Cheap. Marshall, Bristol, and Hook, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 26 ; Marshall, Bristol; Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent; J. Sharman, Cambridge; Pierce, Southborough ; Boyes, and Bennett, Brighton; & R.Harris, Salisbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.280 ; Battledores, Primers, &c. sold very cheap. Sold by W. Marshall, Bristol; also by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent. Sold by Bennet, Brighton, and Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 97 ; Battledores, Primers, &c. sold very cheap. W. Marshall, Bristol; T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent; and Mrs. Boyse, Market-street, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.458.

W. Marshall, Bristol. Bennett, Edward-street, Brighton; & J. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.397.

Marshall, Bristol, & Hook, Brighton. Primers & Battledores sold Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.378.

Marshall, Bristol; Inkpen, Lewes: Mrs Boyse, Brighton: Bining, Gloucester: Sharman, Cambridge: Burgess, Battle; Bennett, Brighton; Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent, and J.Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.377 ; Marshall, Bristol; Inkpen, Lewes; T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent; Boyse, and Bennett, Brighton; & Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.250 ; W.Marshall, Bristol. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 78 ; W. Marshall, Bookseller, Bristol, and Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.161 ; W. Marshall, Bristol. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.452.

Marshall, Bristol, & James Sharman, Cambridge. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 1.

Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 35 ; J. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.300 ; Battledores, Primers, &c. Sold very Cheap. J. Pierce, Southborough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.382 ; Pierce, Southborough ; and Bennett, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 85 ; Pierce, Southborough; Bennett, Brighton; and Sharman, Cambridge. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.368 ; Pierce, Southborough; and by Marshall, Lawrence-Hill, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.275.

J. Sharman, Cambridge. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.373 ; Travellers and Country Shops supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.405 ; with Bennett, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.262 ; with Bennett, Brighton; and R. Harris, Salisbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.319 ; with Boyes, Brighton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.397.

Wigens, 14, King's Mead Square, Bath, and Taylor, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.271.

Willy, Cheltenham; and Taylor, Redcliffe Street, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.129

For 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials (e.g. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.185) the folllowing additional information can be found: Cards, &c., Printed Cheap. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.209 ; Country Shops supplied on Reasonable Terms. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.8, fo. 9. There are many fewer names found on imprints: Mrs. Harvey, Sheffield-Park, Sheffield. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.227 ; I. Hillatt, 23, Goodman's-yard, Minories. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.429 ; Harris, Salisbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 58.

Taylor, Bristol. Just Published - a Variety of Children's Books, Battledores, Lotteries, and a quantity of popular Songs set to Music. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.383. Travellers and Shopkeepers supplied with Sheet Hymns Patters, and Slip Songs as Cheap and Good as any Shop in London. W. Marshall, Bristol. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.4, fo.385.

London. Clarke, John. Fl. 1680. Printers. With Fra. Coles, Tho. Vere, Io. Wright and Io. Clarke. JR R150649/R1.

London. Cleugh, A. Fl. 1810 Ballad seller. Printed by G. Auld DRO Ballads 5/17 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 14.

London. Coles, Francis. Fl. 1680. Printers. With Fra. Coles, Tho. Vere, Io. Wright and Io. Clarke. JR R150649/R1.

London. Cowper, E. Fl. 1820. Printer. With A. Applegath DRO Broadsides/006 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1.

London. Croom, George. Fl. 1685. Printer. JR R150649/R2.

London. Curtis, A.. Fl. 1857. Printer and ballad publisher.27, Union Street, Spitalfields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.183.

London. D'Almaine & Co.,. Fl. 18--? Printer. New Bond Street. JR R150649/248.

London. Dicey, Cluer. Fl. 1750?. Printer. Aldermary-Church Yard. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.228.

London. Dicey, W. Fl. 1740?. Printer. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.241.

London. Dicey, W. and C. Fl. 1736/63. Printer and ballad seller.sold at the printing-office in Bow-Church-yard, London. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.129.

London. Disley, Henry. Fl. 1859/83. Printer. Name also given as Disley or H. Disley. 57, High Street, St. Giles, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.113 ; 57, High Street, St. Giles, London. - W.C. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 59 ; 57, High Street, St. Giles. - W. C. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.157 ; Disley, High Street, Bloomsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo.109 ; Disley, High-street, St. Giles. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo.106 London. Doe, John and Roe, Richard. Fl. 1820. Printers. Fictitious DRO Broadsides/001 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1.

London. Duff and Hodgson. Fl. 1839/46. Printer. 45 Oxford St. JR R150649/009.

London. Duncombe. Fl. 1830/45. Printer and publisher. 19 Little Queen Street DRO Ballads 2/06 ; Mf 4.1.2 fiche 1 ; Holborn DRO Ballads 7/05 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 5.

London. Evans, John. Fl. 1791-1810. Printer and ballad seller.Name given as Evans, J. Evans or John Evans. London. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.204; Long Lane. JR R150649/108 ; Long-lane, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.230 ; 41, Long-Lane. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.220 ; No. 41 Long-Lane, London. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.296 ; No. 41, Long-lane, West-Smithfield, London. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 59 ; London. Evans, John. Fl. 1810. Printer. 42, Long Lane DRO Ballads 5/13 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 12 ; 42, Long-Lane. Printed in April 1794. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.189.

London. Evans, J. & C. Fl. 1825. Printer. Long-lane DRO Broadsides/007 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1.

London. Fairburn, John. Fl. 1808/15. Printer and publisher. 146, Minories DRO Ballads 4/01 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 1.

London. Faithful. Fl. 18--.Printer. London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.156.

London. Fortey, S,. Fl. 1886/90. Printer and ballad publisher. Wholesale Juvenile Book Warehouse4, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials, W. C. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 60. Error for W. S. Fortey?.

London. Fortey, W. S.. Fl. 1856/85. Printer & Publisher. Name given as Fortey, W. Fortey or W. S. Fortey or occasionally S. Fortey. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 64 ; 2 & 3, Monmouth Court,Seven Dials W. C.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.166 ; Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.233 ; Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury, W.C. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.194 ; 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 53 (this address 1856-1885). The style can be found as: W. Fortey (late A. Ryle) Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.111 ; Printed at the Catnach Press. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 79 ; Printed at the Catnach Press, by W. Fortey, (late A. Ryle & Co.) BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 24. The following descriptions are found from 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials: Steam Printer. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.212 ; General Steam Printer and Publisher. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.241 ; Steam Printer & Publisher. Seven Dials, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 62. Fuller information includes: Seven Dials, London. The Oldest and Cheapest House in the World for Ballads, Song Books, Children's Books, &c., &c. Printed at the 'Catnach Press' (Est. 1813.). BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.170 ; 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. The Oldest and Cheapest House in the World for Ballads, Children's Books, Song Books, &c., &c. Printed at the Catnach Press. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.221 ; 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. (established 1813.) The Oldest and Cheapest House in the World for Ballads, (4,000 sorts) Song Books, &c. (late A. Ryle). Printed at the Catnach Press. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 24 ; 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. The oldest and Cheapest House in the World for Ballads (4,000 sorts), Children's Books, Song Books, &c. Printed at the Catnach Press. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 80 (this text sometimes found cropped, e.g. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.190 ; BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.247. 4, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials, W. C. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 65 (this address found 1886-1890), descriptions from this address include: Steam Printer & Publisher. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 72 ; Steam Printer, Publisher and Wholesale Stationer. Est 1813. The greatest variety of every article connected with the Trade kept in Stock. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 68.

London. Glindon, W. Fl. 1814. Printer. Rupert Street DRO Ballads 4/08 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 5.

London. Green, G. Fl. 1850. Bookseller. 27, Featherstone St DRO Broadsides/046 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2.

London? Hamilton, A. Junr. Fl. 1775. Near St John's Gate. JR R150649/N2.

London. Heywood. John. Fl. 1880/90. Printer. Also in Manchester DRO Chapbooks 3/12 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 9.

London. Hill, J. Fl. 1836/39?. Printer. (late Taylor) 14, Waterloo-road, Country orders promptly executed. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 28 ; (late Taylor) wholesale and retail, 14 Waterloo Road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.205 ; 14, Waterloo Road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.215. Name also found as Hill, e.g. Hill (late Taylor) 14, Waterloo Road, Where all the New and most Popular Songs may be had. Martin, 14, Little Prescott-street, Minories. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.215.

London. Hillatt & Martin. Fl. 1837/38. Printers. 13, Little Prescot Street, Goodman's Fields. Shops and Travellers supplied with Children's Primers and Story-Books, Song-Books, Sheet Songs, Patters, and Slips, ornamented with Engravings, [...]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 99.

London. Hillatt, John. Fl. 1833/41.Printer and ballad publisher.23 Goodman's Yard, Minories. - Country Dealers SuppliedBL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo.103. Sold publications of J. Catnach.

London. Hodges, E. Fl. 1844-1861. Printer, Wholesale Song Mart, Toy and Marble Warehouse. from Pitt's Toy & Marble Warehouse 31, Monmouth Street, 7 Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.167.This address used 1844-1845 when Monmouth Street was renamed. (from I. Pitts,) 31, Dudley Street, late Monmouth Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 77 ; from Pitts' Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, 7 Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.225 This address used 1846-1854. Sometimes the address is obscured. E.g. (from Pitt's), wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, 31, [deleted] Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.206. 26 Grafton Street, Soho. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.190. This address used 1854-1861.

The name is given as E. Hodges or Hodges. Earlier forms of the imprint include: (from Pitts) or late Pitts.

Forms of trade include: Printer and wholesale toy and marble warehouse ; (from Pitts') Wholesale toy and Marble Warehouse 31, Dudley Street Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.187 ; Printer. (from Pitt's), wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 71 ; Wholesale Toy Warehouse. (from I. Pitt's), 31, Dudley Street, Seven-dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.213 ; Wholesale toy and marble warehouse. from Pitts, Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 31, [deleted] 7 Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.205 ; Song Mart, and Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse. (from Pitt's), 3[1, Monmouth] Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.209 ; Wholesale Song Mart, Toy and Marble Warehouse. (From Pitt,s), 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.116.

Additional information includes from 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials: A variety of New Songs. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.223; N.B. - A large collection of new and old Songs. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.198 ; A variety of New Songs. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.243 ; A large Collection of Songs. (from I.Pitt's) Wholesale Toy Warehouse,. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.198 ; where Two or Three New Songs are published every week. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 76 ; Children's books of every description. from Pitt's Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 58. From 31, Dudley Street, late Monmouth Street Seven Dials. Where may be had a great Variety of Old and New Songs always ready. Country Orders sent to any part of the World. From 26, Grafton Street, Soho, --- Childrens Books, &c. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 4 ; The Greatest Collection of Old and New Songs in the world. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.233; Where upwards of a 100,000 Songs are constantly on sale. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.229; Country Orders sent to any part of the World. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.248 ; Where the largest collection of Songs are to be had. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.204 BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.224.

London. Innes, J. Fl. 1817/51. Printer. JR R150649/163 ; 61, Wells Street, Oxford Street DRO Ballads 2/13 ; Mf 4.1.2 fiche 8.

London. Jennings. Fl. 1802/09. Printer and ballad seller.Water Lane. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.181 ; Water Lane, Fleet Street. JR R150649/059 ; Water Lane, Whitefriars. JR R150649/114 ; 13 Water lane. JR R150649/066 ; 15 Water Lane. JR R150649/125 ; 21 Water Lane. JR R150649/115.

London. Laurie and Whittle,. Fl. 18--.Ballad publisher. [no. 53,] Fleet Street, London. Publish'd June 4 1806. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 53 ; no. 53, Fleet Street, London. Published 1st March, 1808. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 38.

London. Lloyd, E. Fl. 1850. Publisher. 12, Salisbury-square DRO Ballads 5/11 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 12.

London. London Magazine. Fl. 1775. Printer. JR R150649/N1.

London. Lowndes, John. Fl. 1825. Bookseller. DRO Ballads 4/04 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 4 ; 36, Bow Street DRO Ballads 5/10 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 12.

London. Luckaway, John. Fl. 18--.Printer. Broad Street, Westminster. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.213.

London. March, R. and Co.,. Fl. 1890. Printer. St. James's Walk DRO Ballads 7/07 ; Mf 4.1.7 fiche 5-6 ; 18, St. James' Walk DRO Broadsides/167 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 5.

London. Marks, J. Fl. 1856?. Printer. 206, Brick Lane, Whitelchape[l] Wholesale Dealers and the Trade Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 19.

London. Marks, S. and Sons. Fl. 1860. Publisher. DRO Ballads 4/13 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 7.

London. Marshall, J. Fl. 1795/1796?. Ballad seller. (printer to the Cheap Repository for moral and religious tracts) No. 17, Queen street, Cheapside, and No. 4 Aldermary Church-yard, and R. White, Piccadilly, London. By S. Hazard, (printer to the Cheap Repository) at Bath…. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 1, 47 &53.

London. Marshall, J. and White, R. Fl. 1795-1800. Printers and ballad sellers. London. By S. Hazard, at Bath; and by all booksellers, newsmen, and hawkers in town and country. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 5 & 6 ; 17 Queen Street DRO Broadsides/041 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1.

London. Martin. Fl. 1836/39? Ballad seller. 14, Little Prescott-street, Minories. With Hill (late Taylor) 14, Waterloo Road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.215.

London. Martin and Hilliatt. Fl. 1832/39. Ballad sellers. 13, Little Prescott Street, Goodman's Fields. Sold works printed by G. Smeeton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 5.

London. Mitchelson, W. W. Fl. 1844/46. Printer and ballad publisher.51, Turnmill Street, near the Sessions House, Clerkenwell. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 60.

London. Mitchelson. Fl. 1844/46. Printer. 15, Brook Hill, Clerkenwell. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.143 ; 15, Brook Hill, Clerkenwell Green. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.196 ; Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 60.

London. Neesom. Fl. 1840/45. Ballad publisher. Wholesale song mart.93, Brick Lane, (near the Railway Arch) Where all the Leading Songs of the Day may be had, Song Books, Publications, Stationery, &c. - Hawkers and the Trade supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.235 ; 166, Brick Lane, Spitalfields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.243 ; 166, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, Shops and Hawkers supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 53.

London. Newton Wilson & Co. Fl. 18--.Ballad seller?Great Central Depot: 144, High Holborn, London. Branches: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dublin & Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.194.

London. Norris, T. Fl. 1720?. Ballad seller. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.213.

London. Park, A. Fl. 1840. Publisher. 47, Leonard Street DRO Broadsides/055 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2.

London. Pattie, James. Fl. 1850. Printer. 4, Queen's Head Passage DRO Ballads 6/39 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 9 ; Christopher Court DRO Ballads 6/28 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 6 ; 31, Paternoster Row DRO Ballads 6/43 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 11 ; Shoe Lane DRO Ballads 6/29 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 6.

London. Paul, C.. Fl. 1845?. Printer.18, Great Saint Andrew street, Broad Street, Bloomsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 43 ; 18, Great Saint Andrew-street, 7 Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 73. House number not always given.

London. Paul, H.. Fl. 1840/45. Printer. 22, Brick Lane Spitalfields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.167. Name also given without initial.

London. Paul, James. & Co.. Fl. 1841/45. Printers. 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.212 ; 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, where upwards of 5000 different sorts of ballads are continually on sale, together with 40 new penny, and 60 new half-penny song books.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.200 ; 2 & 3, Monmouth [Street] Seven Dials. Sold also at 35, Hanover Street, Portsea. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 65 ; 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, and 35, Hanover Street, Portsea; where upwards of 4000 different sorts of ballads are continually on sale, together with 50 new penny song books. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.212. Names often given as Paul and Co. or J. Paul and Co.

London. Paul. Fl. 1841/51. Printer. 18, Great Saint Andrew Street, Bloomsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 73 ; 18, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.132 ; Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 41.

London. Perks, W. Fl. 1820. Publisher. 21, St. Martin's La DRO Chapbooks 3/01 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 1.

London. Pigott, Charles. Fl. 1825?. Printer.52, Compton Street, Clerkenwell, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.129. Name also given as C. Piggott..

London. Pigott, G.. Fl. 1803/30. Printer. Old-Street. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.245 ; 60, Old Street, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.245. Name often given without initial.

London. Pitts, J. Fl. 1802/44. Printer and ballad seller.14 Great Andrew-street seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.161 This address found 1802-1819. At first he had items printed for him: 14 Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials ; Mantz, Finsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 65. Sometimes prices are given: 14, Great St, Andrew Street, 7 Dials, Price One Penny. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 72 ; 14, Great St. Andrew-street, Seven Dials. - Price-Three-Halfpence. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 65. Towards the end of this period he used the archaic long s: 14, Great st. Andrew ftreet 7 Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.165 From 1820-1844 he moved to 6 Great Saint Andrew Street and described his premises as: Printer. Wholesale Toy & Marble Warehouse 6 Great st Andrew street 7 dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 95. Additional information from this address includes: the Original shop for the greatest collection of sheets, half sheets, quarto sheets patters, collections of all sorts childrens books &c being the cheapest ... in the Kingdom. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 60. The name is sometimes given as Pitts, sometimes as J. Pitts. The house number is not always given and punctuation is very erratic. The imprint is sometimes partially erased. With C.Sheppard, Lambert Hill Doctors Commons. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 4. A rare dated item: No. 14 Great St. Andrew Street Seven Dials. Published Feby 15 1812 . BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.123.

London. Powell, John. Fl. 1850.Printer. 10, Old Montag[ue] Street, Whitechapel, The Trade Supplied at the lowest prices. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.148 London. Printing office at no 4, Aldermary Church Yard. Fl. 1775/95. Printer and ballad seller. Printed and sold no 4, Aldermary Church Yard. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.178.

London. Printing Office at No. 19 Air-Street, Piccadilly. Fl. 18--.Printer and ballad seller.Printed and sold at No. 19 Air-Street, Piccadilly. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 96.

London. Printing office at no. 50, Bishopsgate within. Fl. 1800?. Printer and ballad seller.Printed and sold at no. 50, Bishopsgate within. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 38.

London. Printing office in Aldermary Church Yard, Bow Lane, London. Fl. 1750/60. Printer and ballad seller.Printed and sold in Aldermary Church Yard Bow Lane, London. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 20. ; Printed and sold in Aldermary Church Yard, London. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.231.

London. Printing office in Bow-Church-Yard. Fl. 1750/1760. Printer and ballad seller.Printed and sold Bow-Church-Yard. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.171 ; Printed and solda t [sic] the printiinng-offic [sic] Bow-Church-yard, Lendon. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.190.

London. Printing office in Grub-Street [fictitious]. Fl. 1740/1750. Printer and ballad seller.Printed and sold in Grub-Street. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 15 ; Printed at the office in Grubstreet. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.230.

London. Printing office in Stonecutter-Street, Fleet-Market. Fl. 1765?. Printer and ballad seller.Printed and sold, in Stonecutter-Street, Fleet-Market. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.114.

London. Printing office in Water-Lane, Fleet street. Fl. 18--.Water-Lane, Fleet street. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.148.

London. Quick, J. V. Fl. 1823-1851.Printer and ballad publisher.36, Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 57 ; 42, Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell; and 43, Fashion Street, Spitalfields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.214. The following addresses recorded 1842: Quick, Printer, 42, Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell; Little Paternoster Row, Spitalfields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.208.

London. Reynell and White. Fl. 1854. Printers. 16, Little Pulteney St. DRO Broadsides/094 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2.

London? Reynolds, R. Fl. 1845. Printer. JR R150649/103.

London. Rhynd, Mary. Fl. 1804. Printer. , 21, Ray Street, Clerkenwell. DRO Ballads 2/09 ; Mf 4.1.2 fiche 4 ; for C. Sheppard DRO Ballads 3/04 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 3.

London. Riall & Co. Fl. 18--.Printers. 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo.121. See Ryle and Co.

London. Roberts, T. H. and Co. Fl. 1875/80. Printer. Fleet Street DRO Chapbooks 2/12 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 12 ; 52, Fleet Street DRO Chapbooks 2/13 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 13 ; Essex Street DRO Chapbooks 3/08 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 5.

London. Rock and Co. Fl. 18--.Tea dealer.Rock & Co.'s unrivalled Mixture of seven of the choicest Teas that can be had, 5s. 64, Hackney road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.223.

London. Romney, T. Fl. 1808. Printer. Lambeth. DRO Ballads 5/02 ; Mf 4.1.5 fiche 3.

London. Routledge, Warne, and Routledge. Fl. 1861. Printers. DRO Broadsides/148 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 3.

London. Ryle and Co. Fl. 1839/59. Printers. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.199 ; 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo.115 ; 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Ditols, [sic] and 35, Hanover Street Portsea; where upwards of 4000 [4 inverted] sorts of ballads are continually on sale, together with 50 new penny song books. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.208 ; 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, and 35, Hanover-street, Portsea, where upwards of 5000 different sorts of ballads are continually on sale, together with 40 new penny, and 60 new halfpenny song books. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo.118. House numbers not always given. Printer's name sometimes deleted, e.g. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, where upwards of 5000 different sorts of ballads are continually on sale, together with 40 new penny, and 60 new halfpenny, songbooks. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.233.

London. Ryle, A. and Co. Fl. 1839/59. Printers. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.234 ; 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo.112.

London. Ryle and Paul. Fl. 1845. Printer. 2 & 3, Monmouth Court DRO Ballads 6/17 ; Mf 4.1.6 fiche 4.

London. Rylean. Fl. 1839/59. Printers. 2 and 3 Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.196. See Ryle and Co.

London. S., J. Fl. 1684. Bookseller. JR R150649/006.

London. Sharp, J.. Fl. 1834/50. Printer and ballad seller. 30, Kent Street, Borough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 89 ; 30, Kent Street, Borough, where Hawkers and others can be supplied at the lowest Wholesale Prices. Letter-Press and Copper-Plate Printing done on the shortest Notice. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 96. Name often given as Sharp without initial. Other information given: Songs Wholesale and Retail. Cards Printed at 1s, per 100, Hand-bills 4s. Per 1000. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.237 ; where every description of Printing is neatly executed, and all the cheap and useful publications may be had, -. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 66 ; Country Dealers and Hawkers Supplied with Childrens' Story-Books, Primers, Street-Songs, Song-Books, Salte-Books, […] Patters and Slips, Ornamented with Engravings - The Greatest Variety in London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.239.

London. Sheard, Charles and Co. Fl. 18--.Music publisher.182, High Holborn, W. C. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.207.

London. Sheppard, C. Fl. 1804. Ballad seller. Mary Rhynd, printer DRO Ballads 3/04 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 3.

London. Smeeton,. Fl. 18--.Printer. 74, Tooley Street. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.234.

London. Smeeton, G.. Fl. 1832/39. Printer. 74, Tooley Street. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 5 ; and sold also by Martin and Hilliatt, 13, Little Prescott Street, Goodman's Fields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 5.

London. Squire, R. H. Fl. 1880. Printer. 52, Fleet Street DRO Chapbooks 2/14 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 14.

London. Stonecutter Street Printing Office. Fl. 1765?.Printer. Stonecutter Street, Fleet-Market, where Country Dealers, &c. may be supplied with the newest sorts of Collections, Histories, Patters, Old Ballads, Slips, &c. . BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 1 London. Stych, W. J. Fl. 1840. Printer. 25, White-horse Alley DRO Broadsides/058 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2.

London. Such, H. P. Fl. 1850/1917. Machine Printer and publisher.123 Union Street, Borough, London (or: Boro' or: Boro' - S.E.) 1850-1862 ; 123, Union Street, Boro' - S. E. and at 83, Upper White Cross-street, St. Luke's. 1860/62? ; 122, Union Street, Borough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo. 51, perhaps an error ; 177 (late 123), Union steet, Borough (or: Boro.' - S. E) 1863-1865? ; 177, (late 123), Union Street, Boro'. - S. E and W. Watts at 83 White Cross-st, St. Luke's 1863-65? ; 177 Union Street, Borough (or: Boro.' - S. E) 1863-1885 ; 177, Union-st, Boro', and at 83, White Cross-st, St. Luke's. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 61 ; 177, Union Street, Borough. - S. E. And at 5, Back Church Lane, Cable-St, St. George's East. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.147 ; 183 Union Street, Boro'. - S. E 1886-1907 ; 183-185 Union Street 1908-1917.

The name appears as Such, H. Such or H. P. Such. Such is probably among the earliest form of imprint, typically in the form: Printed and Published at Such's Song Mart, 123, Union Street, Borough, London. Country Dealers Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 28. H. P. Such is normally a later form, being found only at 177 Union Street but also as: 177 (late 123), Union street, Boro.' - S. E. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 97. H. Such was used throughout his career.

The trade can appear as: Printer. 123, Union Street, Boro', London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo. 16 ; 177, Union Street, Boro. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.242 ; 183, Union Street, Borough. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.115 ; as printer and newsvender. 123, Union Street, Borough, London ; as printer and publisher. 123, Union Street, Boro' - , S. E. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.193 ; 123, Union Street, Boro'-S.E., and at 83, White Cross-st, St. Luke's. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.105 ; 177 (late 123), Union steet, Boro' - S. E. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.153 ; 177 (late 123), Union Street, Boro'. - S. E and W. Watts at 83 White Cross-st, St. Luke's. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.127 ; 177, Union Street, Boro' - S. E. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.150 ; 183, Union-st., Boro', S. E.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.129 ; as printer and song Publisher.177, Union Street, Boro'. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.123 ; as printer and Song mart. 123, Union Street, Boro' - S. E.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 76 ; 123, Union Street, Boro' - S. E. and at 83, Upper White Cross-street, St. Luke's. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 64 ; 177, (late 123,) Union Street, Boro' - S.E. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.118 ; as machine Printer. 177, Union Street. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.204 ; as machine Printer and Publisher. 177, Union Street, Boro' S.E.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo. 15 ; 183, Union Street, Boro', S. E.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.145 ; as Machine and General Printer. 177, Union Street, Borough, S. E.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.146 ; as Machine Printer and song publisher.177, Union Street, Boro'. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.145 ; as Steam Printer. 183, Union Street, Boro', S. E. [etc]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.180 ; as Champion Song Printer. Union Street, Boro', S E. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.100.

Additional information can be found at 123, Union St, Boro'-S.E. Country orders punctually attended to. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo. 98 ; Established 1846. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.116 ; The oldest Established Song Warehouse in England. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 14 ; Printed and Published at Such's Song Mart, [...] Country Dealers Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 28 ; Hawkers supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo. 18 ; Hawkers & Country Dealers Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo. 35 ; Hawkers & The Trade Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 3 ; Hawkers, Country Dealers, and the Trade, Supplied on the lowest terms. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo. 39 ; The Trade Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo. 21 ; from 177, Union Street, Boro'-S.E (Established 1845). BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.123 ; Hawkers supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 11.

London. Sympson. Fl. 1765/75?. Printer and ballad seller. Warehouse. Printed and sold at Sympson’s warehouse, in Stouecutter-Street [sic], Fleet-Market. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.271 ; printed and sold at Sympsons’ Warehouse. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.118 ; Name not given: Printed and sold in Stonecutter Street, Fleet-market. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.132.

London. Taylor & Smith. Fl. 1878/84. Machine printers. Brick Lane, Bethnal Green. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.229 ; 92 & 93, Brick Lane. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.207 ; 92 & 93, Brick Lane, Bethnal Green. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo. 4.

London. Taylor, E. Fl. 18--.Printer. 67, Steelhouse lane. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.156.

London. Taylor, H.. Fl. 1833/36?. Printer. 14, Waterloo Road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.254 ; 14, Waterloo Road, Lambeth, near the Victoria Theatre. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.254.

London. Taylor, I. Fl. 1775. Bookseller. Holborn DRO Broadsides/053 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 2.

London. Taylor, W. Fl. 1831/32?. Printer. 16, Waterloo Road. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.263 ; 16, Waterloo Road, near the Coburg. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.259. Recorded at this address c.1831/32. Additional information for this address: Travellers supplied, and Country Orders punctually attended to. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.220 ; wholesale and retail. Travellers supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.263. Recorded at the following address c.1833/36: 14, Waterloo Road, London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.262. Additional information for this address: Lambeth. Shopkeepers supplied. Country Orders attended to.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.226 ; Lambeth. A choice Collection of New, Colored Valentines, at 1d. each now on sale. [with] Martin, 13, Little Prescot Street, Goodman's Fields, Minories. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.257 ; Lambeth. Where all the New and most popular Songs may be had. [with] Martin, 13, Little Prescott-street, Minories. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.257 ; near the Victoria Theatre. Lambeth. London. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.255 ; New Cut. Country Orders punctually attended to. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.253 ; New-cut. A choice Collection of the Newest Songs always on sale. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.256 ; 14 Waterloo Road, Lambeth. Where all the Newest and most popular Songs are on sale Shops supplied and Country Orders punctually attended to. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.130.

London. Taylor. Fl. 1858/77. Printer and ballad publisher, song mart. Brick Lane, Bethnal Green. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.231 ; Brick Lane, Spitalfields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.226 ; Song mart. Brick Lane, Bethnal Green. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.202 ; 92, Brick Lane, Spitalfields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.223 ; 92, Brick Lane, Bethnal Green. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.255 ; Song mart; 93, Brick Lane, (near the Railway Arch) Bethnal Green, Hawkers' and the Trade Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.201 ; 92 & 93, Brick Lane, Bethnal Green. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.185 ; 92 & 93, Brick Lane, Spitalfields. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.202 ; 92, & 93, Brick Lane, Whitechapel. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.5, fo.229. Additional information from 92 & 93, Brick Lane: Shops Supplied Cheaper than any House in the Trade. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.167 ; Hawkers' and the Trade Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.173 ; Hawkers Supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.230 ; Shops supplied. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.2, fo.236. From 93, Brick Lane, Spitalfields Near the Railway Arch: Where a Large Collection of Old and New Songs Publications &c., can be had as soon as Published. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.201.

London. Temple of Fortune. Fl. 1795. Printer. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.291.

London. Thompson. Fl. 1800?. Printer. 21, Upper East-Smithfield. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 42.

London. Times. Fl. 18--? Newspaper JR R150649/090.

London. True Briton. Fl. 1821. Newspaper JR R150649/005.

London. Vere, Thomas. Fl. 1680. Printers. With Fra. Coles, Tho. Vere, Io. Wright and Io. Clarke. JR R150649/R1.

London. Walwyn, R. Fl. 1827? Printer. DRO Ballads 4/10 ; Mf 4.1.4 fiche 6.

London. Wilkie, John. Fl. 1760? Printer. With R. Baldwin LEW 11.

London. Wright, John. Fl. 1680. Printers. With Fra. Coles, Tho. Vere, Io. Wright and Io. Clarke. JR R150649/R1.

Louth. Hurton,. Fl. 18--.Printer. Louth. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.165.

Manchester. At the Black-Moor's Head, Old Church Yard. Fl. 1812. Printer. JR R150649/083.

Manchester. Bebbington, J. Fl. 1858/61. Printer. 31, Old [obscure]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.136.

Manchester. Bebbington, John O.. Fl. 1858/61. Printer and ballad seller. 22, Goulden-st, Oldham Road Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.171 ; 22, Goulden-street, Oldham Road, Manchester. Printed and Sold Wholesale and Retail. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 6.

Manchester. Bebbington, John. Fl. 1858/61. Printer. 31, Oldham Road, Manchester, J.Beaumont, 176, York Street, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 51 ; Names and Goulden Goulden-st, Oldham Road address deleted: BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 25.

Manchester. Bebbington. Fl. 1850-1861. Printer.22, Goulden St., Oldham-road Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 35 ; 22, Goulden St. Oldham Road Manchester, and sold by H. Andrews, 27, St. Peter Street, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 49. 22 Goulden Street address used 1850-1855. 26, Goulden-st., Oldham-road Manchester; H. Andrews, 27, St. Peter-street, and J. Beaumont, 127, York-st., Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 44. 26 Goulden Street address used 1855-1858.

Manchester. Bebbington. Fl. 1858/61. Printer.31, Oldham Road, Manchester, John Beaumont, 176, York-street, Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 98. Address used 1858-1861. Some 26, Goulden Street imprints erased, including: sold by J. Beaumont, 176, York St., Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 89.

Manchester. Bremner, W. Fl. 1855. Printer. NLW Johnson G200.

Manchester. Butterworth, E. . Fl. 1825-1836. Ballad printer or seller. Probably Edward Butterworth, druggist, 412, Old Ham Road 1828 directory. "Travellers and Shops Supplied.". Agent for James Catnach c. 1825-1833. Broadsides in Madden 10. COPAC one item c.1836. Sources:. Cambridge UL, Madden Coll. ; Not in BBTI ; COPAC

Manchester. Cadman, J.. Fl. 1850/55. Printer. Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 92 ; Gt. Ancoats, Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.102 ; 152, Great Ancoats Street, Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 99 ; 152, Great Ancoats St. Manchester, & H. Andrews, 27, St. Peter's St., Leeds. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 30 ; John Cadman, printer and wholesale stationer, 152, Great Ancoats Street, Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.278. Name sometimes given simply as Cadman, e.g.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 34.

Manchester. Hardern. Fl. 1830. Printer. JR R150649/250.

Manchester. Harrop. Fl. 1779. Printer. JR R150649/013.

Manchester. Heywood, John. Fl. 1850/80. Printer. NLW Johnson G299 ; Ridgefield DRO Chapbooks 3/13 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 10 ; With C. H. Johnson, Leeds. DRO Chapbooks 3/14 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 11 ; With J. Johnson, publisher, Leeds. DRO Chapbooks 3/10 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 7 ; Also in London DRO Chapbooks 3/12 ; Mf 4.3.3 fiche 9.

Manchester. Jacques, G. Fl. 18--.Printer and ballad seller. Oldham-rd., Manchester. Printed and sold Wholesale and retail. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 13 ; Oldham Road Library, Manchester. Printed and Sold Wholesale and Retail. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.199. Sometimes only surname given in imprints.

Manchester. Johnson. Fl. 1875. Printer. 115a, Kirkgate DRO Chapbooks 2/09 ; Mf 4.3.2 fiche 9.

Manchester. Knowles, S. Fl. 1872. Printer. NLW Johnson G338.

Manchester. Livsey, J. Fl. 18--.Printer and ballad sellerSold at 12, Whittle Street, Oldham-st Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.135 ; BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.128.

Manchester. Livsey. Fl. 18--.Song mart. 48, Hanover-st. Shudebil Manchestr. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.158.

Manchester. Pearson, T. Fl. 1850/99. Printer and stationer. Chadderton St., Oldham Rd Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.162 ; 6, Chadderton Street, Oldham Road, Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.113 ; 4 and 6, Chadderton Street, Oldham Road, Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.170 ; Machine printer &c. 4 and 6, Chadderton St. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.114.

Manchester. Pratt, W. Fl. 1840/60. Printer. 82, Digbeth. JR R150649/174.

Manchester. Shelmerdine, W. and J. Fl. 1798/1816. Printers. JR R150649/146.

Manchester. Swindells. Fl. 1800/53. Printer.Manchester. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.166 ;. JR R150649/206 ; NLW Johnson G260.

Manchester. Wheeler, J. Fl. 1845? Printer. NLW Johnson G296.

Manchester. Willis. Fl. 18--? Printer. JR R150649/219.

Manchester? Yates, Wm. Fl. 1818? Printer. JR R150649/007.

Monaghan. Gass, C. Fl. 1830? Printer. Dublin- St DRO Ballads 3/16 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 4.

Monaghan. Greacen, Nat. Fl. 1822. Printer and ballad seller. DRO Ballads 1/22 ; Mf 4.1.1 fiche 4.

Newark. Wells, J. Fl. 18--.Printer. Newark. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.106.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Dodds, M. S. Fl. 18--.Printer and ballad seller.Quayside, Newcastle. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 21.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Fordyce?. Fl. 18--.Printer and ballad seller.Dean Street, Newcastle, and at 43, Myton Gate, Hull. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 45.

Newcastle. Fordyce, W. and J. Fl. 1832/44. Printers. NLW Johnson G 52. Error for W. and T.?

Newcastle upon Tyne. Fordyce, W. and T. Fl. 1832/44.Printers and ballad sellers.Newcastle & Hull. To be had also of J. Whinham & Co. Scotch-st. Carlisle. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 16.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Marshall, J. Fl. 1810. Printer. DRO Ballads 3/17 ; Mf 4.1.3 fiche 4.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Ross, John. Fl. 1845/55. Printer. NLW Johnson G345.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Saint, T.. Fl. 1761/88. Printer and ballad sellerPilgrim-Street. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.117.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Walker, William R. Fl. 18--.Printer and ballad seller.Royal Arcade, Newcastle. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 39 ; Royal Arcade, Newcastle; may be had of Stewart, Carlisle. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 49.

Newcastle upon Tyne. White, John. Fl. 1711/69. Printer and ballad seller BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.130 ; Pilgrim-street. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 67 ; where chapmen and others may be furnished with small Books and Ballads. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.310 ; where Chapmen and others may be furnished with small Histories, Sermons. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo. 25.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Williamson, H.. Fl. 1850?. Ballad seller. Newcastle. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 35.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Williamson, W. H. Fl. 1851?. Ballad seller. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 38.

Newcastle upon Tyne. Williamson. Fl. 1850? Printer. Newcastle. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 27.

Northampton. Dicey, William. Fl. 1750? Printer. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.183.

Nottingham. Ordoyno. Fl. 18--. Printer. Nottingham. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.157.

Nottingham. Plant, J. Fl. 1831-1832. Printer. No 6, Clare Street. JR R150649/237.

Nottingham. Sutton. Fl. 1810. Newspaper printer. Nottingham Review Office DRO Ballads 2/08 ; Mf 4.1.2 fiche 3.

Oldham. Hayes, Thomas. Fl. 1852. Printer. NLW Johnson G482.

Otley. Walker, William.. Fl. 1820/55. Printer and ballad seller.Otley. Sold, Wholesale, by him, on liberal terms. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 13.

Oxford. Hallard, T. Fl. 18--. Printer.Oxford. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 52.

Oxford. Price. Fl. 1825-1832?. Ballad printer or seller. St. Clements (Oxford?) Sold publications of J. Catnach of London c.1825-1832 with T. Batchelar of London; W. Marshall of Bristol; Bennett and Boyes of Brighton and J. Sharman of Cambridge. 1 item in Bodleian ballads. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Not in BBTI or 1839 directory.

Perth. Mortson, R. Fl. 18--. Printer. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.250.

Plymouth. Printing Office on the Parade. Fl. 1765?. Printer and ballad seller. printed and sold at the Printing-Office on the Parade. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.267 ; printed and sold at the Printing-office, on the Parade, where may be had all Sorts of Old Ballads, Slips, &c. &c.. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.302.

Plymouth. Thomas. Fl. 1842?. Printer. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo. 67.

Portsmouth. Izzard, W. Fl. 1757?. Ballad sdeller. BL L.R.31.b.19, fo.177.

Preston. Harkness, John. Fl. 1841/77. Printer. Preston BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 53 ; Church-Street, Preston. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 99 ; 121, Church Street, Preston. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.174 ; 121, & 122, Church Street, Preston. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo.121 ; Church St., Preston, and, 18 Paradise St., Liverpool. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 83 ; 93, Park-road, Preston. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.166. The name appears variously as Harkness, J. Harkness and John Harkness.

Reading. Neale, J.. Fl. 1897. Steam printer. Valpy Street. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo. 97A.

Salisbury. Harris, R.. Fl. [s.a.]. Ballad printer or seller. Untraced. James Harris ran a circulating library in 1830. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London with other provincial distributors: J. Sharman of Cambridge; Bennett and Boyes of Brighton; T. Batchelar of London; W. Marshall of Bristol and J. Pierce of Southborough. 3 items in Bodleian ballads. Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Not in BBTI or COPAC.

Selby. Booth, W. Fl. 1818/28. Printer. JR R150649/080.

Sheffield. Ford & Cook. Fl. 18--.Printers. George st. Sheffield. F. Harvey, Park. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.164.

Sheffield. Ford, J. Fl. 18--? Printer. 7 Mill Lane, Bridge Street. JR R150649/N4.

Sheffield. Ford, W. Fl. 18--.Printer. York-st. Sheffield. F. Harvey, Park [MS: also Pitts]. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.1, fo.168.

Sheffield. Harvey, Maria, Mrs.. Fl. 1801-1835. Ballad printer or seller. Printer &c, 26 Broad St (1834) / Sheffield Park c.1835. Sold publications of J. Catnach after 1832 ; of J. Hatchard of London 1801-1820; also of Brettell and S. Gosnell. "Travellers and Shops Supplied." Broadsides in Madden 10 and 17. 15 items in Bodleian ballads Sources:. Bodleian, Allegro database ; Cambridge UL, Madden Coll. ; Not in COPAC. BBTI.

Sheffield. Sheffield Iris. Fl. 1846. Newspaper. JR R150649/088.

Shrewsbury. France, J. Fl. 1827/51. Printer. Mardol. JR R150649/213.

Southborough. Pierce, J. Fl. 1825-1833?. Ballad printer or seller. Sold publications of J. Catnach of London c. 1825-1833 with other provincial distributors: Bennett and Boyes of Brighton; W. Marshall of Bristol; T. Batchelar of London; J. Sharman of Cambridge J. Pierce of Southborough; W. Inkpen of Lewes and Shatford of Cirencester. 31 items in Bodleian ballads. Broadsides in Madden 10. Sources:. Cambridge UL, Madden Coll. ; Not in BBTI, COPAC or 1824 directory ; BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 83.

Stafford. Morgan. Fl. 18--. Printer. JR R150649/232.

Stockport. Jackson, E. Fl. 1863/85. Printer. 15, High Street, Stockport, & Such, H. 177, Union-st., Boro.' - S.E.. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.7, fo. 71.

Tamworth. Beard. Fl. 18--.Printer.Market St. Tamworth. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.216.

Taunton. Bishop. Fl. 18--.Printer. Taunton. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.1.2, fo. 67.

Tavistock. Chave, T.S. Fl. 1857. Printer. DRO Broadsides/033 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1.

Tavistock. Spencer, G. Fl. 1857. Printer, bookseller. DRO Broadsides/034 ; Mf 4.2 fiche 1.

Wirksworth. Cotes, G. Fl. 18--? Printer. JR R150649/223.

Wisbeach. Russel. Fl. 18--? Printer. and reprinted by James Plant, Derby. JR R150649/246.

Wolverhampton. Smart, J. Fl. 1767/1828. Printer. No 9, St John's Street. JR R150649/038.

Worcester. Grundy, J. Fl. 1790/1815. Ballad seller. Silver Street. JR R150649/018.

Wotton-under-Edge. Porter. Fl. 1818/19. Printer. Wotton-under-Edge. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.140.

Wrexham. Hughes,. Fl. 1832. Typ. JR R150649/089.

York. Carrall. Fl. 1822/34. Printer. Walmgate. JR R150649/112.

York. Croshaw, C. Fl. 1823/42. Printer. Pavement. JR R150649/119.

York. Dickinson, B. W. Fl. 1823/34. Ballad seller. High-Petergate. JR R150649/072.

York. Kendrew, J. Fl. 1803/38. Printer. JR R150649/069 ; Collier-gate. JR R150649/145.

York. Skelton, T. Fl. 18--.Printer. 64, Low Petergate, York. Hawkers supplied with small books. BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.6, fo.132.

Copyright © Ian Maxted 2013
This page last updated 7 October 2013