13 January 2013


Exeter Working Papers in Book History ; 15
The British book trades: topographical listings. Shropshire

This page is one of a series of county listings which are being developed to bring together biographical information relating to localities throughout the British Isles which is currently scattered in other sections of the Exeter Working papers. They are not intended as exhaustive listings. The main sources covered are bankruptcy notices 1731-1806, apprenticeships 1710-1777 and insurance policies 1775-1787. Other information is being added and entries amalgamated as information is available.

cLAVERLY, Shropshire

Falkner, John, papermaker, Claverly, Shropshire, 1759. Apprentice Jones, William, £6/06/00. IR/1/53, fo. 117.

Falkner, John, papermaker, Claverly, Shropshire, 1743. Apprentice Newall, George, £3/03/00. IR/1/50, fo. 229.

Falkner, William, Claverly, Salop, papermaker. Bankruptcy superseded LG 12 Sep 1786. Source: Berch.

Falkner, William, papermaker, Claverley, Shropshire 1786. Bankrupt: 15 Aug 1786 superseded: 12 Sep 1786

Newall, George, apprentice papermaker, Claverly, Shropshire, 1743 of Claverley SHR. Apprenticed to Falkner, John, £3/03/00 IR/1/50, fo. 229.

DODDINGTON, Shropshire

Allen, John, apprentice stationer, Doddington, Shropshire, 1744. Son of Nathaniel. Apprenticed to Lovell, John, £35/00/00 IR/1/50, fo. 293.

Lovell, John, stationer, Doddington, Shropshire, 1744. Apprentice Allen, John, £35/00/00. IR/1/50, fo. 293.

DRAYTON, Shropshire

Jones, John, papermaker, Drayton, Shropshire, 1742. Apprentice Wells, John, £10/00/00. IR/1/50, fo. 229.

Wells, John, apprentice papermaker, Drayton, Shropshire, 1742. Son of John. Apprenticed to Jones, John, £10/00/00 IR/1/50, fo. 229.


Hughes, Thomas, apprentice papermaker, Hopton Waters, Shropshire, 1733. Apprenticed to Nicholls, Edward, £3/03/00 IR/1/1, fo. 161.

Newall, John, apprentice papermaker, Hopton Waters, Shropshire, 1736. Son of William of Mortimer SHR. Apprenticed to Nicholls, Edward, £3/03/00 IR/1/14, fo. 215.

Nicholls, Edward, papermaker, Hopton Waters, Shropshire, 1733. Apprentice Hughes, Thomas, £3/03/00. IR/1/1 , fo. 161.

Nicholls, Edward, papermaker, Hopton Waters, Shropshire, 1736. Apprentice Newall, John, £3/03/00. IR/1/14, fo. 215.

LUDLOW, Shropshire

Hattam, Walter, apprentice engraver, Ludlow, Shropshire, 1757. Apprenticed to Polile, Joseph, £5/00/00 IR/1/21, fo. 100.

Hughes, Thomas, apprentice papermaker, Ludford, Shropshire, 1774. Apprenticed to Hughes, Thomas, £0/10/00 IR/1/28, fo. 026.

Hughes, Thomas, papermaker, Ludford, Shropshire, 1774. Apprentice Hughes, Thomas, £0/10/00. IR/1/28, fo. 026.

Owen, Jeremiah, stationer, Ludlow, Shropshire 1793. Bankrupt: 30 Jul 1793 div: 07 Oct 1794 div: 14 Mar 1800

Polile, Joseph, engraver, Ludlow, Shropshire, 1757. Apprentice Hattam, Walter, £5/00/00. IR/1/21, fo. 100.

Powell, Henry, apprentice bookseller, Ludlow, Shropshire, 1710. Son of Rowland of Sutton SHR, gent. Apprenticed to Robinson, Edward, £50/00/00 IR/1/41, fo. 058.

Robinson, Edward, bookseller, Ludlow, Shropshire, 1710. Apprentice Powell, Henry, £50/00/00. IR/1/41, fo. 058.

Turner, John, bookseller, Ludlow, Shropshire 1779. Bankrupt: 1779

MILSON, Shropshire

Beech, Samuel, apprentice papermaker, Milson, Shropshire, 1730. Son of Samuel of Stoledon SHR. Apprenticed to Wastall, John, £5/00/00 IR/1/12, fo. 127.

Hardman, Elizabeth, papermaker, Milsom, Shropshire 1785. Bankrupt: 1785 Bankrupt: GM Jan 1786

Wastall, John, papermaker, Milson, Shropshire, 1730. Apprentice Beech, Samuel, £5/00/00. IR/1/12, fo. 127.

SHREWSBURY, Shropshire

Adams, Hugh Acton, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1738. Son of William, clerk. Apprenticed to Durston, Thomas, £50/00/00 IR/1/15, fo. 182.

Cotton, John, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1731. Son of John. Apprenticed to Gittins, Thomas, £40/00/00 IR/1/49, fo. 249.

Cotton, John, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1773. Apprenticed to Williams, William, £52/10/00 IR/1/58, fo. 134.

Cotton, John, printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1750. Apprentice Jones, John, £50/00/00. IR/1/51, fo. 083.

Cotton, John, printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1741. Apprentice Shockburgh, John, £50/00/00. IR/1/50, fo. 030.

Cross, Richard, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1758. Apprenticed to Durston, Thomas, £50/00/00 IR/1/53, fo. 081.

Crump, George, apprentice stationer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1765. Apprenticed to Eddows, Joshua, £15/00/00 IR/1/55, fo. 131.

Davies, Thomas, apprentice bookbinder, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1718. Apprenticed to Philips, John, £19/00/00 IR/1/45, fo. 146.

Durston, Thomas, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1738. Apprentice Adams, Hugh Acton, £50/00/00. IR/1/15, fo. 182.

Durston, Thomas, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1758. Apprentice Cross, Richard, £50/00/00. IR/1/53, fo. 081.

Durston, Thomas, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1750. Apprentice Pryce, Stafford, £50/00/00. IR/1/51, fo. 045.

Durston, Thomas, printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1716. Apprentice Russell, John, £30/00/00. [& BS]IR/1/45, fo. 023.

Eddowes, Joshua, printer, bookseller, stationer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1779/81. Royal Exchange policy 77018, £750, 1779/81.

Eddows, Joshua, stationer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1765. Apprentice Crump, George, £15/00/00. IR/1/55, fo. 131.

Gittins, Thomas, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1731. Apprentice Cotton, John, £40/00/00. IR/1/49, fo. 249.

Gittins, Thomas, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1724. Apprentice Haslewood, Benjamin, £40/00/00. IR/1/48, fo. 199.

Gittins, Thomas, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1716. Apprentice Nichols, Richard, £35/00/00. [also ST]IR/1/45, fo. 023.

Harris, John, apprentice bookbinder, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1763. Apprenticed to Williams, John, £31/10/00 IR/1/56, fo. 002.

Harwood, Sacheverell, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1773. Apprenticed to Williams, William, £40/00/00 IR/1/58, fo. 134.

Haslewood, Benjamin, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1724. Son of William of Bridgnorth SHR. Apprenticed to Gittins, Thomas, £40/00/00 IR/1/48, fo. 199.

Hughes, Owen, apprentice printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1721. Apprenticed to Roderick, John, £2/00/00 IR/1/47, fo. 202.

Jones, John, apprentice printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1750. Apprenticed to Cotton, John, £50/00/00 IR/1/51, fo. 083.

Jones, Richard, apprentice printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1741. Son of John, clerk. Apprenticed to Lathrop, Richard, £42/00/00 IR/1/50, fo. 030.

Lathrop, Richard, printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1741. Apprentice Jones, Richard, £42/00/00. IR/1/50, fo. 030.

Nichols, Richard, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1716. Son of John of SHR, baker. Apprenticed to Gittins, Thomas, £35/00/00. [also ST] IR/1/45, fo. 023.

Owen, Edward, apprentice printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1723. Son of Lawrence, dec. Apprenticed to Roderick, John, £6/00/00 IR/1/48, fo. 141.

Philips, John, bookbinder, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1718. Apprentice Davies, Thomas, £19/00/00. IR/1/45, fo. 146.

Philips, John, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1721. Apprentice Steen, Moshee, £7/00/00. IR/1/47, fo. 136.

Pryce, Stafford, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1750. Apprenticed to Durston, Thomas, £50/00/00 IR/1/51, fo. 045.

Rea, George, apprentice stationer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1765. Apprenticed to Williams, William, £50/00/00 IR/1/55, fo. 159.

Roderick, John, printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1721. Apprentice Hughes, Owen, £2/00/00. IR/1/47, fo. 202.

Roderick, John, printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1723. Apprentice Owen, Edward, £6/00/00. IR/1/48, fo. 141.

Russell, John, apprentice printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1716. Son of Richard of Cardington SHR. Apprenticed to Durston, Thomas, £30/00/00. [& BS] IR/1/45, fo. 023.

Shockburgh, John, apprentice printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1741. Son of Mary. Apprenticed to Cotton, John, £50/00/00 IR/1/50, fo. 030.

Steen, Moshee, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1721. Son of Joseph of Shrewsbury SHR, innholder. Apprenticed to Philips, John, £7/00/00 IR/1/47, fo. 136.

Stuard, Charles, apprentice bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1754. Apprenticed to Williams, William, £50/00/00 IR/1/52, fo. 009.

Williams, John, bookbinder, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1763. Apprentice Harris, John, £31/10/00. IR/1/56, fo. 002.

Williams, William, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1773. Apprentice Cotton, John, £52/10/00. IR/1/58, fo. 134.

Williams, William, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1773. Apprentice Harwood, Sacheverell, £40/00/00. IR/1/58, fo. 134.

Williams, William, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1754. Apprentice Stuard, Charles, £50/00/00. IR/1/52, fo. 009.

Williams, William, bookseller, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1779. Sun policy 411838, £400, 1779.

Williams, William, stationer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1765. Apprentice Rea, George, £50/00/00. IR/1/55, fo. 159.

Wood, Thomas, printer, bookseller, Pude Hill, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1777. Sun policy 386663, £600, 1777.

Wood, Thomas, printer, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 1781. Sun policy 443485, £500, 1781.

WELLINGTON, Shropshire

Houlston, Edward, bookseller, Wellington, Shropshire, 1784/5. Royal Exchange policy 91981, £400, 1784/5.

WESTON RHYN, Shropshire

Phipps, Vincent, papermaker, Weston [Rhyn], Shropshire, 1731. Apprentice Skye, John, £5/00/00. IR/1/49, fo. 249.

Skye, John, apprentice papermaker, Weston [Rhyn], Shropshire, 1731. Son of Robert of Oswestry SHR. Apprenticed to Phipps, Vincent, £5/00/00 IR/1/49, fo. 249.

WHITCHURCH, Shropshire

Croxton, John, apprentice bookseller, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1766. Apprenticed to Jones, John, £40/00/00 IR/1/56, fo. 026.

Edge, John, apprentice stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1751. Son of George. Apprenticed to Lovell, John, £35/00/00 IR/1/51, fo. 125.

Fletcher, Richard, apprentice stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1716. Son of Richard of Newport SHR, grasier. Apprenticed to Taylor, Jonathan, £30/00/00 IR/1/45, fo. 023.

Gough, Richard, apprentice bookseller, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1715. Son of Elizabeth of Ellesmere. Apprenticed to Taylor, Jonathan, £30/00/00 IR/1/44, fo. 068.

Gough, Richard, stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1729. Apprentice Lovell, John, £45/00/00. IR/1/49, fo. 119.

Horton, Samuel, apprentice stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1756. Apprenticed to Whittinghame, John, £45/00/00 IR/1/20, fo. 165.

Jones, John, bookbinder, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1760. Apprentice Wright, James, £47/05/00. IR/1/22, fo. 087.

Jones, John, bookseller, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1766. Apprentice Croxton, John, £40/00/00. IR/1/56, fo. 026.

Lovell, John, apprentice stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1729. Son of William of Doddington SHR?. Apprenticed to Gough, Richard, £45/00/00 IR/1/49, fo. 119.

Lovell, John, stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1751. Apprentice Edge, John, £35/00/00. IR/1/51, fo. 125.

Smyth, Roger, apprentice stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1754. Apprenticed to Whittinghame, John, £20/00/00 IR/1/52, fo. 009.

Taylor, Jonathan, bookseller, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1715. Apprentice Gough, Richard, £30/00/00. IR/1/44, fo. 068.

Taylor, Jonathan, stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1716. Apprentice Fletcher, Richard, £30/00/00. IR/1/45, fo. 023.

Whittingham, John. To compel John Whittingham the younger, late of Whitchurch, in the county of Salop, and since of King's Lynn, in the county of Norfolk, bookbinder, now a prisoner in the Gaol for the Borough of King's Lynn, to make a schedule of his estate and effects as an insolvent debtor, witness my hand the 28th day of October 1761. William Whittingham LG 31 Oct 1761. Source: Berch.

Jones, William, apprentice papermaker, Claverly, Shropshire, 1759. Apprenticed to Falkner, John, £6/06/00 IR/1/53, fo. 117.

Whittinghame, John, stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1756. Apprentice Horton, Samuel, £45/00/00. IR/1/20, fo. 165.

Whittinghame, John, stationer, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1754. Apprentice Smyth, Roger, £20/00/00. IR/1/52, fo. 009.

Wright, James, apprentice bookbinder, Whitchurch, Shropshire, 1760. Apprenticed to Jones, John, £47/05/00 IR/1/22, fo. 087.

This page last updated 13 January 2013
© Ian Maxted, 2005.