02 November 2012

SBG popular literature: 14

Sabine Baring-Gould’s collection of popular literature. 14.
British Library LR 272.a.2, vol 9

This section covers volume 9 of the main collection of popular literature amassed by Baring-Gould which he donated to the British Library (shelf mark: LR 272.a.2, vol 9). The entries in this section are based on personal examination of microfilm images of the original broadsides. Formats cannot therefore be guaranteed and are in any case less accurate following the advent of machine-made paper. Where there are two imprints on the sheet I have divided them for the purposes of description, otherwise all items on a sheet are listed in the same entry. Dates have been added, based normally on the known activity spans of printers. First lines have not yet been given in all cases, and some imprints are still truncated.

The ivy green [and] The mill's merry sail [and] My father's old farm. - [Durham] : W. Ainsley, Printer, Durham , [1841/60]. - No. 1. Verse: "Oh! A dainty plant is the ivy green" (Roud 2662) [and] Oh! Would the days come back to me [and] "Once more I return to my dear native home," (Roud 23229). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 1.

The old oak table [and] Fair Phoebe and her dark-ey'd sailor. - [London] : H. P. Such, Machine and General Printer, 177, Union Street, Brough, S.E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 2. Roud 13802 [and] Roud 265. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 2

Reform meeting in Hyde Park. - [London] : Disley, Printer, 57, High-street, St. Giles , [1859/83]. - No. 2. Verse: "Oh have you heard the jolly lark,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 3

Tinker's gardens. - [Manchester] : Printed and sold wholesale and retail by G. Jacques, Oldham Road Library, Manchester. - No. 4. Verse: Heigh! Halt o' Nab's, an' Sam an' Sue,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 4

Flora the lily of the West [and] The Happy stranger. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - No. 6. Roud 957 [and] Roud 272. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 5

Catch 'em alive [and] Paul Jones. - [London] : H. Such. Printer, & Newsvender, 123, Union Street, Borough, London. Hawkers & The Trade Supplied , [1850/62]. - No. 10. Verse: Here's yur catch 'em alives, and to sell 'em I strives" [and] "An American frigate call'd the Richard by name" (Roud 967). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 6.

The female smuggler [and] Sir John Barleycorn [and] The willow tree. - London : Printed at Such's Song Mart, 123, Union Street, Borough, London , [1850/62]. - No. 11. Verse: "Come attend a while, and soon you shall hear" (Roud 1200) [and] "There was three knights came from the north," (Roud 164) [and] "Oh, take me to your arms love, for keen the wind doth blow,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 7

Undaunted Mary; or the banks of sweet Dundee [and] The pilot. - London : H. P. Such, Printer & Publisher, 177 Union Street, Boro'. , [1863/85]. - No. 15. Verse: "It's of a farmer's daughter, so beautiful I'm told," (Roud 148) [and] "O pilot 'tis a fearful night,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 8

Lass o' Glenshee [and] Tantivy huzza! boys huzzA [Durham] : George Walker, Jun., Printer, Durham , [1834/86]. - No. 17. Verse: "On a bonny day when the heather was blooming," (Roud 292) [and] "Awake, ye dull sluggards, awake,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 9.

The cottage by the sea [and] Free and easy. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-street, Borough , [1863/85]. - [No.] 17. Verse: "Childhood's days now pass before me," (Roud 4327) [and] "I'm the lad that's free and easy," (Roud 1084). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 10

Thorney Moor Wood [and] The lost lady found. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer & Publisher, 177, Union-st., Boro' , [1863/85]. - No. 22. Verse: "In Thorney Moor Wood in Nottinghamshire," (Roud 222) [and] "It was down in a valley a young farmer did dwell," (Roud 901). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 11

Young Napoleon, or the bunch of roses [and] The stirabout pot. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-st., Boro', S.E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 30. Verse: "By the dangers of the ocean," (Roud 664) [and] "At the outlets of our city lived". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 12

Streams of lovely Nancy [and] New garden fields. - London : H. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-street, Borough, S.E. , [1863/85]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. - [No.] 32. Verse: "The streams of lovely Nancy divides in two parts," (Roud 688) [and] "Come all you pretty fair maids, I pray you now attend," (Roud 1054) In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 13

Wine and women we delight in. Air - "Life's like a sea, in constant Motion." (E. J. B. Box) [and] Love will find out the way. - [Durham] : Walker, Printer, Durham , [1834/86]. - [No.] 35. Verse: "Push round the heart-enlivening bowl, boys," [and] "Beneath the earth, in her lonely caves," (Roud 13167). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 14

Poor Tom [and] I'll not beguile thee [and] Flora the lily of the west. - [London] : H. Such, Printer, and Newsvender, 123, Union Street, Borough, London. The Trade Supplied , [1850/62]. - No. 35. Verse: "Mas'r I can tell you nothing," [and] "I'll not beguile thee from thine home" [and] 'Twas when I came to England some pleasure for to find," (Roud 957). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 15

My grandfather's days. - [Newcastle] : Printed & sold by W. & T. Fordyce, Newcastle & Hull. To be had also of J. Whinham & Co. Scotch-st. Carlisle. - No. 25. Verse: "Gie attention to my ditty,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 16.

The Indian lass [and] The banks of Inverness or, young William's denial. - London : Printed & Published, by H. Such, 177, Union-street, Boro', - S.E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 36. Verse: "As I was walking on a far distant shore, " (Roud 275) [and] "I am a jolly sailor bold, and just returned to shore," (Roud 3813). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 17

I'm off to Baltimore [and] Stonewall Jackson. - [London] : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 177, Union Street, Boro'. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 40. Verse: "it was one ebening in de month ob June," (Roud 18399) [and] "Columbia's sons will mourn a hero dead and gone - ". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 18

Sweet home [and] The poor old horse. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-st.t, Boro'. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 42. Verse: "Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam," (Roud 13449) [and] "When I was a young horse in all my youthful pride," (Roud 513). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 19.

The young widow [and] Answer to the Irish emigrant. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - No. 51. Verse: "Now all single gents I address myself to," [and] "I'm coming back to you, Mary, " (Roud 13855). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 20

New and popular songs. - [Newcastle] : Printed and sold by M. S. Dodds, Quayside, Newcastle. - No. 56. Contents: The raal ould Irish gintleman [and] The sailor's tear (Roud 13884). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 21.

The jolly Cloughton Wood poachers [and] Jessie o' the Dee. - [Lane End] : Watts, Printer, Lane-End. - [No.] 60. Verse: "Come all you men of courage bold and listen unto me," [and] "A sweeter lassie ne'er was born,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 22.

The lark in the morning [and] Such a spending of the money. - [Lane End] : Watts, Printer, Lane-End. - [No.] 68. Roud 151 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 23

Duke William's frolic [and] A thumping cork red. - [Durham] : Printed and Sold by George walker, Jun., Durham , [1834/86]. - [No.] 70. Roud 1544 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 24

Sambo [and] Bonny light horseman slain in the wars. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-street, Borough , [1863/85]. - [No.] 75. Verse [and] Roud 1185. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 25.

The croppy boy [and] Young Riley. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-street, Boro', S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 83. Roud 1030 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 26.

The lovers' parting [and] Loch-na-Gar. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer & Publisher, 177, Union-street, Boro', S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 88. Verse [and] Roud 2436. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 27

Kate Kearney [and] The answer [and] The soldier's boy. - London : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 177, Union Street, Boro', S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 96.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 28

My father kept a horse [and] Slave chase. - London : H. Such, Machine Printer, & Publisher, 177, Union-street, Boro', S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 97. Verse [and] Roud 22376. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 29

Mary May [and] The gipsy girl. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer & Publisher, 177, Union-street, Boro', S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 104.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 30.

The power of love [and] The oyster girl. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union Street, Borough , [1863/85]. - No. 105. Verse [and] Roud 875. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 31

Parody on the slave ship [and] We are all jollyfellows who follow the plough. - London : H. Such, Machine Printer, and Publisher, 177, Union Street, Borough , [1863/85]. - [No.] 107. Verse [and] Roud 346. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 32

My own dearest home [and] Roger the ploughboy. - London : H. Such, Machine Printer & Publisher, 177, Union Street, Boro', S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 112. Roud 1306 [and] Roud 17772. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 33

Bacchus & time [and] Heigho! says Thimble. - [Durham] : George Walker, Jun., Printer, Durham , [1834/86]. - [No.] 117.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 34

Bold General Wolfe [and] Tobacco!. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer & Publisher, 177, Union-street, Boro', S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 119. Roud 624 [and] Roud 1457. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 35.

The poachers [and] The rose of Allandale. - London : H. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-street, Boro'. - S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 122. Roud 299 [and] Roud 1218. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 36

Nelson's monument [and] The poor old worn out sailor. - London : H. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union Street, Boro., -S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 125. Roud 1552 [and] Roud 6764. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 37

Young & single sailor [and] My bonny blooming Higland Jane. - London : H. Such, Printer, 123, Union St., Boro' , [1850/62]. - No. 126. Roud 264 [and] Roud 2554. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 38.

The languishing maid [and] I'm tired of lying alone. - [Newcastle] : Printed and sold by W. R. Walker, Royal Arcade, Newcastle. - [No.] 138. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 39

American stranger [and] Polly's love; or, the cruel ship carpenter!. - London : Printed & Published by H. Such, 123, Union Street, Borough - S. E. , [1850/62]. - No. 142. Roud 1081 [and] Roud 15. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 40

Our merry town, tune Kitty Jones [and] Death of poor Bill Brown. - [Manchester] : Bebbington, Printer, 26, Goulden-street, Oldham Road, Manchester, and sold by John Beaumont, 176, York-street, Leeds , [1855/58]. - [No.] 143 [and] Roud 609. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 42

Garden gate [and] The Inniskillen dragoon. - London : H. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-st., Boro'. - S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 143. Roud 418 [and] Roud 2185. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 43.

The blind boy [and] The banks of Claudy. - London : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 177, Union-st., Boro,' S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 146. Roud 23358 [and] Roud 266. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 44

We met [and] Young and blooming bride. - [Newcastle] : Printed & sold by W. & T. Fordyce, Dean Street, Newcastle, and at 43, Myton Gate, Hull. - No. 150.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 45

Napoleon's farewell to Paris [and] Green fields of AmericA London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-st., Borough, S.E. , [1863/85]. - 1 sheet. - No. 152. Verse: "Farewell, ye splendid citadel, Metropolis, called Paris," (Roud 1626) [and] "Farewell to the land of shillelagh and shamrock," (Roud 2290). In two columns separated by a rule. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 46.

The Shannon and Chesapeak [and] Battle of the Shannon and Chesapeak. - London : Printed by H. Such, 123, Union Street, Borough. - S. E. , [1850/62]. - [No.] 154. Verse [and] Roud 963. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 47

Bold Robin Hood [and] The blackbird. - [London] : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union Street, Boro', S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 155.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 48

Styles and fashions [and] Jolly fellows that follow thr plough. - [Newcastle] : Printed and Sold by W. R. Walker, Royal Arcade, Newcastle; may be had of Stewart, Carlisle. - [No.] 156. Verse [and] Roud 346. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 49

Saucy sailor boy [and] Canada I,O. - London : H. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union Street, Borough, S.E. , [1863/85]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. - [No.] 164. Verse: "Oh, come my own one, come my fond one" (Roud 531) [and] "There was a gallant lady all in her tender years," (Roud 309). In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 50.

The golden glove [and] The sailor's tear. - London : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 177, Union-Street, Borough, - S.E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 165. Roud 141 [and] Roud 13884. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 51

Steer my bark to Erin's Isle [and] Farmer's boy. - London : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 177, Union Street, Borough, - S.E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 167. Verse: "Oh, I have roamed o'er many lands," [and] "The sun went down beyond yon hills," (Roud 408). In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 52

Maid of Athens [and] Give me a cot in the valley I love [and] London 'prentice boy. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer & Publisher, 177, Union-street, Borough, S.E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 183. Verse [and] Roud 12881 [and] Roud 1501. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 53

Deeds of Napoleon [and] Isle of St. HelenA London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer & Publisher, 177, Union-Street, Boro'. S.E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 184. Verse: "You heroes of the day who are lively brave and gay," (Roud 2419) [and] "Now Boney he's away from his waring and fighting," (Roud 349). In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 54.

The blind beggar's daughter of Bethnal Green [and] Castle Hyde. - London : Printed at Such's Song Mart, 123, Union Street, Boro' - S.E. , [1850/62]. - [No.] 186. Roud 132 [and] Roud 2364. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 55

Dear Italy [and] Ranawail [and] The mantle of green. - London : Printed at Such's Song Mart, 123, Union Street, Boro' - S.E. , [1850/62]. - 1 sheet. - [No.] 197. Verse: "Oh! Italy, dear Italy, my lov'd, my happy home," [and] "Come all you Irish hero's that's craving for liberty" [and] "As I went out a walking one morning in June," (Roud 714). In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 56.

The Kerry eagle [and] Barley raking. - London : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 123, Union Street, Boro' - S. E. , [1850/62]. - [No.] 202. Verse [and] Roud 1024. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 57.

A very good hand at it [and] Oh, let me like a soldier fall [and] Jolly old farmer smoking his clay. - London : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 123, Union Street, Boro' - S. E. , [1850/62]. - [No.] 203. Verse: "From - shire I came t'other day, with my pockets well lined with cash, sir," [and] "Oh, let me like a soldier fall," [and] "A jolly old farmer sat smoking his clay," (Roud 1305). In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 58

Oft in the stilly night [and] The squire's daughter. - [Durham] : Walker, Printer, Durham , [1834/86]. - [No.] 205. Verse [and] Roud 540. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 59

My wife's first baby [and] Irish Molly, O. - London : H. Such, Printer and Publisher, 123, Union Street, Boro' - S. E. , [1850/62]. - [No.] 209. Verse [and] Roud 2168. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 60

Gentle Jenny Gray [and] Health to the outward bound. - London : H. P. Such, Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-st., Boro' - S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 212. Roud 12883 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 61.

The pretty plough boy [and] Young Edwin in the low lands low. - London : H. Such [123, Union Street etc] , [1850/62]. - [No.] 228. Roud 186 [and] Roud 182. In two columns separated by a rule.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 62

My own, my guiding star [and] The thorn [and] Little Nell. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 231. Verse [and] Roud 13885 [and] Roud 13788. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 63

Dawning of the day [and] The Duke of Marlborough. - London : Printed at Such's Song Mart, 123, Union Street, Boro' - S. E. and at 83, Upper White Cross-street, St. Luke's , [1850/62]. - [No.] 232. Roud 370 [and] Roud 233. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 64

Young Ramble Away [and] The squire and gipsey girl [and] John Adwire AnglannA London : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 177, (late 123, Union Street, Boro' - S. E. , [1863/65]. - [No.] 238. Roud 171 [and] Roud 1628 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 65.

The wealthy farmer's son [and] Young Edward the gallant hussar. - London : H. Such, Printer and Publisher, 177, (late 123), Union Street, Boro' - S. E. , [1863/65]. - [No.] 239. Roud 1061 [and] Roud 1146. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 66

Jenny Jenkins [and] The power of music. - [Durham] : Printed and sold by George Walker, Jun., at the Printing Office, Moat-Side Lane, Sadler-Street, Durham, where retail Dealers may be supplied on Liberal Terms, with a Choice Collection of 24-page Histories, Song Books, Ballads, Spellings, […] &c , [1834/86]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 67

I'll teach you to stop out all night, parody on so early in the morning [and] The rose of Ardee. - London : H. P. Such, Machine Printer and Publisher, 177, Union-street, Boro'., S. E. , [1863/85]. - [No.] 254. Verse [and] Roud 2816. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 68

How five-and-twenty shillings was expended in a week [and] The banks of Inverary. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union-street, Borough, S. E.] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 259. Verse [and] Roud 1415. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 69

Old women's sayings. Air, - "Shop windows." [and] Sally and Harry. - London : H. Such [123, Union-street, Boro' - S E.etc] , [1850/62]. - [No.] 262. In three columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 70.

[. - P]addy Haggerty leather breeches! [and] Bridal ring [and] Effects of love. - London : H. Such [123, Union-st, Boro' - S. E.] , [1850/62]. - [No.] 265. Verse [and] Roud 13842 [and] Roud 1493. In three columns separated by rules. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 71.

A week's matrimony [and] Bryan O'Lynn. - London : H. Such [177, Union-street, Boro' - S. E.] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 268. Roud 1692 [and] Roud 294. In three columns separated by wavy rules. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 72.

The fortunate factory girl [and] The torments of love. - [Birmingham] : Wm. Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 73

Black gate [and] She sat within the abbey walls. - [Durham] : Printed by George Walker, Jun., Durham. Sold by J. Livsey, 43, Hanover Street, Shudehill, Manchester , [1834/86]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 74

Outlandish knight [and] William Tell. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 279. Roud 21 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 75.

The heart bowed down [and] John Barleycorn [and] I've journeyed over many lands. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union-street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 281. Verse [and] Roud 164 [and] Roud 13894. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 76.

The wife's appeal [and] The spotted cow. - London : H. Such, Printer & Publisher, 177, (late 123), Union-street, Boro' - S. E. , [1863/65]. - [No.] 289. Verse [and] Roud 956. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 77

Land of the West [and] Greenland whale fishery [and] May day morning early. - London : H. Such, Printer, 177, Union-st. Boro', and at 83, White Cross-st, St. Luke's , [1863/85]. - [No.] 292. Verse [and] Roud 347 [and]] Roud 23112. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 78

In happy moments [and] The buffalo [and] Good old Jeff. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 300. Verse [and] Roud 1026 [and] Roud 1740. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 79

Poor Mary in the silvery tide [and] Drinane Dhun. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 303. Roud 561 [and] Roud 2363. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 80

With thou be my bride Kathleen [and] Decharian O'Machree [and] Birds of a feather. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 304. Verse [and] Verse [and] Roud 18858. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 80A

A batchelor's wants [and] Creeping Jane. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 312. Verse [and] Roud 1012. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 81

Ways of the world [and] With all thy faults I love thee still. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - Verse [and] Roud 13829. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 82.

The butcher turned devil [and] The garland of love. - [Preston] : J. Harkness, Printer, Church St., Preston, and, 18 Paradise St., Liverpool , [1841/77]. - Verse [and] Roud 1247. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 83.

A friend in the purse. - [London] : Printed by T. Birt, 39, Great St. Andrew Sreet [sic] Seven Dials , [1832/52]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 84

Death of Black Bess [and] High Germany. - London : H. Such, Printer, & Publisher, 177, (late 123), Union street, Boro' - S. E. , [1863/65]. - [No.] 329. Roud 856 [and] Roud 904. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 85

Bow bells [and] Spanish ladies. - [Durham] : George Walker, Jun., Printer, Sadler-Street, Durham , [1834/86]. - Roud 12560 [and] Roud 687. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 86

I likes a drop of good beer [and] O no my love, not I. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 332. Roud 1502 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 87

Poor Pat must emigrate [and] Down by the green bushes. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 345. Verse [and] Roud 1040. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 88.

The happy muleteer [and] Servant boy [and] The minstrel boy. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 346. Verse [and] Verse [and] Roud 13867. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 89.

The woman that wished she had never got married [and] The downhill of life. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 448. Verse [and] Roud 1308. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 90.

The New York trader [and] Peggy Band. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 446. Roud 478 [and] Roud 661. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 91.

The death of Parker [and] The bold fishermAn London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 455. Roud 1032 [and] Roud 291. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 92

Whiskey in the jar [and] Do they miss me at home?. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 460. Roud 533 [and] Roud 4366. In two columns separated by a rule.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 93

Ips, Gips, and Johnson; or, the three butchers! [and] The old English gentlemAn London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 463. Roud 17 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 94.

The maid's lamentation [and] The Nancy. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 467. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 95.

The wedding of Ballyporeen [and] If I had but a thousand a year. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 474. Roud 3277 [and] Roud 23101. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 96

Oakham poachers [and] Wooden leg'd parson. - London : H. P. Such, Printer & Publisher. 177 (late 123), Union street, Boro.' - S. E. , [1863/65]. - [No.] 481. Roud 1686 [and] Roud 1508. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 97

Will the weaver [and] The punch ladle. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 483. Roud 432 [and] Roud 880. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 98

Arthur O'Bradley. - [Preston] : John Harkness, Printer, Church-Street, Preston , [1841/77]. - Roud 365. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo. 99

Spence Broughton [and] Thinking of home. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 491. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.100

Ward the pirate [and] Many happy returns of the day. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 501. Roud 224 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.101.

The crafty London apprentice, or Bow bells [and] The lads of VirginiA London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 514. Roud 12560 [and] Roud 1488. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.102.

The lady and the sailor boy [and] Mrs. Jenkins [o]f Billinsgate [sic]. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 518. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.103.

The blessings of free trade [and] Young May moon. - [Preston] : John Harkness, Printer, 121, Church-Street, Preston , [1841/77]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.104.

The jolly collier lads [and] When I met thee first in May. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.105

Billy Barlow [and] Honest Will the farmer. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - Roud 7758 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.106

Norah my own mountain maid [and] Sylvia's request and William's denial [and] O rare Turpin. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 548. Verse [and] Roud 7 [and] Roud 621. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.107

My lovely village fair [and] Kitty Wells. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 557. Verse [and] Roud 2748. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.108.

The widow's last prayer! [and] Smiles and tears. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.109.

The whistling thief [and] The dumb wife. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 621. Roud 2738 [and] Roud 434. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.110

Cruel miller [and] Silly yong maid. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 622. Roud 263 [and] Roud 17190. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.111

Mother don't you cry [and] The lovely village fair. - [Preston] : Harkness, Printer, 121, Church-street, Preston , [1841/77]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.112

Poor Rose the pride of the vale [and] I'm king of the forest. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - Roud 17776 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.113

France and the Republicans [and] Jemmy Johnson squeeze me, or the Yorkshire lad in London. - [Preston] : J. Harkness, Printer, 121, Church-st., Preston , [1848?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. - [No.] 565. Verse: "Come all you free Republicans, and listen to my song," [and] "When I left father and mother, sister and brother,". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.114

Answer to little Nell [and] Young Rachel!. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.115.

The bunch of rushes [and] The queer little mAn London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 669. Roud 831 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.116

Let us be happy on our club feast day [and] The wreck of the Brazen sloop of war. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 700. No. 666 in Such's catalogue. The Brazen was wrecked on 25 January 1800In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.117

Fine old English pawnbroker [and] The three-legged stool. - [Preston] : Harkness, Printer, Church-Street, Preston , [1841/77]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.118

Dudley Street [and] The pretty girls of Islington. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.119

We are all beggars. - [London] : Paul Printer, 18, Great St. Andrew Street, 7 Dials , [1845?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.120.

The low-back'd car [and] The honest shepherd. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.121.

The transport's farewell [and] Nothing like grog!. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 348. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.122.

The skipper and his boy, or, father and I [and] My lov'ly, Lowland Caroline. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 351. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.123

Spencer the rover [and] Pretty Rosaline. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 353. Roud 1115 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.124

Old King Cole [and] Little Mary, the sailor's bride. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 357. Roud 1164 [and] Roud 348. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.125

Fire! down below [and] Poor Caroline of Edinboro' town. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 359. Verse [and] Roud 348. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.126

Study economy [and]] The welcome sailor. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 364. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.127.

The lakes of cold Finn [and] Polly Oliver's rambles. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 369. Roud 189 [and] Roud 367. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.128.

The maypole [and] The soldier's farewell to Manchester. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 384. Roud 22885 [and] Roud 2741. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.129.

The Marseillaise hymn [and] The harvest home. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - No. 386. Verse [and] Roud 1294. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.130.

The merry ploughboy [and] Hot codlins. - London : H. Such [177, (late 123), Union Street etc] , [1863/65]. - [No.] 392. Verse [and] Roud 13942. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.131

Captain Colston [and] The twig of the Shannon. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 393. Roud 1695 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by double rules with imprint running from bottom to top between them. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.132.

The fiddler's wifer [and] Every inch a sailor. - London : H. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 395. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.133.

The true lovers or, the King's command must be obeyed [and] The mother who has a child at seA London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 401. Roud 1445 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.134

Sheeps eyes for ever [and] The oak table. - [Preston] : Harkness, Printer, Church-Street, Preston , [1841/77]. - Verse [and] Roud 13802. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.135.

The country lass [and] Be careful in choosing a wife [and] Old England for ever shall weather the storm. - London : H. Such [177, (late 123), Union Street etc] , [1863/65]. - [No.] 412. Roud 606 [and] Roud 4744 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.136.

The painful plough [and] [I] Stood amid the glittering throng. - London : H. P. Such [177, Union Street etc] , [1863/85]. - [No.] 417. Roud 355 [and] Verse. In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.137

Vilikins and Dinah [and] Banks and braes of bonny Doon. - [Birmingham] : W. Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - Roud 271 [and] Roud 13889. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.138

Nicholas and his rhino [and] King Canute. - [Birmingham] : William Pratt, Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham , [1845/60]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.139

If I could get a sweetheart [and] Norah the pride of Kildare. - [Birmingham] : W. Patt, [sic] Printer, 82, Digbeth, Birmingham. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.140

Henry Martin. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. Sold by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent , [1828/32]. - Roud 104. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.141.

The industrious farmer's invitation to harvest. - [Bristol] : Printed & sold by W. Collard, Bridewell-lane, Bristol, and Hotwell-road, where travellers, shopkeepers, and others may be supplied , [1802/19]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.142

Gilderoy [and] Coronation expenses. - [London] : Sharp, Printer, 30, Kent Street, Borough, London , [1834/50]. - Roud 1486. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.143.

The bonny milk maid. - Printed and Sold by J, Pitts, No. 14 Great St Andrew Street Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.144

Happy Tom. - Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 14 Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.145

George Riley. - [London] : Pitts, Printer Wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse. 6 Great st Andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - Roud 267. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.146

Drum major. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts 14, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - Roud 1678. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.147.

The Gosport beach. - [London] : Printed by Ryle & Co., 2 & 2, [sic] Monmonth-court, [sic] Bloomsbury , [1839/59]. - Roud 1038. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.148

Mower. - [London] : [Ho]dges, Printer, (from Pitt's) Wholesale Toy Warehouse, S[deleted] Street, 7 Dials. - Roud 833. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.149

Nothing. - [Devonport] : Printed at E. Keys' Cheap Printing Office, No. 7, James-street, Devonport. - Travellers supplied , [1830/40]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.150.

The gay girls of England. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St Andrew street, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - Roud 23212. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.151.

The Devonport lad in London or Jemmy Johnson squeeze me. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [1830?]. - After 1824 when Dock renamed Devonport. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.152

Green brooms!. - [Birmingham] : Jackson and Son, (late J.Russell,) Printers, Moor-street. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. - Verse: There was an old man and he lived in the west," (Roud 379). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.153.

The happy stranger. - [London] : Pitts Printer Wholesale Toy & Marble Warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrew street , [1820/44]. - Roud 272. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.154.

The new George Barnwell [and] An affectionate copy of verses on a young man murdering his sweetheart. - [Devonport] : Printed and sold by E. Keys, 100, James-street, Devonport, where hawkers, Travellers, and Shopkeepers may be spplied [sic] with a great assortment of new and popular ballads, with a liberal allowance , [1830?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.155.

The countryman's visit to London. - [London] : Printed by E. Taylor, 67, Steelhouse lane. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.156.

The mantle of green [and] Stunning Uncle Benjamin and my Aunt Sally. - [Nottingham] : Ordoyno, Printer, Nottingham. - Roud 714 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.157.

The rigs of London. Tune - "Adam and Eve.". - [London] : Birt, Printer, 39, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials. Every description of Printing done Cheap , [1832/52]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.158.

The maid of Primrose Hill [and] Flare-up. - [Chesterfield] : Printed by T. Ford, Chesterfield: - Sold by F. Harvey, Broad street, Park, Sheffield. - On verso of Pau […] comic alman[ack]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.159

Young Edward the gallant hussar [and] The fight. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, & 3, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1833/41]. - Roud 1146 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.160

Cornish miners one and all [and] Cherry ripe. - [Devonport] : J. Mudge, Printer, Devonport. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.161.

The outlandish knight [and] The wandering boy. - [London] : Pitts printer Wholesale Toy and Marble warehoue [sic] 6 Great st Andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - Roud 21 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.162

Happy Tom [and] The last adieu. - [Chesterfield] : Printed by T. Ford, Chesterfield: - Sold by F. Harvey, Broad street, Park, Sheffield. - On verso of Moore's prophe[cies and] almanc[k]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.163.

The constant farmer's son [and] Oh, no! We never mention her. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - Roud 675 [and] Roud 13320. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.164

I'd be a butterfly [and] Lovely Kitty [and] The fortuneteller [and] The rose of affection. - [Louth] : Hurton, Printer, Louth. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.165

Aunt Betty's days. - [Preston] : J. Harkness, Printer, 93, Park-road, Preston , [1841/77]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.166

Bonny England O. - [Preston] : J. Harkness, Printer, 93, Park-road, Preston , [1841/77]. - Roud 12879. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.166

H. Paul's collection of favorite songs. - London : Printed by H. Paul, 22, Brick Lane Spitalfields , [1840/45]. - Contents: Jim Brown ; Lord Ullin's daughter (Roud 3138) ; The Queen, God bless her ; Journey'd over many lands ; Lost Molly Bell ; Cottage near Rochelle ; Encore verses to master's gun. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.167

Father Matthew. The champion of temperance, and Ireland for ever. - [Manchester] : Jacques, Printer, Oldham Road Library, Manchester. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.168

Opening the Royal Exchange. - [London] : Birt, Printer, 80, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1844?]. - Built 1841-44. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.169

One bottle moor [and] The fisherman's daughter [and] I'm leaving thee in sorrow Annie!. - London : Printed and Published by H. Such, 123, Union Street, Borough. Hawkers & Country Dealers Supplied , [1850/62]. - No. [ 65 in MS]. Verse: Assist me ye lads who have hearts void of guile" [and] "Whu art thou wandering alone on the shore" (Roud 23079) [and] "I'm leaving thee in sorrow, Annie," (Roud 13778). In two columns separated by type ornaments.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.170

Mary, the farmer's bride [and] The peasantry of England. - [London] : T. Birt, Printer, 39, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1832/52]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.171

Oakham poachers [and] Lover's words are ever traced in snow. - London : Printed at the "Catnach Press" by W. S. Fortey, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury. The Oldest and Cheapest House in the World for Ballads (4,000 sorts) Children's Books, Song Books, &c , [1856/85]. - Roud 1686 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.172

Sammy Slap the bill sticker [and] Ten o'clock love remember. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.173.

The jolly miners [and] The bridal ring. - [Devonport] : E. Keys, Printer, James-st., Devonport. Cheap writing papers and account books. Sold by R. Stone, 10, on the New Bridge, Exeter , [1830?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.174.

The bridal ring. - [Devonport] : From E. Key's Cheap Establishment, 7, James-street, Devonport. - Roud 13842. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.174.

The test of loyalty, a new song occasioned by the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Clarence, to Plymouth and Devonport. - [Devonport] : Printed and Sold at E. Keys' Cheap Printing office, 100, James-street, Devonport , [1828?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.175.

The wedding of Teddy the tinker [and] My own red rose. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, and Toy Warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrew Street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.176

Highland home [and] Remember, love, remember. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials [etc] , [1813/32]. - Roud 13215 [and] Roud 2674. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.177.

The poachers. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. Battledores, Lotteries, and Primers, sold cheap , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "When I was bound apprentice in fam'd Northamptonshire," (Roud 299). On left hand side of same sheet as: Blue-ey'd Mary. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.178

Blue-ey'd Mary. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth Court , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. - Verse: "As I walked out one fine morning" (Roud 3230). On right hand side of same sheet as: The poachers. Woodcut ornament at head of column. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.178

Answer to The garden gate. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-ct , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "One summer's eve when moonbeam bright". On right hand side of same sheet as: Garden gate. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.179

Garden gate. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials etc] , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "The day was spent, the moon shone bright," (Roud 418). On left hand side of same sheet as: Answer to the Garden gate. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.179

Blue-ey'd Mary [and] The poachers. - London : Printed at the "Catnach" Press, by W. S. Fortey, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials , [1856/85]. - Roud 3230 [and] Roud 299. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.180.

A dream of Napoleon [and] Sarah's young man. - [London] : W. S. Fortey, General Steam Printer and Publisher, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury , [1856/85]. - Roud 1538 [and] Roud 1957. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.181.

The drover boy. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - Roud 17733. On right hand side of same sheet as: The rose & the lily. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.182

Two wenches at once [and] Blue bonnets are over the border [and] Tell me, have ye seen a boy? [and] The Swiss toy girl [and] Vive le Roi!. - [London?] : [Paul?] , [1840/45?]. - Roud 1318 [and] Roud 14076 [and] Verse [and] Verse [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.183.

The Oxford scholar. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - Verse On left hand side of same sheet as: The gipsy laddy. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.184.

The welcome sailor. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials. Battledores, Primers, &c. sold very cheap. Sold by W. Marshall, Bristol; also [sic] , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "As I walked oput one night it being dark all over". On left hand side of same sheet as: Bonnet so blue. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.185.

The robin's petition. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, [2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials. Sold by W. Marshall, Bristol. Battledores, Primers, Lotteries, &c. Sold Cheap , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "When the leaves had forsaken the trees". On left hand side of same sheet as: Auld lang syne. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.186

Auld lang syne [and] Answer to Isabelle. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-Court. Cards and Handbills Printed Very Cheap , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "Should auld acquaintance be forgot" (Roud 13892) [and] "Hist! dearest hist! thy charmer delighted,". On right hand side of same sheet as: The robin's petition. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.186.

The honest ploughman, or, 90 years ago; The gipsy prince, and On to the charge. - [London] : Prin[deleted]w Street, Seven Dials, London. - Roud 619 [and] Verse [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.187

When bucks a hunting go. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "How sweet is the horn that sounds in the morn" (Roud 217). On right hand side of same sheet as: Come landlord fill a flowing bowl. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.188

Answer to the "Iniskillen dragoon.". - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-ct 7 Dial[s] , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. - Verse. On right hand side of same sheet as: The poor fisherman's boy. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.189

King and the countryman [and] Child of good nature [and] Homeward trot Dido and I. - [London] : E. Hodges (late Pitt's), Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse 31, [deleted]-street Seven Dials. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.190.

The coal hole. - [London] : J. Catnach, printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4o. - Verse: "I am a brisk and lively blade,". On left hand side of same sheet as: William & Harriet. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.191

Mary's lament [and] Lovely Kitty. - [Leeds] : Sold Wholesale by Webb and Millington, Leeds. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.192

Courting down at Battersea [and] Churlish husband turned nurse. - [London] : Hodges from Pitt's Printer, Wholesale and Retail Toy and Marble Warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.193.

The lass of Peaty's Mill. - [London] :Batchelar, Printer, Hackney Road Crescent , [1828/42]. - Some use of long s. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.194

Lowland Jenny [and] Lowland queen. - [London] :Batchelar, Printer, Hackney Road Crescent , [1828/42]. - Some use of long s. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.194.

The race horse and the donkey. Tune, - "Umbrella courtship.". - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.195

Mary of Argyle [and] Demon of the seA [London] : Ryle and Co., Printers, 3, Monmouth-co Bloomsbury , [1839/59]. - Roud 12904 [and] Roud 13843. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.196.

The clown's courtship. - [London] : Printed and sold by T. Batchelar, opposite the Refuge for the Destitiue, Hackney Road, London , [1828/32]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.197

Beautiful Sukey. - [London] : C. Paul, Printer, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1845?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.198

Mary is her name. - [London] : C. Paul, Printer, Gt. St. Andrew Street, 7 Dials , [1845?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.198.

The snob and the bottle. - [London] : Ryle and Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials , [1839/59]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.199

Darlin ould stick [and] Lovely Joan. - [London] : E. Hodges Printer Wholesale Toy Warehouse 26, Grafton Street, Soho, London , [1854/61]. - Roud 3276 [and] Roud 592. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.200.

The Chummies Society. Tune - Strictest propriety. - [London] : Quick, Printer, 42, Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell; Little Paternoster Row Spitalfields. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.201.

The Chummies Society [and] Little gipsey lass. - [London] : Pitts Printer Toy and marble Warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrew Street Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.202

Bobbing around [and] What a stunning pair of legs. - [London] : Printed and Published at E. Hodges, Song and Toy warehouse, 26, Grafton-street, 7 Dials, Where upwards of 100,000 Songs are constantly on sale , [1854/61]. - Roud 1389 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.203

I have sought my Mary's love [and] No longer the song of the lark {and] Loves young dream. - [London] : Neesom, Printer, 166, Brick Lane, Spitalfields , [1840/45?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.204.

The nightingale [and] Who are you?. - [London] : Printed by J. Hill (late Taylor) wholesale and retail, 14 Waterloo Road , [1836/39?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.205.

The cunning cobbler done over [and] What a wonderful world this would be. - [London] J Catnach, Printer, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury , [1813/41]. - Roud 174 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.206

My bonny Yorkshire lass. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.207

Skeleton Hackney coachman [and] Woodland Mary. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, No. 6, Gt. Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - Verse [and] Roud 17496. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.208

Answer to Home. - [London] : Catnach, Printer, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. New Christmas Carols, sold very Cheap , [1813/41]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.209

Sweet home. With an additional verse. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, 2 & 3, Monmouth-court. Cards, &c., Printed Cheap , [1833/41]. - Roud 13449. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.209

Maypole. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-cour[t] , [1813/32]. - Roud 22885. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.210.

The post captain [and] May pole. - [London] : Printed & Sold by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - Roud 2673. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.210

Barren down brae [and] Let us range the fields. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, London , [1813/32]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.211.

The maids' lamentation. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, London , [1813/32]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.211.

The man of the mountain. Sung by Mr. King, in the Opera of the Crusaders. - [London] : J. Paul & Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials, and 35, Hanover Street, Portsea; where upwards of 4000 different sorts of ballads are continually on sale, together with 50 new penny song books , [1841/45]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.212

Woman's love. Sung by Miss Romer, in the Opera of the Crusaders [and] Childhood's early bloom. Sung by Miss Rainforth, in the Opera of the Crusaders [and] Childhood's early bloom. - [London] : J. Paul and Co., 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials , [1841/45]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.212

Particulars of a curious circumstance which took place at the house of a well-known fortune teller with the strange appearance that was witnessed [and] How deep in love am I. - [London] : E. Hodges, (from Pitts') Printer, Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, 7 Dials , [1846/54]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.213

Jimmy Jumps the rhymer. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.214

Plain gold ring [and] Marian's my lily and Flora's my rose. - [London] : Printed by J. Hill, 14, Waterloo Road , [1836/39?]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.215.

The bridal ring. - [London] : Printed by Hill, (late Taylor) 14, Waterloo Road, Where all the New and most Popular Songs may be had. Sold by Martin, 14, Little Prescott-street, Minories , [1836/39?]. - Roud 13842. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.215

Dickey bacon [and] The bold forty second. - [Tamworth] : Beard, Printer, Market St. Tamworth. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.216

Bold lieutenant [and] Molly Malone. - [London] : Hodges, (from Pitt's) Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - Roud 396 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.217

Rosannah don't you sigh! A parody on "Susannah don't you cry.". - [London] : Ryle & Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials , [1839/59]. - Roud 22082. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.218

Yarmouth lovers [and] Dear maid my every hope of bliss. - [s.l.] : [s.n]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.219

Present times, or eight shillings a week [and] The oyster boat. - [London] : Printed, by Ryle & Co., 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials , [1839/59]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.220

William at eve [and] Begone dull care [and] Life let us cherish [and] Three butchers. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - Verse [and] Roud 13896 [and] Roud 1320 [and] Roud 17. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.221

Hard hearted mother of Joan [and] Tell me my heart [and] Jim Crow. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.222

Burial of Lucy Neal [and] Brave old oak [and] A lowly youth. - [London] : Hodges, Printer, (from Pitt's) , Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 31, Dudley St. Seven Dials. A variety of New Songs , [1846/54]. - Verse [and] Roud 1281 [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.223.

The widow that keeps the Cock Inn. - [London] : E. Hodges (from Pitt's), wholesale Toy & Marble wharehouse, 7 Dials. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.224

Ole Johnny Boker [and] Jack the chimney sweep. - [London] : Ryal and Co., Printers, 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials , [1851?]. - Roud 1329 [and] "My name it is Jack 'All, sweep chimney sweep". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.225.

The old marquis and his blooming wife. - [London] : H. Disley, Printer, 57, High Street, St. Giles, , [1859/83]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.226

Lord F. and Alice Lowe. Air. - "Nice young man.". - [London] : Birt, Printer, 39, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1832/52]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.227.

The lady in black silk and the paralysed duck. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.228

Now the wars over. Tune, - Red white and blue [and] The woodpecker. - [London] : E. Hodges, Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 26, Grafton Street, Soho Where upwards of a 100,000 Songs are constantly on sale , [1854/61]. - Verse [and] Roud 12680. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.229

Jack Mizen [and] Down by yonder shady fountain. - [London] : Sharp, Printer, 30, Kent Street, Borough, London , [1834/50]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.230

Young William of the man of war. - [London] : Sharp, Printer, 30, Kent Street Borough, London , [1834/50]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.230.

The pilot's grave [and] Never takes more than my whack. - [Birmingham] : Printed at T.Watts's, Publishing Office 14, Snow Hill, Birmingham. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.231.

The jolly old sun. A new version of We won't go home till morning [and] He loves and he rides away [and] Batchelor's fare. - [London] : James Paul and Co., Printers, 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials , [1841/45?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2o. - Verse: The jolly old sun, where goes he at night?" [and] "At the Baron of Mowbray's gate was seen," (Roud 17542) [and] "To the Thames gentle banks the streams wind along,". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.232

My skiff is on the shore. Sung by the Ethiopian Serenaders [and] A lowly youth the mountain child. Sung by Miss Isaacs, in the opera of "Matilda of Hungary." [and] The lovely village maid. - [London] : Riall and Co., Printers, 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. - Roud 13803 [and] Verse [and] Verse. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.233.

The grasp of friendship's hand. - [London] : A. Ryle & Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury , [1839/59]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "Give me the grasp that is warm, kind, and ready;". On right hand side of same sheet as: The Orphan in distress. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.234.

The orphan in distress. Tune. - The angels whisper. - [London] : A. Ryle & Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury , [1839/59]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4o. - Verse: "The thunder roars loudly, the wind howls around me,". On left hand side of same sheet as: The grasp of friendship's hand. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.234

Ratcatcher's daughter [and] He will never come again. - London : Published at Neesom's Wholesale Song Mart, 93, Brick Lane, (near the Railway Arch) Where all the Leading Songs of the Day may be had, Song Books, Publications, Stationery, &c. - Hawkers and the Trade supplied , [1840/45?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Verse: "Not long ago in Vestminster," (Roud 13883) [and] "Mother is the battle over?" In two columns separated by a rule, within a frame of type ornaments. The imprint runs vertically within the left and right sides of the frame. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.235.

The man at the Nore [and] A pound or a penny. - [London] : W. S. Fortey, General Steam Printer & Publisher, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, London , [1856/85]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/2o. - Verse: "Oh, my father he kept the Eddystone light," (Roud 22257) [and] "Some very good sayings I've heard in my time,". In two columns separated by a rule.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.236

Young women's wants [and] Spanking Jack. - London : Printed at the "Catnach Press," by W. S. Fortey, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. The Oldest and Cheapest House in the World for Ballads (4,000 sorts), Children's Books, Song Books, &c , [1856/85]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2o. - Verse: "Come all you single fellows, if you want to change your life," [and] "Spanking jack was so comely, so pleasant so jolly". In two columns separated by a rule.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.237

Struggle for the breeches [and] A glass is good. - [London] : E. Hodges, Printer, and Wholesale Toy warehouse, 26, Grefton Street, Soho. Country Orders sent to any part of the world. - 1 sheet ; 1/2o. - Verse: "About my wife I mean to sing a very funny song," (Roud 1316) [and] "A glass is good, and a lass is good,". In two columns separated by a rule.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.238.

The hazel dell [and] Mary of th[e] moor. - London : Printed at the "Catnach Press," by W. S. Fortey, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials. The Oldest and Cheapest House in the World for Ballads (4,000 sorts), Song Books, Children's Books &c , [1856/85]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2o. - Verse: "In the hazel dell my Nelly's sleeping," (Roud 13780) [and] "Twas one cold night when the wind," (Roud 155). In two columns separated by a rule.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.239.

The rose of Allandale [and] Robin Hood [and] The light guitar [and] Maid of Judah [and] Ellen the fair [and] The cabin boy. - [s.l.] :[s.n.]. - Roud 1218 [and] Roud 1303 [and] Verse [and] Roud 13789 [and] Verse [and] Roud 13848. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.240.

The foggy dew [and] Who will care for mother now. Tune … "Annie Lisle.". - [London] : W.S.Fortey, General Steam Printer and Publisher, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Bloomsbury , [1860/85]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2o. - Verse: "When I was a bachelor early and young," (Roud 558) [and] "Why am I so wek and weary." (Roud 18948). In two columns separated by a rule.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.241

Lovely night [and] The ivy green. - [Hull] : Livick 37 Lowgate Hull Printer. - Roud 13876 [and] Roud 2662. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.242

Wait for the turn of the tide [and] The turkey and the bear. - [London?] : [Disley?] , [1856?]. - 1 sheet. - Verse: "In sailing along the river of life," (Roud 13888) [and] "In a greart menagary some birds and beasts we see," (Roud 23118). In two columns. In MS: Disley [June 5 - 1877 - Paul]. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.243.

A new batch of ballads. Tune - "Cottage by the sea." [and] Sally Carter. - [London] : H. Disley, Printer, 57, High-street, St. Giles , [1859/83]. - Verse: "Childhood's days now pass before me," [and] "I'ze a simple honest country lad,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.244.

The gin. An out-and-out parody on "The sea." [and] William and Dinah. - [Birmingham] : Thos. A. Jackson, Printer, 6, Moor-st., from 69, Digbeth, Birmingham. - Verse: "The gin, the gift, Russell's cordial gin" [and] "It's of a liquor merchant in London did dwell" (Roud 271). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.245

Kiss me in the dark. Tune - "Irish Molly." [and] Black & rolling eye. - [Birmingham] : Jackson and Son, (late J. Russell, ) Printers, 21, street, [sic] Birmingham. - Verse: "Young William wasa sailor a hanesome [sic] roving boy, " (Roud 2535) [and] "As I walked out one morning,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.246

I'm like to be there. An original comic song, [and] The old church bell. Tune - Ivy Green. - [Birmingham] : Jackson and Son, (late J. Russell,) Printers, Moor-street. - Verse: Eh! My feather he not a shilling will give" [and] "Oh an ancient friend is the old church bell". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.247

I've got a soft place in my head [and] The bold fisherman. - [Birmingham] : Jackson and Son, (late J. Russell,) Printers, Moor-street, Birmingham. - Verse: "Your servant good ladies and gentlemen all," [and] "As I walked out one May morning" (Roud 291). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.9, fo.248.

Copyright © Ian Maxted, 2012
This page last updated 27 January 2013