29 June 2012

SBG popular literature 8

Sabine Baring-Gould’s collection of popular literature. 8.
British Library LR 272.a.2, vol 3

This section covers volume 3 of the main collection of popular literature amassed by Baring-Gould which he donated to the British Library (shelf mark: LR 272.a.2, vol 3). The entries in this section are based on personal examination of microfilm images of the original broadsides. Formats cannot therefore be guaranteed and are in any case less accurate following the advent of machine-made paper. Where there are two imprints on the sheet I have divided them for the purposes of description, otherwise all items on a sheet are listed in the same entry. Dates have been added, based normally on the known activity spans of printers. First lines have not yet been given in all cases, and some imprints are still truncated.

The ivy green [and] Woodman spare that tree. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 1. Verse: "Ah! A dainty plant is the ivy green," (Roud 2662) [and] "Woodman spare that tree," (Roud 13833). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 1.

The Newfoundland dog (Henry Russell.) [and] Little fools and great ones. (Henry Russell.). - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 2. Verse: "Yet deeper and deeper and wilder the night!" [and] "When at the social board you sit". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 2

Ye mariners of England [and] Old Joe [and] Buffalo gals. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 3. Verse: "Ye mariners of England," (Roud 13526) [and] "Old Joe sat at de garden gate," [and] "As I was rambling down de street, down de street," In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 3

When we went out a gipsying [and] Happy land. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 4. Verse: "In the days when we went a gipsying," [and] "Happy land! Happy land" (Roud 13784). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 4.

The green mossy banks of the Lea [and] Child of good nature. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 5. Verse: "When first in this country a stranger" (Roud 987) [and] "When day was scarcely dawning". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 5

Erin's green shore [and] There's a good time coming boys. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - [No.] 6. Verse: "One evening as I strayed," (Roud 280) [and] "There's a good time coming boys," In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 6

Oh saw ye the lass wi' the bonny blue e'en [and] When I was young and fair [and] The American serenaders. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 7. Verse: "Oh, saw ye the lass wi' the bonny blue e'en?" [and] "When I was young and fair" [and] "We come from de Ohio States,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 7.

The banks of the Dee [and] The jolly skiffsman [and] I'm going ober de mountain. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 8. Verse: "Twas summer, and softly the breezes were blowing," (Roud 3847) [and] "His skiff is on de deep, I gaze o'er de sea," [and] "De queerest chap I eber see". In two columns, framed by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 8.

The fall of the leaf [and] Lucy Long [and] The log hut, or my happy home. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 9. Verse: "As I went a walking one morning in the breeze," (Roud 848) [and] "'Twas way down Ole Varginy, a nigger used to dwell," (Roud 7413) [and] "My home, my home, my happy home,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 9.

The man that has seen better days [and] When sailing on de Ohio [and] Oh Sambo white, in lub I'm quite. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 10. Verse: "No doubt you all wonder what object this is," [and] "A summer day it feels so gay" [and] "Oh! Sambo White, pray come dis night". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 10

I'm afloat, I'm afloat [and] Who's dat knocking at de door [and] Mary Blane. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 11. Verse: "I'm afloat, I'm afloat, on the fierce rolling tide,"[and] "Ib just come down on a little bit ob spree," [and] "I once did lub a pretty gal, - I lub'd her as my life,-" (Roud 4454). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 11

My native love [and] The racoon hunters [and] A life in the woods for me. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 12. Verse: "I've roved afar through sunnier climes," [and] "Hark, hark, hark, 'tis the hunter's bugle note," [and] "A life in the woods is for me," In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 12.

The answer to the nosegay girl. - [London] : Charles Pigott, Printer, 52, Compton Street, Clerkenwell, London , [1825?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The western cloudes were tinged with gold,". Date from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.122

Our ancesters [sic] were Englishmen [and] The morn was gay. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 13. Verse: "My ancestors were Englishmen, an Englishman am I," (Roud 17439) [and] "The morn was gay, but the bride wept fast,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 13.

The sailor's farewell [and] The rover of the seas. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 14. Verse: "Farwell! Mary, I must leave thee," [and] "I'm rover of the seas,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 14

Down among the dead men [and] Old Dan Tucker. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 15. Verse: "Here's a health to the Queen, and a lasting peace," [and] "I came across de ocean wide,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 15

Prime the cup, fill it high [and] The boatman of de Ohio [and] De color'd fancy ball. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 16. Verse: "Prime the cup, fill it high;" [and] "De boatman dance, de boatman sing," (Roud 5898) [and] "Oh! When soft music's sounding, de yaller gals to enthral,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 16.

The Englishman [and] King Storm. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 17. Verse: "There's a land that bears a world-known name," [and] "King Storm was seated" (Roud 13623). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 17.

A life on the ocean wave [and] Burns and Highland Mary. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 18. Verse: "A life on the ocean wave," [and] "In green Caledonia there were two lovers," (Roud 820). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 18

Jeannot's answer to Jeannette [and] Comic version of There's a good time coming. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 19. Verse: "Cheer up, cheer up my own Jeannette tho' far away I go," (Roud 13856) [and] "There's a good time coming, boys,". Printer's note: Jeannette and Jeannot, No. 27. In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 19

Ben Block [and] The irish emigrant. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No]. 20. Verse: "Ben Block was a veteran of naval renown," [and] "I'm sitting on the stile, Mary," (Roud 2661). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 20.

The maniac [and] The mariner's grave. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No]. 21. Verse: "Hush, 'tis the night watch" [and] "I remember the night was stormy and wet" (Roud 13865). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 21

Flora May [and] Don't be foolish Joe. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No]. 22. Verse: "The sun was sinking in the west," [and] "When I lived in Tennesee,--" In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 22.

The monks of old [and] Love's revealing. (Sung by Madlle. Jenny Lind). - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No]. 23. Verse: "Many have told of the monks of old," [and] "Wouldst thou know, me gentle maiden?" In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 23.

The moon is on the water [and] Donald's return to Glencoe. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No]. 24. Verse: "When the moon is on the water," [and] "As I was a walking one evening of late" (Roud 515). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 24.

The thrashing machine [and] Farmers don't you cry. - [Newcastle upon Tyne] : Williamson, printer, Newcastle , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No]. 25. Verse: "There was a young farmer in --- it's said" (Roud 1491) [and] "You Britain's bold of each degree,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 25

Billy Nuts the poet [and] Never hold malice. - [Newcastle upon Tyne] : Williamson, printer, Newcastle , [1850?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - [No]. 26. Verse: "Beat the drum and blow the fife," [and] "Oh, never hold malice! It poisons our life". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 26

I shall be married on Monday morning [and] The pope he leads a happy life. - [Newcastle upon Tyne] : Williamson, printer, Newcastle , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 27. Verse: "As I was walking one morning in spring," (Roud 579) [and] "The Pope he leads a happy life,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 27.

The collier swell [and] Annie Laurie. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 28. Verse: "I used to be a vulgar clown, with cash and money short in," [and] "Maxwellton braes are bonnie," (Roud 8179). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 28

Three maids a-milking would go [and] The butcher and the tailor's wife. - [Newcastle upon Tyne] : Williamson, printer, Newcastle , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 29. Verse: "Three maids a milking would go," (Roud 290) [and] "There was a wealthy tailor," (Roud 1528). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 29.

The golden glove [and] Rosin, the beau. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 30. Verse: "A wealthy young squire of Tamworth we hear," (Roud 141) [and] "I have travelled this wide world over," (Roud 1192). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 30

Haswell cages [and] The exiles return. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No. ]31. Verse: "Come all you good people and listen a while," [and] "From wandering in a foreign land". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. Haswell cages mentions year 1838. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 31

Sheffield apprentice [and] A maiden sought the dewy grove. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 32. Verse: "I was brough up in Sheffield, but not of high degree," (Roud 399) [and] "A maiden sought the dewy grove,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 32.

The life boat [and] My lovely Nancy. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 33. Verse: "Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat," [and] Adieu, my lovely nancy," (Roud 165). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 33

Answer to "Jenny Jones." Jenny Jones to Edward Morgan. By L.M. Thornton, author of "The happy change." [and] Answer to "Come dwell with me." By L.M. Thornton, author of "The happy change.". - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1850?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No. 34]. Verse: "Though many long years have gone by since, dear Edward," [and] I'll dwell with thee, I'll dwell with thee,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 34

Voltigeur, the winner of the St. Ledge and cup at Doncaster, 1850 [and] The Marseillaise hymn. - [Newcastle upon Tyne] : Printed for H. Williamson, Newcastle , [1850?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - [No.] 35. Verse: "You sportsmen all attend awhile I unto you relate," [and] "Ye sons of France, awake to glory,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 35.

The outlaw [and] Squire and thrasher. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1851?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 36. Verse: "Oh! I am a child of the forst wild," [and] "A nobleman liv'd in a village of late," (Roud 19). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 36.

The bonny lassie's answer [and] Giles Scroggins. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1851?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - [No.] 37. Verse: "Farewell to Glasgow," (Roud 3326) [and] "Giles Scroggins courted Molly Brown," (Roud 1620). In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 37.

The wonderful shape [and] Edwin and FlorA [Newcastle upon Tyne] : Printed for W. H. Williamson , [1851?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 38. Verse: "Come all you free jokers give ear to my song," [and] "Good morning lovely Flora,". Wonderful shape mentions Great exhibition. In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 38

Swaggering farmers [and] Susannah don't you cry. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1851?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - [No.] 39. Verse: "Come all you swaggering farmers wherever you may be," (Roud 21259) [and] "I'm going to Alabama,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 39

England: the home of the world [and] No, my love, not I. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1851?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 40. Verse: "Hail to the England! Blest isle of the ocean," [and] "As I was a walking one morning in May,". In two columns within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 40

Land! Land! [and] We wo'nt [sic] go home till morning. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1852?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 55. Verse: "The dangers of the deep are past," [and] "Brave boys, let's all be jolly". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 41.

The British militiaman [and] I'm afloat. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1852?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 56. Verse: "Come sound the drum and fire the gun" [and] "I'm afloat, I'm afloat on the fierce rolling tide,". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 42.

The slave chase [and] Kathleen Mavourneen [and] The brave old oak [and] The star of Glengury. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1852?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 57. Verse: Set ev'ry stitch of canvas to woo the fresh'ning wind, (Roud 22376) [and] "Kathleen Mavourneen, the grey dawn is breaking," (Roud 13858) [and] "A song to the oak, the brave old oak," (Roud 1281) [and] "The red moon is up …" Roud 13901). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 43

There's room enough for all [and] Cheer, boys, cheer. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1852?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 58. Verse: "What need of all this fuss and strife," [and] Cheer - boys - cheer! No more of idle sorrow," (Roud 13845). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 44

Forget not the soldier [and] Merry maids of England [and] The return of the admiral. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1852?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 59. Verse: "Forget not the soldier, who'll ne'er forget you," [and] "Oh, the maids of merry England, so beautiful and fair (Roud 22249) [and] "How gallantly, how merrily we ride along the sea!" (Roud 12876). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 45.

The water drinker [and] Sleep gentle lady [and] The Irish emigrant. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1853?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 60. Verse: "Drink! Drink! Drink!" [and] "Sleep gentle lady, the flowers are closing," [and] "I'm sitting on the stile, Mary," (Roud 2661). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 46

Sammy Slap the bill sticker [and] The maniac. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1853?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 61. Verse: "I'm Sammy Slap the bill-sticker, and you must all agree sirs," [and] "Hush! 'tis the night watch, he guards the lonely cell!". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 47.

The battle and the breeze [and] Speak of a man as you find him [and] The gipsy's tent. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1853?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 62. Verse: "To Britain's glorious walls of oak" [and] "Oh speak of a man as you find him," (Roud 17497) [and] "Our fire on the turf and tent 'neath the tree" (Roud 13771). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 48

To the west! To the west! [and] Isabel [and] The Briton's home [and] The bride's farewell. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1853?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 63. Verse: "To the west! To the west! To the land of the free," (Roud 13887) [and] "Wake, dearest, wake! And again united," [and] I am a Briton, bold and free! [and] "Farewell, mother! Tears are streaming" (Roud 2062). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 49

Have you seen my missus [and] Pirate crew [and] The standard bearer. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1853?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 64. Verse: "You've 'eard of my children two, seeking for each other?" [and] "O'er the wide world of waters we roam ever free," [and] "Upon the tented field a minstrel knight,". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 50.

The land of the west [and] I'd be a gipsy [and] The blighted flower. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1854?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 65. Verse: "Oh, come to the West, love - oh, come there with me," [and] "I'd be a gipsy, merry and free," (Roud 17498) [and] "I had a flower within my garden growing." (Roud 13844). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 51

Live and let live [and] Meeting of the waters [and] Pop goes the weasel. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1854?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 66. Verse: "Live and let live, is the first law of nature," (Roud 1981) [and] "There is not in this wide world a valley so sweet" [and] "Some time ago the people said, that English sports were dying,". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 52.

The cavalier [and] Katty darling. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 68. Verse: "It was a beautiful night," (Roud 13757) [and] "The flowers are blooming, Katty darling,". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 53

Far, far upon the sea [and] The old arm chair [and] The lass o' Gowrie. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1854?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 69. Verse: "Far, far upon the sea," [and] "I love it, I love it! And who shall dare" (Roud 13966) [and] "'Twas on a summer's afternoon," (Roud 3871). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 54.

The Durham pant-wife's petition, to the Corporation. Tune - "There's nae luck about the house." [and] Durham militia. Tune - "Jeannette and Jeannot.". - [Durham] : Printed for W. W. Murray, Claypath, Durham , [1854?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 70. Verse: "Oh, Corporation, will you hear" [and] "You are going to be a militia man, a valiant volunteer,". In two columns.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 55.

The stolen child [and] The woodpecker [and] The wife's dream. - [Durham] : Walker, printer, Durham , [1855?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - [No.] 74. Verse: "Alone on the heather a fair child was straying," [and] "I know by the smoke that so gracefully curl'd" (Roud 12680) [and] "Now tell me Mary, how is it that you can look so gay," (Roud 10918). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 56

Duett all's well. - [London] : Printed and sold by J Pitts 6, Great [St] Andrew Street Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Deserted by the waning moon. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 57.

The lass of Ocram. - [London] : Printed and sold by J.Pitts 6, Great st Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I built my love a gallant ship a ship of northern fame,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 57

William and Susan [and] Sweet William's happy return to his dear Susan [and] Sweet Susan's constancy. - [London] : J. Pitts Printer and Toy Warehouse 6 Great Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "All in the downs the fleet was moor'd (Roud 560) [and] "As through the grove I took my way," [and] "Seeing his Susan's constancy". In four columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 58.

The brave British tar, or the true history of a sailor, who had both his legs shot off in Lord Duncan's victory, with an account of his extraordinary dream, and how remarkably it was fulfilled [and] On the holy scriptures. - [London] : Printed at J. Pitts, Wholesale Toy Warehouse 6 Great st. Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet. ; 1/2°. - Prose and verse: "Laden with guilt, and full of fears,". In two columns separated by a rule. Within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 59

Distressed wanderer. - [London] : Pitts Printer, WholesaleToy Warehouse 6, St. Andrew st. 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "If you want a good song will you buy it of me,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 60.

The orphan girl. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14, Great [St. inverted] Andrew street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "An orphan once in doleful plaint". At head of column: Ornamental initial "X". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 60

Flowers of the forest. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 1 [space] Great st Andrew street seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The flowers of the forest in spring time were gay,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 61.

The hardy sailor. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great St Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The hardy sailor ploughs the ocean,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 61

Jack Tar's drunken frolic in Wapping. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 1 Great st Andrew street, seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Jack Tar from a cruise had ta'en a rich prize". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 62.

The jolly sportsman. - [London] : Pitts printer toy and marble warehouse 9 Gt St Andrew street 7 Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Its of a jolly sportsman came hunting o'er the lawn,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 62

Barney Bralaghan's courtship. - [London] : Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Twas on a windy night,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 63.

The fuddling day; or Saint Monday, (in answer to the washing day). - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts I Great st Andrew street seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Each Monday morning I rise,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 63

Bang her well Peter. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, Great St Andrew Street, seven Dials. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I shall sing you a song to please you all well,". At head of column: Inverted ornamental initial "D". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 64

Merry piper [and] The maid of the mill. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "With the sun I rise at morn" [and] "I've kist and I've prattled with fifty fair maids,". At head of column: headpiece. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 64.

The roast beef of old England, a cantata; by young D'Urfey. - [London] : Sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St. Andrew-street, Seven Dials. - Price-Three-Halfpence , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "Twas at the gates of Calais, Hogarth tells". In three columns separated by rules. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 65.

A tragical ballad of the unfortunate love's Lord Thomas and fair Eleanor. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 6, Great St. Andrew-street, seven-Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "Lord Thomas he was a bold forester," (Roud 4). In three columns separated by rules. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 66.

The pretty green coat boy's garland. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, No. I4 [sic], Great St Andrew street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "Ye pretty young maidens and batchelors sweet". In four columns (format to verify). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 67.

The Plymouth tragedy; or fair Susan's overthrow. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 6, Great st, An-drew street, seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "Beautiful virgins of birth and breeding". In four columns. Long s used in imprint. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 68.

The doating mother's garland. - [London] : Printed at Pitts, Toy Warehouse 6, Great s. Andrew street, 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "You gallants of London I pray draw near awhile,". In three columns. Long s used in imprint and text. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 69.

The Kentish garland. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great st. Andrew-street, seven Dials. Price One Penny , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "Good people now I pray give ear". In five columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 70.

The Berkshire tragedy or the Wittam miller. Being an account of his murdering his sweetheart. - [London] : Pitts Printer, Wholesale Toy and marble Warehouse, 6, Great st. Andrew Street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "Young men and maiden give ear" (Roud 263). In five columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 71

Bateman's tragedy. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St, Andrew Street, 7 Dials, Price One Penny , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "You gallant dames so finely framed" (Roud 22132). In four columns. Uses long "s".. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 72

Money makes the mare to go : being a dialogue between neighbour Tumbleturf and neighbour Chopstick. - [London] : R. Bassam, Printer, St. John’s Street, West Smithfield. Sold wholesale and retail, at no. 32, Marybone Street, Golden Square, , [1799?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Prose. Robert Bassam at this address 1785-1808; Thomas Hooper at 32 Marylebone Street in 1799 (Maxted). Verse at end: "If you would borrow of a friend," (Roud 1332). In three columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 73.

The blackbird. - [London] : Pitts Printer, Wholesale toy and marble warehouse, 6, Great st. Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/21 sheet ; obl. 1°. - Contents: She's down in the village waiting for me ; The merry little soldier (Roud 23104) ; Far over land ; She's fail'd in her truth ; Why are you wandering here I pray? (Roud 7759) ; Gallant trobadour [sic] ; The queen of May (Roud 594). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 74.

The faithless captain; or betrayed virgin. - [London] : J. Pitts Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6, Great st, Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "All ye maidens fair I pray awhile draw near,". In four columns. Illustrations: Union flag and ornamenta linitial "D". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 75.

A choice pennyworth of wit. - [London] : Printed at Pitts Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; obl. 1°. - Verse: "Here is a pennyworth of wit". In five columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 76

Bit of roguery. - [London] : C.Pigott, Printer, 52, Compton-street, Clerkenwell , [1825?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I came to woo as an honest lad should,". Dialogue. Pigott registered presses 1825 (Todd). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 77.

The sailor boy. - [London] : Pitts Printer and Toy Warehouse [Great] Andrew street 7 Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Down by a chrystal river side,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 77

Old chairs to mend. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1830?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Manking still in mending, if fame tells us true,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 78

John Hobbs John Hobbs. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, No. I4 [sic], Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A jolly shoe-maker, John Hobbs, John Hobbs" (Roud 21966). Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 78

Drinking song. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great st. Andr[ew] street, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a young fellow that loves to be mellow". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 79.

The Irish girl's complaint in Bedlam. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great st. Andrew Street, [S]even Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "You lasses of England and Ireland also,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 79

Lilies in a valley grew [and] Lilies and roses. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Some lilies in a valley grew" [and] "The father of Nancy a forester was". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 80

When the hollow drum has beat to bed. - [London] : Pitts Printer and wholesale Toy warehouse Great st. Andrew street 7 Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When the hollow drum does beat to bed". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 80.

The Glamorganshire lass. - [London?] :[s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When first I came to Swansea the beauty of Wales,". On verso: The teetotal … together with …. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 81

Pretty maid milking her cow. - [London] : J Catnach, Printer, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials , [1836/41]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "'Twas on a fine summer's morning when birds sweetly toned from each bower," (Roud 3139). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 81.

The rambler from Clare. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The first of my courtship that ever was known," (Roud 1531). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 82.

The squire and farmer. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-court , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "You farmers and squires of renown, come listen to my ditty," (Roud 23092). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 82.

The moon is up [and] Troubadour from distant land. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The moon is up! Her silv'ry beam" [and] "From distant climes a troubador,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 83.

The spring time of the year. - [London] : J Catnach, Printer, 2 & 3, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials , [1836/41]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "O well do I remember that lone but lovely hour,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 83

Keys of love. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1820?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As I was a walking all alone,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 84

Fanny Blair. - [London] : J Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmoulh-court, 7 Dials [sic] , [1813/35]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you young females wherever you be," (Roud 1393). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 84.

The deserter. - [London] : Printed by J Catnach, 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Once I thought I ne'er should be,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 85.

The girl of my heart. - [London] : Printed by J Catnach, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials. Sold by Pierce, Southborough ; and Bennett, Brighton , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I have parks, I have grounds,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 85

Call again tomorrow. - [London] : J.Pitts, Printer & Wholesale Toy Warehouse 6 Great st, Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I'll to court among the nobility,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 86

Thomas loved Harriet. Tune - Allen's return. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Thomas he lov'd Harriet with a tender flame,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 86

Sailor boy. - [London] : Printed by J Catnach, 2, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials. Just Published…An assortment of Halfpenny Books, Letter[ ]s and Battledores, ornamented with beautiful Cuts , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The bitter wind blew keen and cold". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 87

Trumpet sounds to victory. - [London] : Pitts, printer, Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6, Great st, Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "He was fam'd for deeds of arms,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 87.

The new deserter. - [London] : Pitts Printer Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6 st Andrew st 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a young farmer and Johnny is my name,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 88

Sequel to the gown of green. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great st, Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As a soldier he was walking all on the highway," (Roud 1085). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 88.

The wealthy farmer's son. - [London] : J.Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you pretty maidens fair, attend unto my song," (Roud 1061). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 89

My own dear home. - London : Printed at the Office of J. Sharp, 30, Kent Street, Borough , [1834/50]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Wherever I wander, wherever I roam" (Roud 1306). Dates from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 89

Pretty Peggy of Derby. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 1 Great st Andrew street seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "There was a regiment of Irish dragoons" (Roud 545). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 90.

A pretty little dear. Air Oh cruel!. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1820?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "One morning very early a strange thought came in my head," (Roud 7146). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 90

Pretty Betty Brill. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great St Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I'm very fond of fish,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 91

Song on the death of her royal highness the Princess Charlotte. Tune--Rose [ ]udin summer. - [London] : J. Pitts, Printer 14 Great st Andrew street , [1817]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Our Princess is gone cries every tongue in the Nation," Died 6 November 1817. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 91.

The plowboy and cockney. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, Toy and Marble [sic] Warehouse, 6, Great st, Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Have you not heard tell of a Cockney blade" (Roud 1688). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 92

Basket of eggs. - [London] : J. Pitts Printer 14, Great st. Andrew street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In Stepney Fields two sailor, were walking," [sic] (Roud 377). Long "s" in imprint. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 92

Jack of Greenwich. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "We tars are all for fun and glee,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 93

Greenland whale fishe[ry]. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1825?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "We can no longer stay on shore," (Roud 347). Year 1824 mentioned in song. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 93.

The recreation. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14, Andrew street, 7 dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It was one morning in the spring,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 94

Grey mare. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, 6, Great St, Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Roger the miller he courted of late," (Roud 680). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 94

Lady Go-Nimble's ghost; or, honey and mustard. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14, Great St. Andrew Street, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Sir Jerry Go Nimble was lame of a leg,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 95

Life's like a seA [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Life like a sea in constant motion," (Roud 3214). Long "s" in imprint. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 95

Bunhill-Row courtship. - [Bristol] : Printed & sold by W. Collard, Bridewell-lane, and Hotwell-road , [1818/31]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In Bunhill row there lived a dame,". Dates from BBTI. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 96

Wild and wicked youth. - London ; Printed at the Office of J. Sharp, 30, Kent Street, Borough, where Hawkers and others can be supplied at the lowest Wholesale Prices. Letter-Press and Copper-Plate Printing done on the shortest Notice , [1834/50]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In Newbury town I waas bred and born." (Roud 490). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 96.

The brindled cow. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14, Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "You lads of the village come listen to my song,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 97.

The merry hatmakers. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6, Great st, andrewstreet, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In the merry month of June,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 97

Helen the fair. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, Great st, Andrew street, 7 Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Fair Helen once more from her cottage had stray'd,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 98.

The lads of Virgnia [sic]. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, and Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 6, Great st. Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you younf fellows wherever you be," (Roud 1488). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 98

Feyther's old sow. - [London] : Printed and sold by T. Batchelar, Hackney Road , [1828/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Good morning, Miss Biddy, - pray how do you do?". Text in italic. Dates from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 99.

The female cabin boy or the row amongst the sailors. Tune. - Female drummer. - [London] : Hillatt & Martin, Printers, 13, Little Prescot Street, Goodman's Fields. Shops and Travellers supplied with Children's Primers and Story-Books, Song-Books, Sheet Songs, Patters, and Slips, ornamented with Engravings, […] , [1837/38]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It is of a pretty female, as you shall understand," (Roud 239). Within a frame of type ornaments. Dates from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo. 99.

The tree in the wood. - [London] : Printed for and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "There was a tree grew in a wood," (Roud 129). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.100.

The unkind shepherdess. - [London] : Printed at J. Pitts, Wholesale Toy Warehouse, Great st. Andrew Street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I'll spread these green branches all over her young," (Roud 13853). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.100.

A pastoral dialogue. Sung by Mr. Lowe and Miss Falkner. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°. - A slip-song: "Haste, haste, Phillis, haste, ’tis the first of May." Uses long s. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.101

London prentice boy. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court , [1833/41]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you wild young chaps who live both far and near," (Roud 1501). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.101

Easy John. - [London] : Printed for and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In Lancashire there liv'd a man,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.102.

The merry fiddler done over. - [London] : Pitts, printer, Great Andrew Street, [Sev]en Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "O, a fiddler coming from a - fair". Within a frame of type ornaments. Imprint split between top and bottom part of frame. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.102.

The flashy lace makers. - [London] : Printed for and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Buckenham too,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.103

Strephon the rover. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1800?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When Strephon the rover fair Phillis address'd,". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.103

Adam in the garden. - [London] : J. Pitts, Printer, 14, Great [s]t, Andrew [s]treet, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When Adam in the garden was". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.104.

The industrious farmer's invitation to harvest. - [Bristol] : Printed & sold by W. Collard, Bridewell-lane, Bristol, and Hotwell-road, where travellers, shopkeepers, and others may be supplied , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you lads and lasses together let us go". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.104

Green garter [and] The willow tree. - [London] E. Hodges, Printer, from Pitts, Wholesale Toy and marble warehouse, 31, Dudley street, Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In London fair city I've often heard spoken" [and] "Oh take me to your arms my love for keen the winds do blow,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.105.

The merry haymakers. - [London] : Pitts, Printer Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6, Great st. andrewstreet 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In the merry month of June,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.105.

The valiant maid. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Andrew street 7 dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "All you maids that love to play with Cupid's chain,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.106

Modest maid. - [London] : Prited [sic] and sold by J. Pitts 14 Great [s]t. Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Abroad as I was walking down by a shady grove" (Roud 1198). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.106

Answer to the blue ey'd stranger. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts 6 Great St. Andrew street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It was in the pleasant month of May,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.107.

The celebrated old balld of the weaver, and servant maid. - [Bristol] : Printed and sold by W. Collard, Bridewell-lane, Bristol, and Hotwell-road, where travellers, shopkeepers, and others may be supplied , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a weaver by my trade," (Roud 17771). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.107

Shining night; or Dick Daring, the poacher. - [London] : J. Pitts Printer & Toy Warehouse, 6, Great Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: Honest regular work Dick Daring gave up". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.108

Pretty Susan the pride of Kildare. - [London] : Birt, Printer, 39, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials, London , [1832/52]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When first from sea I landed, I had a roving mind," (Roud 962). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.108.

The true hearted woman. - [London] : J. Pitts, Printer and Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 6 Great st. Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "All true hearted women take warning by me,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.109

You rambling boys of pleasure. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Ye rambling boys of pleasure," (Roud 386). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.109

Drunken frolic. A new song. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°. - Slip song: "John Appleby was the man's name". Uses long "s" . - .

BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.110. - .

The queen of hearts. - [London] : Batchelar, Printer, Long Alley , [1817/28]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "O my poor heart, my poor heart i[s] breaking,". Dates from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.110

Mary! Mary! list awake. - [London] : Pitts Printer Wholesale Toy and Marble warehon [sic] 6, Great Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Mary, dear Mary, list! awake". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.111.

The rambling boy. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St. Andre[w] Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a wild and rambling boy,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.112.

The faithful lover, or the hero rewarded. - [London] : J. Pitts Printer & Toy Warehouse 6 Grea[t] Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Near to St. James's there lived a lady," (Roud 396). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.111

Grog. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 14, Grea[t] St Andrew streetseven Dials [sic] , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A plague on those musty old lovers". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.112.

The beggar. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Why good people all, at what you do pry,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.113.

The postboy. - [London] : Pitts Printer, 14 Great Andrew street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I'm a Hounslow young lad, and Tidy's my name,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.113

Maiden's complaint for the loss of her sailor. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14 Great St. Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As I walk'd out noe May morning down by a river's side,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.114.

The Newcastle lady. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, Wholesale Toy & Marble warehouse, 6, Great st, Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Is there never a tailor in fair London town,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.114

I once had a heart. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J Pitts No I4 Grea[t] St Andrew street seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Once I had a heart if I could but have kept it,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.115

Sheffield prentice. - [London] : J Pitts Printet [sic] Toy and Marble Warehouse 6 Great st. Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I was brough up in Sheffield but not high degree,"Roud 399. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.115.

The king's coachman. - [London] : Pitts printer Wholefale Toy & marble warehouse 6, Great st. Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: Its Ike and Gibball and boney goes free". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.116.

The shufflers. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, I4, Great st. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The farmer that once in his cottage did dwell,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.116

Holiday song. - [London] : Printed sold [sic] by J. Pitts, 14, Great Andrew street, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Com! My jolly buxom girl,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.117

Waterloo fashions. - [London] : Printed ) by J. Pitts no. 4, Grea[t] st Andrew Street Seven Dials , [1815?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "But a few months ago we were taught to rejoice". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.117

Young Patty and her gay ploughboy. Tune - Pleasant month of May. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2 & 3, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1833/41]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all my happy ploughboys and listen to my song,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.118.

The jolly fishermen. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14, Great St. An[drew] street, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a jolly fisherman," (Roud 13361). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.118

Prince of Morocco. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Its of a young couple whose hearts were ensnared". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.119

Lancashire lads. - [Birmingham] : T. Bloomer, Printer, High Street, Birmingham. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It was last Monday morning as I have heard them say," (Roud 588). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.119

Brandy and ale. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, Wholesale Toyand Marble [sic] Warehouse, 6 Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "My name is Daffy Down Day". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.120.

A new song, called, Weary of tumbling alone. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°. - A slip-song - "One morning of late, as I walk’d in great state". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.120

Faint and wearily. - [London] : Pitts Ptinter Wholesale Toy & marble warehouse 6, Great st. Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Faint and wearily the way worn traveller". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.121

My love is return'd. - [London] : Printedand sold by [sic] J. Pitts. No. Great St. Andrew Street. Seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: My love is returned from his exile afar". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.121.

The 3 joys a favourite new song [and] The joyful spring. - [London] : Carpue, Printer, Old Montague-str Osborn-street, Whitechapel , [1833/38]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Joy, joy, joy, came bounding o'er the plain." [and] "Flocks are sporting, doves are courting". Dates from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.122.

The horn of chase. - [London] : Printed and Published by John Hillatt, 23 Goodman's Yard, Minories. - Country Dealers Supplied. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "To join the chase at break of day," Probably from right hand side of double sheet, surrounded by frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.123.

The little farm. Or the weary ploughman. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, Marble & Toy warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrews Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "You husbandmen and ploughman, of every degree," (Roud 619). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.123.

The Rochester lass. - [London] : [s.n.] , [1830?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In Rochester city a young damsel did dwell,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.124

North of AmericA [London] : Hodges, Printer, (from Pitts,) Wholesale Toy and Mar[b]le warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As we sailed out of Glasgow, being in the month of June," (Roud 596). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.124

Answer to the blue ey'd stranger. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 6 Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It was in the pleasant moth of May,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.125

Summer was over or, nought else to do. - [London] : Pitts Printer and Wholesale Toy Warehouse Great st Andrew Street 7 Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The summer was over my flocks were all shorn". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.125

Fond breathings of ardent love. Tune - The woodpecker. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "By the light of yon moon which resplendently shone". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.126.

The generous farmer. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A jolly old farmer once soaking his clay," (Roud 1305). Text printed in italic. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.126

Linco’s travels. A new song. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet : ill. ; 1/4°. - A slip-song: "I’ll never go abroad again,". BUCEM names David Garrick (1717-1779) as author of the song. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.127

Sweet Fanny that lives in the valley. - [London] : Printedand Sold [sic] by J. Pitts.No, 14, Great St Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "My Fanny is young and my Fanny is fair,". MS: Potash lime. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.127

Jemmy's return to his lovely Nancy. - [London] : J Pitts Printer 14 Great st Andrew stre et 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As beautiful Nancy was walking one day,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.128.

The sun from the east. - [London] : Printed for and fold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great St. Andrew ftreet, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The sun from the east tips the mountains with gold,". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.128.

The coal hole. - [London] : Charles Pigott, Printer, 52, Compton Street, Clerkenwell, London , [1825?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a brisk and lively blade,". Date from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.129

Hush a bye. - [London] : Printed sold by J. Pitts, 14, Grea[t] Andrew street, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A baby wandered from his home,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.129.

The grasshopper sings in the hay. Sung by Mr. Robinson at Vauxhall [and] She sat within the abbey walls. - [London] : Printed by Taylor, 14 Waterloo Road, Lambeth. Where all the Newest and most popular Songs are on sale Shops supplied and Country Orders punctually attended to , [1833/36?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When the grasshopper sings in the hay," [and] "A miden from her father's halls,". Date from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.130

Helen the fair. - [London] : Pitts printer, toy and marble warehouse 6 Great st, andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Fair Helen one morn from her cottage had strayed". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.130.

The lady's loyalty to her bonny labouring boy. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse : "As I roved out one evening being in the blooming Spring,". Left hand side of larger sheet, cut column of type ornaments to right. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.131.

The bonny milk maid. - [London] : Printed and old by J. Pitts, No. 14..Great St Andrew Street Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Ye nymphs and gods that love green fields and woods". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.132.

The gown of green. - [London] : Pitts printer, Wholesale Toy and marble ware house. 6 Great st Andrew street 7 dils [sic] , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As my love and I was walking to view the meadows rouud," [sic] (Roud 1085). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.132

Adventures of a penny. - [London] : Pitts, Printer, wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, 6, Gt. Saint Andrews Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Long time I've travelled the north country,". Right hand side of larger sheet, rule visible on left side. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.133

George Riley. - [London] : Pitts, Printer Wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, 6 Great st Andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Twas on a summer, morning the weather being clear" (Roud 267). Woodcut headpiece at top of page. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.133.

The beggar. - [London] : Printed for and sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Of all the trades in London, A beggar is the best,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.134

Johnny & Molly. - [London] : Printed for and Sold by J Pitts, No. 14, Great St. Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As through the groves young Johnny did pass". Uses long s. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.134

Disconsolate lover. - [London] : Printed and sold by Pitts, 14 Great st. Andrew street, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "My love is like the rose in June," (Roud 1682). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.135

Jemmy's farewell. - [London] : Pitts Printer, Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6, Great st. Andrew st 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: As a sailor and his true love one morning in May". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.135.

The lord of the country. - [London] : Printed at Pitts Wholesale Toy and MarbWare house, 6, Great st. Andrew street 7 di[als] , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The lord of the country he had a handsome wifr". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.136

Peggy Band. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As I walk'd o'er the Highland hills," (Roud 661). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.136

New London fields. Answer to New garden fields. - [London] : Pitts, Printer Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse 6 Great st. Andrew street, 7 Dials, , [1820/44]. - Verse: "Come all you single young men I pray you now draw neae,". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.137

Lancashire lads. - [Birmingham] : T. Bloomer, Printer, High Street, Birmingham. - Verse: "It was last Monday morning as I have heard them say," (Roud 588). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.137.

A new song called The bird fancier. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1800?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you bird fanciers that in pigeons delight,". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.138.

The rose will cease to blow. - [London] : Charles Pigott, Printer, 52, Compton-street, Clerkenwell, London , [1825?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The rose will cease to blow,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.138.

The crafty ploughboy, or, highwayman outwitted. - [London] : Printed and fold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Please draw near and the truth I'll declare,". Uses long s in imprint. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.139

Molly Whan. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14 Great st. Andrew street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A story a story to you I'll relate" (Roud 166). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.139

Dolly Duggins. - [Wotton-under-Edge] : Porter, Printer, Wotton-under-Edge , [1818/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Lord what folks I see one above the other,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.140.

The fortunate drummer. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, Great st. Andrew-street, Seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Cursed be the sergeant that proved my woe,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.141

Quite politely. - [London] : C.Pigott, Printer, 52, Compton-street, Clerkenwell , [1825?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When first in Lunnun I arrived," (Roud 1640). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.141.

The beautiful landlady. - [London] : Pitts Printer 14 Great Andrew -street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I come before you with a blush,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.142

Portsmouth harbour. - [London] : Pitts printer Wholesale toy & Marble warehouse, 6, Gt. St. Anprew st 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Our ship in Portsmouth harbour". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.142

London Kitty. - [London] : Pitts Printer Toy and Marble W[are]house 6 Gt. Saint Andrew Str 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As I walked out one summer's morn,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.143.

The silly little maid, with the foolish little skewer. - [Bristol] : Storer, Printer, 128, Temple-Street Bristol. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "There was a little maid,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.143

Tarpauling jacket. - [London] : J.Pitts Printer, 6, Great St. Andrew street seven dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a jolly brisk sailor,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.144

Bright Phoebus. - [London] : [Print]ed and sold by JPitts I4, Great st. Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Bright Phoebus has mounted the chariot of day," (Roud 1634). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.144

Come let us drink, &c. - [Bristol] : W. Collard, printer, Bridewell-Lane, Bristol, and Hotwell-road, where travellers, &c. may be supplied , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come let us drink, and drown all sorrow". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.145.

The taylor's courtship. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, I4, Great St. Andrew-ftreet, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When Hasrry the taylor was twenty years old". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.145

Drinking song. - [London] : Printed and sold by J Pitts 14, Great st. Andr[ew] street, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet :; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a yong fellow that loves to be mellow". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.146

How sweet in the woodlands. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J Pitts, 6, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "How sweet in the woodlands" (Roud 13775). Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.146.

The betrayed maiden. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J Pitts, No. I4. Great St. Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Of a braziers daughter who lived near," (Roud 156). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.147.

The gay girls of England. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St Andrew street, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "You buxom young lasses of fam'd London town" (Roud 23212). First e of street inverted.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.147.

The dairy maid. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - A slip-song - "I was, d’ye see, a dairy maid,". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.148.

The tobacco box. - [London] : Printed and fold by J. Pitts. 14 Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Tho' the fate of battle on to-morrow wait,". Long "s" used in imprint. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.148.

The squire's change. - [Bristol] : Prinnted [sic] & sold by W. Collard, Bridewell-lane, and otwell-road , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It's of a brisk yoing servant maid as you the truth shall hear,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.149

Tom Transom. - [London] : Pitts Printer and Wholesale Toy Warehouse 6 Great st. Andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Tom Transom a seaman sound t the back bone;". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.149.

The bold prisoner. - [London] : Printed at J Pitts, Toy Warehouse Great St Andrew street, 7 Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As I was walking for my recreation,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.150.

The Welshmen's leek, or St. David's day. - [London] : Printed & sold by J. Pitts, No. 14 Great SndrewStreet, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Pale winter with thy icy face". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.150.

The child of a tar. - [London] : Charles Pigott, Printer, 52, Compton-street, Clerkenwell, London. - Shops supplied , [1825?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In a little blue garment all ragged and torn,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.151

Newcastle lady. - [London] : Printed by T. Birt, 10, Great St. Andrew-street, Seven Diels, London. Wholesale and retail, Country Order punctually attended to. Every description of Printing on reasonable terms. Children's books, Battledores, Pictures, &c. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Is there never a tailor in fair London town,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.151

Come let us drink, &c. - [Bristol] : W. Collard, printer, Bridewell-Lane, Bristol, and Hotwell-road, where travellers, &c. may be supplied , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come let us draink, and drown all sorrow". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.152

Young Johnson, or, The handsome man of Maidstone's farewell to the world. - [London] : Printed at J Pitts, Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 6, Great st. Andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you young men a warning take by me". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.152

Peggy of Deal or the banished sailor. - [London] : Pitts Printer Wholesale Toy & Marble Warehouse 6, Great st Andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Near the fam'd town of Deal close by the sea side,". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.153

Young squire. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14 Great st. Andrew street, seven Dials: , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It's of a rich squire in Bristol doth dwell,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.153

Liverpool town. - [Bristol] : Printed & sold by T. Storer, Opposite the Church, Temple-Street, Bristol. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In Liverpool town is my delight,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.154.

The new maid of the mill. - [London] : J. Pitts Printer 14, Great St Andrew Street7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Attend all ye shephered and nymphs of my lay;". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.154

Lancashire Dick. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It is now for a new song, gentlemen all,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.155

Sequel to gown of green. - [London] : Printed and sold by J.Pitts,14 Great st, Andrew Street,7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As a soldier he was walking all on the highway," (Roud 1085). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.155

Constant couple. - [London?] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°. - A slip-song. "Last May-day I rambl’d the meadows along,". There is a fourth verse, beginning ’Much pleas’d’ and ending ’maiden undone.’The first verse ends with ’stay’. There is no ill.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.156.

The London man of war. - [London] : Printed & Sold by J. Pitts No. 14, Great St. Andrew street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The fourteenth day of August in Plymouth sound we lay," (Roud 690). Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.156

Mind, hussy, what you do! A new song.. - [London?] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°. - A slip-song: "When I was of tender age,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.157

Lady who fell in love with a prentice boy. - [London] : Pitts Printer and Toy Warehouse, 6, Great st. Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Down in Cupid's garden for pleasure I did walk" (Roud 903). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.157.

A breach of promise, or a 3000l. courting shot. Tune. "Dicky Lumskull's ramble, &c". - [London] : Pitts, Printer Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse 6 Great st. Andrew street, 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A buck so gay among the maids,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.158

My own dear home. - London : Printed at the Office of J.Sharp, 30, Kent Street, Borough , [1834/50]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Hherever I wander, wherever I roam" (Roud 1306). Left hand side of larger sheet, column of type ornaments to left of text. Dates from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.158.

The bloody tribunal; or, barbarity displayed. Tune - Sally of Salisbury. - [London] : Sold at No.41, Long-Lane [by J. Evans?] , [1793]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°. - A slip-song. "My loving countrymen draw near,". On the execution of the 20 Girondins. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.159

Poor Dicky and his scolding wife. - [London] : Printed and sold by Pitts I4 Great St Andrew Street seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Dicky Turf was the son of a sexton at York". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.159.

The persuasive swain and yieldiug [sic] nymph. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts I4Great St. Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "As Joackey was trudging the meadows so gay,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.160

Will Mizzen; or the death of faithful Sue. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts I4 Great st. Andrew street seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Tho' loud the gale, tho' wild the storm". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.166.

The glasses sparkle on the board. - [London] : Charles Pigott, Printer, 52, Compton-street, Clerkenwell, London , [1825?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The glasses sparkle on the board," (Roud 13772). Date from Todd. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.160

Can't you love whom you please. - [London] : rrinted [sic] and sold by J Pitts Great st Andrew street 7 Dials. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When first in this country a stranger I came". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.161

Natty Sam. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 14 Great Andrew-street seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A tinker I am,". At head of column: Ornamented initial "D". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.161.

The batchelor's resolution. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great St. Andrew-street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In city, town or village my fancy often rov'd". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.162.

The rambling comber. - [London] : Printed for and fold by J. Pitts. No. 14 Great St Andrew ftreet Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "You comber all, both great and small," (Roud 1473). Uses long "s" in imprint and text. At foor of column: Jennings, Water Lane. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.162.

The swaggering man. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St. Andrew Street, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a blade, I have got a trade,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.163.

The thrasher. - [London] : Printed and sold by Pitts I4 Great St Andrew-Street, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Can any king be half so great,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.163

New Langolee. - [London] : Printed and sold by J Pitts, No 14 Great st. Andrew street 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When I took my departure from Dublin sweet city," (Roud 13860). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.164.

The fox. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Most gentlemen take delight," (Roud 1868). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.164

Distressed wanderer. - [London] : Pitts printer, Wholesale Toy warehouse 6, St. Andrew sr. 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "If you want a good song will you buy it of me,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.165a

Sandy the Waterloo man. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 6, Great st Andrew street, seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The hoarse wind blew keenly o'er high lands and glen," (Roud 18859). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.165

Basket of eggs. - [London] : J. Pitts Printer. 14, Great st. Andrew ftreet 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In Stepney Fields two sailor, [sic] were walking," (Roud 377). Long "s" used in imprint. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.165.

The tidy one. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14, Great st, Andrew ftreet, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I married a wife and who cares said I,". Long "s" used in imprint. Roud 7193. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.165A

The light of the moon. - [London] : Printed and sold by J.Pitts 14 Great st Andrew street seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The day is deaprted and round from the clouds,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.166

Mary Neil. - [London] : Pitts, Printer Toy and Marble Warehoufe, 6, Grear st Andrew street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Once I loved a damsel,". Long "s" used in imprint. Roud 142. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.167

Sheffield Park. - [London] : E. Hodges, from Pitt's Toy & Marble Warehouse 31, Monmouth Street, 7 Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In Sheffield Park, O there did dwell," (Roud 860). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.167.

The riddle. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J Pitts, No 14, Great st Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Over hills and lofty mountains long time have I been,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.168.

The wonderful hobby horse. - [Bristol] : Storer, Printer, 128, Temple-Street, Bristol. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "With dandies lost and dandies found,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.168.

The flowers of the forest. - [London] : Printed and sold by I.Pitts 1 Great st Andrew street seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The flowers of the forest in spring time were gay,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.169

Smiling Nan. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J Pitts Grea[t] st. Andrew treet,Seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "What should sailors do on shore," (Roud 23134). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.169

Polly's love; or, the cruel ship carpenter. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-Court , [1813/32]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In fair Worcester city & in Worcestershire" (Roud 15). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.170.

The highwayman outwitted by the farmer's daughter. - [London] : Printed and sold by Pitts I4 Great St Andrew-Street, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A farmer sent his daughter to market" (Roud 2638). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.170

Ramble no more. - [London] : Pitts, Printer and Toy Warehouse 6, Great Andrew street, seven dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Other was a rich lady that lived in our town". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.171.

The wounded farmer’s son. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1800?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; . - .

Slip-song - "Draw near each loyal lover,". Two woodcuts, the top depicting a man with a pole meeting his damsel, and the bottom woodcut is a four-barred gate with cross-bar. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.171A . - .

What are you at? What are yon [sic] after?. - [London] : Printed at J. Pitts Toy Warehoufe Great st Andrew street seven Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When first I came to London town". Uses long s in some places. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.172.

The rambling comber. - [London] : Printed for and fold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great St Andrew ftreet Seven Dials , [1805?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Slip song: "You combers all, both great and small" (Roud 1473). At foot of column: Jennings, Water Lane. Uses long s. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.172.

The London cries. - [London] : J. Pitts Printer 6 Great st Andrew street , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Unto these few verses come listen awhile". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.173.

The jolly fishermen. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts 14, Great st An[drew] street, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I am a jolly fisherman," (Roud 13361). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.173.

The golden days of good Queen Bess. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great St, Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Ver give attention, and deem it not a mystery,". Uses long "s"se: "To my music. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.174.

The hot-mettled racer. - [Bristol] : Printed and sold by W. Collard, Bridewell-lane, Bristol and Hotwell-road, where travellers, shopkeepers, and others may be supplied , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "See the course throng'd with gazers, the sports are begun!". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.174

Admiral Benbow. - [London] : Printed & Sold by J. Pitts 14 Great St. Andrew Street Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you sailors bold,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.175

Awkward recruit. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J, Pitts, I4 Great St. Andrew street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Behold poet Will just come from drill,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.175

Fair question or can there be hearts of stone?. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Greas st, Andret-ftreet, seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "In times like these, when woes compel,". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.176

Seige of Belisle. - [London] : J. Pitts, Printer No.I4, Great St. Andrew Street Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "On the fourteenth of March,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.176

And all his thoughts are fix'd on home. - [Cirencester] : Porter, Printer, Cirencester , [1815/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When storms disturb old ocean's bed,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.177.

The gypsies. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts14 Andrew street 7 dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The gypsies they came to my father's door,". (Roud 1). Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.177.

A single life for me. - [London] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you young men of high renown,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.178.

The merry little soldier. - [London] : Charles Pigott, Printer, 52, Comqton-street, Clerkenwell, London [sic] , [1825?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I'm a merry little soldier," (Roud 23104). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.178

Cold haily, rainy night. - [London] : Printed and sold by J Pitts No 6 Great St Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "A story unto you I tell,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.179.

The shufflers. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, I4 Great st. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The farmer that once in his cottage did dwell,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.179.

The constant maid. - [London] : Printed & sold by J. Pitts, I4 Great st Andrew-ftreet, 7 Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "All nature smiled and fine the morn". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.180

Odd matters. - [London] : Printed and sold by Pitts, 14, Great St Andrew street, even Dials [sic] , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Oh I will get wed in a trice,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.180.

The jolly toper. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°. - A slip-song: "My name is Dick Bradley boys". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.181.

The soldier. Tune --- The hardy tar. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; 1/4°. - A slip-song - "How oft is tun’d the polish’d lays,". Cut into two pieces and pasted to a blank leaf. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.181A

Kate and Teddy. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1795?]. - 1 sheet : ill. ; 1/4°. - A slip-song: "I’ll be bound I’ll remember the day". In this issue the woodcut depicts a couple in a room. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.182

Unfortunate Billy. Tune - Mrs. Casey. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet : ill. ; 1/4°. - A slip-song - "When Billy first to London came,". Cut into two pieces and pasted to a blank leaf. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.182A

A new song, call’d The jolly toper. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°. - A slip-song: "I am a jolly toper,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.183.

The jolly tar. - [London] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/8°.. - A slip-song: "A jolly tar that came from far,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.183A

Ungrateful Robin to complain; why say’st thou Nanny is unkind?. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet : ill. ; 1/2°. - A slip-song - "Ungrateful Robin to complain;". Title taken from the first two lines. Roud 23121. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.184.

The dog and duck rig. - [London] : Sold at no. 42, Long Lane , [1795?]. - 1 sheet : ill. ; 1/4°. - A slip-song: "Each night at the Duck Rig and Puppy,". . - .

BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.184A . - .

The united lovers. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet : ill. ; 1/2°. - A slip-song - "Why has my love forsaken me,". No full stop at end of title. Cut into two pieces and pasted to a blank leaf.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.185

King Charles the Second’s restoration. Tune --- Where have you been my sailor bold?. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - A slip-song: "You brave loyal churchmen,". Without woodcuts. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.185A

The vicar and Moses. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet : ill ; 1/8°. - A slip-song. "As once it was said, tho ’tis out of my head,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.186.

The merry humours of Horn Fair. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet: 2 ill.; 1/2° (30 x 8 cm). - A slip-song - "It was on the 18th of October, as over Blackheath I did repair,". - Broadside with drop-head title and wood-engraved ill. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.186A

The rosy dawn, sung by Mrs. Wrighten, at Vauxhall. Set by Mr. Hook. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1780?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/2°. - A slip-song: "When primrose sweet bedecks the year,". Listed in the 1777 ’A collection of songs ... composed by James Hook’ (1746-1827). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.187.

The true blues. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet : ill ; 1/8°. - A slip-song. "Come all you city lads of fame,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.187A

The undutiful ’prentice. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1780?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - A slip-song - "A ’prentice I was in London city,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.188

Father and mother and Suke. - [London] : Printed for and sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great Saint Andrew Seven Dials [sic] , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Says my father, says he, one day to I,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.188A

The token. - [London] : (sold [by J. Evans] at no. 42, Long-Lane.) Printed in April. - 1794. - 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; 1/2°. - From ’Castles in the air’ by Charles Dibdin (1745-1814). Slip-song: "The breeze was fresh, the ship in stays,". Part of imprint, "Sold at no. 42, Long-Lane", enclosed in square brackets; whole imprint immediately after title. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.189.

The sweets of love, or, Valentine Day. - [London] : Sold [by J. Evans] at no. 42, Long-Lane , [1780/1812. - 1 sheet ([1] p.) : ill. (woodcut) ; 1/4°. - A slip-song: "The morning was fair, and all nature round was gay,". Evans’ name and dates from Bodleian Library ballads database. The imprint, enclosed in square brackets, comes immediately after the title. Cut into two pieces. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.189A

Roving tar [and] County of Tyrone. - Bradford : Spencer. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "Once I courted a bonny bonny damsel," [and] "I am a young weaver and I'll do my endeavour". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.190.

The brisk young farmer and the nut girl. - [London] : Birt, Printer, 39, Great St. Andrew Street, 7 Dials , [1832/52]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all you brisk young fellows that like to hear a song," (Roud 509). On left hand side of same sheet as: Flash company. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.191

Flash company. - [London] : Birt, Printer, 39, Great St. Andrew Street, 7 Dials, London. Country orders punctually attended to , [1832/52]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "First I lov'd William, and then I lov'd John," (Roud 954). On right hand side of same sheet as: The brisk young farmer and the nut girl. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.191.

The happy stranger [and] Glasses sparkle on the board. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [18--]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "As I was walking one morning in spring," (Roud 272) [and] "The glasses sparkle on the board," (Roud 13772). In two columns separated by a rule. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.192.

The maid of Bordeaux. Translated from the French of Mon Jean Jossaume by R H. - [London] : Printed at I. Pitts Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, Great st Andrew street, 7 Dials. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. - Verse: "Stay stay, Philomela! Thy warbling forbear,". On right hand side of same sheet as: We're a' noddin' at our house at hame. Uses long s. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.193

We're a' noddin' at our house at hame. - [London] : Printed at J. Pitts, Wholesale Toy & Marbl[e] Warehouse 6 Great st Andrew street 7 Dias [sic] , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. - Verse: "And we're a noddin nid nidnoddin, " (Roud 3122). On left hand side of same sheet as: The maid of Bourdeaux. Uses long s in some places. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.193.

An excellent new ballad entitled The cripple of Cornwall, wherein is shewn his dissolate [sic] life and deserved death. To the tune of the Blind beggar. - [London?] : [s.n] , [1800?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; obl 1°. - Verse: "Of a stout cripple that kept the high-way," (Roud 12763). In three columns. Uses long s. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.194.

The tread mill. - [London] : Pitts Printer, wholesale Toy & Marble Warehouse, 6, Great St. Andrew-street 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Though I'm a simple country lad". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.195

Frolicksome widow. - [London] : Ryle & Co., Printer, Monmouth Court, 7 Dials , [1839/42]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "I'll sing of a widow I know her quite well,". On right hand side of same sheet as: The oul' bog hole. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.196.

The oul' bog hole. - [London] : Rylean. [sic] Printers, 2 and 3 Monmouth Court, 7 Dials , [1839/59]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The pig is in the mire, and the cow is on the grass," (Roud 6128). On left hand side of same sheet as: Frolicksome widow. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.196

Burial club [and] The pilot. - [London] : Hodges, Printer. (From I.Pitt"s) Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 31, Dudley St. Seven Dials …. A large Collection of Songs. , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "My old 'ooman one day says to me," [and] "Ah! Pilot 'this a fearful night,". In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.197

That licks me [and] The sunny hours of childhood. Tune. - "Poor Mary Ann". - [London] : E. Hodges, Printer. (from I.Pitt's) Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, 7 Dials … A large Collection of Songs , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse: "Why this is call'd - the land of freedom," [and] "The sunny hours of childhood,". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.198

Mrs. Jenkins of Billingsgate! a parody on The wishing gate [and] The soldier's boy. - [London] : E. Hodges, Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 26, Grafton Street, Soho Where upwards of a 100,000 Songs are constantly on sale , [1854/61]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse: "Twas on Good Friday eve, the neighbours all state," [and] "The snow was fast descending,". In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.199.

De. - boatman dance [and] The fisher boat. - [London] : J. Paul & Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, where upwards of 5000 different sorts of ballads are continually on sale, together with 40 new penny, and 60 new half-penny song books. , [1841/45]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "De boatman dance, de boatman sing," (Roud 5898) [and] "No reeler struts upon her deck,". In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.200

Simon Grey. - [London] : Published at Taylor's Song Mart, 93, Brick Lane, (near the Railway Arch) Bethnal Green, Hawkers' and the Trade Supplied , [1858/77]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Simon Grey was sixty-two,". On right hand side of same sheet as: The workhouse boy. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.201.

The workhouse boy. - [London] : Published at Taylor's Song Mart, 93, Brick Lane, Spitalfields Near the Railway Arch, Where a Large Collection of Old and New Songs Publications &c., can be had as soon as Published , [1858/77]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "The cloth vos laid in the vorkhouse hall,". On left hand side of same sheet as: Simon Grey. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.201

Limerick races [and] Brennan on the moor. - [Birmingham] : [name obscured]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "I's a simple Irisah lad; resolve to see some fun sir," (Roud 12871) [and] "It's of a fearless highwayman stor[y I] will tell," (Roud 476). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.202

Paddy's leather breeches. - [London] : E. Hodges (from Pitts) wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, [obscure] Street, Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "On St. Patrick's day young Hurly came down". In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.203.

The rat catcher's daughter [and] Paddy's wedding. - [London] : Hodges (from the late I.Pitts) Printer, & Wholesale Toy Warehouse, [blank space] Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "In Westminster not long ago" [and] "Sure won't you hear what roaring cheer" (Roud17123). In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.204

Paddy's mermaid [and] Don't be angry mother. - [London] : E. Hodges from Pitts, Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse, 31, [obscure] 7 Dials , [1846/54]. - Verse: "Paddy Miles was a fisherman, young and light-hearted," (Roud 15679) [and] "Don't be angry mother, mother,". In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.205

Paddy Hagerty's leather breeches. - [London] : Printed by E. Hodges, (from Pitt's), wholesale Toy and Marble warehouse, 31, [obscure] Street, Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet : 3 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "At the sign of the Bell, on the road to Clonmel," (Roud 923). In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.206

Whistling thief [and] A kiss and nothing more. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1820?]. - 1 sheet : 2 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "When Pat came o'er the hills his collin for to see" (Roud 2738) [and] "In a valley fair I wandered o'er its meadow pathways green" (Roud 13874). In two columns. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.207.

The barrel of pork. - [London] : [space = Ryle] and Co., Printers, 2 & 3, Monmouth court, Seven Dials , [1839/42]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Two Israelite brothers in New York once dwelling" (Roud 15912). On right hand side of same sheet as: Speak of a man as you find him. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.208

Speak of a man as you find him [and] The blighted tater. - [London] : Ryle & Co., Printers, 2 and 3, Monmouth Court, Seven Ditols, [sic] and 35, Hanover Street Portsea; where upwards of 4000 [4 inverted] sorts of ballads are continually on sale, together with 50 new penny song books , [1839/59]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: Oh, speak of a man as you find him," (Roud 17497) [and] "I saw a tater in a garden growing.". On left hand side of same sheet as: The barrel of pork. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.208

Suit of corderoy [and] He loves and he rides away. - [London] : E. Hodges, Printer, (from Pitt's) wholesale Toy Warehouse, 31, [space] Street, Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "Most folks ven they've grown up," (Roud 1219) [and] "At the Baron of Mowbray's gate was seen," (Roud 17542). In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.209

Slave or Phoebe Morel's dream [and] Jones and [h]is kittens. - [London] : E. Hodges (late Pitt's), wholesale Toy and marble warehouse, 31 [space]-street Seven Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Prose introduction and verse: "I had a dream, a happy dream," [and] "The clock had struck one, Mr Jones went to bed," In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.210

John's party unknown to his wife [and] As I view those scenes so charming. - [London] : E. Hodge's (from Pitt's), Wholesale Song Mart, Toy and Marble Warehouse, 31 [space]-st., 7 Dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse: "Says Jennings, "John Johnson's a prime sort of fellow," [and] "As I view those scenes so charming,". In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.211

Brighton chain pier. Tune - Love's ritornelle. - [Birmingham] : Green Printer Birmingham. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "I once know'd a gemman at Brighton last year," (Roud 13840). In two columns separated by a rule. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.212.

The woman that wish'd she had never got married [and] Cherry ripe. - [London] : E. Hodge's, Printer, (from I. Pitt's) Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 31, Dudley Street, Seven-dials , [1846/54]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/2°. - Verse: "Young ladies have pity on me," [and] "Cherry ripe, cherry ripe, ripe I cry,". In two columns separated by type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.213.

The cottage [and] Lucy Neal. - [London] : C. Paul, Printer, 18, Great St. Andrew-street, 7 Dials , [1845?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse: "Come all you rakish bachelors, and listen to my tale," [and] "I was born in Alabama. Paul registered two presses 1845 (Todd). In two columns separated by type ornaments Within a frame of type ornaments. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.214

Celia's complaint. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts. No 14, Great st. Andrew Street Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "What sadness reigns over he plains," (Roud 9125). Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.215.

A cheap way to dress fashionable. - [London?] ; [s.n.] , [1810?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "My father died the other day,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.216.

The new privateer. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, & 3, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1833/41]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "It is of a young female in London did dwell,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.216.

A new song called the Ironers. - [London] : Printed at Pitt's Wholesale Toy Warehouse, 6, Great st. Andrew street. 7 dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "You bucks of the city and beaus of the fashion,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.217.

The unfortunate lad. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - A slip-song - "I am a poor lad, my fortune is bad," Mutilated. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.218.

A flounce to your gown. - [London] : Printed by T Birt, 39, Great St. Andrew Street. Seven Dials , [1832/52]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Of all the gay fashions we daily do see,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.219

Female attraction; or the conquest of Abraham Newland. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Evans, 41, Long-Lane , [1793/96]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/8°. - Verse: "The attraction I sing, from peasant to king,". Does not use long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.220

Will the weaver. - [London] : Pitts. Printer, Wholesale Toy & Marble Warehouse 6. Great st Andrew street 7 Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "O Mother mother, I am married," (Roud 432). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.221.

The French cobler. A new song. - [London] : Sold at no. 42, Long Lane , [1795?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - A slip-song: "Pierre Savetier behold is from France just arrived".

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BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.222. - .

Fair married dames. - [London] : Printed for and sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great Saint Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Ye fair marry'd dames, who so often deplore,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.223

Dear woman's the joy of an Englishman's life. - [London] : J. Catnach, Printer, 2, & 3, Monmouth-court, 7 Dials , [1833/41]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Come all young men and young maidens around". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.224

Long time I've courted you, Miss. - [London] : Printed and sold by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent, opposite the Refuge for the Destitute , [1828/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Long time I've courted you, miss,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.225.

The false maid. - [London] : Printed by W. Taylor, 14, Waterloo Road, Lambeth Shopkeepers supplied. Country Orders attended to. , [1833/36?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Far away from thee false maid,". Within a frame of rules. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.226.

The fortunate maid. - [London] : Pitts Printer, Wholesale Toy and Marble Warehouse 6, Gt St. andrew st 7 diall , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Tis of a pretty maiden fair". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.227

Bedlam city. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1810?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Down by the side of Bedlam city," (Roud 968). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.228

Your galloping's at an end. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1800?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Brave sailors who cross the deep,". Uses long "s". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.229.

The gipsy. - [London?] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet : ill. ; 1/4°.. - A slip-song: "As thro' the gay geen grove I happen'd to pass," . - .

BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.230. - .

Sequel to Poll of Plymouth. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, No.14 Grea[t] Andrew Street, Seven Dial[s] , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "When Edward first heard Poll of Plymouth was dead,"Uses long s. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.231.

The rakish husband. - [London] : Printed and sold by T. Batchelar, 14, Hackney Road Crescent , [1828/32]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Good people, give attention to my unhappy lot:" (Roud 21216). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.232

Landed in Botany Bay. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, 14, Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Verse: "My dear girl I am landed in Botany Bay,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.233.

The misfortunes of Moll Flanders. - [London] : Printed and Sold by J. Pitts, No. 14, Great S[t] Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse: "Moll Flanders born in Newgate by many it is said,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.234

Ye Warwickshire lads and your lasses [and] My bounding bark. - Birmingham : Watts, Printer, 14, Snow Hill, Birmingham. - 1 sheet : 2 ill. ; 1/2°. - Verse: "Ye Warwickshire lads and your lasses." [and] "My bounding bark I fly to thee,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.235

Sheffield 'prentice. - [London] : Pitts, printer, wholesale toy and marble warehouse 6, Gt. St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials , [1820/44]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Slip song: "I was brought up in Sheffield but not of high degree" (Roud 399). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.236.

The blue eyed farmer's boy. - [London] : Printed by T.Birt, 10, Great St. Andrew Street, wholesale and retail, Seven Dials, London. Country orders punctually attended to. Every description of printing on reasonable terms. Children's books, battledores, pictures, &c , [1828?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Slip song: "A farmer's lad at close of day, thro' the fields chanc'd to stray,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.237

Bonny Shadwell Dock. - [London] : Printed and sold by J. Pitts, 14 Great st. Andrew street seven Dals , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Slip song: "When I come back to bonny Shadwell Dock,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.238.

The farmer man. - [London] : Printed by T.Birt, 10, Great St. Andrew Street wholesale and retail, Seven Dials, London. Please to observe the above number. Handbills, cards, &c. printed neat and cheap , [1828/29]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill. ; 1/4°. - Slip song: "Dear mother I tell you that I am afraid,". Thomas Birt at this address 1828-1829 (Todd). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.239

Polly's love, or, the cruel ship capenter. - [London] : Pit's [sic] printer, toy & marble warehouse 6 Great st. Andrew street 7 dials. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Slip song: "In fair Wo[r]cester city and in Wo[r]cestershire," (Roud 15). - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.240.

The oyster girl. - [London] : Printed by J. Catnach. 2. Monmouth Court, 7 Dials , [1813/35]. - 1 sheet : music. - Slip song: "Many a knight and lady gay,". With four lines of woodcut music. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.241.

The wounded farmer's son. - [London] : Pitts printer wholesale toy & marble warehous [sic] 6 Great st Andrew Street 7 Dials , [1830?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 4°. - Slip song: "The farmer's son so sweet,". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.242.

The rambling comber. - [London] : Printed for and sold by J.Pitts. No. 14 Great St. Andrews street Seven Dials , [1805?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 4°. - Slip song: "You combers all, both great and small," (Roud 1473). Signed: Jennings, Water lane. Uses long s.. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.243

Come let us drain, &c. - Bristol: W.Collard, printer, Bridewell-Lane, Bristol, and Hotwell-road, where travellers, &c. may be supplied , [1802/19]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 4°. - Slip song: "Come let us drink, and drown all sorrow". - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.244.

The woollen manufacturers' glory. - [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [1805?]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 4°. - Slip song: "Come all you bold Britons attend to my story,". Refers to: King George and his family royal [and] the French and Spanish armadA BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.244

Poll of Wapping Stairs. - [London] : Printed by G.Pigott, Old-Street , [1803/30]. - 1 sheet : 1 ill ; 4°. - Slip song: "Your laudsmen's wives with all their airs,". George Piggot at Old Street 1803-1830. - BL L.R.271.a.2, Vol.3, fo.245.

Copyright © Ian Maxted, 2012
This page last updated 26 January 2013