The London book trades of the later 18th century. Introduction
Contents: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U-V, W-Z.
My own interests had diverted to the Westcountry book trades and only in 2001 did I complete the keyboarding of those cards entrusted to me in an attempt to do justice to the immense labours of Victor Berch. The table below gives an indication of years represented. This does not necessarily imply that those years were covered exhaustively, simply that entries were noted as keyboarding progressed.
Ian Maxted
January 2007
List of most frequent abbreviations
GM Gentleman's magazine (1771, 1773-74, 1778, 1780-84, 1788-92, 1795- 1802, 1804-08, 1810, 1814, 1816, 1818-20, 1822-25, 1828, 1838)
GNDA Gazette and new daily advertiser (1773-77)
LC London chronicle
LDA London daily advertiser (1750-54, 1760-62, 1767, 1769, 1773-89)
LEP Lloyd's evening post (1778)
LG London gazette (1720, 1744-52, 1755-56, 1761-67, 1772, 1774-1800, 1802, 1806, 1813-14, 1817-21, 1827, 1832, 1838-39, 1842)
LM London magazine (1750, 1760-63, 1766-67)
LT [London] Times (1788-93, 1795-1804, 1806, 1808-11, 1817-18, 1820, 1823, 1827-28)
MC Morning chronicle (1788, 1814)
MM Monthly magazine (1796-98, 1800-11, 1813-16, 1818-20)
SM Scottish magazine (1752, 1755, 1758)
UDR Universal daily register (1785-87)
This page last updated 9 Jan 2007
© Victor Berch, Ian Maxted, 2001.