22 December 2006

Devon 1790

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 6
Books with Devon imprints: a handlist to 1800. 1790

1790. [An ACC]OUNT of a most barbarous and shocking murder [committed up]on the body of a married [woman ?walk]ing from Somers Town... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - On verso: An answer to that impudent song called the poking old Jack O. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.10v.

1790. An ADDRESS to the freemen of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Gentlemen, our late addresses. - In favour of "Charles and James". - *D&EI: Elections p.9.

1790. An ANSWER to old Turkey-Legs for ever; or, election sentiments. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; _°. - Verse, first line: Since feasting and roasting's the theme of your song, - Against Baring. - *D&EI: Elections p.30.

1790. An ANSWER to that impudent song called the poking old Jack O. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: My scribblers certainly are wrong. - On verso: [An acc]ount of a most barbarous and shocking murder... - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.10.

1790. An ANSWER to the song of banter turn'd merchant, or success to trade. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Ye people of Exon, - pray be not deceived; - In favour of Fox. - WSL*, D&EI: Elections p.19.

1790. An AUTHENTIC narrative of some particular occurences which have lately taken place among a denomination of dissenters in the county of Devon, communicated in six letters to a minister in London. - Plymouth : Printed and sold by P.Nettleton, in the Parade and sold also by W.Durnford, Fore-Street, Dock , [1790]. - 48p ; 8°. - Letter at front on case dated 2d April1790. - *Bodl. GA Devon 8° 68(5).

1790. BAMPFYLDE, Charles Warwick. To the gentlemen, clergy, freemen, and freeholders of the city of Exeter. - Exeter : Printed by T.Brice, letter-press and copper-plate printer , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: C.W.Bampfylde, Exeter, June 22, 1790. - Gives results of poll. - *D&EI: Elections p.17.

1790. BAMPFYLDE and Buller. Tune, The dusky night. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: The glorious day comes on apace. - *D&EI: Elections p.29.

1790. BAMPFYLDE forever, no sneaking contractor. Or, two B's out of three. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: B is the ballance known very unjust. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.18.

1790. BANTER turn'd merchant; or success to trade. A new song. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Huzza, my good friends! let's sing banter for ever; - Relates to Fox. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.11.

1790. BIDLAKE, John. Elegy, supposed to be written on revisiting the place of a former residence. By John Bidlake, ... - The second edition. - Plymouth : Printed by M. and B.Haydon , 1790. - 12p ; 4°. - First published as: Elegy written on the author's revisiting the place of his former residence. London , 1790. - *ESTC t125860.

1790. BIDLAKE, John. Sermon to freemasons. - Plymouth : [s.n.] , 1790. - On interment of Duke of Cumberland. - *Plymouth Public Library L456.

1790. BOTANY Bay, a new song. [Tune, Poor Jack]. - [Exeter] : Printed by T.Brice, North-Street , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse with woodcut, first line: My dear girl, I'm safe landed at Botany Bay, - Verso blank. - Printed on same half sheet as: The young maid's complaint for the loss of her sweetheart. - *DRO 9972/Z18.

1790. CHURCHILL, John. A sermon preached at the Mayor's Chapel, in Exeter, September 9th, 1790, before a society of gentlemen educated at the grammar free-school, in that city. By John Churchill, B.D. rector of Eggesford and Chawleigh, and fellow of C.C.C. Oxford. - Exeter : Printed and sold by R.Trewman and Son, and may be had of all other booksellers. ... , [1790]. - 20p ; 4°. - Dredge p.76 (Plymouth Free Library); *ESTC t057874; Plymouth Athenaeum p.94; Plymouth Public Library L1047.

1790. CITIZEN. To the citizens of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: A Citizen, January 14, 1790. - *D&EI: Elections p.4.

1790. CLEMENT, Thomas. The key of natural philosophy ; or, an introduction to the knowledge of nature. Being a plain philosophical treatise, ... To which is added, in the conclusion, the author's singular opinion of the ceation : ... by the Reverend Thomas Clement, ... - Written in the year of our Lord Christ, 1790. - [4],viii,83,[1]p ; 8°. - Exeter : Printed for the author, by R.Trewman and Son , [1790]. - *ESTC t000907.

1790. A COLLECTION of hymns and psalms for public worship. From different authors. - Plymouth : Printed by B.Haydon , 1790. - [2],213,[1],viiip ; 12°. - With: A liturgy compiled from the Book of Common Prayer, 1791 (q.v.). - *ESTC t116212.

1790. The CONTRACTOR'S brain exploded. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: How hard Old Nick with skull-pan tries - In favour of Bampfylde and Buller, against 'J- B-' and Foxites. - *D&EI: Elections p.9.

1790. DARTMOUTH. Borough of Clifton Dartmouth Hardness. At a meeting of the principal merchants and other respectable inhabitants of the aforesaid borough, this day held at the Castle Inn, there, to consider of proper persons to represent the said Borough ... - Dartmouth : Printed by J.Jackson , 1790. - 1 sheet ; _°. - Dated: 14th June, 1790. - WSL*.

1790. DARTMOUTH. Merchants. The merchants of Dartmouth request the favor of those gentlemen who attended their meeting at the Castle-Inn, this morning, (and all others of the like principles), to dine with them at the same Inn on Wednesday next at three o'clock. - Dartmouth : J.Jackson, printer , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; _°. - Dated at foot: Monday, 14th June, 1790. - WSL*.

1790. DARTMOUTH. Merchants. The merchants of this town request the principal inhabitants of the same to attend at the Castle-Inn, on Monday next ... - Dartmouth : J.Jackson, printer , 1790. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Dated at head: Dartmouth, 12th June, 1790. - WSL*.

1790. DEVONSHIRE. To be lett by private contract, in one or more lots, till Lady-Day 1791, about twenty acres of choice clover and grass ... situate near Axminster. - Axminster : Butcher, printer , 1790. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - *DRO (Colyton bastardy papers).

1790. DOWNMAN, Hugh. Poems, by Hugh Downman, M.D. - The second edition, altered and corrected, with several additions. - Exeter : printed by R.Trewman and Son, for G.G. and J.Robinson, G. and T.Wilkie, and G.Kearsley, London; and J.Bell, Edinburgh , 1790. - 256p ; 8°. - Dredge p.31 (D&EI); ESTC t092237; *WSL; D&EI p.175.

1790. DUNSFORD, Martin. Historical memoirs of the town and parish of Tiverton, in the county of Devon. Collected from the best authorities, with notes and observations. By Martin Dunsford, Mercht. - Exeter : Printed for the author by T.Brice , 1790. - [2],466,[2]p, plates : ill,maps ; 4°. - List of subscribers. - Dredge p.34 (D&EI); *WSL ; ESTC t075357, t075211; Davidson p.55; Somers Cocks S16; Plymouth Public Library L207; DUL 22570; D&EI p.108.

1790. DUNSFORD, Martin. Historical memoirs of the town and parish of Tiverton, in the county of Devon. Collected from the best authorities, with notes and observations. By Martin Dunsford, mercht. - Second edition. - Exeter : Printed for the author by T.Brice , 1790. - [2],466,[2]p, plates : ill,maps ; 4°. - List of subscribers. - Single leaf at back headed: Second edition. - Errata and addenda. - *WSL: Davidson P.55.

1790. The ELECTION spectacles. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; _°. - Verse, first line: How d'ye do, my dear friend?- I own that the pleasure - *D&EI: Elections p.12.

1790. An ELEGY on the late Mr. Nicholas Gibbs, of Plymouth ; who departed this life July the eleventh, 1790. ... By a friend. - Plymouth : Printed by Peter Nettleton , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1°. - *ESTC t071482.

1790. The EXETER pocket journal; or, West Country gentleman and tradesman's memorandum-book for the year of our Lord, 1791, ... - Exeter : Printed and sold by Trewman and Son; sold also by Haydon and Son, Plymouth; Maurice and Edwards, Plymouth-Dock; Murch, Barnstaple; Leigh, Dartmouth; Huxtable, Southmolton; Harry, Truro; Liddell, Bodmin; and all other booksellers in town & country , [1790]. - viii,60p ; 8°. - *WSL; Davidson p.28.

1790. The FAITH of True-Blue, or, Buller for ever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Come, Exonians, let's sing; let our song rend the air; - *D&EI: Elections p.27.

1790. FOR the information of the ignorant. - Barnstaple : F.Murch , [1790?]. - 1 sheet. - Burnet Morris (Allnutt).

1790. FRIEND TO MERIT. An address to the freemen of Exeter. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: A friend to merit, Exeter, Jan. 11, 1790. - *D&EI: Elections p.5.

1790. HALLARAN, Laurence Hynes. A collection of odes, poems, and translations, by Laurence Hynes Hallaran, master of Alphington Academy near Exeter. Dedicated, with the most profound respect, to the inhabitants of that city. - Exeter : printed and sold by R.Trewman and Son, in the Fore-Street , [1790?]. - xvi,128p ; 12°. - List of subscribers p.xiii-xvi. - Errata slip. - Dredge p.76 ; *WSL; ESTC t126541 (1789?); D&EI p.177; DUL 32190.

1790. A HANDBILL having just been circulated, insinuating that offers had been made to Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde ... - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Dated at head: Exeter, April 14, 1790. - *D&EI: Elections p.16.

1790. HAYMAN, Thomas. A winter's day. A poem by Thomas Hayman. - Dartmouth : Printed and sold by J.Jackson , [1790?]. - iv,50p ; 4°. - *Bodl. Vet. A 5 d.1123.

1790. JACK of all trades. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Give me leave, fellow cits, to call your recollections. Against 'Griping old Jack", i.e. James Baring. - *D&EI: Elections p.19.

1790. JACK of all trades, or, a witty whim. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: If the freemen of Exeter sends up old Griper, - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.22.

1790. A JOURNEY from time to eternity. - Exeter : Printed by T.Brice, North-Street , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1°. - Devotional text surrounded by border of alternating hourglasses and skull and crossbones. - *WSL.

1790. A LIST of the freemen and freeholders, who voted at the general election for two representatives in Parliament for the city of Exeter Sir Charles Warwick Bampfylde, Baronet, John Baring and James Buller, Esquires, candidates. - Exeter : Printed by R.Trewman and Son , [1790]. 1 sheet ; 1°. - *ESTC t144345.

1790. A NEW copy of verses called an answer to the candidates glory by IDB. - [Exeter] : [s.n] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; _°. - Verse, first line: Last Friday some verses I chanc'd to peruse; - Lines in praise of Bampfylde and Buller. - *WSL.

1790. A NEW copy of verses, called Exeter's glory and Bampfylde forever, or B. the third confuted. - Exeter : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Exonians all attend to my lay. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.15.

1790. A NEW copy of verses, called smoke his old bacon, or, Bampfylde and Buller forever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Tis certain; old spoil-trade could never deny - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.25.

1790. A NEW copy of verses called the candidates glory, or, Buller and Bampfylde forever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: How long d'ye think sir's it will be, - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.25.

1790. A NEW copy of verses, called the niggardly barber's blaggardly action, or, Sir Timothy Puff. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Ye independant Exonians without any debate; - Against "Old griping Jack" i.e. James Baring. - On verso: A new copy of verses called the Yorkshire promoter. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.20.

1790. A NEW copy of verses called the Yorkshire promoter, or Exeter's downfall. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Some say that spoil trade is his name, - On verso: A new copy of verses, called the niggardly barber's blaggardly action ... - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.20.

1790. A NEW copy of verses, called truth explain'd, or, banter in the dumps. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Exonians come and join with me. In favour of "Baring and trade", against "Foxites, spendthrifts". - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.3.

1790. NO Foxite's or, Baring and Buller, forever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Come honest freemen every one - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.26.

1790. An OCCASIONAL prologue, spoken, to the tragedy of Julius Caesar; performed by the young gentlemen of Mr Weatherdon's boarding-school, in Newton-Abbot, on Friday, December 3, 1790. - [Newton Abbot?] : [John Weatherdon?] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Manuscript note: By Mr. Knighton. - *WSL.

1790. OLD DEVONSHIRE YEOMAN. To the independent and hearty yeomen of the county of Devon. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at the end: An Old Devonshire Yeoman. - In favour of Rolle and Bastard. - Watermark: Dewdney. - *D&EI: Elections p.6.

1790. OLD Turkey-legs has got the gripes. Or a funny frolick. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Old Turkey-legs has got the gripes. - Refers to James Baring. - Crudely printed, style of E.Brice. - *D&EI: Elections p.12.

1790. PITFIELD, William. Remarks on Archdeacon Sleech's pamphlet by W.Pitfield and W.Chapple. - Exeter : [s.n.] , 1790. - See also under 1762. - *Plymouth Public Library L1100.

1790. PLYMOUTH. Theatre. [Playbills]. - [Plymouth] : [s.n.] , 1790-1800. - Burnet Morris (Plymouth Public Library, Notes & Queries 11 series v.5, p.346).

1790. POLL book for the city of Exeter, June 1790. - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 8°. - *Burnet Morris.

1790. PRYCE, William. Archaeologia Cornu-Britannica; or, an essay to preserve the ancient Cornish language; containing the rudiments of that dialect, in a Cornish grammar and Cornish-English vocabulary, ... By William Pryce, M.D. of Redruth, Cornwall ... - Sherborne : Printed by W.Cruttwell; and sold by Dilly, Poultry, London; Fletcher, Oxford; Merrill, Cambridge; R.Cruttwell, Bath; and Grigg and Son, Exeter , 1790. - [24],65,[173]p ; 4°. - *WSL; ESTC t145137.

1790. QUERIES for the county of Devon. - [Exeter ?] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 3,[1]p ; 2°, - Possibly for the compilation of Richard polwhele's The history of Devonshire (see under 1793). - *ESTC.

1790. RETROSPECTION! A new song. Or Bampfylde and Buller for ever. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Ye sons of Exonia, join heart and voice, - *D&EI: Elections p.21.

1790. ROLLE, Denys. To the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Exeter, and the justices of peace for the county of Devon. By Denys Rolle, Esq. - Exeter : Printed by R.Trewman and Son in the Fore-Street , [1790?]. - 54p ; 4°. - No title-page, imprint taken from end. - *Dredge p.76 (C.elkin Mathews); Davidson p.5 (Secktor Lib.); Plymouth Athenaeum p.7.

1790. ROLLE, Denys. To the gentlemen, clergy, and freeholders of the county of Devon. - Exeter : Printed by R.Trewman and Son, in the Fore-Street , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Signed at end: John Rolle. J.P.Bastard. Exeter, June 30, 1790. - Gives results of poll. - *D&EI: Elections p.7.

1790. SEALE, John. To the independent electors of the borough of Clifton Dartmouth Hardness. Gentlemen, The honourable support I have experienced on my canvass ... - Dartmouth : J.Jackson, printer , 1790. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Signed: John Seale. - *WSL.

1790. SKETCHES of truth. Tune, Ide election. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Freemen and freeholders, attend to my story, - *WSL.

1790. SMITH, E. The contrast; or, [t]he mayoralty of Truborough. A comedy. - Plymouth : Printed for the author, by R.Weatherley , [1790?]. [6],89,[3]p ; 8°. - Preface signed: E.Smith. - *ESTC.

1790. TAPRELL, R. Glory to God, &c., in redemption of sinners. - South Molton : [s.n.] , 1790. - *Plymouth Public Library L4036.

1790. TASKER, William. Select odes of Pindar and Horace, translated: together with some original poems; accompanied with notes, critical, historical, and explanatory. By the Rev. William Tasker, A.B. ; in three volumes. ... - Second edition. - Exeter : Printed for the author. And sold by J.Johnson, St. Paul's Church-Yard; J.Bell in the Strand; and J.Fowler, Covent-Garden Piazza, in London; and by R.Trewman and Son, in Exeter. - 3 vol,plate : port ; 12°.

Volume 1. - Second edition. - 1790.

Volume 2. - 1792.

Volume 3. - 1793.

Subscribers' list in volumes 1 and 2 - First edition of volume 1 appeared in 1780. - *WSL; ESTC t135985.

1790. The THREE B's. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/2°. - Verse, first line: B. is a balance that's even and just. - In favour of Baring and Buller, against Bampfylde. - *D&EI: Elections p.8.

1790. 'TIS just the thing! - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: Exonians, come, and join with me; - In favour of Buller. - *D&EI: Elections p.28.

1790. TO all who are admirers of the extraordinary ... Just arrived ... Mrs. Morrell, born without arms! ... - Plymouth-Dock : Hoxland, printer , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Manuscript date by Lysons: 1790. - *ESTC t051061.

1790. TO the free and independent electors; who have not yet voted. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , [1790]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - In favour of Buller and Bampfylde. - *D&EI: Elections p.21.

1790. TO the worthy and independent electors of the borough of Ide. - [Exeter] : [s.n.] , 1790. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Dated: Ide, July 8, 1790.

1790. TRUTH triumphant; or Satan at a loss. - [Exeter] : [s.n] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse, first line: I have now waited near two weeks - *D&EI: Elections p.18.

1790. VILLIERS, J. To the worshipful the Mayor, and the magistrates, and independent freemen, of the borough of Clifton Dartmouth Hardness. Gentlemen, We cannot delay expressing our warmest acknowledgments ... - Dartmouth : Printed by J.Jackson, letter-press and copper-plate printer , 1790. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Signed and dated: J.C.Villiers. E.Bastard. Dartmouth, June 15, 1790. - *WSL.

1790. The YOUNG maid's complaint for the loss of her sweetheart, cast away on board the Dragon. - [Exeter] : [T.Brice] , [1790?]. - 1 sheet ; 1/4°. - Verse with woodcut, first line: Young maidens all pray give attention, - Printed on same half sheet as: Botany Bay. - *DRO 9972/Z18.