20 December 2006

Devon 1715-1719

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 6

Books with Devon imprints: a handlist to 1800. 1715-1719

1715. ATKINS, Robert. The God of love and peace with sincere and peaceable Christians. A farewell sermon, preach'd at St. John's, Exon, August the 17th, 1662. By Robert Atkins. - [Exeter] : Printed by Jos. Bliss, in Palace-Street, without East-gate, for the booksellers of Exon , 1715. - [2],5-24p ; *ESTC t027067.

1715. The EXETER guide to both temporal happiness and eternal. Being a very compleat manual and convenient (before, at, and after,) for the feast of feasts. In III parts together with an epistle, preface and introduction, appendix, almanack and additions; the whole showing how to lead a holy and comfortable life, be a constant and worthy communicant and dy an easy and happy death; interlaced with chronological, historical, poetical and proverbial passages. Useful, edifying and convincing to all sects of christians. In six volumes, each a different tongue, speaks for English, French, High Dutch and Low, Portugese and Italian also. By a Church of England man; a gentleman born, a merchant bred there 37 years, a traveller, a linguist, a native and registered freeman of the well-built, plentiful, healthy and pleasant city of Exeter and county of Devon ... - Exon : Printed for Joseph Anthony , 1715. - xii,358,[2]p ; 12°. - Author probably John Anthony, see Western Antiquary, v,296; vi,109. - ESTC t 105159; *WSL (copy lacks title-page); Davidson supp. p. 6n (Secktor Lib.); Bodl. 14041 f.31.

1715. FURSMAN, John. A sermon preach'd at the assizes held at Launceston for the county of Cornwall, on Thursday, Aug. 18, 1715 By the honourable Mr. Justice Powis and Mr. Justice Eyre. By John Fursman M.A., rector of Trevalga. - Exon : Printed and sold by Philip Bishop, in St. Peter's Church-yard , 1715. - [8],24p ; 8°. - Dredge p.18 (Bibliotheca Cornubiensis); ESTC; *WSL.

1715. HENLEY, Thomas. An account of a male child about fourteen inches long, taken after the mothers death out of the left fallopian tube, in Tiverton, November 1714, after having been there near three years, with a copper cut ... of the child. By Tho. Henley, M.D. - Exon : Printed and sold by Philip Bishop , 1715. - 15,[1]p,plate : ill ; 8°. - *ESTC 114147 (slip bearing works "12 inches and half long" pasted over "fourteen inches long" on title-page); Davidson p. 113 (British Museum, Upcott's bibliographical collections).

1715. LILY, William. Select rules of the genders of nouns and heteroclites. And a select list of the praeter-perfect tenses and supines of verbs. With a supplement to the English syntax. The whole from Lily's Latin grammar publish'd at Oxford; which being joined to his English introduction, contain all that is necessary in grammar for a young beginner. Also a collection of nouns and verbs, containing all the declinable words of Terence's Andria, to serve as examples of the declensions and conjugations. For the use of the school at Exon commonly call'd the Free School. With a preface in which an account is given of the method used in the two lowest forms of the said school, with the reasons thereof; and a defence of the early and long use of Terence therein. - Exon : Printed and sold by Philip Bishop, in St. Peter's Churchyard , 1715. - 8°. - Adapted by John Reynolds. - Dredge p.18 (D&EI); D&EI app. p.102; DUL 42725.

1715. MUSGRAVE, William. Guilhelmi Musgrave Regiae Societatis utriusque socii, dissertatio de icuncula quondam M. Regis Aelfredi. - Iscae Dunmoniorum : Typis Philippi Bishop ; sumtibus Phil Yeo. A. MDCCXV. Veneunt etiam Londini, & in utraque Academia , 1715. - [2],iv,18,[14]p, 1 folded plate ; 8°. - Signatures continuous with: De Geta Britannico. - *WSL.

1715. MUSGRAVE, William. Guilhelmi Musgrave Regiae Societatis utriusque socii Geta Britannicus. Accedit domus Severianae synopsis chronologica, et de icuncula Regis Aelfredi dissertatio. - Iscae Dunmoniorum : Typis Philippi Bishop, sumtibus Phil.Yeo; veneunt etiam Londini, & in utra-que Academia , 1715. - [6],[8],xiii,[3],52,[12],[8],138,[2],iv,18,[14]p, 3 folded plates ; 8°. - Collective title-page for: Capitolinus (1714), De Geta Britannico (1714) and De icuncula (1715). General prelims include disjunct engraved dedication after titlepage and before Praefatio [4]p. Individual works also issued separately. See also 1716. - *WSL.

1715. The PROTESTANT mercury: or, the Exeter post-boy with news foreign and domestick: ... - [Exon] : Printed by Jos. Bliss, at his new printing-house near the London-Inn, without East-Gate , [1715]. - Issued 27 Sept. 1715?-28 Nov. 1718-? - *Wiles 45; DUL 58890.

1715. REED, Benjamin. A defence of the reply to The caveat, &c. in answer to Mr. Stogdon ... By Benjamin Reed. - Exon : Printed by Sam. Farley, for John March, bookseller, near the Conduit: ... , 1715. - 8°. - *Dredge p.18 (Dymond).

1715. WITHERS, John. A reply to Mr. Agate's last two pamphlets, misnam'd by him, A defence of the plain truth. To which is added, an appendix, containing a few remarks on Dr. Walker's late preface to his attempt, &c. By John Withers. - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss, for John March, bookseller, near the Great Conduit , 1715. - 95,xliip ; 8°. - Dredge p.18 (D&EI; ESTC t101891; *WSL; Plymouth Athenaeum p.49; DUL 79490.

1716. BISHOP, Philip. Books printed for, and sold by Philip Bishop, bookseller, in St. Peter's Church-yard, Exon. - [Exeter] : [Philip Bishop] , [1716?]. [16]p ; 8°. - First line of text: Danmonii orientales illustres: ... - *ESTC t096281.

1716. BLAMEY, John. This gives notice that John Blamey has lately set up a drift of very good pack horses for the carriage of all manner of goods from Exon to Cornwall ... - Exon : Printed by Philip Bishop , 1716. - 1/4°. - Verso blank. - Dated: April 24th 1716. - *DRO 316M/EA/76.

1716. EDGLEY, Thomas. The rebellion of Sheba. A sermon preach'd June the 7th, 1716, being the day appointed for a publick thanksgiving, for the success of His Majesty's forces against the rebels at Preston, Dunblain, and Perth. By T.E. - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss for the author, and sold by John March, bookseller, near the Conduit , 1716. - 32p ; 8°. - *Dredge p97 (Manchester Free Lib.); ESTC.

1716. EVELEIGH, Josiah. The dissenters' joy for the preservation of the Church of England. A sermon preached in Crediton on Nov. 5th, 1714, when a riot happened there in the evening, and now published on occasion of a late trial of the said riot. With a preface containing an argument against the divine right of an uninterrrupted lineal succession. By Josiah Eveleigh, minister of the gospel in Crediton. - Exeter : [s.n.] , 1716. - *Davidson supp. p.4.

1716. The LOYAL churchman or the right and title of our only rightful sovereign lord King George asserted and His Majesty's enemies proved enemies to the Church of England by law established. In 2 epistolatory discourses by a clergyman of the Church of England. - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss and sold by Robert Davis bookseller in Bridgwater , 1716. - 24p ; 8°. - AUC 594G17; *Bodl. pamph 334(2).

1716. MUSGRAVE, William. Guilhelmi Musgrave Regiae Societatis utriusque socii Geta Britannicus. Accedit domus Severianae synopsis chronologica et de icuncula quondam M. Regis Aelfredi dissertatio. - Iscae Dunmoniorum : Typis Philippi Bishop ; sumptus Phil. Yeo ; veneunt etiam Londonii, & in utraque Academia , 1716. - 8°. - See also 1715. - *Dredge p.19 (D&EI); D&EI app. p.113; DUL 49070.

1716. [NERO the second]. - [Exon] : [Philip Bishop] , 1716. - Jacobite ballad for which Bishop was imprisoned. - Brushfield, T.N. "Andrew Brice and the early Exeter newspaper press" Transactions of the Devonshire Association, vol. 20 (1888), p.172-3.

1716. SOUTHCOMB, Lewis. Oblectamenta pia : sive, sacra modulamina, nempe rhythmi divini festivique. In gratiam juventutis. Editio altera; altero tanto auctior, quae festa ecclesiae; evangelistarum & apostolorum vitas, acta, mortes, refert, explicat, applicatque. ... Ab ecclesiae catholicae sacerdote, anachoreta. - Iscae Dunmoniorum : Excudebat, & venales prostant apud Philippum Bishop , 1716 . - [8],96,91-138p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.19 (Macray); ESTC t125348.

1716. SOWTER, John. The way to be wise and wealthy; or, the excellency of industry and frugality, as the due and regular exercise thereof is the necessary means of procuring the happiness of this life, and preparing for that of a better. Recommended in particular to the gentleman, scholar, soldier, trader, sailor, artificer, husbandman. With a short preface, perswading all Protestants to lay aside party-prejudices, and to unite and love one another. By Mr. John Sowter. - Exon : Printed by Philip Bishop, and sold by him at his shop in St. Peter's Church-Yard, and by William Taylor, at the Ship in Paternoster-row , 1716. - 95,[1],[16]p ; 8°. - Reissued with a new titlepage: London : printed: and sold by J.Roberts , 1732. - *Dredge p.65 (Bodleian); ESTC t096284.

1716. SQUIRE, Francis. A brief exhortation to Protestant liberty from a fair view of Popish slavery, in a sermon. Occasion'd by the late loyal declaration of the Archbishop and bishops. By Francis Squire, rector of Exford, Somerset. - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss for John March, bookseller near the Conduit, and are sold by Sam. Dyer bookseller in Tiverton, and by J Roberts near the Oxford Arms in Warwick Lane London , 1716. - 28p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.65 (J.G.Howes); ESTC 005134.

1717. FIVE of the letters which passed between C.Gyllenborg & B.Sparre, relating to a design of raising a rebellion in His Majesty's dominions supported by a force from Sweden. - Exon : Re-printed by Jos. Bliss, a little without the East-Gate , 1716-17. - [2],6p ; 8°. - *WSL.

1717. MANSTON, Joseph. Twenty lectures, on the chief articles of the Christian faith; delivered to a select number of young persons, in a congregation at Woodbury, in Devon. By the late Reverend Mr. Joseph Manston; with a ... preface, by the Reverend Mr. John Walrond. - Exon : Printed for John March , [1717?]. - 8,16,68p ; 8°. - *ESTC t122620; DUL 46360.

1717. MUSGRAVE, William. De penatibus in Belgio Britannico nuper effosis epistola. - Iscae Dumnoniorum : Typis Geo. Bishop, sumptibus Philippi Yeo bibliopolae , 1717. - iv,34p ; 4°. - Penatium charta regali impressae, veneunt apud bibliopolae Knapton Londiniensem, Clements Oxoniensem, Yeo Exoniensem. - *Bodl. Gough Wilts 10 (10); AUC 3989M8.

1717. NEWCOMB, Daniel. God the only law-giver, able to save and destroy. A sermon preach'd at the cathedral-church of Exeter, on Tuesday, August 20, 1717 : at the assizes held for the county of Devon ... By Daniel Newcomb, ... - Exon : Printed by and for George Bishop, and sold by Philip Yeo, John March, and Nath. Thorn; and J.Wyatt, London , 1717. - 24p ; 8°. - *ESTC t016214.

1717. NEWCOMB, Daniel. A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral Church of Exeter, on Sunday, March 31, 1717. At the assizes held for the county of Devon, before Mr. Baron Price and Mr. Justice Eyre. By Daniel Newcome. M.A., rector of Whimple in Devon, and chaplain to His Grace the Duke of Bedford. Publish'd at the request of the High Sheriff. - Exon : Printed by George Bishop, for John March and Nath. Thorn, booksellers, in Exeter: and are sold by John Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, London , 1717. - 8°. - *Dredge p.97 (T.N.Brushfield); Plymouth Athenaeum p. 93; DUL 49580.

1717. PITTS, Joseph. A true and faithful account of the religion & manners of the Mohametans. The second edition. By Joseph Pitts. - Exon : Printed by George Bishop, for M.Bishop and Edward Score , 1717. - [12],204p ; 12°. - *ESTC t077078.

1717. The POST-MASTER; or the loyal mercury. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, at the head of the Serge-Market in Southgate-Street , [1717?]. - Published 1 Mar. 1717?-23 Apr. 1725. Details from no. 6 2 Sep. 1720. Probably continued as Brice's weekly journal 1725-31+, as Brice's weekly collection of intelligence 1736-38+ and Andrew Brice's old Exeter journal 1746-58+. - Wiles 46,48,49; D&EI app. p. 100; DUL 58380.

1717. The PRESBYTERIANS not chargable with King Charles's death : in two letters publish'd by their ministers, some time before, with their names subscribed, in order to prevent it. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, at the head of the Serge-Market, in South-gate-street , 1717. - 39p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.97.

1717. RAYNER, William. A sermon preach'd in Ely-Chappel at the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God Lancelot, Lord-Bishop of Exeter. On Sunday, February 24, 1716-17. By William Rayner, M.A. Published by order of His Grace the Lord-Archbishop of Canterbury. - Exon : Printed for M.Bishop; and sold by Nath. Thorn, bookseller, in St. Peter's Churchyard; and Wm. Taylor, in Paternoster Row, London , 1717. - 8°. - *Dredge p.45 (D&EI).

1717. SOUTHCOMB, Lewis. Oedipus Britannicus, sive celeberrimae inscriptiones aenigmaticae in Italia, Aelia, Laelia, Crispis etc interpretatio: hactenus desperata; et ratio solutionis, sive huiusce arbi lierata humillime submissa. Epistola ad v. cl. Guil. Musgrave M.D. Exoniemsem - Iscae Damnoniorum : typis Georgii Bishop: sumptibus Nath. Thorn in cemetario S.Petri bibliopolae , 1717. vi,10p ; 4°. - Signed and dated at end: L. de Australi Valle [i.e. Southcomb, see Notes & Queries 5 June 1943] vi id Maii anno er Christi MDCCXVII. - *Davidson supp. p.17n (Secktor Lib); Plymouth Athenaeum p.76; Bodl. vet. A 4 e 493.

1717. SQUIRE, Francis. A treatise concerning the supremacy of the civil magistrate. In a letter to a friend. By Francis Squire, M.A. rector of Exford, and vicar of Cutcombe and Luxborow. - Exon : Printed by George Bishop, for John March bookseller near the Conduit: and are to be sold by J.Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick Lane, London , [1717]. - [2],vii,[1],37,[1]p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.66 (Bodleian); ESTC t100419.

1717. STUART, William. Of divine grace. A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Mary Major in Exon, May the 2d, 1717. ... By William Stuart DD. ... - London : Printed for R.Wilkin, at the Kings Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and Edw. Score, bookseller in Exeter , 1717. - [4],26p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.19 (Dymond); ESTC t002039; DUL 69310.

1718. BURROUGH, John. Zeal and moderation reconcil'd, and shewn to be the peculiar glory and ornament of the Church of England. In a sermon preach'd at the visitation of the Reverend Mr. Edward Trelawny, Dean, and Arch-Deacon of Exeter: held at Honiton in the county of Devon, April 29, 1718. ... By J.Burrough, rector of Gittisham, Devon. - The second edition. To which is added, a postscript, in answer to the author of the Visitor revis'd. - Exon : Printed by G.Bishop for Phil. Yeo, bookseller, near St. Martin's-Lane: and sold by J.Morphew, near Stationer's-Hall, London , [1718]. - 32,8p ; 8°. - Last 8p. postscript to first issue. - *WSL; DUL 8385. - Also another issue, no mention of J.Morphew?

1718. GWIN, Thomas. Some memoirs of our dear deceased Friend Joseph Ceane, dedicated and recommended to his widow and children. By T.G. - Plymouth : Printed by W.Kent in Southside Street , 1718. - 8°. - *Joseph Smith Friends' books.

1718. HOW, Jasper. A sermon preach'd at Exon, May 7. 1718 before an assembly of the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwal. By Jasper How. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice , 1718. - 32p ; 8°. - *ESTC t066244; DUL 36795.

1718. The INNOCENT vindicated; or those falsly call'd Arrians defended by a few plain texts of scripture from the wicked aspersions of uncharitable men, who think themselves infallible, and are wise above what is written. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, at the head of the Serge-Market, in Southgate street , 1718. - 16p ; 4°. - Attributed to "Drake, a taylor" or James Peirce. Published Sep. 1718. - *Dredge p.66 (Bodleian); ESTC t133403; Brockett 1.

1718. The PLYMOUTH weekly-journal: or, general-post; containing an impartial account of all the most material occurrences foreign and domestick. - Plymouth : Printed by W.Kent in Southside-Street, near the New-Key , 1718. - Published 3 Jan. 1718?-12 Mar. 1725-? - *Wiles 116; DUL 57800.

1718. RAYNER, William. A sermon preach'd in the Cathedral of St. Peter, Exon at the primary visitation of ... Lancelot, Lord Bishop of Exeter, on Wednesday, July 30, 1718. By William Rayner, M.A. - Exon : Printed by G.Bishop, for Phil. Yeo and sold by J.Morphew, London , [1718?]. - [4],32p ; 8°. - Errata leaf. - *ESTC t049165; Plymouth Athenaeum p. 93; DUL 60265.

1718. SQUIRE, Francis. The lawfulness of taking oaths : together, with an exposition of their nature and obligation. Set forth in a sermon, preach'd at the assizes begun at Wells in the county of Somerset, August 19, 1718. By Fr. Squire, M.A. rector of Exford, and vicar of Cutcombe and Luxborow. Publish'd at the request of the Honourable High Sheriff, and grand jury. - Taunton : Printed by and for W.Norris: and are likewise sold by Mr. Norris, bookseller at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge; Mr. Penn, bookseller near the Tolzey, Bristol; Mr. March bookseller in Exon; and Mr. Brown in Wells , [1718]. - 28p ; 4°. - Dredge p.85-6; ESTC t006411.

1718. TROSSE, George. The Revd. Mr. Trosse's arguments to prove that Jesus Christ is Jehovah ... - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice , 1718. - 8°. - *Dredge p.19 (Dymond); DUL 72940.

1718. The VISITOR revis'd; or, bigotry prov'd to be neither zeal nor moderation. In answer to some strange notions deliver'd in a late visitation sermon at Honiton, entituled Zeal and moderation reconcil'd, &c. By John Burrough, rector of Gittisham. - Exon : [s.n.] , 1718. - *Plymouth Athenaeum p.112.

1719. An APPENDIX to the Innocent vindicated : or queries propounded to the Revd. Mr. John Walrond, as director of the affairs of the dissenters in Exon: to which he or his friends are requested to give a clear answer. - [Exeter?] : [Andrew Brice?] , [1719?]. - 8°. - *Dredge p.66 (Bodleian).

1719. BALL, John. Arius detected and confuted ... - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, at the head of the Serge Market in South-gate-street , 1719. - 8°. - *Dredge p.20; Brockett 19; DUL 2295. - Another edition: London : Printed for John Clarke , 1719. (ESTC t022415).

1719. BLASPHEMIA detestanda : or, a caution against the diabolism of Arius. In a letter from a clergy-man of the country, to his brother in the city of exon, touching the vile and wretched Arians, said to be starting up there. - Exon : Printed by George Bishop, for Nathaniel Thorn, bookseller, in St. Peter's Church Yard, Exon , [1719]. - 8°. - *Dredge p.66 (Bodleian); DUL 5025.

1719. BOWCHIER, Joshua. Haereticus triumphatus : or, Dagon detruncatus --. Being two dialogues; wherein is set forth, the nature of God; and explain'd, the doctrine of the Trinity. With an answer to the quaeries propounded to Mr. John Walrond. Given by Joshua Bowchier, M.A. Rector of Nymettracy, and sometime fellow of St. John's-College, Cambridge. - Exon : Printed by George Bishop for Nath. Thorn, bookseller, in St. Peter's Church-Yard , 1719. - [4],iv,56p ; 8°. - Dredge p.67 Bodleian); DUL 5785; *WSL.

1719. The CASE of being righteous over-much, and over-much wicked, stated and practically explain'd. In a letter to a friend, who earnestly desired an explication of it. Humbly tender'd to the present age. - Exon : Printed for Nath. Thorn , 1719. - 48p ; 12°. - *ESTC t059570.

1719. A CAUTION against deceivers with respect to the subordination of the son of God ... - [Exeter] : Printed by George Bishop and sold by the booksellers in Exon , [1719?]. - 8°. - *Dredge p.20 (Dymond).

1719. A CAUTION against deceivers; with respect to the subordination of the son of God; and a defence of several eminent divines, viz. A.B.Wake, A.B. Tillotson, Dr. Owen, Dr. Manton, &c. Being quotations from their own works. ... - The second edition: with an appenpendix [sic]; being an answer to Mr. Hallet's letter. - [Exeter] : Printed by George Bishop, and sold by the booksellers in Exon , [1719]. - 21,[1]p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.20 (Dymond); ESTC (under [1720?]); DUL 9905.

The DECEIVER deceived: being a second appendix to a pamphlet entitul'd A caution against deceivers. ... By. R.N. a layman of the country. - Exon : Printed for the author by Andrew Brice, in the Serge Market , 1719. - 8°. - *Dredge p.20 (Dymond).

1719. EVELEIGH, Joshua. An account of the reasons why many citizens of Exon have withdrawn from the ministry of Mr. Jos. Hallet and Mr. James Peirce. Being an answer to Mr. Peirce's state of the case. - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss, and sold by the booksellers of Exon , 1719. - 16p ; 8°. - Anonymous. London edition published by J.Clark. Exeter edition published before 11 Apr. - *ESTC t082772; Brockett 10.

1719. EVELEIGH, Joshua. A sober reply to ... Peirce' letter ... - Exeter : [s.n.] , 1719. - 8°. - *AUC

1719. EVELEIGH, Joshua. A vindication of Mr. Trosse from the charge of uncharitableness: ... By Joshua Eveleigh, minister of the gospel. - Exon : Printed and sold by Andrew Brice, at the head of the Serge-Market, in Southgate-street , 1719. - 8°. London edition published by E.Matthews. - *Dredge p.21 (Dymond); Brockett 17.

1719. FAITHFUL, Obadiah. A letter to James Perce, with a word of advice to him & his followers. By Obadiah Faithful, a ministring friend of the people called Quakers. - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss, a little without the East-Gate , 1719. - 8p ; 8°. - On Peirce's views respecting the divinity of Christ. - *Dredge p.66 (Bodleian); ESTC t072039.

1719. HALLETT, Joseph. The belief of the subordination of the Son of God to his Father no characteristick of an Arian. By Joseph Hallet. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, for John March, bookseller, at the sign of the bible near st. Martins Lane in the High-street , 1719. - 24p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.20 (Dymond); ESTC t021503; Plymouth Athenaeum p.11; DUL 32217.

1719. HALLETT, Joseph. Denial ... reports ... ministers ... leanings ... Arianism ... - Exeter : [s.n.] , 1719. - 8°. - *AUC 357H29.

1719. HALLETT, Joseph. A letter to the authors of a pamphlet civilly intituled A caution against deceivers. By Joseph Hallett. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, for John March, bookseller, at the Bible in the High-Street , 1719. - 8°. - *Dredge p.20 (Dymond).

1719. LILY, William. A supplement to the English introduction of Lily's grammar: with select rules of the genders of nouns and the heteroclites; and a select list of the praeter-perfect tenses and the supines of verbs. The whole from Lily's Latin grammar, publish'd at Oxford: ... For the use of the school in Exon commonly call'd the Free School. With a preface in which an account is given of the method used in the two lowest forms of the said school, with the reasons thereof;and a defence of the early and long use of Terence therein. The second edition. - Exon : Printed by G.Bishop, for J.March, at the sign of the Bible, a little below St. Martin's-Lane , 1719. - xxxii,98,[2],64p ; 8°. - Adapted by John Reynolds. - *Dredge p.97-8 (British Museum); ESTC t095771.

1719. MUSGRAVE, William. Antiquitates Britanno-Belgicae, praecipue Romanae, figuris illustratae, tribus voll. comprehensae; quorum I. De Belgio Britannico. II. De Geta Britannico. III. De Julii Vitalis epitaphio: quibus accedit appendix. Auctore Guilh. Musgrave, Belga, Reg. Societ. utriusque socio. - Iscae Dunmoniorum : Typis Geo. Bishop: prostant venales apud Joh. March, bibliopolam Exoniensem; Guil. Taylor & Joh. Sprint, Londinenses , 1719. - 3 vol ; 8°. - General titlepage to works individually published 1711-15. - WSL; Dredge p.21: Plymouth Public Library L3934.

1719. MUSGRAVE, William. Belgium Britannicum in quo illius limites, fluvii, urbes, viae militares, populus, lingua, dii, monumenta, aliaque permulta clarius & uberius exponuntur. Auctore Guilh. Musgrave, Belga, Reg. Societ. utriusque socio. - Iscae Dunmoniorum : Typis Geo. Bishop; prostant venales apud Joh. March bibliopolam Exoniensem; Guil. Taylor, & Joh. Sprint, Londinienses , 1719. - [6],xxvi,223,[21]p, plates : ill,maps(some folded) ; 8°. - *WSL; DUL 49050.

1719. PEIRCE, James. The case of the ministers ejected at Exon. By James Peirce, one of them - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice , 1719. 7,[1]p ; 8°. - Exeter edition end March, London edition on 7 April. - *ESTC t082791; Brockett 9; DUL 52410.

1719. PEIRCE, James. A defence of the case of the ministers ejected at Exon. By James Peirce. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, at the head of the Serge-Market , 1719. - 34p ; 8°. - Published in London on 30 April. - *Dredge p.20 (Dymond); ESTC t082792; Brockett 11; DUL 52430; Plymouth Athenaeum p.10.

1719. PEIRCE, James. The evil and cure of divisions. A sermon preach'd at Exon, at the opening of a new meeting-house, March 15. 1718/9. ... By James Peirce. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, at the head of the Serge-Market , 1719. - 27,[1]p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.20 (Dymond); ESTC t006405; DUL 52440.

1719. PEIRCE, James. A letter to Mr. Eveleigh; in answer to his, printed at the end of the reasons, &c. By James Peirce. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, at the head of the Serge-Market , 1719. - [2],5-16p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.20 (Dymond); ESTC t097465; DUL 52500.

1719. PEIRCE, James. A second letter to Mr. Eveleigh, in answer to his Sober reply, &c. To which is added, a confutation of a slanderous report. By James Peirce. - Exon : Printed by Andrew Brice, for John March, bookseller, at the Bible, in the High-Street , 1719. - 32p ; 8°. - *Dredge p.86 (Bodleian); ESTC t011641; Davidson supp. p. 42n (Secktor Lib.); Plymouth Athenaeum p.10; Brockett 18; DUL 52580.

1719. A SOBER way of disputing; or, an account of what did pass between Peter Powell, a leather-seller, and John Combes, a French taylor. - Exon : printed by George Bishop, in the Fore-Street opposite to St. Stephen's Church , [1719?]. - 8°. - *Dredge p.67 (Bodleian).

1719. A SOVEREIGN antidote to expell Arianism: being a collection out of the works of the worthy Mr. George Newton, pastor of the Church of Christ at Taunton; and of the works of the renown'd worthy doctor, Martine Luther, one of our chief reformers; a man hated by the Papists and Arians of this present age. By G.I. a lover of peace and truth. - Exon : Printed by Jos. Bliss, a little without East-gate, and sold by the booksellers of Exon , [1719?]. - 8°. - *Dredge p.68 (Bodleian).

1719. A TRUE account of what was transacted in the assembly of the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwal; met at Exon the 5th and 6th of May, 1719; by those ministers who sign'd the first article of the church of England, &c. ... Exon : Printed by G.Bishop , 1719. - 15,[1]p ; 8°. - London edition publised by J.Clark. - *WSL; Dredge p.20 (Dymond); ESTC t121911; Davidson supp. p.17 (Secktor Lib., also earlier edition: Exeter : [s.n.] , 1719 Davidson supp. 17n Secktor Lib.); Brockett 20; DUL 73660.

1719. WHEREAS it has been industriously reported that some Protestant dissenting ministers are Arians. We ... subscribed ... - [Exeter?] : [s.n.] , [1719]. - 4p ; 8°. - Dated at head: Exon May 6 1719. - *Bodl. G.pamph 180(11).