14 January 2006



This page is one of a series of county listings which are being developed to bring together biographical information relating to localities throughout the British Isles which is currently scattered in other sections of the Exeter Working papers. They are not intended as exhaustive listings. The main sources covered are bankruptcy notices 1731-1806, apprenticeships 1710-1777 and insurance policies 1775-1787. Other information is being added and entries amalgamated as information is available.

King, printer, Dorset 1785P. Not in Bailey 1784. Source: Pendred.


Ames, James, bookbinder, Beaminster, DOR, 1781. Sun policy 442238, £200, 1781.

Oliver, bookseller, Beaminster 1786. Imprint: 1786: Browne, John, Poetical translations.

Oliver, William, printer, stationer, Beaminster, DOR, 1781. Sun policy 442564, £200, 1781.


Dyett, Samuel, apprentice bookbinder, Blandford, DOR, 1764. Apprenticed to Simmonds, Samuel, £4/00/00 IR/1/55, fo. 124.

Pitt, bookseller, Blandford 1744. Source: Plomer.

Simmonds, Samuel, bookseller, bookbinder, Blandford, DOR, 1764-1786. Apprentice bookbinder Dyett, Samuel, £4/00/00. IR/1/55, fo. 124. Sun policy 494175, £200, 1784. Publ. catas. Imprint: 1786: Browne, John, Poetical translations. Source: Nichols ii 687.

Simmonds, Samuel junior, bookseller, Blandford, DOR, 1782. Sun policy 457451, £100, 1782.

Simmonds, bookseller, Blandford 1786.

Sollers, William, bookseller, stationer, bookbinder, Blandford, DOR, 1775-1786. Royal Exchange policy 67630, £950, 1775/7. Royal Exchange policy 88490, £400, 1783/5. Imprint: 1775: Library of Rev. Christopher Twynihoes [to be sold at Town Hall, Blandford]. Sources: Plomer; Munby & Coral; Berry & Poole.

Woolfryes, John, bookseller, Blandford 1702. Mentioned in will of Richard Way of Blandford 1702.


Margrie, Samuel, printer, bookseller, bookbinder, Bridport, DOR, 1786/7. Royal Exchange policy 96878, £500, 1786/7. Imprint: 1786: Browne, John, Poetical translations.

Simmons, printer, Bridport 1785P. Not in Bailey 1784. Source: Pendred.

Wiltshire, John, printer, stationer, Cerne Abbas, DOR, 1786/7. Royal Exchange policy 97530, £100, 1786/7.


Churchill, William, bookseller, Dorchester 1660. Imprint: Usher, James, Eighteen sermons. Source: Dredge 38.

Gaylard, Robert, bookseller, Dorchester 1714. Subscribed to Walker's Sufferings of the clergy, 1714. Source: Dredge 38.

Gould, Ann Fisher, printer, bookseller, bookbinder, Dorchester, DOR, 1784/5. Royal Exchange policy 90680, £300, 1784/5.

Gould, Samuel, bookseller and stationer, Dorchester 1733-86. Died 6 Mar. 1786? [no forename given]. Imprints: 1756: Girrard, J., Practical lectures on education; 1786: Browne, John, Poetical translations. Sources: Plomer; Musgrave; Pendred; Dredge 104.

Haviland, John, printer, Dorchester, DOR, 1778-1779. Sun policy 395556, £100, 1778. Sun policy 416900, £200, 1779.

Lockett, Thomas, printer, bookseller, stationer, Dorchester, DOR 1780/1-1798. Sun policy 438610, £400, 1780/1. Imprints: 1787: Instructions for merchants; 1797: Kress: S5558. Sources: Berry & Poole; Dredge 116; Pendred.

Thorne, bookseller, Dorchester 1786. Imprint: 1786: Browne, John, Poetical translations.

Thorne, Timothy Sullivan, printer, bookseller, bookbinder, Dorchester, DOR, 1784/5. Royal Exchange policy 90680, £300, 1784/5.


Bryant, Mary, bookseller, Lyme Regis 1719. Lawsuit in PRO: Stat. Co. v. Greep (as defendant) 1719. Source: Goulden.

Trayte, bookseller, Lyme Regis 1786. Imprint: 1786: Browne, John, Poetical translations.


Newman, Thomas, apprentice parchment maker, Oborne, DOR, 1774. Apprenticed to Pitman, Thomas, £30/00/00 IR/1/28, fo. 048.

Pitman, Thomas, parchment maker, Oborne, DOR, 1769-1774. Apprentices: Targett, Binas, £10/00/00. IR/1/57, fo. 091, Newman, Thomas, £30/00/00. IR/1/28, fo. 048.

Targett, Binas, apprentice parchment maker, Oborne, DOR, 1769. Apprenticed to Pitman, Thomas, £10/00/00 IR/1/57, fo. 091.


Brassett, J., bookseller, Poole 1744. Source: Plomer.

Compton, John, stationer, Poole, DOR 1766. Bankrupt: GM Jan 1766. Final dividend declared for Dec. 22 1767, for John Compton, late of the Town and County of Poole, stationer (London Gazette 28 Nov 1767)
Ledgard, Richard, stationer, Poole, DOR, 1785/6. Sun policy 516118, £700, 1785/6.

Moore, Joseph, printer, bookseller, stationer, Poole, DOR, 1765-1786/7. Born 2 Apr 1736. Began printing 1765. Sun policy 525642, £500, 1786/7. Source: Plomer.

Rule, Joseph, printer, stationer, Poole, DOR, 1777-1785. Sun policy 384487, £300, 1777. Sun policy 505210, £200, 1785.


Lugg, William, apprentice papermaker, Saint Martin Wareham, DOR, 1775. Apprenticed to Snelgar, William, £10/00/00 IR/1/59, fo. 098.

Snelgar, William, papermaker, Saint Martin Wareham, DOR, 1775. Apprentice Lugg, William, £10/00/00. IR/1/59, fo. 098.


Adams, Thomas, bookseller and stationer, Shaftesbury 1785P. Not in Bailey 1784. Source: Pendred.

England, William, printer, bookseller, stationer, Shaftesbury, DOR, 1779-1785P. Sun policy 421953, £100, 1779. Source: Pendred.

Woolridge, R., bookseller, Shaftesbury 1744-75. Source: Plomer.


Bettinson, Hannah, printer, Sherborne 1746. Source: Plomer.

Bettinson, J., printer, Sherborne 1746. Source: Plomer.

Bettinson, William, printer, Sherborne 1731-46. Imprints: 1741: Domett, Philobeth, A sermon preach'd in Heywicke Chapel, in Newton-Bushel; 1746: Fisher, John, Sermons on several subjects. Source: Plomer; Dredge 102.

Cook, Joshua, bookseller. Imprint: 1732: The West-Country farmer. Source: Plomer.

Cooke, John (1), bookseller, Sherborne, DOR, 1712. Apprentice Cooke, John, £10/00/00. IR/1/42, fo. 081.

Cooke, John (2), apprentice bookseller, Sherborne, DOR, 1712. Son of Sarah of Milborne DOR, widow. Apprenticed to Cooke, John, £10/00/00 IR/1/42, fo. 081.

Cruttwell, William printer, bookseller, Sherborne, DOR 1764-1804. Mentioned in St. James's chronicle 3 Jan 1775. Printed Sherborne journal 1778-84. Bankrupt, certificate 16 Jan. 1778. Imprints: 1780: The new-years-gift, of the men who distribute the Sherborne Journal; 1786: Browne, John, Poetical translations; 1790: Pryce, William, Archaeologia Cornu-Britannica; 1795: Boswell, Edward, The civil division of the county of Dorset; 1796: Gardiner, John, Brief reflections on the eloquence of the pulpit. Sources: Plomer; Pendred; Dredge 106.

Royal Exchange policy 90723, £1200, 1784/5.

Crutwell, William, printer, Sherborne, DOR 1778. Bankrupt: GM Oct 1778 cert: 16 Jan 1778

Crutwell, William, printer, Sherborne, DOR, 1777. Apprentice Smout, George, £1/00/00. IR/1/60, fo. 060.

Goadby and Lerpiniere, printers, Sherborne 1796. Imprints: 1796: Troutbeck, John, A survey of the ancient and present state of the Scilly Islands.

Goadby, Robert I, printer and bookseller, Sherborne 1749-78. B. 1721; d. 12 Aug. 1778 aged. 57. Apprentice 1768 Watts, James, £105/00/00. IR/1/25, fo. 152; McKenzie 3291. Printer of Sherborne mercury. Sun policy 402594, £1000, 1778. A friend to religious truth and versed in several languages. His Illustrations of the holy scriptures in three folio volumes was widely read in several editions. Also wrote A rational catechism, The Christians's instructor, a pamhplet on the death of Mr Dodd 1777, and several cheap periodical publications which were widely disseminated. A supporter of political liberty. Left various bequests to the poor. Imprints: c1750: Roberts, William, The divine institution, 4th ed.; c1750: An apology for the life of Mr. Bampfylde-Moore Carew, 3rd ed; 1752: Southcomb, Lewis, The christian's peculiar character; 1769: Alcock, Thomas, The endemial colic of Devon; 1769: Head, Isaac, A confutation of the observations on free masonry; 1769: Turner, John, A sermon; 1770: Rowles, Samuel, An appeal to the sober reflections of Mr. J.M.; 1770: Toulmin, Joshua, Sermons, principally addressed to youth; 1770: Vivian, Thomas, An exposition of the catechism. Sources: BNB; Musgrave; Nichols iii, 435, 723-6; Timperley 743-4; Gent. mag. 54: 93-5; Dredge 25, 29, 85

Goadby, Robert II, printer, Sherborne 1778-96. Trading: as Goadby & Co. 1785P-1786; as Goadby and Lerpiniere 1796. Printers of Western flying post or Sherborn and Yeovil mercury 1785P. Adverts taken in by W.S.Goady, Royal Exchange and five coffee houses in London 1785P. Imprints: 1781: Coven, Stephen, The militant Christian; 1786: Instructions for merchants; 1786: Browne, John, Poetical translations; 1789: Nation, William, The dramatic pieces; 1789: Bidlake, John, The slave-trade, 2nd ed.; 1791: Alcock, Thomas, An apology for Esau; 1794: Bidlake, John, Poems; 1795: Webb, Mrs., A letter to His Grace the Duke of Portland; 1796: Gardiner, John, Brief reflections on the eloquence of the pulpit. Sources: Plomer; Dredge 83, 116, 117; Pendred.

Langdon and Son, booksellers, Sherborne 1819. Imprint: 1819 Kingsbridge and Salcombe ... depicted. Source: Dredge 115.

Langdon, James, bookseller, Sherborne, DOR, 1785. Sun policy 500406, £200, 1785.

Lerpiniere, Samuel, printer, Sherborne, DOR, 1778. Sun policy 402594, £1000, 1778.

Price, G., Sherborne 1737. Printed Sherborne mercury 1737. Source: Plomer.

Smout, George, apprentice printer, Sherborne, DOR, 1777. Apprenticed to Crutwell, William, £1/00/00 IR/1/60, fo. 060.

Watts, James, apprentice printer, Sherborne, DOR, 1768. Apprenticed to Goadby, Robert, £105/00/00 IR/1/25, fo. 152; McKenzie 3291.


Bacon, Robert, papermaker, Wareham, DOR, 1778. Sun policy 402839, £2000, 1778.

Homer, Mary, stationer, Wareham, DOR, 1777. Sun policy 385770, £100, 1777.

Torbuck, John, apprentice stationer, Warham, DOR, 1712. Son of John of Ellington HAM, vicar. Apprenticed to Wright, Thomas, £10/00/00 IR/1/02, fo. 036.

Wright, Thomas, stationer, Warham, DOR, 1712. Apprentice Torbuck, John, £10/00/00. IR/1/02, fo. 036.


Love, John, bookseller, bublisher, circulating and musical library, Weymouth 1790-93: Esplanade 1790. D. Nov. 1793 aged 41. Imprint: Abbey 1790: AS339. Source: Musgrave.


Applin, Morris, stationer, Wimborne 1784B-1785P. Source: Pendred.

Tory, printer, Wimborne 1785P. Not in Bailey, who lists Richard and William Tory, merchants and Richard Tory, grocer. Source: Pendred.

Tory, William, stationer, Wimborne, DOR, 1777. Sun policy 385768, £900, 1777.


Burt, Stephen, papermaker, Witchampton, DOR, 1780. Sun policy 426692, £300, 1780.