07 December 2005


Index of engravers and artists for Cassell's illustrated family Bible, 1859-63.

There seem to have been at least eight early issues of the Bible.

1. Between May 1859 and April 1863 in weekly parts of eight pages at 1d each, and soon after in 48 monthly parts of 32 or 40 pages for 5d or 6d (information from The bookseller).

2. In January 1861 the "Superior edition" on larger paper began to appear in thirty monthly parts of 48 pages at one shilling each. after their completion Cassell catalogues priced the regular edition at £31s 6d and the superior one at 50s.

3. From January 1864 to December 1867 in 48 monthly parts at 7d (information from The bookseller which gives the exact starting date)

4. From October 1870 to September 1874 in 48 monthly parts at 7d (information from Athenaeum 24 September 1870 which gives the starting date)

5-6. Other British issues are recorded in library catalogues for 1862-64 and 1868.

7. In January 1861 Cassell began to issue monthly parts in the United States with 32 pages for 15 cents. This may have been interrupted by the Civil War (information from American publisher's circular).

8. Later American issues include one for 1868 to 1870 in 36 monthly parts at 50 cents (listed in Cassell's parts editions) and American literary gazette) and in the 1870s it appears to have been issued continuously in 36 montly parts at 50 cents according to information in the January 1878 parts edition.

Starting in the 1870s, Cassells began to diversity with cheap & deluxe editions. The cheap editions were called the Guinea, the Half-Guinea, and the Crown Bible. Deluxe editions added dozens of chromolithographs or dozens of Dore Bible engravings. Chromo artists were M.E.Edwards, M.L.Gow, Towneley Green, C.Gregory, W.J.Morgan, H.M.Paget, H.C.Selous, G.L.Seymour, Th.Dupuy & W.J.Webb. New editions of CIFB continued well into the 1890s and possibly even after the turn of the century. The last known Cassell edition of the official Dore Bible was in 1907 with the last known ad for it in 1912.

Other foreign editions include: a French edition, Drioux's Bible Populaire, a German edition Pracht-Bibel (Leipzig: A.H.Payne, 1862, later editions 1886 etc including a Cincinnati reprint by Cranston & Stowe in 1883) with a German Jewish edition: Illustrirte Pracht Bibel fur Israeliten (Leipzig : A.H. Payne, 1874). A U.S. pirate edition was published by W.J.Holland Co. and there were also editions of the illustrated Bible published in Holland, Sweden, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. There was even a contract for a Russian edition, but when it was announced it was stifled by Russian censors.

Many of the wood engravings in the early issues were also used in the Drioux edition of the Bible populaire published by Hachette in 1864-65, often with minor changes to the woodblocks. Early issues used four Doré illustrations reprinted from 1857-59 Hachette periodicals Journal pour tous and Semaine des enfants.The Cassell Bible engravings were also pirated in many United States editions of family Bibles from about 1868 for over thirty years without any acknowledgment of the source.

I am indebted to Dan Malan for most of the above information.

The present index is based on a copy of the Bible which has been in the maternal side of my family for some time. It was issued in monthly parts and was bound up at a later date. It is probably the 1870-74 edition as some wrappers bear advertisements for the Doré edition of Milton issued in parts. While this was first published in 1866, this was in book format, and the first issue in parts of Doré's Milton in Britain was in March 1871.

At first the Bible was issued in 211 weekly parts but for the present issue these were gathered together into 48 monthly parts, each made up of four or five weekly parts and selling at 7d or 8½d respectively. Ghost images of the wrappers are normally visible, sometimes distinctively enough to decipher the issue number, price and occasionally details of other works issued by the firm. The details of the parts are tabulated after the index of engravers and artists.

An unusually high number of the 900 wood engravings are signed, often by both the artist and engraver, and a large team of contributors was recruited, perhaps about one hundred in all. The present index refers to the page numbers within the Old Testament or New Testament where engravings are to be found – there are two separate sequences of pagination. No account of unsigned engravings has been taken.

Ian Maxted
July 2009

Description of the work:
[Engraved title]Cassell's illustrated family Bible
[Typographic title:] The Holy Bible: containing the Old and New Testaments, with explanatory notes, references, and a condensed concordance. Illustrated with more than nine hundred highly finished engravings. - Cassell, Petter & Galpin.

Index of artists and engravers:
A., E. OT 909, 933
Anelay, Henry. Artist. (1817-1883). Eyre Cottage, Blackheath 1858-73. Exhibited RA, including Devon views 1858-73. OT 600, 629, 656, 664, 665, 705, 709, 713, 720, 809, 817, 968, 1045, 1168, 1181, NT 229
Armstrong, W. Engraver. 58, Fleet Street (Swain & Armstrong) 1855. Blocks in Don Quixote 1842 (Buchanan-Brown). OT 353
Arthur. Engraver. ? OT 640
Baker, H. Engraver. OT Titlepge
Baker, W.J. Engraver. NT 184
Bale & Holman. Engravers. 78, Great Tichfield Street 1865. NT 160, 192, 205, 223
Beaucé, J.A. Engraver. OT 712
Best ... Engraver. OT 979
Best Cosson & Smeaton? Engraver. NT 245, 320
Bill Brothers. Engraver. OT 889, 960
Borders, F. Engraver. Blocks in Abbotsford edition of Waverley novels 1846-47 and books published by Black and Nimmo c.1840-70 (Buchanan-Brown) OT 1048, 1097
Butterworth & Heath. Engravers. 356 Strand 1860-65. OT 1185, 1193, 1213, 1257
C., H. (Castelli?). OT 1217
Calvinolo, R.F. Engraver. OT 637
Castelli, H. Artist. Horace Castelli (1825-1889) French illustrator. OT 21, 73, 80, 81, 84, 93, 104, 113, 117, 125, 140, 157, 213, 216, 238, 241, 244, 284, 289, 301, 307, 320, 353, 369, 381, 401, 405, 409, 413, 421, 429, 437, 441, 457, 461, 465, 469, 485, 512, 520, 524, 545, 553, 568, 569, 585, 589, 593, 597, 601, 605, 608, 609, 613, 617, 626, 673, 677, 681, 684, 689, 693, 696, 697, 869, 872, 873, 881, 885, 889, 896, 901, 929, 969, 1024, 1025, 1029, 1033, 1049, 1057, 1069, 1080, 1088, 1096, 1097, 1105, 1125, 1169, 1244, 1248. NT 13, 29, 32, 65, 125
Chapon, L. Engraver. Probably Léon Louis Chapon (1836 - 1918), Franch engraver. OT 12, 197. NT 217
Chazal, C. Artist. Charles Camille Chazal 1825-1875, French artist. OT 236, 917, 921, 945, 993, 1021, 1064, 1085, 1089, 1101, 1109, 1129, 1133, 1205
Cooper, James. Engraver. 26, Great James Street, Bedford Row 1855-60. OT 456
Crane, Henry. Engraver. 38, West Square 1865; 6, Fetter Lane 1865. Blocks by a Crane in Abbotsford edition of Waverley novels 1844-45 (Buchanan-Brown). OT 225
D., E. Engraver. OT 941
Dalton, J. Engraver. NT 204
De La Charlerie. Artist. Perhaps Hippolyte de la Charlerie (1827-1869) Belgian painter and illustrator who produced book illustrations in Paris. OT 344, 357
Denny. Artist. OT 505, 517, 565
Doré, G. Artist. Gustave Doré (1832-1883) French illustrator. OT 33, 52, 477, 1141, 1149, 1252
Dower, John. Map engraver. 6, Cumming Place, New Road 1855, 168 Pentonville Road 1860-65; 108, Fleet Street c.1861. OT 506, 552. NT 332, 333, 340, 376
Etherington, E. Engraver. Recorded as working in France (Buchanan-Brown) OT 18, 719
Evans, E. Perhaps Edmund (1826-1905) Engraver. Early printer of wood engravings in colour and perhaps best known for illustrations of children's books by Kate Greenaway. 4, Raquet Court, Fleet Street 1860-65. Another E. Evans was active in the 1840s (Buchanan-Brown) NT 9, 24, 40
F., W. OT 99, 101, 1134, 1208 (monogram)
Feyen, A. Artist. OT 481, 525, 536
Freeman, W.H. Artist. 87, Watling Street 1840. Exhibited RA 1840. OT 132, 979
Friston, David Henry. Artist. 31a Stanhope Street 1856-62. Exhibited RA 1853-69. OT 233, 765, 773, 780, 784, 785, 789, 792, 796, 800, 805, 808, 813, 824, 825, 833, 845, 856, 897, 904, 965, 1041. NT 33, 45
G., K. OT 126
Gillot. Map engraver. NT 253, 376
Gooding, Joseph. Engraver. 8, Elizabeth Terrace, Liverpool Road 1855; 10, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street 1860; 9, Red Lion Court 1865. OT 160
Green? OT 653
Green, Charles. Artist. 15, College Terrace, Islington 1862. Exhibited RA 1862-83. NT 121
Green, W.J. OT 505
Grenier, P. Artist. OT 65, 385
Guichard, Edme. Artist/engraver? OT 1177, 1200. NT 9, 40, 61, 101
Hadamand, A. Artist. OT 48, 269, 1121
Harral, Horace. Engraver. 4, Palsgrave Place, Strand 1860-65. OT 1234, 1260
J., P. (Justyne?) OT 680, 735, 812?, 876, 892, 924, 942, 951, 960, 964, 1012, 1116, 1132, 1188, 1195, 1215. NT 16, 46, 64, 72, 104, 108, 139, 144, 156, 160, 184, 189, 204, 205, 232, 233, 300
Justyne & Guichard. Artist. OT 1264
Justyne, Percy William (1812-83). Artist. After short careers in the navy and as a colonial administrator in the West Indies he worked as a book illustrator, also producing many pictures for periodicals such as the Illustrated London news, Graphic and Building news. OT 295, 376, 378, 383, 394, 395, 408, 430, 432, 436, 443, 448, 555, 861, 864, 903, 957, 973, 1056, 1072, 1073, 1081, 1100, 1112, 1137, 1145, 1180, 1185, 1204, 1213, 1220, 1224, 1225, 1228, 1229, 1234, 1241, 1257. NT 60, 137, 208, 213, 225, 236, 237, 241, 257, 261, 277, 289, 295, 305, 309, 316, 325, 349, 368, 373, 381, 385, 388
Key, F.W. (1861 directory) NT 105
Knight, John. Engraver. 7, Clerkenwell Close 1855-65. OT 297, 373, 429
L., J.D. OT 823
Leighton, I. Artist. OT title
Linton, William James (1812-97). Engraver. 33, Essex Street, Strand 1860; 85, Hatton Garden 1865. Apprenticed to George Bonner. Worked for W.H.Powis, John Thompson and John Orrin Smith who took him into partnership 1842. Committed radical. Abandoned engraving and moved to Lake District 1849. Left for America 1866 where he established Appledore press, New Haven (Buchanan-Brown). OT 109, 369, 421, 457, 501, 549, 569, 605, 609, 673, 685?, 689, 696, 721, 725, 732, 741, 753, 824, 840, 849, 869, 909, 921, 925, 933, 944, 945, 949, 993, 1000, 1009, 1012, 1032, 1064, 1065, 1085, 1089, 1133, 1141, 1165, 1169, 1201, 1221, 1237, 1252, 1261. NT 1, 5, 13, 17, 21, 29, 57, 73, 92, 113, 145, 161, 173, 197, 209, 229, 249, 269, 281, 285, 297
Loudon, Robert. Engraver 28, Ludgate Hill 1855; 37, Essex Street, Strand 1865. OT 845 M., J. NT 313
Marriott, Richard Samuel. Engraver. 75, Essex Street, Strand 1865. NT 85, 117, 169
Maurand, C. Engraver. NT 49
Measom, W. Engraver. 46, Liverpool Street, King's Cross 1855. With G.Measom worked on blocks for Abbotsford edition of Waverley novels, 1842-47 and Les beautés de l'opéra 1845 (Buchanan-Brown). OT 229, 790, 1025, 1045, 1073, 1104, 1161
Melville, A.S. Artist. OT 997, 1053, 1232, 1233 (H.S.)
Monvoisin, Trichon. Engraver. French, engraved works of Gustave Doré (1832-1883). NT 185.
Murden. Engraver. OT 1200, 1244
P., F. (Philippoteau?) Artist. OT 729, 753, 757, 761, 1216, 1249, 1261. NT 1, 25 56, 57, 69, 89, 161, 201, 245, 249, 281, 372, 389
P., J. NT 165
P., T. Engraver. OT 1116
Palmer, J. Artist. OT 56
Pannemaker. OT 33, 453, 481, 581, 1093
Panquel. OT 177, 189
Pearson, G. Engraver. 32, Stanhope Street, Hampstead Road 1855; 15 Wine Office Court, Fleet Street 1860; 17, Albert Street, Camden Road 1860-65; 3, Bolt Court, Fleet Street 1865. OT 8, 9, 56, 61, 80, 88, 96, 104, 105, 124, 140, 157, 161, 213, 269, 307, 489, 555, 669, 705, 713, 717, 728, 729, 733, 757, 773, 780, 789, 808, 809, 833, 848, 864, 881, 965, 973, 997, 1008, 1109, 1129, 1149, 1177, 1208, 1225, 1253, 1264. NT 32, 69, 137, 148, 157, 241
Pelcoq, Jules. French illustrator. OT 1237. NT 5, 21, 37, 41, 97, 109, 113, 117, 129, 193
Philippoteau, F. Artist. Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux (1815–1884), French illustrator. OT 5, 12, 120, 124, 197, 321, 325, 329, 332, 337, 425, 685?, 721, 725, 732, 737, 741, 925, 941, 949, 1000, 1008, 1009, 1032, 1065. NT 17, 49, 53, 73, 133, 145, 148, 157, 173, 185, 209, 217, 269, 297, 377. See also P., F.
Priolo, P. Artist. NT 285, 320
Prysten, W? NT 353
R., N. Engraver? NT 321
R., W. NT 356, 361, 362, 363
Read, S. OT 136, 894, 902, 999
S., B.C. Engraver. NT 201
S., F. OT 1236, 1247
Sargent, A. Engraver. OT 152, 169, 321, 344.
Sears, M.V. Engraver. 5, Bride Court, Fleet Street (M.U.) 1855. Worked in London 1830 and from 1852, Paris 1835-40 and Leipzig 1842 (Buchanan-Brown) OT 1024, 1069, 1100
Sheeres, Charles William. Engraver. 14, Upper Barnsbury Street, Islington 1855; 83, Fleet
Street 1860; 44, Paternoster Row 1865. OT 21, 40
Smeeton, Cosson. Artist. NT 377
Smyth, F. Engraver. 15, Essex Street, Strand (Fredk James) 1860; 9, Essex Street 1865. OT 1105
Swain, John. Engraver. 58, Fleet Street (Swain & Armstrong) 1855; 266, Strand 1860. OT 1121, NT 121
Thomas, William. Engraver. 17, Essex Street, Strand 1855; 11, Serjeants Inn 1860. OT 697, 709, 712, 720, 736, 744, 752, 792, 885, 1005, 1010, 1216, 1233
Thomas, W.Luson. Engraver. 4, Palgrave Place, Strand 1860-65. OT 417, 444, 477, 485, 745, 880
Trichon. Engraver. Probably Auguste Trichon (1814-1898), French wood engraver. NT 133
Voillemot, Ch. André Charles Voillemot (1823 - 1893), French artist. OT 509
W OT 719
W., G. Artist. OT 944
W., J.L. (Williams?). Engraver. NT 16, 236
Waltier ? Artist. OT 1211
Washington, G. Artist. OT 888, 953, 1016
Watkins, John. Engraver. 8, Danes Inn, Strand 1860. OT 524, 536, 545, 553, 585, 601, 636, 645, 649, 657, 677, 684, 701, 704, 737, 749, 781, 785, 796, 801, 805, 837, 860, 872, 873, 877, 888, 893, 905, 913, 989, 992, 1001, 1049, 1053, 1057, 1125
Whimper OT 819. NT 183
Whipmer, J.C. Engraver. 20 Canterbury Place, Lambeth Road (J) 1855. OT 92. NT 261
Whymper, Josiah Wood (1813-1903). Engraver. 20, Canterbury Place, Lambeth 1860-65. Born Ipswich, started work as stone mason. Later took up watercolours and exhibited R.I.W. One of leading engravers of period (Buchanan-Brown) OT 576, 668
Williams, Miss. Engraver. Perhaps Miss E.Williams, daughter of Samuel (1788-1853) who engraved after Maclise for Tennyson's The princess 1860 (Buchanan-Brown) OT 1112
Williams, J. OT 693, 733, 865, 957
Williams, J.L. Engraver. OT 1056, 1137, 1148, 1215, 1224
Williams, M.A. Engraver. Probably Mary Ann Williams, sister of Thomas. Continental work 1837-39, taught engraving at Female College of Art in 1860s. Blocks for Northcote Fables 2nd series 1833, The four gospels 1849 (Buchanan-Brown) OT 1188. NT 225
Williams, S. Engraver. Presumably not Samuel (1788-1853) but Samuel junior who worked for The Arabian nights 1839-40 (Buchanan-Brown) OT 604, 964(?). NT 51
Williams, Thomas. Engraver. 15, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street 1855. Brother of Samuel (1788-1853). A leading engraver, also working for French market. Blocks for Northcote Fables 1st series 1828, Tennyson Poems 1857 (Buchanan-Brown) OT 488, 641, 897, 985, 1016. NT 45, 65, 109, 125, 144, 276, 369
Willis, G.W. Engraver. NT 33, 77, 97, 105
Monograms (order of letters and identification uncertain)
HTC. OT 625
OCC. OT 893
JW. OT 1012
OQN. OT 1048
JB. OT 1153
ZM. OT 1165

List of parts and sections Engraved title
Part - Section - Page - Price - Works advertised
Old Testament
1 - 1 - 1 - [Oct 1870?]
2 - 5 - 33
3 - 9 - 65
4 - 13 - 97
5 - 17 - 129
6 - 21 - 161 - 7d - Cassell's illustrated Goldsmith [1865]
7 - 25 - 193 - 8½d - Cassell's popular natural history [1863, 1865, 1866]
8 - 30 - 233 - 7d - Cassell's popular natural history [1863, 1865, 1866]
9 - 34 - 265 - 7d - Doré's Milton's Paradise lost in monthly parts [1866, 1870 etc]
10 - 38 - 297 - 8½d - Doré's Milton's Paradise lost in monthly parts [1866, 1870 etc]
11 - 43 - 337 - 8½d - Now ready: parts 1 and 2 of the Doré Milton, price 2s.
12 - 48 - 377
13 - 53 - 417
14 - 58 - 457
15 - 62 - 489
16 - 66 - 521
17 - 70 - 553
18 - 74 - 585
19 - 78 - 617
20 - 82 - 649 - 7d - The Holy Bible with Doré's illustrations [1866, 1872 etc]
21 - 86 - 681
22 - 90 - 713
23 - 94 - 745 - 7d
24 - 98 - 777 - 7d
25 - 102 - 809 - 7d - The Holy Bible with Doré's illustrations [1866, 1872 etc]
26 - 106 - 841
27 - 110 - 873 - 7d - The Doré Dante's Inferno [1866?]
28 - 114 - 905 - 8½d
29 - 119 - 945
30 - 123 - 977
31 - 128 - 1017
32 - 132 - 1049
33 - 137 - 1089 - 8½d
34 - 142 - 1129 - 7d
35 - 146 - 1161 - 8½d
36 - 151 - 1201
37 - 155 - 1233 to 1264

New Testament
38 - 159 - 1 - 7d
39 - 163 - 33
40 - 168 - 73
41 - 172 - 105
42 - 177 - 145
43 - 181 - 177
44 - 186 - 217 - 8½d
45 - 191 - 257 - 8½d
46 - 196 - 297 - 8½d
47 - 201 - 337
48 - 206 to 211 - 377 to 424 - [Sep 1874?]

This page last updated 24 June 2012 by Ian Maxted
© Copyright Ian Maxted, 2005, 2008.