The London book trades, 1735-1775: a checklist of members in trade directories and in Musgrave's Obituary
Names beginning with: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y. Abbreviations & references.
This checklist was originally prepared for the British Library in 1977 so that the information could be available for the team working on the Eighteenth-Century Short Title Catalogue. After the ESTC entered its second stage and the British Book Trades Index had been proposed, it was made more generally available in a revised form in 1983 as Exeter working paper no. 3, so that it could prove of assistance to other libraries and individuals working on both those projects. The original checklist was compiled purely from trade directories in the excellent collections of Guildhall Library, London and from those entries in Sir William Musgrave's Obituary prior to 1800 (1899-1901) which indicated that the person was engaged in the book trades. No other sources were checked for confirmation as it was decided to let the two sources speak for themselves.
Sources, For this web version some additional information has been incorporated to identify and differentiate individuals better. The sources used and their abbreviations are as follows:
McK. McKenzie, D.F. Stationers' Company apprentices 1701-1800 (Oxford Bibliographical Society, 1977).
Mus. Musgrave, Sir William . Obituary prior to 1800 (Harleian Society, 1899-1901).
Plomer Plomer, H.R. A dictionary of the printers and booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1726 to 1775 (Bibliographical Society, 1932).
Timp. Timperley, C.H. Encyclopedia of literary and typographical anecdote (H.G.Bohn, 1842).
The present compiler's The London book trades 1775-1800 carries the information on into the last quarter of the 18th century and beyond but as the directories were searched for the present list in more detail than for the 1775-1800 list, they may in fact provide amended information for some entries in that list,
Directories, The following directories were examined:
1736 Kent 1738 Intelligencer 1740 Complete guide 1741 Universal pocket companion 1742 Kent 1744 Complete guide 1745 Kent 1745 Universal pocket companion (reprinter, of 1741) 1749 Complete guide 1752 Complete guide 1753 Kent 1754 Kent 1755 Kent 1755 Complete guide | 1758 complete guide 1759 Kent 1760 Universal pocket companion 1760 Complete guide 1761 Kent 1763 Kent 1763 Mortimer 1763 Complete compting house companion 1763 Complete guide 1765 Kent 1765 Complete guide 1767 Kent | 1768 Kent 1768 New complete guide 1769 Payne 1769 Kent 1770 Kent 1770 New complete guide 1771 Kent 1772 Kent 1772 Lowndes 1772 New complete guide 1773 Lowndes 1774 Kent 1774 Lowndes 1775 Kent 1775 Lowndes |
The standard work on London directories is The directories of London 1677-1977 by P.J.Atkins (1990) which extends and largely supersedes The London directories 1677-1855 by Charles William Frederick Goss (1932).
Dates, The sources for dates taken from directories are indicated by the appropriate initial letters placed after the date. The New complete guide (N) is very outdated in much of its information, and shows signs of copying from Kent's directory. Kent tends to be relatively up to date in this early period, as comparison with terminal dates dervied from directories with obituary dates will show. Where directories apparently retain outdated information, this is normally indicated at the end of the entry using the style "Still listed 1768N-1770N". Where the terminal date in a range is taken from a directory and the initial date is not, it can be assumed that only that one directory has been found to list the individual. Virtually the only flesh on the bare bones of the directory listing is provided by Mortimer's directory of 1763, unfortunately only one edition of which was published. With a few exceptions, street numbering first appears in London directories in Kent's directory of 1767 (1767K). For dates prior to that a house number is preceded by a question mark where there is no reason to believe that the address differs from that after house numbering was introduced.
Ian Maxted
April 2003
Ackers, Charles, printer, Saint Johns Street 1728-1759. Died 17 Jun 1759. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Ackers, John, printer, Saint Johns Street 1748-1756. Died 15 Apr 1756. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Adams, Henry, stationer, Lincoln's Inn 1769K-1775K.
Adams, James, stationer, Lombard Street 1742K-1753K.
Aliamet, Francis, engraver, 9, Denmark Street, Soho 1763M. History and portrait engraver 1763M.
Allen, Edmund, printer, Bolt Court, Fleet Street 1763M.
Allen, George, bookseller, 59, Paternoster Row 1772L-1774L.
Allen, Robert sen, TF. London. Died 27 Nov 1735 aged 80. Sources: Musgrave
Almon, John, bookseller, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly.
Anderson and Co, stationer, 92, Tower Street 1768N-1769P; 167, Fenchurch Street 1770K-1775K. Previously Anderson and Tabberer, continued as John Anderson.
Anderson and Tabberer, stationer, 92, Tower Street 1767K. Continued as Anderson & Co.
Anderson, John, stationer, 92, Tower Street 1768K-1769K. Previously Anderson & Co. .
Anderson, William, bookseller, 1, Pauls Alley, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1773L.
Andrews, Elizabeth, pencil maker, Houndsditch 1763M.
Angell, John, bookseller, Lincoln's Inn 1765K.
Annett, John, stationer, Portland Street, Cavendish Square 1767K-1770K.
Applebee, John, printer, Bolt Court, Fleet Street 1740-1750. Died 20 Jan 1750. Sources: Musgrave
Armitage and Roper, ST, PW. 63, Bishopsgate Street 1765K-1775K. Address numbered from 1767K.
Ashurst and Barnard, stationer, Ave Mary Lane 1765K. Edward Barnard partner and successor in Ave Mary Lane.
Ashurst, Edward, stationer, Ave Mary Lane 1761K-1763M. Continued as Edward Ashurst and Co., 3, Broadway, Blackfriars 1769P-1775N. Previously Ashurst and Barnard.
Ashurst, Edward and Co, stationer, Ave Mary Lane 1763K. Previously Edward Ashurst, continued as Ashurst & Barnard.
Ashurst, Samuel, stationer, Paternoster Row 1736-1753. Died 8 Nov 1753. Plo, Mus.
Astley, Thomas, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1736K-1742K. Paternoster Row 1745K.
Atkins and Powell, stationer, Cheapside 1754K-1755K. Charles Powell partner and successor.
Atkinson, Jeremiah, stationer, 70, Leadenhall Street 1745K-1775K. Address numbered from 1767K.
Atkins, Thomas, stationer, Cheapside 1752C-1753K. Continued as Atkins and Powell. Died 22 Apr 1756. Sources: Musgrave
Austin, Stephen, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1736K-1742K. Newgate Street 1745K.
Austin, William, printseller, George Street, Hanover Square 1763M. Drawing master and importer of foreign prints 1763M.
Babbookseller, William & Michael, bookseller, Oxford Street 1774L-1775K.
Baker & Fourdrinier, stationer, next to Post Office, Lombard Street 1755K-1765K. Stationers to King 1763M. Continued as Bloxham & Fourdrinier.
Baker & Leigh, bookseller, York Street, Covent Garden 1768K-1775K. Previously Samuel Baker.
Baker, Benjamin, bookseller, Westminster. Died 30 Jun 1764. Sources: Musgrave
Baker, Samuel, bookseller, York Street, Covent Garden 1767K. Previously Thomas Baker. Continued as Baker & Leigh.
Baker, Thomas, bookseller, York Street, Covent Garden 1763M. Buys and sells libraries 1763M. Continued as Samuel Baker.
Baker, William, stationer, next to Post Office, Lombard Street 1753K-1754K. Previously Dawson & Baker. Continued as Baker & Fourdrinier.
Baker, William & Daniel, bookseller, Stationers Court, Ludgate Street 1752C-1755K.
Bakewell & Parker, printseller, Cornhill 1761K-1763M. Continued by Henry Parker.
Baldwin, Henry, printer, Saint John's Street 1760C-1760U. ?108, Whitefriars, Fleet Street 1763M. 108, Fleet Street 1772L-1775L. Printer of St James's Chronicle 1763M.
Baldwin, Richard (1), bookseller, ?47, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1752C-1758C. Probably no. 47.
Baldwin, Richard (2), bookseller, 47, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1752C-1770N. Address numbered from 1767K. Continued by Robert Baldwin,
Baldwin, Robert, bookseller, 47, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1770K-1775K. Previously Richard Baldwin II.
Ballard, Edward, bookseller, 59, Little Britain 1763K-1775K. Address numbered from 1765K. Previously Samuel Ballard & Son.
Ballard, Samuel & Son, bookseller, ?59, Little Britain 1755K-1761K. Prob. no 59. D. 27 Aug 1761 aged 65. Cont. as Edward Ballard.
Bannerman, Alexander, engraver, near Pon's Coffee House, Castle Street, Leicester Fields 1763M. At Mr. Bennet's. History and architecture engraver 1763M.
Barber, John, stationer, Southwark 1754K-1755K.
Barber, Joseph, stationer, 9, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill 1774K-1775K.
Barber, Peter, stationer, London. Died 28 Jan 1758. Sources: Musgrave
Bariff, William, RA. 13, Lothbury 1768K-1769P.
Barker, Benjamin, bookseller, Westminster 1749-1764. Died 30 Jun 1764. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Barnard, Edward, stationer, 17, Ave Mary Lane 1767K-1775K. Partner and successor of Edward Ashurst.
Basire, Isaac, engraver, London; Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1763M. Died 24 Aug 1768. Historical, portrait & architectural engraver. Engraver to Society of Antiquaries 1763M. Sources: Musgrave.
Baskett, John, printer, King's Printing House, Blackfriars 1718-1742. Died Jun 1742 aged 75. Printer to King. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Baskett, Mark, printer, King's Printing House, Blackfriars 1763M.
Baskett, Thomas, printer, King's Printing House, Blackfriars 1738-1761. Died 30 Mar 1761. Printer to King. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Bate, James, stationer, 7, Birchin Lane, Cornhill 1767K-1775K.
Bathoe, William, bookseller, circulating library, near Exeter Cahnage, Strand 1763M; Strand 1768. Died 2 Oct 1768.
Bathurst, Charles, bookseller, 26, Fleet Street 1761K-1775K. Address numbered from 1767K. Died 21 Jul 1786 aged 77. Wareho. for Cambridge Bibles 1763M. Son d. 23 Oct 1763. Sources: Musgrave
Batley, Jeremy, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1719-1737. Died 11 Sep 1737. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Baxter, Galpine, stationer, 58, Cornhill 1768K-1769K. 37, Leadenhall Street 1773L-1775K.
Bayles and Staples, stationer, 38, Paternoster Row 1767K-1775K.
Beauvois, printseller, opposite Longs Court, Saint Martin's Street, Leicester Square 1763M. Miniature painter & dealer in prints & drawings 1763M.
Becket & Co, bookseller, near Surrey Street, Strand 1763M. Importers of foreign books 1763M. Cont. as Becket & De Hondt.
Becket & De Hondt, bookseller, Strand 1767K-1775K. East corner Adelphi 1775K.
Becket, Thomas, bookseller, corner of Adelphi, Strand 1774L-1775L.
Beckley, Simon, stationer, Stationers Hall 1723. Clerk to Stationers' Co. Died 23 Sep 1723. Sources: Musgrave.
Beecroft, John, bookseller, 23, Paternoster Row 1759K-1775K. Address numbered from 1767K. Died 12 Nov 1779. Sources: Musgrave.
Beevor, bookseller, see Blyth and Beevor.
Bell, John, bookseller, 132, Strand 1770K-1774K. 126, Strand 1775K.
Bellers, William, printseller, Poppins Court, Fleet Street 1763M. Landscape painter and dealer in prints and drawings 1763M.
Benazech, Peter, engraver, Tottenham Court Road 1763M. Landscape engraver 1763M.
Bennet, Thomas, bookseller, London. D. 26 Aug 1706 aged 42. Mar. Elizabeth da of James Whiterons.
Benskin, John, stationer, Gracechurch Street 1742K.
Berry, Cornelius, stationer, 18, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill 1774K-1775K. Partner with master Samuel Goadby as Goadby & Berry. McKenzie.
Bettenham, James, printer, Saint John's Lane 1733-1763M.
Bettesworth, Arthur & Co, bookseller, near Saint Paul's, Paternoster Row 1736K-1738I. Died 5 Jun 1739. Sources: Musgrave.
Bew, John, bookseller, 28, Paternoster Row 1774L-1775K. Died 12 Apr 1793. Sources: Musgrave.
Bickerton, [Ralph] Weaver, bookseller & publisher, London : Black Swan, Exchange Alley 1726 ; Devereux Court without Temple Bar 1728-1730 ; Lord Bacon's Head, corner of Palsgrave's Head Court, Without Temple Bar c.1730-1735 ; Exchange Passage, Fleet Street 1744-1746 ; at his shop in Eton College (1737). Born: 1702, son of Ralph Bickerton citizen and Merchant Taylor (possibly baptised 10 June 1672, Saint Dunstan in the West, son of Francis and Hester), and Elizabeth (Ralph married Elizabeth Weaver 21 Apr. 1701 Saint Katharine by the Tower), baptised 18 May 1702 Saint Martin in the Fields. Apprenticed to Daniel Brown, bookseller, citizen and stationer 12 Nov. 1716, free Stationers' Co. 7 Dec. 1725, one apprentice George Spavan £25 premium 1727. ESTC has 50 records. One of the proprietors of the Grub Street Journal, 1730. Seems to have shared copyrights with Thomas Astley and Stephen Austin 1732. Partner in publishing the translation of Bayle's Dictionary 1735. Sources: McKenzie, D.F., Stationers' Company apprentices 1701-1800 (Oxford, 1978) no 1174 ; Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue ; Plomer, Henry R. A dictionary of the printers and booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1726 to 1775 (London, 1932) ; Foxon, David, English verse 1701-1750 (Cambridge, 1975)
Bickerton, Thomas, bookseller & publisher, London : Golden Flower de Luce, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1708 ; Little Britain 1716-1719 (Rose and Crown 1718) ; Crown, Paternoster Row 1719-1722. Apprenticed to George Sawbridge 7 Sep. 1696, free Stationers' Co. 6 Aug 1705, 1705-1730 7 apprentices including Samuel Bickerton, turned over from Thomas Braddyl 9 June 1707. Active 1707-1730. 12 records ESTC. Sold John Bramhall's The Consecration & Succession of Protestant Bishops 1716. Sources: McKenzie, D.F., Stationers' Company apprentices 1701-1800 (Oxford, 1978) no. 7170 ; Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue.
Bickham, George, engraver, Mays Buildings, Covent Garden 1763M. near Richmond, Kew Lane 1763M. Drawing master and calligraphic engraver 1763M.
Bingley, William, bookseller, stationer, 31, Newgate Street 1771K. Still listed 1772N.
Bird, John, bookseller, 5, Ave Mary Lane 1765K-1775K. Address numbered from 1767K.
Birt, Samuel, bookseller, Ave Mary Lane 1728-1755K. D. Nov 1755. Listed as merchant 1755K. Son Sam. d. Dec 1748.
Blackwell, Alexander, printer, London. Married: Elizabeth Blackwell (1707-1758), author of A Curious Herbal (1737-1739). Did not serve apprenticeship. Worked as a corrector for W. Wilkins and then became a printer himself. Published at least three books in 1733. In the court of common pleas a trial took place 10 July 1734 between James Jervaise, plaintiff, and Alexander Blackwell, defendant, for exercising the art and trade of printing, not having served a regular apprenticeship thereto. A verdict was given to the plaintiff, and 40s damages for exercising the said trade one month, according to the act of 5th Elizabeth. On 10 Sept 1734 a commission of bankrupt was issued against him; and, "to compleat his ruin, one of his creditors arrested and sent him to prison, where he remained, for near two years, in a very helpless condition". He later attempted to become Secretary of the Society for the Encouragement of Learning using "printer" as his profession. London Gazette; Timperley; Gent's Mag, Sept 1747 p. 425; Information from Fernando E. Vega
Blackwell, Beale, inkmaker, London. Died 1767. Sources: Musgrave
Bladon, Samuel, bookseller, 28, Paternoster Row 1772K-1773L.
Blamire, Richmond, stationer, corner of Craven Street, Strand 1772L-1775L.
Blanchard, Christopher, pencil maker, Gerrard Street, Soho 1768K-1769K. Died 3 Nov 1769. Still listed 1772N. Sources: Musgrave
Blanchard, Richard, pencil maker, Gerrard Street, Soho 1763M. Bond Street 1763M. Address of warehouse. Continued as Christopher Blanchard.
Bland, David, stationer, 38, Strand 1767K-1769K. 66, Fleet Market 1770K. Still listed at 38, Strand 1772N.
Bloss, John, stationer, Paternoster Row 1738I-1742K. Continued as John Bloss & Co.
Bloss, John & Co, stationer, Paternoster Row 1745K-1754K. Previously John Bloss. Died 3 May 1754. Sources: Musgrave
Bloxham & Fourdrinier, stationer, 11, Lombard Street 1767K-1773L. Previously Baker & Fourdrinier.
Bloxham, Fourdrinier & Co, stationer, 11, Lombard Street 1774L-1775L. Bloxham, Fourdrinier & Bloxham.
Blyth, bookseller, Finch Lane, Cornhill 1773L.
Blyth & Beevor, bookseller, Cornhill 1772L.
Blyth, Francis, bookseller, Finch Lane, Cornhill 1774L-1775L.
Bocock, Benjamin, stationer, 6, Gracechurch Street 1770. Partner with Thomas Grape. Died 11 Jun 1770. Sources: Musgrave
Boddington, Joseph, stationer, near Lombard Street, Fenchurch Street 1741-1742K. McKenzie.
Boosey, John, bookseller, 50, King Street, Cheapside 1773L-1775L.
Botham, William, printer, Bartholomew Close 1738-1748. Died Dec 1748. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Bourn, Benjamin, bookseller, under Royal Exchange 1754K. Author of: The sure guide to hell. Died 15 Apr 1755. Sources: Musgrave
Bowen, Emanuel, engraver, London. Died 8 May 1767. Son Thomas died Apr 1790. Sources: Musgrave
Bowers, Paul, bookbinder, near Strand 1770. Died 22 Aug 1770. Sources: Musgrave
Bowles, Carington, printseller, 69, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1764-1793. Died 20 Jun 1793. Sources: Musgrave
Bowles, James & Thomas, stationer, ?49, Newgate Street 1765K. 49, Newgate Street 1767K-1775L. 93, Newgate Street 1769P. James died 13 Jun 1782. Sources: Musgrave
Bowles, John, printseller, ?87, Cornhill 1749C-1765K. 87, Cornhill 1767K-1755K. As John Bowles & Son 1753K-1763M.
Bowles, John & Son, printseller, ?87, Cornhill 1753K-1763M. Previously John Bowles.
Bowles, Thomas (1), printseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1752C-1763K. Died 8 Apr 1767. Succ by Carington Bowles. Sources: Musgrave
Bowles, Thomas (2), printseller, ?49, Newgate Street 1765K. 49, Newgate Street 1767K-1775K. 93, Newgate Street 1769P. As James & Thomas Bowles. Died 28 Apr 1788 aged 50. Sources: Musgrave
Bowyer & Nichols, printer, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street 1775L. Bowyer d. 18 Nov 1777 aged 78. Sources: Musgrave
Bowyer, William (1), printer, Whitefriars, Fleet Street 1737. Died Dec 1737. Sources: Musgrave
Bowyer, William (2), printer, Whitefriars, Fleet Street 1763M. Printer of Votes of House of Commons.
Boydell, John, printseller, engraver, Cheapside 1760C. corner of Queen Street, Cheapside 1763M-1765C. 90, Cheapside 1768K-1775K. Importer of foreign prints 1763M. Wife died 27 Jan 1781. Sources: Musgrave
Brackstone, James, bookseller, Cornhill 1745K-1761K. Also listed 1763Ch.
Bradley, PW. 35, Ludgate Hill 1767K-1775K. As Bromwich, Isherwood & Bradley. Died 29 Mar 1792. Sources: Musgrave
Bradley & Holden, stationer, Lower Thames Street 1755K-1760U. Previously Holden & Bradley, continued as Thomas Holden.
Bradley, Thomas, stationer, near Billingsgate, Thames Street 1753K-1754K. ?9, Lower Thames Street 1761K-1765K. 9, Lower Thames Street 1767K-1769K. 2, Fish Street Hill 1770K-1775K. See also Bradley & Holdengraver,
Bray & West, ST, RA. London Bridge 1755K-1759K. Bridge Foot, Southwark 1761K-1763M. Continued by Peter West.
Brett, Peter, bookseller, Strand 1772L-1774L.
Brewer, Thomas, stationer, Ludgate Street 1740C-1754K. Died 14 Jan 1755 aged 76. Sources: Musgrave
Bridden, John, bookseller, 100, Fleet Street 1767K. Misprint for Priddengraver,
Bristow, Whiston, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1763M. Publisher of Public Ledger 1763M.
Bromley, John, ST, PW. King Street, Covent Garden 1763M.
Bromwich, PW. ?35, Ludgate Hill 1761K-1775K. With Leigh, Isherwood, Bradley. Mrs Bromwich d. 14 Nov 1766.
Bromwich Isherwood & Co, PW. 35, Ludgate Hill 1767K-1775K. Bromwich Isherwood & Bradley, previously Bromwich & Leigh.
Bromwich & Leigh, PW. ?35, Ludgate Hill 1761K-1765K. Continued as Bromwich Isherwood & Bradley.
Brooke, James, stationer, London Bridge 1738I-1749C. Died 5 Dec 1750. Sources: Musgrave
Brooke, Samuel, printer, Paternoster Row 1772L-1775L. As Harrison & Brooke. Apprenticed to Thomas Harrison 1761. McKenzie.
Brooke, Thomas, PR, stationer, 11, Little Eastcheap 1768N-1772N.
Brookes, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1759K-1761K. As Woodgate and Brookes.
Brookes, John, PW. ?39, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1768K-1769K. 39, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1770K-1772K. 74, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1774L-1775L.
Brotherton & Sewell, bookseller, 32, Cornhill 1772L-1775L. James Brotherton previously alone. John Sewell his apprentice. McKenzie.
Brotherton, James, bookseller, ?32, Cornhill 1759K-1765K. 32, Cornhill 1767K-1772K. Previously John Brotherton. Succeed by Brotherton & Sewell.
Brotherton, John, bookseller, ?32, Cornhill 1736K-1758C. Died 27 Mar 1756. Succeeded by James Brotherton. Sources: Musgrave
Brownsword & Hardy, stationer, ?11, Budge Row 1763K-1765K. 11, Budge Row 1767K-1775K. Previously Elias Brownsword.
Brownsword, Elias, stationer, ?11, Budge Row 1740C-1763M. Continued as Brownsword & Hardy.
Brown, Daniel (2), bookseller, Temple Bar (near) 1736K-1763c. Died 22 Mar 1762. Sources: Musgrave
Brown, Edward, stationer, Newgate Street 1738I.
Brown, John (1), paper stainer, 107, Fleet Street 1769K-1775K.
Brown, John (2), stationer, 83, Lombard Street 1773L-1775L.
Brown, Patrick, stationer, 21, Little Eastcheap 1773L-1775L.
Brown, Robert, printer, near Pye Corner, Windmill Court, Smithfield 1745-1763M. Died 26 Jun 1781. Mus, McKenzie.
Brown, William, bookseller, Strand 1772L-1774L. corner of Essex Street, Strand 1775L.
Brown(e), stationer, 5, Cornhill 1772L-1775L. As Shenton and Brown(e).
Brown(e), John, STW. George Inn, Snow Hill 1768K-1769K.
Bryer, Henry, printseller, 27, Cornhill 1767K-1771K. As Ryland & Bryer. Henry Bryer app William Wynne Ryland. McKenzie.
Buckland, James, bookseller, ?57, Paternoster Row 1759K-1765K. 57, Paternoster Row 1767K-1775K.
Buckland, Stephen, bookseller, ?57, Paternoster Row 1765. Died 16 Jun 1765. Prob. son of James to whom app. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Bunce, William, printer, Saint Paul Covent Garden 1766-1768. Died Sep 1769. Bound apprentices from 1766. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Burford, Thomas, engraver, Broadway, Westminster 1763M. Designer and mezzotinto engraver 1763M.
Butcher, Thomas, printseller, Little Mays Buildings, Covent Garden 1768K-1769K.
Byfield & Hawkesworth, stationer, Charing Cross 1774L-1775L.
Cadell, Thomas, bookseller, ?141, Strand 1767K-1773L. 141, Strand 1774L-1775L.
Cahill, Thomas, bookseller, Strand 1771K. Probably error for Cadell.
Campbell, James, stationer, Strand 1773L-1775L.
Canon, Edward, PZ. 109, High Holborn 1771K-1775K.
Canot, Charles, engraver, Little Chapel Street, Soho 1763M. Landscape and seascape engraver 1763M.
Carleton, pencil and pocket book maker and seller, Ludgate Street 1763M.
Carnan & Newbery, bookseller, 65, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1775K. Thomas Carnan, partner John Newbery. Also Newbery & Carnan.
Carter, John, bookseller, Cornhill 1742K.
Caslon, Thomas, bookseller, ?4, Stationers Court, Ludgate Street 1759K-1765K. 4, Stationers Court, Ludgate Street 1767K-1775L. 4, Cock Alley, Ludgate Street 1769P-1772N. Specialised in Bibles and Common Prayers 1763M.
Caslon, William (1), TF. ?61, Chiswell Street 1745K. ?61, Chiswell Street 1753K-1772L.
Caslon, William (2), TF. 61, Chiswell Street 1773L. Succeeded father William.
Caslon, William & Son, TF. ?61, Chiswell Street 1753K-1765K. Wm sen, d. Bethnal Green 23 Jan 1766 aet 74, widow d. 1768.62, Chiswell Street 1775K. 61, Chiswell Street 1775L.
Cater, William, bookseller, ?274, High Holborn 1768K-1769K. 274, High Holborn 1770K-1775K.
Cave, Edward, printer, Saint John's Gate, Clerkenwell 1742-1754. D. 10 Jan 1754 aet 62. Printer of Gentleman's Mag. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Cave, Richard, printer, Saint John's Square, Clerkenwell 1763M-1766. Died 8 Dec 1766. Sources: Musgrave
Chambers, Thomas, engraver, corner of Compton Street, Greek Street, Soho 1763M.
Chandler, bookseller, wo Temple Bar 1738I. As Ward and Chandler.
Chandler, Samuel, printer, Griffin near Grays Inn Gate, Holborn 1763M.
Chapman, William, stationer, ?36, King Street, Cheapside 1763K-1765K. 36, King Street, Cheapside 1767K-1775L. Previously Styles & Chapman.
Chassereau, Francis, stationer, ?62, Long Acre 1767K-1769K. Succeeded by Honour Chassereau.
Chassereau, Honour, stationer, ?62, Long Acre 1770K-1773L. 62, Long Acre 1774K-1775K. Previously Francis Chassereau.
Chater, John, bookseller, 39, King Street, Cheapside 1768K-1771K. 40, King Street, Cheapside 1769P-1772N. Succeeded by Mary Chater.
Chater, Mary, bookseller, 40, King Street, Cheapside 1772L. Previously John Chater.
Chew, John, PW. Piccadilly 1774L. Paper and carpet warehouse.
Chirm, Silvanus, stationer, Aldersgate Bars 1767K-1775L.
Chiswell, Richard, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1711. Died 3 May 1711 aged 72. Sources: Musgrave Timp.
Churchill, Awnsham, bookseller, 39 Black Swan, Paternoster Row 1681-1711. Died 24 Apr 1728. Sta. to King, MP for Dorchester. Sources: Musgrave Timp.
Churchill, William, bookseller, London 1737. Died 24 Feb 1737 aged 80. Stat. to King MP for Ipswich. Sources: Musgrave
Clarke & Collins, stationer, ?32, Paternoster Row 1763K. William Clarker. Cont. as Hawes, Clarke & Collins.
Clarke, Henry, stationer, 72, Gracechurch Street 1768K-1775L. As Henry Clarke junior 1768K-1772N, as Henry Clarke 1771K+.
Clarke, John, bookseller, under South Entrance, Royal Exchange 1742K-1763K. under Fourth Entrance, Royal Exchange 1760U. Saint Paul's Churchyard 1745-1746. Died May 1746, widow Anne died 11 Aug 1755. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Died 22 May 1765. Also Bridgemaster. Sources: Musgrave
Clarke, Samuel, printer, Fleet Street 1763M. As Richardson & Clarke 1763M. Ap. to Sam Richardson 1739 McKenzie.
Clarke, William (1), bookseller, under North Side, Royal Exchange 1752C-1755K.
Clarke, William (2), bookseller, 32, Paternoster Row 1763K-1793. Died 9 Jan 1795. Partner with Hawes Clarke & Collins. Sources: Musgrave
Clarke, William (3), stationer, Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1773L-1775L.
Clay, Felix, bookseller, wo Temple Bar, Strand 1736K-1738I. Died May 1738. Musgrave gives name as Francis Clay.
Clay, Francis, bookseller, wo Temple Bar, Strand 1738. Error by Musgrave for Felix Clay.
Clee, Robert, engraver, Panton Street, Leicester Fields 1763M. Plate engraver 1763M.
Clowes, Butler, engraver, Gutter Lane, Cheapside 1763M. Engraver of heraldry, ornaments etc 1763M.
Cock, Henry, printer, Bloomsbury Market 1763M. Bound apprentice in Paternoster Row 1779. McKenzie.
Coggs, Daniel, stationer, Watling Street 1740C-1752C.
Coggs, John, stationer, Bread Street 1740C-1752C. Previously John Coggs & Co. Died 16 Aug 1751. Sources: Musgrave
Coggs, John & Co, stationer, Bread Street 1736K-1738I. Continued by John Coggs.
Cole, Benjamin, stationer, under Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1738I. near Fetter Lane, Holborn 1763M. Architecture &c. engraver 1763M. D. 15 Jun 1783 aged 86. Sources: Musgrave
Coles, Charles, stationer, 21, Fleet Street 1774K-1775K. Prev. Charles Coles & Son. John Coles still listed 1773L.
Coles, Charles & Son, stationer, 21, Fleet Street 1769K-1772K. Previously John Coles & Son. Cont. as Charles Coles.
Coles, John, stationer, ? 21, Fleet Street 1754K-1765K. Continued as John Coles & Son.
Coles, John & Son, stationer, 21, Fleet Street 1767K-1768K. Continued as Charles Coles & Son. Still listed 1772L.
Collet, Thomas, vellum and parchment maker, Long Lane, Southwark 1763M.
Collier & Davis, music sellers, 7, Fish Street Hill 1770N-1772N.
Collins, Robert, bookseller, 32, Paternoster Row 1763K-1786. Died 3 May 1786. Partner in Hawes Clarke & Collins. Sources: Musgrave
Comyns, Edmund, bookseller, under Royal Exchange 1738I-1755K. Cornhill 1758C. Died 7 Apr 1758. Sources: Musgrave
Cooke, William, bookseller, Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill 1763K-1765K. 85, Cornhill 1767K-1773L. 8, Finch Lane 1774K-1775K.
Cooke, William (?), bookbinder, Fetter Lane 1758-1775. Died 7 Apr 1775. Mus (no forename). McKenzie lists William 1758.
Cooper, John, stationer, Bishopsgate Street 1742K-1754K.
Cooper, Mrs Mary, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1753K-1761K. Died 5 Aug 1761. Sources: Musgrave
Cooper, Richard, engraver, on Pavement, Saint Peter's Court, Saint Martin's Lane 1763M. Engraver of history etc 1763M.
Cooper, Thomas, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1732-1743. Died Feb 1743. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Coote, John, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1760C-1763M. Specialised in manuscripts 1763M.
Copeland, engraver, London 1761. Died 5 Jun 1761. Sources: Musgrave
Corbett, Charles, bookseller, Fleet Street 1738I-1742K.
Corbett, Thomas, bookseller, wo Temple Bar, Strand 1736K.
Cornish, John, printer, Blackfriars 1747-1770. Died 5 Oct 1770. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Cotterell, Thomas, TF. 9, Nevil's Court, Fetter Lane 1768N-1772N.
Cotton, John Thomas, playing-card maker, 6, Strand 1770K. 26, Strand 1771K-1772K. Continued as John & Thomas Cotton.
Cotton, John & Thomas, playing-card maker, 26, Strand 1772L-1775L. Previously John Thomas Cotton.
Cotton, Thomas, playing-card maker, 26, Strand 1772L-1775L. As John & Thomas Cotton - possibly error.
Cox, Henry Shute, bookseller?. Paternoster Row 1758C. Listed as merchant or no trade at various addresses to 1775L.
Cox, Joseph & Thomas, paper stainer, Thomas's Street, Blacks Fields 1772K-1775K. Calico printers and paper stainers.
Cox, Shute, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1753K-1755K. Previously with Richard Manby as Manby & Cox.
Cox, Thomas (1), bookseller, under Royal Exchange 1736K-1753K. Also stockbroker. Died 3 Feb 1754. Sources: Musgrave
Cox, Thomas (2), paper stainer, Thomas's Street, Blacks Fields 1772K-1775K. Calico printer and paper stainer. As Joseph & Thomas Cox.
Crompton & Spinnage, PW. Cockspur Street, Charing Cross 1767K-1769K. Also upholders. Previously Spinnage & Crompton.
Crompton, Benjamin & Son, PW. Cockspur Street, Charing Cross 1770K-1775L. Also upholders. Previously Crompton & Spinnage.
Cropley, W, bookseller, Dryden's Head, Paternoster Row 1762-1763M. As Payne & Cropley 1763M. Plomer
Crowder & Co, bookseller, ?12, Paternoster Row 1759K-1761K. Previously Crowder & Woodgate. Continued as Stanley Crowder.London Bridge 1759K-1760U.
Crowder & Woodgate, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1755K. Continued as Crowder & Co.
Crowder, Stanley, bookseller, ?12, Paternoster Row 1763K-1765K. 12, Paternoster Row 1767K-1775L. Prev. Crowder & Co., style also still used. Wholesaler 1763M.
Cruden, Alexander, bookseller, under Royal Exchange 1736K-1738I.
Cumming, George, stationer, ? 2, Ludgate Street 1765K. 2, Ludgate Street 1767K-1775L.
Curll, Edmund, bookseller, Covent Garden 1747. Died 11 Dec 1747 aged 72. Sources: Musgrave Timperley.
Curtis, John & Thomas, bookseller, stationer, ? 47, Fleet Street 1763K-1765K. 47, Fleet Street 1767K-1772K. Continued by Thomas Curtis.
Curtis, Thomas, bookseller, stationer, 47, Fleet Street 1773L-1775L. Previously John & Thomas Curtis.
Darby, John, printer, Bartholomew Close 1718-1726. Died 6 Feb 1733. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Darres, William, printseller, Coventry Street, Haymarket 1763M. Auctioneer, dealt chiefly in prints and drawings 1763M.
Davenhill, William, bookseller, stationer, ?103, Leadenhall Street 1765K. 103, Leadenhall Street 1767K. 8, Cornhill 1768K-1772K. Freemans Court, Cornhill 1773L. 4, Newmans Court, Cornhill 1774L. 19, Cornhill, 1775L. Died 30 Jan 1779. Sources: Musgrave
Davey & Law, bookseller, ?13, Ave Mary Lane 1755K-1760U. Continued by Bedwell Law.
Davey, Peter, bookseller, Ave Mary Lane 1756-1760. Died 10 Apr 1760. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Davidson, stationer, 16, Ave Mary Lane 1771K-1772L. As Marsh and Davidson.
Davidson & Co, ST, PK. 13, Size Lane 1774L-1775L.
Davidson, John, ST, PB. Fort Street, Spitalfields 1774K-1775L.
Davidson, Joseph, bookseller, Poultry 1742K-1745K.
Davies, Thomas (1), WC. at Mrs Cozens, Half Paved Court, Salisbury Court 1763M. Salisbury Court 1784. Died 28 Jan 1764 aged 74.
Davies, Thomas (2), bookseller, Russell Street, Covent Garden 1763M-1775K. D. 5 May 1785 aged 74. Author & actor. Sells libraries 1763M.
Davis, MU. 7, Fish Street Hill 1770N-1772N. As Collier & Davis.
Davis & Reymers, bookseller, ?326 next to Middle Row, Holborn 1758C-1768K. Previously Charles Davis. Continued as Lockyer Davis.
Davis & Wallis, stationer, Poultry 1740C-1745K. Previously William Davis & Co. Continued by James Wallis.
Davis, Charles, bookseller, ?326 next to Middle Row, Holborn 1745K-1755K. Died 31 Aug 1755. Continued as Davis & Reymers. Sources: Musgrave
Davis, Joseph & Co, stationer, Poultry 1736K. Continued as William Davis & Co.
Davis, Lockyer, bookseller, ?326 near Middle Row, Holborn 1769K-1770N. 326, Holborn 1770K-1775K. Died 23 Apr 1791 aged 73. Wife d. 9 Nov 1769. Sources: Musgrave
Davis, Robert, bookseller, Piccadilly 1767K. corner of Sackville Street, Piccadilly 1769P-1772K. Continued as Robert Davis & Son.
Davis, Robert & Son, bookseller, corner of Sackville Street, Piccadilly 1772L. Continued by William Davis.
Davis, William, bookseller, corner of Sackville Street, Piccadilly 1773L-1775L. Previously Robert Davis & Son. Miss Davis d. 1 Jul 1792. Sources: Musgrave
Davis, William & Co, stationer, Poultry 1738I. Previously Joseph Davis & Co. Continued as Davis & Wallis.
Dawson & Baker, stationer, next to Post Office, Lombard Street 1742K-1752C. Previously George Dawson. Succeeded by William Baker. Sources: Musgrave
Dawson & Co, ST?. Three King Court, Lombard Street 1740C. Warehousemen. A Mr Dawson died 14 Jul 1763 aged 77. Sources: Musgrave
Dawson, George, stationer, next to Post Office, Lombard Street 1738I. Continued as Dawson & Baker.
De Hondt, Peter Abraham, bookseller, ? 73, Strand 1767K-1775K. As Becket & De Hondt.
Deane, William, stationer, ?28, Saint Mary Hill 1752C-1765K. 28, Saint Mary Hill 1767K-1775L.
Dell, Henry, bookseller, Tower Street 1757. Also poet. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Plomer
Denham, John, stationer, 366, Hermitage Bridge 1773L-1775L.
Dermer, Joseph, ST, RA. Horslydown New Stairs 1775K-1775L.
Dicey & Marshall, printer, 4, Aldermary Churchyard, Bow Lane 1768N-1772N. Cluer Dicey & Richard Marshall.
Dicey, Cluer, printer, Aldermary Churchyard, Bow Lane 1763M. Continued as Dicey & Marshall.
Dilly, Edward, bookseller, ?22, Poultry 1755K-1763M. Died 11 May 1779. Sources: Musgrave
Dilly, Edward & Charles, bookseller, ?22, Poultry 1765K. 22, Poultry 1767K-1775L. Edward Dilly died 11 May 1779. Sources: Musgrave
Dixwell, James, printer, Saint Martin's Lane, Charing Cross 1760-1763M. McKenzie.
Dodd, printer, Wild Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1763M.
Dodd, Benjamin, bookseller, Ave Mary Lane 1752C-1765K. Died 2 Aug 1765. Wife d. 21 Jun 1762. bookseller to SPCK 1763M. Sources: Musgrave
Dodsley, James, bookseller, Pall Mall 1765K-1775L. Previouly Robert and James Dodsley.
Dodsley, Robert & James, bookseller, Pall Mall 1763M. Robert, bookseller & author died 25 Sep 1761 aged 61. Sources: Musgrave
Domville, William, ST, bookseller, 95, Cornhill 1767K-1775L.
Donaldson, Alexander, bookseller, ?195, Strand 1767K-1769K. 195, Strand 1770K-1775L. Died 13 Mar 1794. Wife died 1792. Sources: Musgrave48, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1775K.
Downing, Joseph, printer, Bartholomew Close 1721-1734. Died 31 Aug/Sep 1734. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Draper, Somerset, bookseller, Strand 1756. Died 30 Jan 1756. Partner with Messrs Tonson. Sources: Musgrave
Druce, Thomas, stationer, corner of Staples Inn Gate, Holborn 1763M. Staples Inn Gate, Holborn, Chancery Lane 1775K. Also writer and engrosser of law hands 1763M.
Duick, QU. Clerkenwell 1764. Died 23 Apr 1764. Sources: Musgrave
Dunbar, Robert, PW. Aldermanbury 1744. Died 1 Feb 1744. Sources: Musgrave
Dunton, John, bookseller, Princess Street 1733. Died 1733. Memoir in Gents Mag vol. 55, p.287. Mus, Timp.
Durham, Thomas, bookseller, Charing Cross 1767K. Cockspur Street, Charing Cross 1768K-1775L.
Durham, Thomas (?), bookseller, near Norfolk Street, Strand 1763M.
Durnford, James, stationer, 3, Monument Yard 1767K-1775K. As Herbert and Durnford. Appr to Robert Herbert 1755. McKenzie.
Durrance, Robert, playing-card maker, Windmill Hill, Moorfields 1752C-1761K. Yates and Barnes later at same address.
Eaton & Baker, stationer, ?56, Bread Street, Cheapside 1763M. Continued by Daniel Eaton.
Eaton, Daniel, stationer, 56, Bread Street, Cheapside 1767K-1769K. 10, Watling Street 1770K. Previously Eaton & Baker.
Edmonds & Harper, stationer, 14, Poultry 1772K-1775L. Previously William Edmonds.
Edmonds, William, stationer, ?14, Poultry 1763K-1765K. 14, Poultry 1767K-1772L. Continued as Edmonds & Harper.
Edwards, George, engraver, Royal Coll. of Physicians, Warwick Lane, Newgate Street 1763M. Natural history engraver 1763M.
Edwards, Samuel, stationer, near Temple Church 1774L-1775L.
Elliot, William, engraver, Church Street, Saint Anne Soho 1763M. Landscape engraver 1763M.
Ellis, Samuel, stationer, 81, Queen Street, Cheapside 1771K-1775L.
Elmsley, Peter, bookseller, Strand 1768K-1775L. French bookseller 1773L-1775L.
Emonson, James, printer, Saint John's Square, Clerkenwell 1763M-1775L. Printed Evening Chronicle 1763M. D. 1780. Wid. d. 1785. Sources: Musgrave
Evans, Thomas (1), bookseller, 54, Paternoster Row 1772L-1775L.
Evans, Thomas (2), bookseller, King Street, Covent Garden 1769P-1772L. 50, Strand 1773L-1775L. Died 30 Apr 1784. Sources: Musgrave
Eve, AU. Essex House, Essex Street, Strand 1768K-1769P. Trading as Paterson & Eve.
Everingham, John, printer, Dean Street, Fetter Lane 1763M.
Faden, William, printer, Peterborough Court, Fleet Street 1763M. Printer of The Ledger 1763M. Died 23 may 1783. Sources: Musgrave
Fancourt, Samuel, LB. near Norfolk Street, Strand 1763M. Librarian to the Associated Public Library 1763M.
Fell, Isaac, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1763M-1767K. Trading as Wilson & Fell. Plomer
Fenner, William, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1759K-1761K. Also losted 1763C but not 1763KM.
Fenner, William (?), stationer, Turk's Head, Gracechurch Street 1738I. Trading as Wilson & Fenner, perhaps assoc. James Waugh. Plomer
Fenwick, Henry, printer, Newgate Street 1772L. King Street, Cheapside 1774L-1775L. City printer 1773L-1775L.
Fielder, Elizabeth, stationer, 26, Cornhill 1767K-1775L. Succeeded William Fielder.
Fielder, William, stationer, ?26, Cornhill 1759K-1763M. Succeeded by Elizabeth Fielder.
Field, Thomas, bookseller, corner of Paternoster Row, Cheapside 1755K-1765K. Probably later with Simmons Field & Stephenson. 5, Leadenhall Street 1767K-1775L. Trading as Simmons Field & Stephenson. McKenzie 2893.
Fisher, Edward, ENZ. South side, Leicester Square 1763M.
Fletcher & Anderson, bookseller, 72, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1767K-1769K. Prev. James Fletcher & Co. Listed as Fletcher & Co to 1772N.
Fletcher, James, bookseller, ?72, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1761K-1763K. Continued as James Fletcher & Co.
Fletcher, James & Co, bookseller, ?72, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1765K. Previously James Fletcher. Continued as Fletcher & Anderson.
Flexney, William, bookseller, ?319 corner of Southampton Builds, Holborn 1768K-1774L. 319 corner of Southampton Builds, Holborn 1775K.
Flint, John, stationer, Finch Lane, Cornhill 1775K.
Flower, George, stationer, ?47, Cannon Street 1761K-1765K. 47, Cannon Street 1767K-1773L. Continued as George Flower and Son.
Flower, George & Son, stationer, 47, Cannon Street 1774L-1775L. Previously George Flower.
Folingsby, Margaret, bookseller, 4, Fleet Street 1774L-1775L. Previously Mary Folingsby.
Folingsby, Mary, bookseller, 4, Fleet Street 1772L-1773L. Error for Margaret Folingsby?.
Ford, Richard, bookseller, Poultry 1736K-1738I. Died Aug 1738. Sources: Musgrave
Fores, Samuel, stationer, 120, Strand 1770K-1775K.
Fourdrinier, Charles, stationer, Charing Cross 1774L-1775L.
Fourdrinier, Henry, stationer, ?11 next to Post Office, Lombard Street 1755K-1765K. 11, Lombard Street 1767K-1775K. As Baker & Fourdrinier, Bloxham & Fourdrinier.
Fourdrinier, Paul, engraver, Saint Martin in Fields 1732-1755. Inland Revenue apprentices 1732-55. Died 3 Feb 1758. Sources: Musgrave
Fowler, stationer, 29, Lombard Street 1767K-1770K. As Poyntell & Fowler.
Fox, Joseph, bookseller, Westminster Hall 1772L-1775L.
Franklin, Richard, printer, Russell Street, Covent Garden 1743-1761. Covent Garden 1763M. Wife d. 30 Aug 1761. Died 1 Feb 1765. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Plomer
Frome, Henry, stationer, 25, Bishopsgate Street within 1775K.
Fry & Webb, stationer, 71, Holborn Bridge 1770K. Previously and continued as William Fry.
Fry, William (1), stationer, New North Street, Red Lion Square 1768K. 71, Holborn Bridge 1769K. Continued as Fry & Webookbinder,71, Holborn Bridge 1771K. Previously Fry and Webookbinder, Continued to be listed 1772N-1775N.
Fry, William (2), PV, stationer, 3, Ludgate Hill 1772K. 4, Ludgate Hill 1772L-1773L.
Fryer, Alexander, bookseller, stationer, South Audley Street, Grosvenor Square 1770K-1772K. Curzon Street, Mayfair 1770K-1772K.
Fuller, John (1), bookseller, ? 6, Ave Mary Lane 1755K-1765K. 6, Ave Mary Lane 1767K. Continued as John Fuller & Son. 6, Ave Mary Lane 1769K-1775L. Previously John Fuller & Son. Designated as senior.
Fuller, John (2), bookseller, Blowbladder Street 1759K-1765K. 20 Jonathan's Coffee Ho, Exchange Alley 1767K-1768K. Hoxton 1769K-1770K. 10 Jonathan's Coffee Ho, Exchange Alley 1769P. Union Coffee House 1771K-1775K. Also broker. No longer desribed as bookseller 1769K onwards.Islington 1771K-1775K. Designated as junior.
Fuller, John & Son, bookseller, 6, Ave Mary Lane 1768K. Previously and continued as John Fuller senior.
Furman, John, stationer, Inner Temple Lane, Fleet Street 1769K-1775L. Inner Temple, Fleet Street 1775K.
Galabin & Baker, printer, Cullum Street 1772L.
Gammon, Samuel, stationer, Temple 1772. Died Jan 1772. Sources: Musgrave
Gardner, printer, Russell Street, Covent Garden 1763M.
Gardner, Charles, engraver, Gresham College, Wine Office Court, Fleet Street 1763M. Engraver & professor of music at Gresham College 1763M.
Gardner, Henry, bookseller, ?207, Strand 1772L-1774L. 207, Strand 1775K.
Gardner, Thomas, printer, opposite Saint Clement's Church, Strand 1763M. Died 1765. Sources: Musgrave Printed Whitehall Evening Post 1763M.
Gibson & Gisborne, playing-card maker, Gerrard Street 1772K-1775L. Previously Charles Gibson.
Gibson, Charles, playing-card maker, Gerrard Street 1772L. Previously James Gibson, continued as Gibson & Gisborne.
Gibson, James, playing-card maker, Gerrard Street 1770K-1771K. Continued as Gibson & Gisborne.
Gilberd & Wilkinson, stationer, 12, Watling Street 1774L-1775L. Previously Edward Gilberd.
Gilberd, Edward, stationer, 12, Watling Street 1768K-1773L. Continued as Gilberd & Wilkinson.
Gilbert, William, printer, Mark Lane 1763M.
Gill, William, stationer, London Bridge 1752C-1760U. ?30, Abchurch Lane 1761K-1765K. 30, Abchurch Lane 1767K-1775L. Partner with brother-in-law Thomas Wright as Wright & Gill.
Ginger, William, bookseller, College Street, Westminster 1768K-1775L.
Gisborne, playing-card maker, Gerrard Street 1772K-1775L. Partner with Charles Gibson as Gibson and Gisborne.
Glass & Co, stationer, ?3, Castle Alley 1738I. Continued by Philip Glass.
Glass & Lyon, stationer, ?3, Castle Alley 1753K. Philip Glass in partnership with Lyon.
Glass, Philip, stationer, ?3, Castle Alley 1742K-1752K. Previously Glass & Co. Continued as Glass & Lyon.?3, Castle Alley 1742K-1763K. Previously Glass & Co. Trading as Glass & Lyon 1753K.
Glass, Philip & Son, stationer, 3, Castle Alley 1765K-1773L. 4, Castle Alley 1771K-1773L. Succeeded by William Glass.
Glass, William, stationer, 3, Castle Alley 1774L-1775L. 4, Castle Alley 1775K. 4, Castle Alley 1775K. Previously Philip Glass & Son.
Goadby & Berry, stationer, 18, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill 1774K-1775K. Partners Samuel Goadby & apprentice Cornelius Berry. McKenzie.
Goadby, Samuel, stationer, ?18, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill 1754K-1765K. 18, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill 1767K-1773L. Previouly Vertue & Goadby, continued as Goadby & Berry.
Goldney, Edward, stationer, ?10, Watling Street 1761K-1765K. 10, Watling Street 1767K-1768K.
Goldsmith, William, bookseller, 20, Paternoster Row 1772L. 24, Paternoster Row 1773L-1775L.
Gooodman, David, bookseller, Bridges Street, Covent Garden 1774K-1775K.
Gosling, Robert, bookseller, Fleet Street 1719-1741. Died Jan 1741. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Gough & Moore, PW. 11, Great Bell Alley, Coleman Street 1773L-1775K. 6, Aldgate 1775K. William Gough & Jonathan Moore. Also traded as Moore & Gough.
Gough, Joseph, stationer, 6, Gracechurch Street 1775K.
Grafton, George, bookseller, London 1739. Died Jan 1739 aged 80. Sources: Musgrave
Graham, Josiah, ST, bookseller, corner of Craven Street, Strand 1759K-1767K. Still listed 1768N-1772N.
Grant, William, PT, PW. Nassau Street, Soho 1775K.
Grape & Bocock, stationer, ? 6, Gracechurch Street 1763K-1765K. 6, Gracechurch Street 1767K. Partners: Thomas Grape and Benjamin Bocock.
Grape, Mrs, stationer, 6, Gracechurch Street 1772K-1772L. Previously Thomas Grape.
Grape, Thomas, stationer, ? 6, Gracechurch Street 1754K-1761K. Continued as Grape and Bocock. 6, Gracechurch Street 1768K-1771K. Previously Grape & Bocock. Continued by Mrs Grape.
Green, Francis, stationer, 58, Borough, Southwark 1772K-1775L. Trading as Peyton & Greengraver,
Green, John, RA. 196, Upper Thames Street 1769P-1775L.
Green, Richard, PQ. 154, Fleet Street 1772L. Pen cutter.
Greenhill, Thomas, STW. Poultry 1755C-1758C. opposite Mansion House 1759K-1765K. 6, Mansion House Street 1767K-1773L. ?14, Gracechurch Street 1774L-1775L. 14, Gracechurch Street 1775K.
Gretton, Henry, engraver, ? 14, Fenchurch Street 1759K-1765K. 14, Fenchurch Street 1767K-1775K.
Gretton, John, bookseller, Bond Street 1763M. Elegant message cards and fine Dutch sealing wax 1763M.
Griffin, William, printer, Fetter Lane 1763M. Catherine Street 1773L-1775L.
Griffiths, Mary, RA. London 1767. Died 2 Nov 1767. Sources: Musgrave
Grignion, Charles, engraver, James Street, Covent Garden 1763M. History engraver 1763M.
Grosvenor Webber & Co, stationer, Leadenhall Street 1759K-1763K. Grosvenor Webber & Simmons. Continued as Simmons & Co.
Grosvenor & Co, stationer, Leadenhall Street 1752C. Previously Robert Grosvenor & Sons.
Grosvenor & Webber, stationer, Leadenhall Street 1753K-1755K. Continued as Grosvenor Webber & Simmons.
Grosvenor, Robert & Son, stationer, Leadenhall Street 1736K-1742K. Continued as Robert Grosvenor & Sons. Still listed 1744-49C.
Grosvenor, Robert & Sons, stationer, Leadenhall Street 1745K. Grosvenor sengraver, d. 20 Jun 1752. Sources: Musgrave Cont. as Grosvenor & Co.
Grosvenor, Robert/Thomas, stationer, Leadenhall Street 1763. Died 14 Nov 1763. Sources: Musgrave
Grosvenor, Thomas, stationer, Leadenhall Street 1763. Or Robert. Died 14 Nov 1763. Sources: Musgrave
Grosvenor, William, stationer, 11, Cornhill 1769K-1775L. Partner with Richard Welles as Welles & Grosvenor.
Gurney, Joseph, bookseller, 54, Holborn 1769P-1772L. Also shorthand writer.
Guy, Thomas, bookseller, Lombard Street 1705-1724. Died 27 Dec 1724 aged 81.
Gyfford, Robert, stationer, 35, Tower Street 1772L-1775L.
Gyles, Fletcher, bookseller, Holborn 1721-1741. Died 8 Nov 1741. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Habberkorne, John, printer, Grafton Street, Soho 1763M.
Haden & Sons, PW. Saint Johns Street, Smithfield 1763M.
Haggart, John, printer, Chancery Lane 1768. Died 1768. Sources: Musgrave
Hall, John (1), paper stainer, ?8, Aldermanbury 1759K-1763M.
Hall, John (2), engraver, opposite New exchange Buildings, Hervey Court, Strand 1763M. History and portrait engraver 1763M.
Hall, John & Son, paper stainer, ?8, Aldermanbury 1765K. 8, Aldermanbury 1767K-1775L. 1, Aldermanbury 1772K-1775K.
Hall, William, stationer, Gerrard Street, Soho 1772K-1775K.
Hamilton, Archibald, printer, Falcon Court, Fleet Street 1763M-1775L.
Harbin, Thomas, stationer, Saint Martin in Fields 1730-1735. Strand 1736. Died 18 Nov 1737. Sources: Musgrave
Hardy, stationer, ?11, Budge Row 1763K-1765K. 11, Budge Row 1767K-1775K. Trading as Brownsword & Hardy.
Hare, Joseph, MU. London 1733. Died 14 Jul 1733. Sources: Musgrave
Harford, Samuel, ST, PW. ?33, Milk Street 1759K-1765K. 33, Milk Street 1767K-1772K.
Harper, stationer, 14, Poultry 1772K-1775L. Trading with William Edmonds as Edmonds & Harper.
Harris, Charles, stationer, ?133, Leadenhall Street 1742K-1765K. 133, Leadenhall Street 1767K-1775K.
Harris, Thomas, bookseller, London Bridge 1745K.
Harris, William, bookseller, stationer, 70, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1768K-1775L.
Harrison & Brooke, printer, Paternoster Row 1772L-1775L. Thomas Harrison & Samuel Brooke.
Harrison & Owen, printer, Warwick Lane 1763M. Thomas Harrison & Edward Owengraver, Printed London Gazette 1763M.
Harrison, Thomas, printer, Stationers Court, Ludgate Hill 1763M. Printed Owen's Weekly Chron. 1763M. Also with Brooke & Owengraver,
Hart, Harris, printer, Poppins Court, Fleet Street 1763M.
Hart, Henry, CM. 16, Lambs Conduit Street, Red Lion Square 1775K. Previously John and Henry Hart.
Hart, John & Henry, CM. Red Lion Street, Holborn 1763M.
Hassell, Samuel, stationer, Aldgate 1763K-1765K. Possibly haberdasher, Mitre Court, Cheapside 1761K.
Hatchett & Co, bookseller, South Entrance, Royal Exchange 1736K.
Hawes Clarke & Collins, bookseller, ?32, Paternoster Row 1763K-1765K. 32, Paternoster Row 1767K-1775L. Extensive wholesale dealers in books 1763M.
Hawes, Lacy, bookseller, ?32, Paternoster Row 1740C-1761K. Partner with Charles Hitch as Hitch & Hawes.
Hawkesworth, Samuel, stationer, Charing Cross 1774L-1775L. Trading as Byfield & Hawkesworth.
Hawkins, George, bookseller, near Temple Bar, Fleet Street 1763M.
Hawkins, John, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1742. Died May 1742. Sources: Musgrave
Haydon, Thomas, ST, RA. 27, Great Carter Lane 1770K-1775L.
Hemsted, John, bookseller, stationer, 34 Rainbow Coffee House, Cornhill 1772L-1775L.
Henderson, Christopher, bookseller, Royal Exchange 1759K-1765K.
Henley, George, stationer, Watling Street 1753K-1755K.
Henley, James, stationer, ?82, Broad Street, Ratcliffe Cross 1765K-1772K. 82, Broad Street, Ratcliffe Cross 1773L-1775L.
Herbert & Durnford, stationer, 3, Monument Yard 1767K-1775K. Previously Robert Durnford. Listed as Herbert & Co 1768-72N.
Herbert, Robert, stationer, ?3, Monument Yard 1759K-1765K. Continued as Herbert & Durnford.
Herbert, William (1), stationer, Gracechurch Street 1738I-1745K. Continued as William Herbert & Son. Died 10 Apr 1755. Sources: Musgrave
Herbert, William (2), stationer, Gracechurch Street 1754K. Previously partner with father William.
Herbert, William & Son, stationer, Gracechurch Street 1753K. Son William apprenticed to his father 1735, free 1743. McKenzie.
Hett, Richard (1), bookseller, Poultry 1736K-1745K. Treasurer to Stationers' Company. Died 10 Feb 1766. Sources: Musgrave
Hett, Richard (2), printer, Wild Court, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1763M.
Heydon, ST, RA. 27, Great Carter Lane 1767K-1769K. Trading as Taylor & Heydon.
Hills, Gilham, printer, Blackfriars? 1737. King's printer. Died 17 Oct 1737. Sources: Musgrave (Address of father).
Hinchliffe, William, bookseller, under Royal Exchange 1736K-1742K. Died Oct 1742. Sources: Musgrave
Hinde, Mary, stationer, George Yard, Lombard Street 1769P-1773L.
Hingeston, Mileson, bookseller, wo Temple Bar 1770K-1775L.
Hinton, John, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1745K. ?34, Newgate Street 1752C-1765K. 34, Newgate Street 1767K-1775L. Wid. later mar. Ste. Austin Cumberlege & d. 9 Nov 1784. Sources: Musgrave
Hinext toman, Jane, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1763M. Wholesale dealer in books 1763M.
Hinext toman, John, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1762. Died 9 Jul 1762. Sources: Musgrave Previously at York. Plomer
Hitch & Hawes, bookseller, ?32, Paternoster Row 1754K-1761K. Charles Hitch & Lacy Hawes. Cont. as Hawes Clarke & Collins.
Hitch, Charles, bookseller, ?32, Paternoster Row 1740C-1753K. Cont. as Hitch & Hawes. D. 20 Sep 1764. Son d. 2 Oct 1786.
Hodges, Edward, stationer, Fleet Street 1755K-1765K.
Hodges, James, bookseller, London Bridge 1742K-1755K.
Hodgson, Thomas, WC. at Court's, Clerkenwell Close 1763M.
Hodgson, William, PT, stationer, near Kingsland 1772L-1775K. 55, Bishopsgate Street within 1775K-1775L.
Holden & Bradley, stationer, near Billingsgate, Thames Street 1753K-1754K. See also Bradley & Holdengraver,
Holloway, Thomas, engraver, 74, Old Broad Street 1775K.
Hookham, Thomas, bookseller, New Street, Hanover Square 1768K-1775K. Hanover Street, Hanover Square 1774L-1775L.
Hook(e), Thomas, stationer, 8, Walbrook 1768K-1775L.
Hooper, Samuel, bookseller, printseller, corner of New Church, Strand 1763M-1772N. 25, Ludgate Hill 1772L-1775L.
Hope, Thomas, bookseller, Threadneedle Street 1763K. 7, Swithins Lane 1768K. Still listed 1769P-1772N.
Hopes, John, stationer, corner of Thames Street, nr, London Bridge 1759K-1763M.
Horncastle, Stephen, stationer, Broad Street, Carnaby Market 1763M-1775L.
Horsfield, Robert, bookseller, ?22, Ludgate Street 1763M-1765K. 22, Ludgate Street 1767K-1773L. 5, Stationers Court, Ludgate Street 1774L-1775K.
Houston, Richard, ENZ. London 1775.
Howard, Thomas, PW. Gerrard Street, Soho 1775L. Also upholsterer. See also Spinnage & Howard.
Hughes, John, printer, near Great Turnstile, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1763M. Died 30 Sep 1771. Sources: Musgrave
Hunde, Mary, stationer, George Yard, Lombard Street 1769P. Error for Hinde q.v..
Hunter, Robert, RA. 72, Saffron Hill, Holborn 1775K-1775L. Succeeded William Hunter.
Hunter, William, RA. 72, Saffron Hill, Holborn 1768K-1775K. Succeeded by Robert Hunter.
Hyde, James, engraver, 5, Clements Inn 1763M. Engraver of copperplates for the calico printers 1763M.
Innys & Manby, bookseller, corner of Ludgate Street 1736K-1740C. Richard Manby app. William Innys 1725, free 1732. McKenzie.
Innys & Richardson, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1753K-1755K. William Innys & Joseph Richardson.
Innys, William, bookseller, corner of Ludgate Street 1742K. Paternoster Row 1745K. Partner with Richard Manby, Joseph Richardson. D. 1 Dec 1756.
Isherwood, PW. 35, Ludgate Hill 1767K-1775K. Trading as Bromwich Isherwood & Bradley.
Jackson & Co, TF. 107, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1772L-1775L.
Jackson, Humanitas, bookseller, 198, Oxford Street 1774L-1775L.
Jackson, J, bookseller, Saint James's Street 1762. Died 22 Nov 1762. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
James & Poyntell, stationer, Lombard Street 1755K-1763M. Succeeded by Poyntell & Fowler.
James, Elizabeth, printer, Royal Exchange 1736-1755. Printer to City. Died 17 Feb 1755 aged 80. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Jefferies, John, bookseller, Ludgate Street 1753K-1755K.
Jefferys, Thomas, engraver, corner of Saint Martins Lane, Strand 1763M. Engraver and geographer to King 1763M.
Jenours, printer, opposite Saint Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street 1763M. Printers of the Daily Advertiser 1763M.
Johnson & Payne, stationer, 8, Paternoster Row 1769P-1770N. Joseph Johnson also in partnership as Johnson & Unwin,
Johnson & Unwin, stationer, ? 8, Paternoster Row 1758C-1765C. Joseph Johnson later in partnership as Johnson & Payne.
Johnson, Edward, bookseller, 12, Ave Mary Lane 1767K-1775L.
Johnson, Job, stationer, London 1743-1765. Free Stat. Co. redemption 1743, died 20 Jun 1765. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Johnson, John, printer, Fenchurch Street 1755-1763M. Bound apprentices including son John 1771. McKenzie.
Johnson, Joseph (1), stationer, ? 8, Paternoster Row 1755K. Continued as Johnson & Unwin, 8, Paternoster Row 1768N. Also in partnership as Johnson & Unwin, Johnson & Payne.72, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1772L-1775L.
Johnson, Joseph (2?), bookseller, Gracechurch Street 1763M.
Johnston, Edward, bookseller, 16, Ludgate Street 1774L-1775L. Succeeded William Johnston.
Johnston, John, MU. 11, York Street, Covent Garden 1772L.
Johnston, William, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1745K-1758C. ?16, Ludgate Street 1759K-1765K. 16, Ludgate Street 1767K-1773L. Proprietor of valuable copies, extensive who. dealer 1763M.
Jolliffe, John (1), bookseller, Great James Street 1755. St James Westminster, app. bound 1736. Died 9 Feb 1755. Sources: Musgrave
Jolliffe, John (2), bookseller, Saint James's Street 1774K-1775K.
Jones, Richard, stationer, Middle Temple Lane, Fleet Street 1774L-1775L.
Jones, Thomas (1), bookseller, Mays Buildings, Saint Martin's Lane 1763M. Bookseller to Royal Family 1763M.
Jones, Thomas (2), PW. 57, Shoe Lane, Holborn 1772K-1775K.
Jones, William, PW. 71, Holborn 1767K-1770K.
Jones, William & Thomas, PW. 71, Holborn 1771K-1772L. Listed as Jones & Co 1768N-1770N. Thomas also traded alone.
Kearsley, George, bookseller, ? 1, Ludgate Street 1761K-1765K. 1, Ludgate Street 1767K-1772L. 46, Fleet Street 1773L-1775L. Remarkable for selling all sorts of plays 1763M.
Keith, George, bookseller, ?38, Gracechurch Street 1753K-1765K. 38, Gracechurch Street 1767K-1769K. 2, Talbot Court, Gracechurch Street 1770K-1775K. 38, Talbot Court, Gracechurch Street 1770N. Error for 38 Gracechurch Street?.
Kent, Henry (1), printer, ?21, Finch Lane 1763M. 21, Finch Lane 1768N-1770N. Printer of the City Directory 1763M.
Kent, Henry (2), bookseller, ?169, Fenchurch Street 1768N. No first name givengraver,169, Fenchurch Street 1769P.
Key, Jonathan, stationer, ?74, Newgate Street 1763K-1765K. 74, Newgate Street 1767K-1775L.
Key, Nathaniel, stationer, Cheapside 1763M.
King, John (1), printseller, London 1738. Died 7 Sep 1738. Sources: Musgrave
King, John (2), printseller, Cheapside 1759. Died 26 Jul 1759. Sources: Musgrave
Kingsbury, John, stationer, 47, Tooley Street 1770K-1774L.
Kippax, John, printer, Cullum Street, Fenchurch Street 1763M.
Kirk, senior, engraver, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1761. Died 19 Nov 1761. Sources: Musgrave
Kitchin, Thomas, MS, engraver, ? 59 opposite Ely House, Holborn 1763M. 59, Holborn 1768K-1775K. Geographer and engraver to Duke of York 1763M.
Kitchin, Thomas & Son, MS, engraver, 59, Holborn 1769P-1770N.
Knaplock, Robert, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1736K-1737. Died 1 Jan 1737. Sources: Musgrave
Knapton, James sen, bookseller, Ludgate Street 1736K-1737K. As James, John & Paul Knapton. Died 21/2 Nov 1736. Sources: Musgrave
Knapton, John, bookseller, Ludgate Street 1736K-1761K. With James & Paul 1736K, then with Paul. D. 26 Sep 1770. Sources: Musgrave
Knapton, John & Paul, bookseller, Ludgate Street 1738I-1755K. Prev. James, John & Paul 1736K. Cont by John 1758C-1761K.
Knapton, Paul, bookseller, Ludgate Street 1736K-1755K. With James & John 1736K, with John. D. 12 Jun 1755. Sources: Musgrave
Knox, John, bookseller, Strand 1767K-1768K. near Beaufort Buildings, Strand 1769K-1770K. 105, Strand 1769P-1772N. near New Church, Strand 1771K-1775K. 148, Strand 1772L-1775L. As John and Samuel Knox 1770N.
Knox, Samuel, bookseller, near New Church, Strand 1770N. As John and Samuel Knox.
Lamb, Thomas, stationer, 47, Cornhill 1767K. Still listed 1768N.
Lane, William, bookseller, 13, Aldgate High Street 1774L-1775L.
Langford, Abraham, AU. Piazza, Covent Garden 1763M.
Langley, Maria, stationer, under Royal Exchange 1745K. Previously Nicholas Langley 1736K.
Langley, Nicholas, stationer, under Royal Exchange 1736K. Later Maria Langley 1745K.
Law, Bedwell, bookseller, ?13, Ave Mary Lane 1761K-1765K. 13, Ave Mary Lane 1767K-1775L. Previously Davey & Law. As Bedwell Law & Co. 1763K.
Leach, Dryden, printer, Crane Court, Fleet Street 1763M. Printer to British Museum 1763M.
Leacroft, Samuel, bookseller, Charing Cross 1772L-1775L.
Leake, James, stationer, Strand 1768K-1771K. Still listed 1772N.
Leapidge & Bailey, stationer, under Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1759K-1765K. 89, Cornhill 1767K-1775L. Previously John Leapidge. As Leapidge & Co. 1768N-1770N.
Leapidge, John, stationer, under Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1742K-1755K. Continued as Leapidge & Bailey.
Leigh, PW. ?35, Ludgate Hill 1761K-1765K. As Bromwich & Leigh.
Leigh, George, bookseller, York Street, Covent Garden 1768K-1775L. As Baker & Leigh.
Lepard, William, ST, RA. Tooley Street 1759K-1765K. 61, Upper Thames Street 1767K-1774L. 26, Newgate Street 1775K-1775L.
Leprince, MS. Marylebone Street 1763M. Inventor of the dissection of maps on wood 1763M.
Lewis, printer, Birchin Lane, Cornhill 1763M.
Lewis, Joseph, stationer, ?10, Tower Street 1763M-1765K. 10, Tower Street 1767K-1768K. Still listed 1769P-1770N.
Lewis, Thomas, bookseller, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden 1772L-1775L.
Lewis, William, bookseller, Russell Street, Covent Garden 1709-1759. Died 1759. Mus, Plomer
Lintot, Bernard, bookseller, Fleet Street 1736. Died 3 Feb 1736 aged 61. Sources: Musgrave
Lintot, Henry, bookseller, Fleet Street 1730-1758. D. 12 Dec 1758. 1st wife d. Jan 1735, 2nd 31 Jan 1763. Sources: Musgrave
Lister, James, WC. Green Canister, James Street, Bedford Row 1763M.
Lloyd, Owen, stationer, Temple Bar 1756. Listed at Temple 1718. McKenzie. Died 19 Apr 1756. Sources: Musgrave
Longman Lukey & Co, MU. 26, Cheapside 1772L-1775K. Previously Longman & Co.
Longman & Co, MU. 26, Cheapside 1769P. Continued as Longman Lukey & Co.
Longman & Sewell, bookseller, ?39, Paternoster Row 1745K. Thomas Longman (1) in partnership.
Longman, junior, bookseller, 39, Paternoster Row 1769. Died Sep 1769. Sources: Musgrave
Longman, Mary, bookseller, ?39, Paternoster Row 1759K-1761K. As Mary & Thomas Longman.
Longman, Thomas (1), bookseller, ?39, Paternoster Row 1740C-1755K. Died 18 Jun 1755. Widow died 16 Jan 1762. Sources: Musgrave
Longman, Thomas (2), bookseller, ?39, Paternoster Row 1759K-1765K. 39, Paternoster Row 1767K-1775K. As Mary & Thomas Longman 1759K-1761K. Wholesale dealer 1763M.
Longmate, Barak, engraver, Portland Street, Soho 1763M. Heraldry and portrait engraver 1763M.
Loste, John, stationer, 7, Cripplegate Buildings 1773L-1775L.
Loveday, John, stationer, ? 2, Fish Street Hill 1753K-1765K. 2, Fish Street Hill 1767K-1769K.
Lowndes, Thomas, bookseller, ? 77, Fleet Street 1763M. 77, Fleet Street 1768K-1775L. Proprietor of circulating library & sells ... plays 1763M.
Lukey, MU. 26, Cheapside 1772L-1775K. As Longman Lukey & Co.
Lympany, Robert, stationer, Stationers Hall 1753. Of Stationers' Company. Died 5 Apr 1753 aged 94. Sources: Musgrave
Lyon, stationer, ?3, Castle Alley 1753K. As Glass & Lyon. Perhaps Arthur Lyon.
Lyon, Arthur, stationer, Threadneedle Street 1752C-1755. Sweetings Alley 1755C-1760U. Poss. Glass & Lyon 1753K. James Edward, insurer listed 1760U.
M'Evoy, James, playing-card maker, Windmill Street, Golden Square 1763K. near Saint James's Church, Piccadilly 1763M. Piccadilly 1765K-1775K. Successor to Sharp 1763M.
MacArdell, James, ENZ. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden 1763M. Died 2 Jun 1765 aged 37. Sources: Musgrave
Main, Robert, bookseller, Saint James's Street 1768K-1769K. Still listed 1770N-1772N.
Major, Thomas, engraver, on Paved Stones, Saint Martin's Lane 1763M.
Malkin, William, stationer, Old Change 1738I.
Manby & Cox, bookseller, Ludgate Hill 1745K-1752C. Richard Manby & Shute Cox. Manby previously & later alone.
Manby, Richard, bookseller, Ludgate Hill 1742K-1754K. Old Bailey 1755K. With Shute Cox as Manby & Cox 1745K-1752C, otherwise alone.
Marriner, Robert, stationer, Compton Street, Soho 1773L-1775L.
Marsh, printer, Tower Hill 1763M.
Marsh & Davidson, stationer, 16, Ave Mary Lane 1771K-1772L. Previously & subsequently Robert Marsh alone.
Marsh & Vernor, stationer, 31, Newgate Street 1768K. Still listed 1768N-1770N. See Benjamin Moore, Thomas Vernor.
Marsh, Charles, bookseller, Charing Cross 1767K-1771K. Still listed 1772N. Also poet. Died 8 Jun 1782. Sources: Musgrave
Marsh, Robert, stationer, 16, Ave Mary Lane 1769K-1773L. As Marsh & Davidson 1771K-1772L, otherwise alone.
Marshall, George, stationer, Saint Mary Hill 1745K.
Marshall, Joseph, bookseller, Saint Clement's Churchyd, Strand 1753K-1775L.
Marshall, Richard, printer, ?4, Aldermary Churchyard 1768N-1772L. As Dicey & Marshall 1768N. McKenzie.
Masefield, Richard, PW. opposite New Exchange Buildings, Strand 1763M.
Mason, John, engraver, Phoenix Alley, Hart St, Covent Garden 1763M. Landscape engraver 1763M.
Mason, William, stationer, Cornhill 1752C-1755K.
Matthews, James, bookseller, stationer, 18, Strand 1775K.
Mayo, William, stationer, near Cornhill, Gracechurch Street 1753K.
Mead, Edward, stationer, 174, Fenchurch Street 1768N-1772N.
Meadon, John, bookseller, stationer, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square 1768N.
Meadows, William, bookseller, near Fleece Tavern, Cornhill 1738I. Cornhill 1759K-1760C. Died 16 Feb 1760. Sources: Musgrave
Medley, printer, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street 1763M. Printer of The Monitor 1763M.
Meres, John, printer, Old Bailey 1738-1763M. Printer of The Monitor 1763M. McKenzie.
Merry, John, stationer, ?122 near Cornhill, Bishopsgate Street 1768N-1770N. 122, Bishopsgate Street 1770K-1775L.
Messing, Frederick, stationer, Compton Street, Saint Anne Soho 1763M. Stationer in ordinary to their Majesties 1763M.
Middleton, Daniel, stationer, Minories 1769P-1773L.
Middleton, Nicholas, stationer, Strand 1768K-1775K.
Midwinter, Daniel, stationer, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1726-1757. Died 19 Jan 1757. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Midwinter, Edward, bookseller, London Bridge 1730. Died May 1736. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Millan, John, bookseller, Charing Cross 1763M-1775K. Buys & sells libraries, collection of ... curiosities 1763M.Whitehall, Charing Cross 1767K-1775L. Died 15 Mar 1783 aged 81. Sources: Musgrave
Millar, Andrew, bookseller, Strand 1755K-1765K. opposite Catherine Street, Strand 1763M. Sole proprietor of Fielding's works etc. 1763M.
Millard, Francis, WC. New Street, Shoe Lane 1763M.
Miller, John, printer, 2, Queen's Head Passage, Newgate Street 1772L-1773L.
Miller, Sebastian, engraver, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden 1763M. History and portrait designer and engraver 1763M.
Miller, Tobias, engraver, near James Street, Long Acre 1763M. Architecture &c engraver 1763M.
Mist, Nathaniel, printer, Great Carter Lane 1724-1731.
Molini, Peter, bookseller, 18, Haymarket, Saint James's 1772L-1774L. Publ. Hog's Jrnl. Imprisoned 1724. D. 20 Sep 1737. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer18, Oxenden Street, Saint James's 1775L. Described as Italian merchant & bookseller 1775K.
Moore & Gough, PW. 11, Great Bell Alley, Coleman Street 1771K-1775L. 6, Aldgate without 1771K-1775L. Previously Jonathan Moore, see also Gough & Moore.
Moore, Benjamin, stationer, 31, Newgate Street 1767K. Still listed 1768N-1772N. See Marsh & Vernor, Thomas Vernor.
Moore, Jonathan, PW. 6, Aldgate without 1769K-1770K. Continued as Moore & Gough.
Motte, Andrew, engraver, London 1734. Also mathematician wrote Laws of motion. D. 19 Feb 1734. Sources: Musgrave
Motte, Benjamin (2), bookseller, Temple Bar 1735-1738. Died Apr 1738. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Mount & Page, stationer, Tower Hill 1744C-1775L. Postern Row, Tower Hill 1768K-1775K. Previously William Mount & Co.Tower Hill 1768K-1775K. Previously William Mount & Co.
Mount, John, stationer, Postern Row, Tower Hill 1768K-1775K. Trading as Mount & Page. Died 12 Jul 1786. Sources: Musgrave
Mount, Richard, stationer, Tower Hill 1709-1722. Died 29 Jun 1722 aet 70. Sources: Musgrave Succ. by William Mount. McKenzie.
Mount, William & Co, stationer, Tower Hill 1740C-1741U. Continued as Mount & Co.
Mudge, Walter, stationer, 94, Cornhill 1774L-1775K. See also John Robson.
Muggeridge, John, stationer, 92, Saint Margaret's Hill, Borough 1769P-1775L. 92, Borough, Southwark 1775K.
Murdoch, John, bookseller, opposite New Exchange Coffee House, Strand 1768N-1772N.
Murray, John, bookseller, ? 32 oa Saint Dunstan's Ch, Fleet Street 1765C. 32 oa Saint Dunstan's Ch, Fleet Street 1769P-1775L. Died 6 Nov 1793. Sources: Musgrave
Myers, E, PP. Water Lane, Fleet Street 1775K.
Neatby, James, stationer, 316, Borough, Southwark 1775K. Died 10 Dec 1788. Sources: Musgrave
Newbery & Carnan, bookseller, 65, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1768K-1775L. Prev. John Newbery, proprietor of children's books 1763M.
Newbery, Francis, bookseller, 20, Ludgate Street 1768K-1775L. Died 8 Jun 1780. Sources: Musgrave
Newbery, John, bookseller, ?65, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1755K-1765K. 65, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1767K. Cont. as Newbery & Carnan. Widow d. 31 Jan 1780 aged 73. Sources: Musgrave
Newton, James, bookseller, Little Britain 1749. Died 28 Jun 1749. Sources: Musgrave
Nicholes, Richard, PRC. London 1771. Died 26 Jul 1771. Sources: Musgrave
Nichols, John, printer, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street 1775L. Trading as Bowyer & Nichols.
Nicholson, Edward, bookbinder, Warwick Lane 1757-1767. Died 8 Apr 1767. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Nicol, George, bookseller, Strand 1769K-1775L. Trading as Wilson & Nicol.
Nicoll, William, bookseller, stationer, ?51, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1763M. Trading as Wilson & Nicol.51, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1768K-1775L. Published Lloyd's Chronicle 1763M. Wife died 7 Jul 1784. Sources: Musgrave
Noble, Francis, bookseller, LB. ?325 opposite Grays Inn Gate, Holborn 1763M-1769K. 325, Holborn 1770K-1775L. Ran circulating library 1763M. Died 7 Jun 1792. Sources: Musgrave
Noble, John, bookseller, Saint Martin's Court, Leicester Square 1763M-1775L. No first name given 1763M, as John Noble from 1772L.
Noon, John, bookseller, Poultry 1763. Died 18 Jan 1763 aged 83-86. Sources: Musgrave
Norris, Thomas, bookseller, London Bridge 1718-1732. Died 30 May 1732. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Norton, Roger, printer, London 1723. Died 26 Oct 1723. Sources: Musgrave
Norton, William, bookseller, ?6, Spread Eagle Court, Finch Lane 1745K-1765K. 6, Spread Eagle Court, Finch Lane 1767K. Still listed 1768N.
Noteman, Thomas, bookseller, stationer, 188 near Norfolk Street, Strand 1769P. Still listed 1770N-1772N.
Nourse, John, bookseller, ?133 opposite Catherine Street, Strand 1755K-1773L. 133, Strand 1774L-1775L. Bookseller to His Majesty 1763M. Died 22 Apr 1780. Sources: Musgrave
Nunnely, Elizabeth, printer, Whitefriars 1752. Died 28 Feb 1755. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Nutt, Benjamin, printer, Savoy, Strand 1740. Died 15 Mar 1747. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Oliver, John, printer, Bartholomew Close 1763M-1776. Died 19 Jan 1776 aet. 73. Sources: Musgrave
Oriel, Philip, stationer, ?175, Aldersgate Street 1761K-1765K. 175, Aldersgate Street 1767K-1775K. 167, Aldersgate Street 1772L-1775L.
Orpin, Thomas, engraver, near Saint Martins Lane, Strand 1763M. Plate engraver 1763M.
Osborne, John, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1732-1734. Died 13 Mar 1735. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Osborne, Thomas, bookseller, Gray's Inn, Holborn 1763M-1767K. Buys and sells libraries 1763M. Died 22 Aug 1767. Sources: Musgrave
Otridge, William, bookseller, near New Church, Strand 1772L-1775L.
Overton, Henry (1), printseller, Newgate Street 1751. Died 27 Jun 1751. Sources: Musgrave
Overton, Henry (2), printseller, wo Newgate 1759K-1765K.
Overton, Philip, printseller, London 1745. Died Feb 1745. Sources: Musgrave
Owen, Edward, printer, Warwick Lane 1763M. Trading as Harrison & Owengraver, Plomer McKenzie.
Owen, William, bookseller, Temple Bar 1763M. 11, Fleet Street 1768K-1775K. And mineral water wareho. D. 1 Dec 1793. Wife d. 5 Aug 1786.
Owen, William & Son, bookseller, 11, Fleet Street 1775L. Previously William Owen & Sons.
Owen, William & Sons, bookseller, 11, Fleet Street 1773L-1774L. Continued as William Owen & Son.
Page & Mount, stationer, Tower Hill 1736K-1742K. See also Mount & Page. Thomas Page (2) in partnership.
Page, Thomas (1), stationer, Tower Hill 1730-1733. Died 15 Mar 1733. Mus, McKenzie.
Page, Thomas (2), stationer, Tower Hill 1733-1762. Died 5 Apr 1762. Partner with William and John Mount. Sources: Musgrave
Page, Thomas (3), stationer, Tower Hill 1762-1781. Died 2 Apr 1781. Partner with John Mount. Sources: Musgrave
Paiet, Louis (Leon?), engraver, London 1754. Perhaps engineer. Died 22 Jan 1754. Sources: Musgrave
Palmer, Samuel, printer, Bartholomew Close 1725-1732. Author of History of printing. D. 9 May 1732. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Timp.
Palmer, Samuel (?), stationer, ?Gracechurch Street 1752-1756. Died 1 Mar 1756. Mus gives no forename or address. McKenzie.
Parker, Charles, bookseller, New Bond Street 1768K-1775K.
Parker, Henry, printseller, bookseller, ?82, Cornhill 1765K. 82, Cornhill 1767K-1774L. Previously Bakewell & Parker.
Parker, Thomas, printer, Jewin Street, Aldersgate Street 1763M.
Partington, Richard, stationer, 58, Holborn 1767L-1775L. Also coal merchant.? 58 near Saint Andrews Ch, Holborn 1769C-1765K.
Pasham, John Wheeler, printer, 35, Shoemaker Row, Blackfriars 1772L.
Passall, Robert Appleyard, stationer, 29, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1775K.
Paterson & Eve, AU. Essex House, Essex Street, Strand 1768K-1769K. Also brokers.
Paterson, Samuel, AU. Essex House, Essex Street, Strand 1763M-1772L. Terms of sale 1763M. Son Lt Charles d. 14 Dec 1779 aged 20.
Patton, Francis, engraver, Greenhills Rents, Smithfield Bars 1763M. Architectural engraver 1763M.
Payne & Cropley, bookseller, ?54, Paternoster Row 1763M. Partner with W.Cropley. Plomer
Payne, John (1), bookseller, ?54, Paternoster Row 1765K. 54, Paternoster Row 1767K. Previously partner with W.Cropley. Plomer Still listed 1768N.
Payne, John (2), stationer, 8, Paternoster Row 1769P-1770N. As Johnson & Payne. Partner with Joseph Johnson.
Payne, Thomas, bookseller, Bishopsgate Street 1742K-1761K. Mews Gate, Castle Street, Leicester Fields 1763M-1775K. Buys and sells libraries 1763M.
Pearch, George, bookseller, 12, Cheapside 1768K-1772K.
Peck & Wynne, stationer, 123, Wood Street, Cheapside 1772K-1775L. Previously Kendrick Peck alone.
Peck, Kendrick, stationer, ? 16, Wood Street, Cheapside 1753K-1765K. 16, Wood Street, Cheapside 1767K. 123, Wood Street, Cheapside 1768K-1771K. Continued as Peck & Wynne.
Peele, John, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1770. Died 28 Apr 1770. Sources: Musgrave
Pemberton, Henry, bookseller, Fleet Street 1745K-1748. Died Mar 1748. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Pemberton, John (1), bookseller, Fleet Street 1710-1736K. Died Jul 1739. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Plomer
Pemberton, John (2), bookseller, Fleet Street 1736K-1745. Died Feb 1745. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Plomer
Perry, Francis, engraver, corner of Knowles Court, Little Carter Lane, Saint Paul's 1763M.
Pether, William, ENZ. Compton Street, Soho 1763M. Painter and mezzotint engraver 1763M.
Peyton & Green, stationer, 58, Borough, Southwark 1772K-1775L. Previously Sarah Peyton. 50, Borough, Southwark 1775K.
Peyton, John, stationer, 50, Borough, Southwark 1768K-1770N.
Peyton, Sarah, stationer, 58, Borough, Southwark 1771K-1772N. Continued as Peyton & Greengraver,
Phipprintseller, John, bookseller, stationer, Norton Falgate 1768K-1774L. 72, Threadneedle Street 1769K-1770N.
Pine, John, engraver, Old Bond Street 1743. Heraldic engraver. Died 5 May 1756. Sources: Musgrave
Porter, Alice, inkmaker, Red Lyon Street, Borough 1755K. Proprietor of Holman's London ink powder. Prev. Henry Porter.
Porter, Henry, inkmaker, Red Lyon Street, Borough 1752C-1754K. Proprinter, of Holman's London ink powder. Succ. by Alice Porter.
Pote, Thomas, bookseller, Fleet Street 1763M.
Powell, Charles, stationer, ?119, Cheapside 1758C-1765K. 119, Cheapside 1767K-1769K. 97, Cheapside 1770K-1775L. Formerly with Thomas Atkins.
Powney & Woodmason, stationer, Parliament Street 1772L-1774L. Richard Powney and James Woodmason in partnership.
Powney, Richard, stationer, Parliament Street 1772L-1775L. Fomerly partner with James Woodmason.
Poyntell & Fowler, stationer, 29, Lombard Street 1767K-1770K. Previously James & Poyntell.
Pranker, Robert, engraver, Berwick Street, Soho 1763M. History and landscape engraver 1763M.
Pratt, printer, Round Court, Strand 1763M. Plomer lists W.Prat.
Pratt, Daniel, ST?. Stationers Hall 1761. Died 1761. Sources: Musgrave
Pridden, John, bookseller, 100, Fleet Street 1767K-1775L.
Pritchard, bookseller, near Temple Bar, Strand 1763M.
Proctor, William, stationer, London 1726. Died 17 Nov 1726. Sources: Musgrave
Purser, John, printer, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street 1742-1763M. Died 26 Sep 1771. Sources: Musgrave
Pye, John, EN, printseller, 164, Fenchurch Street 1772K. Pall Mall 1772L-1775K.
Ravenet, Simon, engraver, 10, Poland Street 1763M. History and portrait painter 1763M.
Rayner, William, printer, Whitefriars 1761. Died 25 Oct 1761. Sources: Musgrave
Redmayne, William, printer, Jewin Street 1717. Died 11 Apr 1719 in Newgate Prison. Sources: Musgrave Tim.
Reeves, John, printer, Drury Lane 1754-1763M. Savoy 1762-1767. Died 1767. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Reeves, William (1), bookseller, Fleet Street 1752C-1759K. Died 23 May 1759. Sources: Musgrave Still listed 1760U.
Reeves, William (2), stationer, Chancery Lane 1756. Died 16 Apr 1756. Sources: Musgrave
Reiley, Mary, printer, Pelican Court, Little Britain 1763M-1766. Died 12 Jul 1766. Sources: Musgrave
Reiley, Richard, printer, Little Britain 1724-1761. Died 27 Mar 1761. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Reily, George, bookseller, Curzon Street, Mayfair 1772L-1775L.
Reymers, C, bookseller, next to Middle Row, Holborn 1758C-1768K. Partner with Charles Davis as Davis & Reymers.
Richards, Daniel, stationer, Holborn Hill 1763M-1765K. 60, High Holborn 1767K-1775L.
Richards, Matthew, stationer, Wych Street, Temple Bar 1775K. Trading as Matthew & William Richards.
Richards, Robert, bookseller, 44, Holborn 1773L-1774L. Also lottery office keeper.
Richards, Thomas, TF. 26, Strand 1775K. Letter founder and toyman.
Richards, William, stationer, Wych Street, Temple Bar 1775K. Trading as Matthew & William Richards.
Richardson & Clarke, printer, Fleet Street 1763M.
Richardson & Urquhart, bookseller, under Royal Exchange 1765K. 91, Cornhill 1767K-1775L. 46, Paternoster Row 1769P-1775L.
Richardson, John, printer, 76, Fleet Street 1769P-1775L. Trading as William & John Richardson. 12, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1769P-1774L. Trading as William & John Richardson.
Richardson, Joseph, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1759K-1763K. Prev. with Innys. Wholesale dealer 1763M. D. 2 Sep 1763. Sources: Musgrave
Richardson, Mary, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1759K-1765K. Succeeded Joseph Richardson.
Richardson, Samuel, printer, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1727-1761. Also novelistationer, Died 4 Jul 1772 aged 72. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Plomer
Richardson, William, printer, 76, Fleet Street 1769P-1775L. Trading as William & John Richardson. 12, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1769P-1774L. Trading as William & John Richardson.
Ridge, Thomas, stationer, Cornhill 1736K-1745K. Died 4 Feb 1756. Sources: Musgrave
Ridgway & Simmons, stationer, 40, High Holborn 1773L-1774L. Continued by Humphrey Simmons.
Ridley, John, bookseller, Saint James's Street 1768K-1775K.
Ridpath, George, printer, London 1726. Died 5 Feb 1726. Sources: Musgrave
Risley, Risley Brewer, stationer, Ludgate Street 1755. Died 15 NOV 1755. Sources: Musgrave
Rivington & Fletcher, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1758C-1760C. See also James Fletcher.
Rivington, Charles (1), bookseller, ?62, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1736K-1738I. Died 22 Feb 1742. Sources: Musgrave Succeeded by John (1).
Rivington, Charles (2), printer, Noble Street, Foster Lane 1763M. ?14, Staining Lane 1765C. 14, Staining Lane 1773L-1775L.
Rivington, Francis (1), bookseller, 62, Paternoster Row 1768K-1775K. Trading as John & Francis Rivington.
Rivington, James, bookseller, ?62, Paternoster Row 1749C-1755K. Trading as John & James Rivington.
Rivington, John (1), bookseller, ?62, Paternoster Row 1742K-1765K. 62, Paternoster Row 1767K-1775K. With James 1749C-155K, with Francis 1768K-1775L. Wholesaler.
Roach, William, stationer, 6, Holborn 1768N-1773L.
Robers, PW. Saint James's Street 1763M. Error for Roberts? See William Roberts.
Roberts, J, bookseller, 25, Paternoster Row 1767K-1771K. Trading as Robinson & Roberts. Plomer
Roberts, James, PR, PU. Stationers Court 1710. Died 1 Nov 1754 aged 83. Sources: Musgrave
Roberts, William, PW. Saint James's Street 1772L-1775L. Listed as Robers 1763M.
Robinson & Roberts, bookseller, 25, Paternoster Row 1767K-1771K. George Robinson & J.Roberts. Continued by Robinson alone.
Robinson, George, bookseller, 25, Paternoster Row 1772K-1775K. Previously Robinson & Roberts.
Robinson, Jacob, bookseller, Ludgate Street 1741-1759K. Died 27 Oct 1759. Mus. McKenzie. Plomer
Robinson, John (1), ST, RA. Dock Head, Southwark 1752C-1760U. Horsleydown New Stairs, Shad Thames, Southwark 1761K-1773L. Horsleydown, Blacks Fields 1768N-1769P.
Robinson, John (2?), stationer, under Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1760U.
Robinson, Ranew, bookseller, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1736K-1738I.
Robson, bookseller, ? 27, New Bond Street 1763M. Prob. James Robson. Bookseller to Dowager Princess of Wales.
Robson & Mudge, stationer, 94, Cornhill 1767K-1773L. Previously John Robson. Walter Mudge continued alone.
Robson, James, bookseller, 27, New Bond Street 1769P-1775L. Listed without first name 1763M.
Robson, John, stationer, ?94 under Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1753K-1763K. Continued as Robson & Mudge.?94 under Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1765K.
Roby, Joseph, stationer, Newgate Street 1755K.
Rode, John Henry, engraver, London 1759. Died 1759. Sources: Musgrave
Rollus, John, engraver, Saint Paul Covent Garden 1716. Died 20 May 1743. Engraver to King. Sources: Musgrave Inland Revenue apprintseller,
Rooker, Edward, engraver, Queen's Court, Great Queen Street 1763M.
Roper, ST, PW. ? 63, Bishopsgate Street 1765K. 63, Bishopsgate Street 1767K-1775K. Trading as Armitage & Roper.
Roper, Abel, printer, Westminster 1719. Prosecuted 1711. Died 5 Feb 1726. Sources: Musgrave
Round, James, bookseller, Exchange Alley 1745. Died Dec 1745. Sources: Musgrave
Row & Sheaf, stationer, Bread Street 1749C. Previously John Row. See also Sheafe & Row.
Row, John, stationer, Bread Street 1738I-1755K. As Row & Sheaf 1749C, as John Rowe & Co 1752C-1745K.
Ryall, John, printseller, bookseller, Fleet Street 1761K-1765K.
Ryland & Bryer, printseller, 27, Cornhill 1767K-1771K. Still listed 1772N.
Ryland, Edward, PRC. Fetter Lane 1765. Died 26 Jul 1771. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Ryland, John, engraver, Dean Street, Fetter Lane 1763M. Writing engraver 1763M.
Ryland, William Wynne, engraver, Russell Court, Covent Garden 1763M. History and portrait engraver 1763M.
Salt & Baker, PW, stationer, ?103, Cheapside 1753K-1765K. 103, Cheapside 1767K-1775L. As Salt Baker & Co 1769K-1772K.
Sandby, William, bookseller, opposite Saint Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street 1763M.
Sanner, John Sigismund, engraver, Tower 1775. Engraver to the Tower 1763M.
Sansom, Philip Wood, CA. 29, Tooley Street, Southwark 1769P-1774L. Described as wool card maker 1772N, 1774L.
Sare, Richard, bookseller, Gray's Inn 1710. Died Feb 1723. Sources: Musgrave
Say, Charles, printer, Newgate Street 1763M. corner of Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill 1763M. Printer of Daily Gazetteer 1763M.
Say, Edward, printer, Ludgate Street, Ave Mary Lane 1763M. Printer of General Evening Post 1763M.
Sayer & Bennet, printseller, 53, Fleet Street 1775K-1775L. Previously Robert Sayer alone.
Sayer, Robert, printseller, ? 53, Fleet Street 1761K-1765K. 53, Fleet Street 1767K-1774L. Continued as Sayer & Bennet.
Scott, George, printer, Breams Buildings, Chancery Lane 1770N-1772N.
Scott, Robert, bookseller, Little Britain 1661-1687. See Gentleman's Magazine vol. 50, p. 20. Sources: Musgrave
Seagood, John, stationer, North Side, Royal Exchange 1759K-1763M.
Seal, engraver, Saint Bride 1761. Engr. of maprintseller, died 25 May 1762. Prob. Richard Wm Seale. McKenzie.
Seaton, Christopher, engraver, London 1768. Seal engraver, died 6 Oct 1768. Sources: Musgrave
Senex, John, bookseller, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1719-1740. Bibliopol, died 1740. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Sewell, John, bookseller, 32, Cornhill 1772K-1775L. As Brotherton & Sewell.
Sewell, Thomas, bookseller, ?39, Paternoster Row 1745K. As Longman & Sewell. Th. Shewell, freed by Longman 1740. McKenzie.
Sharp, playing-card maker, ?Windmill Street-1763M. Succeeded by James M'Evoy by 1763M.
Sheafe & Row, stationer, Bread Street 1736K. Samuel Sheafe (2) and John Row.
Sheafe, Samuel (1), stationer, Bread Street 1732. Died 4 Aug 1732 aged 80. Sources: Musgrave Timp.
Sheafe, Samuel (2), stationer, Bread Street 1736K. Trading as Sheafe & Row. Timp.
Shenton & Brown(e), stationer, 5, Cornhill 1772L-1775L. Previously William Shenton alone.
Shenton, William, stationer, ? 5, Cornhill 1752C-1765K. 5, Cornhill 1767K-1768K. Continued as Shenton & Brown(e).
Shepherd, Thomas, ST, PW. 147, Minories 1772L-1775L.
Sherlock, William, engraver, corner of Macclesfield Street, Gerrard Street, Soho 1763M. Miniature painter & engraver, at Mrs Welcker's 1763M.
Shewell, Thomas, bookseller, ?39, Paternoster Row 1745K. Listed as Longman & Sewell 1745K. Freed by Longman 1740. McKenzie.
Shickle, Thomas, stationer, Gracechurch Street 1753K.
Shobe, Joseph sen, bookseller, Maiden Lane 1756. Died 7 Jul 1756. Sources: Musgrave
Shove, John, stationer, Holborn 1761K. Possibly woollen-draper, Holborn 1763K.
Shropshire, Walter, bookseller, 120, New Bond Street 1768K-1774L. 158, New Bond Street 1775K. 153, New Bond Street 1775L.
Shuckburgh, John, bookseller, Fleet Street 1761. Died 4 Apr 1761. Sources: Musgrave
Shuckburgh, Mrs, bookseller, near Temple, Fleet Street 1763M.
Sigrist, John, PW. Piccadilly 1772L-1775L.
Simmons & Co, stationer, ? 5, Leadenhall Street 1765K. 5, Leadenhall Street 1767K-1775L. As Simmons Field & Stephenson 1767K-1775L. Prev. Grosvenor.
Simmons, Humphry, stationer, 40, High Holborn 1775L. Previously Ridgway & Simmons.
Simmons, Samuel, stationer, 56, Bread Street, Cheapside 1774L-1775L. As Vallance & Simmons. McKenzie.
Simon, Edward, bookseller, corner of Pope's Head Alley, Cornhill 1763M.
Simpson, Thomas, ST?. Stationers Hall 1763. Died 9 Mar 1763. Sources: Musgrave
Sincleare, Charles, stationer, 23, Birchin Lane, Cornhill 1774L-1775L. As Wilsonn & Sinclair 1774L-1775L.
Singler, William, bookseller, South Audley street, Grosvenor Square 1767K. Still listed 1768N.
Singleton, Joseph, stationer, Brewer street, Golden Square 1772L-1773L. Marylebone street 1774L-1775L.
Smith, PW. Aldersgate Street 1763M.
Smith & Son, stationer, 13, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill 1775L. See also Sarah Smith.
Smith, Adam, engraver, Surrey Street, Strand 1763M. ... particularly of anatomy, flowers and fossils 1763M.
Smith, Charles, stationer, Newgate Street 1761K-1763M. Previously Nathaniel Smith.
Smith, James, stationer, Newgate Street 1752C-1755K. Continued as Nathaniel Smith.
Smith, John (1), WC. Cock Lane, Smithfield 1763M.
Smith, John (2), printseller, MS. ? 35, Cheapside 1763M. 35, Cheapside 1769P-1774L. 34, Cheapside 1772L-1772N.
Smith, Joseph (1), PK, pencil maker, near Aldersgate Bars, Hatfield Street 1763M. Ivory pocket book and black lead pencil maker 1763M.
Smith, Joseph (2), stationer, ?14, Saint Martin le Grand 1767K. 14, Saint Martin le Grand 1768K-1774L.
Smith, Nathaniel, stationer, Newgate Street 1759K-1760U. Previously James Smith, continued as Charles Smith.
Smith, Richard (1), bookbinder, King's Bench Liberty, Southwark 1732. Committed suicide 18 Ape 1732. Sources: Musgrave Timp.
Smith, Richard (2), PW. Catherine Wheel Alley, Whitechapel 1770K-1773L.
Smith, Robert, bookseller, 23, Holborn 1768K-1768N. Still listed 1770N-1772N.
Smith, Samuel, PW. ?6, Aldgate without 1763K-1765K. 6, Aldgate without 1767K-1769P. Continued as Samuel Smith & Co. Still listed 1770N-1772N.
Smith, Samuel & Co, PW. Kingsland 1770K-1771K. Previously trading alone. Still listed 1772L.
Smith, Sarah, stationer, Lothbury 1753K-1754K. ?5, Bartholomew Lane 1755K-1765K. As Sarah Smith & Son 1765K.
Smith, Sarah & Son, stationer, 5, Bartholomew Lane 1767K-1770K. 13, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill 1771K-1775K. Previously trading alone.
Smith, William, PW. 90, Blackman Street, Southwark 1767K-1773L.
Snagg, Richard, bookseller, 29, Paternoster Row 1774L-1775L.
Snelling, Thomas, bookseller, next to Horn Tavern, Fleet Street 1763M. Also coin dealer. Author of book on coins 1763M.
Spencer, Leonard, PH. London 1731. Died 26 Sep 1731.
Spilsbury, John, EN, printseller, Russell Court, Drury Lane 1763M. Map dissector on wood 1763M.
Spilsbury, Jonathan, engraver, at John Spilsbury's, Russell Court, Drury Lane 1763M. Portrait painter & mezzotint engraver. At brother's 1763M.
Spinnage & Crompton, PW. Cockspur Street, Charing Cross 1763M. Also upholders. Paper hanging makers to King 1763M.Cockspur Street 1763M. Paper hanging makers to King 1763M. See also Crompton & Co.
Spinnage & Howard, PW. Gerrard Street, Soho 1772K-1775L. Also upholsterers. See also Thomas Howard.
Spooner, Charles, engraver, London 1767. Died 1767. Sources: Musgrave
Spooner, Edward, ENZ. Bolt Court, Fleet Street 1763M.
Sprint, Benjamin, bookseller, Little Britain 1737. Died 20 Sep 1737. Sources: Musgrave
Sprint, John, bookseller, Little Britain 1729. Died 28 May 1729. Sources: Musgrave
Squire, Wlliam, PW. ?17, Poultry 1763M. 17, Poultry 1772L-1775L. Name given as Squires 1763M.
Stagg, John, bookseller, Westminster Hall 1726-1746. Died Sep 1746. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Staples, John, bookseller, Stationers Hall 1758. Died 25 Oct 1758.
Staples, Moses, stationer, Lombard Street 1765K. 38, Paternoster Row 1767K-1775K. Trading as Bayles & Staples. McKenzie.
Stark, Robert, PW. ?41, Ludgate Hill 1765K. 41, Ludgate Hill 1767K-1775L.
Steidel, Ann, bookseller, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly 1772K-1772N. Previously George Steidel.
Steidel, George, bookseller, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly 1767K-1771K. Succeeded by Ann Steidel.
Stephens, Joel, bookseller, Fleet Street 1727-1765. Died 1765. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Stephens, John, stationer, Back Side, Royal Exchange 1742K-1765K. 2, Threadneedle Street 1767K-1769K. 2, Bartholomew Lane, Threadneedle Street 1770K. As John Stephens & Son 1763K-1770K. Died 17 Dec 1770? Mus..
Stephens, William, stationer, 2, Bartholomew Lane, Threadneedle Street 1771K-1775K. Successor to John Stephens q.v.
Stephenson, Robert, stationer, 5, Leadenhall Street 1767K-1775K. As Simmons Field & Stephenson. McKenzie (record 2893).
Stevens, John, bookseller, London 1745. Also poet. D. 1745. Sources: Musgrave (of Shepherd's Land, Homerton? Plo).
Stevens, Paul, bookseller, ?2, Stationers Court 1752C-1765K. 2, Stationers Court 1767K-1765K. Died 1768. Sources: Musgrave Still listed 1768N-1770N.
Stevens, Robert, bookbinder, Paternoster Row 1739-1768. Died 1768. Sources: Musgrave
Stewart, James, printer, London? 1782. Also poet. Died 1782. Sources: Musgrave
Stogden, Richard, RA. 18, Little Trinity Lane 1768K. 3, Worcester Place, Thames Street 1775K-1775L. Rag and rope merchant. Name given as Stockden 1775K.
Strahan, Alexander, bookseller, stationer, Cornhill 1753K-1755K.
Strahan, George, bookseller, Cornhill 1736K-1745K. Died 12 Nov 1752. Sources: Musgrave
Strahan, William (1), printer, New Street, Shoe Lane 1763M-1775L. Little New Street, Shoe Lane 1771K-1772L. Printed London Chronicle 1763M. King's printer 1771K-1775L.
Strahan, William (2), printer, Snow Hill 1773L-1774L. Designated as junior.
Street, George, stationer, ? 6, Poultry 1759K-1765K. 6, Poultry 1767K-1771K. Continued as Geroge Street & Son.
Street, George & Son, stationer, 6, Poultry 1772K. 4, Bucklersbury 1773L-1775L. 2, Bucklersbury 1774K-1775K. George Street previously trading alone.
Street, Thomas, stationer, 39, Borough High Street 1772K-1775K.
Stuart, John, stationer, London Bridge 1738I-1741U. Trading as John Stuart & Co. Died 13 Apr 1741. Sources: Musgrave
Stuart, Zachariah, bookseller, ?67 near Cheapside, Paternoster Row 1763M-1765K. 67, Paternoster Row 1767K-1771K. Wholesale dealer in books 1763M. Still listed 1773L.67, Paternoster Row 1767K-1771K. Wholesale dealer in books 1763M. Still listed 1773L.
Styles & Chapman, stationer, ?36, King Street, Cheapside 1761K. Previously Joseph Styles & Son.
Styles, Joseph (1), stationer, ? 36, Cheapside 1753K-1759K. D. 20 Nov 1759. Sources: Musgrave Succ. by son Joseph as Styles & Chapman.
Styles, Joseph (2), stationer, ? 36, Cheapside 1753K-1759K. Succ father. As Styles & Chapman 1761K. D. 2 Jan 1762. Sources: Musgrave
Swan, John, bookseller, opposite Norfolk Street, Strand 1772L-1774L.
Symon, Edward, bookseller, Cornhill 1722-1741. Died Jun 1741. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Tabberer, stationer, 92, Tower Street 1767K. Trading as Anderson & Tabberer.
Taubert, William, bookseller, stationer, 34, Cornhill 1767K-1770K.
Taylor & Heydon, ST, RA. 27, Great Carter Lane 1767K-1769K. Still listed 1770N-1772N.
Taylor, Isaac, bookseller, ?306 near Chancery Lane, Holborn 1771K-1775L. 306, Holborn 1775K.
Taylor, Jonathan, stationer, London?-1758. Retired to Lyme Regis. Timp. Died 17 Dec 1758. Sources: Musgrave
Tempest, Pierce, stationer, ?318, High Holborn 1771K-1775K. 318, High Holborn 1774L-1775L.
Thompson, James, stationer, 12, Smithfield Bars 1775K.
Thorley, Robert, PW, stationer, 24, Minories 1772L-1775L.
Tilley, William, bookseller, 34, Fish Street Hill 1773L-1774L. 30, Fish Street Hill 1775L.
Tomkins, Benjamin, stationer, 158, Fenchurch Street 1768N-1775L.
Tomley, James, stationer, Minories 1755K-1763M.
Tomlinson, Lewis, ST, bookseller, 124, Whitechapel 1775K.
Tonson, Jacob (2), bookseller, Strand 1720-1735. Died 25 Nov 1735 aged 52. Sources: Musgrave
Tonson, Jacob (3), bookseller, Strand 1740C-1767K. Died 31 Mar 1767. Sources: Musgrave As Jacob & Richard Tonson.
Tonson, Jacob & Richard, bookseller, Strand 1740C-1767K. Principal proprietors of Shakespear, Milton etc 1763M.
Tonson, Richard, bookseller, Strand 1768N. Previously in partnership with Jacob Tonson.
Tooke, Benjamin, bookseller, Temple Gate 1721-1723. Died 24 May 1723. Sources: Musgrave
Torond, Francis, CP. Little Saint Andrew Str 1763M.
Tovey, Barnes, bookseller, Bell Yard, Lincoln's Inn 1772K-1775K.
Towers, John, printer, Saint James Westminster 1752-1763. Died Oct 1767. Sources: Musgrave Inland Revenue apprentices 1752-63.
Townsend, John, printer, London Street, Mark Lane 1762-1763M. Printer to East India Company 1763M. McKenzie.
Trye, Thomas, bookseller, Holborn 1737-1759. Died 6 jan 1759. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Trymmer, John, stationer, Newgate Street 1749C-1752C. Paternoster Row 1753K-1754K.
Turner, Edward, PA. Gravel Lane, Southwark 1768K-1770K. Vellum and parchment maker. Still listed 1772N.
Turpin, Homan, bookseller, ?104, Saint John's Street, Smithfield 1770K-1772K. 104, Saint John's Street, Smithfield 1774K-1775K.
Unwin, Henry, stationer, King Street 1754K. Described as haberdasher. Prob. later stationer, Cheapside.Cheapside 1755K. Paternoster Row 1758C-1765C. As Johnson & Unwin 1758C-1765C. Died 2 Dec 1765. Sources: Musgrave
Urquhart, Leonard, bookseller, under Royal Exchange 1765K. As Richardson & Urquhart.91, Cornhill 1767K-1775L. As Richardson & Urquhart.46, Paternoster Row 1769P-1775L. As Richardson & Urquhart.
Vaillant, Paul (1), bookseller, Strand 1705-1739. Died 14 Nov 1739 aged 67. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Vaillant, Paul (2), bookseller, Strand 1736K-1767K. opposite Southampton Street, Strand 1763M. Pall Mall 1768K-1775K. As Vaillant & Co 1736K-1738I. Foreign books 1763M.
Vallance & Simmons, stationer, 120, Cheapside 1774K-1775L. Previously Thomas Vallance alone.
Vallance, Thomas, stationer, 56, Bread Street, Cheapside 1771K-1773L. Continued as Vallance & Simmons. See also Benjamin Moore.
Vandergucht, Gerrard sen, printseller, Great Brook Street, Grosvenor Square 1763M-1773M. Picture and print dealer 1763M.
Vere, John, stationer, 158, Bishopsgate without 1769K-1775L.
Vernor, Thomas & Co, bookseller, stationer, 31, Newgate Street 1769K-1770K. Saint Michael's Alley, Cornhill 1771K-1775L. Previously Marsh & Vernor.
Verral, stationer, Bishopsgate Street 1769. Died 19 Nov 1769. Sources: Musgrave
Vertue & Goadby, stationer, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill 1753K. Succeded by Samuel Goadby. Also known as Virtue & Goadby.
Vincent, Edward, stationer, ? 17, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1765K-1767K. 17, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1768K-1769K. 14, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1770K-1775K. Previously Robert Vincent.
Vincent, Robert (1?), stationer, ?Fleet Street 1738. Died Feb 1738. Sources: Musgrave No first name givengraver,
Vincent, Robert (2), stationer, Ludgate Street 1738I-1742K. ? 17, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1743K-1763K. Continued by Edward Vincent.
Virtue & Goadby, stationer, Swithins Alley 1745K. Previously Simon Virtue. See also Vertue & Goadby.
Virtue, Simon, stationer, Swithins Alley 1742K. Continued as Virtue & Goadby. Also known as Vertue.
Vivares, Francis, EN, printseller, Great Newport Street, Long Acre 1763M-1775L. Landscape engraver 1763M.
Vowell, John (1), stationer, ?42, Watling Street 1744C-1763M. Continued as John Vowell & Son.
Vowell, John (2), stationer, 42, Watling Street 1763L-1775L. Previously John Vowell & Son. Described as jun. 1774L-1775L.
Vowell, John & Son, stationer, 42, Watling Street 1767K-1772L. Previously trading alone. Succeeded by John Vowell (2).
Vowell, Samuel, stationer, London 1770. Died 1 Oct 1770. Sources: Musgrave
Vowell, Thomas, ST, RA. 26, Dowgate Hill 1775K.
Walkden, John, stationer, 113, Lower Thames Street 1767K. 7, Borough, Southwark 1768K-1771K.
Walkden, Richard, stationer, London Bridge 1742K-1759K. ?113, Lower Thames Street 1761K-1765K. Continued by John Walkdengraver,
Walker, Anthony, engraver, Nevil's Court, Fetter Lane 1763M. History and architecture designer and engraver 1763M.
Waller, Thomas, bookseller, Fleet Street 1752-1763M.
Wallis, James, stationer, Poultry 1749C-1752C. Prev. Davis & Wallis. Later Wallis & Co. D. 20 Mar 1759. Sources: Musgrave
Wallis, James & Co, stationer, Poultry 1753K-1758C. James Wallis previously trading alone.
Wallis, John, bookseller, 16, Ludgate Street 1775K.
Wallis, William, stationer, Gracechurch Street 1755K-1763M.
Walsh, John, PRU. Katherine Street, Strand 1766. Died 1766. Sources: Musgrave
Walter, John, bookseller, Charing Cross 1763M-1775L. No first name given 1763M.
Walthoe, John (1), bookseller, Temple 1744. Died Apr 1744 aged 86.
Walthoe, John (2), bookseller, ag Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1736K. opposite Royal Exchange, Cornhill 1738I-1745K.
Ward & Chandler, bookseller, wo Temple Bar 1734-1738I. Cesar Ward & Richard Chandler. Plomer
Ward, Aaron, bookseller, Little Britain 1721-1747. Died Aug 1747. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Ward, John, bookseller, opposite Royal Exchange 1753K-1760U. Cornhill 1760. Died 19 Jun 1760. Sources: Musgrave
Ware, Catherine, stationer, ?36, Ludgate Hill 1758C-1763K. Succeeded Richard Ware. Cont. as Catherine & Richard Ware.
Ware, Catherine & Richard, stationer, ?36, Ludgate Hill 1765K. 36, Ludgate Hill 1767K-1775L. Prev. Catherine alone. As Ric. Ware & Co. wholesalers 1763M.
Ware, Richard (1), stationer, Amen Corner 1745K. ?36, Ludgate Hill 1749C-1755K. Died 14 Aug 1756. Succeeded by Catherine Ware.
Ware, Richard (2), stationer, 36, Ludgate Hill 1774K-1775K. Previously Catherine & Richard Ware.
Warham, James, stationer, ? 8, Cornhill 1763K-1765K. 8, Cornhill 1767K. Still listed 1768N.
Warne, engraver, Hatton Street 1775. Died 8 Nov 1775 aged 103. Sources: Musgrave
Watson, James, ENZ. Craven Buildings, Drury Lane 1763M. Mezzotint engraver 1763M.
Watts, John, printer, Lime Street 1737. Died 27 Sep 1763. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Waugh, James, PR, bookseller, Gracechurch Street 1744-1766. Lombard Street 1747-1763M. Bookseller, no 1st name 1763M. D. 20 Nov 1766. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Plomer
Webb, stationer, 71, Holborn Bridge 1770K. As Fry & Webb,
Webb, Daniel, stationer, Watling Street 1759K-1765K. 34, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1772K-1775L. Previously John & Daniel Webb, Described as merchant 1772K.
Webb, John & Daniel, stationer, Watling Street 1753K-1755K. Continued by Daniel Webb,
Webber, Edward, stationer, Leadenhall Street 1753K-1763K. As Grosvenor & Webber 1753K-1755K, joined by Simmons 1759K.
Webley, A, bookseller, near Chancery Lane, Holborn 1763M. Deals principally in books on architecture 1763M.
Webley, Henry, bookseller, near Chancery Lane, Holborn 1768K-1770K. Previously A.Webley. Still listed 1772N.
Welles & Grosvenor, stationer, 11, Cornhill 1769K-1775L. Previously Richard Welles.
Welles, Richard, stationer, ?11, Cornhill 1761K-1765K. 11, Cornhill 1767K-1768K. Continued as Welles & Grosvenor.
Wenman, Joseph, bookseller, stationer, 144, Fleet Street 1775K.
West, Peter, ST, RA. Bridge Foot, Southwark 1763K-1765K. 316, Borough, Southwark 1767K-1769P. Previously Bray & West, continued as Samuel Westationer,
West, Samuel, ST, RA. 316, Borough, Southwark 1768K-1775L. Previously Peter Westationer,
Westerman, George, inkmaker, ?2 near Great Moorgate, Black Swan Alley, London Wall 1763M. 2, Black Swan Alley, London Wall 1774L-1775L.
Wheeler, James, PW. 5, Little Britain 1773L-1775L. Error for Wheeley.
Wheeley, James, PW. ?174, Aldersgate Street 1765K. 174, Aldersgate Street 1767K-1771K. 5, Little Britain 1772K-1775K.
Whiston & White, bookseller, ? 64, Fleet Street 1754K-1765K. Continued by John Whiston. Buy and sell libraries 1763M.
Whiston, John, bookseller, 64, Fleet Street 1767K-1775L. Previously Whiston & White. Benjamin White cont. separately.
White, Benjamin, bookseller, 63, Fleet Street 1767K-1775L. Previously Whiston & White.
White, Joseph, bookseller, Lincoln's Inn Fields 1773L-1775L.
Whitridge, Henry, bookseller, Cornhill 1752C-1765K. Royal Exchange 1765. Died 18 Dec 1765. Sources: Musgrave
Wicksteed, Edward, bookseller, Warwick Lane 1758. Died 2 Nov 1758. Sources: Musgrave
Wilcox, Thomas, bookseller, ?163 opposite New Church, Strand 1763M-1768K. 163 opposite New Church, Strand 1769K. Buys and sells libraries 1763M. Still listed 1770N-1772N.
Wilde, Allington, printer, Aldersgate Street 1763M-1770N. Name given as Wylde 1770N. Died 28 Dec 1770. Sources: Musgrave
Wilkie, John, bookseller, ?71, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1763M. ?71 North Side, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1765K. 71, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1767K-1775L. Publisher of London Chronicle 1763M.
Wilkins, William, stationer, Lombard Street 1732-1756. Died 7 Jun 1756. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Wilkinson, John, stationer, Ave Mary Lane 1759K-1760U. Previously Wilkinson & Co.
Wilkinson, John & Co, stationer, Ludgate Street 1755K.
Wilkinson, Nathaniel, stationer, 12, Watling Street 1774L-1775L. As Gilberd & Wilkinson. Wilkinson apprinter, to Gilberd 1766. McKenzie.
Wilkinson, Richard, stationer, North Side, Saint Paul's Churchyard 1759K-1761K.
Williams, John, bookseller, 38, Fleet Street 1772L. 39, Fleet Street 1773L-1775L.
Williams, Mrs, LB. Ludgate Hill 1763M. Circulating library 1763M.
Williamson, Richard, bookseller, Gray's Inn Gate 1723-1737. Died 7 Jan 1737. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Willis, stationer, London 1750. Died 30 Oct 1750. Sources: Musgrave
Wilson & Fell, bookseller, ?14, Paternoster Row 1763M-1765K. 14, Paternoster Row 1767K. Wholesale dealers in books 1763M. Still listed 1768N-1770N.
Wilson & Fenner, stationer, Turk's Head, Gracechurch Street 1738I.
Wilson & Nicol, bookseller, Strand 1769P-1775L.
Wilson, David, bookseller, opposite Durham Yard, Strand 1763M.
Wilsonn & Sinclair, stationer, 23, Lombard Street 1774K-1775L. Previously Robert Wilsonn. Style given as Wilsonn & Co 1775K.
Wilsonn, Robert (1), stationer, Birchin Lane, Cornhill 1738I-1745K. ?23, Lombard Street 1752C. Continued as Robert Wilsonn & Son.
Wilsonn, Robert (2), stationer, 23, Lombard Street 1772K-1773L. Previously Robert Wilsonn & Son, cont. as Wilsonn & Sinclair.
Wilsonn, Robert & Son, stationer, ?23, Lombard Street 1754K-1765K. 23, Lombard Street 1767K-1771K. Previously Robert Wilsonn, continued as Robert Wilsonn.
Witherby, Thomas, stationer, ? 9, Birchin Lane, Cornhill 1759K-1765K. 9, Birchin Lane, Cornhill 1767K-1775L.
Withers, Edward, bookseller, near Temple Bar, Fleet Street 1759K-1761L. Died 17 Jan 1759. Sources: Musgrave Cont. by Mary and/or Margaret Withers.
Withers, Margaret, bookseller, near Temple Bar, Fleet Street 1763M. Previously Edward Withers. See also Mary Withers.
Withers, Mary, bookseller, near Temple Bar, Fleet Street 1760U. Previously Edward Withers. See also Margaret Withers.
Wittau, CP. near Holborn, Shoe Lane 1763M.
Wood, John, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1738I. near Royal Exchange 1742K.
Wood, Joseph, engraver, 2nd ho. from Great Piazza, James Street, Covent Garden 1763M. Landscape engraver, remarkable also for engraving horses.
Wood, Thomas, printer, Little Britain 1748. Died Mar 1748. Sources: Musgrave
Woodfall, Henry Sampson, printer, corner of Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row 1773L-1775L.
Woodfall, Henry (1), printer, Temple Bar 1747. Died May 1747. Sources: Musgrave
Woodfall, Henry (2), printer, Paternoster Row 1763M. Printed Public Advertiser 1763M. Wid. Mary d. 13 Apr 1782.
Woodfall, William, printer, Whitefriars 1773L. 62, Salisbury Court, Fleet Street 1774L. 62, Dorset Street, Salisbury Court 1775L.
Woodfield, John, engraver, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden 1763M. Plate engraver 1763M.
Woodgate & Brookes, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1759K-1761K. See also Henry Woodgate, Crowder & Woodgate.
Woodgate, Henry, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1758C. No trade given 1758C, succeeded by Woodgate & Brookes.
Woodgate, Joseph, stationer, Bishopsgate Street within 1755K.
Woodmason, James, stationer, 149, Leadenhall Street 1773K-1775K. See also Richard Powney.
Woodward, bookseller, Paternoster Row 1741. Died Jun 1751. Sources: Musgrave Perhaps Thomas Woodward. McKenzie.
Woollers, PW. near Whitechapel Church 1763M.
Woollet, William, engraver, Long's Court, Leicester Fields 1763M. Landscape engraver 1763M.
Wootton, Thomas, bookseller, Fleet Street 1725-1766. Died 1 Apr 1766. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie. Plomer
Worrall & Tovey, bookseller, Bell Yard, Temple Bar 1767K-1771K. Previously John Worral alone. Barnes Tovey continued alone.
Worrall, John, bookseller, Bell Yard, Temple Bar 1758C-1765K. Continued as Worrall and Tovey. Died 8 Sep 1771. Sources: Musgrave
Worrall, Thomas, bookseller, Temple Bar 1767. Died 17 Sep 1767. Sources: Musgrave
Wrench, Edward, stationer, Wood Street 1726-1745K. McK.
Wren, J, bookseller, Strand 1764-1768. Died 20 Mar 1768. Sources: Musgrave; Plomer
Wrigglesworth, Christophr, ST, PB. Fort Street, Spitalfields 1769K-1772K.
Wright & Gill, stationer, London Bridge 1752C-1760U. ?30, Abchurch Lane 1761K-1765K. 30, Abchurch Lane 1767K-1775L.
Wyatt, William, stationer, Holborn 1718-1769. Died 13 Oct 1769. Sources: Musgrave; McKenzie.
Wynne, Peter, stationer, 123, Wood Street, Cheapside 1772L-1775L. Trading as Peck & Wynne. McKenzie.
Yates & Barnes, playing-card maker, Windmill Hill, Moorfields 1763M-1772L. 174, Aldersgate Street 1773L-1775L. See also Robert Durrance, Edward Yates.
Yates, Edward, stationer, ? 94, Leadenhall Street 1763M-1765K. 94, Leadenhall Street 1767K-1772K. 95, Leadenhall Street 1772L. 194, Leadenhall Street 1774L. 174, Aldersgate Street 1774L. See also Yates & Barnes.
Young, Nathaniel, bookseller, 95, Cornhill 1767K. Still listed 1768N-1770N.
This page last updated 15 February 2012
© Ian Maxted, 2001.