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20 December 2015

Sri Lanka

SRI LANKA. Sovereign state. Previouly British colony 1796-1948. Coastal regions Dutch colony 1658-1796, Portugese colony 1505-1658. WorldCat checked 1737-1819, 1841-1849.

COLOMBO. Printing recorded 1737. Dutch Church operated a missionary press 1737-1739. Sources: Timperley (1842) ; Clair, chronology.

Colombo. Arnhardt, Johann Bernhardt. 1752-1755. Printer and Publisher. Printer to the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Imprints include: Rouwklagt, over de smartelyke en ontydige dood van [...] Gerrard Joan Vreelandt, raad extraordinair van Nederlands India [...]. In nederige eerbied opgedragen aan deszelfs [...] egtgenoote [...] Susanna Petronella Visboom / Adriaan Moens. - Colombo : J.B. Arnhardt in 'sCompganies[!] boekdrukkery, [1752]. Triumph der waarheid : zynde eene beknopte en kragtige wederlegging van de voornaamste dwaalingen der Roomsche kerke [...] / Philippus de Melho [Tamil]. - Colombo : In's Compagnies gewoone drukkery door J.B. Arnhardt, 1753. Catechismus, ofte onderweyzing in die Christelicke Leere ... in de Tamulsche Spraak overgezet ... door Sigisbertus Abrahamsz Bronsveld. [Tamil]. - Colombo : Johann Bernhardt Arnhardt, 1754. Eenige psalmen des koninglyken prophete Davids, en andere lofzangen / Philippus de Melho [Tamil]. - Colombo : in 's Comps: gewoone Drukkery. Door Johann Bernhardt Arnhardt, 1755. Succeeded by Bruwaart, Pieter. 1757-1763. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Bergman, Nicholas. 1815. Printer. Government printer. Imprints include: A grammar of the Cingalese language / James Chater. - Colombo : Printed at the Government Press, by Nicholas Bergman, 1815. Righteousness and salvation: a sermon preached at Colombo, at the church in the fort, on Sunday the 27th October 1816 / Thomas Fanshaw. - Colombo, N. Bergman, 1817. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Bruin, Frans de. 1802-1812. Printer. Died: 11 March 1816, at Colombo, aged 46 years and 7 months, formerly head printer at the Govenment Press (Asiatic journal). The first issue of the Ceylon government gazette appeared on 15 March 1802. It was printed by Frans de Bruin at the renovated press built in 1737 by the Dutch. A Tamil version of the Gazette was started in 1806, and a Sinhala version in 1814. Other imprints include: Reglement voor het kerk-fonds der Nederduitsch gereformeerde gemeente te Colombo. - Colombo: Frans de Bruin, 1803. Authentic correspondence and documents explaining the proceedings of the Marquess Wellesley and of the Earl of Moira in the recent negotiations for the formation of an administration. - Colombo : Printed by Frans de Bruin at the Government Press, 1812. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Bruwaart, Pieter. 1757-1763. Printer and Publisher. Printer to the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Succeeded Arnhardt, Johann Bernhardt. 1752-1755. Imprints include: Ter gelukkige intrede van den wel-edelen, groot-agtbaren, en seer genereusen heere, Jan Schreuder, raad extraordinaris van Nederlands India in het gouvernement van het oudsberoemde eyland Ceylon ... Na dat zyn wel-edele ... het bestier daar van werkelyk had op zig genomen. In eene openbare kerk-rede over I. Pet. II. 13, 14. [...] / Gerrardus Potken. - Colombo : Gedrukt in 's Comps gewoone drukkery door Pieter Bruwaart, [1757]. Putiya Erpatu : allatu: Enkal nayanakiya Yecus Kiristtucutaiya Putiya Poruttattir cakalaman poruttakankal itukal intailankaittivukku uttamapiraputtuvamanvarkal paramarakkin kattalaiyar Kirekka atipasaiyininru Tamitpatuttavun, tiruccapaiyin tu kattalaiyin patiye atuttatakappilaitirakkavum pattirukkutu / Philippus de Melho [Tamil]. - Inta ppottakan Kolumpil [= Colombo] : Uttamakompanniyavinutaiya niyamaman accukutattile, 1759. Het Nieuw Testament : ofte alle de boeken des nieuwen verbonds van onsen Heer Jesus Christus : Door last van de hooge overheid deeses eilands uit de oirspronglyke Grieksche taal in de Tamulesche spraak overgezet, en naar kerken-orden behoorlyk overzien. [Tamil]. - Gedrukt dte Colombo in's Comps : Gewoone drukkery door Pieter Bruwaart, 1759. Liturgie der Gereformeerde Kerken, ofte de Formulieren by dezelve in den uiterlyken dienst gebruykelyk: I. in 't doen van de gemeene gebeden ; II. in de bedieninge der H. Sacramenten ; III. in d'inzegeninge des houwelyks ; en IV. in 't vertroosten der zieken. [Tamil]. - Gedrukt te Colombo : In 's Comps : Gewoone drukkery door Pieter Bruwaart, 1760. Catechismus oste onderwysinge in de christelyke leere die in de kerken ende schoolen der Nederlandsche Gereformeerde Kerken geleerd word, in de singaleese taale overgeset / Willem Konyn. [Sinhalese]. - Colombo : Bruwaart, 1761. Os CL psalmos d'el rey e propheta David. Como taõbem outros canticos espirituaes uzadas 'na igreja reformada / Jacobus op den Akker [Portuguese]. - Colombo : P. Bruwaart [pr.], 1763. Succeeded by Dornheim, Johann Fredrik Christoph. 1765-1790. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Catholic Press. 1847. Printer. Printed at the Catholic Press, 1847. Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Central School Commission. 1847. Publisher. Printed for the Central School Commission at the Wesleyan Mission Press, 1847. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Christnau, John Fredrik. 1790. Printer and Publisher. Printer to the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Succeeded Dornheim, Johann Fredrik Christoph. 1765-1790. Imprints include: Kort ontwerp van de leere der wearheid die na de godsaligheyd is, overgeset in de Singaleese tale ten dienste van de christelyke Singaleesche gemeentens door den praedikant Johannes Philippus Wetzelius synde ook na kerken ordre behoorlyk gerevideert en met het drukken eeneynde gemaakt in de maand April, tot Colombo, anno MDCCXLIV, nu weder van drukfouten gesuivert door en herdrukt onder opzigt van den proponent Henricus Christoffel Philipsz. - Colombo : In's Compagnies Boekdrukkery by John Fredrik Christnau, 1790. - Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society. 1817. Publisher. Parables of Our Blessed Saviour extracted from the New Testament. [Sinhalese]. - Colombo, Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society, 1817. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Dornheim, Johann Fredrik Christoph. 1765-1790. Printer and Publisher. Printer to the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Succeeded Pieter Bruwaart (1757-1763). Imprints include: Catechismo ou instrucao 'na doutrina christaa, que se enfina 'nas igrejas e escolas d'as congregacoens reformadas Belgicas como tambem a confessao d'a fe e lyturgia d'as mesmas igrejas [Portuguese. - Colombo : Dornheim, 1765. Tamulsch kinder-catechismus / Sigisbertus Abrahams van Bronsveld [Tamil]. - [Colombo] : [printed] in 'sComp: gewoone drukkery [by] J.F.C. Dornheim, [1768]. Os CL Psalmos d'el Rey y Profeta David : e outros canticos espirituaes : 'na Igreja Reformada Belgica usados : em a lingua l'Ortuguesa compostos / Jacob op den Akker [Portuguese]. - A Colombo : Pelo Johann Fredrik Christoph Dornheim ..., 'n Anno MDCCLXVIII [1768]. Catechismus ofte onderweyzing in de Christelicke leere, die in de Hervormde kerken en scholen geleerd word / Sigisb Abrz Bronsveld [Dutch]. - Colombo : J.F.C. Dornheim, 1769. Joachimi Langii Colloquiorum centuria in usum et utilitatem juventutis adprime Ceilanae / Joachimus Langius [Latin]. - Columbone : Apud, J:F:C : Dornheim Illustr : Societ : Typographum, 1770. De Handelingen der Apostelen beschreven door den evangelist Lucas / Henricus Philipsz [Dutch]. - Te Colombo : Johan Fredrik Christoph Dornheim, 1771. Het heylige evangelium onses Heeren en Zaligmakers Jesu Christi : na de beschreyvinge van de mannen Gods en h. evangelisten Mattheus, Marcus, Lucas en Joannes / Johan Joachim Fybrants [Dutch]. - Gedrukt to Colombo : In 's Compagnies Boekdrukkery door Johan Fredrik Christoph Dornheim, 1771-1780. De Sentbrief van den heiligen apostel Paulus geschreven aan de Romynen / Henricus Philipsz [Dutch]. - Te Kolombo : Johan Frederik Christoph Dornheim, 1772. De Sendbrieven van den heiligen Apostel Paulus geshreven aan de Corinthen en Galaten : uyt de oorspronkelyke Griexe Taale in de Singaleese Spraake overgeset / Henricus Philipsz [Sinhalese]. - Colombo : In 's Kompaghies [sic] Drukkery, door Johan Frederik Christoph Dornheim, Anno 1773. De algemeene Sendbrieven der heiligen Apostelen als een van Jacobus, twe van Petrus drie van Johannes en een van Judas mitsgaders d'Openbaringe van Johannes : uyt de oorspronkelyke Grixe Taale in de Singaleesche Spraake overgeset en met toestemminge van de hooge overheid deses eilands in 't ligt gegeven / Henricus Philipsz [Sinhalese]. - Colombo : In 's Kompagnies Drukkery, door Johan Fredrik Christoph Dornheim, Anno 1776. De Catechismus ofte onderwysinge in de Christelyke leere die in de kerken en schoolen der Nederlandsche Gereformeerde Kerken geleert word / Willem Konijn [Dutch]. - Te Colombo : in s Compagniers gewoone Drukkerye door Johan Fred. Christoph Dornheim, 1780. Het tweede boek Moses genaamt Exodus : inde Singaleesche tale overgeset en met de Grond-Text wel overeengebragt, mitsgaders met goedkeuringe van de googe overheid deses eylands in 't ligt gegeven / Henricus Philipsz [Sinhalese]. - Colombo : Gedruckt in 's Compagnies Boekdrukkery door Johan Fredrik Christoph Dornheim, Anno 1786.Het eerste deel des Ouden Testaments van de Heilige Schrivtuur : vervattende de vyv boeken Mosis genaamd Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, en Deuteronomium / Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg [Tamil]. = Gedrukt te Colombo : In 's Komp: Boekdrukkery, by Johan Fredrik Christoph Dornheim, 1790. Succeeded by Christnau, John Fredrik. 1790. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Examiner Press. 1842-1846. Printer. Printed at the "Examiner" Press, 1842. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Gilgot, J. 1841-1848. Printer. Printed at the govt. Press by J. Gilgot, 1841-1848. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Herald Office Press. 1841-1845. Printer. Imprints: The coffee planter of Saint Domingo / P. J. Laborie. - Colombo : Published at the Herald Office by W.J. Van Geyzel, 1845. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Royal Asiatic Society, Ceylon Branch. 1845-1971. Publisher. Imprints: Journal 1845-1971. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Government Press. 1799-1850. Printer. Imprints include: Ceylon. Governor (1798-1805 : North). Proclamations. 1799-09-23. Proclamation by the Governour. - [Colombo] : [printed at the Government Press], [1799]. - 8p. ; 2°. - Practice of torture and barbarous modes of punishment abolished. - ESTC N40467. Ceylon. Governor (1798-1805 : North). Proclamations. 1799-10-14. His Excellency the Honble Frederic North, Governor &.ca &.ca of the island of Ceylon. - [Colombo] : [printed at the Government Press], [1799]. - 5,[1]p. ; 2°. - To establish a Court of Judicature for Ceylon. - ESTC N40465. The Ceylon Calendar 1814-30. See also: Frans de Bruin (1812), Nicholas Bergman (1815). History of Ceylon : presented by Captain John Ribeyro to the king of Portugal, in 1685 / João Ribeiro. - Colombo : Government Press 1847. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Compagnies gewoone Druckerij. 1737-1796. Printer and Publisher. Imprints include: Singaleesch gebeede-boek. - [Colombo] : 's Compagnies Drukkerij, 1737. Singaleesch belydenis boek. - [Colombo] : 's Compagnies Drukkerij, 1738. Het Heylige Evangelium onses Heeren en Zaligmakers Jesu Christi, na de beschryvinge van de mannen Gods en H. Evangelisten Mattheus, Marcus, Lucas en Joannes / Willem Konyn, predikant te Galle. - Gedrukt tot Colombo : In 's Compagnies Boek-Drukkerye, 1739. De Heydelbergse catechismus in de Singaleese tale overgeset / Willem Konyn. - Colombo : Van wegens de doorlugtige compagnie, 1741. Catechismus, ofte, Onderwysinge in de Christelyke Leere, die in de Kerken ende schoolen der Nederlandsche Gereformeerde Kerken gelert word / Wilhelmus Konijn. - Tot Colombo : Gedrukt van wegens de Doorlugtige Compagnie, in 't jaar 1741. Het heylige Evangelium Onzes Heeren en Zaligmakers Jesu Christi, na de beschryvinge van den heiligen apostel en evangelist Mattheus / Adolphus Cramer. - Gedrukt tot Colombo : In 's Compagnies Druckerye, 1741. Singaleesch School-Boek behelsende korte bragen ende antworrden, nopens de grond-beginselen van de waare leere der christelyken religie, bestaande in vyf deelen ... Nevens de gewoonlyke vyf gebeden, de twaalf artykelen des geloofs ende de tien geboden Gods. - [Colombo] : 's Compagnies gewone druckery, 1742. Singaleesch belydenis boekje, na kerken-ordre behoorlyk gereviideert. II. druk door den Vertaalder op nieuws naaukeurig overgesien ende allesints verbetert. - Colombo : [V. O. C.], 1742. Singaleesch formulier boek : behelsende vier formulieren, namentlyk: van de kinderen, bejaarden, 't houwelyk ende het H. Avondmaal : item der sieken-troost [Sinhalese]. Tot Colombo : In 's Compagnies gewoone Druckery, 1744. Kort ontwerp van de leere der waarheid die na de godsaligheyd is / Jo Ph Wetzelius. - Colombo : in's Compagnies gewoone Druckery, 1744. Sestien prædicatien overgeset in de Tamulsche taal ten dienste van de Christelyke Tamulsche Gemeentens, door den Praedicant Philippus de Vriest. [Tamil]. - Colombo : 'sCompagnies gewone Druckery, April 1747. See also: Johann Bernhardt Arnhardt (1752-1755), Pieter Bruwaart (1757-1763), Johann Fredrik Christoph Dornheim (1765-1790, John Fredrik Christnau (1790). Sources: WorldCat (2015) ; Mellot (2004).

Colombo. Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society. 1812-1847. Printer and publisher. Early imprints include: The sermon of Our Blessed Saviour on the Mount [Sinhalese]. - Colombo : Wesleyan Mission Press for Auxiliary Bible Society, 1816. A sermon, preached at Colombo, August 3rd, 1817, on the fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society / George Bisset; Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society.- Colombo : Printed for the Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society, at the Wesleyan Mission-Press, 1817. Miracles of Our Blessed Saviour. [Sinhalese]. - Colombo, Colombo Auxiliary Bible Society, 1817. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Wesleyan Mission Press. 1813-1864. Printer. The Cingalese translation of the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ . Part 1, The Gospel according to St. Matthew / Henricus Philipsz [Sinhalese. - [Colombo] : Printed at the Mission-Press, 1813. The sermon of Our Blessed Saviour on the Mount [Sinhalese]. - Colombo : Wesleyan Mission Press for Auxiliary Bible Society, 1816. Catechismo em qual esta comprehendido preguntas e repostas pera ["sic"] o ensino das crianc¸as e outros desconhecidos com as verdades principaes da christandade pelo reverendo Thomas Wood. Traduzido na lingoa portuguesa pelo reverendo Andrew Armour [Portuguese]. - Colombo : na Officina do Missaõ Wesleyano, 1817. O livro do orac¸ao commun e administrac¸aõ dos sacramentos e outros ritos, e ceremonias da Ingreja : conforme o uzo da Igreja da Inglaterra / Church of England. [Portuguese]. - Colombo : A Offici¸na da Missaõ Wesleyano, 1817. Instructions for children / John Wesley [Sinhalese]. - Colombo : Wesleyan Mission Press, 1817. Instructions for children / John Wesley. [English and Portuguese]. - Colombo : Wesleyan-Mission Press, 1817. A spelling book : or, Introduction to reading for the use of Sunday and other seminaries, being a reprint (with a few small additions) of a similar works, published in England / Sunday School Union. - Colombo : Printed at the Wesleyan Mission-Press, 1817. A conversation between a Budhist priest and a Christian missionary at Bellegam. - Colombo : Printed at the Wesleyan Mission-Press, and may be had of all the Missionaries on the Island, 1817. Impressa-do ne Officio wesleyano, 1841. Wesleyan Mission Press, 1845-1847. Wesleyan Mission Press, for the Auxiliary Religious Tract Society, 1847. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. Van Geysel, W. J. 1845. Printer. Imprints: The coffee planter of Saint Domingo / P. J. Laborie. - Colombo : Published at the Herald Office by W.J. Van Geyzel, 1845. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Colombo. [s. n.]. 1810. Printer. The holy Bible : Vetus Testamentum. 1-3 [Sinhalese]. - Colombo : [s. n.], 1810. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

COTTA. Printing recorded 1822. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Cotta. Church Mission Press. 1825-1849. Printer. Imprints: A vocabulary of colloquial Singhalese : chiefly intended as a praxis to the accidence. - Cotta : Church Mission Press, 1825. The Mahavanso : in Roman characters, with translation subjoined and an introductory Essay on Pali Buddhistical literature / Mahanama. -[Cotta] : Cotta Church Mission Press, 1837. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Cotta. Ridsdale, W. 1831. Printer. A Charge, delivered to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Colombo ... 1st March, 1831 / John Matthias TURNER, Bishop of Calcutta. - Cotta : W. Ridsdale, 1831. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Galle. Albion Press. 1886-89. Printer and publisher. Early imprints include: The Standard Geography, adapted to meet the requirements of the revised code. Third edition, revised / J. E. Anthonisz. - Galle : Albion Press, 1886-89. Christmas Eve 1888. Evensong, etc. (Carols.). - Galle : Albion Press, [1888] A Description of Castes in the Island of Ceylon, their trades, and their services to Government (supplied to Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton on the 24th January. 1832) ... To which is appended a description of the dress of native headmen, according to their different castes copied from an old Ceylon almanac dated 1811 / A De Saram. - Galle : Albion Press, [1888]. The British Medical Association. Ceylon Branch. Inaugural address / Peter Daniel Anthonisz. - Galle : Albion Press, 1888. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

GALLE. Imprints recorded 1860. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Galle. Eaton, W.A. 1860. Publisher. Imprint: The common origin of mankind. A lecture delivered at Galle on the 20th of January, 1860 / Joseph Rippon, Wesleyan minister. -Galle, W.A. Eaton, 1860. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Galle. Galle Lankopakara Press. 1868. Printer. Life of Dhammaratana of Miripenna. With translations of a few of his poems ... / Carolis de Silva. - Galle : Galle Lankopakara Press, 1868. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

JAFFNA. Printing recorded 1841. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Jaffna. Jaffna Religious Tract Society, 1842-1846. Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Jaffna. American Bible Society. Published by the American Bible Society, 1842. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Jaffna. American Ceylon Mission. 1845. Publisher. Manipay, Jaffna. See also American Mission Press. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Jaffna. American Mission Press. 1841-1855. Printer. Manipay, Jaffna 1842-1843. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Jaffna. Jaffna Auxiliary Bible Society. 1841-1843. Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Jaffna. Jaffna Book Society1843. Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Jaffna. Madras Hunt. 1844. Publisher. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

KANDY. Printing recorded 1841. Sources: Cotton (1831) ; Timperley (1842).

Kandy. Baptist Mission House. 1841-1842. Publisher. Imprints: The investigator, or Monthly magazine of literature, politics, science & religion. - Kandy : Baptist Mission House, 1841-1842. See also: Baptist Mission Press. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Kandy. Baptist Mission Press. 1842-1845. Printer. Imprints: A Brief Explanation of the Principal Topics referred to in a Recent Publication, entitled "A Farewell Address to the Inhabitants of Ceylon. By the Rev. J. Harris." / C. C. Dawson, Baptist Missionary at Kandy.; J HARRIS, of Kandy. - Kandy : Baptist Mission Press, 1842. A vocabulary of Singhalese, English and Tamil words, in the Roman character, with the singhalese characters in addition. - Kandy, Baptist Mission Press, 1845. See also: Baptist Mission House. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Kandy. Bishop's College Press. 1846. Printer. Imprints: Observations on the structure and affinities of the plants : Belonging to the natural order podostemaceae / George Gardner. - Kandy : Bishop's College Press, 1846. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Kandy. Kandy Religious Tract Society. 1848-1849? Publisher. Imprints: DilinduvunYosaph ganaya = Poor Joseph. [Sinhalese]. - [Kandy] : Kandy Religious Tract Society, [1848-1849?]. See also: Singhalese Tract Society. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

Kandy. Singhalese Tract Society. 1849. Publisher. Imprints: Umba yajn~avenaveda = Do you ever pray? [Sinhalese]. - [Kandy] : Singhalese Tract Society, 1849. Dinapata hasirima ganaya = Daily life. [Sinhalese]. - Kandy : Singhalese Tract Society, 1850. See also: Kandy Religious Tract Society. Sources: WorldCat (2015).

MANIPAY. See Jaffna.

This page last updated 14 December 2015.