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16 January 2007

Lapthorne 1692

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History; 11
Book trade references in the Lapthorne-Coffin correspondence 1683-1697
edited by Michael Treadwell and Ian Maxted.
Letters, 1692

[Last letter of 1691]
[Sat., 2 January 1692]
I recd yors yisterday & ye mistakes shalbe rectifyed according to yor desire & things bought & sent as to the rest of yor Letter also as you have given direccons & I purpose to send yor Box this day sevenight inclosed is the Kings Speech & votes [W54] with the Gazetts. Mr Boyle the famous philosopher is dead...[5 lines in printed version]...are lately taken As to our Auction ye books were 22 days a selling some went off very cheape & some at good rates but considering the great charges in preparing & selling it prooved a hard market I am Sr...

[Sat., 9 January 1692]
When I last wrot I thought verily to have sent yor box by this returne of the Carier but what of Christmas & other lets I have trespassed on yor patience till ye next going of the Carrier but this day I have made inquiry as to Dr Gales 2 vol [G10] & I am informed 30s is ye lowest price but I will better informe my selfe agt ye sending of yor box Severall things...[17 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 16 January 1692]
I thought I had made such preparation as without any further put off to have sent yor box this night Dr. Gales bookes [G10] were bought & I caused them to be guilt on ye back & had bought yor seedes & taken care for other things as you directed but this night when I came to call over ye books bought at ye Auction I was at a stand till I have ye assistance of ye writer who drew out ye parcell as hee told mee or at leastwise as I thought according to yor note sent, but I found it otherwise & therefore must have him there to call them over himselfe I will goe to him on Munday I am exceedingly ashamed to write you this This week the Duke...[3 lines in printed version]...The business of the fellow that personated Capt Wickham is as I represented and much worser. Narratives of it are put in print [S28] wch shalbe sent in yor box & will give you a pretty divertismt...My Bro is disheartened to proceed in [the mortgage affair]

[Sat., 23 January 1692]
I have this day seen delivered to the Exeter Carier Mr Morris yor box of books & before they come to your hands shall write more at large about them & send a generall bill. The greatest matter...[3 lines in printed version]...their Comissions There being no matter very matteriall in the 2 last Gazets I put them into ye box...[2 more lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 30 January 1692]
By ye tyme these come to you I hope you will receive yor box But I am hartily sorry yt you should miss one book in it & wch is a booke I am apt to think you value (viz) amongst ye Theol lat: fol. numb: 61[?][C14] I have made wth much industry inquiry after it, but can have no tydings of it, I am apt to think its gon by knavery & not by accedent but Sr if ever it come to my hands you shalbe sure to have it I charged the smale books according to yor Letter. but could not procure yt peece of Zouchs Zozimus [Z10] I sent you also 2 of ye Cat: of bookes [C16] could not then be had Mr Tuke being at Oxford but they shalbe sent by some Atturny or other that lives neer you Some of the bookes I must confesse are deare & others pretty cheape, yt booke of Judge Doderidg of the principallity of Wales [D50] is an Excellent book & very scarce & is comonly sold for 5s; It is said that one...[8 lines in printed version]...Underneath I have made a small Addition to your Bill, I have not repeated ye perticulars of yt sent but leave it to you to correct & put out as you see occacon I am Sr
[PS] I sent Mr Obad: Walkers booke of coynes [W02] wtout order being esteemed good in its kind

Gazets______________________________0 8 0
Sessions Narratives [L58] ____________________0 1 1
penny post letters______________________0 1 0
2 pamphletts__________________________0 0 3
For guilding 6 bookes fol:_______________0 6 0
To Mr Wilkinson for Dr Gales ___________1 10 0
two books unguilt [G10]
For seeds____________________________0 3 8
A litle oct: book of philosophy [P34] ___________0 0 10
Obed: Walkers book of coyns [W02] ________0 3 0
The Term Catalogues of books [T20] ___________0 1 0
Murrells life [S28] _____________________0 0 6
Zozimus [Z10] _____________________________0 3 6
For a box____________________________0 3 0
Cordage_____________________________0 0 2
For a porter for cording it_______________0 0 7
& car: to ye carier_____________
2 2 7
[Coffin's hand] 3:2:7

[Undated bill in the form of a long strip, tipped in on same page as letter of Sat., 30 January 1692, probably the one referred to in the letter of 22 December 1691 and located and indexed as such]

NO SIGN OF ANY LETTER DATED Sat., 6 February 1692

[Sat., 13 February 1692]
...[20 lines in printed version]...of the people here - I intend to send the Terme Catalogues of books [T20] omitted in my last by Mr Elston I am Sr...

[Sun., 21 February 1692] [taking letter to Hooper in the Temple]...and you shall have what I promissed by Mr Elston with whom I spoke just now [from printed version]

[Sat., 27 February 1692]
I have endeavored to procure the two Terms Catalogues of books [T20] missing & have not only made inquiry my selfe but got one Mr Wilkinson my freind to doe ye same & nether of us yet can procure them Mr Wilkinson tells mee just now yt Mr Tooke [TOO] yt prints them sayth hee is sure he hath one of them but could not then come by it but would looke it out against ye next week I presume you have collected them for many yeares & intend to binde them & therefore its necessary you should have ye set intire & I will god willing so make it my busines as in tyme to procure them I presume you heare...[14 lines in printed version]...[apologies for trouble to fix bill]...

[Sat., 5 March 1692] know ye first was drawn out by the Auction Booke Keeper & from his book wch I feare was somewhat confused before the books were geathered togeather...[15 lines in printed version - which may come before the previous passage]...

[Sat., 12 March 1692]
I have recd the 14l 3s 0d of Mr Gouh for which I returne you many thanks. I have in my possion Hill: Term Cat. of books 90/89 [T20] and am told where the other is (viz) Mich 1690 wch so soone as I have recd shallbe sent. Its sayd the King...[11 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 19 March 1692]
[he's promised the missing Term Catalogue] [T20] ...[13 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 2 April 1692]
...[7 lines in printed version]...I know not whether I formerly wrote yt Camdens life & Epistles [C04] are printed by Mr. Chiswell [CHI] at a : 7s 6d. price. inclosed...


[Sat., 16 April 1692]
...[9 lines in printed version]...Yisterday was executed Harison in Holborne for the murder of Doctor Clench hee was convicted by a multitude of concurring circumstances though hee denyed the fact at last[from printed version] His Tryall & execution [A30] will come out 6d. a part which you shall have...[2 lines in printed version]...I have one of the terme Catologues of books [T20] by mee & am promissed the other wch I still remember to procure for you...

[Sat., 23 April 1692]
...but as to ye books I inquired of Mr Wilkinson at St Dunstans church who is a subscriber & he tells mee ye 2d part [W66] is not yet out, but I will call on Mr Bennet [BEN] on Munday & if it bee out or can bee out tyme enough they shalbe bound & sent according to your direccons also in the Box: All ye Chat...[10 lines in printed version - including sham Jacobite declaration] [J10] ...

[Sat., 30 April 1692]
...And Woods booke [W66] shalbe bound & sent wn ye 2d part comes out... [8 lines in printed version - including mention of Mr. Row...our cuntryman]...


[Sat., 14 May 1692]
...I doe not heare yet yt ye other pt of Woods booke [W66] is come out. Wn it does you shall have notice. Its sayd...[24 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 21 May 1692]
...[10 lines in printed version]...Wee heare the sum and also some perticulars [of naval battle of La Hogue] wilbe in print [L06] before the post goe which I intend to send [from printed version]...

[Sat., 28 May 1692]
...I shall mynde ye sending what you expect (save Spelmans Councells [S46] wch Mr Spelman yt had a hand in ye printing them told mee would not be printed for the Undertakers had desisted Wee are here...[15 lines in printed version] the Queens charges
An account of ye perticulars of the sea engagemt [L06] will come out as wee are informed by publique allowance on Tuesday next wch I shall sende [ends]

[Sat., 4 June 1692]
...The second pt of Woods booke [W66] will not come out these 3 weeks but when it comes I wilbe sure to remember your comand & the other Cattologue of ye printed books. [C16] Wee have but litle news... [11 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 11 June 1692]
I receiving yors yesterday applyed my selfe accordingly to ye Bookesellers & finde by them yt ye Generall price of yt 3d pt of Rushworth in 2 vollums [R45] is 45s & ye lowest is 42s & yt is but at one place to witt Mr Daniell Browns [BRO] at Temple bar, where I often buy books & hath promissed to let me have them for 42s if hee does not part with it before I come for it so Sr if you will have it here upon receiving yor comands it shalbe bought & sent togeather with the other books you have sent for Wee have news...[11 lines in printed version]...


[Sun., 26 June 1692]
I recd yor last & perceive you will keepe Mr Yeos [YEO] Rushworth [R45] the other books shalbe bought & sent Of the taking...[10 lines in printed version]...



[Sat., 16 July 1692]
[still mindful he's to buy and send book] [W66] ...[10 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 23 July 1692] ...[4 lines in printed version]...proves not true ye 2d pt of Wood [W66] is now perfected so yt I will take care to send your books speedily according to direccons inclosed are ye Gazetts I labour at this present under a distemper yt much incapacitates me to write but I hope it will weare off...

[Sat., 30 July 1692]
I blesse god I am much better then I was wn I last wrote I have made some progresse in order to ye sending your books & intend speedily to send them yisterday wee had news...[16 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 6 August 1692]
I am not unmindfull of yor books, ye Oxford books [W64] are bound according to direccons & ye rest shalbe sent wth it But having mislayd your Letter sent long since for ye Catalogues of books [T20] I have Hil ter 1689 & 1690 but know not wt ye other is yt yu was wanting menconed in yt letter, if you have occason to write about any other busines pray mencon ye Terme, but I hope I shall find ye letter I intend Tuesday [hereafter from printed version] next to bee at Windsor and to stay till Fryday with my son that is at Eaton Schoole it being Ellection week. Hopps... [9 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 13 August 1692]
...[6 lines in printed version] sea againe I hope to send yor books ye next satturday I am...

[Thurs. 18 August 1692]
I had according to my last put up ye books & papers in a box to send them this day by ye carier, but having desired a book seller of my acquaintance to procure the Terms Catalogues of books [T20] you wrote for hee informed mee [torn off, but "Tooke"] [TOO] who keeps ye warehouse at Stationrs Hall was at Oxford & so could not get them I went my selfe to pauls church yard & from Bookseller to Bookseller making inquiry got all but Mich 1690 & yt I think shall have from Mr Chiswell [CHI] Monday hee was sending away things by ye carier & so could not then looke it out & I went from thence to Morrice ye Exeter Carier who told mee if I sent my box wthin an hower it would come tyme enough & I went home & I suppose it came wthin an hower & quarter but they were gon & ye porter brought it back to my house & must bee sent ye next satturday - All ye books you wrote for are sent save Du Freigns Glossery [D60] about wch I advised wth Mr Litlebury [LIT] & others this weeke about ye Edition & am informed this is by much ye worser Edition & yt ye pariss Edition is 40s before it for wch I inquired but could not meet it in any booksellers shop but ye next winter we are to have Auctions for severall collections of Generall books & then make no doubt but you may have yt Edition at a cheaper rate yn if wee procure it now at ye shops & therefore did forbeare to put this last Edition into ye box Wee have good news...[10 lines in printed version]...had an express this day of a rancounter neer Namur [N10] wch is since printed & because its late I have sent ye printed paper I am...

[Sat., 20 August 1692]
I recd yor last wth ye perticular of ye Terme Catalogue [T20] &c - I beleive I have inquired at 20 Booksellers shops for Philpot, & can have it but at one & yt is at ye Elder Mr Batemans [BAT] in Holborne, & not very faire & hee will abate me nothing of tenn shillings & I know wthin 2 or 3 years they were cheaper Also I was at Mr Smyths [SMI] for Dr Guidots de Thermis [G75] & hee is very angry wth ye Doctor to print it in his name & not send him any books but yt I shall have at Mr Aylmers [AYL] by ye Old Exchange Sr I purpose god willing to send all ye next saturday [on to the subject of hops]...[6 lines in printed version]...Also its sayd that ye Conffession of Monsieur Granvill [G50] who was executed for purposing to assassinate King William will shortly bee printed. I am...

NO SIGN OF ANY LETTER DATED Sat., 27 August 1692

[Sat., 3 September 1692]
[starts with more apologies for missing again?]...But however this day the Box was delivered to ye Exeter carrier & I hope will come safe to your hands As to...[14 lines in printed version]...King Wm the Tryall [T60] I send inclosed in ye box: The inclosed paper about Dr Hamonds works [H15] was delivered into my hands this Evening I will send your bill in my next I am Sr...

[letter starts with bill] [Tues., 6 September 1692]
Richard Coffin Esqr his account September 1692
Athen Oxon: fo: both pts [W64] ___________________1 4 0
Charini Lexicon with Cutts [C20] _________________1 3 0
Ludolph. Hist. ingrs [L69] _______________________0 17 0
Pocock on Joell qrs [P46] _______________________0 4 0
Guidot de Thermis in qrs [G75] ___________________0 8 0
To the Bookeseller for binding ye 3 laste books_0 4 0
for guild: & lettering ye six_________________0 4 6
Philpots Survey of Kent [P42] ____________________0 10 0
2 qrs of Dem: Royl paper__________________0 3 0
2 quarters of Gazetts______________________0 4 0
4 Terme Catalogues [T20] _______________________0 0 9
Sessions papers [L58] __________________________0 0 8
2 penny pamphletts [P03] ________________________0 0 2
pamphlett of ye Tryall of Granvill [T60] ____________0 0 2
The pamphlet of Leift & Dep Lt______________0 0 6
5 penny post letters________________________0 0 5
perriwigg________________________________2 10 0
Box & cord & browne paper_________________0 1 1
To ye porter for carriage____________________0 0 6
7 15 9
I hope by ye time you have recd these ye box sent by ye Exeter Carier last Satturday will come safe to your hands, Philpots Survey of Kent [P42] was very hard to bee gotten, I had much adoe to have it for 10s Sr Wm Godolphin was in ye shop wn I bought it I think I formerly wrot why I did not send Dufreigns booke [D60] because Mr Smiths is by much ye worst Edition being so informed by Mr Litlebury [LIT] & I could not get ye parise Edition, but make no doubt but to buy it at some of our winter Auctions ye pamphlet I sent you of Leiftenant and Dep. Lt. [D30] was of much esteeme here &c. I canot yet get Mich ter 1690 Cat. of books I was at Stationers Hall my selfe where they were printed having formerly desired a Bookeseller to get it, & Mr Tooke [TOO] ye Clark of the Hall told mee, yt they are now wanted by many I was wth Mr Chiswell [CHI] who is making up of severall setts & wants yt Terme as well as yor selfe, but I make no doubt but to procure one tyme or other elsewhere I am this day told yt the price of Hops...


[Sat., 17 September 1692]
[has received bill of exchange for Gouge etc]...I have spoken wth Mr Litlebury [LIT] about Dufreigns Glossary [D60] & imparted yt part of your letter to him, & hee says you have all ye best Edition & yt this booke printed by Smith is part of yours & hee sayth hee knows of no other works of Dufregns but his History of Constantinople a fol. [D65] as to Dr Cudworths sacramt & sermons [C76] I spoke to Mr Wilkinson [WIL] who is ye printer of Dr. Hamonds [H15] & Dr. Cudworths, & [C78]hee saith to doe you a kindnes you shall have wt you write for by it selfe, I have seen it in quarto but I think very few Booksellers have it I perceive by yor...[11 lines in printed version]...I shall remember Mich termes Catalogue 1690...

[Sat., 24 September 1692]
I received yors last night & as to the prices of the two bookes, as to Mr. Rays Hist. Plant: 2 vol. [R05] I can buy them new & well bound here for 26s as for the other (viz) Kirchers phonourgia nova, [K50] its very scarce here. I made great inquiry after it and perceived ye Booksellers were strangers to it, yn I went to Mr Litlebury [LIT] who is our standard for knowing Authors & hee knew nothing of such a booke, hee lookt into ye Oxford Catalogue [C18] & could not finde it, but going to an Ingenious man yt hath taken paines to keepe an alphibiticall Register of most books & prices yt have been sold in our London Auctions, And in one Voets Auction found this booke printed beyond sea 1673 fol. wth figures, price 9s. 6d, Its a scarce booke, & you may now use your own measures about buying it...[stuff on hops and 3 lines in printed version omitted]...I was last night wth Mr. Petit yt assisted Dr. Burnet in searching the parliamt Rolls wn hee wrote ye Reformation [B72] & hath now Mr. Pryns place of Record Keeper of the Records in the Tower & hee tells me Sir Robert Cotton hath for some tyme given him the free use of his manuscript Library where hee hath bin for some tyme very busy but ye next weeke goes out of town & ye next weeke after wilbe here againe and then hath promissed mee if I call on him at his Chamber in ye Temple will take mee in ye coach wth him to ye Library. I have recd the mony on the Bill...



[Sat., 15 October 1692]
I recd yours last night & in my next without faile will give you a full account touching Dufreigns Glossary. [D60] I had bespoken yt book of Dr. Cudworths [C74] before the receit of your Letter. I had a short veiw of Sr R. Cottons library It is scituated adjoyning to the house of Comons at Westmer of a great highth & part of that old Fabrick but very narrow as I remember not full 6 foot in breadth, & not above 26 in length [in the margin is added "ye books placed on each side of a tollerable highth so that a man of an indifferent stature may reach ye highest"] Over ye books are ye Roman Emperors I meane their heads in brass statues wch serve for standards in ye Catalogue to direct to finde any perticular book (viz) under such an Emperors head, such an number, & so I take it wn they are cited in printed authors they are referred. I had not time to look into the books Some relicts I took notice of besides ye books (viz) I saw there Sr Hen: Spelmans & Buchanons pictures well don also Ben: Johnsons & Sr R. Cottons, & in ye stairs was Wicliffs. I had in my hand ye sword of Hugo Lupus Earle of Chester yt came in with ye Conquest I saw Pope Eugenius his Bull to ye King of England ye originall in a faire Greek charecter in parchmt ano 1500 & od yeares insteed of wax seales were ye Cardinalls heads in metall yt subscribed it I also saw Dr Dees Instrumts of conjuration in cakes of Beeswax almost petrified with ye Images lines & figures on it. a great many panim deities in Copper &c. Wee heare...[2 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 22 October 1692]
...I have bin wth Mr. Smyth & seen Dufreign's Glossary 2 vol. fo: [D60] not very bigg in bulk but the charecter small. they are both Greek printed at Lyons 1688. much like in bulk Sr Francis Bacons Resuscitacon [B04] in two fo: volums but somwt bigger. the lowest price 55s. if you please to write for them they shalbe sent. The King...[7 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 29 October 1692]
...a friend of myne is concerned in ye sale of ye manor of Buckland Denham...[if Coffin is interested he can send details]..
[14 lines in printed version]...

[Sat., 5 November 1692]
Yisterday the Parliament met to whom His Majesty made a speech wch is since printed [W56] & here inclosed, after which...[7 lines in printed version]...



[Sat., 26 November 1692]
I recd your last letter in wch you repeat wt is in yor former wth an Addiccon but one to bee left out I shall observe yr direccons & hope to send you wth ye seeds this day sevenight... [16 lines in printed version]...

[Fri., 2 December 1692]
I intend God willing to send the things you wrote for the next Satturday I thought to have don it now, but could not conveniently doe it [from printed version]...[18 lines in printed version]...

[Sun., 11 December 1692]
[all copied from printed version] I have this day caused to bee delivered to the Exeter Carrier A Box (directed to yourselfe neer Torrington) wherein are all things you last wrote for which I hope will come safe unto your hands...[26 lines in printed version]...In my next I will send you a Bill]...[3 lines in printed version]...

[letter starts with bill] [Sat., 17 December 1692]
Richard Coffin Esqr his Bill sent 17th December 1692
(all former accounts being sattisfied, R.L.

Dufregns Glossary [D60] _________________________2 14 0
Pintos Travells [M25] ___________________________0 5 0
Kings state of Ireland [K30] ____________________0 5 0
Cudworths Discourses in quires [C74] ____________0 2 0
binding ___________________________________0 1 0
two coulored mapps [M15] ________________________0 2 0
Mr Rays booke of wisdom [R10] ___________________0 3 0
Peachies book both parts [P24] __________________0 5 0
Bede [B28] ______________________________________0 7 0
Scotch pamphlet [S18] ___________________________0 1 0
For guilding all ye books _________________0 4 0
Mich & christmas halfe yeare for Gazetts __0 4 0
3 double Sessions Nar [L58] _____________________0 0 6
King's Speech [W56] _____________________________0 0 1
Box _______________________________________0 0 10
packthred _________________________________0 0 1
porter ____________________________________0 0 2
penny post ________________________________0 0 3
Browne paper ______________________________0 0 ½
4 :14 :11½

[Sat., 17 December 1692, cont.]
Above is ye account of the things last sent only I omitted ye Sessions papers wch indeed I forgot but must be sent another time ye reason Cudworths book [C76] was not guilt was because it was bound yt morning it was sent & ye cover being damp would not take ye Impression of ye Gould And two books I sent without order (viz) yt of Bedes [B28] wch was newly come out & I thought fit for your purpose but I bought it wth this caution yt if you returned it hee is to take it againe at ye price tis Mr Wilkinsons booke yt bought my Ld Anglessies Library, ye Scotch booke [S18] was recomended to mee to read & if I liked it I was to give a shilling for it I had it from a Scotchman I read part of it & thought it worth your reading & therefore sent it The treason bill...[17 lines in printed version]...


NO SIGN OF ANY LETTER DATED Sat., 31 December 1692

[First letter of 1693]

This page last updated 10 Mar 2002
© Michael Treadwell, Ian Maxted, 2001.